tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC January 13, 2016 10:35pm-11:37pm MST
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>> jimmy: i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks to all of you for coming. i stand before you tonight to declare that the state of this program is strong. you didn't watch the state of the union address? well, president obama gave his final state of the union address last night. it was the president's shortest state of the union address, clocking in at 58: 49. which happens to be -- my last one would have been much shorter than that. mine would have been however long it takes to say "you're on your own, suckers" and that would be it. festivities started before the speech. the rapper wali who happens to
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performed at the white house in what was billed as the preshow. shout-out lady gaga she couldn't be here hey >> then he fired his manager. i don't know, it was like somebody's living room. most all the big names in politics were there. every year the state of the union becomes more like a televised awards show. they had a red carpet of sorts. >> secretary, who are you [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you know, these speeches aren't easy to make for a president. half the audience is against you. the democrats clap and the republicans don't. over and over again. if you're a republican you don't want to get caught agreeing with anything obama says because it
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career. so you have to sit there and make a face like you're witnessing your family getting eaten by coyotes through the whole thing. one face that got a lot of attention was that of south carolina governor nikki haley. she gave the rebuttal speech, the speech after obama's speech. as you can see, she did it without ever opening her mouth all the way. it was all gritted teeth. nice teeth though. her teeth are so white they're now running second to donald trump among the republicans. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> the you know who else was there, kim davis was there. remember her? the county clerk who refused the same-sex marriage licenses? you see she was sporting her meanest scowl and her fullest mullet for the event. she said she was there to encourage all christians -- she even wore joseph's amazing technicolor dreamcoat. [ laughter ] but the star was president obama. unfortunately for president
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last year's state of the union. especially among younger viewers. this sort of thing just doesn't resonate with young people, i guess. they tried showing the speech on snapchat. but i think they're missing the point. i have an idea that might make it more appealing and i offer this idea to the white house free of charge. what if you tried reaching young people in a language they actually speak? like emoji? >> but i can promise that a little over a year from now, when i no longer hold this office, i will be right there with you. live8 inspired by those voices of fairness, engagement, of grit have helped america travel so far. voices that help us see ou% *ot firire8` aab foremomokimmel lc@na as black or white or asian or latino, 8_^y kiy, straight, foreign
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but as americans first. >> jimmy: meanwhile, we've big back. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: after 20 years in st. louis the rams -- the owner of the rams got his wish. last night at the blues game sleuth fans bid him a fond farewell. well, they're upset. the san diego chargers and oakland raiders also said they wanted to move to l.a. san diego still has that option. and if they pass, oakland could step in. it's exex6 * finally hmmmel will get too_hm6 experience the thrillf^% disappointed by two more sports teams. [ laughter ]
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jiere when the6abc rams left. the hm6city's changed a lot sininc%ba the '90shemme8s were c@na=re. i think they should change the name of the team, i have anmm^ idea, the live8ka^. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: on that subject i do want to mention that kylie jenner has an app and for only * $2.99 a month you too can get=hm6 exclusive personal access to c%bakylie's life which is filled this. insightful meditation on the new year. >> my life so far. i think years have more to do with just a date. i feel every yeana= hasmmmmel liv new energy and ie_e thif@eeare8]hm ive8lly aabc% the year%^ just realizing stuff and just coming into your own and finding yourself. i feel like all my friends around me and everybody around me, we're all just like
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are coming to light and we just want to be good people. and just do good things and have fun and just have no stress. exactly. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it is the year of realizing stuff. see, she should have given the state of the union address. everyone would have loved it. we have a fun show, from "the fifth wave" chloe grace moretz is here. josh is here. with future. khaled, not following him on snapchat snapchat, you should be. he's known partly for hisisc@na= messages. him. nothing. >> life is like sky. *]me days going to be a lotc@mmy kimm%* e8c@ouds with 6drbulence. some days ise8ba to be clear
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[ ee6dlause ]abc%^y kimmy kimm >> jimmy: that's the most beautil 6el lorecast abc%ver heard.jiel lc%c@ do you want another one? bag@d and applause ] >> you smart. you very smart. we the best. you a genius. this next part of the video is when you're doing pushups or let's get it. another one. another one. another one.*mmy l livec@ another one.bag@d6el lhm6 >> jimmy: i think you can imnahm it went from there. [ [ abc%pplause ] i love dj khaled videos. we wanted to put his gift for inspiration to good use. i asked himbakimm recordabc% motivational message for someone who really needs it, someone who's really down right now, jeb bush. listen up, jeb.
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>> you know i rock with obama. obama, salute. but jeb bush, seems like you need some advice. i'm going to give you the keys to success and motivate you. jeb bush, i appreciate you. you a leader. another one. [ bleep ]. they don't want you to win. they don't want you to have breakfast.mmive8 healthy breakfast]hm6 fruit,hm6 apple. yourself. the key is sneakers. you've got to widen youou%^pl c@na=ab% jeb bush. nobody can widen them for live ] don't let they water them for e_hm6 you. you waterermmy for you. be a player. don't play yourself. and don't play basketball. that's not your sport, jeb bush. the key to success is talk. jeb bush and cocoa butter, live life smooth, use cocoa butter, have a glow. always use cocoa butter. major key, cocoa butter.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that was it right there. cocoa butter. i cankimmel l easily see jeb gaining 7% or 8% in the polls from that. now this story, this is a tragic comic story if ever there was one. the billion and a half dollar powerball drawing. we don't know the numbers. as the show airs we know. in a lot of offices the co-workers will pool money to buy tickets. if they win they share the jackpot. or one keeps it and then the rest sue him later. but anyway. over the weekend 42 people who work at a restaurant in new jersey pooled their money and then when they got the winning numbers, realized they'd hit the jackpot. >> how much? >> 11 -- >> yes, 27 -- yes. >> 62. >> yes. >> 63.
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>> yes! >> oh! >>. >> jimmy: so here's the thing. they didn't actually win. they were looking at the wrong numbers. they had the numbers from like the previous week. which is terrible. but when we come back, we're going to talk to the staff from that restaurant about this unlucky brush with lady luck and their life from new jersey standing by. stick around, we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] to those who deliver dinner... and get dinner delivered. to those caked in flour... coated in dust... even covered in lava. to those who are
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and up all night.bak@` to a ty 8ul mess makers. keep it up...jimmy hmbak@jimmy ki with delta touch2o technology, you can. _ see what delta can do. technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you. save when you buy the most loved
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hey sweetie, it's time. eye of the tiger tv anncr: good afternoon everyone. morning rituals are special. when you share what you love... ...with who you love. kellogg's frosted flakes. they're grrreat! bal@_ olive garden' s all-new flavorfilled pastas, with raviolis so nice we filled them twice. bursting with indulgent flavors like chicken marsala ravioli, _hmd mozzarella manicotti. ive86el lus unlimited salal%]eadsticks. starting at $12.99. for a limited time. at olive garden.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. chloe grace moretz, joshy 8 holloway onmmel liv the way. c@]ord billion and a halfhm6 dollar powerball drawing is tonit.bakimmhe time we air it will have been determined. it's the biggest jackpot in the history of the world. ive8 counting jerry hall marrying rupert murdoch. somebody could be realizing they won, please win this already so i don't have to listen to everybody here having fake conversations about how much of the money they would give to charity if they won. everyone's very generous in a hypothetical way. anyway, a group of 42 unfortunate employees at y 8gracini restaurant in new jersey who thought they had won the powerball last weekend turned out they hadn't. na=ji readieab numbers from the previous week.]hm6 and they were disappointed._% we tracked them down. maybe cheer them up.
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ony 8 the wall of america, let's welcome everybody from gracini's. hey, guys. charlie, diego, moses, claudio, tony, mimic@na= maybe some other people, you're inng=hm6 cliffs, new jersey..y kimmelthank you for joining us. how are you holding up right now? >> we're ready to win. >> ready, jimmy. >> ready. >> ready to win. >> jimmy: whose fault was this? everyone point to the person whose fault it was. charlie? you're the bartender and you read the numbers. where did you get the wrong numbers? >> from a friend of mine, texted them over. we had tickets for us, me and him, and he sent me the wrong numbers from the powerball website. >> jimmy: who is this friend? >> i don't want him to be named. >> jimmy: i'm sure.
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who put it all together?c%kimmel l >> diego. >> jim:% * did you b by kimmelego? >> like 270 tickets. >> jimmy: how did you guys find out that they weren't the correct numbers, the winning numbers? >> well, 25 minutes after 11:00 i called home. and i said -- my wife said to me, charlie, please just double-check the numbers. check the website. i went to the powerball website. they had refreshed t n6el l sure enough, every number was different. and i knew we had a problem.c@na=ba>> jimmy: how lolojimm, believe youc@_y kimmel millionaires?hm, how much time elapsed that you thought you'd won?]hm6 liv >> 15,mmel liv 20 minutes. *oh, boy. live8 >> high fiving, laughing,_%mmy kimm crying, everything you can think c *>> jimmy: how did you break t tq@q@zbad news tev* >> slowly.
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it wasn't easy. went from one end of the restaurant, worked my way to the other. it was really tough. but it was a great moment for us, it really was. >> jimmy: well, yeah, i bet it was. tony, you're the owner of the restaurant. did anyone at that time -- did anyone quit, did anyone say anything they shouldn't have said? >> oh this guy, diego. he says -- one of the customers wanted a cloth. he says, get your own cloth. then of course the dishwashers started jumping around, ripping their clothes off. they said, we quit, we're never washing another dish again the rest of our lives. and how did i like that? >> jimmy: are those guys b bbar@y liv washing dishes right now? >> unfortunately they are. >> jimmy: when god closes a
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doji feel nice that you jimmy to keep working together? aren't there more important things than having a billion dollars, like providing moderately-priced italian food to the community? >> nope. >> jimmy: no? [ laughter ] >> it sucks. >> jimmy: you got your tickets. how many tickets did you buy this time? >> 400! >> jimmy: all right, okay. you'll definitely win this time, yeah. >> oh, yeah, definitely. >> jimmy: and you will -- >> now we change grissini meatballs to g issini powerballs. >> jimmy: what are the specials on the menu? >> osso bucco, braised veal shank, marinaded sardines. we have a lot of homemade pastas. >> jimmy: bring me one of everything. >> and we're going to win tonight. >> jimmy: i hope you guys win. it seems like it would be nice karma correction if you do. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: if you do, give two weeks' notice next time, all
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>> it's a deal. >> jimmy: thank you, guys. there you go. >> thank you very much. >> jimmy: the gang at grissini. we've got a good show tonight. chloe grace moretz is here tonight. we have music from dj khiv6 featuring future. and josh holloway.c@na= stick around.c@_jimmy kieers and applause ] hmmmelcc` those who define sophistication stand out. those who dare to redefine it stand apart. the all-new lexus rx and rx hybrid. never has luxury been this expressive. this is the pursuit
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this is iphone 6s. not much has changed. except it's ridiculously powerful... which makes everything faster. maps... shopping stuff... business-y stuff... this kind of stuff. uhhh, this kind of stuff. and student films... don't look like student films. jon favreau: is this a student film? get these kids on the phone. dude, that is a phone. so, other than being the most powerful iphone ever... not much has changed. hey siri, good night. and... power down. at our house, we're always down for more... case in point: our handcrafted skydiving chamber. refueling! be hungry for more. just never be hungry. with premium pepperoni and 100% real cheese...
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi there. tonight, from "colony" josh holloway is here. later the album is called "i changed a lot." dj ka led with future from the samsung stage. tomorrow night we'll be visited by leslie mann, ariana grande, music from charlie puth. our first best cannot buy beer or rent a car but she's been in 40 movies, traveled the world several, is allowed to call nicholas cage nick. her new movie is the thriller "fifth wave." it opens a week from friday. please say hello to chloe grace [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey, by the way, congratulations on turning 18. i think the first time you were
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>> yeah barely. i just turned 15. >> jimmy: wow, that's unbelievable, it really is. just shows you we're all growing up. >> you know, that's what happens with time. eventually. that you're 18? things you feel you can -- you can chew tobacco legally. >> i can technically chew whatever kind of tobacco i'd like to. >> wow, yeah. >> jimmy: you can get a costco >> uh-huh. i've been trying to get a costco membership for years. >> jimmy: what do you mean trying? >> they denied me. >> jimmy: why? why would they deny you? you didn't have $40? >> i was just under the cap. it was really frustrate. >> jimmy: at one time when it was cost plus or something, it had a different name, price costco, you did have to have special requirements. now anybody with money. >> now they don't care. unless you're under 18,hm6 cjimm. >> jimmy: that is trtrmmel liv >> i want to buy my hot6r dogs in bulk.
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could ever dream is to be able to buy their hot dogs in bulk. have you graduated? you aren't going to regular high school, you were -- >> home schooled. >> jimmy: did you graduate? >> yeah, i'm done with high school. officially. >> jimmy: you're the only student in your class? >> ibaz@q lhm6 graduated top o ohm6. [ chee aiv e ]=jimm >> jimmy: nice. >> valedictorian. the whole thing. >> jimmy: did you give your speech in your kitchen to your family? >> my living room. >> jimmy: and have you -- do you feel like -- are you driving now? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you are. >> i got my license. i turned 18, finished high school, got my license. i'm an adult! then still didn't do anything with it. >> jimmy: you use it?nahm z@qji >> jimmy: are you scared to drive? >> well, i was until i started -- well, my biggest fearkiba washm6 having cars driving. >> jimmy: other cars? >> because it was cars z@hm me. i was fine when i was alone.hm6abimmy: i see.
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i'm going to go on a road trip across country. >> jimmy: really? >> that's what you do when you're terrified of driving. >> you didn't go by yourself? >> no, i wouldn't have been able to survive alone. i went with my brother's boyfriend nick. >> jimmy: you must be very close with him. >> yeah8c@nahey've beenogy ki like seven years now. live8 he's kind ofy kiel live a famy %jimm >> jimimna= no fighting in the car? >> no, weabjiidn't get6 * into one kimmght, which i was readad`hm6i was prepped and ready. to like have a big brawl, you know. like we're good. >> jim:ba] the radio or something like that. >> someththna= over a bag of doritos. >> jimmy: yeah. >> things happen. when you spend 12 hours in the car. >> jimmy: wow. that's something. it's a shame your brother's -- maybe it should be you. >> we'd be a great couple. >> jimmy: what are you going to do? i heard that they announced that you are going to star as the little mermaid in a live action version of "the little mermaid." >> yeah. >> jimmy: is that now -- [ cheers and applause ]
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would be -- is that more exciting -- >> mind blowing yeah. >> jimmy: than just typically any movie might be? >> no, it definitely was one of the most exciting things i've ever booked. because -- it's something i grew up with, little mermaid, we all grew up at least knowing it. >> jimmy: i dreamed of being the little mermaid. >> i know you did. you can be my mermaid. >> jimmy: that's nice. >> no, i want to be the mermaid! >> it's fine. borrow a wig. >> jimmy: how do you prepare for being a mermaid? >> i'm right in the process of starting it. i have to learn how to swim in a tail. >> jimmy: really? >> it's going to be kind of crazy. >> jimmy: they'll fit you with some kind of thing -- >> some prosthetic tail. >> jimmy: yeah, this could turn out to be a terrible -- >> horrible. >> jimmy: terrible job. >> horrible. it could potentially. >> jimmy: yeah. they'll krazy glue your knees together and put you in a tail -- >> yeah, exactly. >> jimmy: then throw you in the ocean.
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to walk again. >> jimmy: are you a good swimmer in general? did you tell them that in the audition? >> i can't really swim. >> jimmy: you can't swim? >> well, i can. but i'm not a strong swimmer. >> jimmy: this makes a wonderful story. the little mermaid who couldn't swim. >> yeah. but you know, maybe that's the new story. >> jimmy: that is a good story. >> the mermaid who learns to swim. >> jimmy: it shows people, believe in yourself. >> never back down. >> jimmy: unless you drown, in which case it's a terrible story. >> then it's horrible. then you die in the first 15 minutes. and it's not okay. >> jimmy: it wouldn't be great for young girls, put it that way. >> no, no. >> jimmy: that's exciting. when we come back we'll talk about your new movie which is based on popular books and it's called "the fifth wave." clowe chloe grace moretz is here.
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el]@n_hm6 ivna]@nji mme8_hm6 sfx: rocket blasting off sfx: (countdown) 3, 2, 1 rocket this is a body of proof. p proof of less joint pain. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis with humira. humira works by targeting and helping tolo*fic source of inflammation that contributes to bothabc% joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to he rc%n,c%^ stop further joint damage and clear skin in many adults. doctors have been prescribing
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dad, you can just drop me off right here. oh no, i'll take you up to the front of the school. that's where your friends are. seriously, it's, it's really fine. you don't want to be seen with your dhm6ive8 no, it' this about a boy? dad! stop, please. o, there's tracy. [ horn honks ] what! ljimms, tires screech ] * bye dad!e8 it brakes when you don't. forward collision warning and autonomous emergency braking. available on the newly redesigned passat.
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`6abcel live innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you. philips sonicare save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america. all the hard work... time in the service... community college... it it's why we, at university of phoenix, count your relevant work and college experience as credits toward your degree.
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>> what's in your hand? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: is it an iphone? >> it wasn't an iphone. >> jimmy: gas an it was an iphone. samsung galaxy. >> it's my samsung galaxy. >> jimmy: i'll wait to see the texts i'm getting. this movie as i mentioned, based on a book, and it looks kind of scary. is it scary? >> there's definitely thriller elements. it's a sci-fi action thriller movie. there's definitely moments where you're left on the edge of your seat. >> jimmy: the fifth wave. there's five waves. the first wave is? >> the first wave is an emp which basically knocks out all of our technology and power and usage of cars or anything in the world. and then the second wave is destruction. so it's a series of earthquakes which are also tsunamis which take down and devastate every major city. >> jimmy: which look very scary,
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>> the third is this genetically modified avian bird flu which takes out like 97% of the population. >> jimmy: bad. >> horrible. not a fun thing to go through. >> jimmy: yeah. >> the fourth wave are these guys called silencers which are the aliens that come down to earth and pick off -- >> jimmy: the rest. >> the last remaining humans. >> jimmy: and you're one of the last remaining humans protecting your little brother. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you have a bunch of brothers? >> i do, four older brothers. >> jimmy: four older brothers, oh. must have been good -- >> to have a younger brother in in one? >> jimmy: a younger movie brother. >> i was able to boss him around. i got payback for everything. >> jimmy: good. >> so he was really lucky to work with me. he really enjoyed it. no, no. it was really fun to have more like a -- an adult feeling around -- like a little brother. because i've never had a little brother. >> jimmy: you're used to being the kid on these movies. >> always. i've always been the youngest on set.
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yourself? >> i try not to. >> jimmy: you try not to but it's not hard to. >> it's so hard. >> jimmy: it is hard not to. in google there's a thing where they fill in -- >> the blank. >> jimmy: yeah, what do they call that, auto complete or something like that? >> probably like guess for you. >> jimmy: yeah, exactly. and then so if you put your name, like let's put your name in and see. these i guess are -- i guess these are the most common things that people want to know about you. >> a lot about my relationships. >> jimmy: why don't we go through these. are you married? >> you know, not -- no. >> jimmy: no? are you a cello player? >> i can be. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: are you engaged? >> i'm not yet engaged either. >> jimmy: are you single? >> yes. >> jimmy: all right. >> but, you know. >> jimmy: yeah? >> yeah. >> jimmy: does chloe moretz play the cello? >> there's a lot about that cello in there.
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do you have brothers? >> yes. >> jimmy: sing? >> i can do it all. >> jimmy: do you have a kick? >> i don't have a -- what's a kick? that makes me feel old. i'm only 18 and i don't know what a kick is. >> jimmy: you know that it's something. >> i know that it's got to be a thing. >> jimmy: it is a thing. >> is it a thing? >> jimmy: if you don't know you definitely don't have one. >> no. >> jimmy: maybe it's a brand of cello. i don't know. >> it could -- i could play my kick cello. >> jimmy: they're really obsessed with this cello. do you like individual grow games? >> i do. >> jimmy: which one dozen you like? >> assassin s s' creed, battlefield. >> jimmy: who is chloe grace more rets, who is chloe grace moretz's mother. >> wow. >> jimmy: who is your mother? >> who is my mom? it's a mysterious question. no, my mom -- >> jimmy: never know hot their mother is really, do they. >> not truthfully. then you find out and never want to know again. >> jimmy: who is your agent, who
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>> jimmy: i don't know wdw -- >> what is wdw? >> jimmy: i have no idea. >> wd-40? >> jimmy: are you dating wd-40? >> no. >> jimmy: engaged to. >> oh my god. >> jimmy: again with your mom. >> people really love my mom. >> jimmy: the cello and your mom. hopefully now that we've answered these questions there will be a whole new set of weird things. >> i hope so. >> jimmy: maybe the viola, who knows. it's great to see you. the new movie is called "the fifth wave." it opens a week from friday. chloe grace moretz, thank you. be right back with josh holloway! throughout " forget about the cowboy walk because of a saggy diaper" it's time to dance freely" " thanks to new pampers cruisers" " the first and only diaper that helps distribute wetness evenly into three extra " and stays dryer" " so wiggle it" " jiggle it" " in new pampers cruisers"
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one... two... three... cheese! yeeees! hey! paparazzi parents! you're welcome! now that t-mobile has double the lte coverage, you can over-share just about anywhere. look at the birdie! you used to have hobbies. now you have a baby. so go ahead. post away! hey, first kid? yeah. t-mobile's new extended range lte now reaches twice as far and is 4 times b did you ever think we're maybe
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announcement: this storm promises to be the biggest of the decade. with total accumulation roads will be shut down indefinitely. campbell's soups go great with a cold and a nice red. made for real, real life. hey sweetie, it's time. eye of the tiger tv anncr: good afternoon everyone. morning rituals are special. when you share what you love...
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kellogg's frosted flakes. they're grrreat! do you know the secret to a happy home in these modern times? it's a housewife who's in control of the finances. actually, any wife, husband, or human person can use progressive's name your price tool to take control of their budget. and while the men do the hard work of making money, she can get all the car insurance options her little heart desires. or the women might do the hard work of making money. [ chuckling ] women don't have jobs. is this guy for real? modernizing car insurance with -- that's enough out of you! the name your price tool, only from progressive.
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>> jimmy: how are you doing? >> i am doing great. >> jimmy: i was thinking about you today, i was wondering when a big powerball prize comes up like that do you play hurley's numbers from "lost"? >> what a great story that would wouldn't it? it's not my fate. >> jimmy: it's not your fate? >> it's not my fate. get to good. i can't just buy a lotto ticket. but i bought one anyway. accomplishments? couldn't? >> jimmy: speaking of dredging through poo you have a new young son. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: congratulations. what is his name? >> hunter. he is amazing. and you have a new one? >> jimmy: i do, yes. she's a girl. >> congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> you're cool again. you're a hero. to your older kids you're an idiot.
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>> kids start ageing and you can do no right. you can do no wrong. disciplinarian? really crack down. >> i'm the fun guy. >> jimmy: that's right. >> the wifey has to take on that role. mechanisms of control. >> jimmy: like what? >> everybody's got a bogeyman. don't they? >> jimmy: what do you mean? >> we use the bogeyman, but right now for my daughter it was pawangso because my wife's from indonesia. >> jimmy: what is pawangso. >> scary, dude. >> jimmy: tell me about this. >> pawangso is the indonesian bogeyman and looks lying hagrid from harry potter but really dirty. he has ninja men, only their eyes, dressed in ninja pajamas. they come around, scoop you up,
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to pawangso and you have to work for him. do dishes, clean husband house, his hovel. >> jimmy: oh my god. you tell your children he's coming to get you? >> oh, yeah. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> spanking is no longer allowed, you use what you can. funny enough, carlton happened to call once, carlton cues. >> jimmy: creator of "lost" and now this show. voice. he's like, josh? we used to say, we're going to call pawangso. we're like, no, you're not. we'd turn on that message and carlton's voice would come on. you could shove spinach, anything, down her throat. >> jimmy: it's like -- carlton is like -- >> he was really hurt. he was like, i don't want to be pawangso. speaking of --
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>> you're like a mexican -- what do you call that? >> jimmy: i don't know. >> the mexican caballero. >> jimmy: is that good? >> like el chapo. it's sexy. and mysterious. >> jimmy: thanks. >> i could keep going. >> jimmy: my mother was my bogeyman, i think. no, but you know what? we did have something. because my brother is nine years younger than i am. cleto our band leader, we've been best friends since we're kids. my brother wanted to go everywhere with us. cleto would tell him if he misbehaved that the penis man was going to come get him. >> you go right to it. >> jimmy: and take his penis. >> i'm scared. >> jimmy: forget about pawangso. >> i will wash dishes all day
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>> jimmy: it only works on boys but it's really effective. >> i like that one. >> jimmy: he was very well behaved. >> my god he was. he still has his penis obviously. >> jimmy: i'm excited you and carlton are back together for this show. i desperately miss "lost." this show is another miss kind of thing? >> yes. the story of course is completely different than "lost." similar in that you don't know [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: you don't know what's going on. do you? >> no. in life? no. >> jimmy: no, on the show. >> no. it's that. it's -- the audience knows what you know. so it's unfolding like that. the mysteries unfold. and in that way it's like "lost." answers are going to create questions. worlds will unfold. everything will blow up when you think you have it physical examinationed out. >> jimmy: at the end of "lost"
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do you know what happened? do you have a theory on what happened? >> do you know what happened? >> jimmy: i don't know what happened. >> me either. me it's sgrer . >> jimmy: i don't think we're supposed to know what happened. >> i hope that's the truth. because that's what i tell people. >> jimmy: either that or the two of us are stupid. >> i tell people something different every time if i'm in mood. i'll tell them whatever they want to hear. >> jimmy: then they tell their friends, i heard from josh holloway, this is what was supposed to happen. i want to bring somebody, if you don't mind, i want you to meet somebody who works here. his name is also josh holloway with an "a." i want to meet your doppelganger. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: josh, come in here. >> man! >> jimmy: josh gets a lot of your e-mails. >> we're very similar. [ cheers and applause ]
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i'm a writer now. by the way, we have a lot of josh help. pleasure to meet you, brother. >> jimmy: josh -- >> i had a josh that opened that door for me. >> jimmy: we have a lot of joshs. i want to show the range between josh holloways. you can see that it could really go from one end of the spectrum toss other. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's almost remarkable. all right. >> we've got to stick together. >> jimmy: josh has been dreading this all day. >> i'm sure. >> jimmy: he does get a lot of your e-mails. >> thank god, at least he'll answer them. >> jimmy: somebody is answering them. josh holloway, what do you think happened at the end of "lost"? do you have an idea? >> i honestly really loved "lost." yeah, yeah. which makes it all very -- >> you're supposed to be my intellectual side. >> jimmy: this is one of those wonderful moments that's only for our staff. i like to thank josh holloway and josh holloway for being here.
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>> guillermo: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by samsung. >> jimmy: i want to thank chloe grace moretz, josh holloway, apologies to matt damon, we ran out of time. "nightline" is next. first, this is his album called "i changed a lot" with some help from future, dj khaled! >> they don't want us to win so we going to win more! all i do is win win win no matter what got money on my mind i can never get enough and every time i step up in the buildin' everybody hands go up and they stay there and they say yeah and they stay there up down 'cause all i do is win win win
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put your hands in the air make them stay there sippin' my cup what you think i'm hot for here's to make my stock go up they don't want me on jimmy kimmel so i'm going to make sure i'm on jimmy kimmel! and i got my brother future with me. revenge! we the best! dj khaled! put your hands in the air, put them up, put them up, put them
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this muddy muddy no lovey-dovey got a flood on my wrist had a flood on my wrist it was yellow mellow check on that chick out the melo paper let's go i put the racks and the goons on them i got a mac with a drum on them soon as the dry hit we laid on them two cups of the muddy i swerve on them wait on it wait on it and we stay on them we stay on them soon as i turn out the ghost they was mad at me i can see jealousy written on they face when they looked at me they know i don't play about that paper they know i don't play about that paper they know i don't play about that paper they know i don't play about that paper they know i don't play
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they know i don't play about that paper they know i don't play about that paper they know i don't play about that paper put your hands in the sky with dj khaled and future! make some noise! ladies, this one's for you. you mine that's right that's right that's right! you mine that's right hands in the sky everybody come on! dress it up and make it real for me then tell me you gone kill for me then tell me you gone steal for me then tell me you gone steal for me i just said walk in the mall like you're pufff then i say gimme the total i went to harlem and get me a spanish she dress like a mannequin i went to baltimore got me a ghetto i've been livin' so lavishly she [ bleep ] me good she roll up my blunt she even hang around all my savages i put the time in
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hanging off her like uncle marion i know it's love i know it's love cause she hang around all my shooters i walked in the club i walked in the club i told that on the ruger even i'm gangster [ bleep ] love ya like larry hoover i just sent her off to shop her daughter in the uber you're mine you're mine you're mine you're mine you're mine you're mine you're mine let's rock future! jumpman jumpman jumpman jumpman jumpman jumpman jumpman i just seen the jet take off they up to something them boys just not bluffing them boys just not bluffing jumpman jumpman jumpman them boys up to something she was tryna join the team i told her wait chicken wings and fries we don't go on dates nobu nobu nobu nobu nobu nobu i just throwed a private dinner in la trapping is a hobby that's the way for me money coming fast we never getting sleep i just had to buy another safe bentley spur and phantom
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