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tv   Today  NBC  August 30, 2010 6:00am-10:00am PST

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good morning. triple threat. three storms churning in the atlantic causing dangerous rip currents along the east coast. threatening even more violent weather later this week. al is tracking the storms. keeping the faith -- president obama speaks out in an nbc news exclusive about the millions of americans who believe he's a muslim. and best in show. "mad men" and "modern family" the winners, from backstage and the red carpet and anywhere in between we have it all covered. "today," monday, august 30th, 2010. captions paid for by nbc-universal television
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and good morning. welcome to "today" on a monday morning. i'm matt lauer. >> and i'm ann curry in for meredith. it's shaping up to be a busy week hurricane wise. >> no question about it. let's show you the satellite loop right now. hurricane earl, which you can see swirling in the caribbean, is pounding some of the islands there already. that could become a major hurricane tonight, maybe early tomorrow. in the meantime, hurricane danielle is staying well offshore but it is causing dangerous rip currents along the east coast. and that's not all. one more storm brewing off the coast of africa. if that forms, it could be called fiona. al will give us his take in just a couple of minutes. >> from fiona to paris. paris hilton is in trouble again. this time arrested for cocaine possession in las vegas. so the question now is could she now do some serious time? and also this morning a
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tragedy averted in new york city when a fast-thinking subway driver stopped his train just in time to avoid hitting a woman who had fallen onto the tracks. he's going to tell us about that frightening ordeal. >> let us begin on a monday morning with the dangerous storms out in the atlantic. we'll get al's forecast in a moment. first, let's turn to nbc's kerry sanders who just happens to be aboard a research ship mapping images of the wreck of the "titanic." that project is on hold as the ship steers clear of hurricane danielle. kerry, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, matt. we're shrouded in fog this morning in the north atlantic and we have about ten miles to get ahead of the storms which have already caused serious problems on the east coast. up and down the east coast dangerous rough surf slams the beaches. >> the waves are big. >> reporter: from daytona, florida -- >> the surf has really picked up. >> reporter: -- to ocean city,
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maryland, where there were hundreds of rescues and a 23-year-old man disappeared while swimming in the rip tide. >> i love you. please come back home. >> reporter: rip currents from danielle, a distant hurricane, led to at least two drownings. >> if you're a nonswimmer and intend to stand in waist deep water, you're pulled into water that's over your head, you have a drowning situation. >> reporter: danielle churned through the atlantic moving northeastward following the gulf stream which is like a highway at sea. onboard the research vessel "jean charco" as it on hold. >> it's impossible to work in those conditions. >> reporter: the captain began to outrun hurricane danielle at 3:00 a.m. sunday. >> we came off to be safe and not to shake too much. >> reporter: he was the captain of the fishing vessel during the perfect storm in 1991 so he
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knows not to risk it. >> we're going to be safe. we're going to be safe. >> reporter: the captain says that the "titanic" expedition will be going for about a week. the coming days the seas are expected to swell with 40-foot waves. so i'm very glad we left. it is kind of strange to think we're running flat-out in fog exactly the way the "titanic" did. the only thing there are no icebergs this time of year. >> good luck to you guys. meantime, al is in los angeles tracking these storms. al, good morning. hey, good morning, ann. it's a one, two, three punch as we see the atlantic heat up as we get into the heart of hurricane season. first of all danielle weakening but still causing problems along the easrn now we have hurricane earl to deal with, a category 2 storm, may become a 3 within the next 24 hours. 50 miles east-northeast of st.
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martin. 105-mile-per-hour winds moving west-northwest at 15. look at that track. it comes right alongar the eastn seaboard and part of the cone of uncertainty is right along north carolina and on into new england. and then the next system could become a tropical storm in the next 48 hours would be fiona and it's expected fiona could follow the same track as earl. we have hurricane watches and warnings up for parts of the caribbean. we're looking, again, for more problems for earl along the eastern seaboard. does it make a direct hit? we'll know better in the next two to three days. ann? >> thanks a lot, al. we'll get the rest of your forecast in a few moments. it's 7:05. president obama back at the white house today, a day after he traveled to new orleans to mark the fifth anniversary of hurricane katrina. and the president has faced a storm of his own recently after polling shows that a staggering number of americans believe he's muslim. nbc's brian williams talked to him about that during an exclusive interview. brian, good morning to you.
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>> reporter: well, good morning to you, matt. and when you think about it, it's right. nowhere in our recorded history, in the history of the presidency, 44 people have occupied the job, has one ever had to face accusations by his enemies that he is somehow a muslim. so we figured here yesterday this had flared up while the president was on vacation. our conversation with him was his first coming off vacation, and while we discussed a host of other issues, i decided to ask him about that. mr. president, you're an american-born christian. >> mm-hmm. >> reporter: and yet increasing and now significant numbers of americans in polls, upwards of one-fifth of respondents, are claiming you are neither. one-fifth of the people, just about, believe you're a muslim. >> keep in mind two things. american-born and muslim are not the same.
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but i understand your point. >> either or the latter, and the most recent number is the latter, this has to be trouble to you. this is, of course, all new territory for an american president. >> the facts are the facts, right? we went through some of this during the campaign. there is a mechanism, a network of misinformation that in a new media era can get churned out there constantly. we dealt with it when i was first running with the u.s. senate. we dealt with it when we were first running for the presidency. there were those who said i couldn't win as u.s. senator because i had a funny name, and people would be too unfamiliar with it and yet we ended up winning that senate seat in illinois because i trusted in the american people's capacity to get beyond all this nonsense. and so i will always put my money on the american people,
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and i'm not going to be worrying too much about whatever rumors are floating out there. if i spend all my time chasing after that, then i wouldn't get much done. >> reporter: even a number as sizable as this, what does it say to you? does it say anything about your communications or the effectiveness of your opponents to -- >> well, brian, i would say that i can't spend all my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead. it is -- the facts are the facts. and so it's not something that i can, i think, spend all my time worrying about. i don't think the american people want me to spend all my time worrying about it. >> reporter: and that plastered quote last night, of course, was plastered all over newspapers and all over the web last night. we also asked the president about that saturday rally by glenn beck that was able to draw a crowd perhaps north of 300,000
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on the steps of the lincoln memorial on the anniversary of dr. king's "i have a dream" speech. the president said he hadn't seen any of the rally but these two quotes are notable and interesting. "i think mr. beck and the rest of these folks were exercising their rights under the constitution exactly as they should." the president went on to say" it's not surprising somebody like a mr. beck is able to stir up a certain portion of the country." so he'd been aware of all the political foment while he'd been on vacation. he also talked about the islamic center in new york. and i'm duty bound to say five years ago this morning we came out and said that overnight here in this city we could see water had filled the streets, the levees had started. that of course started what we've been covering here these many five years, matt. >> we remember it well, brian. thanks very much.
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brian will have more of his interview with the president tonight on "nbc nightly news." it's now nine minutes after the hour. as brian mentioned, talk show host glenn beck drew a big crowd at the national mall in washington this week including guest speaker sarah palin for a controversial rally he called restoring honor. nbc's kelly o'donnell has a wrapup now. kelly, good morning. >> reporter: hi, ann. there is still so much to debate this morning from the size of the crowd, was it 80,000, or as brian mentioned, more than 300,000 to the motives behind calling the rally for this place on a very famous anniversary. now glenn beck did try to set one rumor straight. he says he and sarah palin won't be running for anything. beck says he has zero political aspirations. >> it has nothing to do with politics. it has everything to do with god. >> reporter: conservative media star glenn beck insisted on that no politics distinction. still, the massive rally easily
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looks like a political event. >> we must restore america and restore her honor. >> reporter: beck did not criticize president obama from the stage but has been harsh, even calling mr. obama racist last year. >> this president, i think, has exposed himself as a guy over and over and over again who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture. >> reporter: appearing on "fox news sunday" beck says he now regrets that comment. >> it shouldn't have been said. it was poorly said, and it was not accurate. >> reporter: back at the rally many who came from around the country did criticize the president's polpolitics. >> i believe in our constitution, and this administration doesn't. >> i cannot disagree with our president more. i believe he's leading this country in the wrong direction. >> reporter: others criticize the time and place held on the 47th anniversary of martin
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luther king jr.'s "i have a dream" speech. beck called that timing a coincidence. he and palin praised king. >> we feel the spirit of dr. martin luther king jr. >> reporter: the civil rights activist reverend al sharpton led a smaller competing rally. >> they want to disgrace this day and we're not giving them this day. this is our day, and we ain't giving it away. >> reporter: the context is full of tension. beck also said his rally would reclaim the civil rights movement. >> meaning people of faith that look at equal justice and look at every man the same. that's who needs to reclaim it, not the politicians. not the parties. not white people or black people. >> reporter: and beck tried to sort of shake some of the imagery here. he had asked some of the followers not to bring signs and often signs at these sort of events if they have controversial images or words attract a lot of negative
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attention. beck regretted those words calling the president a racist but said he was not retracting them, simply amending them. matt? >> kelly o'donnell, thanks very much. as you heard the reverend al sharpton led his own rally this weekend. ben jealous is the president of the naacp. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> so much talk leading up to this rally, reverend sharpton, and so much analysis afterwards, people worried about the timing, the date, the location, the 47th and versery of dr. king's speech, thinking it was a political rally masquerading as a nonpartisan rally for patriotism and responsibility. in the end, wasn't it fairly uneventful? >> yeah, and you wonder whether that was designed that way because, just remember now mr. beck himself was saying this is going to be reclaiming civil rights, i'm going to do this and that, attacking the president, and then he comes and does none of that. i don't know if it was promotion or we're seeing the true political strategy.
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>> but when i saw you speaking there at your own rally saying we're not going to let him have this day, this is our day, and in the end, never mind. was there no offense? >> no, the offense is to try and cast that as civil rights, blacks, whites, we have many speakers of all races that are legitimate in civil rights, union leaders and education, people that are trying to deal with the inequality in this country. we're not talking about blacks or whites. the day does belong to those who believe in what dr. king's dream was about. >> many people at that rally said we need to honor the legacy of dr. king. when you watched and listened to what happened on the mall there, what was your gut reaction? >> my gut reaction was that if dr. king stood up there, if he came back or read his speech, that crowd would have responded well to the full text of his speech. we are here to finish dr. king's last campaign, the poor people's
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campaign. all kids can go to a great school and mr. beck, that's not what he talks about and that doesn't seem to be what he wants. >> an op-ed, one could call the day a strange, unlooked for f l fulfillment of king's prophecies 47 years after the "i have a dream speech." >> but not applauding the context because it was never discussed. in the speech dr. king addressed unemployment and police brutality. and when we have an america where we can applaud when everyone is treated the same, that is the fulfillment of dr. king. >> it seems you are saying without saying that you're looking at what happened and you're looking at glenn beck as swup ofsomeone of a wolf in sheep's clothing. >> when we have an election they bring out god and country. then in one era we had to deal with same-sex marriage.
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i think now we see barry goldwater and dr. king did. glenn beck is trying to use religion rather than really deal with the real issue. i'm a minister. i want us to turn to god, but i want us to turn to god. >> is perhaps the most disapainting thing, mr. jealous, we have two rallies, same day, and one is predominantly white and the other is predominantly african-american? would that not disappoint dr. king? >> on october 2nd we'll have a rally called one nation. it will be a large rally, it will be there at the lincoln, and you'll see people of all faiths. we have 3,000 buses confirmed right now and you can look at who will be driving those buses and you will see dr. king's dream made manifest. let's not forget about the rally in d.c. and our crowd is very much a local crowd. you saw from the speakers there,
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secretary duncan, a wide range of people, and those are the folks who are coming together for the one nation rally and will be leading their folks there. >> i think, matt, dr. king was also criticized in '63 for having mostly blacks there. we are trying to transform the country to make it one. the difference between al roker and an al sharpton, he gives the climate. i try to change the climate. >> saved up for that one, didn't you? appreciate it, guys. good to have you here. let's get a check of the rest of the morning's top stories from lester holt over at the news desk. good morning to you. in the headlines engineers will begin removing the temporary cap from the busted oil well in the gulf of mexico. this so crews can begin the process of lifting that failed blow-out preventer from the sea floor. the blow-out preventer is key to figuring out exactly what caused the deadly rig explosion back in april. officials say they do not expect oil to begin gushing again once the cap is removed. officials in chile are working on an alternate plan that could
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free those 33 trapped miners in about two months instead of four. the plan essentially involves widening an existing tunnel. new video showed them speaking to their families. one miner even proposed to his longtime love. it's arraignment day for roger clemens, the former star pitcher faces a six-count federal indictment for allegedly lying to congress about using performance enhancing drugs. there's a new study out that finds that taking low doses of omega 3 fatty acids does not provide any additional conditions in people who already suffered a heart attack because cardiac patients are already on medications to control clotting and cholesterol overpowering any benefit from the omega 3s. it is reported in the "new england journal of medicine." and more than 2,000 people showed up sunday in reno city plaza for a food fight with 150,000 pounds of tomatoes. it's all for a good cause, the
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event raising $20,000 for the american cancer society. it is now 7:18. those are your headlines. back now to matt and ann. >> sounds like fun. >> you get to be a kid again. lester, thank you very much. let's go out to los angeles and check back in with mr. roker. al? all right. well, coming up, we'll take a look at your week ahead. look outside, san jose, sunshine, cool start to the morning. 40s and 50s as the sunrises. you will see as we go towards lunch time, you can lose the jacket. not exactly hot. not summer like at all. inland spots will make a run, maybe near 80 warmest spots near concord. 64 san francisco. close to 70 in oakland. if you want to find the summer time heat wednesday and thursday, inland spots making a run for the 80s and mid 90s.
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and that's your latest weather. we are out here in los angeles. last night i was here covering the emmy awards and while there were some repeats, there were some surprises out there. and this year's first time emmy awards presenter jimmy fallon did one heck of a job. jimmy fallon kicked off the show with a takeoff on the freshman comedy "glee" with the help of his cast in an unusual mix of tv stars. ♪ we were born to run tonight's winners included several repeats. >> i can sell ideas. >> an ad agency won best drama, "mad men." doing a show in the early to mid '60s it seems to really reflect what's going on today. >> people behave badly and make poor decisions often and that's timeless. >> another three-peat, brian cranston as best dramatic actor for his role as a drug dealing teacher in amc's "breaking bad." >> during the time it took me to walk up here i'm venturing there
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were 200 text messages to my fellow nominees saying you were robbed. >> edie falcon won best actress in a comedy as the pill popping nurse jackie. >> oh, this is just the most ridiculous thing that has ever, ever happened. i'm not funny. >> 18 minutes, guys. >> there were plenty of first timers. in the upset, bravo's "top chef" served up its first emmy for reality show. >> it's about time a cooking show finally won. >> i know. we got the respect it deserves. >> i can't turn off who i am. >> abc's rookie "modern family" won for best comedy. >> we are so thrilled that families are sitting down together to watch a television show. >> and after five con ssecutive nominations best actress in a drama went to kyra sedgwick for her role in tnt's "the closer." actor george clooney won a
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standing ovation and the bob hope humanitarian award for organizing celebrity fund-raisers. >> when a disaster happens, everybody wants to help. everybody in this room wants to help. everybody at home wants to help. the hard part is seven months later, five years later. >> what's the answer? >> i don't know. it's always been a problem so it's not something new. it's all about responsibility. it's your responsibility, my responsibility, and also the audience's responsibility as well. >> and one final note, our former "today" show director bucky won an emmy for the opening ceremonies of the vancouver olympics. and, more importantly, became one of the best running gags of the night. bucky! >> we love bucky and congratulations to him. >> and to all the winners and jimmy fallon. thanks a lot, al. and we're going to come back to al in a little bit. now i know natalie is also there
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to help us get the scoop on the hot fashions of the red carpet last night. we'll talk to her about that. and also it's happened again. socialite paris hilton is in trouble with the law. we have details. hi! welcome to come on in, and i'll give you a free quote. quote and compare in about 8 minutes. now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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coming up the daughter of the u.s. ambassador dies after a night of what's called binge drinking in new york city. we'll have a warning for parents. and the new york city subway driver who stopped in the nick of time. well, max, first day... moh-ohm. -do you have your lunch? -yes. and you know where your classroom is? uh huh. mom, i can walk from here. what about your... mom, i got it. ♪ [ female announcer ] they're never too big for a little something sweet. kellogg's rice krispies treats.
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yep! look in your bag, made you something. (announcer) it's more than just that great peanut taste, choosing jif is a simple way to show someone how much you care. choosey moms, choose jif. good morning. it's 7:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. let's check the commute with mike. >> looking at 101 northbound at hellyer, reports of an accident in the middle lanes, laura. this may effect all lanes. one person called chp saying all lanes are blocked. i see sensors registering speeds around 30 or 40. 60 coming off of that split with 85. monterey highway getting more congested as well as 85 and 87 because of that back-up. livermore dragged all the way from the altamont pass through central livermore. speeds dipping down below 20.
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that commute will grow . how is the temperature today. >> 52 in livermore. novato and santa rosa, mid 40s. a few low 40s in and around the north bay. it won't warm up a whole lot. 70s to maybe near 80. mid 70s san jose. mid week, things heat up. 80s and 90s inland. 70s back around the coast. more news after the break.
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two men convicted of killing a fairfield city councilman in 2008 are scheduled to be sentenced today in vallejo. henry don williams and eugene combes are due in court at 8:30 this morning but combs' attorney wants to postpone the sentencing. prosecutors say they mistook garcia for a drug dealer and killed him. he was well known for helping youth trying to end the vice that took his life. another local news update in a half hour. the "today" show returns in less than a minute.
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7:30 now on a monday morning, august 30th, 2010. you're looking at some of the fashions the stars wore on the emmy red carpet last night. what worked, what didn't. we'll get a complete wrapup from natalie who is out in los angeles in just a couple of minutes. we'll check in with her. and speaking of hot fashions we have a good looking crowd out on the plaza this morning. what seems to be a pretty day. a hot one, though. meanwhile, inside studio 1-a i'm matt lauer alongside ann curry while meredith continues to take time off. coming up a serious story.
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a young life tragically cut short. the 17-year-old daughter of an american diplomat just starting college went out partying late last week and ended up falling out of a 25th story window. her story is just ahead. we're going to have some advice for parents about binge drinking because people are saying this young lady's tragic accident was a result of a night of binge drinking. with so many kids heading off to college, what do parents need to know? >> an important question because it affects kids, more than we want. later, it's as american as mom and apple pie. we're talking about football. but letting our children play can be dangerous. so coming up we'll hear from one former super bowl player turned physician and hear what he has to say about the risks of football. you've been mentioning the morning after the emmys. time to check out all the fashion hits and misses on the red carpet, who was hot and who was not. well, natalie has it all covered coming up this morning. and a quick programming note over the weekend i had a chance to sit down with actress sandra bullock in new orleans.
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we talked about a lot of things including her love for that city, including a project mere and dear to her heart. we're going to have that interview for you tomorrow morning right here on today. but first, matt, for the second time in a week paris hilton is making headlines. this past weekend the high-flying heiress was arrested on the vegas strip for drug possession. miguel almaguera has more. miguel, good morning to you. >> reporter: ann, good morning. just a few hours ago paris hilton tweeted her followers thanking them for their support. she certainly seems to be taking this latest arrest in stride. in front of the cameras, paris hilton seems right at home. everywhere the notorious girl goes, shutters flash, bulbs pop. now a different kind of head shot has paris back in the headlines yet again. it happened just before midnight on friday when hilton's boyfriend was cited for driving
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under the influence on the vegas strip. >> the vehicle was stopped. there was a strong odor of>> marv: marijuana emitting from the vehicle. >> reporter: paris would have been in the clear except police say she reached into her purse and spilled the stash. >> she extracted lip balm from her purse. at that time a plastic bin fell. >> reporter: hilton was booked for possession of cocaine. according to celebrity website tmz hilton made claim the purse she was holding wasn't hers. that's the same defense she reportedly used in south africa last month when police detained and questioned her about smoking marijuana at the world cup. she was never charged. >> i think there's a certain kind much of attention that you want. all publicity is good publicity, i guess. but you don't want to necessarily be arrested too many times. >> reporter: for paris this arrest is number three.
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first, she was busted for drunk driving in 2006 and then stopped the next year for driving without a license which famously landed her in jail for 23 days. >> this is a very traumatic experience that i feel like god doesn't make everything happen for a reason. >> reporter: she says she was trying to turn her life around. last week proved unusually dramatic. tuesday she tweeted this photo of a man being arrested outside her hollywood home. later telling the story to nbc's las vegas affiliate. >> we were sleeping and just heard this loud banging coming from downstairs and went to check and there was this man staring at me through the window. he didn't even run. he was just smiling. >> reporter: the knife-wielding suspect was charged with burglary but just a few hours after this interview, hilton found herself in police custody. probably not the kind of trip to vegas she pictured. hilton's lawyer says there
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shouldn't be a rush to judgment and legal experts say if she's convicted she'll likely get probation. ann? >> miguel almaguera, thank you so much. dan abrams is nbc's chief legal analyst and bonnie fuller is the editor in chief of good morning to both of you. miguel just said earlier that paris hilton is taking this in stride. could she actually face if she is found guilty serious jail time? >> it depends on how much cocaine she is found with. less than two grams, miguel is right. it's possible, though, she could get more than probation meaning if you department haidn't have record, probably true. she does have a prior record. it's possible that a judge could sentence her to some time although i think it's probably not likely. >> because? >> because the law says that in this kind of case for that amount. but if it's more than two grams, let's say it's over four grams or something, then you're talking about very serious jail
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time. >> bonnie, when you hear that police only found allegedly found this cocaine after paris reached in to get her lip balm, you almost kind of wonder, well, did she do it on purpose? >> i have to wonder what was she thinking? i mean, she -- well, now she's claiming that it wasn't her purse and that, therefore, that's why she didn't know it was there and that's why she just nonchalantly pulled it out, let it spill out. however, you also have to wonder since there's been incidents with her associated with -- arrests associated with drugs, what is she doing? is she looking for attention? she hasn't been in the headlines for anything very positive lately. this is not the way to reignite her career she's thinking i'm back in the news. >> meantime, the question has been raised by a lot of people who have been watching all of this coverage about celebrities who get in trouble with the law,
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do they get a different shake? >> i think they end up getting tougher. no one wants to hear that. everyone wants to believe celebrities get off more easily. paris hilton, the sheriff in the case said had it been someone other than paris hilton they probably would have served no time or very little time meaning less than the 23 days that she served. and i think that in this case this is why i hesitate on saying probation because while i think someone else might get probation, the world is going to be watching. no judge wants to be seen as the one who let paris hilton off easy and as a result i think that the judicial system is going to be very careful to stick to the letter of the law and the letter of the sentencing guide lines when it comes to paris hilton. >> she doesn't seem to be too worried about it because she went home and tweeted she was getting into bed and watching "family guy" and had a great day. >> bonnie fuller, that will have to be the last. thank you so much. thank you, dan abrams. now to los angeles for a check of the weather from al. hey, al. hey, thanks a lot, ann.
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and let's take a look, see what's happening as far as our weather up in the plains states. we have some severe weather to talk about from fargo to sioux fas, a risk of strong storms, strong winds, heavy rain. the possibility of some hail. you can see we're seeing some stuff fire up right now. and down along the gulf coast we're looking at a lot of showers and thunderstorms firing up as well. that's going to bring anywhere from about half an inch to an inch of rain from new orleans all the way up to jackson and back to pensacola. here's a nice view of oakland. we have some clear skies, a cool start to the morning. 40s and 50s outside. we should see highs upper 60s to near 70. mid to upper 70s near jose. getting in the low 80s today. we will start to see a significant warm-up tomorrow as temperatures climb five to ten degrees. eventually getting back to the 90s mid week.
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the coast will see sunshine and highs in the 70s. then we'll cool down approaching the upcoming weekend. and don't forget you can get your weather anytime of the day or night, go to weather channel on cable or online. thank you. up next a serious story about the daughter of a top u.s. diplomat who has died in a out ible accident here in new what parents need to know about bi nge drinking.
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hold on a second... come on up here where your brothers sit. [ birds chirping ] wow! did i ever tell you what it was like growing up with four sisters? that sounds fun. for them! [ male announcer ] chevy traverse. a consumers digest best buy. with a 100,000 mile powertrain warranty. it seats eight comfortably -- not that it always has to. it's laughs over a coastal soup and grilled shrimp salad. catching up over wood-grilled shrimp and chicken. and with lunches starting at just $6.99... it's an hour you wouldn't trade for anything. back now at 7:42. a top u.s. diplomat and his family are in mourning after the tragic death of his daughter. nbc's peter alexander is here with the latest on this story. good morning. >> reporter: matt, good morning to you. this is an awful story. after a night of partying 17-year-old nicole john fell to
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her death at a high-rise apartment building right here in new york city. she was just about to begin her freshman year of college and her death is once again casting a spotlight on the dangers of underaged drinking. she was young, attractive, and like so many kids her age, 17-year-old nicole john was looking forward to starting college. the daughter of u.s. ambassador to thailand eric john, nicole john was enrolled in new york's parsons the school of design. after a night of partying nicole john's life was cut short after she fell to her death in midtown manhattan. >> she fell -- she was on the 25th floor. her body was found on the third floor ledge. >> at the scene was a camera. we don't know if that means she may have looked out the window to take a picture. >> what do you say about selling alcohol? >> reporter: ilan nassimi lived in the apartment. he was arrested and charged with a misdemeanor for providing alcohol to minors.
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nicole john's night of partying had reportedly started at the trendy new york nightclub tenjune. the club's management said in part, we are acting in full cooperation with nypd officials and our surveillance video confirms that miss john was id'd prior to entrance. but nicole john's id, a brazilian driver's license, was a fake. on her blog she once boasted about how real her fake id looked saying it's really good. it's never been rejected. fake ids are nothing new on college campuses but some students say the internet has made getting them that much easier. >> they have all these party promoters and it doesn't matter how old you are. you use a college id or something. yeah, so you don't even need a fake. it's just a college id. >> reporter: alcohol abuse says approximately 5,000 people under the age of 21 die each year as a result of underaged drinking. with nicole john now part of that tragic statistic, a blog
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entry she made just two weeks before her death serves as a chilling reminder of the dangers of underaged drinking. intoxication for about 40 hours straight, she writes. ambassador eric john has not yet released a statement on behalf of the family, but officials of parsons the new school for design where nicole was entering her freshman year said losing a member of the community is extremely difficult for students, faculty and staff. just as we begin a new semester. matt? >> peter, it's a horrible story. so what are the warning signs that your teenager may be drinking too much? dr. janet taylor is a psychiatrist. good to see you. good morning. >> morning. >> let me say there is a statistic here about 90% of the alcohol consumed by people under the age of 21 is in the form of binge drinking. define binge drinking for me. >> so binge drinking for men is five drinks in less than two hours. for women, four drinks. >> this is in a fairly short
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period of time. you have parents sitting right now and some of them are sending their kids off to college right now, how do you approach this subject? clearly sometimes it's not working. >> right. well, what parents need to know they need to start early and start often, like early adolescence, 10 to 12, talking about alcohol, giving their expectations because kids will listen and parents have more influence than peers during the high school years. and what we know is that high school binge drinkers are the ones who are the most likely to binge drink in college. >> when you send your kids off, they're going away from home sometimes for the first time, is it about the approach you have to let them think you trust them completely even if in your heart you don't trust them completely? >> it's not imaginary. dads need to get involved and you need to talk about your strict expectations. when your kids leave your household, when they're in middle school and high school, you say, have them call home. those kind of techniques help in terms of also talking about your disapproval about alcohol use. >> this young lady was 17 years old.
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were her parents supposed to call her two and three times on a weekend night to say, where are you now? have you been drinking? how do you handle that? >> it has to be a shared expectation and so parents need to have some rules and also not just think that because my child's in high school, it's expected that they won't drink. kids listen to the message it's not expected you will drink because what's happening is there's an overexpectation of what college freshmen think, other college freshmen are doing, and it leads to increased alcohol usage. and obviously it's dangerous. 1,700 college students a year die from alcohol related incidents. >> even if you don't think you're cool by having this discussion, better to be thought of as not cool -- >> or alive. how about being alive? >> janet, thanks. still ahead, a close call when a woman fell on the tracks right in front of an on coming new york city subway train. we'll talk to the driver who managed to stop that train in time. ♪
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peggy? sure...well...suddenly it looks like i'm being charged a $35 annual fee. yes? tell me it's a mistake. yes? are you saying yes or are you asking yes? yes? peggy? peggy? anncr: want better customer service? switch to discover. ranked #1 in customer loyalty. it pays to discover. back here now in new york, joined by our pals out in los angeles, al and natalie on this morning after the emmy awards and the show is getting some high marks. >> that's right. it was a funny skit to start off with with jimmy fallon joined by a lot of other stars including jon hamm and betty white. let's take a look. >> pam, look alive! we need glee club members. >> great. i'm just working on sweet new dance moves with my dance coach. >> come on, do the hippety.
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dip it down. get that going. all right, now back that mother up. oh, i like that. i like that. i like that. >> listen up! >> nice. what the hell are you looking at? >> that was great! >> i like that. >> absolutely the best opening of the show! i thought it was so great, the whole born to run! >> so wrong but yet so right. >> that's right. >> another moment i loved was how george clooney is now going to be part of the "modern family" cast. take a look. no. oh, well, we don't have that. it was so funny. we're going to save it for the next half hour. >> don't worry, we'll have it for you. >> we guarantee scream! scream! >> all right, al, thanks. >> i have to say the born to run, awesome. >> all right, cool. of whhere allearingve a wrapup . after your local news.
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♪ or be there to show everyone how great she is. but what i can do is give her everything she needs to be excited for school, while staying in my budget. that's why i go to walmart. she has everything she needs. and then some. [ female announcer ] walmart has low prices on not just a few things, but everything on their back-to-school list. guaranteed. save money. live better. walmart. guaranteed. so you think your kids are getting enough vegetables? yeah, maybe not. v8 v-fusion juice gives them a full serving of vegetables plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. v8. what's your number?
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aren't absorbed properly unless taken with food. he recommended citracal. it's different -- it's calcium citrate, so it can be absorbed with or without food. also available in small, easy-to-swallow petites. citracal.
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good monday morning to you. it is 7:56 right now. time to check the commute once again with mike. >> just over the last couple of minutes, a big accident on the east shore freeway causing slowing around central avenue. there is an accident involving a big rig in the center divide. not a whole lot of details now, but we have the slowing. 40 minute now at the carquinez bridge. expect that to take more time as the morning progresses. we will watch that accident and south bay, 101 at hellyer. earlier accident clearing from the roadway, a slow drive off of 85 and now 87. monterey highway might be a better route if you are heading up to downtown san jose. slow up the peninsula. down the peninsula with likely
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sunshine in folks eyes. >> a slow warm-up today. 70s san jose. 60s san francisco. today one of the cooler days this week as temperatures start to climb 5 to 10 degrees tomorrow. inland with 90s. time right no7:57. more news after the break. people! look at you! texting...blogging... all this technology, but you're still banking like pilgrims! it's time for new school banking, bubbie. interest plus savings at why earn bupkis, when your savings can earn three times the national average!! three times the national average!!! new school banking at capital one bank. with interest plus savings, go to!!!!! what's in your wallet? somebody help me down.
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they had 30 people and an idea. meg's job was to make it happen. it took leadership. focus. and the ability to bring people together. meg whitman delivered. named one of america's best ceo's by harvard business review, she grew ebay 15,000 strong and made small business dreams come true. now meg has a plan to create jobs. fix sacramento. and deliver results. meg whitman. for a new california. we learned that the fremont police officer shot friday is getting better this morning. 39-year-old todd young is still
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in critical condition after someone shot him as he served a warrant. the doctors say he is stabilized after a pair of surgeries. this weekend there was an outpouring of support as people donated blood in pleasant hill. young needed at least 60 units of blood during surgery and will require more since doctors say more surgeries are planned. young was shot while trying to arrest 20-year-old andrew barrientos on friday on a domestic violence charge. barrientos was arrested saturday feet from the u.s./mexico border. the "today" show returns in less than a minute. have a great monday morning.
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we're back now 8:00 on a monday morning. it's the 30th day of august, 2010. you know it's a really pretty day here in the northeast. it's not too hot now, but that's going to change later on. the temperatures going to the mid-90s. got a nice crowd of people gathered out on the plaza. we thank them very much. joining them, i'm matt lauer along with ann curry who is here while meredith takes time off. our other friends al and natalie are out on the west coast covering the emmy awards. guys, what's going on out there? well, fashion. >> lots of fashion. lots of hits. very few misses. >> some controversy about some of the dresses, as usual. >> absolutely.
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so we're going to give you a little rundown, tell you what we loved and some things that were not so great this year. overall i have to say a very classy red carpet. everybody dressed for the occasion. >> big thumbs-up. >> fashion controversy? >> how controversial can clothes really be? >> you know -- >> well, that's why we want you to stay tuned. >> keep us guessing. also ahead, football. it's a game that a lot of people love. it can be exhilarating and exciting but for young people it can also be a dangerous sport. we'll meet a super bowl winner, now a surgeon, who had some real concerns when his own 14-year-old son said, dad, i want to play high school football. he will pass along some advice for other families dealing with that situation as well. >> plus, the financial wiz kid who says you don't need to go into debt to send your child to college and he's a college senior himself. he has some experience. we'll find out what he has to
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say coming up. we have a lot to get to. lester holt has been kind enough to take in on a monday morning and take over the news desk. hello again, everybody. hurricane earl is strengthening the caribbean and is tracking a path very close to the east coast of the u.s. it could pose a threat as early as wednesday. meantime, hurricane danielle is weakening as it moves away from the u.s. but it left behind dangerous rip currents up the atlantic coast over the weekend. dozens of people had to be rescued from the rough waters. one surfer died in florida. president obama is back in washington planning for his second oval office address on iraq tomorrow night. on sunday the president marked the fifth anniversary of hurricane katrina in new orleans. touring a new housing project. residents remembered the day by holding marches, tossing wreaths into a river, and going to church. it was a close call for a new york city subway rider this weekend. a woman fell onto the tracks just as a 370-ton train was pulling into a fifth avenue station. luckily a quick thinking subway
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driver spotted her fall, stopped the train, and ultimately saved her life. earlier i spoke to driver frankie lusk who said he was concerned about other riders getting on the track. >> when i got my train to a complete stop, i gave -- i blew the horn so as to make sure the customers froze in their tracks because i didn't want anybody, you know, because with the electricity still on, the more people down there, the worse it could possibly get. >> the woman who fell on the tracks has not been identified. the death of a 13-year-old on the indianapolis motor speedway is sparking debate about how young is too young for racers to be competing on one of the world's best-known tracks. motorcycle racer peter lenz died sunday after falling off his bike and getting run over by another cycle driven by a 12-year-old. a tragic accident in ecuador sunday when a bus ran off a highway and overturned killing 38 people and injuring a dozen others. police believe a driver fell
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asleep, although the cause of the crash is still under investigation. a volcano in western indonesia that has been dormant for mour than four centuries is erupting today. people living on the slopes of mt. sinabung. the comic book superhero was arrested today in sydney after scaling a building with his barehands. robaire is known forri climbing the tallest buildings without ropes or equipment. it is 8:04. back now to al in los angeles. we have a chilly morning in los angeles. temperatures in the upper 50s. as we look at our pick city, us a continue, texas, kxan, nbc 36, cloudy with afternoon thunderstorms. near 100 degrees today. as we go and show you the rada we've got
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showers and thunderstorms firing up around the gulf. some wet weather through the southwest, also in the plains states. the east coast is looking fabulous today. 90 in parts of south carolina. 92 in new york city. portland, maine, 83 degrees. risk of strong storms through the plains. sunshine and 70 degrees in seattle today. 75 in l.a. pretty clear start to the morning. there's a beautiful view of the golden gate bridge where it's a sunglasses commute, especially southbound. a bit of a sea breeze on the coast, and if our temperatures starting off so cool. 40s and 50s in the north bay. even if all the august sunshine, not going to warm up a whole lot today. 70s and 80s inland, 64 san francisco and close to 70 oakland and mid-70s san jose and the trend for the middle part of the week is much warmer weather. 80s and 90s inland and 70s on the coast and temperatures dropping back down as we head towards the weekend. and that's your latest
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weather. when we come back the "titanic" reveals her secret all happening in 3-d. up next the real competition at the emmy awards, you know what we're talking about, the fashions. we'll breakra it all down from s angeles. show-stopping. refreshing. glamorous. provocative. breathtaking. charming. dazzling. dramatic new jackets. a ravishing repertoire... ♪ ain't got that swing brilliantly orchestrated. only at chico's. ♪ don't mean a --
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mommy. mom, the back to school list is here. looks expensive. graphing calculator, flash drives... that was easy. [ male announcer ] get back to school and back to savings on everything on your list at staples. no oil has flowed into the gulf for weeks, but it's just the beginning of our work. i'm iris cross. bp has taken full responsibility for the cleathupn lf i gue bp has taken full responsibility gu and thatnc lusepdekeyog u ininformed. my job is to listen to the shrimpers and fishermen, hotel and restaurant workers and find ways to help. i was born in new orleans. my family still lives here. bp is gonna be here until the oil is gone and the people and businesses are back to normal... until we make this right.
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weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. i found answers about fibromyalgia. then i found lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. this morning on tod"today" the emmys, the all-important fashions. so who fizzled and who sizzled?
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natalie, good morning. good morning to you, ann. a lot of sizzle here on the red carpet and fittingly, too. it was amazing the stars sure came out to play last night. a breakout year for hits on tv but also right here on the red carpet. ♪ ♪ baby i like it the way you move on the floor ♪ ♪ baby, i like it >> oscar de la renta. my jewelry is lorraine schwarz. and it's the perfect party dress. ♪ baby, i like it >> i'm wearing marchesa. i love this short number. >> the whole off the rack thing that was in the back of my closet, so i thought, why not? ♪ i throw my hands up in the air sometimes ♪ >> it's nice to break out of the adidas track suit week after week. >> i have to tell you going into my trailer every day knowing i'm
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going to put something on so comfortable is a lovely thing. >> wow. what a dress. you look great. >> thank you. >> how much does that weigh, that dress? >> not that much. >> no? what were you going for? >> comfort. >> apparently navy is the color of the evening. >> i've heard that. >> looks lick a bird in a cage, like a beautiful peacock. ♪ i've got the magic in me >> i hear you're a big fan of the "today" show, right? >> i watch it every morning. >> who design this had great suit? it fits you just right. >> pra da. but not the prada. sciple guy named steve prada. >> i have a fresh tux in the closet all the time just in case. >> yet again, more chances to lose. >> yeah, you know it. >> thanks.
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>> man's best accessory. ♪ i have the magic in me >> ann, i'm not a fashion expert here, but i have to say overall i think for the most part most of the stars got it right this year, although there are some, and bobbie thomas will tell us, who probably could have used a little more help. >> okay. well, you've got bobbie sitting right there. bobbie, good morning to you as well. let's talk about, first of all, the good news. your favorite looks. i understand both you and natalie on who really took the big award for that, "glee" star leah michelle. >> she was beautiful, stunning in the colors of navy. the silk taff at that oscar de la renta was gorgeous. it was fresh and young, sophisticated, perfection. loved it. everything, her makeup, her hair, it was very suiting and
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just perfect for her. >> she just glowed. she was the bell of the ball. with "glee" being a big show, this was a great night for her to step up. >> when it comes to pushing fashion boundaries, who did you two like? >> well, i have to say, and i think this was a look that you either loved or hated, and up close january jones was wearing a beautiful versace. i think it was beautiful because it was a very -- it had the wow factor, the blue and very fitted silhouette. it was sort of channelling her betty draper but yet also with a little more edge as bobbie says her alter ego. >> it was something people were buzzing about online. i was tweeting live during the show and a lot of viewers thought, oh, this is not my favorite, but it's entertaining to see something. we got to see this dress. it was really kind of like natalie said a wow factor. >> it definitely had the wow factor. one thing i thought the hair looked not as polished as it
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could and her makeup as well, but she's a gorgeous woman. she can pull anything off. >> anna paquin, the newlywed from "true blood" stepped out in alexander mcqueen, the first to wear alexander mcqueen from the spring collection which is a big deal in the fashion world. she was really dark and regal which was fitting for her character and i think all the "true blood" fans were excited to see her and steven, her husband,alexander mcqueen. >> i love that dress. >> body armor there. stunning. >> and she has the body to wear it. i understand, natalie, you were talking earlier about controversy. what do you want to say in terms of who was not on your top list? >> who did you not love? >> i did not love laura graham's dress. i thought it was shapeless and didn't flatter as much as it
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could have. this was not my favorite look on her. i thought that so sofia vergara was overwhelmed by the details in her carolina herera. she is such a beautiful star. i thought this wasn't her best look. >> it's a very beautiful color, the canary yellow, i think on her skin tone, too, a brighter color probably would have brought out more. >> the hair, the detailing, it was a lot. and then a black and white print dress on that is a good tip for all of us at home when you have that much fabric in a print you have to be careful. >> all right, you guys, it looks like it was fun. i thought everybody looked so beautiful and looks like you had fun, too. natalie m natalie morales and bobbie thomas, thanks so much this morning. >> thank you. thanks. and coming up next, the pros and the cons of tackle football from an nfl player turned doctor. hey, you made your own lunch. yep!
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(mom) i'm so proud of you. the bus is here, gotta go mom. okay hunny, have a great day. look in your bag, made you something. (announcer) it's more than just that great peanut taste, choosing jif is a simple way to show someone how much you care. choosey moms, choose jif. it's laughs over a coastal soup and grilled shrimp salad. catching up over wood-grilled shrimp and chicken. and with lunches starting at just $6.99... it's an hour you wouldn't trade for anything. when something's safe? you talk to these guys.
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new wisk with our breakthrough stain spectrum technology tackles a full range of stains on a molecular level for a more powerful clean fight stains with science. we're all striving for it. purina cat chow helps you nurture it in your cat with a full family of excellent nutrition and helpful resources. purina cat chow. share a better life. can your moisturizer do that? [ female announcer ] dermatologist recommended aveeno has an oat formula, now proven to build a moisture reserve, so skin can replenish itself. that's healthy skin for life. only from aveeno. [ female announcer ] wisk is about to change the way you look at stains forever.
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discover the power of our stain spectrum technology in the new red bottle of wisk. in stores now! [ male announcer ] in and this is our cheese.isk. kraft singles. american cheese. only one nation could create it. and that nation is...america. ♪ kraft singles. the american cheese. this morning on "today's family" kids and concussion. a new study reports the number of children seeking medical care for concussions has doubled. one common culprit is football which leads to the question should your child play? football can be a brutal sport. at times unmerciful and unforgiving. and if you get hurt, the credo is just shake it off.
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>> football players are supposed to be tough guys and so you don't want to come out. you never want to come out. >> former nfl player mark adickes knows something about pain. >> if you put your finger back in place and continue to play, that is a badge of honor. >> so when his son expressed an interest in the sport, it gave him pause because now in his second career as a surgeon he knows the long-term effects of head injuries way too well. >> both of these brains are irreparab irreparably damaged. after what seems like an innocuous concussion. >> of the 1.2 million high school football players, 55,000 sustain concussion injuries every year. >> i think the parents are very aware of what is going on with concussions. i think that the world of football is still a little bit too macho, you know, knock the snot out of them kind of game. >> now concussion aware neness
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coming right from the top. the nfl is hanging posters in their team locker rooms warning players of head injuries and reminding them other athletes are watching. >> that's one of the reasons we're reaching out to the youth athletes to educate them early in the potential long-term implications of these types of injuries. >> and now some high schools are on the lookout as well. >> they're going to throw a number of words and then it's going to go back and repeat some words and you're going to have to answer was this one of the words or not. >> back to school in houston, texas, where adickes administers tests to players at the beginning of the season. >> when you press the start button you'll have three seconds to face your fingers on a q and p key to respond to the stimulus. >> and then again after severe impact to retest cognitive function. the players can only be cleared to play again by a trainer not a
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coach. as for mark adickes, he is choosing to let his son play. for other children he would ask parents to give pause. >> the life less somes learned playing football are too numerous to even name. overcoming adversity, goal setting, delayed gratification, leadership. but if your kid is playing football in a league where there is not good equipment and you can't provide it for them or if they're playing in a league where the coaching is such that they're learning techniques that are going to get them in trouble, they're better off not playing. >> as we mentioned, mark adickes is a former nfl offensive lineman who is now an orthopedic surgeon in houston. his son and his friend are freshmen who play varsity football. good morning to all of you. >> good morning. >> that number jumps out at me, mark, 55,000 concussion injuries among young people every year. that's a lot of kids getting knocked around. >> it really is. and it's a rough sport. the scary thing is that there are probably more. because football is a macho
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sport where your injuries are a badge of honor, i think a lot goes unreported. >> you say it's a rough sport and like it's almost going to happen. is it avoidable? within that rough sport, are there ways through coaching and better equipment and technique it to loerp the number of these injuries? >> well, i think there definitely is. the helmets improved dramatically but with these better helmets guys can can hit harder so technique is equally important. >> you talk about pressure, mika and ethan, you're both playing football. you took a shot in a game tomorrow and you don't know which end is up, is there pressure spoken or unspoken for you to get back in the game? >> no, our coaches -- if you're hurt, you're hurt. they're not going to pressure you to go back in. there are plenty of guys to go back in the game. if you're feeling bad, you're feeling sick, you're hurt, get out of the game. >> ethan, do they talk to you specifically about these kinds of injuries? do they talk to you about the dangers and risks of concussions? >> yeah. we take the test before and it
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just sort of goes through everything about concussions and everything so we know the symptoms. >> we talk about the nfl getting involved here and they're hanging their posters in their locker rooms saying other athletes are watching. they're talking about these guys right here and, by the way, a study today in the journal of "pediatrics" a huge jump not only in high school students, middle school, elementary school students suffering these concussions. are we going to make a change until those nflers, their idols, start coming out doing television commercials warning of this? >> i think part of it is they watch the way the nfl guys hit. and so if there are some subtle rule changes, like they've made, you can't hit the defenseless receiver, you can't hit the quarterback a certain way, if they make subtle rule changes it will make a help because it sets the example for these guys. >> one thing you want to make very clear, it's not the risk of getting a concussion. the risk is another concussion. >> once you have a concussion your brain is healing. and it's not something you see. it doesn't show up on mri or cts. if you get hit again before you
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recover, that's when bad things can happen. your brain can swell. >> you mentioned proper helmets have some sort of a label or an imprint on them so you know you're getting the proper protection. you have to be careful, get the proper equipment, get the proper technique and discuss this. are you happy you made the decision you made? >> absolutely. >> it's okay if he plays? >> yes, it's fine. >> he has no choice. good luck. are you good this year? i like to hear that. mika, ethan, mark, we appreciate it. coming up, paying for college without going way into debt. we're going to talk about that.
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good morning to you. it's 8:26 right now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. want to check in with mike. >> an earlier accident at central avenue. still a 40-minute bridge coming off the carcenas bridge and another accident along appalachian way. speeds coming down, look at that, 4 miles per hour as you're coming through heck lees. that will be a problem all morning long as well as the south. northbound 101 very slow coming out of morgan hill coming out past the slip and downtown san jose after an earlier accident at hillier. rob? >> pretty nice weather around
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the bay area. sunshine in san francisco and high temperatures today, 70s and 80s inland so a lot like we had around the bay area this weekend with the temperatures a lot cooler than last week at this time. you'll notice here in the seven-day forecast starting tomorrow, we'll start to seat temperatures climbing up. 80s popping up tomorrow. maybe even close to 90 in the hottest places and by wednesday and thursday, inland valleys making a run well into the 90s. time right n 8:27. more news right after the break.
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sfris so city workers may soon lose a perk. perhaps no more free parking for government workers. san francisco has 27,000 city employees, and they have been allowed to park for free near government buildings and in reserve spaces in parking garages, but that has taken potential money from city and the municipal transportation agency which oversees muni and parking. another local news update for you in half an hour. "today" show returns in about half a minute. have a great morning.
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we're back now 8:30 on a monday morning, the 30th day of august, 2007. i've said it before. i'll say it again, temperatures in the mid-90s. you know what, i don't see a lot of frowns about that. out on the plaza, i'm matt lauer along with ann curry and mr. lester holt joining us this morning.
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we're also in the shade. >> that's true. coming up, we'll be talking about paying for college. we'll meet a college senior who says if your parents take on a huge amount of debt to put you through college they're crazy. >> i know. he has been through the process and he has some ideas about how to pay for college that are unusual. also coming up this morning, it's that time of year when people who have gardens have a lot of extra. a lot of us don't know how to preserve items. >> we heard from kerry sanders on a ship out in the north atlantic looking at the "titanic" in a way no one has seen it before. it's been videoed in 3-d. >> all right. there's a couple of them right there. first a reminder that last week you chose jeremy and melissa from missouri to be this year's "today" show wedding couple, they're going to get hitched where we're standing on september 30th. but which wedding bands will
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they be wearing? that's up to you. check out the options and vote at or go to don't forget to like us on facebook to follow our wedding progress. >> or text your vote to 622639. text one for brilliant earth, two for elaine, three for diamond and four for osprey. 1:00 p.m. eastern time tomorrow and we'll reveal the winning rings. >> this problem will be accelerated this year. we're off and running. let's get a check of the weather with mr. roker out in los angeles. al? hey, guys. just basking in the afterflow of the emmy awards. let's take a look at what's happening as far as our week ahead is concerned and we'll show you the week ahead. above normal temperatures in the eastern half of the country. below normal out west. a little chilly in los angeles. midweek period we are looking at
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above normal temperatures to continue with heavy rain in the central mississippi river valley and the pacific northwest and the latter part of the week, we may be seeing the effects of earl. we'll keep an eye on that. much of the kcountry will be above normal. we're below in temperatures in the upper mississippi river valley and the plains. here's a nice setting for you. san francisco, don't have too much in the way of wind this morning, but we did have that very chilly start. some of the north valleys in the 40s earlier. for the afternoon today, we'll see 70s and 80s inland. 60s from san francisco along the coast, and you'll notice in the seven-day forecast we'll trend much warmer inland. 80s and 90s picking up the north winds at time hopefully not making things too dry. it should clear out coast, but the temperatures in the 70s mid-week trending cooler as we approach the weekend. be a don't forget to check your weather anytime of the day or night.
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go to the weather channel on cable or online. matt? >> when we come back, debt-free you. how one kid paid for college without loans or other help. ♪ just one bite opens a world of delight... ♪ ♪ a flavor paradise of delicious fishes ♪ ♪ friskies seafood sensations. ♪ ♪ feed the senses. i even bought her a computer with my new citi forward card. then one day... have you seen this? she "friended" me. there's a whole album. [ laughs ] [ groans ] and started posting pictures. ♪ and tagging me. publicly. [ male announcer ] you ought to be rewarded for being dependable. the citi forward card gives you extra points for paying your bill on time and staying within your credit limit. [ woman ] nice tights. what's your story? the citi forward card can help you write it.
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♪ savor and explore, a the great indoors ♪ ♪ ♪ friskies indoor delights. ♪ feed the senses. this morning on "today's money" paying fo college. an estimated two-thirds of recent college graduates borrowed money to pay for their education. a new book is warning that's a very bad idea. zach is the author of "debt-free you." how i paid for an outstanding college education without loans, scholarships or mooching off my parents. that's some title, zach. let's get this out of the way. you're 22 years old. suze orman on this broadcast recently said you're, quote, a wonderful advocate. we have best-selling author who has written the forward to your
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book you're the doogie houser meets the boy from facebook. is it a challenge? this is obviously meant to talk about how it's done. is it a challenge to dole out financial advice because you're so young? >> you shouldn't believe anyone's opinion on anything when it comes to your money. you shouldn't believe my opinion. i try to present information and analysis and research that can lead people to the right decisions. >> one of those is you suggest that people counter to what everybody says should not be taking out big loans to send their kids to school. >> one of the biggest myths in the college process admission officers and financial aide experts say is loans are an investment. it's okay to borrow money for college, and there's a lot of research coming out recently that shows the default rate on student loans is more than 20% of those loans end up in default which is a higher default rate than any other kind of loan in the country and when you do default you can't go through bankruptcy. it's not just the default. there's evidence that students who graduate with a lot of debt
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are less likely to enjoy their careers because they have to take a high-paying job instead of something they're more passionate about to start paying those loans. i think that's really sad because college should be about building a flexible foundation for your life and the foundation of debt is not flexible, it is not something to build on. >> you're saying the student shouldn't take out a big loan. what about the parent? >> one of the worst mistakes you can make financially is borrowing money yourself to pay for your kid's education. if you're the parent of high school kids, chances are that you're too old to be accumulating more debt. there's no nice way of saying that. you're too close to retirement age. you need to be saving for retirement. if you don't have the cash to pay for college, you are in a terrible position to borrow for it. >> so what do you suggest then people do? >> here's the deal. people get tripped up on college costs because they say it's $40,000 a year, i can't do that without borrowing money. the average four-year public  college in america costs just $13,000 per year including room
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and board. after a small tax credit the parents get, and when you break that down per week, i can pay for college monthly interest free at almost every public college it works out to $250 a week. if the kids are working and the parents cut their costs, you can cash flow college. i've done it without loans. >> you are basically saying the parents should slum it up as you put it. >> exactly. drive your car an extra year. drink fewer lattes. >> forgo vacations. >> $250 is an amount of money you can cut costs and get to. >> i want to go back over your numbers. if you add in living expenses -- >> you have room and board. >> i see. >> you'll have textbooks and that kind of thing but you're also going to save a lot of money because your kid is not staying at home taking hot showers, right? >> part of the assumption is parents be a students should not go after the most expensive school. >> right. and one of the things i talk
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about in "debt-free you" is there's an overwhelming amount of evidence that you will not benefit from going to a better college. a study out of princeton found students who get into elite colleges earn just as much. what's going to determine your success is how hard you work, how smart you are, and that's inate. there's no college that's going to make you something other than what you are. >> you are talking about money. i mean, there's a lot of other benefits. there are a lot of other benefits going to a great school in terms of your sense -- you studied art history -- the sense of professors. >> i had wonderful professors. there have been studies that have shown teaching in elite colleges is not any better on avera average. it's very easy to find the class with the best professors now. i had wonderful professors. >> and you're thinking about this idea we should send our kids, if we can't afford to send
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our kids to school and want a lower cost, send them to community college? >> there was a study that shows kids who start at community colleges learn just as much as kids who start in four-year colleges actually have a higher graduation rate. you will save a ton of money by going to community college. the smartest kids in america aren't the ones who go to yale, they go to community college because they're saving so much money. >> it is said there is a value going to a private higher education, basically saying that private nonprofit college students and alumni report that they have greater satisfaction with their education than peers. i want to get that in there. >> sure. there have been a lot of research on this, the bulk of it in my book, and i do look at both sides, suggests on average there isn't a substantial benefit to go into a more elite college. if you go to a less selective college you're going to graduate with a higher class rank and a
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higher class rank is correlated with earning more money. so in a way it sounds weird but the idea maybe you're better off to go some place you're going to be the star, you're going to win all these awards and maybe that's the better approach than stretching financially to go to the best possible college you can get into. >> zach bissonnette, you speak to yourself and your education. >> thank you so much. >> some pretty interesting ideas that will have people thinking and the book is called "debt-free you." and up next, preserving your produce to enjoy them well into the winter months.
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[ male announcer ] when meg whitman arrived at ebay, they had 30 people and an idea. meg's job was to make it happen. it took leadership. focus. and the ability to bring people together. meg whitman delivered. named one of america's best ceo's by harvard business review, she grew ebay 15,000 strong and made small business dreams come true. now meg has a plan to create jobs. fix sacramento. and deliver results. meg whitman. for a new california.
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>> announcer: today's kitchen is brought to you by kraft singles, the american cheese. and this morning on "today's kitsch ep" we're going back to basics, preserving summer fruits and vegetables. if you're wondering what to do
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with all that great produce in your garden, food editor of "yankee" mag deazine is here to show you how to enjoy those foods all year long. i'm assuming you're not telling me to just keep that nectarine on my counter? >> no, no, it will dry up and be ugly. preserving fruits and vegetables, you can either do it by pickling or by freezing or by preserving. what we're going to do first is a little freezing. we're going to make creamed corn. >> so many people love the local corn on the cob right now. >> it's so good. >> you can't freeze the whole cob but take it off the could be. you're just cutting it at angles. >> and i have inside this bowl another bowl so that the corn doesn't go flying everywhere and taking the back of the knife to scrape down to get the corn milk out of there which has a lot of flavor and starch to help thi thicken this up. >> we get the corps off the cob, we're going to end up freezing this. >> that's right. we're going to freeze this. that's one way of preserving.
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i'm going to take this corn and put it into a pan that has some onions and garlic going in it. put that in there. just a little bit of cream. >> okay, a little bit of cream? >> with all that corn in there and some salt and we cook that down until it's nice and thickened up. >> but that's not done. you're going to take and puree it. >> you could leave it that way once it got thickened but we're going to take this one step further and half goes into the blender. put the lid on it and, i hope this works. it works. you never know. >> okay. >> you never know. half of it is pured. >> it's a mixture. >> it gets nice and thick. >> when you freeze it -- you're going to put this in tupperware but let it get to room temperature before you seal it. >> before you seal it and that's very important because bacteria doesn't like cold and it doesn't like super hot. it likes right in between. it's very important to let it come to room temperature, put the lid on it tightly, freeze it and label it.
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>> make sure you know what it is. how long will it stay good? >> six months. >> not bad. you've taken what you froze and used it to make a ravioli. >> i took bread crumbs. if you feel -- there's sweet corn ravioli. >> next blueberry jam. >> that's right. >> this is a different technique. >> i took four cups of bluieries, 3 1/2 cups of sugar, lemon juice and cooked it until it got thick. i boiled it. >> brings up a good point. there's so much talk about food safety with bacteria, with salmonella. doing it in this method, can you eliminate that problem? >> absolutely. if you're at all nervous, check with the usda website or your local ag website. this is guaranteed no problems. pristinely clean. this is hot cooked blueberries
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and i have this funnel which is going to keep it from going all over the place. >> fill it up and seal it. >> keeping things nice and clean. i have this magnetic so my fingers, nothing touches it. this is clean on top. that goes on top. now you could let that cool and pop in your refrigerator or you could keep it for a good six to eight months, under water 20 minutes. >> do you have to refrigerate that when you take it out? >> room temperature on the shelf just like that good forever. >> good information. and preserve the taste of summer i love. annie, thank you. >> my pleasure. >> appreciate it. up next, the "titanic" like you've never seen it before.
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it's been almost a century since the world's most famous shipwreck, the "titanic." researchers are giving a look like never before. nbc's kerry sanders reports now from the north atlantic where researchers had to go on the run to stay away from hurricane danielle. here's his report. >> reporter: two miles down, a view of "titanic's" wreckage like none other. 3-d hd images of the ship's bow, railing, the telemotor.
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in captain smith's state room the bathtub's porcelain, mostly preserved at this frigid depth. along the starboard side which hit the iceberg late in 1912 and sank less than three hours later on the 15th, port holes, some still with glass reflecting the camera's light. and those squares are windows to the state rooms where the millionaires traveled. at the surface onboard the research vessel expedition members gathered in a darkened control room. >> also just beware it will be coming up. >> reporter: they watch the monitors revealing an inch by inch movement of the 3-d camera. the equipment launched friday night affixed to a remotely operat operated vehicle. it's a delicate dance with less than a 1-mile-per-hour current
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down here for a moment the minivan sized rov tangled its line and one accidentally bumped the ship. one question that's long perplexed the experts, why did the "titanic" go down? it was said to be unsinkable, it had waterproof compartments. >> the waterproof compartments went so high and then the water would top over one and bring it down. it was as if you spilled an ice tray full of water and each cube as it fills gradually pulls it down until inevitably the entire tray would sink. >> reporter: one stunning achievement, these vehicles were sent down about 40 meters from the sea floor. sonar readings created the first ever jaw dropping photo quality map of the wreck site. it's long been believed the "titanic" sank in pieces across an area only six square miles
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but now the revealed wreckage strud across 16 square miles. >> these are actual boilers that are sticking up off the sea floor. that is the kind of detail we can can pick out now. >> reporter: and now with that map scientists know where to focus their cameras. >> we have identified places where we thought there was maybe nothing and there's something there. we need to find out what that is. >> reporter: of course for the moment they're going to have safe harbor. we're arriving to st. john's newfoundland being chased away by the storms. when they return they will look in those areas that have never been looked at before. who know what is they might find, maybe a necklace, maybe the heart of the ocean, but of course the historians say that is just a hollywood creation. ann, it was strange this morning, we were shrouded inning to, flat-out moving as fast as we could the way the "titanic" was 98 years ago.
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fortunately no icebergs out here and we have ray are darr. we will be in port about an hour or so. >> kerry, great job. kerry sanders live now this morning. really terrific. those images are fascinating, don't you think? >> we're seeing a lot of images. >> we had a lot on the weekend of the actual "titanic." you've seen the pictures before but to see it in this kind of detail is amazing. >> we want to just chat a little bit more about last night's prime time emmy awards on nbc. let's bring back in al and natalie. hi, folks. >> hey, guys. >> hey, there. >> there was a funny bit we referenced earlier with "modern family." a network executive was telling the cast of "modern family" how they'd like to see some changes worked into the show. >> and they featured a very special guest star. take a look. >> am i sad that a tree fell on phil and killed him? yes, i am. when his brother showed up at the funeral, something happened.
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i like it. am i sad that he accidentally swallowed poison? >> this is stupid. we like the show the way it is. right, jess? >> did we plan on falling in love? >> we didn't plan this. >> that is so funny. >> cute. >> and -- >> it worked. >> the audience in the theater loved it. >> it was great. of course clooney's big night, too. we mentioned before -- >> the bob hope -- >> the bob hope humanitarian award so very fitting. >> well done this morning. we're going to see you back here soon? >> yeah, next hour. more fashion.
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good monday morning to you. 8:56. mike with an update on the commute. >> very crowded out there. we'll take you to some unusual spots. southbound 280 jammed up after an earlier car fire had a lane blocked and quite a spectacle southbound along alpine road. all lanes are clear but still
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very clear. not so bad through san mateo and jammed up through palo alto. both directions slow all the way up to fremont, union city and over to san leandro and a couple of accidents off the interchange making things slower for 24 and 680 slows u through walnut creek. more news right after this.
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the next phase of construction at minutia san jose international airport. the airport is closing runways most commercialal flights use to land. it will be closed for a week and the closure is not expected to affect any flights. brent will have another local news update for new 30 minutes
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or so. "today" show returns in about a minute. have a great morning. anti-abortion groups have the right to free speech, but if they use deceptive advertising and scare tactics as many pro-choice groups claim, we need to take action. pregnant women need accurate medical advice. many pro-life centers give them that. others allegedly frighten girls with films and false information claiming abortion to infertility and breast cancer. if some anti-abortion groups market themselves as pro-choice providers so women considering be a abortion are misdirected to anti-choice clinics, that's wrong. we call on bay area cities to stop pregnancy centers from advertising services they don't provide, through search engines
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and all media. no woman makes this decision lightly. she needs the right information to make the right choice for her. what do you think? tell us at ♪ baby we were born to run back now are more of "today" on a monday morning, the 30th day of august, 2010. in case you missed it, that was the opening number, part of the opening number, from last night's prime time emmy awards. jimmy fallon doing his best impersonation of the boss along with tina fey, jon hamm was in there, the cast of "glee." a pretty good way to start the show. and our two resident experts natalie morales and al roker still out at the nokia theatre
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where that show wrapped up not that long ago and pretty much on time which is a big deal for awards shows, al. >> it did. it did. the show moved awfully quickly. there was a lot of excitement. there was some laughter, tears, singing, dancing. that was just in natalie's dressing room. >> you kidder you. >> we'll have the whole wrapup in just a few minutes. >> i want to hear the rest of that story. also, the night in fashion. there was none of that, i'm telling you. we had a good time on the red carpet. of course we have it all covered for you from here on the red carpet, the night in fashion. we have some of the best dressed in television's big night, the here we go again, al.sing >> we will check back in with you guys. from here we're going to have the question can you actually feed your brain? we're going to talk about foods that help boost your brain
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power. >> the idea is that if you feed your brain well but also exercise, do certain things, sort of exercise your brain, you can stave off the effects of aging which is an interesting theory. we'll find out what the experts from "prevention" magazine have to say about that and we'll be d that is that monthly time when you're feeling all those cramps and having your period. well, we're going to talk about what it really means, what happens in your 28-day cycle and what you need to be thinking about. >> obviously we have a lot to get to. let's get inside with lester holt who is inside standing by at the news desk with a check of all the headlines. hi, lester. all eyes are on earl as the powerful hurricane churns across the caribbean this morning on a path that could threaten the u.s. east coast by midweek. hurricane danielle has moved away from the mainland but not before leaving powerful waves and rip currents in its path. one surfer was killed by the powerful waves in florida over the weekend. today engineers remove the temporary cap from the busted oil well in the gulf of mexico.
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crews can then begin the process of lift willing that failed blow-out preventer from the sea floor which is key to figuring out what caused the april explosion. this is important. officials say they do not expect oil to begin rushing again once that cap is removed. an american watchdog group has found the u.s. has wasted some $5 billion on abandoned or incomplete projects in iraq. but the agency says the u.s. has spent $53 billion on reconstruction projects so far and that there are many success stories including new police stations and government buildings. officials in chile are working on an alternate plan that could free those 33 trapped miners in about two months instead of four. the plan essentially involves widening an existing tunnel. the miners were able to speak to their families for the first time on sunday via video. it's arraignment day for seven-time cy young winner roger clemens. he faces a six-count federal indictment for allegedly lying to congress about using performance enhancing drugs. and the last exorcism topped
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the weekend box office earning $21.3 million. the fill being "takers" came in at a close second. "the expendables" dropped to third. it is coming up on four minutes past the hour. let's go back to al now in los angeles. hey, thanks a lot, lester. and of course we are keeping all eyes on the atlantic right now. we have hurricane danielle moving away but causing rip currents. now we've got tropical storm earl 25 miles north-northeast of st. martin. it should be hurricane earl at 110 miles an hour moving west-northwest at 15. the path brings it up and along the eastern seaboard early saturday morning and then running parallel, so we're going to keep an eye on that and we also have what could become fiona later today or tomorrow, about 1,000 miles east of the lesser antilles moving west at about 20 miles per hour. could follow the same track as earl. we have a busy couple of weeks to look at.
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and right now much calmer picture around the bay area. just patches of low clouds that you've become accustomed to this time of year. in oakland, partly cloudy skies and temperatures in the afternoon closer to 60s and low 70s around oakland. mid-60s san francisco. should be 76 san jose. 80s inland. notice the trend as we head towards the middle part of the week. temperatures real climbing up. 80s and 90s inland. perhaps as early as tomorrow, wednesday and thursday look to be the hottest days of the week, and we cool off as we approach the weekend. and now our emmy coverage continues "today at the emmys." there was a lot of excitement, some repeats, but there were some newcomers including our own jimmy fallon who hosted last night's emmy awards. jimmy fallon kicked off the show with a takeoff on the freshman
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comedy "glee" with the help of its cast in an unusual mix of tv stars. ♪ baby, we were born to run >> the night's winners including several repeats. >> i can sell ideas. >> a 1960s ad agency, "mad men." doing the show in the early to mid-'60s it seems to really reflect what's going on today. >> people make decisions and that's timeless. >> best dramatic actor for his role as a drug dealing teacher in amc's "breaking bad." >> during the time it took me to walk up here i'm venturing there were 200 text messages to my fellow nominees saying you were robbed. >> actress edie falcon, a thr - three-time winner for "the sopranos" won best actress in a comedy as the pill-popping nurse jackie. >> oh, this is just the most diculous thing that has ever, m not funny. >> 18 minutes, guys. >> but there were plenty of first timers. in the upset of the night
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bravo's "top chef" served up its first emmy for best reality show. it's about time a cooking show finally won. >> i know. we got the respect it deserves. >> i can't turn it off. it's who i am. >> abc's "rye "modern family" won for best comedy. >> we are so thrilled that families are sitting down together to watch a television show. >> and after five consecutive nominations best actress in a drama went to kyra sedgwick. for her role as an l.a. detective in tnt's "the closer." actor george clooney won a standing ovation and the bob hope humanitarian award for organizing celebrity fund-raisers. >> when a disaster happens, everybody wants to help, everybody in this room wants to help. everybody at home wants to help. the hard part is seven months later, five years later.
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>> what's the answer? >> i don't know. it's always been a problem, so it's not something new. it's all of our responsibility, your responsibility, it's my e audience's responsibility as well. >> and tv's biggest night was also ready for a fashion close-up on the gowns to the hair, what stars shined the brightest on the red carpet at the 62nd annual prime time emmy awards. here with the hair and fashion breakdown is "today" fashion editor bobbie thomas and celebrity hairstylist. lots to get to. let's start first with the standouts on the red carpet. i think heidi klum was one of them. she looked phenomenal. you liked her hair, jonathan. >> i liked the back, lots of curls in the back. i think everybody had kind of -- like we were talking about before, a grecian, sort of empire look -- >> updo -- >> backdo. >> very styled. >> now the dress, al, what was your description of it? >> zoey-mama. >> mama's for it. she can rock a mini. >> you and i have one question
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for heidi, how do you sit down. >> seriously. i don't think she was worried about sitting. she will looked good standing. >> yes, she did. >> she definitely did. >> she was in marchesa but it was short. >> did you like the dress? >> i liked it. i wanted to see more inches on the hem. >> higher? >> no. lower. men and women have very different reactions to the dress, i think. eva longoria looked great in black. you loved her hair. >> loved her hair. she had incredible hair. i loved the volume and the frame around the face, a soft backdo. >> and the dress was robert rodriguez. a lot of texture. >> the earrings so stunning, those earrings. i really loved that. that was my favorite part with the hair, the colored earrings. the black dress wasn't my favorite look on her. it was beautiful. >> old hollywood. >> right. we he did see a lot of black on the repd carpet which is nice. >> very classic and timeless.
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>> you can't go wrong. >> okay, and then moving on to "glee" star leah michelle, i think she stole the red carpet. >> the belle of the ball. i know, jonathan, i loved her look from head to toe. she was fresh, young and modern but still sophisticated in oscar de la renta. i loved the necklace. you didn't love the hair. >> i didn't love the hair. i thought the hair was just kind of down and boring. i like to see the celebrities sort of step up to the plate. >> but can i ask you a question, she's very young. >> it doesn't have to be a complete sticky updo. it can be a cute ponytail like this with a little volume in the back like bobbie. >> channel bobbie. >> he's in your hair. >> her hair was just kind of down and blah. >> i loved it. >> on the street, great. at the awards -- >> it's okay. we like controversy. >> now we have actress rose byrne. so this is a futuristic --
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almost like a "jetsons." >> i'm a fan of the show and i like the dress. it was clean and chic. what did you think of her updo? people were telling us it was frizzy. >> i think she needs a product for frizzies. there is some serious static -- electric static something going on in that head. >> how beautiful, though. really stunning. >> she just needed to be smoothed out a little bit on top. >> did you like the dress, bobby? >> i loved the dress. >> let's talk about christina hendricks. she's known for her curves. and she had a lot of vavavoom on the red carpet as well in this lavender silhouette. >> it's a zac posen and so rare to see redheads, so i loved not only her fabulous figure but also her hair and i like that she took a risk. it was fun and flirty. it was definitely something different even for her. did you like the hair with the
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purple? >> i loved that hair from start to finish on the secrete. at the awards -- at the awards, i think she could have done something a little more sophisticated. >> are we really looking at her hair? >> we're not looking at her hair. >> what would that be, natalie? >> i'm sorry. >> i thought kim looked great. >> greek goddess was the word. i saw her and she is always flawless. >> it was just hot and sophisticated, it was cool. >> toga! toga! >> absolutely. >> more coming up, the hits and wecomeack. come back. rt lovers. often, the best part of a meal is the dessert. but sometimes after a busy day and a heavy greasy dinner... my system needs some tlc. now there's something new. introducing activia dessert.
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back now here with our continuing coverage on the red carpet of the 62nd prime time emmy awards and once again joining us is the hairstylist to the stars and fashion editor bobbie thomas. we were talking a lot about just the styles that we saw, some of the risk takers on the red carpet and you and i were talking about anna paquin, bobbie, ermier wearing the alexander mcqueen. >> loved this look. >> the body armor look. >> very stark and regal, perfect for the "true blood" star and you liked january jones. >> i liked january jones. i think it was one of those people had a definite reaction. they either loved it or hated it and it was the most talked about dress. and, al, you liked it. >> i liked the dress. >> i did, too. >> i saw her in person. i thought it was really great. you had some questions about it, bobbie. >> not questions. i think when you pick a bold color and a bold silhouette, people are unsure about it but i really thought -- i gave her credit for taking a risk.
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it definitely stuck out. >> her hair is a little messy, though. >> that is the reaction. hair and makeup. >> it didn't really hit it. >> she was so busy getting the dress on. >> such a great face. she could really do anything. >> i thought she really pulled it off. it certainly is a dress that makes a statement, it has the wow factor. >> it's a shame to wear a dress like that and -- >> you think the hair takes away from the whole look? >> she had your hair last night, natalie. >> you would have been bald. what about lauren graham? >> i love lauren but this dress is shapeless and i think this is a really great testament why some work in magazines but not in person. if you stand just the right way, it looked great in a photo. if she moved a little bit it was unflattering on her figure. >> and sofia vergara you did not think quite nailed it. jonathan what did you think of her hair? it was flowy, long. >> i loved it down.
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it was hot. it was sexy. she's kind of that sexy, hot mama. >> she is, yes. >> that's her whole deal. didn't think it was so bad.. >> i just think she's so beautiful there was a lot going on with the hair and the embellishment and the big earrings. there was just a lot going on. i would have liked something more sleeker. >> i think that's her persona. there's a lot going on. >> no doubt. >> we like that about her, right? >> yes, we do. >> let's talk about one of the winners last night, claire danes. she nailed the look. she was glowing in armani prive. >> gorgeous neutral. a color we saw a lot of. she shimmered from head to toe. >> and her hair, jonathan? >> i loved her hair. i thought it was, again, classic and beautiful and timeless. perfect for the red carpet. >> so fresh. >> it doesn't hurt that she took on some hardware from the emmys. great for her. >> elizabeth moss from "mad men"
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with the donna karan and that pale neutral color. i just really thought she was stunning. >> it's interesting. some thought it might be too pale of a dress for her skin tone. and that's something to think about, too, how it's going to complement the rest of you. >> i like that. break the rules a little bit. this one works. >> jonathan, that's an interesting hair style. >> yeah, the hair was a little too poofy and too "mad mennish." i would have loved with that gown, slick that hair back into a great tight bun, really classic. >> she is so young, that hair read older. >> absolutely. >> the new black. >> i like the old black. if you want new black, go ahead. >> in navy and wearing -- yeah, she was in oscar -- sorry,
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carolina herera. >> julie looked stunning in that blue and it was very much a structured silhouette, too, which was very pretty. >> there was a lot of texture on the runway. >> the one thing we didn't see was simple, whether it was the hair. jonathan can agree it was messier. even the fabric was intricate in detailed, either crinkled or embellished, nothing smooth. >> a lot of lace and tulle and scalloped edging. >> tina fey had this beautiful embroidered overlay with lots of textu texture. >> any guys who stood out? >> eric from "true blood" i think everybody was excited to see him. i loved neil patrick harris. very dapper. >> how about ty borrell. he had that gray flannel -- >> i thought george looked
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pretty good. >> george clooney is the king of the red carpet. a lot of the men doing the whole thing "mad men" look, skinny ties. >> you know who nailed it? bucky gunts. bucky gunts nailed it. >> he did. our former director on the "today" show and he won the big award last night for the vancouver olympics. so congratulations. he became the running joke of the night, i think. >> that's right. jonathan and bobbie thomas, thanks so much. >> great job, guys. >> and we'll be back with a lot more including still ahead on "today," is your memory getting fuzzy, like mine is right now. >> up very early. >> food that builds your brain power, i could use that right now. >> and destiny's child turns solo. kelly stops by to celebrate the 40th anniversary of soul train. good morning! ♪ [ female announcer ] nutri-grain -- one good decision...
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emmys. also, you're not going to believe who invented the all-american macaroni and cheese. we'll get to that. it might surprise you. do you often experience the feeling of a dry mouth? it can be the side effect of many medications. dry mouth can be frustrating... and ignoring it can lead to... sipping water can help, but dentists recommend biotene. biotene moisturizes and helps supplement some of saliva's enzymes, providing soothing relief when you need it most. don't ignore dry mouth. look for biotene in your oral care section today. this has been medifacts for biotene. activia is better than ever! hey, you guys. want to try activia's great new taste? today is your tasty lucky day! sure, why not? isn't this the yogurt that, you know... helps regulate your digestive system. ooh, i think i'll pass. no, no, no! trust me. it is beyond tasty. okay! mmm! wow! i can't believe it, i love it! mmm, this is really good!
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new best tasting activia ever! taste it, love it, or it's free! ♪ activia good morning. 9:26. checking in with mike and another update on the toll plaza. a late burst of traffic has a backup and the fast track lanes and take you to the maps, a couple other issues coming out of the eastbound 580 and 980 there's a motorcycle accident. sounds like it might be pretty severe. emergency crews arrive on scene and expect that portion of the maze to start slowing. the east shore freeway lightening up. still a 25-minute drive off the carcenas bridge. down in the south we still see northbound, the 101 really
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jammed um scattered into the labors but it's been a real busy commute coming through the south. >> at least we're seeing mostly sunny skies for most of the bay area. patches of low clouds inland, and our temperatures will stay pretty mild. overall just like we had yesterday. 70s with low 80s inland and the trend certainly for the next few days much warmer weather inland, getting into the 80s and 90s by mid-week. 70s up and down the coast, and as we head towards next weekend some cooling as a sea breeze picks back up heading towards friday. time right now 9:9:27. more news after the break. 27
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san jose will hold a community meeting tonight about the search for a new police. [ cheers and applause ] this is the second meeting about find acreoperationment for retiring chief rob davis. he steps down in okay. tonight's meet is being at 6:00 in san jose city hall, but many people say that the meetings are kind of a waste of time. groups like the aclu and naacp want more openness. they say no candidate names are being released so nobody knows
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who is in the running. the city manager says confidentiality is needed to draw a large pool of candidates, but civil rights group say that a decision is too important to be made behind closed doors. san francisco police are trying to figure out who is stealing copper wire from under city streets. there have been several thefts over the past three weeks causing some power outages. police say it happens between 2:00 and 6:00 in the morning in places that have no overhead wires and usually in light industrial areas. more local news for you coming up in half an hour and "today" show returns in less than half a minute. have a great monday, and we'll see you back here in a bit.
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right here under this roof there are souls and spirits and young people who don't come from any money but carry this extraordinary spirit to like override that. >> oscar winner sandra bullock talking about her passion for the children of new orleans. she calls the crescent city her adopted hometown and on the anniversary of katrina she sat down with matt to talk about why she cares so deeply about it and what she is doing for help and how she is doing these days. we have a special interview with sandra bullock tomorrow here on "today." meantime, i'm ann curry along with lester holt. >> we're holding down the fort.
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>> how late up did you stay? >> the big party for us -- >> i didn't get to one. >> we saw people coming back from parties as we were leaving for work. >> yes, yes. what's wrong with this picture? they're coming back in their gowns still and i'm going to work. >> but happy to be here. >> yes. >> we've got more coming up in our 10:00 hour with hoda and kathie lee talking about the oscars -- i mean the emmys and all the dresses and the hits, the misses, the award winners. >> fashion. >> it's all coming up. >> we have it covered for you. >> hoda and kathie lee. >> great. okay, you guys. and we're also going to have a few more highlights from tv's big night later on this morning. in other words, what happened in terms of jimmy fallon getting up in front of the crowd. >> he did great. he did a really good job, incredible. >> there were a lot of naysayers in the press and on facebook and twitter but, man, he knocked it out of the ballpark. go jimmy.
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information every woman should have about their menstrual cycles and knowing when you're the most fertile to what's happening it to your body in this cycle. every man just now in the studio just turned away as i said that but, you know, it's good information. >> it's good information. and i'm still here. i'm still here. >> thank you, lester. >> we'll talk about foods that will help your brain power. you can, in fact, feed your head. we'll tell you how. >> did you know it was thomas jefferson -- you did know because you told me this -- esident and the writer of the declaration of independence is the man responsible for bringing mac and cheese to america. >> good for him. that's great. >> i know. >> i love that. >> and we're eating some of that this morning. foods and recipes from paris including one for macaroni and cheese and even served it at the white house. we'll get into how to make a wonderful mac and cheese. >> there's a connection between him and dijon mustard we'll find out about. >> there you go. who knew kind of department. first let's head out to los
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angeles for a check of the weather. hey, al. benjamin franklin was responsible for chicken and waffles. >> really? hmm. >> i digress. let's show you what's going on as far as your weather is concerned. chicken and waffles very big out here in l.a. the eastern two-thirds of the country above normal temperatures with thundershowers in the mississippi river valley, below normal out west. midweek we have that heat continuing in the eastern two-thirds with more heavy rain in the mid-mississippi river. we're looking at rain in the pacific northwest and the latter part of the week we have above normal temperatures. the gulf coast, out west as well, the plains states in the upper mississippi will see below here's a nice view of san jose. sunny skies rand temperatures of close to 60 degrees. can you see here on the map 66 san francisco and 62 in oakland. 56 around santa rosa.
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patchy low clouds. it's interesting as we actually have some rain up around eureka and north of susanville and north of chico, part of a trough keeping us fairly mild today. 70s and 80s inland. as the trough heads east, high temperatures soar. 80s and 90s by mid-week. and that's your latest weather. guys? >> al, thanks. we have a lot more ahead this morning. >> everything a woman needs to know about her time of the month and maybe some signs you should know about her time of the month and may[ female announcer ]ould your eyes, they smile and sparkle and itch! when allergies make your precious eyes itch, don't wait for your pills to kick in. only alaway comes from bausch & lomb. with over 150 years of eye health expertise, alaway works in minutes and up to 12 hours. so, trust the experts, alaway from bausch & lomb. because it's not just your allergies, it's your eyes. bausch & lomb alaway.
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9:37 am
who are you?!? i'm your "genie"! weren't you just wishing for something more nutritious to eat? i was! well, you could enjoy the taste of decadent dark chocolate, the crunch of almonds, plus 35% of your daily fiber... plus antioxidants in a kellogg's fiber plus bar. mmmm. right then. two more wishes? i'm good. oh. back to the lamp then. see ya! [ female announcer ] kellogg's fiber plus bars. you couldn't wish for more. >> announcer: "today's woman" is brought to you by aveeno. the beauty of nature and science. this morning on "today's woman" everything you may need to know about your period when it comes once a month on the heels of chocolate cravings and the wild mood swings. it also helps a woman know when their body is healthy and missing and it can be the first sign of pregnancy but it can
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also be a mystery. this month's "woman's day" has all the answers on our periods. health director of the magazine joins us. amy, you can see even as imuffed up the intro, i think a lot of us have a lot we don't know. there's fear and a weird feeling about it. why did you at "woman's day" want to do this article? >> we wanted to do this article would be so women say, oh, that's why i feel this way. that's why i'm hung rear, that's why i may feel a little columnsier during this time of the month. we really wanted to tell women that your hormonal issues affect you throughout the month not just when you have your period. >> so knowing what is happening when is really kind of the idea. >> yes. >> and some of this information, i was actually even surprised by and i shouldn't be surprised by but, for example, when we begin, say, the first five days are the
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period of our period basically and there are some things i didn't know, for example, many people who are in the creative zone, writers, they say that's the most creative period of their month. >> when you have your period is when pms has subsided and you can be creative and the one bad thing is there are cramps but taking ibuprofen can help with that. once you have your period the worst of pms is over. >> the next days, 6 to 13, those are the days women often say are the days they feel the best. >> this is the best time because estrogen levels are high and there's nothing bad to report here and studies show that athletes perform better during this time of the month. it's just an all-around great time. it's a short window. it's about seven to ten days. >> and someone would say they can actually -- there are studies that say women can actually read facial expressions better, they're more intuitive. >> you are probably more intu tiff to other people because you're not so worried about not
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feeling so great yourself. >> days 14 to 15, is that the time -- >> it's a short window. that's when your body is gearing up for ovulation and call it mother nature's way of ensuring we survive, yourly libido is higher. have sex a couple of days before you think you're going to off late because you want the sperm to be waiting there when the egg comes down. >> also, interesting you talked earlier about clumsiness. this is the time you should be careful when you're doing sports because your joints are going to be looser. >> your joints are going to be looser during this period and some women can actually feel when they off late. they get a cramp. they get this bad cramp on your side. >> day 16 to 28. >> this is when you're prepping for pms and the bright spot in pms, oh, my gosh, you burn 100 to 300 more calories during this period. so if you've ever felt hungrier
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right before you get your period, there's a real reason you're burning more calories. of course you want to try to not eat bad things to fill those calories. try to eat peanut butter, whole grains. some foods can help prevent pms. >> chocolate, that's it. >> dark chocolate is good. keep it small. >> it's good for you anyway. i don't eat too much of it. there are signs if you are having irregular periods that you may want to pay attention to, go see your doctor about. what are the signs? when do you really need to go see a doctor? >> spotting in between periods. that could be a cyst. if you have worsening cramps like if you've never had bad cramps and you get terrible cram ms or if you're bleeding heavily during your period, you could have endometriosis or have a mass or a cyst. anything that's off for your period, you should call your doctor and say, you know, i've been experiencing this. is it something you should check
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out? >> and lastly, some women are very concerned about taking the pill without a break. is there a reason to be concerned about that? nope. that's totally fake. studies have shown that's totally fine and there's no medical reason to getting your period. >> helping women and men deal with it, thank you so much. a small amount of chocolate. coming up, foods that can boost your brain purr. [ female announcer ] introducing granola thins. new from nature valley. delicious granola squares lightly toasted for a delicate crispy crunch. layered with creamy peanut butter or rich dark chocolate flavor. an irresistible, melt-in-your-mouth taste... ♪ and nature approves. new nature valley granola thins. nature at its most delicious. can your moisturizer do that? [ female announcer ] dermatologist recommended aveeno has an oat formula, now proven to build a moisture reserve, so skin can replenish itself.
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that's healthy skin for life. only from aveeno. so skin can replenish itself. patience, son. ah! [ female announcer ] sometimes, you can get so much out of so little. woohoo!
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[ female announcer ] especially when it comes to charmin ultra soft. its ultra soft design is soft and absorbent. it has so much absorbency, you can use 7 sheets versus 28 of the leading value brand. so your family can get more out of less. mom's never gonna believe this one. [ female announcer ] charmin ultra soft. enjoy the go. stay twice... earn a free night! two separate stays at comfort inn or any of these choice hotels can earn you a free night -- only when you book at can earn you a free night -- activia has delicious news for dessert lovers. often, the best part of a meal is the dessert. but sometimes after a busy day and a heavy greasy dinner... my system needs some tlc.
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now there is something new. introducing activia dessert. rich, silky, smooth yogurt with desserty flavors like strawberry cheesecake, blueberry cheesecake, and peach cobbler. and because it's activia, it helps regulate my digestive system. mmm. works for me. ♪ activia new activia dessert. if you feel like your brain isn't as sharp as it used to be, now you can help age-proof your mind by eating the right foods.
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courtney smith is editor of "prevention" magazine and one of the authors of "the brain powered game plan." it's great to see you. we talk so much about exercising our bodies and strengthening muscles and losing weight but we don't think about we can affect our mind. >> yes, the foods that you eat is one of the most important influences on your everyday brain skills from concentration to your memory and it can even help prevent alzheimer's. >> we have a lot of food on this table. let's get started. fatty fish. i hear about this, the omega 3s. >> yes. and essential omega 3 fatty acid in salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines is dha. your brain cells are made of dha. people who eat fish three times a week have the highest levels of dha in their blood reduce their risk of alzheimer's disease by almost 40%. >> this is a no-brainer, if you will, for your brain. >> yes. twice a week. >> tuna, be careful because of
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the mercury. >> six ounces. do eat fish two times a week. >> green, leafy vegetables. why is that good for your brain? >> they're one of the most powerful brain protectors. women who ate the most broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, they reduced the age of their brain one to two years in a harvard study and it's because of antioxidants like vitamin "c" that protects from damage of free radicals. >> eat as much. >> and pile on extra color, purple, yellow vegetables. that gets you more antioxidants. >> talk to me about the importance of oils, natural oils in a diet. >> so important. we have them in nuts, seeds, avocado. these are all high in another key antioxidant vitamin "e" and researchers have found people who eat vitamin "e" in moderation from food not supplements reduce the risk of alzheimer's disease by 67%. so, again, eat these frequently. aim for 15 milligrams of vitamin
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"e" every day, two ounces of almonds. >> this is all good fat. >> and so easy. toss avocado in a salad. use olive oil, dip bread into it. very simple. >> if you feel deprived, throw in some chocolate but dark chocolate. >> look for the kinds that are 70% cocoa. they're high in flavonoids. some research points to better brain health. one ounce a day to keep the calories at a reasonable level. >> whole grains? >> here we have thai takeout loaded with a spice that is anti-inflammatory and it actually clears away alzheimer's disease causing proteins in the brain. we need research but it's easy to order and throw curry powder in a salad. here are the whole grains, great for your concentration, fiber helps keep your blood sugar steady. your brain relies on blood
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glucose for fuel so you want a steady supply. when you eat refined versions of carbohydrates, it will ruin your concentrati concentration. the brain is three-quarters water. your cells need it to thrive. you do better on brain power tests. six to eight glasses a day to keep your concentration maximized. >> good, good, good information. i will remember it because i eat the stuff. courtney, great to have you on. thanks so much. coming up, thomas jefferson's mac and cheese recipe. he was the guy behind it, really. "know the species, know the stain." lanolin-free coat, i know it's an alpaca. walks in here, looks says "hey look, it's a llama!" cleaning the stain like he would a llama stain. time he's wasting. ♪ call 1-800-steemer
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this morning on "today's kitchen" the relationship between food and art and mac and cheese. a culinary historian and the
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founder of art and food at museums around the nation, good morning to you. >> good morning, ann. >> so tell me about it. >> art bites is something i started in '07 where i combine art history with food history with hands-on cooking and it makes looking at art in the context of food makes history very accessible and very fun. >> and a person we know, thomas jefferson, loved art and loved food. in fact, you have a board of all the things we can thank him for. >> he lived in france for four years directly before the revolution and he brought back figs, apricots, 86 crates of stuff including kitchen supplies. he grew hundreds of herbs at month cello and grew corn on the champs de'lysses in paris. french bordeaux was his favorite. we have all of these different
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spices here that were -- he was looking -- he didn't necessarily bring them back from france. he was looking at the old world to make the new world better. >> who knew he also brought over mac and cheese? you knew. >> there are ten recipes that survived in his hand. one of them is a recipe as macaroni and he made macaroni and cheese popular because he served it in 1802 at a dinner at the white house. >> and how are you making it this morning? is. >> we're making a modern adaptation. we are heating some milk with a bay leaf and then i have some parmesan cheese which he also brought over. we're going to mix some bread crumbs. these we're going to place on top of the mac and cheese once it's done. we have some milk heated here. right here we have some butter and i will add some flour to it and make a roux and this will thicken our sauce. the early macaroni and cheese recipes were -- had more of a custard -- more of an egg base.
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we're basically making the milk stock. the earliest actual recipe of macaroni and cheese in america was written by mary randolph, a relative of his. she wrote a book in 1845. i'm going to add some of the warm milk to this. and when you make it at home, try not to spill it like i am. and this you just add all of the milk. >> a little at a time? and then basically you keep doing that until it's -- >> until it's smooth and thickened. make a smooth and thick paste. and we actually have a version of it. >> let's move on to that one. and that takes about, what, maybe five minutes? >> five to ten minutes, yes. and here we have a thickened -- this is the bechemel sauce. how are you? >> right in the throes of this.
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what are you adding? >> some english cheddar. some briere. just inspired by some of the places that he visited. >> only a few second left. oh, dijon mustard, by the way. >> this was brought over -- >> he brought over dijon mustard. >> some nutmeg and then you basically put this in the baking dish, put it in the oven. >> thank you. thank you for the cooking lesson. [ male announcer ] when meg whitman arrived at ebay, they had 30 people and an idea. meg's job was to make it happen. it took leadership. focus. and the ability to bring people together. meg whitman delivered. named one of america's best ceo's by harvard business review, she grew ebay 15,000 strong
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and made small business dreams come true. now meg has a plan to create jobs. fix sacramento. and deliver results. meg whitman. for a new california. good morning, everybody. time now is 9:56. i'm brian cannon. want to check in the latest with the morning commute. things are busy in the southwest. still hanging out but shifting
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as far as the backups go. northbound 101. back to the original congestion spot we typically see from hillier up past the airport. but more significant than we'd expect because. early backup coming off the 58 split. 85 slow through this area and also 80 northbound through union city jammed up and starting to smooth out the southbound side and pretty pleasant right now on either of those. >> mostly clear skies around the bay area. kind of a change in the last few days. a lot of low clouds on the coast. you'll notice we actually have rain moving across northern california mainly north of lake county. this is part of a trough which will keep us in bit of a trough in terms of the temperatures to get your workweek started. 70s and will 0s inland. 60s for san francisco. middle part of the week, we start to warm up. 80s and 90s back in the forecast around wednesday. brent? >> nbc bay area news has learned that the nbc police officer shot friday is getting better this morning. 39-year-old todd young is still
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in critical condition after somebody shot him as he served a warrant. doctors say he is stabilized after a pair of surgeries. this weekend there was an outpouring of support as people donated blood in pleasant hill. the red cross said that young needed at least 60 units of blood and will need more as more surgeries are planned. >> i mean, he's out there defending us. it shouldn't -- it shouldn't be too much to ask to come in and donate blood. >> officer young has the wife and is the father of two children. he was shot while trying to arrest 22-year-old andrew barrientos in oakland on friday on a domestic violence charge. police arrested barrientos saturday just a few feet from the u.s./mexico border. there will be more blood drives for officer young this week held at five bay area red cross locations. more local news coming up in half an hour, and the "today" show returns in about a minute. have a great morning. see you back here in a bit. [ indistinct conversations ]
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[ female announcer ] this is not a burger. it's better. because with 57% less fat than regular ground beef, it's better for you. you see, this is a morningstar farms® meatless griller. that's right, meatless. and it tastes as good as it looks. so you can still enjoy
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that grilled-burger taste you love... and everything that comes with it. morningstar farms® grillers® original. [ indistinct conversations ] now that's more like it. [ ding! ] from nbc news, this is "today" with kathy lie gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hi, everybody. it's monday, which we call fun day around here. it's august 30th. tomorrow is the last day of august. >> and you're finally back after a week of country music singers. we have the real singer back in the house. >> it's like that picture of president bush going. >> that's exactly what it's like. how was your time off? >> it was really nice. it really -- i needed a vacation after that marathon birthday
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celebration. >> you needed a break. >> cass and i went out to california first, stayed at a hotel we've never stayed at before, beautiful place called the montage right downtown in beverly hills. you walk out your door, and you're where all the wonderful -- all the wonderful stores are. so we shopped a lot, had a lot of lunches, went to angela's temple, which is the highlight of my trip to los angeles. took maria menudose with me there. >> i did get to see you in some of the papers. there were photos. >> it's where i wear the worst thing possible. that's chris general ner there, wonderful my gold daughters kendall. kendall is going to be 15 in november, and she's 5'10", already modeling and a sweet girl. very, very sweet girl. cassie was there with us, too. cassie is 5'3".
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>> it was regis' birthday, too? >> i took him to a restaurant. he didn't want to go. he wanted to eat at chop salad. i told him he's officially an old fart. i took him to this gorgeous restaurant in beverly hills. it's beautiful. joy is always up for it. i want my chopped salad. >> did you do what, then? >> we went there and he loved it and had a chopped salad. there are other places to have a chopped salad. >> i'm looking at your hair. she did the keratin treatment, the brazilian silk. >> i was afraid of it at first because it was called brazilian. i always go out to louis' salon throughout and a darling girl named alex did it for me. >> how does it sneel. >> i have very curly hair, and it's shinier. i want it to look like jill martin's hair. we're working on t. the first two weeks you have it it's a
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little flat to you. >> i was thinking about doing t. i called about doing it tomorrow. i'm terrified because i think i'll look like a pinhead. don't put the picture off. >> hoda, no. >> enough about me. how about -- then we went to nantucket for a little while. it was great. how about the emmys last night? >> i thought the opening number was really funny. there was a bit in there with betty white and john hamm and it was them doing this "glee" little spinoff. let's take a look at it. >> hamm, look alive we need klee club members. >> great. i'm working on sweet new dance moves. >> come on. >> double down. yeah, yeah. get that going. now back that mother up. oh, i like that. i like that. i like that. oh, yeah.
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>> close enough. >> what the hell are you looking at? >> it was a cute way to start it. so often those things can fall flat. >> big-time. >> in the -- >> jimmy dpal lon is adorable. i ran into him. >> whethn you were out there? >> i was parked outside the beverly hills hotel, and this guy is going in a big escalade. cassie goes mom, it's jimmy fallon. >> our facebook page. they loved jimmy on the emmys, because that's a tough gig. he did the "born to run" beginning which was really funny. throughout he had people sweeting in the intros. >> some of that worked and some did. we're going to talk a little later on with natalie and al
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that are still there. >> we have picks we loved. you loved eva longoria. >> she always looks like a dream. always looks very elegant and stylish. >> i liked claire danes' outfit, and i love that she won for "temple grandin." she's terrific. the ones we didn't love. >> we just didn't love the dresses. >> anna pacquin. it's a metallic blend of things. >> i think she's young, youthful and it was a little old, i think, for her. >> the other one people are talking about is january jones, who we saw her three emmys ago, she won best dressed that night. it was gorgeous. this one, i think, she's a gorgeous -- she can wear anything she wants. >> not the best.
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>> christina hendricks. i'm sorry. i have never seen a larger bazooms in my entire life. you don't see it in that picture, and i love her. i think she's fantastic, but all the men are -- those are -- >> oh, my gosh. >> those are huge. >> they're having trouble staying inside. >> wow. >> wasn't crazy about. >> did you hear heidi montag is thinking about getting her breasts smaller? what were they? g? >> g. >> she wants to tone them down to dd. >> by the time they're 40, they will hate them. >> yes, because you're over them by then. >> when they hang lower than your knees, it is not pretty. >> we don't like that. >> no, no. >> what are we going to do about paris hilton? i thought it was me that carries somebody else's purse. i thought that was just me, but
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no. >> she was in the car. the cops saw a waft of what seemed like pot smoke and the smell. so they pulled up and paris and her boyfriend is driving. apparently in the bag she says was not her bag a little bit of what looked like cocaine fell out. >> she went into the bag that was not hers to get lip balm was apparently was hers. that's when a pak ket of alleged cocai cocaine-like substance. >> she has the best mug shots. >> she knows she's going to get arrested. >> if you look at her pictures, they're all gorgeous. these are the three mug shots. i love how she looks down and has the little eyes up. >> we have the not so fortunate look. >> these are the guys that didn't think they were getting arrested. let's see them them. there's nick nolte. that was my hair before i had the brazilian.
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>> what are other ones? >> we love wynonna. that wasn't a great mug shot. >> this might be my all-time favorite. >> mel is cute there. no. that one. that one happened in connecticut near me where we live, because he tried to get into a bank but he said he thought it was his own house. god bless him. >> what will happen with paris? how many times can you be arrested? >> we'll talk to bonnie fuller about it. this is the second time this summer she's been accused. what are drug rules for and laws for? if you're going to let somebody go every time. >> she was out, and they said because it was two grams or ounces or however it comes -- >> what about being a repeat offender? she's a convicted felon. yes. does that mean she can't vote? >> if you're a convicted felon, you can vote, i think.
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>> i don't think so, hoda woman. >> let's investigate. we have an early "everyone has a story" this week. it's on thursday. my good friend is singing for us. fabulous. let's just pause for a moment and listen to her. that's me. our winner is christy brode from benton, kansas. it was her friend who wrote us the letter. becky walker. i think they're just hearing they're the winner. hi, you guys. >> wow. >> okay. i guess they're happy about this. we're thrilled. christie was diagnosed with primary pulmonary hypertension at 27 and it affects the lungs and your life completely. she spends a week every six months getting treatment, and she wanted to be a teacher. she wasn't able to teach. she stopped focusing on what you couldn't do, right, and started focusing on what you could do. she's developed this wonderful
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elementary school writing contest, and so david and i did something very different this time. ladies, when you come on thursday -- we'll tell bu it on thursday. how do you feel about win sng. >> oh, my god. you have no idea. i didn't expect it. i'm thrilled. >> is this christie or becky? >> this is christie. >> hi. how are you? we're so excited to have both of you. i think it's cool when a best friend writes in for another friend. >> you can tell she has really impacted her friend's life. >> we can't wait to see you on thursday. the special song and the whole we'll roll out the red carpet. we look forward. >> it will be very different. we'll tell you about it as soon as we're able. we have too much to talk about. >> we have to do our favorite things. >> i had a chance to read two books. "same kind of different as me" fabulous by ron hall and denver moore. this one i adored "saving c.c.
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honeycu honeycutt" about a little girl whose mother is insane and is sent to live we are aunt. >> this is a scent called aqua. it smells like tide. you spray it in your house. >> it's like bounce. >> doesn't it smell so good? it's 27 buck online. >> sarah has a book, too. >> we'll do it at the end. >> we're running out of time. coming up next we talk about all the glitz and glamour. >> and the big winners and losers at last night's emmys. you smell good. discover the scin some of nature's best ingredients. we created purina one with smartblend. new, delicious shredded morsels and crunchy bites, with real meat, wholesome grains and antioxidants, for strong muscles, vital energy, a healthy immune system, and a real difference in your dog. purina one improved with smartblend.
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until the combination of three good probiotics in phillips' colon health defended against the bad gas, diarrhea and constipation. ...and? it helped balance her colon. oh, now that's the best part. i love your work. [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health. first timers, old pros, heated rivals, you can't do the wave by yourself. and just like we mix and mingle, so do the delicious tastes and textures in every handful of chex mix. we're made to mix. ♪ i can't hold her hand on the bus. ♪ or be there to show everyone how great she is. but what i can do is give her everything she needs to be excited for school, while staying in my budget. that's why i go to walmart. she has everything she needs. and then some. [ female announcer ] walmart has low prices on not just a few things, but everything on their back-to-school list.
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guaranteed. save money. live better. walmart. new shoes and first time nominees dominated the 62nd primetime emmy awards last night. >> al and natalie are still there. >> have you slept yet? >> no. >> the party continues here. >> we got a couple hours. >> we haven't had a drink yet. maybe you guys can rectify the situation. >> you know what? it's 10 after 10:00 and we haven't either. >> something is wrong here. natt, we were talking about our favorite dresses. what was your favorite? >> you know, i think claire danes really nailed it. she was a classic beauty and was luminous in that blush-colored dress with the sequins and just sparkle all over. al roker, the men loved heidi
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clum, the black mini. we were wondering how she sits down in that. i think claire danes nailed it for me. we saw a lot of sunset colors. you say a lot of lilacs, yellow and navy. a lot of texture. al is becoming very good with the fashion terminology, which i love. he's very in touch with that. >> when hoda and i were out tlshgs the way these things photograph sometimes is just the problem. it's not the dress itself because it's gorgeous live. the way it's photographed -- like sophisophia's there didn't good on camera at all but was beautiful in person. >> it was. >> i thought it was okay. i think as bobbie thomas said earlier, she has a beautiful physique you would like to see more of that. january jones, i think that in person it was like wow, that
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blue peacock and was skaul lcal but it looks like peacock feathe feathers. a lot of peemt didn't like that. >> when you're that young and gorgeous and thing, who cares. >> al, what was it like -- we loved to watch the whole opening number and all the rest of it. what was the vibe like there? >> i think it was a lot of fun. you know, i think the opening number kind of set the tone for the evening. it was just very fun, everyone seemed like they were having a good time. there was all this intercast hanging around. >> john hamm and betty white together was fantastic. >> strange coupleings. >> jimmy fallon did a great job. we thought jimmy fallon did a great job. >> i hope more people check him
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out on his show because of it. he's adorable. what about interviewing george clooney? >> you got a lot of good interviews back there. >> you know, he was really terrific in that -- the thing that makes him so great is he does all this great work and he's so good-looking, and yet she's so self-depricating and has a great sense of humor. he was part of the "modern family" skit where they were talking about changes being made to the cast. all of a sudden the women were replacing him with -- replacing their husbands with him. they loved it. i asked him about that, and he said, you know what? i thought those -- i've got those comedy chops from doing "facts of life." >> yeah, you just sense he's the one person you would to go out
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s and have a good time with sitting around chatting. >> you did a great job at the emmys. come home. >> come on home, but have a safe flight. >> coming back. >> we're coming home. >> see you later. up next, kelly roland has a new destiny. she hops on board the "soul train" for its 40th anniversary right after this. this is a stra. but this is warm, fresh-baked strawberry toaster strudel. [ music ] see the difference? pillsbury toaster strudel, the one kids want to eat. rich fudge over a warm, chocolate brownie like nothing you've ever had before ready made sweet moments in the refrigerated section
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[ laughs ] this is it! [ all ] 10...9...8... a new school year has so much potential! any resolutions? my resolution is the same as always; keep her full and focused with my fiber. [ all ] 3...2...1... happy school year! [ female announcer ] this school year, make a resolution to give your kid kellogg's frosted mini-wheats cereal. an excellent source of fiber from 100% whole grain. that helps keep them full
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so they can focus on the day ahead. keeps 'em full... keeps 'em focused. when allergies make them itch, don't wait for your pills to kick in. choose alaway, from the eye health experts at bausch & lomb. it works in minutes and up to 12 hours. bausch & lomb alaway. because it's not just your allergies, it's your eyes. best known as one third of
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desti destiny's kild kelly roland is here. >> she's here with the new dvd set to showcase the biggest names in r&b. she's here with us, although you weren't here 40 years ago. >> i wasn't here 40 years ago, but it feels like -- soul train just has this life, period. it all started with don cornelius' vision, and then hosting, producing, writing, directing. >> it changed the face of the music industry. >> completely, especially him believing in brand-new talent and putting it on the air. >> were you inspired as a young girl watching it? >> look at that right there. >> you know, that for me when i saw "soul train" that was when you made it. when you get on "soul train" it's like you made it. >> it was like dick clark's american bandstand. it had never been down for the african-american audience. >> he completely believed in it.
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not just that. i remember going on there for the first time and don cornelius greeting myself and the ladies and saying i believe in you guys. you guys are great. we've always had that relationship and friendship with him. >> how old were you when you were on the show? >> 14, 15 years old. >> that's when i met you. >> exactly. >> when you meet some of the artists there were there, who inspired you? >> the jackson 5. stevie wonder. come on. that's one of the best albums ever. >> it is. >> why do you think -- i know it's so prinlt imprinted on us, television show. what is it about the program? >> the fun. one of the things we remember forever is the soul train line. think about it? the fact that we have the soul train line and there's so much energy there. you learned how to dance
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watching "soul train." >> it was a new kind of dancing. more erotic than we'd seen in a good way. >> in a good way. it always changed. you learned about style and so many different things from watching it. you were inspired. >> you can't go to a wedding with the two lines. >> you better be the one coming down. >> the movie will live on forever. >> you got a new cd that's dropping, don't you, coming up? >> i actually have yet to title it. i've asked the fans to help me title it. they're going on the website to help me title it. someone has taken off with this name one woman show or something like this. >> is this the new zuf that's the video i did for the title. >> i like the idea of asking fans to help you -- >> you did that -- >> i wanted too for the book. you have to go with it, don't
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you? >> i believe we should also be able to name ours, what we want it to be titled as well. if we meet in the middle, that's great. they've given some good names. you don't know what people are going to come up with, and you want it to be a reflection of the album and how it feels. i'm still working on this. >> that's coming down the pipe pretty soon? >> yes. >> always have a lot going on. great to see you. >> you look great by the way. >> thin. >> make sure you all have fun going back to those moments of soul train. it's out right now. >> it goes on sale tomorrow. why women haveer tllhe powerin in a relationship even though we may not know it. >> some of us do. interesting grooming.
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thanks. i got the idea from general mills big g cereals. they put a white check on the top of every box to let people know that their cereals have healthy whole grain, and they're the right choice... (announcer) general mills makes getting whole grain an easy choice. just look for the white check. ♪ now the healing power of touch just got more powerful. introducing precise from the makers of tylenol. precise pain relieving cream works quickly to activate sensory receptors. it helps block pain signals fast for relief you can feel precisely where you need it most. precise. only from the makers of tylenol. precise. mmmmmm. mmmmmm. wow! you have got to be kidding me.
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80 calories? light & fit has 80 calories versus 100 in the other leading brand. light & fit. irresistible taste. fewer calories. i love light & fit. good morning once again, everybody. it's 10:26 right now. we're checking in with mike. once again, bay bridge not so bad. >> not so bad. just after 10b, a burst of traffic, breptd. folks heading over this likely because things got a little cheaper over there. now the excitement has worn off so now we're getting back to a minimal backup and cash over from oakland and no delays across the bridge itself. 101 to san jose still a little slow. let's see is that animation. that's not pleasant, but we have been slowing northbound. speeds getting much better throughout the south bay.
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just a cruise on the road through the sunshine zone. >> temperatures around the bay area mostly in the 60s and we did have that chilly start with 40s and 50s earlier on. for the afternoon 70s and will 0s inland. san jose near 80. but the trend from now through the middle part of the week, we start to warm up once again. 80s and 90s inland and lots of 70s along the sea shore and as we head towards next weekend more cooling as the weekend kicks in. more news right after the short break.
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california could become the first state in the nation to ban plastic shopping bags at supermarkets, convenience stores and drug stores. now with a tuesday deadline to pass during the current session the bag bill will likely face a tough vote in the senate. if the bill moves to the governor's desk and he signs it into law by september 30th then plastic bags will be banned beginning in 2012. a new fremont coffee shop in the east bay is in the center of controversy this morning. it doesn't have to do with how the coffee is going to taste but rather how it's going to be served. you new driveup coffee kiosk is open and it will open next month in the parking lot of a shopping center, the corner of mission and warm springs boulevard. it's called your coffee cups and it will feature bikini-clad barristers serving the coffee. some say it degrades women and
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others say it's a great way to put yourself through college. thanks, everyone. the "toda sy"hosw b iac ink a y" minute and we'll see you again tomorrow. we're back on this fun day with "today's buzz." this is all the gossip that's fit to talk about. >> our "gossip girl"s are back. >> we have a lot of stuff to talk about. >> another day, another cocaine bust. >> paris hilton gets according to cops arrested with cocaine and yet is at home and is tweeting about it. >> about stewy on "family guy." >> no mention of it. >> no big deal. it was incredible. she claims this purse that the cocaine fell out of when she was getting lip balm isn't her own.
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it was prepped in a way. it's the most gorgeous mug shot. >> she always takes a good mug shot. >> she can't take a bag bad mmu shot. >> how many times do you have to be arrested? >> this isn't held against her because she's not on probation from her last set of arrests and jail time so it won't have any effect. >> she's a convicted felon, isn't she? she went to yale fjail for 28 d. >> it's been expunged apparently. apparently the guy has lost his job. not a good time to be paris hilton's boyfriend. >> he had to post jail and she didn't. >> you get arrested for whatever it is, and you keep doing it again. >> there's no boundaries. she didn't learn from jail time and apparently got arrested in south africa for a minutes for having a marijuana cigarette she
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claimed was not her own. then the charged on that. in corsica the charges were dropped this summer. she always says it's his friend. >> so lindsay lohan -- did she have a court date? what happened? >> she had a visit with her probation officer, and she showed up in a see-through top and her nipples were showing. not exactly -- >> we had to put the bands oifr it. >> the entire ensemble is not something to visit your probation officer. >> by all accounts they say she is, that picture nonetheless. they say that she's taking it quite seriously this time. >> i'm not sure who is saying that, because she has -- >> her mama. >> she spent most of her time going out every night. she was driving a $150,000 maserati rental and went to the scene of former episode. >> you aren't going there to have lunch with your pastor.
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nobody does that. >> so there's some controversy with the real housewives of new york. they realize how much money snooki was making and they want more money, too. >> seix, seven times more. >> 30,000 an episode for snooki and 4 thousand an episode for the housewives. >> the ratings are higher. >> thewives have done well, and i think people are attached to characters. it's a mistake for them not to reappear. >> they have changed our housewives where the ratings have stayed the same. we can put somebody else in that role. >> i don't think they're interchangeable. >> how is bethany doing? >> she's very quiet. we talked to her on friday at
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is she said her lips are zipped. she can't say anything. so i believe it's about money, too. i think -- kelly's mom is said she's going back. >> what do they do if they're not doing that? >> "the jersey shore" cast said the same thing. mtv said they were going to replace them all. >> let's talk about good news, what elin nordegren is doing, setting up a nice clinic for dysfunctional families and people in distress down in orlando with her settlement money. that's something that -- >> that's what we hear the plan is. she's studying fob a psychologist before she met tiger. she's very intent on getting her degree now. >> tiger didn't have such a good weekend. it started out great, and then went down. >> yeah, yeah. >> at least it started great. i think that's something. you know, i'm more concerned with how elin is doing myself.
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>> i think everybody is, except for my husband. he wants tiger to come back, boy. >> brad pitt had a good weekend, too. >> he was in new orleans. >> people love him. they want him to run for mayor, actually. he's built about 50 houses. >> he's put his money where his mouth is and his time and energy. >> it's called let's build it right. about $150,000 for organically greenhouses. >> the houses are on platforms, so if there's another flood, thenlt be taken down. they're on special hydraulics so the wind won't push them. >> they're always very worried about aesthetics and how it looks. that doesn't look like it fits, but everyone embraces it. it doesn't fit with what new orleans looks like, but they're crazy about how they do it. >> he makes visits to people who have these homes. he goes with no press is around, he and angelina have had dinner with residents.
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they've been very committed. >> it's nice to end on a good note. >> positive note. >> i'd vote for him for mayor. >> i would, too. up next is a slam dunk. the wnba's liss see less see and her husband michael describe why women make the power play in a relationship. >> it has a lot to do with sex, hoda. i want you to listen carefully. >> you are weird. the first grade with her. can'tt ♪ i can't hold her hand on the bus. ♪ or be there to show everyone how great she is. but what i can do is give her everything she needs to be excited for school, while staying in my budget. that's why i go to walmart. she has everything she needs. and then some. [ female announcer ] walmart has low prices on not just a few things, but everything on their back-to-school list. guaranteed. save money. live better. walmart. 100% natural nuts and granola in bite sized clusters. it's a little bit of nature...
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was a single, divorced dad he wrote down dating advice to give his his daughter. >> he turned it into a book. "women have all the power." >> michael sheis here with his beautiful wife lisa leslie, the center for the los angeles sparks. so lovely to see both of you. >> thank you. >> this is a real important book, i think, for tweens, that's your target audience? >> absolutely. >> tell us why. >> that's the age when you make the most mistakes, so if you catch them early -- >> peer pressure. >> peer puressure. they have a whole bunch of pressure. if you catch them early and put some of these values in them early, they'll grow into doing better and knowing better. >> we're talking about trying to combat all the sexual images out there. we saw lindsay lohan and paris hilton and trying to keep your child on the straight and anyway
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roa narrow. >> it's a balance. talking about having sex early or feeling exchange intimate see to love. he wrote it about a daughter's perspective. he takes them out and opens the door and makes sure they understand how a man should treat you. he loves them. >> you don't have stoelgts for that. you settle for what you got, and you deserve what you get. >> you're saying that there should be no sex until marriage? is that what your book says? >> there's other books that say wait for three months. guile can wait you out. wait until you're married and have a commitment. >> you don't want that guy if he won't wait for you, anyway, because he don't have the character you want for a life partner? >> exactly. it weeds them out easily. how do i know a good guy? try that. you weed out the bad ones quick. >> a lot of young girls are insecure and they think they have to do something like that. >> they don't think they're
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pretty and some guy tells them they're beautiful and they're discarded. you talk about men being hunters. >> the thrill is in the hunt. any guy will tell you that. as soon as a woman gives in, then we're like, that's not quite as fun as it was when i was chasing you. i tell my daughters that. that's the key. let a man have something to chase. >> is it working? how are the girls doing? they probably hate you talking about this. >> i have a sophomore in college and a senior in high school, which are the critical ages and the little babies. my daughter said dad, you know, since i've been in college, you were right. you were absolutely right. >> we have a double standard in our world. even though there's much more sexual promiscuis like sex in the city. a woman has that and she's a slut and men have it and they
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say boys will be boys. when will you write a book about that? >> it's coming. it's on the presses. when this book isn't taking responsibility away from men, i put it on women first because i had two daughters that needed that information early. i really feel that women have the ability to fix it, because they can say -- they're in the driver's seat to say go, stop, fast forward, reverse. >> you need that confidence. there's a girl not as pretty or maybe overweight or feels insecure, it's hard to feel like you're in the driver's seat. >> you have to take your power back. when i was dating i went through some of the things you see in the book. michael gives great advice about the things where you recognize red flags, because as girls we work so much on emotion. we're like he's so cute, i like him. men are like she's all right, but they'll do what they have to do to get what they want. young girls have to recognize you have the power. it's all women. we're all somebody's daughter.
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>> exactly. it's not just about the sexuality either but the xhocom decency. >> the book is a good read for tweens and older people as well. see what i have too deal with it? thanks so much. >> good to see you both. the five things you do not want to do while you're shopping. erft things, important, a th.ivis [ male announcer ] at cheez-it, we expect a lot from our cheese... what do you call a cheese that isn't yours? i don't know. nacho cheese! [ laughs ] see, cuz' it's not your cheese but i said "nacho". [ clears throat ] la, la, la, la, la, can't hear you... la, la, la, la, can't hear you... okay... la, la, la, la, can't hear you!! ...that's when i decided to fully invest in my 401k. [ male announcer ] we take the time for our cheese to mature before we bake it into every delicious cracker. because at cheez-it, real cheese matters.
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on today's style the five rules of shopping. >> here to to help us avoid the hello. >> the robin hood of fashion. >> i go into the world's best
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cl closets around the world and get them and sell them for 80% off half price. >> i have a -- >> you give some of the monies to them or keep the money? >> we split it 50/50. >> get his number. >> so you have five fashion don'ts. things you shouldn't do. the first one is if the shoe doesn't fit, don't get it. >> if it doesn't fit at the store, don't get it. here we have racquel, total cleavage in the toe. not pretty. >> if it's too bunched up it looks like it's overflowing. >> if it looks bad, it's going to feel bad. do those feel terrible? >> yeah. >> be careful with the cleavage. sometimes it's good. >> shoes are like bras. >> the stam for jeans, too? >> it's hard to find a good-fitting pair of jeans. >> what you should do is get a
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join 80% there, go in your closet, find four to five other pairs and resell them and take the money and go to a tailor and make the 80% jean 100%. >> sometimes jeans stretchle a little. >> you should tailor them. she got them tailored. >> look at her. she has a great body. get rid of her. >> don't ever come back. >> the next one is don't shop while you're hungry. >> eat before you go shopping. have a game plan. this is a jacket bought by someone hungry. >> you're cranky when you haven't eaten. >> i see what you mean. be focused. what's the one thing you need this fall? this is a camel trench from h and m. if you have that planned and feed yourself, you're good to go. >> you say this is a good one, too, don't fantasy shop. sometimes you know you're going to be a size 8 later, just not
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today. >> it never happens. >> that piece of clothing will be in your closet the rest of your life. this is too large. this is a new mom trying to get back to her old size. the first jacket was a little tight from zara. this one fits better. >> are you still nursing the baby? >> no. >> so you're back to where nature made you. >> it's such a goal. >> if it's in your closet staring at you, it won't work out well. >> what i say you should do is if you have to go up a size, can you tell out the size in the back. all my celebrity clients cut it out so they don't feel like it. >> they're small anyway, 4/6. >> one would think. >> next you say don't occasion shop. what does that mean? >> do not buy a new year's eve
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dress in july. this is a dress you saw in july on sale and pretty and stuff. it comes around to the holiday, my hair is different and i put a little weight on and i can't wear it anymore. >> when should you buy your new year's eve dress? >> you should buy a dress to dress up and dress down. >> we have a great "mad men" feel to it and dress it up with costume jewelry. you're good to go. >> may i ask you where you get your shoes? were you hungry when you did that? was there a big occasion in your life? >> it doesn't apply to men. i have a red sole. >> are you serious? >> i totally made them. i had to have them. >> so you don't follow your own advi advice. thank you so much. >> one last one, don't shop in packs, you say? >> one girlfriend is fine. here's what happens. you go with your girlfriends and
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they're like that dress looks great, and you don't want the dress and you get it. >> girlfriends don't automatically tell you the truth. >> oh, please. >> i do. >> my friends don't. >> did they tell you to buy the shoes or not? >> the so here's what i recommend doing. if you're going to shop with your girlfriend, get one piece you know you'll wear, a statement necklace is important this fall or -- >> don't try to wear it with everything. >> that's true. go shopping with one girlfriend who is a different size. >> got it. >> me and you. >> thank you. thanks so much. we'll be back with more of "today" on nbc.
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we're going over to miss sarah because we didn't leave enough time for you in your favorite things. >> my favorite thing is smart
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girls use dumbbells. this is the best book ever. it has 30 days of strength. i think i get intimidated when i look at the weights that you're not lifting the right partses. this breaks it down so you lift five exercises at a time each day it does a new one. >> it tells you what to do:. >> it's become my cheat sheet for weights. >> have you been a good girl doing it every day? >> ish. >> by the way, you were terrific last week when you were in at 9:00. >> she's a rock star. >> tomorrow rocking sisters ann and nancy wilson of heart. >> we have a great new and and nancy wilson of heart. >> we have a great new and they're going to stop by. -- captions by vitac --
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