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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  December 13, 2010 6:00am-7:00am PST

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. good morning. in san jose, you may have to pack your reusable plastic backs next time you head to the grocery store. >> two children clippinging to life and the suspect in the case is not even old enough to drive. >> a wild start to the monday morning. changes could be on the way. we have what you need to know before you head out the door on today in the bay. >> per good morning. 6:00 on monday morning. i'm laura garcia cannon. >> i'm brent cannon. we have changes coming our way. >> rapid changes in the next 24 hours. patchy fog and temperatures in the 50s as we pass lunchtime. at least for a brief time.
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highs near 60 in parts of the south bay and we cool off. the reason why we will not warm up, we have clouds pilling over the bay area. rain on the north coast that will be edging southward through the day. the first of several opportunity for rain. some of that could get heavy at times. a look at that in the seven-day forecast in a few minutes. . >> let's check in with mike. >> if you are heading east f towards tracey and stockton, patchy dense fog as rob reported. watch that for 580. westbound the commute is building and now reported on the shoulder and still a distraction. an 18-minute drive slowing through central livermore towards the dublin interchange of 580 and 680. continuing to show the build up through aspect ok that makes things lighter.
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the earlier clear up for the time being, but a patch of snow over towards 242. a 13-year-old girl and 18-month-old brother are fighting for their lives after being stabbed dozens of times. police say a 14-year-old boy is to blame. vacaville police said the 13-year-old was baby-sitting her brother while their mothers was away. a 14-year-old boy stabbed her with a kitchen knife and raped her. the teen stabbed the girl's brother when he woke up during the rape. the girl managed to grab her brother and ran to a neighbor's house to call 911. when a the s.w.a.t. team arrived, the suspect was ark sleep in the victim's house. he is a friend of the victim's older brother. the police are trying to piece together what happened to a 12-year-old girl who was kidnapped from virginia and
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found in a bay area way. they were interviewing brittany smith and her mother's ex-boyfriend. 32-year-old jeffrey easley is the prime suspect in her mother's death. the girl's mother was found dead in her virginia home, but police will not say how she died. police have not said when brittany might head back to be reunited with her dad and grandparents achl good samaritan recognized the pair at the safeway on friday after seeing a story about them on cnn. police are not releasing her identity. it was by chance officers say a cousin of 15-year-old gene burling hoff happened to be shopping at a sports stor when she spotted the girl walking with her uncle and another man. this morning the uncle is behind bars accused of kidnapping his
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niece. officers have been looking for the girl since she disappeared from her home in redding. san jose may be the first city to allow and regulate medical marijuana clubs. the council will hold a meeting and a vote after discussing potential rules, zoning and hours of operation. right now state laws require clubs to be 600 feet from the school. the councilmembers want to look at restrictions around parks and churches as well. they don't allow the marijuana clubs to operate legally. we will be at the meeting and have an update on nbc bay area news at 5:00. san jose could be the latest in the line of cities to make you pack your bag when is you head to the grocery store. live in san jose with what it could mean for you as you stock your pantry. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it may mean having to remember one more thing as you head to the grocery store along with the
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keys and the wallet. this plastic bag ban has been in the works for two years and after two years of back and forth, they are ready to take a vote tomorrow. here's what it means. the idea is to keep the plastic bags out of the landfill by forcing grocery stores to charge consumers for paper bags. they cost 10 sents initially and then a quarter per bag. the reusable bags can be $1 to a few dollars. the way the ban is written, the merchants are not allowed to eat the cost and that could cost $500 to $1,000 per violation. they said the product is not the problem, but the consumer who is not recycling enough. that's one thing they will consider as they vote tomorrow as is the concern that folks have about the health issues raised by cross contamination
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when using the same bags over and over. if this ban passes, the city council votes sdprm would go into effect on new year's day. not this one, but the next one. today in the bay. new this morning, a teenager armed with a sword holes children hostage at a preschool in france. a 15-year-old boy took 20 children hostage. all of the children between the ages of 4 and 5 years old have been released and said to be safe. >> the most damaging testimony in the gang rape program hearing could come this week. the final two witnesses are set to take the stand. the lead investigator, police sergeant lori curran and a dna expert are expected to take the stand. seven men and boys are changed
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with the gang rape of a 16-year-old girl last year. attorneys will make arguments over a defense request to suppress the interview of the youngest defendant. employees at the napa state hospital want better staff security after other employee was attacked. it was the second incident in the facility in the last two months. the state hospital made national new in late october when a 54-year-old female employee was found dead. a patient attacked a 60-year-old therapist, leaving him with four skull fractures. employees need more police presence in secured areas as well as permission to remove last names and portable personal alarms that work campus-wide. >> police are on the look out for a serial robber who theya sy targeted women late at night. the robbers may be behind eight incidences in the past month. they happened in neighborhoods around embarcadero road in palo
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alto. the latest happened saturday night. this woman who did not want to show her face on camera told thaus it started with a man slowly jogging towards her as she stood alone on el cajon way. >> i don't know self defense or have any weapons. plus i have no idea what he was going to do. like as far as i knew, he could have come up to stab me. >> the woman said he grabbed her purse and ran away to a dark colored four-door sedan with somebody waiting inside. police are not sure if all the robberies are connectioned, but they have not seen so many attacks like this. 6:08 and in the south bay, slow downs are starting in typical spots, but heavier than we normally see. the mark from 680 to the next
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exit. also a slow patch passing 880 as well. an early build. highway 87 behind that is where we see slowing as well. a sharks game tonight and downtown traffic will be an issue as you leave work. the lower peninsula shows we are on pace for the slowing and at the limit and passing by the san mateo bridge. 101 and northbound the top two numbers heading up towards the interchange. coming from the other side, we see the build up and no metering lights yet, but the cash lanes are showing about a dozen car with the back up and the volume looks like we are on pace with a 620 metering lights. the build up northbound with the tail lights through oakland. no major slowing, but when you get to the curve and the overpass, expect slowing to build. back to you. >> thank you very much, mike.
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6:09 and the senate is expected to vote on president obama's tax cut deal republicans. this after democrats staged near results. they are expected to include a full extension of the bush era tax rates even for people making more than $1 million a year. it includes an extension of unemployment benefits and a 2% cut in payroll taxes for one year. the democrats are not happy and will do whatever it takes to pressure republicans into what they consider a better deal. >> we're need to call the president or write to the president or work with the president to say no deal. this has got to be something very different. >> oprah winfrey and santa claus. everybody gets a tax cut. how do we pay for it? >> if they can't come to an agreement, taxes go up for every american on january 1st. we will have more on the tax standoff coming up. >> 6:10 and amazing video of the
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metrodome collapsing and what it means for tonight's game and how fans can watch it in person for free if they want to brave the cold. >> the peninsula is tracking back at san francisco. the not so friendly welcome to commuters driving southbound. watch where you park your bike and how you ride your bike at uc berkeley. new fines have students really mad. coming up in a live report. and a live look. ♪electronic santa song
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rescue crews were able to save about 100 fisherman after the ship went down 1400 miles south of new zealand. anyone who fell in the cold water would be dead within 10 minutes without special suits or life jackets. they were carrying a crew with crew members from six countries like south korea, china and russia. >> white outs and freezing temperatures, a storm blankets eight states in the midwest. the arctic blast is expected to hit the eastern seaboard with temperatures dipping bo into the 20s as far south as florida. high temperatures in the dakotas are expected in single digits
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and maybe even below zero. many flights are canceled in places like chicago and cleveland because of strong winds and stormy conditions. we have a live look at sfo. a nice looking shot. we check and so far there no delays or cancellations reported here because of the bad weather. it trickles back sometimes when chicago's o'hare gets backed up. right now no delays and the same for san jose and oakland. speaking of weather, in f you missed it, incredible video in the metrodome. they got so much snow it pushed the dome down and the roof gave way and pours through like sand in an hour glass. that meant the game that was supposed to be played there had to be canceled. they couldn't play and so they canceled the whole thing. they have to reschedule the game and will play tonight. two minute night football games.
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the one regularly schedule and this because it was canceled. the vikings and giants had to cancel. they will move it and it will be played at detroit's ford field. the nfl said admission to the game will be free. there two minute night games. the vikings game moved across to detroit. you can watch it for free and that's an outside venue. we were talking about how cold it will be. >> we're are spoiled here. we will check in with rob. >> especially when you consider 54 degrees is 54 degrees warmer than chicago. brutal cold there. in oakland and an offshore breeze. here's a look at the midwest. no flight delays, but this is early in the day. when we get those flights airborne, you will see delays stacking up due to the flight volumes and likely into ohio around cincinnati and cleveland. could see flight delays as well
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and a case of lake effect snow. the snow machine gets cranked up and the air comes out of the north and runs over the warmer surfaces here at the great lakes and it dumped a ton of snow on the shores facing the great lakes. in cleveland and in chicago with subzero wind chill factors. no worries around here, but rain dropping down and hanging around crescent city. across the rest of the bay area through the overnight hours into tomorrow. for now, clouds out there this morning. you will find a little bit of mist too for the afternoon. still inland and patches of fog. a dry day and not very warm, but not as bad as chicago or cleveland. a brief mid-week break in the rain, but for the weekend, looks like a lost rain with gusty winds. laura? >> thanks so much. the uc regents are meeting in san francisco to talk about how to fix the budget mess.
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they are hoping they won't see a repeat of this scene. the meeting board voted to raise student fees. they will vote on a plan for the retirement age for newly hired employees and increase the age for receiving maximum benefits. it would decrease contributions to most retiring health care premiums. they will vote on 20 strategies to fix the system's financial problems. among the recommendations include increasing enrollment of nonresident student who is pay about three times the tuition residents pay. create a way for students to complete the majors in three years and develop a program for fully online courses for degree credit. >> only in the bay area, a group of students being ticketed for breaking the law. christie smith is live with that story. >> per good morning. you have to watch where you ride your bike and why where you park and most of all, do not blow through stop signs on your
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bicycle. uc police officer told me they have been handing out these cards to students letting them know where they can and can't ride bicycles on campus. there signs lick this letting cyclists know that they have to dismount before they go into the plaza. what it doesn't say is that the fine is $220. that's what got uc students so upset. uc police have been citing students using the state's vehicle coat similar for bikes and cars. with the tuition hikes they have been dealing with, they can't afford the tickets. uc police officers me this morning a lot of students have been hit by cyclists going too fast. they are trying to keep people safe by enforcing the rules and too many cyclists have been locking their bicycles to stair way rails which is a hazard for the disabled trying to get up and down. while the $220 fine, they didn't
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know it was so high until students started complaining about it. they are looking at a less expensive legal code to enforce and want students to know that the university doesn't even get one cent from the citation that go to the local and state. christie smith, today in the bay. >> 6:20 and the 49ers play a special thursday night game with the playoff hopes still a live thanks to a convincing game by seattle. alex smith completed the passes en route to the win. they are one game back in the nfc west. in the meantime, more proof cheaters never win. a cheap shot. running up field when a member of the jets organization intentionally stuck out his knee to trip him. see it there? he falls to the turf and gets banged up on the play. the jets's strength and
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conditioning coach admits he tripped the player. it's possible that he will face punishment from the jets and the nfl. a border war brewing between the peninsula and san francisco. as we told you, san francisco city leaders want to roll out a $6 daily toll for commuters from the south as they come into the city. angry san mateo county leaders are threatening to create their own toll and charge $12 per day for people who leave san francisco to come back to the peninsula from the north. it's an effort to persuade city leaders to drop their plan. they will vote on whether to launch a study of the toll program tomorrow. you have to study that to figure out if it's good or bad. >> it's a big fee. let's study the morning commute with mike. you are taking a look. >> you go to the hot zone if either of those come into play as far as the tolls go. we are looking at snow problems. it's an easy drive and 101 at
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northbound san mateo and started slowing around 7:30. 101 and 92 really shows the bulk of the morning commute. that's why they are focusing there. that will send folks at least thinking about the bridge in the east bay as an option without having to transfer between the two areas. now coming off the peninsula with the headlights on the hayward side, westbound moves smoothly as well. the high-rise is different than a half hour ago. clearing up at least in this spot over the water. we will get you over to the maze and an easy drive with and the volume increases. westbound 24 as you approach 580. no major issues, but the build up now and the travel times holding up pretty well. an 18-minute drive and we will slow soon because of the bay bridge toll plaza. we have seen the lights turn on and the back up building back to
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the 880. we do have the build up on schedule for the slow downs and smooth getting into the city for from oakland. >> looks good. it's 6:22 and we have photo evidence of a wild ride for passengers on a royal caribbean cruise ship that ran into a storm. passengers snap these shots as high wind and rain pummelled the ship as it approached egypt over the weekend. it injured several passengers treated on the ship. passengers on board tell us it felt far worse than it looked. >> it was back and threw everybody back words and the boat was screaming. anybody on the bed was smashed into walls. >> the ship is headed to one of the last scheduled stops on the cruise. >> seems like there is noplace like the or for the holidays.inr akre bin ris winter break rushh to the operating room just ahead.
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you will see that dropping towards ukiah as it heads towards the afternoon. tonight and tomorrow when the raindrops from north to south. patches of fog and drizzle in a few areas. temperatures close to 60 around san jose and gilroy, but the rain comes back for tomorrow and we catch a break on wednesday and possibly heavy rain at times in the coastal mountains as we move through the upcoming weekend. >> thanks so much, rob. do you have an injury that requires surgery, you might have a hard time scheduling during the holidays. there is a winter break rush for
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surgical procedure when is it comes to sports-related injuries. in atlanta, georgia said they are almost completely booked for december because many school age ag lites book during winter break. the delta faces a new invasion and unwanted guests make their way here and how they got here. >> shape up or the ships will be t. ethps ultimatum that americas c organizers give san francisco. like lotion can't. s gold bond concentrated therapy. real medicine, ultimate healing.
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and succulent lobster dinner at sizzler for just $15.99. sizzler. thinking fresh. everyday.
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extra baggage fees are adding up for airlines. the profits may shock you. live reports from sfo coming up. bah humbug. bus drivers may not be spreading holiday cheer this year. the latest over the battle over holiday bonuses.
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>> we are waking up to warm temperatures. the workweek forecast to help you avoid traffic tie ups on monday, december 13th, today in the bay. >> good monday morning. 6:30 and i'm brent cannon. >> i'm laura garcia cannon. we have a look at the forecast. >> the forecast is not all that bad. we have patches of fog and hour by hour, the temperatures as you notice towards lunchtime close to the low 60s. we will cool down towards the evening as more clouds fill in and eventually rain. look at that heading up on the north coast. that's the reason why the umbrellas all over the seven-day forecast. we will have a look at that in a few minutes. >> we also want to check the monday morning commute with mike. >> we will take you first to the big news.
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the metering lights are on back towards west grand avenue going back to the maze approximate a slow drive off of the bridge down through berkeley and emeryville. close to the speed limit for 580 out of the pass. slowing with a 20-minute drive and a little unusual as you have speeds no better than the lower 50s. a slower drive for you and you may want to hit the road earlier towards 680. south of sunol with slowing around the express lane. this is early for the slow down to start towards fremont. a smooth drive towards the truck scales. the approach to the express lane is no so express. >> thanks a lot, mike. prepare for an east bay invasion about exotic animals and plants found in the delta. the sacramento bee reports
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microscopic animals could transmit disease through the water. in september, dozens of people in alameda got swimmer's itch. it's a ratch caused by microscopic worms from japan. scientists say they a tashed to cargo and tanker ships. >> organizers of the world cup said san francisco may lose its chance to host. the financial terms of the city are unacceptable and now they are giving the city an ultimatum. get a new plan by friday or they will go to another city. it's taking mayor gavin newsom's office by surprise as he held last minute talks. the city wants race organizers to pay in exchange for the rights to develop waterfront property. the budget and finance committee will discuss the bid this afternoon. muni operators may not be getting a christmas bonus this
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year. they come from a special trust fund. they get $3,000 in the past and wants to cancel because of the budget gaps. a spokesman said the bonuses cost about $3.5 million. a union representative said the agency has a legal obligation to pay out the bonuses. many families know no matter how hard you try, there is no way around baggage fees. they are cashing in by the billions. live at san francisco international airport without raged persons. good morning. >> good morning. looking back, we were spoiled. checking luggage used to be free and these days most passengers are paying $25 for the first checked bag and $35 for the second. it's paying off for u.s. airlines. new numbers release bide the bureau of transportation show in the first half of the year, u.s. airlines collected nearly $3
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billion in combined fees. delta brought in the most at $473 million. american next in line at $280 million and us airways $256 million. at the bottom is united with $155 million. passengers we spoke to say they are not surprised, but they are frustrated. >> i had to travel light and i have been traveling for the last couple of days. i'm going to be traveling to india for two weeks and i can't take heavy baggage because it will cost extra money. >> i went to spain last summer with the normal luggage, but when i came back, they changed it. i should pay for my luggage chi carry there, but they didn't allow me to carry for free to my home because i live here. >> what do you think about all the profits they are making?
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>> well, i think it's really bad. it's the policy of any big company i guess. as much money they can do. >> later this morning, the bureau of transportation is expected to release third quarter numbers for the airlines which will no doubt add to their already huge profits. still the only airline to not charge you for suitcase number one or number two is southwest. if you can get away with flying southwest, you will save money. reporting live from sfo, today in the bay. thanks a lot, marla. silicon valley ceos will have the year of the commander in chief this year. president obama will meet with 20 business leaders wednesday including representatives from google and cisco. the president is trying to build relationships with american businesses after the relationships with corporate
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america became strained over the health care overhaul and economy. the white house hopes the meeting will help by boosting confidence and encouraging them to invest cash. >> hawaiian airlines is making it easier for people in say hello to fun in the sun. they are offering four weeks of daily nonstops to maui. it will run through 9910th in addition to the normal flight schedule. they will use larger planes to accommodate the travelers this season. christmas in hawaii, not bad. 6:36 right now. two children are clinging to after being stabbed more than 30 times. the suspect is just 14 years old. >> testimony in the richmond gang rape case is dun to the final two witnesses. what defense attorneys do not want the jury to know. >> tracking a lot of clouds spilling into the bay area, but not much rain yet.
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just you wait. the seven-day forecast is packing a lot of rain and a little bit of fog as well.
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>> we have a winter stormwatch and snow starts to fly for tuesday and should come down heavy at times. today around the bay area, increasing clouds and highs to low 60s. a dry day except for areas north of lake port. the rain still south for tomorrow through the rest of the bay area. wednesday a brief break and more rain to wrap up the week. >> 6:40 right now and this morning a 13-year-old girl and her 18-month-old brother are fighting for their lives after being stabbed after an intruder broke into their home. even more disturbing, a 14-year-old boy is to blame. we now know the two were alone sunday in the vacaville home when the 14-year-old boy stabbed her with a kitchen knife and raped her. the teen then stabbed the girl's brother when he woke up during the rape. the suspect is a friend of the victim's older brother. the final two witnesses are set
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to take the stand this week in a richmond gang rape court hearing. the lead investigator and a dna expert are expected to take the stand. seven men and boys are charmed with the gang rape of a 16-year-old girl. attorneys make argue ams to suppress the government. >> still ahead, taxes could go up unless lawmakers come to a new agreement. the latest on the tax standoff in a live report. >> a judge serves up a sentence for a food network star in a murder for hire plot. a live look outside this morning from uc berkeley. we will tak look a lk at the forecast and traffic in a few minutes. hey, guys !
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what's going on ? we're fine. we just figured since it's taking forever to pay off our mortgage, we might as well slow our whole life down. touch the ball. get rid of your mortgage faster. get an easy orange mortgage from ing direct. pay less interest, pay more principal, pay it off sooner. yes !
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>> good morning. a live look outside this morning. san francisco is going to be about 55 degrees for a low and 58 degrees for a high. not a big change there. in the city by the bay. that's the trend throughout the bay area this morning. we will check in with and take a look at that. 6:44 right now. "deal or no deal." the answer could impact your wallet. the tax compromise the president worked out with republican leaders late last week, but democrats want their say. tracy pots is just across from the capital where the fight is over what youville to pay uncle sam when you die. trace he? >> to figure out what you will have to pay when you die or what's going to be in your paycheck when you alive, you
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have to walk through the politics. they will figure out how much support they have for the tax deal that extends for all americans and reinstate unemployment checks for the next year and a payroll tax break. they take a vote and the real sticking point is in the house with that estate tax. democrats say they will bite the bullet and vote for tax breaks to continue for the wealthy and they don't like an excessively generous estate tax wrapped into this deal and now they want a separate vote on that. separate from the entire tax deal. we don't know when that might come up in the house. that's where they are now. new this weekend, democrats say they will not scuttle the entire deal as a result, but they want a separate vote to see where everyone stands. thanks a lot. we appreciate the update and will follow it throughout the morning. new this morning, a rival
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website to wikileaks was launched today. here's what it looks like. open said they are former wikileaks members unhappy with the way they are running the site. open leaks said the goal is to be the middle man between anonymous moles and media outlets. they started leaking classified military documents in july. >> a former food network chief who worked in the bay area will be sentenced later for a murder for hire plot. he reached a plea agreement that calls for a sentence. the former host pleaded no contest to charges of asking a homeless man to kill his wife. one count of attempted murder was dropped as part of the plea deal. sores say the motives centered around fertility issues. juan carlos cruz worked at the hotel in palo alto as a sous
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chef. >> a girl has been scheduled to leave the bay area sometime soon. she was kidnapped in virginia and found at a safeway in the richmond district over the weekend. investigators interviewed brittany smith and her mother's ex-boyfriend who allegedly kidnapped her. that man, 32-year-old jeffrey easley is the prime suspect in her mother's death. the girl's mother was found dead in her virginia home last monday being but so far police will not say how she died. >> 6:47 and we found the southbound side. an accident has moved to the shoulder and in lanes long enough to cause the back up. a typical slow down and the live shot. a camera shows you as you approach the express lane, a little further south for the accident to be affecting the traffic flow.
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when you get out towards fremont, another accident around the parkway. i second issue that will slow you through fremont into the south bay. the south bay itself is holding up already. we will keep you in the east bay where we have an incident, a stall cleared from lanes mostly off to the shoulder and stay to the left if you can. it might be sticking out a little bit into the slow lane. the storm we saw after it occurred cleared up quickly about five minutes for the slow down to clear up. 580 with a nice drive and at the top of your screen, the slowing around the curve. the travel time approaching the area with 22 minutes. that's what awaits you. this is well-lit and we had the fog further east. the pass. how are things looking? >> still seeing patchy fog and not too bad. the temperatures are not that chilly. they tend to act like a blanket and keying the overnight
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temperatures up. the same works in reverse and clouds bring rain and block out the sun heading into the afternoon. expect a cool day with highs in the upper 50s to low 60s. any chances of rain stay north of lake port, but spill south around this time tomorrow. today still patchy fog inland and increasing clouds. 50s and 60s for highs and hazy skies and mostly cloudy for your monday and tuesday we see the first system drop in, bringing back the rain breezy at times. highs in the mid 50s with wetter systems to follow. highs to the upper 50s and maybe a few low 60s around parts of the south bay. highs near 58 in petaluma and 48 in truckee. winter stormwatch for tuesday's weather. you see the first half of the week we will deal with showers tomorrow. friday into saturday through the weekend, plan on quite a bit of rain and wind through sunday. brent? >> thanks, rob. try to pack light or pay big.
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we have a better understanding of how much the airlines are making off of the new baggage fees. the federal bureau of transportation will reveal the numbers later today, but we do know that they gross nearly $1.7 billion in the first half of the year f. they hit a ceiling, they could resort to other fees. >> some of those will include wi-fi and continuing to bundle things like premium boarding and premium seats. so many meal options and other things like that. >> baggage fees have been so lucrative, hotels have offered to pick up the tab and they will continue to travel and the hotels continue to try to get your business. >> don king stopped at the airport not for the size of his luggage, but what was in it. they say they found ammunition
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in one of the carry on bags last night. an airport spokes woman said the promoter had ammunition and a gun. the ammunition was taken and king was released to continue his trip. it's unclear if he got a citation. >> good morning. we will take a look for a new incident. the san jose commuters, we will show you what we are talking about. southbound 280 as you get the pass approaching the 880 interchange. the volume is light and you should be already. look at the commute directions and northbound 85 and northbound 87 showing typical slowing and 101 into downtown and past 880. slow past the airports. expect to see that about this time. that might be an indicator throughout the south bay. meanwhile the lower peninsula
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down into palo alto. northbound through san mateo is clear. the other side is 880. a steady drive for the nimitz and past the earlier disabled vehicle through downtown. when you get to the toll plaza and the back up goes back to the maze. >> we should enjoy the weather while we can. we see it changing. >> a lot of rain. >> showers coming in not so much for today, but as we go through tomorrow off and on for the next few days. satellite-radar view with clouds over the bay area. the rain for now north of ukiah that swings slowly to the south towards the evening. a little bit of patchy fog and misty skies. inland fog through noon and mostly cloudy through the afternoon. 50s to low 60s for highs and a chance of rain into tuesday and the weekend at this point looks like a lot of wind and rain. all the clouds could spoil things tonight for astronomy
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fans. >> we need the clear night because it could be the best night to check out shooting stars. you don't need anything special like a telescope. 120 per hour according to sky and telescope magazine. the best is between 11:00 and 12:00, but it depends on the clouds rob was talking about if we get to see them or not. >> for you don't ship your holiday packages, you pay a lot more for shipping. fedex expects to have not only the busiest day of the year, but the busiest day ever. holiday spending is up significantly and more people are shopping online. fedex expects it deliver more than 220 million parcels and it's an increase of 13% over the busiest day of last year. u.p.s. works through 430 million packages this holiday season.
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many of the shipments are driven by offers of free shipping. >> returning holiday gifts can cost more than you bargain for. the restock fee could be as much as 25% of the value of the item. charles schumer wants the ftc to determine if not disclosing the restocking fee is a deceptive practice. the ftc said they have no opinion for now. several states including california already require stocking fees be prominent at stores and online. >> it's that time of the year when many people are trying to find gifts for loved ones and they are offering to donate part of the proceeds to charity. iron horse vineyards is selling an ocean reserve bottle where 10% goes to environmental organizations. the store out of southern california stocks candies out of africa. they support a women's center in darfur. a women's company sells
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t-shirt,pajamas and bags made in the u.s. and entirely of recycled bottles. a percentage of those sales support several cancer, green, and pet charities. >> you see the bell ringers just about everywhere these days, but you might be surprised what people give besides a couple of dollars. after more than 30 years with the salvation army, robert green has seen just about everything dropped into the donation kelths. he created his donation wall of fame. >> car keys, house keys, and a lot of pocket lint. a german pen fre 1940 came in in tulsa, oklahoma. >> this is a fake cap you can buy. it's got a marijuana leaf etched in it. this was in tennessee. >> that's kind of cool. he takes the coins and jewelry
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to pawn shops. he makes them into the wall of fame. any of the money he gets by pawning the items goes back to the salvation army. grammy winning singer lady gaga is looking for a new job. she is not changing her music career, but looking to teach. >> interesting. the pop star is applying to teach fashion and art appreciation. that's something. the parsons school for design where project runway is filmed. she said shes to baunch a program that incorporates fashion with music and pop culture. it seems like they all go together anyway. you better have the freezer ready. if she is hired, she won't dress down. no such thing. i can't picture her in khakis anyway. >> does she create her own? >> i think she works with designers. >> other people do it. >> i would say she had a lot of sway. i don't know if any others other than her would come up with her
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ideas. >> a modern bay madonna. >> yeah. we mentioned the meteor showers, but we could have rain here. >> that's the issue. we are watching high clouds and the clouds eventually will bring liquid showers as opposed to meteor showers. that's what happens with the meet your showers. tough to see. the second half of the week, a lot can come into the upcoming weekend. >> appreciate it. >> get your errands done now. the "today" show is coming up next. >> another update for you in in a half hour. lightning fast. lightning strong.
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verizon 4g lte. rule the air on the most advanced 4g network in the world. ♪ ♪ you can find your feet and you can find your way ♪ ♪ you can find yourself in bed at the end of the day ♪ ♪ you can find some fun on a tropical isthmus ♪ ♪but you'll never find my... ♪ you can find it in your heart to be patient with me ♪ ♪ you can find a new star for the top of the tree ♪ ♪ i don't mean to be coy and i don't mean to be vicious ♪ ♪ but you'll never find my christmas ♪
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