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tv   Today  NBC  March 29, 2011 7:00am-11:00am PDT

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a responsibility to act. president obama defends his decision to involve the u.s. military in libya but he vowed our troops will not be used to overthrow moammar gadhafi by force. >> to be blunt, we went down that road in iraq. >> did the president say enough to quiet the critics? prince harry arrived in the arctic to join a punishing tradition to the north pole. we are with him, live. and a snowboarder crashes and becomes trapped upside down in six feet of snow. his helmet camera captured it all, including a desperate call to his wife.
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>> i'm stuck in a tree wall. give them my phone number. i'm going to die if they don't find me. >> luckily she did and he was finally ruined. we'll share his story today, tuesday, march 29th, 2011. welcome to "today" on this tuesday morning. i'm meredith vieira. >> i'm matt lauer. president obama vowed america's role would be limited in libya. last night he told the nation that we have fulfilled that pledge. we have done what we said we would do. those were his words speaking from the national defense university the president said nato would take command on wednesday. as to why he involved the u.s., he said it was necessary to prevent a campaign of killing. how is that speech being received in both washington and
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in libya? we will get the latest straight ahead. on a different subject, barry bonds' former mistress took the stand on monday at his perjury trial. she gave graphic testimony about the baseball star's alleged steroid use and what it apparently did to his body. we'll have details of that testimony coming up. plus, a new memoir by one of john f. kennedy jr.'s former girlfriends is revealing intimate details about his private life including rather candid memories of their romantic vacations and also a near death experience on a kayaking trip. she is going to tell us more in a live interview. >> but let us begin on a tuesday morning with president obama making his case for u.s. involvement in libya. chuck todd is nbc's chief white house correspondent. chuck, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. well, the president used a 28-minute speech to make that case for the limited military action in libya. he also took the opportunity to rebut critics on the left and the right about how and whether to target gadhafi with the military. in total the president used the framework of american values to
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make the case. >> the united states of america has done what we said we would do. >> explaining the case for military action in libya, the president said it was in america's national interest and the u.s. had a responsibility to act. >> to brush aside america's responsibility as a leader and more profoundly our responsibilities to our fellow human beings under such circumstances would have been a betrayal of who we are. >> the president said failure to act would have carried a far greater price. >> the united states and the world face a choice. gadhafi declared he would show no mercy to his own people. we knew that if we waited one more day benghazi, a city nearly the size of charlotte, would suffer a massacre that would have reverberated across the region and stained the conscience of the world. >> and mr. obama declared the mission so far a success.
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>> i said that america's role would be limited, that we would not put ground troops into libya, that we would focus our unique capabilities on the front end of the operation, and that we would transfer responsibility to our allies and partners. tonight we are fulfilling that pledge. >> reporter: but the president said until gadhafi steps down libya will remain dangerous. he rejected the idea of using the military to target gadhafi, comparing that to iraq and president bush's decision to go after saddam hussein. >> if we tried to overthrow gadhafi by force, our coalition would splinter. we would likely have to put u.s. troops on the ground to accomplish that mission or risk killing many civilians from the air. to be blunt, we went down that road in iraq. but regime change there took eight years, thousands of american and iraqi lives, and nearly a trillion dollars. that is not something we can afford to repeat in libya.
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>> reporter: the president ended with a broader focus on the uprisings throughout the middle east. >> the united states will not be able to dictate the pace and scope of this change. only the people of the region can do that. but we can make a difference. >> reporter: despite the foreign policy speech the congressional reaction is split harshly along partisan lines with republicans upset about the lack of a timeline for an exit strategy and even john mccain being upset that the president didn't want to use the military to dictate regime change. democrats are more supportive but basically unenthusiastic. meredith? >> chuck todd, thank you very much. nbc's chief foreign correspondent richard engel is in benghazi, libya for us this morning. good morning, richard. what is the reaction there to the president's speech? >> reporter: here in benghazi the reaction has been incredibly positive. the president said he wanted to act militarily before there were
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images of mass graves. those mass graves would have been filled with the people of benghazi, so here still a feeling of gratitude. there is a sense that this military intervention really came at the last moment. gadhafi's forces were already inside benghazi, already attacking the city, and if the military air strikes had been delayed ten, 12, 14 hours, benghazi probably would have been lost. >> and thanks to those air strikes the rebels are making their way west toward gadhafi's hometown of sirte. what kind of progress have they made overnight? and also, what is the stra tete importance of sirte to the rebels? >> reporter: sirte is incredly important. if it falls, gadhafi's hometown, a military garrison town, then the rebels will be right on the door step of tripoli. the problem is they are not making progress toward sirte. in fact, gadhafi's forces overnight pushed the rebels back several more miles. gadhafi's troops are dug in.
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they've created a defensive perimeter around sirte and are preparing for a final stand there and it's increasingly clear that without more western intervention, more powerful military strikes, the rebels simply aren't going to take sirte. there is also a new dynamic here. this entire military war if you will call it was launched to protect the people of benghazi, but now there's a dynamic where the people of benghazi, the rebels are advancing on a civilian population in sirte, which opposes them. >> all right. richard engel, thank you very much. susan rice is the u.s. ambassador to the united nations. madame ambassador, good morning to you. >> good morning, meredith. >> last night the president laid out his case for military action in libya. he said that we did so for humanitarian reasons to protect the civilians there from essentially a blood bath, but it seems like the mission has gone beyond that. nobody in the administration has used the word "war" but in fact there is a civil war going on right now in libya and we have taken the side of the rebels. so has our mission changed from
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a humanitarian one to something quite different? >> no, meredith. the mission is quite clear, and the mandate from the united nations security council and the international community is quite clear, and that is to protect civilians and to establish a no fly zone. as a consequence of our action in conjunction with our nato allies and arab partners, probably tens of thousands of people have been saved in benghazi and other cities in the east that were at risk ofhafi a brutal forces. >> but we're not just protecting civilians at this point. we are helping the rebels and they say so themselves to advance. >> no we are actually protecting civilians in a way we very clearly described as we worked for this mandate from the international community and from the security council. gadhafi has used air power. he's used tanks and heavy artillery to attack civilians and he continues to do so in cities like misrata and elsewhere. what we are doing in coalition with partners from the arab world and nato is to prevent him from utilizing his air access
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and his heavy weapons to attack civilians in urban locations. >> ambassador rice, by all accounts there was a split in the administration as to what to do in libya, how to handle the crisis there. you were among those who supported the no fly zone. defense secretary gates was among those who had doubts about it as recently as sunday. he said on "meet the press" that he doesn't believe libya is vital to our national security interests. and that leaves many people wondering, how does this administration pick and choose who would get the backing of the u.s. military? >> well, meredith, first of all, all of the members of the president's national security team were united behind the president's decision to take this action. and the president laid out the case for that very clearly yesterday. had we not acted, tens of thousands of people would have been killed. we had a request from the libyan people, from the arab league. we had an international mandate. we had the ability to do so without putting u.s. forces on the ground. in the region, that is very strategically important to the
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united states. we are not going to view each country in the region as one and the same. they're quite different. the circumstances are unique. and our actions will be unique. this is not a cookie cutter model. what it transpired in libya was unique to the fact that we have a dictator there who threatened his people, who called them cockroaches and rats, who threatened to go door to door on a scale of violence that we have not seen anywhere else in the region. and, frankly, we felt, as the president said last night, quite clearly, that to have allowed him to overrun his people, to allow him to spill refugees into the very fragile countries on those borders, libya and tunisia -- excuse me -- egypt and tunisia -- and to have done nothing at this moment of democratic awakening in the middle east would have been against the united states' interests and values. >> again, i want to point out it was secretary of defense gates who did say denot believe libya was of vital interest to the
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u.s. and there were probably folks in yemen and syria this morning who are wondering what about us? you're going to go into libya. what about us? >> if you look at secretary gates' statement he made the case that we have important interests in libya and vital, strategic interests in that region. >> do you not think we're facing the same situation down the road in yemen and in syria? >> i think each of these countries is very different and the dynamics there are very different. the scale of violence is nothing of the sort that we've seen in libya where you have a leader that has in fact killed in the past a thousand of his own people in one day and threatened to go door to door to do the same in a city as the president said last night the size of charlotte, north carolina. that would not have been acceptable. it would have been against our national security interests and inconsistent with the values of the american people. each of these countries is different, meredith, and it would be naive and unwise to assume that the same approach applies in each. >> all right. ambassador susan rice, thank you so much for your time this morning. >> thank you.
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and now once again here's matt. >> meredith, thank you. tom brokaw is here with his take on president obama's address and what comes next in libya. tom, good to have you as always. so much was made over the eight years of the bush presidency, bush 43, about the bush doctrine. was last night the laying out of the obama doctrine? >> i think it was. i think that what he did in a very restrained speech was say to the american people, this is why we got involved. these are the terms of our involvement. and where we can expect to go from here. it does open a lot of other questions. ambassador rice was saying these other countries are different. but it's not hard to imagine that things can get wildly out of control for example in syria, which is in the back yard of israel, and we have lots of interest in that part of the world as well. >> let's play a sound bite from the speech last night. you tell me if you think it puts the president in the box or in a box in the near future. take a listen. >> some nations may be able to turn a blind eye to atrocities
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in other countries. the united states of america is different. as president, i refuse to wait for the image of the slaughter and mass graves before taking action. >> so let's go back to your comments -- syria, bahrain, yemen, the next darfur, the next rwanda. does he have to act in all of those cases? >> well, i don't know. i think it is conditional but i also think this is the beginning of the end of something, which is really important, and it cries out for a national review, a bipartisan review of our policies in the middle east and our stakes there. i think that ought to be the second act that we see very quickly coming here before too long. we're not hearing from the saudis for example. we are getting some assistance from the uae, the united arab emirates. so there are a lot of people who are holding their cards very close to their vest right now and we have big stakes in that part of the world, primarily because of oil. >> you mentioned something to me when you first walked in the studio this morning. you said that you haven't in your memory, you can't recall a time where a president has faced a confluence of events like the
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confluence of events taking place right now. just explain that well, in my adult lifetime and as a reporter here you have a reporter who has two wars under way. he is engaged in really what is a third war. the world's third largest economy, japan, has been gravely wounded by a tsunami and an earthquake, now has a nuclear meltdown. one of the principal members of the president's national security team said to me last night, i'm more worried about that than i am about libya. and then we have here at home a recession that we cannot completely get out of yet and political paralysis in washington over the budget. all of that has arrived at the oval office at the same time. now when presidents get elected that's their job is to take on the big assignments, the big challenges. but there have been few that have come as swiftly as all of these have from unexpected circumstances. >> tom brokaw, always good to have you here and your perspective.
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i appreciate it. >> my pleasure. >> 14 minutes after the hour. let's check the rest of the morning's top stories from ann. now i can see you. over at the news desk. >> i'm dplad you cglad you can. thanks so much. as tom just mentioned talking about japan, japan's nightmare has worsened with news now that trace amounts of plutonium one of the world's most dangerous substances are now seeping into soil around the nuclear power plant that was crippled by the earthquake and now hundreds of tons of contaminated water are also slowing the effort to get the plant under control. nbc's lee cowan is on the scene there in tokyo. hey, lee, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, ann. yeah. here is the dilemma. engineers say they still need to keep pumping water into those reactors to prevent a full scale meltdown but that is only increasing the amount of radioactive water they then have to pump out. that is an uncomfortable problem that so far engineers haven't been able to figure out how to solve. in this village just to the north of the troubled reactors it looks like a ghost town. shops are closed and residents
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are checked for radiation routinely. especially after traces of potentially deadly plutonium were found in the soil just outside the fukushima plant. evidence engineers say of at least a partial meltdown. it's an invisible disaster, this man said, this fight is very hard. it's hard not only because of the long hours of labor but hard because a workable solution to get control of the reactors has yet to be reached. temperatures in reactor number 1 rose to an alarmingly high level today but was brought down after dousing it with water. but the more coolant that's poured on those fuel rods, the more radioactive water leaks out, posing a threat to the soil, even the ocean water nearby. the government spokesman simply called it a delicate balancing act but offered little in the way of any new plan to attack the problem. focusing instead on the one positive development, the power has now been restored to all the control rooms, meaning more accurate readings can now be
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taken. they say this is a natural disaster but their preparations for the worst were not enough, this man said. so in a way, it is a man made disaster. ann, it's going to be up to man to solve. they insist the priority at this point remains keeping those reactors cool even if it means reating a dangerous by product in the process. >> lee cowan this morning, thank you. also in the news this morning, tens of thousands of syrians are showing their support for their embattled president after dozens were killed in recent clamp downs on protests. in egypt the ruling party reports that the ousted president hosni mubarak and his family are not allowed to leave the country. wisconsin's battle over collective bargaining rights heads to state today as state and municipal leaders dispute governor walker's claim that a law eliminating most of those rights went into effect on friday when it was published online. today's hearings will clarify
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whether or not walker's administration can begin implementing those cuts. the u.s. supreme court will hear arguments in a gender discrimination lawsuit against walmart today to decide if the case can proceed as a class action lawsuit involving at least 500,000 women who claim the retail giant systematically favored men for the workplace advancement and for higher pay. it would be the largest job discrimination suit ever if it proceeds. and the so-called human soup spiderman has successfully scaled the world's tallest tower. the 48-year-old man took only six hours to climb the 2700-foot tall tower in dubai, surpassing even to the top floors to scramble up the building's spire 160 stories up not including the spire. it is now 7:18. let's go back to matt, meredith, and i wonder if there is a broadway show he'd like to do. >> they have enough problems. >> exactly.
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>> thanks. >> hey, maria. >> good morning, guys. it looks like the south once again is going to be under the gun for some strong thunderstorms. this time we're talking about eastern texas into alabama. here we're looking for the risk of daming winds, hail, and maybe an isolated tornado. meanwhile wintry weather in the midwest. sunshine continues in california. she's right about that sunshine. good morning to you. we are going to see a lot of it today. not quite as much as yesterday with high clouds coming through making for filtered sunshine at times. our temperatures right now are in the 40s. grab a jacket. something you can take off by noon. we'll be in the 60s in the south bay. 65 degrees at lunchtime in santa rosa. we'll round out the day in the upper 60s and low 70s. 71 degrees in santa cruz. haven't seen these temperatures since early february. 80 degrees by thursday. >> maria prince william is taking a
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break from wedding duties. nbc special correspondent ben foeg ellis there with details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, meredith, from a freezing cold spot. i can barely think, it is so-called. minus 15 today. while prince william and kate middleton carry on with wedding preparations, prince harry is on an adventure. he touched down to see some soldiers going unaided to the north pole. a patron of walking with the wounded, third in line to the thrown will be joining four injured serviceman injured in battle as they attempt to raise $3 million for charity. prince harry has something in common with the soldiers, having served in afghanistan himself. here the soldiers see him not only as prince harry but also as lieutenant wales. >> at the end of the day, he has
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been on operations. >> reporter: to highlight the importance of this trip, the prince snagged the front cover of this month's british gq magazine with not one but two special edition covers. the soldiers want to prove that injury is no barrier in life. they are packing with the provisions needed for the three week trek. even the clothing has been specially adapted for their injuries. the team will face serious dangers while out on the polar ice. >> open water, thin ice. then of course polar bears. >> reporter: and prince harry will have to man up with the others. no royal excuses here. >> it is a great equalizer. we are all just individuals out here. and if we are well prepared, we'll be okay. >> reporter: this weekend he flawlessly organized his brother's bachelor party at a friend's country estate, sneaking the event past the british press. now temperatures are minus 10 to
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below 60. and if temperatures alone don't do it, his new teammates have a suggestions. the royal family have been in the world spotlight in the lead up to the royal wedding. but for one royal, it is a chance to escape the gaze of the press for awhile in one of the earth's most remote environments. and what if a week isn't enough? might he continue to the north pole itself? >> selfishly, his brother decided to get married at the time we go to the pole. i imagine it would cause a bit of a family ruckus. >> reporter: if prince harry does decide to carry onto the north pole, something tells me he'll be hearing from the three women in his life, his soon to be sister-in-law, his grandmother, who happens to be the queen and his on/off girlfriend, chelsea daily. >> trust me, he's coming home. coming up, a snowboarder
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trapped upside down in a tree well nearly an hour. he shares his ordeal and dramatic call for help. first, this is today on nbc. whil his helmet filmed the ordeal hey marcel, watch this!
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just ahead, emotional testimony from barry bonds' mistress in the perjury trial and the temper she says he displayed while allegedly taking steroids. >> and the latest on the search for the escaped cobra at the bronx zoo after your local news. some say i've done it all. i say i'm just getting started.
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i wear what i love, because expression means everything. ♪ too hot to trot some say i'm one-of-a-kind. i say i'm so chico's. good morning to you. it is 7:26 right now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. we continue to follow developing news out of the east bay. the newark fire department is at the scene of a refinery fire that resulted in an acid spill. bob redell is live at the scene joining us with the very latest. bob? >> reporter: laura, that two-alarm fire is now out. the acid spill is contained. and within the past few moments newark police let people who work at companies near the evergreen refinery return back to their places of work. a couple hours ago the refinery was performing what they say is a routine procedure with a radiator-like device called a heat exchanger. they don't know why but it
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caught fire and ended up melting a fiberglass tank nearby full of hydrochloric acid. that acid spilled. as i mentioned, hazmat is out here. that spill is contained. they said there's no threat to people in the surrounding area. there were flames coming from the plant for a good 15 minutes, but it was the plant itself that tells us they were able to put out the flames as the newark fire department and alameda county fire departments were en route. one person was injured in the arm but they are expected to be okay. bob redell for "today in the bay." good to note that the people in the area are safe. thank you very much, bob. 7:27 right now. a great forecast on tap with christina. >> good morning to you. you just can't beat it, especially when you put into perspective after all the flooding and active weather last week, we'll talk the warm conditions. filtered sunshine today. barbecue weather all week long. today looks good. we are already in the upper 40s across the bay area. 47 degrees in hayward turning over to the upper 60s and low 70s.
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and this is just the beginning. we'll get warmer tomorrow and even more so for thursday, 80-degree weather as we head closer to the weekend. how is it looking on the roadways, mike? wonderful weather and surprisingly light for a tuesday. here's the sigalert with a live shot at southbound 880 merging on to southbound 238. just one lane is open. the rig is gone but repair work continues until 9:00 a.m. slow right at the interchange. slow at the bay bridge toll plaza as well. back to west grand avenue there. we'll have another local news update in a half hour. the "today" show is back in less than two minutes. da
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7:30 now on a tuesday morning, the 29th day of march 2011. got a big spring break crowd out on the plaza enjoying the beautiful day. only 32 degrees out there. spring off to a slow start in the northeast. hopefully warmer where you are we go outside, say hi to the people in a little while when meredith warms up. inside studio s 1, i'm mt lour with meredith vieira. one snowboarder's unforgettable ordeal. he was filming a run when he got
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stuck. he mentioned to answer a well timed call from his wife. his story in a little while. and an intimate look in the life of john f kennedy, junior, what it was like to date one of the world's most eligible bachelor's. we are going to talk to her about why she's talking about it coming up. new details on the search for a poisonous egyptian cobra missing the past day or so from the bronx zoo here in new york. we'll find out how they are doing in that search. we begin with graphic testimony from the star witness at the purge retrial of barry bonds. his former mistress took the stand monday. migel was in the courtroom. what can you tell us? >> reporter: good morning. prosecutors say barry bonds lied to a grand jury about using steroids. monday we heard what may have been the most explosive testimony so far in this trial. we heard from his former
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mistress of nine years who seemed to hold very little back. facing federal charges that could lead to prison time, barry bonds faced his ex-girl friend in court. kimberly bell testified bonds told her he used steroids as early as 1999. bell says bonds claimed he didn't shoot it up like body builders, and didn't do it all the time, but said players used steroids to get ahead. the explosive testimony was graphic. bell said bonds lost his hair, developed acne, became bloated, couldn't perform sexually, and that his male anatomy became, quote, smaller and an unusual shape. >> kind of out of a hollywood script, you had a pretty starlet looking type woman who was the mistress of mr. bonds over a number of years, there was a bitter breakup. after that, she sought publicity from the breakup. >> reporter: bell turned emotional on the stand
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describing what she called his volatile temper after his alleged steroid admission. he was increasingly aggressive, irritable, aj stated, very impatient, almost violent. he threatened he would cut off my head, leave me in a ditch, adding he would also cut off her breast implant because he paid for them. >> i think the tenor of the trial changed. bell had dramatic testimony that points towards barry bonds' steroid use. >> reporter: bell admitted he gave her tens of thousands to buy a home and cash to pay bills, but she said bonds ended the relationship with one word, disappear. bell then posed for playboy, tried to shop a book about her ex-lover. >> the defense pounded her hard on her motivation for testifying. there is no doubt she tried to profit from her relationship with barry bonds. >> high fly ball to right center
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field. >> reporter: bonds is baseball legacy now in question. his career -- as a rookie, 125 pounds. 21 years later, he weighed 240 pounds. the 14 time all-star is always denying he knowingly used steroids, but his reputation is already tarnished. this courthouse is just across town from the baseball stadium where barry bonds set so many records. but matt, it is unclear if he will testify in court on his ownby half. later today, we expect other players to take the stand. >> migel, thank you very much. it is 34 after the hour. here is meredith. >> thank you. a man in california is lucky to be alive after a terrible snowboarding accident.
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the crash and were captured on helmet cam. tamron hall joins us. >> it happened last week. james drummond was buried in snow six feet deep upside down. luckily the camera was rolling and his phone was on. playing it up for the camera james hit the slopes for a day of snowboarding with no idea of the nightmare he would soon be facing. >> i was positive i was going to die. >> reporter: his typical run on the mountain turned scary very quickly. he fell head first into a tree well packed with snow at the base of a tree. as he came to, his camera revealed the terrible situation he was in. buried alive, upside down in six feet of snow. he struggled for 20 minutes to reach his cell phone. >> dug straight down to my pocket. by the time i got down, my fingers felt like they were
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about that fat around. >> reporter: just as he found the cell phone, a call came through, his wife on the line. >> i'm stuck in a tree well. give them my phone number. >> are you serious? >> i'm going to die if they don't find me. >> are you serious? >> call them! >> where are you? >> give them my number! >> reporter: although he was stuck, drummond knew he could help ski pale troll find him. >> i knew the mountain. i knew where i was. >> reporter: first came the call. [ phone ringing ] >> hello? >> reporter: then 30 terrifying minutes later, the rescue. >> i heard somebody say "i found him". >> we got him! >> reporter: remarkably, drummond was fine. he snowboarded down on his own but said watching the video
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isn't easy. >> hard to watch. it's a little embarrassing, too. i was really scared, you know? >> reporter: when he crashed he said he was instantly reminded of a snowboarderer who died at the park in february. he said he hopes the scare will educate others to take necessary safety precautions when hitting the slopes. meredith? >> certainly shouldn't be embarrassed. that was frightening. thank you so much. now a check of the weather from maria la rosa in for al. >> announcer: today's weather brought to you by soma vanishing edge panties and bras. >> a great crowd, great spring break crowd here. [ cheers and applause ] >> we have visitors all the way from san diego. ready to go back? >> we're freezing! >> frozen or not, new york is fabulous. stormy weather going on. we have mountain snows and heavy rain in the northwest. california staying sunny.
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we could see two inches of rainfall and six to nine inches in the cascades and olympic mountains. sunshine in the northeast. rain and severe weather across the gulf coast and we also have flurries through the mid sect good morning to you. well, our temperatures are still chilly enough for a jacket, but you'll want to dress in layers today because we are going to see our temperatures climb to 70 degrees. warm conditions that we have not felt in the bay area for about a month. so you will enjoy it. that's my guess. barbecue weather all week long. the breeze picks up just like it did yesterday. we'll see some pretty breezy conditions later this evening. below advisory criteria. 70 degrees in san jose. only warmer thursday into friday. you can check your local weather 24 hours a day at meredith? >> just ahead, inside the high
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back at 7:41. more than a million marriages in this country will end in divorce this year. for the wealthy like the founder of paypal it can be a bitter showdown over every last dollar. cnbc looked into some of the highest profile, high stakes divorces for a special that premieres tonight. melissa francis joins us. good morning. >> incredible cases. in many cases it seemed the couples had more money than anybody could spend. that didn't stop the breakups from exploding into messy, expensive divorce wars. to understand how a divorce war can escalate we spoke to justice, a participant in a multi-million dollar divorce war. in october 2010 justine's divorce is labeled america's messiest. her ex-husband is a hugely successful entrepreneur worth hundreds of millions of dollars. she met him in college before he
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made all that money. >> we were both in the apartment with two dogs and three roommates and a really squalid kitchen. >> reporter: shortly after selling his first start up company they are married. he then sells paypal, the internet payment company for $1.5 billion. from there he creates the rocket company and tesla, the electric car company. >> i had the sense of being relegated and sidelined. kind of a trophy wife feeling. >> reporter: by 2008 they live in bell air with five boys under the age of five. that's when the end comes. >> i went to my therapist's office. he had left a message for her to tell me that he was filing for divorce. >> reporter: the divorce is filed in california, a community property state meaning justine is entitled to half of the family's net worth estimated at
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hundreds of millions of dollars. as the divorce proceedings unfold, justine understands that's not the case because of a document she signed eight weeks after they were married. at some point you signed a post nup? >> at the time i trusted my husband. i trusted that he wouldn't do anything that would put me in harm's way. >> reporter: the agreement which they were working on before the marriage with an independent mediator essentially supercedes california law. justine believes the contract is unfair and argues that he misrepresents his wealth. a judge disagrees. and the divorce war goes public. justine writes in her blog that she's asking for $6 million in cash, stock in the companies and a tesla roadster. elan says he previously offered her $80 million and paid $4 millionle in accounting and legal fees.
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they end the war. >> looking back at the wedding day, what do you wish you knew then that you know now? >> i wish i had understood that marriage, when you take away the romantic part of it that it is a business contract. it's a power relationship like any other business relationship. >> reporter: in the settlement, justine gets the bell air mansion and an undisclosed sum. she had money to fight. many can't afford to take on their spouses. we found a company to pay for your lawyer, investigator and living expenses for a percent. they will stake you along the way for a percent. >> do they speak at all? how are they raising the children? >> they were communicating by e-mail. one detail we had when they broke up he called the therapist and left a message on her machine saying that's how we are
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breaking up. >> that's how you do it in the 21st century? >> i guess. >> appreciate it, melissa. you can see divorce wars tonight on cnbc. up next, the elusive and deadly cobra that's missing from the bronx zoo. we're live with the latest on the search right after this. man: everybody knows you should save for retirement, but what happens when you're about to retire? woman: how do you go from saving to spending? fidelity helped us get to this point, and now we're talking about what comes next. man: we worked together to create a plan to help our money last. woman: so we can have the kind of retirement we want. now, you know how this works. just stay on the line. oh, yeah. fidelity investments. turn here. ♪ ♪
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stay inside? nah. not when you have a five-star overall vehicle score for safety. one more reason chevy traverse delivers more. ["stir it up" playing] stir up a smile with hershey's syrup.
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and more. if you replace 3 tablespoons of sugar a day with splenda® you'll save 100 calories a day. that could help you lose up to 10 pounds in a year. that's how splenda® is sweet...and more. oh. ooh. happy birthday todd. it's for a cough... from allergies... [ male announcer ] halls relieves coughs and sore throats due to allergies too. now you know.
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back now with the latest on the search for a venomous egyptian cobra missing from the bronx zoo in new york. peter alexander is there. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. we appreciate this assignment today. more than heights, more than spiders, more than the dark, the one thing americans fear most are snakes which makes the story that much more unsettling. again today, zoo keepers will head into the reptile house in search of the cobra that's been missing now for four days. if you are anything like me you would probably prefer to cover
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the story from here, but way down below there is a potentially deadly cobra missing. what do you think? >> we'll be leaving soon. >> reporter: it may not be "snakes on a plane". >> i have had it with these monkey fighting snakes on this monday to friday plane! >> reporter: the venomous snake that will look like this managed to slither out of its enclosure. as soon as zoo keepers noticed the 20-inch snake was gone the reptile house was closed and secured. that was friday afternoon. the cobra hasn't been seen since. >> what did your mom say when you said you were going to the zoo. >> they didn't catch the cobra yet. that's not a good idea. >> reporter: the zoo director said it's like fishing. put the hook in the water and wait. the snake, just monthsle old and pencil thin is likely hiding in
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the reptile house, somewhere it feels safe. i'm glad she does. >> the egyptian cobra can be dangerous. these animals have very strong venom, strong enough to kill a human being. that's the bad news. the good news is they are not particularly aggressive and really will only bite if they feel threatened. >> reporter: cobra bites can be deadly if they go untreated. an egyptian legend is the kind of snake cleopatra used to commit suicide. >> the taste of these is sharp, swiftly over. >> reporter: hollywood has been tapping into it for years from "anaconda" to "indiana jones." today this real life reptile has snaked its way into the spotlight. even steve martin, who once paid tribute to the boy king, tweeted an egyptian cobra escaped and is hiding in the bronx zoo. i'm sitting in my king tut hat by the phone awaiting their call for help.
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♪ >> reporter: always good to have some king tut in a story like this. how do you catch a cobra? the zoo director said you wait until it gets thirsty or hungry. that's when it starts moving around the building. the zoo director said it could take days or weeks to find. >> peter, thank you very much. takes that long before it gets hungry? >> they are pretty sure it's in the warm building because it's freezing in new york. >> the cobra has a twitter page with 18,000 followers. want an example of a tweet? leaving wall street, these guys make my skin crawl. that's the cobra, not me. >> very cute. >> we'll be back after news and weather. ♪
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[ water running ] [ indistinct talking on television ] hola padre. hola. [ male announcer ] you do everything so they're at their best. so start their big days with the incredible protein. eggs.
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but i wasn't winning any ribbons managing my diabetes. it was so complicated. there was a lot of information out there. but it was frustrating trying to get the answers i needed. then my company partnered with unitedhealthcare. they provided onsite screenings, healthy cooking tips. that's a recipe i'm keeping. ( announcer ) turning complex data into easy tools. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. with the rising price of fuel, guess which way shipping costs are going? the u.s postal service has no fuel surcharges. combine that with low online pricing... and your shipping costs... ..could head in a whole new direction. it's time to rethink your shipping.
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good morning to you. it is 7:56. i'm scott mcgrew. we have an update on developing news out of newark where crews are cleaning up after a fire and acid spill at the evergreen oil refinery. "today in the bay's" bob redell is live at the refinery. good morning, bob. >> reporter: good morning to you, scott. newark police have now reopened that road leading to the evergreen oil refinery. so people who work at companies outside of the refinery can get back to their jobs. the spill is contained. the fire is clearly out. right now they are trying to figure out what caused this to happen. it was 5:30 when the plant manager says they were doing a routine procedure with a heat exchanger when they think the heat exchanger failed or something happened. they don't know what, but whatever it was it caused a fire. a fire that was large enough that it was able to be seen outside the plant and it was hot
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enough that it melted a fiberglass tank containing hydrochloric acid. that's what ruptured a spill. again, that spill is contained and will not cause any problems as far as a threat to the health of people who are around here. one worker was hurt in the arm. that person is expected to be okay. this is on the heels of what happened in may of last year, just around ten months ago, when another three-alarm fire happened at the evergreen isle refinery. today was a two alarm. thank you. in happier news, we have great weather ahead. christina is joining us. >> good morning to you. right now it is a little chilly, you'll still need the jacket, but later on today as scott mcgrew promised, high pressure builds in making for another warm, sunny day. today will be five degrees warmer than where we were yesterday making for the 70s inland and the upper 60s at the coast. i'm going to 67 degrees in places like redwood city. san francisco, we are going to see some warm conditions along the peninsula.
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the 70s in the south bay today. 7degrees in san jose. 71 in gilroy. here's the extended outlook only showing you warmer conditions, record territory as we head through thursday. wednesday as well and even friday we are talking about the 80s. how are we looking on the roadways, mike? light traffic flow on the bay bridge, but we have the sigalert on southbound 880 to 238. chp just left the area. no smoke is visible on 880, but we have an accident south of there causing a slowdown approaching mission. more news in a half hour. meanwhile, the "today" show returns in just a minute. you... don't have a choice of getting breast cancer. i had no choice. that 3-day gave me that opportunity.
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and i can actually do something to help. 60 miles in 3 days-- i can do that. we can rid the world of this terrible disease... so that no mother... granddaughter... sister... daughter... mother... go through what my wife had to go through. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. ♪ eat well, live long ♪ have a good daisy, work out, get strong ♪ ♪ when you need a lift, just sing a song ♪ ♪ and have a good daisy ♪ have a good daisy with a natural treat ♪ ♪ have a good daisy, healthy foods to eat ♪ ♪ when you want some joy, dance to the beat ♪ ♪ and have a good daisy [ female announcer ] enjoy the fresh, 100% natural choice in cottage cheese. ♪ have a good daisy ♪ have a good daisy
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8:00 on this tuesday morning, the 29th of march 2011. you are looking at the cherry blossoms in washington, d.c., jefferson memorial in the distance. i have never ever been to washington, d.c. to see them. >> come on, it's beautiful. >> after the show, jump on the train and get there. >> i can't today. >> tomorrow. >> i'm going away tomorrow. >> you're going to miss them. >> it's lovely in new york. we have a great crowd in rockefeller plaza. a chill in the air and smiles on their faces. we're appreciative of that. i'm meredith vieira alongside matt lauer. just ahead a revealing glimpse into the life of john f.
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kennedy, jr. nearly 12 years after his tragic death his former girlfriend of five years is out with a new memoir about their relationship. it's about two young people in love. she reveals a side that few people knew. several intimate details in the book, but it's not a tawdry tale. it's a wheat book about him, the man he was then, his mom and family. it's lovely. >> also ahead, teenagers are all about social media -- twitter and facebook. doctors are actually warning that if your teen is too involved with social media your teen could suffer from something they have labeled -- i don't know that the people of facebook would like it, but they are labeling it facebook depression. we'll explain what it is and what parents should be on the lookout for. >> and on a different note, how far we have come from today show girls to the women of today sharing memories of our first 60 years. >> cool.
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lots to get to in this half hour. let's go inside to say hello to ann curry. >> hello to you this morning. in the news, u.s. forces have fired on a libyan coast guard ship and two smaller vessels after they launched missiles in the port of misrata. at the same time mom march gadhafi's ground forces have stopped the rebel adverse on gadhafi's hometown of sirte, which is a great way to the capital city. secretary of state hillary clinton met in london before a 40-nation summit on libya. last night president obama said he used military force in libya to prevent a slaughter of civilians and not to target moammar gadhafi. critics say he left too many unanswered questions about the long-term u.s. goal in libya. the discovery of toxic plutonium outside japan's damaged nuclear power plant is increasing pressure on officials to expand the evacuation zone. meantime france is helping to
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deal with the volume of radioactive water created by the efforts to cool off the reactors. former president jimmy carteder meets today with cube land leader raul castro in havana. carter is on a private three-day mission to improve relations between cuba and the united states. on monday he met with cuban jewish leaders and the catholic cardinal. u.s. consumer spending rose by .7% in february, the eighth monthly gain in a row. the commerce department said much of the increase covered the higher cost of food and gasoline. a new study out today says the federal government could save billions by raising the medicare eligibility age from 65 to 67. the kaiser family foundation warns 65 and 66-year-olds would have to pay about $2,000 more each year for health insurance. states and employers would also face higher costs.
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the heroism of the home front for an iraq war veteran. canadian purcell lunged over the count who are put a gun to the head. the gunman and his accomplice fled. it was an air powered pellet gun but the owner of the store is grateful. it's 8:03. now back out to matt and meredith. >> are you warmer? >> a little bit. come on back, jimmy, jimmy, jimmy. this mom named her daughter after you because she used to watch you in rhode island and loved the name. >> oh! she was pregnant with her while she watched you. >> really? that's so sweet. i'm honored. >> nice to meet you meredith. >> we made that up. >> really? >> no, no. it's serious. al is off. we have maria la rosa here. take it away. >> all right. i will.
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we'll continue to feel the love. this couple's been married 25 years. any secrets? >> yeah. >> humor. >> humor. >> welcome to new york. it's definitely chilly but we are seeing chilly temperatures across the great lakes. we are headed to detroit, our today pick city. sunny and cold, high near 40 degrees. shine in the northeast. flurries in the midsection but severe storms possible from texas into alabama. sunshine in california and the rain and snow continue in the northwest. good morning to you. well, we're in day two of the warming trend that's going to bring our temperatures in the 80s as we head throughout the week, maybe a couple of 90s on thursday. high pressure moving over the area, getting closer to the bay area today. bringing our numbers about five degrees warmer than where we ended up yesterday. forecasted high for san jose, 70 degrees. in fairfield, 70 degrees.
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as we head through the next few days, temperatures continue to climb. 80 degrees on thursday. matt, back to you. >> thank you very much. coming up next, an intimate look inside the life of john f. kennedy, jr., as told by his former girlfriend of five years. first, these messages. [ male announcer ] why do so many car companies compare themselves to toyota? maybe it's because toyota is the most fuel-efficient full-line auto manufacturer. with 25 vehicle choices highway rated 30 mpg or better. like the 50-mpg rated prius, america's best-selling hybrid. plus, every new toyota comes with toyotacare, a complimentary maintenance plan with roadside assistance. we're #1 for a reason. come see for yourself. hurry in for the best selection. ♪ [ male announcer ] our 16 fresh-picked oranges have a new home. tropicana pure premium now comes in a clear bottle so you can see how much goodness is squeezed inside.
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♪ good morning tropicana. the world's best juice never looked better. oh. ooh. happy birthday todd. it's for a cough... from allergies... [ male announcer ] halls relieves coughs and sore throats due to allergies too. now you know. [ slap! ] [ slap! slap! slap! slap! ] ow, ow! [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum ta tum tum tums you have a child with adhd. you're getting calls from his teacher he's impulsive in class. and his inattention makes focusing on homework tough.
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i know how it is because my son has adhd too. i didn't know all i could do to help manage his adhd. our doctor suggested a treatment plan with non-stimulant intuniv. [ male announcer ] once daily non-stimulant intuniv has been shown to reduce adhd symptoms. don't take if allergic to intuniv or are taking guanfacine. intuniv may cause serious side effects, such as low blood pressure, low heart rate, fainting, and sleepiness. intuniv may affect the ability to drive or use machinery. other side effects include nausea, tiredness, trouble sleeping, stomach pain and dizziness. tell the doctor about your child's medicines and medical conditions, including heart, liver or kidney problems. i'm a mom first and a teacher second. so i did my homework and got informed. [ male announcer ] ask the doctor about once daily non-stimulant intuniv. [ male announcer ] ask the doctor
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twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. [ male announcer ] on tuscani tuesdays, any family-sized tuscani pasta is just ten bucks. dinner made easy? check. [ male announcer ] with over three pounds of your favorite pasta, plus an order of breadsticks, you get enough for the whole family. only on tuesdays. and only at your pizza hut. morning! mor-ning. i'm your genie. you're wishing for... a tasty fiber cereal? well you don't want that one. kellogg's fiber plus cereal. the delicious taste of berries, 40% of your daily fiber... plus...wait for it... antioxidants! so, two more wishes! mmmm. mmmm. maybe later, then. [ female announcer ] kellogg's fiber plus cereal. positively delicious. back at 8:42.
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it's been 12 years since john f. kennedy was killed in a plane crash. he was fondly known as america's prince and holds a place in the hearts of many including a former girlfriend who has written about their former relationship. we'll talk to her in a moment. first, their story. he was born in the public eye. a little boy who made the white house his own and enchanted a nation along the way. as he later told nbc news -- >> my family photo album in my head is shared by a lot of people. so it's an unusual connection to have with other folks. >> reporter: his dreamlike childhood was ended with the assassination of his father john f. kennedy. his mother epitomized grace in her determination to carry on. john grew up on new york's upper east side and one of his first loves was the girl next door.
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christina haag met him in high school. they became close friends attending brown university. it was in their 20s that they reconnected while acting in an off broadway play, a performance which led to them falling in love off and on stage. it proved to be a pass to one of america's most intriguing families. author and actress christina haag is with us now. her new memoir is called "come to the edge." first of all, i have to correct the time. it's 8:11. sorry about that. you dated jfk and kept diaries throughout the time. what made you decide to come out with the book now? >> i had always written since i was in grade school. it was always my way of processing things and understanding things. after he died, many memories came back. they were very present and i wanted to hold onto them and let
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them go. it was healing to write the book. >> it has to be hard because it's intimate as well. >> it is. >> why would you want to share that? >> i think memoir is intimate. it was important to really capture what the experience was like. >> you got to know him in junior high. you knew his sister caroline for years before that. what was he like at that age? >> he was charming. >> even then? >> yeah. a little awkward. when we first met it was at a party at his mother's house at 1040 5th avenue. the boys were on one side of the room. the girls were on the other and they were throwing water balloons out the window. he was particularly excited about that. >> not the hunk though. he was gangly. >> a little bit. that changed quickly. >> you were house mates at
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brown. >> yes. >> and you went out after college. how did the relationship begin to turn from friendship to romance? >> it was about ten years after we met. we were doing a play in new york called "winters." it's about two teenagers who fall in love. there was a kiss in the play and then one night he said to me, i would like to kiss you for real this time. that was the beginning. but i think we always had a crush on each other or what he called a sneaker. i have had a sneaker for you. he called it the longest courtship ever. >> was he a romantic guy? >> he was. i remember one time he left red roses tied to my bicycle. two dozen roses and an unsigned card that said "you rule my world." he didn't like ringing the bell to by brownstone. he would climb to the planter and the balcony. i liked that entrance as well.
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>> you still get a twinkle in your eye. >> he was a great guy. >> we think of him and you write about the adventures you two had. you were in jamaica and went kayaking. you almost lost your lives. >> we did. it was scary, yes. >> was he a reckless guy then? >> you know, i never thought of him as reckless. i liked the word you used -- adventurous. he was curious, eager, wanted to try new things. i think he knew that you do things in your 20s -- certainly i did -- that you may not do now. we were young. we thought we were invincible. >> his mom, you write about his mom and their relationship. what was their relationship? what was your relationship to her? >> well, we were very close.
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i adored her. she was just so encouraging. she fwaef me a great deal of confidence. i aspired to the grace she had. she would come see me in plays and when i was on television she would watch. with john, it was wonderful to be around them. they had a really special bond. she delighted in stories -- when he would tell stories at the dinner table at martha's vineyard. he made her laugh. >> did you get the sense that she would have liked you two to get married? did you even come close? >> we did. we talked about it. i guess we weren't that young, but we parted ways when we were 30. it was a sense of, oh, that would always happen. sometimes life takes a different
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turn. we drifted apart. >> you talk openly about the other women that came into his life. darryl hannah, you mentioned, at one point. is that what broke you up? >> it wasn't, no. there was a period where we were taking a break. yes, that did go on. but, no. in looking back, no, that's not what i think. and then looking back to be honest what i remember is how wonderful he was. i think many women have a love that may not work out but you still carry a piece of them in your heart. i think that's a good thing. i certainly don't live in the past, but i wanted to write about this. a friend of his recently called me. he'd read the book and he said, you know, it's a beautiful tribute to john. it's your story, but a beautiful tribute. it made him remember how sad he was when john died but also reminded him what a special
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person he was. it's good to remember those we love. >> it's a lovely book. thank you for joining us this morning. the book is called "come to the edge." up next, the town side of social networking. is your teenager suffering from facebook depression? that's right after this. teacher he's impulsive in class. m his and his inattention makes focusing on homework tough. i know how it is because my son has adhd too. i didn't know all i could do to help manage his adhd. our doctor suggested a treatment plan with non-stimulant intuniv. [ male announcer ] once daily non-stimulant intuniv has been shown to reduce adhd symptoms. don't take if allergic to intuniv or are taking guanfacine. intuniv may cause serious side effects, such as low blood pressure, low heart rate, fainting, and sleepiness. intuniv may affect the ability to drive or use machinery. other side effects include nausea, tiredness, trouble sleeping, stomach pain and dizziness.
8:18 am
tell the doctor about your child's medicines and medical conditions, including heart, liver or kidney problems. i'm a mom first and a teacher second. so i did my homework and got informed. [ male announcer ] ask the doctor about once daily non-stimulant intuniv. we pretend high-heels don't hurt and that we can handle anything life throws at us. but there are times that we need a moment to remember. we're only human. that's more than enough. your moment. your dove™.
8:19 am
[ male announcer ] on tuscani tuesdays, any family-sized tuscani pasta is just ten bucks. dinner made easy? check. [ male announcer ] with over three pounds of your favorite pasta, plus an order of breadsticks, you get enough for the whole family. only on tuesdays. and only at your pizza hut. you think i have allergies? you're sneezing. i'm allergic to you. doubtful, you love me. hey, you can't take allegra with fruit juice. what? yeah, it's on the label. really? here, there's nothing about juice on the zyrtec® label. what? labels are meant to be read. i'd be lost without you. i knew you weren't allergic to me. [ sneezes ] you know, you can't take allegra with orange juice. both: really? fyi. [ male announcer ] get zyrtec®'s proven allergy relief and love the air®. don't suffer waiting for your pills to kick in. add alaway. for fast eye itch relief that works in minutes and lasts up to 12 hours. only alaway comes from bausch & lomb. for fast eye itch relief,
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add alaway. for fast eye itch relief, you gotta try honey bunches of oats with almonds! it's got real, sliced california almonds with a third less sugar per serving than honey nut cheerios. wow! delicious! try honey bunches of oats with almonds! i wear what i love, because expression means everything. ♪ too hot to trot some say i'm one-of-a-kind. i say i'm so chico's. [ male announcer ] ragu, packed with two servings of veggies in every half cup of our now thicker, richer, healthy sauce. ragu has a great taste your family will love. ragu. feed our kids well. back now at 8:20. this morning on "parenting today" is your teenager
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suffering from something called facebook depression? tamron hall is here to explain that. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. roughly 75% of teenagers use social networking sites. almost a quarter admit to logging on more than ten times a day. while much good can come from connecting with family and friends online, a new report from the american academy of pediatrics warns it can also harm at-risk kids. chances are your teenager is on facebook, checking on their friends' status updates and who is in a new relationship. helen warren and her friends admit to spending a lot of time online. >> everyone is on facebook. >> reporter: now there are emotional ups and downs to staying connected. >> it can be a let-down in you go on and no one cares about you. >> you're opening it up to everybody being able to see what you're doing and hurt you. >> things on facebook can hurt you or change your mood. >> reporter: it's that sentiment that led the american academy of
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pediatrics to issue guidelines for doctors to deal with the psychological impact of social media on teens. the report emphasize that is the virtual world can have a very real impact on the self-esteem of a teenager because a large part of the generation's social development is occurring on the internet. for a teenager prone to depression, social media can make it worse. >> not your typical moody teenager. these are kids who have a tendency toward depression or anxiety who spend time online with facebook and it augments the symptoms. >> reporter: the report indicates social media can isolate teens and provide a forum for bullying. in fact, over one-third of teens admit to making fun of classmates online. helen's mom can see how facebook might be harmful. >> if you were a kid subjected to bullying or marginalized at
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all, you could really feel excluded. >> reporter: what do parents need to know? >> the best way of viewing the online world is as part of our world, not a separate entity. we have to focus on technology as much as sports and music so they understand using facebook. >> unexpert noted that parents shouldn't get the idea that using social networking site wills infect their kids with depression, but say it's something to look out for. matt? >> we are joined by dr. lisa thornton, a pediatrician. nice to see you. we love labels in this country. we are calling this, probably unfairly, facebook depression. it's really saying that social media can have a negative impact while it can still have a positive impact. >> that's right. the report from the american academy of pediatrics made one small paragraph within the entire report, this facebook depression. it's important to note that this
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isle really happening to kids who already have issues. but even tiypical kids can be affected by what's going on in social media sites. one little thing can be said that spreads like ripples in a pond and people start posting and suddenly it's part of that persona. >> when i was a kid if another kid walked up to me at the playground and said something nasty, it hurt, but it was only a momentary interaction. then i was home. the problem with social media is they spend so much time on it, it can be repeated hour after hour, day after day. >> something that was small becomes big. it's important for parents to tune in to their child's emotional -- be a barometer for your child's emotions to note if your child didn't leave the house but has been on the computer and has a mood change to explore what's going on there. >> social media, allow your kids to make it a part of their lives
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but not too big a part of their lives. >> right. the american academy of pediatrics recommends no more than two hours of screen time per day which is hard. i know how difficult that is. it's important to make it one of many things they do to socialize. it can be positive but also damaging. >> make sure your kids are sharing the right kinds of messages. discretion is important. >> parents really have to focus in on that. these days what is discretion to those of us that are older is not discretion to the younger generation. if your children are posting things that seem inappropriate and hurtful you need to rein them in. >> and probably the children experiencing the depression probably had a tendency toward it in the first place. >> that's right. >> thank you very much. appreciate it. it's 25 after the hour. just ahead the women of "today" look back at our first 60 years.
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first, your local news and weather. good morning to you. 8:26 right now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. day six of the perjury trial brings big names to the stand. the prosecution is trying to convince the jury that the home run king lied under oath. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, laura. barry bonds pulled up to the federal courthouse here about 15 minutes ago in his black chevy suburban, with his usual entourage. now, he looked confident and unaffected even after yesterday's graphic and personal testimony from his former mistress, kimberly bell. today on the stand, for the prosecution, the three major
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league players, two retired and one current, brothers jason and jeremy giambi, and randy viardi, are linked to steroids. they are expected to say they received performance-enhancing drugs from bonds's trainer. the latest for you tonight at 5:00. marla.>>ha vy much. marla.
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twizzlers. the twist you can't resist.
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welcome back. just about 8:29. in the south bay, traffic clearing up after a couple of earlier accidents on the 101. they've cleared the roadway. 880 starting to jam up through fremont. now, for the north 880, starting to jam up past the coliseum. tonight the a's and giants are facing off in the second series. thank you very much. 8:29 right now.
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we are back now at 8:30 on a tuesday morning. it's the 29th day of march, 2011. yes, it's a chilly one in the northeast. lots of parts of the country dealing with sub-seasonal temperatures. but, you know, we have a nice crowd on the plaza.
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we have lots of sports fans around. happy they are with us. on the plaza i'm matt lauer with meredith vieira and ann curry. just ahead, as we mentioned, we have the countdown continuing to the royal wedding. >> how many days now? >> 31, we think. >> how many? 31. >> we think. >> we are headed to london and we are not the only ones. what is london doing to prepare? what can you expect when planning a trip to england? that's all coming up. >> also this morning, you have baked for bake sales? >> i have. many, many times. >> really? sometimes we make one that's a winner and sometimes not. we always win with sandra lee. she has advice on how to kick it up a notch and make money for a great cause. >> absolutely. >> also we continue the celebration of 60 years of "today." this morning the women of "today" talk about their proud
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history on the program. first can we say hello to justin, the latest contestant voted off "biggest loser couples." >> good to see you. >> you started out at 365 pounds. what do you weigh now? >> about 220. >> 140-something pounds? >> yeah. >> unbelievable. how do you feel? >> i feel great. it's awesome. feels really good and it's exciting. i have learned how to do it. it made a difference in my life. >> you do it well, i can tell. your teammate was the olympic gold medalist rulon gardner. do you think you had an advantage? >> he would make anybody have an advantage. we became our own people and separated. we were each motivated in our own direction. it was nice to have him there. i had to experience it myself. it was fun.
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>> you look like an entirely different person. part of it is because you didn't know how you looked until you did this program. when you realized, what was the moment? describe it. >> you know -- it hits you and you're like, i have been telling myself a lie. you have to change, do something different. when i realized i don't care who's looking. i'm going to do everything i need to do to get where i needed to go. it changed my life. >> you talk about watching the show last year, sitting home watching it and starting to cry because you realized you were heavier than the contestants you were watching on the show. that was a big moment for you. >> yeah. it's surreal. you're like, wow. what do i do? you look for answers. >> now you're hanging out with your kids, able to do things.
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>> you run a gym. >> yeah. we go to the gym, hang out with the kids. you know, help people out, teaching them, you know, hey, this is what i did. having people come um and ask questions motivates me. >> you look great. congratulations. >> thank you. i appreciate you guys. >> you can check out "biggest loser couples" tonight on nbc at 8:00/7:00 central. >> let's check on the weather with maria la rosa in for al. >> good morning, guys. we have a great spring break crowd. where are you from? >> ohio. i'm done with the snow in ohio. >> hopefully. >> i think you are definitely in company. let's see where the snow is today. we have a few flurries through the mid mississippi valley. lower mississippi valley we could see severe weather. damaging winds and heavy
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rainfall from texas to alabama. more rain and mountain snows in the northwest. good morning to you. well, the rest of the nation has severe weather to contend with, we're going to get a break. a nice, beautiful week ahead. 44 degrees right now in oakland. grab a jacket. but something you can peel off later on today. high pressure is going to bring our temperatures up into the 70s. i'm forecasting 70s in cities that are inland for the most part. maybe a couple of cities on the peninsula will hit 70 degrees. redwood city, for instance. forecasted highs, 69 degrees in oakland. 70 in san jose. meredith, back to you. >> maria, thank you very much. having a good time? tell me you are! >> yes! >> okay. up next, we celebrate the women of "today." first this is "today" on nbc. i love america,
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i love my pet bald eagle brock, my bison sara, i love my pick-up with the custom constitution paint job... i celebrate jury duty... i love america so much, i'm making an all american jack combo two jumbo patties, with melting cheese, lettuce, tomato and pickles, plus fries and a drink for only $4.99. i've celebrated every american tradition...except one... spring break cancun yo!!!!!!!!
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♪ back now at 8:37 with more of our special series, "60 years of today" as we count down to our 60th anniversary. >> we wanted to look back at the role of women on this program. >> and also used to be known as "today" girls, meredith. maybe we have come a long way. >> mr. president, what do you think is the correct role for a washington wife? >> i cannot imagine elizabeth taylor being told by a man that i have work to do, honey, go up and watch tv. >> kuwait has been invaded by iraq. >> people hear that, taxpayers and they are frustrated. >> a time when women were not allowed to do much more than be window dressing in morning television. >> and to the prettiest two eyes in television.
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give them a look there. >> i didn't know they had "today" girls. you would never see that today. it was a sign of the times. florence henderson was a "today" girl. >> she was pregnant. they would hide her behind palm trees and desks. americans were squeamish, prudish or something. >> barbara walters was the first woman who hosted "today." she was a trail tblazer. you see she wasn't allowed to interview any of the major newsmakers. she would do the more feature-y segments. >> good morning, barbara. >> there was a moment when she interviewed richard nixon. that was one of the seminole moments for the show. >> by the 1970s a great deal changed for women and it was reflected on "today." there were no interviews i was
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denied. in 1974 i was made the first female co-host of a morning program. ever since then every woman who has been on has been a co-host. i didn't wave any flags, burn my bra. if there is something i'm proud of it's that occasion. >> barbara paved the way for women on this show without a doubt. jane had her pregnancy on this show which was something that so many women could relate to. >> bill cosby was on. i remember him referring to the big purple ball and it was obvious he was talking about jane pauley. >> bill wanted the purple ball to join us. >> i was the most visible pregnant woman in north america. i think my pregnancy was unprecedented in television. >> katie had a colonoscopy and saved lives. >> it's a pretty colon. >> i did this and i think people thought i was nuts.
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after it aired there was a 20% increase in kolcolonoscopy. >> now ann, natalie and i have a chance, too. it's a legacy you can have. >> there's been a strong succession of women that lasted all the way through to meredith today in that primary role. these women, one after another, have helped pave the way for the women who come after. >> have i ever referred to either of you as a big purple ball? i would be taken out of here on a stretcher. sometimes have changed. >> when you realize it hasn't been that much time since they had the "today" show girls to where we are now. >> it's been a blur. to think of that degree of sexism that lasted into the '70s. that's a long time.
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things have changed dramatically. >> what change would you like to see next, dear? >> i love that. we have lived wit forever! >> i need this job. i think it's amazing. fun to look back at the history and the people. look at the people who have been part of the show. >> great legacy. >> i have two great ones next to me here. up next, one month and counting. what london is doing to prepare for the royal wedding. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ back at 8:44 as we count down to the royal wedding. we are just one month away. what can you expect as you head to london for that big day? celia walden is a columnist for the daily telegraph. kate maxwell is from conde nast
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and simon smith is from british airways who is sponsoring the contest. a month away. this will be the global event of the year most likely. is london ready? >> absolutely. it will be such a festive occasion. there will be bunting everywhere, union jacks, statues around westminster being polished especially for the occasion. it's wonderful for london. >> i was there a couple of weeks ago and people said, you americans are making more of this than we are. are the brits starting to get excited? celia? >> yes. i think they are. we were quite cynical. we have a tendency to be cynical to begin with. everyone really likes william and kate. there's nothing not to like. gradually the most cynical of us are thinking this will be a good day. plus, those who don't want to be here because of the bank
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holidays can get 11 days off for the price of three which is perfect. >> everybody's happy. >> exactly. >> i understand some londoners are considering renting out their places. one real estate website said one in four folks in london are considering it. is it surprising to you? do you know anyone renting out the home? >> i have a couple of friends in london doing that. it's something london will do for big occasions like wimbledon. there is a site where you can find anything from a bedroom to a townhouse. >> if you go to london and you want to get around i would imagine cabs are expensive. best way to go is public transportation? >> yeah. the cab is an experience everyone should have in london, just to talk to the cab by. these guys know everything about london. go on the tube, talk to londoners. this will be a day when londoners open up. the brits are known for being reserved and we'll let our hair
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down on the 29th. >> that's good to know. lots of parties that day. if you can't get to the site you can crash a party somewhere else in the city. >> there will be parties everywhere. i would advise anyone going to london that day to go to a pub. there are a lot of pubs in london. every pub will have a great party. that's a way to soak up the atmosphere. >> we're talking about the big day and we know kate is arriving by rolls royce from buckingham palace that morning. she'll travel to westminster and leave in a carriage. obviously people would love to be along the route. where is the best place to be? >> i think it's madness really to expect to be along the parade route. there will be 2 million people along 1 1/2 miles. it will be unbelievable crammed. my advice is to go high. find places like the park lane hotel where you can go to the restaurant on top and have a nice meal for $50 or $70 and
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watch the whole thing from relative comfort. >> would you recommend that people stay outside the city, do you think? rather than inside the city? >> if money is an object, stay as centrally as you can. but if it is, stay an hour outside the city. in a county like where kate middleton's parents live or surrey or kent. you can take the trab in the morning. >> -- train in the morning. >> you know so much about security. do we expect a lot along the parade route? we won't have metal detectors, i wouldle assume. >> not at all. security will be well thought through. i think we should think of it as a great day of celebration and a party. the emphasis will be on people enjoying themselves no matter where they have come from in the world. >> if you are there over the weekend there is plenty to do, so stay put. >> right. >> thank you. up next, sandra lee's recipes to impress at your next bake sale.
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first this is "today" on nbc. i finally found a body wash that moisturizes and softens my dry skin. [ female announcer ] new gold bond deep moisture, with 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. the body wash that moisturizes like a lotion. get at&t u-verse today. if you're ready for more from your tv service, at&t u-verse tv. make the switch! [ female announcer ] call at&t now to get u-verse tv starting at just $29 a month for six months -- hd-ready dvr included. or get up to $300 in a promotion card with a qualifying u-verse bundle. [ male announcer ] u-verse tv lets you record up to four shows at once on a single dvr. and you can record and play back your shows from any room. [ female announcer ] call at&t now to get your u-verse tv starting at just $29 a month for six months -- hd-ready dvr included at no extra charge. or get up to $300 in a promotion card with a qualifying u-verse bundle. [ male announcer ] with u-verse tv, you can even upgrade to over 155 hd channels. that's more than cable.
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maybe that's why u-verse tv is ranked "highest in residential television service satisfaction in the west" by j.d. power and associates three years in a row. [ female announcer ] at&t u-verse: tv like you've never seen before. ♪ >> announcer: "today's cooking school" is brought to you by ragu. feed our kids well. ♪ >> this morning, bake sale goodies. they have long been a staple of fund-raising. >> if you are looking for the perfect recipe to fly off the
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table "semi-home made" queen sandra lee has the secret. why a bake sale cookbook? >> this cookbook specifically was created for the great american bake sale which is the share our strength and no kid hungry campaign. 50% goes to that and also feeding america and the food banks. this one is savory and sweet. these are snacks, lunches or dinners and a little sweet something-something. >> when i think bake sale i don't think about our first recipe. you will make focaccia. most people think of brownies and cup cakes. >> you're making it. >> you help me. >> this is pizza dough. >> store bought. >> you can serve it as a side dish or take it for a nice lunch. you can put on meat, vegetables, great things. in here -- ready? >> yeah. >> you have pizza dough laid out. this is what it looks like.
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take your fork and fork all of this. >> what do you mean? >> putle ho holes in it. you bake it for -- >> you have to be careful what you describe on live television. >> that's good. >> now what? >> olive oil. >> brush? >> no. more forking. >> more forking. >> italian seasoning. two teaspoons. mix it up. >> okay. just pour it on, matt. one tomato, look at this. goes on. if you want onions, pieces of chicken. it's really good. >> olives would be nice. ancho anchovy. >> pop it in the oven for about 25 minutes. >> all right. >> moving on, i'm making a
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brownie. >> you are. you are making chocolate -- excuse me. chocolate brownies. first thing is use what's in the pantry. chocolate cake mix and brown sugar. >> mix it with this? >> a little bit. but you have more to add. >> melted butter. this is a stick. then you have nutella. >> oh, god. >> what is that? >> it's fake chocolate. >> no, it's chocolate hazelnut spread. >> you can do the eggs. i will finish this. it's a very thick batter. two eggs. >> can you use white ifs you want to? >> you can. that's an ann recipe. we have a white chocolate macadamia cake made with egg whites. >> and the hazelnuts? >> dump them in. >> this goes into the pan.
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>> and comes out as -- >> as brownies. >> look at those. 25, 30 minutes again, 350 degrees on the oven. >> you made a beautiful macadamia -- go ahead. >> by the way, you can serve it with or without icing. i have seven recipes from scratch for icing. this is more nutella, powdered sugar and eh cream. >> it looks beautiful and luscious. >> thank you very much. >> now to the macadamia nut cake. we have cream cheese frosting in a minute but what's this? >> white chocolate pudding, white cake mix. then coconut milk in as the liquid. >> it's easy because you're mixing it all together. you cook it with fresh macadamia. >> and white chocolate chips. >> okay, perfect. how about this frosting. >> here it is. matt had his finger in there
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already. >> there was something in it that i needed to get out. >> it's beautiful except for this fingerprint mark. >> if you were using canned icing, put in vanilla to make sure it didn't taste like canned icing. to make it from scratch is simple. a brick of cream cheese, a stick of butter and two cups of powdered sugar. >> i love canned icing though. >> it is good. but fresh cream cheese frosting is unbeatable. >> i make it from scratch and i'm sandra lee. >> so you frost it on top. >> put your nuts in there. pour that over the top and just make beautiful swirls with the spatula. >> i will do that. >> 165 beautiful easy recipes in this book. >> this looks great. tnd lee, the bake sale
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cookbook. for more head to our website. he good morning, everyone. it's 8:56. the city council will declare an emergency tonight after a land slide damaged four homes. the hill is still moving right now, pushing the buildings closer to the street. crews are in the area trying to
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brace those homes. four of them red tagged last week. four others yellow tagged. speaking of red and yellow, there's a lot of red on your map, mike. >> unusual for southbound 880 coming through fremont as well. a couple of accidents this morning, causing this jamup this morning. the fire truck is where bob was reporting all morning. everything is clear for the freeway and local roads. the south bay showing all that red and yellow. and the bay bridge is just slow. back to you. more news coming up after the "today" show.
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we are back with more of today on a tuesday morning. 29th day of march, 2011. let's stop for a second and say hi to the nice people that are cramming the plaza this morning as the spring break continues. chilly in new york. i'm matt lauer with cameron hall. natalie and al are off this morning. coming up, we are talking to a guy from california lucky to be alive after this accident. he is snowboarding, wearing a helmet camera. he takes the fall, ends up head over heels in a tree well, six feet of snow, stuck, he can't
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move. luckily, he had a phone with him, he was rescued. we will hear that story in his own words coming up. also ahead on joy's diet sos answers to your questions about diet, nutrition, for example, if you're over 60, trying to lose weight, how much should you exercise, and also questions about artificial sweeteners in organic foods. >> common questions people have. we will see those answers. also you heard the drama about the kennedy miniseries, set to air on the history channel, but the cable outlet backed out when members of the kennedy family said it was not historically accurate. it found a home on reelz. we will look at the controversy, some say it is the best work katie holmes has done. >> but controversy for something like this is good. a lot of people will be drown to that. also ahead, elizabeth
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taylor, her life and legacy. she was hollywood royalty with oscar winning performances, off screen life as famous as her roles. the latest from people magazine, including the latest details on kate and will. let's go inside, ann curry has the headlines at the news desk. >> good morning, again, everybody. in the news, major world leaders meet in london today to discuss the future of libya. some 40 foreign ministers from arab, western states are coming to the table to push for moammar gadhafi's exit. last night, president obama addressed the nation to defend the u.s. military's involvement in the libyan conflict. the president said u.s. intervention was necessary to prevent a massacre of civilians. plutonium is seeping from the power plant in japan and into surrounding soil, a situation increasing pressure on officials there to expand the evacuation zone around the
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complex. three of the facility's six reactors are believed to have had partial melt downs since the march 11th earthquake and tsunami. this morning, tens of thousands of syrians are showing their support for their embattled president, after dozens were killed in recent crackdowns on anti-government protests. he is expected to address them in the next 24 hours, with concessio concessions, including a lifting of the state of emergency. meantime, in egypt, the ruling military council reports that hosni mubarak and his family are not allowed to leave the country. the u.s. supreme court will hear arguments in a gender discrimination lawsuit against walmart today to decide if the case can proceed as a class action lawsuit involving at least 500,000 women that claim that the retail giant systematically favored men for workplace advancement and higher pay. it would be the largest job discrimination suit ever if it proceeds. dozens of elizabeth taylor's love letters are now to be auctioned off this spring.
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the handwritten notes reveal a love sick 17-year-old taylor back in 1949, writing to her then fiance, william pauly junior. there is one love letter taylor keeps a mystery. she was with your eed with the last letter her former husband richard burton wrote to her days before his own death in 1984. she kept it by her bedside for nearly 30 years and never revealed its contents. and a california snowboard helmet camera captured a frightening ordeal and embarrassing. he was buried upside down in six feet of snow at the base of a tree. he struggled for 20 minutes to reach his cell phone, just as his wife called. >> i am stuck in a tree well, give them my phone number. i am going to die if they don't find me. >> are you serious?
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>> call them! give them my number. >> drum ond was rescued after another half hour and was able to snowboard down the hill. >> i heard somebody say i found him. it is four minutes past the hour. let's go back to matt and cam ran. >> i love that story. >> this is no time for questioning me, honey. let's check the weather. alice off this week. maria larosa is in with the forecast. >> good morning. what brings you to new york? >> um, choir. >> welcome. enjoy it. they have great lungs. they know how to scream. much of the country wel below average. take a look at the highs. 30s and 40s as you head from new york to montana. 70s and 80s in the south. strong thunderstorms along with the warm air in texas,
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louisiana, mississippi and alabama today and maybe flurries on the northern end of the system. then you have rain and mountain snow affecting the northwest. they're cheering for the 70s in the south bay. maybe even upper 70s up in santa rosa today. we're looking towards a really warm spell that will kick into high gear as we go through tomorrow, and especially your thursday. if you're going to be attending tonight's big game after all, we've got baseball weather tonight. temperatures are going to be in the 50s. make sure you grab a jacket. 7:05 the game begins. temperatures climb throughout the week. 80s by thursday. same goes for friday. ann, back to you. ♪ >> maria, thank you. this morning on joy's diet s.o.s., answers to your daily diet dilemma. joy bauer is here with tips on everything from your baby's first solid foods to what's important to know about organic
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foods if you are a diabetic. >> hey, ann. >> the first question is from gina in seattle, washington, via skype. good morning. >> good morning. >> your baby is adorable. >> thank you. i'm a first-time mother introducing solid foods into my baby's diet. most pediatricians recommend rice cereal as a fist forst foo i heard it's like giving them white bread. what's the best game plan for solid foods? should i start with rice cereal, introduce it later or skip it? >> there is no hard rule in terms of what's the best option. you can start with vegetables, fruit or rice cereal. many pediatricians recommend starting with rice cereal first because it's iron-fortified and your baby's brain needs iron to develop. typically by four, five months babies' iron stores are starting to become depleted.
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speak with your pediatrician. if they recommend rice cereal, look for a whole grain brown rice cereal. a lot of companies are distributing them to most supermarkets. please, if you can't find the whole grain version and you can only find a plain refined white rice cereal, don't worry about it for a minute. the main mission of the cereal is to slowly introduce solids to your beautiful baby and give him or her the iron fortification. soon enough you're introducing vegetables, fruits and a host of healthful ingredients. >> thank you very much for your question. your baby is adorable. >> adorable. >> cindy is on the phone from florida. hey, what's your question. >> good morning. i'm 63 years old and i have just started walking about 45 minutes to an hour daily. sit necessary to keep my heart rate at a certain number while walking in order to lose weight? >> congratulations on all that exercise.
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that's an impressive amount. keep it going. no, you don't have to maintain or target a specific heart rate in order to lose weight. we have a lot of smart, advanced science behind heart rate but when it comes to exercise, as long as you are moving and as often as you can at whatever speed you want you're burning calories. those will eventually equate to pounds lost. push yourself when you can but don't get caught up on the heart rate. just keep walking. >> thank you very much for your question, cindy. good luck. we have a viewer e-mail from diane in rhode island. she writes, i have type 2 diabetes and i notice a lot of organic and natural foods have evaporated cane juice in them. is this just another name for raw sugar? is it okay to have? >> evaporated cane sugar or cane juice is another form of sugar. just like plain old white sugar.
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it has the same amount of calories and will elevate your blood sugar like white sugar. a lot of people think it's healthier because it's slightly less processed. it's really not the case. for diane or anyone with diabetes, you have to watch all of your sugar intake including e evaporated cane juice. i'm glad she asked fm thank you so much for your answers to the questions this morning. >> thank you, ann. >> coming up next, the people everyone are talking about from elizabeth taylor to william and kate. we'll get the inside scoop from people magazine. later, how to look your best when looking for a job. that's coming up after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing purina one beyond a new food for your cat or dog.
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introducing purina one beyond introducing honey bunches of oats, raisin medley. there's nothing like it! the only cereal with 1, 2, 3 kinds of raisins and crunchy multigrain flakes. you gotta try new honey bunches of oats raisin medley. [ male announcer ] on tuscani tuesdays, any family-sized tuscani pasta is just ten bucks. dinner made easy? check. [ male announcer ] with over three pounds of your favorite pasta, plus an order of breadsticks, you get enough for the whole family. only on tuesdays. and only at your pizza hut. [ whispering ] shhhh... did you hear that? it sounded like the chocobeast. the what? half man, half beast. he'll stop at nothing to sink his fangs into people who steal other people's chocolate temptations. you guys have nothing to worry about, right? aaah!
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[ all scream ] nice job, chocobeast! thank you. [ male announcer ] six indulgent layered desserts, at 150 calories or less. new temptations. it's the first jell-o that's just for adults. [ male announcer ] if viva can handle mike rowe's mess, grab a roll for yourself creme body wash with nutrium moisture. after 1 week we took their close-ups. when they saw how much more beautiful their skin looked they had only one question... ew n dove visible care creme body wash. come back vibrant everyday!
9:13 am
[ female announcer ] with the new aveeno living color hair care collection. ordinary shampoos can be harsh and wash color away, but these are the first active naturals formulas with lupine botanicals. shown to create a conditioning layer that helps protect and gently seal color in for up to 40 washes. your vibrant color... comes to life. ♪ [ female announcer ] that's living color. new from aveeno. get a free sample at and discover the power of active naturals. get a free sample at hey! hey! hey! that's our snack machine. you should try something new. activia parfait crunch! crunchy granola you mix right in to creamy and delicious activia yogurt. mmm! crunchy! and creamy! watch your toes! new activia parfait crunch.
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elizabeth taylor has appeared on 14 covers of "people" magazine and now grace it is cover again. the latest issue pays tribute to the legendary life of the hollywood star, businesswoman and humanitarian. here to reflect on her legacy and give us the scoop on the rest of the celebrity news in "people" is kate cohen. good morning. good to see you. >> good morning. >> 14 times. i don't know if that's a record but it's a lot of covers. >> it is. what's interesting is "people" began in 1974. so when you think about some of her heyday which was in the 50s and 60s to appear on 14 covers starting in 1974 and onward speaks to her impact. >> it's like a layered life. personal, professional, a businesswoman. i read her perfume, for example, sold $1 billion in product. that's an incredible amount of money. how did you put that all in one
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issue? what was the perspective? >> it took 17 pages and a book on the way. you know, it's interesting. to use a term the diamond lover, she had a multi faceted life. she was really a humanitarian, a wife several times over, a mother, a legend in so many ways. so we took care to make sure we emphasized all of the different elements of her life. >> i love that you say "wife receive ti several times over." that's a kind way to put it. she loved men and you check of todd. >> richard burton was a great love of her life but she felt she had two and mike todd was the other one. their romance was cut short. he died in a plane accident. she loved him completely and
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entirely. she really felt she had two great loves in her life -- burton and todd. >> you have a touching story from debbie reynolds. after years forgave elizabeth taylor for stealing her husband. that's what happened. >> what she made clear in the essay she gave to people is she doesn't feel taylor stole her husband. her husband chose to leave. in the end the two women found common ground when they came together and agreed they were both better off without him. >> talk about girl power. let's transition to charlie sheen. he's still in the news. apparently sent out a message to his ex-wife denise richards. is he still on the hot topic list? >> he demands attention, so it's impossible to look away. but it's starting to get iffy with what's going on with him. >> what did he say about denise? >> well, there was the usual
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charlie vocabulary. so there's warlock venom and madness involved there. but he seems very angry calling her now a kidnapper, a dognapper, apparently there is anger there involving his children and perhaps a dog. it's not completely clear what's set him off this time. >> what about the ticket sales? he has a tour starting. initial reports were that it sold out in 20 minutes and we are hearing that may not be the case. >> there were report that is the detroit shows sold out in 18 minutes. it's not clear if everyone understands what sold out means because tickets are still available on ticketmaster for the detroit shows. if a ticket is still available the show can't be sold out. that's not even taking into consideration secondary ticket sales which is when people bought tickets to sell on stubhub and other sites. that market is flooded with tickets. >> is he close to the jump the shark moment where it's no longer coolle to talk about him?
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>> this goes away if he delivers a show that knocks people out. the skeptics will be silenced. >> and prince harry threw his brother a stag party. >> everyone hoping for a raucus detail to come out. >> snoop dogg was supposed to perform. >> no. it was held at a private country estate. what happened on the estate stayed on the estate. no one is talking. >> how is it possible? >> he was limited to 20 very close friends of the prince's. they are life long friends who learned over the years to keep their mouths shut. it wasn't like they went to vegas. there was only so much they could get up to. >> not like "the hangover". >> no, no. everyone has all their teeth. >> and kate's bachelorette party? >> there was a report that it's already happened. they did a phenomenal job of keeping that quiet as well.
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>> do you think it's possible? >> certainly. she's under intense scrutiny and knows it. she is not looking to do anything to draw unwanted headlines. she will very much play by the rules and keep it very dignified. >> we are a little bit more than 30 days away. do we know what the next month will be like for them? >> they are crossing the t's and dotting the i's. time now for final preparations. menus have been selected, flowers finalized. these are the final days to go over the last details. >> and the honeymoon, i read and heard perhaps australia -- >> he dropped several hints, prince william has, about wanting to return to australia, perhaps as soon as the honeymoon. they were not there that long ago. it might be soon for them to return, but it would be a fantastic honeymoon. >> and are you planning a special edition? do you expect it to sell like maybe diana's?
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>> obviously this is something that me rirrits a lot of specia attention in the magazine. we'll give it very full coverage. estimates have over 1 billion people watching the wedding. we'll be a part of that. >> the commemorative edition for "people" magazine. a pleasure to talk to you. coming up, the backstage drama about the new mini series about the kennedys. right after this. our snack machine.
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you should try something new. activia parfait crunch! crunchy granola you mix right in to creamy and delicious activia yogurt. mmm! crunchy! and creamy! watch your toes! new activia parfait crunch. ♪ if you want to feed them right, wear them out, or clean them up, you can save up to 25% on thousands of items during the petsmart everything spring sale. like $10 off new k9 advantix ii and advantage ii flea and tick six packs! at petsmart. just got more powerful. introducing precise pain relieving heat patch. it blocks pain signals for deep relief precisely where you need it most. precise. only from the makers of tylenol.
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[ male announcer ] ragu, packed with two servings of veggies in every half cup of our now thicker, richer, healthy sauce. ragu has a great taste your family will love. ragu. feed our kids well. ragu has a great taste your family will love.
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you know, each year, olive garden sends over 100 of us to study the art of italian cooking. we learn from master chefs. we visit the local markets. we talk to the artisans. we learn all the little secrets of italian cooking and bring them back to share with you. inspired by italy, our new handmade puff pastries. generously filled with italian cheeses and herbs. try them with sauteed chicken breasts in a creamy garlic sauce or with braised beef in a balsamic demi-glaze. tonight at your olive garden. you gotta try honey bunches of oats with almonds! it's got real, sliced california almonds with a third less sugar per serving than honey nut cheerios. wow! delicious! try honey bunches of oats with almonds!
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coming up, how to help your children understand the death of a family pet. plus, if you have been unemployed for a while, how to look your best for a job interview and financial advice. >> also, we'll get the premiere of the controversial new mini-series about the kennedys. that's coming up after your local news and weather. [ woman ] thursday! finally! dinner with the girls tonight. i really want dessert. i better skip breakfast. yep, this is all i need. [ stomach growls ] [ female announcer ] skipping breakfast to get ahead? research shows that women who eat breakfast, like the special k breakfast, actually weigh less. now in new multigrain oats and honey. with honey kissed whole grains... you'll never want to skip breakfast again. make your breakfast beautiful. choose a texas toast half-sandwich,
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like our classic turkey, piled high and tasty. pair with a delicious soup or house salad. served with seasoned fries, it's big flavor for just 6 bucks -- weekdays at chili's. hey! hey! hey! that's our snack machine. you should try something new. activia parfait crunch! crunchy granola you mix right in to creamy and delicious activia yogurt. mmm! crunchy! and creamy! watch your toes! new activia parfait crunch. heat up your weeknight routine? mmm...delicious. i think this deserves... ♪ music. [ female announcer ] inspiring gourmet meals like grilled chicken asiago tortelloni with all white meat chicken and spinach in a rich alfredo sauce. not bad for a tuesday. ♪ [ female announcer ] new stouffer's sautes for two. find more ways to get to the table at
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good tuesday morning to you. 9:26 a.m. right now. the board of supervisors is getting ready to make massive cuts. today is the first day of three days of hearings. they plan to cut $50 million, but they say that won't be enough to prevent a deficit next year. it includes eliminating 270 jobs, shutting down a substance abuse treatment program for adults, and closing a home for abused and neglected children. some employees have already agreed to reduce pensions, health care benefits and salaries. san carlos firefighters are willing to take a 10% pay cut as
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the city weighs in on the finances of that department. several fire service proposals, the report shows the department is the second highest paid out of 13 agencies in the county. san jose city may give a shorter leash to dog owners when walking their pets. the city council is expected to approve a measure to reduce the leash law down to six feet. this comes after a woman walking alongside a dog owner on a bike got her feet tangled with the leash. she fell, bumping her head on the ground and later died the next day from brain
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good morning to you. great news, we're going to see a really beautiful day today with temps in the upper 60s at the coast. inland, 70s. temperatures we haven't seen this warm in over a month. 68 degrees in redwood city.
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70s in the south bay. and of course, santa rosa, 71 degrees. now, we do have a big game today. the bay bridge exhibition series. giants take on the a's at oakland coliseum at 7:05 tonight. temperatures in the 50s. >> watch the coliseum area for the south bay, also slowdowns. a little heavier than usual in those spots. looking pretty good at the toll bay plaza. 9:29 right now. another local news update in half an hour.
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hey, look. can you believe it? there's a drum kit in here. >> what do you think? >> never had one formal lesson. i know what your thinking. >> no, you don't. >> what's wrong? you look put out? >> why are you still here? you can't be here. you're in the forbidden part of the house. >> so are you. >> the voice of the rabbit is actually the voice of the very funny russell brand. also sometimes known as mr. katy perry. he's playing e.b., short for easter bunny, in the new movie called "hop." he has another iconic role coming up remaking "arthur."
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the trailers look hilarious. we'll talk to him about it tomorrow on "today" and all of this is by way of saying that our senior producer mark victor is celebrating a milestone victory. don't worry. we won't give it away. >> he looks good for any age. >> he does. he's our cute little bunny rabbit here. we love mark. he's a terrific guy. we wish him a happy birthday. >> i'm getting him a t-shirt that says "cute little bunny rabbit" for our birthday, mark. >> i'm trying to make the relationship. probably better that i didn't make that relationship to him and russell brand. coming up, the off-screen drama about the new kennedy mini-series. it was executive produced by a conservative republican who was the cocreator of the history
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channel. now it is set to air on the smaller reelz channel. i'm trying to think of who is in it. >> katie holmes, greg kinear. >> very interesting to get the low down on that. >> and the talk every parent dreads having with children. when a beloved pet dies. the loss can have a big impact on the little ones in your home. we'll give you help and how you help them, even when -- this is key -- when you're struggling with sadness yourself. it's putting on a tough face for your child. >> it can be defining. it's the first time they may have experienced the loss of something they love. we'll talk about that. then on a happier note, putting women on the path of success. if you have been unemployed for a long time, how can you confidently dress for a job interview? we have tips on how to look and dress your best for a job
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interview. when the paycheck rolls in you can manage your money. first, a check of the morning forecast from maria la rosa in for al this morning. nice to have you here. >> nice being here. rood morning. ugh weather across the south. you have showe ugthere. a little bit of snow on the northern fringe eventually by this afternoon we could see severe weatherer from eastern texas all the way into the panhandle of florida. cool continues across the great lakes in the northeast. sunshine in the southwest. more showers and mountain snow morning to you nice ands warnl for today as high pressure continues to build into the area. as we head through the next couple of days, it will continue to drift to the east, positioned right over the bay area as we head into wednesday and thursday. today, though, still offshore. enough to bring our temperatures up into the 70s. at the coast, we'll see the upper 60s for today. and then conditions continue to get warmer, and warmer, as we
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head throughout the work week. ladies? >> thank you so much. >> cam lot or not? the controversy around the kennedy mini-series right after this. when you've had one too many days feeling sad or anxious... aches and pains, fatigue. when it becomes hard to ignore that you need help. that's the day you do something. depression hurts. cymbalta can help with many symptoms of depression. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens, you have unusual changes in behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk.
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a controversial mini-series on the kennedy family that was originally set to air on the history channel held its premiere last night and the creator opened up about his fight to bring it to television. kristen welker has the latest on the story. >> reporter: ambition -- >> i want to make jack kennedy president. >> reporter: dynasty, tragedy. camelot comes to life in "the kennedys" starring greg kinear as jfk and katie holmes as the former first lady. the drama on screen is matched only by drama behind the scenes. >> you have quite a reputation. >> reporter: the eight-part mini-series which cost about $25 million to make was initially slated to air on the history channel. it was plagued by questions of historical accuracy and reported pressure from the kennedy family. >> i think you guys are missing
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the point. >> reporter: in january the history channel announced it would no longer air "the kennedys" saying, we have concluded this dramatic interpretation is not a fit for the history brand. >> the history is 100% accurate. >> reporter: producer joel sernow, a can i have who created "24" for fox believes his politics may have cast doubt on whether or not he could be fair. >> i have been sometimes unfairly tagged as a partisan film maker. i'm not. >> reporter: according to a recent article in the hollywood reporter executives who oversee the history channel were personally lobbied by caroline kennedy. in addition, maria shriver is said to have voiced her dispolysure. >> i have no problem with the kennedys. it's when the people inside who make the decisions yield to it is where i have the problem. >> reporter: nbc news reached out to caroline kennedy and maria shriver for comment but didn't hear back.
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despite the controversy the mini-series premiered in beverly hills monday night, a star-studded event. >> it was an honor. >> reporter: holmes said she prepared extensively for the role. her daughter suri even struck up a friendship with the child actress who played caroline. some believed the real caroline had the final word. >> is there disappointment that it's not airing on the history channel? >> i think we were all surprised because we didn't see it coming. >> in terms of one channel to the other, i don't know how much weight i put on it. >> reporter: ultimately reelz bought it for $7 million. >> our viewership has doubled from the time we made our announcement. >> reporter: a controversial mini-series that's become almost as captivating as the iconic family it portrays. for "today," kristenle welker, nbc news, los angeles. >> up next, a tough conversation. how to talk to your kids about the death of a family pet. that's right after this.
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and grasp the unquilted difference. [ chanting ] do it! [ all cheering ] [ female announcer ] it's fun to get dirty when it's this easy to get clean. that's because clorox 2 stain fighter & color booster works better than detergent alone at removing the toughest stains. also, try new clorox 2 foaming trigger spray. also, try new clorox 2 these ladies have been exercising, watching their diets and enjoying activia light. well? i'm managing my weight really well, and i've never felt so light. at 70 calories, delicious activia light helps you be light and feel light too. ♪ activia don't suffer waiting for your pills to kick in. add alaway. for fast eye itch relief that works in minutes and lasts up to 12 hours. only alaway comes from bausch & lomb. for fast eye itch relief, add alaway.
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this morning, parenting today, how to talk to your kids when a family pet dies. dealing with death is one of the hardest parts of anyone's life. your first encounter as a kid can shape how you deal with grief for years to come. robby ludwig is here from good to see you. >> good to see you. >> this is a tough one. how important is it that you turn this loss into a teachable moment? >> right. it usually is a child's first experience with death and loss. it's really important that
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parents view this as an opportunity to help them get through the grieving process in a healthy way. >> you have tips but first is there something that you think parents should avoid when dealing with the crisis? >> don't lie. don't use euphemisms. don't say, the dog ran away or maybe the dog will come back. even the dog passed. they really recommend that you say, our dog died. so it's very clearcut and a child can embrace the idea. >> does that apply to most age groups. >> of course the older a child is the more they can conceptualize that. between 7 and 9 there are questions about what happens when a pet dies or when anyone dies. >> what about showing emotion? my mother won't be happy with me, but my mother is a crier. >> a modern woman.
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that's considered healthy. if a parent is having a feeling it's important to share that with your child. of course you don't want to traumatize your child and break down in front of them. to say, i'm sad. you know, i'm sad, too. it's okay to cry. it's okay for you to cry if you feel sad. kids may have a lot of complex emotions just like adults. they may feel angry, abandoned. the thing is to keep open communication so your child knows it's okay to have a lot of feelings and you are there to help them process it. >> you talked about telling the truth. again, i wouldle imagine based on age but the truth is what it is. >> you want to help your child understand what's going on. according to a poll, 83% of families consider a pet part of the family. so this is really good training in general. >> honor the child's feelings. how do you do that? >> you don't shame them into
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feeling badly about being upset. don't say, you know, pull yourself up by the bootstraps. this is a time to say, it's okay to have your feelings. what can happen is sometimes kids get afraid that other people they love will die. this is an opportunity for a parent to say, i have no plans of going anywhere. if the child says, well, who's next? >> what if you have a child who keeps their feelings inside? how do you deal with that? >> there are different ways. you may want to have a child draw a picture of the dog or share a happy memory or write a story. there are lots of different artistic ways to handle it. maybe it's gathering a collage of pictures or the family with the dog. >> you say to memorialize the death. >> yes. >> or maybe a little funeral. >> we all need closure. you have to follow what your child can tolerate.
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maybe you have a plant and put the name of the dog. a little something that says, we honor the dog. we're saying good-bye to the dog, cat, hamster. so there is a sense of closure. >> you also say don't close the door. allow open communication. maybe in the middle of the night. >> just say, if you ever want to talk, i'm here to help. if your child doesn't show strong emotions right away, that's okay, too. people grieve in different ways. we are learning a little bit about our children during the process. the goal is to help them get through to the other side. >> it's a sad topic, but thas great advice. i think people will appreciate it. thank you. great to see you. up next, how to look your best at a job interview with the right clothes and makeup. this is "today" on nbc.
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[ woman ] everybody's looking for deals these days, and i'm not talking about saving a dollar off shampoo or two-for-one tacos or something. i'm talking about paying less -- every month. like this deal. [ female announcer ] call today and get the fastest internet for the price -- an amazing $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network at no extra cost. [ woman ] with at&t, i'm surfing at hot spots all over town. ♪ i'm downloading music fast. and watching videos. cute! and the price is great.
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[ female announcer ] call at&t today and get the fastest internet for the price -- an amazing $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network at no extra cost. [ woman ] i went looking for a deal, and at&t delivered. now, i just need to curb the shoe shopping. ♪ >> announcer: "today's working
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woman" is brought to you by mcdonald's. i'm lovin' it. >> this morning on "today's woman" empowering women looking for work. dress for success is an international nonprofit that helps clients with suits and accessories plus career development advice and more. the ultimate goal is that all women participating achieve economic independence for themselves and their families. bobbi brown is "today" beauty editor and a dress for success new york board member. carmen wong you wiulrich is fro organize and cynthia is a client. good morning. >> good morning. >> how did you get so involved? >> dress for success is an important that empowers women and helps them feel good about themselves to get back to work. that's my mission. >> mine is the financial literacy program launched a couple of years ago. i was so excited they got
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involved. once you get the job, to have the financialle knowledge to manage your money the right way, that multiplies the success rate of really achieving and not just having the job but managing money the right way and knowing how to do it is such a powerfulle thing. >> that from two women who are in the working world and have gone through it all. cynthia, you have a job at a legal staffing agency. is that right? >> that's correct. >> how has this idea of other women thinking about how to make you better prepared, how has that affected you? >> well, dress for success helped me in many ways. they gave me the skills i needed to succeed in the world. when i got my job they helped me transition into the work force. so they also programmed the professional women's group which helped me transition into the work force. soon i will be taking the financial literacy program which will help me manage my finances.
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>> right. dress for success isn't just a suit. people think it's about a suit. it's so much more. you have to do the work. >> but then the question is how to do the transitioning. you are a makeup mayen and visual maven. so you create -- we have to create kind of an image of success, right? >> it's self-confidence. if you feel good about yourself walking in the door for an interview, you will hold yourself better. you will look better and be able to make a good first impression. >> you look wonderful, cynthia. >> thank you. >> what would be the way. >> for an interview, makeup needs to be neutral, not the boldest color of the season. a beautiful blush and a very nude lip. you don't want to walk in with a bright red lipstick. though you look good. you wouldn't for a first interview. >> i wouldn't. >> it's about looking appropriate to put your best self-forward. >> carmen, what would you like to see in terms of the financial
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independence? >> especially if you have been out of a job, the first impulse is to reward yourself, right? i'm a fan of that. be careful. first, do you want to buy a bag? go out to dinner with your partner or friend? set a limit. a good rule of thumb is one day's pay. in that way you feel like you rewarded yourself but you have a limit and you haven't put yourself in the hole. be careful when you go to bank. a lot of jobs offer direct deposit. you can get free or no-fee checking with a direct deposit. make sure it matches your banking behavior and make sure you set up a savings account, automated savings once you start working to build back up that emergency fund. when they hand you your benefit information, the w-4 and 401-k, be smart about taking time. i mean hours. i want you to take a couple of hours with the paperwork to make the right decisions. if you are confused and need help, go to the benefits
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department. they have people there to help you. >> i wish i had gotten this advice when i started out. so many of us start working and just put one foot in front of the other. these are almost rules. they kind of tell you what to wear, tell you how to use your money. how has that been -- how have you put it into your own mind? how has it affected you? >> i think it will help me to grow professionally and personally. the tips about makeup and also the finance, money will help me, especially every day when you go to work you want to look professional. that will help me, of course, get into my goal into the accounting field. of course the money, we want of course to get a job that we can manage the finances. >> very good point. >> women helping women. >> you have helped us this monthi ba,y being here
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today. >> thank you. >> we're back with more after this. twizzlers. the twist you can't resist.
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good morning, everyone. it's 9:56. a deadly superbug is showing up in southern california. the los angeles county department of health reports
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more than 350 cases of this infection. only one antibiotic is effective against this bacteria. doesn't always work and can cause kidney damage. the department found cases in hospitals and nursing homes. doctors don't know how many people have died, but they do know there are lots of cases in l.a. county. we'll have more tonight at 5:00 and 6:00. a discovery of mammoth proportions a little bit south of us. the remains of not one, but two columbian mammoths found on a castroville farm. it's a relative of the woolly mammoth. right now the remains are being uncovered by volunteers from foothill college. >> it never occurs to most people, underneath the ground there might be an ice-age animal right there. >> the remains are an adult and baby. the farmer who owns the land has naming rights for the mammoth and named the adult stella and the baby abby. let's check your weather. it's going to be a fabulous
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week. >> good morning, scott. fabulous doesn't slice it. this week is going to be fantastic, because of last week. you put into perspective, we'll take the 70s, even that record-breaking heat we're anticipating as we head into wednesday and thursday. maybe even the 90s. and some of the warmer inland spots. the big bay bridge exhibition game, breezy, going to draw a crowd. >> that's right. we have a crowd also going off of the richmond-san rafael bridge around the merge. we have an accident clearing from the lanes. that's causing a bit of a slowdown off the upper east shore freeway. slow getting into berkeley. but smooth after berkeley and the bay bridge. we'll look at the san mateo bridge across the bay. you can kind of make out the hills in the peninsula. that's a clearer view than we've seen for quite some time. a beautiful drive right now. no major delays along 101 and 880. more local news in a half an hour. for my dry skin, ordinary body washes just aren't moisturizing enough.
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[ female announcer ] new gold bond deep moisture, with 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. the body wash that moisturizes like a lotion.
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"today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hey, everybody. it's booze-day tuesday, march 29. my good friend eva's birthday. she's in england so i don't have to get her a present. >> i love when that happens. >> how are you? >> we talked about a couple topics that are controversial, like the woman who is giving her eight-year-old daughter botox. >> and waxing her before she has
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any hair. >> everyone thought she should be sent to child services, but another thing that was reacted to strongly, we talked about a family-friendly area of the airplane where the kids and their parents and stuff could all hang together. 61% of all viewers said there should be an adults-only section and 39% think it's really not that necessary. >> are they really saying there should be a family-friendly section. because have you ever been on a cruise where it's just adults only, and then you go on like one of the disney cruises with all the -- >> it's such a difference. >> it's just designed for different clientele and different demographics. >> the airlines, it would have to make financial sense for them to do it, i guess. >> there was another situation like this. a lady -- where is she from,
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hoda woman? england? no, i forget. >> australia. >> australia, all right. she was on a bus with her little ones, 13 months old. you cannot control a 13-month-old. you also cannot control a 21-year-old, i'm finding out. the little baby started laughing. how many webcams do we watch on that? >> a little 13-month-old laughing out of control? >> the bus driver threatened her mother several times if she didn't shut her kid up, she would bounce him from the bus. the mom gave him a little snack, the mom gave him a little drink, but the baby wouldn't -- i love that! what kind of a jerk bus driver doesn't want to hear that? >> it sounds like a weird story. it almost sounds like it's something else, doesn't it? >> we don't know anybody who
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doesn't just adore the sound of a laughing baby. he dumped her. he did. right before their regular exit. and so not nice. >> not nice. we are doing this story today, which is disturbing on so many levels but we decided to do it, anyway. a reporter went sort of undercover to find out about this ashley madison web site. this is the place where married people go on this web site to find lovers that are also married. it's where they go to cheat, basically. >> yeah, their motto is, life is short, have an affair. so anyway, this reporter from redbook went out and wanted to ask men why they are doing this. >> and she appeared on it as if she is available to hook up one of these men. she got 164 responses the first night. 8.7 million people are on this thing. i don't even like to give them
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this kind of attention. but it does point out this is a huge, huge issue, and what i don't understand is if you don't like laughing babies, don't have babies. if you want to have an affair, why get married? i don't understand. >> well, you may fall into an affair and you're not planning it. this is planning an affair. >> the whole thing is you go on this thing and you're hooked up the next day. these men are writing back and saying, i'll text you at my soccer game, and i'll try to meet you at the games. they secretly do this while their wife is in the bathroom, they send pictures. we're doing a segment on the whys behind it, because there are some that are not even married yet, they're engaged, and doing it. >> don't you just want to ask
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them, why go through the whole thing of getting married? >> one guy said he actually thought it would help his marriage. it was do this thing of getting it out of his system and -- yeah. >> yeah. that just makes you wonder how many women are clueless. they're saying you have to go into our data banks of all of our calls to find out they've been doing this. my wife is not that kind of woman, she trusts me. >> she doesn't even check my blackberry, is what he told this reporter. >> stick around for that. i feel a little sleazy, a little dirty even doing this subject, i really do. ma yeah. >> here's the thing about men, when they're driving with those navigational gps things, they say men often ignore what the navigational device is telling them, but again, why put it on if they're not going to listen to it? i have to say, those things are
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confusing, because you're driving along and they'll say turn right now. there's a right turn here, and a right turn here. >> i was in california looking at schools. the freeway system south of los angeles has chajdnged a lot. we had to go down to orange county. i was driving, and i don't drive a lot. i got so mad at this lady. i got mad at the machine because it did not warn you adequately that there might be another way that's right there, and it just was very confusing. mama wasn't happy when mama got there. i was scared to death, actually. because we could have died. i was listening to it and by the time it was time to take it, it hadn't warned me. get in the left lane. so you get in the left lane and
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you're driving along and all of a sudden, now take 82 east. that's over there! i wonder how many accidents are being blamed on. >> i think it's better than maps. because i hate maps. >> well, look at your purse. i wouldn't mind being in the car with chrissy with a map because she's linear. you're not. >> no, norks, i can't find -- i don't enjoy maps. i was going to a state once and i landed and i was late. i was driving for like 45 minutes and i was going, where is the stupid exit. and i realized it was back the other way, north, not south, whatever. >> so you don't read the signs that say the sun comes up in the east and goes down in the west. >> it was noon.
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low-calorie bloody marys. this bloody mary is usually packed with calories. this has 5 calories for 23 ounces. >> i kantd tecan't tell you how that is. they also make margarita stuff, too. that's supposed to have 200 calories as opposed to the 700. here's something i'm excited about, hoda woman. >> wow. this is good. >> it's a good day for me, because for years my family has made fun of me with my fanny pack. i have a fanny pack that i got about 15 years ago. i love that and i take it everywhere. >> why do you love it? >> first of all, i have a bad
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neck, so the weight is on the hips. it's just so convenient. it's hard to see because it's on you and in front of you and it's a zipper. and i'm, like, traveling in europe and you're sight-seeing and you're climbing and stuff. you're not hauling a bag, you're not hauling something you'll leave somewhere. your passport is in there, your lip gloss, my glasses and everything else and phone. >> how much is this? what is it? how do you get it? >> the good news for all of you people who just follow trends and can't fend for yourselves, they're back. >> and they're $14. >> and they're in all kinds of colors. we wanted to show it but it's too long. you got to go to youtube. it's called age -- >> "age-activated attention deficit disorder." >> and you will find yourself --
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>> it is so funny. age-activated attention deficit disorder. an undercover look at this controversial site after these messages. ♪ [ upbeat ]
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[ announcer ] who could resist the call... of america's number-one puppy food brand? with dha and essential nutrients also found in mother's milk. purina puppy chow. ever wish vegetables didn't taste so vegetably? well, v8 v-fusion juice gives you a full serving of vegetables, plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. v8. what's your number? you stop smelling your pluggable air freshener? pull the plug on your old one
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and trade up to a free febreze noticeables. it's long lasting freshness in the febreze you plug right in. find out how to get your free febreze noticeables at nice. oh... oh! oh! red! red! red! yes! yes! come on! oh. no! oh... bummer. [children shouting] hoops? yeah. sure. sure. announcer: moms everywhere are finding ways to keep kids active and healthy. works every time. announcer: get ideas. get involved. get going at
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a dating web site with over 8 million members is causing some controversy, because to be an on-line member, you must already be in a committed relationship. what does that mean, committed relationship? >> it's specifically for men and women looking to have an extramarital affair. here's kevin tibbles. >> ashley madison is brash, bold and makes no apologies for being the premier matchmaker for aspiring a dudulterers. >> this is where they secretly met and had an affair. the controversy behind the canadian-based web site is 39-year-old noah beaderman. he claims that next to facebook,
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ashley madison will soon be the fastest growing social network. it already boasts 8.5 million members in ten countries. you can log on for free but must pay for credits to talk to someone beyond an initial e-mail. and it has sparked considerable outrage. >> the ashley madison web site is promoting adultery. he's making it easier for people to have affairs. >> two redbook reporters went undercover, so to speak, meeting dates in public places and not in the bedroom. >> there were responses i got. some them were very sexual. >> there are a lot of unhappy people on ashley madison who are using this it as a way to escape their marriage for a while. >> while discreet sex is one emotioni factor, others seek an emotional connection.
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two women asked that their identities be concealed. >> my husband and i don't get along very well. he took my self-esteem from me, a meeting other men, i've gotten that back. >> ashley madison guarantees for me the person i'm willing to become involved with has just as much to lose in their life as i do. >> it has made noah beaderman a very rich man. but is he a homewrecker? >> guilt? >> absolutely not. i have no guilt. like i said, this has made me a better wife, this has made me a better mother. i am a happier person because of this. >> stephonia and michael, unhappily married to other people when they met, are now married to each other. they say happily. >> is there any guilt? >> i'm not proud of it, but i don't regret that i met michael. >> the ta boo business of having an affair has become big business.
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for today, kevin tibbles, nbc news. >> she is the chief editor of redbook and psychologist and "today" contributor. >> you two are a sleaze to this as well? >> i found it to be morally unrepublu unreprehensible, and it is a ger diversion to having to work on your marriage and yourself. >> we certainly expected the dirty stuff to come to the surface, the pornographic pictures our reporter was sent and the straightforward sex come-ones. it was the men looking for an emotional connection. they wanted the thrill of that new sort of passing notes in school stage of the relationship. >> romance, in a weird way. >> in a weird way, yes. that was what surprised us the most.
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>> what about that comment that she made saying it was going to help my marriage. that just blows your mind. what is she saying? >> i believe she's absolutely in denial. we hear this all the time. and, really, it's a self-delusion thinking you can lay down with your husband, lay down with other people. hello, it makes you a cheating wife. >> the other guy is starting to give you all the stuff he stopped giving his wife. >> if you want to be a good wife, you're going to pour your energy back into your marriage, and if there are problems there, you're going to address them. >> what about just paying to see a therapist and working on your issues? >> absolutely. >> the issues aren't going to go away. >> some of knethese guys are saying, look, my wife doesn't look at my blackberry, so i'm fine. if i read this article, i would
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be sort of nervous. i would want to look and check the blackberry. is that something women should do? >> i don't think anyone should do that. i know a lot of people i talked to about your excellent article, they got very nervous because this is out there and they started looking at one another. i don't think you should check it because i think it's a lot of negative energy. >> it's a trust issue there. >> it is a trust issue. i think you should work on yourself, be a role model in your marriage. if there is something wrong, then you should work on the marriage, not spend the negativity, that time, checking up. >> if you get a creepy feeling, you should follow your instincts, and i also feel it's important to speak openly about this. talk to your husband about the fact this site exists, but try and surface the issues in your marriage and try to deal with them in an up-front way. i've been married 17 years. this article totally freaked me out, i won't pretend. but it actually felt good to talk to my husband about it. that's what a lot of staffers
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and a lot of our reedeaders are doing. >> hoda, i respect what you're saying, if you suspect something, look. and you should ask. but even if you do it, the bottom line is if you have to spend the energy playing csi on your spouse, then it's a clear signal something is wrong, and take that energy and put it towards working on the marriage. >> don't you think if one person is happy in the marriage, chances are very good the other person is unhappy as well on some levels? >> everyone is getting divorced anyway. >> why get married? i don't get that. >> does it even matter with this web site? if people are doing it, anyway -- >> i think it sort of gives a legitimacy to the whole thing. life is short, have an affair. that's their tag line. it seems like something you owe yourself. what you owe yourself is to work on your marriage. >> you see the commercials, younger people watching this
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will see that it's okay to cheat outside the marriage. i call them pimp daddies. >> okay. my marriage is making me happy. up next, sara is on the streets. that doesn't mean she's a streetwalker, and she's wearing a fanny pack? >> i happen to love them. >> back after this. get the fibe, that's why froot loops®, apple jacks® and corn pops have 3 grams of fiber in every yummy bowl. they're the cereals your kids love and the fiber their tummies love... which makes for a whole lotta happy. froot loops®, apple jacks and corn pops®, an oh-so-good source of fiber. kellogg's® makes fiber fun. [ male announcer ] on tuscani tuesdays, any family-sized tuscani pasta is just ten bucks. dinner made easy? check. [ male announcer ] with over three pounds of your favorite pasta, plus an order of breadsticks, you get enough for the whole family. only on tuesdays. and only at your pizza hut.
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we're back on sara on the streets and we're talking fanny packs. >> are those zippered packs that you wear around the waist finally making a comeback? >> that's right, whether they were 14 or 40, the shoppers at the experience store had strong opinions about whether the fanny packs are flattering or a failure. >> fanny packs are ugly. >> hideous. >> wrong. >> my daughters would not wear them. absolutely not. >> would they ever be embarrassed if you wear them? >> they are. >> what do they say to you? >> please don't wear that. >> do you listen and do you follow through? >> no, i don't listen and yes, they usually walk ahead of me. >> i think you just can't wear it in front. you have to wear them on the side. >> personally, i wouldn't wear them but i'm not going to judge someone who wears them. >> are you saying you need a man, not a fanny pack?
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>> you need a real man to carry your stuff. >> this little guy doesn't talk back. >> is it okay to wear a fanny pack? >> i think so. >> i have extra cards, batte battery -- >> a big wallet. that's a big hoda wallet. >> is a fanny pack ever okay to wear? >> never. never. never. >> where do you put your stuff? >> in my handbag. >> but look how easy mine is, no hands, no hands. >> i don't think that translates over if you don't have fanny packs, you don't have friends. because you have lots of friends and you have a fanny pack. >> i thought i did. >> i couldn't fit anything in that. >> your wallet wouldn't fit in here. >> still to come -- wow! jamie lee curtis! it's activia! it's delicious. i am shocked. it's hard to believe it's that good for you. it's so good. try the fabulous taste of activia today.
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taste it, love it, or it's free! and now discover activia dessert. in rich indulgent flavors like strawberry cheesecake. try activia dessert today. ♪ activia creme body wash with nutrium moisture. after 1 week we took their close-ups. when they saw how much more beautiful their skin looked they had only one question... new dove visible care creme body wash. girl: mom, can i have a dollar? yeah. it's right-- i think my purse is upstairs on the bed. it's not here. check the dining room. nope. what about your sister's room? not there, either. the upstairs closet?
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the downstairs closet. there are no more closets. announcer: moms everywhere are finding ways to keep kids active and healthy. get ideas. get involved. get going at good morning, everyone. it's 10:26. some east bay homeowners are asking who will pay for all the damages to their homes after a recent land slide. they'll get to talk with city leaders tonight at city hall. one official says the city doesn't have the money to pay for the repairs which could run into the tens of hundreds of thousands of dollars. recent storms loosened the soil to six homes in the hillside. meanwhile, the saernt kruds board of supervisors are voting on a measure tonight to declare a local state of emergency. we'll also ask the governor to
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issue a state of emergency for santa cruz county. supervisors seeking aid for damages caused by the recent rains and land slides. capitola was hard hit with business owners sustaining major blood damage. the drought is over. governor brown will talk about the designations for tomorrow. we'll find out how deep the sierra snow pack is. all ten reservoirs are 77% full. 33 % full, if you're a pessimist. 10% more than the level considerconsider ed by state dam officials. the water district is lowering the water levels as fast as possible. now 10:27. ♪ have a good daisy
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♪ eat well, live long ♪ have a good daisy, work out, get strong ♪ ♪ when you need a lift, just sing a song ♪ ♪ and have a good daisy ♪ have a good daisy with a natural treat ♪ ♪ have a good daisy, healthy foods to eat ♪ ♪ when you want some joy, dance to the beat ♪ ♪ and have a good daisy [ female announcer ] enjoy the fresh, 100% natural choice in cottage cheese. ♪ have a good daisy ♪ have a good daisy
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hello there. we're going to see a nice day today. temperatures are going to breach the 70s in some cities across the bay area. upper 60s along the peninsula and the coast. temperatures are going to climb through the next couple of days. >> no major issues coming down the east shore freeway. a tad slow coming down through san mateo. this is light for a tuesday. look at the live shot across the bay, over in oakland. the area past the coliseum is light flow as well. tonight there's an a's/giants game. this is the second in the bay
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series. that will cause delays after work. live look out there south. thank you for joining us. the "today" show continues next. this is the ultimate success story. a six-month-old baby is abandoned, left on a neighbor's doorstep. she worked through her struggles and is now a multi-million-dollar leader in the business world. >> how on earth did she do it? she's sharing the secret to her success in her new book. it's called "succeed because of what you've been through." >> we're so happy you're here. this is such a great lesson for people. >> to think about what you've been through. the most fascinating thing to me was you broke the chain.
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>> cycle of abuse. >> you were abused, you went through a horrible time, yet somehow you wound up standing. how did that happen? >> oh, my goodness. you know, i had exposure to a wonderful foster father and mother for a very short period of time -- >> they planted a seed. >> they planted a seed. they took me to church and they showed me there are people who live in a clean house, and they get along without hitting each other, and i never forgot that. >> you were desperately poor. you remember not only the abuse, you ended up living in your mother's parents home, but your grandfather was abusive to you, and you remember great hunger. >> right. they were both abusive. they were -- my grandfather was mentally ill, my grandmother was an alcoholic. >> thatplus your mother's own problems of abandoning you. >> right. they had difficult lives themselves. >> when your children were in school, what did you tell them
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about what was going on? >> nothing. i didn't want anyone to know. it was very shameful. >> but you feel like it was your fault. >> and you went to school and you felt unclean, and it was embarrassing -- >> yes. >> how do you go from that, because at 15 you decided -- you had the courage to f for emancipation, which meant you wanted to get a job. >> i read somewhere about emancipation. i didn't know you had to go with a social worker or whatever. i just waited and kept asking if a judge would talk to me. and final after hours and hours and hours, someone spoke to me and gave me a long list of things i would have to do to get emancipation. and i think he thought he would never hear from me again. we have some wonderful people at the high school i attended, and they helped me get a job, and god bless the man who gave me that first job, and i got my
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driver's license, and six months later i was back and got my emancipation. >> and went on to work in the job world, right? >> well, i started out in the insurance industry, and years after meeting those foster parents, i began to do insurance for homes for abused children -- >> so you turned your pain into their gain. >> right. well, i understood what the kids felt. i understood why they acted out. people who have abused often act out in funny ways. and so we hear, even as adults years later, you hear people say, what's the matter with you? and you don't know, but it's because of the hurt inside. >> you refused to be a victim. you said, i can change, i can use everything that's happened to me. make me a better person, the person i want to be. >> that's exactly right. i think what victims of abuse don't necessarily connect with is that when we go through that pain, it creates and hones characteristics in us that very often other people don't have.
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so we wind up being stronger than the average person, courageous, resilient -- >> certainly have survival instincts. >> exactly, so those things can be used in the workplace to make us the most valuable employee in the place. >> so you wound up with success in your life. you're married, your daughter is gorgeous -- >> her husband is in the food business. >> whatever happened in your life, it's an interesting read and you're going to help so many people with this book. >> you're so sweet. >> go out and get this book. it comes out next tuesday, but it's available on >> it's going to change your life. up next, bottoms up. we're going to tell you th biggwine mistakes. they're tragic. and how to avoid them because you have to. right after this. nge that. only yoplait original has twice the calcium of the leading yogurt. that's 50% of the daily value
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♪ so pass on the news and we can help close this calcium gap together. to get you started, we're giving away a million free cups at yoplait dot com. the yoplait you love, now in a 4-pack. try it today. don't suffer waiting for your pills to kick in. add alaway. for fast eye itch relief that works in minutes and lasts up to 12 hours. only alaway comes from bausch & lomb. for fast eye itch relief,
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add alaway. but sometimes i wonder... what's left behind? [ female announcer ] introducing purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena® naturals. developed with dermatologists... it's clinically proven to remove 99% of dirt and toxins and purify pores. and with natural willowbark it contains no dyes, parabens or harsh sulfates. dirt and toxins do a vanishing act and my skin feels pure and healthy. [ female announcer ] new purifying facial cleanser from the new line of neutrogena naturals. [ chanting ] do it! [ all cheering ]
10:37 am
[ female announcer ] it's fun to get dirty when it's this easy to get clean. that's because clorox 2 stain fighter & color booster works better than detergent alone at removing the toughest stains. also, try new clorox 2 foaming trigger spray. morning! mor-ning. i'm your genie. you're wishing for... a tasty fiber cereal? well you don't want that one. kellogg's fiber plus cereal. the delicious taste of berries, 40% of your daily fiber... plus...wait for it... antioxidants! so, two more wishes! mmmm. mmmm. maybe later, then. [ female announcer ] kellogg's fiber plus cereal. positively delicious.
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have you ever walked into a wine store only to be overwhelmed by all the options? now you can relax and choose wisely after we give the answers to the biggest wine mistakes. >> gary is the new york time's best-selling author. hi, gary. you're known as gary v. >> yes. >> a lot of people choose wines either because they read something about it in the paper or they've seen a friend recommend it.
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is that the best way to go about it? >> let's be honest, ladies. most people pick wine by the label. they go in the store -- >> a nice label. >> right. or just by the score. you know those shelf things you see, 98 points? i think at the end of the day, the only way to learn about wine is to taste it. but try new things. people find a pinot grigio, and they're off. >> if you go to a wine store and they make suggestions, may you say to them, can i have a tiny sip of that? >> in certain states, there are places you can taste wine, and noe in others, there aren't. i think wine is grossly underrated. >> not in my house. >> people, though, think you graduate to red wine, right? that's one big misconception. people think white wine is only
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for amateurs or starters. this is a chablis. most people think of boxed wine. chablis is very popular in france. i think it's phenomenal. food and wine pairings, first of all, are way too strict. there are a lot more things that work, but cheese and all this beautiful stuff with sparkling wine. >> what is that? >> that's a little kinz. >> what is kinz? >> it's a beautiful fruit spread. >> oh, fruit. just say fruit. >> jam. this may be one of the more interesting things to me. decanting. this wine will taste totally different out of here -- try this. >> they have to breathe. >> kathie, give it a
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sniffy-sniff, because smelling wines is very important. i love how you just went right into it. it's important to realize there is a big difference between letting something breathe for an hour and one that hasn't. >> i'm going to swirl it like michael kittredge taught me. >> please don't rush it, gary v. >> i'm waiting for the big moment. >> there we go. >> get a decanter. >> fair fun, too. >> portugal is on fire. i'm love with this -- not on actual fire, but great value. under $10 wines, and huge, huge value. remember portugal if you're listening now. >> you didn't even open it for us. >> you like that, huh? it's a red blend from portugal.
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i'm a huge fan. and finally -- >> it's really good with kinz. >> people want to drink sh champagne. they're 30 to $40. look for prosecco. >> kudos to you, gary. thanks so much. what's up next? on friday ♪ ♪ throw a ball thursday ♪ water, water wednesday ♪ touch your toes tuesday ♪ ♪ let's move monday ♪ swap a snack sunday announcer: 60 minutes of physical activity a day and eating well can help get your child healthy. so keep them active and eating well every day. get ideas. get involved. get going at that's [ male announcer ] ragu, packed with two servings of veggies in every half cup of our now thicker, richer, healthy sauce. ragu has a great taste your family will love.
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ragu. feed our kids well. ragu has a great taste your family will love. funny how nature just knows how to make things that are good for you. new v8 v-fusion + tea. one combined serving of vegetables and fruit with the goodness of green tea and powerful antioxidants. refreshingly good. delicious, real ingredients with no artificial flavors or preservatives. naturals from purina cat chow. share a better life. the best in nutrition... just got better. now with even more of the vitamins your body needs. like vitamin d. plus omega 3's. there's one important ingredient that hasn't changed: better taste. [ female announcer ] eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. the better egg. new covergirl natureluxe silk foundation. flawless coverage... with a light as air feel. we took out a heavy synthetic,
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hi, i'm a stunt man. and i love watching me on at&t u-verse tv. i can record up to four shows at once on a single dvr. i can even record a show in this room... ...and play it back in this room. honey, i just vacuumed. [ female announcer ] call now to get u-verse tv for only $29 a month for six months -- hd-ready dvr included at no extra charge. or get $300 back via promotion card with a qualifying u-verse bundle. ♪ [ stunt man ] drop into an at&t store and see how at&t u-verse offers more hd channels than cable. i look good. [ female announcer ] call now to get u-verse tv for only $29 a month
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for six months -- hd-ready dvr included. or get $300 back via promotion card with a qualifying u-verse bundle. enjoy tv like you've never seen before. call, click or hurry in today... whoa! hey! ♪ [ tires screech ] her! [ female announcer ] at&t. now on today's travel, whether you're preparing for spring break or planning a fun family summer vacation, we've got the latest products that will make your trip a little easier. >> here with the gear is travel expert steve greenberg. hey, steve. >> i just got back from india literally yesterday. >> was that your first trip to india? >> my first trip to india. it was fabulous. i recommend it for everyone. i brought back some scarves.
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>> beautiful. >> this is a rolling board from bolanza, and what's cool about it is the pieces come off. this is for your computer, so it can fit into any overhead compartment and it all zips back together. >> is that affordable? >> under $200. next for the kids while you're taking them to the car, this is called the valet. this attaches to the headrest and this to the -- >> the ipad. so they're in the backseat watching and you're up here -- >> they can be watching a movie. >> if you don't have that in your car already, because so many cars do, right? >> innocent yonot in your backs. under $100. up next, this is the first 3-d
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camcorder. you actually got a hint of this. it's 3-d. >> i don't get the 3-d thing, it does not excite me. >> i knew kathie lee was not a 3-d person. >> i don't like stuff coming at me. >> if you've got a 3-d tv, then you have the glasses. it's about $179. this is from organ scientific, and this is an all-terrain video camera. this can go on a shoulder, on a helmet -- >> so if you're skiing. >> it's waterproof. >> remember the guy on the snowboard? he had the camera. >> and you don't have to fiddle with this. >> you should build it onto your skis, i think. >> unless you're snowboarding. >> that's probably why he crashed. he was texting. >> this i would love. >> this is for the road warrior,
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which i know you are. take business cards or receipts ask put them in the scanner. just push the scan button on it, and it will scan and appear right here, and then you've got it. >> until your computer crashes. >> she is so tech-negative, i don't know. then it takes information, takes the card scan and all the information is analoged in digital. >> it works with receipts, too? with all the receipts i lose? >> it could change your life, hoda. she still won't do it. >> this is from zeba. this is called the z-bag. it can hold six bottles of wine and then you can open them up and display them. you can hang it on the wall, too. >> lovely in your dining room. >> finally, this is called the i-bike-dash. this is a device with a download, you put your iphone in
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there or your itouch, and then -- have to show you how this works -- you have all this information right at your fingertips. >> like you would on a treadmill. >> it has a gps in it, it gives you your speed, distance, time, and it can show you how your exercise is going, if you did a lot of workout, less workout. >> thank you very much. up next, bake sale. sandra lee has you covered in today's kitchen, but you know look now.
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but you-know-who just showed up with nachos. (taco #2) what? oh. they look so delicious together. what does she have that i don't have? nothing really. just some cilantro. a bigger plate. ohhh looks like some fresh guacamole. i can do guacamole. but you didn't. [crying] shhh. your salsa is running. ancr: tacos love tillamook. voted the world's best medium cheddar cheese.
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we are back with today's kitchen. we're getting saucy with today's goodies. the next time you have friends over you'd like to impress, there is nothing sweeter than a homemade dessert.
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>> and the creator sandra lee is just the person. these can be found in her new book, "bake sale cookbook." >> you know with bake sales you see only sweets on the cover of the cookbook, but it can be savory, too. a little sweet. >> let's talk about tricks. first of all, this is just pizza dough. you can buy it frozen, in the refrigerated section of the grocery store. it's very easy and it can be very inexpensive if you don't buy the name brand. my show has been on the air for 15 seasons. >> why are you putting that on? >> non-stick on my -- >> most people have pam, but that will work. >> the reason why i'm doing this is it makes it a lot easier for you to pull your dough. >> because it sticks otherwise.
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>> because it sticks otherwise and it doesn't spread out as easily. the reason i did that, because i didn't think you would appreciate me putting pam non-stick all over your pants. fork it and par-bake it. what does that mean? >> partially. >> 40 minutes in the oven and that way you don't have a soggy bottom. also when you're baking pies, that's genius. once it's done, tomato sauce goes on here. >> let's pretend that i forked it. >> you're really forking that over there, aren't you? >> go ahead, that's okay. go ahead and just spread this out. use any time of garden vegetable you want, by the way. this is called farm stand pizza. if you want to, you can also put pepperoni or something on here, but i have all these beautiful
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vegetables. mushroo mushrooms, onions. yours is nice and neat. >> she took all your basil. here, you can have some basil. >> then you bake it up? >> do you like cheese? put cheese over the top because the cheese holds it all together. bake that all of 20 minutes. there you go. this is going to be -- >> i'm dying over this. >> we talked about this in hair and makeup. >> carrot cake bread pudding. you're going to start off with the pudding. this is butterscotch. do you ever cook? >> no. >> she makes a tilapia that's very nice. >> now you got it in there? i'm also putting cinnamon. you got cold milk, butterscotch and cinnamon. in here is store-bought ready-made carrot cake, walnuts
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and beautiful golden raisins. you can get it frozen or thawed out in the bakery section. see that consistency? pour that in there and i want you to toss that. >> i'm just going to relax over here. >> this is our last 30 seconds. >> get it in there. >> i want to taste it, sandra. >> you have to dump that in here. that's a dumping. i think you should have a show on the food network. >> i got to try it. >> thanks so much. when personal deals become too much information among friends. we wouldn't know that around here. see you tomorrow. great food, everybody. -- captions by vitac --
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twizzlers. the twist you can't resist.
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