tv Today NBC April 29, 2011 4:00am-6:00am PDT
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what you'll see over the next several minutes for you at home, is the full pageantry. they're going to be showing o a little bit here. >> an enormous amount of work has gone into this. every breast plate perfection. it's what the british does best really. >> andrew, you know more about the 1902 carriage. >> which is what we are looking at. >> it's stunning. >> does it have gold on it? >> it was built for edward vii coronation in 1902. it's got fabulous carapaisins with a lighter maroon than most of the carriages. and it's comfortable for sitting which is why they like it so much. >> plenty of room for her beautiful dress. >> and the carriage that prince charles and diana used for their wedding in 1981. >> and the yorks in 1986 as
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well. >> occasionally you will hear a voice on the loud speaker. we are here at buckingham palace. that is a play-by-play being given to the spectators far removed from the abbey. pardon the interruption every once in a while. >> the queen checking her program to see where we are. >> i think there hasn't been such a gathering of royalty, governance and state officials in one church building for a very, very long time in england. the senior members of the clergy, the government, the commonwealth, celebrities, members of royal families throughout the world all seated in the beautiful gothic cathedral almost 1,000 years old. >> we are just seeing pictures of princesses beatrice and eugenie, daughters of the duke of york and fergie who isn't at
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the wedding. they are behind their grandmother the queen and prince philip. out they come now. >> prince charles and camilla followed by the middletons. >> obviously we are all curious as to what words may have been exchanged back in the privacy of the chapel. but we will probably not know until -- well, perhaps william may talk about it in a future interview with martin bashir. >> i wonder if william and catherine stole a kiss back there. >> i'm sure they did. >> i wonder if catherine said, "thank goodness that's other". >> the receiver general who has to take the signatures in the chapel. he's had to collect them later at the lunch but they have had enough time this time around.
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>> just to set the scene and give you an idea of what is still to come this morning as we are at about 7:02 eastern time back in the states. william and kate are set to leave the abbey in about 15 minutes for the carriage procession through the streets of london. they will be arriving at buckingham palace where we are at about 7:30 eastern time. then about 55 minutes later, they will appear on the balcony at the palace for that first kiss. because the weather seems to be cooperating, a military fly-over should take place about 8:30 eastern time followed by the first of two receptions inside the palace. of course, we'll bring it all to you live as it happens. >> first the reception hosted by the queen. >> here's the archbishop of
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canter it canterbury being led by a verger processing and preparingi into d the congregation. ♪ >> andrew, i know there is a lot of hemming and hawing about where to hold the royal wedding. there were other choices available. it seems as if westminster abbey was a great choice. >> well, it was consecrated in 970 a.d. and it's 1,000 years old.
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this is ann curry outside westminster abbey with a thrilled crowd of about 4,000 people who are within sight of this, watching a new princess kate, aka catherine, along with her prince william, now getting aboard the open carriage they decided early today to ride to buckingham palace. outside the crowd could actually hear the ceremony. they cheered after the vows and when the couple was pronounced man and wife. also standing around we've got members of britain's armed forces. they have taken up positions to stand at attention to greet the prince and the princess. also, i should probably note that when the princess -- actually when she was catherine middleton, when she alighted
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from her car and entered the churches, there was a gasp. the crowd was very happy with her choice in her dress. you can see they thought she made a lovely choice. and right now we can see the carriage now about to leave. there it goes on its way. the crowd thrilled. cheering. this is really a very sweet moment, an important moment for the monarchy, a very important moment for britain. there was some hope that the princess and prince would walk over to greet the crowd, but perhaps the dress has too big of a train for that. and also, i should note that the mounted horse guardsmen following the carriage include some personal friends of william's. and they will surround all the
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carriages of the royal family it is those carriages head now to buckingham palace. >> ann, thank you very much. >> these people have been waiting. >> they certainly have. some have been camped out for more than a day, several days, just to get a glimpse of what they are seeing now -- prince william and princess catherine making their way from the abbey. the queen about to do the same thing headed back to where we are here at buckingham palace. >> carole middleton and camilla. one of those is a royal body guard. >> and one of the cavalry is nick van cutsman who is a good
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friend. >> he's in charge of the queen's bodyguard, cavalry section. he's a major. >> it will take them a couple of minutes to make their way back to buckingham palace. >> they look happy in that carriage, very relaxed. >> camilla was saying how relaxed catherine looks. more relaxed than william does. there is the salute. >> you know, i have a sneaking suspicion he's saluting the cenotaph to remember those who died on behalf of the united kingdom. i was interested when i interviewed princess diana.
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she talked about wanting to be the queen in people's hearts. i have a sneaking suspicion we are watching the princess of people's hearts right now. >> well, i think you have to be very cold-hearted not to have your heart leap when she gave her vows. she sounded so sweet. her tiny voice. e new married couple in any is way. >> they will be followed by charles and kacamilla and mr. a mrs. middleton riding in an australian-style carriage back
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to buckingham palace. >> interestingly, prince harry will be traveling in the second carriage with the little flower girls, lady louise windsor, eliza lopez and tiggy, his former nanny's little boy. >> i'm thinking of my own son who was a ring bearer and ran out of the church. >> the archbishop of canterbury this week gave a single interview just for the bbc in which he said that he thought the couple knew what the cost would be, but he wished them courage and clarity to live out their marriage. that's ale beautiful thing to
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say. i think that's what they do need. a sense of courage and clarity about boundaries, about the way they will be able to live the kind of life they want to give. >> they already seem to have set a different tone. the fact that they are going to be spending at least the next year or two up in anglesy which is different from the situation with charles and diana back in 1981. >> they are so fortunate because william is not heir to the throne yet. that allows them a certain amount of freedom. camilla was talking about how normal their life is there. >> we have been there and it's a normal, understated existence. a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. the paparazzi wouldn't be able to get near it. i think they like that. but also william is very much his own man. they have had their stamp on this wedding from day one. that is very important. it's their wedding after all. >> six weeks after the
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honeymoon -- and that is still a secret. we don't know where it will be. they are going on a visit to canada. so there will be events they have to participate in. >> let's check in with peter alexander who is somewhere along the parade route. peter, what are you seeing? >> matt, we are standing along the mall now with several thousand people. you can hear the roars in the distance. as the roar gets louder they are getting closer. they are trying to experience this moment. we anticipate this is going to be the biggest roar of all. little kids on shoulders here. everyone waving the union jack as they are on the mall. you can see those people ecstatic with a chance to see it. for the last hour or so most people would only have the opportunity to listen over giant
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speakers. we have heard that where we are here. as they come down the mall, you will note that this road was made in the late 19th century to follow other ceremonial routes throughout europe. it is paved in red. here is our first chance for the crowd to see the prince and now the princess. [ cheers ] >> peter, thank you very much. how long do we expect the recessional to take place? first of all, they will take a lot of people out of the church by buses, the same way they got back in. some will head off to party on their own. the vast majority aren't invited to the -- >> matt, you make a good point. the extended middleton family who were invited to the ceremony, some have not been invited to the reception hosted by the queen. so they are going back to the hole tel-- hotel.
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>> what are the chances of that invite? >> i think it was down to certain civic and government positions which demanded they be invited. and i think 350 guests were listed as the bride and groom as essential. >> you have to think of today as two weddings. the wedding which wille go on behind us, the queen's show. that's what is expected. the bride and groom said also, we want our own wedding, too. prince charles will host and that's the wedding you and i would have. the close affair with intimate family and friends. the best man's speech, the first dance. they are broken up to keep everyone happy. >> that's a smaller affair. 300 people at that one. >> the other thing about that affair is they are going to change their dress for that one, boogie down, funk it up. whatever you say in america.
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>> funk it up? >> i'm trying to learn your language. >> oh, my goodness. not even the british accent canal pull that one off. >> i thought it was funky. >> thank you very much. by the way, the queen and the duke won't stay in buckingham palace. they will leave after the reception so the palace -- >> they couldn't stand the noise. >> exactly right. >> the other interesting thing -- during the service, and i don't mean to jump the gun, but the archbishop prayed this, merciful lord and heavenly father by whose gracious gift so we beseech these upon these persons the gift of children. he was praying for this lovely couple to conceive and have an heir and a family. >> i'm sure they are already placing bets on when that will happen. >> it's never too soon to start
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thinking about babies. really, the long courtship is testament to the fact that perhaps kate wasn't ready to have children when she was 25. she was happy that her engagement was postponed so when they did get married and she was expected to produce heirs, she's ready for it. she's 30 in january. that's the perfect time. >> winston churchill's great descendant's house and then clarence house which is where prince charles and camilla live. the first subject of winston churchill's writings. >> right. one of ourest generals, if not the greatest. >> when they are in london where will they live? >> they haven't announced it. people said they will bunk up with prince harry.
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kensington palace is a possible london residence. of course it is closely associated with princess diana. these people are more country people than city people. they will no doubt have a country residence like highgrove, prince charles's gloucester estate. >> you mentioned princess diana. for a lot of the morning i was almost feeling sorry for princess catherine that she would have to live in the footsteps. however, i'm watching here and i think she's already set a tone for herself. >> very much her own woman. >> they are coming in behind us. they have done that wonderful journey down the epicenter of all royal occasions and now they will come past the grequeen victoria memorial in front of buckingham palace to go into the palace itself. >> you hear the roar of the crowd. >> the memorial is white marble
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and is known affectionately by londoners as the wedding cake. you will also notice they have been given a guard of honor straight into the walkway into buckingham palace through the gates, being led by the horses and following the carriage. >> al is in the crowd down there. al? >> meredith, they are coming around the circle and the crowd is going wild. there is a rolling cheer going up as they come past the queen victoria memorial and make their way. there is the carriage. they are standing on tiptoes trying to get a better view. kids are on their parents' shoulders looking as they make their way to the open gate of buckingham palace. the royal standard flying over the palace now. three times its normal size. the flag is 36 by 18 feet. as they make the turn and head
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into the gates of buckingham palace to get ready for the luncheon that will follow this great ceremony. a lot of people very, very excited. meredith, matt? >> they just waved at us, al. they looked right in this direction and waved. >> big thumbs-up. they are making their way through the gate right now. >> andrew and kacamilla and martin, as we watch them enter buckingham palace, thoughts that this could be their home some day? >> we know at some point in the future, we don't know when. the queen is 85, but her mother lived to 101 and then prince charles next. it will be a while. >> buckingham palace is almost become the people's palace. the queen sees it very much as for the people. in recent years she's invited in
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varied and wonderful groups to garden parties to make it more inclusive. she sees her personal home as windsor castle and the palace is for londoners and the world. >> talk to me about the inner courtyard. >> it's the forecourt of the buckingham palace. a bomb went off there when the germans were bombing us in september 1940. the king was only about 30 yards away. the queen mother said she was pleased because it meant she could look the east end in the face. >> will they take pictures at this point? >> the photographer who did camilla and charles' wedding in 2005 has been chosen to taken all of the official photographs. we expect one to be released tomorrow. the official photograph they have chosen to go to the press. photographs are being taken at every given moment. there was even a lady outside t
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the goring as soon as kate appeared. as far as family albums they are set. >> hugo is a brilliant photographer, able to put you at your ease. he photographed my children and he put them at their ease. >> once they go inside we will probably not see them again until the kiss at 8:25 eastern time. >> in around an hour's time. once inside they have said they will abstain from having any champagne. whether they stick to this. because it's a very long day. when they know it's going into the early hours with prince harry even threatening a survivor's breakfast -- >> bring on the bacon sandwiches tomorrow. >> they need to pace themselves. >> maybe a sniff. they earned it. >> when you said they might abstain from champagne my mind went to kathie lee and hoda. >> i think they are on their fifth bottle by now. >> a lot of people in the states very early to watch this event
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starting at 4:00 in the morning with us on the east coast. 1:00 in the morning on the west coast of the united states. >> and there is a village in texas called grapevine with a population of 1,400 where every person is watching and i'm told they are all watching on nbc. >> well, they should. >> well done, grapevine. >> just as kate disappears there we were talking about the jewelry. it wasn't the lover's knot tiara. it was a halo tiara made by cartier made for the queen mother. the beautiful knot diamond earrings are a present from the middletons themselves, her parents. >> when you say -- is this on loan from the queen or a gift? >> well, jewelry which is loaned to other members of the family is a long-term loan. they belong in the crown jewels
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but the queen -- kacamilla has lot of the queen mother's jewelry. >> she's not able to give. it's the crown rather than a personal gift. >> okay. >> the queen making her way back. >> once again, the cheers for the queen are as loud as they were for the bride and groom. the affection for her is so deep. she enters buckingham palace. >> 24 hours ago we sat here in this area and it was congested with traffic, taxis and buses. here they have completely cleared it out. it is a spectacular setting for this royal wedding. >> the national anthem "god save the queen" is being relayed along the entire procession route so the general public can take part. it has a very patriotic feel.
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>> matt, you mentioned parties. one is being offered now by the british ambassador in washington. it will be quite a party there, having a lot of interesting and important people there. hello everybody there. they're watching on nbc as well. >> we were interviewed saying, why is this so popular in the united states -- this wedding? i think we are fascinated by the royals, no doubt about it and truly admire this young man, william. >> i think in some ways it's inappropriate but we take some ownership over these young men because of what we have watched them go through. i think everybody around the world does. you feel you know them in some small way and you take a vested
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interest in what happens in their lives. there was a time where it was such a tragic turn. this is such a joyous turn. >> it's great for us that the royal family is the tie that binds between anglo-american relations. we share something that's part of our special relationship as it is described across the pond. >> i think it's worked well. pointing out about the monarchy, the grandson of a british president would not get a billion people watching today. you need the monarchy for that. >> we were watching the ceremony inside westminster abbey and you would spot the face of a politician. you were saying it's good for them to be at an event like this because it reminds them of who really runs the show here. >> where our loyalty lies. it's not with party politicians. >> so the queen there going into buckingham palace for the party that she is hosting. she is paying for.
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a lot has been made of the cost of this wedding and the periphepri frippery, if you will, has all been covered by the family. >> prince charles, looking very happy just having attended the wedding of his son. >> apparently helped pick out the wedding music along with catherine. they would listen on ipods. >> and the wedding reception at buckingham palace will include a performance by the prince's perform harpist who's been employed for the afternoon to play. >> let's go back to westminster abbey, even as people file out. we have ann curry there with a guest. >> that's right, matt. people are still exiting the church here and one of the guests made her way to us. she's a reporter, a writer for the daily express. anna, you were lucky enough to
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get one of the invitations handed out to journalists. you are actually not a royal correspondent. >> no, not usually, no. i hope to be thought that i would do a good job but this is not my usualle beat. but this was a great gig to get. >> you will need to write about what you saw here and those of us on the outside will want to read in your column what you saw that we may not have noticed by watching coverage on television. what can you tell us? >> the thing that struck me the most was the informality of it. they said they wanted a ceremony that was public but intimate. i think they pulled it off. i think they nailed it. it had exactly that atmosphere. when we were waiting for them to arri arrive, instead of people sitting bolt upright in their seats they werele milling around, chatting. it was like a garden party. when they arrived, there was a hush in the air.
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i do think they pulled off exactly what they wanted. it was beautifully choreographed. the music seemed to reach a climax and a crescendo just when kate arrived up the stairs or the altar. it went off magnificently. >> i noticed the chairs facing each other may have added to intimacy. what were you able to see in terms of the other guests? >> well, there were also screens inside the abbey, so everyone will have managed to have a good idea of what's going on. cameras were trained on various guests. those guests chatted with one another, old friends greeted each other. former prime ministers meeting former colleagues, people like john maker, fiona hague, wife of the foreign secretary arrived with her leg in plaster in a wheelchair. >> you were able to watch on
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television at the same time. you were bouncing back and fo h forth. >> that's right. >> i imagine your colleagues were jealous. >> they were certainly excited for me. everyone i told just fell about saying, what? you're going to the royal wedding? i hope they're not jealous. >> however they feel about it. personally, emotionally being a british subject what are your emotions having watchedle all of this? >> it was very emotional. obviously i'm not in the family. i'm very detached from it. the two young people represent the future of the nation. they are a new chapter in our history. that's exciting to witness, very moving. >> will i get in trouble to ask what you thought of the dress? >> her dress, absolutely thumbs-up. it was beautiful. have you seen how tiny she is? the tiny waist.
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oh, my goodness. >> good luck with your column. you have to write 3,000 words very fast. matt and meredith, back to you. >> thank you very much. so much of what we saw inside the abbey a second ago was very orchestrated. yet it probably went by in a flash to some people watching at home and maybe we didn't understand the significance. andrew, you brought up something interesting. as princess catherine was leaving the abbey she stopped by the queen and curtesied. she's probably curtsied on many occasions but this was a difference one, if we watch it there. >> there is a curtesy which is just a little bob and then one that you do as a member of the royal family which is lower, more stately, takes more time and there is a slight nod of the head. they are two different curtsies. i myself curtsied to princess
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diana and she gave me 8.5 out of 10 on one occasion. it's not difficult, but i haven't done a court curtsy. >> while you practice your curtsy, natalie morales is along the procession route. hey, natalie. >> good morning, meredith. it was a huge party here. the emotions of the crowd, still massive. they estimate 20,000 people showed up here at trafalgar square. really the heart and soul of celebrations here in london. but also at hyde park they had some 70,000 people who were there as well. it truly was a moment to watch here. i think from the moment you saw catherine emerge -- princess catherine emerge from the goring hotel in the dress there were gasps in the crowd, people cheering, loud applause. as she worked her way into the
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rolls royce over to westminster abbey, again, the crowds were just going crazy. as she entered into westminster abbey itself, when we saw prince william and her have that moment -- again, wild applause here and such emotion. we saw some tears, lots of laughter when prince harry apparently made a joke to prince william saying something to the effect that, oh, yes, she's just right here. people seem to love prince harry as much as prince william. of course this is their big day. everyone here excited to be part of the celebration. you can see the crowd still sticking around here. we are about one hour away from the highly anticipated kiss of prince william and princess catherine's first kiss as husband and wife. matt? >> look behind us here at buckingham palace. the household cavalry departing
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after escorting members of the royal family back from the abbey. it really is a sensational sight. >> it's important to remember these are not toy soldiers. these people have fought this year, last year or will fight next year in afghanistan. that's true of all 1,400 soldiers that have taken part in the ceremony today. >> all serving military personnel. many are veterans of war. many are young, awaiting commission. >> william himself was a member of the household cavalry. >> but he was a royal and so was harry. the irish guard has formed a guard of honor and they have just returned from afghanistan. >> there are things happening all around london, hyde park seeing some activity. nbc's kate snow is there. good morning to you. >> good morning. about 70,000 people at this viewing party. bigger than trafalgar where natalie was. they bill this as the largest
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viewing party in the world. the big jumbotrons behind me are where it all played out. and i think these people felt they were in the abbey. they were singing hymns, enjoying every moment. the dress, they thought was spectacular. they went nuts when kate middleton came out of the car. everyone commenting on how beautiful she looks. there were tears, laughter when the ring seemed to stop for a moment. everyone started laughing here. just a joyous feeling. a lot of families here having picnics and old friends having reunions, sitting and watching this together and drinking champagne and drinking pims like they do in england. also dressed up. lots of people in their full wedding outfits, dresses and hats, to have a community experience to feel they were part of the future of the monarchy. >> thank you very much.
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first we were counting down to the wedding. now we are counting down to the kiss on that balcony behind us in less than an hour from now. >> 8:25 east coast time. >> we'll have that and much more live from london. first, these messages. nouncer ] look outside. it's grow time. so let's plant some perennials that'll turn up every year. trees and shrubs to give us depth. and fill it out with flowers placed in just the perfect place. let's spend less, but plant more. what do you say we plant a weekend, water it, and watch a summer spring up? more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. we're lowering the cost of putting down some roots. get one gallon perennials, three for just ten bucks. - good night, honey. - and they could fix... - all better? - almost anything. - yes.
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welcome back to our special coverage of the royal wedding. kate middleton looked elegant and regal as she arrived at westminster abbey. designed by sarah burton for alexander mcqueen's fashion house. let's bring in designer amanda wakely. good morning. absolutely beautiful dress. what did you think when she stepped out of the car? >> sensational. very regal as you said. quite classic actually. when i heard it was sarah burton, i expected perhaps more of a dramatic dress but it was stunning. >> i was expecting something more modern and more in keeping with the times. the dress felt quite retro. it reminded me of grace kelly's dress. >> it is very similar. we have a picture of that. >> the fitted bodice with the
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lace overlay is almost identical to what grace kelly wore. hers was higher in the neck. >> what message do you think she was trying to send with the dress? >> i think she's showing she wants to be a traditional bride and traditional princess and wants to go back to traditional roots. that's what the british monarchy needs as well. there's been so much bad press recently and in the past couple of years they are looking for kate to restore the british public's faith in the monarchy. she's the face of what modern british -- the british monarchy would be. >> sarah burton designed the dress and said it was the experience of a lifetime to be tasked with creatinging the exquisite gown. you design clothing yourself. just to have that experience. >> a wonderful, wonderful experience. huge amount of pressure though when you think this will be the dress that will be so copied
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around the world from this moment on. >> so there will probably be copies within the next couple of days. >> i believe in america they do it literally in 24 hours. >> and we were all hoping there would be a tiara. it was the queen's. >> the cartier which is quite modest. and the train of the dress was modest which i think as gab rheerhe rielle was saying is in keeping with kate as a modern princess. >> you wonder if kate was involved in the design of the dress. >> absolutely. i felt the design is not typically what sarah burton would do. it feels like catherine has had quite a heavy hand in the design of the dress. also so clearly inspired by grace kelly. i feel she would have given that as a reference point from sarah on which to base the design.
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i feel it really is kate's dress. >> and the beautiful earrings, a gift from her parents. >> which i felt was charming. just the way they glittered from her ears was beautiful. >> the overall feel. the prince in the red tunic and her in the romantic gown as well. >> quintessential british monarchy at its best, isn't it? >> i also thought -- i'm sorry. >> no, no. i thought it was interesting he chose to wear the irish guard's uniform for the wedding. that uniform is similar to the inspiration that sarah burton took from her pre-fall collection. a red military inspired coat. i don't know if sarah had a choice in his choice as well. >> the dress on pippa, the maid of honor, is white. you probably wouldn't see that in the united states. >> but that's what's beautiful, actually. pippa has a sensational figure.
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the dress was demure but showed her figure off. i thought it was a beautiful, beautiful dress. >> both the girls wear clothes exceptionally well. they have model figures and anything looks good on them. >> their mother looked beautiful as did the queen in yellow. >> the queen's coat was fantastic, modern and beautiful. the love knot broach was a lovely gesture. >> thank you very much. we are back with more live from london including will and kate's first kiss. first, these messages. [ wind blowing ]
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and already we have people moving from other parts of london to be here at buckingham palace to witness that firsthand and after that there will be street parties in this town. thousands of people will gather for those parties including the prime minister. david cameron is having one of those. you can see people making their way toward the palace. back here at our perch to the northeast corner of buckingham palace, i'm matt lauer. joined now by a former aide to princess diana and a former bodyguard to princess diana. we welcome you both. good to see you. sorry about the countdown clock to the kiss. nothing i can do about that. give me your impressions. what did you make of it? >> i think it was everything wanted. he said he wanted it low tier but it was a nice shot of harry and william when they arrived. i would have liked to know what harry was saying.
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as kids they were good as cracking jokes at each other. i'm sure there was a joke in there somewhere. it was a lovely service. this is what william wanted. he didn't want it right off the top. he wanted it something normal. >> patrick? >> i liked the symbolism. we had here in onele small place really the heart and soul of the british nation. there is a wonderful sense of continuity of the windsor dynasty. one of the nice things i thought about today was seeing the queen and the duke of edinburgh in great health, having fun, in good spirits. that and this new generation coming through is a very reassuring thing to see. >> we will be checking in with you more as the day progresses. lots more to come. take a look at the crowd making their way down here. a lot of excitement from london. the royal kiss coming up and much mah right here on nbc.
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good morning to you. it is 4:56 right now. we'll get back to special coverage of the royal wedding in just a minute, but first some local news for you. a surprise guilty plea by the husband and wife who kidnapped jaycee dugard and held her captive for 18 years. phillip and nancy garrido both pleaded guilty yesterday. phillip garrido will face a maximum sentence of 431 years to live in prison. his wife nancy faces 36 years to life for rape and kidnapping. the plea means dugard and her children fathered by phillip garrido will not have to testify in court. the couple will be sentenced on june 2nd. richmond police are looking for a man that tried to kidnap a 12-year-old girl as she walked to school. he's described overweight in his
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30s with average height and spiked hair around a bald spot. the girl said she was walking to grant elementary when he slowly followed her in a blue truck. he pulled up alongside her in this car. she pushed him, and that's when he took out a gun and told her to get in or he would kill her. she ran for help. police say the right rear panel of the truck was colored primer gray. right now, i want to get a check of the forecast. cool start to the morning, christina? >> yeah, a cool start to the morning. good morning to you! we're very festive around here, hopefully we'll get laura to put hers on later. beautiful, beautiful weather today. finally, a friday. and it is going to be lovely around here all weekend long. let's break it down via your seven-day outlook. 75 degrees for you saturday. today not too bad. we'll end up in the 70s. along the peninsula, maybe san francisco a little bit cooler for you, but take a look at where the temperatures are headed, tuesday, wednesday, thursday we continue to climb into the 80s, so we're looking
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really good in terms of the weather forecast. 4:57 a.m., i know a lot of people are up watching the wedding. are they on the roads as well? >> it doesn't look like it, no carriages or anyone else on the roads. let's get you a live look, because we've got a couple of advisories. bay bridge we're looking at it from san bruno mountain and we have the shake because of the wind. the wind advisories for the bay bridge and the san mateo bridge, but the high wind advisory, and also the benicia and the dumbarton bridge, keep it in mind. but a light flow so far. laura, back to you. >> look stunning in your bowtie as well. another local news update for you planned in half an hour. the royal wedding special coverage returns.
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♪ it is 8:00 now on a friday morning, april 29, 2011. it's 1:00 in the afternoon here in london. you are looking at the crowd, the masses making their way now -- some on shoulders -- to buckingham palace where they will witness the first kiss of prince william and princess catherine. i'm joined by andrew, camilla, meredith and martin bashir. this reminds me of the 18th hole of the british open where they are starting to usher the eventual winner up the fairway. this is an amazing kiss.
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>> with the kiss they get a hole in one. >> it's slightly more important than a game of golf. >> not to matt. >> we have peter alexander of nbc news by phone now, apparently in the crowd somewhere. peter? >> reporter: yes, matt, we are in the crowd. you can likely see a lot of the young people from across the country. what they call -- like we have the girl scouts and cub scouts across england. they are allowing them to lead the way. this is being done orderly to allow the people as this is the people's celebration in many ways, to walk along this paved road like a red carpet leading up to buckingham palace. tens of thousands of people now pooling in, calmly, trying to get the best place in hopes of coming up to the front gate so they can watch in person exactly what happens. clearly that will be a nice kiss we are all waiting for. for most of the day these people have ale small window to see
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what was going on. they would see the queen for a moment as she would pass between the tree branches for some and between barricades for others. now for a moment they will be up close and personal, staring directly at their new princess at the balcony of buckingham palace. >> we were all shaking our head at something. peter alexander, thank you very much. i'm not sure if in the united states there were this many people gathered for an event like this that they could keep them as calm and well-behaved. this is a well-behaved group. >> this is the best of british at a british occasion. people are being respectful. they want to keep their distance because they respect the job the police are doing today. they have been practicing now for 22 weeks to get it right. they are happy they have made it a safe occasion, a secure occasion and they are going to take their time. we have some minutes left until
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the kiss, so they just want to get in the best position. >> there is an estimated 800,000 people converging. this crowd coming toward the palace, i think, will number perhaps 100,000 to 150,000. i think the french are right about the british. the british are known by the french as liking to take up calm lines and drink warm beer. those are the two things people are doing today. >> 150,000 people fighting for what is essentially festival seating here at buckingham palace. that's not easy. we have a shot apparently of peter alexander. we were talking to him by phone. we actually located him in that crowd. there he is right there. >> there's peter. >> so he was there. he didn't make it up. speaking of a great vantage point, al roker has a great position to see the balcony. where are you now, al? >> i'm right across from the
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australia gate. we have a clear shot of the balcony where in about 21 minutes, the duke and duchess will come out on the balcony and share a kiss for all of the gathered crowd. what's interesting is the folks who are waiting here have been here since early this morning. they are now going to be behind all the folks who are marching down now. these folks who are streaming, getting ready to stream into the circle surrounding queen victoria's memorial will have a much better view than the folks who have been waiting patiently for hours. here is the police line just coming in now. the mounted police line. now the folks behind the walking police are getting ready to come into the square. what's been really terrific, the weather has held off. there was a forecast, as you know, for showers.
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we were looking for showers this afternoon. so far they have held off. temperature is about 60 degrees. people calmly walking in, getting ready to get the position where, of course, the balcony, the fated kiss where william's parents, 30 years earlier, shared a kiss as well as did his uncle prince andrew and sarah, the duchess of york, later on. it's a great place and the weather has really cooperated nicely. just a very light breeze. there you see the crowd just starting to make their way in, waving flags, waving the union jack. it's actually interesting how quiet everybody is as they are walking in. they are just now waiting to come into the circle. it's kind of impressive to see. you have seen the shots. it's just a very impressive sight, guys. >> i think it's worthwhile
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remembering that this whole area was created precisely for this kind of occasion. in 1911, for the coronation of edward vii, the whole place was redesigned from the arch with the wedding cake there and the front of buckingham palace which was done in 1913 precisely in order to get the maximum amount of people. britains remember the end of the second world war when they went and celebrated the day. it's an integral part of british public life. >> al mentioned the weather. if you are with the british tourists board you have to love the message that's been shown around the world for the last two weeks or so. everyone talks about, oh, you're going to london, the weather's not good. it's been anything but bad the last two weeks. it will be great for tourism. >> hopefully we'll have the fly-over right after the kiss. >> lovely for us being british.
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there have been nay sayers about the event. people saying, oh, it's no big deal. i may not bother watching it -- mostly male. they often say, i will watch it if the wife chooses to. but this crowd speaks volumes about the royal family, their status in the 21st century. the queen will be delighted with this. absolutely delighted. >> so many families. people with little children on top of shoulders. >> by the way, the ability to pull off the event like this seamlessly speaks well for the near future when the diamond jubilee. >> and the olympics. >> and the summer olympics in the summer of 2012. this is a rehearsal. this is a big event but can be seen as rehearsal for events coming down the road. it's unfair that these people walk from a mile away to stand in front of the people who have been waiting all morning. >> this wouldn't happen in the u.s. peacefully. this part, no, no. we have a camera now on peter alexander who is in the crowd. he has arrived.
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peter? >> reporter: meredith and matt, it's good to see you. a couple football fans of our favorite british, americans and friends from around the world. how is it, guys? [ cheers ] >> reporter: what's remarkable is this is truly a celebration. in many ways what we are celebrating today is the sun. we saw the open carriage a short time ago. now we're getting a chance, frankly, if you move this direction, we are literally walking right around here. people are trying to climb over, but police would prefer that not occur. right here, we are getting the first glimpse of what it looks like at buckingham palace itself. to see the crimson and gold -- right beneath the balcony where the kiss will take place 15 minutes from now. it's intended to be a celebration for young people in
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this country. in 1981 we remember what it was like to get charles and diana get married. for a new generation, this is their opportunity as well. this was pretty organized. i think the barricades are falling throw now. it's not working as well as they planned. but really, this is just all the folks who spent hours, some spent nights here waiting for a chance to see this and bring the camera around. we have a clear shot looking straight up. folks were a half mile away will be face to face with their prince and princess. >> can you ask your camera person there to swing around and shoot the wedding cake or the queen victoria memorial, too? at the base of it and really in tiers you will see an enormous number of what camilla says are seasoned royal photographers in the perfect position to capture the kiss. they are actually sitting on the
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base. i guess it's a staircase or scaffolding built in front of the wedding cake. we had a shot for a second. we can use our cameras here. >> we hope they will let us walk to the throne room where pip it is -- pippa is in charge of the party. and there was some discussion about the fwlglitter balls she brought in for the party which is to go late into the night into the morning. >> you know, everybody is going to be watching that kiss so closely and analyzing it. when charles and diana kissed up there, people waited and waited and then it wasn't much. s they were disappointed. >> it needs to be right. not too short, not too long. it must be appropriate. we do it at the altar but this
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is on the balcony. >> we can be sure they practiced. >> is there etiquette here? when two people face each other in profile when the kiss occurs, one is in front of the other. is it appropriate for princess catherine to be unobstructed or prince william? >> i think we want to see more of catherine's face and her beautiful diamond drop earrings. >> we have had that moment where you go to kiss somebody and you think you're going right and you bang noses. >> i think they have practiced. >> and the wave of people are now moving directly to the gates at buckingham palace in preparation just behind them. a huge wave of people. you will see a very thin dark blue line. that's a collection of police officers funneling them all in careful fashion around to the front. >> there is running now, matt. we are not as civilized as we make out.
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>> this is what would happen in the states. i don't mean anything violent but there would be more hustle. there isle still a border in the center where they don't let people go. >> there is a respectful distance from the palace gates to be sure nobody gets crushed. these scenes have been practiced before on other royal occasions. >> peter alexander, you're still in the crowd. >> i'm going to raise my hand. ready? look for me. >> good luck with that. >> this is remarkable. you can see everybody here. pan that way. look at the cameras. from around the world we are now up on the side of victoria fountain hoping to get the snapshot. this may not be an al and tipper gore kiss. they will have a short moment to get that shot. the newspapers, magazines around the world will have it within
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the next 12, 15 hours. >> kwhat an extraordinary scene. >> picking up on what camilla was saying there has been ambivalence about the event but these pictures tell a different story. >> goodness knows why, martin. people say it to me all the time. is this a big deal? of course it is. if the queen goes and opens something, there are crowds. this is a royal wedding. it is a massive teal. anyone that says opposite doesn't know what they are talking about. >> it's worth pointing out that anti- mm anti-monarchism is down to 11%. the smallest number since 1936. >> why do you think the polls said we are not going to watch? >> the british are good at not
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wearing their hearts on their sleeves too early and not overhyping. we are subtle, understated. but the ratings tomorrow here and in america will be good. >> you say subtle. i just saw someone dressed as an otter. >> there's always one. >> there have been notorious exit polls during election campaigns in this country where people have flat-out lied about their inclination to vote and there's been a landslide in the opposite direction. >> not just here, but all over the world. >> i agree with meredith. if you read the coverage or looked at the public polling it suggested there was reluctance. >> our media is much more cynical than ordinary people. you see the people behind us. they love the monarchy. >> ten minutes away from the
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kiss. >> just looking at a note here talking about royal kisses in the past. edward and sophie refused to do a wedding kiss in 1999 at their wedding. why? >> they said they didn't want to. in fact, we never found out where they went on honeymoon. >> really? >> yeah. it's weird but they didn't want to do it. i think so if i was shy of it. william actually doesn't like p.d.a.s, public displays of affection. harry does. >> if harry kisses her, that's really -- >> but if you remember -- >> we'll be on the air five more hours after that. >> the diana memorial, if you remember, harry was all over chelsy but william kept his distance. sorry, he has to do it. >> at the memorial, wasn't that when catherine and william were just supposedly getting back
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together and there was speculation? >> they broke up in spring of 2007. by july which was to mark diana's birthday she was there in the crowd. they had got back together. they had a make or break holiday and decided they wanted to be together. that was when they formed the plan. she was the one. here we are today. >> can i take you back to the kiss? matt, you were talking about it. there is an independent bookmaker in london offering odds of 7-4 for the kiss to be between 5 and 8 seconds. for the kiss between 0 and 3 you get 9-1. >> wow. >> if you go up, the odds it shall. >> how much -- >> you placed a bet. >> i have. >> we'll be right back after this.
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welcome back to london where we are awaiting the kiss in just a moment or two -- actually five minutes and three seconds. we are joined by martin bashir, andrew roberts and camilla tominey. so nice to spend the morning with you. we appreciate it. >> thank you for having us. >> how did the royal kiss become a tradition? >> i will pass it to you. >> and i will pass it straight back to you. >> um, martin? >> after the second world war the tradition of coming onto the balcony for a public occasion but i have a feeling the first kiss was in the 1970s. >> andrew, which wedding --
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well, princess ann, i think. >> that's the wedding to captain mark philip where the first kiss occurred. >> that would have been 1973. >> actually the going out on the balcony, they did it in the late 1930s as well. but you're right, it was the v-day moment which is the one that everybody remembers. that was where we celebrated victory in the second world war. the crowds were as big as they are today. >> there are wonderful stories about v-day and then princess elizabeth and margaret mingling with the crowd. >> they both did. they mingled with the crowds and weren't recognized. >> al is over by australia gate. still in the thick of it as well. >> we are separated a little bit, matt. we are behind the folks who have been waiting patiently since 6:00 this morning.
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now they are all the way in the back of the crowd because everybody's come and now all havele filled in the circle surrounding queen victoria's memorial. but what's interesting is, again, a very orderly procession of folks. the weather good with three minutes to go. when you think about it, in america, we have this many people for the dropping of the ball in times square, but the crowd is stationary. they had to move all of these folks from one location to the other. it's all been orderly. very, very well done. what's interesting is even though these people are now in the back of the line, nobody seems upset. they are quite stoic, enjoying themselves. people straining for a good view. i'll tell you, it's impressive. that flag flying over buckingham palace shows the winds are fairly light. it's a beautiful morning --
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afternoon now here. but, again, nobody seems to be upset about their position in the crowd. they are just enjoying it. matt? >> maybe what you said, camilla. nobody wants tole spo spoil the moment. >> it's a communal atmosphere. so the balcony is the center point of their interaction with the public. we always associate it with being presented to us. it's in the perfect position so everyone can see them. >> you're hearing the noise of helicopters above. some for television coverage and others for security. this is a massive security undertaking with this many people in close proximity to buckingham palace and the royal family. we apologize if the audio is a little bit loud sometimes. we are also anticipating something coming up and that is the royal fly pass. we have been worried about it because of weather, but it looks
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like we'll be in great shape for that. >> the planes we'll be see, the hurricane, spitfire and lancaster, were the great three planes of the second world war. hurricanes shot down more planes than spitfires. they are beloved, as is the lanc. >> is there always a fly-over after the kiss? >> yes. they will elevate as they go over buckingham palace. >> they practiced a few days ago. >> matt! >> pull up! >> i don't think william and kate can see the countdown clock, do you? >> where are we now? >> less than a minute,w? >> less than a minute, i think. >> again, this is the precise timing. it's supposed to happen at 25 minutes after the hour, 30 seconds from now. >> the wedding was five minutes late. who knows if it will be on time. >> plus, the kiss, we were
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joking about how long will it be, three seconds, eight or ten seconds. i was very interested by the special prayer written by the church of england for this wedding in which they talked not about short kisses but a long and happy marriage and the pr s prayer says may their wills be enabled to continue in life long faithfulness to each other. while we are excited about the kiss, i think this is a marriage that the country and the monarchy needs to see last and really become fruitf fuful into future. >> movement behind the curtains. they are looking out saying, oh, man. >> holy -- >> this is the real deal. >> it will be very interesting for kate. william is used to it. he comes out on the balcony every year. again, what is going through kate's mind now, princess
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catherine -- [ cheers and applause ] >> that's the signal. >> kate's saying "wow." >> they can't believe it. [ cheers ] >> the rest of the wedding party now coming out as well. >> kate's mother carole in the background and michael. what they will be thinking, goodness knows. >> they only met the queen for the first time a week ago. >> people find it unusual, but
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the queen is a busy lady. not like a normal family you're marrying into. kate hasn't met her that frequently either. this is a great meeting of the two families. >> no meltdown from the kids yet which is a good sign. >> just took a picture with my cell phone. i have a new screen saver. >> you need the money shot though. you need the kiss. >> these images are being beamed throughout london on screens. >> here we go! >> oh, that was less -- >> that was short. that was a peck. >> i hope all the photographers were ready. >> you could get 9-1 on that. that was very quick. >> i lost a lot of money. i said it would be between five and eight seconds. >> oh, we're going to do it in slow mo. >> there was talk that it
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wouldn't happen. william is not one for p.d.a.s. >> watch carefully. we'll replay it. here we go. >> slow it down. >> oh, lovely. [ cheers ] >> better in slow motion. >> is this the last public responsibility they have as part of thele royal wedding? >> pretty much. we're going to be able to see them when they go from this reception back to the palace. >> the period of protection. >> to prepare themselves for the evening reception which i believe starts at 7:00 p.m. the crowds are running in now. more want to see them on the balcony. and this is really the top flight wedding party.
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>> where are the kents? the royal family is much bigger than just the 15 or so people we've got there. >> i'm happy so we don't have to identify them all. >> this is different from other weddings. >> you would have the other royal wedding including cousins and their children. the royals at the westminster abbey service but this seems to just be the wedding party and not the royal family. they may come out in a minute. >> i was going to say they may come out later on. he may be forced to give her another kiss later on. >> i wonder if they heard matt lauer's comment that it was too short. >> would that be unprecedented? a second kiss? [ cheers and applause ] >> oh, that's it! >> there is the flyover.
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>> i think by this time, from personal experience, even the cynics have been wowed by this. i mean, there is so much that we are so unaccustomed to seeing in the states. not that you see it every day in great britain, but so much we are unfamiliar with. it truly is an inspiring sight. >> what's not to love? a happy couple in love just married, the queen in all her glory. it's great. >> they're going in now. >> carole there helping little grace, one of the flower girls. >> they linger a little bit longer. >> are they going for the hat trick?
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>> i don't think so. >> in they go, hand in hand. >> kate doesn't want to leave. >> did you see her say "oh, wow"? >> yes. >> there have been reports that she would change out of her wedding gown for the reception. >> we think so. there's been so much speculation about different designers they have and possibly saying there are three outfits. the wedding dress, tonight's outfit and a going away outfit for tomorrow for the honeymoon. >> where do we go from here? they will go in and they will all stop and eat lunch, take a break. spend some time with family and friends. some of these people have come in from all over the world actually, members of royal families from other countries.
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william will probably have a chance to spend time later on with his buddies from anglesy. and a little time for private reflection. >> and also, of course, the wedding photograph. this is where they will take place and when. it's not a sit-down lunch. just canapes and drinks. >> for the rest of the people now turning their back on the palace to make their way to other parts of london, is there a pub in their near future? >> there is always a pub in the near future. >> interestingly they have been named the duke and duchess of cambridge and there are multiple public houses called the duke of cambridge throughout britain. i suspect they will be full. also something to bear in mind it's oftenasy to think of the british empire as being -- look, they are in the fountain -- but what's remarkable is members of commonwealth countries who were
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part of the british imperial empire will happily sit with the m kingdom and enjoy hospitality and there won't be a member of hatred or anything like that. >>le well, 54 nations, as you said earlier. we have now covered between a third and a quarter of the world's land surface and a third and a quarter of the world's population. >> peter alexander still in the crowd. what was the feeling in there, peter, as the kiss took place? >> reporter: matt, folks were chanting "kiss" for a while. we knew it was coming. the first one didn't take long. then they chanted "we want another." that's when we feel we got our second kiss here. we are joined by americans in the crowd. starting to clear out a little bit. it's gorgeous, but starting to be a hot day. you are from new hampshire. give us a sense of what that
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moment was like. i heard youle yelling behind me. >> it was awesome. i can't put it into words. it was great. >> when you saw the white dress walk out -- >> amazing. it's exactly what we wanted to see her in. >> reporter: you describe it as a privilege to be here. you have finals next week. so now it's back to business. if you put it in context you probably weren't alive for prince charles and diana's wedding day. what made this memorable for you? >> it's awesome to be a part of history. you get to tell everybody you were there when it happened. exciting. and so much support they have around the world and here. >> and we have the kiss photo. >> reporter: i'm guessing you're not from the states but we like you being with us as well. >> okay. >> reporter: that's the sense here. a lot of people making new friends in the packed crowd trying to find their way home.
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nobody knew how it would take place. there was a sense they would open it up. they knew they were rolling out the red carpet to buckingham palace. it was calm and the crowd was excited, looking to celebrate something. sometimes they don't go well. this one came off as a perfect 10. >> well, they did get their second kiss. that made all the difference. we'll check in with al on the other side of buckingham palace at the australia gate. al? >> thanks, meredith. we can see people slowly streaming out. the sun's out. a beautiful, beautiful afternoon. it was very special. you heard the roar go up. and in a sense it became a reaffirmation that this was the people's wedding when they started calling for a second kiss. kiss, kiss! and the duke and duchess obliged with a second kiss. not too bad. now let's find out more about your weather back home.
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well, we're getting the royal treatment in the weather department. everybody is going to see the 70s and a lot of sunshine across the bay area today. temperatures are going to come up even more so for your weekend. we're in store for beautiful, beautiful conditions. the breezy conditions that we are expecting today will turn over to calm winds by tomorrow. 68 degrees in oakland, 70 in san jose, up to 78 degrees by sunday. next week even warmer. we're touching on the 90s in some of the warmest cities across the bay. have a great day. and that's your latest weather. matt, meredith? >> al, thank you. because we can't get enough, let's take one more look at the kisses. of course kiss one. more like a peck. and now kiss two. that is more like it. we're back with more live from london, but first this is "today" on nbc.
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never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles compared to what a cancer patient goes through is a walk in the park. from the moment i registered, people started immediately supporting me. i walk with my sister. our relationship has gone to a whole new level because of training together. you meet the most wonderful, inspiring people. when you accomplish those 60 miles, it's truly life-changing. (man) register today for the... because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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♪ welcome back to london where princess catherine looks absolutely ravishinging this morning in her wedding gown designed by sarah burton. she was not alone. all the guests from chelsy davie to victoria beckham and david beckham looked smashing as well. gabrielle hackworthy is here to analyze the good, the bad and the gorgeous along with trevor morgan who's been creating hats for the queen for nearly a morgan. she created this hat that is falling off my head and i apologize. it's the fascinator not put on
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exactly correctly. we saw a lot of hats. who wore them the best? >> goodness me. there was a wide cross section of hats. we saw amazing headpieces. >> i'm taking it off. >> i'm afraid it won't stay. >> in particular i thought carole middleton looked beautiful. >> she did. it was a sleek, clean line. i thought she did well. >> a lot of the fascinators that catherine brought into vogue. >> i think she has. i was pleased to see the hats. it's nice to see hats as well in the abbey. >> i think one of the two women who chose not to wear a hat. >> she doesn't like to. >> she made it clear she didn't want to wear a hat to the wedding. >> she was wearing a burberry dress which was beautiful but it could have been dressed up with something in her hair rather than just the barrette.
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>> we talked about the tredressd that it was rather understated. was it a disappointment? >> it was not typically a sarah burton design. i felt it was very kate middleton which it should be. it's her wedding dress, her day. it needs to have her imprint on the dress. from a fashion point of view i would have liked to see more drama, a more modern silhouette perhaps. the silhouette was very 1950s inspired but maybe that's saying something about the type of bride she wants to be -- traditional. >> i want to talk about prince william's cousins, beatrice and eugenie in the outfit and hats as well. >> they were definitely statement pieces. i guess it shows the eccentricity of the english to make a statement for this occasion.
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>> victoria beckham as well. i'm wearing a dress she designed. she's very pregnant but looked smashing. >> amazing. very chic. it's hard when you are pregnant to work with a silhouette that's chic and elegant. she carried it off beautifully. >> and david had a top hat. >> david could look good in a paper bag. >> it doesn't matter what he wears, he'll look great. a top hat is a fabulous way for him to make an appearance at the wedding. >> and we had elton john and his partner david furnish as late-comers to the abbey. they gladly took their front row seats. were they in traditional wedding attire? >> morning dress. >> yes. with a little twist perhaps. fairly traditional. >> what is your take on the red
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uniform prince william wore? >> he looked exceptionally sharp and handsome. as a contrast to her dress they make a beautiful and fantastic-looking couple. i think in photographs for years to come it will be a real standout and a very, very beautiful, elegant look. >> meanwhile, prince harry's off and on girlfriend chelsy must be on at this point. she wore a lovely bias reverse satin dress. shows off her eyes well. >> yes. from alberto feretti. i believe she'll reveal a simple shift underneath and change into a more evening gown for the evening. >> thank you both so much. a lot of beautiful, beautiful dresses. and a lot of great hats. i'm sorry mine fell off. still ahead, a truly global event. how americans watched the royal wedding this morning. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ welcome back, everyone, to buckingham palace for a specia e edition of "today" on a friday morning. it's the royal wedding as you may have understood by now. millions of americans got up early to watch the pageantry and romance unfold. nbc's kevin tibbles in times square in new york. kevin, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, guys. i told the cabbie to take me to trafalgar square but he turned left and here i ended up in times square. there is a lot of celebrating going on here and across the country. as a matter of fact, this country seems to have gone completely top hat and tails over heels for thisle royal couple. a lot of people had to get up early to join in the celebration. ♪ >> reporter: as the guests
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arrive, champagne was chilling, the band was playing, the cake decked out. it was the next best thing to being there. >> it's just a happy event. why not be silly and celebrate it? >> reporter: americans gathered from coast to coast to join in the royal celebration. >> i took the day off. just for the royal wedding. >> reporter: wedding attire requested at the white heart pub in woodland hills, california, where party goers stayed up all night to witness the royal "i do." in illinois, a nod to tradition with a parade of hats. but also attire more suited to the 4:00 a.m. start time. >> some people have been in pajamas because it's early in the morning. >> reporter: scones, tea and must see tv. then the moment everyone was waiting for. the first look at kate's dress. and a collective sigh. [ cheers ] >> reporter: then the royal
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vows. >> i william arthur philip louis. >> reporter: of course some of the stateside spectators watched somewhat longingly. >> wouldn't we look good together? >> it's a good match but blonds have more fun. >> reporter: their consolation prize? a lovely 40-carat-like tiara. some 2 billion people were expected to watch worldwide and as the sun came up in the u.s., the other most anticipated moment. [ cheers and applause ] >> just a magical moment. >> reporter: one last toast to the prince and his new princess and then sadly it was off to work for many. >> i'm ready to get the hat off and get to work. >> reporter: noel roy royal hol here. the lucky ones able to trundle off to bed. >> it was perfect! >> reporter: guys, as my tear mother who i know was watching would say, no one puts on a
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pageant like the brits. a lot of people probably tuned in to see the dress as well. this thing doesn't have to be back until monday. does anyone need a butler for the weekend? >> kevin -- >> if you think that's a top hat, somebody stepped on it -- or sat on it. >> that might be a bowler. >> reporter: can you ask martin? i believe it's a derby. >> it looks dashing. >> you look handsome. >> kevin tibbles, thank you very much. they have made announcements at buckingham palace over the loudspeakers, first of all, telling the people no more kisses coming up and asking them to be patient but to step behind the barricades and make their way out of the circle. >> they said, calmly make your way out and that's what they are doing the way they came in, calmly and leaving calmly. two in particular know how to have a good time. kathie lee and hoda are having ale royal watching party of their own in new york city. what did you think of the
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wedding? >> was there a wedding? did they kiss yet? >> twice! >> meredith and matt, look at our table. this looks like a post new year's eve party here. >> this is ivanka trump. she was here first, left. we sat down at her table. >> we had a great time. people came out early in the morning with hats on, decked out, to enjoy the wedding this time of morning. >> did you cry? >> we both teared up. when did we tear up? >> my spanx are too tight. >> come on. you teared up. >> i wasn't into it until today. then i got so into it. >> we had a ball. >> she is regal, so lovely, such a lady. i think she's great. >> sweet, too. >> i liked it when he mouthed to
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her "you look beautiful." >> what people have to know is when we sit in the makeup room before we go on air you watch tv and do running commentary. you comment on just about everything. i know you mentioned with the kw was there a kiss. you know there was. what did you think? >> you know that's not what i call a kiss. you know what i'm saying? >> they have to have a little dignity. >> why? it never worked for me. >> they are an adorable couple and i understand he opportunity like public displays of affection. >> hoda thought it would be long and slurpy. i thought, no, it won't. she was disappointed. she has a long weekend ahead. so it will be fine. >> enjoy the rest of it. we have a few more hours. >> love youme. >> thank you. bye.
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>> much more ahead from london, but first this is "today" on nbc. [ male announcer ] says that lexus holds its value better than any other luxury brand. ♪ intellichoice proclaims that lexus has the best overall value of any brand. ♪ and j.d. power and associates ranks lexus the highest in customer satisfaction. no wonder more people have chosen lexus over any other luxury brand 11 years in a row. see your lexude
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5:55 am
5:56 am
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accused of assaulting six male patients while on exams at university clinic. the doctor says all medical procedures performed with necessary and proper. he agreed to have his license temporarily suspended during the investigation. his lawyers want that case dismissed. we'll have a look at the forecast after this. i'm a curious seeker. i am a chemistry aficionado.
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diphenhydramine. magnesium hydroxide. atheletes foot. yes. i'm a people pleaser. if elected, i promise flu shots for all. i am a walking medical dictionary. congratulations virginia. inflamed uvula. i'm virginia. i'm a target pharmacist and i'm here to answer your questions. good morning to you. it's going to be a beautiful day around here, 70 in redwood city today and 70 degrees in santa rosa. east bay temperatures will be comfortable out in livermore for the big festival. 69 degrees today, livermore you're talking about 74 degrees. tomorrow i know our own mike inouye will be out there.
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more weather coming right up. back to you, laura. thank you very much, and thank you for joining us. actually, we have a full hour of your local news coming up in just about a minute. stay with us. never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles compared to what a cancer patient goes through is a walk in the park. from the moment i registered, people started immediately supporting me. i walk with my sister. our relationship has gone to a whole new level because of training together. you meet the most wonderful, inspiring people. when you accomplish those 60 miles, it's truly life-changing. (man) register today for the... because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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