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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  January 14, 2016 10:35pm-11:37pm MST

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and now, abc's "jimmy kimmel live." >> dicky: from hollywood it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, leslie mann, ariana grande, "this week in unnecessary censorship" and music from charlie puth with cleto and the cletones. and now, look up, here's jimmy
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e8` liv * >> jimmy: thanks, everybody. i'm jimmy, i'm the host. thank you for watching. thanks to you all for coming. i'm just guessing here. based on the fact that you're here i guess none of you won the powerball last night either?kimm they say -- *ba how many of*jimm8baa@ouc@oa `hm6play? they say you can't win if you don't play. i didn't play either. you didn't win, right? yeah.c@, they werery kimmelright. _re three winning powerball tickets. one of the winners is from here in l.a., one from tennessee, the other lives in florida. just what florida needs, another retiree. the winning l.a. ticket was sold at a 7-eleven in chino hihihm6
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with traffic it's a nine-hour drive. the whole town of chino hills is excited. they're sayinggbaa@j be the]y kithing that puts chino hills on the jibaa@j_y kiknow what? let's take a look, let's find out.c@oa
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million. and 250 new relatives, which is exciting. i kind of wish only one person had won the whole thing so we could have had somebody rich enough to become a real james bond villain. but it's nice to split it up. last night the powerball numbers were revealed. this morning the nominations for the academy awards came out. "the revenant" got the most nominations, 12 nominations. as you can see, hugely popular film based on your ^ba]hmoahme8baresponse. [ lauger8abcdon't know, i guess nobody saw most of these movies. i'm not leonardo dicaprio. i don't care.mmel liv but "mad max: fury road" was next with 10 nominations. here were your nominees for best actor. >> for performance by an actor in a leading role the nominees are -- bryan cranston in "trumbo." leonardo dicaprio in "the revenant."
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eddie redmayne in "the danish girl." matt damon in "the martian." >> jimmy: i have to say -- all jokes aside it's so stupid that he got nominated. like, really? i mean, how much longer are we going to go on with this? how much longer are we going to go on with this? eight films are nominated for best picture. if you ask me the best picture of the year, hands down, was this. this is the best picture of the year. [ cheers and applause ] at least get something for best costume design. as always notable slubs -- not slubs, snubs. there were slubs too. ridley scott, michael keaton, and everyone in hollywood who isn't liked were snubbed this year. all the acting nominees are white for the second year in a row. the academy awards soar white they're being held in the
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joe's. "straight outta compton" only got one nomination and it went to the two white people who wrote the screenplay. not a joke. so congratulations to all theeld@g nominees on their powerful caucasian perforor^hm you know it's bad when therehmc@oa more black people in the running for the republican nomination for president than for the academy awards. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] while we're on that topic, from charleston, south carolina, the first republican debate of the new year, they whittled the group of debaters down to seven now. they're donald trump, ted cruz, marco rubio, ben carson, chris christie, jeb bush, and john kasich. which i don't know how john kasich made it. he doesn't have enough support to get voted prom king but somehow he made the main debate. the big issue, seems like the only issue they talk about, is terrorism. in spite of the fact that you -- i don't know if you knew, you
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be killed by your own furniture than by a terrorist. we should be talking about furniture. maybe build a wall unit to keep it out, you know? donald trump had a rally in pensacola, florida, yesterday where the crowd was treated to an almost indescribable performance from a group of very patriotic young ladies. apologies for freedom i can't handle this where freedom rings answer the call on your feet stand up tall freedom's on our shoulders usa enemies of freedom face the music come on boys take 'em down mmel livc@oaonald trump knows how to8c@oa make america great
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>> jimmy: no more! [ cheers and applause ] that would be a great super bowl halftime show, you know? the name of the group is the usa freedom kids. according to their website, which i did i do on today, their mission is to perform songs that melt your heart and lift your spirits.kimmel l well. mission accomplished, children.ivab so then trump got out there. and somehow managed to make some new friend in the crowd. >> so you have a president who'sabc%african-american. good, i love that. except less has been done for african-americans than anybody. they're having one of the worst times they've ever 6
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is that great? he's just become a star. he's a big star. now you're reallyy]hm do oahm it. thank you, man.c@oa< jic@oa> jimmy: who doesn't love a good game of "find the black person"? [ laughter ] and he's the best at it, he really is the best. you see a lot of different methods people use to smuggle drug into the country. this is one i've not seen before. in texas border patrol seized almost 2,500 pounds of marijuana that was disguised as carrots. they made fake carrots.
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disguising marijuana as carrots is a great way to trick your kids into eating their marijuana. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: imagine making a carrot cake with that? you'd never stop. these are the trucks that carried the carrots. obviously the work of the notorious crime lord drugs bunny. [ drumroll ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i don't know, sometimes it's hard to resist, you know? the value of the marijuana was estimatedthmy ki$500,000, which my god, do you realize how much pot you could buy with $500,000?ive8 half a million dollars' worth. so they had 2,500 pounds of pot off the market.6el l sorry, gang. coachella's goingg%^his year. in%* other marijuana news -- >> a message to x-box 1, microsoft, who theabc% bleep ],oammel bai@b], [ bleep ], whack, man.
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playstation if y'all don't get this [ bleep ] fixed. it's so difficult to play online, what the [ bleep ] you doing, bill gates? [ bleep ], man. >> jimmy: bill gates, come on. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: enough with the malaria cure, snoop dogg's x box is broken! mentioned earlier the winner of the winning tickets, one sold at a 7-eleven in chino hills. as soon as word spread the ticket was sold there the 7-eleven was besieged by peopleband the media.i@b c@` >> chino hills, chino hills, chino hills! >> it's kindhm6, like the super bowl and christmas ally , rolleabc% into one.mmy it's beyononabc%hmmmelc%_c *6 *y 8 *^ busy. wehmoa< cannot find him. maybe a customer ormmy kimmsomeone.ab6 live8 l< i'm veve *^ chino hills.hmoa8c% feels weird to see
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doesn't it? so that clerk, the guy who sold the winning ticket, is like a celebrity. people are asking him for autographs. he's on all our news channels. he's tadding by. when we come back we're going to meet him. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we'll be right back! [ cheers and applause ] (music) woman: i' ll never remember all the projects, hmjimmy ki j@aons, c@oa< live^hm my nights for. s drums intensify) i' ll never forget. get out there, in the 2016 ford escape. be unstoppable. this is my fight song ab% take back my life song (music) time in the service... community college...kimmel l]% it matatjimmy it's why we,
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count your relevant work and college experience as credits toward your degree. learn more at c@oac@oa< lhm6 this is a cell tower from one of those major carriers. straight talk wireless uses the same cell towers they do. but we don't build or maintain them. so we can offer you the same great, nationwide coverage for half the cost! out here... ...and here... and here. well, not here. that would be weird. the world needs more s sc@oa
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in 2 weeks guaranteed. kimmel l innovation and you. philips sonicare save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america. olive garden' s all-new flavorfilled pastas, with raviolis so nice we filled them twice. bursting with indulgent flavors like chicken marsala ravioli, or smoked mozzarella manicotti. plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. starting at $12.99. for a limited time. at olive garden.
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ohh ah ah aflac! aaaaf-lac! ta-daa! he's not a very good magician. he paid my claim in just one day. one day?! shh! how does he do it? t in just one day, p we prooa
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mmel livmmele8 hm c *6 * y 8 c%_ lc liv.hm6 lessee mahmmmel`hm6hmn@] live8ana grande, *sic fromkimmel lie puth on the way. as you know the powerball drawing was last night, the ticket here in california that won was sold at a 7-eleven in
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works the register's become an instant celebrity. joining us now on the wall of america, our big cisco screen, say hello to musaffar faraqui! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: first of all i should ask, did i pronounce your name correctly? >> muzaffar faroqui --mm liv_hmmme8 >> jimmy: i said did i pronounce your name correctly? i'm just wondering. i did? do you have a nicknamebao@\ iv6ng? what do people call you? >> mf. >> jimmy: mf, that's easy. [ cheers and applause ] do you know what mf usually stands for? "my friend." hi, everybody. look at all those people there
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what are they doing there? >> hi! >> hello! >> jimmy: mf, what are the people -- hi, everybody -- why are they all in the store right now? they're still excited about the win? yeah. mf, can you hear me? *eabc >> mf. >> jimmy: okay. all right.ive8not got pasthep@hm mfc@oa> yes. >> jimmy: this is, yes. and the owner of the store gets $1 million, right?kimmel lelhm%bap@ >> i think. >> jimmy: you think so. so you are not the owner of the store? oh, is that the owner? >> i am here. >> jimmy: how are you doing?
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is that correct? >> 7-eleven gets it. >> jimmy: you will give half to mf, is that correct? >> ha ha ha! let's talk something else. >> jimmy: i think you're going to get m f'd is what's going to happen there. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] did you guys know what was happening -- >> i love your show. >> jimmy: thank you. when people started showing up at the store were you confused as to why they were coming? >> yes. >> jimmy: yes, yes. and is it true that people have been asking you, mf, for autographs? >> yes. >> jimmy: have you been signing them? yes? do you know that you're a sex symbol now, there are women all over the world that want to make love to you?
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>> jimmy: do you know this? yes, yes. is this the greatest week of your lives right now? this has got to be very thrilling, yes? >> yes, sir. >> jimmy: and one other thing i want to ask, how long do you let the hot dogs roll around on that heater thing before you throw them out? >> just like a half hour. >> jimmy: a half hour, really. i would have guessed a month. all right, guys. we appreciate it. i know you've got a lot of people shoplifting behind you right now. there's a guy stealing a banana! all right, thank you, guys. i hope you get a lot of big pieces of money. thank you for joining us. all right. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right, one more
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it's thursday night. i'd like to meet the jerk who named him mf and didn't tell him. thursday night we bleep and blur the tv moments of the week whether they need it or not, it is time for "this week in unnecessary censorship," enjoy. >> it's three weeks now until iowa. and as the [ bleep ] grow shorter the [ bleep ] grow tighter. >> rick, steve, gretchen, thank you for [ bleep ]ing me constantly. >> president obama delivered his final state of the union address and urged americans to build a big [ bleep ] nation. >> we built this space program almost overnight and 12 years later we [ bleep ] on the moon. >> he told nikki haley, put a [ bleep ] on the corner of your mouth, that will keep saliva going and you won't have cotton mouth. >> they are the big [ bleep ], brad pitt, didi gardner, jerry kliner producers. >> i always like to [ bleep ]
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>> the first four teams to make ben's [ bleep ] explode will be moving on. >> to be the man of the house i have to take responsibility. i have to take a [ bleep ] in the ass. >> two guise. [ bleep ], [ bleep ], [ bleep ]. >> if you've ever had a sibling you know you will [ bleep ] your sibling from time to time. >> i never [ bleep ]ed my sister. >> the results you get today will help you [ bleep ] that big [ bleep ]. >> i'm [ bleep ]ing hard. and i intend to keep [ bleep ]ing as hard as i can. until the last [ bleep ], [ bleep ], [ bleep ] expresses an opinion. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: on the show we have music from charlie puth, ariana grande is here. be right back with leslie mann, stick around! [ cheers and applause ]
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why shy away from the extraordinary? why fit in, when you were born to stand out? the 2016 nissan altima
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my neighbor says we can get gig if i had a gig, how long would it take to download an hd movie? about the time it takes me to eat a cookie. oh, that's really fast.
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1 gig internet service near you. call to check for availability. let's download the sequel.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. tonight, a music star of grande here. then later he's nominated for three grammy awards this is his album it comes out january 29th. it's called "nine track mind." charlie puth from the samsung outdoor stage. [ cheers and applause ] this by the way, you know what a contract rider is? a contract rider for those who don't know is a list of things, requests, most musicians have them, of items they want to have ready in their dressing rooms when they get to a venue.
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it's hot water, tea, string cheese. but real coffee mugs is one of the items. the thing that caught my eye and caught our eye this afternoon is, one medium-sized dog. with leash, bowl, and treats. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: let's go to charlie and his dressing room. charlie? is that the real coffee mug? >> this is the real coffee mug. [ cheers and applause ] hello, hi. >> jimmy: did you get the dog that we rustled up for you? >> yes, i got my real coffee mug, and here's henry the bulldog. hop on up here. [ crowd: aww ] >> jimmy: is he satisfactory? >> yes, he's very plump. he's 4, i found out. he has an overbite. here's a pretzel dog toy. >> jimmy: he belongs to one of the guys who works on the show. so you cannot keep him. i don't know if that was one of the things. >> oh. well -- no. i try.
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that's ever gotten me my rider dog. i throw it on there just because, you know. what the hell. >> jimmy: yeah, why not? >> coffee mugs are easy. a rider dog is going the extra mile, so you go the extra mile. >> jimmy: we aim to please. we'll see charlie later on. next week on the show sir elton john will be with us. lady zach galifianakis, zac efron, casey affleck, whitney cummings, aubrey plaza, vanessa hudgens, lauren cohan with music from weezer, savages, and ben harper and the innocent criminals. our first guest tonight, they're very funny woman whom you know 40 year-old virgin" and other movies with the word 40 in them. you can see her star alongside dakota johnson, rebel wilson and alison brie in the new comedy "how to be single" it opens in theaters february 12th.
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>> jimmy: how are you? >> i'm good, how are you? i have a little thing when i sit. >> jimmy: you look great, you look fantastic. do you have a contract rider? did you ask for anything? >> that's crazy, i didn't know you were allowed to do that. >> jimmy: you are. you probably could have got a horse. >> i've -- next time i'll ask. >> jimmy: next time ask, for anything you want, a monkey maybe even would be fun. you were very sick the last time you were here. >> i was really sick. i don't know what to do in this chair. it's a strange size. >> jimmy: it's very uncomfortable. >> it's a little thing here that i was supposed to push down. >> jimmy: it does look like you're excited to see me. wow. >> what do i do with it?
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well, let's just leave it there. >> jimmy: yeah. i have scissors. we could chop it off if you want. >> i'll tuck it down. >> jimmy: okay, good, yeah. [ laughter ] that's what i do. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's a good idea. >> tuck under. >> jimmy: they should make special talk show guest apparel. >> i know. >> jimmy: which really suits you while you're sitting on the thing. >> okay. >> jimmy: okay. >> yes, i was super sick. i was sick three years ago. >> jimmy: you were a real champion to be here that night. >> i had a blast. because i was high on the cold medicine. >> jimmy: oh, really. >> yeah, i was having fun. >> jimmy: you don't go the homeopathic route when it comes to that sort of thing? >> nope, not -- no, i needed the hard stuff. although since then i have tried some homeopathic stuff.
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always been an insomniac. my brother told me that if you take a little piece of an edible -- medical marijuana -- >> jimmy: oh. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: your public. >> how sweet. and so -- and so i went and got * and went to the_hm6 marijuana place. and on the way in the guy asked me if -- that i should get the chewbacca. do you ever? >> jimmy: i would never abuse drugs in that way. you know that. please. how dare you. >> have you tried the chewbacca? >> jimmy: what? >> have you heard of it? >> jimmy: i've heard you get hair stuck in your throat. i've not heard of it. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ]mme8 >> apparently it's really good. but i didn't do that. >> jimmy: you didn't. >> i didn't get that. >> jimmy: how can you resist the chewbacca? >> i was scared.
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drink, a palm juice drink, with -- >> jimmy:c@oa< pomegranate*jimm juice?e?abc% >> it'smme8 healthy, has ba]@n liv hm6 s. teaspoon. it's line a little jar. i took an eighth of]hm teaspoon because i thought i justkimm to >> jimmy: good idea. >> so i took an eighth of a teaspoon and fell asleep. i woke up an hour later. and so --el live dark and i was trying to find the% * teaspoon thing, couldld *it. so i just took a sipc6f it.hm6 wh iba_6be a quarter of a ive8on. hmoa
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two times? i'm not sure. maybe -- i couldn't remember. >> jimmy: that's what happens. >> one teaspoon? a whole thing? so i'm just -- i took another * sip. y 8e i `hmght, this isty 8c@oa jimmy: oh, no. >> i slept great. and the whole bottle was like --% * it was a teeny bit left in the morning. >> jimmy: oh, no. >> it really works. >> jimmy: yeah. [ cheers and applause ]c@oa< liv >> jimmy: sounds like it works. el liverks.hmba_@kimmel l >> jimmy: do you keep uba_@ thate8] to get to sleep? >> so -- yes. it's helpful. and if i -- you know. sometimes i like to sleep during the day. like naps. so i'll take a little bit during the day. or if i have to go to sleep later in the night, i'll take it like before i go to a concert at 6:00 p.m.
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in the night. does a great job, i like it. meetings. all right, we're going to take a quick break. when we come back we'll talk about your new movie. leslie mann is with us, everybody, we'll be right back! [ cheers and applause ] to those caked in flour... coated in dust... to those who are up all night... and up all night. to all the beautiful mess makers. keep it up... with delta touch2o technology, you can. see what delta can do. some flavors are so good, about 'em. and at red lobster's big festival of flavors you can savor 2 of 7 new and classic creations on one plate for $15.99. like delicious new maple-and-bacon grilled shrimp, because c'mon, what doesn't bacon go with?
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with these new ghost pepper bbq grilled shrimp. because if you like it spicy, garlicky, or cheesy, trust me you'll like this. but every last flavor is too
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hi, i'd like to make a dep-- scanner: rescan item. rescan, rescan. rescan item. vo: it happens so often get used to it. phone voice: main menu representative. representative. representative. vo: which is why being put first... relax, we got this. vo: ...takes some getting used to. join the nation. nationwide is on your side representative. that's a lot of dishes& no problem. i'll use a lot of detergent. dish issues? get cascade platinum. one pac cleans tough food better than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined.
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hey nice game today. thanks. juicy fruit? sure i'll try a piec.... juicy fruit. so sweet you
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how many sliders does it take to equal a whole burger? >> what?
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it take to make a whole burger? >> you're crazy. >> don't call me crazy! not ever, never! >> all right, okay. >> how many little meats make up a whole big meat? >> i don't know. maybe four? >> i've had seven. >> eight, i meant eight. >> is it four or is it eight? >> it's eight or more, everyone knows that. >> who told you that? >> the slider guy. please blink so i know you're in there. >> jimmy: that's very funny. >> thank you. >> jimmy: how long were you single before you and judd apatow, your husband the director, did you have a lot of time on the market? >> i was single -- we got together when i was 23. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> not that long. but i got -- i covered a lot of ground during that time. not in that -- well, actually --
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but i -- so i wasn't like slutty. i would make out with a lot of people but i boent wouldn't do -- i would, you know -- you know, if i really liked someone i would -- i would just never have -- well, a couple of all wait. >> which is -- >> jimmy: which is? what?abc% >>llmmy way.eabc meaning -- which is c% [ laughter ]abc%drumroll ]* >> jimmy: that is all the way. i wonder if we'll have to bleep that, i don't even know. >> do you have to bleep anal? >> jimmy: if so it will happen twice. you just missed something at %baf@mmy home, if that was bleeped,d,f@ejin't know. >> but no, i had -- you know. i had fun. and i dated a bunch of actors.
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>> jimmy: no good? >> they're very self-involved. >> jimmy: yeah, right. >> and i was very excited to meet judd because he's a writer. >> jimmy: right. >> and he, you know, noticed that i was there. so that was nice. >> jimmy: although now judd himself, he's doing a lot of standup comedy. >> right. >> jimmy: he's really put himself forward. >> yes. >> jimmy: you know, and that -- now in a way you are married to an actor, yeah. >> yes. he actually -- we've been together for almost 20 years now. and he sat me down -- [ cheers and applause ] about six months ago and said, i want to become a performer/actor. seriously. >> jimmy: he actually announced this to you? >> he did. >> jimmy: with the slash in there? >> andhm6 then he said -- no, he didn't say slash.
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that's my nightmare.el livemme8^hm he's like, how come you didn't know this about me before? i was like, what do you mean you want to become an actor? he's like, i always wanted to become an actor! you should have known that about me, why weren't you more supportive? i was like, i didn't even know! so now he's like, you know, very into how he looks. >> jimmy: oh, really. >> and before he didn't seem to care much. which i liked. and -- >> jimmy: wow. >> he's into like -- he has a nutritionist. he's a gym rat. of time with his trainer. >> jimmy: i didn't know he was up to all this. >> yeah, and he's very proud of how his body has changed. although i -- >> jimmy: is it working? >> i don't know. i mean, he seems to feel better. >> jimmy: he does. >> but i don't see much of a -- i mean, he does -- he looks -- >> jimmy: he looks good? >> yeah? >> jimmy: yeah? >> i have before and after photos if you'd like to see.
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[ cheers and applause ] do we have them? okay. >> okay, so that's before. >> jimmy: right. okay. >> and that's after. >> jimmy: he does look very good. i never realized how much alike we look until just now. >> my daughter was saying that. she's like, jimmy looks like a lumberjack, no, he looks just like dad! >> jimmy: yeah, yes, you should see me in my underpants. well, it's great to see you. the movie is called "how to be begin yell." it opens february 12th. leslie mann! we'll be right back with ariana
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he was challenged by a team of lumberjacks. let's do this. he would drive them to hard knocks canyon, where he would risk broken legs, losing limbs, and slipping and dying. not helping. but death would have to wait. james left with newfound knowledge, a man's gratitude, and his shirt. how far will you take the all-new rav4 hybrid? toyota. let's go places. innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you. philips sonicare save when you buy the most loved
11:21 pm
[ scanner beeping ] sir, could you step aside? you know who i am. progressive insurance? uh, i save people an average of over $500 when they switch? did you pack your own bags? oh! right -- the name your price tool. it shows people policy options [ scanner warbling ] crazy that a big shot like me would pack his own bags, right? [ chuckles ] so, do i have the right to remain handsome? [ chuckles ] wait.
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>> jimmy: at 8 years old our next guest was discovered singing a celine dion song in the karaoke bar on a cruise ship, she was taken by pirates to hollywood. she's now a very successful pop star with her own line of mac cosmetics to benefit the mac aids fund.
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>> jimmy: are you wearing your own cosmetics? >> i am. >> jimmy: it looks good. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i would never think -- i'm bad at making decisions when it comes to what colors to wear. and that sort of thing. i would never -- but it does look good. you put such a dark, almost blood-purple color on your lips. >> yeah. >> jimmy: with a bright red suit. >> it's a lot but i think it's appropriate. >> jimmy: it's fabulous. >> thank you. you have your own there. >> jimmy: i do, yeah. what is the difference between lip gloss and lipstick? >> well, the lipstick is a stick. >> jimmy: ah. this is more of a gloss? >> yeah, it's a gloss. >> jimmy: that makes sense. >> there you go. do they have flavors or anything like that? >> that one smells really good. >> jimmy: do you eat it? >> i wouldn't.
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>> jimmy: the reason we're mentioning this is because the proceeds go to mac aids benefit -- >> yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you have such a huge following on twitter. how many fans do you have on twitter, followers? >> i don't -- >> jimmy: that's how many, you don't know. i can tell you the names of all my followers. i was told 30 something million followers? >> something like that. >> jimmy: they seem to be right -- first of all, they have a name, which is the ultimate compliment for a celebrity, when your fans organize and give themselves a name. >> arianators. >> jimmy: it's a mouthful. >> they gave themselves that. i originally was calling them the ariana army, then tiny elephants. i don't know how that came about. it stuck for a while. yeah, that's them, they're amazing. >> jimmy: ariana army was better. arianators sounds like something you'd buy at auto zone. >> yeah.
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preoccupied now. >> very busy. >> jimmy: by the title of your album album. >> oh my god. this is happening. >> there's some controversy there, right? >> yes. yeah, you know, a really long time ago i was lhm6nced t tc%ba it was going to be called mm_p@;hm "moonlight," one of my favit lhm6 songs we did for the jimmy kialbum. and now as we're wrappingoammel things *_ up, of course i've sort of been writing a]y ki singing a ap@;, at the final stretch. >> jimmy: but they like "moonlight." >> well, i don't know. i think maybe. maybe they just liked it because i liked it, i don't know. they might be not telling me the truth, i don't know. but now there's this other song that has sort of thrown me for a while wind and i love it so much. it's just sort of changed -- >> jimmy: which song is that? if you say are they going to get mad of at you? >> i don't know if i want to share it yet. because -- they haven't heard any of it. >> jimmy: i see. >> "moonlight," i let them hear a little bit of it. the thing with the other song is they haven't heard it. >> jimmy: sounds like you have
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sound like you're living in fear of these people. >> no, no. i just care about them a lot. i love them. >> jimmy: i see, all right. >> i do have to be a little careful. >> jimmy: you do have to be a little careful. what happens when they actually meet you? do they lose their minds? >> three things happen. they either come in very confidently and know what they want, know what poses they want for pictures, they know what they want. they're like, yes, girl! they come in with energy. or they come in crying and can't say much. or they're the ones that are really quiet and their parents are forcing them to be there. you wanted this! you like her! get there, do it! forcing them. >> jimmy: that's the worst one, right? >> yeah. yeah. i'm like, it's okay, they don't have to. >> jimmy: it's going to be weird, all of a sudden there you are for real. i can understand. have you done that with anyone, anyone you've had that experience with? >> yes. my all-time favorite artist is imogen heap, in love with her,
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genius, i've loved her forever. there was an e-mail that came in that was like, imogen heard ariana has a concert in the uk, would like to have her over for dinner. and i was like, oh my god, this is not real. and i was on my way to her house. it was a really long, long, long drive. and i thought that eventually i thought i was being catfished. >> jimmy: why? >> i thought it really wasn't going to happen. >> jimmy: oh. >> i was like, she doesn't want to have dinner, this is a joke, i'm driving to my death right now, i'm about to be murdered. and it ended up being her. and it was a pleasant surprise. >> jimmy: that is a good ending to the story, yeah. >> it was great. i didn't die. >> jimmy: what did she make for you? did she cook or did someone else cook? >> it was really nice. i forget what the meal was. the whole night was a blur. i was really shocked the whole time. wrong i said anything. >> jimmy: you didn't drive home thinking, i should have mentioned this, i should have told her how much i like this? >> i was convinced that i had died and that was like a dream. >> jimmy: and that was the pinnacle for you, yeah. okay, so you're working on this
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you have all these crazy people waiting for your every move. are you enjoying yourself? >> i am. i am. >> jimmy: you are. do you get to go on vacation, relax? >> i g> she doesn't really believe it. she kind of pretends to not like it but loves it. >> jimmy: she does. >> she loves it. i'm like -- >> jimmy: do people recognize her? >> yeah, at the mall in boca raton, florida. they're like, nona! she's like, who the hell are you? >> jimmy: is she italian? >> clearly, yes. >> jimmy: that's funny. >> she loves when i talk about her on shows. she'll be like, i saw you talk about me again, thank you. she's very popular.
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imitation that you do of her? >> yeah. i don't think it's possible to quote her without doing the accent. >> jimmy: right, you go right into it. do you give her the makeup? >> i don't think this is her color. she likes the glogs. >> jimmy: she likes the gloss. nona likes the gloss. it's very good to see you. [ cheers and applause ] it's great you're working with mac. ariana grande, max viva glam cosmetics line benefits the mac aids fund is available online now and in stores next week. we will return with music from charlie puth. [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel presented by samsung. mm_
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c%> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by samsung. >> jimmy: i'd like to thank leslie mann, ariana grande and apologize to matt damon we ran out of time. "nightline" is next. but first, his album "nine track mind" comes out january 29th, here with the song "one call
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[ cheers and applause ] i'm only one call away i'll be there to save the day superman got nothing on me i'm only one call away call me baby if you need a friend i just wanna give you love c'mon c'mon c'mon reaching out to you so take a chance no matter where you go you know you're not alone i'm only one call away i'll be there to save the day superman got nothing on me
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come along with me and don't be scared c'mon c'mon c'mon you and me can make it anywhere stay here for a while ' cause you know i just wanna see you smile no matter where you go you know you're not alone i'm only one call away i'll be there to save the day superman got nothing on me i'm only one call away
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i'll be strong i'm gonna keep holding on now don't you worry it won't be long darling and when you feel like hope is gone just run into my arms i'm only one call away i'll be there to save the day superman got nothing on me]x@3hmiv* i'm only one i'm only one e hm6 call awaybay@2 i'll be there to save the day%kimm2hm6c@ *jimmy superman got nothing on me iv*
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