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tv   Today  NBC  February 24, 2011 7:00am-11:00am PST

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. good morning. good morning. war zone. forces loyal to moammar gadhafi open fire on protesters as common straiters seize control of cities across the country. violence president obama has called unacceptable as the administration weighs what to do next. toyota announces a major recall overnight. more than 2.1 million vehicles to fix a dangerous problem tied to accelerated pedals. cheers. prince william and kate middleton make their first official public appearance since announcing their engagement. we are there live today, thursday, february 24th, 2011.
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welcome to "today." 7:00 a.m. on the west coast on a very busy thursday morning. i'm ann curry for meredith, who's no longer sick, just on assignment this morning. >> >> and i'm willie geist in for matt. this morning if crowds in wales for prince william and kate middleton are any indication of what to expect, it's going to be a big skeptical. >> william gave the dedication. you saw kate pour the traditional champagne over the boat. the latest in a live report just ahead. you're looking at a live picture there where it looks like they're probably about ready to leave the ceremony. it's been a pretty long affair. i think it's lasted for maybe an
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hour and a half already. >> a big crowd turning out. just the beginning for them. >> a lot of people watching very anxiously. the wedding two months away. let's turn to serious news this morning including the violent uprising in libya. the obama administration says all options are on the table when it comes to handling the situation. it is causing gas prices to skyrocket here at home. more on that in just a moment. let's begin with nbc's chief foreign correspondent richard engel who is in the eastern part of the country with more on this story as it's developing. hey, richard, good morning. >> gadhafi loyalists were reportedly firing at random in the libyan capital. now a war zone. thousands of foreigners are struggling to leave tripoli. the airport is crowded, but flights are few. it's unclear how many have been
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killed in the fighting in libya so far. but mass graves are already being dug. moammar gadhafi is still believed to be in tripoli, but he hasn't been seen since his rambling, angry speech tuesday. but gadhafi's world is shrinking. there's now another libya. firmly in rebel hands. we drove 300 miles into liblibya journey through rebel territory. we're on the highway heading west. most of cars we've been seeing are going in the opposite direction, toward the egyptian border. clearly people leaving and taking everything with them. the terrain is harsh. mostly scrub and desert. but the highway is new. we were able to move fast. we quickly reached a city on the mediterranean coast. suddenly we drove into a protest. children were up front. they shouted, "free libya," as men behind them cheered, "the people want to topple the regime."
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the demonstrators covered our car with a libyan flag. the old one flown before gadhafi took power. the protesters were mostly friendly. they believed media coverage helped overthrow the government in tunisia and egypt. but there were a few hard stares in this city. the reputation for islamic militants. we left this city at dusk still heading west. in the next town we were surprised again by demonstrators on top of a personnel carrier. a war trophy. they say this was being used by gadhafi forces to shoot on the people. now they've taken control of it and are driving it themselves. the rebels are armed with heavy weapons. to show they're prepared to use them, some fired guns in the air. nearby we were taken to a house to see a half dozen men, prisoners captured three days ago during a previously
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unreported major battle. they look despondent and understandably nervous. they told us they were fighting along foreign mercenaries who are summarily executed by the rebels. rebel controlled libya is leaderless, chaotic and harsh. but also determined to advance to capture tripoli. rebels tell us the oil fields here in eastern libya are now under the control of army units that defected from gadhafi. >> what are the chances -- this is ann, by the way, richard. what are the chances for a relatively peaceful style ending to the chaos that's now all over libya? >> reporter: nobody expects this will end like tunisia or egypt. in both of those countries there was an uprising that eventually forced the leaders of the country to leave. then a new process is in the process of formation in both tunisia and egypt.
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this is a very different situation. this is an armed revolution to try and topple gadhafi. gadhafi says he won't go. rebels firmly believe that. they think they have to take over tripoli, physically kill him. what they worry is that gadhafi will try to crush the rebellion by ordering an attack on civilians. that's their biggest fear. that there will be some sort of massacre or mass attack against a rebel-held city. >> richard, do stay safe. it is now 7:06. here's willie. president obama did not hold back during his first public comments on the situation in libya calling the violence against protesters, quote, outrageous and unacceptable. nbc's white house correspondent savannah guthrie is here. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, willie. this was the first public comment from president obama other than a written statement. aides say they held the president back all this time out of worry, frankly, for the 500 or so americans who are still in libya waiting to be evacuated. as you said, the president condemned gadhafi's actions but
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never mentioned him by name. >> like all governments, the libyan government has a responsibility to refrain from violence. to allow humanitarian assistance to reach those in need. and to respect the rights of its people. it must be held accountable for its failure to meet those responsibilities. and take the cost of continued violations against human rights. >> reporter: why didn't the president come out and call for gadhafi to step down? aids say they don't want to further inflame gadhafi, make it personal, give him a reason to hold americans hostage. they don't want to play into his strategy about making this the u.s. versus libya which might have leverage with anti-american sentiment in the region, willie. >> we heard the president speak yesterday about a full range of options. i guess the question this morning is what are those opt n optio options? >> sanctions? a no-fly zone? these are things that are difficult to carry out.
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>> reporter: indeed. all of those things are on the table. certainly the u.s. could impose sanctions. but the u.s. doesn't have as much leverage with libya as it does, for example, with egypt or other partners in the region. there's not a long standing good relationship there. i think what the u.s. is trying to do is work with other countries who do have more significant relationships with libya who could impose sanctions that would really bite. for example, going after gadhafi fortune, hitting him where it really hurts. there is some talk possibly of a no-fly zone. but that's a military option that seems to be farther along down the road. they're not there yet, willie. >> a difficult situation for the white house. savannah guthrie, thanks so much this morning. it is 7:08. here's ann. >> oil production in libya has almost completely shut down. as worry over the middle east spreads gas prices is going up in the united states. eight cents in the last week alone. nbc's tom costello has details now. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. the fears that this is going to spread to those oil producers
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that we really rely on, saudi arabia in particular, and we really saw gas prices pop overnight. look at the national average now. $3.23 a gallon for regular unleaded. folks in alaska and hawaii paying a lot more than that. $3.66 in alaska, $3.75 in hawaii. across the heartland, about $3.29 in the nation's midsection. in the lower 48, drivers in california are complaining the loudest and at $3.57 a gallon on average they have a right to. >> if you're just going to work and back alone you're getting hammered with these gas prices. it's killing people. >> i pray for democracy in the middle east and north african. >> reporter: while yesterday's average was $3.19 a gallon, it's well above that in many big cities. washington, d.c., $3.29. new york, $3.39. chicago, $3.38.
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seattle, $3.48. san francisco and los angeles close to $3.60 and likely to move higher. >> i'm sharon epperson. >> reporter: she says the libyan unrest has created a fear premium in the oil markets. >> $100 a barrel, the highest price we've seen in 2 1/2 years, is the concern the protest we're seeing will go to saudi arabia. >> reporter: that fear premium is pushing pump prices higher. in boulder, colorado, the eco baby diaper cleaning service drives 300 miles each day. >> fill-up used to be about $55. now it's $60. maybe a little over that. >> now they may have to raise their prices. >> we absorb it as long as we can. there's a point where if it continues to go up we will have a problem. we will have to raise your prices. >> reporter: already prices for
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food, clothing, anything that has to be flown or trucked is going up. arizona trucker david bolton. >> when we pay more at the pump, we have to charge our customers more and they have to charge their customers more. and prices go up for everybody. >> reporter: now, $4 a gallon is predicted by summer. just what a fragile economy doesn't need. >> it also creates a kind of nervousness and unease that causes people to pull back just at the time when you need people to step forward and be confident and spend. >> reporter: $4 a gallon. some even say $5 a gallon. here's a stat for you. listen to this. for every 10 cents a gallon we pay more at the pump, that translates into about $60 more a year in fuel prices for the average american. so if fuel prices were to stay right where they are right now, we would already be paying $300 more per average american than a year ago. of course, they keep going up. ann, back to you. >> we really need this to turn
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around. tom, thanks. it is now 7:12. here's willie. >> new zealand's prime minister is expressing grave fears that no more survivors will be found in the rubble of tuesday's powerful 6.3 magnitude earthquake. nbc's sarah james is in christchurch with the very latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, willie. as you said, there are grave fears. 226 people still missing in the rubble. and 98 people confirmed dead. all too soon, a valiant rescue effort is turning into a recovery operation. in christchurch, the international search and rescue effort is now more than 600 strong. as desperate families endure an agonizing wait. >> 226 people who are reported missing. >> reporter: officials say as many as 22 people lie in the ruins of the iconic christchurch k
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cathedral. and 60 more in the ctv building. this remains a city on the brink and on edge. residents forced to line up for basics like safe drinking water. power still out in many areas. new zealand prime minister john key told nbc news the u.s. has offered much-needed help. >> in any way, shape or form. >> reporter: more ominous aftershocks thursday threaten already damaged buildings. this is the entrance to tv 3 where we are working. the tower closed to all but essential personnel. evidence everywhere of the fault lines and fissures which lie below. yesterday hundreds of emergency workers defy the danger, hoping for more miracles like naomi
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mcgee. and like this thrilling moment wednesday. ann bopkin, trapped in the rubble for 25 hours. >> she was protected by a desk is all. and she just got under the desk. all the concrete was on top of the desk. that saved her life. >> reporter: i spoke to ann's husband, graham richardson, by phone today. who told me about the most terrifying moment. >> well, there was an aftershock just as they were trying to get her out. >> reporter: as richardson stood with families of other missing loved ones, his elation was tempered by sorrow. >> you get excited for your own. this must be devastating to them. >> reporter: officials are working to identify those who have perished as quickly as
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possible. but as we mentioned, there are these violent aftershocks they're having to brace. there have been 36 since the big quake. four of them have been above 5.0 on the richter scale. willie? >> still hoping for a miracle there. sarah james, thank you very much. 7:15 pacific time. once again, here's ann. on a much lighter note, it's not the big day. but britain's prince william and kate middleton have taken an important step this morning. their first official public appearance as an engaged couple. as nbc's keith miller is reporting now, he's reporting from wales. hey, keith. >> another blustery day on the island. i must say everything went down exactly as planned. the palace sent out an advanced team to make sure there was going to be no surprises in this. other than them arriving, prince william and kate middleton arriving about ten minutes late, everything went off without a
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hitch. kate middleton looking very elegant. her very first appearance in a formal matter since her engagement to prince william. there was a large crowd. the entire village came out to have a look at them and applaud and basically welcome them to the island. then prince william had a few words for the assembled crowd. >> it gives me huge pleasure to be introducing to this relationship here and now, someone who's not merely about to join the family, but is also about to become an anglosonian. >> reporter: the villagers are very excited about their new neighbors. prince william is a member of the royal air force, is a helicopter pilot for search and rescue. and he will be based up here along with his new bride. after the wedding they will set up home on this island. i must say, it's really windy and a bit bleak coming right off the irish sea. but they apparently are very content. from here they will then move on
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to st. andrew's university in scotland which is where, of course, kate middleton met her future prince or her future king at that point, could be. they'll go back there for a reunion. the 600th anniversary of the university. and that's expected to also draw a lot of attention, a lot of crowds, and give us all a chance to take a measure of kate middleton, the next princess in waiting, ann. >> keith, it looks like you had a huge crowd there waiting for the prince and the future princess. but they were late, i understand? >> reporter: well, it's a little bit disconcerting. if we plan on what's going to happen at westminster abbie, they were, indeed, about 10 minutes late. the only hiccup in the entire ceremony. but the people here were really patient. they were really excited about this day. this is the back water up in wales. they don't get a lot of visitors. this was quite a big day. also, i think, for the palace.
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they were very pleased, i think, with the way that they went. kate middleton, from my certain observation, and i'm no princess watcher, well, i am a princess watcher, but from my perspective, i'd say she pulled it off. she's going to look good. and i think wedding day is going to be spectacular. i know we're going to see you here, ann, that'll make it better. >> thank you so much, keith miller. two thumbs up from keith for the new princess. >> we're all princess watchers. >> we are now. let's get a check at the other top stories in the morning. natalie morales is covering for ann. >> good morning, everyone. we begin with toyota recalling now more than 2 million sedans and suvs from the last six years to address the issue of the accelerator pedals getting jammed in floor mats or carpeting. today's announcement brings the automaker to a total of 14 million vehicles raecalled
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worldwide since 2009. a new report in "rolling stone" magazine alleges the army illegally deployed a special team of psychological operatives to manipulate american politicians into increasing funding and support for u.s. troops in afghanistan. this story comes from the very same reporter whose article brought down general stanley mcchrystal last year. this morning a british judge has ruled wikileaks founder julian assange can be extradited to sweden. his lawyers say he'll appeal the decision. a major policy shift for president obama who's now calling the 1996 defense of marriage act unconstitutional. the justice department will no longer defend the federal legislation which bans recognition of same-sex marriages. meantime, hawaii has now become the seventh state to recognize same-sex civil unions. now let's head to wall street where the crisis in libya is having an impact on international markets.
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melissa francis is at cnbc's world headquarters with the latest. how are the markets reacting here? >> could be a better day on wall street after we got slammed two days in a row. right now oil falling below the $100 market. it spiked up to $103 overnight. as it's declining, stocks rebounding. major indices in positive territory. we got new home sales data a short time ago. worse than expected, fell about 12.5%. the market didn't like that. a tumultuous day but it look like it could be a better day on wall street today. back to you. >> we'll be staying tuned to you guys over at cnbc. after four months of delays it's all systems go for the shuttle "discovery's" final voyage today, set for liftoff at 4:50 p.m. today. "discovery" is nasa's oldest surviving shuttle. it has logged 143 million miles since it first liftoff back in 1984. a lot of people are going to be
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on hand. about 50,000 or so visitors there who are going to be watching the launch. 7:20 pacific time. back over to ann and vwillie. >> mr. roker is in atlanta this morning with a first check of the morning's weather. hey, al. >> we are at the weather channel intergalactic headquarters. severe weather to talk about. from texas all the way to kentucky with a risk of strong storms. the strongest risk goes from nashville down to el dorado. we are talking about the possibility of tornadoes, super cells as well. here's what's happening. you can see we've got that warm air coming up from the south and we've got cold air coming in from the north. in between, that's where we're seeing the severe weather starting to fire up from oklahoma on into springfield. rainfall amounts anywhere 3 to 5 inches of rain from memphis to lexington. we're talking about 1 to 3 inches of snow in chicago. 4 to 8 inches in kirksville. more snow to the north and west. we're talking 1 to 2 inches in portland, 1 to 3 in medford. by late tonight, snow from coast
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to coast. boy, al isn't kidding. we are expecting snow levels to fall on the west coast tonight to 1,000 feet. right now we are already seeing action in terms of light scattered showers pushing past san francisco. watch out for good shower activity across the bay bridge. also a little cell pushing to san jose. so if it is not already raining at your house in san jose, count on that in the next ten minutes. by noon the system arrives at 10:00 p.m. when the bulk of the show moves through. have a great day. and that's your latest weather. willie? >> just ahead, a warning from a judge to lindsay lohan. settle your grand theft case and go to jail. the latest. first this is "today" on nbc.
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need to see before booking a vacation online. >> that's after your local news. [ male announcer ] did you know that aquafresh iso-active was just voted product of the year? in a national consumer survey on production innovation thousands of americans voted. aquafresh iso-active was the clear winner! we guarantee it will be your favorite, too, or your money back. try aquafresh iso-active. amazing. or your money back. [ giggles ] hey, max. [ announcer ] you can help significantly extend your dog's healthy years. a groundbreaking 14-year study by purina... proves that puppy chow, then dog chow nutrition, fed properly over a lifetime, can help extend his lovable antics up to 1.8 healthy years.
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long live your buddy. [ laughs ] oh, max. long live your dog. purina dog chow. double dog dare you to try better-tasting than ever purina dog chow. we know your dog will love it. good thursday morning to you. it is 7:26 right now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. we have more information about a marin county man who could be buried in his own backyard. marla tellez is live in novato where investigators are continuing to dig this morning. >> reporter: good morning, laura. here's a look at the home be where the dig will continue today in novato. you can see the crime scene tape still up this morning. we are also getting our first look at dale smith, 74-year-old dale smith, reported missing earlier this month by a neighbor. this is a photo of smith with his wife evelyn who is
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cooperating with police and considered a person of interest in this case. a police officer on scene this morning tells me a body is still buried in the backyard four to five feet deep. it has not been identified yet, so it is not certain it is dale smith. now, fbi agents and cadaver dogs will be here later this morning to continue digging for those human remains in this backyard here. live in novato, marla tellez for "today in the bay." >> interesting story. thank you, marla. 7:27 right now. we'll check on the forecast with christina. >> another interesting story, will it snow in the bay area? we picked up snow near mount hamilton. snow levels are near 3,500 and 4,000 feet. as of this morning dropping to 1,000 feet. watch for the showers pushing to the bay bridge and the east bay. antioch is fair game for showers in the next 15 minutes. the bulk of the moisture arrives at noon. let's get a check on the drive now with mike inouye. good morning. yes, we are looking at 580 where the backup is a 24-minute drive
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compressing to vasco and airway. a live look out there shows you the slowdown through sunol, 680 southbound as well. the northbound side is cleared as the accident is clearing, but the southbound side is slowing near the express lane. further over, here's a live shot of the bay bridge toll plaza. we have soupy conditions with wet roads approaching the area. further south 880 is slow from hayward to fremont just between the bridges. a wet drive over the water as well. back to you. another local news update for you in a half hour. see you then.
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7:30 on a thursday morning, february 24th, 2011. not a bad start to the day out on the plaza. but the clear skies may not last for too long, because these folks better get the sightseeing while they can, because bad weather is coming. inside studio 1a, i'm ann curry, along with willie geist. matt has the morning off. just ahead, the difficult decision that lindsay lohan now faces following her latest court appearance for allegedly stealing a necklace. the judge gave the actress a choice -- fight the charges or take a plea deal. and either decision could send her back behind bars.
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details on this coming up. and a "today" investigation that anyone booking a vacation online should see. coming up, we'll expose sneaky tricks used by some hotels and resorts to lure you in, from photos to online reviews. you will not believe how they do it. plus, remember this unpleasant sound made by the latest sun chips bag? [ russelling ] >> that's right, it was so loud that the manufacturers pulled it actually from the stores. well now replacement is about to make its debut. will it be any quieter? that's all about trying to make the bag more eco-friendly. >> we'll get out the decibel meter. let's begin with lindsay lohan's latest court appearance and the very real possibility of more jail time in her near future. nbc's kristen welker has details. >> reporter: well legal analysts
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say the d.a. could ask for six months jail time as a tem of the plea deal. if she decides to reject the deal and fight the charges, it could be risky. because a felony theft conviction carry as possible three-year prison sentence. lindsay lohan in the hot seat once again, with stern words from another angry judge. >> one of the things about me is i treat everybody the same. i don't care that you're lindsay lohan, versus john doe, jane doe. that doesn't affect me. >> so far, lohan has pled not guilty to stealing a $2500 necklace. but prosecutors have offered the actress is a plea deal. the judge made it clear that if lohan accepts the deal, she'll face jail time. >> if you plead in front of me, this case is resolved in front of me, you are going to jail. period. >> the judge gave lohan until next month to decide whether to accept the deal. if she rejects the plea bargain, legal analysts say prosecutors will be forced to lay out their
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case in a preliminary hearing. >> it will be an opportunity for the prosecution and the defense to preview the case, get a sense of how strong it is, how well the witnesses will testify. and how credible the witnesses are. >> if the case goes to trial it could be a tough battle. >> did you steal the necklace, lindsay? >> a source close to the investigation tells nbc news surveillance video shows lohan carrying the necklace out of the store the day it disappeared. a few days later she was photographed wearing the necklace. the actress made headlines during her last court appearance when she arrived wearing a tight white dress. this time, she wore pants and a low-cut top. walking briskly past a throng of reporters into court. inside, the judge seemed focused on only one thing -- lohan's recovery. calling for more therapy for her. >> i want you to get on with your life. i want you to reach whatever potential you have and move on. and quit causing yourself, your
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family and anyone else around you additional stress, which is unnecessary. >> yeah, definitely. >> the "mean girls" star has been in and out of jail and rehab for violating her probation on a 2007 d.u.i. arrest and authorities in riverside, california, are investigating her for allegedly shoving an employee at the betty ford clinic, where she was a patient. lohan has denied the claim. rehab experts say therapy could be exactably what she needs. >> she needs to be trapped emotionally and really physically it face herself and deal with issues from family to divorce, any of that kind of things that stir up inside of her. >> now lohan's next court date is set for march 10th. the the case aside, she could be facing more jail time if a judge finds her in violation of her probation for the latest charges. we did reach out to lohan's attorney, but never got a response. willie? >> kristen welker, thanks so much. mark geragos is a well-known criminal defense attorney based in los angeles, mr. geragos,
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good morning. >> good morning, willie. how are you? >> i'm doing well. judge schwartz could not have been more clear to lindsay yesterday, saying if you take the plea, you're getting jail time. but if you go to trial, you might get more jail time. it's the classic legal gamble for lohan and her defense team. what would you do if you were in their shoes? >> well, this whole case is going to be driven by the fact that she's got a probation violation. the probation violation means that that judge or whatever judge hears that, can impose jail time. she doesn't get a jury for that. so she could win conceivably, she could win the open case, the grand theft case. she could still do jail time. in this case, i'm sure that her lawyer is trying to work a deal with the d.a.'s office. if they reach a deal that doesn't involve jail time. they will go to a different judge. and they can do that because this judge is pretty much a way station before they go to a preliminary hearing. >> well i want to follow up on that, mark. if she rejects the deal, she could land in a court with a more lenient judge, as you say. how would that work exactly? and would that be a smart
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strategy for the lohan defense team? >> well, as of right now, she knows one thing -- if she pleads in front of judge schwartz, she's going to jail. so that's a given. she could say no, let's take it to a preliminary hearing. if it turns out at the preliminary hearing that this case is not as strong as somebody thinks it is, meaning the d.a.'s office, the d.a. might just say, if you want to plead, we'll let you plead to a felony. no jail time. we'll pick a judge that you can get sentenced in front of. and they would go in front of that judge and say, this is our deal. will you go along with it? will you agree not to impose jail time for the probation violation? because that's the real key here. that's what's going to drive this case. >> we've heard about some of the evidence that supposedly out there, the surveillance video, there are photographs from the paparazzi of lohan wearing the necklace. based on what you know the details of the case, could she beat this at trial? >> yes, she could. this is not a case that is without defenses. she could, she could beat this
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on a number of grounds. she might even, depending on the circumstances at a preliminary hearing, she might be able to convince a judge also to reduce it to a misdemeanor at the preliminary hearing. the amount or the value of the necklace will come into play. and whether or not they've got substantial evidence that shows that she took it out, that she knew she was taking it out. or did she just sign something and say, i'm going to return with it later on? for purchasing jewelry, that's not an uncommon situation. >> all right. we'll see ha she decides to do. mark geragos, thanks so much. let's get another check of the weather from al, who is in atlanta this morning. hey, al. >> today's weather is brought to you by folgers. >> we are looking at basically a tale of two countries when it comes to our temperatures. in the southeast and the gulf coast, we've got temperatures that are, as you look at the map, anywhere from 10 to 20 degrees above normal. but then you look in the plains,
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the central plains and the northern, western plains, you've got temperaturesnywhere from 10 to 30 degrees below normal. you can see 70s and 80s, from texas all the way to the gulf coast. on into florida. but then you go up into the plains, that's where you're seeing all the single digits, below zero-temperatures. teens and 20s. and in between, that's where we have all the severe weather and we'll be looking at that today with the risk of strong storms and possibility of tornadoes with snow to the north. that's what's well, the system has arrived. we are already starting to see snow falling over mt. hamilton. you can see the pink, that's the rain/snow line. the white is an indication of a little snow on top of the mountains. snow levels are between 3,500 and 4,000 feet. later today, widespread precipitation across the bay area. by noon the bulk of the moisture arrives. 10:00 p.m., snow levels falling
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to 1,000 feet and cold after that. still ahead -- fox news anchor allison camaratta opens up with her personal struggles with infertility. how she's using her struggles to inspire other women. but up next, a "today" investigation, we travel around the world to expose the sneaky tricks used by some hotels and resorts to get your urbunesiss. thatht r'sfts.igsihi thi hotels your business. who says credit card rewards can't be simple? i mean they're rewards, right? right? right. with the bankamericard cash rewards™ credit card...
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a plant is only as good as the soil you put it in. look, both these potted plants got the same sun. same water. only difference? this. miracle-gro potting mix. rich organic ingredients with miracle-gro plant food mixed right in. it even feeds plants for six straight months. want this result? gotta start with this soil. miracle-gro potting mix. success starts with the soil. this is mary... who has a million things to pick up each month
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on top of her prescriptions. so she was thrilled that her walgreens pharmacist recommended a 3-month supply and would always be there to answer questions about her health. now mary gets 3 refills in one and for 3 months, she's done. more or less. ask your pharmacist about a 90 day supply and get a free gift. walgreens. there's a way to stay well. back now at 7:42. this morning on "today investigates," a travel alert for anyone planning a vacation. we took nbc's jeff rossen around the world. he's here to tell us what he found. hi, jeff. good morning. >> timely as we all plan our vacations for spring break. we've heard the warnings before. watch out for scams when booking your vacation online. this time it's different. our investigation found it's the
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hotels, resorts and restaurants themselves that may be misleading you. ♪ you save up all year for that amazing dream vacation. and depend on hotel websites to figure out where to go, what does the room look like, how about the view, the pool, the beach? but don't always believe what you see. this caribbean resort shows a peaceful, serene beach on its website, but when you show up, here's what it really looks like. try getting a chair here. and this pool with a view in l.a., here's what the hotel website doesn't show. it's actually in the shadow of a huge department store. >> it was just unbelievable. >> reporter: patty is still seething. she booked her luxury hawaiian vacation online and paid hundreds for this gorgeous hotel room view, promised on the website. >> it was beautiful. overlooked the lagoon. >> reporter: picture-esque?
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>> in the picture is the beautiful. >> reporter: when patty arrived, she got a stunning view, all right. >> what was it? >> a sea of solar panels. literally a sea of solar panels. >> reporter: only when she complained did the hotel offer to switch her room. these photo fake-outs are getting so common. >> some hotels outright deceive you. >> reporter: the travel website sends investigators to hotels around the world to expose it. >> our oyster investigator goes to the hotel, takes the same photo from the same location that you see in the brochure and then we show you the difference. we're seeing that because the economy is bad, hotels have to resort to more aggressive measures. part of that is unfortunately manipulation and exaggeration of what you're going to get. >> reporter: this photo from a hotel in d.c. makes it seem like you're just steps from the capitol. here's how it really looks without that special lenz. much farther away. and look at this room at a luxury resort in costa rica,
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promising sweeping views of the ocean. so we went to costa rica, one of the most popular vacation spots in the world, to check it out for ourselves. remember, here's the official resort photo. and this is an actual ocean-view room. what happened to that beautiful wall of windows? so much for that panoramic view they promised. we confronted the resort manager. >> you do not have my permission to film me, first of all. >> reporter: i just wanted to show you a picture. you say this a full ocean-view room, but there's no panoramic view. >> what part of you're not allowed to film me do you not get? turn the camera off. >> reporter: we were told to leave. here it is. it's so widespread, we found another example just up the street. this calls itself a romantic waterfront hideaway and shows what looks like a luxurious lagoon pool. so what does that beautiful pool really look like?
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here it is. see for yourself. a lot smaller. so we went to the manager. do you think it's misleading? because the pool is rather small. >> well, to me, it's not misleading because it's an actual photo. >> reporter: okay. and if you think that's ridiculous, this resort insider says it gets much worse. he's ready to expose an even more outrageous trick. >> you get them in any way you can. >> reporter: even if it's deceitful? >> right. >> reporter: billy is coming clean, admitting popular hotels and restaurants post bogus customer reviews on sites like tripadvisor, used by millions to decide where to go and where to spend billions of dollars. >> if it takes a fake review on tripadvisor to get more people in your door, i don't see why that's wrong. >> reporter: billy admits he's been doing it for years, setting up fake e-mail addresses and user names. >> the outstanding food they serve at dinner is now --
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>> reporter: then writing fake customer reviews like this one to boost his business. >> they always serve great, fresh seafood and the atmosphere and service were awesome. >> reporter: in one of these reviews you wrote "my wife and i ate at this restaurant". >> correct. >> reporter: do you have a wife? >> i'm not even married. >> reporter: billy also trashed his competition. >> the food was unedible and the whole place was filthy. >> reporter: did you ever eat at this restaurant? >> no. >> reporter: when you were writing these fake reviews and your rating is going up and up and up and your competitors are going down, what are you thinking? >> awesome. it's working. >> reporter: faking reviews is so mainstream, hotels can hire ad agencies to do the dirty work for them. travel writer edward hasbrook says he's seen it firsthand. >> i was at a travel conference not long ago where one of the largest advertising agencies pulled this audience. they had an entire division in a third-world country where labor
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is cheap who were already prepared and available to post favorable reviews and say good things about whatever their client paid them to do. >> reporter: posting fake reviews is illegal. the federal trade commission says it's doing the best it can to police the web, but to this day, hasn't busted anyone. billy was never caught. why are you coming forward now with this? >> i think it's gotten out of control. it's gone -- it's gone way bigger. i really think the consumer deserves to know what's truthful and what's not truthful. it's just gotten way out of hand. >> so we wondered what's the hotel industry doing about this? the hotels we showed say their photos are accurate. in statements, tripedadvisor to us they have a zero tolerance policy against fake photos and reviews. they even check for them and post red flags next to hotels they catch. only a small percentage of those reviews are fake, but as we found, many of them are very
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difficult to catch. you just never know. >> how do we protect ourselves? >> the key is take the amazing ones with the over the top language. this was the best time i ever had, the most fantastic meal i ever had and the worst, right? this is the worst time i ever had, it was skanky and filthy, as billy said. throw those out. take the ones in the middle. as far as the photos go, go to customer sites where customers take their own photos. there are plenty of them like they don't depend on the hotels themselves. >> good reporting. if you're smart, you'll make this part of a continuing series. brazil, paris. >> just so i can go around the world. >> exactly. jeff rossen, thank you. coming up next, is it still too loud? we'll put the new sun chips bag to the test with the decibel meter right after this. are like family, my emplos and i want people that work for me to feel that they're sharing in my success. we purchase as much as we can on the american express open gold card so we can accumulate as many points as possible.
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i pass on these points to my employees to go on trips with their families. when my employees are happy, my customers are happy. how can the gold card help serve your business? booming is taking care of your business by taking care of your employees. you're the best. i thought you would like it. (announcer) it's more than just that great peanut taste, choosing jif is a simple way to show someone how much you care. i love you mom. i love you too. choosey moms, choose jif. you know what, tell me, what makes peter, peter ? well, i'm an avid catamaran sailor. i can my own homemade jam, apricot. and i really love my bank's raise your rate cd. i'm sorry, did you say you'd love a pay raise asap ? uh, actually, i said i love my bank's raise your rate cd. you spent 8 days lost at sea ? no, uh... you love watching your neighbors watch tv ? at ally, you'll love our raise your rate cd that offers a one-time rate increase if our current rates go up. ally. do you love your bank ?
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[ female announcer ] what makes a moment last? what makes even the lightest touch linger? new smooth sensation from nivea. the light lotion with the breakthrough skin care technology. 24-hour-plus hydra iq. it works with your skin's hydration system to keep skin smooth. all day, all night. ♪ smooth sensation and the essentials collection. now with hydra iq. only from nivea. touch and be touched.
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remember those unbelievably noisy sun chip bags? there was such a public outcry that frito lay recalled the bag sf . >> now they're releasing a new bag that's easier on the ears. we have a few here. we'll put them to the test. we have a decibel meeting. those are the old versions. >> see how loud that is? >> okay. that's loud. >> loud. >> now, here are the new bags. here we go. >> it's a little bit lauer.
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>> it's a little bit lower. >> maybe this one will be better. >> maybe it's because of how loud -- >> that's better. >> here's the thing. >> that's how that will be. >> that is loud. >> here we are eating the chips. they're a little better. same water. only difference? this. miracle-gro potting mix. rich organic ingredients with miracle-gro plant food mixed right in. it even feeds plants for six straight months. want this result? gotta start with this soil. miracle-gro potting mix. success starts with the soil. and i wondered what it was. i found out that connected to our muscles are nerves that send messages through the body. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia, thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain.
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lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and less pain means i can do more with the ones i love. [ female announcer ] lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior or any swelling or affected breathing, or skin, or changes in eyesight, including blurry vision or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. i found answers about fibromyalgia. then i found lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. then i found lyrica. i'm sam chernin, owner of sammy's fish box. i opened the first sammy's back in 1966. my employees are like family, and i want people that work for me to feel that they're sharining in my success. we purchase as much as we can on the american express open gold card so we can accumulate as many points as possible.
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i pass on these points to my employees to go on trips with their families. when my employees are happy, my customers are happy. how can the gold card help serve your business? booming is taking care of your business by taking care of your employees. ♪ work, work all week long ♪ punching that clock from dusk till dawn ♪ ♪ countin' the days till friday night ♪ ♪ that's when all the conditions are right for a good time ♪ [ male announcer ] advanced technology that helps provide cleaner air, cleaner water, and helps make all of us more energy efficient is something the whole world can get in step with. [ static ] ♪ i need a good time [ male announcer ] ecomagination from ge. it's technology that makes the world work. ♪ that's why there's lubriderm® daily moisture. it contains the same nutrients naturally found in healthy skin. skin absorbs it better and it lasts for 24 hours. later gator. lubriderm. your moisture matched.
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good morning to you. it is 7:56 right now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. the man accused of killing chauncey bailey wants the trial moved out of alameda county. a hearing today will decide if former black muslim bakery leader yusef bay iv and antoine mackey will be allowed their venue request. bay point resident cary verse is accused of sexually accusing somebody from his therapy class. if the accusations are true he would have violated his probation. he was convicted of assaulting four men between 1988 and 1992. he served time and was
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chemically castrated. 7:56 right now. i want to check the forecast with christina. >> good morning to you, laura. good morning to you at home. we have showers coming down over the bay area right now. light scattered showers, this is all ahead of a system that is going to bring more steady rain to us later on today. in fact, by about noon the steady rain starts up in the north bay spreading south as we head throughout the day. and it is a very, very cold system. so snow levels tonight at 10:00 p.m. falling to 1,000 feet, even colder friday into saturday. a snow level of 500 feet if the system lingers. showers early on saturday. and that means we could see some flurries at sea level. now, this morning with all that action already shaping up, let's see how your drive looks with mike inouye. we have wet roads out there, christina. coming down to the south bay, mark, our friend the photographer, turned on his windshield wipers because of heavy mist. in the city, similar conditions. 19 southbound at holloway is closed because of the accident
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affecting the 17 and 19 lines. the he's east shore freeway up past the coliseum, let's get a live look there. both directions there approaching the wet span are slowing at the interchange. 7:58 right now. i'll have another local news update in a half hour. the "today" show is back in less than a minute. have a great morning. [ mom ] can a little bowl of cereal change your life?
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i think it can. one of the challenges for kayla being gluten-free is actually finding choices the whole family will love. then we discovered chex cereals. five flavors of chex are gluten-free, including the honey nut flavor, and that's amazing to a mom like me. as a parent you don't want to have to tell your kids "no" all the time. it's nice for me to be able to say "yes" to something that they want to eat. [ male announcer ] chex cereal. five flavors. gluten free.
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8:00 on thursday morning february 24, 2001. we've had good and bad news. now warm, up slightly today. warmer in the temperatures. but al is saying rain is on the way. which we're not excited. hi, guys. love the crowd. i'm ann curry with willie geist. >> good to be with you. >> fun to have you here. we'll be talking about -- matt's off this week. meredith's on assignment. meredith is going to be on "leno" tonight.
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she's got a busy schedule. just ahead, we'll take on a very serious subject about the pain, the personal pain that couples struggling with infertility go through. fox news anchor alisyn camerota is joining us to tell us about her story and what she is doing to help other couples who are having difficulty in this issue. we're also going to get into grim numbers from the housing market. the price is falling to their lowest levels in nearly nine years. mortgage rates back on the rise. what should you do if you want to sell or buy right now? we'll get into that question. >> that's timely advice. also, jenna bush-hager is here this morning. she's taking us to the schools in memphis where soul music is giving teens a new lease on life. she's here with details and will show off some dance moves she's learned there. i understand she may be trying to teach you and me a little something. >> we're going to get sucked into this. i better start stretching. this could get ugly. first, let's get a check of the morning's top stories.
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inside to the newsdesk and natalie morales. >> good morning, willie and ann. good morning, everyone. a controversial bill that would take away collective bargaining rights in wisconsin may be one step closer to a vote. we're there. i understand there's a deal in the assembly this morning, mara. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. there are reports of a deal between democrats and republicans in the assembly to limit debate on the bill that would take away collective bargaining rights from public employees. keeping democrats to 38 amendments with a time limit of ten minutes each. that means no more filibusters and could lead to a vote around noon today. now this agreement refers only to the assembly. it does not affect the stalemate in the senate. wisconsin's senate democrats are still outside of the state in hiding to prevent a vote on that controversial bill. natalie? >> mara in madison, wisconsin. thank you. tens of thousands of foreigners including hundreds of americans are still stranded in
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the capital of tripoli in libya as they try to flee the bloodshed and unrest there. those who have made it out report that forces loyal to moammar gadhafi are firing on anti-government protesters in an attempt to hold on to the capital as much of eastern libya -- as much of eastern libya is under rebel control. there are reports that gadhafi may be preparing a mass attack on civilians. it has been more than a day since the last survivor was found in the collapsed towers of downtown christchurch in new zealand. hopes of finding any more still alive are fading fast. the prime minister says the confirmed death toll from tuesday's devastating earthquake is nearly 100. more than 220 people are still missing. a planned kidney transplant that won two mississippi sisters their freedom from prison cannot happen until one stops smoking and they lose a combined 160 pounds. that's according to their doctor. governor haley barbour hasn't said if he'll send the sisters back to prison if the transplant doesn't happen. each sister had served 16 years
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of a double life sentence for a 1994 armed robbery, which they claim they didn't commit. several hundred people cheered as prince william and kate middleton made a rare public appearance. the royals attended a lifeboat dedication ceremony in wales. middleton poured champagne over the boat and william wished all who use it will be blessed. the tug-of-war over the miss san antonio crown. nbc's ron mott has more. >> reporter: 21-year-old ashley dixon emerged wednesday from a texas courtroom, trademark wave on hand, having just been crowned in court as queen of her hometown moments before. >> i'm extremely excited to be representing san antonio. >> reporter: dixon assumes the crown after the judge dethroned dominique ma rear mez. >> until we go to trial in march, i will be representing san antonio to the best of my ability. >> reporter: ramirez was stripped of her sash in january.
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a size 2, she told lester holt on "today" the pageant's president prodded her about her weight. >> she's like, get off the tacos, get off the chips. you have to lose this weight. you've got to get ready for miss texas. >> reporter: for the pageant's part. >> we are excited. >> reporter: they denied weight was a factor in decision to replace ramirez, saying she violated her contract by being late and missing engagements, something ramirez admits. and with more courtroom drama looming, local san antonio pageant officials say their focus is preparing ashley dixon, not dominique ramirez, to compete to become miss texas in september. >> she is going to continue to her vocal lessons and we're working with her meeting with larkin, the trainer, and working on her interview skills, as well. so we've got a lot to work on. >> reporter: a lot of legal work ahead over a crown with a few thorns. ron mott, nbc news, atlanta. it is 8:05. you're up to date. now let's go to al in atlanta with a check of the weather for us. hey, mr. roker. hey, nat. we're here at weather chan until atlanta.
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this is where all the producers are busy at work at the weather channel trying to get things together for the live coverage that you see on the weather channel every day. let's look at what's going on. one of the areas they're covering is the severe weather we've got down to the south. we've got warm air coming up from the south. cold air coming up behind that. we have severe thunderstorm watches from lubbock, texas, all the way to oklahoma city until 11:00 this morning. in between, that's where we'll see the severe storms. look at the rainfall amounts. besides the possibility of tornadoes, we're talking about heavy rain. up to the to five inches of rain. north of that, four to eight inches of snow in missouri. one to three throughout illinois. and as you move to the west, we've got more snow falling in the pacific northwest. the sierras may see in the upper elevations up to a foot and a half of new snow. one to two inches of snow from seattle down into the northern california/oregon border. to twos f it is rainy in our neck of
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the woods this morning. we're starting our snow levels out between 3,500 and 4,000 feet as we head through tonight, 10:00 p.m. when the bulk of the moisture comes through, 1,000 foot so w level. possibly 500 feet early saturday. then the cold sets in, we have got a freeze watch in the north bay for tonight through the weekend. have a great day. >> and that's your latest weather. willie? >> al, thanks. coming unnext, fox news anchor alisyn camerota on her struggle with infertility and a message of hope to other couples. it got my attention, telling me that i wasn't paying attention. i had no idea the guy in front of me had stopped short. but my car did. -my car did. -thankfully, my mercedes did. [ male announcer ] a world you can't predict... demands a car you can trust. the e-class. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers
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through mercedes-benz financial services. [ male announcer ] our 16 fresh-picked oranges have a new home. tropicana pure premium now comes in a clear bottle so you can see how much goodness is squeezed inside. ♪ good morning tropicana. the world's best juice never looked better. -well... -you know. i kept meaning to. it was just hard to get started. so now, i do it automatically. with bank of america's automatic savings transfer. -it's totally flexible. -easy to set up. i decide how much to transfer and how often. i move a little over twice a month. i put part of my direct deposit... right into savings. i can change it or stop it... at any time. and if i need to get to my money... i can. building savings. i can do this.
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[ male announcer ] the flexible way to save. automatic savings transfer. with bank of america. [ male announcer ] the flexible way to save. i'm gonna use less honey. i'm gonna text less. well, i'm gonna use less bath tissue with charmin!!! [ female announcer ] with charmin ultra soft you can feel good while using less. charmin ultra soft's ultra-cushiony design is soft and more absorbent. so you can use four times less versus the leading value brand. ahh, using less never felt so good.
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[ female announcer ] charmin ultra soft. enjoy the go. morning! mor-ning. i'm your genie. you're wishing for... a tasty fiber cereal? well you don't want that one. kellogg's fiber plus cereal. the delicious taste of berries, 40% of your daily fiber... plus...wait for it... antioxidants! so, two more wishes! mmmm. mmmm. maybe later, then. [ female announcer ] kellogg's fiber plus cereal. positively delicious. [ female announcer ] kellogg's fiber plus cereal. the difference between hiding my skin and showing it off? jergens ultra healing moisturizer. even my driest skin looks healthier, instantly. jergens is the difference between i'm here, and here i am. jergens®. the beautiful difference.
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back now at 8:10. this morning on "today's health ", infertility. it affects 1 in 8 couples. and now fox news anchor alisyn camerota is sharing her experience to help other people. we're going to speak to her in just a moment. but first, her story. >> it was a bad, bad weekend. you know, it's just -- it's a huge disappointment. >> reporter: it's been a tough week for the members of this infertility support group. five women who pray that this would be the month they would get pregnant. >> i know the drill. i know i'm going to be sad, i know i'm going to be angry and then sad and then angry. i'm just exhausted. i don't want this life anymore. >> i can't picture giving up. i just can't picture not trying anymore. >> i'm really glad that you're here and that you came and that you're sharing this. we've all been there. >> reporter: the woman who has been leading these emotional meetings for the past two years
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feels their pain because at one time, not long ago, their pain was hers. >> it affected every single level of my life. >> next up, i get a boxing lesson. >> reporter: on the outside, alisyn camerota had everything going for her. a career as a high-profile correspondent and anchor at the fox news channel. at home, a supportive and loving husband. but alisyn had a secret, infertility. >> it's hard to talk about with people and i didn't want to talk about it. i didn't share it with my mother, my best friends, my co-workers. i really kept it secret. so many women do. >> reporter: countless couples suffer in silence. when women open up about their infertility and find a support group, their chances of getting pregnant improve dramatically. >> the only time when i felt good when i was going through all of the infertility
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treatments was the nights that i spent at my support group. >> next time around i'm doing it my way. >> reporter: her way worked. after 2 1/2 years of treatments, the result, twin girls. then two years later a surprise baby boy conceived naturally. now alisyn helps others sharing her pain and her embarrassment and also showing them what helped her. >> that's why i like this group so much. >> miracles do happen. i'm living proof of it. maybe i can go and share my story with women who are at rock bottom and just give them a little more hope. >> alisyn camerota is with us now. along with her is dr. linda applegarth, the director of psychological services at the new york presbyterian hospital. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> you struggled with this for 2 1/2 years.
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can you describe the -- the quiet, the pain of that -- of being quiet? >> yeah. i mean, it was a tough time. it was actually three years because there were six months where i tried on my own and nothing was working before i sought infertility treatments. so it was really painful. it was isolating. i felt lonely. there's this cruel phenomenon that happens when you're going through infertility. everybody around you becomes pregnant. pregnant women start popping out of the woodwork. suddenly you're invited to baby showers of co-workers and relatives and women who smoke and drink are getting pregnant and yet you can't. and that is really frustrating. >> and you benefited from being involved in a support group in boston. you came to new york and you started your own support group because you understood something about the value of speaking to other women about this. >> that's right. when i found a support group when i was going through it, it was the only moment i felt solace. i felt like i could let my guard down and talk to these 15 other
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women who were in exactly the spot that i was. so i made a vow, if i'm ever on the other side of infertility, god willing, i will do whatever i can to help women, so i started that support group. >> here's something that's just mind-boggling. women have more than a 50% higher chance of conceiving if they are part of an infertility support group. doctor, can you explain that? >> well, you know, it's still -- this information is incredibly encouraging in terms of the importance of emotional support. and i, of course, all of my patients i encourage to get emotional support, to join support groups, to join resolve, the national infertility association. >> and i just want to interrupt for a second. that study that you're talking about was done by harvard medical school. that showed that women in support groups can enhance their chances of conceiving from 20% to 54%. so there is some power to speaking out. >> there's a lot of power to
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that. i think the other benefit of being in a support group is that you're not only getting emotional support. you're also getting appropriate information about where to go to get good treatment. those things are important, too. >> so the crime is being silent. if you don't know where there's a support group, really, think about connecting to other women. saying even if it's just one woman you know or two women you know, getting together for coffee, talking about this. what specifically do you think is unleashed in a person when you're able to really stop the pain of feeling the -- you know, you should not feel shame, but there is this kind of shame. >> oh, there is shame, absolutely. >> absolutely. >> because it's such a taboo subject, and it a delicate subject. i know it's hard to talk about ovulation over your breakfast cereal in the morning. but when you can start to bond with other people, it's a relief. i must also say that when you can break the silence, it helps
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because it makes it not so easy for doctors to dismiss infertility, for researchers to do more to find a cure for it, for dollars from private and federal funds to come to infertility. it's a disease. and it requires that sort of awareness. >> you know what? you're helping break the silence this morning. >> thank you. >> thank you so much, both of you for all the women you've helped today. coming up next, with housing prices falling to a new low and mortgage rates on the rise, is now a good time to buy? we'll find out. [ female announcer ] new special k cracker chips. 27 crispy chips. 110 delicious calories. mmmmmmm...good meeting. same time tomorrow? [ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle. i see a bag and think... i could have a chip. yeah right. that's why they're called chips? [ female announcer ] new special k cracker chips. 27 crispy chips. 110 delicious calories. another cracker chip? don't mind if i do! [ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle.
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don't mind if i do! a plant is only as good as the soil you put it in. look, both these potted plants got the same sun. same water. only difference? this. miracle-gro potting mix. rich organic ingredients with miracle-gro plant food mixed right in. it even feeds plants for six straight months.
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want this result? gotta start with this soil. miracle-gro potting mix. success starts with the soil. with chili's new $6 lunch break combos. choose from a house salad or hot, tasty soup. then pair it with a massive texas toast half sandwich, like our delicious classic turkey or our gigantic new southwestern blt, smothered in cilantro lime mayo and jam-packed with three glorious slices of applewood smoked bacon. served with fries, that's big flavor for just 6 bucks! the $6 break for bold, weekdays at chili's. we're back at 8:19. this morning on "today's real
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estate," how low can the market go? here to talk about that and whether this spring is the time to buy, barbara corcoran and carmen wang-ulrich. good morning to you both. it's good to see you. barbara, housing prices, nine-year low. is this the time to jump in? >> i totally believe it's the time to jump in. there's very little upside to waiting around and doing something later. you've got cheap money, cheap prices, lots of homes to choose from. why wait? it doesn't make any sense. >> is there any way to know where the bottom is? is it smart to wait it out longer? >> let me tell you, it's very hard to jump into the market when you think you can get it cheaper tomorrow. there's no way to tell when that bottom is. i've always done best in this kind of market. buy within the low and we're rumbling around that low right now. >> carmen, we know two months ago, mortgage rates hit historic
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lows. kind of a tough time to get a loan, isn't it? >> yes, but if you think about mortgage rates, don't go chasing the mortgage rates and bemoaning the fact that they're going up .15%. anything at or below 6% is a real inexpensive mortgage. don't chase after that mortgage rate. >> what are some of the things a buyer should be thinking about right now? what are the ducks they need to get in a row here? >> mortgage applications at 15-year lows because it's really tight. remember the day when you could get a mortgage without proving that you make any money? definitely not today. it's the opposite end. you've got to have great credit. they want to see that great credit. solid down payment. mortgage lenders don't want to absorb all the risk. if you put down less than 10% and the market moves and drops 5%, 10%, they don't want you to be underwater. you have to have ample cash savings. this is the thing, outside of that down payment, you need at least six months' worth of mortgage payments in the bank
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and saved up. of course, a great work history that you are employed, that really helps. if you're self-employed, you've got to keep fantastic records. >> barbara, the housing market is a weak point right now, but the spring is usually a time when home buying goes up, the weather gets warmer. are we there this year? should be expect an uptick? >> you'll see more houses coming on the market. what you won't see coming into the market are lower prices. you certainly aren't going to see cheaper money, especially with what's going on with fannie mae. everything is going to change in the financing game. you'll see a tougher spring to buy in. now, again, is the better time to buy. >> let's look at the cities. it's an incredible list of 11 that are seeing all-time lows at this point. detroit, las vegas, new york. what's going on across the country here? >> all of these cities have in common, too many foreclosure and too many homeowners under water. in las vegas, last year 3 of 4 homes that were sold were vacant homes. just picture that for a moment. homes owned by banks, homes just
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surrendered to the banks by the homeowners. you have rock-bottom prices because they have the biggest unemployment and they also have the most foreclosures. >> carmen toelld us what to thi about if we're buying. what should i think about if you're thinking about selling the house? >> if you must be selling now -- if you don't have to sell now, i'd wait. but if you must be selling, you should think about your neighbor as your competitive and pricing your apartment or -- apartment or home just slightly below your competitor. beyond that, you should realize that the buyer today has the muscles. they're going to work you over in the negotiation. so if there's someone else that can do the negotiation, let them do it. >> carmen, time to jump in. would you jump in right now? >> i really -- >> say yes. >> if you're in the position to buy -- so many people are asking me if you can do that. don't wait for the interest rates to go lower again. if you're in the position to get that mortgage, get it now. >> barbara and carmen, thank you. here's ann now let's go to ft. myers,
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florida, and say hello to our good friend, willard scott. good morning, willard. >> wish you were here. sun's out, we're here. now sweet it is to be in florida. happy birthday prom smuckers. when it comes to birthdays, there's nobody like smuckers. we have two of them. can you believe it? another set of twins, 100 years old. helen and louise, knoxville, tennessee. both work for the local library for years. attribute longevity to being best of friends. talmadge nelson is 105. proud ww2 vet. lives on his own and does not take any medicine. pfizer wouldn't like that, but he does. that's what makes everybody happy. dorothy lamb, canton, ohio.
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103. joined the nurse corps during world world war. she teaches classes at the senior center. that's great. keep your mind sharp. like me? that's right. david winston, west bloomfield, michigan. get this. he is 100. his secret to longevity? drinking cheap whiskey and hanging around beautiful women. hallelujah. god have mercy. george koller from reading, pennsylvania, is 102. third time he's tried to get on the show. huge eagles fan who never misses a game. how about that? can't beat that either. and take a look if you will, alfred crudele. 100 years old. and he was a friend of president kennedy during world war ii and enjoys hunting and fishing. that's all from beautiful ft.
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myers, florida. you've got to come see us. >> all right. willard, thank you so much. and just ahead, we're live at prince william and kate's first official function since announcing their royal engagement. breaking news that we're following this morning, a plane had to make an emergency landing in oakland international airport just a few minutes ago. we have got line pictures of the airport. the plane being taxied into one of the gates right now. the plane holds about 16 people. it's unclear how many were on board. the plane apparently had a hydraulic problem and had to use the entire run way to land. the plane did land safely and everyone on board is fine. we have more information about a marin county man who could be buried in his own backyards. investigators are continuing
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their dig this morning. >> i just got an update from novado police, a spokesperson says the dig at this home in the backyard will continue as of 9:30 this morning. yesterday fbi agents started the dig and they did find human remains in the backyard here. we're told a body is buried four to five feet deep back there. investigators say the remains have not been identified so they're not certain it was 74-year-old dale smith who was reported missing earlier this month by a neighbor. his wife evelyn is a person of interest. police say the dig will continue with fbi agents throughout the day. a look at your commute and more coming up after the break.
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it's 8:29, time for that early morning slowdown. also southbound 880 approaching 882 as well. slow between the bridges. >> we're going to send you back to the "today" show, back in less than a minute.
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8:30 now on a thursday morning. the 24th of february, 2011. you're looking at wales where prince william and kate middleton are making their first official joint engagement since announcing -- since announcing their own engagement. we'll take you there this morning. i understand there's a lot of champagne involved. maybe a life boat and some flowers. >> pouring champagne over a life boat.
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>> something like that. >> we'll see what happens there. >> we'll give you details. on the plaza, i'm ann curry along with willie geist. we've also got natalie morales. al is in atlanta and he'll have your forecast coming up. jenna bush hager, coming up. i'm not sure i like where this is going. this part is okay. introducing us to the next generation of soulful superstars being groomed at two very special schools in memphis. here's the part i'm not sure about. jenna is going to try to school us in dancing like them. >> it's not some easy dance move. >> no. >> i watched her just a moment ago. she's going to put us to the test. i think that look on your face, jenna, said everything. >> there are rumors of michael jackson steps, which does not bode well for us. >> i think you can pull it off. >> i see a moon walk in your future. it's got to be better than brian williams' moon walk. >> the standard is pretty low there. also coming up, does your spouse have a little bit of a
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technology problem? always has their face buried in the blackberry or they can't go a day without checking in on facebook? coming up, what you should do if your partner is addicted to technology. >> we all need to watch that segment. somebody who is very addicted to technology and for a good cause covering the weather, we're talking about al roker. hey, al. we miss you here. >> hey, guys. how are you doing? we are here at the weather channel. we're in their forecast center, the global forecast center here. as we take a look at our forecast for the weekend, things looking pretty good along the east coast. it's going to be cold, but it's going to be sunny. light snow back through the great lakes. more heavy rain in southern california with snow back through the rockies. showers along the texas coast. sunday we're looking at light snow in the northeast. rain throughout the mid and lower mississippi river valleys. the good news for the oscars, they will see cool weather, but the good news is the rain moves away and they'll have sunny skies.
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all the ladies, you're probably going to have to worry about your hair today. we have got some showers coming down, at of moisture, yes the frizzies are back. as we head throughout the day today, we do have a very interesting weather situation shaping up. hamilton, the snow levels about 3,500 feet. later on today, the bulk of the moisture arrives about noon, widespread showers at 10:00 p.m. when our snow levels fall to 1,000 feet. maybe 500 feet early saturday. go to the weather channel on cable or here in this room or ann? >> all right, al. thank you. coming up next, jenna bush hager. she went to soulsville and she's going to teach us about the dance moves she learned there. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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[ female announcer ] starbucks via is planted the same... ♪ ...harvested the same... ♪ ...and roasted the same as our other premium coffees. it only makes sense it would taste the same. so, try it for yourself. buy a pack of 100% natural starbucks via ready brew. we promise you'll love it or we'll send you a bag of starbucks coffee. it's the starbucks via taste promise. look for it where you buy groceries. shouldn't be hard work or cost more money. now there's simple nutrition, only at safeway. green tags throughout the store call out what matters most to you. ♪ there are 22 different nutritional benefits highlighted. ♪ and with our low prices, now safeway makes bringing home the right choices easier than ever. that's simple nutrition. ♪ that's ingredients for life. safeway.
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memphis, tennessee, has become one of the best music scenes in the country. and now a public school program is inspiring a new generation of talented teens. "today" contributing correspondent jenna bush hager has the details. jenna, good morning. >> hey, good morning. i watched these young high school students call on the memory of the great musicians who recorded so many hits we all know and love. even though these kids live in a community that has struggled economically, they showed me that they have real soul. ♪ some say soul was born at the intersection of mclemore avenue and college street. greats like booker t. and the mgs, isaac hayes and otis redding all got their start here at stax records.
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♪ today, the legendary site is home to soulsville charter school and the stax music academy, a music-based after-school program. together the schools continue to groom the next generation of soulful superstars. and amidst a neighborhood filled with poverty, a heavenly sound arises. ♪ >> when i'm playing my instrument, it gives me something -- it gives me like an escape from all the bad things that's happening. ♪ >> it's like my home. in a way, this is really exciting. >> reporter: the recipe for success? a combination of tough academics with high expectations, extended hours and a focus on personal behavior. and it's working. all of their seniors are
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accepted to college. >> self-discipline, responsibility. >> reporter: you're here at this school from 7:00 in the morning until 7:00 at night? >> yes, ma'am. sometimes six days a week. >> reporter: and they are inspired by the legacy they carry. ♪ >> they latch on to these artists that they can relate to and that their voice can actually emulate. that sense of pride is going to carry them into their collegiate years. >> reporter: i like the dance moves. >> did you want to join? >> reporter: after all the school work was done, i got a lesson from these future stars. >> take a deep breath. >> reporter: i was more than a little apprehensive because these kids are good. you're not going to judge me? i mean, you've got to help me so i don't sound terrible. ♪
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the kick, right? and then the ankle and then all the way around? ♪ >> make sure you hit it hard. ♪ >> reporter: it was a workout and my throat was sore, but the kids kept on rehearsing into the night, calling on the memory of the voices whose influence will still remains vital today. >> they really are tomorrow. they are the hope and vision of tomorrow. >> and stax records isn't just for these lucky students. there's also a museum so you, too, can experience all the inspiration of these memphis music greats. >> you looked pretty good there, jenna. >> i think i did, too, i'm a soulful dancer.
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are you ready? >> for soulful dancing? >> we've got to have some m.j. >> all right. >> pump up the jams. >> all right. >> how do we do this? you be in front. we'll follow you. >> okay. here we go. ♪ >> i got that. >> try it one more time. >> that was it? >> what? >> do the spank. >> how do we do the spank? >> five, six, seven. >> oh! >> one more time. >> sure. >> one more time. ready? i'll get up here. one, two, three, four. kick, turn, up. >> i'm going to injure myself now. >> you know what? all i can tell you is this music is great. i think the whole idea of the music of this great music from
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stax records, which actually led to what we're hearing now, michael jackson, that was -- >> these kids were saying -- i don't know how that -- i don't know if anybody wants to see us dance anymore. >> i hurt myself. >> did we horify you? >> the point is that this music that is living out in these kids is so terrific. they're so good. thank you so much. >> you're welcome. >> well-done, jenny bush hager. great story. >> mom and dad, i'm so glad i didn't disappoint you. >> we disappointed them. >> the spank. >> i came really close to you, willie. >> there was a spanking in there. >> we'll be back right after this. this is "to die" on nbc n
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back now with one woman's answer to a question on a dating
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show that sparked controversy in china. should you marry for love orman any? >> reporter: love in shanghai. not quite. for some, this, in fact, is what love in china looks and sounds like today. when asked on a popular reality tv dating show whether she'd like to take a ride with this poor young man on his bicycle, this contestant replied that she'd rather cry inside a bmw. a materialistic putdown that seems to be a mantra for today's young, single chinese women. >> translator: my ideal boyfriend is a mature man with a stable career. >> reporter: says 23-year-old crescent lee. too coy to say she was looking for a wealthy guy, li recently took part in a match-making luncheon where pretty
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20-somethings vie for the attention of older millionaires. ♪ >> love is very idealized here. but what i see is love is very, very tightly intertwined with pragmatism. >> reporter: pragmatic, perhaps, for some, but many commentators think that gold digger is a better way to describe this approach. if you looked at pop culture in china, you might agree. >> reporter: all the rage this year, tv dating shows where pop-up bubbles on screen show whether male contestants own a house or a car. >> translator: everyone wants to marry up. they want a partner who is better than them at something. >> reporter: says this chief executive of an online dating site. at this weekly marriage market where parents gather to find a good match for their sons or daughters, the most commonly advertised trait is property. but with every trend, there are exceptions.
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23-year-old katherine chu in beijing says financial success is important in a relationship. but -- >> translator: if a guy is responsible, kind, truthful and shares my interests, even if he doesn't have a lot of money, i'd still marry him. >> reporter: even that dating contestant who brushed off the biker said she hadn't really meant what she said on the show. >> translator: i hope to find a man who is both reliable and mature. i care more about the personality. >> reporter: perhaps, but even better if that personality comes with a bit of bling. for "today," adrian mong, nbc news, shanghai. >> thanks so much. coming up next, dogs go from bow to wow. we'll reveal their amazing transformations. first this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ [ female announcer ] the counter. in most homes, it gets all the action.
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bring it. getting it clean again is easy with bounty. in this lab test, one sheet of bounty leaves this surface cleaner than 3 sheets of the bargain brand. ♪ why use more when you can use less? ♪ super durable, super absorbent, super clean. bounty. the one-sheet clean picker-upper. back now with our special series "from bow to wow" where we clean up shelter dogs and find them loves homes. our record remains perfect. jill is back with another great batch of dogs. jill, good morning. they're getting very excited back there. >> they're all happy. i liked those moves before.
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>> we're going to erase that from the archives. >> unfortunately not. on the heels of last week's w t westminster winners, we decided to give you our own group of shelter champions, definitely worthy of the title best on this show. sadly, the cages are full with wonderful dogs, all true stars in our eyes. >> may we have the hound group in the ring, please? >> got a very special star. a beagle, of course. this little boy's name is bagel. >> he was abandoned by his owners. he's a year and a half old. he started picking up the scents. he's a true beagle in every sense. >> they are very curious dogs. they can get into a little bit of trouble. >> yeah, yeah. >> may we have the toy group in the ring, please. >> we have this very special pekingese, darling little girl named holly. >> she's a 3-year-old.
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she was found as a stay. >> i'm a star. yes. >> may we have the terrier group in the ring, please. >> oh! >> he's a year old. he was found as a stray up in the bronx. he's got a mix in there because of the coloring. >> are you a mix? what are you? >> he's a real -- yes, hard to hold on to him. >> the sporting group, coming out. >> his name is j.r. >> j.r. is a 5-year-old labrador retriever mix. his owners are moving and they couldn't take him with them, so it's a sad story. >> he was given up middle age. >> yes. they had him his whole life. now he's in a big change now. >> now this is what we're calling our own special group, the potpourri group. this is one fabulous dog. this is ginger. >> she's red bone hound, probably a little german
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shepherd, maybe a little doberman. >> mix, mix, mix, mix. >> she's in very good condition. >> five fabulous winners, all hoping for blue-ribbon homes. >> and we will get to these fabulous makeovers in just a moment. first, we want to go to wales where prince william and kate middleton are attending a life boat naming ceremony. this is their first official public appearance together since their engagement. keith miller is there. keith, good morning. >> good morning, willie. this doesn't bode well for the wedding. they're late. probably about ten minutes behind schedule. we're told their arrival is imminent. lots and lots of people have arrived here. in fact, the entire village here has turned out. now that william and kate will be married, they'll be living on this island off the coast of wales. and everybody here says they're very happy that they've got them as neighbors. they're now pullliing up in the car. we have a little look. we have touchdown.
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there's william being greeted by the local dignitaries. kate just off to his side there. both pressed against a blustery, cold wind coming off the irish sea. at some point during the ceremony, willie, she will be pouring some champagne on the life boat. since it's made of rubber, they won't be trying to break a bottle of champagne over it. these are really his kind of guys. he did the sea/air rescue. you can hear the crowd there, very excited to have them arriving here. >> keith, tell us about the security. we know there was an advanced team sent in. big preparations anywhere these two go. it all begins here today. >> well, you'll be quite surprised. the security, very low-key. people, as you can see, very close contact with prince william and with kate. people are, you know, are very
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excited. but no heavy security. as you said, there was an advanced team from buckingham palace. they do not want this, the first occasion since the engagement, to hold any sprilzurprises. all of this has been c coriographed. we don't expect to hear from kate middleton at this ceremony. we'll hear a few words from william. she's here really just to support her man and perhaps lend a little glamour to what is otherwise a pretty mundane life boat launch. >> and, keith, what's the significance of this location and this boat? i understand that prince william was stationed in the royal air force nearby in north wales. >> absolutely. i mean, his primary objective is -- is sea rescue. he's the pilot of one of these large rescue helicopters. so he has a lot in common with these men who man these life
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boats. they're quite active along the welsh coast. very rough seas. it's the irish sea. these are his meatates, if you will. this is also their new home. william and kate will set up home here. this is where he's based as a member of the air force. they'll live here right after their honeymoon. they'll come back here. they seem to be very comfortable here. i can assure you from talking to the locals that they're thrilled to have this young couple as neighbors. >> all right. keith miller, keeping a close eye on the first public event since the engagement of kate middleton and prince william. thanks so much. we'll check back in with you later on. but now to the dog show. >> quickly. >> thank you for your patience. let's bring them all out. >> okay. >> ann with the hounds. >> ann curry modeling the hound. >> where is his blue ribbon? >> tell us about bagel the beagle. >> he's adorable. he's very well-trained.
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>> he's 3 years old. >> he's very high-energy. typical beagle. >> then we have the pekingese. that's the toy group. >> he's great with older kids. >> and the terrier group. >> needs a haircut every once in a while. >> and hoda in the sporting group. >> she loves to play ball. so if you have a back yard, she's the perfect dog for you. >> and j.r. would love to have a home where somebody is there a lot. maybe a retired person. will stick by your side. wants to be around people 24/7. >> joe, this is critical that these dogs find homes. >> yes. we have 100% success record. look at them. look what you can find in your local shelter. amazing champions in every way, shape and form. >> donate, volunteer if you can. >> beautifulroup gf dogs.
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>> jill, thank you so much. learn how to adopt the dogs. good morning to you, it is 8:56 right now. san jose state is updating it's athletic facilities. the state has five athletic facilities in the works. the projects will cost between
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$16 million and $20 million it will all be privately funded and owned by the system. i'll have more after this. ♪ like musical instruments. ♪ and new art supplies. ♪ because they're the only cereals with box tops for education. last year, schools earned over ten million dollars from big g cereals. you can raise money for your kids' school. look for this logo... only on big g cereals. you can make a difference. every cereal box counts.
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welcome back. oh, yes, the looming storms that could drop our snow levels to 500 feet. we already had a little bit of snow over mt. hamilton this morning and the bulk of the moisture will arrive by about noon today. this is your projected forecast. pretty state as he head throughout the day, we actually have the freeze watch in place for the north bay starting at 10:00 p.m. tonight through the
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weekend. maybe snow levels down to 500 feet early saturday. >> those pictures just look cold. and thank you for joining us, the "today" show continues next.
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back now on a thursday morning. the 24th day of february, 2011. you're looking at prince william and the future princess kate middleton, making their first official public appearance as a couple since announcing their engagement. they're in north wales. we're going to get a live report in just a moment. it's a picturesque day there. they're there to honor the queen. they're going to make a -- i guess they're going to pour some champagne and celebrate. >> they're christening a rescue boat, but not in the traditional way because you can't break a bottle over the bow of a rubber
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boat it turns out. but there will be champagne and flowers. this is seen as a coming-out party, the first public event for kate and william since they became engaged. >> that's right. i'm ann curry along with willie geist. matt has the day off. coming up, we'll talk about lindsay lohan, another day in court for her. >> she faced a tough judge on wednesday and now faces a tough choice in two weeks. take a plea or go to jail or possibly stand trial for stealing a $2,500 necklace. we'll have the latest on her case coming up. also ahead, do you ever see those people who sit at the dinner table texting or on the phone with the blackberry? are they you? well, if that is an issue for you or somebody you know, what can we do about our addiction? we'll talk about that and get advice coming up. and also, we'll also talk about now to prince william and kate middleton and they're taking an important step, making their first official public appearance. keith miller is in north wales
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for all the excitement. keith, my goodness. tell us what's happening now. >> well, ann, you know, it is exciting. but a little bit of a worry. they were about ten minutes late. we hope that doesn't happen when they go to the abbey. the local villagers are here in force. not a particularly glamorous event for a royal outing, but nonetheless important to the local people. many, many people from the village coming out to cheer them on, a good round of applause when they got a good look. a lot of smiles on her part. everybody here is wind blown. the wind coming off the iris sea. and probably the highlight of the event is they couldn't crack a bottle of a champagne, so she
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poured some champagne over the bow to christen it. and she got a few drops for the future king of england, but he seemed to take it in stride as well. their very first outing since the announcement of the engagement. they will be going on to st. andrew's university in scotland which is where they met as they were undergraduates at the university there. they will go back not just to celebrate the 600th anniversary, but also to rekindle those memories of being young students and meeting, in fact, for the very first time. so so far it seems as if the royal tour is just beginning. and going off without a hitch. ann, willie? >> that's right. just two months from their wedding. >> that's right. kate middleton getting used to her life on display. keith, thanks so much. let's get a check of the top stories now.
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>> good morning, everyone. top stories now. >> good morning, everyone. army units loyal to moammar gadhafi fired on pockets of remaining protesters in tripoli today. rebels have taken cities across the country and the u.s. and the european union are threatening to sanction libya for gadhafi's brutal use of force against protesters. meanwhile, a chaotic exodus continues for the tens of thousands of libyans and foreign nationals struggling to flee the country. it's been more than a day since the last survivor was found in the collapsed towers of downtown christchurch, new zealand. any hopes of finding any more still alive are fading fast. new zealand's prime minister says the confirmed death toll from tuesday's devastating earthquake is near lly 100. 220 people are still reported missing. wisconsin democrats say a recording of a prank call to governor scott walker is proof that he plans to crush public
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worker unions. the call was made by an editor of a liberal online newspaper who posed as billionaire conservative david coch. democrats and republicans in the assembly have made a deal to limit debate and filibusters. however, senate democrats are avoiding a vote on the budget bill. in washington, d.c., house republicans are pushing a temporary government funding bill that proposes $4 billion in spending cuts. the bill would keep the government running for two weeks after a deadline expires next friday. and a major policy shift for president obama who is now calling the 1996 defense of marriage act unkuconstitutional. the justice department will no longer defend the federal legislation which bans recognition of same-sex marriages. meantime, hawaii has become the seventh state to recognize same-sex civil unions. another gas explosion in pennsylvania. a blast injured three workers.
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this is the third serious gas explosion in that state this year. earlier this month the blast in allentown killed five people. and in january, a 50-foot fireball killed one person in philadelphia. the justice department wants to require the tobacco industry to admit that smoking causes a multitude of medical problems, killing 1,200 americans every day. the government proposed wednesday that a federal judge order the companies to say in advertisements that they lied about the safety of smoking. philip morris says it will fight back. and a sticky situation for a little boy whose family sells he is simply magnetic. literally magnetic. his family claims that everything from spoons to remote controls, even dinner plates, stick to the boor 7-year-old. hard to get through this story. oddly enough, though, they say
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it's not all fun and games. they claim that they actually have to keep him away from the computer or it will stop working. the poor kid. that's a hard thing to live with. >> oh, my gosh. >> you guys have to -- >> we have to save you. >> i'm worried about the boy now. >> it's a party trick. he wins in this whole thing. >> wow. we should get him on the "today" show. what do you think? come on. you're invited. you are invited. >> it might be tough getting him on an airplane. >> look at that. do you know how heavy that is? >> you're talking about a frying pan. >> poor kid. >> oh, my gosh. >> he seems to be taking it fairly well. okay. let's see if al will save us with a check of the weather. hey, al. >> the kid is like a living silverware drawer. that's fantastic. anyway, we are here at the weather channel. we're in the global forecast
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center where they're working on a lot of the stuff that you see on the weather channel. and one of the things they're working on, we've got severe weather to talk about. a lot of activity going on today to the north of the system, but south of the system we've got a risk of strong storms from el dorado as far east as nationalvilnationashville, tennessee. you can see warm air coming up from the south. cold air behind this system. we've got rain along that system. back behind it, snow. the rainfall amounts, anywhere from three to five inches of rain between memphis and paducah and working into ohio. we're also looking at snow north of there. we may see four to six inches in south bend. chicago will get one to three more inches. and out west, we've got shnow a well from seattle down to medf
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all right seeing a little of that snow on the west coast. right now we have just got spotty showers, let me show you that snow from mt. hamilton. usually a really big deal, when it snows over mt. hamilton, but with snow levels coming down to 1,000 or 500 feet. the rain's going to become a little bit more steady, 10:00 p.m. tonight with snow over 1,000 feet. widespread showers, 43 degrees, snow levels fall to 500 feet. >> the latest meteorology briefing going on right now behind me. we'll get the latest on what's going on in the next half hour. ann? >> all right, al. thanks. this morning on "today's relationships" is your spouse addicted to technology? many of us are plugged in more than we should be, but could it be pulling attention away from your partner or harming your relationship? dr. gail saltz is here with us
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today, and jeff gardare is also with us. good morning, guys. >> good morning. >> i use the word addiction to describe how much i shake when i'm not around technology. is it actually, though -- can it be defined as an addiction as others are? >> some people do. i would call it a compulsive behavior that gets positively rewarded by the fact that you go, oh, you know, i got something out of that. so it keeps you going. it keeps you being compulsive about it. >> and some groups really -- some medical groups are saying that if you have this compulsion for three months or longer or you're doing a non-essential computer work six hours a day, then you may have some sort of an addiction. >> sometimes i have to go away. i go offline just because i -- i start to feel better when i'm not constantly plugged in. there's a reason to not do it. also the bigger reason is actually in your relationships with your loved ones and your
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children. >> this is the biggest fallout. if you're constantly looking at the top of your partner's head, you know, it's hard to relate to them. you're not having a relationship with them. you have to think about how the other person feels. it's like it doesn't matter. it creates distance. it does teach your children that this is how to operate within a relationship. that it's all -- you can have one eye on them and one eye over here. and have this sort of distant non-intimate relationship. >> don't feel so guilty about your kids. chances are they have some sort of internet addiction, a new study is saying that -- >> but you want to model something else for them. >> it's interfering in their learning. you're right. you don't want to bodd amodel t kind of behavior, but they're having bigger issues. we're finding that we in marriages and relationships are having those same issues. >> if the people you love are rolling your eyes and telling you to put it down, then -- >> that's right. >> let's talk about what you can do about it. you say stay positive.
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that's nice. >> i don't just mean -- if you come after your partner and you go, hey, you're being a jerk. i can't stand this. don't do this. you've got an addiction, people just automatically get on the defense. that's normal. >> they shut you out, right. >> if you at another time sit down and say, look, i really love you. this is not working for me. it makes me feel this way. could we talk about how to make a different plan? you're much more likely to get a positive response. >> define device-free zones. >> right. >> so you want to say don't do it here, don't do it in the bedroom. >> mealtime, don't take them into the bedroom as people often do, and that will take you away from what you're supposed to be doing. >> sleeping are you talking about? >> yeah, right. >> nothing could be worse than feeling like we're heading into a romantic moment and somebody goes, let me look over here what's going on, right? that's just the killer right there. >> okay.
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also, understand there are times to be plugged in. you need to understand. especially because so much of our work now is being done on these devices. it's being done on the weekends, at nights. >> give people that need to read you emergeantly your phone number so you don't feel like you have to keep checking for that e-mail. if there's really something urgent, someone will call you. tell them to call you. that will keep you less plugged in. >> it's nice to say that i doubt if that would actually happen. we're just moving too fast for that now. >> one thing you can do is set intervals. in other words, when you're at home, check your e-mail in the morning, check it when you get home in the evening, maybe once before you go to bed, but keep it five, ten minutes in those three intervals. you should be okay. you've got yourself on a schedule and it works. >> and then you also say, doctor, give positive feedback. >> correct. if you're having a meal and your partner is not looking at their device, say i really appreciate that you're not doing that
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because i really feel connected to you. >> then he'll grab the blackberry as soon as you say that. are you kidding me? >> i had a technology addiction. i knew it was a problem when i got up to go to the bathroom, i came back and my ipad was smoking a cigarette next to my wife. now, you know that's a big, big problem. we had to get that in. >> i'd like to say that everybody out there who is thinking it might be them, it probably is them. so think about addressing it. >> all right. thank you so much this morning. coming up next, the importance of friendship as we follow the class of 2020 in our special series. >later, lindsay lohan faces a tough judge. what's next for her? [ female announcer ] splenda® no calorie sweetener is sweet...
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and more. if you replace 3 tablespoons of sugar a day with splenda® you'll save 100 calories a day. that could help you lose up to 10 pounds in a year. that's how splenda® is sweet...and more. sounds like a mini-wheats day to me! and becka's science fair is on the 8th. she's presenting the solar system. hey, i've got just the wholegrain fiber to keep her full so she can stay focused. um, you rock. she'll be ready to rock. [ female announcer ] make your kids big days, mini-wheats days. packed with 100% whole grain fiber, kellogg's frosted mini-wheats cereal has what it takes to help keep your kids full so they can stay focused on the days that matter most. keeps 'em full. keeps 'em focused. tough being the only girl.
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aw, there's the man of the house. who's this ? this is rufus. hey, rufus. he's actually pretty talented. you wanna see him do a trick ? ok. hey rufus. who do we love ? we love our bank. we love our bank. we love our bank. we love our bank. yes, yes. you really love your bank don't you. ally bank customers love our 24/7 customer care that allows you to talk to a real person anytime. ally. do you love your bank ? that's why there's lubriderm® daily moisture. it contains the same nutrients naturally found in healthy skin. skin absorbs it better and it lasts for 24 hours. later gator. lubriderm. your moisture matched. [ male announcer ] build your better breakfast
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with all the flavors you choose. try an irresistible steak, egg & cheese, with toasty tomato or chipotle southwest sauce on tasty flatbread. only at subway! ♪ we've been following a group of stuns from their first day of kindergarten to their high school graduation. we've watched this group of kids grow up before our very eyes. this morning we're focusing on a very special 8-year-old boy. ♪ >> reporter: the theme from the golden girls is the opening number of the friendship assembly. the culmination of a two-month course on friendship. friendship is more than just a new word they're learning. it's a concept teachers hope
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they'll embrace in and out of the classroom. what are you learning about? in the four years we've spent with the class of 2020, noah has always been friendly, but also very quiet and shy. this year he is starting to express himself in his writing. >> i was really sad. i was crying. >> reporter: oh. you write really well. in one of his essays, noah talked about how he befriended a boy that needed help in math. the essay was so good, noah was asked to read it at the friendship assembly. >> we are great friends. >> noah is a very special kid. in terms of, you know, he doesn't judge, you know? he doesn't say, well, i'm only going to be friends with a certain type of person. >> reporter: noah knows all about being judged. as the adopted child of not one but two dads.
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noah's no stranger to bias. >> okay. our kids have already got three crosses to bear. they're black, we're white, they're adopted and we're two dads. >> he sees people look at the -- we get the first look, oh, look at the little kids. oh, there's little kids -- oh, they're a family. >> reporter: they also adopted noah's biological brother, joshua. >> i'm poppy. >> i'm daddy. >> reporter: i love that. that's great. their family is just like anybody else's, but even at 8 years old, noah knows other people might not see it that way. >> and he sees it. one time he goes, that's my papi. i'm with him. he's been very aware that we're a different type of family. and he's asked very intuitive questions about it, about his skin color and our skin color. while it was hard to deal with these issues, he's so honest about what he's feeling that it does help us to guide him.
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>> reporter: noah has never had a problem expressing himself in public, but that hasn't always translated into confidence in the classroom until this year. >> what do you think has been sort of -- what brought him out more? >> skateboarding. >> reporter: really? >> yeah. he's found a real confidence in himself. >> reporter: noah is taking up the challenge of skateboarding like every other obstacle he faces. >> good try. great. >> reporter: with determination and grace. >> yes! >> i have a citizenship award going here to mr. noah shields. he's a thoughtful and generous student who truly knows how to support his classmates. good job, noah. >> reporter: what does that tell you, what you read in his essay and what he was able to do about the kind of kid that noah is? >> he's very open. he's open in the way he relates to everybody. that's what makes so many kids connect to him.
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>> such a great kid. such a great family. you can follow noah and our class of 2020 kids by going to our website, and clicking on "parenting." coming up, switching gears here. lindsay lohan was back in court on charges of grand theft. so is the actress going back to jail? we'll have the very latest. aches and pains, fatigue. when it becomes hard to ignore that you need help. that's the day you do something. depression hurts. cymbalta can help with many symptoms of depression. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens, you have unusual changes in behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing of the skin or eyes.
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time to face the pollen that used to make me sneeze... my eyes water. but now zyrtec®, the fastest 24-hour allergy relief, comes in a liquid gel. zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®. that was earlier this morning when the royal couple, prince william and his
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bride-to-be, kate middleton, made their first official bpublc appearance together in north wales since they got engaged. their wedding is just two months away. we want to remind you about our contest, today's royal treatment. we're sending one lucky viewer and a guest, all expenses paid to english during the royal wedding. here's a look at another one of our latest entries. >> and one and two, and sip and one and two, and sip. oh, hello, america. i see you caught me in the middle of my pinky-building exercises. i am stephanie kelly. i am so pumped for this royal wedding. literally pumped. this pinky could topple stonehenge. >> the winner is going to get two first-class tickets to london during the wedding of kate middleton and prince william. be sure to get out you cameras,
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create a video that's no more than two minutes long telling us why london is calling you. for details, head to still to come this morning, we'll find out what's ahead for lindsay lohan and go to today's kitchen. it doesn't just give you beautiful color now, it gives you more beautiful lips in 7 days. in a single stroke, rich color rocks your lips. in a single week, silk therapy moisturizers help smooth and soften them. how perfect! [ male announcer ] new lip perfection. in 44 lip perfecting shades. from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. let's raise a glass to cookies just out of the oven. to the morning bowl of cereal. and to lactaid® milk. easy to digest and with all the calcium and vitamin d of regular milk. [ female announcer ] lactaid®. the original lactose-free milk. it's the lenscrafters' semi-annual lens event. for a short time only, get 50% off lenses
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including bifocals, no-lines and sunglasses made with your prescription. so see clearly and save today at lenscrafters. the professional poker player accuse of beating his parents to death is going to take the stand today. he was unfazed during his testimony yesterday. he told the court his father drank a lot and played poker as he was agreeing up. he was accused of killing his parents in march of 2008. he was deeply in debt and wanted to claim his $1 million inheritan inheritance. the latest on your traffic conditions coming up in just a little bit.
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we have been talking about it for a few days now and that system has finally arrived. already producing snowfall over mt. hamilton this morning. that's typically something we get excited about. but with the potential for snow flurries at sea level that's what we're really looking a towards as he head through the next few days. widespread showers by about noon. at 10:00 p.m. the snow level falls to 1,000 feet, possibly down to 500 feet if we get moisture saturday morning. it's going to be cold and some flurries in places like oakland. >> speaking of oakland, let's take a look at the commute, because that's one of the hot spots, the last to clear, we're showing the east bay freeway flowing into oakland. the bottom of your screen, look at 880. just starting to clear up a
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little bit. but still averaging 30s and 40s in much of the downtown commute. we'll take a look outside this area, also interstate 80 if you're traveling through the sierra, they just reopened this area, they had a jackknifed rig, but i wanted to show you the snowy conditions if you're heading there over the weekend. keep in mind you're going to bring those chains because the snow will continue. we may even see some snow down on the ground. >> thanks a lot, we'll be tracking the storm as it comes our way, more local news in a half an hour and the "today" show returns in less than a minute. see you back here in a bit.
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>> who was that? >> i don't know. who cares? >> can you just -- >> no. >> okay. now we're in the 3rd grade. this is great. >> that is matt damon and emathy blunt, starring in the "in the adjustment bureau" about a love affair between a politician and a ballerina and the mysterious forces keeping them apart. tomorrow on "today," matt and emily will be here to tell us beabout their new film. it looks really good. >> i love both of them.
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the idea of fate or whether you have free will. it's an interesting theory. coming up, meantime, another day in court. another controversial outfit for lindsay lohan. she was wearing, i guess, a plunging neckline. she's facing very serious charges for allegedly stealing a $2,500 necklace. we'll have the latest in a live report. also ahead, we'll switch gears and talk about something that all women want, okay? we're talking about -- if you've got this grand handbag and the pumps but they don't work together and you want to change one little thing, bobbie thomas has an idea about how to design your own fashion. it's online. you go and you can send some pictures and things and then you come get what you want. so i'm so excited about that. i mean, i know i shouldn't be, but i am. and also, "today's kitchen." we turn to the slow cooker. a lot of people don't use them
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because they think the vegetables are going to get overdone. the old slow cooker didn't do as good of a job. today, chris kimball is going to tell us how to slow cook and get something totally yummy. >> they're slow cooker approved and tested. first, though, al is in atlanta with another check of the weather for us. >> hey, mr. roker. i know you love the slow cooker, too, right? i'm married to my slow cooker. >> wow. i'm sure your husband joe will be happy to hear about that. i have a slow cooker with a cast iron insert so you can sear your meat first. so you've got the meat browned. oh, man. >> juicy. >> i digress. >> yes. >> let's check your weather, see what's happening for your weekend ahead. and after we get through those strong storms, working their way through the southeast today, tomorrow we've got sunshine, mild weather through the
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southeast, heavy rain down in southern california, frigid but sunny in the plains. sunday we've got another risk of strong storms down through the lower and central mississippi river valleys. snow and rain in the pacific northwest. cool down in southern california. but at least the we're talking about the possibility of some really low snow levels, so i took the liberty of putting this little graphic together to show you where we could see the snow. livermore, you're at 480 feet, 31 degrees and snow headed into your saturday. a dusting in danville, san martin, 52-foot snow level, i don't think so in san francisco, but maybe some flurries. >> and that's your latest weather. ladies? >> thanks, al. coming up next, will lindsay
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lohan take a plea? we'll have that right after this. that send messages through the body. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia, thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and less pain means i can do more with the ones i love. [ female announcer ] lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior or any swelling or affected breathing, or skin, or changes in eyesight, including blurry vision or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. i found answers about fibromyalgia. then i found lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today.
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yep! (mom) i'm so proud of you. the bus is here, gotta go mom. okay hunny, have a great day. look in your bag, made you something. (announcer) it's more than just that great peanut taste, choosing jif is a simple way to show someone how much you care. choosey moms, choose jif. lindsay lohan is facing a difficult decision this morning. should see accept a plea deal or roll the dice and fight felony grand theft charges are allegedly stealing a $2,500 necklace? kristen welker has the details this morning. kristen, good morning. >> good morning, ann. legal analysts say the da could ask for six months' jail time as
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a term of that plea deal. if lohan rejects the deal and decides to fight the charges, it could be risky because the felony grand theft condition carries a possible three of year prison sentence. lindsay lohan in the hot seat once again with stern words from another angry judge. >> one of the things about me is i treat everybody the same. i don't care that you're lindsay lohan versus vjohn doe. that doesn't effect me. >> reporter: lohan has plead not guilty to stealing a $2,500 necklace, but prosecutors have offered the actress a plea deal. the judge made it clear that if lohan accepts the deal, she'll face jail time. >> if you plead in front of me, this case is resolved in front of me, you are going to jail. period. >> reporter: the judge gave lohan until next month to decide whether to accept the deal. if she rejects the plea bargain, legal analysts say prosecutors will be forced to lay out their case in a preliminary hearing.
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>> it will be an opportunity for the prosecution and the difference to preview the case, get a sense of how strong it is, how well the witnesses will testify, and how credible the witnesses are. >> reporter: if the case goes to trial, it could be a tough battle. >> did you steal the necklace, lindsay. >> reporter: a source close to the investigation tells nbc news surveillance video shows lohan carrying the necklace out of the store the day it disappeared. a few days later, she was photographed wearing the necklace. the actress made headlines during her last court appearance when she arrived wearing a tight white dress. this time, she wore pants and a low-cut top, walking briskly past a throng of reporters into court. inside, the judge seemed focused on only one thing. lohan's recovery. calling for more therapy for her. >> i want you to get on with your life. i want you to reach whatever potential you have and move on and quit causing yourself, your family, and anyone else around
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you additional stress, which is unnecessary. >> yeah, definitely. >> reporter: the "mean girls" star has been in and out of jail and rehab for violating her probation on a 2007 dui arrest. and authorities in riverside, california, are investigating her for allegedly shoving an employee at the betty ford clinic where she was a patient. lohan has denied the claim. rehab experts say therapy could be exactly what she needs. >> she needs to be trapped both emotionally and physically to face herself and deal with issues from family to divorce. any of the kinds of things that stir up inside of her. >> now, lohan's next court date is set for march 10th. this left case aside, she can still face jail time if a judge finds her in violation of her probation. we did reach out to lohan's attorney, but we didn't get a response. ann? >> thank you, kristen. coming up next, from diy to dyo, we'll show you how to
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design your own fashions to get the look you want. and we need to catch up. i love when they come visit, and so do my roommates. introducing olive garden's new artisanal raviolis starting at just $10.95. try our creamy asiago cheese ravioli topped with pan-seared chicken. or try our artisanal ravioli topped with shrimp. starting at just $10.95. with unlimited salad and breadsticks. i just like to know my little girl is okay. daddy. [ laughs ] olive garden. when you're here, you're family. a plant is only as good as the soil you put it in. look, both these potted plants got the same sun. same water. only difference? this. miracle-gro potting mix. rich organic ingredients with miracle-gro plant food mixed right in. it even feeds plants for six straight months. want this result? gotta start with this soil. miracle-gro potting mix. success starts with the soil.
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with aveeno nourish plus moisturize. active naturals wheat formulas target and help repair damage in just 3 washes. for softer, stronger... ... hair with life. [ female announcer ] visit to save on nourish plus.
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this morning on "bobbie's stale buzz," be your own designer. how many times have you found the perfect pair of shoes but you wanted a different pair of heels? today bobbie thomas is here to share her favorite design your own sites that giving the power to the people. >> yes. >> which we love. >> do you remember watching judy jettison when we grew up and you would see her just push a button and her favorite fashion would just pop to life. >> don't we wish that could really exist? >> we're not quite there yet, but almost. a bunch of these websites are coming close to help us design anything we can imagine. >> it's becoming a real trend. the consumer now, you want it the way you want it. >> and brands really want to talk to you directly. they want to figure out what you want and i have a lot of websites to show you.
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>> let's talk about designing your own jewelry. tell me about jewelry site that you found. >> this is a site that allows you to design everything. you can design the base, the metals if you want. there's something for everyone. it goes from $4 to $5,000. you could make something sentimental and personal, and jewelry is that. this is a great idea. there's over 3,000 designs already to inspire you. from 500 people just like us that made something and you can decide to do that and tweak it. >> i have a girlfriend that would love that. she was looking for a necklace that had all of the birth stones of her children and they couldn't find it. >> perfect. >> now, designing your own shoes and your handbags. ladies, i know how you feel when you have the perfect pair of shoes but the heel is too high or you wish it could be higher perhaps. >> this is an obsession. shoes and handbags, you can't
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get any more obsessed., he used to be involve would steve madden. he has a ton of contacts in the manufacturing industry. what he can do now, which is unbelievable, he's not only a website but a widget. i'll explain that in a minute. someone sent in this picture and said, i want to have this boot in a nude color but i want that heel. and that's really unbelievable. and within three weeks, the price range is from $100 to $200. you can get the shoe of your dreams. they'll work with you, send you photos in advance. >> so you can send examples of the photos. and these aren't returnable. >> right. they have shoes online that you can pick and change the different colors. you know, fashion bloggers love this. a fashion blogger was the one that requested this. another fashion blogger loved this. and handbags. i decided what about a bag that had black and brown and a pop of
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color. within days we were able to get this to new york. >> that is amazing. >> if somebody buys your design, you get $20. so if somebody likes something you did and they buy it, you actually -- >> a little incentive. >> launch your own design line down the road. >> exactly. >> okay. let's move on over to designing your own clothing, speaking of. >> yes. i'm going to be hiding over here. >> you have great fashions here for the ladies. >> the dress next to you is an example of modcloth. that's the most popular idea. they want to know what you like. you don't have to spend any money. they want you to come online and vote on samples they're considering. it gives you the opportunity to talk to the boutique. you get to say what you might be purchasing, you know, come spring or fall, which is a really great way. >> it's really cute. i love it. tell me about these jackets. >> i am obsessed with right now. this is a platform. anybody with a sketch and an idea can literally upload your
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design or vision worldwide where people will vote on those sketches. these two jackets are examples of people who have been voted on and garms will help that designer produce the pieces and profit in that and then work with the designers. innovative things like a basic jacket that looks very classic, this faux fur piece will detach to leave you -- it's a two in one. i really loved this jacket. this piece comes off as well. i can't wait to see if the things i voted on will be made next. >> let's move over to designing your own home. this is for all of those aspiring interior designers as well. >> this is so great. this is a leading eco-friendly home place online. what they have, you can customize egg pods and everything else. these chairs. but they have this really popular design your own duvas and pillows. you can pick everything. there are so many designs. each piece of this embroidery can be your own color. you can start with whether it's
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cotton or silk. for a nursery or anyone else -- >> it takes a little time, but for those who really do have an eye for exactly what they want, this is perfect. >> don't be afraid. this is about giving you the issue. go online and play around with the templates. the programs are really easy to navigate. >> bobbie thomas, i love this segment. this is great. thank you so much. coming up next, delicious [ female announcer ] shopping with nutrition in mind shouldn't be hard work or cost more money. now there's simple nutrition,
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only at safeway. green tags throughout the store call out what matters most to you. ♪ there are 22 different nutritional benefits highlighted. ♪ and with our low prices, now safeway makes bringing home the right choices easier than ever. that's simple nutrition. ♪ that's ingredients for life. safeway. [ female announcer ] starbucks via is planted the same... ♪
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...harvested the same... ♪ ...and roasted the same as our other premium coffees. it only makes sense it would taste the same. so, try it for yourself. buy a pack of 100% natural starbucks via ready brew. we promise you'll love it r we'll send you a bag of starbucks coffee. it's the starbucks via taste promise. look for it where you buy groceries. this morning on "today's kitchen" step by step, delicious slow cooker meals. there is no better way to develop flavor than with slow cooking. it's a perfect option if you're pressed for time. we've got chris kimball, the host of "america's test kitchen." our revolutionary chris now joins us. >> i'm revolutionary? >> apparently you are.
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revolution. >> i've got to -- >> no, you're doing the revolution here, baby. that's what we're doing. a lot of us don't do this. i love the idea of a slow cooker. we don't have time to cook. but a lot of us have had experience with bad things like overcooked vegetables, things being not really yummy. you have come up with recipes that really work. >> we bought 24 of these things about two years ago and put this big wall in our test kitchen. it takes a long time to test slow cooker recipes. so it was a long process. >> eight hours, six hours. >> they have tops on them, which means there's no evaporation, there's no browning because they're low temperatures. we'll get to that. also, things don't cook evenly. if you put everything in and walk away, the vegetables will be overcooks. >> now let's talk about what does work. you've got a pork loin. >> you want to saute it on the
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steve. >> that seals in the flavor, get a little caramelization there. >> and then you want something that -- >> i'll do this part. >> that was quick. >> you were. >> cranberry sauce, a little orange. >> we're just dumping here, which is nice. >> a little cinnamon and orange juice. >> interesting. a lot of liquid is going to come out of that meat. you want really big flavor. >> i would have probably messed that up. >> you cover it up. it goes on low for four hours. it comes out, you take the sauce that's made in here, we defat it. we take some of the fat off the top, cook it down about ten minutes. that's another thing with the slow cooker. you have to reduce the sauces. >> look at that. it looks moist. >> it's very moist. it's great for doing roast. it's about 140 degrees. >> wait a minute. do you stick a thermometer in there? >> yeah. >> okay.
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>> and you put it in the meat and check it. >> that's not all. you say it's a great device to use for ribs. that's interesting. people always say they have to barbecue the ribs. >> this is a grill. this is so -- a lot of rib recipes -- you can put it in a slow cooker. you actually boil or steam ribs to start to get rid of the fat. we have a nice little spice rub chi an pepper. >> but that down. >> look at that. >> put a little rub on tom. this is exactly what you do if you did it over grill. we're going to put it meat-side out. >> welcome. >> and then you're just going to put sauce in there. >> barbecue sauce. how easy is this? we'll dump that on top. this cooks about six to eight hours. >> how do you get this caramelization on top? >> take it out and you braille
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-- broil it. and put that on a -- on a broiler pan under the broiler for about three minutes on one side, flip it over, meat side up. another 10 or 12 minutes. >> i don't want -- i want to get to this dessert. you lined this with foil so it's easy to take it out of the pan. >> bread in here like this. >> and -- >> and we put a little bit of that in there, too. my second diagnosis-- i was told to go home, retire, and enjoy the time i had left. to say it was a shock is just a complete understatement. i mean, i don't think there are words. she had put up a really good fight, but it was her time. you... don't have a choice of getting breast cancer. i had no choice.
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i wanted to do something bigger than myself. that 3-day gave me that opportunity. and i can actually do something to help. i think it's a very bold thing to do. 60 miles in 3 days-- i can do that. i'm sure if it was 100 miles, we'd still walk it. it was a big statement for me of... (voice breaks) i'm alive. we can do this. we can do this. we can rid the world of this terrible disease... so that no mother... granddaughter... sister... daughter... mother... go through what my wife had to go through. this is more than just three days. this is a lifetime. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. good morning, everybody, time now is 9:56, i'm brent cannon, a live look outside, starting to see a few sprinkles
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coming down there. a new year, another toll hike for the golden gate transit authority. 55 cents for people coming from santa rosa. a one-way ferry ticket could go up $1. and a one way six from lark spur would go up 50 cents. senator dianne feinstein will follow president obama's lead and introduce a bill to repeal the defense of marriage act. the obama administration has asked the justice department not to defend that act because of changing legal landscapes. right now we do want to check in with christina, is it rain on
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the lens or are they melted snowflakes? >> oh, brent, we are actually looking towards just rain showers right now, we do have the potential for some of those snowflakes we have already seen, a few of them coming downing over mt. hamilton this morning. right now this activity is very spotty, it's becoming a bit more uniform. it arrives in the north bay in just a couple of hours, right about noon. about 10 p.m., snow levels falling to 1,000 feet, maybe even 500 feet by saturday morning. let's check that traffic. >> you're talking about heading southward, let's talk about the traffic heading south, 101, that's the only area you see real slowing, san mateo approaching 92. a lighter volume overall. you still have your slowdown on westbound 80. from off of the merge passing golden gate all the way down to the berkeley curve. here's a live look at the toll plaz a, 50 heading into myers
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you see some snow in that screen shot. back to you. >> at least it's not sticking there yet, more local news coming up. saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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"today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> i'm afraid to do it! >> hey! >> we want to say we heard you. we did that -- let's do it again. >> hey. >> you guys hey-ted it, so we're never doing it again. >> it's thursday, february 24. we're delighted that you're with us and thank you for responding so quickly. >> they just said it was old and over and tired and it jumped the
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shark -- >> it's not totally tobe anymore? >> no, it's out. >> they didn't just dislike it, they hated it. >> they were annoyed and ticked off, so i promised we would not do it again. >> you know what i'm annoyed and ticked off about? >> what? >> every single day we have the lindsay lohan update. come on, let's get this girl in rehab or prison, one or the other. >> okay. so, anyway, here's the story. last time she made news not because of her court appearance but because of what she wore. so everybody was saying, what's she going to wear? well, here's what she wore. >> did she have to walk that briskly? >> she wore a very low-cut blouse. >> i have to say she looked fantastic. she thanked all her designers afterwards and her jewelry maker. they did loan it to her. but she's a beautiful girl who seems to desperately needing
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attention. >> the judge was harsh on her. he said, here's your choice. you are going to prison if you plead. your other choice is go to trial and you could face -- i think it's maybe more than three years in prison. if she pleads, she'll get maybe six months. >> they'll make her do it no matter how crowded the prison is? >> i don't know. he sounded tough. let's listen. >> i want you to get on with your life. i want you to reach whatever potential you have and move on and quit causing yourself, your family and anyone else around you additional stress which is unnecessary. >> okay. >> i don't think he's tough enough. >> honestly. >> yeah. my father would have been tougher on me than the judge was on her. >> six months, though, it's realtime, don't you think? >> yeah. your hair. can you imagine if you were in prison? >> i don't want to go. >> they don't let me take in
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tweezers, i'm telling you. you don't want me without my tweezers. >> roots and crazy frizz. >> let's see what hoda might look like if she were in prison for just a short time. >> let me explain something to you. okay. okay. let me just tell you something. jim gaines, mark straub, i have your number. >> these are the directors down there being hilarious. a lot of people showed if you could kick your husband out for anybody, who would it be, and george clooney was on top of a lot of people's list. >> he said i didn't live my life the right way for politics. i [ bleep ] too many chicks and did too many drugs, and that's
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the truth. he thinks you should say, i did it, i drank the bong water, and now let's talk about the issues. he said his campaign would be, i drank the bong water. >> you've got to love him. i love his sense of humor. he's a great-looking guy and a wonderful actor, but to me his greatest appeal is his intelligence and his sense of humor. >> i think the funny thing is if more politicians said, i want to tell you from the jump, here's all the things i did. i did a, b, c, d and e and that's it. then you're past it. >> i think if we had a politician who is honest, we would elect the guy. if george clooney ran for office, i believe he would win in a landslide. >> i like what he does. he does take his celebrity and he takes it to sudan. >> he puts his money where his mouth is, he cares about issues and he's passionate. >> matt damon was so cute in the adjustment bureau.
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>> i had a little time with him downstairs before i came up. he's looking forward to seeing you, hoda woman. >> i'm sure he is. >> this movie is going to be huge, i think. i hope it is. >> it was such a great movie. it's called "the adjustment bureau," and there was an element of -- what would you call it? >> it's supernatural. >> it's supernatural, but it's also a love story. >> you don't see it coming at all. >> it's adorable. >> matt damon is so great, and anthony blunt. >> we're going to talk to anthony blunt in a few minutes. >> we need to get back to miss san antonio. >> what are we going to do about that? >> this is ridiculous to me. ms. san antonio was supposed to be decrowned, okay, because of a couple of things. nobody really came out and said what the truth was, but they said, one, that the people from
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the pageant told her to, quote, get off the tacos, so she apparently put on some weight, and that she was late to events and didn't show up at events, either. >> these are critical points to your story. >> they are. but then it had to go to a courtroom for some reason where the new miss san antonio got the crown and you see her -- she came out of the courtroom. >> there she is. >> ashley dixon. congrats to her. >> you and i feel differently about this subject. >> here's what i think. if she gained weight after getting the crown, which happens to all of us when you get nervous or whaetever, you're fie up, five down. >> you pig out when you're nervous. >> i think if you gain weight because you ate some tacos, that's okay. >> you know i'm not a huge fan of all these things. but i did host a miss america pageant many, many times and i was in an american junior miss
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pageant when i was a high school senior. what i do know about it, there is something you find that basically tells you the rules you're getting into. >> none of them say you can't gain five pounds. >> they're all different, so i don't know what this says, but they do say you will comport yourself in a certain way, you will represent your title in a certain way which is being presentable, you will compete to the best of your ability to go on to the next thing. >> but i think curvy girls should be represented. >> i'm curvy. i'm all for it. >> i think if you show up late, you're out. i get that part. >> people that know the rules when they go in and then want to break the rules and say -- and whine about it. quit whining. just do what you said you're going to do or don't go into it. nobody makes you go into these things. >> right. right. >> do you hear what i'm saying? >> i understand that part. here's something for people who have sidewalk rage, i guess you'd call it. there are actually people out
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there, there is an ivillage article that talked about people who get so frustrated when you're walking behind someone and you walk around them, they're on the cell phone, they don't real eyes you're around. there is a facebook page called i so want to punch the walking people in the back of the head. i do have to say i get nuts when someone is walking really slowly in front of me, and i pass them and i cut in front of them tight like i'm a car. you know, because i want to get in. >> it's the same rage you had when you were a basketball player. >> this is what i don't understand. you know the sidewalks in the airport that move? how about the people who go on those and just stand there? >> what if it's an elderly person? >> that i understand. i'm talking about the people who stand and wait for the sidewalk to move them down the hall. >> that's what the sidewalk is there for. i don't mind when people stand
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on it, i mind when they put their big old bag next to them so the people who walk can't get around it. what about when you're at the theater and you want to go to the exit in an orderly fashion. people get out of their seat and stand there. and then they start putting on their coats, calling their driver. they're standing in the exit. >> sometimes i do think about pushing people. >> i have aisle rage in the theater. >> i thought in my head about pushing them in the middle of the back like that. because i get so frustrated. but i don't do it. i just think about how good it would feel because it would feel good to do it. >> you know what would make me feel good, hoda? to hear your playlist. >> you're going to have a part in this, i hope you don't mind. you're the backup singer. this is if you're in a sexy mood. it's a little isaac hayes. your line that will come repeatedly is "don't let go." >> of what?
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>> i don't know. let's do it. this is you. it's a little -- you have to feel it. anthony, do you feel it? here you go. ♪ don't let go, don't let go ♪ come on, baby, it's time to rock ♪ don't let go, don't let go. >> here we go. ♪ i'm so glad i got you here, don't let go. ♪ see me grinning from ear to ear. >> here we go, this is the good part. close your eyes. ♪ ooey. ♪ this feeling is killing me. ♪ i wouldn't stop for a million
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bucks. >> okay, i think we've heard enough of it. >> it put anthony in the mood. >> you know what i remember about anthony gaines? there's a southpark coming out that's a little bit controversial, but isaac hayes used to play the chef on southpark. they wrote me in. i had an affair with the chef. cody and cassidy were watching me on southpark in bed with the chef. there should be a law against that. >> is it okay to work with your spouse? kathie lee says whatever works for the couple. >> frank and i work together. you said, sure, as long as you both get to take vacation at the same time. >> very clever. >> i don't think it's the big controversy it once was. coming up next, we're excited about this guy. he's on "the adjustment bureau"
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with matt damon. why anthony mamackey believes i faith. >> sara really never knows when to quit, does she? that's right after this. and if you wake up often in the middle of the night... rest is here, on the wings of lunesta. lunesta helps you fall asleep and stay asleep, so you can wake up feeling rested. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you.
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it's the question many people wonder about. is your life determined by fate or free will? >> it's the question posed by the new film "the adjustment bureau." matt damon goes up against fate. by his side is his representative or guardian angel played by anthony mackey. take a look. >> because she's not, david. if you have her, you won't need to fill that void inside of you with boats and dreams of one day making it to the white house. that's important, but it's not the only thing that matters. >> as if we didn't love him before, hoda. >> well, you loved him especially. can we just really get to the movie -- if we can get to the
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movie, you guys had a little thing -- >> i was you for a day. and you treated me as if i was -- >> we had a good time. that looks so wrong in so many different ways. that looks so wrong. >> that's really disturbing. >> i was holding her like this. >> is that when her head was falling? >> i don't remember it. >> that looks so bad. >> we saw this movie yesterday, anthony, and we really loved it. we didn't know anything about it, which i love just going in with a clean slate, no pre conceptico preconceptions. you say when you read this, you had to do it. >> i was blown away by it. when i read it, i was so impressed by the story because
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it reads like a play. i had never done or seen anything like it. >> we do wonder if it is fate or is it left up to me kind of thing, and that's the source of this movie, is if you control your own destiny. >> we don't want to give it away, but boy, some wonderful performances. matt and emily have the love story, and it's so believable between the two. >> it was a great cast, and we got to shoot in new york, and it was really like a love story to new york. >> you're right. it was a love story to new york. was it last summer you shot? that's a pretty fast turnaround for a motion picture. >> it was a huge undertaking. and george nofy put it together and did a great job. >> i had never heard of him. he wrote it, directed it, p produced it. >> did this change your whole
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life? >> yeah, it really did. i waited my turn and i was able to say yes. but it really put me in a position where i'm able to do interesting and different types of stuff. >> when i looked at vanity fair, i was like, look at the cover. what a great group you're standing with. >> that tuxedo cost more than my house. >> what are you thinking when you're standing there having this kind of iconic picture taken? what's going through your mind, like i wonder what they're thinking. >> i just wanted to rub the lion cub. i'm like, take the picture so i can get to the cub. i had never seen a lion cub before. it was a great group of people. >> when you go home to new orleans, like i know you're going to do for mardi gras, do they treat you like they always treated you, anthony, or is it a little different? >> now they treat me worse.
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i don't get in places, you know. >> now they expect you to pick up everything, you smart aleck movie star, you're making the big bucks. >> now it's like i have to wait, i have to call ahead. i'm like, just give me a sandwich. you know? >> what about the bar you opened? >> opening in april. it's called no bar. >> no bar? >> i'm from new orleans, so no is short for new orleans. >> you've been building it yourself and all that? >> i started building it. i bought a saw, i bought a hammer, i bought a drill. >> we want to come when it opens. >> call me a carpenter. >> if it's good enough for jesus, it's good enough for you. >> you can just call me brother jesus. if you need something fixed, let me know. >> anything? >> anything. >> anthony, we wish you good luck with this movie, by the
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way. >> thank you so much. >> we're so proud of you in this movie. up next, what college kids do on a snow day. we've got the video to prove it. there's no snow in california, thank goodness. fashion fixes when time is not on your side. but first, we have these messages.
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you could spend as much as $200. for a whole lot less. new olay pro x advanced cleaning system. we are back with our webtastic series.
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>> what happens when college kids get snowed in? did i mention they're all guys? >> in this case, fireworks happened. take a look at this short video that's exploding on the internet. ♪ ♪ >> oh, wow. what school are these kids at? >> university of arkansas, and by the way, we already asked. only one of them is single because with a sense of humor
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like this, they're amazing. >> arkansas doesn't often get this kind of snow. >> it had more than 480,000 hits on line, and katy perry even commented, keep letting your fireworks burst, guys. >> they're adorable. >> it's amazing they didn't train harder, but they have some good body shots. they're cute. what guys have that kind of sense of humor and creativity on a snow day to say, let's make a music video? it took four hours to shoot, one hour to edit. >> do they get paid to look that cute? >> no. >> is that funny? >> he might be playing hooky, who knows. all right. help for parents who lay awake at night worrying about all sorts of things. sounds like somebody paid too much. excuse me? i use progressive's "name your price" tool. they showed me a range of coverages, and i picked the one that worked for me.
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i saved hundreds when switching. hundreds? who are you? just a man that loves savings... and pie. out there with a better way. now, that's progressive. so i've got to take care of my heart. for me cheerios is a good place to start. [ male announcer ] to keep doing what you love, take care of your heart with cheerios. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. love your heart so you can do what you love. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. at purinso we set out toour dog to be discover the sciencele. in some of nature's best ingredients. we created purina one with smartblend. delicious shredded morsels and crunchy bites with real meat, wholesome grains and antioxidants
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for strong muscles, vital energy, a healthy immune system, and a real difference in your dog. purina one with smartblend. discover what one can do. good morning, everybody, time now is 10:26. a live look at the mountains west of san jose. it just looks down right cold out there. san francisco police department is a step closer to letting officers carry stun guns. the police commission voted 6-1 to let the department study the use of stun guns. supporters say that stun guns would cut down on confrontations and they can still cause injuries and even cause death. chris moore has served as
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the interim chief since rob davis retired in october. he's going to be sworn in at 5:00 this evening. critics say that moore was the safe choice and that they fear this he will not do enough to reach out to the diverse coity we wljose. we will look at your forecast and your commute coming up right after a quick break.
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good morning to you. well, the very cold winter storm that everybody's buzzing about
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has arrived. we have got scattered showers coming down across the bay area right now. they will become more steady and more widespread as we head through the next few hours. in fact by noon, we're looking towards widespread activity up in the north bay and 10:00 p.m. tonight, take a look at all that moisture headed our way, snow levels fall to 1,000 feet tonight. 500 feet late friday into saturday. let's check that commute. >> we're seeing some of those low clouds they're talking about, but this is the east shore freeway. the bulk of the slowing coming down from berkeley in both directions on i-80. you see those gray skies and wet pavement prime. a live look in oakland, just a little further south, we see things moving pretty steadily, the drizzle looks like it's happening right around the coliseum. and sunol, we're looking at 680,
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coming into the area, moving well. >> thank you for joining us this morning, the "today" show continues coming up next, we'll see you back here again tomorrow morning. l we're back on this thirsty thursday with fashion solutions and prevention. >> if you hardly had time to think ahead today, phil martin has you covered from your lashes to your little ones. >> first, obviously, cheers. >> happy birthday. >> cheers. these are pads. there is a fashion one, and here is one about wine.
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so this is a pad that does that, but it's for everything. there is fashion citations, there is paper -- >> for you! you don't have to tweet, you just write it down on paper. >> and hand it to hoda. they start at $8. if you want to bring wine to your friend's house, put a personalized label on it, or your kids' soccer bottles or water bottles or anything that needs labels, these labels are made and it's kiddy cals. they're waterproof, you can put them in the dishwasher. >> it's great for kids going to camp. >> anything that needs labels. you can put them in the washing machine, the dishwasher and it works. >> this is something i tried out before showing it on the air, and i think i should look into this. it's i'm not wearing any eye makeup
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right now. >> those are fake. >> no, they're not. it's a possessiotion and i wrot the ingredients. it takes an hour and a half. >> does it make them grow? >> it doesn't make them grow, they can put a few extensions in. we have some before and afters, too. it's semi-permanent mascara and it's just a semi-permanent mascara you can put on, so i wake up looking like i'm going to the oscars. it's it starts at $150, and it's all over the country. hanger shaperes. you can buy these from the container store and just add them to any hanger you have.
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ten for $8. this i love if you're entertaining. it looks almost like -- i knew i would say toilet paper -- paper towels. it's disposable, though you can use them again if you want. it's napkins and paper -- >> how cute! >> they have everything and it's disposable. >> and it feels like material. >> $25 a roll. >> how great is that? >> that's a great idea. >> and you can reuse them, jill? >> yes. reusable and recycleable. >> you're batting a thousand, baby. i'll put my head on this one. >> these are custom made -- that one looks good on you. these are custom made bathing suits, so you go on line, and you tell them i have little b boobs, i have a little waist,
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and they customize it to your body. you can pick what design you like. it's a little pricey starting at 180, but i think if you're investing in a bathing suit, i think we're all self-conscious enough -- >> especially if you're not the same everywhere. >> i have a friend who mixes and matches smalls and mediums at the store. >> that's illegal. >> i know. i'm busting her out. these are headbands with ornaments. you just switch out the front. >> dindn't you always give me those, jill? >> i think bobbie did. these are chewbies. these are for moms. you know how babies are always chewing on your neck? these are just like a pacifier and they can chew on that and it
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also is a fashion statement. >> this is random at the end, but you guys love toca. and they just came out with a travel laundry detergent that you like, and the perfume, and the cream and the candles. so this is all things for traveling and it comes in this pouch. $118. >> thanks, jill. love you! up next, advice for parents to keep your head from spinning when you should be sleeping. her first home loan, and this is her sister tina, who i also helped do her first home loan. it was unbelievable how well it all fell together. kathy said, "well, let me give you rachel's number." easy. easy. easy. the whole loan process was simple and convenient! that's why i love quicken loans! [ male announcer ] and you'll be glad to know j.d. power and associates ranks quicken loans "highest in customer satisfaction." to learn more call 800-quicken or visit us online at
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if you're a parent, you know there are endless things to worry about when it comes to your kids. >> those things that keep you up at night can be fixed or maybe even avoided. welcome. >> thank you. >> there are certain things that stick in the heads of parents. what do you find are the top ones? >> when we polled reedeaders, w definitely learned there are
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things keeping them up at night. staying awake is not a good way to deal with them, so there are things you can do. >> here are one of the biggest fears. i'm afraid my baby will stop breathing when he or she is sleeping. >> that's for new parents. >> sudden death infant syndrome can be terrifying. and although they know more about it, it's not that a baby will automatically stop breathing, but he can get suffocated by having his face pressed up against something and not have enough air. the most important thing you can do is put your baby on his back. not his stomach or his side. and keep things like pillows and fluffy blankets and bumpers and even stuffed animals. they look so cute when you see them in the nurseries, but it's not safe. and you don't want babies to sleep in bed with you. there are a lot of moms who are nursing who want to have their baby close by, but they can
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really get wedged in an unsafe position. >> the next one, i'm afraid we'll never have enough money for college, which is a common fear. >> for a child who is going to go to college in 2030, it's going to cost about $245,000 in a public university. you want to not be freaked out by the numbers. the reality is the average middle class family only pays about a third of the cost and the rest comes from financial aid. >> but you have to pay it back afterwards, so it's complicated. >> true, but it's a good thing to start saving now. if you open a 529 that earns money tax free -- >> we don't do that as a culture. we're not good about paying things up front. we don't like the layaway plan, you know? the next thing we hear about is obesity with children. many people are concerned that their child will be overweight. >> a third of children are overweight, and they don't want them to have to deal with things
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they dealt with. the key thing is to eat right as a family. eat the right foods and focus on healthier snacks, small portion size. don't drink a lot of juice with empty calories. >> it's all common sense, actually. >> this one is when there is a working mom in the house, the mom sometimes gets worried that the toddler, the child, loves the babysitter more. and that's a common one because they get more time with your child than you do. >> my child came to me and wanted more time with me, and it broke my heart. >> it's good for your child to be with others, so even though it can tug at your heartstrings. >> everybody would rather be with christine than me. >> when you get home at the end of the day, he's tired --
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>> but they don't ask you, how was your day? they don't even care how your day went. >> that's the truth. >> thank you. up next, corbin paxton, reptile guy, is here. same time tomorrow? [ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle. i see a bag and think... i could have a chip. yeah right. that's why they're called chips? [ female announcer ] new special k cracker chips. 27 crispy chips. 110 delicious calories. another cracker chip? don't mind if i do! [ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle.
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[ baby crying, teapot whistling ] everything's fine. [ male announcer ] of all the things that happen on your wooden surfaces, disinfecting has to be one of them. clorox disinfecting wipes. safe on wood. hard on germs. [ female announcer ] start your morning... hey. what are you doing up? i thought i'd take a drive before work. want to come? [ female announcer ] or make his day. yeah. [ female announcer ] maxwell house gives you a rich, full-flavored cup of coffee, so you can be good to the last drop. [ carl ] honey, where's the -- top shelf! life can get a bit... routine. that's why i decided to switch things up with cottonelle ultra toilet paper. [ carl ] oh yeeaaah! you see? it's 35% thicker than the northern brand.
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[ carl ] love it! you might say this one little switch has made all the difference. peanut, get dressed... we're goin' dancing. [ laughs ] [ female announcer ] little switches can make all the difference. find cottonelle ultra codes. then see how you could win ultra prizes to make little switches in your life.
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. we're back with today's call of the wild, and corbin maxie with his reptiles. we have scooter, who just happens to be hanging out on the table. >> hoda, you have something very special for scooter. this is an animal from central and south america. make sure he doesn't bite your hand. take a look at this tongue that's going to come out. look at that. >> that's attractive.
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>> these animals are complete vegetarians, and this is a treat for scooter. take a look and watch your fingers. isn't that great? these animals get pretty big. they'll get up to six and a half feet. >> this is a cautionary tale. you got to use moisturizer. >> tell us about this guy. >> of all the animals we work with are rescues. and believe it or not, scooter was given away as a prize at a local carnival -- >> and they were happy with him? >> they fed him things like pizza and spaghetti and ice cream -- >> but he shouldn't be eating it. >> give him another bite. take a look. scooter, there you go. isn't that cool? this is perfect. check out this right here.
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they use that to impress the girls. isn't that impressive? and they'll extend it -- they'll bob their heads up and down, make themselves look bigger. >> i'm going to put scooter right here at the very end. okay, look at this. this is cool. take a look at this. don't worry, this is water, girls. >> you never know around here. >> this is a snapping turtle. watch out, they do bite. >> i know! why are you holding it up to our faces? >> i'm kidding. >> i'm joking. >> i really was just kidding. >> is he really a snapper? >> he is. >> then get him away from me, for god's sake. >> look at the nose. isn't that incredible? >> it is incredible. can't they take out a finger? >> they can. they were selling him as a little baby to children at a pet
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store. >> that's not right. >> let's get to the gator. >> okay. i'll be right back. take a look at this, girls. this right here -- >> is a baby alligator? >> -- is a baby american alligator. >> how big will that get? >> she'll get up to 15 feet long and weigh several hundred pounds. this was an anniversary present. some guy bought this and thought this would be the perfect anniversary present. >> they've got to be divorced. >> they're no longer together. >> you can hold him. >> have you just loved reptiles since the day you were born? >> ever since i was born. >> you must have driven your mother crazy. >> i have very understanding parents. i started rescuing at age 12 and i'm 21 now. >> i'm glad you found your calling in life. i wish my son would.
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>> okay. this next animal is huge. it's very, very dangerous. here we go here. >> oh, my gosh. >> oh, my -- >> no one wants that around. >> take a look. this right here is a reparticulreticulated python from south america. they'll get over 30 feet long -- >> how fascinating. >> isn't she beautiful? >> what does she eat, corbin? >> she eats rabbits. >> and people. they don't do it often, but they have been documented eating humans because they get so big. >> they're gorgeous to look at. >> and they sell these as pets. can you believe that? >> we hear about these being
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found in toilets and things like that. >> it is amazing what you'll find in a toilet. >> corbin, nice job. >> she's coming towards ariana. a woman whose dream took her from the corporate world to the kitchen. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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time for today's kitchen, and we're getting saucy with an award-winning cook. >> sara did what many would like to do, put aside her profession for her passion. she's the 2010 cooking star, and
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good for you! >> how are you? >> great. how are you? >> how did you get to that point? >> i've been cooking all my life, and a magazine sponsored a contest, and i thought, i'm going to try that. >> what did you enter? a recipe or something else? >> no, it was about what i've done over time, not one single recipe. >> sometimes if you're at home and it's just you, you don't know what to whip up, you don't want to order in. >> you don't want to work real hard, right? >> if you don't work that hard for yourself, who is going to work hard for you? >> what are we making? >> we're making some braised short ribs. i seared them off, and now we're going to add the other
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ingredients. so we need the add the wine. >> the whole bottle? >> nor, not the whole bottle. brown these a little bit and add about two cups. >> make it three, what the heck. >> the beauty of using wine is you can drink the rest of it and you're not drinking alone. you're just making sure you're not wasting ingredients. >> but people will start to talk if you're home alone and cooking for yourself. people will start to talk. >> we're going to turn this up and bring it to a boil. >> what else goes in there since we can't wait for it to boil? >> we add vinegar, and this is a chipotle pepper. >> i can never pronounce that, chipotle. >> one teaspoon of cocoa. sdp >> that's weird. >> it's not weird, it's great. >> it's weird, sara!
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those are carrots, hoda. celery, hoda, and a couple cloefs cloe cloves of garlic. finally, sara! >> and we're going to put these guys back in. we're going to put a lid on this and put it in the oven at 350 for a couple hours. when it's all done, we're going to pull it out and this is what the short ribs look like. >> they just fall off the bone, don't they? >> fall right off. we're going to combine them with vegetables and some beef stock. >> in? >> yep. >> that's great. >> hoda is cooking. >> then you have so many options for eating this. >> corn over paus tachstpasta.
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this is the braising liquid leftover. you can put it in smaller storage containers and put it in the freezer [ alarm clock buzzing, indistinct conversations ] [ female announcer ] important events can sneak up on you. oh, i am not ready. can i have a couple weeks? [ female announcer ] but with yoplait light's two week tune up, you could be ready. you could lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks when you replace breakfast and lunch with a fruit, grain, and yoplait light. betsy bets. you haven't changed a bit. oh...neither have you... sean. well, yeah. [ female announcer ] go to to start your two week tune up.
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