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tv   Today  NBC  May 3, 2011 7:00am-11:00am PDT

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you can make ultra fast, secure deposits with no slips or envelopes. take a step forward and chase what matters. good morning. inside his lair. nbc news on the ground in abbottabad, pakistan, with news about osama bin laden's compound and the operation that led to his death. but will the white house release graphic photos of his body and burial at sea? we'll ask today, tuesday, may 3, burial at sea? we'll ask today, tuesday, may 3, 2011. captions paid for by nbc-universal television and welcome to "today" on this tuesday morning.
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i'm meredith vieira. >> and i'm matt lauer. as this extraordinary week continues, we have learned that president obama plans to visit ground zero on tuesday to pay tribute to lives lost there and use it as a way to mark this successful mission to track down and kill osama bin laden. the president and aides saw it unfold live from the situation room at the white house. >> an extremely tense atmosphere. one insider said those 40 minutes or so felt like days. it was nothing but cheers last night where the president received a standing ovation from congressional leaders. ahead, new details on the mission and the possible release of photos and video of a dead bin laden. >> plus, the white house is getting a lot of the credit for the operation, but did the controversial enhanced interrogation techniques, such as waterboarding used by the bush administrational, yield key information that eventually led to bin laden? we'll ask president bush's secretary of state, condoleezza
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rice, about that. we begin on this tuesday morning with dramatic details on the mission. nbc's pentagon correspondent jim miklaszewski has the latest on all this. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, matt. we are getting incredible insight into the last-minute planning and presidential decision-making behind that attack. and president obama's top priorities -- protect those u.s. forces but take out osama bin laden. the white house released photos of the nail-biting tension as the president and his national security team watch live video of the u.s. military attack on bin laden's compound. >> the minutes passed like days. and the president was very concerned about the security of our personnel. >> reporter: 40 minutes into the operation, it was over and osama bin laden was dead. for a successful killer captured, the code word was simply "geronimo" but on the
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ground, the commander transmitted, "for god and country, geronimo, geronimo." bin laden's code name was jackpot. >> osama bin laden would not surrender and indeed his security agents had been told to kill him if it looked like they were about to lose him to a u.s. snatch operation. >> reporter: the white house ruled out one option, to drop 2,000-pound bombs on the compound, because it would obliterate any dna that could prove bin laden was killed. the president settled instead on two special ops teams of navy s.e.a.l.s and a back-up if something went wrong. when a chopper went down, another was there to take its place. as the s.e.a.l.s stormed the complex, they cornered bin laden on the third floor of the residence. one commando recognized bin laden and put two bullets into his head. >> this is what we call a clean hit and a solid piece of work, both from an intelligence and speciale operations standpoint. >> reporter: bin laden's body
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was flown by helicopter to the u.s.s. "carl vincent" and taken to given a proper burial at sea. there are details about how the u.s. tracked him to abbottabad in a compound eight times the size of anything nearby but the pakistani security forces still missed it. it is said khalid mohamed had interrogation techniques like waterboarding. it took seven years but the cia eventually identified that courier and tracked him to the compound where bin laden was killed. besides getting bin laden, those navy s.e.a.l.s gathered up thousands of secret al qaeda documents on computers and hard drives. a task force has been formed.
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hundreds of analysts are going to wade through the material, trying to unlock the deep secrets of al qaeda. meredith? >> jim miklaszewski, thank you very much. john brennan is the president's top counterterrorism adviser. mr. brennan, good morning to you. >> good morning, meredith. >> you were in the situation room on sunday as this raid went down. you described it as the minutes passing like days. can you tell me about that moment when you realized the raid had been a success? >> well, i think we were increasingly hopeful as the operation was going on, that we were able to get the person we were after, but we were not confident that the mission was a success until all of our brave soldiers were able to come out and bring the body out. so, one of the things that the president was most concerned about was ensuring the safety and security of the u.s. personnel that were involved in this mission. >> at this point you the administration has not released either video of bin laden's burial at sea or video of his dead body. does the administration plan to release that? if so, when?
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and what is the hesitation at this point? >> we have been releasing a lot of information to the american public the last 36 hours. we are trying to make sure we are confident in the information. we want to be sure it's in the right condition. so what we are doing is now considering whether or not additional information, such as photos, videos or whatever else. but this needs to be done thoughtfully. what we are trying to do is ensure the information we put out is clear and as accurate as possible. >> are you concerned it would incite terrorists or people that are opposed to the united states if you release the picture? >> we are trying to anticipate the reaction to news of osama bin laden's death. we are taking security measures, adopting prudent acts that we think are appropriate in this case. so, the additional release of information or any type of photographic evidence is something we have to take into account in terms of what reaction might be to it. we are doing it in a careful manner.
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>> you, yourself, said yesterday you thoguht it was inconceivable that he could have been there without support. how are we going to get to the truth? >> we are within 48 hours of the raid taking place. there is an investigation by pakistani authorities now. i believe they want to get to the bottom of this. western i said it was inconceivable he had been there for so long, clearly, there is a support network that provided him assistance and helped facilitate contact between bin laden and his operatives. whether or not there were individuals inside the pakistani governments are unknown. we're working closely with them to help in the investigation. >> at this point, mr. brennan, do you totally trust pakistan when it comes to aiding the u.s. in this war on terrorism? >> i'll point out that there have been more terrorists killed, captured and brought to justice in pakistan than any other country since 9/11. yes, there are differences of view. yes, there are times we want to be more aggressive.
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we take into account their considerations, but pakistan is a strong counterterrorism partner. but we need to make sure we maintain the pressure on al qaeda and these other militant organizations resident inside pakistan. we won't rest until al qaeda is destroyed and so are the other groups. >> the critical information that led to bin laden's compound came from interviews with multiple sources, including 9/11 mastermind khalid sheik mohamed captured in 2003. how important was the information that he delivered to the use and was any of it as a result of waterboarding? >> the information that was acquired that led to our knowledge about the compound came from multiple sources. sometimes individuals provided information willingly and sometimes they did so unwittingly. the analysts who have been tracking bin laden's whereabouts
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the past dozen years or more painstakingly put those pieces of the puzzle together. there was no one critical bit of information provided by either a detainee or somebody else. what happened is there was a mosaic appearing over time and by diligent work and very, very strong work, we pieced it together and it brought us to abbottabad. >> yesterday, you described the killing of bin laden as essentially cutting off the head of the snake. so, what happens to the rest of the snake at this point? >> we'll continue to pummel the rest of al qaeda. they have taken severe body blows over the last year. we believe that we have damaged the organization to the greatest capability and made it much more difficult for it to operate inside pakistan as well as beyond. we are going to try to take advantage of the opportunity we have now with the death of al qaeda's leader, bin laden, to ensure that we are able to destroy the organization. we are determined to do so and we believe we can. >> and, finally, the president said we are safer today because of bin laden's death. do you believe it or worry that
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in the short term at least, we are at more risk of being harmed by terrorists? >> i think every day, we make our country safer by security measures we put in place and things we do overseas. every day, we degrade al qaeda's capabilities. so, i would say that each day we are safer. that doesn't mean we should rest. we need to maintain our vigilance and we need to maintain our determination to continue to destroy al qaeda. we need to maintain our vigilance here in the homeland. but it's going in a good direction. we are confident we can build upon this success and we'll have more. >> john brennan, we appreciate your time this morning. thank you very much. >> thank you, meredith. >> now here's matt. bin laden's death rekindled the debate over so-called enhanced interrogation technique. did controversial questions of terror suspects that have been criticized by human rights groups provide useful intelligence? did what happened here, the compound where u.s. forces cornered and killed osama bin
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laden, actually start here, in prison, where detainees who were subjected to the so-called enhanced interrogation techniques, like waterboarding, gave up information that eventually led to bin laden. the debate started up all over again. >> i would assume that the enhanced interrogation program that we put in place produced some of the results that led to bin laden's ultimate capture. >> but did it? u.s. officials say one of the key clues that led to bin laden was the threat of information about an al qaeda courier. that thread may have come from the mastermind of the september 11th attacks, or from the so-called 20th hijacker, mohamed al katani. >> the cia got a nickname during enhanced interrogation techniques.
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no bones about it. in the 2002 to 2004 range. >> authorities acknowledge both mohamed and al katani were subjected to enhanced interrogation, a policy authorized by former president george bush. when i talked to president bush last year he had no apologies. >> we used this technique on three people. we captured a lot of people, used it on three. we gained valuable information to protect the country, and it was the right thing to do, as far as i'm concerned. >> but was it the harsh interrogation that led to critical information? the identify and whereabouts of the courier only came to light years later, after the enhanced interrogation had stopped. >> it took them about four years to figure out who that nickname might really be. >> critics say there is no way to know if enhanced interrogation methods led to that one crucial piece of intelligence. >> to reduce this to the idea that one piece of fact here or there came from enhanced
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interrogation techniques and their use really is misleading the american public. >> administration officials say it was multiple sources of intelligence and years of patient work that eventually led to bin laden. >> those who believe enhanced interrogation techniques were incredibly successful will be out there publically advocating for why they worked and why we should continue to use them. others say, they may have worked on this one occasion but you can't draw the broad, sweeping conclusion that they always work. >> condoleezza rice was president bush's national security adviser on 9/11 and served later as secretary of state. nice to see you. >> good morning. >> let's start where we left off in that piece, with the enhanced interrogation techniques. some former officials are connecting the dots between those techniques and the information that eventually led to the killing of osama bin laden. do you feel the dots can be connected?
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>> what you see, matt, is the united states over many years and two presidencies pieced together the information of how to get to osama bin laden. obviously, information gleaned in the effort by our intelligence people contributed to this. but this is a bigger picture. it's a picture of intelligence and military learning to work together in a way that allowed the joint special operations command to do what they did. it means our intelligence people were able, over a significant period of time, to bring together all of these threads and it really is a tremendous victory for our intelligence people, our military, and really for the two presidencies. i remember president bush saying, you know, we will not tire, we will not falter, we will not fail. that was on behalf of the united states and president obama and his team are to be congratulated on finally bringing this terrible chapter to an end. >> let me ask you about where he was found, secretary rice. it wasn't in the mountains or a primitive cave.
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it was an upscale neighborhood about 35 miles from the capital of pakistan, very close to a prestigious military academy. it was in a walled compound that by its very size and design should have called attention to it. in your mind, do you think some of the people we call partners in the war on terrorism in pakistan actually knew he was there? >> well, i have to say i was surprised to learn where he was found. i think the general sense was that he was probably some place up in the tribal areas between afghanistan and pakistan. obviously, there are tough questions here. i just heard john brennan say the pakistanis are looking into this. they should lauch an investigation because they, too, have been victims at the hands of al qaeda. and they are our counterterrorism partners. they need to be our counterterrorism partners. >> does it draw -- >> they have to investigate this. >> does it draw conclusions that either somebody in a position of power knew or intelligence-gathering in their
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own country is embarrassingly lacking? >> let's take a step back here, let the smoke clear and take a hard look at what happened. i'm certain the administration, along with the pakistanis, wants to understand why osama bin laden could be so close to islamabad, really in plain sight. that's not good for us or pakistan. >> did you trust the question meredith just asked mr. brennan? when you were secretary of state and national security adviser, did you completely trust the pakistanis? the fact that we told them nothing of the mission until it was over, not even told them of our intelligence that suggested bin laden was at this location indicates to me that we don't trust them. >> well, a mission of this kind has to operate in absolute secrecy. and i'm not surprised that foreign governments were not brought into the circle about this. obviously, pakistan is a counterterrorism partner. everyone knows pakistan had trouble with extremism within
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some of its military and intelligence forces. president mousharef, all the way back in 2001, 2002 launched a kind of reform, even purge of some of the institutions. it is no secret there were sympathizers within those institutions. it's always a delicate matter with pakistan as to how much information really is warranted and how much information will be protected. but i take the president at his word. i take secretary clinton at her word that the pakistanis were very important in cooperating on this mission. >> former secretary of state condoleezza rice. madam secretary, always nice to see you. thank you very much for your time this morning. >> nice to see you, too, matt. >> here's meredith. >> nbc's reporter is near abbottabad near the compound where osama bin laden was killed. i know you were near the compound earlier today. what did you see?
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>> reporter: good morning, meredith. i walked a half a mile in that direction. we haven't been able to go much further with this camera but we have been filming all morning. the house is about 500 yards down this dirt track in an area still being developed. there are a number of plots that are still empty and also some houses half-built. this house was finished. what stands out about this house, apart from the house that it's huge, is that you can't see it. there are huge walls, very high walls, 12-, 14-feet high. on top of the walls are barbed fences. i could see the top of the house. it's about three stories high, but i couldn't see damage done to the house. along the walls of the house, they are not painted. there was an advert for a girl's school. that struck me as strange.
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and locals say when children in the area play football or play with balls and the balls went over the wall, usually in the area, people would just throw them back. in this particular house, somebody would come out, an unnamed person and give them some money instead of returning the ball. >> that's extremely strange. are they saying anything about the death of osama bin laden on the street this morning? >> you know, if you walk around this city, this town today, it's like nothing happened here. everybody is going about their business. women are doing their shopping, men on their bicycles, kids are going to school. but there is curiosity about the media that has decended here. people are surprised. they didn't know much about who was living in the house. across pakistan, of course, there is a level of disbelief about this entire operation. huge skepticism, huge cynicism,
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a typical pakistani mindset when it comes to bin laden, that it didn't happen. they need to see more evidence, meredith. >> thank you very much, tazeen ahmed. >> now a check of the headlines with ann curry at the news desk. >> good morning. there is other news to get to. some 130,000 acres of rich missouri farm land are being intentionally flooded after army engineers detonated a distress levee, hoping to divert flood waters. missouri farmers fought the decision but the judge ruled the levee breech would save lives. the cockpit recorder from air france flight 447 was found nearly two years after a plane crashed in the ocean, killing 228 people on board. the flight data reporter was recovered on sunday. together, these two pieces of equipment may finally explain the cause of the crash. honda is expanding the recall of cars, suvs and minivans because of concerns
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about driver's side air bags. the recall is now 833,000 vehicles. faulty air bags that can inflate too forcefully have been installed on some vehicles when they were repaired after crashes. find more information about this at and we are getting stunning images from hawaii, where residence tents spotted at least two rare water spouts off the shores of honolulu. the storm caused thunderstorms and funnel clouds and flash flooding. parts of oahu lost power, but no injuries were reported. and take a look at this. a personal celebration for a washington state teacher who vowed on september 11, 2001, that he would not shave until osama bin laden was found. he kept the promise and over the next decade, his beard grew 15 inches. he said he heard the news sunday night, he burst into tears, dropped everything and grabbed his shaving cream. looks like a different guy. i bet he got a big, fat kiss from his wife. now back to meredith, matt and
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al. >> he started to look like osama bin laden with that beard. i'm not sure that was the desired effect. >> sadly, there is a whole flock of birds that are homeless today. >> nesting. mr. roker has a check of the weather. >> hwe f dovealooding to worry about and folks who don't need to get folks in tuscaloosa, alabama and northern alabama looking at rain tonight. temperatures in the upper 30s. rainfall amounts generally about one to two inches from huntsville into the northeast. heavier rainfall works in this afternoon into tonight. >> especially along the coast. the marina cooled the temperatures down substantially. mostly sunny conditions, down
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right hot tomorrow. high pressure sets up over the bay area. the temperatures, which are forecasted in the upper 70s today will turn to the upper 80s for tomorrow. 89 degrees. hope you have a fantastic tuesday. r. matt? >> just ahead, s.e.a.l. team 6. a look at the work of the elite force thatle ultimately took down osama bin laden. fist on a tuesday morning, this is "today" on nbc.
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twizzlers. the twist you can't resist.
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still ahead the former miss usa who claimed she was groebed by an airport screener. her story in a live interview. >> and prince william heads back to work days after his wedding. the latest on the royal couple after your local news and weather. the peak of perfection to make extra delicious jam.
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is this a jowl? [ female announcer ] fight the forces of gravity. stay! new roc® multi correxion™ lift with protient® plus... skin looks lifted overnight. roc® multi correxion™. correct what ages you. what gravity? good morning, it's 7:26 now, i'm marla tellez. after months of complaints, pg&e is admitting there might be trouble with the smart meters. they are getting ready to replace 1600 smart meters because they inflated energy bills. it is a defect. they have trouble working in high temperatures. they are calling the affected customers and will offer free refunds to people who received inaccurate bills. san francisco's newest police chief took action after
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cutting pay cuts. greg is voluntarily giving back his cost of living pay increase. he cut the salaries of top police officials saving the department $60,000 a year. he also eliminated the assistant police chief position calling. it's an obvious way to save money. another gorgeous day in store for us. christina loren joins us for a look at the forecast around the bay. >> good morning to you. patchy fog for the birs part of the day. the clouds will clear out. you might need a jacket along the coast. the marine layer cooled the temperatures down. the clouds decrease throughout the afternoon. mostly sunny conditions. down right hot tomorrow as high pressure sets up over the bay area. the temperatures, which are forecast in the upper 70s today will turn over to the upper 80s
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as we head into tomorrow. 89 degrees. hope you have a fantastic tuesday. >> it's looking like that weather wise, a 20 minute drive to the toll plaza. the only slowing is coming off the east shore freeway. there's a 24 minute drive off 580. slow there. 580 through livermore. not so bad. a 24 minute drive off the altamont pass. >> the next weather update at 7:56 the today show returns in less than two. [ male announcer ] says that lexus holds its value
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better than any other luxury brand. ♪ intellichoice proclaims that lexus has the best overall value of any brand. ♪ and j.d. power and associates ranks lexus the highest in customer satisfaction.
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no wonder more people have chosen lexus over any other luxury brand 11 years in a row. see your lexu.deeral 7:30 now on a tuesday morning. it's the 3rd of may, 2011. let's say hi for a second to the nice people outside our studio on this tuesday morning. moderate temperatures today in the new york area. it's a nice spring day. we'll get outside there in a few minutes. meanwhile, inside studio 1a i'm matt lauer alongside meredith vieira. just ahead, much more on the killing of osama bin laden. the operation was carried out by the navy's s.e.a.l. team 6, among the most elite teams in the world. we'll take you inside their intense training and speak to two men who were involved in
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special forces missions coming up. >> and one of the most well known victims of the 9/11 attacks was barbara olsson. she was on the plane that crashed into the pentagon. coming up, what bin laden's death means to him personally and professionally. >> first on the s.e.a.l. mission to get osama bin laden. george, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. you can see behind me the s.e.a.l. training compound. the people inside here politely declined our requests for interviews today, but as the s.e.a.l.s are fond of saying, "we are the quiet professionals." their missions are shrouded in secrecy. their names and faces unknown to the public. but the reputation of the u.s. navy s.e.a.l.s as the best of america's elite warriors has never been higher. the operation that resulted in the death of osama bin laden is
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only the latest, most noteworthy chapter in the story of a legendary fighting force. itle all starts here with the high intensity training course designed to push candidates to their limit. in scenarios that test mental toughness, physical fitness and extreme courage. whether on land, in the air or under water,le sel s.e.a.l.s demonstrate ability to stay focused under fire. >> whether it's a scenario change-up delivered as a platoon exercises, those things make you more capable and likely to survive the unforeseen over s s seas. >> reporter: in this exercise s.e.a.l.s are taught to react quickly in a dark environment. as the hoods are pulled off their heads they have seconds to assess the situation and respond accordingly. s.e.a.l. teams carried out missions in afghanistan since
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shortly after 9/11. in 2009 pulled off the spectacular rescue of american merchant captain richard phillips who was taken hostage by somali pirates. back in coronado at a bar owned by a former s.e.a.l., a special feeling of bride and gratitude at the news of bin laden's death. >> you can count on the navy s.e.a.l.s and special forces to do the hard jobs. it's thankless. you can't exactly name who they were. but pretty sure they are proud of what they did. >> reporter: the s.e.a.l.s don't expect parades or medals. in fact, not even their families know details of what they dole while deployed over seas. >> there are times they say, well, i can't talk about that. we don't know half the stuff. but what they can share, they do when they get home. >> reporter: rear admiral ed winters, in charge of the s.e.a.l.s, sent out this e-mail.
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today, we should all be proud. that handful of courageous men of strong will and character have changed the course of history. the fight is not over. because the s.e.a.l.s operate in secret, the identities of t people in the bin laden operation may never be known, may never be recognized publically for heroism. wherever the fight leads now rest assured that the s.e.a.l.s and other members of the special forces community will be there on the front lines. matt? >> george lewis, thank you very much. we have the author of "the heart and the fist," the making of a navy s.e.a.l. michael sheehan started in the army special forces. good morning. >> good morning. >> the level of anxiety once they find out who the target is, the navy s.e.a.l. team 6 get into the choppers. what was the level of anxiety likely aboard the choppers?
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>> the word is when they heard osama bin laden was the target there was a huge cheer that went up. the guys were excited for the mission. they had been practicing for months going through every possible contingency. adrenaline was high. excited, but these are professionals ready for the operation. >> you talk about every possible con ten g contingency. i was glad they had the backup, two choppers coming in. how do they go through all the things that can go wrong. >> these s.e.a.l.s are the elite of the elite. some of the best commandos in the world. they practice time an again. they run different scenarios where things go wrong and they practice adjusting. they can never know for certain what will happen on the target but they know the objective was to kill bin laden, grab intelligence and get out. >> 40 minutes on the ground. that's how long it took to get in and out. you're operating in a sovereign
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nation. could be hostile. you are expecting to meet resistance inside the compound. how important is speed? >> speed is critical. three key principles for them in planning the operation. number one is speed. two is surprise and three, violence of action. >> overwhelmingly force. >> make sure the enemy doesn't know you're coming, hit fast and hard. >> this is shock and awe. >> yes. >> when i first heard about the operation, helicopters are noisy. >> yes. >> you have to assume osama bin laden is expecting to be attacked and that there are ways out of the compound like tunnels. is it safe to assume there were other people on the ground, our people on the ground that were helping to secure the compound even as the s.e.a.l.s were flying in? >> helicopters are not only noisy but dangerous. they fall out of the sky. there are crashes. president carter saw it in tehran in 1980. we crashed a helicopter and an
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aircraft. mogadishu, a blackhawk goes down in 1993. disaster ensues. i imagine there were people on the ground for somebody trying to escape, having to exfiltrate people out, a crash. i would think probably operatives on the ground. >> perhaps still on the ground. for those slower to get out than the s.e.a.l.s who were in and out in 40 minutes. >> exactly. >> trust. clearly we didn't trust the pakistanis. we didn't share one piece of information about thinking he was there. does it speak for itself? >> it does. there are answers that need to be made in the days ahead. they are a flawed partner for us. >> two questions. mike, i get this mental image of the unsung heroes here. that there were people for years at computers, filing names into a program, locations, dates,
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cold cup of coffee and a steal donut. like the cops who go after cold cases. >> the cia, everyone likes beating up on them when things go bad. this went well. the unsung heroes are people in pakistan trying to find a person in the basement of an office trying to piece together the dots. they are normally forgotten. i hope we remember to recognize them. they were as crucial as the brave fighters that went through the door. >> we may never know the names of the members of s.e.a.l. team 6 that carried this out. but within the organization, within the navy s.e.a.l.s, how will they be regarded in the years to come? where does it fall in the history of accomplishments of the navy s.e.a.l.s? >> they will be honored and revered. for a lot of men who undertook the mission, it was not just a courageous action on a particular day. many of these men had been fighting this battle for nine and a half years. they made sacrifices, their
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families made sacrifices. they lost comrades. others came off wounded and disabled. for them it wasn't just about hitting a target. it was about justice. >> the guy that fired the shot that killed bin laden? >> a hero in my mind and i think for all americans. >> thank you both. i appreciate you being here. now a check of the weather from al roker. >> announcer: today's weather is brought to you by jared, five times the selection of ordinary jewelry stores. >> good morning, everybody. let's all go back to the '60s with these sweatshirts. wow. where are you from? >> oregon. >> that's right. well, it's very granola there. ann's from oregon. i think she needs one of the tie dyed shirts. let's check your weather. groovy. look how hot it is in phoenix today. 93.
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yuma, 95. chilly conditions around the great lakes. mild in the southeast midatlantic. 50s and 60s in the northeast. 50s throughout the great lakes and the upper mississippi river valley. good morning to you. well, we are going to see patchy fog for the first part of the day. the clouds will clear out of here. it's brisk as well to start. you might need a jacket along the coast. the marine intrusion cooled the temperatures down substantially. mostly sunny conditions for the afternoon. down right hot tomorrow as high pressure sets up over the bay area. these temperatures which are forecasted in the upper 70s today will turn to the upper 80s for tomorrow. 89 degrees. hope you have a fantastic tuesday. or night. weather channel on cable. online. nice lumberjack shirts. matt? >> still ahead, rocker and "american idol" judge steven tyler unfiltered and on the
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if you aim to rack up airline miles. what's in your wallet? we are back with more ton death of osama bin laden. on 9/11, theodore olson was the solicitor general. his wife barbara was a passenger on american airlines flight 77 which crashed into the pentagon. good morning to you. >> good morning, meredith. >> you have waited almost ten years for this news that osama bin laden is dead. what is your reaction to it? >> a great sense of release and relief. a malignancy in the world has been removed, a malignancy that had no principles, no morals and whose only aim was to hurt, maim and kill innocent people, school buses, people attending church, people get an airplanes. it had to happen that this
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malignancy would be removed. it is a great relief that it finally happened. >> it must churn up memories of 9/11 and your wife calling you from flight 77 right before it crashed into the pentagon. when you think about the final moments you shared in that conversation, what stays with you the most? >> well, the shock. i had first been relieved when the call came in to the justice department that my late wife was on the phone because i knew then that planes had been hijacked and were being crashed into the world trade center. i had known her flight had taken off that morning. i was worried that one of those airplanes may have been her flight. when i heard her voice i was enormously relieved that she was alive, well and on an airplane in the air still. then, of course, my heart sank when she told me her plane had been hijacked. that's a feeling that i can
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never really fully describe. we had a brief conversation. the phone was interrupted. we had another conversation. she asked for help. she asked, what can i do? what can ile te tell the pilot? we had a brief conversation, but it will remain for all of my life a poignant memory. >> september 11 was your 61st birthday. she left a note on your pillow you didn't find until that evening when you made it home. you coped by diving into work, including advocating for changes in the intelligence-gathering system in this country. you felt it was broken. what kinds of changes did you feel you helped make in the system? >> i was doing what i could to help with the administration in the department of justice to encourage congress to change the laws that were obsolete. we did not have the tools to collect information. we had ability to deal with
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money laund rers or drug dealers but we didn't have the ability to deal with terrorists. the laws that were enacted with respect to electronic surveillance and the like were obsolete. they were created in the days when there were land lines, not cell phones. there was not that kind of communication. so all of these laws had to be brought up to date or we could never fight an international terrorist organization like al qaeda. it was essential that laws be changed. the changes that were made in the law are reflected in what happened on sunday. the great efforts to gather intelligence, the meticulous gather of information and the careful following of the information ultimately, as i understand it, led to the killing of bin laden. >> ted, we have a woman coming on in a few minutes who feels
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she was groped by members of the t.s.a. she believes our civil rights are being chiselled away. that was a concern when you were trying to change the laws. do you feel we have lost of some of our civil rights in the effort to stay safe? >> it's unfortunate that, indeed, when a terrorist threat like this can take the lives of thousands of people and bring down the largest buildings in new york and attack the pentagon itself and threaten the congress, the capitol of the united states and/or the white house, we have to take measures to protect ourselves, but we have to be extraordinarily sensitive to civil liberties. compromises have to be made, but i think our national intelligence agencies and our national security and our homeland security people are sensitive to this. of course, mistakes get made. things occur that make us uncomfortable and that we do not like. and i think that there is a
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constant effort to improve and refine the system so that we minimize the amount of intrusion on civil liberties. remember, that the greatest civil liberty is the right to live and the right to get on airplanes and the right to ride school buses on the way to school. we have to protect that civil liberty as well as other civil liberties that we have. compromises have to be made. i think our government, individuals working on this are doing everything they can to protect civil liberties at the same time protecting our lives. >> thank you very much for joining us this morning. reou. >>ci >> thank you. >> we're back after this. you have a child with adhd. you're getting calls from his teacher he's impulsive in class. and his inattention makes focusing on homework tough. i know how it is because my son has adhd too. i didn't know all i could do to help manage his adhd. our doctor suggested a treatment plan with non-stimulant intuniv.
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i want you tonight! [ female announcer ] wish granted. lean cuisine has a fresh new bag. lean cuisine market creations steam meals. like new chicken poblano with tender white meat chicken, crisp veggies, in a savory cheddar sauce. new from lean cuisine. it's for celebrating all they've given us. really?! [ female announcer ] the tough love... okay, don't do that on your test. [ female announcer ] ...invaluable guidance... [ mom ] go, turn, turn, turn! [ female announcer ] ...and a lifelong friendship. do it again. [ chuckles ] ♪ [ female announcer ] mother's day is for celebrating all our moms have given us. happy mother's day. i love you. i love you. [ female announcer ] now, select cards come postage paid. ♪ i fall away [ female announcer ] never let the sun catch you off guard. moisturize with eucerin everyday protection spf 15. it's a light, non-greasy lotion that not only moisturizes your skin,
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it also protects it from uva and uvb rays. put the health of your skin first with eucerin everyday protection body lotion and eucerin everyday protection face lotion with spf 30, only from eucerin. you gotta try honey bunches of oats with almonds! it's got real, sliced california almonds with a third less sugar per serving than honey nut cheerios. wow! delicious! try honey bunches of oats with almonds! [ airplane engine whines ] [ grunts ] [ dog barking ] . .
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. . . . good morning, it's 7:56. i'm marla tellez. teachers, parents and students are on the picket lines this morning in the east bay. they are protesting school cuts. they are picketing to put pressure on lawmakers to extend temporary taxes. they have lost 80 teachers and teachers could be handed more pink slips this spring. today, people all over the bay area are asked to help out cash strapped schools. alameda county, partial taxes are on the ballot. one for new haven. contra costa county has two on the ballot. they impact la fayette and john
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swett unified. santa clara has four. los gato-saratoga joint union and the sunnyvale cupertino. one office is up for election today. that's san mateo district one supervisor. if you live in district one, your ballot must be cast at local city hall or elections office. get ready for more heat. christina joins us for a look at the forecast. >> good morning to you. high pressure clears the skies later on today. we'll be left with mostly sunny conditions. it should be a fairly nice day with temperatures in the 70s. santa rosa, 77. 73 in san rafael. tomorrow, high pressure sets up on top of us. for us, that means we reach 89 degrees. some 90s pop up across the board tomorrow. 84 by thursday.
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slightly cooler for mother's day weekend. >> all right. that's very nice for the mothers here. it's pleasant for most commuters. we have a slowing on 280, 87 and 101. 36 around telly road. the construction project continues. at 9:00 telly east to 101 is closed until 2:00 p.m. youz capital expressway to get on the southbound side for the course of the day. things are jamming up by the coliseum. it's strong for an 8:00 slowing. >> thank you, mike. we'll be back with the next update. the today show returns in less than a minute. have a great day. [ coach ] in albuquerque, citi pre-approved my mortgage.
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[ whistle blows ] all right, layups, guys. let's go. in sioux falls, i locked in a rate. coach, you get that house yet? working on it. [ coach ] the appraisal? ...springfield. wherever i was, my citi mortgage consultant had me covered. [ crowd cheering ] and 500 miles from home... [ cheering, cellphone beeps ]
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...we finally had a new home. [ male announcer ] from pre-approval to closing, citi is with you every step of the way. what's your story? citi can help you write it. ♪ walk this way ♪ just give me a kiss ♪ 8:00 now on this tuesday morning, the 3rd of may, 2011, and we are happy that so many fine folks have walked this way to join us in rockefeller plaza. i'm meredith with matt and al, and there is a reason why we are listening to that classic aerosmith song. >> there certainly is. at 63 years old steven tyler has
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been through an all rock 'n' roll fame, drugs, addiction, problems with the band. he is now hotter than ever as one of the judges on "american idol." i caught up with him recently. we had a very candid conversation about all the ups ask downs, and, yes, he even took me inside his rock 'n' roll closet. >> did you exchange clothes? >> i didn't try anything on. no. no, no. >> why not? >> wait until you see some of the stuff he has got. >> no leather pants? >> no. >> i bet he did. she was crowned miss usa back in 2003, but now she's getting a lot of attention for a video she posted on-line. she made it after she claims of the recent security patdown at the airport was like being molested. that's the word that she used. we're going to talk to her about what happened in an exclusive live interview. and then on a much lighter note, we are so excited. for six decades this man has entertained us in television, in the movies, on broadway, singing and dancing. so many iconic films and
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memories. ladies and gentlemen, dick van dyke in our studio. we are going to catch up with the man, the myth, the legend. i love this guy. >> oh, my gosh. >> a lot of people in the studio excited when he walked in. >> ann went -- look, dick van dyke. >> did you know there are lyrics to the dick van dyke show? >> i actually heard that morning. we'll see if mr. van dyke would be kind enough to sing those for us a little later on. >> something to look forward to. right now we're going to go into ann and get a check of the news hldz. >> thanks, you guys. we're going to get to the news now, and we have president obama visiting ground zero in new york on thursday to mark the death oç osama bin laden and to meet with the families of 9/11 victims. meantime, the white house released photographs of the president and his top aides watching a live video feed of the military operation that killed bin laden on sunday. and last night, the president received a standing ovation at a white house dinner for bipartisan congressional leaders. the swath of tornadoes that killed more than 340 people in
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the southeast last week has officially been noted as the largest one-day outbreak of twisters on record. the national oceana graphic and oceanic says tornadoes eclipsed the record of 148 set in 1974. nasa has delayed the final launch of the space shuttle endevour for at least a week saying more time is needed replace the bad fuse box that scuttled last friday's attempt. a spokesperson says wounded arizona congresswoman gabrielle giffords whose astronaut husband heads the mission, plans to return to florida for the launch. sdmrimplgts sony says that it has detected a second security breach in the playstation network last month. the company now says that hackers may have stolen personal information from more than 100 million total user accounts. the breach could put users at risk for identity theft for years to come. and now to wall street as nbc's mandy drury at the new york stock exchange. hey, mandy, good morning. >> hey, ann, good morning to you as well.
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we're watching to see whether or not they'll continue yesterday's soft start after the initial boost of osama bin laden's death faded. we're watching april sales of cars and trucks. they are expected to rise about 20%, which is usually a pretty good indicator of consumer spending. this time, however, it's partly due to customers rushing to buy the models that they want before shortages of japanese cars kicks in. of course, that would be due to the earthquake which has caused production cuts of both cars and parts. back to you. >> all right, mandy drury this morning. thanks. and a florida sheriff's deputy answered a call about an animal causing a nuisance in a residential neighborhood only to discover a 7 foot alligator trying to play tug-of-war with its patrol car. as you might guess, the patrol car won. the gator let go. it was later captured by a licensed trapper. no one was hurt, but the car was damaged. >> he is off. >> is there insurance for that? >> it is now 8:04. let's go back out to al for a check of the weather.
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>> today's weather is brought to you by kay jewellers, every kiss begins with kay. am folks from montana hanging out here. let's check your weather, show you our pick city of the day. happens to be fargo, north dakota. not too far from montana. sunny, mild. 62 dpreez. kvly. we are lookg at more rain making its way up into the northeast along the mississippi river into the ohio river valley. clouds and showers in the pacific northwest. sunny and hot down through southern california into the southwest. slight ri good tuesday morning to you. another gorgeous day on tap as high pressure clears our skies later on today. we'll be left with mostly sunny conditions. it should be a fairly nice day with temperatures climbing into the upper 70s in places like santa rosa, 73 in san rafael and
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77 in rose city. some 90s will pop up across the board tomorrow in the bay area. 84 by thursday. slight slightly cooler for mother's day weekend. after this. - they're the first kisses we ever got... - good night, honey. - and they could fix... - all better? - almost anything. - yes. - thank mom and save on select diamond fashion jewelry from kay, the number one jewelry store in america.
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is only $10.99 for for a limited time, and only at your pizza hut. [ male announcer ] savings and value is what toyota does best. after all, toyota's the most fuel-efficient full-line auto manufacturer in the industry. and we have the lowest ownership cost of any full-line car brand. and now take advantage of a great selection of new toyotas from the full-line auto manufacturer that has the longest lasting vehicles in america. plus, every new toyota comes with toyotacare, a complimentary maintenance plan with roadside assistance. we're #1 for a reason. come see for yourself. hurry in for the best selection. ♪ we are back with the latest uproar over the tsa airport
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screening procedures. it comes from former miss usa susie castillo. she made an emotional video after receiving a pat-down at the dallas-ft. worth airport. >> here i am crying. never did i think this would make me cry. i'm crying because i'm just really, really upset that as an american i have to go through this. i do feel violated. i didn't think that i would when i opted out of the machine, but i completely feel violated. this woman touched my vagina four times because she went up my leg, up both legs from behind and then turned around and did it from the front. >> susie castillo is with us exclusively. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> that must bring back memories of the day. >> it does. >> you were at the dallas-ft. worth airport. you didn't want to go through the body scanner because you are concerned about radiation and other things. >> yes. >> you chose a pat-down.
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did the tsa agent say what she was going to do? >> yeah. they explain beforehand and as she was doing it she explained it. i was travel on work and when i was leaving l.a., i had a pat-down there that was completely different. these procedures are supposed to be textbook. so because of the huge discrepancy in both pat-downs, i chose to speak out. >> you asked to see a tsa supervisor and she told you something that surprised you. >> she did. yeah. she told me the reason the pat-downs were so different -- >> between l.a. and dallas. >> was because tsa agents themselves are uncomfortable. she said a lot of them are uncomfortable touching people this way. they don't want to be touched that way themselves. i said, well, there is a huge loople hole in the system right now. if they are uncomfortable and aren't doing the pat-down as they are supposed to, as invasive as they are supposed
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to, you know, why are you putting us through this? why are you violating our 4th amendment rights? it's not correct. it's indecent. >> we contacted tsa and they released this statement. we reviewed this passenger's screening experience and found that the officer followed proper procedures. we cannot forget that terrorists will continue to try to manipulate societal norms to evade detection. we wish we lived in a world where security procedures at airports weren't necessary but that just isn't the case. i think a lot of people would agree. >> yeah. >> unfortunately we live in a dangerous time. >> i agree. i care about safety very deeply. i don't think we have to sacrifice our constitutional rights in the name of safety. there has to be a better way. since this happened to me i have been doing research and found that in other countries which seems to be more effective and less invasive is the use of metal detectors in conjunction with behavioral profiling, not
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racial profiling. there is a huge difference, of course, and dogs as well whiches what they use at the pentagon, at the white house. >> but they're not dealing with thousands of people in the airport every day. >> sure. but is it correct, right to touch little kids, grandmas, moms and sisters. even men. i have received well over 1,000 messages on twitter or facebook. >> have most been supportive? >> most have been supportive, absolutely. >> there is a bill in the texas state house that would make it a felony for a screener to touch a passenger inappropriately. do you want to press charges against the tsa? is that part of the plan? >> you know, i don't. why i'm here, why i chose to speak out on this issue is because it does violate our rights. i feel it's a slippery slope. you know, you hear of drug dealers and bombers, terrorists who are puttingaphernalia in
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their rectums. are rectal exams in our future? i hope not. that's the day i stop flying. already people who haven't experienced this, don't want to put their children through it have chosen not to fly. i have gotten messages from around the world from people saying they are not flying to the united states for that reason. they don't want to be violated this way. eventually it will hurt the tourism industry here. >> susie castillo, thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. >> up next, on a different note, steven tyler opens up to matt about the highs and lows of his career and the reason he decided to become an "american idol" judge after this. ♪ [ male announcer ] savings and value is what toyota does best. after all, toyota's the most fuel-efficient full-line auto manufacturer in the industry. and we have the lowest ownership cost of any full-line car brand. and for a limited time, get 1.9% apr financing
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fill an entire community with joy? maxwell house believes so. that's why we've partnered with rebuilding together to help revitalize communities in need. vote for your community at to call steven tyler an aging rock star would be a mistake. if what he's doing is aging most people would say, sign me up. i sat down with tyler to talk about his new memoir "does the noise in my head bother you"? apparently not. people can't get enough. >> steven tyler! [ cheers and applause ] >> at the age of 63, rocker steven tyler is white hot right now. having taken his talents and way with words to one of america's hottest television shows. he's become a media darling with
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his kooky style and tylerisms. >> well [ bleep ] a duck and see what happens. >> what? >> for the last 30 years as the lead singer of aerosmith, a band which churned out platinum records every year since the '70s, all the news fit to print about tyler was barely suitable to print at all. ♪ >> reporter: the sweet emotion he was feeling was from an addiction to drugs. and as recently as two years ago he almost lost everything. how did you end up on one of the most popular shows on television? >> the week before, i went to betty ford in december of '09 i was so angry with it all, i got a new manager. i said to him get me a job. i don't care what it is. i'm going in. get me "american idol." >> to move forward we first have
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to look back. it's hard to believe someone called the demon of screaming honed his hard rock musicality in new hampshire where he met his band meats. tyler says "dream on" came to him like a piece of divine inspiration 37 years ago. think of the lyrics of that song. that's a guy looking back over the vast terrain of his life. here you are a 26-year-old kid. it seems like it couldn't come from you. tell me about that song. >> i wrote that song and i'm sitting up at the barn and i'm like -- ♪ >> you know, i'm loving that melodic stuff. it's growing through me. i don't know where it came from. ♪ every time that i look in the mirror ♪ ♪ all these lines on my face
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getting clearer ♪ >> here's the best part. ♪ the past is gone ♪ in my life like dusk to dawn ♪ isn't that the way ♪ everybody got -- >> this was just that melody which told my mouth, touched something in my brain that made my mouth sing that. every time i look in the mirror. >> do you have a lighter i can hold up? come on. i want more! more is what you get in the memoir. i will start with the title. "does the noise in my head bother you." what's the noise? your head? >> it goes like this. ♪ sit a spell ♪ it will take about an hour ♪ i'll tell you a little story
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about me and matt lauer ♪ >> we'll leave it about that. >> is that there constantly? >> pretty much. yeah. ♪ >> some may know aerosmith published a metrodome wmoir in . in the last 14 years he's gone through divorce, had potentially career-ending throat surgery, revealed he has hepatitis c, been to rehab after rehab and had a bitter feud with bandmates who came close to replacing him after he fell off a concert stage two years ago high on prescription drugs. writing a book about lsd and this is not the drug. >> no, no. >> lds is -- >> lead singer disorder. jimmy page wrote that. >> you had it. >> i think we all do as lead singers. we front the band. so therefore why don't they listen to us?
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we know everything. >> big ego? >> of course. >> tough to work with? >> yeah. >> made trouble when you could have made peace? >> yeah. >> when you look back now was it all just natural, part of the job? >> you're damn right. >> if feuding with the band was part of the job, tyler could have won employee of the year for his stormy relationship with joe perry. the two once dubbed the toxic twins. >> is it fair to say you have spent as much time fighting over your time together as loving each other? >> well, see, he plays guitar in such a way where i'm addicted to it. there is no one like him. he's my own keith. my own clapton. he's there. he's aerosmith. he plays the licks and i go, whoa, wait! [ scatting ] ♪ love in an elevator
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>> it just works. do that again! so it's magic. what, am i going to fight it? >> oh, yeah. the guy in the skin tight pants is also a grandfather, although the road to paving a relationship with his two eldest daughters, actress liv and model mia has not been easy. >> you write about how drugs robbed you of spirituality and compassion only to realize you lost liv and mia as well. i cried when they for gave me for past behaviors but i will be working on it for the rest of my life. >> that's what drugs did. it took my children away, my life away, my band away. took my marriages away. i was on my knees. ♪ don't want to close my eyes >> tyler has been sober for a year and a half. even he says he's lucky to be alive. in the book you say you're 63 and it took you to the age of 60 to realize you didn't know
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anything, and that's okay. >> that's the best part of not knowing something. when you realize it's okay, that's when you reap the rewards. ♪ >> reporter: and the rewards have come. "american idol's" ratings are holding strong. aerosmith record sales are seeing a surge and there are plans for a new album and a new tour. of course all of those things need a wardrobe change -- many, many changes. >> my new favorites. look. they zip all the way down. i put this on the leg just because i can. >> because you're steven tyler. >> and i get to stand next to j. lo every night. i'm beat. she's street and the dog's in heat or whatever. >> tylerism. no quincoincidence his upcoming single is called "it feels so good. >> i'm sober again and life's good. cut!
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>> you can find more of the interview with steven tyler and read an excerpt from the memoir on our website on just ahead, another legend, dick good morning, it's proposed redevelopment of treasure island would add 8,000 residential units, retail space and 300 acres of parks and open space. it also includes a police and firestation, a school and a 500-room hotel. about 2,000 of those residential units would be offered at below-market rates. final vote on the proposal is th. for may a look at your forecast and your morning commute, right after this.
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good morning to you. well, we're going to see patchy fog for the first part of the day, but those clouds will clear out of here. brisk out there to start, too. you might need a jacket, especially along the coast. that marine intrusion has cooled our temps down. downright hot tomorrow as high pressure sets up right over the bay area. these temperatures, which are forecast in the upper 70s today, will turn over to the upper 80s as we head into tomorrow.
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89 degrees. hope you have a fantastic tuesday. >> yeah, christina. we do have a new note for your drive. not so fantastic for northbound 280. reports of three-wheeler motorcycles are down in the lanes. no major injuries reported, but it will cause more slowing off that 680/101 interchange. no accidents, but big slowing for the maze and the approach to the toll plaza. oakland past high street and the coliseum. back to you, marla. thanks, mike. next update is at 8:56.
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we're back now. 8:30 on a tuesday morning, the 3rd day of may, 2011. it's a stunning morning in midtown manhattan. al is promising these night people that later today they could see temperatures in the 70s. >> low 70s. and patches of sun. >> you're toying with us.
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>> i am, but it will be nice. >> matt lauer out here with meredith vieira, al roker and ann curry. coming up, another livinging legend. >> dick van dyke has been a fixture in hollywood for six decades. now the song and dance man is opening up about his life and career. we'll catch up with him ahead. who has not had a crush on that man? >> really. dick van dyke, you guys! oh, my gosh. also we're talking about the awesome things in your life. >> like having dick van dyke here. >> watching your kids, putting on warm underwear right out of the dryer. that's in the book. that's a nice thing. >> i'm going to continue with the author of the bookle telling us how to celebrate the little moments. >> boxers right out of the freezer. coldle in there, al.
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>> let's get up to the kitchen and not a moment too soon. guy fieri will be there. food lover, chef, "minute to win it" host. he's putting his spin on surf & turf. >> yum. >> we introduced you to "american idol" judge steven tyler and now we can say hello to one of his favorite contestants saved earlier in the year by the judges. casey abrams was voted off. good to have you. as you were voted off randy jackson said, he doesn't think there's ever been an "idol" contestant with more talent than you. that was nice. >> it was awesome, especially coming from one of if i favorite bass players. >> and you got to sneak a kiss with j-lo. >> in front of 20 million people.
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>> your reaction when you staved off elimination was unforgettable. what was going through your head this time? >> i'm so happy to have made it past that point. i felt sick when they put me back on, kind of guilty. >> really? >> yeah. if people had a bad week they would be voted off. after that, i started doing more music and more performances. i felt better about it. i was happy to be there. i felt i could get a couple good performances out before i got voted out again. >> the beard is a hot topic. >> the beard? it's not that interesting. >> even style steven tyler mentioned it. >> i like to think it's just laziness. you don't have to shave every day and if you shave it gets itchy. so i grow it out. i live in the mountains. i'm a mountain man. >> are you with hailey or not?
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>> not in a relationship. we're musically -- we're musical counterparts. >> great to have you here. good luck. >> i want to do it, too. congratulations. >> mr. roker, how about a check of the weather? >> for all the mountain men and women out there, the forecast for today, we have a risk of strong storms appalachians into parts of interior pennsylvania. clouds in the pacific northwest. lots of rain working through the lower ohio river valley. thankfully it dries up but the heavy rain into new england. hot through the southwest. gulf coast looking nice as well. good tuesday morning to you. another gorgeous day on tap as
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high pressure clears our skies later on today. we'll be left with mostly sunny conditions. should be a fairly nice day with temperatures climbing into the upper 70s with santa rosa, 73 in san rafael. redwood city, 70. high pressure sits on top of us for tomorrow. that means 89 degrees. some 90s in the bay area. 84 by thursday. slightly cooler for mother's day weekend. o to weather channel on cable or online. meredith? >> i'm going inside. you know who's in there? dick van dyke. ♪ i'm done with all these lists.
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and driving all over town. i want one list. for one store. [ female announcer ] at safeway, you get it all. great quality and great prices. so you just need a safeway list. [ male announcer ] with thousands of everyday low prices you'll save all over the store. [ female announcer ] plus we have great club card specials like refreshe water, 24 packs are only $2.99 each. [ male announcer ] quality and low prices. so there's one stop for everything. [ female announcer ] at safeway, that's our promise. that's ingredients for life.
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dick van dyke has been making people laugh for six decades, singing and dancing his way through the hollywood ranks. now he's chronicled his life in
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"dick van dyke: my lucky life in and out of show business." we'll talk to him in a moment. first, more on the actor who's done it all. he's a self-described song and dance man. ♪ >> reporter: he's sashayed his life into the hearts of americans. ♪ >> reporter: dick van dyke appeared on broadway and the silver screen. ♪ >> reporter: but it was a role on the small screen in "the dick van dyke show" that made him a star. the chemistry between him and co-star, long-time friend mary tyler moore was electric but after only five seasons the show was cancelled. although van dyke continued to work, his career was revived at the age of 67 with the prime time drama "diagnosis murder."
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>> if you're not in my office in five minutes i'll kill you. >> reporter: with a tony, a grammy and four emmys, he's hit the trifecta but he's not stopping now. dick van dyke continues to work, doing what he loves. ♪ >> reporter: entertaining. dick van dyke, welcome back. great to see you. welcome back to morning television. a lot of people don't remember you anchored the cbs -- >> morning show. right. i was 29, right off the turnip truck. didn't know what i was doing. my news man was walter krot cronkite. >> that's not a bad resumé. did you like it? >> no. i never got the hang of it. you're a master of it. >> i fwgrew up on "the dick van
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dyke show." i loved it. why do you think it connected with viewers? >> carl ryaner. he knew how to write relationships and comedy and that made it. he's a genius. >> it was the chemistry also with you and mary tyler moore. i mean, mary tyler moore on the other part of the show. i wanted to be invited over for dinner. i wanted to know you more as a couple. >> there was great chemistry. people thought we were married in real life. i'd show up with my wife and people would go, hm. >> carl reiner tells a story where he challenged you one time to sneeze, cough, belch, hiccup, yawn and pass gas all while trying to stifle the giggles. can you try six of the seven for us this morning? >> i can't do it now. if i pass gas i can make a mistake. >> and clear a room. there were lyrics to the theme song. >> maury amsterdam wrote them.
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>> do you remember them? >> yeah. ♪ so you think that you've got trouble ♪ ♪ well, trouble can get lost ♪ why not hold your head up high and ♪ ♪ stop crying ♪ start try ♪ don't forget to keep your fingers crossed ♪ ♪ the joy of living is loving and giving ♪ ♪ ale smile is just a frown upside down ♪ ♪ sole smile and the frown will defrost ♪ ♪ and don't forget to keep your fingers crossed ♪ [ applause ] >> we weren't rolling. can you do it again one more time? >> after hearing steven tyler's story i have to go back and punch up my book. [ laughter ] >> he lived a life, didn't he? well, okay, as long as you helped me make the segue, you were open and honest about your own problems with drink.
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>> yeah. >> you were not the "trash a hotel room" kind of -- >> no. i never broke anything. >> what kind of drinker were you? >> i thought i was a funny one. >> most people do, don't they? >> yes. i was very, very shy. during my 20s i never drank at all. i was a tee totaler but in my 30s if i had a martini i lost my inhibitions. i found out it became five or six in the evening and i realized i had a problem. >> was there an incident that made you get help? >> no. i just got up to go to morning and i had a very bad hangover. i never drank at work, but i didn't want to work with a hangover either. so i sought help. rehab was just beginning back then. i kind of went public with it. there was a stigma. they thought only skid row bums
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and people with no willpower. i was a normal middle class guy and i thought i should let it out that it can happen to anybody. >> i have three kids, 10 is the oldest. if they are watching now they're not saying, hey, the guy from "the dick van dyke show" is on. they think you're burt from "mary poppins." >> that was the most fun. i did the old banker, too. and i had to pay him. had to make a contribution to his arts school. but the numbers, the music and the dancing. it was never work. >> you're such a good song and dance man. seriously, we saw such talent in you in that role and others. did you ever doubt your abilities? >> i didn't know i had them, as i explained in the book. i thought i would be a television announcer. that was my ambition.
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singing and dancing came later. i didn't know how. i didn't do it. i auditioned for "bye-bye birdie" and sang an old ray bolger song and did a bit of a soft shoe. he walked up and said, you have the part. i said, i can't dance. he said, we'll teach you what you need to know. and i discovered dancing on that show. it was like flying. i have been hoofing ever since. >> i have a feeling the talent was there all along. >> something was going on. >> what a pleasure to have you here. >> thank you. >> the book is "dick van dyke: my lucky life in and out of show business." up next, a man who wants to prove the best things in life are free. first, this is "today" on nbc. [ applause ] i am a sneeze whisperer.
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i am an allergy analyst. bermuda grass. ragweed. willow. i am a dander decoder. chihuahua. i am a target pharmacist. ask me about allergy relief.
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have you ever experienced a sense of pride when you picked
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the fastest moving line at the grocery store? or how about the feeling when you click through the channels and come across your favorite mov movie? the best selling author of "the book of awesome" has a follow-up edition "the book of even more awesome." kneel pasricha, thanks to you. this came along in a hard time of your life. >> absolutely, meredith. i was in a marriage headed in the wrong direction. my friend was battling a major illness. i needed a way to focus on the positive. so i came home from work and started writing down little universal pleasures that made mel smile like getting called up to the dinner buffet first at a wedding, wearing warm underwear just out of the dryer. >> i love that. how did it go from notes you left to yourself to these books?
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>> i started writing this at 1,000 awesome it was one of thousands of blogs that start up every day. nobody read it but my mom, but the traffic doubled when she forwarded it to my dad. it fwru grew to hundreds, thous millions of hits. i won the best blog in the world award. got to accept a webby award for best blogs and there were publishers waiting to turn it into "the book of awesome." it's been a best seller all year. today "the book of even more awesome" comes out. >> what do you think appeals to people? it obviously strikes a chord. >> i just think the news is heavy right now. >> mm-hmm. >> it's heavy whether there are wars over seas, rising gas prices, troubled economy. a lot of us have our own personal problems. so there is something gratifying about saying, you know, life's
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pretty good. there are so many free simple things like the smell of a bakery, popping bubble wrap or hitting a string of green lights on the way to work. >> or finally getting that piece of popcorn out of your teeth. little things add up to a realization that things aren't bad. >> the weddings, healthy babies screeching in delivery rooms and father-daughter dances add up. between that we have tiny little moments, free little joys that add up to minutes and days in our lives. >> we have certain people in our audience, viewers what they think is awesome. >> holding your first grandchild. coming home after a business trip. singing in the car by yourself. >> or seeing someone else singing in the car. >> even better. being told you're cancer-free. >> wow. >> getting the job you wanted really after being laid off.
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>> yeah. >> and the perfect photo which is an awesome thing to happen. >> it's amazing. those things remind me. the response to 1,000 awesome things was surreal. 30 million people stopped by. i'm lucky because pastors e-mail me saying that preach using "the book of awesome" and teachers say, i use it in the classroom. we have a wall of awesome where every kid writes down their own awesome thing. we want to be happy. there are a lot of awesome things in life to focus on. >> thanks for bringing these to us. >> thanks for having us on the show. i appreciate it. >> the book is called "the book of even more awesome." up next, an awesome meal from guy fieri. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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>> announcer: today's kitchen is brought to you by maxwell house coffee. good to the last drop. >> this morning on "today's kitchen" step by step, guy fieri hosts "minute to win it" and has two food network shows and he's a best selling author. his first book of recipes is called "food, cooking it, living it, loving it." did i say the name correctly? >> you brought it all in.
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there. and the name of the wook book was invented by my son. he said, it's your food. point blank. next topic, dad. >> you say the recipes are off the hook. why do you like them so much? >> it's a combination. recipes i did as a kid. recipes i do at my restaurants in the california wide country, recipes from "guy's big bite" on food network. we have 150-plus recipes, stories that back them up and this is the right time of year to do it. this is a peppered tri-tip. you can't get it on the east coast. >> what is it? >> it's a fantastic piece of meat. this is the flank steak. tri-tip is marbled with great meat. the meat dissolves, becomes incredible. see the nice yellow feet inside the meat. that cooks out like a skirt steak. this is tone with pepper, salt, olive oil.
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now what happens over here is i have onions going. we'll make a balsamic reduction. it's a little bit of red wine. >> i did that last night. >> the red wine? >> some garlic. >> that's every night. >> and brown sugar. a little balsamic vin fwar and this just reduces while you're making the steak. >> how long? >> 20 to 30 minutes depending how much you put in and what temperature. don't burn it with the sugar in it. you have a glaze that reduces down. almost candies up and it's thin when it's hot. when it's cool it gets thick. drizzle that over the top. >> looks great. >> sefb it with fried spinach. let's go to one of my other favorites. [ coughing ] >> that pepper on the grill gets you. >> it does. >> we have a sangria reduction. we have grilled shrimp from
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earlier, peppers, garlic and onion. we get in here with sherry, a little bit of apple juice. a little bit of orange juice. >> wine. >> red wine. a common theme of this one. >> exactly. >> i cook with a t lot of different alcohols in the book. i do a bloody mary flank steak, mo swrrks mojito chicken. >> wow. >> we have honey here, corn starch. >> i like this. >> i get the triple threat. little bit of corn starch mixed in. a touch of garlic and let it reduce. you can make it indoors. you can make it ahead of time. then we'll take this nicele little compote here. you can lay this on top. >> what's this? >> peppers, apples, an i don't knows, garlic and the sangria
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glaze. >> thank you very much. we're back after your local news. good morning. it's 8:56. i'm marla tellez. stow's family is talking about bringing him to a local hospital. doctor's reduced his coma-inducing medication four
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days ago and say he has not had a seizure since. however, is he still in a coma. he was beaten opening day at dodgers stadium back on march . 31. another gorgeous day in store for us. a look at your forecast, after this. .
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good morning to you. well, we'll see patchy fog the first part of the day. clouds will clear out of here. it's brisk out there to start. you might need a jacket. that marine intrusion has cooled our temperatures down substantially. clo clouds decrease as we head throughout the afternoon. mostly sunny conditions. downright hot tomorrow as high pressure sets up right over the bay area. these temperature, which are forecast in the upper 70s today, will turn over to the upper 80s as we head into tomorrow.
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89 degrees. have a fantastic tuesday. >> hot out there. thanks for joining us. we'll be back at 9:26. the "today" show continues next. we'll soon face the worst budget cuts yet from governor brown, the proposed damage to our students and our future has to stop. i'm suzanne shah. we called before, and we believe we can start now by charging an oil and gas extraction tax. an assembly bill and an initiative would raise tax oil, and bar them from passing the cost to you. after texas and alaska, california is third oil
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producer. alaska produces 25%, texas almost 5%. california is the only oil state with no extraction tax on what drillers take from the earth. we pay 66 centsryve e gallon. they should pay, too. learn more. [ cheers and applause ] back now with more of "today" on a tuesday morning, may 3, 2011. some of the nice people gathered on our plaza. we thank them for sticking around. out on the plaza i'm matt lauer along with natalie morales and al roker. coming up, we're going to take another look inside the situation room. this past sunday this was at the white house. that photo taken as the special forces operation was under way. the mission to kill osama bin laden. obviously enormous tension inside the room. we are learning more details of the operation. we'll be talking about those coming up.
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>> you can see hillary clinton with her hand over her mouth there. >> long 40 minutes for them. >> exactly. we'll switch gears to talk about the look and legacy of the late alexander mcqueen. very well known in the fashion industry before the royal wedding of kate middleton to prince william. but she of course wore the alexander dress designed by sarah burton. the designer was honored last night at a star-studded gala in new york. we'll get a glimpse at some of the famous faces there to honor the mcqueen house. >> right. three american women were living it up in london on our tab. they won the once in a lifetime chance to enjoy "today's" royal treatment. they will share their memories of that special week. later on in the program, it's often imitated, never duplica
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duplicated. we have the one, the only, the original jill's steals & deals! we show you bargains on stylish items. today we have lingerie to shoes to cashmere sweaters. we'll show you how to take advantage of deep discounts just for the loyal "today" viewers. >> are those the dr. scholl's that have been around 40 years. >> making a comeback. >> they have always been in style. comfortable. >> now affordable. >> all right. we have a lot to get to. ann is at the news desk with the headlines. >> thanks a lot. as matt mentioned, still more new details emerging about the daring raid that took down osama bin laden in pakistan on sunday. nbc pentagon correspondent jim miklaszewski has been following the story. he's joining us now with the latest. fwro good morning again. >> reporter: good morning. we are getting remarkable insight into the last-minute plans of the operation and
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president obama's priorities. first to protect the navy s.e.a.l.s and other special operations forces. second to get osama bin laden. the white house released photos of the nail-biting tension as the president and his national security team watch live video of the u.s. military attack on bin laden's compound. >> the minutes passed like days. the president was very concerned about the security of our personnel. >> reporter: 40 minutes into the operation, it was over and osama bin laden was dead. for a successful killer capture, the code word was "geronimo" but on the ground they transmitted, for god and country, geronimo, geronimo. from the beginning the u.s. operation was aimed more at killing, not capturing bin laden. bin laden's code name was jackpot. >> osama bin laden would not surrender and his security agents had been told to kill him if it looked like they were about to lose him to a u.s.
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snatch operation. >> reporter: the white house ruled out one option to drop 2,000-pound bombs on the compound because it would obliterate dna that could prove bin laden was killed. the president settled on two special ops teams of navy s.e.a.l.s and a back-up if something went wrong. when a chopper went down, another was there to take its place. u.s. officials say as the s.e.a.l.s stormed the complex, they cornered bin laden on the third floor of the residence. one commando recognized bin laden and put two bullets into his head. >> this is what we call a clean hit and a solid piece of work, both from an intelligence and special operations standpoint. >> reporter: bin laden's body was flown by helicopter to the u.s. aircraft carrier carl vincent where he was given a proper muslim burial at sea. there are details about how the u.s. tracked him to abbottabad in a compound eight times the size of anything nearby but the
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pakistani forces missed it. u.s. officials tell nbc news that 9/11 mastermind call shake mohamed while in custody provided key information concerning a courier close to bin laden. intelligence obtained through aggressive interradiation techniques like water boarding. it took seven years but the cia identified a courier and tracked him to the compound where bin laden was killed. those u.s. special forces came up with an intelligence bonanza. thousands of al qaeda documents on computers and hard drives that analysts are poring over now to try to learn al qaeda's secrets. ann? >> thank you so much on that. also in the news 130,000 acrers of rich missouri farmland are being intentionally flooded after army engineers detonated a distressed levee hoping to divert flood waters away from caro, illinois.
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a district judge ruled the heavy breech would save lives. schools in cleveland, mississippi, remain racially segregated more than 40 years after they were ordered to begin integration. justice officials asked that the court begin enforcing the 1969 integration order. we are getting stunning images from hawaii where residents spotted at least two rare water spouts off the shores of honolulu. the storm caused funnel clouds and flash flooding in parts of oahu that lost power. there were no reports of injury. it is now six minutes past the hour. back out to matt and natalie. >> thank you very much, ann. let's go to mr. roker for a check on the weather. >> gorgeous in the northeast. where are you from? [ cheers ] >> all right. wearing the tie dye. very popular today. let's check your weather. we have a lot of wet weather through the lower mississippipi
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river valley where they don't need it. our friends in tuscaloosa will deal with rain. rainfall amounts about an inch through northern alabama and we have some heavier rain in the northeast as well later today. good tuesday morning to you. another gorgeous day on tap, as high pressure clears our skies later on today. we'll be left with mostly sunny conditions. it should be a fairly nice day, with temperatures climbing into the upper 70s in places like santa rosa, 77 today. 73 in san rafael and 76 in redwood city. tomorrow, high pressure sets up right on top of us. that means we'll reach 89 degrees. some 90s will pop up across the board tomorrow in the bay area. 84 by thursday. slightly cooler for mother's day weekend.
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down the red carpet at the metropolitan museum of art. a design house that was the most famous in the world when kate middleton walked down the aisle of westminster abbey. ♪ >> reporter: the world watched the new royal couple take center stage last week. the widely viewed event watched by an estimated 2 billion people around the globe show cased a new couple exchanging vows. the much anticipated kiss and a departure from buckingham palace in a fancy aston-martin car. most people couldn't wait to see what kate middleton would wear. >> everybody's waiting to see what she's wearing. >> reporter: it was one of fashion and britain's best kept secrets. we finally saw it when kate middleton stepped out in an ivory satin and lace gown designed by sarah burton of alexander mcqueen. and the prince seemed pleased.
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his expression echoed throughout the design industry. >> stunning. she looked like a real princess. >> reporter: the mcqueen label also designed pippa middleton's dress complete with the same buttons as her refwal sister. sarah burton and the late alexander mcqueen are back in the spotlight. last night celebrities graced the red carpet at the metropolitan museum of art to honor the late alexander mcqueen's contribution to fashion. >> i miss him. he was a brilliant designer. >> reporter: the eccentric alexander mcqueen committed suicide but the designs he left and current designs are more popular than ever. his designs have been worn by michelle obama and celebrities like kate moss and rihanna. sarah burton is now the creative director. >> i'm proud to have worked for
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him. he was a genius. >> reporter: stars were on hand last night making the red carpet glamorous as it gets. the museum savage beauty opened with the first retrospective of his work since his death. >> i think it's appropriate that we celebrate tonight, remember his extraordinary and superior gifts. >> reporter: from one regal event to the next, the late alexander mcqueen's designs are here to stay. coming up next, the three women who got the royal treatment on us are back from london to fill us in on the trip. coming up later, should you cut out the carbs or the calories? the most effective weight loss solutions, we're told, right after these messages.
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these ladies have been exercising, watching their diets and enjoying activia light. well? i'm managing my weight really well, and i've never felt so light. at 70 calories, delicious activia light helps you be light and feel light too. ♪ activia revlon has something cool for your skin. infused with hydrating coconut water, new colorstay aqua mineral makeup feels cool on your skin leaving it smooth and luminous. i've never felt makeup like this before. new revlon colorstay aqua mineral makeup. shows your pet you care... by unleashing a complete killing force against fleas and ticks.
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9:13 am
but with 24-hour zyrtec®, i get prescription strength relief from my worst allergy symptoms. it's the brand allergists recommend most. ♪ lily and i are back on the road again. where we belong. with zyrtec®, i can love the air®. with a full serving of fruit in every pouch, is a choice you can respect. [ creaking ] other choices... launch me fellas. [ male announcer ] nope. capri sun 100% juice.
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[ male announcer ] nope. this morning on "today's royal treatment" the three winners are back from their all expenses paid trip to london. the mom and daughters saw the town dressed to the nines with all the pomp and splendor during the royal wedding of prince william to kate middleton. they are here to tell us about it. first, let's check out the journey. ♪ >> one of the reasons we think molly is so speciale is what she does for a living. she works with kids who are ill and their families. >> so the winner of the all expense paid trip to london is -- megan redd, which means her sister molly and mom are headed to london. >> i'd like to thank the academy at "today." thank you! >> i'm so excited. >> we have your first class
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boarding passes and your passport and the first class lounge is on your right hand side. >> ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for megan, molly and colleen as they head to london for the royal wedding. [ applause ] >> girls, next stop -- london! >> cheers! >> you go first. ♪ >> is that big ben? >> oh, it is big ben! >> now i really feel like we're in london. >> i know. this is amazing. >> is that the palace? oh, my word. >> it really looks like a palace. >> we're not in cleveland anymore. ♪ >> isn't that cool? >> it is so cool. >> is this your first time having afternoon tea? >> it is. >> fancy.
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>> our own little tea party. ♪ >> wow. >> i feel like princess kate right now. ♪ >> okay! here we are at hyde park. >> we're here watching the big screens. hello, kate! >> hello! [ cheers and applause ] >> this is so great. >> kate. mom is crying. >> i don't know why. >> what are you drinking, mom? >> lemonade. ♪ >> this is pretty cool. >> good night.
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>> everything's been just wonderful. ♪ >> megan redd is back with her sister molly and mom colleen. welcome back. >> thank you. >> wow. this all started with you, me n megan. >> it did. >> can you believe your luck? >> no. i still have to pinch myself that i'm here on set, that we had this amazing trip. i never dreamed this would happen, but i'm so happy it did. >> what were your impressions of london? >> it's a beautiful city. it was so clean and so much to see. it was amazing. >> molly, you're a fan of english literature and movies. what was your impression? did it match your expectations? >> definitely. even more. from the architecture to the people. it was such an exciting environment with the wedding going on that week. the city was so beautiful and
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clean. we had great weather. it was fantastic. >> you never expect mom to be the party girl, but you have a picture in the park. what did the girls drink? >> water. >> whose idea were the masks? >> we bought them. >> we all three used them quite a bit throughout the day. >> while you were watching the wedding, what was the mood of the crowd? >> oh, so patriotic and i really did cry. it was so beautiful, dignified and regal. it was wonderful to be with all of the londoners. they were so proud and happy. it was so emotional. >> did you run into other americans there? >> we did. >> we ran into people from outside of cleveland when we were at changing of the guards. we met somebody who lives 20 miles away from us. >> what are the odds?
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>> small world. >> what was your favorite thing? >> i can only speak for myself. but when they were singing their national anthem and everyone was singing "god save the queen" it was a hush and then everyone sang. it was just surreal. it was beautiful. >> it was awesome. all the opportunities. we had thanks to the "today" show to go the spa, high tea, the royal treatment, all the traditional english things and seeing the city. it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. >> it was the first time you left your little boy. >> it was. >> good seeing him when you got back? >> i haven't seen him yet. i'll see him tonight. i can't wait. >> your husband aaron has been doing a good job? >> phenomenal job. he's a great dad. >> megan, molly and colleen, thank you so much. >> thank you! >> thanks to "today." >> and the flight was amazing. >> oh, my gosh. >> they should put it on their website. thanks, guys.
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coming up, the one, the only, the original great bargains just for "today" viewers. more staels and deals. first these messages. you gotta try honey bunches of oats with almonds! it's got real, sliced california almonds with a third less sugar per serving than honey nut cheerios. wow! delicious! try honey bunches of oats with almonds!
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but sometimes i wonder... what's left behind? [ female announcer ] introducing purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena® naturals. developed with dermatologists... it's clinically proven to remove 99% of dirt and toxins and purify pores. and with natural willowbark it contains no dyes, parabens or harsh sulfates. dirt and toxins do a vanishing act and my skin feels pure and healthy. [ female announcer ] new purifying facial cleanser from the new line of neutrogena naturals. choose a texas toast half-sandwich, like our classic turkey, piled high and tasty. pair with a delicious soup or house salad. served with seasoned fries, it's big flavor for just 6 bucks -- weekdays at chili's.
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[ female announcer ] there's a place called hidden valley where kids not only eat their vegetables, they can't get enough. ♪ hidden valley ranch, makes vegetables delectable. hidden valley ranch,
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these ladies have been exercising, watching their diets and enjoying activia light. well? i'm managing my weight really well, and i've never felt so light. at 70 calories, delicious activia light helps you be light and feel light too. ♪ activia a star has emerged just unepisode into "the voice." javier's take on "time after time" caught the attention of all four judges and hit the itunes top 100 just hours after the performance last week. he's with us today. good morning. congratulations. >> thank you. >> happy 34th birthday. you turned 34 on friday. >> yeah, friday. >> you're living the high life. >> still here. >> you worked with joss stone, indigo girls and you have two albums out. what made you audition for "the voice"? >> i was dropped from my label.
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basically i needed to do something. there was a five-year period where i was struggle to find a new label and nobody wanted to take a chance on me. so this opportunity came about and i was like, you know, what else do i have to look forward to? at this point, you know, i have a beautiful wife and daughters that i'm -- i have to support. the music thing is not necessarily going to do it the way i was doing it at the time. >> i'm thinking as you were stepping up to the mic to perform you're feeling a lot of pressure. you're putting a lot into this. >> yeah. >> when you heard that all four judges hit the "i want you" button and talked about you as being so great what was the emotion you felt? >> it was unbelievable. just really honored and flattered that they all turned around.
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actually before i did the audition i was saying, listen, if somebody turns around, make sure you don't freak out and mess up the words. >> you obviously didn't. >> it was great. watch it at 9:00/8:00 central time on nbc. new dove visible care. asked them to try a revolutionary new line of body wash with the highest concentration of nutrium moisture. visible care makes skin visibly more beautiful in just 1 week. when they saw how much more beantiy l fud their skin looked with new dove visible care... there was only one question. ♪ ovnew dte visible care creme body wash. ♪ 8 hours of sleep is great, when you can get it. new almay wake-up makeup. hydrating water, cooling cucumber, and nourishing minerals refresh your skin, giving you an all over, well-rested look. so every day starts with glowing, hydrated skin. only from almay. only for me. i want you tonight! [ female announcer ] wish granted. lean cuisine has
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a fresh new bag. lean cuisine market creations steam meals. like new chicken poblano with tender white meat chicken, crisp veggies, in a savory cheddar sauce. new from lean cuisine. i'm marla tellez. hundreds of jobs are on the line as san jose tries to deal with a massive budget deficit. the city faces a $115 million deficit according to the city manager. she is suggesting almost 200 police officers, 64 firefighter and more than 300 city worker positions being eliminated. the demotion of 200 city employees, reduction of library services and hours and an increase in park fees. the city says the situation will be worse if the 11 unions do not
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agree to a 10% pay cut. so far, only four unions are on board. it is a similar story for santa clara county, which is facing hundreds of layoffs and a reduction of services. releasing the recommended budget for the coming fiscal year, he recommended this on monday. he wants to cut 534 positions to save $75 million. more than $2 million would be cut from social services. two sheriffs patrols would also be eliminated, saving $600,000. and 47 positions at the county's elmwood jail and juvenile justice department would be cut. the county board is expected to vote on this budget ne pxtrosal next month. a look at your gorgeous forecast and the roads after this. day on tap.
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clearing our skies today. mostly sunny conditions. it should be a fairly nice day with temperatures climbing into the upper 70s in places like
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santa rosa. 73 in san rafael and 76 in redwood city. high pressure sets up right on top of us tomorrow. that means we'll reach 89 degrees. some 90s will pop up across the board tomorrow in the bay area. 84 by thursday. slightly cooler for mother's day weekend. >> all right, christina. the maze right now, big j jamle 880 northbound past the coliseum. slow and north all the way south to the san mateo bridge. southbound 101 at 92 an accident just reported there. and through the slowing on the southbound side around 84. reports of badger in the lane. i didn't know we had badgers, marla. >> i was going to say, i didn't know that either. thank you, mike. we'll be back in 30 minutes with another update at 9:56.
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♪ you know it's thriller ♪ thriller night hard enough to believe he's gone. more difficult to believe it's been nearly two years since michael jackson's death stunned the world. since then his mom has been raising his three children. we'll talk with katherine jackson about developments in his children's lives and in hers as well in an exclusive interview tomorrow on "today." >> in this half hour, jill martin has another edition of the original steals & deals.
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we have great new items from wallets to shoes to lingerie that are all deeply discounted, just for our "today" viewers. >> also, we keep talking about losing weight here. now the question, people know not to use too much salad dressing. what dressings won't sabotage the diet? and should we be counting calories or carbs and -- >> yeah! >> what's going on here? we'll get the answer to your diet and nutrition questions and guess who's here? >> who? >> olympic gold medal figure skater kristi yamaguchi sharing her workout plan. we'll find out about that from her. >> get out. >> you can stop, kristi. first a check of the weather. >> how about a check of the f t weather? gorgeous day on tap. we'll be left with mostly sunny
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conditions. with temperatures climbing into the upper 70s in places like santa rosa, and 76 in redwood city. tomorrow, high pressure sets up right on top of us. for us, that means we'll reach 89 degrees. some 90s will pop up tomorrow in the bay area. 84 by thursday. slightly cooler mother's day weekend. to -- you wanted to say it? >> that's okay. >> the latest contestant to have the scales tip against her on "the biggest loser couples." good morning. >> good morning. >> you joined with your dad and did it because you wanted your dad to be healthier. it was out of love. >> exactly. i watched my dad. he had problems just moving around. he was in pain. for me, as a daughter to watch dad go through it was hard. i want to do anything to support him, help him change his life. >> and the weigh-off started with a big change.
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rulon gardener announced he was leaving the ranch for personal reasons. >> that was a shocker. he was a big competitor in the game. it changed the game a lot. he was having a hard time at the ranch and he wanted to leave for personal reasons so we expected that. >> you actually gained two pounds. do you think that's the reason you ended up getting kicked off the ranch? what went into the decision? you look amazing. how much have you lost? quite a bit? >> 68. it was definitely a shock. but just being -- trying not to get discouraged when that happens. weight loss just changes so much. >> up and down. >> happens to everybody. >> it does. >> but you lost 68 pounds. you started at 233. this means you're under the limit to go skydiving. >> exactly. that's definitely what i want to do. in new zealand i got to do some extreme things.
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i want to do some more. >> good luck to you and your dad. >> thank you very much. >> you can catch the show tonight at 8/7 central on nbc. >> up next, steals and deals, big bargains for you, our "today" viewers after this. part of my job is teaching my patients how to take insulin. but i've learned a lot from patients who use flexpen. flexpen comes pre-filled with the insulin i take and i can dial the exact dose of insulin i need. i live my life on the go and need an on-the-go insulin. i don't need to carry a cooler with flexpen. novolog is a fast-acting, man-made insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes. do not inject novolog if you do not plan to eat within 5 to 10 minutes after injection to avoid low blood sugar. tell your healthcare provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions, including if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. the most common side effect of novolog is low blood sugar. other possible side effects include reactions
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at the injection site. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions, body rash, trouble with breathing, fast heartbeat or sweating. ask your healthcare provider about novolog flexpen today. learn more about the different insulins available in flexpen at flexpen, insulin delivery that goes with you. ♪ [ female announcer ] when is it okay to lose the cover-up? ♪ when you can. take the special k challenge... and lose an inch from your waist in two weeks. so lose your cover-up, and show off your confidence. design your plan at [ male announcer ] our 16 fresh-picked oranges have a new home. tropicana pure premium now comes in a clear bottle so you can see how much goodness is squeezed inside.
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♪ good morning tropicana. the world's best juice never looked better. hershey's bliss. one square inch of indulgence... joy... pleasure. one square inch of extra smooth, rich chocolate. hershey's bliss. [ female announcer ] start the day off right with a protein-packed breakfast like the sunrise subway melt. try it with juicy tomatoes for a breakfast that stands out from the pack. subway, the official training restaurant of apolo ohno and athletes everywhere. the monster was furious. roar!!! it's for laughing... [ laughs ] [ female announcer ] ...pretending... and the mouse went, "wha-wha-wha, why?"
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[ giggles ] [ female announcer ] ...seeing things differently... and then the boy bit the dragon! [ female announcer ] ...and for being with your favorite storyteller... [ grandpa ] i love you when you're quiet... [ female announcer ] ...even after he goes home to nevada. [ grandpa ] and i love you when you're loud! [ female announcer ] hallmark recordable storybooks. ♪ this morning on the original jill's steals & deals, new bargains for you, our "today" viewers. from cashmere sweaters to beauty products we have incredible products at deeply discounted prices just for you. "today" and us weekly contributor jill martin is here with her great finds. good morning. >> good morning. >> a quick explanation for those of you who haven't done it yet. >> retailers bring us deals which we bring to you. we started it in december. it's been a huge hit. we were the first to bring it to you. we put these on for 24
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hours. get your little fingers ready and be patient. the deals fly. we bring you up to 83% off on the products. neither i nor "today" benefits. we bring our loyal "today" show viewers big deals. >> there is a code to the website and you go on. be patient. you also have to talk about shipping. people have questions about that. >> the shipping doesn't change from their normal policy. definitely check the shipping, but it doesn't make up for the discounted price. >> let's start with -- we are a little bit racy this morning. frederick's of hollywood. this is the company's number one selling bra. they claim it boosts you -- >> two sizes. and it feels like it does. $32 is retail and it's extreme cleavage. it can be worn different ways. you can wear it really however the shirt is. >> like a tank. >> one shoulder, strapless. seamless cups, removable pads.
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three colors -- beige, pink and blue. 32 b to 36 d. the deal price is $6. that's an 81% discount. they are great. i don't know if you can see that they are seamless. great for t-shirts. the new thing is a color bra under a white t-shirt. >> i have seen that. i'm not sure i can do it. >> it's edgy. that's a way to pull it off. >> next up, beautiful leather wallets by maxim couture. >> $84 to $140. you can wear it as a wristlet, clutch at night. gold plated hardware in four styles. the coin purse and the smaller wallet. then the larger wallet and the one with all the pockets. they come in five colors. you can seal them on the website. $84 to $140. the deal is $35. any style. genuine leather up to 75% off.
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they look great. >> great wallets. lots of storage for credit cards and money. these are a classic. they have been around since the '60s. they're good for your feet. the original dr. scholl's. >> they retail for $49 to $59. matt was saying, these are back? they're from the '60s and they never went away. but they are really back now. look at the updated styles. >> great. >> you have the leather, suede, fabric or patent. they adjust to your feet which is why they are good for you. $49 to $59 retail. in nine dollars. $18. up to 69% off. really fun for the summer. fun for your kids with jeans or a dress. they are really versatile. good for your feet. >> i love the different colors. >> they are fun. >> great. next we have a product bundle. it includes the cleanser, glam
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balm and glam balm wipes. tell us about the product. i understand there is a celebrity fan. >> there is a royal connection. the company tells us kate middleton is a huge fan of these products. she uses many of them. so we wanted to bring them to you this week so you can feel royal. >> or at least have a beautiful complexion. >> she does have a beautiful complexion. the cleanse, balm and balm wipes to take off makeup. retail is $158. $48 for the bundle. that's 70% off. >> fantastic. >> you get the royal treatment. >> now our big ticket item. these are gorgeous. they look like great quality cashmere sweaters by j. park. comes in two styles. you have the cute flower collar look here and the v-neck as well. >> and they are light weight. depending how you layer it throughout the year. celebrity fans are eva longoria, jessica alba, halle berry, kate hudson.
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they are sold in barney's and fred siegel. they are $295 on sale for $63. 79% off. >> they are stunning. so, again, jill martin, thank you. we'll remind viewers that the five products are the lingerie by frederick's of hollywood, a wallet by maxime couture. dr. scholl's sandal, products by rodiele and the j parks sweater. go to our website. be patient because you will get through eventually. up next, we have answers to your diet questions after this. what do you got? restrained driver... sir, can you hear me? just hold the bag. we need a portable x-ray, please! [ nurse ] i'm a nurse. i believe in the power of science and medicine.
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but i'm also human. and i believe in stacking the deck. so i've got to take care of my heart. for me cheerios is a good place to start. [ male announcer ] to keep doing what you love, take care of your heart with cheerios. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. love your heart so you can do what you love. [ female announcer ] there's a place called hidden valley where kids not only eat their vegetables, they can't get enough. ♪ hidden valley ranch, makes vegetables delectable. ♪ hidden ♪ ley ranch, ♪
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♪ introducing purina one beyond a new food for your cat or dog. introducing purina one beyond ♪ hallelujah [ baby crying, dog barking ] [ female announcer ] it doesn't have to be thanksgiving to have the perfect thanksgiving sandwich. carving board turkey -- only from oscar mayer. of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. it's the way to individually brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew, hon. [ female announcer ] choose. brew. enjoy. keurig.
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♪ jif to go goes anywhere ♪ jif to go goes here, goes there ♪ ♪ jif to go goes everywhere ♪ goes here, goes there ♪ jif to go, wherever you go ♪ goes here, goes there today we're going to surprise people with the taste of activia. that's good. wow. this is really good. great flavor! it's really creamy, it's really tasty. ooh! wow! jamie lee curtis! it's activia! it's delicious. i am shocked. it's hard to believe it's that good for you. it's so good. try the fabulous taste of activia today. taste it, love it, or it's free! and now discover activia dessert. in rich indulgent flavors like strawberry cheesecake. try activia dessert today. ♪ activia this morning on joy's diet s.o.s., answers to your daily diet dilemma. joy bauer is here to discuss
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everything from low calorie salad dressing to supplements. whitney has questions from kentucky. what's your question? >> good morning. bottled dressings are known for being so high in fat and calories. can you recommend a brand that's not so fattening, and good for you? or maybe you have a recipe for a dressing you can share. >> you're right. they are high in fat, calories and even the reduced calorie versions are packed with sodium. here's a great trick with any commercial brand. go to the store. pick up a low calorie vinaigrette. at home, dilute it with plain vinegar. add extra balsamic if it's reduced fat balsamic vinegar. shake it in a larger bottle and you will drive down the calories, fat and sodium for any brand. if you don't mind putting in a little bit of work in the kitchen here's my go-to light
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balsamic vinaigrette recipe. take half a cup of really good balsamic vinegar and mix it with three tablespoons of olive oil, quarter cup of water, table spoon of dijon mustard, a teaspoon each of honey and garlic powder. screw on the lid of a mason jar and shake it up for an unbelievable low callery balsamic vinaigrette. anyone can access that on my facebook and twitter. >> now to tina. she's on the phone from illinois. good morning. what's your question? le. >> caller: hi, joy. i'm trying to lose weight and would like to know what's more effective? should i omit carbs completely or focus on myle calorie intake and allow myself to eat carbs? >> when it comes to losing weight, tina, calories matter most. you can certainly go out of your way to incorporate high quality
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carbohydrates as long as you account for the calories. the issue is that the starchy carbs, rice, pasta, potatoes and bread are delicious, comforting and not as filling as protein. so people tend to overeat them. it's a personal choice, but the bottom line is as long as you account for the carb calories, it's the calories that matter. go ahead and enjoy them. >> and exercise. >>le absolutely. exercise helps you burn calories. >> thank you very much. our final question, we have an e-mail from a viewer from rob in eriep.a. i'm taking a statin and heard it's a good idea to take a coq 10 sup ple meant. >> in my opinion it might be worth considering. it's an antioxidant. typically your body produces enough of the antioxidant to keep yourself healthy and happy. when you're taking a statin medication, that same mechanism that has your liver produce less
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cholesterol also slows down the production of this antioxidant called coq-10. experts think that's why some people on statins get aches and pains in muscles. i say speak with your physician. if together the two of you decide that it's worth taking the supplement, i would recommend 100 to 200le milligrams in a soft gel tab every day. speak with your physician. >> absolutely. joy, thanks so much. up next, olympic gold medalist kristi yamaguchi shares workout secrets. first this is "today" on nbc. you go, girl.
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on "take it off today" kristi yamaguchi's power workout. olympic gold medalist kristi
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yamaguchi won america's hearts and now this wife and mother of two beautiful girls is sharing her secrets in a dvd called kristi yamaguchi's power workout. we look at you as the epitome of fitness. you were the dancing champ on "dancing with the stars." you're a working mom and it's hard to fit it in. >> it is. before "dancing with the stars" i took a good three years out and didn't work out at all. i didn't have time. the kids were little. now i want to find ways to stay active. >> it was a good way to stay home, be with the kids and fit it all in. >> even on weekends if the kids are home, i'm home. >> this one you need coordination. i didn't wear workout clothes but i'll play along as much as i can. >> one way to get the heart
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pumping are grapevines which a lot of people know. so grapevine. step touch. >> do we use weights with these? >> you can start without weights. you just want to get the heart going. then my training calls them the little yamaguchi with squat moves with a rotation. >> the jumping and squatting really gets the heart. it works every muscle. >> that gets the heart going for the cardio section. >> what's next? you will do that for a little bit. then you want to move to low intensity weights. >> we'll start with marching to work the biceps. a little bit of the bounce is required. -- balance. so start out slow. opposite arm like you're marching. fairly easy so a minute of this
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and you feel it. >> it's the slowness, too that can burn. >> you can pick it up and go totem po as well. >> oh, yeah! now moving on to the arms and biceps. >> this will be kind of the back of the leg, the hamstrings and shoulders. bending down. lifting to the chin and two lateral raises. >> coordination. >> watch those teeth. okay. down again, zip it up and two lateral raises. >> okay. very good. take it down a little bit more. al and ann. >> oh! >> you're always in great shape. good to see you encouraging over women to fit it into the schedule and make it a priority. >> absolutely. >> kristi yamaguchi! >> thank you.
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>> all right. >> keep it going. let's keep going. >> coming up kathie lee and hoda reveal the results of their special ambush makeover. >> that's coming up after your local news and weather.
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it is 9:56 now. good morning. i'm marla tellez. teachers, parents and students
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are on the picket lines on the east bay, protesting school cuts. richmond teachers say they're picketing to put pressure on lawmakers to extend temporary taxes to help fund education. the school district has already lost 80 teachers and more could be handed pink slips this spring. san francisco's newest police chief took his first action on the job by cutting paychecks for the top brass. greg sur is voluntarily giving back his cost of living pay increase and also cut salaries of top police officials saving the department $60,000 a year. he also eliminated the assistant chief position, renaming it as deputy chief. officials say these actions are not a result of employee performance but, instead, an obvious way to save some money. here is christina with a look at your beautiful forecast. >> good morning to you. well, we're going to see patchy fog from the first part of the day. but those clouds will clear out of here.
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it's a little bit brisk as well out there to start. you might need a jacket, especially at the coast. marina intrusion has cooled our temperatures substantially. mostly sunny conditions, downright hot tomorrow, as high pressure sets up right over the bay area. these temperature, which are forecasted in the upper 70s today, will trn over to the upper 80s as we head into tomorrow. 89 degrees. hope you have a fantastic tuesday. and good news/bad news for traffic situation. southbound 680 at montague expressway, all removed but that slowdown continues out of millpitas into san jose. we'll look at travel times. 880 jammed past the coliseum. newer accident at 29th and another one removed at 98th and one at park, blocking your slow lane. that will be an issue up to the toll plaza. all but 880 looking pretty good right now. back to you.
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we'll be back at 10:26 with our final news and weather update of the morning.
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television hello, everybody. so glad you're with us today. 's tuesday, booze day, may 3rd. our hoda is still under the weather. poor, baby. >> i am still under. everybody has their home remedies. i did one of those tweets and asked people what works for them. i have the throat and thing everybody has. i like some of these. this one involves a pair of
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socks and some vick's vapor rub. >> i'm ready. stick them up here. >> i'll put them down here. >> she has the prettiest feet. ooh, a little clammy. >> put vick's vapor rub. oh, that does feel good. >> who loves you baby? >> put a sock on it. >> what is the thinking behind this? i've got to do -- ooh, i put it in my hair. this is my mother's solution. she would slather vick's vapor rub all over us. do the other one. >> i don't even care about the show. that was from cindy claire. thank you, cindy. that feels so good. i'm so happy. >> i'm having weird thoughts. >> apparently the vick's vapor rub on the bottom of your feet
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does something like reflexology and goes all the way where it needs to go. >> look at that sock. look how i take care of you. it's neti pot i tried to get you to do. my daughter does it a couple of times a day. she swears by it. especially during the pollen season. >> that is nasty. >> jer, can i have -- thank you. please. thank you. >> one of our viewers said to chew on a clove of garlic and just eat it. that's what you're supposed to do and it cures you. another guy said i should have a glass of red wine. two a day for five days. >> why stop at two? >> and the hot toddy. >> frank makes the greatest. >> oh, my god. that is good. that is really good. >> thank you, everybody. what we are excited about is hoda's sister is here today and sara's sister is here today. feel better for your sister hala.
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>> there is hala and me. she flew in for an ambush makeover. not just for that. she came in for vacation. right now -- she loves her hair. she didn't get my hair. she got my dad's hair which is the vick great hair. anyway, she is going to -- we are going to see what she looks like after. >> is she excited about it? >> yes. we'll see what happens. >> and sara, your sister sathy is nervous. >> in one is a camera person but me clearly. the middle child system. >> she is adorable. >> she is darling. your brother joe is here to look on? and your mom. my sister mish couldn't make it. >> if you want to snuggle up on the couch tonight in your socks and vick's vapor rub, watch "the voice." >> i am so excited to see it tonight. >> this is the one where the
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judges have their chairs turned back. coaches are christina aguilera, ceelo green. >> we are going to start our own thing around here. we'll have our own competition for "the voice." >> we are. >> we are excited about this. we'll start off by you going to our website. let us know how you feel about the contestants. we'll invite some of you to come to our show. we'll have our backs turned to you in the big chairs. >> now we have another contest. contests are us. kentucky derby is this coming weekend. >> you have all the hats. >> i don't know. i wear a lot of hats. if you want to enter our kentucky derby hat contest, you have a few more hours. here are some of the entries. that is a horse's ass. i believe it is. or it's pin the tail on the donkey gone awry. >> that is a good one.
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>> contest ends today 4:00 p.m. eastern time. these are amazing. >> look at that one. i love it. >> they are going to receive two tickets to the derby. >> he has a calling. >> he is my personal favorite. four days, three nights in louisville, which is a beautiful city. i take it back, that's my favorite. round trip airfare for two. wow. >> cool. get in your hats in. >> i was hoping today in the paper there would be some physical evidence we could see of the demise of osama bin laden. not yet. do you think they are going to? >> i think they are worried -- they say they have it and it might inflame. people want proof. >> they could photo shop out the part blown away, you know? above his left -- there will be a part of him that is recognizable. we don't need to see the gory details. if they show the burial into the
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sea, that could be anything. >> and there are going to be skeptics all around. there is an interesting picture in the paper today. headline here shows the top brass watching this thing. you can see hillary clinton covering her mouth. everybody watching intently. that must have been a grueling 40 minutes. >> when the one helicopter went down, they were like, oh, my god. they were all at such peril. it was a very gutsy call by our president. he is getting rave reviews from both sides of the aisle. >> bipartisan. jay leno had a little fun. >> i guess he was quite giddy. >> mr. obama has a new campaign slogan, "yes, i did!" you can see he was giddy. >> and may god bless the united states of america. >> watch what he does here.
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>> that was genius. >> that's the way you do it. >> a lot of our friends in the south suffering from the tornados haven't been getting tons of attention because of all these news stories. facebook is reuniting people with some of their old photos and family heirlooms. say you had a picture that blew 300 miles into some of these yards. people are taking photos and posting them on facebook so you can get reconnected with photos and mementos. there was an ultrasound picture. >> a woman found an ultrasound picture. apparently she had been adopted herself. she was so moved finding somebody else's record of their birth and formation. something she didn't have that she started to do it and put it on facebook so people could connect. i guess 50,000 people have
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become fans of her page. she do send our love and prayers to all the folks. they can't watch television right now. many of them lost their lives -- their livelihoods, their homes, their possessions, but there are so many great organizations, too. salvation army does an unbelievable job down there. so does, you know the one. >> red cross. real quick. i want to give a shout out. i went to an event the other day it's the alzheimer's drug association foundation. >> you've got to start saying no. this week, no. >> there is jen miller. >> she looks good. >> this was at sotheby's. this works solely on discovering a drug for alzheimer's. often there are things, money that goes to administrative cost. it was a fun night. >> jennifer, i'm quite jealous
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of her. >> you have a lot of fans. one is donny deutsch. he was upset when he heard what happened to your shoes. >> all right. if one more person stops me on the street and has been asking for valentino shoes and she is asking you. i couldn't find them. >> what? >> i couldn't find them. >> i can fall in love with something else. >> i did a guy's perspective of what you probably would like. these aren't the valentinos, but maybe -- what do we think? i've got a pair for you also. >> this would do it for you? >> frank and i have been talking online. this is what he said. jay told me to get a pair of these also. truth be told, i did find the valentinos. those are just jokes. >> oh, my gosh! donny deutsch, you sweetheart.
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>> yes. >> i think it was the right foot though. a whole new pair? bambino, all is forgiven. donny, i love you. >> for all men watching at home, women love shoes. you don't need jewelry. >> women who love men who pay attention. thank you so much. sorry i smell like vick's. thank you, sweetie. you are the dearest. by the way, we have a big surprise for everybody on friday, right? >> yes, we are. >> we have another little announcement on friday. >> you said -- don't tease. can i take these home with me? not for me to wear, just in case. >> we are going to miss sara haines. >> you're sweet. you're the best. >> it's that time you guys all wait for. our winner this week is kristen
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vitunic. she is from pittsburgh. favorite part of the show is "today's talk" especially on thursday. as way of saying thank you and early happy mother's day, we are sending you on a gorgeous get away to clearwater beach, florida. you'll stay at the sandpearl resort. we are also giving you -- show what's behind curtain number two. multifunctional two-seated stroller for a wide range of outdoor activities. hotel and airfare furnished by sandpearl resort. >> it is a beautiful beach. thanks so much. all righty. >> it's i time for my sister and sara's sister. >> not like ambushing the ones you love. hoda and sara treat their sisters to a makeover. ove h.hoe and donny deutsch. hey!
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you want that? you want a warm, super-delicious strawberry toaster strudel
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yeah but now i have nothing to eat sure you do. hey! you can have the pop tart! pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat pillsbury toaster strudel. these ladies have been exercising, watching their diets and enjoying activia light. well? i'm managing my weight really well, and i've never felt so light. at 70 calories, delicious activia light helps you be light and feel light too. ♪ activia we're all out of toilet paper. can you toss me a roll? too rough. we're out of toilet paper. can you toss me a roll? too soft. can you toss me a roll? that's better. angel soft. an ideal balance of softness and strength.
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time for a very special sister edition of plaza ambush makeovers. >> hopefully they'll love us when it's over. today contribute why are and stylist to the stars luis lacari. and jill martin.
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>> this was so nice for us to be able to do. >> was it tougher because they're our sisters and you knew we would be sitting here? >> i think we both gave ourselves a lot of pressure. >> of course. >> they both wanted this. >> sort of. wanted it but with restrictions. small change. >> i didn't see the piece. >> first one is, of course, where is myit? ha hala kotb who is hoda's sister. >> my sister hala has always taken care of me. i did anything she asked. when we were kids and it was snowing she would point up the hill and i would pull her up the hill and she would point down and i would push her down the hill. that describes her in a nutshell. ballsy. that's how i describe her.
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she worked her whole life. she tries to take care of everyone. i always thought, you know what? hala only has one problem. she doesn't look out for herself. i thought this would be perfect. hala was always right next to me. when i got sick with breast cancer, hala came and lived with me. there is one thing i remember where i had to go into an mri machine. i was so squared to go into the machine. hala took a chair and put it right next to the mri machine and sat there. there is a time in your life when you want to clean slate it like, here i go. hala lost a lot of weight recently. she feels differently. i just hope this whole thing is going to be a lot of fun for her. >> is it time to put on the blind fold? >> don't take it off until i tell you so. let's look at hala before and bring out the beautiful hala
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kotb. oh, my gosh, hala. >> can i look? >> yes, you may. >> hala, you look awesome. >> take a look at yourself. >> let me turn. oh, my gosh. >> she does have great hair. >> do you like? >> wow. thank you. >> the highlights look great. >> tell us what you did. >> hala wanted color, but she was frightened of color. if you notice i gave her those highlights. they are basically on the edges of the hair. this is ombre color. i accented the hair with this great haircut and accented the lips. >> i love the dress. >> no pressure from hoda. she wants this, she wants that. how about this? it worked out when we went
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shopping. she was three sizes off from where she is now. >> how much did you lose? >> close to 40. >> good for you. >> and her jewelry from jennifer miller to help her sparkle like you do. >> all right. >> terrific, hala. >> hold on. next up is sara haines' sister kathie. let's listen to her story. >> my sister kathie deserves an ambush makeover because she is constantly living her life doing for other people and never gives back to herself. kathie is the oldest of the four of us kids. she is mother to my beautiful and adorable nephew austin and nice abigail. she, since birth, has lived for
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those kids. she also has to wear every hat in the household because she is a single mom. everything that would normally be shared by two is on her shoulders. at the end of the day, the stuff that falls by the wayside is anything that has to do with making kathy feel good. she is so deserving. she has a beautiful heart. she sings offtune in the car, but it's adorable. she is everything and she does it so well and it's effortless, but she just doesn't see that herself. i want to see her just once look in the mirror and see what the world sees. >> oh, my god. we can't wait. sara and her mom have their blind folds on. here is kathy's before picture. >> you were hot before. >> all right. >> ready? take off your blind folds, ladies. >> oh, kathy! your hair looks so great.
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>> i love it. >> you look so great. gorgeous. >> again. we've given her subtle layers throughout and styled it differently. offersly a beautiful woman. this is pretty made prettier made beautiful. what i did, her hair color was brassy. i made it more subtle. >> kleenex. >> i am so excited. >> you look gorgeous. >> the whole family is sobbing. >> now you know where i get it from. >> we get it. >> sorry. >> jill, the outfit is hot. >> did i ruin my make-up? >> calvin klein. look at her beautiful waistline. we added this belt from talbot. looks fabulous.
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these shirt dresses are so in for spring and summer and jennifer miller jewelry. >> you all did beautiful. >> why former gray's anatomy star might get you digging up your roots. you can turn ordinary chicken into luscious, delicious, and scrumptious. with recipes from, and campbell's cream of chicken soup. campbell's.® it's amazing
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what soup can do.™ by giving me huge discounts on rooms hotels can't always fill. with unpublished rates. which means i get an even more rockin' hotel, for less. where you book matters.
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expedia. individualize with the covergirl exact eyelights collection. green eyes -- here's the look for you. blues, hazels, and browns have their look too. individualeyes! with exact eyelights from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. that was quite the deal with
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the sisters. >> we've got to learn to keep kleenex available at all times. we forget it's a highly emotional experience for everybody. what did you think? >> hala was nervous going in. you know why? her hair is her thing. everyone has their thing. to get the highlights. when you see them walking in i know hala was in knots. to have lost all that weight and step out like that. >> the thing is, luis and jill are so respectful. they are not going to do something you don't want done. they are going to take what you have and enhanes. >> mika brzezinski will be with us. >> isaiah washington found out something interesting. s are always loaded with toppings and cheese. and now, for a limited time, any large lover's pizza is just $10.99. dive into a meat lover's pizza -- loaded with pepperoni, ham, beef, bacon and sausage. a pepperoni lover's with two layers of pepperoni in every bite.
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a veggie lover's -- packed with all your favorite veggies. or try the new ultimate cheese lover's with creamy alfredo sauce and three cheeses. any large lover's is only $10.99 for for a limited time, and only at your pizza hut. is only $10.99 for for a limited time, what makes hershey's s'mores special? hershey's chocolate goodness, that brings people together. hershey's makes it a s'more. you make it special. pure hershey's.
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good morning. it's 10:26. i'm marla tellez. being promised the college experience if they graduate. san francisco state university partnered on this program known as sf promise, if middle school stude students immediate academic goals and then, of course, graduate. sf state is slashing $32 million from its budget, there will always be room for more students. the first graduating class to be guaranteed a spot at sf state is the class of 2015.
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this morning, a bay area city is being hailed as the number one destination spot. u.s. news & world report hails san francisco as the west best summer vacation spot. number two is the greek island of mekonos. and san francisco also theoo th number one spot followed by washington, d.c.
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good tuesday morning to you. high pressure clears our skies later on today. we'll be left with mostly sunny conditions. it should be a fairly nice day with temperatures climbing into the upper 70s in places like santa rosa. 73 in san rafael and redwood city. high pressure sets up right on top of us tomorrow. for us, that means we'll reach 89 degrees. some 90s will pop up across the board tomorrow in the bay area. 84 by thursday. slightly cooler for mother's day weekend. looking for those 90s tomorrow. settling for 50s maybe, northbound 880 out of san leandro. slowdown because of an accident at park and another one at 29th. live look at the coliseum shot approaching 98, new accident just behind the building where this camera is. that's why all the jam-up. use 580 westbound as your alternate. even better at the toll plaza further north. with hardly any backup. meter lights are still on,
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though. marla, i guess it's an issue of perspective. south of here, it's worse but at the toll plaza it's better because of of those accidents. thank you for being with us this morning. the "today" show continues next. we are back on this booze day tuesday with more of "today." you're probably a "grey's anatomy" fan and remember isaiah washington. >> isaiah has gone from actor to author. he writes all about it in a memoir called "a man from another land." >> got off the plane yesterday and still have south african dust off my boots. >> how did you come up with that title? >> it was given to me by my tribal mother. >> you went there looking to
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find out what part of africa you originated from. >> which tribe basically? >> i did a dna test in 2005 and realized i was from sierra leone. after eight months of research, i decided what to do with this information? i put a delegation together to see what would be needed on the ground of sierra leone. was i was being inducted as a chief, she said you're a man from another land. >> interesting. >> how did you make you feel? >> terrified. >> it sounds like an awesome responsibility. >> representing 6,000 villagers now. i was thinking i would get in and have the african experience and come back and donate basketballs and build some things. now the folklore states i will be a man from another land that
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will help bring this country back to its original state which was called the athens of africa. that's been my journey the last four years. >> in this book, fans from the show will know you from your work on tv. what will they learn they don't already know? >> me. they'll get the real isaiah washington. that starts in 1972 at the age of 9 talking about a dream that i call a rerun in the book. it seems every time i would step away from the path of my destiny which has been today, something catastrophic happens. >> such as? >> when i thought i would be a football player, my coach had a scandal in texas where i didn't get the letter of interest to go to the school i was supposed to go to. i joined the air force. in the air force i ended up working in part of a company. that didn't work out after the space shuttle blew up. i watched the film "she's got to have it." i said that's what i want to do, what spike lee is doing. i said ten years we would be working together.
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by that tenth year i made four films with him in new york. >> can you see bridging the two worlds? >> absolutely. you want to do this work you're destined to do. >> i'm doing a film called "the ambassador's daughter." he is a nigerian actor. most of the films you see me doing will be branding with other countries. >> we wish you luck with your book and career. >> you're on your way back to your beautiful family. thank you for coming. >> swimwear for real women. don't know what to give her this mother's day? how about a smile? at, we can design an arrangement that is sure to delight. [ doorbell ] 1-800-flowers. ohh! take our "tote-ally" original, "tote-ally" mom bouquet, a stylish gift that fits her perfectly.
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this mother's day, don't settle for the ordinary. send a creation that's truly her. call, click or come in, and let us arrange a smile for you this mother's day, starting at $29.99. whoooo, let's do this! what's with the milk? digiorno comes with tollhouse cookies now! we got milk! awesomeeeee! [ male announcer ] new digiorno pizza and nestlé tollhouse cookies. it's not delivery, it's digiorno pizza and cookies. you have a child with adhd. you're getting calls from his teacher he's impulsive in class. and his inattention makes focusing on homework tough. i know how it is because my son has adhd too. i didn't know all i could do to help manage his adhd.
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our doctor suggested a treatment plan with non-stimulant intuniv. [ male announcer ] once daily non-stimulant intuniv has been shown to reduce adhd symptoms. don't take if allergic to intuniv or are taking guanfacine. intuniv may cause serious side effects, such as low blood pressure, low heart rate, fainting, and sleepiness. intuniv may affect the ability to drive or use machinery. other side effects include nausea, tiredness, trouble sleeping, stomach pain and dizziness. tell the doctor about your child's medicines and medical conditions, including heart, liver or kidney problems. i'm a mom first and a teacher second. so i did my homework and got informed. [ male announcer ] ask the doctor about once daily non-stimulant intuniv. creme body wash with nutrium moisture. after 1 week we took their close-ups. when they saw how much more beautiful their skin looked they had only one question... new dove visible care creme body wash.
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of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. it's the way to individually brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew, hon. [ female announcer ] choose. brew. enjoy. keurig.
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we are back on this booze day tuesday with the sobering subject swimwear. the most dreaded category of clothing to shop for. >> if you wear yourself a size 2
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squeezing into a teeny bikini may be no issue. for the rest of us, it's a whole other story. >> hello. >> we are talking about moms, moms-to-be. >> women who experienced that emotion and not disfiguring, but their bodies have morphed a tad. >> exactly. just like jewelry has the three cs. swimwear, we need compression, contrast and calite. they are all real moms and one pregnant woman. you don't have to be a size 2 to look glamorous. i'll show you how to look longer, leaner and glamorize. >> eight months pregnant in a bathing suit. >> she looks fantastic. >> she is wearing an ingrid and
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isabella bathing suit hot off the presses. her concern is not looking like a beached whale. >> you look good. >> what i gave her is jewelry to give her a focal point and add attention to her ample decolettage. >> grace, come on out. grace is trying to lose her baby fat. >> grace had a baby seven months. >> does she have spanx on under there? >> no. great bracelets to give her a pop of color. you have to get out of the dumps by adding a heel. sunglasses from target. little cover-up is key, as we know. cover-up is key. it covers her thighs and gives
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her more confidence. >> looks like she lost it to me. >> davina is worried about her subject. >> she almost killed me. she had a baby three months ago. she is wearing spanx. they have taken their technology and funneled it into swimwear with maximum compression. she is channelling old hollywood. put your glasses on from k-mart. look at that. >> cute. >> the bag is calypso. she is covered up to feel confident but sexy. >> thank you. >> karen is concerned about stretch marks on her belly. >> oh, yes. she is 40. she's got an 11-year-old and she is hot to trot. look at that. i have her in hot pink. she demands hot colors. she is wearing a target bikini
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and wearing a scarf. add a brooch. she's big look-at-me fabulous coin earrings. you look hot. >> thank you. >> last up we have maria. >> nobody solves a problem like miraclesuit for maria. a little bit expensive, yes. i'll tell you why. they've got an extra type of lycra in there that not only compresses everything. her brownie butt. >> what are you talking about? >> she had one, that was her concern. she's got a little cover-up by calypso for target. a hat with spf in it. >> come out, everybody. thank you so much. most women do not appreciate
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their own work. mika brzezinski is going to make sure you're not one of them. she's written her second book. ♪ [ lane ] here's the trouble with most anti-wrinkle creams. the cream disappears but your wrinkles don't. ♪ introducing neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it has the fastest retinol formula available. in fact, it's clinically proven to smooth wrinkles in just one week. so all you have to do is sit back and watch your wrinkles go away. air. from neutrogena®. air. you can turn ordinary chicken into luscious, delicious, and scrumptious.
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with recipes from, and campbell's cream of chicken soup. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™ from body and bath shops? with olay get what you love at half the price with new olay body collections, tantalizing fragrances and olay moisturizing ingredients that transform lathering into lavishing. olay body collections. these ladies have been exercising, watching their diets and enjoying activia light. well? i'm managing my weight really well, and i've never felt so light. at 70 calories, delicious activia light helps you be light and feel light too. ♪ activia
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twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles compared to what a cancer patient goes through is a walk in the park. from the moment i registered, people started immediately supporting me. i walk with my sister. our relationship has gone to a whole new level because of training together. you meet the most wonderful, inspiring people. when you accomplish those 60 miles, it's truly life-changing. (man) register today for the... because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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we are back with today's woman. she is. mika brzezinski is co-host of msnbc news program "morning joe." what you may not know is the long and challenging path to get there. >> now with her second book "know your value, women, money and getting what you're worth." mika aims to teach you your own worth. it's a common problem, isn't it? >> i think it is for women. this book is not about men victimizing us. it's about us being able to understand our value, perceive it then communicate it. >> sometimes it's hard for
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women. raise your hand. >> we think people are going to notice us. they'll say, mika, you're a hard worker. you have to step up and say, look at me. >> you have to step up, find your own way to do it. i tried a couple of different ways in terms of getting a raise this time around. >> how did you do it? >> i tell you. it started badly. the reason i wrote this book because when our show officially started, joe was making 14 times more than me. it's a little weird to talk about money, isn't it? >> you get up at the same time, you sit there together. >> i don't know if i was worth exactly what he -- we came from very different. i came from no job, he came from primetime. it was how wide the disparity was that bothered me. and it was me that put myself in that situation. i signed a contract no wasn't what i was worth. >> did you know at the time what he was making? >> we talked about it. we talked about it and i had done my research. that is one of my pieces of
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advice. >> he offered to help you out which i found interesting. >> at one point i was going to leave. i finally realized it looked too good on the outside and it wasn't good on the inside. i have two girls to go home to and it didn't feel right. i decided i would leave. he actually thought this is a business transaction that was not worth passing up on. he gets ratings bonuses and negotiated them, smartly, in his contract and had them diverted to me. that was horrifying to me. >> that's not the way you want to be paid. >> there were so many things wrong with that. let me have my vodka martini. >> we brought your favorite drink. >> i need it right now. >> ultimately, just inspired me to go and tell management i'm leaving. and that you, management at nbc, have become by virtue how i allowed it to happen, bad boyfriend. i can't let this go on.
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we worked it out. actually, i handled to the president of msnbc phil griffin, i wrote this book. he changed two words in the entire book. >> this book is not only filled with your own advice but advice from other people. >> we've all been through it. >> tina brown, aarona huffington, donny deutsch, donald trump. >> i'm a big donny deutsch fan. >> sheila baird. we all have common stories. they have people approach them for raises. all had parallels in the way women ask for raises as oppose to men. women apologize. women want to be liked in the room. i don't worry about being liked any more. i know what i bring to the table. >> that maturity is a wonderful place to get to. >> that's hard for women. we want to be liked almost as much as we want to be valued. i think you've come a long way, baby. there are a lot of women who struggle and miscross those
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wires in their head when are at the negotiating table. >> has a lot of good advice in it. if you settle for what you got, you deserve what you get. >> i think we smell another bestseller. >> thank you. up next, the truth about frozen foods and what you should never think about storing in your freezer.
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>> can you really tell when your food is made with fresh ingredients versus frozen? we're going to taste test and find out. >> maureen is from the mother and here to unlock good news about frozen foods. we're wondering is it better to buy frozen as opposed to fresh or does it matter? >> vitamin wise no, you are like all of the moms on the mother board. what's great because the mother board is a combination we have over a million moms who weighed
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in. everything here from lots of moms that these are the ones that we think you won't be able to tell the difference. >> it's a contest. >> hoda has a cold. >> i can't taste. >> what she thinks from looking that's the fresh. because with peas are a little darker. >> we want to taste. >> okay. >> i can't taste anything. >> the thing that's great with frozen veggies you can buy organic. i'll be surprised if you can tell the difference between this. all of the items are products that we think are great coming from the freezer. frozen veggies are a quick shortcut for meals. >> hoda is right. >> this one is fresh. >> okay. you're wrong. this is the fresh. and this is the frozen. these are a little plumper but you can see even in color and by look you can't tell the difference. they are frozen are sweeter. what happens with frozen foods when they are frozen at their peak they maintain that peak. so they are almost fresher. >> peas peaked. >> now pizza. >> this is a frozen versus a
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fresh dough. bread products from the freezer. you can have warm crusty rolls at home. you don't have to go to the bakery. >> i can't care because i haven't had pizza in so long. >> a little bit of parmesan on the crust. can you tell? >> fresh. >> she is weighing in on fresh. kathy? >> the same. >> that's great. this one is our fresh. and the only reason it's different it's plumped up. the fresh yeast has given it fuller. you can't tell the difference, go for the frozen. save. we've got -- this is an entree. you can have a quick family night dinner. this is angel hair pasta, shrimp and marinated fetea cheese. >> it's just the pasta. >> the shrimp. >> is it cooked? >> yes. >> i hope so. >> a little nervous.
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where did you pull this from? okay. >> these are fully cooked. they are purchased fully cooked. one was cooked from a fish purveyor and the other from the food section. >> the great thing about fish is when you buy something from the freezer they pull this right from the ocean, they freeze it immediately. >> tell us. >> this is the fresh. >> that's what i said. >> no. you said this one. >> my gosh. hoda, we could rerack the tape. >> we ran out of time to do the full monty. one of our guys from southern living, norman king is here. >> how are you. i'm doing well. >> here you go, baby. >> a big bite. >> all around. >> they are in our state julep cups. >> beautiful. it's going to air live saturday
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on versus. starting at 11:00 a.m. eastern time. continues at 4:00 here on nbc. we're so sorry we ran out of time. we got to have a drink together. >> tomorrow shania twain.
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