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tv   Today  NBC  December 24, 2010 7:00am-11:00am PST

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start with cookie dough. ♪ add frosting. [ giggles ] [ female announcer ] then sprinkles. [ both giggle ] [ female announcer ] fun. easy. [ child ] wow. [ female announcer ] at good morning. crunch time. the last-minute christmas rush in full force at malls, airports, and roads. and this morning, parts of the south are preparing for a rare white christmas. stepped up security. extra patrols at the vatican where tens of thousands prepare to celebrate christmas following two embassy bombings in rome. here at home, airport screeners are on the lookout for a potential terror attack involving certain drink containers. we'll have the latest. and heavy metal. britain's royal mint unveils the official coin for prince william and kate middle ton's wedding
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and the couple's likeness is a royal flop. welcome to "today" for friday, december 24th, 2010. captions paid for by nbc-universal television and welcome to this friday, christmas eve friday we should mention on "today." i'm robach. >> and i'm carl quintanilla. what a gorgeous spot to be standing in. >> you know what i realized? the time to watch the rockefeller center tree is at 7:00 a.m. on christmas eve. we're the only ones out here. >> it's a little cold. overall, the weather is going to cooperate in the northeast today. >> yes. you kind of want it to be cold on christmas eve to get new the spirit. we should mention it doesn't look like we're in for a white christmas in the northeast. this time tomorrow, it could be
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snowing in parts of tennessee and kentucky. so some of those folks who rarely see a white christmas may be able to do that this year. we'll have a holiday forecast straight ahead. >> also, more serious stories. flooding and the number of people especially children who can get seriously hurt sledding each yearment we'll have a warning to patients. plus who doesn't like to seat joy on their children's faces when they open up their christmas presents under the tree christmas morning? the reaction of one little boy has the internet crazy for this video. he was accepting toexpecting tot books instead. >> yeah. >> what is this? look at that! >> yeah, and there's more. we're going to meet him and his mom coming up. there they are. >> i just love the outrage. >> he's like books for christmas? >> this is crazy. we'll get to him and his mom. but first we check with the top story. for that, we go inside to tam
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ron hall who is at the news das being. good morning, everyone. rome is on high alert after a series of mail bombs thursday. martin fletcher joins us from london with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. there's always extra security at the vatican on christmas eve. doubly so today with italian police scared that bombers may target tourists and pilgrims. tens of thousands are expected in st. peter's square throughout the day. police are extra nervous after explosions thursday in the embassy in switzerland and chile. two people were injured when the open packages in the mail rooms. a group claimed responsibility. but what do violent anarchists want? >> to grab headlines. to say that we're here and we can strike wherever we want. >> reporter: the embassy bombs are similar to bombs used in 14 attacks last month in greece. after those attacks, greek
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militants called on other national groups to step up their actions. the anarchists in italy last week turned a peaceful student protest against university reforms into violent clashes. analysts don't believe there is international anarchist movement, just violent groups feeding off each other. in rome today, though, officials say tourists are safe. tonight, 50,000 christians are expected to cram into st. peter's square to hear midnight mass, a message of peace and good will hopefully heard around the world. >> martin fletcher, thank you. an alert to holiday travelers in the u.s. the tsa released an advise troy day saying they will be paying extra attention to insulated beverage containers and the thermoses coming through security. there is no specific threat at this time. the items are not banned. they may result in additional screening. an office at the treasury
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department has granted thousands of licenses to american companies for trade with iran and other sanctioned countries according to a "new york times" report. companies including kraft and pepsi were able to do billions of dollars in business with countries isolated from u.s. trade for being promoters of state sponsored terrorism. while wikileaks so far released less than 1% of the classified documents it claims to have, a norwegian newspaper says it now has the entire document of 250,000 u.s. diplomatic tables. the editor did not reveal how he supposedly obtained those documents. in chicago, election board has decided unanimously that former white house chief of staff rahm emanuel can run for mayor in the second city. he faced a wave of opposition charging he did not meet a one year residency requirement for office. a high speed police chase in hawaii flew through a checkpoint near president obama's vacation home. rattled secret service members.
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the driver was arrested and presidential security says the incident had nothing to do with the commander in chief who was enjoying a round of golf at the time. and shocking images out of romania where a distraught man jumped from a balcony protesting austerity measures. the man survived with nonlife threatening injuries. and you better not laugh. you better not cry or santa might arrest you. in italy, a person was bilking money from a shop keeper when a st. nick stepped in. turns out, santa moonlights as an undercover police officer. it is 7:06 now. back to carl and amy. what are the odds? >> that's some disguise, though. thank you. let's get a check of the christmas forecast. stephanie abrams is in for al this morning. stephanie, good morning. >> good morning. are you hoping for a white christmas? >> yes. >> what do you want for christmas?
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>> him. >> just your husband? >> just my husband. >> that's easy. let's have a look where we'll see the snow falling through the day. that is through the upper midwest. otherwise, it's rain throughout the southern plains. we could see about one to three inches of snow on the ground. some of you maybe a little bit more, three to six inches. otherwise, sunshine along the i-95 corridor and throughout the sout >> good christmas eve morning, bay area. we have a beautiful sunrise over the area. take a look at the san francisco live shot. a few high, thin, whispy clouds and sunshine for the first part of the day. the clouds will be back and winnie conditions into this evening. 55 degrees and rainy throughout the day christmas day. clearing by early sunday. hope you have a great, safe christmas eve, everybody. lots of glitter on christmas day on the plaza this morning. amy, over to you. >> thank you.
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holiday procrastinateors are braving the malls today to finish their holiday shopping. one of the best years for retailers in years. nbc's jeff rossen is a shopper at macy's. jeff, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. i saw your husband, actually. he was holding three handbags and crying a few moments ago. i don't know what that was about. you run a tight ship. we're here at macy's. it's been open 24 hours since tuesday as many stores have. there is no excuse not to go out and do the holiday shopping. macy's closes at 6:00 p.m. tonight. walmarts are open until midnight. and, if you go online today in some select areas, can you actually order something and have it delivered by this evening which means you have it in time for christmas. it's really shaping up, by the way, i lt came to the handbag section just for you, apparel is up 10% this year. other items that are way up this year for retailers as well, jewelry. jewelry is up about 10%.
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and there are some other luxury items, by the way, here are cashmere sweaters. ipads, other luxury necessities like that are up as well. in fact, retailers are saying that's what people are buying most. it's not the tvs or the dvd players as they have in the past. it's the luxury items they've been holding off on for several years. the retailers stha is shaping up to be the best year since 2006. $451 billion in sales is what they're estimating. that's up 3% -- 3.3% from last year. and the retailers are saying that they're expecting a huge influx of people today. in fact, yesterday they nicknamed yesterday father's day because it's mostly men shopping. in fact, one the every five consumers out there right now still haven't even started their christmas shopping until a few days ago. a lot of people flocking to the stores. you can see this is a pretty good time to do it because it's
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empty. it will fill up. about it way, the stores are back open the day after christmas. that's when they expect everyone to start cashing in the gift cards and they cut prices yet again. so there you have it. >> jeff, since you're in the handbag section, carl wants you to pick up a handbag for his wife, too. maybe andrew can help you. >> i was going to worry if you said pick up a bag for carl. >> or ladies shoes, according to you. >> the man bag. the man gear. >> wow. jeff rossen, thank you so much. it's 77:10. >> president obama will look to carry a string of votes with him next year. but the republican majority may have different ideas. what exactly can we expect from washington in 2011? john harwood has perspective. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. >> we talk a lot about the success this is week.
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once republicans take the hill, what challenges does the president face when he gets back to work? >> reporter: well, really carl, you know, the president made this bipartisan deal with republicans in the lame duck session on cutting taxes. but it gets much tougher when you talk about cutting spending. easier to give money away than to take money away from people. and the agenda in washington is going to shift to deficit reduction in the medium and long term. and that's when the fights over priorities are going to get really tough. >> you talk about bipartisanship and the possibility of it returning in the next session. what is the first thing he can do to get that cooperation going with republicans on the hill? >> well, the citizens deficit reduction commission that reported in december with a bunch of controversial ideas for reducing the deficit set the table for the president's statest state of the union address. how much does he pick up? tax reform, taking away deductions and lowering the rates. cutting spending in medicare and social security as well as
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domestic programs. possibly defense. you have tea party republicans who want to do that. the question is how ambitious does the president want to get with the spending cut agenda? the bigger he goes, the more potential for bipartisan cooperation. but it's very hard to do so. >> you made the point, others have made the point that after so much cooperation in the last couple of weeks, there may be a tendency in both parties to go back to their corners and fight for some of their agendas. >> absolutely. the president wants to draw lines around his education and energy agenda. both sides realize that their bases want them to fight for certain principles and certain programs. and they're going to do that especially after they cooperated so much in this lame duck session. >> i read the other day not a single president has been re-elected since fdr when unemployment has been above 8% or above 10%. how much of the economy is going to be priority number one and what's the first thing he'll do to tack that will? >> it's absolutely priority number one.
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that's why this tax cut deal was such good news for him. in addition to preserving the tax cuts for the middle class and the upper income people, it includes that payroll tax cut which is probably the largest stimulus measure the president's capable of getting out of this republican congress. the president has to hope that the report you just heard from jeff rossen about the uptick in retail spending is the leading edge of what's going to happen in 2011. he needs that unemployment rate to come down. it's still projected to be in the 8% range when he runs for re-election in 2012. the president has got to get this economic recovery moving more rapidly. >> hard to believe, john. the first gop presidential debate is about six months away. how is that going -- how open is it right now and when is it going to start to tighten? >> reporter: it's wide open. there is not a clear republican front-runner as we've seen in the past with george w. bush in 2000 or john mccain in 2008. you have a bunch of governors,
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haley barbour, mitch daniels and others that are positioning themselves. you have sarah palin out there as the populous hero. not sure if she's going to run in the end. but a lot of the presidential candidates realize the action is going to be on capitol hill for the next few months. some of them are going to lay low. i think this is going to be a republican race that develops somewhat more slowly than usual. you have mitt romney out there that has to deal with the problem of having championed in massachusetts a health care bill that has some resemblances to what president obama pushed through. he is laying low and trying not to be a target this early in the race. >> hard to believe, one cycle ends and the next one begins. john harwood, take care of that voice. >> i will try. i hope you get the man purse that you want. >> it is 7:14. once again, here's amy. >> sorry, carl. all right. early storms have hills covered in snow areas across the country. and that sounds like fun. it means a lot of kids will be
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doing sledding over the winter break. and that can become a dangerous, even deadly activity. john yang is in chicago with the results of a first of its kind study. john, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. if your family has one of these under the christmas tree tomorrow morning next to that purse, we want you to have fun with it but we want you to know it can be dangerous, maybe even deadly. it seems like simple old fashioned fun. take a slope, add snow, laugh and kids. it also can be very dangerous. okay, heading for the ambulance. even deadly. ron miller and holly miller say they never realized the risk until their 12-year-old son died in a sledding accident in january. an accomplished athlete, he was on a boy scout trip to a ski resort. he was sledding down a beginner's slope when he hit a ski lift tower at high speed
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suffering a massive head injury. >> who would have thought and we had no idea how actually prolific this is. >> reporter: according to a first of its kind study, sledding accidents send an average of 21,000 children and teenagers to hospital emergency rooms each year even though it's something we only do a few days each winter. head injuries are the most common accounting for 34% of cases. 9% of those resulted in traumatic brain injuries. >> it's something you do want to take very seriously. any bump to the head is something you want to have checked out. >> reporter: when ian miller was taken to the hospital, emergency workers found a bible verse inside one of his boots. it said in part, "the testing of your faith develops perseverance." >> it was an immensely emotional experience to them within -- in the emergency room but also to
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us. >> reporter: ian's parents have a chest called in ian's boots which gives shoes to the needy and pushing for laws to get public parks and ski areas to require young sledders to wear helmets. >> this is the most horrific time of our life. and we can either curl up and cry or, you know, we can try to make some sense out of it. >> reporter: in addition to wearing a helmet, safety experts want to make sure that sledders avoid areas with obstacles like fences or poles or trees. make sure you got enough room at the bottom of the hill that you can stop without going into a street or a road. and they say never, never ride on a sled that's being towed by tractor or atv or any other vehicle. >> thank you. it is 7:17. amy, thanks.
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win think of squatters, you probably think of dangerous, run down buildings, but in the current real estate market, some people are finding shelter in upscale mansions. here is nbc's george lewis. >> what you are seeing now is squatting on steroids. >> reporter: across the country, high-end foreclosed homes like this one have seen an invasion of squatter, people who sometimes demand money before they will agree to leave. >> this type of environment, this economy, these vacant homes create the atmosphere for a crime mall mind to fester. >> reporter: mansion squatting is pervasive in los angeles, where there are lots of big, pricey homes in foreclosure. the resident of this neighborhood say that since last year, at least five homes around here have been occupied by squatters. the home owners have been telling authorities, enough already. this woman says she feels intimidated by the squatters. she wanted her face and voice disguised. >> it is very serious.
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you never know who you are dealing. people come in, they have party, they drink. we suspect there's identity theft, other kinds of frauds that are involved. >> reporter: the nbc station in los angeles discovered this man living nearby in an empty three-story mansion going into foreclosure. did you rent the house? >> none of your business. >> reporter: police say his name is dawood wally and neighbors say he moved into the house last july. they wanted him out. >> the authorities were very involved from the beginning. they made frequent visits to the house. >> reporter: when police arrived, wally showed them a lease, but it wasn't signed by the owner. did you have a lease to be in the house? >> none of your business. >> are you squatting in this house? >> yeah me, and your mom. >> reporter: property records show the real opener, thomas felix, moved as the place was going into foreclosure. >> i have not leased the property at all. >> reporter: neighbors got the owners to change the locks and wally left. police say he was not charged with any crime.
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authorities concede most mansion squatters never do get charged. for "today", george lieu, which nbc news, los angeles. coming up, money one of the most priceless reactions to a christmas gift we have ever seen, become a big hit online. we will meet that video star. but first this is "today" on nbc. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪
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[ male announcer ] now everyone can explore the world from home. at&t is making high speed internet more affordable than ever at only $14.95 a month. one-year price guarantee. christmas eve, carl. >> yesterday they called father's day because there are so many men at the malls. >> where do you fall in that? >> i'm a >> you still have things to do? >> talking about how we like to give the wrap and the problem of hiding things in the house. >> avoid the question, by the way. >> yeah, i know. >> just ahead, decorations to gift wrapping, everything you need to make it through the
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l ys ofchristmas. >> and the uproar of this image of prince william, after your local news.
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if you live for performance, upgrade to castrol edge advanced synthetic oil. with eight times better wear protection than mobil 1. castrol edge. it's more than just oil. it's liquid engineering. ["stir it up" playing] stir up a smile with hershey's syrup. [ female announcer ] keurig has over 200 varieties of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. ♪ keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. [ female announcer ] so with keurig, every cup tastes like it's brewed just for you. ♪ because it is. choose. brew. enjoy. keurig.
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choose. brew. enjoy. i'm bob kearn, president of coit cleaning services. these pictures are the history of my family and they're also the history of coit. we've been in business for 60 years and our greatest asset has always been our people. we use the plum card from american express open to purchase everything we can and with the savings from the early pay discount, we were able to invest back into our business by hiring more great people like ruben here. how can the plum card's trade terms get your business booming? booming is a new employee named ruben. ♪ [ keys jingle ] drop everything! shop the petsmart christmas holiday countdown sale and save 50% on all petholiday products. plus, save 50% on select dog beds. hurry, last chance to save. only at petsmart. i love it. not wash. power wash. ok. whoa. [ female announcer ] life comes with headaches and that's when people reach for excedrin.
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excedrin starts relieving headaches faster than extra strength tylenol and advil. the deck looks great. oh, we just washed it. well, not washed, power washed. big difference. hum. big. >> christmas eve morning time. time to get a check of the forecast with christina loren. christina? >> good morning. we have fog, but this weekend is actually not as bad as it looks. for the most part, all the low clouds and fog have lifted above the north bay and this morning you can see from the san bruno cam, it won't be a problem for much longer. partly cloudy skies and clouds increasing. if you want the sunshine, get out there early. here's a look at the forecast. wins picking up tonight substantially and strong winds
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and rain throughout the day on christmas. hope you have a great day, everyone.
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ice breakers mints with icy-cool flavor crystals. ice breakers. stay cool. >>ar a series of holiday robberies is creating chaos. san jose and santa clara police are trying to track down a man armed with a rifle who tried to rob a shopper inside a store at the valley fair mall. he tried to steal a car and failed twice before robbing the nearby men's warehouse after
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carjacking a nissan altima behind the store. more local news in a half hour. the "today" show returns in less than a minute.
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>> good morning to you,bay area. take a look at the beautiful sunrise shaping up from our san bruno cam. it will be a great day for the first half. through this evening and tonight and rain for christmas day. here's a look at the forecast. warmer than yesterday. 55 for tomorrow and windy
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conditions. all the way throughout tonight there is a wind veezry for the coastal areas of the bay. you want to take that seriously as you will be traveling. have a great day, bay area. carl, over to you. >> thanks. now to an larming discovery made by scientists. signs of resistance to the main drug used to fight malaria. here's nbc's ian williams. >> reporter: it hardly looks like the epicenter of anything. but mosquitos along cambodia's rain-swept bored we are thailand is spreading a deadly form of malaria, now showing signs of resistance to the world's main drug. >> if we don't contain the parasite here on the thai-cam bo boda border, it can get out to the rest of the world. >> reporter: experts are in a race against time. >> if we lose this mainline drug, at this point we're lost.
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there is nothing to replace it. not today. >> reporter: teams of health workers are testing every villager in the worst affected region. a preemptive strike to find, treat, and monitor anybody with malaria symptoms. >> so everybody who is screened we have seven who had fever and so far what we can see is that all of them are negative? >> yes. >> reporter: the gates foundation and usaid are throwing millions of dollars into the battle. this may be just one small corner of cambodia. but resistance to just about every malaria drug started here and history shows once resistance is established, it can quickly spread worldwide. resistance spreads when people don't take drugs properly. here policy and conflict are to blame and fake and substandard drugs, often containing just a pinch of the real thing. >> it's like trying to put out a fire with gasoline. it's eventually going to explode into this resistance.
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because you're constantly undertreating it. >> reporter: raymond, an expert, has been part of a blitz for local pharmacies. officials say they are having an impact though separately our colleague was able to buy banned anti-malaria drugs in three of six pharmacies he visited. >> we have the ability to handle the parasites in the field environment. >> reporter: the alarm was sounded last year by u.s. military researchers. >> we have kind of come in at a very crucial time. what we're trying to do is come up with solutions and in enough time to address what seems to be an emerging issue. >> reporter: they say they're fortunate to have spotted the resistance early while there is still time to fight it. to that end, they moved further along the border to see if it is spreading and also to test different combination of drugs and see how the parasite develops resistance. >> we'll be able to follow the patients for several months and see what happens when they
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actually take the medicine, how well it works. >> reporter: there is a great deal at stake and the outcome of this battle could impact on the health of millions worldwide. for "today," ian williams, nbc news, cambodia. >> up next, we'll lighten things up a little bit with books for christmas. the kids that is a violent video star for his reaction to his'lw. we'll meet him right after this. d walmart are teaming up to bring you a low-price medicare prescription drug plan called the humana walmart-preferred prescription plan. it's a new plan that covers both brand and generic prescriptions and has the lowest-priced national premium in the country of only $14.80 per month and in-store copays as low as $2. when you could save over $450 a year, you can focus on the things that really matter. ♪ go to for details.
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so you think santa will like these... red and green m&m's? i don't know! i never met the guy! whaaaaa! he does exist! they do exist! uhm... santa?
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thank you for calling usa pmy name peggy. peggy, yes, i'd like to redeem my reward points for a gift card. tell points please? 250,000. calculating... ooh! answer: five fifty! 550 bucks?! 5 dollar, 50 cents. minus redeeming charge. leaving 50 cents. say what? happy time! what kind of program is this? want better rewards? switch to discover. america's number 1 cash rewards program. it pays to discover.
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kids wait all year for christmas morning and parents can't wait to see the joy on their faces when they dive into their gifts. one family got a rather unexpected reaction when their 3-year-old opened one of his presents last year and now that video has become an internet sensation. take a look. >> what the heck is that? i don't get books. that's not toys!
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that's books. i don't get books for christmas! >> you don't get books for chris pl christmas? >> no, i hate it. >> you hate books for christmas? >> yes. pooh. i said pooh. >> i don't know. let's see -- >> i don't think those are books. >> they better not be. michael is now 4. he's here along with his mom. good morning to both of you. >> how are you? >> i think it's something funny to share with your friends and family. you put it on youtube. did you ever imagine a million hits? >> absolutely not. i didn't think so. i e-mailed it to friends and family. and i didn't expect this. you know, obviously when they saw it, they obviously e-mailed it to a lot of their friends. and it was just unbelievable. i gave him a cookie before he went on the air. he's a little wired.
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>> i can see we have a little star here. michael, you said you didn't remember that video last year. but if you were to get books for christmas again this year, what would you think when you opened your present? what would you say? >> when books come inside the presents? >> yes. what will you say? >> i'll say i like books. >> that's a good, good response. what did ask you for from santa claus this year? >> scooby doo. >> and a construction site. >> and a frog. >> and what kind of books do you like to read? >> i one i just got. >> do you remember the name of it? >> it's three books. >> three books? that's good. >> one is a funny one. >> there's a funny one? >> yeah. >> that's what the books were.
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>> i know that you were surprised by his reaction. you said he likes books typically. >> actually, he does. he loves books. i think because the -- i think because christmas is so commercialized that, you know, kids automatically think that oh, you're supposed to get toys for christmas. >> you go to the library to get books. i think those of white house have kids that age, i have a daughter the same age, we think it's funny. but you have gotten really negative comments on the internet. >> it's disappointing. really, i mean it's him being a typical 4-year-old. you know? he loves books. he loves the camera. >> yes, he loves the camera. just like mom. >> i want to see me on there. >> he actually loves books. i have to say, you know, we didn't expect that reaction. it was funny.
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and for people to write in and say, you know, oh, my gosh, you know, he's a spoiled brat or his parents are not teaching hill right, not at all. he's very disciplined. he's a very good boy. he's not a spoiled brat at all. we would never teach him to be that way. we actually read books to him every night, two books a night. we go to the library all the time. he likes books. >> well, michael, are you excited for christmas? >> yes. >> yes? >> i wanted to tell you, we have a blilt of time. christmas is coming early here. we have a present for you. >> oh, my goodness. look at that. >> do you want to open that up? >> sure. >> i'm pretty sure that's not a book. >> okay. >> do you want to open it up and see what it is? this is good practice for tomorrow morning. tear it open. >> go ahead. >> all right. >> go at it. >> it's woody! >> yeah! >> your favorite. again? >> he's got one. >> i got one.
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>> it's his favorite, actually. >> i got this already. >> well now you -- >> what do you say? >> you can have a woody companion. >> what do you say? >> thank you. >> you're welcome. that was a very nice reaction. >> i need to open it all. >> yeah. wow. >> want to thank you. have a merry christmas. see, you know how it works. >> woody has a friend now. >> howdy partner. >> all right. thanks, guys. coming up next, is that supposed to be kate and william? well, the official royal wedding coin is being slammed by critics right after. this [ laughter ] ♪ [ male announcer ] for tim and richard smucker, giving a gift of their delicious jam always made the holidays just a little bit sweeter. we forgot to put our names on them! richard, i think they'll know who it's from. ♪
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thank you, boys. you're welcome. you're welcome. [ male announcer ] happy holidays from our family to yours. i love christmas. from our family to yours. in a more delicious world, there would be more smoothness, more creaminess, more rich just-for-me-ness, more hershey's bliss-fulness. hershey's bliss. it's not just chocolate. it's bliss. and the deals are so great everyone's going. buzzsaw? buzz what? i'm dan now. we're getting the band back together, you in? i don't think, uh... you're not in. not in. [ male announcer ] for a limited time, t 0% apr financing on select new corollas, camrys & tundras. plus, every new toyota comes with toyota care, featuring a complimentary maintenance plan with roadside assistance.
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and discounts up to 40%. where else you gonna get discounts like that? call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online. with the official kmemtive coin marking the engagement of prince william and cade mitt willton. >> on one side there is an imagest queen. there is nothing wrong there. looks exactly like the queen. but check out the other side. this is the one that shows prince and kate. not exactly a spitting image of the future princess and william. you know, i would -- if i were kate -- apparently they sanctioned this. they said it was okay. >> they say it went through a rigorous progress and both of them signed off. i heard they say she looks more plump than she does in real life. and he either looks like beavis or al gore. >> wow! that's really good. i agree.
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but, you know, it is surprising. they don't look like either one of them. again, not flattering. >> right. i guess if you're on money, it's hard to complain about anything, right? >> apparently, yes. it lives forever. that's going to go on and on and on. in 200 years, they're going to think that's what kate middleton looked like. >> welcome to public life. >> exactly. >> ahead, a last minute christmas eve survival guide. >> first, we have a look at the more striking images of 2010. we looked at them yesterday and it's amazing what can happen in a period of 12 months. take a look. ♪
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what are you doing? what is that? what is this? guy: it's a special paste i invented to replace socks. we're dipping our feet in it. wife: why? guy: because we can't find socks that shape to our feet. we're sick of it! son: sick of it! wife: that's really stupid. guy: that's the future. announcer: hanes makes better-fitting socks the whole family will love. guaranteed, or your money back.
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ah, it's stinging a little bit more than usual! yeah, you'll get used to it. the longer you keep your high mileage car, the more it pays you back. get castrol gtx high mileage. it helps engines last longer by fighting the main causes of engine failure. i think a dime went up my nose. yeah, it happens. don't change your car. change your oil to castrol gtx high mileage. its more than just oil. it's liquid engineering. ♪ daisy, do-do a dollop our family-owned company makes daisy... with 100% natural farm-fresh cream. no artificial ingredients. no preservatives. and no added hormones. ♪ better with a dollop here ♪ fresher with a dollop there ♪ ♪ wholesome in every way ♪ daisy, do a dollop ♪ daisy, do-do a dollop
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♪ but i really love my bank ♪ i hate-- didn't quite catch that last bit. i said i really love my bank. right... is there a problem ? it's not really raging, man. uh, we were hoping for more raging ? well, you said write from the heart. yeah... don't do that. at ally, you'll love our online savings account. named the best of 2010 by money magazine. ally. do you love your bank ?
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>> good morning. time is 7:56. i'm garvin thomas. christina checked out the wet traffic maps and there was nobody on the road this morning. if you got anywhere to go, now is the time to get there. to tell you what to expect in the weather department. here's christina with the weather. >> you are right about that. i bet there is a lot of people who have something to do. last minute shopping and right now is the time. you won't need the umbrella today. take a look at the san jose cam. that will be the case for the first half of the day. clouds increasing for the second half and the winds. what you can count on is gusty winds especially through the mountain passes.
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55 degrees for your christmas day rain throughout the day. garvin has more news in just minutes.
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>> this morning, holiday pack ajs are missing after christmas crooks hijack christmas crooks. it happened yesterday when the driver stopped to deliver a package and when the driver rurnd, he made his move, taking off with the delivery truck. they found the stolen truck on
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east 25th avenue. if you think your package was stolen, you are urged to call fedex with the tracking number. joe biden talking about the issue of gay marriage this morning two days after the president signed the repeal of don't ask don't tell, he said gay marriage is next. he said it is inevitable there will be a national consensus that the same that happened with gays in the military will happen with gay marriage. jill biden will be on the ellen show this afternoon. more local news in a half hour. the "today" show returns in less than a minute.
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we have a big crowd in rockefeller plaza anxiously awaiting to open their gifts tomorrow morning. we're happy to have them all with us. outside on the plaza, matt and meredith have the day off. i asked you this earlier, have you finished your shopping? >> i got most of the shopping done. the problem is getting privacy to get the wrapping done. >> it is tough. i finished all my wrapping last night. there was this huge relief.
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>> and hiding it in the house. >> yeah. >> speaking of which, if you're trying to get everything done today as the kids are waiting for santa, if they're a little rambunctious, we're going to tell what you can you do to keep them busy. >> that's right. we've got a last minute survival guide including gift ideas for the procrastinateors out there. plus, we'll learn creative ways to wrap all of their presents. so lots to get to this morning. before we get to it, let's get another check of our top story. tamron hall is live at the news desk. holiday security is even tighter than usual today in rome. a huge crowd is gathering for christmas events at the vatican. mail bombs exploded thursday at the swiss embassy in rome injuring two people. an italian anarchist group claimed responsibility. police in india say their searching for four men who entered the city to stage a holiday terror attack. they believe the men belong to the same pakistani militant group that attacked the city two years ago leaving 166 people
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dead. this holiday week will be remembered for all the wrong reasons for many families in southern california. record rainfall sent water and mud rushing down hillsides. dozens of homes were destroyed and damaged. the rain also washed trash, pesticides and bacteria into waterways triggering health alerts and beach closings. president obama could wake up a little sore after a very active first day of his hawaiian vacation. the white house says he worked out at a military gym thursday and played golf for the rest of the time -- for the first time in two months. the president also hopes to spend the next ten days enjoying private time with his family. and last-minute christmas shoppers are expected to top off the best holiday season for retailers in four years. retail groups say sales are up 3% over last year with e-commerce up more than 12%. stores are also expecting heavy turnout the day after christmas for all those sales, returns, and gift card spending. toyota will pay $10 million for
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the family of four people killed in a run away lexus crash. investigators blame the 2009 accident in san diego on a floor mat that trapped the accelerator. it led to the recall of millions of cars. toyota tried to keep the size of the settlement secret fearing it will set a benchmark for the wave of lawsuits. the obama administration is planning to reverse a bush era policy that opened western wilderness to commercial development. interior secretary ken salazar said his agency will review 120 million acres of federal land to see if it should be placed off-limits for commercial use. tiger woods will no longer be on procter & gamble's payroll. the company said they will let woods' endorsement contract end -- expire at the end of the year. at&t and gatorade also dropped woods after his sex scandal broke just over a year ago. and it was smooth swinging for spiderman on broadway last
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night. three days after a stunt man's fall brought the curtain down on previews. it was the troubled show's fourth accident. and new safety measures are in place. the meantime, the latest injured actor is expected to be out of the hospital this weekend. it is now 8:03. now we go to stephanie with the weather. >> today's weather is brought to you by kay jewellers. >> the big question is what do you want for christmas? let's go to the crowd. what you are hoping to get? >> actually, i have a question that i need to ask. i only really want one thing for christmas. >> what's that? >> i want to ask this beautiful girl right here to marry me. >> is that a yes? >> yes. oh, my gosh! >> is this a -- there it is! no better christmas present. yes!
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yes! let's show it off. and a kiss. beautiful. congratulations to you two. no better christmas present than that. have a wonderful christmas. let's see where else we're going to see beautiful weather for a proposal. there's never bad weather for a proposal. it's always good, right? well, i guess sometimes. in wisconsin, it was a good one. 25 degreesu.or yo a look at the rest of the nation. the midwest is where the snow is located. otherwise, sun along the east coast. finally into the southwest, christmas eve will be messy through the northwest. well that was a touching little christmas miracle. good morning to you. bay area, we've got a beautiful sky shaping up overhead. most of the low clouds and fog starting to lift. we will see the sunshine for the first time today. the clouds will be back as well as gusty winds. you want to keep that in mind for your travel plans. 55 degrees. rainy christmas for us. 1 to 2 inches possible in the
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east and south bay. have great friday xtd >> congratulations to the happy couple. stephanie, thanks. up next on this friday, last mis minute christmas eve survival guide. from the gifts to wrapping to what to do with the kids. - this is for cindy. i wanted to get her something special this year. - you went to kay. she'll love it. [chuckles] trust me. i know. - more milk? - thanks, dave, but i got to fly. ho-ho-ho-ho-ho. - gift-giving experts agree on kay. save 20% to 50% on select diamond fashion jewelry. one more reason kay is the number one jewelry store in america. - i love it. - santa said you would. no, really. ♪ [ gasps ] this is for you. thanks. ♪
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cool. ♪ [ chuckles ] whoa! ♪ [ chuckles ] i love this part. yeah. me, too. [ lucy gasps ] [ female announcer ] this year, hallmark has all new ways to say it. but not nearly as important as outer beauty. ♪ that's why i use covergirl's simply ageless makeup with olay regenerist serum. a liquid makeup can glob up in lines and wrinkles and make you look older. simply ageless stays suspended over lines and makes you look amazing. simply ageless from olay. and easy, breezy, beautiful... covergirl. ♪ and to look really amazing, start with my serum primer. ♪ ♪ but you're not sweet you hit on my friends ♪ ♪ i'm not your fool i won't just sit here and drool ♪ ♪ i'm tired of sharing you this is the end ♪ ♪ so i found a new love a natural true love ♪
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♪ that comes from a leaf green and bright ♪ ♪ zero-calorie, guilt-free no artificiality ♪ ♪ my soul sings with joy and delight ♪ ♪ its name is truvia i had no idea ♪ ♪ and i am loving every single bite ♪ [ announcer ] truvia. honestly sweet. [ pony ] she had a fever yesterday. [ elephant ] well, her pediatrician recommended new triaminic fever reducer syrup. [ dog ] so she'll feel better! [ female announcer ] with the #1 doctor recommended ingredient to help bring down children's fever... trust in triaminic. ♪ crayons and play-doh ♪ the latest dvd's ♪ lip gloss, gift cards, candy, shampoo ♪ ♪ anything for me? ♪ oh, stocking stuffers from walgreens ♪
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♪ you'll be glad you came ♪ get hershey's kisses chocolates ♪ ♪ in a great big candy cane [ female announcer ] don't forget to stuff those stockings. and no one makes it easier than walgreens, with a huge selection. and we're open christmas day from 9 'til 6. [ female announcer ] stay jolly with walgreens. back at 8:09. the day before christmas and if you're like most of us, you have a long list of last-minute things to take care of. >> don't worry. we have four experts here to help you put the finishing touches on your christmas celebration. let's start with the hottest last-minute gifts. we have the style contractor from "lucky magazine." good morning. >> good morning. >> all right. it's not too late, you say, to go out and get the last-minute gifts. >> procrastinators rejoice. most stores are open until 6:00 p.m. walmart is open until 8:00.
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we took all the guesswork out. the first one is for women. fingerless gloves. they're the hottest accessory gift right now. they're $11.95. perfect for texting and calling. >> i love the ones that flip over. you can get the mitten if you're cold. >> for around $12. just a perfect must have accessory. next, who doesn't love this? >> perfect. >> this is available at macy's. it's $17.99. pop them in there. >> i love it. there's no oven, no continues. who doesn't love cupcakes? >> perfect. >> let's talk about men. you probably heard about this. call of duty, this is available at walmart. this is an amazing gift for men. when this came out, seven million of them sold in and out 24 hours. they make them for every gaming system. >> ds, we have lots of those in our house. >> wii, ps, men will love this. >> okay.
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>> this one, charging station. this is from the sharper image. it's so sleek. it's available at best buy, $39.99. and what we love about it, you only plug one thing into the wall. it eliminates the chaos. it comes in this adorable little sleek case. it's perfect for travel. and really, you know, perfect for the home. men really need to charge their phones. >> exactly. we want to be able to reach them when we need them. >> that's right. >> so from men to boys. $14.99 at kohl's. little boys love star wars and leggos. only 22 pieces. it's perfect for little jedi knights in training. >> and this is the hottest item in my house. >> pillow pets. these are also available at walmart and a bunch of different stores. it's a pillow. >> it's a pet. >> that's right. stuffed animal by day. you undo the strap and it's a pillow. 18 inches. every kid under 10 will love you. >> i can vouch with that with three of them under 10 in my
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house. thank you so much. and now here's carl. >> amy, thanks. now that you have the presents, it's time to wrap. the author of "simply sub-lime gifts" is here. i love to wrap. it's hard to find paper that is perfect. you have examples where you don't have to go to the store. >> that's right. >> this is great. it is the day before christmas. all of these things can be made with stuff you have lying around the house. >> including candy. >> including candy. >> how does this work? >> this is the first idea. this is candy gift-wrap. take the candy and put it on the glass of your scanner, home scanner. just cover it with a big sheet of paper. and that will help keep the light out and get this nice background. print away. >> so use sweetish fish and gummy bears. and this is just printing paper. >> this is just from the printer. and you can tape a few sheets together to wrap a bigger package. and it's good to go. make it -- if smub hasomeone ha
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favorite candy, do that. >> you have brown paper and using vegetables. this is celery and looks like a potato. >> yes. this is very old school. it's a great project. these are just grocery store bags. turned inside out. and it's ecofriendly and it's a great project. kids love to do it. let me show you here. you can use any kind of vegetable stamp. some of these vegetables like a celery will make a really cool flower design. and you can just print away. >> if you get hungry, pop the celery in your mouth. >> that's right. whatever you're using for the soup or stew, use it for the gift-wrap. >> can you use freezer paper, other things that may be in the kitchen. >> that's right. i love these presents. they are all wrapped with items found in your kitchen cupboard. i love that. this is parchment paper, this is freezer wrap. and then, of course, the bows are made out of cocktail napkins. >> are you going tie one? >> yes, i'm going to show you how to do that. layer the napkins, eight layers.
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fold it in an accordian pleat, trim the edges, tie it up and just pull the flowers. let me do that for you here. >> it ends up looking like a core serious bodily injury. >> you top that off. instead of using a ribbon. >> that's right. it turns out like. this and you just tie it on. >> that is beautiful. >> yep. >> really creative. >> it doesn't cost anything. it's great. a lot of fun to make. very easy. >> jodie, thank you. >> thank you so much. >> let's head over to tamron. >> on to last-minute decore. amy goodman is editor at large for "southern living magazine." good morning. you have your food and wrapping. you have to get the decor just right. you have easy ideas of things in your home. the first is a kick plate. >> that's right. the gracious host is prepared for any moment. makes it look seemless. we have taken a basic cake stand to which we are making a gorgeous and sophisticated centerpiece. it gives it a nice elevated height. we added green and some fresh
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seasonal fruits, pomegranates, citrus and metallic candles here. but these could all be solid white or green. whatever you have in the house. and it's just a really beautiful piece to kind of start off your table decor. >> and you figured out a great idea for all the extra ornaments you have around the home. >> for the extra balls. this is one thing we usually have in en masse of. you take a pacic coathanger from the dry cleaner a and you thread the balls through it to create this gorgeous wreath topped with a ribbon. again, you can go with color schemes, a mixture of small, medium and large balls. and what a dramatic piece. and also slightly playful. i love this. it's very delicate. you could actually package it to use it again next year. so if you use an environmental packaging, it's so lovely. you may as well use it year in and year out. >> can you give this as a gift. merry christmas. this is the wire hanger holding up these ornaments. i love this. >> and the other idea includes
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perhaps a vase you have around the house and tree limbs? >> right. you go out to the yard or maybe your neighborhood's yard and without selling a tree, you get very large branches. we did this to scale. can you do it to scale for your personal space. spraypaint it white. add the ornaments. these are dried peas. you could use rice. you could use dried beans or sand. you can use anything that you actually have readily vanl you to. and then you gather the family around. because that's what this is. 15 hours until christmas. yet this is about celebrating time with family and friends. get the kids to help you. put on the ornaments and you have a dramatic piece for the entryway that is stately, sophisticated, modern and fun. >> it's glamorous. all right. i love this, amy. thank you. now let's head back down stairs to amy. >> thank you. and let's wrap things up with the kids. what can you do to keep them occupied? well, you're busy shopping, wrapping, decorating, baking, elizabeth is the editor of "woman's day magazine." good morning. >> good morning.
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>> this is the most important part of all. the kids aren't happy, nobody's happy. >> and activity like some of these can keep them business your for hours. your daughter just went into her room and made her ornaments. >> that was a savior for me last week. >> these are adorable. >> can you use thee as ornaments or gift tags. give the kids a cookie cutter to use a stencil. cut the shapes here. we did doves out of felt or cardboard. have them decorate them. and then we made a little slit and just take -- took on some paper, folded it like an accordian. thread it through. it looks like little wings. again, these can be used all year. buttons, extra ribbon, glitter. >> give them the junk drawers and let them attack them and put them to work. >> i know where they are, they just go and find them. this one looks way too sophisticated for me. these are adorable. >> it is so easy. all we did is we took a ice cream cone which you may even have. this is a real one. if you want to later, shah lack it. just take an ornament that you
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have, glue it into the cone. and then cover it with pom-poms and it looks like an ice cream cone. >> or leave it by itself. >> you can. but can you also decorate it, cherries, nuts, whatever you want. sprinkles on top of it. have fun. and then i love this. i thought that was a gingerbread house. >> it is not. it is not. this is a cardboard box that a gift came in. all we did is spraypainted it in chocolate brown and then used royal icing, just like you would decorate a regular gingerbread house. we used the little houses can you get at craft stores like michaels has those as well. all the directions at decorate it with candy. >> my kids would be eating all the candy. there would be nothing left. if you made them, they're cute. you used licorice and everything. >> licorice. it could be a really cute centerpiece for your table. >> and there's no baking. >> no baking. >> thank you so much. merry s it.8: i18
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back now at 8:21. with a choir from compton, california, using the power of song to reshape the way their city is perceived. here is kristen welker. >> reporter: in a city that is more used to gun shots and sirens, it's a different sound bringing down the house at ther lifting up the kmupt. they call themselves voices of destiny with incredible vocal as and choreographs moves. this choir is helping to transform their city's traditionally violent image into one of peace. danny harrison was plagued by addiction until he found music. >> if i didn't find voices of destiny, i'd be on the street somewhere. i wouldn't be the same person i am as far as morals and values and integrity.
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>> reporter: best friends since childhood, they call themselves brothers, forever bonded by their decision to trade a life of crime for a spot on the choir line. >> when that first day he came and joined. and, of course, i teared up. i was proud. i know that was the beginning of the change. >> i'm very thankful. and sometimes you have to go through the next step to appreciate the positives. >> reporter: rehearsal lasts for hours and leaving little time for anything else. they're strenuous mentally and physically. >> this choir is practically everything to me. when i can't make it on my own, i look forward to the monday night rehearsals. because we are family. i'm closer to a few members of the voices of destiny than i am my own family. >> reporter: pastor michael fisher is the man behind the music. his father led the church for decades until he took over five years ago, determined to make a difference. >> the message is very tough, whether they're from gangs or
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from drugs, alcoholism, single parent homes. do not use your environment as an excuse to give up on where you're trying to go, period. ♪ the lord >> reporter: to show how far this choir has come, he entered the group into the sweet sounds, one of the largest gospel competitions in the country. they performed before a crowd of thousands in the nation's capital wearing red and blue, colors of conflicting gangs, showing the world a unified compton. the results, victory. congratulations! this is not only our war, this is not only our medal, this is for the whole city of compton. >> reporter: the prize money will go to building a youth center at the church. did you have anything like this growing up? >> no, i did not.
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this is the first youth center on this side of compton. it will change the dem graphics of this neighborhood. >> reporter: while they continue to create a better future for the next generation, they will keep on singing and shaping their own destinies, one song at a time. for "today," kristen welker, compton, california. >> what a great story. >> that is a great story. just ahead, a tasty holiday feast with the help of the scotto family. >> plus, a special christmas eve performance after the local news.
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good morning. we get a bit of a christmas surprise this 40r7b imorning. the sun is out. wind winds picking up ahead of a front that could drop up to two inches in the south and east bay areas as of tomorrow. we should see clearing as you head into the second heart of your sunday. tuesday, the rain returns on wednesday. have a great christmas eve,
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garvin is back with more news in a minute and a half. verizon 4glte.
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stream hd video and rule the air on the fastest 4g network in america. yes virginia, there is a santa claus and he is delivering free parking to parts of san francisco. on christmas day, meters will be shut off which means drivers don't have to carry around spare change. street sweeping will not be enforced. the port will be the only place
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where drivers still need to feed the meters. service starts at 8:00 am instead of 6:00. in oakland the city kocouncil approved another hike bringing the fine for an expired meter to $58. there is more local news for you in half an hour. the "today" show rurps nning ins than a minute.
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8:30 now 8:30 on this friday morning, christmas eve, december 24th, 2010. merry christmas, happy holidays, we're so happy to have so many christmas eve revelers here in rockefeller plaza. the weather was warmed up a little bit. it was cold earlier but it's nice now.
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we're going to talk about, we're going to have a christmas eve feast with italian flair. >> that's right. they are going to show you how to prepare a night of meals that your family is sure to love. >> a fantastic perform from chantileer. >> then we're going to check out affordable getaways with the cold weather, you may be dreaming of warmer climates. first, speaking of the weather, let's get a check of it from stephanie abrams on the plaza. >> we want to talk about who's going to see a white christmas. is there any place better than new york city? >> no. >> it's festive and fun. let's look at where we are going to see a white christmas. unfortunately not here in the northeast but there is a chance we could see a white christmas into the deep south and in the west if you're doing any skiing. christmas eve is going to be
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messy up and down the mississippi river valley and that heads good morning. to you bay area, yeah, we are expected gusty winds this christmas eve. but take a look at your live picture. downtown you have the sun out this morning. that is going to warm us up nicely. forecasted high today turning breezy as the hours wear on this afternoon into the evening. rain arrives in time for christmas tomorrow. we could take up to three inches of rain in portions of the north bay. keep that in mind. have a fantastic christmas eve. santa hats on the plaza. what are youwhat a wearing? >> a chupacabra hat. >> if you are a fan of the summer block buster "despicable me." the movie is out on blu-ray and
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dvd. with three mini movies, here's a sneak peek. >> banana. >> banana. >> mmm. >> banana. >> no, no. >> banana. >> huh? >> banana.
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>> banana! >> huh? >> banana! banana! banana? >> banana! banana! >> banana. >> ahh! uh-oh. >> banana. >> "the despicable me" dvd and blu-ray from our parent company universal is in stores now. special holiday speaker performances from chanticlear
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and jackie for itchy dry skin. try cortizone 10 intensive healing. the strongest itch relief medicine now has three vitamins and seven moisturizers. feel the heal.
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back now at 8:36 with a story of inspiration. today jenna wolf is here with that. good morning. >> reporter: good morning you to. yeah, it's the true spirit of a holiday season is about giving. wait until you meet this brave 18-year-old who's already battled a brain tumor now runs a novel jewelry enterprise and it's all for a special cause. there's sparkle and style. but the real dazzle in rachael's handcrafted jewelry isn't from her hands, it's from her heart. how serious was the diagnosis? >> it was pretty serious. >> reporter: freshman year of
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high school was weeks away when after months of headaches, rachael then just 14 got the shocking news that would change her life forever. >> a fraction of the percentages of the people in the world get these types of tumors. >> reporter: it was brain tumor causing headaches. rachael and her family were blindsided. >> it was devastating. i just wish it was me instead of her. >> reporter: three weeks later, she went into surgery. >> the surgery is a very complicated surgery. we make a fairly large opening of the skull. >> reporter: while the operation was a success, the recovery was rough. rachael was home bound for months. and quickly realized she was going to need something to help pass the time. >> i just started making basic things, bracelets, earrings. but as time went on, i was going through my freshman year, my jewelry progressed as well. >> reporter: rachael eventually returned to school and her new hobby continued to thrive.
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soon, friends and neighbors were buying her wears. >> everything is unique. ♪ i'll be right here waiting >> earrings, bracelets, necklaces, cell phone charms, anything can you possibly imagine. >> reporter: and rachael pledged that half of what she made would go right back to where she had her surgery, children's hospital in boston. >> i had planned to donate half to brain tumor research. >> reporter: so your idea? >> my idea. an idea which caught the hospital's eye. >> rachael was an incredibly wonderful example of one kid doing amazing things for other kids in times of generation cure. >> reporter: generation cure, that's the hospital's program about it kids and for kids where they find unique ways to raise funds and help each other. since the program began back in 2009, nearly e lly 15,000 childd families have signed on, this vegetable stand helped raise
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$a00 and kaly wallace who runs a lemonade stand, bowling tournaments and silent auctions, all to the tune of $10,000. not bad for a 13-year-old. >> it's amazing. >> reporter: as for rachael -- >> i do fares. i do home parties. rl she calls her business, crystals for a cause. and that cause is going strong. i donated $10,000 to my brain surgeon for brain tumor research. >> reporter: you donated $10,000? >> yeah. >> that's a pretty lucrative business you have going on. >> yeah. >> reporter: four years after being diagnosed, rachael, now a college freshman, has no signs of slowing down. >> from the minute i got out of my surgery, i knew i wanted to do something, no matter what it was. it may one day be able to cure all the kids. >> and rachael said she wants to be a nurse one day and her
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future is wide open, just the way she wants it. for now, she's keeping busy with her jewelry and it's keeping her very busy. >> what an amazing young woman. >> she was really sick, too. for her to come this far and succeed is a really nice story. >> thank you, jenna. up next, the scotto family cooks up a traditional christmas eve feast. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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back at 8:43. a traditional italian christmas eve dinner with the scotto family. here is marion, john, anthony and elina. good morning, everyone. >> good morning. >> a busy day at the scotto household. we have to get started. >> we're starting with some fish salad. >> all right. >> and this fish is very popular. it's been traditional.
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so you start with your shrimp, your calamari, crab meat, cod, eel. everything is in here. then we put a little different thing on it. we put -- >> what's in there? >> carrots and celery and some red onion. and our dressing is made with orange juice. one cup of orange juice, oil and vinegar in there. we have red wine vinegar. and let's get it together. >> put it on and, boy, it is -- >> smells great. >> it's delicious. i can't tell you. it's just blood oranges and regular oranges. and there we go. and you can have that tonight. >> and the presentation is beautiful there. >> thank you. >> all right. and next we have -- i can't -- >> i'm doing tagulini with
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lobster. this is a bad boy dish of the day. >> what does that mean? >> it's the devil hot, spicy. >> good for you. i love that dish. >> so i have onion and sauteing it with olive oil. i put in some of the tomatoes. >> okay. tomato sauce. >> yum. >> and you let it cook for about 20 minutes. >> okay. >> simmering it. then we're going to add the bad boy, the chili peppers. >> the diablo. how hot do you like it? >> i bring it up a notch where it's a little twist to it. >> okay. >> a little bite. now we have the lobster. i cut it before. it is already precooked. >> okay. >> and then at the end we have the tabulini and we're serving this tonight at fresco by scotto. >> you don't say. >> come visit us. >> and this is what it looks like. >> it's beautiful. i love the presentation with the parsley on top. >> i think we're going to get to
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branzino. >> i'm using a branzino. it could be a red snapper or halibut or thick white fish. >> dust it first? >> dust it with flour. turn that on for me, please. what we did is we started the pan with a little shall lots and then, dad, would you add capers please? >> so you're doing picatta here, actually. >> yes. anthony, a little lemon, please. >> what's amazing, it doesn't need to cook for very long. >> no. >> branzino is a five-minute dish in one pan. >> what do we have to add? a little red pepper. finally, it's always better with -- >> butter. >> it's always better with butter. >> oh, yeah. >> this will thicken it up. we're going to fin wish a little white wine. >> how long do you cook, a minute? >> it's two minutes left and we're done. >> after you saute the fish first? >> real time.
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this is as we're sauteing the fish. >> and then you have the finished product over there. >> beautiful. merry christmas. what else do we have down the line? >> what is dinner without dessert? we get the best part. >> we're doing a christmas napoleon. she is going to start with ricotta. take it away. >> add sugar, add some vanilla. >> bring it, danny. >> yeah! >> this is dessert. >> orange zest and finally, my favorite, chocolate chips. >> my favorite, too. >> okay. so he's going to mix that up. and then julia, what are you doing? >> with her faux fir on. you seem glamorous. >> what do we do, glamour girl? >> first, we spread the butter evenly on the filo dough. >> don't get it on you. >> nice and evenly. >> then what's next? >> then we sprinkle the powdered sugar.
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>> very generously. >> okay. >> you need to bring it. now what are you going to do with that? >> then we bake it at 350 until it is golden brown. >> okay. >> and then? >> and the finishing touch. >> we're going to do this, right? we're going to start to layer with the cream. and this is the best part. and we can add some strawberries. >> okay. >> and this is what it will look like. and do you have anything to say? >> merry christmas. i hope santa brings all the presents you ask for. >> like that coat. you have really good taste. >> absolutely. >> can we taste it? >> absolutely. >> we like that down here, too. >> we want to thank everybody. merry christmas. >> merry christmas.
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>> coming up neflt, a holiday performance from the grammy winning group but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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the chill of peppermint. the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint patty. get the sensation. the toyota concert series today is brought to you by
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toyota. >> for more than 30 years, the 12-man group out has been entertaining audiences with their orchestra voices. now the grammy award winning ensemble is out with a brand new holiday cd. it is currently number one on the billboard classical charts. ladies and gentlemen, chanticleer. ♪ ♪ echoing their joyous sing gloria ♪ ♪ gloria
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♪ shepherds watching their sheep ♪ # ♪ gloria ♪ gloria ♪
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♪ gloria ♪ gloria ♪ gloria ♪ come to bethlehem and see him whose birth the angels sing ♪ ♪ come on bended knee
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christ the lord the newborn king ♪ ♪ gloria gloria ♪ ♪ gloria >> incredible. they've been around since 1978. >> all male. the high notes -- >> i couldn't sing that high. >> you know, i think that's been playing in my house for the past three or four days. i think because they're number one, they keep coming up again. such a nice, pleasant, everyone's relaxed. the kids aren't crazy when the music is on.
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>> and they're given an annual salary. they're not paid by the gig. they're paid year round. it's one of the rarest gigs. very nice. >> maybe that's why they lasted for 30 years. all right. still ahead, we have affordable, warm weather get aways with all that cold weather out there. just what you want to hear. >> a little chilly on the plaza this morning. it's getting betterment it should be clear around the northeast today. so we'll see. >> we may get some snow. >> thankfully the west is getting relief as well. a lot more still to come. but first,r lo
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good morning. we are thrilled to have you with us this morning. the time is 8:56. christina has your forecast. >> good morning to you. well, mother nature is being nice this christmas eve. it actually looks really, really
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good. all of the low clouds and fog that we are reducing to visibility has cleared. we are seeing the sun back out. it will be a nice day today with warmer temperatures. 60 degrees is the forecasted high. it looks like we will see a rainy christmas tonight. make sure you check the weather before youve lea for your holiday travel plans. for holiday gatherings. martinelli's is non-alcoholic, festive like champagne, and tastes great! martinelli's: since 1868.
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warning for dog walkers to be on the lookout for unlikely predators. attacking deer may be protecting their young. two walkers were attacked over the last couple of years.
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that included a woman who needed stitches for her injuries. marla will have another local news update for you in a few minutes.
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and we're back now with more of "today" on this friday morning, december 24th, yes, christmas eve 2010. we have a very festive crowd kicking off the day with us in rockefeller plaza. i'm amy robach along can carl quintanilla. and coming up, last-minute shoppers, you know who you are. let's take a look at macy's right now. yep, there they are. this is the scene being repeated at malls and local shops. we're going to have the latest on the christmas eve crunch for presents. and also coming up, if your wallet is feeling a little too light this morning, we have the
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inside scoop on how to save big in the new year. coupons. it's not just about clipping them anymore. we'll show you how to be savvy for printing online and get specific coupons. >> that's right. also, you may not get a white christmas in the northeast. but if you're looking forward to a white christmas but then you want to go away and get somewhere warm, we'll have travel tips for you from hawaii to barbados. a pile of affordable warm weather vacations. you may just want to find them in your stocking. it was 71 in miami today. >> that sounds good. with the holiday cheer slowing this time of year and yes, we're talking egg nog and all the other things we shouldn't be drinking, something stronger, we'll tell you how to be smart, especially if you resolved on to have fun but reduce the awful holiday hangovers. you know the next morning you're like why did i do that? >> yes. that's right. also, why you might not want to give your kid a book for christmas. we're going to meet this internet sensation who was just
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3 at the time, opened a couple books and you got to see his reaction. it is classic. we're going to meet him a year after that video was shot. >> he knows what he wants. and he knows what he doesn't want, too. all right. let's get another check of the top stories from tamron hall. >> good morning, everyone. holiday security is tighter than usual in rome today where a huge crowd is gathering for christmas events at the vatican. mail bombs exploded thursday at the swiss and chilean embassies in rome jirg two people and an italian anarchist group claimed responsibility. wikileaks has so far released less than 1% of the classified documents it claims to have, a norwegian newspaper says it now has the entire dump of 250,000 u.s. diplomatic cables. the editor did not reveal how the paper was obtained. this holiday week will be remembered for all the wrong reasons for many families in southern california.
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record rainfall sent water and mud rushing down hillsides. dozens of homes were damaged or destroyed. the rain also washed trash, pesticides and bacteria into waterways triggering health alerts and beach closings. an alert to holiday travelers in the u.s. the psa has released an advisory today saying that they will pay extra attention to insulated beverage containers and thermoses coming through security. officials stla is no specific threat of this time. while the items are not banned, they may attract additional screeni screening. shoppers are expected to top off the best holiday season for retailers in four years. nbc's jeff rossen is at macy's. hello. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. happy holidays. we're in the handbag section. you know it's christmas eve when you see most of the men shopping, most of the people shopping here are men. we've seen that all morning here and the jewelry section right around the corner. as we mentioned, we're on track
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to have the best year this year, since 2006 total sales. they expect to be about $451 billion. that is bup 3.3% from last year. some of the big items this year are the nonnecessity luxury items. not the tvs, not the dvd players like usual but ipads, jewelry as i mentioned, up about 6%. they feel like people are making up for all the years they didn't shop. and we mentioned most of the men shopping, most of the people shopping are men. ray is one of them g to see you, ray. >> show us what you got here. >> go ahead. a little coat for my girl. >> very nice. >> she's not watching? >> hopefully not. >> some cute little polo jammies for myself. >> tube socks. the kids lot of tube socks. very nice. why do you wait until the end, by the way? >> busy with work, you know, just getting the time right now. take a few days. >> of course. >> you know, a couple other little tuxes. >> merry christmas. >> same to you.
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appreciate i it. >> i hope your girlfriend isn't watching. >> tamron, i hope your family shopped before ray did. >> thank you. they have my list. they'll get to it. thank you very much. the razor giants says the deal ran its course. the president is having a very active first day of his hawaiian vacation playing golf and getting in a workout and will spend next of the ten days enjoying private time with his family. it's christmas in the holy land where thousands of pilgrims in bethlehem will attend a midnight mass in manger square. thursday, children paraded through the streets with a wish for peace this year. and in jerusalem, children's choir sang "silent night." >> santa may need to lay off the holiday cookies. he is weighing a ton. six elephants dressed as st. nick, they wowed thousands of schoolchildren as they wiggled, jiggled and even performs some stunts. look at them go.
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they tossed snacks and presents to the kids. it is five past the hour. now back to carl and amy hanging out on the plaza. a nice looking group of revellers. >> that elephant has some moves. >> that's impressive. >> let's get another check of the weather from stephanie abra abrams. >> that is hilarious. we're celebrating a birthday here. what is like having your birthday and christmas around the time? >> it's like any other normal birthday except i get to celebrate two days in a row. >> what do you want? >> a car. >> dad? >> she is getting one! >> great. congratulations. happy birthday. let's have a look at the weather across the country. here's what you'll deal with for the day on christmas. we'll see a white christmas arnd the ohio river valley down to tennessee. otherwise, it's rain. as we look towards i-20 and i-10, sunday, our travel day, that system moves slightly
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good morning. yeah, a wet christmas is what we are looking forward to here in the bay area, but we are going to have to wait to get there and we will have a beautiful christmas eve at least for the first half of the day. live shot over san francisco. right around 60 degrees today. a rainy wet christmas. that is what you can count on saturday. we are expecting showers heavy at times. it will clear out in time for travel day 60 degrees on sunday. have a great, great christmas eve. >> tamron, over to you. >> thanks, stephanie. this morning on "today's money," this slip of paper can save you a lot of cash. being good at couponing takes organization and planning. and here with the money saving tip is the editor in chief of shop smart magazine. good morning, lisa. good to see you. >> good morning. >> you know, i love getting coupons. i'm one of the people, i always
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forget to take the coupon with me when i need it. the first thing you need to do before you step in the store, take the coupon you want to use. why do you need to do that? >> you always need to plan ahead. even if you're one of the folks out today shopping at the last minute, you can still use your coupons if you plan ahead. one of my tips is make up your list, your grocery list, but also all your clothes and house wears and put a c next to all the items that you have coupons for. so when you look at your list and check things off, you'll know you have a coupon. >> sometimes you have a coupon for the same store, let's say for macy's and you have a 25% off or one that says your second item is half off. you have to weigh which is the best value rather than just taking them all in, right? >> that's right. you have to do it ahead of time. >> plan ahead. now hard to keep them organized. you look in the drawers. there are coupons everywhere. what is the key to keeping them organized? >> that used to be me. you need a filing system. if you're getting into coupons, you need a filing system. my favorite thing is buy one of
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these little organizers. these came from the container store. they're $1.99 to $6.99. they're see through. can you organize by category. clothing, house wears. and in the grocery store, can you organize by aisle, health and beauty, for example, cereal, soups, everything you got. and so as you're walking, you can bust your coupons out. >> and carry these along sfwhu. >> absolutely. you should never leave your home without your coupons. i live them in my bag at all times. >> and you say carry them in an empty envelope. why does that make a difference? >> as you're going down the aisle busting cute upons out for each of the items, take them out and put them in the empty envelope. when you get to the register, you got them all. you don't have to dig through your pile. >> and you don't have the people upset with you. don't forget to stack. what does that mean? >> stacking is a word that is very, very serious coupon people use. basically, all it means is using multiple coupons for the same
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item. a lot of the times -- >> can you do that? >> can you use manufacturer and store coupons together a lot of the time. so if you're xrounking around, you have a store coupon, go online, can you find them at and also manufacturers have coupons online as well. get them together, stack them. a lot of the serious couponers wait until they have multiple coupons. >> you mentioned web sites and people are using smart phones to get great coupons and organize coupons. >> absolutely. don't tell my husband, but just yesterday -- >> i'm telling. >> he's getting a hair cut now. just yesterday i was in radio shack. i pulled out my smart phone and i got a coupon for $10 off the purchase. so it was very convenient. i went to coupon shirpa. there are a bunch of coupon apps. a lot of stores have mobile coupons available like target. everybody gets valpaks in the
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mail, now can you get them on your smart phone. >> that's so smart. you say organize your gift cards. they're valuable. >> a lot of people don't use the gift cards. about 25% of people we polled a couple years ago said they still didn't use their coupons. >> and sometime, the value -- >> there's a new rule. you know, expiration dates are going away. a lot of people don't use them. you want to put them with your coupons. put them in the coupon organizers or if you have a whole lot of them, get a separate organizer to keep them with you. >> and you say declutter. that is another key, especially when you mention the expiration dates. >> yes. if you want to stay organized and use your coupons and not have to dig through a pile of coupons half of which are expired, you got to call the, you know, the pile every once in a while. my organization is every month when you pay the bills, take out the expired coupons and the coupons you're never going to use and the coupons you shouldn't use like the ones for chocolates and cookies. you know what i'm talking about. >> just in moderation, lisa.
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>> that's right. >> thank you very much. happy holidays you to. up next, last-minute travel tips for today. and just in time for the cold winter chill. we'll check out warm weather get aways you might want to book now. later, delicious dishes can you make for last-minute christmas entertaining. first, your local messages. s. ♪ ♪ it's that chocolate ♪ it's that whipped cream ♪ it's that caramel, and espresso you mix in ♪ ♪ i must be, i must be, i must be, i must be ♪ ♪ i must be dreamin' [ male announcer ] for the first time at mcdonald's -- your two favorite flavors together. new mccafé caramel mocha. well? what do you guys think? perfect. [ male announcer ] the simple joy of sweet harmony. ♪ ♪ [ gasps ] this is for you. thanks. ♪
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cool. ♪ [ chuckles ] whoa! ♪ [ chuckles ] i love this part. yeah. me, too. [ lucy gasps ] [ female announcer ] this year, hallmark has all new ways to say it. [ female announcer ] this year, this is the hunt's crash kitchen tour. i'm here to cook you guys some lasagna. hunt's is the only leading brand that uses flashsteam and that gives it that backyard garden fresh taste. wow. look how bright that is. this is delicious. isn't it time to take a fresh look at your tomatoes? whoo-hoo!
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so you think santa will like these... red and green m&m's? i don't know! i never met the guy! whaaaaa! he does exist! they do exist! uhm... santa? come on... isn't it time an auto insurer gave it to you straight? that's why you should talk to state farm. but not yet. first, talk to any one of the 40 million drivers who already have state farm. 40 million. yeah, that's more than geico and progressive combined. by a lot. 40 million drivers. more savings. and discounts up to 40%.
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where else you gonna get discounts like that? call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online. ♪ let's szush up this one tone hair color! try nice 'n easy, with color-blend technology. in one step, get a blend of tones and highlights for dimension that takes you from drabulous to fabulous. nice 'n easy. your right color. thnchts morning, affordable get aways with the threat of cold temperatures gripping the entire country over the past few weeks, you can't be blamed for craving a trip to the tropics right now about now. "travel and leisure" have come up with the most affordable get
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aways. we have the director for "travel and leisure" good morning. before we get to the list of getaways. we want to talk about the, i guess, traffic delays you might encounter at the airports. busy, busy travel day to day. tomorrow as well. what can people expect? >> well, the main thing that -- the top line note i would say is there are more people traveling. so leave about a 3% uptick in air travel, 3.2% uptick in road -- people on the roads. so that means the main thing you need to be packing right now is pack your patience. you need to be zen about the whole process. and if you're going to the airport, one remember they're going to be longer security lines because of the increased security patdowns. also, don't wrap your christmas gifts. they're going to get unwrapped. >> all right. >> so those are the two things to keep in mind. everyone is trying to get home. just be nice. think about it as a christmas miracle. >> holiday spirit. yes. keep it right there. okay. >> we have good things to talk
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about. >> and if you talk about maybe a warm weather getaway, that may put you in a good mood. are they okay to book now? these are pretty expensive time to travel. or is for this down the road? >> some can you book right now. some are for right after the holidays. the holidays are the most expensive time to travel. so if you can wait a little bit longer and you can go see the family right now and then go somewhere warm right after. that. >> all right. let's start with hawaii. that's a good place to startment you don't think of affordable whether you think of hawaii. but this resort is only $220 a night. it's a great feel. the airfare to hawaii, isn't that pricey. >> >> the airfare, you have to be smart and look at a lot of different options and see where you get the best prices. but if you're getting a cheap place to stay which is the plantation cottages, this is a worth while expenditure. we know it's a beautiful destination. when i was looking at the website last night for this property, i was swooning. if you're thinking you want to
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be in a hammock for two sitting and enjoying the sunset this is the place to do it. lush, tropical. you're on the most beautiful island in the country. and you're going to be close to the coast and you're going to get lots and lots of beautiful hiking opportunities. i love this property. >> all right. you also recommend a place called the inn in arizona. >> it's in paradise valley. a lot of people go to scottsdale thinking about spa vacation. this is exactly what you're going to do. it's a smaller property. it's only 35 rooms. it has a cowboy feel. they're offering, they're throwing in for this desert escape package, $249 a night, you're going to get 25% off food and beverage, 20% off your spa treatments, complimentary breakfast and parking. the list goes on. if you want to be taken care of, go to this inn. >> and speaking of being taken care of, we know the ritz
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carlton is famous for. that you rugt the ritz carlton in pouerto rico. >> this is the time to book to go there through april. so after the holidays, this deal is available for $234 a night. you get your fourth night free. and this is an eight-mile -- it's on eight acres of incredible beach front property. there are 400 rooms. they have a 12,000 square foot spa. the spa is the name of the game. and the food in puerto rico is amazing. >> i just like how they say it's my pleasure. it's my pleasure. everything is their pleasure. >> actually, it's our pleasure. >> moving on to barbados. just went over a huge renovation and they're offering a special for our viewers. >> exactly. well, they have a $200 a night special for travel and leisure readers if you request and say
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the "today" show when you book which is a great thing. it's like open sesame. barbados is a great island. i was hosting their first ever food, wine and rum festival. barbados is great. the east coast of the island is a place that a lot of people don't consider. it's gorgeous. the atlantic, rugged, very different from the west coast which is much more pristine with the pink sand beaches. you actually have access to both. >> i got stuck there for an assignment and it was horrible. our last affordable getaway is not one of the obvious warm getaways. you recommend nicaragua. >> i do. a lot of people don't really think about. but it's very close to coast reek costa rica. this is a place people go when they think about going on a adventure vacation. this is absolutely gorgeous. you actually have to go on a suspension bridge to get to your room. imagine you're really out in the middle of nowhere. it's the lush tropical rain forest. they do a great thing.
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can you bring books and supplies for local schools. so not only can you get something back, but can you also give back. >> that's great. thanks so much. happy holidays. >> you, too. >> i can't wait to go online and start looking for the deals. coming up, help for your holiday hangover. it's the season to be safe but still have fun. plus, books for christmas? we'll meet this internet sensation and get his reaction one year after this video was shot. but first, these messages. believe again...
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shake it up, shake up the happiness. (ho ho ho) wake it up, wake up the happiness. (ho ho ho) c'mon ya'll.... it's christmas time ho ho hooooooo... ♪ [ female announcer ] there's a place called hidden valley where kids not only eat their vegetables, they can't get enough. ♪ hidden valley ranch. makes vegetables delectable. and now make lettuce a real salad with hidden valley salad kits. everything you need all in one bag, like garlic croutons, lemon pita bites, parmesan cheese, and caesar dressing. turn plain lettuce into a hidden valley salad.
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you don't decide when vegetables reach the peak of perfection. the vegetables do. at green giant, we pick vegetables only when they're perfect. then freeze them fast so they're are as nutritious as fresh. [ green giant ] ho ho ho. ♪ green giant they believe with olay you can challenge what's possible and gave us their good housekeeping seal. for smooth, firm, younger looking skin shape up in the shower with olay total effects body wash.
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you can do this... get the ball. get the ball, girl. hmmm, you can't do that. but you can do this. it's the simple things. scientifically formulated bengay pain relief + massage with penetrating nubs gives you the targeted relief of a massage plus the powerful, long-lasting pain relief of bengay. bengay pain relief + massage. visit for a $3.00 coupon. love the nubs! coming up, last-minute christmas eve menu items that we promise are easy to pull off. >> we promise. plus, help for your holiday hangovers. >> and later, we get a special
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holiday performance from a 10-year-old singing prot ji. first, a check of your local news and weather.
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good morning it is the 9:26. no complaints in the weather department. >> good thing because santa doesn't like complaints. we do have a low pack of clouds. but it has lifted above where it could impact your visibility. we will see sunshine for the first part of the day. things changing as we head through tonight. gusty winds on the way. courtesy of a system that will bra
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bring low pressure to the area. looking warmer than where we ended up yesterday. 55 where ever you are headed today travel cautiously. and have a great christmas eve.
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this morning police are trying to track down a man arm wednesday a rifle who tried to rob a shopper inside the club monoco star in valley fair mall. police say he then tried to steal a car but failed twice before robbing a nearby men's wear house. he then took off in a car behind the store. officers say robber another robbers are going after bags, purses wallets and in one case a car. >> people are are care carrying their cash and credit cards and
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walking about at night alone. >> police are urging shoppers to carry one credit card, keep the cash at home and don't carry too many bags. >> a lotto ticket could be your ticket to a merry christmas this year. the mega millions drawing is $168 million. more local news for you coming up at 9:56. the "today" show returns in a minute.
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and there she is in all her glory, the rockefeller center christmas tree. 74 feet tall and norway spruce from the yard of a veteran new york city firefighter in connecticut. bring the tidings to the season for all those visiting at 30 rock this year. could not be more fabulous. i'm carl quintanilla along with amy robach. coming up, help for your holiday hangover. i guess if you're planning on having a hangover. >> weird people who like to have a drink or two. >> we'll get some tips for before, during, and after you have a little too much holiday cheer to make sure the next
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morning isn't too painful. >> that champagne looks better than the coca-cola. plus, if you're plum out of ideas for cooking up a big meal for the holiday and the clock is certainly ticking, we'll have great last-minute recipes that will save the day for you and yours. meanwhile, amy, you have a preview. what do you have? >> that's right. for those of you spending christmas morning us with, we have a special show in store for you including tips on get the high-tech gift that's actually work. our gadget gurus will be here to help. and we have holiday favorites from hollywood. we'll check out the most popular christmas movies of all time and share with you our purnl picks. plus, the perfect christmas day meal. ed brown cooks up a delicious feast for the entire family. we'll have all that and more when we see you on "weekend today". >> a word of warning for you. if you're still shopping for the kids, skip the books. check out how then 3-year-old michael reacted to one of his gifts last year.
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>> a book? >> yeah. >> a book for christmas? what the heck is that? >> michael was on our show earlier this morning along with his mom one year after that video was shot. here's his reaction when he saw the video of himself live on air and when we gave him a surprise christmas gift. >> we think it's funny. you got some really negative comments on the internet. >> we have. and it's disappointing because really it's, i mean it's him being a typical 4-year-old. he loves books. >> he loves the camera. >> your favorite. >> again? >> he got one. >> i got one. >> this is his favorite, actually. >> i got this already. >> what do you say? >> now you have a woody companion. two woodies. >> what do you say? >> thank you. >> you're welcome.
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>> they're hard to please. maybe if we bought him the john travolta disco suit. >> i think he has a dance career in his future. >> now if mom forgot to get a give a gift, she can regift. >> thank you, it sounds so sincere. >> let's get a final check of the weather from stephanie. >> let's do it. everyone wants to know where the snow is falling. today, it's going to be around the midwest on our christmas eve. and then there's a chance of a white christmas in the south. find out if you'll see ♪
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football. we want you to show what you you'll be seeing here. where we have the eagles playing, they are playing the vikings. and we are going to see our temperatures in the northeast, really not that bad, right, in the 20s. it's going to get a lot colder. be ready for it. time to check in with willard scott and find out who is having a birthday on this christmas eve. happy christmas eve, willard. >> that's the bell of love. that's the bell of love. they do more with money than anybody in the world. the greatest organization, the salvation army. please do not forget them. the hats off to the army. happy birthday from smukers. how sweet it is. we have our friends today, for instance, here is helen neth netherton. she is 110. lord have mercy.
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can you believe that? and dorothy pfliederer. volunteer in the gift shop. keep working, keep volunteering and you'll live forever. and we have olgalipscomb from virginia. and irvin duval from texas. 100 years old. collects clocks. a dying art. i have old clocks, i love them. we have margaret scarfia. she is 100 years old. the older folks love bochy ball. and katherine grim, new oxford's 100. that's it. don't forget.
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>> all right. willard, thank you. coming up next, a survival kit if you tend to overindulge during the holiday season. but first, these messages. toms came back i'd get this tightness in my chest. so i went back to my doctor again. we chose symbicort to help control my asthma symptoms all day and night. [ man ] symbicort improves my lung function, starting within 15 minutes. symbicort will not replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. it is a combination of two medicines and should not be taken more often than prescribed. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems, and children and adolescents may have an increased risk of being hospitalized for asthma problems. symbicort is not for people whose asthma is well controlled with a long-term asthma control medicine like inhaled corticosteroids. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop symbicort without loss of control, and prescribe a long-term asthma control medicine. be sure to see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. symbicort is a good choice to help control my asthma all day and night.
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[ inhales ] [ exhales ] ask your doctor if symbicort is a good choice for you. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. [ and the life you want to live. with rheumatoid arthritis,, there's the life you live... fortunately there's enbrel, the #1 most doctor-prescribed biologic medicine for ra. enbrel can help relieve pain, stiffness, fatigue, and stop joint damage. because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, and other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis. ask your doctor if you live or have lived in an area where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness.
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ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. and help bridge the gap between the life you live... and the life you want to live. consider this: these duracell batteries were given... to the mattel children's hospital, u.c.l.a. because when it comes to kids and healing... you're not just powering a toy. you're powering a smile. duracell. trusted everywhere. and she looks like... a matchstick. and she's obviously never dieted, or ever eaten anything. [ laughs ] and she says to me, "where would you like to be in six months?" six months? i need to be in a pink bridesmaid's dress in one month. i just want to be able to zip it up! [ female announcer ] sound familiar? then try the slim-fast 3-2-1 plan.
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3 snacks, 2 shakes or meal bars, and 1 balanced meal. clinically proven. ridiculously simple. slim-fast. who has time to slim slowly? when you're celebrating with family and friends, it's easy to lose track of how many drinks you've had and have one or two too many. you don't have to suffer the next morning. we have a guest here to discuss seven tips to minimize your holiday hangover. madeline, good morning. happy holidays to you. >> thank you. >> part of it is being realistic, right? chances are if you're going to a party to celebrate, as a rule a couple drinks. >> you'll have a couple drinks. have fun. but if you pace yourself, that's what it's all about, you'll do much better.
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you won't have the agony of a hangover. >> we'll do tips before you go to the party or maybe while you're at the party. >> correct. >> start with food. >> start with food. you don't want to start drinking on an empty stomach. in fact, you want to nibble while you're having alcohol. things higher in fat like nuts and crackers because it keeps your stomach fuller and helps to slow how fast the alcohol is getting out to you. it will have a moderate effect and you'll be able to pace yourself. you won't get a big burst of alcohol. >> and not just slowing the stomach's process of absorbing the alcohol. >> it will keep it as even pace. >> one thing i did not know is that the color of the spirit makes the difference. >> it makes a huge difference. if you're someone who is prone to headaches, you want to stay away from dark spirits, dark colored things. they have a chem come compound that gives people headaches. stick with light things, champagne, white wine or light colored spiritses. and that's going to probably help you avoid the headaches. >> interesting. once you're drinking, easy to start to get into a habit where the drinks keep coming.
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one way to break that pattern up is with something that is nonalcoholic. >> right. if you have a mocktail in between. people always think that someone will know that i'm not drinking, but if you look at things in a martini glass or some tomato juice and spice it up with tabasco or club soda, you can alterna alternate. that it keeps you hydrated in between. alcohol is really dehydrating. and that's not good for symptoms afterwards. so if you mix in nonalcoholic things, it helps. >> if i make a difference if i go into the party having drank three gallons of water? or do i need to hydrate during the time? >> it's only once the alcohol starts that you'll start to be dehydrated. ahead of time is not going to help. >> you say aim for one alcoholic drink per hour? >> you know, that's the rate that your liver can break the alcohol down. so if you're someone who is doing the checks and balances, you have a serving of alcohol. your liver can digest it. and then you're sort of back to ground zero. doesn't always work out like that. >> the most important thing is stay away from caffeinated drinks.
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>> you want to stay away from the high energy caffeine drinks. this is a sense of being intoxicated but feeling very alert. can you fool yourself thing you didn't have much. this is a huge problem. people wind up in the hospital and also with alcohol poisoning. stick with regular mixers, diet sodas, juices, stay away from the energy drinks, the highly caffeinated things. >> which dry you out even more. >> which dry you out even more. >> that's while we are at the party. the next morning, if you still have the hangover, what do you want to do first? >> despite the good intentions you say this is not going to be me but oops, it happens. one thing is to make sure you stay hydrated. dehigh drafrpg gives you a lot of the symptoms of fatigue, feeling bad. >> some people's first instinct is have a cup of coffee. >> guzzle coffee. resist that and drink a lot of water or a sports drink. you have a lot of sodium and potassium, the minerals that are lost. >> any tricks to the hairst dog theory? the best solution is even more alcohol the next day? >> it does make sense.
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but you're adding more alcohol. it only prolongs the agony. so skip the vodka in your morning drink. >> okay. >> a good chance you'll be hungry and want to eat. most people think i need something big and greasey. >> yeah go, to a greasey diner. that must be the best thing. you want to fight that. alcohol really is ar irritant to your stomach. you want to have something satisfying, a nice protein, whole wheat toast or go to the pancake route. you don't want a lot of spice. you don't want to have that to overdue. a moderate breakfast. it makes it easier on your stomach. your body is recovering. >> and after all that, if you still have pain, can you -- is aspirin the answer? >> whether it's aspirin or tylenol or eye bu pro fen, any of these are fine in a moderate dose. don't take more. if you take twice as much, you won't feel better faster it makes your liver work harder. so it is a double whammy. stay moderate with these. >> i read somewhere that a quarter of drinkers don't get hangovers at all. how much of this is just
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genetics? >> if you're in that 25%, it's not an excuse to overindulge. you're part of that lucky group. most people have symptoms when they have too much. >> all good tips. hopefully you won't have to use too many of them. >> maybe some of them. >> madeline, thank you so much. happy holidays. >> thank you. >> everything you need to know next to throw a great last-minute christmas eve celebration right after this. announcer ] it's toyotathon! the event you've been waiting for is almost over with 30 years of great deals, everyone's going. fabio? ♪ wow. [ male announcer ] for a limited time, get 0% apr financing on select new corollas, camrys & tundras. plus, every new toyota comes with toyota care, featuring a complimentary maintenance plan with roadside assistance. this legendary event only happens once-a-year. don't miss out on the amazing deals at toyotathon. hurry in today.
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pancakes! ♪ from dawn 'til sunset, i'll never walk away ♪ ♪ blueberry pancakes are so good ♪ [ male announcer ] bisquick. pancake lovers unite. ♪ blueberry pancakes are so good ♪ this is the hunt's crash kitchen tour. hunt's is the only leading brand that uses flashsteam to give their tomatoes that backyard garden fresh taste. oh, that's good. how is it? tell me the truth. it's good. isn't it time to take a fresh look at your tomatoes? you soak up some rays in the morning, grab a cool drink around noon, and sleep soundly at night... knowing no one looking to freeze or concentrate you...
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will ever set foot in this paradise. simply orange. honestly simple. ( chirping ) [ tea kettle whistle ] [ water pouring ] [ punches ] [ male announcer ] beat your worst flu symptoms. new theraflu max d contains the most powerful medicine allowable without a prescription to fight your worst flu symptoms. theraflu max d. serious power. take the power of theraflu in warming caplets or warming syrup. ♪ well, it feels so good
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[ female announcer ] when you have a softer bath tissue, you can enjoy going more... while still using less. introducing new charmin ultra soft. new charmin ultra soft has an ultra-cushiony design that's soft and more absorbent. so you can use four times less versus the leading value brand. [ both ] ♪ soft to the touch... [ female announcer ] using less never felt so good. new charmin ultra soft. enjoy the go. this morning, last-minute christmas eve entertaining, whether you're worrying about what to serve when a few unexpected guests stop by or just looking for new additions to your traditional holiday
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menu. our guest has delicious and easy to make ideas. annie, good morning. >> i promise, super, super easy. somehow, you know, you didn't see the warning sign that's christmas is coming. it snuck up on you. >> all the highlights out, there thought it was something else. >> i have pizza dough. we made this -- >> stha doesn't sound easy from the top. >> it is easiest. you can buy it in every single grocery store in america. and these are fenel seeds. >> what does it add? >> flavor and crunch. you can add poppy seats or salt. i'm going to pop it on to -- i rolled it out as thinly as possible. >> roll the dough thin. add fennel. >> put it on the sheet tray. a little more oil on there. you get something that looks like this. >> how long do you need to bake this? >> eight minutes. break it off like this. or you can cut them. you have the great crackers. >> now you need to put something on your cracker.
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>> of course. >> christmas snuck right up on you. orange juice and a little bit of cumin. toss it in the food processor, 15 seconds. done. roasted bell peppers, get a good brand you like. goat cheese. done. >> okay, i'm going to taste these. >> please taste those. >> done and delicious. >> you keep the easiness going with a nice little tart arrangement here. >> absolutely. you can buy the tarts in the freezer section at your grocery store. >> so we don't have to make those. >> i'm not making these. even if christmas isn't coming, i'm not making these. you can put cheese in these, blue cheese, lobster, anything. >> what is this? >> this is crab slaw. put cilantro in here, scallions, and fresh lime juice in there. keep it nice and bright. this is going to be a southwestern style. >> this is even good if you're one of the people preparing the main menu and some of your
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guests arrive a little earlier. they can have a little appetizer. >> exactly. this is just not lime and crab. a little bit of avocado in there. if you don't -- fighting with me. we're going to use that one. >> sorry about that one. >> so fill that in. >> right on top. and grab a little cilantro. right on top. >> all right. >> delicious. >> very nice. now we're going to the sweeter side of things. >> chocolate. this is a mousse pudding thing. all the recipes are on the website. so there. you get the chocolate pudding. whipped cream on top. you go ahead and do that. and how about one nut. how about this one? and if you don't have time to make these, you don't have to bake these once you fill them, right? >> no. >> exactliment how about a little bit more whipped cream? >> you really know how to run a
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kitchen. i love this. >> now this is a trend right now. this is a chile flake. >> nice and exotic. >> if you don't have the pastry bags, use a zip loc bag and cut the tip off. >> this is lemon kurd. we have a recipe for you. if you don't have time, buy it. a little bit of whipped cream again. how about one blueberry? this is great. and then you have them displayed here. >> exactly. lemon, canty orange, a ras raspberry. none of this is rocket science. this is easy. >> you make me feel so good and calm inside. >> now more exotic. >> i'm a new england girl. i like oysters. these are the cold waters off massachusetts. a made a little sauce for it. >> how you have this displayed four your guests? >> this is salt and water. >> so you make a paste there and
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display it. >> cheers. >> cheers my friend. happy, happy. right? >> can you be my best friend? >> done. it's done. is that inappropriate? >> no. >> all right. i just had a moment there. thank you so much. merry christmas. coming up, the little girl with a big voice and a special holiday performance by a 10-year-old prodigy.
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coming up, ambush makeovers for lucky ladies in the crowd and a performance from our 10-year-old sensation. >> cheers, everybody. merry christmas. >> merry christmas. >> the finest in the business.
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>> thank you. >> first, a check of your local news.
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good morning take a live look at christmas in the park. the sun is shining. not a lot of people out here today. they are sleeping in which is good news if you are trying to get the last-minute gifts. today we are going to warm up to 60 degrees. wind advisory posted for our area all the way through tonight. we will see a rainy christmas day. rain and winds picking up throughout your saturday. clearing early sunday. now back to more news with marla. >> thank you. sewage spills. sanitati sanitation officials are suspicious. these were discovered nearby. the company working near the spill site is denying negligent instead suggesting both
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incidents happened during heavy rain when the pump station was shut down. some speculate the spills could have been done on purpose. the district says it has recovered about 110,000 gallons of sewage from 842,000 gallons that spilled last week. oakland police officers will spend christmas eve serving the community. they are host their annual christmas basket program to family families in need. patrol officers select the families. all in all, they are delivering 75 back kets. we'll be back at 10:26. the "today" show returns in a minute. [ female announcer ] dry, cracked hands?
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gold bond ultimate concentrated cream heals and protects like lotion can't. gold bond concentrated therapy. real medicine, ultimate healing.
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television captions paid for by nbc-universal television hey, everybody. it's dry-day, try-day, friday. but around here it is also december 24th and we have some special guests. >> two in particular. >> all of them are special but these two -- >> they're a little more special than the rest. our moms are here an they're cooking. that means trouble. >> trouble is in the house. >> this is them preparing their secret dishes. i'm sure these are our favorites from childhood.
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>> that i can't remember. >> no one knows what they are. >> actually, i hope that nobody gives my mother any sharp objects. she had to be rushed to the emergency room. i should just do my friday funny right now because it is about my mom. >> is she going to like it? >> no. but everybody that knows my mom knows that she is the sweetest woman on the planet. she's like your mom, she's sweet but she's not actually the most enlightened bulb in the chandelier, if you know what i mean. the other day we were talking about north korea and what's going on in north korea. i mentioned kim jong-il. my mom goes, oh, i hope feels better. >> ba-da-bum! >> the little girl from america's got talent -- that show -- yeah. she sings like an angel.
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she's perfect for christmas eve. >> that's a standard classic christmas song. we were going to pick out our favorite pop christmas song. >> mine is a song i've played for my family ad nauseam until they hate it and i don't care. i like it. it is called "this christmas." by donny hathaway. let's really crank it up so america can enjoy. ♪ >> here we go. here we go. ♪ >> see, it's all about you. >> focus. except on this show we're not. all right. so what's your favorite christmas shop? >> my dear friend nancy lamont
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died about 1 years ago. "just in time for christmas" written by our dear friend david friedman -- listen to this. ♪ ♪ >> that's beautiful. >> i started decorating the tree recently. you think you're fine and hers is the album i always put on first and next thing you know, i lost it and my whole family knew exactly why. >> she's a good friend of yours. >> everybody loved her. and she lives on in her music. i'm so grateful for that. i'm sorry, everybody. >> that's a beautiful song. it's called "just in time for christmas." >> yes. >> okay. >> if you can keep that on in
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the background. >> especially because what's next is talking about -- it was a bunch of drunks caroling. trying to get some money. they sang until people gave them money. if they didn't get money, they threw rocks at the house. >> i know! this is something nice. >> it is called a mistletoe margari margarita. >> i thought you weren't supposed to eat berries? >> these are okay. >> these look like the kind you're not supposed to eat. >> these are -- stop it -- family circle magazine tequila, but they don't say what the berries are. >> they're probably cranberries.
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mm, that's delicious. >> kind of tart. >> so what kind of gifter are you? ebay put out a survey. i'm so sorry. you don't like that one? >> not with that one. i've learned in my mouth says no, spit it out. even on the air. >> most women define themselves as emotional gifters. that means they bought thoughtful gifts and they understand the person well. >> is this just at holiday time or in general? >> what kind of holiday gifter are you? >> i'm the worst holiday gifter. >> are you the one that plans ahead? >> no, i'm the one that doesn't want to give presents to anyone. >> because. because for me christmas is a deeply spiritual sacred time of year. it is not about presents. it is about the gift that was given to us. so i already have -- i don't want to be a grinch -- but i'd rather keep christmas in my heart all year round than have
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thanksgiving twice. because it is about rejoicing and being grateful and being thankful and not knocking over people in the mall to get the last elmo? you know what i'm saying? >> you've really evolved. >> you know what we started doing when our kids were little? a friend suggested in colorado once, if you want to keep christmas sane, give your kids three gifts and remind them that that's what baby jesus got on the first christmas. that's the best thing we ever do. >> kids tear through gifts an they're over it. >> they don't appreciate anything they got to begin with. but if i did love to give gifts, i would probably be the second kind. >> the first is the emotional. the practical gift giver is the second most popular. those are people who buy practical gifts. >> things people actually need
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and and wawant. >> i'm a nice gift-giver. kathie lee will love that, that's what i would do. but on i put more work into the card than the gift. the ones who give you what they like -- >> i did that one year. i gave my mother a pink stuffed poodle because i wanted it so badly. i feel guilty about it to this day. >> why did you do that? >> because i was darn cute. >> you love a top and you say i thought you'd lf that? you say really, that's not at all me, that's you. >> that's why you an i don't give each other presents at christmastime. >> it's time for bobbie's buzz. >> happy holidays.
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i wanted to help pass on a few ideas if it is the last minute and you have no wrapping paper, these are pretty ways to present your presents because it is about the thought that counts. garbage bags. you can use a garbage bag at the last minute to create this cool -- >> that's actually very sooek looki chic looking. >> i created a rosette out of the garbage paper scrap. you can take a box like this land's end and cover the o logo if you tonight want to wrap. you just take layers of tinfoil, staple the middle, then pull back the layers. we all love a little bubbly around here and i did something similar for you, where you take nail polish and the glitter from the drugstore and just put their name. my glitter sparkle nails.
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if you just want to grab bags and send the kids out in the yard and staple -- >> anyway, merry christmas. love you. coming up, two lucky ladies have a special holiday "ambush makeover." we'll see the air mazing results. you know what? nothing is better than home cooking so our moms are going to whip up a little something for us. after this. into yet another bag. ♪ she washes the trash before it goes into the trash. ♪ don't give trash the special treatment. get glad forceflex, the bag that stretches to prevent rips and tears. ♪ and try glad black bags. now thicker for tough jobs. get all these brand-name appliances for just $14.88 and a price match guarantee
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during walmart's big christmas wrap up. this hamilton beach blender, this black & decker coffee maker, they're all $14.88 through christmas eve during the big christmas wrap up at walmart. i love it. not wash. power wash. ok. whoa. [ female announcer ] life comes with headaches and excedrin starts relieving headaches faster than extra strength tylenol and advil. excedrin. for life's headaches. sleep is here, on the wings of lunesta.
10:11 am
and if you wake up often in the middle of the night... rest is here, on the wings of lunesta. lunesta helps you fall asleep and stay asleep, so you can wake up feeling rested. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. get lunesta for a $0 co-pay at sleep well, on the wings of lunesta.
10:12 am
we're back on this very, very special try-day friday. with today's plaza "ambush makeovers." you know what that means -- yes. "today's" stylist and contributor to the stars -- louis licari la-la-la-la-la. >> and jill martin is here. look at you all festive, you, it. >> ken and barbie, baby.
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>> the makeover is a gift that keeps on giving. they'll at least get two to three months out of this and look really great. >> meet kathy johnson. 47 years old from holly, minnesota. she's been married to her husband steve for 21 years, they have four children. she is so tired of her curly hair style that she begged us to help get her under control because she wants a brand-new look. listen to her story. >> well, after 21 years of marriage, it is time for a change. right, steve? >> well, i think that she deserves something special for herself. she been such a great wife and a great mother. >> nice to hear that, right? >> yes, it is. >> are you ready for a change in. >> yes, i am. >> what about that hair? are you ready to straighten it? >> sure, let's straighten it.
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>> she's a little nervous but are you ready for a hot wife? >> yes. >> steve, leave your blindfold on until i give you the green light. here is kathy's before picture. all right, kathy, let's see the new you. >> wow! wow! steve, take your blood pressure medicine. you ready? take off your blindfold. >> holy mackerel! >> wait, hold on, tiger. >> turn around right behind you. >> you look unbelievable! you are cheryl teagues or something. >> turn around so we can see you. look at the split screen. that's unbelievable. steve is crying. what do you think of your wife? >> holy mackerel!
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>> go give her some love! go ahead. >> her hair was all one length. debbie layered it and gave her the sexy side-swept bangs. what i did is if you notice i made the color -- i kept her hair light around the face, darker on top, lightly lighter on the bottom, mimicking gizelle. we just took you from the '80s -- >> this might be one of the most spectacular ones. >> it is the alternative to the little black dress. pencil skirt from ann taylor with a little metallic in it and just a white button down shirt. button-down is from talbot's. >> your husband is absolutely freaking out. our second lady is lou ann copp,
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48 from lbuffalo, new york, married to john for 9 years. she recently got her hair down and was not happy with it. >> john has been cracking us up so tell us once and for all why she deserves a makeover. >> i don't think she does deserve a makeover. i think she's absolutely perfect. look at her smile. i mean she's perfect. >> that's so great to say. but let's say we're giving her a glamorous makeover. >> she can lead me to find her true dreams someplace. >> we're going to give you a whole new look but i have a good idea you're going to stay with him. are you ready for three hours of pampering? >> sure. >> i don't think she was real slooi sure it was going to take that long. john's waiting for. let's take a last one at lou ann before and let's bring out new lou ann. don't look, john! >> my god! >> she looks great. >> all right, john, might as
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well take a look. >> oh, my goodness! wow. >> lou ann, look to see what he's looking at. >> wow. wow is right! >> that seems to be one word everybody uses when they're really happy. wow! >> what did you do? >> the first thing is i made her hair richer, auburn kol who are, believable. look what it did to her blue eyes. it warmed up her skin with the warmer makeup obviously that works with the hair color. debbie brought the layers together because it is all one haircut before she had layers on top of layers on the bottom and nothing in the middle. >> everybody's crying. >> not just louis. john, what do you think? >> i'm speechless and that's hard to do. it is amazing.
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>> i love the outfit, jill. >> this is about take another basic in your wardrobe, the black turtleneck and dressing it up with the black turtleneck from ann taylor. >> more right after this. you. ♪ because it is. choose. brew. enjoy. keurig.
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and we capture them all. live your christmas story at a kmart price - these toys are buy one get one 50% off, and get this sylvania 32" lcd tv for just $289. there's smart and there's kmart smart. you can take the heat. 'til it turns into heartburn, you've got what it takes: zantac. it's strong, fast lasting relief. so let them turn up the heat. you can stop that heartburn cold: (sssssssss!!!) zantac. sleep is here, on the wings of lunesta.
10:20 am
and if you wake up often in the middle of the night... rest is here, on the wings of lunesta. lunesta helps you fall asleep and stay asleep, so you can wake up feeling rested. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. get lunesta for a $0 co-pay at sleep well, on the wings of lunesta.
10:21 am
we're back with "321 live" with sara haines. fans want to ask us pressing questions. >> first we've got a group from rhode island, liz, crystal and laura with a music question. >> hoda, we love to hear your play list. kathie lee, what's on yours? >> all my own stuff. a whole lot of nancy la mott thrown in. >> what's the song that i love about the "you can't --"
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>> oh, we don't make love anymore? >> that's one. go on itunes and look for "we don't make love anymore." it is a great, great song. >> wow. >> ready? next up we've got some birthday girls from how do you say this? >> mechanicsburg, pennsylvania. >> with some questions about the holiday spirit. >> when you are a he eating christmas cookies, what goes better, white or red wine? >> she's a small alec, that one. i like red with anything. >> yeah, i'll go with the white. though hoda is the cookie monster. not me. i try not to eat the cookies. >> next up, another drinking question. imagine that. >> hi. we have holiday parties every year and oftentimes people bring wine to the party and our question is, should we open that wine at the party. >> that's a good question.
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>> depends on how much you've got chilled. sometimes it is nice to have those extra bottles if the party is lasting longer. i think people like the fact that you open it up later and not horde it for later. >> so we've been doing the right thing. crack it open. >> speaking of alcohol, another drinking question. >> hi, ladies. happy holidays. we wondered what's your favorite drink for the holidays? >> coffee. >> i got to tell you this little mistletoe guy is really good. check it out in family circle magazine. >> i stick with wine. i'm not a big liquor fan at all. >> why did we just have five questions about drinking? i'm concerned. >> we should let fb know we only sip a little bit. i don't swig wine. >> she doesn't. >> i don't swig. >> you guys are experts. >> all right, sara. thank you, sweetie.
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sara, you're adorable in your elf cap. still to come on "today," the truth about rudolph. can reindeer really fly? and our moms are, yes, in the kitchen. they're the cutest things in the world. and that little girl with the big voice. >> she's adorable. ♪ believe again... shake it up, shake up the happiness. (ho ho ho) wake it up, wake up the happiness. (ho ho ho) c'mon ya'll.... it's christmas time ho ho hooooooo...
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with cinnabon cinnamon have such a sweet and delicious aroma that my family can't wait to get their hands on them. enjoy cinnabon cinnamon... now in all pillsbury cinnamon rolls. it's the big christmas wrap up, with amazing prices now through christmas eve. get an ipod touch for $225 with a $50 itunes gift card and a nintendo dsi for just $149 with a $20 gift card during the big christmas wrap up at walmart.
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gorgeous start to your christmas eve. >> good morning, to you. yeah, we actually have a very strong storm on the way. we are going to see a nice day before it arrives, gusty winds as of tonight and as we head into your christmas day. we are expecting one to two inches of rainfall. packing a punch for your christmas. today temperature wise, comfortable. 60 degrees for the most part. rain and wind will be the case for saturday. showers clearing early and we'll
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see a dry break monday into tuesday. the rain returns wednesday into thursday. i want to let you know about a wind advisory in place for tonight. take it easy out there. gu gusty winds and we'll look like sustained winds at 25 to 35 miles per hour. it will be a blustery christmas eve. have a wonderful christmas eve. we'll see you back here monday. .
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ye.ok, 'lli [ female annouer made fresh, ight. thiss. that is not half. guys i have more. with cinnabon cnamon have such a sweet delicious aro that my family can wait ir hands on them. enjoy cinnab cinnamon... now in all pillsbury cinnamon roll that my family can wait ir hands on them.
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the annual crack down is known as avoid the 21 for the number of police agencies that take part throughout the state. you can expect a dui checkpoint and increased patrol through january 2nd. the raiders not selling enough tickets so they're game
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against the colts will not be on television on sunday. even before the game grins, raider nation should note they are still on the playoff hunt. the ra'sidams of a super bowl are over. the "today" show continues nest. we're back with "today's call of the wild." >> we have quite a few of santa's helpers. >> good morning, sweetheart. >> it is the most fun place to be when it is the holidays because we have these amazing animals! >> like what! >> this is suzie, the snowy owl. >> my gosh. >> her next's gorgeous. these guys are so well adapted for living in the cold and the snow. >> turn the other way so we can see your beautiful face. >> there you go. yes, i know. >> what's the coldest temperature she can live with? >> they can withstand like minus
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60 degrees. that is so cold. it is one of the reasons is they've got this really thick down underneath their feathers. >> look at their little feet. it is like she's wearing her little ugg boots. >> totally! they have feathers all the way down the toe os. she's really able to stand in the snow. they spend more time on the ground than most owls. they're very unique owls. >> you have a siberian lynx. >> this is kika. she's 3 years old. she is a very with, very good animal. >> she's beautiful! look at her face. >> she has the best temperament. these guys so well adapted for that life in the snow. if you look at her paws, look at her -- they are the size of huge snowshoes. >> what will she hunt?
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>> anything up to the size of a small deer. >> how come she doesn't want to eat us? >> she's the most just laid back cat we have ever had. she loves to just hang out with us. she is just gorgeous. >> i want to show you something before we let her go. the length of her paws -- >> whoa! >> look at this. she is just a huge cat! >> she has her dignity! of course, baby. >> next we have the bush baby. >> the bush baby. there we go. thank you so much. >> wow, gorgeous. lo >> look at this little guy. we couldn't be here on christmas eve morning without having a great little christmas -- this had is a bush baby. now they come from africa and the reason why he just loves to snuggle in his stocking.
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that's why his favorite thing to do in the world, snuggle in his stocking. >> why do they call them bush babies? >> because they cry like a baby at night. make sure everybody realizes this is not a present to get the kids. >> he wants to go someplace. >> he actually eats mealworms. put those in your hand. >> he's a little bit of a stinky thing. i think he just stinkied in there. >> they actually wash their hands with urine -- >> okay, that's it! >> that's good. >> anyway, we're going to hand him off. then bring out the last animal. >> rudolph?
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>> yes. >> it's a real reindeer! >> tell us about reindeer. >> some people don't believe that they're actually reindeer. >> this is an incredible animal and an that knows that this is the best animal to have for pulling your sleigh. of course they're used in scandinavian countries as animals that do work so certainly from that standpoint. but other things are really unique. their hooves are adaptable. okay? so when it's cold and snowy and icy out, they actually firm up and act like ice skates. >> stop it! >> and then when the ground thaws and it is more bog gi, they actually act like -- how do they sleep? >> they do shed these eventually. yes, they do sleep down on the ground, just curl up and all that. this is actually just a way for them to protect themselves and
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they've got great other adaptations. >> thank you! merry christmas. >> she will be very busy tonight. thank you, darling. making our favorite holiday dishes. >> our moms are with us. adorable. after this. save $523! 16 minutes could save you 16%! come on... isn't it time an auto insurer gave it to you straight? that's why you should talk to state farm. but not yet. first, talk to any one of the 40 million drivers who already have state farm. 40 million. yeah, that's more than geico and progressive combined. by a lot. 40 million drivers. more savings. and discounts up to 40%. where else you gonna get discounts like that? call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online. call an agent at 1-800-state-farm ["stir it up" playing]
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[ male announcer ] the simple joy of sweet harmony. ♪ when you can have pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits? the warm, light delicate layers are like nothing else. add a layer of excitement to your next meal. ♪ welcome back to "today's holiday kitchen."
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we're cooking with our moms today which is really brave of us because there's nothing better than home cooking for the holidays. >> we've asked our moms to share a few of our favorite recipes. this is my beautiful mom, sandy kotb. >> and my beloved mother, the lovely jo epstein. today's she's going to actually make something i like. >> what dish are you doing. >> sweet potato souffle. >> my mom's going to make moussaka in a few minutes. >> you want three pounds of sweet pot toedz. then you cook them, then peel them, mush them. then put in all these extra ingredients that i have here. >> like what, joni? >> i don't want to dirty anything up. >> you put two eggs in? >> two eggs. >> yeah. this is where it gets tricky. >> i think i'll put --
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>> that's a sharp object. >> let's just put the eggs in. >> all right, you don't need to yell. we're not at home right now. >> quarter cup of brown sugar. >> coagulated brown sugar. let's break that up. what's that? >> that's a quarter-cup of butter. >> good. yeah, good. >> little bit of cinnamon? >> yep. >> that's two teaspoons. >> here's the deal. hoda and i -- let's go ahead. we were both married before and everybody knows it but i happen to really adore my former mother-in-law and this was her recipe. >> oh, really? >> this came down from jen geev johns johnson but now my sister calls it her own. then you take these pecans.
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cassidy loves this. if you've got food sensitivity to nuts -- right, mom? you might want to be real careful with them. then you bake it for what? >> half-hour. >> you left off this. you've got it drizzle this in the end. >> you know what, mom? you should have covered it in brown sugar, they be put on the nuts. >> now we're going to make moussaka. mom? this is one of my mom's dishes. involves eggplant and ground beef. what are we doing first, mom? >> we're just making the ground beef. >> making the ground beef, browning it. with onions and all kind of spices. >> which spices? these?
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wow. what are these? garlic? you want it all in, right? >> that's the way she lives her life. >> one cook in the family. what's this, mom? >> then you add tomato paste. >> okay. >> and the tomato sauce. >> do you use canned or a special kind? >> this is tomato basil. >> tomato basil sauce. >> like a prego? >> no. >> she doesn't make her own. >> paul newman's. >> newman's own! >> it is good, too. >> it is. you put it all in the 9x13 which i didn't have in my apartment. >> why does that surprise me? you went to bed bath & beyond, didn't you? >> yes. and then what? >> then you get a large eggplant and cut it up.
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salt on it. drain. then you fry it. you put it on a paper towel. get rid of the oil. don't peel it. >> okay. >> all right so come on back around, mom. >> come on back. >> any time now. this is just an hour show. >> okay. all right. >> that is a great egyptian traditional christmas dessert. >> get in there, joni girl. >> oh, my gosh. >> good. >> you guys need to do a cookbook, the two of you. isn't that delicious? >> that is delicious, i'll tell you. >> we love our moms, we loved having you here. cooking for us. our friend out there love to see
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you. you want to give them a holiday greeting? >> we've become great friends. >> i guess there will be no holiday greeting for any of you. >> we will be back with a performance that wonderful 10-year-old singer, jackie evancho. >> this is so precious. after this. if your racing thoughts keep you awake... sleep is here, on the wings of lunesta. and if you wake up often in the middle of the night... rest is here, on the wings of lunesta. lunesta helps you fall asleep and stay asleep, so you can wake up feeling rested. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion.
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>> announcer: toyota conterritory series on "today" -- brought to you by toyota. after stealing the spotlight during the fifth season of "america's got talent," jackie ev evancho has new to celebrate. >> "o holy night" is in stores now. she is with us now with a
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special holiday performance singing the title track "o holy night." ♪ o holy night ♪ the stars are brightly shining ♪ ♪ it is the night of a dear savior's birth ♪ ♪ ♪ long lay the world in sin and error pining ♪ ♪ till he appeared and the soul felt its worth ♪ ♪ a thrill of hope the weary world rejoices ♪ ♪ for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn ♪ ♪ fall on your knees
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oh, hear the angel voices ♪ ♪ o night divine o night when christ was born ♪ ♪ o night o holy night o night divine ♪ ♪ o night o holy night o night divine ♪ ♪
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♪ o night o night divine ♪ ♪ led by the light o night divine ♪ thank you so much, jackie. we're more with back on this christmas eve, this is "today" on nbc. [ female announcer ] why watch regular tv when you can experience
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we are all off to enjoy our holiday weekend and we hope you do, too. but please come back monday for "the best of "ambush makeover."" >> warm wishes from all of us here to you and your family. happy kwanzaa. -- captions by vitac --
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