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tv   Today  NBC  October 19, 2010 6:00am-10:00am PST

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> good morning. palin's push. the former alaska governor launches a series of rallies for tea party candidates with the midterm elections just two weeks away, but it is this comment that got the crowd going. >> and mr. obama and your czars, you're next, because now we can see 2012 from your house. >> is she setting her sights on the white house? gross negligence. the fertility doctor who treated octomom nadya suleman face a medical board in california. did he implant suleman with a
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dozen embryos at once. this morning, new details that could cost him his medical license. and coffee bars? starbucks begins testing a new menu item, alcohol. could beer and wine be becoming to a franchise near you "today," could beer and wine be becoming to a franchise near you "today," tuesday, october 19, 2010. captions paid for by nbc-universal television and good morning, everyone. welcome to "today" on this tuesday morning. i'm matt lauer. >> good morning, everybody. i'm ann curry. and as you mentioned, it's been a wild campaign season so far and with just 14 days to go before elections, this thing gets more interesting every day. >> coming up, the latest from the campaign trail, including that 2012 comment by sarah palin. there's a big battle being fought in kentucky where this ad from democrat jack conway is causing a huge uproar. did it cross the line?
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does it unfairly question his opponent, rand paul's, religious beliefs. it angered paul so much he refused to shake conway's hand after a recent debate. we'll talk to jack conway about that just ahead. a story ahead that will enrage a lot of people. a firefighter working the scene of a deadly crash allegedly used his cell phone to record graphic video of the victim. and the video ended up being sent to the victim's own parents. they're furious, not only at what they saw, but at what they heard. we will hear from them this morning. is there a way to build homes so they can withstand powerful storms like tornadoes and hurricane hads? coming up, an exclusive look inside a new lab where mother nature's fury is re-created to find out what works and what doesn't. we begin on a tuesday morning with the election now just 14 days away. nbc's kelley o'donnell has the latest on this.
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>> we're hearing from a lot of candidates and interest groups now that the choices for voters are really pretty clear. and we're also hearing that from louder voices. for example, the tea party group, tea party express is on the road and their mission is to fire nancy pelosi and harry reid. and it kicked off in the home of sharron angle. >> tea party americans, you're winning. you're winning. >> reporter: a rousing sendoff from sarah palin in reno. the group, tea party express, is on a 15-day cross country tour to drive democrats out of washington. the ever provocative palin looked beyond november. >> and mr. obama and your czars, you're next, because now we can see 2012 from our house. >> reporter: the president was repeatedly brought up in west virginia's senate debate, where the democrats steered clear.
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>> i respectfully disagree with president obama. he's dead wrong on cap and trade. >> reporter: governor joe manchin is in a tough race against wealthy republican business owner john rasy. >> i hate to inform my opponent, but mr. obama name will not be on the ballot. >> reporter: it's pretty hard to tell that manchin is the democrat. >> president obama or president bush? i'm an american. >> reporter: manchin is trying to link president obama, not popular in west virginia and not popular on everything from health care reform. >> i would like to repeal every part of it because it is pure, unadulterated socialism. >> i'm not prepared to scrap the entire bill. there's parts that need change. >> reporter: to the federal minimum wage raese opposes. he claim it is keeps wages low. >> not like manchin and obama, they enjoy people working for $7.25.
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>> i believe in the minimum wage. i fought for them. >> reporter: the ballot in new york's governor's race is crowded with senate candidates. standing out, democratic andrew cuomo. but a much anticipated face-off fizzled between the tea party-backed carl paladino. >> my critics want to say i'm angry. no, i'm passionate about saving new york. >> reporter: carl paladino told us he is a pretty angry many interviews. with so many candidates, there really wasn't a chance for cuomo and paladino to have the exchange you might have expected. the west virginia race is important to take the seat of the late senator robert byrd. whomever wins actually takes office right after the november elections. matt? >> kelly o'donnell in washington for us. kentucky's senate race has become one of the nation's most volatile contests and now republican rand paul says he may opt out of the next debate
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because he's angry about his opponent's last attack ad that questioned his christian beliefs. >> jack, you should be ashamed of yourself. you should apologize. have you no decency? i will not shake hands with someone who attacks my religion and attacks my christian beliefs. these are something very personal to me. >> word paul walked offstage without shaking conway's hand. mr. conway is with us. we should note we invited conway to join us and he refused our invitation. it clearly ignited the passion of mr. paul. did it cross a line? is it fair, even in the increasingly dirty world of politics, do you stand by it? >> i stand by it. i'm not questioning his faith, i'm questioning his actions, matt. the president of baylor university banned a group that
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rand paul joined. he banned them because they were "making fun of christianity and christ." and our question is why did he join a group that was known for mocking people of faith. and when is it ever appropriate to tie up a woman and ask her to bow down in front of a false idol. >> much of this comes from an article that you wrote on rand paul in "gq." what you do not include in your ad is that there was other information in those articles. for example, this group that you say made fun of christianity and was banned from the university, it says this idea of calling the bible a hoax actually came from a satirical writing. this woman you say was tied down and forced to bow to a god named aqua buddha, in an interview, she said she thought of it as friendly hazing, a joke among friends and she went along willingly. so, did you leave out important
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information to or did you misrepresent facts to score political points? >> i'm not misrepresenting anything, we're not going by the first version of her story. she went back in a subsequent interview, she said the whole thing seemed sadistic, and the whole thing seemed weird and she ended her friendship with rand paul after that. i don't think it's appropriate whether you're 22 years old or 42 years old to ever tie up a woman and ask her to kneel in front of a false god. >> this is an important area of semantics. do you think mr. paul is a man of faith? >> i am not questioning his faith, matt. >> that's not what i'm asking you. do you think he's a man of faith? >> listen, i take what he says, that, listen, he's a christian and i take him at that. i am not questioning that, i am questioning his actions. i don't think it's ever appropriate, regardless of age, to mock people of faith. i don't think it's appropriate to ever tie a woman up and ask her to kneel down in front before a false idol. and this is coming from dr.
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paul's college days when he wrote about there's no need for equality provisions for women, any anti-discrimination laws. >> some other democrats don't necessarily see eye to eye with you on this. senator claire mccaskill of missouri says this ad is dangerous because it reaches back to college. "i think the ad campaign close to the line." "ed new republic," a fairly liberal publication says this is the ugliest, most ill and liberal ad of the year. >> i think that people that have criticisms need to look at the whole situation. rand paul has been ask whether this occurred and he's never denied it. and the fact remains that he joined a group that mocks people of faith. in his college days, he wrote quite a bit for a newspaper and in addition he has taken on the campaign trail. he's questioned the civil rights act.
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the americans with disability act. >> mr. conway, you're in a state that's got, like the rest of the country, 10% unemployment, people are living in desperate economic times. is this, do you think, what they want to talk about so close to an election and does this foreshadow what kind of a senator you might be in washington? are you a guy that goes there and continues the political divide or are you someone who can reach across the political aisle to make changes for people in this country? >> i think i have a reputation for working across the aisle. i have worked with republicans to get a bill on cybersafety passed. rand paul said people need to work for lesser wages and they just need a little tough love. i actually have a jobs plan that will create about 11,000 jobs in kentucky. rand paul is on the record saying he wants a $2,000 deductible for medicare. he thinks social security is a upon. >> scheme that ought to be
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privatized and supports a 23% sales tax. and that's why i'm happy that dccc put me up as one of their social security protectors so there are others in this campaign that we're highlighting as well. >> mr. conway, we appreciate your time. the election in two weeks. i appreciate it. >> my pleasure. we'll get a check of the rest of the morning's top stories from tamron hall. >> good morning, everyone. a deadly attack on parliament this morning in part of russia, an attack by insurgents in chechnya. one insurgent set off a bomb at the gates of parliament. one of two iowa farms that recall half a million eggs this summer in a salmonella outbreak is being allowed to sell eggs begun. but the other producer may be shut down if it does not eliminate salmonella contamination. a new study finds that flight delays are more annoying than we thought. the study funded by the faa says flight delays cost passengers
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more than $16 billion in 2007 in lost time. and the cost the airlines is about half that much. bank of america says it plans to resume foreclosing on 20,000 homes in 23 states. it had been delayed because of allegedly flawed documents. overseas markets are mostly higher, trish reagan is at the new york stock exchange. so more attention on earnings? good morning. >> good morning, tamron. you are absolutely right. a lot of focus on earnings today. you have got coca-cola to talk about, goldman sachs. so definitely a lot going on. apple and ibm came out yesterday after the bell, didn't have very good news as far as investors were concerned because they didn't see the kind of growth that they wanted. specifically, for example, with apple, when it came to the number of ipads that they were selling. iphones were good but some weakness elsewhere. keep an eye on those two.
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>> trish, thank you. and today it's game three of the national league championship between the rangers and the phillies. the rangers beat the yankees, 8-0, helped by cliff lee, who struck out 13. the rangers lead that series two games to one. a man in chesapeake bina who drop cell phone in the toilet. when he reached in to get it, his arm got stuck all the way up to the shoulder. no word on if the cell phone works or if he cares. it is now 7:13, back to mat, and al. >> if you had dropped a cell phone into the toilet, what would you have done? >> al and i would be in the store buying a new cell phone. and if our amprm got stuck, we would be giving up the ample. >> since you have been here doing the news, yankees have not been doing so well.
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>> i've got my mojo working. >> tamron's from texas. out west, they are looking at wet weather from san francisco down to san diego. take a look at the radar, you can see it's moving from east to west, there's a spin around that system. some areas may pick up to an inch or more, up to two inches of rain just to the east of here's a gorgeous view from san bruno with the blanket of low clouds close to about 500 feet and lower. right across the water, we have the patchy fog through 10:00 or 11:00 and stick around the coast. the highs in the 60s and closer to 70 in oakland. mid-70s inland and you will notice in the seven-day forecast, tomorrow about the same and clouds still in and a chance of showers late on thursday.
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>> and that's your latest weather. the world's biggest insurance companies are opening a giant lab today where they can re-crea re-create -- tom, sounds pretty cool. >> pretty cool place. al should be here, we're in a six-story test chamber here, and behind me, two three bedroom homes that are built to be modeled exactly as homes in the southeast. >> from hurricanes to tornadoes, floods to wildfires, natural disasters cost some $26 billion in property damage last year alone. and took an even greater human toll. now after years of crash testing cars to force automakers to improve safety, the biggest insurance companies in the world are taking aim at the construction industry.
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with a massive new lab built to re-create mother nature's fury, starting with wind and rain. watch the home on the left, a replica of a home built to code in bloomington, illinois. it collapses in 100-mile-per-hour winds. while the home on the right remains standing. the same floor plan, but re-enforced. one key difference, the front door on the right opens out. the front door on the left, opens in. >> once that door blew in, the house was pressurized and basically started to explode and then collapsed backwards and became really just a pile of debris. no longer somebody's home. >> reporter: but was it a fluke? to find out, they built another home then prepared to turn on the massive wall of wind. 105 fans, each one pumping out 300 horsepower, with a combined output of 1 40 miles an hour that's the equivalent of a
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category 3 storm. this time the house starts coming apart in 95-mile-per-hour winds. >> a lot of siding, we lost soffit officials, we lost siding from around the edge. >> the siding on this house just literally ripped free. >> it's really not rated for high winds and for a modest additional cost you could go to a product that is rating for high winds. >> for just $3,000 more, the re-enforced house school still, with stronger nails, better deck, better shingles and siding. and a frochbnt door that opens not in. >> if a business remains in operation, everybody wins. >> that's the goal here to take what they have learned here and turn it into hopefully better construction and suggestions for construction companies across the country for homes and businesses. here is the roof that blew off
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that first overwhelm, eventually they are going to be testing hail and even wildfires, and we'll be back for that too, we hope. >> i think they probably will invite you back, tom costello. >> we have ask the people to turn those fans on right now while you're there. >> you know who's here? jim cantore is here. so if he's around, there's got to be a disaster lurking. >> get out of the way, tom. >> that's spectacular and they have been building homes to code for hurricanes down along the southeastern atlantic coast, so this is really long overdue. >> you think we would have thought about this earlier. the door going out rather than going in. >> you see that all the time in a hurricane and tornadoes. now to the place millions of people go every day for a cappuccino or a coffee.
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it's something starbucks is thinking about and they're testing out the concept at their flagship store in seattle. kristen welker is there, cheers. >> reporter: this is definitely not your typical starbucks because right above the coffee selection, you have wine and beer. it's a new mix for a company that's nearly 40 years old. ♪ i love coffee i love tea . >> reporter: america's love for coffee has propelled seattle's starbucks into one of the country's most influential chains. but now the place where many of us get our morning pick me up is brewing something new. that's right, wine and beer now on tap at the same place that's become synonymous with the barista coffee club.
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more than 70% of its business comes before 2:00 p.m. starbucks is opening it's evening business will give the company a bite of the after work market. cheers? cheers. definitely not what you would expect at starbucks. >> i look at it as a community gathering place, you may want wic wine at night and i may want a latte. >> it's carefully designed to give customers the feeling of a neighborhood bistro. >> if you look at how well a trend starbucks is in terms of coffee. i think it might take a while for people to realize it's a great place to go after work. >> reporter: over the years the brand has expanded it's merchandise and movies, but more recently starbucks has gotten back to basics to perfect our
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art of espresso. so how well will the hard core coffee crowd make this the beer business? only time and taste will tell? >> it's really nice to have the best of both worlds, have your friends choose what they may and have a conversation. >> coffee and tea, that's it. i don't want to sit down in a coffee shop and drink a glass of wine. i just don't. >> now the company is also increasing its commitment to sustainability, so a lot of the furniture here is actually made from recycled goods. don't expect to see this concept, this entire concept to play out at a starbucks near you, they're going to see how it plays out here first and decide whether or not to expand. you can't actually buy beer or wine here until 4:00 p.m. so we are quite happy to have a hot cup of coffee for right now. >> thank you very much. we appreciate.
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>> think about it, it hits all the notes, it's got chocolate, coffee and wine. my favorite foods. just ahead, should nadya suleman's fertility doctor lose his medical license for repeatedly implanting her with multiple embryos? we'll see but first this is "today" on nbc. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina.
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she's against banning assault weapons... and that's reckless and dangerous. she's for risky new oil drilling that could threaten our jobs.
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fiorina's plan would mean slashing social security and medicare, which would devastate seniors. and she'd make abortion a crime. no wonder fiorina is endorsed by sarah palin. carly fiorina. just too extreme for california. [ boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message. coming up a firefighter allegedly records a disturbing video of a deadly car crash and it ends up in the hands of the victim's outraged parents. >> that's after your local news and weather. ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ male announcer ] every day thousands of people are switching from tylenol® to advil. to learn more and get your special offer, go to take action. take advil®.
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good morning. time now is 7:26. checking your commute taking us to san rafael. >> a big rig is blocking the slow lane. this is about an hour longer than they thought to clear. north san pedo road to 580 is the concern. this is a start for a north bay jam. we have the san mateo bridge offering a little slower. bridge is still there. >> you have the fog this morning. across the water around the bay, we are seeing thick fog and for
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the afternoon, a goernluous forecast. should be in the mid 60s around game time with patches of low lowe clouds and close to 80 in the warmest places. we will see more clouds for thursday and a chance of evening showers mainly into friday and . 7:27. more news after the break.
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. pg&e will be on the hot seat as a senate committee tries to get to the bottom of an
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explosion. they will look at the maintenance and inspection and ask to make sure it doesn't happen again. as pg&e defends themselves, they offer to buy them out. 18 homes were badly damaged in the september 9th blast. they are offering to buy out home ownerships that want to leave and promises a bonus to people who sell within the next six months. mer local news in a half hour and the "today" show returns in less than a minute. i'm jerry mcnerney, and i approved this message. he worked his whole life, served his country defending our freedoms, and depends on social security. so, who would want to privatize it? corporate lawyer david harmer. harmer's social security privatization plan would cut guaranteed benefits and gamble with social security on wall street. while we worry, harmer's wall street friends
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would make billions in profits from privatization. david harmer. a social security privatization plan we can't afford. 7:30 now on a tuesday morning, the 19th of october, 2010. check out all the folks gathered out on our plaza. the rain seems to have stopped for the time being. should get nicer as the day goes on. we'll get outside and say hi to those people in a couple of minutes. meantime, i'm matt lauer alongside ann curry while meredith takes some time off. and next in this half hour, a really disturbing story. >> a firefighter at the scene of a deadly accident allegedly used his cell phone to record graphic video of the victim. that was shared around the firehouse and that video eventually ended up in the hands
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of the victim's own parents. also ahead, how would you like to hear this on your answering machine? >> just ahead, "today" investigates debt collectors, like it or not, they do have a job to do, but in this tough economy, are some now crossing the line? some even going way over the line. we're going to have more on that coming up. plus did octomom nadya suleman inject ms. suleman with more than 12 embryos at a time? we're going to find out if that doctor should be stripped of his medical license. and in georgia, a firefighter is accused of taking and sharing cell phone video at a deadly car crash. we're going to talk to the victim's parents in just a moment. but first, here's our report from nbc's ron moss.
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>> reporter: the spot where dana died is today a peaceful memorial, across the road from a field of flowers in her favorite color. when her parents say what has shattered them even more than losing their daughter was getting a cell phone video of her body taken just moments after the suv she was driving crossed the median, flipped multiple times and slammed into several trees. the video, too graphic to show was allegedly shot by a firefighter on the scene and later shared around the station house and eventually sent to the parents. >> this person has no compassion. to have taken a video like that of our daughter. >> reporter: two voices can be heard describing body parts. >> oh, my god. >> i can see them going to her and seeing if she was still breathing. they were worried about what was on the console and i was just very upset and hurt that somebody could do this and
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disrespect my daughter in this way. >> reporter: county officials declined to go on camera, but the fire chief tells nbc news he's still trying to gather all the facts and that shooting video like this is not condoned and is not normal procedure. >> reporter: pictures of a california teen who died in car crash were put on the internet. for "today," ron mott, nbc news. >> good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> jeff, how did you first hear about this video? >> an ex-brother-in-law who i hadn't seen in quite some time who had received that video from someone that he knew. once he received the video and the person told him, you know, this is the accident of the
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young lady on the highway, he knew immediately then that it was probably my daughter. he then contacted me and said, look, i've got a video here and i'm so ashamed, but i have to tell you, it's of your daughter and of course i had to know so he sent the video to me. and i viewed the video and you know, without a doubt, it was our daughter dana and it was just too terrible to put into words really. >> lucretia, what was worse, seeing the video or also hearing what was being said as the video was being recorded? >> i don't know which one is worse. seeing the video of my daughter, it hurts because i didn't want to see her that way. but hearing them with no urgeyuy
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to see if she was okay really upset us. >> jeff, you said that there was a casual tone with regard to your daughter? >> if you listen to the video, it sounds like a casual conversation. they're discussing parts of the accident, but you could -- you just don't hear them say let's get in there and see if she's okay, let's reach in and check for a pulse, let's get this thing open and get her out of here. it was just more of a conversation of what the scene described. and it would be my contention that these guys when they come on the scene, they really need to be focused on the victim and who's hurt and not, you know, commenting on things that are happening at the time. and it just sounded like to me that these guys were just having
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a conversation, just like you and i are having right now and there was just no urgency there to even check her to see if she was still alive. so that's very upsetting and that disturbs us very much. >> the spaulding county fire department has apologized but it's been more than a month since you heard about the video and the sheriff's department investigator says they're not sure if there are any laws broken. if there are no laws broken by what has happened to your family, do you want a law written so that this cannot happen again? >> oh, absolutely. it is so easy for this to happen to anybody. any responder on any scene at any time who's allowed to have his cell phone could take these videos. i think they should not even be allowed to have cell phones when they're out on these calls. they have their radios, they can communicate with each other, what reason would they have to
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have an actual cell phone? i would love to see a law passed or something enacted through legislation that they're not allowed to do this. if they're not given the opportunity, then we don't have to worry about it ever happening again. >> the impact on your family has been pretty extensive. lucretia, i understand that you have had trouble sleeping ever since you have seen this video. how are you and your family coping with this added trauma? >> through god and the strength of each other. it's hard closing your eyes because when you close your eyes, that's what you see, is dana laying in her car and not being cared for the way she deserved. so we're just getting through it with each other. >> all right. the worst part is this lack of
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compassion that you are feeling and i hope that you begin to feel the compassion of everyone listening now to your story. jeff and lucretia, thank you very much and we wish you all the best. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. and we're going to make a hard turn now and get a check of the weather from al. >> and as we take a look down tt the tropics, the western cariicean, we have got an area of disturbed weather, a 30% chance of a tropical cyclone which would be richard if it became a storm but it looks like it's not going to affect the u.s. and that's good news. 40 and 50s in new england through the great lakes, 50s and 60s back into the pacific northwest. some warm weather, a little touch of 90s down in southern texas. we have got wet weather, morning showers in the mid-atlantic cities, that will clear off here's a view.
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you can see the tower off in the distance from san bruno mountain and a blanket of low clouds and fog that will break up and areas further away with the sunny start to your morning. 70s inland and 76 in san jose. 60 no, sir san francisco and close to 70 no, sir oakland. morning fog and afternoon sun. we will see a chance of showers arriving thursday and more rain likely by sunday. >> and that's your latest weather, don't forget you can track your weather all day long on consumer horror stories, why are debt collectors targeting e ca some cases they don't even owe. "today" investigates right after this. but there's one that's so clever, it makes your skin look better even after you take it off. idn mliakeup.
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allow for fuel savings, lower emissions and less noise... ♪ ...making the old way of doing things... [ air traffic controller ] 245, you are cleared to land. [ male announcer ] ...seem less than graceful. ♪ back now at 7:42 and this morning "today" investigates
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debt collection, it is a multibillion dollar industry. in this struggling economy, debt collectors have become far too aggressive. >> good morning, the federal trade commission says complaints of abuses by debt collectors has jumps as the economy has deteriorat deteriorated. and we're hearing horror stories not just of debt collectors, but companies that buy old unpaid debts and try to collect. a landscaper did a lousy job on a backyard project and wouldn't come back to fix it. before long they heard from a debt collector claiming they owed almost $15,000, much more than the project was even supposed to cost. >> we didn't know the debt collector any money. >> reporter: the calls became increasingly aggressive.
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>> get a hold of me to stop this 1099 form from going to the irs. >> reporter: even threatening to follow the couple. >> additionally, nick, there will be a couple of investigators shadowing you and melody for a couple of days. >> i was pretty scared to find out how far they were really going to go. >> i felt threatened and i felt more importantly that my family was being threatened. >> reporter: the whitlocks fought back suing the debt collecting agency. complaints about debt collectors has jumped from 91,000 in 2007 to 120,000 last year. >> more collectors are engaging in more aggressive tactics to get consumers to pay debts, in some cases getting consumer who is don't owe the debt to pay it anyway.
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>> reporter: the most common complaint, harassment, including abusive, obscene and threatening phone calls. >> give me a call back within 24 hours so that i can issue that warrant for your arrest. >> this call full of racial slurs occurred two months ago in california. >> you [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> of course there are a few bad actors out there but that doesn't speak for the vast majority of debt collectors. >> it's increasingly different to even talk to consumers. he says collectors reach only about 1% of consumers called on a daily basis. >> i do believe there is an increase in evasion on the part of consumers not wanting to deal with their bad debt.
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>> whathe debt buyer tries to collect. -- >> one study found that here in new york city more than a billion dollars in judgments. she tried to buy lunch with her debit card and to her embarrassment it was rejected. she called her bank and learned that a debt buyer was suing her and that a judge had frozen all her money. >> i was completely panicked, i don't have any other credit cards, so that meant not being able to buy food. >> did you owe them money? i had never shopped at that store. i didn't know what they were talking about. >> the debt buyer insists it had
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warned her about the debt in it's lawsuit against her with papers served at this address. >> have you ever lived at this address? >> no. >> has any member of your family ever lived here? >> ricardo fought back, but many consumers don't get such a happy ending. debt buyers have flooded the courts with lawsuits. peter berry says his client, a single mom in minneapolis was arrested at work, taken to jail and held for two hours. after a debt buyer got a judgment against her for a debt a court later ruled she did not owe. >> it's actually debt buyers don't care whether or not the consumer really owes the debt. debt buyers are interested in collecting the debt. >> a spokesman for the industry disputes that. >> the majority of our industry wants to work with the consumer. >> do you acknowledge that folks in your industry have harassed
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people even after they have proven they don't owe the debt? >> i don't think that is happening with the majority. of course that happens occasionally with the people that we don't have to have in our industry. >> reporter: the ftc recently concluded that the -- the federal government says debt buyers are sometimes going to court, getting judgments against people based on flimsy or even inaccurate information. i mean is that fair? >> in large part, i don't think that is what's happening. we're going to work with the court systems to make sure that we're getting them the information they need. >> reporter: all sides agree on one thing, if you get contacted by a debt collector, the worst thing you can do is ignore it. contact the collector, get documentation of what it is you allegedly owe. if you don't owe it, dispute it. if you do owe it, make some arrangement to start paying at least a little something. >> lisa myers, some horror
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stories. coming up from getting out of debt to racking up debt. we'reng soomif some gift ideas courtesy of neiman marcus. but first these messages. if you live for performance, upgrade to castrol edge advanced synthetic oil. with eight times better wear protection than mobil 1. castrol edge. it's more than just oil. it's liquid engineering. and the life you want to live. with rheumatoid arthritis, there's the life you live... fortunately there's enbrel, the #1 most doctor-prescribed biologic medicine for ra. enbrel can help relieve pain, stiffness, fatigue, and stop joint damage. because enbrel suppresses your immune system,
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it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, and other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis. ask your doctor if you live or have lived in an area where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. and help bridge the gap between the life you live... and the life you want to live.
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[ indistinct shouting ] ♪ another day ♪ another dollar ♪ daylight comes [ dogs barking ] ♪ i'm on my way ♪ another day ♪ another dollar ♪ working my whole life away ♪ another day ♪ another dollar trying to be big like you, dad. you're so good at keeping everyone full... and focused with your fiber. [ laughs ] but you already are great at doing that. really? sure. you're made with fiber, just like me. but best of all, you're the perfect size for smaller kids. [ female announcer ] give your little ones kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats little bites™ cereal
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in chocolate and now original flavor. they're an excellent source of fiber packed in a smaller size. [ doorbell rings ] oh, it's original little bite™. we're off to practice keeping 'em full and focused. yeah! we've got big shoes to fill! still ahead, new details on the controversial decision -- was she implanted with 12 embha. more than she said in the past. >> and will the doctor who implanted them lose his license?
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♪ [ sniffs ] morning. you got in pretty late last night. dad, i'm not sixteen anymore. still, it was late. well... you're not gonna have to worry about that anymore. yeah, why's that? ♪ todd's a lucky man. ♪ the best part of wakin' up... ♪ that's what i told him when we talked last week. ♪ folgers in your cup we went around the country asking women to speak frankly about something no one wants to talk about. toilet paper has to get you clean. period. it's not just about, you know... but it also has to keep your hands clean. toilet paper has to help keep me clean... while getting me clean.
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quilted northern soft & strong is now 50% stronger to help protect against breakthrough. it has the strength that i can count on. and it's still soft. quilted northern soft & strong. protection for a confident clean or your money back. i couldn't sleep right. next day it took forever to get going. night after night, i sat up. sprayed up. took a shower... or took a pill. then i tried drug-free breathe right advanced. and instantly, i breathed better! i slept better. it felt...better. thank you, breathe right! [ male announcer ] breathe better, sleep better, feel better. now try new breathe right advanced for free... at [ woman ] it's my right to breathe right. isn't it your right, too? but basically, i'm a runner. last year. (oof). i had a bum knee that needed surgery. but it got complicated, because i had an old injury. so i wanted a doctor who had done this before. and unitedhealthcare's database
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helped me find a surgeon. you know you can't have great legs, if you don't have good knees. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. know what else you get with every new toyota? wow... what is it? peace of mind... a complimentary maintenance plan with roadside assistance. it's called toyota care and we're the only full-line brand to offer anything like it. we look so happy and worry-free. you are. [ male announcer ] introducing toyota care -- featuring a complimentary maintenance plan with roadside assistance for every new toyota.
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good morning. 7:56 right now. checking the latest on the morning commute. mike inouye takes us to livermore. >> it's slow, but slower than we expect for a tuesday at this time. 27 minutes and most of the slowing is before the cutoff down towards sunol. that's to be expect and out of pleasanton and a live shot shows you the slow down. it clears up where they start the express lane and things are pleasant at the top of the hills. the low clouds around there might affect your view and it will affect your forecast. >> a good tuesday morning.
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low clouds and fog and the afternoon will look nice. mostly 70s and close to 80. 65 in san francisco and the seven-day forecast looks mild and warm the nex d days and a chance of showers late on thursday. ♪ great work everybody! now freshly remodeled, your target has never been better. so who called prop 13 a "fraud" and a "rip off?" jerry brown. who raised the gas tax as governor, and pushed for higher sales taxes? jerry brown. who tried five times to raise property taxes in oakland? jerry brown. who supported higher statewide income taxes? jerry brown.
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and who says, if elected, he'll ask voters for even more new taxes? jerry brown. governor jerry brown, again? hide your wallet. what are you doing, friending somebody? yeah. you got time for that? you got time to earn more on your savings, online at that's new school banking, baby! instead of earning squatootski... your savings will be earning three times the national average. now, let's review. capital one interestplus savings... at three times more. go to what's in your wallet? are you a pisces? new this morning, san francisco is getting ready to do away with toys in kids meals. the board will consider the health meals initiative if a ai
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meal is sold with toys targeted at kids, it has to include fruits and vegetables and not have excessive calories, sodium, fat, and sugar. toxic nail salons. they will recognize salons that go green. a trio of toxins found in most nail products can be harmful and cause nausea, headaches. have awe great morning and we will see you back here in a little bit.
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you 8:00 now on a tuesday morning. it's the 19th day of october, 2010. check it out. santa claus is coming to town. yes, it is only -- hello, santa. it's only the 19th of october. you might say why is st. nick here so early? well, guess what, he is checking out some of the lavish products in this year's edition of the neiman marcus gift catalog. that one right there has got the attention of some crew members, and we're going to find out more about what you can find. good ways to spend a little cash. >> a lot of cash, actually. >> a little cloudy out this
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morning. >> i'm matt lauer along with ann curry, and meredith takes some time off, and mr. roker joins us as well. we take a look at some of the other christmas ideas. >> we're talking about the octo-mom. she's back in the news, because now she has been talking about being implanted with six embryos resulting, but now the fertility doctor is being accused of using 12 embryos, and he is actually facing the possibility of losing his medical license. we'll get into that this morning with dr. nancy snyderman. then later on just in time for the holiday, guess what. >> what? >> airline prices are going up. what a shock. we are going to tell you it's not too late and how to find some great airline deals out there. >> a lot to get to. cameron hall is filling in at the news desk, and ann is next to us here. good morning once again. good morning, everyone. just two weeks until voters cast
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ballots in midterm election that is could loosen the democrat's grip on congress. former alaska governor sarah palin launched her 19-state tea party express monday in nevada. she's trying to help republican sharon engel unseat harry reid. michelle obama campaigned monday for connecticut senate candidate richard bloomenthal who is locked in a tight race with linda mcmahon. big protests over raising the retirement age in france this morning is threatening to turn the city of let's into the city of tear gas. nbc's stephanie daas is in paris. stephanie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. well, since the french government announces a two-year increase in the retirement age from 60 to 62, there have been six national protests striking this country. today is expected to be the biggest. millions of people are going to turn out in the streets around france. the biggest protest will be here in central paris.
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clashes between students and police have been the most violent. they are nowhere near retirement age. most don't even work. they worry their futures are at risk. in a paris suburb, police shot rubber bullets and tear gas after a groop of high schoolers lit cars on fire. the police blockaded the school and provoked us, the stupt says. in last week a backlash over a proposed two-year increase in the retarmt age from 60 to 62 has triggered demonstrations and strikes that threaten to strangle the french economy. the government hasç lost all credibility, this worker says. the anger over the modest age increase may come as a surprise to americans who already work harder and until a later age. u.s. workers get an average two weeks of vacation a year. the french? a month. by law in france the workweek is only 35 hours long. even so, one poll estimates that 70% of the population here supports the strike. for now french president nicolas
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sarkozy and his government say the changes are tough, but necessary. they won't back down. this was expected to take place on wednesday. they've push thad back to thursday. even so, it's expected to pass easily. >> stephanie, thank you. u.s. postal officials are offering a $25,000 reward to help solve a deadly post office shooting monday in western tennessee. police say two female workers were killed. investigators are looking for a pair of gunmen. now, here is brian williams with what's coming up on tonight's "nbc nightly news." >> hey, good morning. thanks. coming up tonight on "the nightly news" we'll look at a drug used by millions of women. doctors now believe this medication is more dangerous than they once thought. we'll have some crucial new facts for you along with the rest of the day's news tonight on "nightly news." for now, back to you. >> all right. it is 8:04. now back to matt and ann. >> rethink the coat thing out here. it's a little chilly. >> i know.
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>> matter of fact, no coat needed. >> worked out okay for you. >> there you go. we've got some young farmers here. generation organic. what's the deal here? you were here yesterday too. >> we're a group of young organic farmers looking for a stable agriculture future. >> thanks for coming down. thanks for doing the farming. we need you. let's check the weather and see what's shaking. houston, texas, local 2. sunshine, warm. 86 degrees. jet stream right now takes a dip over the northeast, so that brings the cool air in. sunny and warmer, though, down to the south. mild out west with dry weather, but take a look. a little bit of a kink out in the pacific northwest by thursday. that brings some rain there. a little kinky weather here in the pacific northwest. showers over the northeast. then we've got that upper low over the southwest. that's going to continue to bring showers to that region here's the view again from san bruno mountain. you can see the blank kest low
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clouds. inland, warming nicely. away from san francisco and the coast we'll see 60s. here 70s in oakland with hazy sunshine. waking up with more morning fog. tuesday, more clouds fill in. we'll probably see some showers overnight thursday and early friday. then a better kplans for rain on sunday. >> and that's your latest weather. coming up, did nadya suleman's fertility doctor ignore the rules and deliberately implant her with 12 s onyo ? we're going to have new details on that story coming up right after this. there's nothing for 25. but they will let me give you the same seat for a big miles upcharge. how's that sound? for that many miles we'll be stuck taking a "staycation." [ imitates engine revving ] [ angie ] i'm through playing games. i switched to the venture card from capital one. vacation, here we come! [ male announcer ] don't pay miles upcharges.
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don't play games. get the flight you want with the venture card at b what's in your wallet? [scraping] [piano keys banging] [scraping] [horns honking] with deposits in your engine, it can feel like something's holding your car back. let me guess, 16. [laughing] yeeah. that's why there's castrol gtx... with superior protection against harmful deposit build-up. don't let deposits hold your car back. get castrol gtx. it's more than just oil. it's liquid engineering. ["stir it up" playing]
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stir up a smile with hershey's syrup. is it real? no. it's just decorations. i'm going to make the biggest pumpkin of all. the biggest pumpkin? ♪ i need to make a witches hat. in case my hat falls off. it's pointy and then... a spike. mamma. oh, that's a good broom. [ female announcer ] the best treat is the one you get at home. rice krispies® childhood is calling.
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back now at 8:09, a hearing is now underway to decide if the doctor who implanted nadya suleman with 14 embryos should lose his medical license.
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>> reporter: the fertility doctor walked into a los angeles medical hearing where a deputy attorney general called it negligence and argued he should be stripped of his medical license. the charges stem from care he gave at least three mashlts including octomom nadya suleman. he implanted her with eight embryos which led to eight babies in 2009. many medical experts, doctors say such a high embryonic transfer crossed the ethical line. >> for somebody to receive 12 embryos would be considered quite unusual. we really have not seen that before. >> reporter: sul maeman who was mother of six before her final embryonic transfer as haulz
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defended her daughter. >> reporter: suleman claims she was only implanted six embryos, something officials have disputed during the hearing. meanwhile the doctor also failed to refer suleman to a medical health expert throughout her long 11-year history with him as her fertility doctor. suleman is struggling to pay her rent, faces eviction, even had a yard sale to raise desperately needed cash. >> so to people who have criticized not just you, but criticized your ivf doctor. >> he did nothing wrong. >> reporter: he didn't answer any questions outside of the hearing on monday, but his attorney did say he follows all medical guidelines and shows great care for all of his patients. >> he has practiced with the
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stan dofrd of care he posed a threat to the public, welfare, safety and protection. >> the hearing could take two weeks, but when it's over, it could cost the doctor his medical license. >> dr. nancy snyderman is nbc's chief medical correspondent. it sounds like they were raised even before the court that there were 12 embryos, allegedly. >> the standard of care is really one or two, maybe three embryos, depending on the age of a mother. never six, never 12. when a comes in and says i want twins, that's a red flag, because most women say i really want have to have a baby. tests need to be done to make sure the woman is stable enough, but very important, it is not the first case that this doctor
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has come under the spotlight for. so when you hear about repeat behavior, that is below the standard of care, that's a huge red flag, the uterus is only so big, it's not a condominium, it's only meant for one or two fetuses, because what you want to see at the end is a healthy mom and healthy babies. >> you're talking about judgment, and not all doctors have good judgment. but there are no regulations that say you can only implant so many. should there be regulations? have we reached the point now that technology has outrun judgment? >> technology will always run ahead because we'll sort of always chase the technology. there are laws in europe that require only two embryos be implanted. physicians have been very poor in places themselves. this man was kicked out of one of the academic societies and
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it's going to be very interesting to see if california is going to sort of stick to the guidelines that it says doctors should follow and take away his license. the only way you can punish doctors who have been flying under the guidelines and have been flying under the radar is to punish them where it hurts. you deny them the right to practice medicine. >> what about the idea that when a patient comes in and wants to be pregnant multiple times, whether it is -- is it a different guideline? or should there be a regulation that you say this patient should have a mental evaluation? >> no matter who comes in, you want to make sure that she understands what she's doing, that she's mentally stable, depression, anxiety, all those things can be a normal part of life. >> but is that required? >> it's not required but it is done at the great medical centers and at the great programs. but if a woman comes in already
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having six babies, unemployed, a history of depression, and then asks for a specific number of babies, that is a red flag that is so huge i don't understand why it wasn't paid attention to. >> this is the kind of thing that this medical examination that we're talking about, could that be one of the factors in causing a doctor like in this case to lose his medical license? >> the california board of medical examiners, they have held my california license for a long time. drug history, how you prescribe, patients' complaints against you. do you fit the ethical guidelines of the subspecialty you're in? i think all eyes right now are on california and it going to be very interesting to see if they have the gumption that a lot of people are saying this could be a hallmark case of what not to do. they can do the right thing and set the record straight.
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>> dr. nancy snyderman, thank you as always for your great perspective. and next we're going to check out the hottest it tefls of neiman marcus' christmas book. that's coming up right after this. [ animals calling ] ♪ [ pop ] [ man ] ♪ well, we get along ♪ yeah, we really do - ♪ and there's nothing wrong - [ bird squawks ] ♪ with what i feel for you ♪ i could hang around till the leaves are brown and the summer's gone ♪
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[ announcer ] when you're not worried about potential dangers, the world can be a far less threatening place. take the scary out of life with travelers insurance... and see the world in a different light. i'd get this tightness in my chest. so i went back to my doctor again. we chose symbicort to help control my asthma symptoms all day and night. [ man ] symbicort improves my lung function, starting within 15 minutes. symbicort will not replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. it is a combination of two medicines and should not be taken more often than prescribed. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems, and children and adolescents may have an increased risk of being hospitalized for asthma problems. symbicort is not for people whose asthma is well controlled with a long-term asthma control medicine like inhaled corticosteroids. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop symbicort without loss of control, and prescribe a long-term asthma control medicine. be sure to see your doctor
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if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. symbicort is a good choice to help control my asthma all day and night. [ inhales ] [ exhales ] ask your doctor if symbicort is a good choice for you. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. hey -- little m&m's! wow! great costumes. what are you guys -- like four or five? forty-six. alright, yeah ok. here you go. you don't understand, slick. we're here for the party. whoo! yeah, that's cute! [ laughing ] put your hand down.
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it is not even halloween yet, but it's already beginning to look a lot like christmas here on rockefeller plaza, that's because neiman marcus is out with their book of fantasy gifts, their christmas book of fantasy gifts. and by the way, it's the 50th anniversary of the famous his and hers gifts. ginger, good to see you. >> thank you. >> what is the greatest fantasy gift you have ever come up with, and what was the biggest bomb? >> the big e bomb might have been the cowboy boots that had golf spikes on them.
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>> 50th anniversary of the his and hers gifts. >> we have a beautiful bracelet with charms on it. there's a his version of that too? >> no, the his -- >> how much is that? $248,000. >> oh, my gosh. it's a fantasy, jeff. >> this woman says i'm liking this. that would be great. >> and for the musicians in the family, you have something else here. >> the ukulele has come back in popularity, so we said let's have the ukulele that made george harrison's ukulele. he said i want to make a ukulele out of a gourd.
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they took a gourd, hollowed it out. >> so this comes from the same gourd? >> yes, you don't believe that. >> how long does it take you to make one of those. >> it just depends, getting older, but they use gourds, so it's been used for a long time. and george harrison really got me into ukuleles. so i made guilty tars for 35 year years for different people. >> it's a very, very trendy instrument, they're beautiful. thank you very much. >> now if you play the ukulele poorly, like i would, you want too banish yourself to this next gift. >> had to bring a model. this is $250,000. i love the romantic idea of living on a houseboat. this has translucent walls, a 7-foot ceiling. it like a modern loft. >> it does, it looks like a new york apartment.
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>> it's got a couple of engines, so you can move it around, it doesn't have to sit in one place. >> it has special engines so you can move it around. >> if you want to move around and not spend this kind of money, you want to -- >> we certainly do. this is a bicycle that's been made in new york since the late 1800st. >> and there's a couple of back seat drivers. this is $3,500. >> every holiday has to have a ginger bread house. >> i said what have you always wanted to do and you have never done? a playhouse made out of ginger bread. you can have a gum ball if you like. if i can get one off. >> how long ago was this made? >> it's edible or you can
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shellac it and use it as a decoration next year. >> what was the price again? >> $15,000. >> shall we introduce a new gentleman here? >> gerald barnes. >> happy holidays to you. >> everybody loves the limited edition car. >> this is the new chevrolet convertible, new triple layer paint job, this can do 0 to 60 in under five. >> how quickly do you believe the supply is going to go? >> there's 100 and the supply will go in a snap. >> do you have a price on this? >> no. >> $75,000. >> that's beautiful. you get to drive this home. >> i wish. i wish. >> it's nice, thank you very much. by the way, the iphone app that you got from neiman marcus, this
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is pretty cool. >> this features a new gift every single day and it features a whole host of features from our website. >> so you shake it, and it comes up with a variety tiff of gifts. >> you just shake it again and again and you keep get another surprise gift. >> nice to have you here. >> we have ginger over here with a few more things. >> i have got something, these are some ornaments and i'm harkening back to the chinese gifts. $48 and $5 from the sale benefits big brothers and big sisters. now if you need a snack, chocolate covered potato chips. >> are these edible? >> they have not been shellacked, you can get a set of three if you like. >> let's talk about those cowboy
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boots with the golf spikes. no, these are good. they're good zbchlt we have got sparkled eye pass, covers, i lost my son so i wished i could have found something dazzling, luggage tags, all sorts of things. >> and one more item. how about ugs for your ears. you need these on these brisk mornings coming up, $75 including the corrado. >> we have got much more coming up this morning and we'll tell you all about it.
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good morning, everybody. time now is 8:26. we're checking in with mike. some commuters seeing fog out there, might be a an issue. from the 13th floor, the 14th floor. we can hardly see it, we do see some slowing in the northbound direction approaching high street, jams up there. southbound side, we looked for an accident, couldn't see one. let me show you on the map, a better view. coming out of downtown oakland. you might find an issue at the off ramp. all approaches towards the maze, the backup at the toll plaza,
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back to the maze. a look at the forecast. >> we have some low clogs and fog around the bay area but the afternoon will look nice. close to 80 in fairfield and livermore. 65 san francisco. seven-day forecast looks mild. warm inland, next two days, then a chance of showers arriving late on thursday.
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closing arguments begin in the murder trial of paul garcia,
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accused of murdering mark achille in 2008. he repeated several times he had no role in the murder. garcia purchased martin charlie is a loan from achille and prosecutors say he masterminded his death over a bartender there they both had dated. "today" show returns in less than a minute. we'll see you in a bit.
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8:30 now on a tuesday morning. 19th day of october, 2010. you know, it's a little chilly out here on the plaza. some drizzle in the air. but it doesn't matter. we've got a nice group gathered on our little window on the world. we're happy to be out here with them. we have neiman marcus gifts on the plaza. i'm matt lauer along with ann
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curry and mr. al roker. what dove coming up? >> i can tell you one thing, airfare, as al was saying earlier, is going up. especially in the time of the holidays. if you plan to fly home for the holidays, you know, we have to get a move on, and we have some ideas on where you can find the best deals on airfare. sfoo that's important. >> our good buddy jane pawley is here today. she has a great story. there's jane. always good to see her. about a man who is using his skills and a few horses to really change lives. >> wow. i'm sure you have had this happen. open a bottle of wine only to have it go bad because you don't finish the entire -- >> don't finish? >> when is the last time you haven't finished a bottle of wine? >> i know what you're talking about. that's red wine. it goes. >> exactly. what do you do? we've got a wine expert for those of us who do have a little left in that bottle. >> when you get to that third bottle. >> when you don't want to drink all of it -- >> no, no.
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i think he is -- >> sisterhood, ann. >> before we go any further, and this goes right downhill, let's go to sophia franklin. the scale tipped against them on "biggest loser." burgundy, your starting weight -- i don't know why i always feel weird saying this, but i guess it's kind of okay in a segment like this. >> we're all friends here. >> we're celebrating. >> 231 pounds. you're not that now. >> no. >> tell me what you're down to. >> right now i am 20 -- let's say i'm 23 pounds away from my goal weight. 23 pounds. >> that's terrific. >> 22 pounds. >> that's not really answering my question. >> of course not. of course not. >> that's okay. i get the idea. how did you do that? >> how did i decide? >> how did you -- what worked for you? >> oh, running, moving. i get up at 5:00 every morning and go on a two-hour run and come home and get my kids ready for school, and i go out for two more hours, and at night i just
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walk with my family, and i have a morning walking group in my community that i started, so i'm getting everybody active and moving. >> paying it forward. you have to do it. theres no excuse. if i can get up at 5:00, you can get up at 5:00. >> i can hear you're doing the math in your head. i don't know if you can match burgundy's answer. you stuck it outç at 272 pound. >> i have 38 more pounds to go. >> oh, man. oh, come on. you look terrific. >> why is it okay to mention your start weights, but not your current weights? is that for competitive reasons? >> we want everyone to tune into the finale. >> okay. all right. >> what worked for you? >> i am addicted my spin bike. i love it. i'm a spin instructor. i was a spin instructor before i got on the show, and i just -- i'm injured right now, so i have been swimming a lot. coaching cheerleading definitely keeps you on your feet. yeah, i'm just constantly, constantly moving.
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>> so it's about exercise. >> you look great. congratulations. >> thank you. >> thanks so much. >> all right, mr. roker. >> all right. let's check your weather and see what's happening. we're going to show you today wet weather along the mid-atlantic states. we've got some showers and some thunderstorms down around the southern florida -- southern california. sorry. i got confused. southern somewhere. then for tomorrow rain moves into the southwest. i got that right. morning showers along the mid-atlantic states. some showers in the mid-great lakes region. that's right. don't forget biggest loser airs tonight at 8:00, 7:00 central right here on nbc. >> now the world -- >> we're allowed to give the time. all right. that's we're still watching that layer of low clouds as you can see, very clearly from san bruno mountain looking down across the
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water. the bay will see temperatures in the 60s. the coast today, 70 oakland. mid 70s san jose. tomorrow we wake up the same way. for the afternoon, sunshine. thursday, expect increasing clouds, probably a chance of showers after sundown early friday. most of the bay area looks dry friday, then the rain line will drop south on sunday. >> and don't forget, you can check your weather any time of the day or night on the weather channel or on online. we have got jane pauley and she's here to talk about a man who's changing lives one well at a time. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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our special your life calling "today." aarp has produced and sponsored a series for us. >> for 44 years, ken wood has made his living drilling wells. but then he found his life calling. once again, it's drilling wells. >> you see the kids hauling the water up and down the roads coming from these places. and they would fill their jugs. you would not let your hands touch the water. i would say these people and tears coming out of your eyes. and just driving down the road, it's devastating.
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>> reporter: but every year in ghana, thousands die from drinking contaminated water. >> who knew all those years you're drilling wells here in maryland that you had the power to save lives? >> it's just an opportunity, a gift that god gave me, so i'm very pleased. >> reporter: ken wood was a farm boy from maryland who built up a well drilling business. >> okay, this is the place right here. >> reporter: he wasn't looking for his calling four years ago. he was just looking to sell a used rig. a small church wanted to take it to ghana and ask ken to go along as an advisor. he's been back on his own 15 times. most of us don't ever have a chance. >> i know, and it's wonderful. >> reporter: your skill and expertise meant life changing water. >> ken and a small team of workers have drilled 460 wells
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at last count. and each one changes the life of a village. but you'll never guess where his funding comes from. what do horses have to do with it? >> they help support what we're doing. >> reporter: ken owns a small stable of horses. harness racing used to be hiss passion. today it supports his mission. he provides money for the project? >> he's been a good contributor. we have had five horses make over $100,000. that's not my money. it does not happen. i'm just passing the money on. >> reporter: what the horses win is poured back into ghana, where ken wood is revered.
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what is your name? >> chief living water. if you're a king, you don't have to drink river water and get sick anymore. he's saving lives. i want him to live 150 years to finish the work that he's doing. >> reporter: at 66, ken has suffered two major heart attacks, but he keeps going. >> i've got lots of people praying for me. >> reporter: and he's got his wife's blessing to spend up to three months a year in africa. so this is your life's work? >> it's getting to be, yeah. ive you have a friend who is sick all the time, if you can lick your fingers and do something for that person, you would do it. >> reporter: let me add my voice to the people who pray that you live a long life. >> well, thank you.
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>> ken has an ambitious plan to start drilling wells in tanzania as well as ghana. but here's a reality check, the horses don't always win and the economy has been bad for business. but to keep drilling wells in africa, ken has taken on considerable personal debt. though he thinks that things will turn around and his horses will pull through. using a live web chat on using the skills you already have. that will be on >> you don't have to do something different, you just sometimes have to turn things around and look at what you're doing differently. >> how much a teacher is not in the classroom, but is still teaching because the context has changed. no, i love that story for that reason. that, you know, you don't have to do an extreme makeover. >> and he wasn't going out
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looking for it, it fell in his lap. >> life tapped him on the shoulder and spun him around. up next where you need to look now before it's too late to find holiday travel deals, but first this is "today" on nbc.
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this morning on "today's" travel, the best bet for the holiday travel season, airfares are expected to be as much as 18% higher than last year. how can you find affordable ways to get home for the holidays? the director for travel and leisure magazine is joining us now. good morning. so this big, steep, increase in airfa airfares, how is that going to be playing out compared to last year? >> a kind of sobering statistic last year on, you would get a $380 fare, if you
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book that this year, $496 that's over a $100 increase, that's substantial. >> the whole idea is to book early so you don't have -- does this mean that we should take the risk and book later? >> it's nom a gambler, and it's not necessarily smart because you do want to go see that family. bock early, but book smart. orbits is a great idea to book because they have a flight assurance policy, that means if you book and then someone else after you books and gets a better deal, you're not left out in the cold, they actually send you a refund. but it has to be the same itinerary exactly. >> what's your advice? >> the first thing is to be flexible and also be smart about when you're booking. if you're going to be traveling, the normal rule of thumb is wednesday and tuesdays are the best day to get lower rates.
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the day of the holiday, so thursday of thanksgiving is actually my favorite day to travel t airports are quieter, you're going to get nicer service because everybody's in the holiday spirit and you're going to get better prices. if you want to go to a website to check out what the best fares are, has a gragraphic you can see over the 30-day period what the fares were. >> you also say fare >> they offer an overview of the surcharges that are being charged. there are some additional w al that the airlines are going to charge you. >> there's so many fees and different airlines have different levels of charges. >> these are built in so you can have as much as $30 tacked on to a fare because it's the holidays. >> you say it's hard to do this
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when you've got family to -- you've got to be flexible about where you're traveling to. >> it's important to think about going to secondary airports, the ones that are close to where, not exactly where you want to end up, you may get better rates there. if you have a very specific route that you want exactly that particular flight. they will give you an alert when that price goes down. >> an alert on your phone? >> it will send it to your e-mail. which is great. and airfare watch dog is another one. but if you're just interested in deals from your home city, they'll send you alerts on the deals. >> sit better to go day or night when you're searching. it feels like it's ficked depending on when you want to look for a fare. >> fares are continually going in and out of the system. but i find the best is after
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midnight, that all those people who held those tickets go back into the system. you have to stay up late, but it's kind of worth it to get the better deal. >> right after midnight when the expiration runs out. >> 12:03, i think they say. >> a lot of this is bad news, but you're giving us a way to deal with that bad news, but you're saying they're resulting in some good news. >> we're seeing an average increase, but we're also seeing a bunch of destinations where the fares have gone down. while there is a little bit of bad news, it is the holidays so you're going to be with your family at the end of it, this is a matter of doing it smartly on the way. >> we can do it smartly because we have gotten your advice. coming up next, tricks to get your wine to last longer once you've uncorked the bottle. but first, this is "today" on nbc. [ male announcer ] how can you retire at age 55?
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just ask jerry brown. he gave california state employees collective bargaining powers. since then the unions have grown stronger and stronger. now state employees can retire at 55 with much of their salary for life. and taxpayers are on the hook for one hundred billion dollars in unfunded pension liabilities. no wonder those unions are 100% behind jerry brown. he'll just spend, and spend, and spend.
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we're back now, 8:51, with some wines that are perfect for the cool, fall weather and how to make them last longer. gary, welcome back, great to see you. before we taste wine, you're going to talk about actually, if you want to taste wine and you want to get all the aroma and the flavor, you're a fan of the camping wine. >> and the funny thing, most people don't think about white
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wine being decanted. the high end stuff, people don't think about the low end wine. so white wine benefit from the air and so does the $10 wines. >> how long would you decant a bottle of wine whether it's white or red before you actually drink it? >> if it's a berry or white a red, at least an hour. >> and speaking of white wine, you like reesling. i think it's amazing. it's got high accent, it goes great with a variety of foods. >> that's not sweet at all. >> it has a lot of flavor. >> this is bone dry. bone dry. you can pucker it up. it's got a great kind of like
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green apple thing going on and it goes tremendous with a variety of foods, especially fish. >> real hot, what do you like best? >> real hot is under value right now. a lot of people like cabernet and bordeaux. >> now tell me why you're drinking it quite like that. >> swishing it a little bit? >> that's kind of how i roll. more importantly, it allows all the flavors to hit my pallet. >> and when it comes to fall menus, why do you like this so well? >> if you want to go casual, some burgers, it's a great casual wine, under $20, very high end red.
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>> we're talking about some good drinking wine. >> what we did here, here it is by itself out of the bottle. and right here to the left, it's been decanted for three hours. so what i want you to do, i want you to taste this. >> which is really good, by the way. >> how good is it, by the way? >> and now i want you to taste this after three hours of dewanting. -- decanting. >> it's just smoother. >> and that's it. >> and deeper. >> let me try it again. >> most people don't like the b bitter. decanting opens it up and it warms the fruit and it's definitely dramatically smoother. >> and it can be longer actually. >> so a lot of people open a bottle of wine, whether it's
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white or red, and you only drink act portion of it and you say it's going to go bad. >> if you've got a half bottle at home, pour it in there. less exposure. >> how long will it last? >> three days or so on a red wine. >> the less air in a bottle. >> air is the enemy once you have already opened it. but this thing, check this out. this i think is incredible. a couple of little pumps and pop. this is under $20 as a gadget. incredible. >> does that extend it beyond two or three days? >> this could get up to five to six days, absolutely. >> wine in a box. >> everybody thinks the box wine, the really cheap ingredients, $21, but in the leader, the tetro back is really catching on. leader, the tetro back is really catching on. >> great to have you here. >> we're going to have much more on a tuesday morning after your local news. >> we're going to have much more
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on a tuesday morning after your you know it's bad when the press asks if you'd take a lie detector test. meg whitman didn't tell the truth about not voting or about how long she lived in california. she got caught in insider deals at goldman sachs. she changed her story about physically abusing an employee. she campaigned as tough as nails on immigration knowing her housekeeper of 9 years was undocumented. her tv ads have been condemned as false and misleading. and even her hometown newspaper said meg whitman has demonstrated "a loose relationship with the truth" good morning, everybody. time for a check with mike inouye, he's got a new sig alert to tell us about. >> this is late in the commute. 880 between the bridges, an accident involving a motorcycle. the two left larynx blocked. in that backup, arvt motorcycle
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accident, another accident reported just south of the interchange causing things to slow down, already slow san leann zroe through heywale leann degree i'm jerry mcnerney, and i approved this message. he worked his whole life, served his country defending our freedoms, and depends on social security. so, who would want to privatize it? corporate lawyer david harmer. harmer's social security privatization plan would cut guaranteed benefits and gamble with social security on wall street.
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while we worry, harmer's wall street friends would make billions in profits from privatization. david harmer. a social security privatization plan we can't afford. the tower will be part of the suspension portion of the new bridge and as the signature piece that connects oakland to yerba buena island. the bridge project should be finished in late 20 1 3.
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have a great morning, we'll see you back here in a bit. hayes, a
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turned cold blooded killer, the jury will now decide life
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imprisonment or death by lee than injection. the defense lawyer tries to humanize his client. the judge told jurors with a man's life in their hands, their decision is grave and awesome. connecticut is not known for executing inmates. >> no, it's not a gung ho execution state. the last one happened five yearst ago and it only happened because the defendant waved all objections and volunteered to die. prior to that, the last case was in the early 1960s. >> william petit shows up every day for a front row seat. >> i think you probably would all do the same thing for your families if your family was destroyed by evil. >> reporter: the hearing continues this morning and the jury could have the case in the next two weeks, making the ultimate life-or-death decision. jeff rossen, nbc news, new haven, connecticut. a new study finds that flight delays aren't just annoying. a study funded by the faa says
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flight delays cost passengers more than $16 billion in 2007 in lost time. the cost to airlines about half .u and have arrest special delivery for queen elizabeth, she met with the president of chile who gave her a rock from the mine where the 33 miners were rescued last we. for today, we are looking at some wet weath through southern california, where that upper low is spinning around bringing moisture, one to two inches of rain from san diego to l.a., plenty of sunshine across the northern plains, showers in the eastern great lakes and wet weather in the mid-atlantic states back down into the lower mississippi river valley. plenty of sunshine in northern new england. and speaking of new england, we are joined right now by adrian cravitz, she's part of this ocean spray cranberry bottling going on here.
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a cranberry grower from massachusetts. you are in the corporate world and decided to chuck it all and join the family business? >> i did. after college, i spent about ten years in corporate ameririca pursuing some other interests and about two years ago came back to the family farm. and ocean spray is made up of a multitude of generations of growers. >> tell us about ocean spray campaign, families feeding families. >> we feel strongly about feeding something that's good for you. we plan to end childhood hunger by 2015. >> this afternoon, we'll be here with martha stewart and 45 new york city school children to put our no kid hungry pledge to work. well, we still have low clouds and fog around the bay area for the morning.
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but the afternoon is looking pretty nice. warmer than yesterday, mostly 70s inland. closer to 80 inland. closer to pleasanton and livermore, 70 around oakland to the north bay. mainly in the 70s, further north to ukiah and lake port should hit 80s today. best bet for rain arrives on sunday. >> and that's your latest weather. al, thank you very much. this morning on joy's diet s.o.s., answers to your daily diet dilemmas. "today's" contributor joy bauer is sharing tips on how to maintain a healthy diet even if you're battling a busy schedule and an insatiable sweet tooth. let's get to our first question that comes from shelly in hoboken, new jersey.
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shelly, what's your question? >> good morning, ladies, very often, i suffer from what you just said, being busy and my work schedule, i don't always have time or energy to prepare my meals. joy, can you give me healthy options for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks that i can buy already prepared from the grocery store? >> just to make sure that i don't get carted ss o want to say that there's many healthy recipes, something as easy as putting together a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread. but i get it, i totally get it. and there are things that you can buy. first for breakfast, you can pick up a frozen burrito, as long as it's under 300 calories. also keep whole grain frozen waffles in your freezer. top it with a thin smear of
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natural peanut butter and you're set. you can also take a packet of the instant oatmeal and you can eat that with yogurt. so breakfast is covered and it's supereasy. in terms of lunch and dinner, take advantage of the low sodium things that are out there. every brand, because low in sodium is hot so you can get it from progresso and campbells and health valley. so anything that's hearty, even the chili that's going to come in mild and spicy. so the prepared frozen entrees, anything that's under 500 calories and under 600 milligrams of soed yucdium will. lean cuisine and healthy choice, but a few of those are slightly under the radar to be on the lookout for, organic bistro and
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don't forget veggie burgers, keep those in the freezer. pop them between a whole wheat bun and you're set. and pour some light vinaigrette on it and you have some a big meal. good luck. >> shelly, thank you. next question is from dira, she's on the phone from rockville, maryland. what is your question? >> caller: good morning. i needed a vice on how to stop overeating sweet, i am not overweight, and i exercise regularly, but i love sweets. that's the only thing that keeps me from eating healthy. >> kudos for you for caring about your weight. we showed that you can be really skinny on the inside but still be fat on the inside, be it
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inflammation, high cholesterol. good news is you don't have to give up on the sweets. i would say follow 90-10 food strategy. if you go out of your way to -- just so you don't open up a pan doora's box. i think that knowing that you have it to look forward to will probably help keep you on a straight and narrow and eat healthfully during the day. >> are you talking cookies? or can we have a slice of cake. >> i don't think portion is an issue here. because you don't have to worry about your weight. just keep it somewhat appropriate and keep it near the end of the day.
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joy bauer, great information. still to come, would you like a little merlot? beer and wine could be coming to a starbucks near ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] every day thousands of people are switching from tylenol® to advil. to learn more and get your special offer, go to take action. take advil®. go to activia is better than ever! hey, you guys. want to try activia's great new taste? isn't this the yogurt that, you know... helps regulate your digestive system. ooh, i think i'll pass. no, no, no! trust me. it is beyond tasty.
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mmm! wow! i can't believe it, i love it! mmm, this is really good! new best tasting activia ever! ♪ activia now you can join the fight against breast cancer every time you enjoy an activia. give hope with every cup of activia. ♪ da da-da, da, da, da-da ♪ da-da, da, da, da ♪ da, da, da-da-da ♪ da, da-da-da, da, da-da-da ♪ [ female announcer ] there's a place called hidden valley where kids not only eat their vegetables, they can't get enough. ♪ hidden valley ranch. makes vegetables delectable. discover four more ways to make vegetables delectable with farmhouse originals from hidden valley. we knew the perfect place to go. man: cheers, everyone. i guess i did okay. i knew they'd love him. introducing olive garden's two new sacchetti dishes. stuffed pasta pouches filled
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with four italian cheeses. with herb marinated chicken breasts in a garlic cream sauce. or with savory sauteed shrimp. both served with our unlimited salad and breadsticks. it was a great time. and good practice for my parents. olive garden. when you're here, you're family. when you can have pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits? the warm, light delicate layers are like nothing else. add a layer of excitement to your next meal. ♪ to bring the family together on sunday mornings than with the warmth and aroma of freshly baked pillsbury cinnamon rolls. [ wink! ] [ wink! ] ♪
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this morning on "today's" money, cutting costs around your house. with winter right around the corner, it's time to start thinking about how to cut down on those high energy bills. the magazine's senior editor, great to see you. let's get started, drafty windows. a lot of people don't think about drafty windows. but it can be substantial. >> there's a lot of these little
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culprits around the house that are costing you amount. not only is it uncomfortable to sit next to them, you can lose hot air. so you want to hold a incense stick near the -- you want to fill the outside between the trim and the siding with some acrylic latex caulk and use weather stripping inside and this is going to save you $25 per window. >> and what about those films that you see that you can put on them and use the blow drier? >> those can help, they can help stop the draft, they probably won't keep the cold air from getting out quite as much. >> one of the things that can really rack up your electric bill is you have to have appliances and gadgets. >> this is not a wean trick. you're not going to hear them necessarily. but your dvr, your digital
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clock, anything that has an indicator light, or even your phone charger that has an ac adapter is using electricity even when you're not using it. >> so it can add up. >> put those things on a power strip so you can cut the electricity when it's not in use. you said the average is about $55 a year. >> it's a little bit more pocket cash. >> here's another one for folks who've got fireplaces. you say a fireplace damper can be one of the places you really need to take a look at? >> definitely. those things over time, the hinges can get rusty, and you can lose up to 20% of the heated home in your air. make sure there's no fire in the fireplace. hold a lit candle in place with the dampierer closed. in this case you do need to call in a pro, they're going to oil the hinges and make sure things are sitting properly. you can save up to $500 on your
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heating bill. >> and you can put these damper stoppers. >> when you're not using the fireplace, you can use an inflatable plug. >> one appliance we all have and we never really think about is the fridge. this thing's going 24/7. >> it's the hardest worker appliance in your house. it's on all the time. you're opening and closing the door. the gasket seal can get moldly or cracked. when you try to pull it out, see if there's any resistance, if you don't get any resistance, that means you need to replace the gasket. at the same time vacuum the coils underneath and that's going to keep -- being able to keep -- you'll be more efficient
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in using the refrigerator. >> you want to do the incense test around that to see if it's leaking, look for smoke sneaking between the hatch and the trim that it sits on. because again, just like the chimney, there's 20% of the warmth out of your house. >> finally the furnace. if you have a furnace that's 20 or more years old, it's going to save about 30% on your energy bill. all these things add up over time. >> all right, still to come, staying connected with friends and family, we're going to give you five reasons why it's important for better he. bthal but first, these messages.
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the chill of peppermint. the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint pattie. get the sensation.
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challenge the need for such heavy measures with olay. new regenerist micro-sculpting serum for firmer skin in 5 days. pretty heavy lifting for such a lightweight. [ female announcer ] olay regenerist.
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millions of veterans in medicare cases now have online access to their medical records and very soon you may be able to do the same thing. >> we have got dr. carol diamond here, the manager of a nonprofit organization that works on improving health by technology. >> how will people be able to have access to their medical records? >> it's really pretty simple. if you're a medicare health provider or a -- you're able to view parts of your medical records and some of your claims information. >> will these be secure?
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i mean will they be safe from people hacking them? >> we're filing our financial information, the key to remember is that we have to be smart about our online habits. and if you're going to june ldo your information, a couple of things to keep in mind, make sure you know the organization you're dealing with, make sure your pass worth is strong, make sure you're not doing this on a shared commuter and make sure once you download this and you have it on your own computer, make sure it's safe and password protected. >> which have all been there when we get that clip board and every doctor that we have seen. it can be so important to be available when you need them. >> we have got your local news and weather after these messages. ♪ but i really love my bank
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♪ i hate-- didn't quite catch that last bit. i said i really love my bank. right... is there a problem ? it's not really raging, man. uh, we were hoping for more raging ? well, you said write from the heart. yeah... don't do that. at ally, you'll love our online savings account. named the best of 2010 by money magazine. ally. do you love your bank ? do you often experience the feeling of a dry mouth? it can be the side effect of many medications. dry mouth can be frustrating... and ignoring it can lead to... sipping water can help, but dentists recommend biotene. biotene moisturizes and helps supplement some of saliva's enzymes, providing soothing relief when you need it most. don't ignore dry mouth. look for biotene in your oral care section today. this has been medifacts for biotene.
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good morning to you, it's 9:26 right now. i want to check the commute with mike. we'll go over to oak loaned where we see a northbound side, much more smoothly. minutes ago, a big backup forming at the top of the screen. that might be a visibility issue. smooth flow through downtown. southbound side of the map, accident at whipple. a sig alert there cleared. things are moving smoothly through san leandro and south bay. three accidents still clearing from the road and slow aroach off 680 up towards the 0 interchange. we'll have a break and more news
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after this.
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toxic seafood warning this morning. the california department of health says don't eat sea fish caught off the channel islands. poisoning can be fatal in severe cases. the warning does not apply to shellfish sold commercially just those caught by fishermen. beware of the blue tooth bandit. a well groomed thief is targeting coffee shops, restaurants, marina, and the financial district. he's accused of at least a dozen thefts lifting credit cards and others from purses. he's been on police radar since july. the san francisco examiner says he wears a suit, carries a black messenger bag and blue tooth headset during his heist. the city of san carlos is
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set to have the sheriff's department take over two n two weeks, now more changes to affect public safety, they may outsource the fire department. san carlos is resorting to outsourcing to fix their budget problem. they now share services, but pays higher cost for the arrangement. the men low fire protection district are all expressing interest. i'll have another local news update in half an hour or so. "today" show returns in less than a minute. have a great morning. state budget cuts are crippling my classroom, so i can't believe the sacramento politicians cut a backroom deal that will give our state's wealthiest corporations a new billion dollar tax give-away, a new handout that can only mean larger class sizes and even more teacher layoffs. but passing prop 24 can change all that.
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prop 24 repeals the unfair corporate give-away and puts our priorities first. vote yes on prop 24, because it's time to give our schools a break, not the big corporations. ♪ that of course is susan boyle, the singing sensation from across the pond, she's going to be part of a star studded week of concerts. we are putting on thanksgiving week live on the plaza. also kanye west and the kings of leon. so if you're planning to come to the big apple for the thanksgiving holidays, be sure
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you stop by. it is going to be one heck of a week. >> i am excited. meanwhile coming up in this half hour, why facebook can actually be good for you. >> it seems that our lives are getting busier and busier and it's easy to lose track of friends and family and really stay emotionally and physically connected and experts say that can be bad for your long-term well-being. this morning we have five simple things you can do to stay connected and potentially live a happier and healthier life and facebook can be one of them. you're smiling because there's a lot of background noise going on in our studio and that may be relating to one of our upcoming segments. >> but you need to share a beer or a glass of wine at your st starbuc starbucks. i guess you have to make a noise.
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>> it's not the clapper. >> as you can see in the mirror. >> we can see you killing him, brian. >> let's get a check of the weather with you, al. >> "today's" weather is brought to youy ocean spray, tastes good, good for you. >> and we check your weather and show you what's going on in the next couple of days. for today,today, we have got su in the pacific northwest, showers in southern california, a good amount, up to one to two inches of rain. rain up front all the way up to the northeast. for tomorrow, sunshine returns to the northeast, but cooler, more wet weather in the southwest, beautiful weather for northern california into the pacific northwest, some showers in the centr well, we still have some low clouds and fog around the bay area for the morning but the
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afternoon is looking pretty nice. warmer than yesterday. mostly 70s inland. closer to 80 well inland out towards pleasanton and livermore. 70 around oakland to the north bay, high temperatures mainly in the 70s, but if you head further north up towards ukiah and lakeport should hit in0s today. chance of showers arriving late thursday. best bet for rain arrives on sunday. live healthier happier staying connected. we'll tell you high right after this. it'in powerful nutrients that help cleanse and purify your body. cranberries are the ninja fruit. wh-wh-whoa! ocean spray -- tastes good, good for you. like the cranberry, the pomegranate is a superfruit, prized since ancient times. he would know.
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[ snickering ] also available in light and diet. sweet n' sour filled twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. rheumatoid arthritis going? they're discovering simponi®, the first self-injectable r.a. medicine you take just once a month. taken with methotrexate, simponi® helps relieve the pain, stiffness and swelling of r.a. with one dose once a month. visit to see if you qualify for a full year of cost support. simponi® can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious and sometimes fatal events can occur, such as infections, cancer in children and adults, heart failure, nervous system disorders, liver or blood problems, and allergic reactions. before starting simponi®, your doctor should test you for t.b. and assess your risk of infections,
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including fungal infections and hepatitis b. ask your doctor if you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, or develop symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough or sores. you should not start simponi® if you have an infection. [ woman ] ask your rheumatologist about simponi®. just one dose, once a month. how'd you do that? do what? you made it taste like chocolate. it has 35% of your daily value of fiber. tasty fiber, that's a good one!
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ok, her mind. [ male announcer ] fiber one chewy bars. when was the last time you joined a team sport or even hugged your friend? our everybody busy lives it's easy to lose touch with your friends and family. we have the editor-in-chief of women's day magazine. so the bottom line is that a lot
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of us are not able to spend as much time, mainly as our mothers and grandmothers did face to face with people, with our neighbors and our friends. and a lot of us are really talking with you can blackberrys and on our phones and on facebook. >> this was the main question that i wanted to tackle so i really dove into this issue and research shows that touch and human contact of course is still important, it's a primal need that we have to connect with one another, not to mention the fact that it's the main way we discover who we are, is in relation to others. but the busy days, our travel, our living disconnected from our families, there's no question that facebook, any kind of social media does fill a void. and what we found with readers was they wanted to connect with their grandchildren, with their children w their lost friends. so it really has filled a void and it is good for your health. and we found some other
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surprising ways that being connected is good for you. >> but one of the things you talk about is book clubs and how there's a 50% lower risk of death in those who live more isolated lives? some of the things that people were thinking about is comparing this idea of face to face versus always talking in this way. is there any information about whether one or the other is better for your heart? >> long-term study has not -- we don't have enough data right now to say whether or not electronic media is really going to affect us in a negative way. but based on our readers and our research, it's filling that void, it's getting people to be connected in a way they never could. they're happy to see the pictures of their families, they're happy to see the little video of the soccer game. something like a book club doesn't bring in a study that's quite interesting and basically what the study came out and said was that people with weak social connections are more at risk than people who don't exercise,
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who are obese or who even smoke, that's how good connection is, and something like a book club or anything where you get together and have that interaction of course is important. >> you don't have to know everybody in the club, you could just know one person and each one of those people, a friend can bring a friend who brings a friend and all of a sudden you have a lot of people. also exercising in groups is a great thing to do. maybe you just invite people on your block? >> even a team sport, encouraging our kids to get involved in a team sport. that's as important as adults. you learn socialization, it will make your work harder, research shows again we saw a study from sweden that said that people who are more fit have more muscle tone. so joining a team sport is the bottom line. >> you also found that texting is found to boost serotonin.
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>> there is something to be said for happiness being passed on. you have have you a friend who's sharing something happen with you, research shows that that impacts your happiness level, too. it's kind of like the giving back or pay it forward kind of model. >> it does seem that you're communicating more, even with face time, when you've got your phone or your blackberry, you're communicating with a lot of people all over the world. >> the problem is you have to manage in our daily lives. obviously you're not going to text while driving, but if you have a quiet moment and you have a pleasant thought you want to share with a friend, you have 60 characters to do it. it's a great way to do it. >> sometimes we get texts that
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say take it as a virtual hug. but you also found that giving or getting a hug can be so important for your own health? >> hugging with human contact, that's why we can't ignore it, human contact is fundamental to all of us. what hugging does is it says i'm here for you, it shares in a human experience. and it's so important. and there's absolutely no ambiguity in a hug where there can be in some other message. >> i love these people, they hug everybody, they don't just hug their friends, but they're hugging people they just met. not just for the people you're hugging. and i just heard in my ear that our director needs a hug. and coming up next, we'll be talking about a new kind of brew at starbucks, they're actually starting to talk about serving alcohol, wine and beer, specifically. we'll be talking about that.
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and also coming up, high-tech gadgets for halloween that are null of tricks and treats. and obviously our studio his. if you fight to sleep in the middle of the night, why go one more round ? you don't need a rematch, but a rethink. with lunesta. lunesta is thought to interact with gaba receptors associated with sleep. lunesta helps you get the restful sleep you need. lunesta has some risk of dependency. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities while asleep without remembering it the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. stop fighting with your sleep.
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ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. get lunesta for a co-pay as low as zero dollars at discover a restful lunesta night. for every pink lid you send in, yoplait will donate 10 cents to susan g. komen for the cure. with your help, we've donated $25 million over 12 years. so let's continue to make a difference one lid at a time. discover customersl are getting five percent cashback bonus at restaurants. it pays to switch, it pays to discover. ♪ i was young and i was stupid ♪ i had just turned 17 ♪ a harmonica and a box guitar ♪ ♪ in a canvas-covered wagon stuffed... ♪ [ male announcer ] while the world's been waiting on the electric car, maybe the whole time, the electric car has been waiting for this...
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the wattstation from ge. it's going to change the way we get to where we all want to go. ♪ i didn't think much of it till i took it apart ♪ we want to prove it. take the natural instincts challenge. get healthier color in 10 minutes. guaranteed. or, we'll buy you 2 boxes of your old color. for details, go to or, we'll buy you 2 boxes of your old color. activia is better than ever! hey, you guys. want to try activia's great new taste? isn't this the yogurt that, you know... helps regulate your digestive system. ooh, i think i'll pass. no, no, no! trust me. it is beyond tasty. mmm! wow! i can't believe it, i love it! mmm, this is really good! new best tasting activia ever! ♪ activia now you can join the fight against breast cancer every time you enjoy an activia. give hope with every cup of activia. you don't have any snickers in your shopping cart. let me help you.
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the neighborhood kids love snickers on halloween. we're definitely going to her house. [ male announcer ] this halloween, snickers satisfies. something's brewing at starbucks and it's not just coffee. at one of the it's locations in seattle, you can also order beer and wine along with your latte. >> reporter: this is definitely not your typical starbucks because just above the coffee selection you have wine and beer. it's a new mix for a company that's nearly 40 years old. ♪ i love coffee
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♪ i love tea >> reporter: cappuccinos, frappuccinos, expressos and just plane coffee. america's love for this stuff has made starbucks one of the country's most influential chains, but now they're brewing something new. that's right, wine and beer now on tap at the same place that's become synonymous with the coffee culture. for most folks, starbucks is a morning habit. more than 70% of its business comes before 2:00 p.m. starbucks is hoping an evening of beer and wine will give the company a bite of the after work market. definitely not what you would expect from starbucks. >> i look at it as a community gathering place, and you may want a glass of wine at night and i may want a latte.
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it's just an extension of the offerings we offer when people get together. >> reporter: it's carefully designed to give customers a feeling of a neighborhood bistro. if you look at how well a trend starbucks is in terms of cost, i think it may take people a while to realize that starbucks is a great place to go after work. >> reporter: recently starbucks has tried to get back to basics, even shutting down every store for a few hours in 2008. how well will is hardcore coffee house -- >> it's good to have the best of both words, have your children news what they may. >> coffee and tea, that's it. i don't want to sit down in a coffee shop and drink a glass of wine, i just don't. >> reporter: the company is also
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increasing it's commitment to sustainabili sustainability, so a lot of the furniture here is made from recycled goods. don't expect this beer-wine concept to be played out at a starbucks near you. you can't actually buy alcohol here in the 4:00 in the afternoon, so right now it is coffee all around. >> all right, kristen welker, thanks so much. >> up next, the best halloween gadgets. but first this is "today" on nbc. [ male announcer ] carly fiorina.
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as ceo, she laid off 30,000 workers and shipped jobs to china. china. india. russia. poland. i know precisely why those jobs go. [ male announcer ] because fiorina shipped them there. to shanghai instead of san jose. bangalore instead of burbank. proudly stamping her products "made in china." 30,000 workers gone while fiorina took $100 million for herself. carly fiorina. outsourcing jobs. out for herself. [ barbara boxer ] i'm barbara boxer, and i approved this message.
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"today" celebrates halloween is brought to you by snickers, this halloween, snickers satisfies. this morning on today celebrates halloween, high-tech gadgets gives your children running around in the dark all hopped up on sugar, we have got the latest gadgets to keep them safe.
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good morning, kathy, great to see you. you've got some pretty awesome stuff here. you have got decorations that will impress any neighbor? >> remote control ghoulish decorations, i love this for any party. not only do the decorations have smoke, but now the bubble maker also has smoke, so when the bubbles pop, they're filled with smoke. >> these are awesome, i can't believe how much time and money people spend on decorating for halloween. >> and this mirror also has something -- >> you're scaring me. >> but this pops up with something crazy too. but we saw that in the queue. >> from decorations to keeping your kids safe and keeping track of them on halloween. >> wherever they r you put this locate you watch on them, then you can set up a force field in your neighborhood, if they go outside of that, it will send you a text message or an e-mail and you can go online and see exactly where they r.
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>> this is awfully cute. >> this is the mommy i'm here, you put it on their tennis shoe and if they go more than 40 feet ahead of you, then an alarm will sound and show you where they r. >> and if you want to have a little bit of tunes. >> this speaker shaped like a ghost and these are really light weight and they're just kind of fun for any costume that wants music, because they've got candy wrappers as the housing. >> this is an evil tron. you can put it anywhere in your house, you hide nit a plant, and it makes these really evil sounds. people are walking around your house going what is that? >> i like to play practical jokes. and what's halloween without candy? >> candy is fantastic. you can actually upload a picture of your child and put it on candy. this is actually my son's face, you can do it on m&ms or you can
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do it on print candies. you can customize kaepds. >> and you can still get this before halloween? >> you can get them all year round. >> blood on the brains and then you eat them and if you're easting them, they love it. >> what does this taste like? >> it tastes like candy. >> that's awesome. >> i forgot to warn you, you need a little bite on the brain. >> and the shooting gallery, this is awesome. >> okay, what's this? >> you can actually bring the fun of a shooting gallery to your house. the gun ends up being a lot of fun even without the gallery. really cool. you just shoot it like you would do in any gallery shooting situation.
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>> and the next thing that's pretty cool, halloween you think about black cats. >> don't think about going out and getting a cat just because it's halloween. black cats do keep evil spirits away. you can pull-up all of the cats that your town has for adoption. these two are on there. and they're from animal care control in new york and they need homes. >> nice. you're beautiful. >> they have been here for like two hours, and they're calm kitties, so they need homes, guys. >> so you can go on and fill out the ap. >> and these are cats from all around the country? >> all around the country, there's 100,000 of them. so on your website, i'm going to tell you where to get these. >> and would you like some brains? >> thank you very much.
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and i approved this message. he worked his whole life, served his country defending our freedoms, and depends on social security. so, who would want to privatize it? corporate lawyer david harmer. harmer's social security privatization plan would cut guaranteed benefits and gamble with social security on wall street. while we worry, harmer's wall street friends would make billions in profits from privatization. david harmer. a social security privatization plan we can't afford.
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twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. good morning. let's check in with mike. >> we'll take you to the golden gate bridge, with had a couple
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of issues. a motorcycle on the northbound side, had lanes tied up for 15 minutes. quick recovery there, the southbound side affected by the jam at the toll plaza, just a short jam and also fog across the bay bridge. construction starting any minute now. they're raising 107 foot segment of the second tower, that will be a new bridge that will be a distraction if you can see it through that fog. san mateo, can't avoid the fog there either. back to laura. thank you very much. three east bay cities are set to roll out something new on election day, called rank choice voting. instead of casting one vote, voters pick the top three. they'll see the new voting system but it could confuse people. the city has a high profile mayoral race and depending on how people vote overall, the number three choice could end up winning. the alameda county registrars
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office is committed to educating voters about the new system. >> the first choice would be who they would really want to win. the second choice, who they would secondly want to win. and then of course their third choice and it's basically based on preference. >> the rank choice voting system will also be used in berkeley and san leandro on november 2nd eliminating the need for a iranoff election. a traveling circus will be setting up tents here. the cavalia circus will set up next to at&t paying homage to horses and people. features more than 100 performers from all over the world, riders, acrobats and musicians. the first show will be on november 16th. we'll be back in a half hour or so. the "today" show returns in about a minute.
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have a great morning. . (announcer) gold bond ultimate soothing fragrance free lotion. soothes and calms irritation. fragrance free gold bond ultimate soothing. (together) this stuff really works! our kids can't afford another four years of crippling cuts to public schools. class sizes are too big, and all the standardized testing just isn't working. so classroom teachers looked closely at the plans of both candidates for governor. and we're supporting jerry brown. brown's plan focuses on a well-rounded education... with history, science, and the arts
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as well as english and math. schools where teachers and parents work together. and that's why we urge you to vote for jerry brown, a leader we can trust to make our public schools a priority again. from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> okay, everybody. hello, it is october 19th. it is not just booze day today, no, no, no. it is just boo-s day for halloween. halloween. and we, in honor of that, we have halloween and wine pairings. >> before we get to this, we should point out this morning wasn't like our typical morning. typically you and i are both in the makeup room around the same
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time, chatting, doing hair and makeup, you were held up big time, almost didn't make the show at all. >> i know. >> we were wondering. >> it was no big deal. it happens to most people every day. and all the years of commuting from connecticut, you hear about these tractor trailers that are overturned and traffic is completely stopped. not even one lane open. that was us today. and it happened right before we got -- it must have been within a minute before because we were right at the exit. nothing weirder than listening on the radio and they're talking about you and you're sitting there with the tractor trailer. >> how long? >> one hour without moving. you couldn't even turn around and leave. you're stuck there. >> do you get frustrated in those situations? >> no, i'm very zen. >> i'm sure you are. what do you do? listen to music? >> i was still reading the newspapers and still reading the notes for the show, but i actually did not panic. that's the nice thing about leaving lots of what frank
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called lombardi time. vince lombardi, famous coach, that opens up this thursday night, great, great broadway show. >> that's one of those broadway shows that you can take your husband, boyfriend, significant other to. and the beauty of that show is one of my favorite lines is we were sitting, you, me and frank and the guy who was playing vince lombardi who is from "the wonder years". >> dan laura. >> he said i want you to be my next frank gifford. and frank was sitting next to us. >> that's one of the times you're going, oh my god, that's you. so anyway, lots of time and we made it and the ladies, we're very blessed in that sense. most people who have to sit in a line and wait and be late don't have somebody waiting for them with -- >> to take care of us. >> do their hair and makeup, throw your spanx on you and this morning, because of that, they thought i had a rough morning. >> as if that wasn't enough, we decided to stack the table with
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even more. >> not that i drank it, but this is my job. okay. here we go. this is a job. >> this is interesting. they're talking about pairing, i don't know why, but candy with alcohol. >> wine not? wine not? >> so they say the good pairing is the candy corn with the chardonnay. >> right. go for it, hoda woman. >> okay. you do the sweet and this isn't that sweet, is it? >> i don't know. weird? >> that's not good together. >> try this. this is a -- >> what is this? >> a margarita. >> lime daiquiri. >> lime daiquiri, of course it is, jonathan. >> and skittles. what are you doing? >> cutting back. >> no, that's good. >> yeah? >> that's good. i'll do the skittles with the thing. why are we doing that? the food network says it is a nice pairing. >> yes, the food network and they know. another weird pairing is -- we have a lovely intern here. what is your favorite name?
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kirstie. >> this is a trendy new thing that they -- there is a new trend in socks apparently. kirstie is wearing them. they're leather socks. >> they are leather. >> i don't know -- >> you're not supposed to wear them that way. we're showing you two different -- although lady gaga would. but they're leather. here's my question. they cost how much to begin with? >> well -- >> $500? >> over $200. >> over $200. >> yes. the big sock is $288. >> they're pricey to begin with and then you cannot wash them. so you have to send them to the dry cleaners every time, right? that's going to add up. >> i guess it is a trendy catwalk kind of thing. >> right, off the runway. >> you're young and hip and beautiful. would you wear them? >> i cannot afford them. i'm in college, so i would wear them if i had money to just -- >> don't you have a daddy who loves you very much. >> he does love me very much but i don't think he loves me that much. >> thank you, honey.
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>> thank you very much. >> i guess socks are a new trend and they also have these other socks that, how much are they? >> over $500. leggings. >> they're mohair. anyway, we don't have those on set but they're prizy. i don't know who is spending that kind of money on socks. >> donald trump. can you see donald in leggings? >> no. >> he's going to scotland. i want to see him in a kilt. >> i can picture that. >> yeah? >> i can picture real men in kilts. >> not with the little hat thing. >> no. nothing touches the lid. >> what is happening, hoda woman? >> starbucks is test driving something, you guys. we're used to having coffee at starbucks. starbucks is going to experiment with wine and beer. they're trying it out in a seattle location because i think what happens after 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 in the afternoon people don't go to starbucks because they already had their coffee and they're done. they want to see if they can get another crowd after 2:00 and they're trying, test driving, again, wine and beer, draft beer and wine at their -- at one of their stores in seattle to see
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if it works. >> it started in seattle and it is all over the world, on every single corner now. >> i wonder if that would work. >> i think it would work. cas and i, most afternoons, we like to go running down to old greenwich, a darling place there called the beach house and we have an iced tea at the bar and then run back. it is two miles back, two miles each way. and often i've been seeing a trend now that there are people sitting at the bar with their computers in front of them having a glass of wine. >> oh. >> so around 4:00 in the afternoon. >> probably make more money too. the problem is getting a liquor license is not easy in a lot of these different establishments. that would be the other question if people could do it, if starbucks could get liquor licenses all over. >> hard to believe starbucks is even falling on tough times. >> i know. but they need it. i remember they were doing something that said if you brought, like, a coupon back, you could get a cup of coffee, like a zoidiscounted cup of cof in the afternoon. >> that's the greatest. that's the greatest. we do that a lot. >> you're so happy. >> we do. it is easier to apologize to
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strangers than if i had hurt your feelings or if vice versa? >> yeah, i -- it doesn't surprise me. we have more trouble, they say, apologizing to our spouse, our mother, our best friends, than we do to mary smith who we bump into on the street or we do something like that. i wonder -- why do you think that is? why do you think it is easier to apologize to a franker than it is to frank? >> when you think about it, aren't we much nicer to most people than we are to the people who are the most important in our lives? >> yeah, we're polite. they say that women apologize so much more than men that was an earlier study they did. i always find myself doing that, oh, i'm sorry, i tell the cab driver, i didn't mean for you to go this way, even though he went the wrong way but i'm apologizing, i don't know if i told you -- >> a different attitude. >> they say, hey, whoa, buddy, what are you doing? >> i find myself doing that a lot with people because you don't want them to feel bad, you know, for what they're doing. do you do that? >> what makes we, as women, like
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that? i don't know. >> we want -- >> we care more. >> we want to keep the peace. we just don't -- look, if it is going to make him feel terrible, i'll say, look, i don't know if you heard me, i'm sorry, but i wanted to go to the west side, not the east side. and then i feel -- then i feel like he doesn't feel like he made a mistake, i feel like i apologized and everybody is happy. >> have you noticed with your new found stardom that -- she is an author, by the way, and her book is available. and it is doing very well. have you found that people feel like they have the right or -- to come up and pretty much say anything they want to you because -- >> i was in costco yesterday. >> see? >> and a lady goes, take off that coat. take it off. i go, okay. usually i do what people ask me to do. i take off. she goes, turn around. i'm spinning around. she's like, you look so much bigger than i thought. look at her. no. that's what she said. and for some reason i said thanks. like, why?
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i didn't know what to do. i was jacked up. i was upset. but people will do and say anything. >> wait a minute, she was saying you look bigger in person or on tv? >> i think she meant on tv. i was too confused by the whole thing. i think she meant i look bigger on tv. >> did she buy a book? >> no, she was not one of the book buyers. and she had a big old cart, see you later. bye, put my coat back on, i feel comfortable. >> my favorite one was that time -- i told you this story, we were down in the keys, where we go often, and there is this place down there called alabama jacks, i've taken you to it. >> love it. >> it is a -- it is like a harley-davidson dive place. it is so much fun. >> yes. >> and it is on a canal there and all the bikers come in but it is fun. it is just a fun, fun place. i love mike and his mom theresa who own it. phyllis, excuse me, phyllis. been there forever, been through every hurricane, looks the same before a hurricane and the same afterwards, you know? but they have a band there, a fabulous band, were they there the time i took you?
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>> they weren't, but you were telling me about them. >> and they have cloggers, the women put on big dresses and they clog, you know? you know what clogging is where they wear the shoes and -- and one day we were there, and one lady clogged over to me, and it is a verb, she clogged right over and she goes, she was missing a few teeth, not that there is anything wrong with that, but she was, i remember it because she went -- she looked at me and she said you're a hell of a lot fatter on tv and she clogged right back. i said, thank you. >> is that what you say? what else do you say? nothing. nothing. you don't say anything. if you're bored tonight, and if you live in new york, go to the book review in huntington at 7:00. >> who is going to be there? >> i don't know if anyone will. >> you're going to be there. >> yes, i'll be there. is that sara? >> first of all, wasn't to make a correction, the leather socks don't need to be dry cleaned. they can be washed with a wet cloth. >> who is going to do that? >> just in case. not my style, just in case. and then people will be there
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tonight, hoda. mercedes wrote in, congrats, hoda, your book is kicking. go hoda, go hoda, go hoda, get your book, go hoda, hi kath, that's what it says. >> what did she say? >> hi kath. >> all about said to hohoda. from twisted sister to broadway, dee snider is in "the rock of ages". >> he's an absolute pussycat. we'll be right back. happy sunshine time! ♪ [ man ] ♪ grab a pop-tart and you might just start ♪ ♪ to sing songs like a meadow lark ♪ ♪ stretch and yawn ♪ blow a kiss to mom ♪ cause pop-tarts mornings are the bomb ♪ ♪ so, rise and shiiiiine i'm home. toilet's fixed. [ male announcer ] of all the things that happen on your wooden surfaces,
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disinfecting has to be one of them. clorox disinfecting wipes. safe on wood. hard on germs. trick or treat. trick or treat. weren't you guys just here? no. yes. no. [ female announcer ] make halloween the most fun night of the year. walmart has this candy for an average of 20% less than other stores. save money. live better. walmart. walmart has this candy for an average of 20% less than other stores. funny thing about vegetables... they fill you up without filling you out. yes! v8 juice gives you three of your five daily servings of vegetables. that's what i'm talking about! v8. what's your number?
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so i got my nephew to build a website. i hired someone to make my website... five months ago. we are building a website by ourselves. announcer: there's an easier way. create your own small-business site with intuit websites. just choose a style that fits your business and customize, publish and get found in three easy steps. sweet. all from just $4.99 a month, get a 30-day free trial at
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if you grew up in the 1980s, you probably watched at dee snider crawled his way across your tv screen in mtv music videos. >> he's the lead singer of the heavy metal glam band called twisted sister. remember this? the guys were famous for their working man anthems like "we're not gonna take it" and "i wanna rock," now dee snider is headed to the great white way. >> he's actually there, hoda.
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he's already landed. and it is never going to be the same, right? >> absolutely not. >> he's in this very cool great broadway show called "rock of ages" covering a lot of the '80s hits and a couple of yours too. >> and there for 11 weeks, huh? >> 11 weeks. >> you're a broadway thespian star now. >> if you told me i would have been there 30 years ago, i would have punched you. you're going to be at broadway, no, i won't. i'm at broadway, i've been up and running for a couple of weeks now. not just '80s stuff, it is '70s and '80s, classic rock and heavy metal. you have reo speed wagon, styx, foreigner, journey, and glam '80s metal bands, quiet riot, twisted sister, bon jovi, tons of great music. >> look at you doing choreography and everything. >> they made me with the mustache. >> the great thing with the show is there say lot of audience participation. they served drinks in the aisles, people are encouraged to
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sing. >> you'll love it. you don't even need to get up. >> this is green tea. >> you can sit there in the seat and just drink. >> do fights ever break out? >> i don't want to say -- it is not a violent show. it is the biggest party on broadway and sometimes people take advantage of the access to alcohol and on the weekends, they sometimes need a bouncer or two to make sure people aren't too disruptive and ask them to leave. >> you're a bona fide true star of the time, but meeting dee was, for me, like when i met alice cooper years ago, completely different. i don't want to ruin your career, but so different from the image. >> you don't drink, never did drugs, didn't do any of the things people did back in the day. >> same woman for 34 years. >> and you love her. >> yeah, i'm crazy about her. >> she was the one that put you through your whole act together, did your makeup, your outfits. >> hair, makeup, costumes. she's the 5'3" petite woman behind the monster, always,
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like, helping things come together. but being in this show is the -- is equivalent of being with a tyrannosaurus on the set of "jurassic park." there were people playing people from the '80s, he was actually there. >> these people were not even born then. >> it is crazy. but it is -- it is -- you've done broadway, so you know. >> much higher broadway, high brow stuff, steven sondheim, you know what i'm saying? >> you realize there is value to this music. >> it is a grueling schedule, though, this broadway thing. >> eight shows a week, six days a week, double matinees on the weekends. so it is like friday's show -- >> how is your voice holding out? >> not so good. but it is -- it is going pretty well. >> what difference does it make, you're singing the kind of stuff that -- >> you're just tearing me apart. >> i love it. you do what you do and i think it is great. >> here is the tough thing. >> if you were singing opera, it would be a problem. >> all the actors on the stage
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are broadway actors and they're real, traditional broadway singers from the diaphragm. i have to try to teach them to sing rock, they're having such trouble because rock is letting air out of a balloon at the top. >> that's what i'm talking about, that comes naturally to you. >> very natural. >> and now you have how many children? >> four kids. >> and a grandkid. >> and a granddaughter. >> that's disturbing on many levels. >> why is that? >> twisted sister is a grandfather. you know -- >> yeah, i'm a twisted grandfather. >> so many kids got, you know -- >> i know. >> learned all kinds of stuff from watching you. >> i've been watching you guys. you're twisted sisters too. you fit right in. >> we love you, dee. >> we're going to come see you. you're there through -- >> through -- >> october 23rd. >> okay. >> great to see you, dee. coming up next, is it true you attract what's within you? patti stanger is here with the answers to that and much more. >> she's here for you, hoda. alternate to keep things...
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fresh day after day. and not just for 30 days. um... okay. our longest-lasting plugins air freshener lasts for 60. well, that lasted longer than i thought. i knew it would. get freshness that won't fade away for 60 days. with plugins lasting impressions. and yes, it's glade. s.c. johnson. a family company. activia is better than ever! hey, you guys. want to try activia's great new taste? isn't this the yogurt that, you know... helps regulate your digestive system. ooh, i think i'll pass. no, no, no! trust me. it is beyond tasty. mmm! wow! i can't believe it, i love it! mmm, this is really good! new best tasting activia ever! ♪ activia now you can join the fight against breast cancer every time you enjoy an activia. give hope with every cup of activia. ["stir it up" playing]
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stir up a smile with hershey's syrup. so will i, when we get the bill. oh no bill, we planned ahead with kmart layaway. for $5, plus a little down - i spread the payments over 8 weeks with no finance charges. kmart layaway. there's smart, and there'kmart smart. why go there when there's olay regenerist? [ male announcer ] microsculpting cream hydrates better than some creams costing $500. [ female announcer ] and not only that, [ male announcer ] 80% of women find olay to be a luxurious experience. [ female announcer ] olay. challenge what's possible. you may notice something a little different about eggland's best eggs. now, in addition to the taste and nutrition
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you and your family love, eggland's best will proudly be displaying its support for susan g. komen for the cure®, the world's largest breast cancer organization, in its promise to end breast cancer forever. eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. and a greater commitment to what matters. because part of being the best is doing good. we just said bye to dee snider, we realized the resemblance, how could we have missed it? >> everyone is so funny. okay. >> his wife was here, how gorgeous is she? >> she is gorgeous. if you're looking for love in all the wrong places, stay right here, don't move, patti stanger, "the millionaire matchmaker" is about to share some pricey information free of charge. >> tonight she celebrates season four of "the millionaire matchmaker" where she transforms
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big bucks clients from ego maniacs into desirable dates. is that the problem? >> of course. egos, narcissism reigns supreme. >> is it hard to wrestle the millionaire guys down. they think they know everything and you're, you're supposed to give them advice. >> i think you know a little about that. yes, it is true. this season it is about the women. it is a homage to the women. the millionairesses take over new york city and show us what it is like to find true love in this town. >> remember the hamptons, they would come to the hamptons to find love. >> she tried out for the show but didn't make the cut. we have judith reagan. >> one of my book editors. >> she's completely different dating than in the business community. like a marshmallow. >> you were engaged, i remember, at one point, you're not anymore. >> single now. i'm back in the market. back in the trenches. >> let's take some questions. here is question one from someone. if you haven't had a serious relationship in a few years, does that make you more or less
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desirable? and she wants to know where are all the single guys? >> it makes you more desirable because you're most likely going to be cleaned up. you don't have the baggage and left over debris and you don't have a negative resonance, if you go out with so many people, you go, like, there is nobody out there, i'm so negative. >> cynicism. >> you have more optimism. men are everywhere. i was at the grocery store -- >> are men you want everywhere? >> you need to learn how to read energy. you want to be able to go to the grocery store, outside. new york, men are everywhere in new york city. >> walking down the street. >> smile. smile. your smile is your calling card. >> her smile gets her in so much trouble. a dazzling smile, hoda. >> question two, this is for me. how can you tell if someone is psycho? i know someone who seemed like the kindest, most caring person ever and then i found out -- then i found out she was a nut job. patrick wants to know. >> usually the telltale signs
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are overly obsessive-compulsive and ask you too many really intimate questions. and then, you know, they're, like, pick apart things, like fault finders. you know that someone is amiss there, they're probably in therapy, ask them, have you gone to therapy? right then and there. >> will they tell you the truth? >> men tell you -- when you ask a man a question, in the beginning stages, first few dates, they tell you everything. there is no -- >> really? >> they have nothing to lose. >> by the way, congrats on your show. season four already. >> yes. >> and kicking. and we have a date, patti and i will be on -- >> she's my date thursday night. >> this is not the way it is supposed to work. you're supposed to have her -- >> can we bring her too? i want her to come. >> 11:30 p.m. onoh,>> oh. i'm going to be there. we wish you all the best, though. we really do. >> we'll be back after this. >> yes. see, expedia lets me mix and match airlines. so i can take one airline out... and another home. so with more flight options, i can find the combination
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that gets me there and back quickest. with a little help from expedia, my friends will think i can be everywhere at once. where you book matters. expedia. >> and these are the ones you'll love on a tuesday. pillsbury crescent dogs, with just a few ingredients, you have an easy to make dinner. they're crescents for the other 364. try them tonight. we all do it. but you don't have to. thanks to secret flawless renewal... with odor-absorbing micro capsules that capture... odor and release a fresh scent. it's still working, so you can stop checking.
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> . good tuesday morning to you. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> it's tuesday. a lot of traffic coming in for the game, likely, at least east of the city. we'll show you where that is. at&t, you know where it is, folks. expect midday traffic around there. 280 extension, also a remind, midday game means it will be over around the evening commute. that's going to cause some craziness around the ball park. if you can leave work early, you can avoid some of this
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congestion. take b.a.r.t. live look at the bay bridge, shows you some of the lanes s blanocd fog. d. low clouds d fog. more news after this. he gave california state employees collective bargaining powers. since then the unions have grown stronger and stronger. now state employees can retire at 55 with much of their salary for life. and taxpayers are on the hook for one hundred billion dollars in unfunded pension liabilities. no wonder those unions are 100% behind jerry brown. he'll just spend, and spend, and spend.
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we've been talking about it all morning. we're just hours away from the game at at&t, that's sold out, but you can still get standing room only tickets for $55, $58 for a seat and you can also get
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a pretty good deal on bleach, lower box for about $100. most expensive is $2500 for a field club ticket. we'll probably not know until game time what the official starting lineup will be. juan uribe has a wrist injury. he had an mri yesterday, if he's unavailable, kung-fu panda will play third and edgar renteria at shortstop. now, if uribe is good to play, probably would most likely play. renteria is having some trouble with his biceps, also considering andres torres who had trouble hitting in the series f he does, roland will be the likely replacement. chars hope to bounce back after a disappointing home open, gave
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up a two-goal lead and lost to the thrashers 4-2. early in that series though. be sure to join us tomorrow morning bright and early at 304: m. , haa. great.ay ♪ it's beginning to look a lot like christmas ♪ santa baby. ♪ hurry down the chimney tonight ♪ >> okay, tory birch knows how to do it, huh? thank you, santa. bye-bye, santa. >> thank you, girls. >> ho, ho, hoda. >> we're book on this booze day with more of "today." and we thought it was time we started thinking about christmas. we thought it was time to get
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stuff ready for underneath our trees. >> never too early, right? >> here with the neiman marcus catalog, the christmas catalog, which is everybody's dream, dream christmas gifts. >> came in on one of the fantasy gifts, a great cycle with the tory birch detailing. we have got some more affordable things for you. >> that's $4500, right? >> it is. it is, it is, it is. >> ginger reader, tell us what we have here. >> ornaments, fifth anniversary of his and her gifts. $48, $5 from each ornament goes to big brothers, big sisters. >> a great organization. >> raises money for them. >> i like some of the choices. >> is that king tut? >> of course. >> we did sharpie puppies one year. >> and is that the tin man. >> he's a robot of some kind or another. >> all right. >> these look delicious to me. these are chocolate covered crisps. >> chocolate covered potato chips, salt and sweet. >> i can't. i live through you, hoda. >> dark chocolate too is really
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good. $19 a can, get a set of three for $55. it is an unusual gift and delicious, i think. >> salty sweet. i like that combo. >> i do too. >> delicious. >> good, enjoy. >> we have, you know, glitzy ipad covers, phone covers, and luggage tags. smug fun. i lost my phone in a cab last night and you know you're digging through the handbag, can't find them, i think a little color would help. >> did you find your phone? >> i did. the taxi driver brought it back to me. >> see, that happens in new york. >> ugg boots are a favorite among so many people. these are great. >> earmuffs, assorted different colors, they're so cozy. >> to match. they're great. >> they feel wonderful. >> love that. >> how much? >> $75. >> i love them. >> i know. >> they should come out with -- these for your ipods so you can also look -- >> you never have to listen to anybody else ever again. >> look at these adorable little
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desserts. >> these are a set of four cheesecakes, $112, but they're made like packages, they can be a centerpiece for your christmas meal, or a party and then eat them and they're delicious if you want to try. >> can't eat sweets? what a shame. >> this is layered, several different flavors layered in there, but it is just great. >> okay. mm. never had better cheesecake. >> oh, no. oh, no. >> so good. >> okay, this, i love these. this is from texas, but the horseshoe and the -- it is a set of three for $95. one says congratulations, one says good luck, one says thank you. it is a nice little thing for somebody who needs a little boost or a thank you or a congratulations. always need a great manicure kit. >> yes. >> and real indulgence, $150. >> that's a great gift. >> i think so too. >> yeah. >> this is a custom made pallet, which i like. >> it is. you can put it together and you have it engraved. i think there is one for each of you here.
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so -- >> thank you very much. >> those are very nice. and you can't go wrong with popcorn. >> it is great fun. >> $48, three different flavors. and then a tin of neiman marcus chocolate chip cookies, $24, that's good. and back to celebrating our 50th anniversary of the his and her gifts, a great book from the past, you know, history of them where people found them that sort of thing. and always a little platter for your christmas goodies, $35. something for everybody. >> ginger, thank you. you always think you have to get something really high end, but we have shown here there is something for everybody. >> there is. >> thank you so much. up next, something lots of women would like for christmas, a new coif courtesy of louis licari. [ female announcer ] granola nut clusters from nature valley. 100% natural nuts and granola in bite-size clusters. it's a little bit of nature... a little bit better. ♪
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and nature approves. ♪ granola nut clusters from nature valley. the taste nature intended. she's into just about everything. good thing fisher-price created the ixl, a six-in-one learning system that's smart in so many ways. cool. it's an interactive digital book. who loved to run and jump. a learning game player. six, seven bananas. a digital art studio. look. a music player. "k." a writing notebook and a photo album. plus lots of software so she can learn with her favorite characters. the new ixl, it's as smart as she is. only from fisher-price. ♪ play laugh grow i'd get this tightness in my chest. so i went back to my doctor again. we chose symbicort to help control my asthma symptoms all day and night. [ man ] symbicort improves my lung function, starting within 15 minutes. symbicort will not replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. it is a combination of two medicines and should not be taken more often than prescribed.
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symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems, and children and adolescents may have an increased risk of being hospitalized for asthma problems. symbicort is not for people whose asthma is well controlled with a long-term asthma control medicine like inhaled corticosteroids. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop symbicort without loss of control, and prescribe a long-term asthma control medicine. be sure to see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. symbicort is a good choice to help control my asthma all day and night. [ inhales ] [ exhales ] ask your doctor if symbicort is a good choice for you. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. trick or treat. trick or treat. weren't you guys just here? no. yes. no. [ female announcer ] make halloween the most fun night of the year. walmart has this candy for an average of 20% less than other stores. save money. live better. walmart. walmart has this candy for an average of 20% less than other stores. funny how nature just knows how to make things that are good for you.
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new v8 v-fusion + tea. one combined serving of vegetables and fruit with the goodness of green tea and powerful antioxidants. refreshingly good.
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all right, we love this segment. time for "today's beauty" and three fabulous fall hair makeovers. >> today an ivillage contributor louis licari is not only the stylist to the stars, he's a miraclemaker, baby, to so many women who trust their tresses to him, including the three you're about to meet, including me on many occasions. >> me too. >> the whole gifford clan. >> thank you. >> louis, again, so people need to transition from the summertime to the fall, right? >> because certainly you know the days are already shorter and just like you change your summer clothes, your fall wardrobe, you have to change your hair as well.
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really pretty in the summer, often looks just like, a little bit -- >> bleached out. >> bleached out, just inappropriate for the fall. >> come on. you can say it. trampy. you can say it. >> trampy can be fun. >> really, louis. >> 32-year-old carrie, let's listen to her story. >> hi, i'm carrie, i've been blond for as long as i can remember. i was dark a long time ago, it was not the right color for me, i'm in the mood for some change. i want to go into the new season with a fresh color and i need louis' expertise. please help. >> all right, so carrie needed a little work, right? >> a little work. we did a big transformation on carrie. >> let's look at her before picture again and carrie is about to step out from behind this picture. all right, let's see the new you. step on out, carrie. oh, yeah. oh, i love that. >> dramatic. >> i love that. >> we went from summer casual to autumn chic. >> i like it. >> carrie was hiding behind blond hair and hair extensions. in the before picture, look how
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thin it was at the bottom. it just looks see-through. inste dana cut her hair with a super chic bob. when you make your hair darker like i did here, make sure the nuances still show through so it doesn't look opaque. it can't be monochromatic. this is dark enough that some of your highlights still pop through. and notice what it does to her eye color. all of a sudden, blue eyes pop. >> didn't even notice before. >> didn't even notice that before. >> let's go on to our next one. do you love? >> love kristen is 33 years old from new york. let's listen to her story. >> i'm kristen, i'm a college professor. i stand in front of college students for three hours a day with this hair. how do i expect them to listen to what i'm talking about if this is what they have to look at. louis, you have to help me out. >> she needs you. >> the pressure is on.
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okay, so -- >> what were her issues? >> she started without nice blond hair in the beginning of the summer but the sun bleached it out, it went it a soft natural blond to a frosted blond on a young girl. >> so cute. >> how pretty. all the befores look pretty. >> come on out. let's step around, kristen, and see how you look now. >> hey. >> i love that. >> that is so, so flattering. >> you look great. >> this is the perfect autumn color. what i did is i just took her hair color and warmed it up. so it is a warmer base color and a warm honey, golden caramel color. now this haircut is a great bob, but she updated her look with a sexy pixy. what is sexy is the texture, the layer. >> so cute. >> she can get ready in minutes. out of the shower. >> i love it. you got to love. >> i love it.
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>> over the zbloon ymoon. >> yes, my students are going to love it too. >> soft earth tones. >> 21-year-old jamie is our next lucky lady. she is from staten island, new york. let's look at her story. >> here's the deal with me. my hair has been every single color possible. it has been red, it's been pink, it's been platinum blond, black, everything. i work in radio. obviously no one really sees me, however i'm at industry party and people are looking at my hair like what is this girl thinking in her mind? what i need from you, louis, is to help me get this hair under control. >> i like this. what is this girl thinking in her mind? >> she's so cute. staten island. >> this is before the picture. she needed some work, right? >> yeah, okay. you see her hair is very heavy, overwhelming. she put in white surfer -- she put in surfer stripes. >> let's see what she's thinking in her mind now. come on out, jamie.jamie, we lo >> the first thing is we gave
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her long layers throughout, which got rid of the flatness and immediately gave her the bounce back to her hair. the biggest tip is the white frosted highlights are a no-go. that's a beauty 911. get rid of it. so what i did is i made it this light golden brown, added slight shadow at the roots. they get brighter on the ends. she looks beautiful. this front layer, she can wear it as a soft side bang like she has now or she can wear it behind her had ear and even in a ponytail. >> jamie, what do you think? >> i absolutely think it is amazing. i look so sophisticated. >> hello. you guys, thank you. >> louis, great job. >> thank you. >> we'll see you on friday for "ambush makeovers". >> can't wait. homemade costume ideas for the tiny trick-or-treaters after this. did you know
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go-gurt is specially made to freeze d thaw by lunch time? so kids can have their favorite yogurt in their lunch box go-gurt. freeze it. thaw it. eat it up. hey. dinner. [ male announcer ] of all the things that happen on your wooden surfaces, disinfecting has to be one of them. clorox disinfecting wipes. safe on wood. hard on germs. so will i, when we get the bill. oh no bill, we planned ahead with kmart layaway. for $5, plus a little down - i spread the payments over 8 weeks with no finance charges. kmart layaway. there's smart, and there's kmart smart.
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what do you call a cheese that isn't yours? i don't know. nacho cheese! [ laughs ] see, cuz' it's not your cheese but i said "nacho". [ clears throat ] la, la, la, la, la, can't hear you... la, la, la, la, can't hear you... okay... la, la, la, la, can't hear you!! ...that's when i decided to fully invest in my 401k. [ male announcer ] we take the time for our cheese to mature before we bake it into every delicious cracker. because at cheez-it, real cheese matters.
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he worked his whole life, served his country defending our freedoms, and depends on social security. so, who would want to privatize it? corporate lawyer david harmer. harmer's social security privatization plan would cut guaranteed benefits and gamble with social security on wall street. while we worry, harmer's wall street friends would make billions in profits from privatization. david harmer. a social security privatization plan we can't afford. if you're short on time, money or worse, ideas, we have help to get your little one all
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suited up for halloween. >> ivillage editor is here with some ideas. >> they're so sweet. >> we're going to bring out sofia and mike. >> they're mom tested, they're going to work for you. >> look at this. rapunzel and dad is holding her up. >> all less than $15 to create. sofia, sit up, you can see her peeking out. we made a yellow wig out of yarn. this say piece of cardboard we painted up to look like a castle and dad carries her on his shoulders around town. >> your daughter and husband look adorable. >> yes. >> next up, we have emmitt with little baby ellen dressed as the -- >> every mom has a picture of their baby on their iphone. this is a costume come to life. it is a costume and transportation in one. if you have cardboard and black paint, this costume is free.
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all you need to do is -- >> look at how cute is emmitt. >> a little bit of duct tape as the border and then attach it better than we did, just for this. >> not every kid is like emmitt and kicks the crud out of stuff. >> it is very cute. >> bye, emmitt. >> a bathtub coming up, hoda. >> so cute. angelina. >> angelina and her mom, we love this costume this is another costume and transportation in one. >> so cute. >> mom gets to be comfortable. >> mom gets to be comfortable. your daughter gets to ride around in the neighborhood, can run out to the house to trick-or-treat, run back in. if you live in a cold climate, she can actually pull a blanket on under there. >> sure. >> this is just the wagon you have around your house that you pull your -- >> how did you make that? that's cute. >> that's a cane from a party store, a cup and some wrapping and, again, if you have any questions about how to make these costumes, go to
10:50 am and we have a step by step. >> that's adorabldorable. thanks, guys. >> now we have our breakfast trio, christina, john and alex, a doughnut, egg and bacon. >> not the healthiest breakfast but a cute one. this one came from our ivillage community. >> i think the bacon thing came from lady gaga, when she dressed like meat. >> your kid wants to be lady gaga, this is your answer to that, right? this is all three costumes made the same way, all two pieces of cardboard that we sandwiched together and we used fabric to connect one to the other. we just duct taped it. the egg center is a hole we cut out, we put felt in back of it, but you can use the yellow t-shirt, scrapbook paper. >> very clever. >> the doughnut is -- this is all stuff you have around your house. >> if you want more infoe on these ideas, go to our website, we have it on there, and also on, a great britain gra
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great website. >> up next, hoda and i head into the kitchen for a little competition. but first this is "today" on
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our kids can't afford another four years of crippling cuts to public schools. class sizes are too big, and all the standardized testing just isn't working. so classroom teachers looked closely at the plans of both candidates for governor. and we're supporting jerry brown. brown's plan focuses on a well-rounded education... with history, science, and the arts as well as english and math. schools where teachers and parents work together. and that's why we urge you to vote for jerry brown,
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a leader we can trust to make our public schools a priority again.
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he may be a glutton for punishment on the food network. >> but now he combines his etiquette into the new book "glutton for pleasure". >> there is a fine line between pleasure and punishment. i like to walk that line. >> your mom had something to do with this. tell us. >> she gave birth to you. >> she gave birth to me, there you go. >> she thought these kind of things matter. >> this etiquette i talk about in my book is the kind of etiquette your mother never taught you, the way to enjoy dinner parties, not invite your boss or future mother-in-law, ways to set up your kitchen so when you walk in, you're cooking right away. most people have taken out their cutting boards and knives and
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utensils, my dinner is done. >> okay. now, onions are a problem anyway because people -- i tear up like crazy with onions. do you? >> they can make you cry. when i entered the -- this summer i tried to break or establish six guinness world records for my show "glutton for punishment," i broke a record for 30 years, the fastest way to peel a pound of onions. >> how quickly did you do it? >> that would give it away. >> it is going to air. >> it is still airing, okay. >> how did you do? >> did you use cold water or anything? >> no. we tested all sorts of different strategies for tearing. bread in the mouth is the best one, unless you want to wear a snorkel. >> what other records did you attempt to break? >> largest bowl of salsa, most single granz of riins of rice. >> look at the salsa. oh, my gosh. what is this one?
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>> single eggs cracked in an hour with one hand, most onions peeled, most pizzas made in an hour. >> okay. this is exciting. >> what did you do this summer? >> what do you do to relax? >> we did it with liquid. >> we're going to have a little competition since you're very competitive. it is us two versus you, right? >> that's right. >> what are we going to do? >> we have two onions, you're splitting that. >> why do we have two knives and you have one cleaver. >> we want your cleaver. okay, go on. we're going to peel. >> peel clean. >> an onion. >> okay. >> just peel, not chop. >> we don't have all day. then eight single grains of rice with a pair of chopsticks and back here, crack the egg with one hand. >> ready. what is it? go. ♪ >> nice, you're good. >> okay. >> go, kathie.
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>> go. >> wait! get over here! >> i need a little help. >> do you eat it? >> do it nicely. >> go back and crack the egg. >> go, go. >> wait, you're using two hands. that's cheating. >> oh! >> sorry, sorry. >> what happened? wait, wait, wait. sorry. she's still peeling her onion. >> i wanted it to look nice. >> anyway, you're amazing. what's wrong? what is the difference? what? i like ours. >> now we'll see who can make the fastest omelet. >> thank you so much. we really appreciate it. come back tomorrow, we're going to have one of the stars from "entourage" on with us. >> he's a very naughty boy.
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>> yes, he is. and and yy cohen has the 411. >> all the buzz. >> sorry for the mess. >> this is so bad. [ male announcer ] taxes. so who called prop 13 a "fraud" and a "rip off?" jerry brown. who raised the gas tax as governor, and pushed for higher sales taxes? jerry brown. who tried five times to raise property taxes in oakland? jerry brown. who supported higher statewide income taxes? jerry brown. and who says, if elected, he'll ask voters for even more new taxes? jerry brown. governor jerry brown, again? hide your wallet.
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he worked his whole life, served his country defending our freedoms, and depends on social security. so, who would want to privatize it? corporate lawyer david harmer. harmer's social security privatization plan would cut guaranteed benefits and gamble with social security on wall street. while we worry, harmer's wall street friends would make billions in profits from privatization. david harmer. a social security privatization plan we can't afford.


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