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tv   Today  NBC  February 22, 2011 7:00am-11:00am PST

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good morning. breaking news. military officials tell nbc news all four americans taken hostage by somali pirates have been shot and killed by their captors. we will get the latest details. other destruction, a powerful 6.3 magnitude earthquake rocks new zealand's second largest city. at least 65 people are dead. this morning rescuers are racing to save hundreds believed to be trapped in the rubble. we'll talk to a young man who lived through it. and the world's most famous dress. princess diana's hand sewn wedding gown. more than 700 million people saw it for the first time 30 years
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ago and look where it is now. it has made its way right here to our studio along with its 25-foot train, veil, and diamond-studded tiara. today tuesday, february 22nd, 2007. and welcome to "today". it's 7:00 a.m. on the west coast on this tuesday morning. >> we are following two major breaking stories, including a terrible end to the hostage situation off the coast of somalia. >> the four americans had been held by pirates aboard their yacht since friday. the u.s. navy immediately began to track that boat and were in contact with the pirates. but overnight they heard gunshots. both couples, won from seattle, the other from southern california, had been killed. details straight ahead. plus, we're also following the latest on that devastating
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earthquake in christchurch, new zealand. the timing could not have been worse, hitting at lunch time on a busy work day. we'll talk to a young man who was just there, just ahead. let us begin with the tragic deaths of those four americans held hostage by somali pirates. nbc's jim miklaszewski is live at the pentagon. good morning. what is the latest? >> reporter: u.s. military officials tell us it was 1:00 a.m. eastern time which would have been morning and daylight off the coast of somalia. when u.s. military and an fbi negotiating team were actually talking to the pirates via radio when they heard gunshots. the u.s. military were immediately dispatched to the boat. they engaged the pirates in a brief firefight and when they got onboard they found that all four hostages had been shot and mortally wounded. the hostages scott and jean adam and phyllis mckay and bob riggle. attempts were made to revive
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them but all died of their wounds. in the brief gun battle with the pirates two of the pirates were killed and 13 others were captured. you know, it's interesting because over the last several days there was some optimism among military officials that negotiations were going fairly well and that the pirates may eventually release the hostages unharmed, but, unfortunately, it came to this tragic end this morning, meredith. >> mick, is there any indication as to why the pirates decided that now was the time to shoot these four americans? >> reporter: we haven't heard yet and we expect to get the details later today, but over the past couple of days the military and those fbi negotiators made it clear to the pirates onboard that they would not be allowed to reach shore in somalia. that could have been one of the factors there. other than that, there is no indication yet as to what prompted it. military officials insist this operation was not a rescue mission, unlike two years ago, when three navy sharp shooters
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shot and killed three pirates and they gained the freedom of captain richard phillips. in this case, the military considered the fact that there were just too many pirates, almost four pirates to every hostage, to be able to pull off a successful rescue operation without causing harm to the hostages. >> mick, do we know at this point why the four americans were in those dangerous waters to begin with? >> reporter: well, we may never find out. it's been a mystery. they were with a regatta of about 21 or 22 other broke off. it's not clear why, and they attempted to sail through what is called pirate alley on their way to the red sea and then eventually up through the suez canal on their around-the-world trip. but the military and others issue repeated maritime warnings not to travel alone, to take defensive measures, especially a boat like this which is very vulnerable and slow moving, easily boarded by pirates. but, still, officials have no clear idea as to why they
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decided to make this trip alone. >> very sad outcome. mick, thank you very much. >> okay, meredith. it is 7:04 pacific time. here's willie. >> thank you. we are also following the powerful earthquake in new zealand that has killed at least 65 people. thousands of terrified people poured into the streets as dozens of buildings collapsed around them. today national correspondent natalie morales has the latest. good morning. >> good morning to you. this is actually the second major quake to hit christchurch in five months. the city's mayor quickly declared a state of emergency and ordered people to evacuate the city center. >> it crushed the building there and the cars. >> reporter: in the moments after the earthquake -- >> it's terrifying. >> reporter: -- chaos on the ground. people ran to escape crumbling buildin
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buildings. >> just utter devastation. >> one minute people were inside. the next mint thute they sudden found themselves on the outside. with smoke rising from the rubble police cleared danger zones. >> you got no chance. could you all go back there, please. please? >> reporter: a makeshift medical center was set up to treat the injured. >> yeah, i am okay. >> reporter: the walking wounded everywhere on the street. others had to be carried as rescue workers swept across the city searching for survivors. fire crews rescued one woman who had been trapped on the top story of a collapsed building, greeted by co-workers on the ground overcome with emotion. this four story building flattened like a stack of pancakes with at least 30 people trapped inside. >> words can't describe it. >> reporter: with elevators
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jammed people used ropes to escape some office buildings. >> 24 people are now being rescued. >> reporter: these people rescued from the 17th floor after a stairwell collapsed. and the christchurch cathedral, one of the city's most iconic landmarks heavily damaged after its spire crashed to the ground. a dark day for the city as new zealand's deputy prime minister focuses on saving those who may still be alive. >> the focus is now firmly on those people who may be remaining trapped in collapsed buildings. condolences go to the loved ones who, of course, will be deeply worried and anxious for the people who are missing. >> in that initial quake back in september no one was killed but it left a lot of buildings badly damaged throughout the city. many of those same buildings were the ones that collapsed in this latest disaster. very sad. >> absolutely.
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thank you very much. earlier this morning we spoke with 17-year-old cameron betts who lives in christchurch and began by asking him to describe where he was and what he felt during the first moments of that earthquake. >> i was in the center of town, quite close to the cathedral actually at the new zealand broadcasting school where i'm studying this year. so, yeah, i was right in the center. actually on the tower of all places. i felt the shock quite heavily. swiftly got my way up and out the door. the power had gone out. >> i know you went outside with your camera. as you said, you are a broadcasting student. you took some pictures while you were outside. what did you see and how were people reacting on the streets? >> there were all kinds of different things really. some people were quite hysterical, some people were quite serious about it.
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a lot were quite scared and didn't know what to do. but all around me, you know, there was bricks falling down everywhere, just down the road a huge fire happening, and shortly after helicopters swoopd in and tried to put it out. so, yeah. it was big, huge cracks in the road. power lines were down and towers had been smashed. >> i know that you and a few of your friends made it out of the city and are now about an hour and a half south of the city at this point. there have been several aftershocks. have you felt any of them? >> yeah. initially, after the big one happened when we went out of the campus, we felt a couple of big
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ones. they were probably a good 3 on the magnitude, i guess, so, you know, that was sort of more -- i know they're continuing. >> cameron, i know this is the first earthquake you've experienced. you just moved to christchurch a couple weeks ago. are you anxious about going back there? >> yeah, yeah. well, i'm of two minds really. at the moment this is probably one of the best broadcasting schools in new zealand, hence the reason why i moved down here, so i've known about the earthquakes and it's always been in the back of my mind, but after this one today and going through it, you know, i'm not too sure whether i will come back or not. i'm going to go and see my family, hopefully, if the airport opens on tuesday, but i guess i'll just play it by ear
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and see whether the schools are going to reopen or not. >> well, we greatly appreciate you joining us this morning, cameron betts, thank you so much, and best of luck to you. stay safe. >> well, thank you very much. >> here's willie. thank you, meredith. to libya now and the scores of protesters reportedly killed in a brutal crackdown on anti-government protesters. there is word now that moammar gadhafi will address the libyan people this morning after making brief remarks about the unrest last night. >> reporter: good morning, willie. i'm about seven miles from the border. we've been seeing truck loads of egyptian workers fleeing the country. they tell us that the second largest city in libya, ben ghazi, the eastern part of the country, has been completely taken over by protesters and that factions of the military have taken off their uniforms and joined the protesters, themselves. they've kept their guns. they tell us that they are shooting pro-gadhafi people on
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sight. late monday night state tv aired a very brief statement from embattled leader moammar gadhafi shooting down rumors that he had fled to venezuela. don't believe what you hear from the dogs in the media, he said. the libyan government vowed it would fight to the last bullet, and the bullets are flying. on the streets of tripoli there are reports of armed mercenaries, paid by colonel gadhafi's government, driving around town firing at random. from the sky this youtube video seems to show military jets and helicopters gunning down protesters. with journalists banned from reporting, most information is coming from eyewitnesses, who are telling very similar stories of chaos and bloodshed. >> we saw the airplanes go by over us and had to go to the hospital. they were shooting the doctors and people at the hospital. >> reporter: there are fears that hundreds died on just monday, alone, with the heaviest fighting in tripoli and the
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eastern city of ben ghazi. they want gadhafi, who has ruled this country with an iron fist for 41 years, gone. there are signs gadhafi's support is slipping from within his own government. two air force colonels reportedly flew their fire jets to the island nation of malta instead of firing on their own people. the deputy libyan ambassador to the u.n. accused his leader of genocide. >> when peaceful people are demonstrating in the streets and orders are given to the armed militia to kill them, what can we call that? >> reporter: just over the libyan border we found egyptian workers fleeing ben ghazi where protesters say they have seized control from the government. this man was grazed by a stray bullet. he says gadhafi supporters are being killed on the spot. others are managing to flee by air from tripoli. foreign companies are assisting their employees in evacuating. >> it's getting worse, not better. >> reporter: desperate to get away from a country that appears
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to be collapsing into civil war. the state department is telling embassy family members as well as nonemergency personnel to leave the country. those that are left behind, u.s. citizens, they say they need to exercise extreme caution and be prepared to stay holed up wherever they are, because it might become too dangerous to go outside. willie? >> all right. stephanie gosk, thanks so much. it is 7:14 pacific time. now here's meredith. >> thank you, willie. here at home the budget standoff in wisconsin has reached its ninth day. state union employees and their supporters have all but shut down the capitol as they protest demands for big concessions from the governor. nbc's mike taibbi is in madison with more. mike, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, meredith. this is a high stakes game of political chicken that the whole country is watching, and none of the players have flinched yet, certainly not the governor, not the unions, and not the 14 democratic senators who remain out of state in their attempt to keep the governor's bill from even coming to a vote.
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beyond the protests and posturing of the thousands of pro-union demonstrators, many still camping out on the capitol building, there has been little hint of any movement on any side of this standoff. with protesters kept away from his conference room, governor scott walker said 1500 state jobs could be lost by week's end if the absent democrats don't permit a vote on his so-called budget repair bill. >> i don't want to see anybody laid off. >> reporter: walker is telling the unions they'll have to pay more toward their pensions and health plans. about 8% of their take home pay on average. and must surrender their collective bargaining power in all areas except wages in order to close the $3.6 billion budget gap. he says there is nothing to negotiate. senate democrats, some speaking from illinois, are hoping moderate republicans can influence walker. >> i know there are colleagues on the other side of the aisle that do not like what's happening. >> reporter: but the one compromise measure being discussed, republican dale schultz, suggesting union collective bargaining can be
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fully restored in two years, has gained no traction. >> it's dead on arrival. i like dale schultz but dale schultz is not in the main stream of the republican party on this vote. >> reporter: there have been families among the crowds of the capitol building, a living history lesson in real time for mark's two children. >> i think it's important for young people to learn that they should have the power to speak in our country. >> reporter: it's not words that will win this argument, though, but numbers. and in this state the republicans have them. >> for us to do the same thing again and just push the problem off to the future is not acceptable. >> reporter: later this morning the state assembly and state senate will go back to work. the assembly will talk about the governor's bill but the senate can't put it to a vote as long as the democratic senators remain awol and they will at least through today so plenty of protesters still here. the stalemate, the showdown continue. meredith? >> thank you very much. >> the whole country is watching that one. >> absolutely. let's check the morning's other top stories from ann
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curry. good morning, ann. >> thanks. good morning to you. we begin with more on the rage and revolution in the middle east where the embattled king of bahrain has ordered the release of some political prisoners, this in an effort to appease demonstrators who have been holding their ground for a week there. opposition leaders are calling the move a positive gesture. for the first time since the 1979 islamic revolution iran has sent war ships through the suez canal in a move that israel has blasted as provocative and exploitive of unrest in the region. the crisis in libya is sending oil prices skyrocketing to a two-year high. liby libyan exports light sweet crude. we have more on this story from cnbc. >> reporter: i've been watching oil here all morning and oil is surging up over 5% right now. we've got gasoline futures up more than 3%. this, of course, a reaction to the violence in the middle east and the news coming out of libya.
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now, libya is the largest oil producer in north africa, producing 1.6 million barrels of oil a day, and this is really tough right now for the u.s. consumer who's already been struggling with higher food and energy costs. this means those prices at the pump are going to go up even more, ann. >> that's not good news. thanks so much, trish, for that. perhaps here is some good news. the best birthday present possible for mark kelly. a happy birthday tweet from his wife the wounded congresswoman gabrielle giffords and she also posed with a picture of the cake featuring the astronaut birthday boy. let's go back to meredith, willie, and al. >> happy birthday to mark and his twin brother. nice to see you, mr. roker. >> nice to be seen. let's see if you like what you'll be seeing out your window especially out west. we got another storm system moving along the coast and that's going to bring clouds and showers but for the most part is going to stay offshore. we're looking at sunny skies, 63 degrees in los angeles, 66 phoenix.
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denver 53. latter part of the week, though, for the west looks like it's going to be cool and wet especially for the oscars on sunday night. we're looking at showers along the mid-atlantic states, sunshine in the northeast, but bitterly cold. we've got plenty of sunshine around the great lakes. we've got fog along the gulf coast which will burn off even well, it is going to look beautiful, not so much feel beautiful today. it is really cold out there. we are in the 30s. 33 degrees in fairfield. 33 in pap pennsylvania. right at freezing for napa and novato. give yourself a little extra time with developing fog out there so you don't run into the reduced visibilities in a rush. 55 in oakland. same for san jose today. 58 in almaden valley. a couple dry gas i days before the rain moves in on thursday. have a great day. weather. willie? >> al, thank you. the countdown to troil wedding has hit 66 days. now there is a new way for you
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to get the kate middleton experience. keith miller is at buckingham palace to explain. good morning. >> reporter: good morning,le will willie. along with everybody else, kate middleton is counting down the days before she joins the royal family, but some are looking to her past to determine her future as a princess. but it's a long way from here at buckingham palace to her homele village of buckleberry. >> my name is ms. griffiths. >> reporter: she's been a guide for 30 years but this is her first attempt at explaining how a country girl turns into a princess. bucklebury is described as a quiet burg by the locals. there is just one lane winding around the countryside. >> this is st. andrews prep school where kate middleton spent most of her education.
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>> reporter: the tour is not allowed to stop despite the $16 ticket to see the secrets behind becoming a princess. kate middleton's home is somewhere on this lane. >> on our left e -- this one. no. oh, yes -- uh, no. it's got a hedge down the middle. >> reporter: there is a stop at the church where kate middleton was kristen chri christened. her parents, self-made millionaires sent their children to the best school money could buy. locals remember kate as a bright child, competitive and now very lucky. this is the land of open glory. so far the americans and japanese are the nationalities showing the most interest in taking the kate middleton tour, but the english treasure their privacy, so the bus company conducts most of the tour at 30 miles per hour. >> a little further along.
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it's this next club just beyond this cottage. there, you can just see it through the trees. >> reporter: the middleton family home. no clue here about how the future princess will keep house but she's from a modern british middle class family. her parents made millions operating a mail order company run from a converted barn somewhere beyond the trees. no one, not even the guide, will sayle exactly where. >> so this is a tease tour? >> it could be. >> reporter: the union of royalty and commoner would have been unthinkable not that long ago, but the british monarchy has changed. and so will bucklebury, one sleepy lane after another. the village is coming out of its shell. in fact, several locals say they have received invitation to the wedding and we are told the entire village will turn out on wedding day to celebrate -- where else, but at the old boot?
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willie? >> keith miller, thanks. still working out the kinks on the tour. just ahead, a "today" exclusive. princess diana's wedding dress right here in studio 1a and the story behind getting it here. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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just ahead, the girl held captive by a man who killed her mother, brother and a friend speaks out for the first time. >> after your local news. [ male announcer ] your two favorite flavors together. new mccafé caramel mocha. ♪ was just voted product of the year? in a national consumer survey on production innovation thousands of americans voted. aquafresh iso-active was the clear winner! we guarantee it will be your favorite, too, or your money back. try aquafresh iso-active. amazing.
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good morning to you. it is 7:26 right now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. we are following developing news this morning. nbc has confirmed the four american hostages pirates held captive off the somali coast are dead. a u.s. navy ship engaged the pirates and there are reports that a number of pirates were killed as well. jean and scott adam from southern california were on the yacht. they have family ties here in the bay area. phyllis mckay and bob wriggle were also onboard from seattle. pirates overtook the yacht on friday. we understand they were killed by the pirates. we are following the developments this morning. we'll update you as soon as we
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get more information. pleasanton police are asking for help to identify a dead man. someone found the man's daddy near valley and case avenues yesterday. detectives are trying to figure out how he died but so far they call it a suspicious death. police say the man was in his late 40s or early 50s, mostly bald with gray hair. 6 feet tall, 250 pounds and wearing gray shorts, a blue long-sleeved sweatshirt and sneakers. if you think you can help, call the police at 925-931-5100. now for a look at our forecast for today, certainly a cold start. >> yes, it is cold out there. close to freezing in many cities across the bay area. grab that jacket. later on today, a lot of sunshine. kind of that deceitful sunshine where it looks like it is nice and warm outside, but temperatures are only going to mac max out in the mid-50s heading through this afternoon. a fairly nice day with clouds increasing for tomorrow. then we have a very active system heading our way dropping
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snow levels to 500 feet by saturday. we'll find out how you are doing if you have to get back to work on a tuesday with mike inouye. well, a lot of folks are getting back to work down the east shore freeway. westbound 880 is jammed up before you get to hercules passing highway 4 past carlson. there was an accident moving to the shoulder. 40 minutes off the cartinas bridge down to the maze. look at sunol, southbound 680 with an earlier truck fire has cleared, but we have slowing still approaching that express lane. the "today" show will return in a few seconds. >> sounds good. see you later.
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7:30 on this tuesday 7:30 on this tuesday morning, the 22nd of february 2011. we have a special item with us exclusively. that is the actual dress, train and all, worn by princess diana on her wedding day in 1981. it's handled with extreme care and even arrived with its own security. in fact, only three people in the entire world are allowed to touch it. i am not one of them. we'll get up close and take a look at the gown and show you the incredible journey it made to the studio just ahead. i'm meredith vieira alongside willie geist who is in for matt. that's something to see. >> it's incredible. we have been reminded again and
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again we are not among the chosen three who can touch the dress so keep a safe distance. >> there is an interesting story about the tiara. we'll tell you about that later. >> okay. also ahead, mackenzie phillips detailed her demons in her memoir, but it was her claim that she had a sexual relationship with her father that received the most attention. she hoped it would make the family stronger but it's done the opposite. does she have regrets? she'll join us for a live interview. and a survey that shows when it comes to body image women have become their own worst enemy. details coming up. we'll begin this half hour with a 13-year-old sole survivor of a brutal crime in ohio. sarah maynard was found tied up in the basement of a man's home after her family was kidnapped. we'll talk to her exclusively in a moment. first, natalie is back with her story. >> reporter: the horrible crimes gripped the country. a mother and her two children missing along with a family
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friend for several days. in the end, only one of them survived. she's been called the epitome of bravery. 13-year-old sarah maynard. >> yeah, i'm brave because i can -- people ask me a lot of questions and i tell them about what happened. >> reporter: what happened was a brutal home invasion in which her mother, 11-year-old brother cody and a family friend were savagely murdered. >> very few cases in ohio history that i can think of this bad. >> reporter: last november police were called when tina herrmannn didn't show up for her job at dairy queen. she, her children and a family friend named stephanie sprang vanished leaving behind a terrifying clue, large amounts of blood inside the home. no sign of the four. >> i have never experienced a case this big, this serious and this tragic. >> reporter: investigators and volunteers combed the area. four days after the four
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disappeared, a break in the case. police arrested a 30-year-old unemployed tree trimmer named matthew hoffman after he was spotted buying a tarp at walmart. in the basement they found sarah bound and gagged on a makeshift bed of leaves. authorities say she was imprisoned and repeatedly assaulted for four days. miraculously, she was still alive. >> for her to survive the wrath of his evil and be sitting here with me today is incredible. >> reporter: hoffman's home was a house of horrors, mysteriously filled with leaves. leaves filling the living room. bags of leaves floor to ceiling in the bathroom. a peace sign on a door and a knife. dead squirrels in the freezer, but no trace of the other victims. for four days after his arrest, hoffman refused to tell police what happened to the others, confessing only after prosecutors promised not to seek the death penalty. he led authorities to the bodies which he had dismembered and
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concealed inside a hollow tree. >> elated as we were sunday morning when sarah was rescued, i think the tragedy today is just devastating. >> reporter: in a chilling written confession hoffman said, quote, i did not enter the house to kill those people. hoffman claimed it was a robbery gone wrong and that he couldn't bring himself to kill her. hoffman will spend life behind bars without the possibility of parole while young sarah, the only survivor of the terrible tragedy works to move on with her life. hoffman pleaded guilty to ten felony counts. in his confession he told investigators he didn't know sarah or the other victims prior to breaking into the home. meredith? >> natalie, thank you. sarah maynard is with us along with her dad larry. good morning. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> sarah, i think you are an incredibly brave young lady given everything you have gone through. i want the audience to know that this is something you wanted to do.
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you wanted to come forward and speak out. i know you are working with a grief counselor at home, but your family supports the decision to be here. tell us why you wanted to be here this morning and what you want to say. >> to let people know how i could survive what he did to me. i just listened to everything he told me to do. >> and got through it. your kidnapper held you for four days. it had to be scary for you. how did you stay strong through all of that? >> just hoping someone would find me so i won't have to live with him again -- or stay there with him. >> he said during his confession -- he admitted that he bound your hands and feet. he also said that he made hamburgers for you. how did he act? was he trying to befriend you, or was he constantly threatening you, sarah? >> no. i think he was just saying that in the letter to make people
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think he felt good about himself for them to think he fed me and stuff, and he didn't. he didn't let me shower or any of that stuff. >> did he just keep you in the basement essentially? >> yeah. >> larry, during this period, the first four days you didn't know where your children were, where their mother was. that had to be a nightmare. >> it was. you know, it's still a nightmare every day knowing that part of the family is not with us. >> he said during the confession that this was a burglary gone bad, he didn't intend to kill anybody. do you believe that? >> no, i don't. a thief steals and a murderer kills. you know, if he was there to burglarize the home, why did he stake it out the way he did? why did he purchase a knife online a week prior to make an entrance into this home? >> you know, we have seen
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pictures of his home. they have been released and they are disturbing images of doodles on the walls and bags and bags of leaves. even the bed you were on was supposedly made of leaves. >> yeah. >> did he say why the house was filled with leaves? >> he told me someone helped him bag the leaves so that's why he just wanted -- he said he wanted to make my bed comfy, so he put leaves there so i could sleep on it. >> the sheriff said sarah is th epitome of bravery. how would you describe her, larry? >> definitely. you know, she's even an inspiration to me. as the father i'm supposed to be the teacher of my children. she's taught me far more than i could teach her about life. >> during the sentencing you wanted to confront hoffman. you had a statement written that was read out loud not by you but by others. what did you want to say to him? why was it important for you to face him? >> i wanted to tell him that i wasn't scared of him.
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i just wanted to live my life. >> what keeps you strong? >> just -- >> and so positive? >> just making my life go on and not thinking about what's happened in the past. >> i know you started a nonprofit organization in honor of tina, sarah's mom and your son cody. >> it's called the healing hearts foundation. it's a nonprofit developed to help victims of violent crimes such as sarah. so we think it's going to be a good organization to try to help other families that may go through the same ordeal that sarah and the rest of the family has gone through. >> we have learned a lot about your mom and brother, that your mom was a hardworking lady and put you and cody above everybody else and cody was the star pitcher on his little league team. >> yeah. >> what do you want people to
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know about your mom and brother? >> well, mom took really good care of us. made sure we had food. and cody, he was just a really good brother, even though we fought a lot. >> like brothers and sisters do. i know they would be proud of you. you're an incredible young lady. congratulations again on the honor roll. that's fantastic. larry, thank you so much for joining us. our thoughts and prayers are with your family and the family of stephanie sprang. >> definitely. >> thank you. >> thank you. now let's get a check of the weather from al. >> meredith, thank you so much. winter is back. ashtabula, ohio, 25 degrees. 34 in d.c. 28 in boston. as you look at those highs, teens and 20s through the plains. 80s in florida where temperatures rebounded nicely. we are talking about the 50s
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later on today. this morning, the 30s, especially in the agricultural and outlying areas of the city. 32 degrees, ouch, in novato right now. and our temperatures are going to climb now that the sun is out. 55 is the forecasted high in san jose. abundant sunshine for us. but it is going to be cool evening in the direct sunlight in the heat of the day. heading throughout this afternoon, it should stay relatively mild, nice and dry. showers back on thursday with snow levels falling to 2,000 feet on friday. 500 felt saturday morning. >> and that's your latest weather. meredith? >> al, thank you very much. up next, a "today" exclusive. princess diana's wedding dress right here in studio 1a. wait until you see what it took just to get it here. that's right after this.
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long live your buddy. [ laughs ] oh, max. long live your dog. purina dog chow. double dog dare you to try better-tasting than ever purina dog chow. we know your dog will love it. back now at 7:43. that was the scene overnight as the world's most famous dress
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arrived right here in our studio. >> the actual wedding gown worn by princess diana nearly 30 years ago. peter alexander has details. peter, good morning. >> good morning to you. this is how the paparazzi must have felt about 30 years ago. they were on the outside looking in, begging for any little nugget of information about that now famous dress. back then the designers even hid it by putting fake lace and other fabric outside in the trash can just to throw the nosy reporters off the case. it was in essence a spectacular fashion show before a tv audience of more than 700 million people. the victorian-inspired hand-sewn wedding gown that lady diana spencer wore the day she became a princess. >> you have this amazing bright red carpet. she just shimmered in ivory against the red and the gray. it was dramatic. >> reporter: young designer david emmanuel and his wife elizabeth got the call that would define their lives from
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diana herself. once their names were announced publicly, the biggest challenge was keeping their soon-to-be famous design and that 25-foot-long train under wraps. >> this was perhaps the best-guarded secret in fashion history. how did you keep it that way? what did you do? >> we hired two security guards working in 12-hour shifts because journalists at the time were ringing up, pretending to be clients. >> reporter: behind the scenes they held secret fittings for diana and organized two dress rehearsals inside the cathedral. >> diana would arrive in a sweatshirt and pair of jeans and i would just tie a bit of cotton 25-feet behind her. i'd say, darling, practice walking up and down now. >> reporter: in 1981, the world was watching. each summer the dress is displayed in england. throughout the rest of the year the dress logs almost as many
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miles as diana did herself. its most recent stop was in grand rapids, michigan. >> makes me think of as a young girl dressing up as a princess. >> reporter: the dress is packed like a precious heirloom which takes half a day to complete. >> it's our responsibility to take care of the dress. >> reporter: it remains on the mannequin at all times and travels with security. late monday it was loaded onto a truck and driven through the night, more than 600 miles from michigan to manhattan. then early this morning, carefully unpacked to be unveiled right here at studio 1a. that story of how the emmanuels kept the dress secret is fascinating. among other details they referred to diana by a code name, debra, so no one would have a clue who they were talking about. willie and meredith, the dress is here only for a day.
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its next stop is kansas city's union station beginning march 4. >> peter alexander, thank you. these are art handlers for the estate. good morning. great to have you with us. i feel like we're in the presence of royalty. >> good morning. >> meredith in the black gloves to avoid an incident. tell us about the details of the dress. >> well, the dress itself is made of silk taffeta which was produced in suffolk. the lace panel was given to the royal institute of needlework by queen mary and was dyed a lighter shade of the dress. the rest of the lace was hand made but came from nottingham. that's the main structure of it. the underskirt is nearly 100 yards of tulle. >> there is an expression, something old, something new, something borrowed and blue. the old is the lace.
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the silk is the new. the borrowed? >> the tiara. it's the spencer tiara. >> that's from her family line? >> absolutely. it's the spencer actual tiara. that originated from the 1730s but it was remodeled in the 20th century. at the time they had tiaras remodeled. it was when they went to the court circles. >> it gave her a headache? >> it was heavy. in carrying the actual train which is attached -- well, the veil is attached to the tiara, but the dress itself is light. you can lift it. it's maybe two pounds, something like that. very, very light. >> i have heard people say as they look at the dress, yes, iconic, the cutting edge of fashion at the time but perhaps dated with the puffy sleeves? what do you say to that? >> very much so now but it was all about a period of time.
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what the emmanuels tried to do was create a fairytale princess. obviously because princess diana and prince charles got married in st. paul's cathedral it is such a large cathedral. to have the impact of the train which is the longest royal train ever, 25 feet. >> she actually had to practice walking in the train. >> yes. >> how long did it take her to get down the aisle? >> a good five minutes. >> easily. >> it was such a large cathedral. the world was looking at her. it is the most famous wedding dress in the world. >> where is the blue? >> the blue was a little horseshoe sewn inside with blue ribbon. when we were showing the dress when we started all of this, that was long gone. >> and the big shocker, this dress and the bridesmaids dresses together cost only $1700
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which is a steal. >> it was 1,050 pounds. >> now? >> it's priceless. >> hands off, meredith. >> i have the glove. >> she touched it. security guards racing in. >> i can give her a little confidence heading into the wedding. >> thank you so much for sharing this with us. >> thank you. >> we're back after this. [ woman ] nine iron, it's almost tee-time... time to face the pollen that used to make me sneeze... my eyes water.
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just ahead, actress mackenzie phillips talks about her family's reaction to her shocking claim that she had a sexual relationship with her father. and rememberbride-to-beridee paralyzed in an accident? we have a surprise makeover for her. the big reveal live after your local news. when you realize that depression has left you nowhere to go. when you've lost interest in everything. when you've had one too many days feeling sad or anxious... aches and pains, fatigue. when it becomes hard to ignore that you need help. that's the day you do something. depression hurts.
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good morning to you. it is 7:56 right now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. we continue to follow developing news this morning. u.s. military leaders say somali pirates killed a seattle couple with california ties and a california couple overnight. bob redell is live in oakley where the niece of one of the victims lives. a tragic ending, bob. >> reporter: good morning to you. it is no surprise phyllis macay's aunt lives here in oakley and is unreachable right now given the information coming in. nbc news confirms that phyllis macay and her friend robert riggle were killed onboard a 58-foot yacht called "the quest." they were seized last week as they tried to continue to aman.
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the u.s. navy has been trailing that boat shadowing it within recent days. apparently they were negotiating around 10:00 our time last night with the pirates to gain their release when the shots were fired. they went onboard to find the four americans dead. 13 somalis were captured. two of them dead as well. reporting live in oakley, bob redell for "today in the bay." >> so sad. thank you, bob. 7:57 right now. we want to switch gears to check the forecast with christina. >> good morning to you. grab a jacket before you head out that front door. it is chilly out there. temperatures in the 30s right now. we'll end up in the 50s later on today. lots of sunshine. 55 degrees in san jose. that's our forecasted high. 58 degrees in almaden valley. 54 in redwood city. typically we see highs right around 60 this time of the year, so it will be cooler than erage today and tomorrow. showers arrive late thursday into friday. snow levels coming down to 500 feet. flurries possible in san francisco even. we'll find out how it looks on the roadways with mike inouye.
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it is getting crowded out there because of the return after the holiday weekend. it is slowing through hayward and northbound 880. the second of two accidents is clearing from 92. the first one is further south near 216789. north of there it is slow approaching the maze with speeds in the 40s heading through downtown oakland. 680 is jammed down near the walnut creek interchange. 53 minutes off the cartinas bridge. slow past the scenes of two earlier accidents near carlson. and closer to golden gate field we have the metering lights. another local news update in a half hour. the "today" show is back in less than a minute. have a great morning. [ female announcer ] why settle for plain bread when you can have pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits? the warm, light delicate layers
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are like nothing else. add a layer of excitement to your next meal. ♪ but i've got a warm, fresh baked strawberry toaster strudel. see the difference? mmmm. i do. (announcer) pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat.
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8:00 now on this tuesday morning, february 22, 2011. looks like some of these folks managed to stretch out the holiday weekend for another cold day in rockefeller plaza. i'm meredith vieira alongside willie geist and al roker. matt has the day off. up next, mackenzie phillips details her life of drug, her firing from "one day at a time" and her decade-long relationship with her father john phillips. now she's written a new chapter
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about the fallout that's followed. >> and remember rachel friedman, the bride to be paralyzed at her own bachelorette party? >> we'll find out what happened outside in a little bit. new zealand is reeling from a 6.3 earthquake which struck during the lunch hour today flattening multi story buildings. even the cathedral was reduced to ale pile of bricks. 65 people are reported killed. hundreds are still trapped and rescuers have run out of ambulances. new zealand is accepting international aid. long-time libyan leader moammar gadhafi may be losing his grip on power as libyan diplomats and military officers are resigning in protest after military planes reportedly fired on protesters
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in tripoli. loyalists opened fire reportedly on ambulances and residents report that bodies of protesters are littering the streets of the capitol. protests are entering a ninth day in wisconsin as lawmakers are out of the state to block a bill that would strip most bargaining rights from public employees. now the governor is warning that 1500 jobs could be lost by the end of the week. new information that the american held on murder charges in pakistan is a cia contractor. we now go to nbc's chief foreign affairs correspondent andrea mitchell for how it may impact the case. good morning. >> good morning, ann. there is huge pressure because of anti-u.s. demonstrations. the government is insisting the courts decide the fate of raymond davis despite american demands that he be released immediately. more protests in pakistan as crowds call for the death of raymond davis, the american held in pakistan after shooting two
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pakistani men in what american officials say was a botched robbery attempt. the u.s. has maintained davis is a u.s. embassy employee with diplomatic immunity. arousing suspicions he was arrested with a handgun and other equipment. now it turns out davis works for the cia. possibly as a contractor. the new york times says part of a team conducting surveillance as militant groups in pakistan. u.s. officials deny it to say he's a security officer. officials say it doesn't matter where he works, that pakistan accepted him as a diplomat, protecting him from prosecution. once he's notified, end of story. p.j. crowley would not comment about the cia connection saying davis is a member of the administrative and technical staff at the embassy and enjoys full diplomatic immunity. >> this relatively small issue could be the straw that breaks the camel's back.
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and sets back relations between the united states and this important country. >> reporter: davis's fate is complicated by being arrested in the strong hold of the anti-opposition party making it harder for the government to accept american demands that he be allowed to come home. ann? >> andrea, thank you. chicago residents vote for a new mayor today to replace richard daly. rahm emanuel, a front runner, must get more than 50% of the vote to avoid a run-off. the countdown is on for discovery, its final voyage was scrubbed since november due to cracks in the external fuel tank. lift-off is now set for thursday. it is now 8:04. now back inside to meredith, willie and al. >> we're awake now. >> what happened? >> well, a gentleman behind the barrier there and as we started to talk he said -- you caught the words.
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>> i've got god's gift to music or -- >> hurled himself over the barricade. >> i thought it was some guy screaming. so -- >> i was gone. >> when i saw him at first i was watching. then i went to see -- you guys were gone. >> we're lucky we have great security on hand every day and the new york police department. they were able to get him down on the ground quickly and hopefully everything's fine now. >> i'm glad everybody's okay. i just heard you guys stop talking, so i started. >> thank you, ann. >> i'm glad everything's good. >> let me do the weather here, show you what's happening. our pick city today happens to be balmer, maryland. they got snow today. clouds give way to sunshine. as we look at the week ahead, the northern third of the country, below normal temperatures. above normal in the middle east. midweek a storm coming out and a rainstorm to the south with severe weather. in the latter part of the week we have more below normal
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temperatures into the western great lakes. above normal temperatures texas into the southeast and midatlantic states. our neck of the woods is downright chilly. 33 degrees in livermore. a little milder along the peninsula. fog out there this morning. and the coldest spot, the north bay, the reports of black ice on the bridges and overpasses. so keep that in mind and take it easy out there. we want everybody to get to their destination right on time this morning and safely. 55 degrees in oakland today. big-time system impacts us late thursday, into saturday. low snow levels. and that's your latest weather. >> thank you, al. up next, actress mackenzie phillips opens up about the backlash to her claim that she had a sexual relationship with her own fatherer. right after this. here they come. all the new tech products you need. and they're all looking for the same thing.
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chapterer for the paperback version for "high on arrival." nice to see you again. >> thank you, meredith. >> one of the first things you write is this afterword to the book and how shocked you were that the media jumped on this revelation about you and your dad. i'm surprised that you were surprised. >> i think i was naive. i certainly expected people to say, oh, my god, that's so crazy. what i didn't expect was the deeply cruel things that were said. >> like what? >> oh, mackenzie phillips banged her dad. or the blogs i read. you know, it was a double-edged sword. i learned a lot about the dynamic of an incestuous relationship and from a community of survivors that i really didn't consider i belonged to. >> what did you learn that you didn't understand when you wrote the book? >> i learned from people like
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dr. drew and other survivors around the world and the country that there is no such thing as consensual incest. >> you said it became consensual after a certain point. >> what i came to realize is that i was groomed to believe it was consensual. that i was complicit in some way. that because i didn't scream and fight and i participated that made me at fault. of course that is the huge thing that incest survivors suffer from is taking a portion of the shame and guilt on their own backs. >> let's talk about fallout with your own family. the year the book came out 2009 you were to have thanksgiving dinner with your family. the book comes out, you're doing interviews, disinvited. except for your mom, nobody's talking to you. do you understand why they are not talking to you? >> i'm sure there are a myriad of reasons. denial. they have all known about it for years. so the family members that come
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forward and say this isn't true and she's crazy are a textbook case of the way a family reacts to incest within the family. it's been really hard. it's been really hard to not have my sisters and my brothers and my ex-step-mother with whom i have been close. to have them say, that's it, we're don. >> your stepmother michelle phillips did have a comment. she said after 35 years of a needle up her arm including several months pregnant it's difficult to believe much of her story. she's hurt everyone in her family and apparently feels no guilt or shame in doing it or even how she decided to deal her, um, memories. >> oh, mitch. again, maybe i'm naive but i am
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an optimist and i didn't expect such vitriol from someone who's thought of as a classy woman. >> do you have any regrets about writing this about your dad? after his death when he can't defend himself? >> if i had written it when he was alive people would have said, why didn't you wait until he was dead? i have a story. it is my story. i went out of my way not to tell michelle's story or china's or bijou's or anybody's but my own. they are still trying to tell stories about me. i'm an eternal optimist and just before the camera came up on the live interview i closed my eyes and said, god, please let me come from a place of love. don't let me lash out with hurt feelings. i love my family. i sit here with open arms hoping they will come back into my life. >> do you believe they will? >> as i said, i'm the eternal optimist. i love them. i miss them. but the other day my 24-year-old
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son shane said to me, mom, don't you realize how much better our life is in a way without them, without the drama, without the family in-fighting? he said, it's simple. we have a good time, play with the dogs, make music. i'm grateful for a simple life. i don't think "high on arrival" would signify a person who could go on and live a simple life, but that's what i'm able to do. >> thank you so much. "high on arrival" is now out on paperback. up next on a different note a much deserved surprise for the bride to be paralyzed in a freak accident at her own bacheloretts party. she'll see it for the first time after this. and then a 3:15, with my guilt. [ female announcer ] new special k cracker chips. 27 crispy chips. 110 delicious calories. mmmmmmm...good meeting. same time tomorrow? [ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle. i see a bag and think... i could have a chip.
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yeah right. that's why they're called chips? [ female announcer ] new special k cracker chips. 27 crispy chips. 110 delicious calories. another cracker chip? don't mind if i do! [ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle. that can take so much out of you. i feel like i have to wind myself up just to get out of bed. then, well, i have to keep winding myself up to deal with the sadness, the loss of interest, trouble concentrating, the lack of energy. [ male announcer ] if depression is taking so much out of you, ask your doctor about pristiq. pristiq is a prescription medicine proven to treat depression. pristiq is thought to work by affecting the levels of two chemicals in the brain -- serotonin and norepinephrine. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior, or thoughts of suicide. anti-depressants can increase suicidal thoughts and behaviors in children, teens, and young adults. pristiq is not approved for children under 18. do not take pristiq with maois.
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smart move. i'm sam chernin, owner of sammy's fish box. i opened the first sammy's back in 1966. my employees are like family, and i want people that work for me to feel that they're sharing in my success. we purchase as much as we can on the american express open gold card so we can accumulate as many points as possible. i pass on these points to my employees to go on trips with their families. when my employees are happy, my customers are happy. how can the gold card help serve your business? booming is taking care of your business by taking care of your employees. but when i was diagnosed with prostate cancer... i needed a coach. our doctor was great, but with so many tough decisions i felt lost. unitedhealthcare offered us a specially trained rn who helped us weigh and understand all our options.
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for me cancer was as scary as a fastball is to some of these kids. but my coach had hit that pitch before. turning data into useful answers. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. nothing starts your day like honey roasted, honey bunches of oats. with a kiss of golden honey. and the same calories per serving as special k original. who knew 120 calories could taste so delicious? so, try honey roasted, honey bunches of oats! back now at 8:19 with today's update. a surprise for a young woman paralyzed in a tragic accident. rachel friedman was celebrating her upcoming marriage to chris chapman when the party took an unexpected turn and changed their lives forever. >> as soon as i hit the water i felt my body just stiffen up.
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i went numb and i heard a crack in my neck. >> reporter: that was the moment that changed rachel's life. the 24-year-old was celebrating her upcoming wedding to fiance chris chapman when a friend pushed her into the pool. an innocent gesture that left her paralyzed. >> i lost a lot. but a lot of people came together. chris and i are closer than ever. >> reporter: when we met rachel her positive nature stayed with us. >> it was a freak accident. it could have happened to anyone. >> it proves what i have known about her. she's always been positive, had a lot of energy since the moment i met her. >> reporter: since the accident rachel's mom and brother moved into the home to help out. >> privacy is a big issue. i'm downstairs and surrounded by more medical supplies than decorations. i would love to get back to our bedroom and make it our place together. right now, we're kind of behind curtains and that's it. >> love you. >> reporter: some days are better than others.
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>> there are days where i will be in a good mood, fine and i will go to pick up a drink and drop it. it's just very frustrating. you look around and you see your old snowboard and it's really, really hard. you're in your home and you live totally different in it. i don't know if it's something you ever get used to. i have a two-story house. i can't get upstairs. that's where our bedroom was. that's where we were together. that's where we had our private time. >> reporter: when rachel goes upstairs, chris carries her. >> people wonder why i haven't moved but so much has been invested in the house. i don't want to leave. i want to be able to get around the new home we have made together. independence is everything. everyone has it but they take it for granted. i lost that in one day. i'd love to have it back. >> reporter: we knew just the guy to help her gain back some of her independence. >> hello, rachel? i'm george oliphant, here to rescue your home.
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>> hi. >> this is so cool. >> we're here to >> hi, how are you? >> oh, that's so cool. >> we're here to make this house accessible for you, make it cool, comfortable, everything you've always wanted in your home. >> you're not punking us, are you? >> that's not my show. i don't punk people. we're going to transform this place. >> i'm going to wake up now. i was like, who is at the door? that's so cool, baby. i love you. >> i love you, too. >> that was 12 days ago. since then, george and his team have been busy trance forming their home. >> this house is getting the remodel it needed. >> now it's time for the big reveal. rachel and chris about to see their renault investigations for the first time. george oliphant joined forces
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with us on the renault investigation and is there as well. good morning everyone. >> good morning. >> rachel, we won't make you wait much longer since you've been out of your house for 12 days. the most important thing is how are you feeling? how is the therapy going? >> the therapy is good for now. i've stopped so i can work out. they had an accessible gym. i'm going to work on getting stronger so i can go back and learn some new things. >> a lot of people will be happy to hear that. george, we know you've done a lot of work over the past 12 days. take it away. >> i've never met better people than the people in this community. i'm proud to be a member of the remodelers council here. over 200 people came through that door to help make this the best bedroom in the entire world. are you ready? >> yes. >> oh, my gosh. >> only the heirloom furniture remains. an air lift to get you in and
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out of bed. lights, heat, fan, pool, whatever you need. hardwood floors. this is not just a bedroom. it is a suite. so why don't you guys come right in. check out the ultimate his and hers -- you can roll right up in here. this is rachel's sink. i've never worked closer with a plumber than with gary. this is all custom for you. that's your controls. that's never been done before. he did everything for you guys. that's not it. no. that is not it. are you ready? this is the cherry on top of this sundae for you. we have a shower for you and one for you, too, chris. it's all about making it accessible. barrier-free. don't worry about getting water on the floor. i waterproofed the whole thing. the tile guy, steve, made sure
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everything here is dry. this place has been a labor of love. it's not done. we're not done. are you ready? it wouldn't be a suite if we did not have a dressing room. why don't you guys come in. before this was a wall. now it is your dressing room. >> oh, my gosh. >> oh, my gosh. >> i know it's all about independence for you. we have your stuff here, your laundry right here. chris, your stuff is up here. come on over here. >> you guy haves no idea. >> we didn't want it to be institutional. we wanted it to be a home. but we wanted you to have independence. so thus that was the last time anyone is ever going to carry you upstairs. no. long way. right over here guys. you now have your very own elevator. >> oh, my gosh! >> this is amazing. >> oh, my gosh. >> it was an honor and a
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pleasure. >> i can't thank you enough. thank you, thank you. >> back to you, willie. >> george, great job on the renovations. rachel and chris, you've d good tuesday morning to you. 8:26 right now. students in a walnut creek high school back in the classroom this morning after tragically losing two of their classmates over the weekend. matthew miller and gavin powell died in a tragic rafting accident on saturday. today in the bay's marla is outside las lomas high school with reaction from i'm sure devastated students. >> reporter: that's right. the boys were juniors at this high school. the classmates are in the midst of first period right now. i can tell you, the whole campus is overwhelmed with sadness. the principal tells me grief counselors and at least one
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psychologist are on hand for students and staff. it's a very tight-knit high school, with just under 1,500 high schools here. many classmates since grade school. they all had nothing but nice things to say about matthew and gavin. >> they were great people. so giving. they were just great. >> reporter: a memorial is growing at the site where the boys launched their raft not far from the high school. a press conference is scheduled for 9:00 this morning, with both the principal and superintendent, they'll be there for that. laura? >> so sad. thank you very much, marla. we're going to have an update with mike on your commute right after this.
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look at these travel times, jammed up for the east shore freeway. a live look at oakland shows you at 8:00. all the way out of san leandro up to the maze.
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8:30 now on this tuesday morning, the 22nd of february, 2011. we are back outside on a chilly morning in manhattan just 18 degrees. feels a lot colder. we had a little incident earlier in the 8:00 half hour. security has assured us everything is okay out here and we are glad to be out here with you fine folks. >> nothing that willie doesn't dpeel with every morning.
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>> we can't stress what a great job security did. >> we're awake now. >> and the nypd as well. just ahead, women and body image. a new survey finds on average women have at least 13 "i hate my body" moments each day. many women have more than that. why have women become their harshest critics and how can you improve your self-image? >> and help for families struggling with the cost of college. coming up, the new list of the best value colleges in the country. >> it was perhaps a related topic. we'll have advice if you are approaching 50, worried about whether or not you have saved enough for retirement. we'll try to allay your fears and give you suggestions with our expert jean chatzky. >> are you always late for lunch or appointments? >> yes. >> or maybe you never find your kid's soccer uniform when it's time for practice? >> yes. >> i don't mean to look at you. >> what's your point? >> we have simple ways to get
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your social life organized. >> excellent. but first the weather. >> let's organize the weather in one neat little package for you. we have wet weather in the pacific northwest and mountain snows. also snowshowers in the appalachians. fog on the gulf coast. sunny and warm through the southwest. for tomorrow, more wet weather through the mississippi river valley. more rain and snow in the pacific northwest. frigid conditions in the plains. snowshowers in the southwest. showers in southern california. beautiful on the gulf coast. beautiful in the central our neck of the woods is still thawing out. we're in the 30s. frosty conditions. and we have a little bit of fog on the peninsula this morning as well. watch out for reduced visibilities in san mateo, across the bridge there. that will be the case until about 9:30, maybe 10:00. maybe another hour and a half. 55 degrees in oakland. 55 in san jose. and 55 degrees today in livermore. snow levels fall to 500 feet
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early saturday. and don't forget you can get your weather any time day or night on the weather channel on cable or online. willie? >> thanks, al. coming up next, why women can be their own worst enemies when it comes to body image. first this is "today" on nbc. [ female announcer ] shopping with nutrition in mind shouldn't be hard work or cost more money. now there's simple nutrition, only at safeway. green tags throughout the store call out what matters most to you. ♪ there are 22 different nutritional benefits highlighted. ♪ and with our low prices, now safeway makes bringing home the right choices easier than ever. that's simple nutrition. ♪ that's ingredients for life. safeway.
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we are back at 8:35. this morning on "today's woman," body image. 97% of women surveyed by glamour magazine admit having at least one "i hate my body" moment a day. on average they have 13 such thoughts daily. how can you quiet the thoughts? ann carney cook is a psychologist who contributed to the article in the magazine. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> i found it shocking and
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disturbing. when you think on average 13 "i hate my body" moments a day. and some are much more than that. >> exactly. some woman said they had 25, 50, even a hundred thoughts. but 13 is almost one for every waking hour. that's rough. the thing that struck me when i started looking at the comments themselves is that they are brutal. this isn't just your garden variety "does my butt look fat in this." it's really putting yourself down. you terrible fat person. no man will want to be with you. look at the flab. you will never get what you want in life. what you really think is if a man talked this way to a woman it would be considered relationship abuse. but it's somehow acceptable for us to talk this way, with this kind of venom to ourselves. >> you found thin and average weight women are as likely to do it as women who are over weight. >> sometimes what happens is our body is a screen and we project negative feelings about ourselves.
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say i'm in a meeting at work and i don't feel i'm being taken seriously. all of the sudden i say, oh, my gosh, i have to lose weight. so you then say, i will go to the gym and blah, blah. what happens with that is you go to the gym, work on your body, but you are not working with the real issue which is my ideas aren't being taken seriously at work. so sometimes we project onto our body negative feelings we have about ourself, our work, our relationship. >> we have been so free to point the finger at the fashion industry or media or whatever. but it's not always that that's making us feel bad about ourselves. as you said, being unhappy in your work can do it as well. >> it's also acceptable for women to bond this way. this is what women talk about the way men talk about sports. it can be harmful and is a constant mean girl monologue of i'm so fat, no, you're not, i am. >> have we trained ourselves to
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think this way? >> whatever you focus on shapes your brain. when you're always focusing on the negative about yourself, you feel bad about yourself. there is the saying neurons that fire together wire together. meaning if you keep thinking these thoughts over and over, you end up creating strong neural pathways in your brain and it becomes easy to talk negative about yourself. >> do you see it developing early on? >> yes. studies are showing that girls as young as between the ages of 3 and 6 are thinking negatively about their bodies which is new. it's another reason that adult women are thinking this way. if you have a child you don't want to talk that way around your daughter. >> you have ways to improve self-image. first, ask yourself, is this about my body, something you referred to, doctor. >> right. what i have patients do is write down when they have a negative thought what situation are they
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in. >> at the moment. >> and is it distracting you from something. if you are not feeling good about your relationship, you're walking down the street coming home and you're going to see your spouse and you say, oh, my god, my thighs are huge. you have had the same thighs all day long. the fact that you are focused on that may be that you are going to see your spouse. >> the next step is to exercise. there is a direct link between -- >> absolutely. in our study women who exercised were much less likely to have the mean girl loop in their head. it's not because they exercised and thus were at healthier weights and looked traditionally better. it's the endorphins make you feel better, give you a sense of power over your life. >> another suggestion which to me seems too obvious. but you say stop when you start to criticize yourself. >> when you have negative thoughts think of a stop sign, say stop, and refocus.
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again, neurons that fire together wire together. if you keep these thoughts going you strengthen and shape your brain in a way that it's easy to think negative about your body and self. >> also, reminding women that obsessing about your body won't change it. >> a lot of women in the study said they didn't realize they were thinking these insulting things until they kept a diary. in fact, they would have thought it was a way to improve themselves. in other words, if i tell myself i'm not perfect i will eat better, go to the gym. absolutely not. the women at healthy weights were just as likely to berate themselves as women at higher weights and research shows there is no correlation between how you talk to yourself and how you look. you can't obsess all day. >> and you suggest to play up your strengths. >> absolutely. we all have signature strengths. you may have great legs, beautiful hair, fabulousle smile. it's, again, important to take care of the strengths.
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if you have great legs make sure you walk and strength train, show them off. get out and be proud and strut your stuff. >> and think about other thingsthings. we can get on with the rest of our life. >> it's important to keep a diary about this. >> it's eye-opening. >> thank you so much. up next, the best value colleges in the country. first, this is "today" on nbc. [ alarm clock buzzing, indistinct conversations ]
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[ female announcer ] important events can sneak up on you. oh, i am not ready. can i have a couple weeks? [ female announcer ] but with yoplait light's two week tune up, you could be ready. you could lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks when you replace breakfast and lunch with a fruit, grain, and yoplait light. betsy bets. you haven't changed a bit. oh...neither have you... sean. well, yeah. [ female announcer ] go to to start your two week tune up.
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this morning on "education nation today" princeton review best value colleges for this morning on ch education nation," princeton reviews the best colleges. the cost of tuition is risingality three times the inflation, putting a big financial strain on families across the country. how can you get the most
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educational bang for your buck. the publisher of "how to pay for college without going broke." >> thanks for inviting me back. >> as a father of two young kids, you get out the paper and pencil and start gaming it out. it looks like it's prohibitive for a lot of people. >> it is scary. that's one of the reasons we put this project together. princeton review and "usa today" teamed up on creating a list of 50 public and private colleges that do the near impossible, not make you mortgage out your future. >> you think of some of these as expensive colleges, but you found ways to make deals. number one. >> university of virginia. it is actually -- this is the third consecutive year it's been on the list. $20,000 on average for in-state and out-of-state students. but a sticker cost, an average grant of about $10,000. it's a wonderful school
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academically. >> those grants are game changers, they cut in big time to the cost of tuition. >> these grants are free money, money you don't have to pay back as a student. >> one i don't know much about, number two, new college of florida. >> it's part of state university of florida system, but the honors college, run almost as a private school. 801 students, amazing school, amazing bargain, about $16,000, average grant of about $10,000. >> honors college is probably why i didn't know about it. number three? >> university of florida, one of the five largest in the states. wonderful faculty, wonderful facilities on campus. great resources specifically around career services. we do a book called "the best 373 colleges," number one on the career services list as well. >> the sports aren't too bad either.
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>> go gators. >> number one, swarthmore. >> third year consecutive. when we start to think about sticker prices, $52,000, but the average grant aid, $34,700. what we found at the princeton review is lots of folks were crossing off expensive schools early on but that would be a tragic mistake. >> numbers two and three on your private school list. we think of them as great academic reputations, duke and princeton. >> duke, this is the first year it's been onto our list as well. 18,000 students applied to duke in 2010. only 7,000 were admitted. so we know, for every five applicants, only one is admitted. a fabulous school academic but they give out a great deal of aid. princeton is great at giving out aid packages that didn't include
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loans. start to think about a $49,000 sticker price, average grant $36,000 for princeton. >> those really are changing the game. let's talk about notables. binghamton and the suny system. >> binghamton, one of the last midwest the state. binghamton being the flagship. another two suny schools, 11,000 students. they can compete with anybody and they know they can compete for jobs after they graduate. >> another one with a great reputation, wesleyan. >> high sticker price, $55,000. the average grant aid, $27,500. >> one down in the s.e.c., another one like florida, a great place to go to school, university of georgia, also a good value. >> university of georgia, a usual suspect on our list. it was our number one party school this past year. >> so i've heard. >> but a great school
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academically, socially as well. i think that's the stuff students need to know about. >> a lot of good reasons to go to school in athens. >> hunter college in new york. >> right here in city university of new york, amazing school, affordable excellence is what i remember about hunter. excellent student, classrooms and great facilities. >> it gives hope to parents maybe we can do it. still ahead, jill martin's steals and deals. discounts for women on everything from jewelry to fitness gear. first this is "to
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back now with an incredible back now with an incredible story in the wake of last year's earthquake in haiti involving a courageous little girl and a mother's will. jenna wolfe has details. >> it's a miracle that the 7-year-old is alive today. she's already survived more in her young life than most. she's done it literally with only half a heart. this is a story of the heart surgeons giving of theirs to he their of a little 7-year-old girl. her story begins over 3,000 miles away in a tiny village
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north of port-au-prince, haiti. in 2004, nine-month-old winderland was brought to a clinic by her mother. she was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect. >> she was born with a hole in the wall between the lower chambers of her heart. it was very easy to tell she needed cardiac surgery. >> reporter: if left untreated a hole in the heart, what would that result in? >> her life expectancy would have been decades shorter. >> reporter: so working against time in a country already rife with child kidnappings, devastating hurricanes and nationwide poverty, a six-year effort began to fix a broken heart. searching if a hospital in the united states to accept her dr. john carol and his wife maria reached out to sutter children's center in california. they accepted the little girl but then the worst.
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>> the breaking news story, a major earthquake has hit haiti to the south and east of the u.s. >> a powerful earthquake struck before 2:00 p.m. local time. reports of people dead and injured trapped under the rubble. >> reporter: little winderland thought lost in the worst natural disaster to ever hit this country. who would care about one sick little girl amidst the chaos? one special doctor who made it his life mission to treat her. his organization based a world away from that island here in peoria, illinois. john and maria never gave up hope in finding and helping winderland. through their organization haitian hearts they received word that she was alive and living in a mud hut with her six siblings and her mother magdalene. how much credit do you give her to her strength and love of the child to put everything in your hands and say please help my child? >> we give magdalene all the credit in the world. she kept her alive six years
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while we were searching for medical centers. she kept her alive through the hurricanes in 2008, through the earthquake in 2010, through the cholera outbreak. >> reporter: through her mother's will, dr. carol's determination and 14 months of legal wrangling for a new visa, winderland was on her way to sacramento for open heart surgery. >> here is a child with so much heart who ended up having a hole in her heart. part of it missing. >> this little girl has such spirit. we had confidence that she would do well here because of the spirit. >> reporter: it's just four days after the successful surgery. windererland is at her host family's home, already singing with a smile. for the carols and haitian hearts, their job is hardly done. >> when you go to haiti you leave part of your heart there. the only way to get it back is to keep going back to haiti.
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>> reporter: i asked the doctor how winderland survived all those years and the doctor said her mother with no money for medicine held this little girl to her chest day in, day out for six years to keep her alive thinking if she put her healthy heart against her child's sick heart she could keep her healthy. it somehow worked. that's why dr. carol is on this tireless search for hospitals willing to perform surgeries for children in need. there are so many children who don't have the health, time and stamina to wait for medical help in the united states. >> how do the hospitals reach the doctor? do we connect them via our website? >> there are different organizations like dr. carol's in illinois that are in haiti working at little makeshift hospitals looking for people. hospitals try to get in touch with them. >> power of a mother's love. >> thank you, jenna. >> we brought you an update on rachel friedman.
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the "today show" joined forces with george ol fant and his team to surprise her and her fiancee with a home makeover. >> it was remark blg. we want to thank the remodelers home builders association of raleigh wake county who brought more than 70 companies and 200 people together for that renovation. >>le control four put in the home system. and a special thanks to the hva members who are certified aging n. place specialists to oversee >> they dated a great job. >> we'll be right back with much more and your local news.
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good morning, everybody. time is 8:56. checking outside, it looks like a nice day on the bay right now. might be a little on the chilly side. it's sunny out there. >> yeah, looks can be deceiving today. you'll look out your front door, it looks like it's gorgeous outside. but when you walk out,
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bone-chilling cold. 39 degrees in fairfield. 38 in concord. a little bit of fog still lingers over the peninsula. take it easy out there. 55 degrees in san jose today. our next big storm arrives late thursday into friday. and snow levels fall on saturday to 500 feet. we're watching this one. brent's back with more news righafr the break.h switching to progressive could mean hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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pleasanton police are asking for your help to identify a dead man. somebody found the man's body yesterday. detectives are trying to figure out how and why he died. they do call it a suspicious death. he was white, in his late 40s or early 50s and mostly bald with
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some gray hair. he was about 6 feet tall, 250 pounds. if you think you have number, call the number on your screen. your responses were passionate and polarizing. many parents don't follow up at home with homework checking or don't participate in conferences. another counters, great editorial, we're the only profession that guarantees employment after two years. this is a socialistic profession. when teachers are compensated like those in business, we'll have a more competitive and motivated environment. finally, one educator says a
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little peer pressure isn't a bad thing. let other teachers evaluate them and put them on the shape up or ship out process. teachers wouldn't let ineffective teachers stick around. back now with more of back now with more of "today" on this tuesday morning, the 22nd day of february 2011. it's brisk in new york city. we might get above freezing later today. a great crowd out there. always happy to see that. i'm willie geist along with natalie morales and al roker. matt has the day off t. coming up in this half hour, the latest on the earthquake in new zealand in christchurch that's claimed the lives of at least 65 people and left 100 others trapped under piles of rubble.
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landmark buildings were toppled including the spire of the cathedral. >> just terrible. >> we'll hear from someone who's been inside the earthquake coming up later. >> on a different note it appears that more baby boomers are more worried about outliving their retirement funds than they are about dying. so we brought in "today" financial expert jean chatzky to allay the fears with five tips to protect the nest egg. >> moving on to lighter things from jewelry to jeans to fitness gear it's all about pampering the ladies on jills steals and deals. jill martin is back with deep discounts for "today" viewers. we'll take you on a tour of bucklebury. where is that, you may ask. it's the church that kate middleton spent time at. she was baptized to the pub she frequents with prince william.
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the people can't get enough of the royal couple. we'll hop on the bus tour and see what the fuss is about. >> good pie, too. >> buckleberry pie. >> the kate middleton experience. we'll go along for the ride. now to ann with more of today's headlines. >> thanks, willie. good morning once again, everybody. in the news, all four american pirates have been killed. the boat was captured off the horn of africa on friday. a u.s. spokesman was actuallying the hostage's ship reported shots were heard aboard the yacht. a gun battle ensued. two pirates were killed. 13 others were captured. at least two major aftershocks have rocked christchurch new zealand in the wake of a 6.3 quake today. the devastation is widespread with multi story buildings collapsed. at least 65 people have been killed and hundreds are reportedly still trapped in the rubble. the prime minister says today may be the darkest day in the country's history. this morning 17-year-old cameron betts described the destruction he witnessed firsthand.
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>> all around me there were bricks falling down everywhere. just down the road there was a huge fire happening. and shortly after, another helicopter swooped in and tried to put that out. so, yeah. it was big huge cracks in the road. power lines were down. and cars had been smashed and there was this repeated horn sound. >> rescuers report they have run out of ambulances and new zealand is accepting international aid. as they condemn the violence, a number of countries, including the united states, are scrambling to get citizens out of libya. there are reports of slain protesters littering the strike that streets of tripoli. gadhafi is trying to crush the anti-government demonstrations. libyan diplomats and military officers are resigning after libyan military plains were reportedly ordered to fire on protesters.
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at least 36 people have been killed in mali at a stampede as a crowd surged against a metal barrier while people tried to leave a stadium in the capitol. more than 60 other people were hurt, five seriously. democrats in wisconsin in the assembly say they are going to introduce legislation to bar most state workers from being in unions. thousands of protesters jammed the state house for more than a week but there's been no action on governor scat walker's proposal to strip bargaining rights from public employees because all of the democrats in the senate refused to go to the this sergeant was using a taser gun to subdue an uncooperative driver when another came up and pulled him by the neck to the ground. the two men beat and kicked the officer until a good samaritan
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couple came up and told them to stop. officer daniels gained control of the situation but did suffer a broken nose. on valentine's day a california man woke up with two hearts beating as one. 36-year-old tyson smith was suffering from heart failure but was too weak to have a traditional heart transplant. they left his heart in place and fixed another donor heart next to it. and some engineering students are hoping they don't have egg on their faces after they host the 17th annual egg drop competition. let's watch it. let's watch it. oh, yeah. beautiful. let's go back outside now. >> a lot of education dollars being put to good. >> somewhat cynical, wow.
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i'm sure you did a lot of worthwhile thingyowhe ilu ree in college. ha>>e wve a check of the weather. >> let's see what's going on. i didn't do anything that educational. >> beer pong? ne e.ic we have snow and rain in the pacific northwest. storm system from the e. midatlantic states gets out of here. looking for showers working through the midatlantic coast. more wet weather in the pacific northwest with mountain snows. showers around the central we've got it all. fog, frost, even ice up in the north bay this morning, where we temperatures still in the low 30s. 34 degrees in santa rosa. later on today we'll warm up to the 50s. 55 degrees in your forecast high in oakland. our next big weathermaker arrives late thursday, into friday. that's going to bring our snow levels down. it's a cold system, down to 500
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feet saturday morning. and that's your latest weather. ann? ♪ >> al, thank you. this morning on "today's money" getting over retirement fears. more than half of all americans aged 44 to 54 feel unprepared for retirement. here with tips, jean chatzky, author of "money 911." good morning. >> good morning. >> there is reason for people to be scared. it costs a lot to retire and many of us in the baby boomer ages are not prepared. >> we don't have enough money. the wall street journal over the weekend took a look at the 401-k balances of people aged 60 to 62. very close to retirement. found that only a quarterer have enough money to maintain their standard of living. even when you add in social security and pensions, many, many people are just not there. >> we just made people more afraid. >> let's fix the problem. >> the reality is that knowledge is power. the more you look at it, face
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it, the better off you will be. >> the first thing you have to do is understand how much is it going to cost you to live in retirement? the best way to do it is to hit the internet. there are many retirement calculators. i like the one at it's called the ballpark retirement estimator. you need your last statement from social security to figure out how much money you have coming to you from social security. you can get it at if you don't have the numbers already. go ahead. take the half hour. it's easy and once you know you can make progress. >> the next tip is easy. save more. but how? it's really getting into a mindset of saving versus spending. >> it's so psychological. the best thing you can do for yourself is automate your retirement contributions. the reason 401-ks work is because they take the money from you before you have the opportunity to spend it. either you increase your 401-k
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contribution, if you are not maxing out, up it by 3%. there are studies that show you will not miss it. do it next year until you are at the max. if you don't have a 401-k, you have to manufacture one or something similar that will take the money out before you have the opportunity to spend it. open an ira or a roth ira and tell your brokerage firm automatically, every time i get paid take $192 twice a month. that will get you to the maximum $5,000 contribution. get it in there and out of my hands so i won't spend it. >> it's not about depriving yourself. it's about giving yourself money later on. it's really a way to think positively about it. >> absolutely. this is a good thing. you need the money for later. if you do it this way, you're not going to feel deprived because you are never going to feel you had the money in the first place. >> and basically to cover your
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fixed costs in retirement. >> you get down the road. you have done what we said. you have a nice nest egg. you want to convert it into a paycheck. the way we do this is with an immediate annuity. you take a chunk of money, just enough to cover the fixed costs so the rest of the money can stay in the account and continue to grow. you turn it into a paycheck. >> from a bank? >> life insurance companies will do it. but immediate annuities are a lower fee than other types. you can often take the money in your retirement account and annuitize it from there without withdrawing money. >> you suggest something called longevity insurance. this is another one? >> it's like an immediate annuity for laterer. if you have grandparents who live to be 85, 95, 100 and you are afraid that down the road
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you're going to run out of money, you can take a chunk of money and say i don't want it now. just pay me if i live to be 80, 90, 100. you will have additional money coming down the road. the risk is you die before the insurance company gets to keep the money but if you live that's when health care expenditures get big and we need things like this. >> if you die earlier does the insurance keep the money? >> that's how an annuity works but in many cases it's worth the risk because we are living so much longer and the risk is you get down the road and you don't have what you need. >> finally you recommend looking into reverse mortgage. >> if you have a lot of home equity, don't discount it as a way to help fund your own retirement. we used to talk about how expensive reverse mortgages were. they have really come down in terms of the fees that it costs you to get into one.
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go to the website of the aarp. they have a great tu toerl that explains reverse mortgages in plain english. >> bottom line, don't be afraid. get active. >> do something. >> have a kitty for yourself. thank you so much. up next, while we are talking about saving money we'll show you exclusive discounts for "today" viewers on jill's steals & deals. later, one of the most memorable wedding gowns in history and it's in studio. we are not even allowed near it. we're talking about the dress princess diana wore to wed prince charles. we'll take a look at some of the most glamorous celebrity wedding gowns in modern times.
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smoky eyes look amazing, but creating them? that's a whole different story. introducing new almay intense i-color smoky-i kit. first, sweep the smoky eye color across your lid. then add the crease- accentuating shade, and a highlight under your brow. only from almay. only for me.
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then get to sears big presidents day event plus get a ten dollar award card when you spend fifty on apparel. friday through tuesday. at sears. they're itchy, dry and uncomfortable. i just want to rip 'em out, throw 'em away and never see them again. [ male announcer ] know the feeling? get the contacts you've got to see to believe. acuvue® oasys brand contact lenses. feel how hydraclear® plus keeps your eyes exceptionally comfortable all day long. it feels like it disappeared on my eye. [ male announcer ] discover why it's the #1 doctor-prescribed contact lens in the u.s. and if you're not 100 percent satisfied, you get your money back. guaranteed. are they on? 'cause they don't feel like they are. [ male announcer ] acuvue® oasys brand. see what could be.
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are they on? 'cause they don't feel like they are. so, i woke up really early on a saturday morning at about 5 am. i got on my bike and rode 80 miles to the chobani factory just so that i could see where my favorite yogurt is made. and i got lost a few times. sure, go up the road, make a big right at the tree there. it's down there. no, it's a left. hey, those are some fancy pants. ha. i finally made it to the chobani factory. this is awesome. it was totally awesome. that's what we do for love, people. chobani. rich and creamy yogurt, with only natural ingredients. share your story at this morning on jills steals & deals it's all about the ladies. jill martin is back with deals
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for "today" viewers on everything from jewelry to candles to fitness gear. good morning. >> good morning. >> all about the ladies. we're starting to think we are not far off from mother's day. >> a few months. it's good to get the deals now, put it away so you have it. >> let's remind viewers how it works. >> these are deals retailers bring us and we bring them to "today" viewers go. to for a code to take you to the retailer's website. all the deals are valid for only 24 hours. neither i nor "today" benefit from the deals. they are amazing and be patient. lots of times you will log on and people will be calling. >> and logging on at the same time. let's start with the deal from james jeans. they're fantastic, really nice jeans. i wear them. you have three different styles. >> these are very in, the military, cargo pockets. then the black yejeans with stretch. great for a lot of body types
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because of the flair. and then the light wash denim '70s jeans. that's really in. the deal is $41. that's up to 76% off. fans include kim kardashian, jessica alba, cameron diaz. these are great. >> they go from 00 size up to 14. >> right. >> let's go to sunglasses by giant vintage. we have four styles here to tell you about. >> i don't know about you but with sunglasses i wear them and lose them. i don't want to spend a lot. this was an interesting teal to me. the retail is $16. the deal $4. that's 75% off. they come in black, silver and tortoise. they have uv protection. these are vintage and these are replicas. all are $4 with uv protection
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and all have celebrity following including selena gomez and terrell owens. >> $4. >> standard shipping applies. >> probably the shipping is more than the product. >> sometimes. but if you get a few it's worth it. >> let's go to fitness now. a first for our steals & deals. we have a company that's had a lot of people moving to zumba. what is it? >> our producer and jean chatzky knows it. >> jean looking great. swears by it. it's a combination of latin and international rhythms. you see it here. it's a fitness party in your living room. over 10 million people do classes. now you can bring toyota the living room. hd head phones, three cds, a cross over bag, signature rubber bracelets and dvds on the target zones. >> you have to have the look for the workout. >> get in the groove. >> the retail is $142.60.
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the deal is $39.95. that's 72% off. fans are j-lo, natalie portman and victoria beckham. people need motivation. now you can have a dance party in your living room for $39.95. >> maybe jean will come out and demo. >> come on, jean. work it. over to jewelry. popular in the steals and deals segment. we have a deal from fritti jewelry. >> these are great. all different bundles. they are silk and silver rhodium-plated chains and then japanese seed beads. these all come in different groupings, but they are so trendy and great. especially with bathing suits but they take you throughout the year. >> layering up. >> really fun. the retail is $52 to $130. the deal is 30 dollars for any of the bundles. >> wow.
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great. >> this is really fun and great with almost any outfit. >> okay. this is something every lady likes to have burning in her house. a candle and diffuser package. >> these are in all major stores like bloomingdale's. this is a soy candle in smoked brown glass. ten ounces. a hundred hours of burn time and a diffuser with eight ounces, nonalcohol based perfume with 12 bamboo reads. prince, j-lo use it. 76% off. this is great for your home. a great gift and they are high quality. >> the packaging is gorgeous. >> this is a great mother's day gift to have in in house. >> jill, thank you for the great deals. to show you the five products, they are jeans by james jeans, sunglasses by giant vintage, zumba fitness, jewelry and a
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candle and diffuser package. head to for the promotion codes and the websites offering the exclusive bargains. still to come this morning, six tips for organizing your social life. first, these messages. ♪ special k protein shakes -- ♪ a truly great-tasting breakfast shake. with 10 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber, it's the creamy, delicious way to satisfy... your hunger to help you lose weight. ♪ so you can kick the tin can habit. try special k protein shakes today.
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[ male announcer ] our 16 fresh-picked oranges have a new home. tropicana pure premium now comes in a clear bottle so you can see how much goodness is squeezed inside. ♪ good morning tropicana. the world's best juice never looked better. and i wondered what it was. i found out that connected to our muscles are nerves that send messages through the body. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia, thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain.
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lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and less pain means i can do more with the ones i love. [ female announcer ] lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior or any swelling or affected breathing, or skin, or changes in eyesight, including blurry vision or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. i found answers about fibromyalgia. then i found lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. so we understand you stopped by jimmy fallon on friday. >> i did. isn't he a great guy? >> so much fun. >> we played pictionary.
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he has a great way about him. >> he does. let's look at the clip. making the entrance. >> nice shoes. >> you go on vacation kind of with george clooney. >> oh, you know -- >> it's working but look at that on a boat. wind blowing in your hair. >> we're on -- >> george clooney. >> there are moments when your working with this incredibly handsome man. you're sitting down, trying to do this interview and at one point he reached over and touched my hair before the interview. i go, oh, really, george? what was going on there? >> he said, oh, just a gray hair was sticking out. >> that actually happened. just bad. >> one of the gorgeous gray hairs. >> he touched your hair. >> he did. great guy george clooney. so jimmy and george, all good. it was dpfun. we played pictionary.
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that was fun. >> still to come, tips for organizing your social life. >> and some of the mt ous weddi time. that makes a chocolate so smooth and creamy, you don't just taste it, you feel it. ♪ do you believe in magic? ♪ ♪ it's magic ♪ [ male announcer ] it's a comfort that comes from the only caramel worthy of being wrapped in gold. ♪ do you believe in magic? [ male announcer ] werther's original caramel chocolate. what comfort tastes like. new aveeno positively radiant tinted moisturizers, with scientifically proven soy complex and natural minerals give you sheer coverage instantly, then go on, to even skin tone in four weeks. new aveeno tinted moisturizers. then go on, to even skin tone in four weeks. hey! hey! hey! that's our snack machine. you should try something new. activia parfait crunch! crunchy granola you mix right in to creamy
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and delicious activia yogurt. mmm! crunchy! and creamy! watch your toes! new activia parfait crunch. good morning, everybody. time is 9:26. checking our forecast with christina. still chilly out there. >> still chilly out there. hopefully you're watching us from the comfort of your home. 36 degrees in livermore. 39 degrees in fairfield. 34 degrees in santa rosa. even though the sun is now fully out, we've got a lot of sunshine on tap for today. but even with all the warmth that we are anticipating, because it's been so cold lately, our daytime highs are going to struggle to reach the mid-50s. 55 degree is the forecasted high in san jose. we do have another round of showers on the way late thursday into friday. let's talk to mike and see how
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that drive is looking. >> the east bay, really tied up. considerably different from yesterday. over half an hour from the car kinas bridge. over half an hour from 238 through downtown to the toll plaza as well. slow through livermore. there you go with the jamup, approaching 84, and continuing on into pleasanton. between the bridges, an incident at the san mateo bridg
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never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles compared to what a cancer patient goes through is a walk in the park. from the moment i registered, people started immediately supporting me and asking me how they could help. you meet the most wonderful, inspiring people. when you accomplish those 60 miles, it's truly life-changing. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. santa clara city counsel trying to save money, that has been set aside for a 49ers staumtd. they hope to preserve a $40 million bond measure approved by santa clara voters last year. leaders will tell governor jerry brown. the governor wants to funnel the
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money from agencies back to the state. but that could essentially kill the stadium deal. an assembly member will bring in high-profile star power trying to help raise the standard for california drinking water. nora comepost will introduce the bill today that will combat the known car scinogen in drinking water. they'll make their case at the state capital in sacramento coming up in about half an hour.
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♪ from the royal wedding of princess diana to prince charles almost 30 years ago to the blessed unions of the rich and famous, we are getting a look at some of the most glamorous wedding gowns of all time. some really pretty ones. coming up in this half hour we give you the story behind each one of the gowns and take a look at what the future royal bride kate middleton may be wearing for her upcoming newspapwedding prince william. not expected to have the ruffles and pouf of princess diana's
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gown which we have in studio. it's been fun to have it in the studio. there is a guard. >> right here. >> we're not going to watch this -- >> there we go. widen it out. >> we'll take you down if you get closer to the gown. >> only three people are allowed to touch the dress. it's spectacular to see it. it seems people can't get enough of the royal wedding. we have talked about the countdown already on. now they are even offering a bus tour of buckleberry, the village where kate middleton grew up and still calls home. we'll show you everything from the local church where she was christened to the pub where the royal couple frequents. >> i like the name of buckleberry. nice name of a town. >> we need a countdown clock for the wedding. >> 66 days, i think i heard. we have been counting down. >> do you want it minute by minute, second by second?
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>> john nash said we'll have one. got a little crown on it. >> why am i not surprised? and john's face on it. he wanted to try on the dress. >> whoa! ann curry throwing don under the bus. >> you started it. >> i didn't. >> he can't respond. >> do you ever feel there is not enough time in the day for yourself to spend time with friends and family or insult your senior producer? managing your leisure time is just as important as managing your work schedule. we'll share easy tips for organizing your social life so you are happier and you can spend more quality time having fun. >> or riding a unicycle like don nash does. >> we could all use more time. let's get to the weather before we hurt ourselves. >> time for the weather. we'll show you for the week ahead showers in the pacific northwest. below normal temperatures across the northern half of the country. above normal in the southeast. for the midweek the southeast,
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gulf coast and texas above normal with rain and severe storms in the southern part of the country. more rain and snow in the pacific northwest. the latter part of the week stays chilly and wet. rain in the northeast. above normal temperatures from florida into texas. >> and that's your latest
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weath weather. >> thank you. up next, the place kate middleton still calls home. we'll give you a tour after this. do you often experience the feeling of a dry mouth? it can be the side effect of many medications. dry mouth can be frustrating... and ignoring it can lead to... sipping water can help, but dentists recommend biotene. biotene moisturizes and helps supplement some of saliva's enzymes, providing soothing relief when you need it most. don't ignore dry mouth... look for biotene in your oral care section today. this has been medifacts for biotene. smoky eyes look amazing, but creating them? that's a whole different story. introducing new almay intense i-color smoky-i kit. first, sweep the smoky eye color across your lid. then add the crease- accentuating shade, and a highlight under your brow. only from almay. only for me.
9:35 am
introducing honey bunches of oats, raisin medley. there's nothing like it! the only cereal with 1, 2, 3 kinds of raisins and crunchy multigrain flakes. you gotta try new honey bunches of oats raisin medley. then get to sears big presidents day event plus get a ten dollar award card when you spend fifty on apparel. friday through tuesday. at sears. packed with two servings of veggies in every half cup
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of our now thicker, richer, healthy sauce. new ragu has a great taste your family will love. ragu. feed our kids well. time to face the pollen that used to make me sneeze... my eyes water. but now zyrtec®, the fastest 24-hour allergy relief, comes in a liquid gel. zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®. any family-sized tuscani pasta is just ten bucks! with over three pounds of your favorite pasta, like meaty marinara or chicken alfredo, plus an order of breadsticks, you get enough for the whole family. only on tuesdays, and only at your pizza hut.
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you get enough for the whole family. ♪ looks like it's time to stock up. so, save big at the petsmart stock up and save sale. right now, save up to 25% on over a thousand essentials! only at petsmart. but one is so clever that your skin looks better even after you take it off. neutrogena® hethsky in liquid makeup. 98% saw improved skin. does your makeup do that? neutrogena® cosmetics. from royal watchers to royal fans it seems people can't get enough of britain's future princess. now there is a new way to get what's being called the kate middleton experience. nbc's keith miller is at buckingham palace to explain.
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hey, keith, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, ann. everybody including kate middleton is counting down the days to when she joins the royal family, but some people are looking into her past to determine what kind of princess she will make in the future. it's a long way from buckingham palace here to her home village of buckleberry. >> i'm a blue badge guide. >> reporter: she's been a guide for 30 years but this is her first attempt at explaining how a country girl turns into a princess. buckleberry, an hour outside of london, is described as a quiet backwater by the locals. there is no fast lane to royalty out here. actually just one narrow lane winds lazy-like around the countryside. >> this is st. andrews prep school where kate middleton spent most of her education. >> reporter: the tour is not allowed to stop despite the $16 ticket to see the secrets behind becoming a princess.
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kate middleton's home is somewhere on this lane. >> on our left -- this one. no. oh, yes, it's -- oh, no. it's got a hedge down the middle. >> reporter: there is a stop at the church where kate middleton was christened. her parents, self-made millionaires sent their three children to the best schools money could buy. the locals at that time old boot pub remember kate as a bright child, kpet t competitive and n lucky. they won't say it in public, but then this is the land of hope and glory. so far the americans and japanese are the nationalities showing the most interest in taking the kate middleton tour, but the english treasure their privacy, so the bus company conducts most of the tour at 30 miles per hour. >> a little further along. it's this next club just beyond this cottage. there, you can just see it through the trees. >> reporter: the middleton family home.
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no clue here about how the future princess will keep house but she's from a modern british middle class family. her parents made millions operating a mail order company run from a converted barn somewhere beyond the trees. no one, not even the guide, will say exactly where. >> no way intrusive into her private life. >> so this is like a tease tour? >> it could be. >> reporter: the union of royalty and commoner would have been unthinkable not that long ago, but the british monarchy has changed. and so will buckleberry. one sleepy lane after another. the villages are reluctantly coming out of their shell. a few of them have even received invitations to the wedding and the entire village plans to celebrate on wedding day gathering at the old boot. ann? >> keith, thanks so much. i can't wait to see you over
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there covering the wedding. now to "today's royal treatment." our contest where we'll send a lucky viewer and a guest, all ebs pen expenses paid to england. we have a look at one of our latest entries. >> and we'll be flying to see kate get her crown. we'll be crying if you don't get us out of township. kate and will are getting married in the morning. ding dong the bells will chime. >> to watch them as they wed in last in london, what a blast! >> creative. >> nice. >> wearing the hats already. >> the winner gets two tickets on british airways to london during the week of the wedding and more. >> create a video no more than two minutes long telling us why london is calling you and, again, remember creativity counts. for details head to >> first class tickets, too. >> not bad. >> there you go. >> up next, how to organize your
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social life and make more time for friends, family and fun after these messages. female announcer ] with rheumatoid arthritis, it seems like your life is split in two. there's the life you live... and the life you want to live. fortunately there's enbrel. enbrel can help relieve pain, stiffness, fatigue, and stop joint damage. because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, and other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis. ask your doctor if you live or have lived in an area where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. and help bridge the gap between the life you live...
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and the life you want to live. pancakes! ♪ from dawn 'til sunset, i'll never walk away ♪ ♪ blueberry pancakes are so good ♪ [ male announcer ] bisquick. pancake lovers unite. and more. if you replace 3 tablespoons of sugar a day with splenda® you'll save 100 calories a day. that could help you lose up to 10 pounds in a year. that's how splenda® is sweet...and more. then get to sears big presidents day event plus
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get a ten dollar award card when you spend fifty on apparel. friday through tuesday. at sears. and then a 3:15, with my guilt. [ female announcer ] new special k cracker chips. 27 crispy chips. 110 delicious calories. mmmmmmm...good meeting. same time tomorrow? [ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle. i see a bag and think... i could have a chip. yeah right. that's why they're called chips? [ female announcer ] new special k cracker chips. 27 crispy chips. 110 delicious calories. another cracker chip? don't mind if i do! [ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle. don't mind if i do! hey! hey! hey! that's our snack machine. you should try something new. activia parfait crunch! crunchy granola you mix right in to creamy and delicious activia yogurt. mmm! crunchy!
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and creamy! watch your toes! new activia parfait crunch. this morning tips to organize your social life. do you find you're always late to soccer practice or scrambling to find the perfect shirt for a night out? ladies, good to see you. >> good morning. >> welcome to the program, barbara, gail. nice to see you. i should have had my notes organized. you say people need to invest time in organizing. >> we are all overwhelmed with requests for our time whether it's work-related, professional, social. no one has time to do everything. we need to focus our time and energile y on things that are important to us and things we have to do. >> you say it's important to prioritize. >> that's right. you can't do everything, but you should try to decide what matters the most to you.
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i would say relationships are highly important. which matter the most to you? then you will know why you are choosing to do certain things or not do certain things? >> you have tips. you say first of all no is not a dirty word. >> people get so guilt-stricken about saying no but you can't do it all. you just have to learn how to say no. when i work with people they set to say no but don't know what excuse to give, what to tell people. say no, not why. i'm sorry i can't help you. i know it will be an important day. i'm sorry i can't come to the party. i know it will be a beautiful day for your family. >> i find maybe is the new no. people want to give you hope. >> this is the problem. these are people who are conflict averse. they don't to feel guilty or have a confrontation.
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so they think they are getting out of it. really it's hostile in a different way. it leaves the person with a loose end. do they count you in or out? and everybody feels bad. that's why you are better off either saying no or yes. by the way, if you're a conflict averse person deal with that as opposed to taking it out in another way. >> also you need to limit your social commitments. >> absolutely. there are so many things we can'tle control. things that are mandatory. things under the category of not necessary are things you need to think about. if you have preschoolers invited to six birthday parties in one weekend, does he need to go to all of them? or is it a good idea to have house guests when you go on an extended vacation? >> how do you change it? >> the only way is to have insight into what's going on. if you are taking your kid to six birthday parties you're showing them they can't be present in anything.
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they have to go, go, go. it's not about the relationship, but just about being visible which is not the message. you need to understand what it is that's your motivation here and help your child frankly to prioritize what's meaningful. if you take your kid to birthday parties all weekend long you will need to medicate your kid. >> or yourself. >> so this is really about making your life manageable and teaching your child as well. >> you say prep go-to outfits the night before. >> not just the night before but in general. you really need to have a go oy to black dress, a great pair of jeans, your favorite sweater. you are better off having fewer things in the closet but knowing whatled wear to any event than having a closet full of stuff and nothing to wear. >> multi tasking is one thing, but we are talking about are you so distracted that you're not investing in any one thing? people want you to be present
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and show up on time. when i have a patient come to me and they are chronically late i say, you have to think about what message that's sending to the person like my time is more important than yours? >> our time is over, so thank you very much, gail. coming up next, you have seen the show-stopping wedding dress worn by lady diana in studio all morning. we'll look at the most glamorous gowns and how kate middleton could set the next trend. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ this morning on "today's style" glamorous wedding gowns. everybody is speculating about kate middleton's wedding dress. no matter what she decides it will make its mark on fashion. rob shuter is here with the dish
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on glamorous wedding gowns to date. good to see you. >> good morning. >> we have the iconic wedding dress. >> in the building. no one said i could touch it. >> only three people allowed to touch it. as we look at princess diana's dress people are wondering what kate middleton will go for. obviously there will be a stark contrast. >> it won't be that. as beautiful as the dress is it definitely says '80s. it's not modern. it's not what e with eel see kate in at all. >> that was the cinderella dress then. >> kate will be a princess but in a more stylish -- she has her own style already. she's modern, cutting edge. it will be a simple gown. they have not announced the designer. >> and they are not going to. >> princess diana did and for months there were people outside the design studio trying to get a glimpse. this is under cover. there will be two dresses -- a dress she gets married in and a dress for the reception.
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>> two designers possibly. >> maybe. >> could be the same designer doing two dresses. it's been 30 years since we saw the princess diana dress. what is it about that dress that made it so iconic. >> the story of what happened to princess diana, that dress is over 29 years old. we are still talking about it. it's the most photographed wedding dress of all time. >> 25-foot train. >> amazing. one little detail the designer forgot is they had to put her into a glass carriage and they didn't realize it until she got out and it was a little bit crinkled up when she got out of the carriage. that will not happen to kate. kate will be in a limo, not a glass carriage. >> let's talk about other famous celebrity dresses over the years. mariah carey's 1993 ceremony, the dress was a lot like princess diana's. >> she requested it. her husband at the time tommy mattola, she requested vera wang
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make her a dress like princess diana's. but her train was 27 feet. >> had to be longer. >> a little bit longer than princess diana's. >> as we are talking about british royalty we have to talk about american royalty. when caroline bissett married john kennedy show wore her friend's design. >> it was quite a risk. everyone including calvin klein was surprised. >> made the career. >> it changed this guy's life. >> then chelsea clinton who we saw marry in july. very simple. >> she had two dresses, too. she changed for the reception. i's not that uncommon what kate will do. >> that was a gorgeous dress. >> we saw katie holmes and tom cruise when they were wed in italy in 2006. tell me about her gown. >> katie said she wanted to take
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tom's breath away which she did in this armani gown he designed personally for her. >> it's a gorgeous gown. we appreciate you being here. rob, thank you so much. still to come, more celebrity buzz with hoda and kathie lee. that's coming up after your local news and weather.
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good morning, everybody. time is 9:26. i'm brent cannon. beautiful shot of san francisco today. lots of sunshine out there. still pretty cold, though. want to check in with christina.
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>> could be mid-50s. can you hear me now? 49 degrees in gilroy right now. 55 degrees in san jose. the big weather story, you're probably hearing about this, in the coming days, the chance for snowfall in san francisco. there's a very slight chance. if it does happen, it will be early saturday morning. stay tuned to jeff ranieri tonight for the update. >> i heard that snow part. we're watching for that. right now we're watching for any clearing for the east shore freeway. very slow there. the toll plaza, starting to move. look at the fast track lanes. more reason to get that fast track. 580 westbound jams up coming through livermore itself, heading in towards the interchange. clearing up for 880.
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brent right here. thanks a lot, mike. santa clara city council will meet to discuss money set aside for a 49ers stadium. city leaders are going to tell jerry brown that that project has been in place for a long time. they do not want him to take redevelopment money and give that to the state instead. a livermore fire station that was shut down due to budget problems last july is going to reopen today. it is on airway boulevard and was closed to control costs and let the department leaders evaluate the most effective way to serve the community with limited funds. that closure helped save them $1.3 million. the new jobs are being added to -- no new jobs are added for that fire station. they're going to use the existing firefighters and then redistribute them to get that new one open. more local news coming up in half an hour. [ female announcer ] shopping with nutrition in mind
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shouldn't be hard work or cost more money. now there's simple nutrition, only at safeway. green tags throughout the store call out what matters most to you. ♪ there are 22 different nutritional benefits highlighted. ♪
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and with our low prices, now safeway makes bringing home the right choices easier than ever. that's simple nutrition. ♪ that's ingredients for life. safeway. "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> thank you, joe! >> everybody, it is tuesday, known around here, unfortunately, as booze day. it is february 22nd, and it is booze day today only because we thought america needed to know that today is national margarita day. >> if you were wondering how many margaritas were consumed per hour, 180,000. >> i don't think at 10:00.
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>> i love margaritas, but what i hate about them is they're so packed with calories. if we drank this whole thing, but we won't -- >> no, we won't! >> matt's on vacation, and i'm not sure where meredith is. >> this is a good margarita. >> can't have that. if a regular one is 700 calories, that's 7,000, it's got to be. >> they do have the skinny margaritas, and they're a little bit bitter, but they actually do the trick. >> you know what's not skinny? if you go into hooters, speaking of, you know, news. come on over here, my darling girl. >> we want to introduce brook for a second. first of all, she's humiliated to be on the air. she has a sweater on and didn't
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want to come. the reason she's wearing this is hooters is offering passes to married men. >> have you ever talked to your husband and said give me a pass if it's john travolta or so and so. what they're saying is they're going to give you, if you've been married for 0 to 10 years, you get 10% off. if you've been married 20 years, you get 20% off, and if you've been married 20-plus years, you get 30% off your bill. >> this is why this didnoesn't work. it's on the honor system. most guys are not there with their wives, and they're going to lie about it and get the big discount. am i right? >> they told me i could eat for free there, which is sad. this is a sad, sad thing. brooks, we're sorry you have to
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wear this today. you look adorable. >> you're in shape to be a real hooter girl. what's it say on the back? delightfully tacky yet unrefined. >> this is not in all hooters, this is just in select hooters. so don't think you can go in any hooters and get your discount. >> oh, they will try. this came as news to me. americans are not the biggest lushes in the world. this weekend i went down to ocean reef down in key largo where we've had a place for many, many, many years. i guess joe biden was down there golfing over the weekend. we saw him at catholic mass on sunday morning. another gentleman down there was that christopher lee. >> he took off his shirt and took the picture. >> i didn't see him. i didn't see biden there,
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either, but you know who had the time of his life? >> who? >> bambino. >> you took your dog with you? >> he jumped in the car -- when he saw we were packing up the car, he jumped in. what he didn't know is we were going off to our favorite place after that -- i hope we have this picture -- you know the place, hoda, alabama jack's. that's mike, and i never have his picture up. i guess there's no health code at alabama jack's. they didn't mind. i went to clean up the floor and people said, why are you doing that? i love alabama jack's. we had a beautiful weekend. cody came in from college, and it was perfect weather, 80 degrees every day. came back to seven more inches of snow here. enough is enough for everybody. but you had a big weekend, hoda woman. >> i did. on friday i was at the american heart association -- look at this big drink in front of me. mary tyler moore was one of the
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hon honorees yet again being honored. it was so great sitting at a table with her. the number of people who just wanted to get their photo with her and remembered her from all those shows. i got to say, she was so gracious and kind to every single person who came up to her. >> she is a great lady. first of all, she's a pro. she knows when you go to something like that, it's part of your job. she doesn't feel put out by it, she's like, that's why i'm here. people want to say hello. and you know what? it would be terrible if people stopped wanting to say hello to her. she means so much in people's lives. congratulations for something you're being honored for. you didn't even know what you were being honored for. >> you were honored, too, and you didn't even know. we have princess diana's one and only wedding dress.
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we're not allowed to touch it. only three people have touched it. >> yes, and it takes three hours just to have it presentable, i guess. it travels in a mannequin. it starts in kansas city march 4. it's going to take a whole tour, i suppose. it travels -- oh, it has to be kept at a certain -- >> -- temperature. >> yes. it has to be kept at 64 to 68 degrees. >> remember in the '80s when that was a cool thing with the puffy sleeves and all? >> it's dated, yeah. >> only three people are allowed to touch it. we wish we could have been the fourth and the fifth. >> when she got out of the carriage and you got that first view of it, it was fairy tale-ish, wasn't it? apparently there was a horseshoe sewn into it for good luck. that didn't work, did it? >> no. we get to look at john travolta.
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this is a little surprising. you know what john travolta looks like with his full head of hair, right? this is the picture they have now today in the post with his -- i guess he's not wearing the piece. here's the funny thing. i kind of like him without the hairpiece. i think he looks cuter. what do you think? >> what i can't get past is it says he's relaxing in his home in hawaii. >> he celebrated his 57th birthday. >> a friend at his house takes the picture and then leaks it? >> maybe that's what happened. >> then you have to get new friends. >> i think men look in ifinfini better bald than with hair. i remember matt said he was going to beat people to the punch and he buzzed it. >> that's about confidence.
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bruce willis walks into a room, it's confidence. nothing sexier than that. there is something unsexy, a party which premiered last night on tlc, which used to stand for the learning channel. i don't know what it stands for now. this is some 60-year-old celebrating with a $32,000 party. >> if you think about it, that's a lot of things happening with kids these days. a lot of parents want to outdo other parents. il it's for the parents, i think, don't you? what did you do when you are a kid? >> we were blessed to have a few kids from the neighborhood over. now you have a cake on every corner. it was special because it was so rare. i've been to a few coming of age parties for kids that had to cost over a million dollars. and in today's economy with people hurting so badly, it just seems very gauche to me.
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>> we always had the same pepperidge farm cake every time. >> your mom makes the most outrageous cakes. >> i love pepperidge farm, but no real cake for your birthday? >> when it happened, we loved it. >> simple, though. we started at six years old with party type hats. by the time they turned sweet 16, they completely outgrew it. kids don't like it when parents invite their friends to their birthday party. don't do that. it's for your kid. let their friends come. >> i agree 100%. so there is a woman's magazine study that shows we don't like our bodies. >> this is not breaking news.
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>> right. i hate my body for a moment every day. the average woman thinks negative thoughts about her own body 13 times per day. 13 times a day we think a negative thought about our own body. and how many times do men think about sex? >> basically, while you're looking at your body going, i hate it, he's going, i want it. i hate it. i want it. one of you is right? you know what i'm saying. >> guys don't care. if you're confident -- >> you don't care, either. >> i don't care. i told you. >> she likes a little chubster. >> i told you, i just feel more petite if they're bigger around. it's true. it's funny how your body can ata alter the one you're with. i get in the shower, i come out, i'm covered up. i don't like everything hanging out and jangling around. >> i don't like a man who wears
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a bigger bra than i do. >> eww. we talked about americans being lus lushes. we as a nation are down on the list -- if you're wondering what has the highest consumption of alcohol annually, it is maldova. >> of course, it is. >> that's what i was going to guess, maldova. >> all within the formal iron curtain. there's vodka there. >> do you like it? >> no. >> america's favorite beer, wine. we do have a big show today. >> we're a little nervous. this woman from people magazine is following us around today, and we're not happy about it. >> she's hovering over there and we know what you're thinking. >> we also only took one single sip of this drink, we're just letting you know, because that's how we roll, okay?
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>> just when you thought there was nothing else to reveal. >> mackenzie phillips is back with another chapter in her shocking life story. >> i love mackenzie mackenzie p. and also, the celebrity buzz. those same germs can build up and form a resilient layer called biofilm? biofilm germs are strong enough to survive daily brushing. thankfully, there's listerine® antiseptic. its triple-action formula goes deep to penetrate biofilm, kill germs and protect your mouth for up to 12 hours. aaaahhhh... [ male announcer ] for a deeper clean, fight biofilm with listerine®. oh! [ both slurping ] ♪ [ female announcer ] the irresistible taste of cinnamon toast crunch. crave those crazy squares. this is your lucky day. pantene's 2-in-1's are customized,
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with 5 new versions. find yours and love it or twice your money back. that's the smart beauty guarantee. 2-in-1's from pantene. healthy makes it happen. 2-in-1's from pantene. smoky eyes look amazing, but creating them? that's a whole different story. introducing new almay intense i-color smoky-i kit. first, sweep the smoky eye color across your lid. then add the crease- accentuating shade, and a highlight under your brow. only from almay. only for me.
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you know what, tell me, what makes peter, peter ? well, i'm an avid catamaran sailor. i can my own homemade jam, apricot. and i really love my bank's raise your rate cd. i'm sorry, did you say you'd love a pay raise asap ? uh, actually, i said i love my bank's raise your rate cd. you spent 8 days lost at sea ? no, uh... you love watching your neighbors watch tv ? at ally, you'll love our raise your rate cd that offers a one-time rate increase if our current rates go up. ally. do you love your bank ?
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about a year and a half ago, actress mackenzie phillips shocked reedeaders with her boo. >> sex, drugs and rock and roll, and the biggest shock of all, what she called a long standing sexual relationship with her dad. >> it was a horrible reality to me to be sitting there pregnant skpin je and injecting cocaine. >> family secrets. >> if you opened a textbook on incest, you can see a picture of the phillips family. >> and stories of personal turmoil. >> my father was not a bad man. he was a very sick man. he didn't set out to hurt me. >> mackenzie phillips' memoir made headlines when first
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published back in 2009. the former child star had hits like "american graffiti" and best known as julie cooper on the hit show "one day at a time" took her step by step through her life, a journey fueled at a young age by sex, drugs and rock and roll. >> most of the money was spent on cocaine. >> the most shocking revelation? according to phillips, a decade-long sexual relationship with her now deceased father, legend john phillips of the mamas and the papas, one she confessed became con sense you'll. but in her new version of the book, phillips says it was not consensual. i understand that the power die unanimous i can is always there and therefore the child, no matter what age, is not
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consensual. shesds, to me writing the book felt like breaking from dad's grasp. to my family it felt like i was breaking from them. phillips' famous half sisters china and bijou, declined comment. one did provide a statement. she has hurt everyone in her family tremendously and apparently feels no guilt or shame. but when asked if it has been anything but a california dream, mackenzie explained, has forever changed the way people understand. >> now mackenzie is back with a paperback edition of her book. this chapter, again, about the reactions from her family. >> as i said downstairs, i'm glad she's here. because when you read the account of your life, it's a miracle you're here. >> most of us die. most of us who have that type of problems with addiction, you know, generally don't make it to be sitting here. >> not a happy ending.
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>> that's true. although that seems to be changing as recovery becomes a less shameful thing to partake in. >> interesting about your family reaction. i'm sure this was probably expected, and we talked a little bit about what your sister said, and she had another comment she made. she said -- >> michelle. >> michelle. that's who i was talking about. she said she's not interested in speaking about or talking to mackenzie if the allegations she made regarding her family are just true or murky. she could benefit from the care of a good psychiatrist and not just three weeks of celebrity rehab. >> i have to say i'm very disappointed in michelle. because she's known me since i was four years old. she has known about the incest for many years and yet she chooses to try and discredit me publicly. >> who is she protecting, mackenzie? >> i think she's probably protecting a legendary rock band of which she was a huge part. >> but we know so much has come out through the years about your dad's problems.
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i don't think -- i don't know how you're protecting the image of the man when we already know so much about what he went through. >> as i said in that clip, we are the textbook version of a family rocked by incest and addiction. i mean, there is denial. protect the perpetrator. discredit the victim. i don't like to think of myself as a victim, i'm a survivor. but there is a huge community of men and women who have been through a very similar thing, and this is a community that feels they have no voice. when michelle says that i feel no shame or guilt, the woman won't speak to me. so how does she know how i feel? i'm very, very sorry that my family has been hurt by the truth. >> china stood by you initial skly and then she stopped talking to you. what happened there? >> i don't know. >> she had problems, too, didn't
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she? >> right, and then she did the wilson phillips tour of the christmas album and she said, my sister and i are taking a break. >> as for somebody who has been addicted for so long, you say you don't know when the molestation began because you were so strung out on drugs, you don't remember -- >> i don't say that i don't know when it started because i was so strung out on drugs. i mean, it could have started when i was a child, i don't know. i don't know. the first memory i have of it is in the book. people say she details a consensual sexual relationship with her father. nobody should know details. >> are you glad you wrote it? >> absolutely. i would take back the use of the word consensual, because just by
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virtue of the inherent power between a parent and a child, i've been schooled. there is no such thing as consensual. i was complicit, therefore it was consensual. >> who you do you feel about your father now? >> he was a brilliant man but he was a sick man. from charlie sheen to mackenzie and so much more. don't go away. by a fashion photographer. clon then we asked them to try new dove visible care. a revolutionary new line of body wash with the highest concentration of nutrium moisture. visible care makes skin visibly more beautiful in just 1 week. ♪ when they saw how much more beautiful and radiant their skin looked with new dove visible care... there was only one question.
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new dove visible care creme body wash. takes care of 33 loads. tide stain release only handles 11. and clorox 2 gets rid of tough stains right before your eyes. clorox 2. find it next to the clorox bleach. that was the pizza guy. you said you bought a digiorno. but the pizza came with cheesy breadsticks. [ male announcer ] digiorno pizza and breadsticks. taste. believe. it's not delivery. it's digiorno. she found the box! maybe because you left it right on the counter.
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special k protein shakes -- ♪ a truly great-tasting breakfast shake. with 10 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber, it's the creamy, delicious way to satisfy... your hunger to help you lose weight. ♪
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so you can kick the tin can habit. try special k protein shakes today. still to come, stay away from the mall. a lot of little facts that will help you. >> we'll be back after your local news.
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[ male announcer ] is your current denture cleanser missing something? now you get a cleanser with scope freshness. new fixodent plus scope ingredients. cleans and kills germs that cause odors to your dentures. new fixodent cleanser plus scope ingredients.
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good morning, everybody. checking the latest on our forecast this morning. >> it's still cold out there. a little bit better off than we were an hour ago, as our temperatures have now climbed to the low 50s in the south bay. 53 degrees in sunnyvale. another cool day on tap with temperatures only maxing out in the mid-50s. 56 degrees the forecasted high in fremont. next weathermaker arrives late thursday into friday. dropping our snow levels to 500 feet early saturday. let's check that drive now with mike. >> we'll take you out to the
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south bay, the remnants of the morning commute clearing up. still have the remnants of the snow, talking about cold weather, mt. hamilton, closed because of snow and ice still present a problem for folks heading out there. san mateo, still see the slowing in the southbound side out of millbrae. oakland looks smooth just past the coliseum. the bay toll, those fox are waiting for the tolls here. not so bad at the approach. [ alarm clock buzzing, indistinct conversations ] [ female announcer ] important events can sneak up on you. oh, i am not ready. can i have a couple weeks? [ female announcer ] but with yoplait light's two week tune up, you could be ready. you could lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks when you replace breakfast and lunch with a fruit, grain, and yoplait light. betsy bets. you haven't changed a bit. oh...neither have you... sean. well, yeah.
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[ female announcer ] go to to start your two week tune up.
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the warriors back in action tonight, hoping to pick up where he left off before the nba all-star break. tip-off is at 7:30, but they do have the home court at the oracle arena. you can see the game on comcast bay area. sharks on the road, trying to extend their winning streak. they begin a tough three-game road trip in detroit this afternoon. sharks and red wings play at 4:30, on comcast net california. one show down, now there are two more to go. prince just added a third show to the or arc will a rein a. the third show is on thursday. the next one is tomorrow night. fans say he put on a great performance in show number one last night. prince announcing his bay area
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performances for his welcome to america tour just last week. thanks for joining us this morning. the "today" show continues coming up next. have a great morning and we'll see you back here later on. we're back on this booze-day tuesday with today's buzz. we're filling your responsibility to make sure you're all up on the celebrity buzz chatter. >> nbc's gossip hosts. >> never a day without our charlie. >> so he wants his two exes to live near him? >> that's right, and he's willing to pay for it. he wants to buy them big houses, he wants all the kids to grow up together, which i think is a worthy thing, but would you really want your kids to be closer to charlie sheen? >> it sounds a little like two and a half men, two and a half
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families, doesn't it? >> it does. how is he doing these days? >> he's staying home and doing sober treatment at home. apparently he has to have a sober coach with him at all times and he says he's supposed to return to the set next -- actually, today. >> he just seems like he wasn't on that road. >> he wants another movie, another major league baseball movie, too. in addition to having his ex-wives live next to each other and him, he wants to embark on another baseball movie. >> at least he'll be working. he seems to be fine if he's working because somehow he's able to control his urges more. >> during work, but you know what's interesting is he had over to his house yesterday colin ferrell. and colin ferrell -- >> has his own baggage. >> but i believe he's been sober, so i wonder if he could be kind of his coach. >> okay. >> what about lindsay lohan? is she getting back to work? >> she has a court appearance
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tomorrow, as you ladies well know. there is talk that she will plead to a misdemeanor charge. >> she's lucky. >> if her father gets his way a and. and there is movie talk that she will be in a movie about celebrities who want to escape their lives. but i think it's so fascinating that just a couple days before court, suddenly they're floating a story that she's got a new film coming up and they've figured a way to get around the insurance, and she can have a sober coach with her at all times. >> if it works -- if she can get on a set and start feeling good about herself and get away from the influences, that has been her big problem, her friends, kids who do nothing but party. >> and she was seen getting thrown out of a party. >> was that samantha ralston
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again, her girlfriend? >> they live next door to each other. >> a block party. >> we were talking about the gossip gram that people just want to see what she's going to wear to court. her dress has become a huge seller. it sold out across the country. >> what does that say about us as a culture, really? >> the royal wedding. we heard fergie is out, she's not invited, but her kids are. >> not fergie from the peas. >> no, no. >> she could be because there was no mail delivery yesterday, so everyone sitting in the u.s. at home hoping to be invited to the royal wedding had to wait out the holiday. sarah ferguson fergie, she knows she's not. she already said, i have another engagement, anyway, i didn't need to go to this party. >> i feel bad for her.
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>> kanye west is being talked about quite a lot about attending as a guest, and the reason being he performed for the prince as a special tribute to the prince's mother. >> so now they're best friends? i don't get that thinking. >> justin bieber's new haircut? tell us about it real quick. >> he cut it for charity. he's giving away the hair to raise money. we did a poll, 77% of our audience loves the new cut. i think it's cute. >> it's -- yeah. i didn't like the first one. >> the first one is too much hair. this makes him actually look a little older, i think. >> i like the beeiebster now. what would you do with more time in your life? we're going to talk about going to the mall to seeing your doctor and taking more time off
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per we 3 o'clock. my daily meeting with a salty snack and then a 3:15, with my guilt. [ female announcer ] new special k cracker chips. 27 crispy chips. 110 delicious calories. mmmmmmm...good meeting. same time tomorrow? [ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle. i see a bag and think... i could have a chip. yeah right. that's why they're called chips? [ female announcer ] new special k cracker chips. 27 crispy chips. 110 delicious calories. another cracker chip? don't mind if i do! [ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle. it seems like your life with rheis split in two.s, don't mind if i do! there's the life you live... and the life you want to live. fortunately there's enbrel. enbrel can help relieve pain, stiffness, fatigue,
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and stop joint damage. because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, and other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis. ask your doctor if you live or have lived in an area where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. and help bridge the gap between the life you live... and the life you want to live. new covergirl natureluxe silk foundation. flawless coverage... with a light as air feel. we took out a heavy synthetic, and put in a light touch of cucumber. out with heaviness and up with a flawless finish.
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even the $180 makeup can't beat it for a lightweight feel. discover new natureluxe silk foundation. goodbye heaviness. hello easy breezy beautiful... covergirl. and try new natureluxe gloss balm. [ pigeons cooing ] they're hungry. [ male announcer ] of all the things that happen on your wooden surfaces, disinfecting has to be one of them. clorox disinfecting wipes. safe on wood. hard on germs.
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there is nothing more frustrating than feeling like your precious time is being wasted, especially on things you don't really want to do. >> we're about to let you in on some ways to shave several minutes onff everyday routines. meredith wallace is, and she's
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editor of redbook magazine. >> we hate sitting and waiting at the doctor's office. i've waited for more than an hour, hour and a half. is there a right time to go to the doctor's office? >> the right time to go to the doctor's office is tuesday, wednesday, thursday, the first appointment of the day and the first appointment after lunch. usually they're running on time. >> because they're backed up like crazy. >> how do you make those appointments run more smoothly? >> bring any kind of paperwork that you think you might need, x-rays, referrals, any of that stuff so you don't have to go back because you don't have everything you need. >> and if you do have to wait, bring something that would take time otherwise. catch up on your e-mails or grocery lists. >> if you do that, you will save 22 minutes per visit. >> exactly. >> let's talk about shopping. there are, i guess, good times to go to the mall. i would think saturday would be bad. >> that's a terrible time to go to the mall. it also turns out thursday
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evenings are not a good time. >> i wonder why. >> tuesdays are the best day to go to the mall because generally speaking it's a little bit slower and a little quieter. >> kathie lee is interested in this because there is an iphone app that can help you out. >> it's called fast mall and it basically gives you a map of the mall so you can figure out where the barmthrooms are, where to park, all that stuff. >> there's one app called around me. it gives you every restaurant around where you are. around me. i'm so into it. if you do everything meredith said, you save 40 minutes per visit. >> when you're on the phone. >> i think that's the worst zchl. >> is there a right time to call? >> call tuesday, wednesday, thursday and call right after lunch. >> i'm discovering i'll have a really busy tuesday.
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i'll have to do everything on tuesday, but just think how much time you'll have to do other stuff the rest of the week. >> there is a web site that can help you out if you get stuck in that maze. >> there is one called get human, and it basically a list of telephone numbers so you can get an actual person on the phone. >> what's that one? >> that's another one that's a list of numbers so you're not screaming the entire time. >> that one saves you 15 minutes. >> let's head to the airport. is there a way you can save some time when you're doing that. >> again, you want to fly tuesday and wednesday. sorry. the first flight in the morning, generally speaking, they're running on time. >> and the plane is already there. >> cannexactly. >> you're on time and the plan has not landed -- >> thank you. you did an excellent job. up next, the guy who holds
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the title in the guinness book of world records. >> three kids. one of them here last night did smartes tt hekid smartest kid on the planet. >> we'll be right back. can help your kids' school get extra stuff. ♪ like musical instruments. ♪ and new art supplies. ♪ because they're the only cereals with box tops for education. last year, schools earned over ten million dollars from big g cereals. you can raise money for your kids' school. look for this logo... only on big g cereals. you can make a difference. every cereal box counts. you can make a difference. smoky eyes look amazing, but creating them?
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that's a whole different story. introducing new almay intense i-color smoky-i kit. first, sweep the smoky eye color across your lid. then add the crease- accentuating shade, and a highlight under your brow. only from almay. only for me. that was the pizza guy. you said you bought a digiorno. but the pizza came with cheesy breadsticks. [ male announcer ] digiorno pizza and breadsticks. taste. believe. it's not delivery. it's digiorno. she found the box! maybe because you left it right on the counter. tough being the only girl. aw, there's the man of the house. who's this ? this is rufus. hey, rufus. he's actually pretty talented. you wanna see him do a trick ? ok. hey rufus. who do we love ? we love our bank. we love our bank. we love our bank. we love our bank. yes, yes. you really love your bank don't you. ally bank customers love our 24/7 customer care that allows you to talk to a real person anytime. ally. do you love your bank ?
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honey, i can't find my internet cord. oh, i'll borrow hailey's. you're downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord?! we switched to at&t high speed internet and got wireless access. no more cords. wireless, okay, honestly, can i just get a cord, please? dad, the cord's invisible.
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[ female announcer ] for a limited time, call to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with select services and a 1-year price guarantee. it's our fastest internet for the price. oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothin'. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network for no extra charge. so for a limited time, get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with select services and a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪
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okay, mathematicians, loosen up. we're just one week away from national math day. we're in our studio with a little friendly competition. >> matt is not only looking forward to national math day, he is also in the guinness book of world records as the world's fastest human calculator. and they're going to be our competition for later, so be careful, you three. okay? >> thanks for having me back. >> you have a great reputation because you really are a human
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calculator. >> you helped me set a guinness world record last year on world math day. my world record is adding the number 2 faster than a machine. so pick a two-digit number in there, and once you put it in, hit the plus sign. and hit the same two-digit number again. keep hitting equals. so you have a number on the screen? a two-digit number. say it out loud. >> 65. >> something else. >> 64. >> 64 plus 64 equals 128. the next one, 192. 256, 320, 384, 512, 6 --
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>> wrong. >> that's my world record. and now i want kids to get excited about math. we hold this event every year, so we have to get them excited. >> we're going to play a game. we have pencils. >> no pressure. >> do you have a calculator? >> use whatever technology you want. >> you're the fastest on the computer in america, so good luck. an easy one. 25 plus 12. i think kathie lee got it. 1-nothing. >> we're out of time. we're out of time. >> 8 plus 79. >> it's 87. >> very good, calvin.
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1-1. 45 minus 7. >> 38. >> kathie lee is 2-1. easy question. what is 7 times 5. >> 35. >> very good. here we go. 84 divided by 4. >> 21. >> wow! come on, guys! >> how much time do we have left? not much. >> 7 plus 29 plus 16. >> i can't see it. >> 3-3. it's a tie breaker. no pressure. 18 plus 6 plus 20 plus 13 equals. the students win! yes! all right. >> you know why? because 57 is my age. >> thank you very much, guys. >> now that the work is over,
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we're going to the kitchen. you guys want to stay with us? ♪ ♪
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now we're here with the biscotti family. anthony, elena. hello, scottos. >> today we're doing shrimp. it means when a young bride comes home, the first meal she cooks at home is for her mother-in-law. it means the top, and she knows the mother-in-law can be angry. we're doing the beans.
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these are canelloni beans. precooked and boiled. we're putting in some olive oil, some salt, mix them up to become a puree, and that begins john's part. >> john, what are you doing? >> i have some white shrimp. i'm going to season it with some salt, some pepper -- >> what's three plus two? >> put in chili peppers, our secret. throw in some garlic, the shrimp. it cooks very quickly. two minutes. the flesh turns opaque, the tail turns orange. >> come on down here. >> spicy. oh! >> so now you've married, right?
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you're bringing your wife home to the house. you have to cook for your mother-in-law now. she's sitting inside and you start to cook the sauce, you say, mom, let's do some of this for you. and she's watching, okay? you say, do you like olives, mom? no. okay. do you like chili peppers? no, a little spicy chili pepper. do you like capers? put in some capers. you're going to love it, mom. >> we have to try it. can we try it? >> sure. >> come on back. we don't get any lunch today. elena, what are we making? >> we're making spicy hot cocoa.
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we start with heavy cream, some milk, we put in a little chili paste. >> what? >> vanilla bean. i'm telling you, it makes it hot, nice and spicy. we scald it, we mix it well, then we turn it off and add our bittersweet chocolate. and you want to really let this soak in together. >> smells great. >> it will look like this in the finished product, and then when you add a little nutello, which is a walnut liquor. this is for you and your mother-in-law before you kill each other. >> thank you so much. one of the real housewives is going to stop by. which one? we don't know. and the dan"dancing with th stars" workout that will have you shaking those hips.
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it's all tomorrow. >> that's delicious. >> thank you.
10:58 am
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are like nothing else. add a layer of excitement to your next meal. ♪ this is an nbc news special report. here is brian williams. good day from our nbc headquarters in new york, where we're following so many developing stories at this hour. first, to libya, and if the ruler there is going to leave without a fight, moammar gadhafi says, he is going to go downing as a martyr. he gave a long and rambling televised speech there this evening, their time, midmorning our time. he said the forces against him are rats. he says he's not ordering violence against his own people action but our own richard engle, who has


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