tv Right This Minute ABC November 30, 2016 12:36am-1:07am MST
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>> how's that, santa claus? >> i don't know. i don't answer questions without my lawyer. >> snowboarding with a drone in st. petersburg. what happens when cops fail to see the beauty in it. and a little impromptu proposal. >> here's the big moment. >> how some innocent bystanders get a ringside seat to rejection. >> i can't marry you. >> oh, shoot! oh roadway. brace for impact, everybody, because that's exactly what zika had to do when he was traveling from kruger national park from south africa into mozambique. >> wow! >> not only did that hippo ram the truck, but took a nice bite out of it, too. check out this picture. >> that is why they are known for being the most dangerous animal in africa. they kill more people than anything else. >> you could see the damage.
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seriously injured. he says the truck has damage to the front and he couldn't open the door, but it could have been worse. >> adults are smiling. the girl is like we are not smiling, we are afraid. >> in this next video, this is at the chinese alligator national nature reserve. the alligators were outside in that muddy area in the reserve. temperatures have gone below freezing, so they are being area, but they had to go into the mud and find these creatures, collect them, rinse them off, then put them into the truck. >> that's really kind of sad they didn't dump them all out. >> opened the gate and come up like wheat products. interesting thing, there are more than 12,000 alligators in residence in the reserve. they didn't have to get all of them. they were looking for the ones that were 1 to 2 years old. again, this is the breeding
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>> st. petersburg in russia. >> in winter. >> gorgeous. >> look at palace square all decked out in winter white. isn't it a beautiful place to -- >> to snowboard. >> bingo, my friend! you have been on the show. drone up in the air and a nice mercedes suv in the middle of the square and start friend. >> you know what, i know this is fun and pretty, but this is russia and cars are involved. is everybody okay? >> everybody is going to be fine. in fact, they waited until very late at night so there were no tourists or cars around. look at that wide open space. it's like they built this square to snowboard in. then right back to the square.
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the hicle? >> why would you ask about perm permission? >> because russia. >> six minutes into the stunt, russia shows up. there's the police right there. the posters say they had about six to seven minutes of snowboarding fun until police not only told them to stop, but got out their ticket book, as well. >> what are you writing? >> for a number of unspecified fines. either way, they got some good video out of it, posted it. they just made history. authorities in istanbul, turkey, went through this business, picking up has been rancid pieces. they are just collecting. whatever, no big deal. just old bread, toss it out. the problem is, as disgusting as it is -- >> feeding it to people?
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this old bread into flour and selling the flour to other businesses for them to use in their recipes. >> so they were spreading it all over the place. making it into flour doesn't get rid of the mold and the rot and the yuck. >> not only that, look at the way the bread is. it seems to be on the floor, it's disgusting and old. you can even see them handling the flour in one >> all the pieces you ate. >> when there's one bug, there's a family. >> yeah. the good thing is, authorities were notified. they believe a disgruntled old employee tipped authorities off to get back at the employer. and thank goodness that somehow they were tipped off, because now they were able to shut the business down. they are not going to allow them to open back up in these conditions.
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you feel like your day needs a bit more -- i got you covered. >> yeah! >> texas law hawk! >> it's the texas law hawk! >> we've had him on the show. for those that don't know, he's an attorney basedn texas and produces some of the most ridiculous commercials out there. and this one is no oh! yeah! ho, ho, ho! >> i don't know about this. >> this is advertising and this makes you stop and watch it. doesn't matter what he's doing. when you need a lawyer, who's the first name you think of? this guy!
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elf buddy minding their own business. >> looks like christmas is lit. >> what we have here is a step by step guide how to get on the naughty or nice list with brian. >> i don't know. >> i don't answer questions without my lawyer. >> you don't mind it i take a look. >> might as well. >> what we should say is -- >> b better. >> right. if you say that and the cop says -- >> i'll search him anyway. >> how about no. >> yeah, we see how that one is. what you should do -- >> calling my lawyer. >> very politely get your hands up, call the lawyer. who are you going to call?
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will turn up on a zamboni? brian wilson the law hawk, that's who! >> happy holiday! a s.w.a.t. team is called to the scene. >> ten people get outs van covered in black, they've got their guns, they are going inside of a store. >> why this one is an epic fail. >> pretty gutsy police work. balancing at its highest. probably one of the most thrilling you'll ever see and breath away the most. >> i can already see it. >> this one will definitely have
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don't. this is one of those ones where you want to hurry up. we go to russia. what we have here is a s.w.a.t. team. i know that first guy doesn't look like he's in s.w.a.t., but then ten people get out of this van covered in black. they've got their guns. they are going inside of the store. they've got a call. there's a man expected of being holed up in there. then they walk in. see this is where being in a hurry might have helped them. window is opening. >> oh, no. >> my goodness. they are inside and the bad guy's out the window and on his way. >> that is believed to be the suspect. only person to see this guy escape was basically the older gentleman smoking a cigarette wondering what's going on. >> some of the special tactics they are talking about there. >> no word on if police have caught up with the guy in this incident. in this next video, these guys maybe would have been helped had they hurried up. also in russia. these two show up at a bank,
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the people in the bank looking around like uh-oh, because one guy is armed. see this guy with a sawed-off shotgun. one guy takes an employee into the back, the guy with the gun decides i'm going to intimidate everybody. >> everybody is ignoring him. not ignoring him anymore. >> shots up into the ceiling. >> what you don't hear is the fact he hit the fire alarm. he's confused, what do i do. his buddy comes out. they walk out. these two were later caught by police. just a short time before they had been in a cell phone shop. he said i saw what they looked like, officers, and i thought they were drunk. it's a super short bike ride, but probably one of the most thrilling you'll ever see, and the one that will take your breath away the most.
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this is fabio in austria. he's hopped up on this railing in cold, snowy conditions. >> icy, icy conditions, nick. >> slippery. >> starts driving his bicycle over this enormous dam in austria. it's about 650 feet tall. >> no, i would get nervous cycling. not on the railing. i mean, just across it. nerves of steel. >> and what if he realizes in that moment that he's afraid of heights? >> this is just an incredible display of precision and talent done in a really, really inappropriately dangerous way. from austria over to new york, where this group of guys have been thinking about doing something for years. finally on thanksgiving day they got up very, very early and
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supposed to be. going into the water park. off-season water park with all these giant things to play around on. but guys look up at this and think, what? they had about two hours in this park before -- >> security guards got them. >> getting out. >> somebody spotted them and said, he >> never actually see any security guards. as soon as they heard somebody, they took off down the slide and left the park, but it was a dream come true. another mannequin challenge, but this one -- >> see the scenario unfold and hear the story behind it. >> oh, my gosh. you're right, this gets you in
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promotional consideration provided by -- guys, the mannequin challenge, wildly popular online. we've seen a number of those videos on our show. here's another mannequin challenge, and this one is a punch in the gut. the beginning, a lot of solemn faces, people looking on towards a house, see the ambulance in
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this home we notice a police officer comforting a young boy. once the camera makes its way past the family photos, the scenario of this mannequin challenge really begins to illuminate itself. >> oh, my gosh. you're right. this get you in the gut. >> the whole video portraying the very, very sad and effects a heroin overdose can have on a family and community. >> this video has been viewed more than 90,000 it's gotten lots of traction online. man who put this video together, thomas worthington, he works with the sheriff's department in kentucky and if it seems very, very personal, there's a reason for that. joining us "right this minute" we have thomas worthington and his son adan. hi, guys, thanks for helping us out today. >> hi! >> thomas, tell me why you put this together and why it's so personal for you.
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jerry, he passed away due to an overdose, and i've been wanting to make a video since then. and the mannequin challenged popped audiotape eni figured, you know, something that's trending and will catch on a little bit better. the police, they have to deal with this every day in our town. >> what has the response from people been and what do you hope to accomplish with this? >> for the most part it' good response. quite a few messages where they want to use this video, made a few people go get treatment. a lot of people demonize addicts and a lot of them are good people, just they were in a bad situation. >> your cousin jerry was very close to you. you guys were best buddies. now that you've made this and seen the positive responses that people have had, how does that make you feel? >> makes me feel good.
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>> how does it feel for you to see what your dad's done, the attention that it's getting? >> it feels good to put out awareness of heroin. >> there is no doubt that baby gender reveals have taken over the internet and in this video he enlisted the help of the zoo. we are revealing the human, but they set up a box with treats for the elephant inside, and so now the elephant, all it has to do is pull on that leaf that you see there, the palm leaf, and we are going to find out the gender of the baby. it pulls the leaf through, but nothing happens. we still don't know the gender of the baby until the elephant keeps playing with the box. finally it takes it completely off the hook.
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>> now these days football is making quite the appearance in everybody's yards. this time they are using football to reveal the gender of the baby. pass the ball to dad, dad doesn't know what he's doing, they are confused like me. they are going to break that ball that has powder inside, revealing the gender of the baby, and -- >> spike it. >> he ground, it explodes and pink powder revealing it's going to be a girl. >> a girl! >> yeah, congratulations, everybody. rich ferguson is about to pop the question, but -- >> i can't marry you. >> why not? >> you do not make enough money for me. i am so sorry. >> oh, dang!
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>> focus doesn't quite work. adorable snow day. ? >> good old rich ferguson, he's back >> met my girlfriend here at this restaurant a couple years ago. it's our anniversary. i'm really nervous today. i'm going to propose to her. >> going for the love magic now. >> yeah. he shows up to different locations and makes small talk with people because he wants them to know he's about to pop the question. here's the big moment. she walks up. he hugs her. >> sweet, they are experiencing love, endless love, right in front of them. >> i just wanted to see if you
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your life with me. >> i can't do this. >> oh, dang! >> wow. >> don't put him on blast like that. all you got to say is no. >> turns into such an awkward moment that all the people looking on are like, do something. look at your phone, turn your face. just don't look. >> run it back. guy in blue, he's having the biggest reaction. watch how he fixes himself. >> greatest prank ever. >> oh, prank. i was starting to really feel bad for rich. >> i wanted to tell you, but -- >> oh! >> in this instance she breaks some news to the brother. >> how can anybody laugh? >> they don't. they fidget awkwardly. you want to be any other place than there in that moment.
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>> the guys at the bar, uh-oh, uh-oh. stops dead in her tracks. >> if i don't move, they can't see me. >> look at that, it's okay, bro. other women out there. don't worry about that one. you'll be over her in a minute. >> i'm actually into women. i love women. >> that's okay. >> i'm fine. >> what's the problem? that's our show for today.
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? dish nation ? >> welcome to "dish nation." we have to say hi to all of our friends in atlanta. hey, atlanta, what's up? >> hey. >> hey. >> well, later in the show porsche has a few choice words for howard stern after howard stern said what he said about por porsche, so we're going to hear what those words are, and they are good ones. also, cathy griffin has a brand
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choice words for john hamm and ellen degenerous.xd first, beyonce has a new line of ugly christmas sweaters. >> she can't do anything ugly. she is so hot. >> you are absolutely right because look at these "ugly christmas sweaters." they're not ugly at all. >> that's nice. that's an insult. >> the only thing ugly about them is the price. $60. >> $60 for i slave all day. you didn't slay a >> i wish they would make bath toys with her on it, and i could dry off with beyonce. >> her stocking has lemons inside of it. >>. >> she owns the lemon. if her kid doesn't have a lemonade stand in the front yard every day, that's a damn shame. >> if you don't want any of that, you don't want the t-shirts or the sweat shirts,
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