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tv   Today  NBC  November 12, 2010 7:00am-11:00am PST

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good morning. all ashore. passengers finay all ashore. passengers finally disembark that stricken carnival cruise ship and they're sharing home video of the conditions they faced and the fire that started it all. this morning, a newlywed couple whose dream honeymoon became a nightmare speaks out. double ag new information on what led to the bust of that russian spy ring operating here in the u.s. apparently, they were turned in by a fellow russian spy who was working for american authorities. now he's reportedly under fbi protection. and "today" exclusive, as
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the so-called hiccup girl sits behind bars, charged with first-degree murder, her mother opens up about her daughter's arrest in a live interview today, friday, november 12th, arrest in a live interview today, friday, november 12th, 2010. captions paid for by nbc-universal television and good morning. welcome to "today" on a friday morning. i'm matt lauer. >> and in for meredith, i'm ann curry. tgif, everybody. and this carnival "splendor" finally docked. and now they can determine what caused this fire that knocked out power to the ship. >> and as that happens, the 3,300 passengers are starting to open up about their rough ordeal at sea. how rough was it? we'll ask these honeymooners that was on the cruise. and another tough ordeal for
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two divers off the coast of australia, and when they surfaced, they discovered their boat was gone. they nearly lost their lives and they did lose their camera, but miraculous, they've all been reunited with it, four years later. we'll show you some of the pictures that they've newly discovered and speak to those divers, coming up. >> look forward to that. but not one, two big events out on the plaza. our crowd is gearing up for a special live concert from bon jovi. that should happen in our 8:30 half hour. and we're also going to see the arrival of this year's rockefeller center christmas tree. al will do the honors, as every year he does. he will ride that baby into the plaza in our next half hour. >> strap them down. let us begin on a friday morning with the passengers now speaking out about their experience onboard that ill-fated carnival cruise ship. nbc's miguel almaguer is in san diego. miguel, good morning to you. >> reporter: matt, good morning. it may be some time before investigators know what caused the fire in the generator room that disabled the massive cruise
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ship. and while they're looking for a cause, we are getting a better picture of what it was like to be aboard that cruise to nowhere. a glimpse onboard the "splendor" and our first look at the first sign of trouble. home video shows smoke from a fire that crippled the gigantic ship 200 miles out at sea. david was on board with his girlfriend lenorah. at 6:00 a.m. on monday, he realized something was terribly wrong. >> i woke up to the smell of smoke, so i immediately knew something inside, in my gut, told me something that was happening. >> reporter: passengers stumbled out of their rooms. the ship's crew tried to keep everyone calm. >> there is absolutely nothing to worry about. and if there was, i promise, i would tell you. >> reporter: soon, the fire was contained, but the "splendor" lost power and propulsion. the ship began to sway side to side. >> this is rough. the other day it was kind of calm.
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>> and this is nothing for them. >> reporter: it didn't take long for some passengers to get sick. it didn't help that some toilets weren't working. by nightfall, perishable food was going bad. marqu marquis horace won't forget his birthday aboard the splendor." >> the worst thing was the rotting food smell. >> reporter: michael planned this cruise for two years. he never thought the food would be canned spam from the u.s. navy. >> i got a picture of it. >> reporter: the air drop might have been exciting, but the cuisine certainly wasn't it. they did what they could. >> first cruise i've ever lost weight. never seen hot dog salads or green bean sandwiches. >> reporter: the food was bad, but the drinks were free. ken joined hundreds of other passengers for a warm beer in a dim bar. >> they actually opened the bar and was giving everybody free alcohol, and which i think
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helped a lot. maybe everybody happy. >> reporter: happy was how to describe the "splendor's" homecoming thursday. after three days stranded at sea in the pacific ocean, passengers raised their arms and cheered. believe it or not, peg fisher is ready for her next cruise. >> i'm a math teacher. what are the odds that this could happen again? so the next one has got to be perfect. >> reporter: perfect, because it will be for free. carnival's refunding all of their passengers and they're also giving them their next cruise on the house. matt. >> all right, miguel, thank you very much. we appreciate it. newlyweds jeffrey and sabrina clinga were on that ship, on their honeymoon. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> how good was it toneymoon. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> how good was it to get your feet on dry land again? >> oh, my god. it was amazing. >> were you guys ever worried for your safety at any time during this, or once you learned the fire was out was it more just about inconvenience than safety?
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>> the danger was more in the beginning when we didn't know anything. but we felt that all throughout. >> oh, yeah, it was more of an inconvenience later, like day two. >> you guys took some photos of your experience, just take me through it, what exactly was the worst part of what you had to face over those three or four days? >> well, to me it was definitely having to walk up nine flights of stairs to go get food that was rotting and it smelled like garbage. and then when the bargain was gone, it was sewer, which was all after the smoke smell finally went away. to me that was the worst part. >> jeffrey, what about for you? >> i would say it was finding ways to make the day go so you didn't have to sleep all day. the first day we just slept all day basically. so later on we got a deck of
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cards and then the staff helped us out and did some activities for us. >> sabrina, you mentioned food, the rotting food. what exactly did you eat? there's been conflicting reports that there was spam, there was no spam, there was vienna sausages, what did you eat to say alive? >> the first couple of days we had the same thing, cereal in the morning and the fruit, but i wouldn't go for the fruit. and then salads were for lunch and dinner and then sandwiches. the first two days there wasn't any meat, just cheese and tomatoes and sauce, i didn't know what it was. i started eating vegetables with salt and pepper. and then the last day is when they had the spam burgers, the spam hot dogs they cut up, mixed up with some sort of cheese sauce. i don't know. >> by that time you weren't asking questions, you weren't
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all that picky. what about the free booze? did this become one big booze cruise? >> yes, towards the end, people were crawling up the stairs. >> we met a few guys up and down. they were barely pulling themselves along. >> the last two days most people were just gone. >> they don't even know they're home in san diego yet. one of the things, i have heard universal compliments to the crew on board the ship. would you agree with that? >> i would have to say the crew was amazing. the best was john, the cruise director. he kept everyone calm and kept us even laughing during it. >> they pulled together. >> so carnival has basically said, we're sorry, we're going to give you a free cruise. are you going to take them up on that or are your cruising days over? >> we want to, but they don't understand that we just used all
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our time for our wedding then for our cruise that we just went on. and, you know, jack's a full-time student at uc irvine, and a part time valet at the marriott. and i work full-time, they're going to give us a free cruise, but when are we going to use it? and this was our first cruise, we're not so sure about the boat thing anymore. >> jeffrey, you would get back on a ship, wouldn't you? >> eventually. i wasn't terrified the whole time. it was a big inconvenience. the expectations were high. but i wasn't afraid at the end. >> you've been married for a week, you've got great stories to tell. it's all going to be better from here, i promise you. jeffrey and sabrina, thank you so much for joining us, welcome home. >> thank you, matt. >> thank you. all right, it's nine minutes after the hour, here's ann. now to president obama's asian tour and the summit of the
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world economic superpowers was held overnight in seoul, south korea. savannah guthrie has the latest. >> reporter: good morning, to you. well, ann the president left seoul without the breakthroughs on some of the things he came for and on that big domestic issue of taxes, the president said this morning he is willing to compromise but will leave the deal making for when he returns to washington. >> i'm not going to negotiate here in seoul. >> reporter: the president from south korea today, rumors of compromise on the bush tax cuts are premature, rejecting reports his administration has already decided to temporarily decided to extend all the tax cuts even to highest earners. hand ag victory to republicans. >> that is the wrong interpretation because i haven't had a conversation with republican democratic leaders. >> reporter: wrapping up the g-20, the president was willing to look at the trade imbalances that have americans buying more
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goods from overseas than they're selling. but the leaders put off decisions on how to fix the imbalances and the president comes away from seoul empty handed on a sought-after free trade agreement with south korea. >> instead of hitting a home runs, we're going to hit singles. but they're really important singles. i'm not interested in signing a trade agreement just for the sake of an announcement. >> reporter: the president today had its toughest words for china, accusing it of manipulating the value of its currency to keep the goods artificially cheap, but federal reserve's decision to pump $600 billion into the economy, something critics seized on as the u.s. manipulating its own currency. >> when i am asked about it, my simple point is to say that from everything i can see, this decision was not one designed to have an impact on the currency, on the dollar.
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it was designed to grow the economy. >> reporter: reflecting on his seven days abroad, the president resisted the suggestion of drumming in the midterm actually weakened him on the world stage. >> i actually think that my relationships have grown much stronger with the people who i've worked with here. this involves the interests of countries and not all of these are going to be resolved easily. and it's not just a function of personal charm. >> reporter: well the president is now in japan for one last summit, a meeting, an economic conference of asian pacific nations and he returns to washington on sunday. >> it is now 7:12. once again, here's matt. >> there are new developments in the spy ring drama. we are now learning the possible identity of the russian spy
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turned double agent who helped investigators crack the case. nbc chief foreign affairs correspondent andrea mitchell has more on this. good morning to you. >> reporter: it is a real life thriller a russian spy defects to the u.s. and is reportedly being targeted for assassination by moscow central. he is credited with recruiting the bond woman of this tale, anna chapman and nine others to live under deep cover in the u.s. until they were arrested and sent home by the fbi. russian newspapers identify him as a double agent who apparently defected to the u.s. last summer. now reportedly under fbi protection from a russian hit man. named after the assassin from stalin's secret police who stabbed leon trot ski with an ice pick in mexico in 1940. >> whenever an important defect
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for comes to the united states, of course he worried about his security. but the cia is very good at resettling these people, giving them false identities and hiding them. >> reporter: prime minister vladimir putin, once a spy himself sounded deadly serious about the double agent this summer, telling reporters the russians have been betrayed by a traitor. but in this country, experts say the defector would be given a new identity. for them a double agent is a huge prize. >> it means the head of counter spy operations for the russian intelligence service, you know, the old kgb has defected to the united states. and if that's true, that's a big blow to the russians. >> reporter: making the most of her role in the cloak and dagger drama is chapman, now a
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celebrity back home, posing for russia's edition of maxim magazine, launching a luxury boutique and an app so people can play poker with a virtual anna. she even has her own action figure. u.s. officials won't comment on any of this. but they don't deny pulling off what could be one of the biggest victories for u.s. intelligence since the end of the cold war unless, of course, this russian is a double-double agent. how would we know for sure? >> andrea, thank you very much. good point. let's get a check of the rest of the morning's top stories. natalee morales is in for me. we begin with the update on the engine woes plaguing the world's largest jet liner. an airbus executive said this morning that rolls royce has identified a faulty bearing box
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as the cause of the oil leak. there were four previous malfunctions of that engine model dating back to 2008, enough for two warnings to be issued to airlines. a dramatic walkout by one of the gov earning parties. leaders struck a power sharing deal for a new government. negotiations have been stalled since march. the g-20 summit addresses international money policy, on wall street stocks may be guided by the dollar. amanda drury is live at the new york stock exchange for us this morning. >> the dollar has been somewhat of a come back kid. further gains in the dollar today could affect the market. since it's already quite jittery over the european jet woes. and today, q b-2 is going to pull out of the huddle, it's going to ease it's new program by making its first purchase. we'll watch what kind of influence they will be on rates as well.
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>> thanks so much. the cholera death toll in a haiti has now soared to 800 and an official at the centers for disease control says the epidemic is worsening and could ultimately pose a threat to other nations including the u.s. those reportedly explicit photos and text messages allegedly sent from brett favre to sideline reporter jen sterger may now be in the hands of nfl investigators. sterger handed over substantial information to league officials thursday for disciplinary review. a connecticut man is baffling hospital officials today. 25-year-old miguel soto was buying a sandwich when he was shot twice, once in the leg, once in the groin on his way out the door. then he headed home to eat his sandwich first before then asking his father to take him to the hospital. he was treated and released but i guess we're all wondering what kind of sandwich that was today. now 7:17. back over to matt, ann and al. the man of steel, you might call
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him. unbelievable. >> a good sandwich. >> must have been a good sandwich. >> when you're hungry, you're hungry. >> i have no words. >> mr. roker, we're looking like we're going to have a grea w eekend. >> looks spectacular here along the east. but our friends in the midwest, not so much. we have got a line of showers and torndsterms, stis ptht of a slow-moving system. behind it much colder air being dragged into the upper midwest from wichita falls up to minneapolis, we're talking one to two inches of rain and then over the next 48 hours, we have got winter storm watches in effect from storm lake, iowa all the way up into minnesota. snowfall amounts anywhere from four to eight inches of snow with some areas minneapolis will see a few inches at least, maybe some northern suburbs may see up to eight inches of snow before it's all over in the next 48 hours. before it's all here's a look at oakland right now. clear skies and notice the steam moving pretty much straight up. not much wind around oakland and
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the temperatures are close to 40 right now. 48 in san francisco and a chilly start to the morning, but a nice finish to the day. mostly sunny and in the upper 60s to near 70. more the same for the weekend and temperatures should climb and stays dry with increasing clouds through next week. >> and that's our your latest weather. it's been almost six months since the disappearance of kyron horman. and the days of intense searching have given way to a painful waiting game for his mother and father. kate snow is joining us with the latest. >> these six months have been so agonizing for kyron's birth parents. they firmly believe that his stepmother terry horman who dropped him off at school last june has the answers to where their little boy is. they are now demanding that she tell authorities and the public what really happened. >> i think she knows where kyron
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is. >> if she's not a suspect in this, then who is? >> reporter: that no longer mince their words. in new interviews, kyron's mother, stepfather and father are emphatic that his stepmother, terri horman, is responsible for kyron's disappearance. >> she has not proven her innocence in the investigative part of this process. >> reporter: this summer kaine said police informed him that his wife had tried to pay someone to kill him months before kyron went missing. terri horman denied that. but now in recent court documents, more allegations from kaine about terri's character. kaine says it was common for terry to be visibly impaired from alcohol several times a week, and she would pass out on the couch. al,000ing their 2-year-old daughter key arwa to play or watch tv until late at night. kyron's mom says those allegations are deeply upsetting. >> without a doubt, i wish i would have known it before. i wouldn't tolerate it and if i
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would have known i would have taken him out of that house in a second. >> reporter: terri horman has responded in court papers calling kaine's allegations vicious. he's told law enforcement she had nothing to do with kyron's disappearance and before these new allegations surfaced terry's brother talked out in her defense. >> i don't think terri is capable of hurting a child, period. ♪ happy birthday to you >> reporter: in september the family celebrated kyron's eighth birthday in his absence. his friends wish he would come home. carson lopez prays for kyron every night. >> please protect kyron and i say let kyron be safe and let him get home soon and let him get home safely. >> we're still searching. we're not going to give up searching and we'll never give up hope. as long as i'm living.
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>> reporter: kyron's parents are worried that as more time passes people are forgetting to look for kyron, they really want everyone to remember that picture of him, you remember with his red-eyed tree frog science project that morning. we hear from others who saw kyron that morning he went missing and they're also going to map out what terri horman did that morning. >> maybe there's something that can be uncovered that may hopefully find him. thank you so much this morning, kate. you can see that "dateline" searching for kyron tonight at 8:00, 9:00 central time here on nbc. just ahead, new details in the murder case against the so-called hiccup girl. for the first time her mom speaks out in an exclusive live interview. [ male announcer ] we went to germany's nurburgring
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to challenge ourselves on the most demanding track in the world. with us, in spirit, was every great car that we'd ever competed with. the bmw m5. and the mercedes-benz e63. for it was their amazing abilities that pushed us to refine, improve and, ultimately, develop the world's fastest production sedan. [ engine revving ] the cts-v, from cadillac. the new standard of the world. still ahead, divers lost at
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nda photograph their their rescue. and also bon jovi. because toyota developed this software that can simulate head injuries and helps make people safer. then they shared this technology with researchers at wake forest to help reduce head injuries on the football field. so, you know, i can feel a bit better about my son playing football. [ male announcer ] how would you use toyota technology to make a better world? learn how to share your ideas at
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good morning. 7:26. we want to check the morning commute. mike inouye has been watching an accident in livermore. >> light volume, but a tough commute. an earlier motorcycle accident and lanes cleared over an hour ago, but the slowing out of the pass in the build up of the morning commute as well. 25 minutes slow and long for a friday morning, but it continues to improve as the minutes go along in the 30s and 40s on average.
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the bay bridge with the metering lights on. there is the look with the spider web glowing in the sunrise. >> very dry and sunny. look at the temperatures waking up to the 30s and patches of frost around gilroy. the afternoon with a nice day and 60s to near 70 in some of the warmest places. this includes fairfield and san jose and close to 70 and the weekend looks dry and a little bit warmer. we will stay dry through the middle of next week. 7:27. more news after the break.
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two san josepolice officers who were fired after an alleged cover up will be back on patrol. the officers will be back on the job after an arbitration that lasted several months. a sergeant and an officer were accused of letting sandra wood all off the hook after she crashed her car in march of 2008. paramedics believe she had been driving drunk. the police chief initially fired the officers, but their punishment was reduced to an 11-month suspension. back to the "today" show in a few. #,ó%1
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>> here's a sunnyview of san jose. still chilly out. mid 40s and the sun is coming up. a little breezy at times. mainly towards tonight into saturday. north and east bay with wins gustate times. temperatures look nice. 60s to 70s and warming up more thanks to the offshore wind pattern and more clouds spill in through next week and should stay dry over the next seven days.
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here's a gorgeous view of san jose this morning. the sun is up and temperatures slowly creeping up after a very chilly start. 47 in san jose. still in the 30s around novato and the north bay. temperatures for the afternoon, mid to upper-60s today. sunny skies and offshore winds picking up for the hilltops this weekend. temperatures warming up through sunday, staying dry, not just for the weekend but at least through the middle part of next week.
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>> and that's your latest weather. matt? >> thanks very much. when we come back, john bon jovi and the boys live in concert. but first these messages. - i wanted to get cindy something special this year. - you went to kay. she'll love it. [chuckles] trust me. i know. - save 25% on bulova watches at kay, the number one jewelry store in america. - i love it.
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[scraping] [piano keys banging] [scraping] [horns honking] with deposits in your engine, it can feel like something's holding your car back. let me guess, 16. [laughing] yeeah. that's why there's castrol gtx... with our most powerful deposit fighting ingredient ever. castrol gtx exceeds the toughest new industry standard. don't let deposits hold your car back. get castrol gtx. it's more than just oil. it's liquid engineering. have you tried honey bunches of oats with real strawberries? wow. it's seriously strawberry. they're everywhere. it's in the bunches, on the flakes, even real strawberries in the mix. can i have some more? honey bunches of oats with real strawberries. it's delicious. nobody does it quite like us.
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nah. we have something else. but if you're hurt and miss work does it pay cash like aflac does? nah. or let you spend it in any way you want like for gas and groceries? nah. or help with everyday bills like aflac does? nah nah nah. [ male announcer ] there's aflac and there's everything else. visit for an agent or quote. aflac! losing a family member is painful at any age, but it's especially tough on children and we found a very special place to help children cope with loss. >> let's play tag!
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>> reporter: like most kids, thomas and his brothers came to camp to hike, paddle canoes and make new friends. but unlike a typical camp, they also came to grieve and remember their father. >> love you, dad, miss you. >> reporter: peter belog died of colon cancer leaving behind his wife and four young sons. at camp erin, these boys are not alone. >> look at my mother, doesn't she look like me? >> reporter: this camp was inspired by 15-year-old erin metcalf who met her hero, baseball pitcher jamie moyer. >> we met her through make a wish, she was a very sick young lady at that point in time and she was waiting for an organ and we created a special bond. >> reporter: erin was diagnosed with liver cancer, although she received a transplant, the cancer came back and her prognosis was grim.
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>> she usually wasn't feeling her best, but always found a way to smile, always found a way to bring light to the situation. >> reporter: even at the end of her battle she was focusing on others and worrying about her sisters. >> her faith in the end was remarkable. for anyone to be 17 years old and understand that you're not going to live much longer and be concerned about their parents and their sisters that you're leaving behind is quite remarkable. >> reporter: erin's final wish was to help other children in pain. through the moyer foundation, they created camp erin, a bereavement camp to help children like erin's sisters who have lost loved ones. >> camp is important because it's a time when they get together with other kids with similar experiences. they're an unusual circumstance,
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so this is a place where they can come and not be unusual. this is the norm here. >> i really didn't know what to do because i was alone and coming here, i see other kids and they teach me how to handle my own feelings and i help them and we help each other. >> reporter: from memory walks to arts and crafts, this camp teaches kids it's okay to cry, but it's okay to laugh too. >> think of your most precious memory that you have of your loved one. >> reporter: it's okay to remember and still move on. at camp erin, every camp camper has a volunteer buddy who supports themselves through the weekend. . >> try to be a big brother, also like trying to be the man of the house too, which is pretty tough.
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hi wanted to share with him that it was already to, you know, have him feel his feelings. >> reporter: with the help of his new friends, this is something thomas is learning to do. >> he lived to be 41. he died two days before christmas. >> the thing i admire most about them is that they're so brave, they're learning they have a place in this world still. >> reporter: if these kids learn one thing at camp erin is that it's they're not alone. >> my hope is that they're going to find in themselveses the strength to go on. because whoever it was they lost, their fondest wish i'm sure is that their children would be okay and that they're going to grow up to be the people that they were supposed to be. >> t >> reporter: the wish of one child helping many others. >> helping other kids like me, i
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just had a blast. >> buy! >> reporter: so this morning, we reunited all 49 of the camp erin albany children here at rockefeller center's ice skating rink and also we're joined by the camp founders, you just hea heard -- welcome to all of you this morning. let me start with you karen and jamie and describe how you must have felt to haabout erin to hau start this camp for children. >> she lost her battle to cancer and had a wonderful family and she wanted to help her sisters with the grief. so he started this camp all across america. >> to see this impact, it's very powerful, it can't be any more powerful.
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>> when erin was sick, we saw so many family that were care forgive a child that's ill. >> your daughter's last wish, her final wish, realized. what does it mean to you. >> we feel that this is her legacy, this is something that really mattered to her and to know every day that there is this camp and the transformation that these children go through is a huge honor and a blessing in our lives. >> it's about healing. >> and it's a great opportunity for us to stand up and get other organizations to get involved. to give back and all the communities and many more
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communities. >> in fact you're saying that by the end of this year, you expect to have a camp in every major league city in america? >> yes, ma'am. >> it's part of our legacy as athletes. you know, to give something back and to make a difference in people's lives. >> that you have done. >> it's a free camp, so we rely on volunteers and corporate sponsors and it's a wonderful thing. >> we're going to tell everybody that's there more information about camp erin on our website. if you have any questions, please take a look at that. now we're going to turn to natalee who's on the plaza. >> we're gearing up here for the bon jovi concert coming soon live here on the plaza. lots of fans of all ages, some very young, who probably don't remember a lot about bon jovi. so i'm going to test their
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knowledge. the song "you can't go home" made history when it a, became the most downloaded song ever, b bon jovi became the first rock band to reach number one on the hot country charts or it was the first rock 'n roll song to inclu include -- okay, now hs our holiday gift list. aww, not the mall. well, i'll do the shopping... if you do the shipping. shipping's a hassle. i'll go to the mall. hey. hi. you know, holiday shipping's easy with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. yea, i know. oh, you're good. good luck! priority mail flat rate shipping starts at just $4.90 only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship.
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i worry about my son playing football. which is why i'm really excited. because toyota developed this software elps make people safer. then they shared this technology with researchers at wake forest to help reduce head injuries on the football field. so, you know, i can feel a bit better about my son playing football. [ male announcer ] how would you use toyota technology to make a better world? learn how to share your ideas at practicing. practicing what? writing my name. why are you writing your name so much? because grandpa said that our name goes on everything we make. (announcer) tim and richard smucker grew up knowing that putting your name on every jar was a guarantee of quality.
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what are you doing, richard? i'm practicing too! that's a good idea. (announcer) for five generations, with a name like smucker's it has to be good. back outside on the plaza right now, with the answer to our bon jovi trivia question. in 2006, the song "who says you can't go home" made history when it became the most downloaded song ever, bon jovi became the first rock band to reach number one on hot country charts. it was the first rock band to reach number one on the hot country charts. sports columnist and best selling author is throwing us a curve with his latest kids book,
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this time he venture into the world of fantasy and science fiction. >> in the back of my mind i wanted to try to write a book about a kid who could do some cool stuff. my editor said if you could pick one, fly or be invisible, which would you choose? >> we have this discussion all the time. >> everybody has this and when i would go out on speaking tours, i was shocked that there would be this big debate. so i said, i've got a character here that can do both. >> talk to me about his life before he discovers he's got these powers? >> he's a kid living in new york city, central park becomes like a movie set for this book. his dad is a big troubleshooter for the president, he loses him in the first chapter, doesn't believe it's an accident. at the age of 14, he finds out
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that he has the ability to send himself in here to there, as fast as you can send a text message and that's the first time he has the magic inside. >> there's controversy over there, because he's not sure he loves these powers, because a lot of people would say how cool is that? he's not sure he really want this is. >> he finds out he's got strength and vision and senses about things about to happen and he's not happy about it because -- but he's on this quest to find out who took his dad away from him. and to me, writing this book was like putting him behind the wheel of a hot car and saying let's see what this baby's got. the discovery was as much for me as for him. >> he loses his father, that's a dark turn in a book for kids. there's also the issue of bullying that comes up in this book. why did you want to tackle those things. >> because i wanted to raise the stakes a little bit. all of my books are about kids
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getting knocked down and getting back up. i never give the characters in my books more than they can handle and i give this boy a lot. and ultimately he finds out the real magic in him in heart and courage. >> i know you appeared recently at a place in massachusetts and you were talking about this book and kids come up to you, you gather a group of kids, what kinds of things do you hear from kids who have read your previous books that inspire you to keep writing in this genre? >> when i see -- travel team came out six years ago and we sold millions of books since then. but when i come up with a copy of travel team that looks like a car has driven over it, which means it's been read and reread and to find out how important these books are to kids, and ipod, internet, google, video game world has been the coolest thing that's ever happened. >> good to have you here, the book is "hero" and just ahead,
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jon bon jovi rocks the plaza live. that's after your local news and weather.
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good morning, the time is 8:26. i'm brent cannon. there's now a problem on the southbound 880. >> in san jose northbound 880, there is an accident reported in the left two lanes. 880 north because they can't find the interchange north. traffic is slow. and the rest of the southbound bay, northbound directions, a lighter commute.
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livermore has a heavier commute because of the accident and a pothole reported near the airport. we're waking up to 30s and 40s, but the afternoon is pretty nice. 68 in livermore. 70 towards fairfield. if you like today's weather, the chilly mornings and mild afternoon, you'll love the weekend. a few extra clouds and cooling midway through next week. the time is 87.ter ththmoe ns . a
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the governor is calling for a special session to tackle the hole in budget plan. a long stalemate, the longest one in state history, special session comes one day after the legislative analysis office projected a $25 billion deficit for the next 20 months. the special session will start december 6th, when the new lawmakers are sworn in. more local news coming up in half an hour. the "today" show returns in less than a minute. we'll see you back here in a bit.
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8:30 now on a friday morning, it's the 12th day of november, 2010. as you can see, the boys in bon jovi about to get into it with a
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major concert on the plaza this half hour. but the concert is not their only performance. i'm here with natalee morales and al roker. . >> look at him, i mean he's so graceful. he was on "dancing with the stars" of course. and also how to keep your kids germ free during this cold and flu season. >> and what would happen if kathie lee and hoda switched sides for one day? >> frank gifford would be surprised. imagine kathie lee in the subway, hoda in the suburbs. all we know is probably a couple of people end up drunk. >> no matter what happens. >> no matter what happens. >> that's the best!
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>> a lot to get to when we say hi to nick cannon. how are you? good to see you. >> you have your halloween for next season. >> you have 90 seconds for the judging. they have got to have an act that's so concise, it's spectacular. boom. >> do you have one of those big hooks where at the end of 90 seconds they get dragged off the stage? >> i have been asking for that. >> maybe a gong. >> you have some great news? >> yes. >> it is a wonderful time right now. we're happy at home. >> congratulations. you don't know boy or girl yet, right. >> that's like the surprise of a lifetime. so you want to try to hold out
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as long as possible. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> nick cannon, from "america's got talent" is in new york right now. mr. roker? >> i wear that title proudly. mostly sunny this morning after a real chilly start. 40s for the most of the bay area. the afternoon looks nice. a lot like yesterday. maybe not as breezy in the hilltops but into the weekend winds 10 to 20 miles per hour and the temperatures looking nice to wrap up the weekend.
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mid-70s in some spots, plenty of sunshine early next week. >> don't forget you can get your weather any time of the day or night, go to weather channel on cable or online. sunday is the biggest night of the week, because it's football night in america. the patriots come into heinzefieheinze field. cloudy skies, i relish the thought. 20% chance of a shower, temperatures upper 40s to 53. will they cut the mustard, you'll find out on sunday night, football night in america. >> that was great. >> mr. roker, thank you. >> bon jovi live in concert. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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this morning on "today" the reigning olympic gold medalist. the first american in 1988 to win gold in men's figure skating and evan now joins us this morning. we were showing you the moment where you had your hand over your heart listening to the national anthem. so much has happened, since then you've been on "dancing with the st stars". it just seems like you're having so much fun. >> i am appreciative of what has come my way since the olympics. it's changed my life but definitely for the better and it's given me the opportunity to
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work with some organizations that i really care about and do things like this tv special that we have coming up on nbc. >> you had to improvise basically to a live performance of the music from foreigner. how challenging is that? >> it's difficult. it's very different for skating where we're used to slipping our cd in and rehearsing our routine thousands and thousands of times but to make it up on the spot, it has to come from the heart. >> we really love you around here. >> i love you guys. >> we're going to let you get into position. while i tell everyone that you're going to be skating to the climb that's sung by david hernandez.
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♪ i can almost see it ♪ i can even dream it ♪ there's a voice inside of my head saying you'll never reach it ♪ ♪ every step i'm taking ♪ every move i'm making ♪ lost in all directions ♪ my faith is shaking ♪ but i got to keep trying ♪ i got to keep my head held high ♪ ♪ there's always going to be another mountain ♪ ♪ i'm always going to want to make it move ♪ ♪ always going to be an uphill battle ♪ ♪ sometimes i'm going to ♪ ain't about about what's waiting on the other side ♪ ♪ it's the climb
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♪ my faith the shaken ♪ with the chances i'm taking ♪ no i'm not breaking ♪ these are the moments ♪ i'm going to win ♪ i got to be strong ♪ just keep pushing on ♪ always going to be another mountain ♪ ♪ always going to want to make it move ♪ ♪ always going to be another mountain ♪ ♪ it doesn't matter how fast i
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get there ♪ ♪ it ain't about what's waiting on the other side ♪ ♪ i'm always going to want to make it move ♪ ♪ always going to be an up hill battle ♪ ♪ somebody's going to have to learn ♪ ♪ ain't about how fast i get there ♪ ♪ ain't about what's waiting on the other side ♪ ♪ it's the climb ♪ there's always going to be another mountain ♪ ♪ always going to want to make it move ♪ ♪ it ain't about what's waiting on the other side ♪ ♪ it's the climb ♪ keep on moving ♪ it's all about the climb
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>> you are perfect, thank you so much. coming up next, bon jovi live in convert on our plaza. but first, this is "today" on nbc. [ dog barking ] mom!
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breakfast? in this house? in the morning i can use all the help i can get. that's why i love nutella, a delicious hazelnut spread that's perfect on multigrain toast and even whole-wheat waffles. it's a quick and easy way to give my family a breakfast they'll want to eat. and nutella is made with simple, quality ingredients, like hazelnuts, skim milk and a hint of cocoa. they love the taste and i feel good that they're ready to tackle the day. ♪ nutella. breakfast never tasted this good.
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the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. >> they have been cranking out hit music for almost a decade, ladies and gentlemen, bon jovi.
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♪ living a song for the broken hearted ♪ ♪ no time and prayer for the great departed ♪ ♪ i'm going to shout out loud ♪ it's life now or never ♪ i ain't doing this forever ♪ i just want to live my life ♪ my heart is going my way ♪ i'm going to live while i'm alive ♪ ♪ it's my night
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♪ it's life it's now or never ♪ ♪ i ain't going to live forever ♪ ♪ i just want to live while i'm alive ♪ ♪ my heart is like an open highway ♪ ♪ like frankie said i did it my way ♪ ♪ i just want to live while i'm alive ♪
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♪ because it's my life ♪ you better stand tall ♪ when they're calling you out ♪ don't bend don't break ♪ baby don't back down ♪ it's my life ♪ it's now or never ♪ cause i ain't gonna live forever ♪ ♪ i just wanna live while i'm alive ♪ ♪ my heart is like an open highway ♪ ♪ like frankie said i did it my way ♪ ♪ i just wanta live while i'm
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alive ♪ ♪ and it's now or never ♪ i ain't gonna live forever ♪ i just wanna live while i'm alive ♪ ♪ my heart is like an open highway ♪ ♪ like frankie said i did it my way ♪ ♪ i just wanna live while i'm alive ♪ ♪ cause it's my life >> bon jovi, more music straight ahead on a friday morning, but first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪
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[ male announcer ] it's luxury with fire in its veins. bold. daring. capable of moving your soul. ♪ and that's even before you drop your foot on the pedal. ♪ the new 2011 cts coupe from cadillac. the new standard of the world.
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bon jovi has performed more than 26,000 concerts around the world. 24,000 of those right here on the "today" show. they have sold about 120 million albums. they're going to add to those impressive numbers with their newest albums. it's called "greatest hits" jn n bon jovi, you have been nominated, you're smiling, into the rock and roll hall of fame. it seems like a no-brainer.
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what would it mean? i mean some of the names in the hall of fame. >> ritchie and i were inducted into the songwriters hall of fame. >> and you guys over the weekend were named the first global icon at the european mtv awards. >> i appreciate it. we were there at the advent of mtv and to still be making number one records the world over, it's amazing. >> you're always out there with the fans, you basically just came off the road, you start again in december? >> 55 countries on this tour. we did a great american -- the american pop culture is popular the world over. >> what are you going to sing?
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>> this is the new single. >> bon jovi. ♪ just a little making a living ♪ ♪ and we're living for ♪ a rich man or a poor man ♪ a pawn or a king ♪ you live on the streets and you can fool the whole world ♪ ♪ but it don't mean one thing ♪ whatever you got is just being in love ♪ ♪ you're walking a road finding
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your way when no one's there ♪ ♪ you want to give up ♪ it's going to be a good one ♪ living those dreams ♪ i'm a dreamer ♪ because i still believe i believe in hope ♪ ♪ i belief in change ♪ whatever you got you can't breathe without love ♪ ♪ you want to give up but it's worth the fight ♪
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♪ when you ain't got love ♪ you ain't got love ♪ how long you going to live without it ♪ ♪ what do you got if you ain't
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got love ♪ ♪ whatever you got it just ain't enough ♪ ♪ you walking a road ♪ but you don't know where ♪ you want to give up ♪ it's still worth the fight ♪ if you ain't got love ♪ if you ain't got love ♪ what are you doing it for ♪ what have you got if you ain't got love ♪ ♪ what do you got if you ain't got love what do you got if you
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ain't got love ♪ ♪ good friday morning, it is 8:56. i'm laura garcia-cannon.
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>> we have south 280 an accident in one of the middle lanes causing some slowdowns approaching 380. on the other side, 101 is lighter than normal. slowing to mateo. another accident for 680 southbound. reports of slowing in both directions and that's what we're seeing here as well. i've been tracking this. westbound 580 showing huge improvement over the last half hour. a little slowing through livermore. much better though. more news after this. make your christmas story unforgettable!
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use your shop your way rewards card at kmart today... ...for the chance to win 1 of 30 trips to universal orlando resort... ...and step into the magic and excitement... ...of the wizarding world of harry potter! there's smart, and there's kmart smart. a bay area mother says no one is taking responsibility after a crow bar slammed into her car on the bay bridge. nikki doyle felt caltrans should cover the damage to her new mini cooper. they deny responsibility blaming it on a construction company p
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the company says their crews were not working on the day of the accident. doyle's insurance company says it is pursuing legal action against caltrans. i'll have another local news update in 30 minutes. "today" show returns in about a minute. have a great morning.
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♪ ♪ bad name ♪ new york sing shot through the heart and you're to blame ♪ ♪ you give love
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pz pz. bon jovi in concert out on the plaza this 12th day of november, 2010. guys, thank you so much for coming. great to see you here. we will see you soon. >> thank you very much. >> we have a great crowd gathered. these people are here to see a great concert. . more music coming up from bon jovi and the boys. coming up also, the fan favorite. >> i'm matt lauer along with ann curry and al roker. we'll find out more about the cruise gone wrong. the carnival splendor back after the fire cut power to the ship. we'll find out what exactly it was like on that cruise when we talk to the passengers.
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>> also this morning, we're going to find out more in our continuing series with barbara corcoran, how far our money goes when it comes to real estate. we'll look at houses under $300,000. >> is that a real house or painting? >> pretty. >> germs and our kids. it's never too early to teach the little ones about good habits to keep from getting and spreading germs. we'll give you the lowdown on the lessons that will keep them and us healthier. >> do we need to sing happy birthday? >> twice. >> easily. >> natalie is standing by at the news desk with the headlines. >> good morning, everyone. the national transportation safety board is investigating the engine room fire that left the splendor stranded off the coast for three days. most passengers are praising the crew but otherwise describing their trip as a nightmare vacation. earlier matt spoke to newlyweds
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whose honeymoon was ruined but keep to keep it in stride. >> having to walk up nine flights of stairs to go get food that was rotting and it smelled like garbage. and then when the garbage was gone it was sewer, which was all after the smoke smell finally went away. for me, that was the worst part. >> meanwhile on thursday passengers cheered as a half dozen tug boats dragged the splendor into the san diego bay. president obama is in japan for the apec summit. he got tough with china on trade and currency disputes. airbus says a faulty bearing box is the cause of an oil leak in the jumbo jet liner last week. it caused one of the a-380 engines to blow out in air. rolls-royce says it can fix the
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problem and it is now fixing it on older versions. the cholera death toll in haiti has soared to 800. they say the epidemic is worsening and could pose a threat to other nations, including here in the u.s. the campaign for lisa murkowski say they are confident she is headed to victory. they have double checked the ballots and those challenging the ballots for faulty penmanship and miss spellings of her name. police are testing human remains in the search for a missing 10-year-old girl. zahra baker has been missing since october 9th. they found a prosthetic leg believed to be hers earlier this month. the holiday shopping dollars is on retailers are calling it black friday month. large chains are offering free
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shipping while others are fighting back by opening up on thanksgiving day for the first time. this as seasonal sales are expected to rise only minimally over last year. it was a rare moment of unity. a jewish, muslim and christian leaders came together in prayer for rain in between bethlehem and jerusalem. it has been a five-year dry spell in the parched territory, more often known of deadly clashes between israel and palestinians than moments for joint prayer. check out this, 761 students went for the record for the world's biggest pie fight, the school raised $10,000 for a local soup kitchen. good for them, little sticky though. let's get a check on the weather from mr. roker. >> i want to go to the school where the chancellors are mo,
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larry and curly. >> me too. >> we're looking at a big storm system, it's a slow mover blocked by high pressure along the east coast bringing heavy rain from texas up into minnesota. we're looking at 1 to 2 inches of rain. also, we've got winter storm watches from iowa into minnesota, anywhere from 3 to 9 inches of snow from a gorgeous view looking over to san francisco. notice the camera nice and steady. our temperatures are finally getting into the 40s and 50s after a morning that did have a little bit of patchy frost in the north and south bay locations earlier. 68 in san jose. warmest place near 70 today. we should be trending warmer through the weekend and staying dry through the early part of next week. that's your platest weather.
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time to check in with our good buddy, willie scott. >> this is always nice, good old smucker's biscuit. molly marcus, 110. attributes longevity to alternating whisky and wine. glenda barber from bainbridge, georgia. 106 years old, secret are refusing to take medications. now that's -- i can't say that. morrie golick, of parkland, established the lupus
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foundation. >> wilma, lebanon, missouri, donated more than 1,000 baby quilts for charities. isn't that nice? somebody thinks of a cause like that. that's terrific. marvin powell in the great state of colorado, 100 years old. retired teacher, still gets thank you notes from people he taught years ago. that's nice. and we have ann osterhoudt, 106 years on from boonton, dances the polka and 106th birthday party was no different. goes to the beauty parlor weekly. and finally gertrude, i always like that name. karasik from coral springs. 100 years old. says the best thing about being 100 is not feeling guilty about eating candy, chocolate and ice
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cream. that's it. i like all of that. i'm not near -- i'm getting close. anyway, back to new york. >> you're okay, uncle willie. what you can get under $300,000 from the woods of vermont to the mountains of colorado. "today" real estate contributor barbara corcoran is here to take us on a tour. >> good morning, al. >> let's go to vermont. nice two bedroom home priced at 219,000. >> undiscovered gem in the green mountains of southern vermont. if you blink you miss it. one post office, one country store and 809 residents as of yesterday morning. that's a beautiful house. sits 2,000 feet high surrounded by wild flower fields. a perfect place to get away from it all. a great escape house from the new york city or boston area. wood floors out, big cathedral ceilings and exposed beams.
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that stair case was built with the house and they haven't touched it. it has lots of built-ins, double heights through most of the rooms. the eat-in kitchen has bright white cabinets. bringing screened in porch with a separate living area over a three car garage. a lot of space for 219,000. >> beautiful view. columbus, ohio, six-bedroom home, 27 $4,000. what will they do for the curb appeal? >> it's a good lesson in the curb appeal. you should stop and have a look at what's inside. it has a lot of special features, tons of stained glass and wood moldings and lots of arched doors. lots of whacky paint color, i have to say. the big kitchen is surprisingly
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modern with stainless steel appliances and stainless quarts countertops. has both a deck and patio and in the best part of town. >> the germantown. >> it is. quaint and mature trees and great school district. >> denver, colorado, a two-bedroom home priced at $264,900. >> denver prices are on the rise. >> kind of a weird color. >> a little whacky bungaloe. it fits in. it's just what people buy there. they love those warm colors. look at the details here. kind of like an old fashioned moon gate walk. it's nice anyway. you have to look at it and say it's original. you may not live with it yourself but it gives the house a lot of character. there's totally hip lighting and workable, useable kitchen, not big at all. it has a nice big window and
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it's bright. there's original details like that stair well right there. they haven't touched it since the day it was built and it is in perfect condition. out back, you'll see in a moment, there's a wood deck and lawn and hammock and beautiful private yard. i even like the whacky little star. >> very nice. greenville, south carolina. three bedroom home, priced at 289,900. >> it's right at the foot hills of the appalachian mountains. the picture was taken at night. great idea. >> this is the second time in a row we've seen it. >> maybe it's a new trend. >> you started the trend. >> it looks charming. the living room reads very contemporary. has the very nice white trim and freshly painted and looks fresh to move in tomorrow. looks like a magazine shot even though they didn't use a professional stager. >> they did it right. >> look at those heart pine
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floors, big wide floors. people love them. they have the nice glow of warmth to them. >> look at the kitchen cabinets. >> expensive, i might say. they spent a ton of money on the kitchen but they'll get it back. >> they'll get it back? >> they will because they did the right changes. what is about this house you wouldn't like? >> that's a beauty. >> a five bedroom house priced at 299,900. >> it's a little more expensive and roomy colonial. it has odd ball white bricks. it has no names, just odd ball white bricks, kind of gives you a polka dot feeling. it's very modern. they left some of the high ceilings and dropped some, which i'm not crazy about. that's a very modern look for an old fashioned house. but it's priced right. in the best part of town. you start to see the light of the house. tons of windows that sells at a high premium. and there's the great kitchen. there's a back deck and ee mac
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lat fenced backyard. >> i think we've run out of time. >> no, we're good. anything else to add? no, good-bye, al. >> have a great weekend. >> thank you. >> coming up the disappearance of chandra levy gripped the nation. a senator was the primary suspect. another man is on trial for the murder. we'll hear from the congressman's son. how to keep your kids away from all of germs that are so easily spread this time of year right after these messages. right after these messages. america the beautiful an quarters proof set from the united states mint. digitally-mastered for vivid detail. mirror-like finish for unequaled luminance. the first five quarters of this annual series can be yours for $14.95 at get yours only at or 888-658-mint. have you tried honey bunches of oats with real strawberries?
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wow. it's seriously strawberry. they're everywhere. it's in the bunches, on the flakes, even real strawberries in the mix. can i have some more? honey bunches of oats with real strawberries. it's delicious. nobody does it quite like us. gotta get that bacon! dog: yummy. crunchy. bacon. bacon. bacon. there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip? dog: me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm... i love you! beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time!
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nah. we have something else. but if you're hurt and miss work does it pay cash like aflac does? nah. or let you spend it in any way you want like for gas and groceries? nah. or help with everyday bills like aflac does? nah nah nah. [ male announcer ] there's aflac and there's everything else. visit for an agent or quote. aflac! trio makes it easy for him to build big, play big, for big fun. trio building system, building really big imaginations. only from fisher-price. play. laugh. grow.
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introducing total plus omega-3 honey almond flax cereal. all the nutrition of total, plus 10% daily value omega-3 ala, and a delicious honey almond crunch. new total plus omega-3. "today's" healthy home brought to you by clorox. >> this morning on "today's"
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healthy home, germs and your kids, whether it's a runny nose or persistent kougt, a sick child can be a drain on the entire family. you have to fight the germs that breed the kolds. jennifer tracts ten berg is the author the "smart parents guide" cold and flu season is getting underway. january and february is when you see the most cases, right? >> exactly. we are starting to see them now. so we urge everyone to get the flu shot. >> the first line of defense is keeping the germs at bay. >> kids get somewhere between five and nine kolds a year, by really good hand washing, we can decrease that. also decrease more severe conditions like pneumonia and staph infections that can be resistant. >> these diseases and flus and colds are passed by contact, right? >> they certainly.
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that's why the hand washing is so important. >> you say i guess the one question a lot of parents have, it's good to let your kids get sick because it helps build their immune system. >> is that true? >> kids do need to be around germs. it does help their immune systems and there's a recent study that showed kids in in day care exposed to so many germs and in elementary school they are less likely to be sick. >> let's start if you want the preventative measures, stock up on hand sanitizers. >> make sure your kids are using them. if they are not going to use them, it's not going to help. >> have them accessible, have them in the back pack and in different rooms. we know this one, we want a child to learn something new, parents have to be really good role models. wash your hands appropriately all the time too. >> every time they walk in from being outside, wash your hands. that's what we do in my house.
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>> next it's important to coordinate your home and school routine. whatever you're doing at home, you have to make sure when you go off to school those same rules apply. >> consistency is so important with kids. they are out of the house a lot. in day care, playing with friends or at school. speak to the teacher and make sure they have the same rules being enforced. make your wash your hands at school and sneeze into the crooked elbow or does the classroom need more tissues. >> you also say to remember to target high traffic items. so i imagine a lot of things like remote control and things they touch a lot and even things they put their mouths a lot. >> pass fiers if kids use those. the keyboard, mouse, telephone, cell phones too. >> stuffed animals. >> exactly. >> anything they play with. then you say if they have been sick to make sure you do a once
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over and do a thor oug cleaning after the illness, when you have one child sick you know the others will get it. >> i have three kids, i know that happens. make sure they are not sharing utensils and not eating out of the same bowl of chips and toothbrushes as well too. >> we just lot a light bulb. >> good information, thank you. >> they should be getting their flu shots, right? >> definitely. >> coming up, how would you like to be cathy lee for the day or would you rather be hoda. they decided to play freaky friday and traded places for the day. ed ll show you how that o. we'llhoyou after these messages. [ female announcer ] does your hair color feel as healthy as it looks?
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it will with natural instincts. it's clinically proven. 80% of women agreed that natural instincts made their hair feel softer. want feel good color? get 10 minute natural instincts. it's all good.
9:23 am
not sure what to take? now click on the robitussin relief finder. click on your symptoms. get the right relief. makes the cold aisle easy. the robitussin relief finder. it's that simple. starting veterans day get black friday prices at sears. like this forty inch toshiba for only $499.99. this garage opener is just $99.99... ...and this craftsman tool chest is half off. be the santa you want to be. find your santa at
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how'd you do that? do what? it tastes too good to be fiber. you made it taste like chocolate. it has 35% of your daily value of fiber. do it again. turn it into something tasty. this guy's doing magic. there's chocolate chips in here now. how'd you do that? right! tasty fiber, that's a good one! ok, her mind. what's she thinking? that's right! i'm not thinking anything! [ male announcer ] fiber one chewy bars. cardboard no. delicious yes.
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coming up, beyond sports and weather, why men don't communicate with each other and the people they love. >> important topic. also one more song by bon jovi, it's the one you wanted to hear. my name is quinn, and this is my eggo. on fridays i have hockey before school, so i take two eggo homestyle waffles and put peanut butter inside. [ whispering ] i add a couple chocolate chips when dad's starting the car. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ quinn ] l'eggo my eggo. [ louise ] my name is louise and this is my eggo. on tuesday i go in even earlier than usual. thank goodness for eggo, a nutri-grain waffle with a quick smoodge of cream cheese... at least that part's easy. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ louise ] l'eggo my eggo. to cover up flaws and make skin look pretty but there's one that's so clever, it makes your skin look better even after you take it off. neutrogena healthy skin lieuidak mp.
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98% of women saw improvement in their skin's natural texture, tone, or clarity. does your makeup do that? neutrogena® cosmetics recommended most by dermatologists. good morning, it's 9:26. let's check the commute with mike. >> the lower peninsula we have the stragglers on the morning commute. folks get in later on friday sometimes. so so they can leave earlier. slow traffic in both directions. further north, a nice drive through san mateo. mild slowing around the san mateo bridge. there's the san mateo bridge, steady and light volume of traffic across the bay here. for the north, a few more cars
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in line. you can see the end of the backup. we're not quite back to west grant avenue. both decks moving smoothly. no problems there. >> the sunshine looks nice but to give you an idea how cold it was. still 40s and 50s. should be on the way to near 70 this afternoon. 70 out by fairfield and mid-60s around san francisco. oakland for a change, the weekend is looking dry with temperatures in the mid-70s and warmest places sunday and monday and bit cooler through next week. more news after the break. af
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friends of a nursing student in the country illegally with rally outside boxer's office today. immigration agents raided
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lee's san francisco home. he was born in peru bought moved to san francisco. he was ordered to leave the country but he and his family stay the. he was studying to be a nurse and he is hoping feinstein and boxer will stop the deportation. >> taking him away from his home where his entire life is and tossing him in a strange country he knows nothing of by himself, it's unbelievable. breaks my heart. >> if the deportation goes forward, lee would end up in peru. his parents face deportation to china. his mother will speak at today's rally at june. i'll have another update in about half an hour. the "today" show returns in less than a minute. have a great morning.
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twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. ♪ it goes on and on and on ♪ and it goes on and on and on ♪ you got to let go >> i love this guy. he does this great viral video and it's become a huge hit on youtube. it's been e-mailed all over the globe thousands of times. and all next week, right here on "today," we're going to try to
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replicate that masterpiece with all our own voices, unfortunately. >> yeah, shake it, girl. yeah. that's where you live. >> that song is really fun. and these days anybody -- yeah, you're bouncing. >> and we want you to get in on the madness as well. by entering our viral video challenge. by creating your own "today" show themed viral video. you need to have them in by the end of the day on monday. for full rules and details, go to you remember of course gary condit, the congressman who was caught up in the investigation of the death of washington intern chandra levy.
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his son is now speaking out about the case and telling the condit family story. and we're back with one more song, a classic picked by you. we had that contest and a lot of you voted, but first up is lester to tell us what's going on for the weekend. >> in a medium lightish note. come on, get happy. we have got our series on our favorite teen idols. i start with the partridge family. danny bonaduce, this interview did not turn out the way i thought. >> what happened? >> i don't want to tell you. but the whole premise of me doing this came apart in the interview, but you'll see. >> and david cassidy too? >> david cassidy joins as well. plus we're going to take you inside the house of windsor, what life is really like for william and harry.
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plus more details on the possible royal wedding plans. and the one and only bob newhart, he celebrates half a century in showbiz. that's all coming up next week on "today." i used to love bob newhart. >> >> he's just the sweetest, funniest. there's a look at the airport this morning. sunny skies and a pretny nice afternoon. upper 60s even near the water. same story in santa rosa, pretty pleasant afternoon. we may see the winds out of the north-northeast for the hilltops. mid-70s in a few spots. 60s to near 7 0 around san francisco early next week.
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>> that's your latest weather and we're just moments away from sunday night, sunday night being the best night of the week because that's sunday night, football night in america. as the new england patriots come into heinz field to catch one the pittsburgh steelers, that's right, you'll relish this one, mostly cloudy, 20% chance of a shower, but temperatures cut the mustard at 49 to 53, on sunday night, football night in america. and guess what? we found a football, they also found the rockefeller center christmas tree in, they found a bird in there. a live bird in the tree. they have identified it as an american woodcock. and they have taken it to the central park zoo. >> that's a good looking bird.
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>> wow, i'm in a truck, wow! i don't even have easy pass and i'm going over the bridge! coming up next, we'll be talking about congressman gary condit swept up in the investigation of the disappearance of washington intern chandra levy. now another man is on trial for the murder so we're going to hear from the congressman's son coming up right after this. if you fight to sleep in the middle of the night,
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with not having enough food. that's why i've teamed up with feeding america and hamburger helper®. when you buy hamburger helper® you can help feeding america deliver a meal to a local food bank. visit this website to see how you can help. - hello! - ha! why don't you try a home cooked meal... with yummy hamburger helper? oh! tada! fantastically tasty, huh? ummm, it's good. what would you guys like? hamburger helper. what?! one pound... one pan... one tasty meal! has been nearly a decade since the murder of washington intern chandra levy casting suspicion on gary condit. now gary condit's son chad speaks out about his father's ordeal. chad, good to have you here. it's been nearly a decade, and your father is not the one on trial, he's testifying at the trial, but does it seem now that
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a decade later that in the court of public opinion that he is still on trial in some way? >> i don't know about on trial, but certainly the 15,000 stories and cable news stories that projected him in a bad light certainly hurt public opinion and i don't know anybody that could have stood up to that kind of scrutiny and that kind of coverage that happened to my dad. >> how is he doing through all of this? >> he's good. he's held up well, mom and dad both have done well. and it's been a tough, tough go for the entire family. and i'm proud of everybody. >> and given what you all have been through over the last nine years, how do you explain the 15,000 plus stories, the media scrutiny, where did all of that come from? why was that umbrella of suspicion around your father? >> i think part of it was fox
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news just getting going and they built it a lot of their network on gary's name and they attacked him constantly. a lot of cable news did that, a lot of the newspapers did that. it was too good of a story to pass up, so to speak, a disappearance, sex, murder, from day one and they ran with that. and we said he didn't have anything to do with the disappearance of shan dra levy. the folks back home, i want to thanks those folks for standing by, a lot of them stood by my dad and my mom and it means a lot. >> this has been very hard on your family, but a lot of the speculation has really been about the relationship that your father had with chandra levy in fact, in court there was some physical evidence was presented
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which appeared to suggest that there was a physical or sexual relationsh relationship. your father didn't come out and speak about whether they had a relationship, do you think that that scrutiny could have gone away, that there could been so much speculation? >> there's been a lot of misreports, a lot of rumors and people that manipulated this case to their favor. so i don't know that a new pr strategy would have helped save gary's career and reputation, i think we are beyond that. to make the stretch from sex to murder is -- a big stretch. >> absolutely. >> and an unfair stretch, you would say? >> well obviously an unfair stretch. >> will your father be speaking
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publicly about this at some point. >> he's written a book and we think it's going to be a very interesting and a good read for folks and a lot of factual information that wasn't out there or reported on. >> we appreciate you being here speaking on your father's half and we look forward to hearing your father gary condit's story when it comes out. up next, how to get men to talk about more than just sports right after this. [ female announcer ] kleenex brand tissues are america's softest. [ sneezes ] [ female announcer ] no wonder people go out of their way to share them. ♪ oh! oh! [ female announcer ] now it's even easier to share. [ sneezes ] [ female announcer ] send a kleenex brand share package for free today at softness worth sharing. ♪ i feel fine starting veterans day get black friday prices at sears.
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like this forty inch toshiba for only $499.99. this garage opener is just $99.99... ...and this craftsman tool chest is half off. be the santa you want to be. find your santa at new revlon growluscious mascara. helps lashes grow stronger. with a unique formula that complements my lashes' natural growth cycle. 96% saw instantly longer lashes. this is the start of something big. new revlon growluscious mascara. [ female announcer ] pure, wholesome ingredients make new simply breads and biscuits a delicious addition to the family. simply... new from pillsbury. we knew the perfect place to go. i guess i did okay. i knew they'd love him. try our new sacchetti dishes. pasta pouches stuffed with four italian cheeses. served with marinated chicken breasts or sauteed shrimp. at olive garden.
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. . and little people wheelies. with speedy cars just right for little hands. new little people wheelies. ( car honking ) only from fisher-price. ( laughing ) ♪ play laugh grow ♪ oh, love me ♪ oh oh oh ♪ just love me ♪ oh oh oh ♪ just hold me ♪ oh oh oh ♪ just kiss me ♪ oh oh oh ♪ just want me ♪ l-o-v-e ♪ love, love, love, love
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♪ ♪ ♪ l-ov-♪e ♪ love, love, love, love ♪ ♪ l-ov-♪e have you trihes of oats with real strawberries? wow. it's seriously strawberry. they're everywhere. it's in the bunches, on the flakes, even real strawberries in the mix. can i have some more? honey bunches of oats with real strawberries. it's delicious. nobody does it quite like us. this morning on "today's" relationships, how men communicate. what do men like to talk about? if you think the answer is not much other than sports and weather, well, you're not alone. a new book is trying to get men and women to begin a new conversation. a literary agent and the author of "bond of brothers" connecting with other men beyond work, weather and sports.
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wes, good morning. it's so good to talk to you about this. every woman listening can probably attest to having met a man along the way who has said, i just don't want to talk about it. and you're saying that this really is he really is epidemic? >> it is an epidemic, but when you get men together in friendship groups by themselves, they'll talk about things all night long, the same thing they said they didn't want to talk about, they need to have a place to talk about. >> all the things that women talk about, their insecurities, their worries, their problems. but there's something that stops men from really being able to feel comfortable. and it's almost as if society has created a rule, put them in a box saying it's not okay to be real. >> we live in a performance society.
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but so much of our identity as men is based on what we do, the kind of behavior we have, how we perform at work, the expectations in the community of what a man is and what he isn't. instead of dealing with our real identity, who we are, those are the things that this conversation is about that men aren't talking about. >> you talking about a very important moment in your life when you're walking your daughter down the aisle getting >> dave was falling in love with jenny, and jenny was falling in love with dave and i knew this guy was going to come and ask me for my daughter in marriage. at that moment, i didn't have one memory of any conversation with my father, with any friends, i hadn't heard a sermon or a lecture about what really happens if a father gives her daughter, if i say yes to this young man, i am in one moment in one word, setting the welfare and legacy of my daughter and i
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had no legacy. so i started asking the question, what else are men not talking about? >> you said the answer is worth an entire book. >> right. >> how can women help men? >> the book was going to be titled, instead of bond of brothers, my first title was things men don't talk about and then i realized how dishonest that was from my standpoint because i hadn't talked to men about this. so i started a dinner groom with my friend d.j. weber who invited me to come to a dinner one night with young men from columbia university and he asked the question, he said what's the most surprising thing that's ever happened in your life and these young men who were all on a sports team sat around and talked all night long pouring their hearts out. they talked about their successes, their failures, their dpis appointments. i think one thing men have to learn is how to ask great questions. and one of the things guys really want to talk about, tell me about your father, what was your father like? did he hurt you?
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did he abuse you? do you admire him? did he abuse you and you still admire him? and we started a conversation back in nashville, tennessee, that conversation about our fathers went to four hours. >> if women can encourage men to have these conversations, which is tough, but also for men to acknowledge that they're human just like everyone else. you write men will never outtalk women, but nevertheless, they'll be happier and healthier, and at least there's some place they can find a way to speak about what's truly in their soul. >> i don't think it's possible for men to have healthy marriages or healthy family relationships in the way they're meant to have them unless they ha have deep friendships with other men. there's something about the same gender friendship that women have with women that men need with other men that is so important that complete him as a man and what's lacking in him. the book is about helping men
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find those friendships and to bond to others. >> and maybe to be better mothers, so we can raise boys to be able to share in that way, so they can actually be happier and it also encourages men to speak in a way that's healthier for them. >> in five years of observing my own life and observing the friendships around me, there are so many moms who are trying to do it right, they are trying to prevent their son from becoming like the man who hurt them.ster. boonton. and so they've gotto be really careful. there's more in the book about that that they can talk about. >> a big message, an important message. one whose time has come. thank you so much. the book is called "bond of brothers." coming up next, bon jovi plays one more song chosen by you, the fans.
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♪ through the heart and you're to blame -- >> now to the bon jovi song you
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chose -- >> one of their biggest hits -- >> "you give love a bad name." ♪ ♪ an angel's smile is what you sell ♪ ♪ you promise me heaven, then put me through hell ♪ ♪ chains of love got a hold on me ♪ ♪ when passion's a prison, you can't break free ♪ ♪ oh, you're a loaded gun ♪ oh, there's nowhere to run ♪ no one can save me, the damage is done ♪ ♪ shot through the heart and you're to blame ♪ ♪ you give love a bad name ♪ bad name ♪ i play my part and you play
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your game ♪ ♪ you give love a bad name ♪ bad name ♪ you give love a bad name ♪ you paint your smile on your lips ♪ ♪ blood red nails on your fingertips ♪ ♪ a schoolboy's dream, you act so shy ♪ ♪ your very first kiss was your first kiss good-bye ♪ ♪ oh, you're a loaded gun ♪ oh, ain't nowhere to run ♪ no one can save me ♪ the damage is done ♪ shot through the heart, and you're to blame ♪ ♪ you give love a bad name ♪ bad name ♪ i play my part and you play
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your game ♪ ♪ you give love a bad name ♪ bad name ♪ you give love ♪ ♪ shot through the heart and you're to blame ♪ ♪ you give love a bad name ♪
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♪ [ female announcer ] we know you've got a lot on your plate at thanksgiving. which is why safeway has everything you need to get it all done. right now get a safeway frozen turkey up to 16 pounds for just $7 each. that's our promise. that's ingredients for life. safeway. good morning to you.
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9:56. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> major b.a.r.t. delay. reports of a problem coming out of the west oakland station due to an obstruction on the tracks taking you over thought the east bay. keep that in mind. major delays means 20 minutes or more as you're leaving the west oakland station. the roadways, no delays except for at the toll plaza the metering plights are on. just a minor backup. as we get closer to noon we see more folks heading across the golden gate. it's beautiful weather today. >> high pressure building in. no worries about rain but this weekend as the high builds we'll see gusty winds in the hilltop by tomorrow afternoon. today, looking pretty nice, 70 degrees, san jose, 65 in san francisco. upper 60s around oakland and for the north bay to wrap up your friday. highs in the mid-60s.
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breezy conditions tomorrows and trending warmer towards the coast on sunday. a sffight a brewing over th giants world series trow fee. he wants the trophy to be in troy, new york. they were founded as the troy city trojans and played for four seasons before moving to san francisco. he claimed the national league moved the team from troy illegally and wants people to sign an online petition to get the trophy back. the as to san jose and now san jose earthquakes are hoping to get a brand-new stadium. blue wolf says he hopes to open a 15,000 stadium in 2012. it would be privately funded and sit across in the international airport. another local news update in a
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half an hour or so. "today" show returns in about a minute. have a great morning. diabetes testing? it's all the same. nothing changes. [ man ] then try this. new and improved freestyle lite® blood glucose test strip. sure, but it's not gonna -- wow. [ beep ]
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[ man ] yep, that's the patented freestyle zipwik™ design. [ woman ] did it just -- [ both ] target the blood? [ man ] yeah, drew it right in. the test starts fast. you need just a third the blood of onetouch®. that is different. so freestyle lite test strips make testing... [ man ] easy? easy. [ man ] call for a special offer and go to walgreens to learn more about diabetes. and get freestyle lite test strips today. from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> wow. >> wow, it is dry day, everybody, november 12th. we're going to try to put up a christmas tree behind us today. >> first of all, it is -- we said november 12th, the tree is being hoisted. it is a norway spruce from
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mapac. >> that's where glen lives. where glen who gave pilates in our -- >> she lives in maopac. >> this is a 70-foot tree that we're looking at, the property of peter action. this is a poignant story because apparently they went knocking on his door on september 11th of this past year and he was a firefighter in 9/11 and they told him he was one of the finalists to have his christmas tree in rockefeller center. >> he was one of the first there on september 11th on the scene when it happened. so kudos to his whole family. it seems it is way too early, though. the lighting is on november 30th and we have a lot to do before that. >> i went by brooks brothers or whatever something. and there are wreaths already. the windows are already done. >> did i miss thanksgiving? has that happened yet? >> yeah. it goes halloween and then christmas. because everywhere you look now there is christmas stuff. but it puts me in a good mood.
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>> it is -- excuse me, i have a recording of that, tammy. i love andy williams but hello. there is a kathie lee recording. >> last night -- >> miss out on the town every night. what happened? >> there was a black tie called the silver hill hospital event. you know dennis basso, crazy about you. >> yes, i like dennis too. >> it was a great event for this hospital that treats people with addiction issues and also people who have all sorts of mental health issues. >> look how you dominate, though, hoda. look at you dominating. you love to dominate men. >> you know i do. >> you do. >> neil sedaka was there too. look at the shot of neil and natalie. >> she's dominating neil too. >> yes, she is. anyway, al and ann were there too. >> a fabulous facility. our friend sonny is very open about the fact that she went for -- into rehab for alcohol addiction and she has been amazing, sober two years now, doing just great. we love our sonny.
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good for them. good for them. the kanye thing continues, right? >> yes. >> we don't even want to be part of the continuation of it, but -- >> he keeps tweeting. it was over as far as i was concerned yesterday. >> we thought it was. >> he wasn't quite done. so he -- here is another tweet, he said. and this is an excerpt from it. if i hadn't tweeted about how they set me up at the show, they never would have played the extra footage that displayed how disrespectful, dot, dot, dot. i want you to look at that footage and start to put everything together. >> if you look at that footage it does put everything together. >> matt asked him specifically about the incident with taylor swift. he was answering it, they rolled video of him and taylor swift and he was distracted. now, you know -- >> yes. >> here is the funny thing, it is not a he said versus he said. there is videotape. look at the tape. >> the actual interview was 40 minutes long. it was a posttape, and 40 minutes long. he was not answering questions that sometimes for several minutes in between answers.
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and matt just kept very respectfully sitting there and waiting for him to say what he knew he was going to say was going to be heard by a lot of people and wanted to be careful how he said what he said. but i cannot tell you in tv land how long that is if you're waiting for someone to answer. >> our show is an hour. that's a long time. >> yeah, yeah. some days it is really long. real long. >> today is the day you and i have been waiting for. i can't wait to see this piece. we did a trading places shoot. so you -- >> we should call it trading lives. >> yes, i lived your life. >> yes. guess who won? >> i felt refreshed after living your life. >> and i've been in physical therapy every since. >> here is a little taste of what kathie lee went through living my life. what is this? oh, my gosh. >> that's why i'm in physical therapy. >> no, are you serious? >> that's rob shuter and anthony mackey. >> okay. all righty. >> i didn't even know who had a hold of me.
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honestly. >> what is going on? >> my young life leaders are here today, from when i was in high school. i am so sorry, dick and carol bond have to see that. that is only because i was trading places with hoda. hoda is a regular there on mondays and thursday nights, they said. >> they said. if you really want to go all the way, and -- >> i didn't. not with rob shuter. >> if you wanted to go all the way and live my life, you put me through the wringer, you have. you have. with this making jokes about photos which i don't like. but i tolerate. so there's you with my lid. is that really my lid? >> is that my face? >> i think it is. oh, yes it is indeed. >> that's not my hair. we have a big show today. we'll show you our piece about trading lives. frank has not been the same since then either, i want you to know. >> i think everybody is nervous about that piece. >> frank is not nervous. he misses you. >> he does? i love frank. >> we had the contest to find the best show choir -- the
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showdown we were going to have. they're here. remember the moment we talked to them on the air and told them they were the winners, they went a little -- not as crazy as i did the other night at dave and arthurs, but a little crazy. >> dimensional harmony from boynton beach, florida and they're here. i wonder if we have this in slow mo. >> you have to get it when she's sitting down and jumping up. there she is, thanking the lord. that's like a pentecostal prayer right there. >> she had fun and we'll talk to them. they went to broadway yesterday and saw a show. and they are apparently our producer lindsey was with them and she said every single one of them hugged her. >> if they hug us, i hope they're careful of my neck. >> they got to meet -- >> jordan sparks. >> jordan sparks. >> in the "heights," she's starring in that right now. >> they're going to perform for us. >> i love that they're excited and thrilled to be with us. >> it is friday funny. we hope this is funny.
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the one i wanted to say everybody said i couldn't say. a study was made of why so many women like chinese food. >> right. >> the study revealed that it was due to the fact that wontons spelled backwards is not now. >> your friends in young life thought it was hilarious and hysterical, no one else laughed. >> everyone in the makeup room thought it was hysterichysteric. the one about al roker was better but i couldn't tell that one. >> it is try day. we're going to try something we never tried before. this is a soda -- >> vegan soda. >> no real bacon is used. it is vegetarian, kosher friendly. >> supposed to taste like bacon. who would want to -- >> i don't know. >> all right. >> okay. that is sick. >> that is -- oh, my gosh. >> that is vile. that is vile. i'm sorry, i probably just
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ruined their -- >> no, no. no, no. no one wants that. >> what is the other one? >> chocolate bacon. 50 and 75 calories per strip. >> 50 and -- 5 0 to 75. it has chocolate on it. i'll eat it. that's good. that's chocolate salty. that's like -- >> i can't get the other bacon thing out of my -- >> i know. all right. >> not bad. >> i like it. >> no reese's peanut buttercup, i'll tell you that. >> time for our favorite part of friday. >> time for bobbie's buzz. hello, bobbie. how are you? >> i'm great. this week i wanted everyone to know about some cool collaborations this fall. it is all about the designer deals. they keep coming and they're very exciting deals. lonbon has been getting a lot of hype, fashionistas will line up early. my favorite art of the collection at h & m is the shoe collection. big deal, phi fashihigh fashion.
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the collection goes $16 to about $200. and jill saunder, they have their j-plus collection and uniglow, blazers like this and a button down shirt, $20. you can get grate tailoring. and a great pair of jeans, william rass at target. it is going to be a big deal. >> great. we have a little extra time. show us what you're wearing. >> this is forever 21. >> love that. >> the j plus from uniqlo, the jewelry is the lonbon. >> the tights are showing the part we're -- >> i was going to go -- >> let me show you. >> see. here you go. >> i can do that, you're telling me i can do that now, right? >> you can. >> i'm so excited.
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>> lady gaga. >> you got kathie lee into tights. >> i love them. i'm going to do everything bobbie says from now on. no one looks better. >> coming up, i got to see how the other half lives when i get to move into kathie lee's house. >> the bad news, i had to move into her apartment and we're going to see what happened when we traded places right after this. - so, what do you think? - eh, 30 days -- max. we'll see about that. glade lasting impressions. two complementary fragrances alternate to keep things... fresh day after day. and not just for 30 days. um... okay. our longest-lasting plugins air freshener lasts for 60. well, that lasted longer than i thought. i knew it would. get freshness that won't fade away for 60 days. with plugins lasting impressions. and yes, it's glade. s.c. johnson. a family company. what percent of women want to cure their yeast infection? 100%. how many can cure it with vagisil?
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if i said it once, i said it maybe a thousand times, i wouldn't trade lives with hoda for any amount of money. apparently for comedy sake, i'll do it for free. >> with friends like you, who needs enemies. we were challenged with a task of swapping lives for one day. and i think we can both agree will will not forget the experience for a long, long time. >> long time. >> are you ready? >> i don't know, hoda. i do have second thoughts about this. i like my life. >> i like your life too. this is my favorite day ever. what is this? >> that's the clicker to get into my house. >> okay. i have keys. hold that. >> that is disgusting. >> this one goes to the old apartment. seriously. that's my mom's house. just try -- try everything silver. >> tenjoy my life, my family. say hello to my bathtub.
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this is the key to disaster. ♪ >> it is not a bill. it is a credit card. dip your card. dip this. does anybody know how to get uptown? >> i am so parched. oh, pelegrino, of course it is. ♪
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>> oh! oh, my gosh! >> not even a mattress, hoda? oh, nice. spanx a lot. my book! she uses it as a door stop! i'll kill her. frank! where are you? frank! >> can i serve you lunch? >> yes, yes, please do. >> all right, please, let's go. let me hear you hum. oh, yeah! >> thank you.
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♪ >> a petrified banana. how are you doing? that's right. it's a hot dog. you know what? it's good. best thing i ever ate. >> i'm dustin. >> dustin. >> yes. >> are you giving me a massage? >> i'm going to try. how does that feel? >> so good. ♪
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>> this sucks. >> honey, i'm home! >> it is going to be a night! ♪ >> asparagus here. ♪ >> frank, i'm off to work. >> thanks for coming. >> bye. >> don't forget your lunch. >> kath, we got to go.
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the show must go on. >> all righty then. j.k. long, she's the best. >> she did a great, great job. two lucky ladies came to see bon jovi but we ambushed them for a makeover. sara haines will try to answer some questions from fans after this. l [ female announcer ] when you have a softer bath tissue, you can enjoy going more... while still using less. introducing new charmin ultra soft. new charmin ultra soft has an ultra-cushiony design that's soft and more absorbent. so you can use four times less versus the leading value brand. [ both ] ♪ soft to the touch... [ female announcer ] using less never felt so good. new charmin ultra soft. enjoy the go.
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[ baby crying, teapot whistling ] everything's fine. [ male announcer ] of all the things that happen on your wooden surfaces, disinfecting has to be one of them. clorox disinfecting wipes. safe on wood. hard on germs. clorox disinfecting wipes. so you think your kids are getting enough vegetables? yeah, maybe not. v8 v-fusion juice gives them a full serving of vegetables plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. v8. what's your number?
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we are kicking off a new series called "3, 2, 1 live" with sara haines. >> we're over here in the digital cafe and we have tons of questions so we'll start with lauren who has a question about your wardrobe.
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>> do you purposefully coordinate your outfits? >> we do. kathie lee -- i pick because -- i pick first because i have fewer clothes and kathie lee matches because she has more and more money. >> is that the way it works out? >> yes. >> i thought it is because i'm a nicer person and i said, sure, hoda, you go first. >> i sea what iay what i'm wear kathie lee coordinates. >> see how we get along. >> amy and rachel want to know what you really think of joel mchale. >> i saw joel mchale on with you the other day and you were having cocktails. >> wondering what you really think of joel mchale. >> i think he's the luckiest man in show business. little talent and all that success, i think he's the luckiest guy in the world. >> and we are keeping his show on the air. >> yes. he owes us a big gift. >> big time. >> and a big thank you. >> he's a lot of fun. we love it when he comes because we know there will be sparks. >> it was funny when he was here.
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>> we have becky and emily who has another tell us the real truth type of question. >> what do you think or how do you feel about "snl" about your show? >> i think jan hooks did me when i had the show with regis. it is -- i'll let hoda answer. it is a new deal for her. >> i think it is exactly like watching our television show. that's what i think it is like sometimes. >> really? >> i feel like someone is faxing our scripts over. >> we're so much funnier than they are. >> i'm worried because every time someone plays me, they're not on the next year. >> it is the hoda curse. it is the sincerest form of flattery when you're memorable enough to be parodied, it is a good thing. >> brad has a question about budgeting in his life. brad? >> i only have $20. do i buy hoda's new book or kathie lee's christmas cd. >> what do you think, brad. >> get my cd for five bucks in some bin somewhere. you'll have enough. >> come around wednesday and miss the question and get kathie
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lee's cd and you can spend your good hard-earned money on my book. okay? >> see what i live with. >> we hand that stuff out for free around here. >> i have warehouses full of them. >> sherry and dr. mike. >> the question is i think it would be fabulous, i think it would be fabulous for either one of you, but what is it like when you're always recognized in public? >> that's you more. >> well, hoda, you're getting -- what did the fire guy say to you the other day? what did he say? love your feet. >> take off your shoes, which i did. >> most people, 99% of everybody we meet out in public are the nicest people in the world. and they're lovely and they say kind, kind things and they keep you going. all it takes is one jerk to sort of mess up your whole day. but i don't listen to them and you don't either. most people -- >> are fabulous. thanks for all the questions. still to come, it is ambush friday. we'll have louis and jill do their thing. oh yeah yeah...she always keeps them in the house.
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no no no, i've actually lost weight... i just have a high metabolism or something... ...lucky. [ wife ] babe... ♪ umm, i gotta go. [ female announcer ] over 30 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each. yoplait, it is so good. indulge in aiplt light's two new flavors. triple berry torte and black forest cake.
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good morning, it is 10:26. i'm lauragarcia-cannon. you would thing the b.a.r.t. delays would be fixed. >> no, the oakland station had an obstruction on tracks and now there's a systemwide delay. this is major, 20 to 25 minutes in most cases. the roadways through the area are clear. let's look at the bay bridge toll plaza, the metering lights are still on. over the past 10 minutes, we saw everything taper off and start with a burst of traffic coming
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off the maze. that might be the midday start. the golden gate bridge, more folks heading southbound off marin county. >> lots of sunshine now and that helped out our temperatures, all of the bay area seeing numbers in the mid to upper 50s. we should see 60s for highs. one of the things we're going to watch will be offshore winds. by tomorrow afternoon, you'll see the winds pick up and temperatures will also climb thanks to the offshore winds. today 60s to near 70s. gusty at times in the hills a staying dry through the week. >> more news after the break. [ .
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ye.ok, 'lli [ female annouer made fresh, ight. thiss. that is not half. guys i have more. with cinnabon cnamon have such a sweet delicious aro that my family can wait ir hands on them. enjoy cinnab cinnamon... now in all pillsbury cinnamon roll that my family can wait ir hands on them.
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a youth town hall meeting on police brutality is expected to draw a lot of attention. jo han he is mehserle was sentenced to two years in prison last friday. teens will ask themselves, what is justice? they'll be talking about the experiences with police harassment. the youth town hall is at 5:00 at the proarts gallery in oakland. a rare treat for beatles fans. a photography exhibit featuring never before scene photos of the beatles. it opens at 6:00 at u.k. berkeley. in bay area football, the raiders have a week off and
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they'll be at it next week against the steelers. 49ers are back from their week off. 1:10 on sunday. troy smith will get the second start in a row as quarterback. alex smith is still injured. thanks for joining us, hope you enjoy the gorgeous weekend oayo. th"today" e ow conti nesex we are back on this try day. is that what we're calling it now and today's "plaza ambush makeovers". >> louis licari and "today" and "us weekly contributor" jill martin are back to shock friends and families of two unsuspect ing fans. let's talk about the crowd, bon jovi brought it out. >> bon jovi brought it out. we didn't have a thing to do --
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it was like flies to honey today. so many women out there. it was easy. >> i think so. it was trying to get them out of the concert. we watched it in our ambush room though. >> first lucky lady, donna, 46 from lyndhurst, new jersey. after the devastating loss of her mom last year, she is finally ready for a fresh new start which includes, as she says, finding a 21-year-old boyfriend. >> get in line, honey. >> i love this makeover. it is a little bit of a dynasty makeover because is it true you still use sponge rollers? >> yes, i do. >> all right. now you -- >> you can actually still find them. >> that's actually shocking to me. i know you want this for your best friend. >> absolutely. she needs it, deserves it. i can't wait to see what she's going to look like when this is over. >> i can't wait to put a straight iron in your hair. are you ready to go? >> yes, i'm ready. >> show me how to use one. >> all right. so donna's good friend maria is here and she has her blindfold
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on. keep your blindfold on until we tell you it take it off. here is donna before. let's see the new you, donna. oh my >> how great is that? >> maria, are you ready? take off your blindfold. >> amazing. >> are you ready, donna? take a deep breath. all right, spin around. >> oh, my god. oh, my god. >> look at that sexy haircut. >> i love how religious everybody gets when they turn around. >> oh, my god. i love it, i love it, i love it. >> stand right here. so, louis, tell us about the hair. >> the first thing is we axed the sponge rollers. >> yea! >> what a sexy haircut. >> they're in the museum of natural history, by the way. >> let me look for one second. nice. >> this is great. this is an easy haircut. the hair color deep, jennifer lawrence gave her this great savvy haircut, short, wash and
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wear, she could touch it up with a blow dri-dryer if she chooses. adding depth makes the skin color come to life. >> maria, come on over here. >> louis is not the first to y cry. >> i love this. >> amazing. >> speechless. >> she looks great. >> she wants a 21-year-old boyfriend so we dressed her sort of for 21 with high boots from nine west and a great pencil skirt from min weng and a jacket she can wear inside or out from talbot's. >> second lady is lisa, 41 from lancaster, pennsylvania. she's been married to dan for 22 years and they have three children. she rarely wears any makeup and always colors her own hair at home she was thrilled to get an opportunity to get a youthful new look. let's hear her story.
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>> all right. lisa is a bon jovi fan. she gave up the concert today because she wants a whole new look and tell us why. >> i just want to surprise my friends and family back home with a new look and more youthful hairdo. >> how long have you had this look? >> few years now. >> you color your own hair. >> i do. >> and will dan be shocked when we give him a hot new lisa? >> i'm pretty sure. >> ready to go? >> i am. >> she's here with her cousin lisa and two friends suzanne and barbara. and we'll take one last look at lisa before and bring out the new lisa with her new look. >> wow! >> really beautiful. all right, ladies. want to take it off. they're already doing it. >> oh, my god. >> you want to take a look. go ahead. >> oh, my gosh. >> wow. you look awesome.
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>> beautiful. >> that's you. look right here. see the split screen right here. >> here's what we did. lisa's hair was overwhelming her. it just covered her face. so what i wanted to do with jennifer, she retextured her hair, made it look less -- like less hair. >> thick hair. >> i softened it. notice it is lighter on the ends, you give the illusion of less hair. you look fantastic and we see your face. show it. >> a beautiful face. >> thank you. >> jill, what did you do with the outfit? i love it. >> look at this body. if you're going to make one investment in the fall it to get a great jacket. this say jack fret talbot's. you can wear it from day to night and it really shows off her figure. >> big round of applause. donna, come on out. >> thank you for everybody. thank you so much. hoda, i was in this movie with him, brendan fraser. >> what? >> i was in "dudley doright." reenl s regis and i were in the movie.
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>> why is this about you? >> i wanted to tell you. >> he's swinging over broadway. we'll talk to him after these messages. you see, their moisturizer sits on top of skin, almost as if you're wearing it. a breakthrough formula with natural moisturizers that can nourish deep down. it's the most effective natural nourishment ever. dove deep moisture with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin. when you can actually party at your party? with homemade chex party mix. five great recipes that wow the crowd. and you can make them in only 15 minutes. get out of the kitchen, get into the party. homemade chex party mix.
10:37 am
i'm home. toilet's fixed. [ male announcer ] of all the things that happen on your wooden surfaces, disinfecting has to be one of them. clorox disinfecting wipes. safe on wood. hard on germs. clorox disinfecting wipes. naturally colorful vegetables are often a good source of vitamins, fiber, or minerals. and who brings you more natural colors than campbell's condensed soups? campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™
10:38 am
woah! now to the left.... ...and the right... - ha! you can be the controller with xbox kinect! get this bundle, just $299.99 - plus get $40 off your next gaming purchase. there's smart, and there's kmart smart! colorstay ultimate™ liquid lipstick... i don't kiss and tell. has a built-in topcoat that keeps your lips perfect past midnight. with a single application in 20 comfortable shades. these lips are sealed. revlon colorstay ultimate™ liquid lipstick.
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oh, yes. someone showed up with a box of wine. >> i wonder why. brendan fraser built a solid career as a hollywood headliner. audiences know him from "the mummy" series and part of the cast of 2005's "crash" which won an oscar for best picture. >> now he's appearing on broadway for the first time.
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he stars in a new show called "elling." brendan, welcome. >> good morning, ladies. >> great to see you. i had a chance to see it on wednesday. i really enjoyed it. >> thank you. >> i didn't know anything about it. tell the folks at home and hoda because she couldn't be there. >> right. >> we have taken an academy award nominated film for best foreign picture called "elling," nor wewegian and it has been adapted for the stage it is a comedy for certain, but it has a great deal of heart. our director doug hughes, a tony winner. >> he's excellent. >> he made certain to maintain the quality of it being, as he says, children's theater only for adults. >> not just adults, but adults who have just been let out of an insane asylum. >> hello. >> you love these two guys. first of all, you're no george of the jung untle in this thing >> no. >> but you look like you've been in the jungle. >> survivor. >> tell us about your character? >> his best friend and roommate
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is elling, the title of the piece also. they meet in the state sponsored asylum and they're released into the world to attempt to return to reality. one is a poet, that would be elling. and the other is -- well, almost a self-described orangutan. he's experienced. come see the show. jennifer coolidge rounds out the case with dennis o'hara and -- >> it is a terrific cast. look at jennifer. >> was it -- terrific. this was a movie, you said. brendan, did you watch the movie before you took the part? >> over and over. >> did you? >> like i kept it in my set bag all the time. i would pop it into my computer or dvd player. it is a wonderful story. >> how does that affect how you play the role? because a lot of actors do not want to see -- >> sven is the name of the actor who originated the role i did.
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he's someone who is loud, brash, eats all the time, missing the filter of sorts about social norms, but these guys are infinitely loveable. >> you just adore them. you just want them to take a bath and then hug them. >> have you enjoyed your first time on broadway, by the way? >> yes, i have. i think i'm also suitably terrified. >> you don't come off that way at all. >> that's because it is acting. something would be wrong if i -- >> the butterflies are gone. >> not yet. i hope they never go away. >> they keep you on your toes. >> we wish you luck. go see it. >> thank you. the winners of our show choir showdown are in new york and they got quite a surprise. we'll hear them sing and they're terrific right after this. >> brilliant. >> yes, they are. [ bottle one ] mr. clean magic eraser extra power.
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[ gasps ] no! [ bottle two ] can we even clean a leather shoe? what do you mean? what is a shooee? he's cleaning things that we don't even know what they are. [ male announcer ] effortlessly removes more grime per swipe. with the mr. clean magic eraser extra power. [ female announcer ] there's chocolate and then there's this. warm delights from betty crocker. so rich, so warm, it could make you melt. it's chocolate to the warmth degree.
10:44 am
we helped keep your skin clear. now we have a solution for wrinkles. neutrogena anti wrinkle with retinol sa smoothes even deep wrinkles. it works...beautifully. neutrogena.
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it works...beautifully. this flu season, what would you pick for your flu vaccine? a shot in the arm? or a spray in the nose? i pick my nose. i pick my nose. i pick my nose gracefully. flumist. it's the only flu vaccine that starts fighting the flu in the nose, where you usually catch it. in a study of kids 2 to 5 years of age, flumist cut the risk of getting the flu in half compared to the flu shot. i picked my nose. she said i could. flumist may not protect everyone. flumist is not for people allergic to eggs or other vaccine ingredients
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or for children and teens taking aspirin or products containing aspirin, or for anyone who's had life-threatening reactions to flu vaccines. health conditions including guillian-barré syndrome, a weakened immune system, diabetes, pregnancy, or heart, kidney, or lung disease may exclude you from getting flumist. your doctor will decide if flumist is right for you. common side effects include runny nose or nasal congestion, sore throat, and fever. talk to your doctor to find out if flumist is right for your family. and visit sure is nice to have a choice. last month we launched "today's show choir showdown"
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and you, our viewer, chose the winners among four fantastic finalists. >> you may remember the moment. >> we remember. >> right there. that we announced the winner. dimensional harmony, a high school choir in boynton beach, florida. >> we flew the members of dimensional harmony to new york city to perform live in our studio. the group arrived last night and we surprised them with a special guest. >> i heard you guys won the "today" show choir competition. congrats on that. >> they met "american idol" winner jordan sparks, who is a doll, she's appearing in the broadway show "in the heights". >> we sent the whole group to see the show last night. standing next to us are the choir members. we have a terrific choir and with us also are alesha banks and juan imant. >> we know how you felt when you knew you won. >> you let it go. did you like seeing that video, by the way?
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>> yes. >> i could watch that all day long. how was jordan sparks yesterday? >> it was great. it was something we weren't looking forward to, we didn't know what was going on at first. but as you can see when we came out. >> what is going on with the school? is the school all watching right now, watching you guys? >> i believe so. they're all in boynton beach, florida, now, chanting and watching. i'm guessing they shut down all the schools just to see this. >> they sure better have. >> the audience picked you. >> what are you singing for us today? >> "september". >> take it away. >> here they are. >> oh, yeah, i love this song. go. ♪ ♪ do you remember the 21st night of september ♪ ♪ love was changing the mind of pretenders ♪
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♪ while chasing the clouds away ♪ ♪ our hearts were ringing in the key that our souls were singing ♪ ♪ as we danced in the night ♪ ♪ remember, how the starss stole the night away ♪ ♪ say do you remember dancing in september ♪ ♪ never was a cloudy day ♪ ♪ i remember september 21st we fell in love ♪ ♪ you caught my eye just that fine ♪ ♪ i really want to go back
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in time ♪ ♪ to show her maybe it is just that time i want you to remember the day you met me made me feel so fly ♪ ♪ say do you remember dancing in september ♪ ♪ never was a cloudy day ♪ say do you remember dancing in september golden dreams were shiny days ♪ ♪ >> wow! you guys did it. you rocked!
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>> you rocked it. >> we have the principal with us and the choir director you did so well with these kids. you guys were awesome, awesome, awesome. >> maybe we'll see one of you guys on broadway some day, huh? >> we hope so. >> all right. coming up next -- >> donny deutsch gives us the scoop on why men do what they do.
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if you're like most women you may have trouble understanding why men do the things they do. >> donny deutsch is our favorite brutally honest guy's guy, here to answer your questions. >> the guy questions. >> what we do and why we do it. >> you are an inferior species. >> yes, we are. i am a shining example of that. >> right answer, donny, congratulations on that. rebekah wants to know, my husband is 59, i'm 34, we both want a baby, what do you think of older dads? >> i'm an older dad. to be honest with you, i have
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two little ones, i'm 52. i'm a better dad now than i was -- i'm better everything. you're older, you're smarter, more comfortable with yourself, i'm a better business person. you can make trade-offs, i take my kids to school, i love being a dad, and better than i was first time around. >> frank said to me this week, what am i going to do when cassie graduates? he loves being -- >> kimberly wants to know, does a husband's view of his wife change after she's had a baby, is it positive or negative? >> it is different. it is very interesting. you love them in different ways. they have done studies that 50% of -- the happiness of marriage drops off 50% after kids. important as a woman, you have to be your husband's wife who has his children, not the mother of his children who is married to him. you can't lose that. see the distinction there? i don't think a man wants to look at a woman and go that's the mother of my children. that's my wife who has my children. that's the big distinction. >> what did you have for breakfast? you're finally saying -- >> let's get to something nasty
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then. >> i'm shocked. nancy, so she went on a great date, he doesn't call, they're both busy, he says he's not going to make a good boyfriend, what does that mean? >> he's not -- good-bye, right? >> we advertise. men show their hand. women don't want to see it. the guy said, i'm not going to be a good boyfriend, i'm busy. nobody is too busy. if you like someone you find the time. >> people do what they want to do. >> right. he's in advertising, stay away. >> they tell you what they are by how they act. >> kim wants to know, is she out of line asking her husband to keep the phone and computer out of the bedroom? >> depends. you know what, it has a different space. i think that's okay. i think you say, honey, particularly if he's on the phone while having sex, that's not a good sign. >> what? >> it happens. >> who are you dating, you guys? >> too warm and fuzzy here. >> trying to change the room.
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>> leslie wants to know why is it when you have sex with a man he keeps his socks on? >> wrong man. >> maybe he's got bad feet. >> or he's got to run somewhere. that's not a good look. say, take the socks off. >> that's turning me off. i don't think you want that, so, right? >> donny, we love you. >> always an interesting time. >> love. you ay >> we love you. >> next week, unbelievable. >> the world's largest cruise ship, the allure of the seas. >> and look-alikes.
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