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tv   Today  NBC  January 25, 2011 7:00am-11:00am PST

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moments of rror. moments of the suicide bomber that killed 35 people at moscow's busiest airport. this morning the russian president dimitri medvedev is vowing to punishmentp whoever caused it. and all hail the king. the king's speech leads the
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academy award list with nominees for all of the stars. we will tell you who else made oscar's lists and get reactions from colin firth and james franco today on january 25th, 2011. from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and meredith vieira live from rockefeller plaza. welcome on this tuesday morning. and typically when we get to the oscars, one movie will dominate the scene, but it is not the case this year. it is spread out. >> it is spread out. while the "king's speech" did receive the most nominations, "true grit" and the "social network" received plenty of nods as well. we will run through the nominations and talk to nominees
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straight ahead. and also the woman who kidnapped a woman 23 years ago from the hospital, we will tell you what she had to say to the victim's family when she appeared in court. and also the woman who wrote a book about raising children in a strict manner, and last time she was here she struck a firestorm with our viewers so we will have her back to respond to the viewers. and the "one-eyed marshall" and the computer nerd, but especially that stuttering king. >> the nominees are -- >> reporter: it was the story of a stammering monarch that crowned the lead of the race this morning with a dominating 12 dominations. the "king's speech" claimed a
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spot for not only best picture, but the entire cast got a nomination including colin firth, and helen bonner carter and jeffrey rush for best supporting factor. and following behind with ten nominations the western remake "true grit." and in addition to best picture, jeff bridges last year's oscar darling is back in the running again for his performance as rooster cogburn. and young haley steinfield is up for best supporting actor. and the inception of the facebook drummed up next leading nominations, and leonardo dicaprio did not get a nomination. and jeffrey eisenberg received a spot for best actor.
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and speaking of "facebook" you may not want christian bale's character or natalie portman's character in "black swan" but both god a nod, a-- got a nod, u see their fixture did well. and there was a young backwoods heroine in "best note." and annette bening was in "kids are all right" and "toy story 3" jumped out of animation to land smack dab in the middle of 10 nominations for best picture. there were 127 hours for the filmp by the adventurer that had to cut his arm off to survive got ten nominations, and the
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most competitive is the best supporting actress category because amy adams and melissa leo both got a nod this morning and we will find out who the winners are on february 27th. >> and they can duke it out. lee cowan, thank you very much. moments after nominated for best actor we talked to colin firth and james franco and meredith vieira got in trouble with james franco for what she said to colin firth. >> well, getting this far, you have been very well playing the best host and what you said about it. >> and when you get the statue, i will polish it for you. >> bless you. >> well, they stuck this ear wig in my ear before and i got to hear the whole interview with colin firth and you are polishing his statue, right, meredith? >> no, james, if you win, i will pollish yours -- no, no.
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>> and you were busted. >> but he does not realize i can be bought. i can easily -- >> you are fickle. either side quickly. >> yes, you can catch the full interviews with james and collin later this morning. they are greatguys. and now to washington where president obama has called for less rhetoric and more civility and the test will be tonight when he delivers the state of the union address. savannah guthrie has details on that. well, matt, the president is working into the speech and late into the night, but today he may practice it time permitting. it is a speech about jobs and america's competitiveness and include a reach out to republicans. they are hoping it will cement his recent rise in the polls. >> madam speaker, the president of the united states -- >> reporter: with the president set to address congress the night, his spokesman did the best to not give anything away. >> at noon we will not talk
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about what the president is going to say at 9:00 on tuesday. >> will there be anything about -- >> i was going to put up a slide that says that the president's speech is going to be at 9:00. >> will there be anything about the job cuts -- >> i realize it is futility on both ends. >> reporter: when the president takes the podium this year, it is going to mark the midpoint of his presidency and in many ways the beginning of the 2012 presidential campaign and no surprise he gave a sneak preview to online supporters. >> we have a lot of work to do. >> reporter: and an opportunity to reset with voters. >> ten weeks ago he was not going to make the playoffs and now he is in the super bowl. >> feels bad. >> reporter: after getting shellacked by voters in the midterms the president promised what he called a mid course correction and since then he cut a deal with the republicans over taxes, made over his economic
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team and turned to two business-friendly executives to fill high profile positions. he also led the nation in mourning over the shootings in tucson, and the president's approval rating is sup eight points from last month at 53%, and among all important independents his approval jumped 11 points since last month and white house aides deny that he made a political shift for tactical purposes. has the president moved ideologically to the center? >> the president is still the same president that we have had for more than two years. >> reporter: but things may be different on capitol hill where republicans moved forward monday to move forward with the plans to dramatically slash spending. >> we must return to pre-bailout, pre-binge spending for the federal government. >> reporter: well, tonight where gabby giffords would have been
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wearing, there will be an empty chair. and some members will wear ribbons for her. and the man who is credited with saving her that day, and the surgeons and the parents of the little girl who died that, and also carol browner is leaving that position, and it is likely to be eliminate and we could see a whole rash of changes in the white house this week including a new press secretary. >> savannah, thank you very much. mrs. jarrett is a senior adviser to the president. thank you for joining us. >> thank you, matt. >> let's talk about what is being called the president's move to the center. mitch mcconnell said that we are happy that the president is pivoting and we all know why and let's see if he is willing to do it? if he is, he can find some help among republicans in the
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congress, so is this about a pivot or a move to the center or a reaction to last election or in preparation for the next election? >> none of the above, matt. what the president has focused on since he was elected is what to do to grow the economy and create jobs here in america, and he had to make tough decisions in the first year, and what we have seen is that the economy is coming back and seeing private sector job growth and over 1 million private sector jobs and the stock market is up and people's retirement funds are increasing, and now as we look to the future, we are focusing on winning for america and that is the focus of the speech tonight. and what we can do together. >> one of things he is doing, ms. jarrett, and one of the most obvious signs is reaching out to big business and appointing to two big business leaders to key posts, is a risk/reward in that? does he risk alienating big business by doing that? >> no, matt, what he is doing is to recognizing that the long-term sustainable growth in
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job creation of our country rests with the private sector, and so whozn better than jeff immelt who is creating jobs right here in america and exporting goods that we produce here in america all around the world, and who is bringing jobs back to america to strengthen our economy, and who better than that to help advise the president? but he has a myriad of advisers from academia and all types of businesses large and small, and we should not jump to conclusions because of one important appointmentt. >> let me ask you about deficit and spending. is the president tonight going to do what some democrats criticize republicans for not doing over the past year? will he be specific about cuts and spending and embrace some of the recommendations from the deficit reduction commission, and cutting medicare and defense? >> tonight's speech really will lay out a framework for the
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future. in the next few weeks, he will release the budget, and the budget will be specific. on the issuef of social security, the president has said consistently, he wants to keep social security strong. he does not believe in privatizing the social security and letting it go up and down with the marketplace, and so on that specific point, he will be clear, but the budget will come out in three weeks. it will be specific. at the end of tonight's speech, every american will understand that the president is absolutely committed to getting our fiscal house in order, bringing down the deficit. >> and real quickly, if you will in the wake of the tragic shootings out in tucson, there are calls by some for tougher gun control laws, and the mayor of new york city call odd on the president yesterday to get stronger on the gun laws and the purchasers and will he directly address gun control laws? >> i will not preview the
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speech, but there is going to be an empty seat in the chamber, and congresswoman giffords has a long way to go and it is a reminder of how to bring down crime and how we have to work to bring an environment of civility to disagree without leading to violence and the president clearly has always stated that he supports the assault weapons ban, so i don't want to get into the details of tonight, but certainly an empty seat in the house is a reminder for everyone, not just there this evening, but around the country. >> and valerie jarrett, and thank you for your time as always this morning. >> thank you, matt. and you can watch the live coverage of president obama's state of the union address at 6:00 p.m. pacific here on nbc and 9:00 p.m. eastern. meredith? monday's terror attack that killed 35 people at moscow's busiest airport. stephanie gonzalez is there at the airport. stephanie, good morning to you. >> good morning, meredith.
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well, that attack took place over my shoulder here and there is an increase in security here as well as other airports around the country. this morning president medvedev was unsparing in the criticism of airport officials and he blames them for lapses of security, but today, russian news agencies are reporting that the special services here had specific information about an upcoming attack and including the names of three people who they suspected were involved in it. they could not find those people, and ultimately, they could not stop the attack. >> reporter: authorities say that the suicide bomb was designed to be as deadly as possible. filled with ball bearings and screws that ripped through the international arrivals hall at moscow's main airport. ma'am chur video appears to catch the moment of the blast. some eyewitnesses say they saw the bomber. >> i just raised my head and here came the blast. there were many cries and somebody made a shout starting with the sound ah and this was followed by the explosion. i saw the suitcase. the suitcase was on fire. >> reporter: inside, a cloud of
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thick smoke, chaos and victims. their baggage and blood strewn across the airport floor. >> terrible. something i wish i had never seen. >> i am very shocked. >> reporter: dozens were killed and more than 160 wounded. many removed from the terminal on luggage carts turned into gurneys. russian president dimitri medvedev quickly blamed terrorists and vowing to punish them. >> we stand with the russian people in their moment of sorrow and grief. >> reporter: so far no claim for the attack, but there has been trouble before from russia's caucus region. >> well, it is some sort of suicide bomb that is quite characteristic of that region. >> reporter: last march two female bombers blew themselves up in moscow's subway killing
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40. and last march, a bomb exploded on a train. and two separate flights were blown up in 2004. the islamic leader warned that war was coming to russia's street, and monday morning, war is exactly what it looked like. 20 minutes a of the explosion, the airport was up and running, but many russians are worrying that this has an affect from the international community on their reputation and it is a big concern because in 2014 they are hosting the winter olympics here in sochi which is just west of the region where this happened. >> here is matt. >> and now on the state court of appeals decision to remove white house chief of staff rahm emanuel from the ballot for mayor. we are joined with a john for
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update os on this. >> well, nothing in politics in chicago is simple. what seemed to be the prohibitive favorite on the ballot is now off the ballot. >> did you guys hear from my five-point economic plan. >> reporter: he wishes. after a potentially fatal blow to the run for mayor, rahm emanuel takes it in stride. >> my father said nothing in life is easy and so this is not easy and it is just one turn in the road. >> reporter: he was ordered off of the ballot by the court of illinois, and they say that he had not resided in chicago for the year preceding the election. he says that even though he rented out his house when he became president obama's chieff of staff, he remained a resident here. >> i still own a home here and
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will move into it one day and pay taxes here. >> reporter: he is asking for them to stay the ruling until they have a time to appeal. >> we believe that the people of illinois can decide their mayor. >> and early voting begins january 31st, so we have to print ballots now. >> reporter: emanuel's candidkcy has brought out the big guns. like the people on "saturday night live." >> everyone in washington is trying to kill you, all of the time. >> reporter: he has gotten big poll numbers a two to one lead over the second-place candidate and even bigger fund-raising edge and nearly five times more than the closest competitor. >> rahm emanuel came back with lead in the polls and huge war chest and this ruling gives the people way back in the pack a
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new lease on life. >> reporter: as his lawyers prepare an appeal for state supreme court, emanuel continues to campaign. this morning he is appearing before a union group. matt? >> all right. john yang in chicago for us. thank you very much. and now over to the news desk where ann curry has a check on the news. >> good morning. and we begin with an update on the tucson tragedy, and wearing the same grin in the mug shot, jared loughner has pleaded not guilty to three counts of attempting to kill federal e employees. he smiled silently throughout much of the proceedings in a federal courthouse on monday. george w. bush violated the law by giving political briefings to federal employees according to a new federal report. such briefings are not allowed in the workplace in business hours. a shocking story in argentina where a woman lived after throwing herself from the 23rd floor of the buenos aires
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attack. a taxi broke her fall, and luckily the driver had gotten out of the car moments before. and there are two officers killed and nine others wounded nationwide since sunday and monday. two florida officers died monday ambushed by a wanted criminal and that brings the death toll for police officers this year to ten. in 2010, 61 law enforcement officials were killed, a major increase from the year before. ted williams the golden voice homeless man who appeared on this broadcast earlier this month has now checked himself out of the texas drug rehabilitation center after 12 days of voluntary treatment there. williams had a long history of substance abuse that separated him from the family and left him homeless for years. and a surfer is in critical condition after a set of massive waves ripped through a group of surfers awaiting their turn for competition in california. caught on tape, and dozenbes of surfers were taken by surprise
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when a 25-foot wave bore down knocking many of them off of their board. it is now 7:20, pacific time and now back to matt and meredith and maria this morning. >> we watched the footage of the way they go up and almost airborne at the top, because it is so steep. look at this. >> and one of them is still in the hospital in critical condition after that. that is frightening. >> we have maria marosa here filling in for al. >> well, the west coast is looking quiet and we have sunshine and 76 degrees in los angeles and meanwhile waking up to foggy conditions in northwestern seattle and maybe snow showers in and around salt lake city, and denver 44 and sunshine. and we are waiting for the storm to move int good morning to you. a beautiful day shaping up. i think we'll break some temperature records today. we are starting out a little warmer in some cities.
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41 degrees in concord. 41 in livermore. by noon we are at 62 degrees in san jose. so you'll want to dress in layers today so you can take something off later as temperatures approach 70 degrees in many city ace cross across the bay today. 70 in livermore and fairfield. have a great day. meredith, o >> meredith, over to you. thank you so much, maria. coming up, the woman who admits to kidnapping a baby and raising her as her own for 23 years comes face to face with the victim's family. why she says she did it. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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just ahead, oprah's bombshell. the latest on her emotional reunion with a half sister she never knew about and where they go from here. we'll head to hollywood for this morning's oscar nominations
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get 80% savings on final markdowns, including 80% off clothes, shoes, accessories, and 80% off home! did we mention our red zone clearance final markdowns are 80% off? who knew shopping could be so rewarding? jcpenney. good morning, everybody. the time is 7:26. i'm brent cannon. we want to check your morning forecast with christina loren. good morning to you. dress in layers before you head out the front door today because we are starting out relatively cool with temperatures in the upper 30s to low 40s. but high pressure is going to bring the temperatures into the 70s for many cities across the bay area today. much warmer than normal for this time of the year. typically we max out right around 57 degrees. but today we are looking toward 70 degrees in places like san jose. even by lunchtime in san jose you are at 62 degrees. then at 3:00 p.m. our highs come
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in for 71 in los gatos. 70 in san francisco. 70 degrees in fairfield. that's what it looks like right now in the weather department. we'll find out if we have problems on the roads with haze in sunol. that's right. that cropped up as you talked about changing on the look of the roadways. here's a view of the slowdown as well. things are crawling down through the southbound area heading past highway 84 heading all the way to the fremont truck scale because of earlier accidents blocking the fast and slow lanes through the area. the map shows a good slowdown from before you get off of the dublin interchange all the way down through sunol heading through fremont. traffic is backed up through livermore coming into highway 84. that's creating more of an issue for folks out of the altamonte pass. a 23-minute drive. looking pretty go ahead here. san francisco needs 500 volunteers to hit the streets thursday to help count the homeless. in order to get federal funding for homeless services the city has to do a bi-annual count of the homeless that are on the
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streets, in jails, shelters, hospitals and in transitional housing. there will be an orientation for people who want to volunteer at 7:30 on thursday. the count will last until midnight. for more information call the number you see on your screen there, and you can also e-mail more local news coming up in a half hour. the "today" show returns in less than two minutes. have a great morning. see you in a bit.
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7:30 now on a tuesday morning. 25th of january, 2011. it feels balmy out there, at least compared to yesterday when we got a blast of arctic air here. temperature 6 degrees yesterday. up in the 30s later today. so that's a nice change. no complaints from those fine folks. welcomek inside of studio 1-e. we have a sex scandal that is surrounding around silvio ber lus skoeny. more about that. and what if you knew about a crash before it happens? that could be a reality much
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more than you think and an exclusive look coming up. >> and oprah reveals the big secret, the long lost half sister she found out, and coming up the emotional meeting and what oprah said to the mother and what she said about her when she confronted the news. and we now find out more about the woman who kidnapped a baby in new york. she came face to face with carlina white, and tom jaw nojas has more details. >> reporter: according to documents ann pettway told the fbi she came to this hospital in 1987 and spotted carlina white and took the baby and simply walked out taking the train back home to connecticut with an infant she would call her own. and now 23 years old, pettway is in custody and says she is sorry. >> reporter: it was an emotional day in court for carl tyson,
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carlina white's father, seeing the woman who authorities say stole her infant daughter 23 years ago. do you believe she is sorry? >> i don't know why she did that. i want to know why. >> reporter: according to the criminal complaint, ann pettway confessed to an fbi agent that she kidnapped her because she believed it is the only way she could become a mother. and she said she was dealing with the stress to become a mom and had several miscarriages and according to the come plant she snatched carlina from a harlem hospital, and once back in connecticut, she told family members that carlina was her child. >> mrs. pettway is a good mother and she is fully supported by her family members in this matter. >> reporter: the daughter nejdra started having doubts about her path when the mother could not produce a birth certificate, and she set out to find her identify
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and break a two-decade-old case. she found out she was actually carlina white. t then she reconnected with her biological family, and has not cut ties with the woman who is accused of kidnapping her. >> the woman you are identifying as the victim is with mrs. pettway's family and has in fact, her own child being cared for by mrs. pettway's sister and we are hoping she will come forward in support of mrs. pettway. >> reporter: she said that the actions were totally unacceptable, and she is truly sorry. le although pettway could face a life sentence, the court could show leniency. >> this woman is troubled, and knowing that the feds would not look for life in prisonment, but 10 or 12 years.
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>> reporter: well, that depends upon what carlina white says happened in the 23 years that she thought that pettway was her mother. >> if she says that she was abused in any way, that is a big factor of what the feds are going to be looking for in this case. >>. >> reporter: pettway is held without bail. he is not afraid of high profile cases, because he recently represented anna chapman. here's matt. thank you, meredith. the widening sex scandal surrounding silvio berlusconi who is accused of having sex in his office and covering it up. michelle kosinski is in milan, and good morning to you. >> hi, matt. can you imagine this happening in the united states. today, berlusconi's attorneys
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will submit his defense in this nearly 400-page file full of wiretap allegations. one is that he uses this apartmentt complex to house show girls when they are not attending as police describe as his wild sex-fueled parties. >> reporter: investigators say there sure are a lot of young striking women living here rent-free, and they say that the prime minister, silvio berlusconi pays their bills and they going to his parties and something that has leaked out of the wiretap morass, and no claims, but they say that he gives them money and presents. but according to the criminal investigation, to get togethers were more like orgies and something that he supposedly learned from his old pal moammar gadhafi, and in one phone conversation, a young woman says it is like a brothel in there and worse than the papers say, and then teenaged run away
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turned belly dancer who has a stage name of "ruby the heart steeler" whom berlusconi was accused of paying for sex when she was 17, and both of them went on tv to deny it. >> she confronted herself as 24 which is confirmed by many witnesses. >> reporter: but the prime minister is accused of lying and orderi her out of jail when she was accused of theft. he has been condemned by the vatican, and he has sloshed his sex life around the world. >> in these recent stories about having sex with underaged prostitute have not really tainted so much his persona. he is very eyele taian and in his 70s and still having, sex and believe me, italians do like
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that. >> it is his private life. if he paid me 10,000 euros, i would do it, too. >> reporter: sex scandalle lis same old for him, and there was the birthday that he showed up at and the show girl turned dental hygienist and politician and under investigation for recruiting other gorgeous women for berlusconi and it reads the worse of the worst of italian soap opera chock-full of show girls. the media says that there were 20 people who attended the parties and described them as dinners with jokes. berlusconi has refused to resign and in fact, the political party has gained popularity over the last month. matt? >> michelle, thank you for that. michelle kosinski for us in milan this morning. a check of the weather this morning from maria who is
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filling in for al. maria? >> well, it is cold and we have a party crowd here and despite the snowflakes out, we have a warmup across the northeast. take a look at the 24-hour temperature changes across the northeast, and 26 degrees warmer in cleveland then this time yesterday, and new york 22 degrees warmer than it was yesterday. as we look at what we were expecting through the afternoon in the northeast and in the 20s and the 30s and a lot better in the single digits and the teens and across the south, 60s and 70s into the north, and southern california and florida. meanwhile, florida will see some storms from the weather system that is going to kick into high good morning to you. high pressure our friend this week as we are going to see temperatures about 15 degrees above the seasonal averages. one again today, mild conditions to start you out. 45 degrees in san jose.
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grab a jacket to take off later because 70 degrees is the forecasted high. already as we hit the noon hour, 61 degrees in oakland. 62 in sunnyvale. 61 in santa cruz. ending up in the 70s today and tomorrow. the warmest days of the week. meredith, back to you. maria, thank you. now to oprah's big secret. the talk show host announced her half sister to the world that she only recently found out she had. >> good morning. oprah has admitted she is keeping this sister for months, a half sister named patricia, a woman from milwaukee and oprah says she had no idea until recently, because her mom kept it from her for years. but a true dna test confirms it and they reunited but where else? on her show. >> i wanted you the hear the truth from me. my sister patricia is here. come on out, patricia. >> reporter: that is her, oprah's long lost half sister nine years younger.
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oprah calls it a miracle. oprah's mother put patricia up for adoption as a baby and never told anyone, including oprah herself. >> this is going to make me cry, so be patient. >> reporter: believe it or not, patricia found out that oprah was her sister in 2007, and no one would listen. >> she had tried and tried and tried again and even wrote an e-mail to our offices in 2007 that tracked, but nobody would have given me an e-mail saying that i am your sister. he is never once thought to go to the press. she never once thought to sell this story. she never -- >> reporter: amazing that patricia has lived a tough life. foster care until she was 7. pregnant at 17. and years later, poring through adoption records finally found her real family. oprah found out about it months ago. and met her for the first time on thanksgiving.
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>> what does it make you feel now to have that void filled for you? >> you feel whole. >> really? >> complete. because before that, you don't know. >> reporter: special for oprah, too. her other sister and brother, both passed away. >> oprah's sister patricia lee lloyd died of an overdose years ago, and her brother jeffrey died of aids, so this is the only sibling that oprah has. >> reporter: on her show, oprah confronted her mother about why she has kept this secret so long. >> why didn't you not want to own up to it? >> i thought it was a terrible thing for me to do. they had done. gave up my daughter when she was born. >> reporter: as a child, oprah lived with her father and never knew her mother was pregnant with patricia and no mention of who patricia's father is.
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but this isn't the first time oprah has revealed personal secrets on tv, admitting she was molested as a little girl, that as a teenager, she gave birth to a child who died, and as a young woman even smoked crack-cocaine and heavily promoted this new show. >> this is the miracle of all miracles. >> reporter: for the show's final season. >> patricia and i are sorting this all out. she is so sweet and she would say, are you all right? i know this is hard for you to process. yes, it is [ laughter ] >> reporter: by the way, patricia has two kids and oprah has a new niece and nephew and the question is where does this relationship go from here. >> well, thank you, jeff lawson. >> well, smee is processing it. >> and the most important thing on the show is that her sister, half sister never once thought about going to the press or never once thought about cashing
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in on the story, and that is extremely admirable. >> yes. and an exclusive look of technology that could protect you from a car crash right after this.s 127 127 hours, christian colson, danni boyle and john smithton, producers. the "social network." "toy story 3" darla k. anderson, producer. "true grit," and "winter's bone." >>eou invited to join us on february 27th when we celebrate the very best that movies have to offer. we'll see you then. thank you. >> all right. those are the nominations for the academy awards this year. let's bring back in rammen.
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let's start with best picture. okay, the only one on the list that you had here that didn't get nominated was "the town." instead it was "winter's bone." >> the town was ben affleck's movie. >> i thought it was interesting that true grit was snubbed by the golden globes and it got nominations here. >> it was. >> best actor, best picture, best actor. >> best supporting actress. that movie made $140 million. the second highest grossing western of all times. >> you mentioned it's probably going to be between the social network and the king's speech. if there's a third movie that could sneak in and steal it, where would that movie fall? >> people really like it. "black swan" is also doing well. >> interesting, "toy story" best
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animated. >> it has two chances. >> we have amy adams, helen abonham carter, melissa leo, hail
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this is a new technology designed to keep you safe behind the wheel. >> this is an exclusive from phil that could save thousands of accidents. >> reporter: imagine if your car or truck could warn you on the road if you were going to crash each other and it is intelli-drive and it may sound like it is coming out of the "jetson's" but it is closer to reality. it is something that happens every six seconds in the u.s. car crashes. head-on, side impact or rearend collisions. more than 5 million in 2009. killing almost 34,000 and injuring 2 million more. a group of major automakers including ford and gm and toyota
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are incorporating a technology called intelli drive that will allow cars to communicate with each other and alert you when there is about to be a crash. >> we feel fully implemented it can save 90% of accidents for nonimpaired drivers. >> reporter: here is how it works using gps transmitters and wi-fi, the cars send out signals with the location and speed. so a driver about to be broadsided at an interintersection would be be able to avoid a collision. >> we want it to be like a vigilant co-pilot they have with them all of the time. >> reporter: we tested the technology with engineers from ford at a blind intersection. >> it looks safe for me to go so at this point i want to accelerate -- whoa! not a good idea. >> reporter: and in attempting to change lanes. >> with this system, it warns you if you are going to lane change into another car. here is an example right there
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where the system warns me that in the lane right next to me there was a car that i would have hit. >> reporter: with technology that helps prevent rollovers and cars drifting into other lanes, cars are doing the thinking for you and google is testing a car that does the driving for you. >> it is possible that someday cars will drive themselves like the space vehicles on the "jetson." >> wait, it is up overhead. >> reporter: until that day, intelli drive will make a big impact on safety. >> this has huge potential, huge potential to reduce crashes on our freeways. >> reporter: and save lives. >> and save live swis ts which ultimate goal. >> reporter: so when might we see it in cars and trucks? five or six years down the road, because the federal government will take some time to mandate the rules for the automakers, but make no mistake, meredith, talking cars are coming and it
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could save thousands of lives. >> i love the idea. phil lebeau, thank you so much. how would you like to walk outside and find your car like this? we will talk to the man who had to deal with this frozen mess right after this. weight-loss...pills." ooh! "consult a physician if you experience rapid heartbeat, "dizziness... shortness of breath... side effects may include chest pain, nausea..." yeah. couple days of that, and i will be in a bathing suit in no time! [ female announcer ] need a clinically proven way to lose weight now? then try the slim-fast 3-2-1 plan. 3 snacks, 2 shakes or meal bars, and 1 balanced meal. slim-fast. who has time to slim slowly?
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or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. and help bridge the gap between the life you live... and the life you want to live. brushing off snow from your brushing off snow from the car is one thing, but how'd you like to be faced with cleaning this up? on monday we showed you this car in new york encased in ice after a water main break, and the owner peter helfe are is on the phone. how is your winter so far? >> well, it was a long day yesterday, but it is going okay. >> we had frigid temperatures here in new york, and did you kind of watch this happen progressively? >> no. i want to get that on record. thankfully, i didn't because i would have tried to get oit out of the way. you know in new york, you find a parking spot and you leave it until you need your car the next
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time and sure enough over that time i got some ice on there. >> and it was a water main break from what i understand and there was a puddle and the other cars sprayed it on to your cars and it is a mess. >> well, that is what happened because sunday night i moved the car after the unfortunate jets' game. >> and you got in the car and turned on and the heat and a you were trying to chip the ice away from the window, it was so brittle because of the change of temperatures it shattered? >> yeah, the whole -- i mean, the car was literally frozen, so just opening and closing the door, they were like, you might want to be careful with thatk because it is so fragile, and the whole back just shattered out. >> what did you say to the boss monday morning? >> i have a funny one. i checked inner for a 9:00 meeting and he said, you have to be id canning me. you have to have a better excuse, and i sent him a couple of links and the pictures made to him, and he felt bad.
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>> well, you got a bit of a cleanup on the car, and you have to get a new windshield and you have a checkup coming up anyway, so it is all good. >> yeah, so it is sitting in manhattan and those guys took uryor insur. >> call your insurance, peter. thank you. >> we will be back after your local news. of me. >> thanks, peter. ,
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and good morning, everybody. the time is 7:56. i'm brent cannon. checking the latest on your forecast with christina. good morning to you, brent. good morning to you at home. the satellite imagery is showing clouds arcing around the big ridge of high pressure. that's not budging. you will notice a few more high cloud coming through the area heading throughout this afternoon, so we'll call it filtered sunshine later on today. but highs many the 70s. 71 degrees today in los ga towles. 70 in concord. 70 in oakland. a little more mild along the peninsula in wed redwood city, 69 degrees. tomorrow, more of the same. today and tomorrow will be the warmest days of the week. 15 degrees above the seasonal averages. now, was he as we head throughout the remainder of this week into next week, steering wheel see showers on the way towards the end of next week.
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if you are waning for the rain to come down in lake tahoe, that's where we expect it. now we'll find out what's happening on the roads with our favorite traffic reporter, mike inouye. the golden gate bridge, this is a favorite view for a lot of folks heading across the bridge itself. this is not the actually look at the slow drive coming down into the city. we have no issues. we just have a maintenance crew clearing the roadway. 101 has a slow drive in both directions. north of 92 things have kicked in for the peninsula drive through palo alto and redwood city. typical for after 7:30 in the morning. right here down into fremont, speeds in the 20s and 30s approaching 92. then getting closer to the 40s and 50s heading into fremont. the northbound direction, actually all directions heading to the toll plaza, the maze is showing good speeds. and down to the bay bridge toll plaza, we have a backup to the livermore maze. thank you, mike.
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the search will continue this morning for a 4-year-old boy from paterson who was kidnapped one week ago today. the search dogs and sonar will be used to look for juliani cardenas and jose esteban rodriguez, the man who supposedly kidnapped juliani. they are looking for a scent there with the dogs and not a body. they believe rodriguez took the boy and is hiding at a friend's house. there will also be a vigil for her son at 7:00 at her mother's home in paterson. more local news in a half hour. the "today" show returns in less than a minute.
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8:00 now on this tuesday morning, january 25, 2011. we have some flurries this morning as we prepare for yet another winter storm here in the northeast and that is due to roll in tomorrow. we'll have the forecast coming up in a few minutes. meanwhile. >> just waiting for you. >> i'm walking carefully so i don't slip. you don't want that lawsuit. >> you wouldn't sue me. >> i'm meredith vieira along with matt lauer. hey, guys. good to see you all. just ahead, the return of the tiger mother. she hit a nerve with viewers when she was here to talk about
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her new book which details the strict and some say severe way she's raising her daughters. she demands perfect grades, never dmi meants her children in public. she'll speak out and we'll hear from her daughters about what they think about how they were raised. >> are you in there? i can barely see you. also ahead, the latest on the oscar nominations in hollywood. we'll break down the nominees and we'll actually talk to a couple of them as well which should be fun. >> that will be a lot of fun. and is it okay to shade the truth from your spouse when it comes to spending? >> that's a formula for disaster. >> coming up, the impact financial infidelity can have on your relationship. >> ann has the headlines of t morning. >> russian news outlets are reporting that the government
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had specific information about an attack before monday's suicide bombing in moscow's busiest airport. at least 35 people were killed, 180 others wounded and this explosion targeted the international arrivals hall where foreigners would be among the victims. president obama marks the midpoint of his term with the second state of the union address. the audience will include a house which unlike last year is controlled by republicans pushing for deep spending cuts. and the president is expected to signal that he's willing to find more common ground with republicans. nbc's coverage begins at 9:00 p.m. eastern/6:00 pacific time. former white house chief of staff rahm emanuel is appealing monday's illinois court ruling that says he cannot ents are calling it an
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inland sea. new flood waters are now threatening an entire town in southeastern australia. locals in swan hill are stacking sandbags to hold back water which could surge into town tomorrow. a month of flooding has claimed at least 35 lives. but there is at least one new life to celebrate in australia. kipenzi, a lowland gorilla made her debut today at the sydney zoo. her name means precious one in swahili which is fitting because she's part of a breeding program to save the endangered species. now a look at brian williams and what's coming up on "nightly news." >> hey, ann. good morning. thanks. we'll be in washington tonight
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for our broadcast, a preview of the state of the union address. the question is what will the president propose? the other question is -- is washington ready to work on anything? we'll have that and more when we see you tonight for "nightly news." back to you. >> thank you very much. it's 8:03. now back outside to maria in for al with the weather. >> good morning. we have big snowflakes flying in new york city. let's head to one of the pick city this is morning. to toledo, ohio. you will see cloudy skies, maybe flurries for yourself and 29 degrees. as we look at weather across the country, severe weather possible. strong thunderstorms, maybe tornadoes across florida as the big system churns up across the southeast that impacts the midatlantic and northeast with snow, sleet and rain. the midsection quiet. lots of sunshine in the 70s and cloudy skies and fog in the northwest for today. good morning to you. no fog any longer, most of the low cloud cover that we did see earlier this morning has lifted
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and is breaking apart, making way for a lot of sunshine later on today. just a few high cirrus clouds, filter sunshine the rest of the day. temperatures in 70s, 72 degrees in santa cruz, 70 in oakland and 70 in san jose. these temperatures aren't going anywhere for tomorrow, in fact, just as warm, finally. maybe some rain by sunday. you. >> maria, for some reason my luxurious head of hair isn't preventing the snow from reaching my scalp. [ laughter ] >> when we come back, the tiger mom is back. she'll respond to the criticism over her tough love approach to parenting right afthese me. who says credit card rewards can't be simple? i mean they're rewards, right? right? right. with the bankamericard cash rewards™ credit card... i get 1% cash back on every purchase. 1% cash back on groceries. highlights. frog leg green. 1% cash back on... whatever that is? and there is no limit to the amount of cash back you can earn. no expiration on rewards.
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♪ i think i need some space ♪ loving you's just too much work ♪ ♪ so i found a new love a zero-calorie true love ♪ ♪ that comes from a leaf sweet surprise ♪ ♪ it's natural, guilt-free no artificiality ♪ ♪ it won't land on my hips or my thighs ♪ ♪ its name is truvia ♪ i had no idea ♪ it's better than flirting or french fries ♪ [ announcer ] truvia. honestly sweet. back at 8:09. this morning on "parenting today," the return of the tiger mother. in the two weeks since its release, amy chua's memoir developing her parenting style some call extreme has caused a stir. we'll talk to her in a moment. first, her two daughters speak out about living in the eye of the storm. ♪ >> reporter: at age 18 sophia chua is a virtuoso on the piano
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and a straight a student. her sister is equally accomplished. their strict upbringing is at the center of a national debate thanks to their self-described chinese mother's memoir "battle hymn of the tiger mother." >> i couldn't have play dates or sleepovers. i had to do a lot of piano, put in a lot of homework time. >> reporter: an excerpt from the book in the wall street journal carried the headline, why chinese mothers are superior. in it descriptions of her tough parenting tactics including calling one of her daughters "garbage." >> a storm erupted over what many call extreme parenting. >> is the success of kids so important we are willing to shoot them out of cannons? >> you have gone to the extreme whether it's tongue in cheek or not. >> one of the biggest differences i see between western and chinese parenting is chinese parents assume strength rather than fragility.
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>> reporter: sophia defended her mom in the new york post writing, i think strict parenting forced me to be more independent. readers responded. the book shot to number five on the new york times best seller list. now on her book tour chua highlights the end of the story where a public blowout with lulu caused the author to rethink some ways. >> shut up, she said to me. she said, you don't love me. >> reporter: the two have reconciled and chua allowed lulu to pursue some of her own interests. both young women insist they are satisfied with their mom's parenting style. >> if i changed anything i wouldn't be who i was. >> reading the book i was surprised. i was like, wow, these kids sound like they had a miserable childhood, but i think we had a lot of fun. >> amy, good morning to you. >> good morning. thanks for having me. >> not at all. it's been a crazy couple of
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weeblgs for you. >> it feels like a hundred years. >> talk to me about what the reaction has been like. there have been a lot of negative comments about the book but also positive ones. >> that's what's been most surprising to me. i have had so many e-mails from people who say, hey, i'm not chinese, i'm not an immigrant, but we share your values. i'm from idaho. my family believes deeply in the value of sustained hard work and the pride and joy of doing something extremely well. i had this one cute young man who wrote me and said, tiger moms come in all races and varieties. my mom was a single mom who worked two jobs and she got home really late every evening exhausted. even though she was exhausted she always checked my homework, looked at my tests. a minus wasn't good enough for her. she never let me slack off. now i'm at a really good college. i didn't write the book for that purpose but i feel a lot of
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americans -- it was a conversation that sort of was waiting to happen. >> as i said in the beginning, there are lots of people who were critical of what you had to say. so many that your oldest daughter sophia felt compelled to write to the new york post. she wrote, one problem is people don't get your humor. in fact, you have said much of the book is young in cheek, making fun of myself. are there parts of the book that have been misunderstood by folks or misinterpreted? >> this is the funniest thing. it's about 50% of the people -- maybe 70%. but there are people who say, oh, my gosh, i was rolling on the floor. this was so funny. i'm reading the lines aloud. other people are taking it straight saying, this is horrible. it's a pretty dry wit. also, if you know me -- but a lot of people don't. >> where is it wit, amy? where are you speaking truthful? >> it's truthful all the way through but it ooh es like a
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self-parody. i put a lot of things in my daughters mouths. when i say i'm going to be applying my strict chinese parenting to my two big dop dopey somalia dogs that's like lucille ball burlesque, but the whole book is true. some of it is for dramatic effect. it's weird because -- >> when you say i called my daughter garbage or said i would burn her stuffed animals. >> that's from my daughter. but, yeah, i want to say, meredith, that's gotten out of control. i called -- my father used that word garbage with me once and only once in my entire childhood. it was when i had something that might be common in more permissive families. i had a fit at 15. i told my mom, shut up, i hate you. >> like lulu said to you. >> but i have to tell you the way i was raised, you honor your parents. it didn't take me down at all.
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he was saying, shame on you. that's how i took it. he said, if you talk to your mother like that after what she's done to you, you are worth nothing. that was the chinese word for garbage. i used it once and only once. sophia's entire life. that's the way i believe she took it, too. those are all true. you know, part of it's me now looking back so when i said only the piano and violin, that was like me putting myself back 18 years ago when i was overconfident parent with a very easy first kid and i was kind of trying to do what my parents did. that list was applied strictly to me, i have to tell you. >> your second daughter which was the one that caused all the trouble. your first was compliant. it was lulu. >> from the beginning. kicking and -- >> she said she would raise her own children much the same way except she would allow them to have more social interaction with other kids. is that a regret you have?
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>> it is a regret. you know, i have loosened up in the last year and a half. i have to tell you, it's not like i think, oh, this is so great now. now they have more time on facebook. i'm ambivalent. but i have loosened up socially. they both said that. >> we have a viewer question from when they are older, how do you think your children will remember their child differential diagnoschildhood? >> i think this is why there is so much criticism. we are all anxious. i'm anxious. my daughters and i were really close. again, we clown around a lot. so i hope, i pray that's the only thing that matters to me, my relationship to them. so far the signs look good. i adore my own parents but i don't know. that's the thing. >> one of the reasons it struck a chord with people, emotional chord is we are looking at statistics for kids in this country versus the world in reading, math and science.
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we rank 17th. students in shanghai, above everybody else, number one. what can parents learn in this culture about raising children? >> you know, i think that this is actually maybe a good timing. you know, china actually -- they are trying to learn from the west because they have very much this emphasis on strict discipline, focused drilling and memorization, but they are now -- the entire country is trying to revamp the education system to bring in more creativity and exploration. so we should try to learn, too. maybe we have gone too far. i think it's great that we have the emphasis on choice, freedom. i love it. that's what make this is country great. maybe we can, you know, learn something a little harder on early child -- i don't know if drilling is the right word, but hard work building the basic skills early on. not being afraid the kids will
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crack if we are a little hard on them. it's finding balance. >> as long as we don't compromise their self-esteem. >> yeah. >> thank you for being here. the book is called "battle hymn of the tiger mother." still to come, we head to beverly hills for the oscar nominations. first these messages. hey, you made your own lunch.
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yep! look in your bag, made you something. (announcer) it's more than just that great peanut taste, choosing jif is a simple way to show someone how much you care. choosey moms, choose jif. professional driver on a closed course. ♪ do not attempt at home. always wear your seat belt. ♪ and please drive responsibly. [ male announcer ] it's the most fun you can legally have. the powerful mercedes-benz c-class. and now, join us on facebook and take part in the world's first twitter-fueled race.
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and take part in the world's nothing starts your day like honey roasted, honey bunches of oats. the perfect balance of crunchy flakes and clusters, with a kiss of golden honey. delicious. and the same calories per serving as special k original. so, try honey roasted, honey bunches of oats! heck try 'em all. [bell tolls] - to best serve your customers, you have to know them. personally. only a local agent can do that. [click, motor hums] - doug pierce. lives in tornado alley. - hobby? - collects stamps. - excellent. - annette thompson. small business owner. hates cantaloupe. - good. - the lee family: twins. with another on the way. - mazel tov. - that's meatloaf. - hmm. [click] that's still meatloaf. - very good. moving on. - we are insurance. - ♪ we are farmers ♪ bum di bum bum bum bum bum ♪ ♪ work, work all week long ♪ punching that clock from dusk till dawn ♪ ♪ countin' the days till friday night ♪ ♪ that's when all the conditions are right for a good time ♪ [ male announcer ] advanced technology that helps provide
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cleaner air, cleaner water, and helps make all of us more energy efficient is something the whole world can get in step with. [ static ] ♪ i need a good time [ male announcer e. i need a good time it's technology that makes the world work. ♪ it's technology that makes the world work. 8 hours of sleep is great, when you can get it. new almay wake-up makeup. hydrating water, cooling cucumber, and nourishing minerals refresh your skin, giving you an all over, well-rested look. so every day starts with glowing, hydrated skin. only from almay. only for me. back at 8:21. 15 years ago a novel called "primary colors" set the publishing world on fire. it was a thinly veiled story about clinton's run for the white house. now a campaign book called "o, a
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presidential novel." jonathan, nice to see you. is this just kind of copying the tactics that was used in selling "primary colors"? >> when i used it it was more like "the west wing." that's what i felt. instead of president bartlett it's president o. >> people are talking about the book now not because of what's written in the book for the most part. they are talking about the marketing of the book with this anonymous author and saying, here we go again. good book or a good marketing scheme? >> i hope it's both. i personally think it's an entertaining, suspenseful book. there were good reasons for the author to be anonymous. there is a long tradition of anonymously written political novels. >> when you say there are good reasons, what can you tell me about the author? >> the author is somebody who has long experience in politics who has had occasion to observe barack obama in situations not open to the public. >> so in the same room as barack
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obama. >> yeah. >> okay. did the author want to remain anonymous or did simon and schuster go to the author and say, we have a good idea, why don't you remain anonymous? >> it was mutually agreed upon. it was an idea we had at about the same time. there is a lot of creative freedom in being anonymous. you can say a lot and put it all out there if you don't have to worry about your name being on it. >> when writing a political novel isn't it important for the reader to have perspective, to know whether the person who wrote the book is a republican or a democrat? doesn't that add context to the book? >> that's it. the book has become so partisan we didn't want people to know whether the author was liberal or conservative. we wanted people to make up their own minds about the book. we thought it would be more fun. >> let me play 20 questions with you. is it a man? >> well, i'm willing to rule out a couple of people, okay? >> okay. >> meryl streep didn't write it.
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>> good. >> snooki didn't write it. >> is it a man? >> well, there is a 50% chance. >> is it a person who is either right now or previously was in the obama inner circle? >> well, you know, some people suggested that president obama himself wrote the book. >> it seemed far 'fetch -fetche. what are the chances? >> i would love if somebody asked him at a news conference. >> you didn't answer the question. was this person or is this person now a member of the obama inner circle? >> i would say the answer to that is probably not. >> is this person a member of the media? >> is this person a member of the media? i don't want to go that far. some people have suggested that it's stephen colbert. >> right. >> i think stephen colbert is probably too busy. >> let me ask about an interesting post online from the american thinker website. speculate that is the author of the book is a novelist named james bruno, a former journalist
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and state department official who left government service a few years ago to write books full time. one character from one of his novels a presidential aid named walter lafontaine is the name of a major character in the book. is it james bruno? >> there is a better chance of it being snooki. >> will you rule him out? >> i guess i have. >> it's not james bruno. you sent an e-mail, quote -- and chuck todd got one. you may be asked to comment whether or not you are the author. if so it would be great if you refrained from commenting. you want journalists to play along? >> i was having a little bit of fun. it was like tom sawyer telling his friends not to paint the fence. mostly i was trying to protect the author. >> is there a deal to reveal the name of the author at some point, a la joe cline? >> no. >> so we may never know who
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wrote the book? >> you know, writers have distinctive voices. i wouldn't be surprised if somebody figured it out, but we've not going to talk. >> all right. jonathan carp, the plot thicke. ns veyoanu fwarm, time 8:26, i'm bren s cannon. we want to get the latest on your forecast and we know who to check with. >> we'll get to the traffic in a minute. we're looking good. the records we saw yesterday. 67 in concord and napa hit 65 degrees a bit warmer for today since we're starting out more mild. 70 in oakland, 70 fairfield and 69 is the forecasted high in napa today, two to three degrees warmer through this afternoon and we'll see highs in the 60s for the remainder of the week. thursday through monday, no real
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rain to forecast, 20% on sunday. how do you roads look? fun on the south bay? >> if i were to tell you -- slow in the south bay. christina, reliable source tell me 288 around 880, but all northbound routes slowing. early accident on 101 cleared but new accident 280 popped up. some slowing through cupertino. accident causes more slowing between the bridges and slowing az pla.nd a the toll plaza.
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the grand plan for the area around the station unveiled tonight at the city council meeting. a committee appointed by mayor reed had 22 meetings during the past year and a half to develop that plan. it including development spaces for business, entertainment, retail, office buildings and residential property. the timing of the development, though, could depend on whether the oakland as team moves to san jose. see you in half an hour.
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8:30 now on a tuesday mo 8:30 now on a tuesday morning. it's the 25th of january, 2011. look down at the corner of 49th street and rockefeller plaza. we're getting a lot of snow this morning. kind of a snow squall, i think. i don't think it's expected to last long today. but thanks to these people for standing out in the thick of it in midtown manhattan.
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we're just behind them inside, all warm inside studio 1-a. i'm matt lauer along with meredith vieira and ann curry. this is a very big morning for movie lovers. ahead we go to beverly hills for the announcement of the nominations of the 83rd annual academy awards. >> can't wait for that. plus, dealing with financial infidelity. maybe you have fibbed about how much you paid for something. it might seem harmless, but it can cause a big rift in your relationship. we'll talk about it coming up. >> speaking of relationships, valentine's day is coming up soon. this morning we've got steals and deals that we understand are going to put a smile on your loved one's face. i'm not so sure about that particular one. >> i'm not sure what that movement is. >> boston power stance. >> yo! >> let's say hi to dan evans, the latest contestant voted off the biggest loser ranch leaving
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his twin brother don to fend for himself. nice to see you. >> thank you. >> instead of losing, you and don both gained nine pounds. what happened? >> as you can imagine, i spent a lot of time thinking about that. it's hard to comprehend the combination of events that had to take place -- either hydration, food or -- to negate whatever weight we lost that week plus gain nine pounds. i don't know the culprit. clearly we made a mistake. we take full responsibility. the one thing i can say is since i have gotten home i have paid strict attention to everything i learned on the ranch. i have gotten my diet, nutrition and exercise regimen dialed in perfectly. i lose three, four pounds a week now. >> you started at 287. how much have you lost? >> i'm down -- i have to weigh friday but i'm down a little over 75 pounds.
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since i have gotten home i lost four times as much as i did at the ranch. it's been very successful. >> and you have a 9-year-old daughter pushing you along. >> yes. >> how is she your task master? >> oh, gosh. i have at least one workout a day. i work out in the morning before work and then in the afternoon when i come home and usually one in the evening. she participates in at least one of those. she can be gruelling. she is a real taskmaster. but i should say it's not like work. it's like recreation. i spend quality time, father-daughter stuff and the whole "biggest loser" journey we have been on, we still spend time going to the movies, hanging out in front of the tv, but when we get older we'll never remember what show i took her to but we'll always remember what we did together to change our lives. >> keep it going. okay? >> oh, it's been incredible. it's an integral part of my life now. honestly, she's never had a problem with the weight. my son never had a problem with weight, but -- >> you didn't either until later
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in life. >> yes. i take comfort knowing we are establishing real foundations for diet and exercise at 9 years of age. >> good luck to you. dan evans, "the biggest loser couples" airs tonight 8:00, 7:00 central. >> now a check of the weather from maria in for al. >> we have accumulating snow out here but it's not deterring these fans. we had a couple of people in town yesterday. how does it feel compared to styeday? >> it's a little warmer than st yesterday. >> despite the snow. believe it or not, this is not related to the weather event we are watching across the south. we have a lot of rain. that's the future storm system for the northeast. we could see a couple inches of rainfall across the northeast and florida where we expect severe weather. gusty winds, thunderstorms and maybe a few tornadoes. across the northeast, a few good morning to you. after a record-breaking monday we're expecting more of the same for your tuesday.
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temperatures in the 70s. san jose today, 70 degrees is your forecasted high, same for oakland and san rafael, in fact through tomorrow, temperatures are going to hold strong towards that 70 degree mark. maybe a little bit of cooling by thursday. we'll bring in some more cloud cover as well and the clouds increase by sunday. 20% rain chance in the north bay but that's it. have a great tuesday. and you can always check and you can always check 24/7. guys, back inside to you. >> maria, thank you very much. straight ahead, complete coverage of this morning's oscar nominations.
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it was an early morning for some of hollywood's biggest stars as the 83rd annual academy awards were announced. >> there are two big movies in
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term of best picture, "the social network" and "the king's speech." there are ten movies in that category. >> those two, i think, after the golden globes people kept highlighting. also "true grit" got so many nominations where it was snubbed at the golden globes. >> you like the idea "toy story" nominated twice, best animated feature and best movie. >> two chances to win. >> in terms of best actor, a lot of people think it is most competitive, jeff bridges, colin firth and james franco. here is how the nominations unfolded in beverly hills.
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>> hello, everybody. good morning. i'm tom sherak, president of the academy. welcome to our home. we've got big news to announce this morning and to help me, i'm happy to welcome academy award winner mo'nique. [ applause ] >> thank you, tom. >> welcome. >> good morning, everyone. >> the 2010 nominee for best actress in a supporting role are -- amy adams in "the fighter," helena bonham carter in "the king's speech," melissa leo "the fighter," hailee steinfield in "true grit and jackie weaver. in "the animal kingdom." >> the nominees for supporting
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actor are -- christian bail, "the fighter," john hawks in "winter's bone" jeremy renner in "the town" mark ruffalo in "the kids are all right" and geoffrey rush in "the king's speech." >> for best performance by an actress in a leading role the nominees are -- annette bening in "the kids are all right," nicole kidman in "rabbit hole," natalie portman, "black swan," jennifer lawrence, and michelle williams "blue valentine". >> the nominees for best performance by an actor in a leeing role are -- javier bardem in "beautiful," jeff bridges in true grit, jesse zenberg in "the social
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network" colin firth in "the king's speech" and james franco. >> best directing, "black swan," "the fighter," tom hooper for "the king's speech," david fincher for "the social network" and joel and ethan cohen for "true grit". >> best original screenplay, the nominees are -- mike lee for another year, scott silver, eric johnson and keith dorington for "the fighter," christopher nolan, "inception," "the kids are all right," lisa cholodenko and stewart blumberg and david sylar for "the king's speech," david seidler. >> danny boyle for "127 hours," aaron sorkin "the social network," michael arndt, john lasseter for "toy story 3," joel and ethan cohen for "true grit" and deborah kranic and ann
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roselini for "winter's bone." >> for best foreign language film we have from mexico, "biutiful," from greece, from canada and "outside the law." >> best animated film, "how to train your dragon," "the illusionist:" and "toy story 3." >> finally, the ten films selected as the best picture nominees for 2010 are -- "black swan", "the fighter,"
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"inception" emma thomas and christopher nolan, producers. "the kids are all right, producers, "the king's speech," producers, "127 hours," producers, "the social network," producers, "toy story 3," producer, "true grit," producers, and "winter's bone," producers. >> you're invited to join us on february 27 when we celebrate the very best that movies have to offer. >> all right. those are the nominations for the academy awards this year. let's bring back in ramin, the senior writer from newsweek
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magazine. you did well. you gave us the right information. let's start with best picture. okay, the only one on the list that you had here that didn't get nominated was "the town." instead it was "winter's bone" but the others are what you expected. >> "the town" was ben affleck's movie and i thought the academy liked it. it was snubbed. >> i thought it was interesting that "true grit" was snubbed at the golden globes and got some nominations here. >> that movie made $140 million, the second highest grossing western of all time. >> you mentioned it will be probably between "the social network" and "the king's spee " speech." if a third movie could steal it where would that fall in the list? >> "true grit" may have a chance. it's playing well. people really like it. "black swan" also is doing well. so i think it's a little bit of a four-way race. >> "toy story 3" best picture
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and best animated. two chances. >> it's the highest grossing movie of last year. so really popular movies in the mix for best picture this year. >> let's move on to best supporting actress category. we have amy adams, helena bonham carter, melissa leo, hailee steinfeld and jackie weaver. is there a favorite in the group? >> i think melissa leo is the front runner. the one i thought would get in was mila kunis. she just missed out. >> and melissa leo won the golden globe. best supporting actor? >> christian bail, i think. six years ago, george clooney played batman won in the same category. i think christian bale has a good chance. >> geoffrey rush for "the king's speech"? >> he won for "shine." i think she's the second strongest actor in the category. >> best actress. we have annette bening, nicole kidman, jennifer lawrence,
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natalie portman, michelle williams. where is that going in your opinion? >> i think natalie portman is the front runner. annette bening, this is her fourth nomination and she's never won. >> and best actor? >> it's all colin firth. it's the colin firth show. >> wow. she'll be glad to know that. >> good segue there. >> we have colin firth. we just earned an oscar nomination. joining us from london, colin, congratulations to you. >> thank you. >> you were nominated last year and again this year. sweeter the second time around? >> yeah, i guess. it seems like i was fired out of a cannon this time last year. i'm currently orbiting pluto or something. quite extraordinary. >> not to bring up bad memories, but you lost out last year. we all know what happened there and jeff bridges won it. are you going to kneecap him this year?
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what do you do to take him out of the competition? >> something has to be done! i don't know. what i felt last year, you know, your head spins when you hear the news. what i felt last year was i don't know if it has to get any better than this really. if you wait 50 years for something, you know, and then you hit a moment like this, you know, it's celebration enough. so i'm just thrilled to be at the party. >> how wonderful that helena bonham carter and geoffrey rush for also nominated. >> that's the best thing about it. yeah. to be going together. to have the royal flush. you know? that's the most gratifying of all. >> might you wear a kilt to the ceremony? >> i wouldn't need much of an excuse to get into a kilt. it's one of the most wonderfully liberating experiences of my life. i don't know if you want to go into much detail.
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>> do go on. >> no, no, we've got it. hey, listen, great congratulations. two years in a row. what an accomplishment. good luck to you. as you know, meredith has been touting you and this movie for months now. >> i was about to say that. i was going to thank meredith. i think just getting this far you have played a big part of it. you have been great. >> when you get the statue i will polish it for you. >> oh, bless you. >> thanks, colin. congratulations. up next, we'll talk to another academy award nominee and this year's co-host of the ceremony, james franco. first this is "today" on nbc.
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the moment you feel run down or achy nip flu-like symptoms in the bud, with oscillococcinum. get oscillo and feel like yourself again. oscillococcinum, nip it in the bud.
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we are back with more on this morning's oscar
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nominations. james franco is now in rare company. >> he's co-hosting with anne hathaway and could win an oscar as well. he was just nominated for his portrayal of aron ralston in the movie "127 hours." james joins us now from connecticut. james, congratulations. how does it feel? >> it feels great. i'm here in new haven. i'm about to go to class. but it looks like i'm just rushing to class. we have this whole set-up here, so i have my normal pre-class makeup on. you know, some lights appeared here. it's great. >> i think people -- go ahead. >> no, i'm happy to be here. unfortunately they also stuck this earwig in my ear to be prepared so i got to hear your whole interview with colin firth. you're polishing his statue, hey, meredith?
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>> if he won, but i will polish yours as well. >> i know who you're rooting for, hey, meredith? >> i'm going to the next question. i thought you were brilliant. >> i didn't put it in. they stuck it in, so i heard everything. >> i just said should he win. but you also could easily win as you know. you're not just a nominee -- i'm moving quickly here. you're also co-hosting the event. i understand when you were first approached by the producers and colin firth, by the way, is not co-hosting -- but you said no. what changed your mind? >> i didn't say no. they said, just think about it, james. i had three days to think about it. my initial reaction was, yeah, of course i can't do this. but actually it seems like everyone likes colin firth. i just wanted to say, james, you did it, you were a part of a
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great movie. you're very fortunate. just get that oscar thing off your mind and the best way to do it is to host the oscars. >> james, what is more daunting for you when you consider it -- the idea of hosting the oscars or the idea of coming up with an acceptance speech should you win an oscar? >> i have not come up with any speech. there is this guy, barry dale johnson that works at fox searchlight. we watched the announcements together. that was the first time i did that. his heart was beating like crazy. so by some miracle if i'm up there accepting i think barry will be mentioned. he may have to come up and accept it. >> i want to go out on a limb. i think you are the favorite to win. i'm going with you, james. >> wow! >> i'm going with you. >> let's hope colin doesn't
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still have his earwig in. >> he's long gone. >> he's history. >> it's all about you, james. >> just between you and me, thank you. >> congratulations, again. >> it's a big honor. i'm very happy. and the movie, i'm so happy to have been a part of it. >> we appreciate it. we're back. this is "today" on nbc. >> i'm in the doghouse.
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>> good morning, everybody, time is 8:56, i'm brent cannon. checking your forecast once again with christina. >> still mild out there and still going to be warm later on today high pressure keeps things nice and warm. unseasonably warm, as a matter of fact, 70s today, usually this time of year, wen end the day
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with the 50s, today is 71 degrees. in places like san jose, oakland, san francisco, all expecting 70 degree temperatures, gooding ing to be beautiful. enjoy it. brent is back after the break.
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the so-called spider dan case making closing arguments today, the man who scaled san francisco skyscraper in december took the zand yesterday, the 55-year-old calls himself spider dan used suction doups store 59-story millennium story in the south market neighborhood. he told the court he climbed the tower in order it draw attention to the vulnerability of skyscrapers to terrorists. the judges told a jury to disregard those remarks and that none of his statements mattered
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in this case. thanks for joining us. "today" continues, coming up next. our last editorial called for a combination of cuts and taxes to truly balance the state budget. and you responded with serious solutions. attack the loopholes that keep property taxes unfairly low when family members transfer real estate, this must be costing the state millions in lost property rev news. nancy says stop free school lun p programs, what is up with the government giveways? roy what's lobbyists to pay more into state coffers, a fat annual fee to ben rolled as a lobbyist would be a good start and ruben says dump death penalty, increase cost of prosecution,
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defense lawyer, investigators, appeal, risk and ancillary cost far exceed the savings of a convicted killer spends less time in prison. we appreciate your suggestions and hope you'll join our debate at nbc for best performance by an actor in a supporting role the nominees are christian bail in "the fighter," john hawks in "winter's bone," jeremy renner in "the town," mark ruffalo in "the kids are all right" and geoffrey rush in "the king's speech." >> we are back now with more of "today" on the 25th of january, 2011. that was the announcement earlier from hollywood for best supporting actor nominations for the academy awards. jeremy renner was among those honored for his gritty performance in "the town" and he joins us by phone from vancouver. jeremy, good morning. second year in a row.
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congratulations. >> hey, what's going on? good morning to you. >> is it sweeter the second time around? how do you feel? >> it's pretty fantastic, i tell you what. it's overwhelming. >> we miss you in studio. last year you were here when you were nominated for "hurt locker" and you got the huge hug from anthony macie. can ben affleck give you a hug like that? >> i hope so. i'm out in vancouver. you guys are a good luck charm. >> it's interesting. two years back to back. two powerful roles. i was watching "the hurt locker," i couldn't breathe. watched you in "the town," couldn't breathe. powerful performances. you took your mom last year. the ladies want to know who you're taking this year. >> i don't think i will change a thing. if it's not broken -- >> tamron's available. >> i'm on the plane now, jeremy. that's not flirting, just being honest.
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>> maybe just a little flirting. >> just a little. i understand you hung out at boston bars to prepare for the role in "the town." >> what's that? >> you hung out in boston bars. >> oh, yeah. a whole lot of places in the community. i was embraced and they allowed me into their lives. it certainly helped me along for sure. we couldn't have shot it in los angeles by any means. >> i know you have had a busy year. i know you're shooting "the avengers" and "mission impossible 4" starring with tom cruise. how are you keeping it all straight? >> one day at a time, mama. >> did you call me mama? we love you, jeremy. come back in studio. >> it sounds to me like the early running has him taking natalie to the oscars. >> can i tell you what? it's a lot less terrifying to
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hear you're nominated for an academy award when not on your show. i have to be honest. >> it could turn out the other way. we have had it go the other way where we have had someone standing in the studio waiting for the big moment on camera and doesn't get nominated. >> painful. >> you're two for two. that's cool. congratulations again. we look forward to seeing you soon. >> thank you so much. >> take care. he called me mama. >> you will not be seeing the academy awards. >> i want to be the mama. >> we have a lot more ahead, don't we? >> coming up in this half hour, switching gears. we'll talk about financial infidelity. if you have lied to your partner about money the deception can cause problems. we'll have advice on what you can do to get your financial house and your relationship in order. >> and on joy's diet sos, answers to your diet and nutrition questions from healthy choices at your favorite restaurant to the value of a food journal. we'll get real advice on how to help you lose weight. we are talking healthy chinese
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food. >> let's go to the news desk with ann. she has the headlines. >> thanks, matt, mama and the flirt. we're talking about the news. russia's president is criticizing security pleasures at moscow's busiest airport in the wake of the suicide bombing that killed at least 35 people monday. dozens remain hospitalized today. witnesses report seeing two bombers, one male and another female, before the explosion at domodedovo airport on monday afternoon. it was a dangerous 24 hours for police in this country with two officers killed and nine wounded nationwide between sunday and monday. two florida police officers were ambushed by a wanted criminal bringing the death toll for police officers this year to ten. wearing the same grin seen in his infamous mug shot suspected arizona gunman jared loughner pleaded not guilty to three counts of attempting to kill federal employees. his next court appearance will be in march. plans to hire new employees
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are at the highest point in 12 years according to industry economists. 7% of american firms surveyed say they are planning to lay off workers in the next six months, 42% of companies plan to expand their workforce. president obama marks the midpoint of his term tonight with his second state of the union address. although the audience has sat along party lines since the 1840s, in a move aimed at bipartisanship tonight, many republicans and democrats will sit together. nbc's coverage begins tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern, 6:00 pacific time. september 11 coins supposedly made from silver salvaged from ground zero have drawn the wrath of new york members of congress asking federal regulators to stop the so-called national collectors mint from selling the coins because they cash in on a national tragedy. as the government prepares to release new dietary guidelines the library of congress says our national obsession with losing weight
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goes back at least 150 years. the archives are full of examples including a low carb diet craze from 1863 and a 1903 ad for obesity soap that promised to wash away fat. despite all of this, two-thirds of americans today are overweight or obese. remember the car coated with ice that became a symbol of new york city's cold snap? it's been freed but the owner said when he got in and turned on the engine, the heat combined with the ice outside caused a window to shatter. it's six minutes past the hour. now back to matt, natalie and tamron. no luck there. >> a bad winter, the poor guy. >> the jets lost, too and he was watching that. >> let's check on the weather with the weather channel's maria larosa filling in for al. good morning. >> good morning. we have people coming from france checking out the new york snowflakes. i want to talk to aaron and justin from florida. hasn't been easy for you. what do you think about the snow and cold?
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>> it's awesome. we don't get snow. this is awesome. >> you're in town until tomorrow. that's the time frame we are looking at for the next mess headed across the northeast. we have winter storm watches, warnings and advisories posted from memphis up through allentown into boston out ahead of the storm system. here's how we think it will take shape. heavy rain across florida mixed with the cold air in the midatlantic. by tomorrow morning, moves up into d.c., philadelphia, new york city and boston by tomorrow evening and begins to exit the new england coast by thursday morning. as we take a look at what to expect today the storm bringing rain acros you can expect more record-breaking warmth today and nt bay area. going to be really warm. talk about the 70s, widespread 70s, all across the board today as high pressure maintains control of our weather pattern, keeping things nice and mild. cool start, warm afternoons, today one of the warmest days of week, today and tomorrow, highs close to 71 in los gatos, and by
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this weekend, we're only dropping those numbers down to the low 60s. have a great day. back inside to you, ann. >> maria, thank you. this morning on "today's money," financial infidelity. a recent survey found that one in three adults have lied to their partners about money and that can add up to a disaster when it comes to relationships. jean chatzky is today's financial editor and we have gail saltz with us today. good morning, guys. >> good morning. >> the study first of all established that 65% of american adults combine their finances with a current or former partner. your reaction? >> this is the start of the problem. when we marry somebody -- and we should say this research came from the national endowment for education. when we marry somebody, that doesn't make us into the same
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person with the same wants or the same needs or goals. yes, some of our money needs to work together to get us where we want to go, but we all have these individual wants. if we are putting everything together we are not giving ourselves enough financial independence to act separately. >> let's talk about that. how do you then think we should do this? do you want a joint account? >> not for everybody. specifically if you know that you have an inclination to be dishonest, as i suspect some of the people in this study do. but you put some money together to pay the household bills. that goes into the "ours" account. then you get an account and your partner gets an account. you get a little freedom to do what you want so you don't have to ask permission. if you're going to get a cup of coffee or shoes. all of the sudden i'm not his wife. i'm his mother. i don't want to be his mother.
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>> that's a good point, but for a lot of people you don't have a lot of money to be able to play around with. how do you -- >> i don't 100% agree with this. >> ah! >> uh-oh. >> i think the bigger issue is can you work together as a couple? do you have trust? is deception an issue in your relationship? marriage is all about negotiation, compromise, trust and frankly not deceiving each other. i think when financial deception goes on it's about a bigger layer, level of deception underneath. >> what about the point that jean's making that i don't want to be their mother? every woman identified with t t that. why put yourself in that position? >> if you have good negotiating skills you don't have to. >> who's got good negotiating skills? come on. that's why people are getting divorced. >> you need to look at where the deception in the study is coming
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out. it's clear that there are a lot of things we don't want to cop to with our spouse. if we look at the graphs, right, people are hiding everything from cash to minor purchases, all the way down to bank accounts. bank accounts, by the way, is the thing on the list that troubles me the most. then we see if you're doing it, chances are your spouse is doing it to you as well. we know the more often people fight about money the likelier they are to get divorced. >> let me interrupt to say according to the study, 68% of the time financial infidelity has had a negative impact on relationships. it says apparently it caused 16% of married couples to divorce. so you disagree in terms of whether you share finances immediately -- >> one way or you could do it the other. >> what do we do? what's a step toward whatever decision you have made in terms of finances? how do you -- i will let you go with this, gail.
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>> this is about communicating. this has to do with building trust in your relationship and the only way to do that is to talk very frequently, openly, clear, here are the books. here's what we are going to do. >> a boring conversation, but yeah. jean? >> i agree with that. >> harmony. >> i agree, but i think it's okay to say to your spouse, i don't want the same things you want all the time. yes, we need to put our money together and figure out what t big goals are. we need to figure out do we have enough money to pay the bills? beyond that, if i'm get ago big cappuccino and you think that's not what i should spend my money on i don't want to have to go through that with you every time i make that decision. >> there is a financial pickle. you have to be together. >> you take care of the big stuff first. >> fun money is what you are talking about. >> you agree on this amount of money, we're not going -- this is fine. do what you want with this.
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>> obviously we are not going to resolve this this morning. but we have made a little step. we'll continue the conversation. thank you so much for weighing in. still to come this morning, oprah reveals her big secret and introduces us to the half sister she never knew she had. also coming up next, steals and deals for today's viewers after this. - [ carl ] honey, where's the -- top shelf! life can get a bit... routine. that's why i decided to switch things up with cottonelle ultra toilet paper. [ carl ] oh yeeaaah! you see? it's 35% thicker than the northern brand. [ carl ] love it! you might say this one little switch has made all the difference. peanut, get dressed... we're goin' dancing. [ laughs ] [ female announcer ] little switches can make all the difference. with a 35% thicker sheet than the northern brand, cottonelle ultra is one little switch that'll change how you feel. [ male announcer ] there are snacks. and there are better snacks.
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quaker chewy, 25% less sugar than the leading sweet snacks, no high fructose corn syrup and the goodness of whole grains. why do women like you love activia light? sometimes i have no choice but to eat the kinds of foods that are hard on my diet... and my digestive system. so i eat activia light every day. it helps me feel good and look good too! ♪ activia that's why there's lubriderm® daily moisture. it contains the same nutrients naturally found in healthy skin. skin absorbs it better and it lasts for 24 hours. later gator. lubriderm. your moisture matched. mmmmmm. ( shattering, thud ) mmmmmm. ( crash, shattering ) when you add velveeta and ro tel tomatoes... and green chilis to chicken and pasta, it's so good... good. it'll blow 'em away. ( crashing ) velveeta and ro tel.
9:15 am
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♪ we are back with "jill's steals and deals" just for "today" viewers. we are looking at valentine's day and bringing you deals on jewelry to a surf & turf dinner for two. jill, good morning. >> good morning. >> a reminder quickly about how it works. >> i can't believe it's valentine's day already. here's what happens. retailers give us the deals. neither i nor the "today" show benefit. they bring us deals and we offer them to viewers. go to everything will be shipped in time for valentine's day. go to the specific websites to be sure the shipping works. >> you get the code from our website and then go to theirs. >> it will link to the retailer. >> first, valentine's day cards. you have a great deal here from paper spring. >> right. your son's cards are probably done already. the retail is $35.40 for 12.
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steals and deals price is $12. there are three styles and you can personalize each of the 12 cards differently. so they will ship in time for you to send. >> for $5 you can't get a card at hallmark. fantastic. beautiful. that's a good one. next, moving to the football team comfy throws from carson's maybe in time for the super bowl. >> not if you're a jets fan. but comfy throws with arms. if you are a steelers, packers fan or any of the teams in the nfl, $60 retail price. steals & deals price, $12. that's 80% off. >> they have sleeves. >> they do. nfl throws. we call them the huddler. this is great for your guy with the super bowl coming up. they will ship in time for super
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bowl. >> all right. if you have a guy in your life, maybe hi eel like that. i know every guy loves this. you cannot turn down a steak from omaha steaks. back by popular demand, another package from them. >> it was a big hit last time. this is the romantic dinner for two. i hope the girl and guy like to eat a lot. let me read this. two five ounce steaks, two lobster tails, chocolate hovlovs cake, vegetable stir fry, a $20 reward card, 75% off discount. $197.95, we have it for $49.99. >> i loved it. the steaks are delicious. very nice. move over here to a great, great gift across the board. if you have a bunch of photos at home and you don't really know how to organize them this is the way to go. it's by ritz and wolf camera.
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>> $29.99 retail. $5.99 steals & deals price, 80% off. 8.5 x 11. it is a hardcover book. 20 pages. it's really easy and clear how to make the books. i think it's daunting for people, but if you don't want to rush it for valentine's day, go on and print the coupon. with that you can get the book. you don't have to rush and do it today. >> it's easy to do. once the pictures are downloaded on the computer you can then organize and click and that's it. >> then pick it up for free at your local store or ship it. so just at the shipping instructions. >> finally, jewelry. you have to have jewelry for valentine's day. you have all the great different necklaces. three styles. >> three different styles. $182 to $192 retail. the deal price for any of the three is $32, an 84% discount.
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22 fwogold plated or sterling silver. there is love and xoxo, love you. >> like the little candy hearts. >> there are charms where you can get your initial. >> look at the shipping instructions. you should be able to get them in time for valentine's day. >> thank you very much. again, just to recap the deals the first is the personalized valentine's card from paper springthen the comfy throws from carson's, dinner for two from omaha steaks, photo book and then jewelry by cleo jewels. go to for promo codes and websites. coming up, joy's tools for losing weight. we'll answer nutrition questions after this. let's get chinese.
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should we order panda blossom, panda moon... how about chinese at home with wanchai ferry? you can make it in just 14 minutes. mmmh, orange chicken. great.
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i didn't feel like going out anyway. [ male announcer ] wanchai ferry. restaurant quality chinese in your grocer's freezer. get 80% savings on final markdowns, including 80% off clothes, shoes, accessories, and 80% off home! did we mention our red zone clearance final markdowns are 80% off? who knew shopping could be so rewarding? jcpenney. and six slices of kraft 2% milk natural cheese for a dollar or less equals 22 grams of delicious whole grain that are good for you and your wallet. when you can have triscuit, why snackrifice ? missing something? now you get a cleanser with scope freshness. new fixodent plus scope ingredients. cleans and kills germs that cause odors to your dentures. new fixodent cleanser plus scope ingredients. [ female announcer ] only roc® retinol correxion deep wrinkle night cream is clinically proven to give 10 years back to the look of skin. diminishing the look of even deep wrinkles.
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10 years? i'll take that! [ female announcer ] roc® we keep our promises. just joined? new year's resolution! we want a healthier lifestyle... so we can have more energy to do more stuff. healthy lifestyle? well, you should also start enjoying activia or activia light. activia, for us? sure, it's for people who want to feel good inside. when you feel good, you're more likely to get out there and enjoy life! mmm! mmm! i like this resolution. mm-hmm! here is the activia promise-- love how you feel or your money back! ♪ activia any family-sized tuscani pasta is just ten bucks! with over three pounds of your favorite pasta, like meaty marinara or chicken alfredo, plus an order of breadsticks, you get enough for the whole family. only on tuesdays, and only at your pizza hut. welcome back. january is national blood donor month. did you know approximately 5
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million american wills need a blood transfusion this year alone? here to tell us more is rob from the new york blood center. good morning. thanks for hanging with me in the snow. you guys are doing great work behind us at rockefeller plaza. we have a donation drive going on. and you hit a milestone. >> we had the 10,000th donation for tisshman spire. >> why is it hard for people to come in and donate blood? >> well, the storms. tomorrow will be the fifth one. schools get cancelled and 25% of donations come from schools. >> how can people help? system take an hour out of your day, go to a blood drive near you, one of the donor centers, donate a unit of blood and help save a life. >> thank you so much. thanks for hanging with me in the snow.
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coming up, oprah reveals her bombshell and country music legend wynonna judd, but first your local news and weather. ♪ it's a new day i'm loving weight watchers new pointsplus program and the edge it's giving me. ♪ and i'm feeling good go on, join for free. weight watchers new pointsplus. because it works. including your skin. [ female announcer ] now aveeno reinvents positively ageless.
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with shiitake complex, it's shown to visibly transform skin, helping repair the look of past damage and prevent future damage. positively ageless. only from aveeno. out of walnut creek students on lockdown buena vista as police check out a suspicious package in the parking lot, police closed the street from buena vista to san juan avenue. school staff had been notified, police want you to avoid the area. we'll keep you posted as get more information. time to check the forecast with christina. >> good morning to you. a beautiful day already shaping up, temperatures climbing up in the mid 40s, high pressure firmly in control. bringing about a mild afternoon, record-breaking warmth
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anticipated throughout 3:00 p.m., 70 degrees in oakland, and 71 degrees today in los gatos, very unusual this time of year. let's find out about the roadway this is morning with mike. >> things starting to clear up a little bit but to the maps, northbound 880 slow in both directions, coming into downtown, big accident, has been cleared. east shore freeway 35 minutes, but again, traffic flow, accident at 880, approaching the san mateo bridge and slow ahead of the peninsula where 101 cleared peninsula avenue but still very slow there. k.wee m his break. never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles compared to what a cancer patient goes through is a walk in the park. from the moment i registered, people started immediately supporting me and asking me how they could help. you meet the most wonderful, inspiring people.
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when you accomplish those 60 miles, it's truly life-changing. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. san francisco mayor will make history today at city hall becoming first mayor in history to have to appear before the board of sup every visors every month to answer their questions.
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former supervisor created question time in an effort to publicly embarrass and harass former mayor newsom. newsom raised $250,000 to defeat measure but voters approached in in november but ed lee has to be on the hot seat for the first time ever. more local news in half an hour and today show in about a minute.
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my choice tonight will be the irish setter. [ cheers and applause ] >> there it is. the irish setter. >> she chose clooney, an adorable male, 3 years old, an irish setter who won best in show at the national dog show in november. tomorrow on "today" we'll tell you which are the most popular breeds in america that you may want to consider if you are looking for a pet. meantime, coming up this half hour, sitting around with great women and we are going to be talking about another nice woman. joy bauer has nutritional advice. >> she'll tell us why keeping a food journal can really help you
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lose extra pounds. a lot of people like to log what they have been eating all day. >> i don't like to log it down. >> a reminder of the wrong. >> and staying healthy when ordering out and whether the acai berries are worth the hype. that's in diet sos. >> we have been talking about that. >> hugely popular. >> joy has insight on the berries. >> natalie? >> i was watching oprah's big secret revealed. the talk show host is known for sharing dramatic parts of her personal life. monday she revealed she has a half sister she never knew about. we'll show you how it unfolded. >> she's lost her other siblings. >> it's a complicated story but intriguing tv. >> the amount of effort it took by her half sister to make the connection. >> meantime, there is something in the kitchen. >> i smell it.
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>> it's always aromatic when they cook in there. >> that's right. it's all inspired by citrus fruits. we all need extra vitamin c. what a way to get it than adding it to foods like this. >> oranges are in season, so there you go. before we get to that yummy stuff we have maria larosa in for al from the weather channel. what's the story? >> florida is under the gun today. we have the potential for severe weather but a lot of heavy rain. that's the storm that will be taking shape, moving up the midatlantic into the northeast. by tomorrow we'll see the wintry mix. the sleet and snow moving into d.c., philadelphia, new york, boston, interior sections. northwest suburbs of philly, new york into boston. we expect several inches of snow. fine tuning the details.
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meanwhile the central part good morning to you. you can expect more of the same, lots of sunshine and warmer than average temperatures. here is a look at your extended forecast today. we're going 70 degrees. tomorrow just a little bit warmer in some cities. a bit of a cooldown, more cloud cover thursday into friday and maybe, just maybe a 20% chance of rain sound. overall warm and dry throughout the day today, maybe even breaking temperature records, find out if we did today at 5:00 from the chief meet oteorologim. coming up, what to eat when you go out and what joy bauer says about acai berries. we'll get advice in diet sos after this.
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your favorites, in pieces. so we took her to our olive garden. just us girls. we kept the fun going all through dinner. introducing olive garden's new artisanal raviolis. try our creamy asiago cheese ravioli topped with pan-seared chicken. or try our pear and gorgonzola ravioli topped with sauteed shrimp. starting at just $10.95. with unlimited salad and breadsticks. it was really cool just hanging out -- the three of us. olive garden. when you're here, you're family.
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why do women like you love activia light? sometimes i have no choice but to eat the kinds of foods that are hard on my diet... and my digestive system. so i eat activia light every day. it helps me feel good and look good too! ♪ activia [ female announcer ] and now, winter skin can be too. discover relief from dry, uncomfortable skin with skin relief moisturizing lotion. only aveeno has an active naturals triple oat and shea butter formula that soothes, nourishes and restores moisture. women saw improvement in all five symptoms of winter skin in just one day. beauty you can see and feel. that's being comfortable in your own skin. aveeno skin relief. and now get dermatologist recommended relief from severely dry skin with eczema therapy. new from aveeno. discover the power of active naturals
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♪ ♪ stay inside? nah. not when you have a five-star overall vehicle score for safety. one more reason chevy traverse delivers more. [ male announcer ] there are snacks. and there are better snacks. quaker chewy, 25% less sugar than the leading sweet snacks, no high fructose corn syrup and the goodness of whole grains. [ cheering ] a place for friends, family, and your husband's trademark victory dance. [ cheering ] now the crowd is gone. and all that remains is the stink.
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[ dog barks ] but you're ready because febreze air effects cleans away tough game day odors in the air. sweat-socks, chicken wings, garlic dip. and leaves a light fresh scent. febreze air effects. just one of the many ways to keep your home fresh with febreze. this morning on joy's diet s.o.s., advice for daily diet dilemmas. "today" contributor joy bauer is here with answers to your hot questions. good morning. good to see you. the first question is from jan in california joining us via skype. what's your question? >> good morning, joy. my question is i kept a food journal in the past for a short time and i got out of the practice of keeping one. i'm thinking about starting one up again. i just wanted to find out from you is keeping a food diary,
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daily diary a good thing to do on what i eat or is it overkill? >> good question. >> that's a great question. keeping a food log or diary is a very effective weight loss tool because when you write everything down, first off you're accountable to yourself. also, it helps you spot pitfalls that you may be dealing with. in other words, are you skipping meals, oversnacking, emotionally eating. and it can turn a slip-up from turning into a binge. when you write it down on paper the slip-ups are never as awful as we imagine they are. it's easy to shake yourself off and get back on the health bandwagon. i'm a fan of food logs and it doesn't have to be long term. some people find them tedious or that you can get obsessive. do it a couple days. two days on the week and a day on the weekend. that's a good snapshot summary of what you're eating without
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taking too much time or making you crazy. >> good advice. good luck. the next question comes from debbie in ocean side, california. good morning, debbie? >> caller: good morning. my question is i'm concerned about that acai berry weight loss. i have been seeing a lot of advertising. i wonder if it's a good thing, does it really work? what do you think? >> you're not alone in wondering about that. >> it's definitely not a good thing. those claims aren't supported by any research. acai berries don't enhance weight loss, burn fat, cleanse your system, boost energy. 100% bogus. >> is there anything good about them? >> yes. acai berries are healthy. if you want to take advantage of the health aspect, forget about the weight loss supplement pills and potions. instead, look online or go to a health food store and buy 100%
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acai berry juice or unsweetened pulp or some of the freeze-dried powder. the calories can add up. here's something else to know. all fruit, traditional, everyday fruit you get at the grocery store is loaded with a lot of healthful compounds. it just doesn't have the flashy marketing. you can save money by eating a varied amount of regular everyday produce. >> this berry is advertised everywhere. good luck, babdebbie. we appreciate you joining us. up next, oprah's big family secret she says shook her to the core. right after this. [ man ] take one of those pillows and take a big smell.
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they smell really fresh. what if we told you we washed these sheets seven days ago? really? no way? are you serious? downy! [ male announcer ] ultra downy april fresh. give us a week and we'll change your bed forever. [ male announcer ] there are snacks. and there are better snacks. quaker chewy, 25% less sugar than the leading sweet snacks, no high fructose corn syrup and the goodness of whole grains. yeah i know.
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i haven't been able to stop eating them myself. guess that's how i ended up with this pretzel inside me. you know what they say, you are what you eat, right? you are what you eat, what a bunch of malarkey. but one is so clever that your skin looks better even after you take it off. neutrogena® healthy skin liquid makeup. 98% saw improved skin. does your makeup do that? neutrogena® cosmetics. best seven years of my life. i know, dad.
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your comforter. okay. mr. cuddles... toilet paper? oh, hey, scott. here, scott extra soft tissue. it's their softest roll ever. check out the pattern. it's softness done right. same soft rolls we use at home honey! one more thing, guys. oh nice a shoe rack! actually, it's a toilet paper rack. sweet. huh. huh. [ female announcer ] do you know scott? scott extra soft is softness, done right. i won't. ♪ [ female announcer ] clear some snow. ♪ or spread a little warmth. maxwell house gives you a rich full flavored cup of coffee so you can be good to the last drop. now to oprah's big secret. on monday the talk show queen introduced the world to the half sister she only recently learned she had. jeff rossen is here with the details. good morning. >> good morning. i know you watched this
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yesterday. >> i was watching. >> ratings gold really. oprah admits she's been keeping the secret for months. a half sister named patricia, a single mom from milwaukee. oprah said she had no idea until recently. her mom kept it from her all these years but a dna test confirms it and in true oprah style they reunited on her show. >> i wanted you to hear the truth from me. my sister patricia is here. come on out. >> reporter: that's her, oprah's long lost half sister, nine years younger. oprah calls it a miracle. oprah's mother put patricia up for adoption when she was a baby and never told anyone including oprah herself. >> you're going to make me cry, so be patient. >> reporter: believe it or not, patricia found out oprah was her sister back in 2007. problem is no one would listen. >> she tried and tried again, even wrote an e-mail to our offices back in 2007 that we tracked but nobody would have
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given me an e-mail with somebody saying, i'm your sister. she never thought once to go to the press, thought to sell this story. [ applause ] >> reporter: amazing, considering patricia has lived such a tough life. foster care until she was 7, pregnant at 17 and years later, poring through adoption records finally found her real family. oprah found out about it just months ago. >> there she is. >> reporter: and met her for the first time on thanksgiving. >> what does it make you feel now to have that void filled for you? >> you feel whole. >> really? >> you feel complete. because before that you don't know. >> reporter: special for oprah, too. her other sister and brother both passed away. >> oprah's sister patricia lee lloyd died of an overdose several years ago and her brother jeffrey died of aids. this is the only sibling that
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oprah has. >> reporter: on her show, oprah confronted her mother about why she kept the secret so long. >> why didn't you want to own up to it? >> i thought it was a terrible thing for me to do that i had done, gave up my daughter when she was born. >> reporter: as a child, oprah lived with her father and never knew her mother was pregnant with patricia. no mention of who patricia's father is. >> i'm the one being reunited. >> reporter: but this isn't the first time oprah has revealed personal secrets on tv. admitting she was molested as a little girl. that as a teenager she gave birth to a child who died and as a young woman even smoked crack cocaine and she heavily promoted this new secret. >> this, my friends is the miracle of all miracles. >> reporter: for her show's final season. >> patricia and i are still sorting all of this out.
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she's so sweet. she would call me and say, are you all right? i know this is hard for you to process. yes, it is! >> reporter: by the way, patricia has two kids so oprah has a new niece and nephew as well. the big question anyway, -- now, where does the relationship go from here? >> jeff, thank you. she's known about this for the last three years really and patricia has kept it a secret. >> so many people have sold oprah out. >> they have to make up for a lot of lost time. that's for sure. >> they do. >> jeff, thank you. up next, spreading a little sunshine with everything oranges, but first this is "today" on nbc.
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this morning on "today's kitchen," orange we glad the scatos are here? yes, we are. here with delicious recipes are marian, john, anthony, from restaurant by scato. good morning to you all. >> good morning. >> this looks fabulous. >> isn't it great? it's done with blood oranges. this is the artichoke salad with carrots, fennel and lemon and olive oil dressing. ann, it's so delicious and it's a great way to begin dinner on a gray day like we have today. that's why we chose oranges. >> thanks for reminding us. >> it brings a smile to everyone's face. >> and vitamin c. >> yeah. >> get us started on what you're making. >> john? >> i'm making shrimp with lemon
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and orange. i have the onion, garlic and olive oil and some butter. saute the shrimp for about a minute. very quick, this dish. we're then going to add the juices which are orange, lemon -- >> oh, double tart! they would give you that recipe. >> yeah, because i am. another 30 seconds. >> he's doing well. >> some chili peppers. the dish cooks in literally three minutes. >> oh, arugala on top. >> just to wilt it a bit. >> and a little bit of salt there. >> salt. >> when it's done -- >> well, i have also cooked some polenta. >> he said it cooks in three minutes. i'm sorry, john. >> sibling rivalry. >> so we serve it up, presto, on
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top of the polento. >> and you season it with orange on top. >> and toasted almonds. >> anthony has the braised veal cheeks. >> how do you feel about them? >> you say they're good and tender. >> think about a succulent ossobuco. >> okay. >> we want to brown the beef cheeks. >> they really shrink up. >> this is a dutch oven, everything is in one pan. mirepoix of vegetables. saute those off in the drippings from the cheeks. >> okay. >> that's going to cook three to five minutes. we're going to add tomato sauce. >> wonderful. >> add a little beef stock. >> all right. >> salt and pepper. >> and the whole jug of fresco wine. >> yeah. thyme, oregano and red wine.
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>> very nice. >> let it saute three to five minutes and we'll add the cheeks back again. you cover it, 350 for two hours. it's unbelievable. it just falls apart. to finish it, we're going to do pine nuts, fresh orange and garlic, a little olive oil. >> looks great. >> how did anthony do, john? >> nice. under three minutes. >> elena, you have dessert. the best part of the meal. >> how do you feel about fruit salad? >> i feel great about it. >> stop it. you are not doing fruit salad. >> we have caramel-dipped oranges. >> i feel better about that. >> with chocolate mascarpone. so we have cocoa powder. mix that up for me. >> i can. >> in here i have mascarpone
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which is triple italian cream cheese. we'll add heavy cream. >> this is not for the diet. >> definitely not. a little vanilla. we have sugar here. we'll keep whipping and whipping. then add the chocolate. >> ooh. >> and what's nice about this is you can make it, whip it, keep it in advance and serve it later to friends. here we have oranges. >> what's on the oranges here? >> we have them with pistachio and dates which we love. >> all right. >> we dip it in the caramel and here i have my finished product. once again, the mascarpone, oranges, dates and we'll top it off with toasted pistachio nuts. >> is this online? >> it's right here! >> where's the spoon? >> we have a little taste. >> because i love her. >> yum.
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this is all mine. i'm not sharing this with anyone. it's so good. >> uh-huh. >> isn't it amazing? >> best cheeks in town. >> no doubt. >> thank you, mama. >> much more coming up after this. my second diagnosis-- i was told to go home, retire, and enjoy the time i had left. to say it was a shock is just a complete understatement. i mean, i don't think there are words. she had put up a really good fight, but it was her time. you... don't have a choice of getting breast cancer. i had no choice. i wanted to do something bigger than myself. that 3-day gave me that opportunity. and i can actually do something to help. i think it's a very bold thing to do. 60 miles in 3 days-- i can do that. i'm sure if it was 100 miles, we'd still walk it.
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it was a big statement for me of... (voice breaks) i'm alive. we can do this. we can do this. we can rid the world of this terrible disease... so that no mother... granddaughter... sister... daughter... mother... go through what my wife had to go through. this is more than just three days. this is a lifetime. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. good morning once again, the:56. i'm brent cannon. checking forecast with christina, pretty nice one today.
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>> nice considering we could be in the 30s today. 50s already, 52 in hayward and 54 in santa cruz. throughout this afternoon, by noon temperatures are already climbing into the 60s, 62 for your lunchbreak in san jose. warm day for this time of year. when highs typically come in in the upper 50s. looks like more of the same for tomorrow and slight chance of rain by sunday. find out about your morning drive with mike. >> you talked about, the fog developing in many spots, the bridges, fog advisory and davis, look over here, bay bridge toll plaza with no major issues. still a haze around the area and that is an issue but light volume of traffic. show travel times approaching, slowdowns for east shore freeway and 808 but they're starting to improve, speeds closer to 40. slower through oakland, no big surprise and rest of the area, san mateo would slowing. northbound sticking around with the earlier accident cleared. south bay city will welcome
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a new vice mayor today, san jose city councilwoman sworn into city hall this evening. the first vietnamese american vice mayor, will take the office at 5:30 in front of friends, family and supporters. she is already hard at work, hosting a meeting last week to help police fight crime, seven homicides in first three weeks ch 2011 and many people on the east part of san jose do not feel safe, one man says if it doesn't get better in the next few months he may move his family. >> i used to see a lot of police officers here and i feel safe, i mean i can come outside here with my kid, play, but i'm going to think about it right now because it's kind of unsafe for my kids. >> san jose police say budget cuts have cut their ability to pra toll the area for violent crime. more local news in half an hour,
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"today" returns in about a minute. switching to progressive could mean hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda coffey. li from studio 1 a in rockefeller plaza. >> hi, everybody. it's january 25, and nobody expected this outside today. it was supposed to come tomorrow, but it's been that kind of winter. >> you know what, i'm sick of t. it's enough already. aren't you sick of it? >> i'm sick of it and i've been away for half of it. i sort of missed all the big blizzard stuff by being
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someplace else. another siren going on. >> welcome to new york city. >> i looked at the map today and it's 79 in miami and 76 in l.a. we're happy for you. >> so it's a big day today in hollywood. the oscar nominations are out, and we are here to bring you the latest information. >> yes. if you haven't heard it before, we're going to go over it again. >> best picture. these are the nods for best picture. >> and there are ten of them. >> it's more like who didn't get in. black swan, the fighter, inception, the kids are all right, the king's speech, 127 hours, the social network, toy story 3, true grit and winter's bone. >> toy story 3 was the biggest one at the box office all year long. >> and it was best movie and best nominat, ma'a animated. >> it will definitely get best animated. >> and the best act torz.
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>> jeff bridges, colin firt, the king's speech and james franco, 127 hours. >> those are good. best actress, here are the nods for that. a net benning, the kids are all right, nicole kidding, natalie portman, black swan, and michelle williams, blue valentine. >> okay. and supporting actress, amy adams, the fighter. melissa leo, the fighter. everyone saying she is the optimum favorite. hailey steinfeld, which we love, she will be speaking with us a few minutes later. and jackie weaver from animal kingdom. i have to admit i've never heard of her or the movie. have you? >> no, i have not. let's talk to hailey. she's on the phone.
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>> hi! >> con gragratulationscongratul! >> thank you. >> how did you hear the news? >> i was asleep, and i heard my mom and dad screaming in the other room. i woke up, and i wasn't sure if i was dreaming or not. they came running into the room with flowers and everything. it was very exciting. >> by the way, your film, "true grit" has the second most nominations, ten nominations, including not just you, hailey, but jeff bridges. >> adapted screenplay? >> i think so. >> and they got directing nods as well? >> directing. >> and best picture. >> what did you think when you heard all the accolades for your film? >> it's incredible. i'm in shock. the film overall is just incredible to be a part of it was really amazing. but i'm just so proud of it all, and, you know, that i'm able to experience it right now is
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really incredible. >> and hailey, you're 14, right? 14 years old? >> yeah. >> you're very poised for your age. i was sorry to miss you because i wasn't here that day, jimmy fallon was in for me, i was down no florida. but i thought, first of all, you're so poised for your character, and i thought, gee, i wish i could meet her. she sounds like such a beautiful young woman. your parents have done a great job with you. >> by the way, with justin bieber you were such a pro. was that fun? >> were you dying inside? >> yeah, that was a lot of fun. he was really, really sweet. >> we wish you such luck, hailey. congratulations. >> this is the first of many, many in her career, i believe. bless your heart, sweetie. best of luck to you. >> thank you so much. >> we need to get to best supporting actor and the winners there.
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john hawks from winner's bone. jeremy renter from the town. >> love him. >> mark rough uffalo who is so . >> they say christian bale won the golden globes for the fighter. i haven't seen that yet. >> i think jeffrey rush is going to win supporting actor. he is so good in "the king's speech." >> you haven't seen "the fighter" yet. >> that's right. >> jeffrey is great in everything he does. this is a situation where you know each man had such a huge impact on oert manthe other man performance. my daddy used to say, honey, surround yourself with people smarter and more talented than you and you'll look really good. so regis and hoda, look at me, baby! a surround myself with so many smart and talented people.
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>> have you seen "the king's speech"? >> i haven't seen much this year. i hear james franco is just amazing and i hear danny boyle did an unbelievable job. i haven't seen black swan yet. cody, the film critique, says basically, mom, it's a perfect movie and you're going to hate it. because it's got lots of girl-on-girl sex. and i said, i'm an adult. he goes, you're going to hate it. >> by the way, if you happen to be in new york tomorrow and you're looking for a broadway show to see and you want to hear a little singing, kathie lee is going to be singing tomorrow on broadway at -- what's it called, million dollar -- >> million dollar quartet. i wasn't going to mention anything. people will just be trampling
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the box office to get in. i haven't been sick one day all year long. i haven't been. i go to l.a. where it's 76 degrees and monday morning i start getting the do-da. anyway, i'm doing it. i'm going to sing a patsy cline song. ♪ >> it's fast and in my key. anyway, i'll be there tomorrow. after i sing it, we're going to love it. >> oprah winfrey talked about a secret that was revealed on her show yesterday, and the secret was that she has a half-sister. the half-sister has known about her connection to oprah for several years. oprah only found out about thanksgiving time and went to see her. let's watch the clip of oprah revealing. >> my sister patricia is here. come on out, patricia!
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[ applause ] >> since i have been a person known in the public, there have been few times that i have been anywhere and not been sold out. there have been few times where you can bring anybody new into your life and not have that person in some way betray you or use you or take advantage of you. >> i'm just trying to take it all in right now. because i've never heard that i was a pretty baby. so i didn't know. so to hear that, i always had a feeling that she didn't mean to give me up.
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and her saying that she came back to get me, it means a lot. >> oprah's mom and her mom -- she was interviewed right there, and she said -- what teed up that bite was the nurse asked why i'm giving up my child, she's such a pretty baby, and oprah's mom said she went back again looking for her and she was, obviously, already gone. but i love this patricia. i don't know her and i love her. >> she's not just a pretty baby, she's a beautiful, beautiful woman. inside and out, you sense her beautiful spirit, don't you? >> and you do have to think that anybody has any connection with oprah thought she thought, i'm getting on the gravey train. >> oprah is right that everybody makes false claims for her.
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even people who did rehab for her, they're coming out of the woodwork. you have to be so careful to legitimize people, and i guess it was dna that ultimately confirmed it. >> apparently she wrote the show, but oprah said a lot of people write the show and say wacky things, and she must have thought it was another kook. >> they can make up for a lot of lost time, and it's just sad that she has two did eceased siblings. >> and it's really great that she was calling oprah and saying, this is a lot to process. are you okay? >> we haven't really heard about the person who raised her, right? >> no. >> she had some abuse problems, right? >> she went to a bunch of foster homes. i don't know what her whole childhood was like. >> so maybe she wasn't adopted
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and went through the foster program. got pregnant herself at 17. >> she did, she did. there is a lot of controversy swirling around this show called "skins." sponsors are dropping like flies. subway, wrigley, and others. these are kids 15, 16, 17 years old and engaging in sex scenes, i guess, and drinking and drug scenes and stuff. people are angry because the actors are underage, most of them -- >> which is against the law. >> -- which is against the law. >> i thought they were kids being filmed and videotaped. they're actors, so they've been hired for this. i don't know how they're getting away with it, frankly. >> maybe they won't now. they say they're just depicting what's going on in the real world. >> that's what i took umbrage
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with yesterday. they're not depicting everybody out there. just what i've read about it, as a mother of a 17-year-old, it really, really disturbed me. not only stushz disturbs me, of me. many of us have not raised kids like that, and if you're going to do that, show a kid who is not. don't put them down, represent them fairly as well. you are one action away from disaster every day of your life. one choice away from disaster. think about that. and kids don't think -- if adults don't, kids don't -- think about the repercussions of every choice they make. we're talking about oprah's situation. look at the choices different people made along the way and the roadkill that was left on the highway behind them for the
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choices that they make. you know, and i've made bad choices, and i guess that's why i'm so emotional about this. i feel sorry for kids today. we're going to do a thing larte on today in the show how social networking is affecting the sexuality of our kids today and more and more divorces are blamed -- facebook is now being blamed for everything. >> i do think they're saying because young people can text back and forth, they're more open than they would be face to face. >> but they're missing out on old-fashioned romance, too. i can't even imagine how sad that is. we have to go, hoda. i know you could sit here and talk all day long. >> what happened? >> we've got to go and then we're going to come back. coming up next, how to be happy. we're going to make you happy after this commercial break. for me, it really does matter. esightal now times are hard.
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we want to get back every me due. [ announcer ] if you're not using h&r block, you coulbe moneang vi teyhe table. call 1-800-hrblock, and never settle for less. [ deep breathing ] [ light snort ] [ male announcer ] for a better-looking tomorrow. vicks nyquil cold & flu. the nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep you ever got with a cold...medicine. ♪
10:15 am
[ female announcer ] there's a place called hidden valley where kids not only eat their vegetables, they can't get enough. ♪ hidden valley ranch, makes vegetables delectable. by giving me ginormous discounts with these: how can expedia save me even more on my hotel?h, unpublished rates. which means i get an even more rockin' hotel, for less. where you book matters. expedia. get 80% savings on final markdowns, including 80% off clothes, shoes, accessories, and 80% off home! did we mention our red zone clearance final markdowns are 80% off? who knew shopping could be so rewarding? jcpenney. so we took her to our olive garden. just us girls. we kept the fun going all through dinner. introducing olive garden's new artisanal raviolis. try our creamy asiago cheese ravioli topped with pan-seared chicken.
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or try our pear and gorgonzola ravioli topped with sauteed shrimp. starting at just $10.95. with unlimited salad and breadsticks. it was really cool just hanging out -- the three of us. olive garden. when you're here, you're family. if you absolutely promised yourself you would kick that bad habit, drop those five pounds
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and enjoy life more but you haven't had a minimum to reach any of those goals, guess what, you're not alone. >> we have two experts here to help you get back on track to happy. >> they are gretchen rubin, author of the "new york times" best seller, "the project" and author of "nine rooms to happiness." we were talking about new year's resolutions, and lots of us make them. are you guys of the mind that's a good thing to do, not a good thing to do? >> i think it's a great thing to make resolutions as long as you make them very, very manageable. sometimes in the zeal of new year's, you make huge, huge resolutions. >> what would be huge and not attainable. >> like going to the gym every day for an hour before work. get more fun out of life, where that's so vague, what does it mean in action? >> so you would say i'm going to lose a pound a month.
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>> or go for a walk every day. very small. >> do you think people are just hard-wired one way or another, you're just an optimist person or you're not? >> i think there is something to that genetically. i think we're hard-wired, but i think we have the capacity to change that, that there are things we can do with effort. >> what do you tell your patients who are miserable people? the city is full of them. >> first i try and help them understand what's making you so miserable. because i do think to be happier, you have to identify what's making you unhappy. once you can identify that, you can attack the problem. >> sometimes it's basic, like i'm just tired. >> and tired is one of the things we can fix. >> that's right, get more sleep. the way you feel physically affects you so much. >> for people to get more sleep, they have to change their lifestyle, they have to change how much alcohol they drink at night, they have to change a lot of things. people say, i'll get more sleep,
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but they're not going to do what it takes to get the sleep. >> now you're yelling. >> now i'm yelling. >> you make a good point. these are not small things. they sound small, get more sleep, but these small things are hard to do. >> you have to say i'm going to turn the light off by 11:00, i'm going to drink less caffeine and break it up into little resolutions that add up to a big change in your life. >> in los angeles, i heard one of the best speakers i've heard in my life, joyce meyers. her whole thing is about how everything in your life is about the choices you make and taking responsibility for your actions. >> right. >> and she was funny and she made everybody -- it was a different message for every single person at angela's temple, but the truth is, we live in an entitlement world, don't we, where everyone wants to blame. i didn't make it to the gym today because so and so did so
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and so. >> we have to take responsibility and own our own actions. wes that we say that in the book "the nine rooms." a equals b. if you focus on that and blame that person, you will not change that person. >> what are some concrete things people are feeling at home if they're feeling blase? what can they do? >> make sure you find time for exercise, make time for fun. you would say if there had to be one key to happiness, it's strong relationships for other people. make time for friends. pencil it in like a dental appointment. you have to make time for the ones you love. >> family relationships, so important. >> you have to have a life to go home to. >> ladies, thank you. >> we're so happy now.
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>> i know you're happy. still to come, love in the digital age. how modern technology is speeding up your sex life. >> and finally get the hair you have always wanted. >> it's all about hoda today. ♪ d support... our kids go to school together. -we work together. -i'm in your cooking class. we play ball together. [ male announcer ] chantix is a non-nicotine pill proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. and you can even smoke during the first week. quitting on my own never seemed to be enough. this time it was different. this time i was ready. ready to take control. ready to talk to my doctor. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these symptoms or behaviors, stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop serious allergic or skin reactions,
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and 1 balanced meal. save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance?really was abe lincoln honest? mary: does this dress make my backside look big? abe: perhaps... save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance?really host: is having a snowball fight with pitching great randy johnson a bad idea? man: yeah, i'm thinking maybe this was a bad idea.
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still to come, would your husband read your e-mail? what guys have to say about snooping in the age of technology. winona judd is here to tell us all about the new chapter in her life. literally, many chapters. >> she's taking over the world. >> and if yo longed for straight, shiny hair like hoda, we've got your fix. all of that coming up after your local news. it was unbelievable how well it all fell together. kathy said, "well, let me give you rachel's number." easy. easy. easy. the whole loan process was simple and convenient!
10:25 am
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its formula immediately soothes and delivers long-lasting protection between washes. leaving hair manageable. new head and shoulders itchy scalp care with eucalyptus. respect the scalp. love the hair. good morning, everybody, time 10:26, i'm brent cannon, checking your forecast with christina. >> good morning to you. now we're in the 50s across the board, 55? heyward, san mateo, sun is out, temperatures climbing into the 60s through noon. 62 is your forecasted high as you take your lunch break in san jose. round the day in the 70s, 70s for livermore and fairfield today and we're talking about 72 degrees in santa cruz, another warm day for us tomorrow. here is what you can expect through the next few days. 68 by thursday. maybe a slight chance of showers on sunday. now we do have a miysterious
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slowdown, mike is on the case. >> i wish i could sort things out for folks but i can just show you on map, northbound 101 into mountain view, 237, you see the slowdown westbound approaching 85 and slow on northbound 101 up to 85, just slow around google and shoreline, no big events we'll try to sort that out. i'll tweet out the results if we find out anything in the next half hour. bay bridge toll plaza, meetering lighurngtine t on. no ha ♪ leftover desserts, boardroom, now. and hurry before the interns get here. thanks but i already have some yummy black forest cake. black forest cake? ♪
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so? [ female announcer ] need a guilt free treat? try yoplait light. and i've lost weight. [ female announcer ] with 30 delicious flavors, all around 100 calories each. yoplait. it is so good. the yoplait you love, now in a 4-pack. try it today.
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>> couple santa crew business owners with a front seat at the state of the union, they'll set with first lady michelle obama tonight. davis and baker are the oechbers of penny ice creamery, they coppcop -- caught the white house's attention posting eau tube video thanking for the american recovery and investment act, that act helped them with their business with a loan. east bay hotel on list of dirtiest in america, according to trip adviser the jack london inn in oakland is the second-dirtiest hotel in america. 80% of the people who restlud inn said they would not recommend it to a friend. trip adviser's number one dirtiest in 2011 is in tennessee, a very short year, so that could change. grand resort hotel and convention center in pigeon forge.
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coming in third, desert innry sort in daytona beach florida and fourth hotel carter, new york city. top in south carolina. we're back on this booze-day tuesday in today's relationships, and we're talking about sex in the new age rather than the dark ages when i was born. >> to sleeping with somebody because of social media to tracking their texts. technology is changing how men and women relate. >> if you had to give up your cell phones, what would you do? >> she is contribute tore to shape magazine and roy johnson is editor in chief to "men's
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fitness." >> four out of ten women said they would rather give up having sex than give up their cell phones. >> only for a week. >> no, a year! a year! >> give me a beeper and let me keep my cell phone. give me a beeper, we'll go back to then. >> are these 40% of women who have a bad sex life so they wouldn't be giving up anything, anyway? >> i think the numbers are shocking. 80% of women and 50% of guys report that technology is playing a role leading to sex more quickly. >> that is because it is easier to stay in touch. that doesn't necessarily mean they're having better relationships or longer relationships. we still know the divorce rates are high. but people are getting together quicker and they're having sex quicker because they can stay in touch. >> i think it's the flirting. you can flirt on text a lot easier than you would in person. you see someone face to face, they might be shy, and all those
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innuendos that happen in text and g-chat, that's something that women can do very easily. >> we're losing the art of learning to look someone in the eye, smile, say something nice, but it's a new age. >> you can ask people out on texting and actually get to that face to face quicker with a bigger pool of people. >> but kids don't go out on dates anymore, we hear. they either go in groups, like packs, or they just meet up at each other's apartments. >> i have two teenagers, so i'm okay with that right now. they can go in packs. >> but aren't we losing cultural skills, social skills? >> we're definitely losing some things but we're also gaining a little bit of communication, but i'm hoping people are using this not just to have sex but also to get to know each other a little bit better so that when they do start to have a relationship, they can pursue a normal
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conversation. >> it gets to a heightened level before they're ready and then they actually see the person. i think you're rush tg ing it i way, don't you think? >> that's a society problem. that's not just on technology, it's all we see on television and all the different things. >> 76% of women admitted they would look at their partner's e-mail if he left it open, and 69% agreed. in other words, the e-mail is open -- >> i hate that. to me, that's one of the last invasions of privacy. if you do, you're looking for something. i'm not going to look at my partner's partner's he-mail -- e-mail. >> if it says, hi, cutie, i'm going to look. >> if you're dating and you have
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the potential that someone is cheating on you and you've got things like that, like subject, hey, cutie, xoxo, you want to know, and it's too tempting. >> it's different than goog ling. everybody googles everybody if they're going to go on a date. up next, somebody else who doesn't disturb me at all. winona judd wants you to pick up her new book at the bookstore. she's written a new novel, yes, she has. >> it's about a woman in destiny. we like that. [ female announcer ] to do well, kids need to eat well.
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and eating well means getting enough whole grain and calcium. general mills big g is the only leading line of kid cereals with at least 8 grams of whole grain and a good source of calcium. help your kids get more of what they need, with general mills kid cereals.
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we are back with singer and songwriter winona judd. during her more than two-decades long career, she's sold ten albums and watched her music climb the charts. >> but she had never written a novel until now. it is called "restless heart." it's close to her own heart. it talks about a singer just starting her career. >> it's a story of hope, people. in the crazy world of sexting and e-mail, it's time to read. i'm a home schoolteacher mom. i figure that kids out there have so many options, i'm just trying to give kids an idea of how it is to dream, to be able
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to sing in the opry. as an artist, i just want to tell my story. every time i see hoda, i try to think of something sdircdiffere bring, and today it's a novel. >> this has got a woman named desti destiny. is she fashioned after you? >> uh-huh. she's younger and thinner and more stars in her eyes. i've had 25 years. i'm definitely still in wonderment, yet i've had that experience and wisdom. she is a star in her eyes, sort of that taylor swift, miley cyrus i want to be a star girl. i have a daughter that is having that idea. finding out who i am, my story, i want to tell it, give other people encouragement and say, read. >> i'm up to the part where she's talking with seth, this guy, and he's basically saying never lose. you can become a big, big star, nothing wrong with that, but never lose what made you you to begin with and the values you have. >> it's hard to do with your
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mother right next to you, so i've been lucky. >> especially if she's crazy like your mother is. >> exactly. i know who i am. i know what i don't want. i'm in the 27th year of my career. unscripted television comes up in march, and all i'm doing is trying to show what's possible. >> just so everyone knows, you and your mom are in a documentary series. what are we going to see? >> drama with my mom. >> you went back on tour. >> five hours, three shows a day. i did find myself going "really?" an awful lot? >> people can relate. i hear laughing. >> when you think of what your mom had to deal with, too, she didn't have an easy way.
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>> no, she didn't, and people take her for granted because she's everyone's mom. >> she reminds me of a modern day june carter cash. >> she's the one that will tell you the truth whether you want it or not, and i think in this day and age of being politically correct -- the thing i love about the book is she's telling it like it is. most people go, yeah, right. honey, she walks it. we bring it. whether it's good or bad or ugly, we bring it. it's real. >> sometimes your hair is not real. >> it's got five colors and that's all that matters, ms. thang. >> we do wish you good luck. what's it called again? >> "restless heart." i got to go. >> we know you're very busy. how to get the hair you don't have but always wante>> d. >> dippy is here. we're going to show you how to protect your luggage from
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bedbugs. >> bedbugs? >> yes, hoda, they're everywhere! >> ( beeping ) ( beeping stops ) >> announcer: free is better. do your simple return for free with the federal free edition at turbotax. the most trusted brand of tax software. ♪ [ female announcer ] there's a place called hidden valley
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where kids not only eat their vegetables, they can't get enough. ♪ hidden valley ranch, makes vegetables delectable. any family-sized tuscani pasta is just ten bucks! with over three pounds of your favorite pasta, like meaty marinara or chicken alfredo, plus an order of breadsticks, you get enough for the whole family. only on tuesdays, and only at your pizza hut.
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[ female announcer ] for a limited time, call to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with select services and a 1-year price guarantee. it's our fastest internet for the price. oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothin'. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network for no extra charge. so for a limited time, get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with select services and a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪ twizzlers. the twist you can't resist.
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time for "today's beauty" and getting the hair you always wanted. >> you know how it is, if you have straight hair, you want curly hair, if you have curly hair, you want straight hair. we brought in dickey. it's true, isn't t dickey, everybody wants what they don't have. >> it's very true. >> with all the products nowadays, we can do it. >> it's all attainable. the great thing is you have versatility with healthy hair. >> susan is our first lucky lady. this is her before picture. she's having a day. now we're going to reveal the after just because. girl, what did you do?
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dickey? >> easy. what's great about susan is she has a texture that's kinky, curly, a dryer texture. she has to be moisturizing with a cream so the hair has more versatility, it's more moisturized, so you don't have the heat damage with hair that's been stripped. >> what do you put on there? >> we also use these great smoothing creams that aid in blow drying. they're non-silicone and these polymers make it easier for the heat to work on your hair. you need a blow dryer with a curler attachment. you're going to use the -- and these are universal -- >> but if you did that, my hair would look like this. >> and we flat ironed. so then you just take a section of hair, and you can't take too big of a section. >> right. >> and hair that's been
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moisturized. >> you're not going all the way up to the root. is there a reason for that? >> you don't have to because you've used a lot of it with the pre-straightening. >> she doesn't have a brazilian silk or anything like that? >> no, she has not. >> our second model, this is the before picture of mary. mary has straight hair, mary wants curly. >> different texture, of course. >> show the new legal. curly! >> i like. may i touch, darling? i want to feel. feel her hair. you've got great hair! >> how did you do it, dickey? >> flatter, straighter hair requires more volume that's lick wi diesing. so also then using a volumizing spray or a mousse. >> you wash it, and how do you
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dry it. >> you take 100% of the water out before drying it out. what's great about curly hair is you want texture to it. you just steamroll it -- >> steamroll it? >> don't try to roll it, just kind of finger through and flip it over. >> remember i told you how i adored debby boone's hair? this is what it looked like. >> she wants to get rid of the frizzies. >> stay away from the shampoos that strip the hair of moisture. the thing with sandra would be to gently defuse with a blow dryer, gently. you don't want to blow the hair
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around. you're trying to diminish the frizz. >> do you just put product in there? >> you put any kind of a cream in there. >> by the way, your rules is your product, we should point out. go, dickey, go, dickey. >> moisturizing, moisturizing, hydration. and a hair dryer. >> i thought those were gone. >> you usually don't see them, but they're great because you can have your coffee,
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never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles in 3 days-- i can do that. 60 miles compared to what a cancer patient goes through is a walk in the park. from the moment i registered, people started immediately supporting me. we had an outpouring of-- of support. i wanted to do something bigger than myself.
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the 60 miles-- it makes a statement. i know i'm stronger than i was before, both mentally and physically. i walk with my sister. our relationship has gone to a whole new level because of training together. you meet the most wonderful, inspiring people. i knew that there was something really special about this event. when you accomplish those 60 miles, it's truly life-changing. it was three days of hope. of love. of empowerment. it was three days the way the world should be. here i am, second year in a row, and i'm already signed up for next year's. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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time for today's travel to see what could be lurking in your luggage. >> who knows what could be going home for you. we just talked about bedbugs. this is the budget travel editor in chief. >> the biggest mistake that travelers make is not cleaning their suitcases. >> i've never cleaned a suitcase once, unless i spill something. >> you obviously want to stuff all your bags in one. put it in a garbage bag. that way it will protect the outside of your clothes. >> you mean after you clean it, store it this way? >> yeah, instead of putting garments in a clean bag, you're going to store it here. >> what are the chances of that happening? >> you break a bottle of wine in your luggage and that happens. >> tragedy, tragedy. use a wet-dry vac to clean up all the glass. you can use newspaper and carbon crystals in a sock right here to
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get rid of the smell and to absorb. moisture. wine-away is a great product for getting rid of a stain. and then a really great tip -- i know, it's very literal -- and a really great tip is if you are planning on bringing wine back with you, you can sort of stuff it in your luggage. this is a great product called vinni bag, and it's reusable and you can bring it with you. >> we showed that on the show one time. >> this is a big one. everybody is nervous about bedbugs that you have in hotels often. >> bedbugs are horrifying. it happens in one star to five-star hotels. it affects us all. when you get home, vacuum the outside of your bag, the seams, the wheels, everything, the zippers. if you think you have bedbugs, i'm so sorry. what you'll want to do is this product is called nuvan prostrips, this one right here, and this is exterminator grade, high-quality stuff.
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it's really, really high grade. you're going to put it in your suitcase, wrap it in a garbage bag and it releases an odorless gas. >> is that something you can buy? >> you can buy it on >> must be pretty toxic. >> it's intense. if you think you may encounter bedbugs, this is a product called pronto plus. spray it all over it. >> what do you do if you get grease on your bag? >> there is a product called simple green. you can just use the simple green to squirt. >> hoda is so good! >> and then use -- >> oh, you have to turn it. i'm not used to cleaning. >> all right, take us down here. >> the other big problem we all have is your shampoo explodes in your suitcase. it's a messy problem. you don't want to add more
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product, you just want to spritz water, use a wet-dry vac to soak that up. and put stuff in a zip lock bag. even if you're not going on an airplane, this is a great tip.>! tomorrow, luke perry. our guys are back. have an awesome day, everybody. bye! [ alarm clock buzzing, indistinct conversations ]
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betsy bets. you haven't changed a bit. oh...neither have you... sean. well, yeah. [ female announcer ] go to to start your two week tune up.


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