tv Today NBC May 5, 2011 7:00am-11:00am PDT
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good morning. image problem. president obama's decision not to release graphic photos of osama bin laden's body draws mixed reaction on capitol hill and around the world as the government's account of what happened during the raid changes yet again. this morning ann curry is in pakistan with new details on what bin ladin's daughter is apparently telling the authorities this morning may 5, 2011. captions paid for by nbc-universal television
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and welcome to "today" on this thursday morning. i'm meredith vieira. >> and i'm matt lauer. you're taking a live look at ground zero in new york city. a little later today president obama will honor the nearly 3,000 victims who died there on 9/11/2001. >> he'll meet with victims' families as one way of marking the death of osama bin laden. >> the president can also expect to face some questions about the choice not to release photos of bin laden's body. straight ahead we'll hear from the president on the reasoning and also on some who think it was the wrong decision. >> we're going to begin with new developments in pakistan. ann curry is there. ann, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you, meredith. pakistan is on the defensive. the front page headlines of o all four english-speaking
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newspapers quoting the whole world is to plame for not finding osama bin laden sooner. amid the images emerging from inside osama bin laden's hideout, a yemeni passport apparently belonging to bin laden's fifth and youngest wife now in custody along with at least one other woman and six children and claims about what they're telling authorities have begun circulating, challenging the u.s. version of events. a senior pakistani official told nbc news that osama's daughter witnessed the shooting and say he was capture and held before he was killed which a source says is, quote, completely wrong. >> working together with the cia. >> reporter: in paris pakistan's prime minister insists the failure to find osama bin laden sooner was not pakistan's fault alone. he said instead of the blame game we need positive messaging.
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but the national security adviser told nbc news pakistan's intelligence was, quote, caught with its pants down. >> u.s. forces came in, raided the place, took him out. >> how could pakistan not find someone right in front of them the? >> i think you hit the nail on the head. right in front of them. he was in a location where i think our intelligence least expe expected. >> reporter: do you expect the world to believe that the intelligence services, the security services of pakistan are so incompetent that they did not know that osama bin laden was living 35 miles from islamabad? this is a small town. they can make slips. they did make a slip. >> reporter: pakistani security has also questioned the compound's builder. in spite of all the evidence,
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people here don't believe osama bin laden was ever inside this compound. he also says he respects president obama's decision not to release osama bin laden's body calling it a mistake that the u.s. and pakistan, the world needs to know that osama bin laden really is dead. otherwise, he said, a myth will be created. matt, pack to you. >> ann curry, thank you very much. what are they saying on capitol hill about the president's decision not to release the photo? samantha guthrie has more. >> reporter: some leading senators say the world did need more definitive proof. as for the president's reaction when he first saw the photos of osama bin laden, quote, it was him. as he prepares to visit ground zero today for the first time as
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president, mr. obama on cbs "60 minutes" explained his decision not to release the photos of osama bin laden's body, pictures sources describe as bloody and gruesome. >> it is important for us to make sure that very graphic photos of somebody who was shot in the head are not floating around as an incitement to additional violence. >> reporter: he says dna evidence, facial evidence including wife at the compound are more than sufficient to establish that bin laden was killed. >> there is no doubt that we killed osama bin laden. >> reporter: on capitol hill reactions were mixed across party lines. some leading senators sided with the president. >> my initial opinion is it's not necessary to do so. i think there's ample proof that
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this was osama bin laden. >> reporter: others say the president should have released the photos. >> the reason you wanted to go in on the ground was to prove to the world you got bin laden, and a picture is worth a thousand words. >> reporter: sarah palin fired off on twitter, quote, show photo as warning to others seeking america's destruction. new pussy-footing around, no politicking, no drama. it's part of the mission. they debated whether releasing the photos would evoke an iconic image that would invite more violence others say it needed to prove to the world that bin laden was dead. some say a segment of the arab world o will continue to be accident call. >> it's demonstrated to the world and the world of the american president is not enough as a proof in and of itself. >> reporter: the administration is also facing questions on whether killing bin laden was
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legally justified since he was unarmed. >> if he had surrendered or attempted to surrender, i think we obviously should have accepted that but there was no indication he wanted to do that, therefore his killing was appropriate. >> reporter: one senior u.s. official tells me bin laden had two weapons within reach in the room at the time he was shot by the commando and frustrated by the second-guessing they say they weren't raiding the girl scout troop looking for overdue library books. they were on a kill mission for osama bin laden. >> so what actually happening during the raid on the official compound? the story keeps evolving. jim has the latest. good morning to you, mick. >> reporter: it in no way diminishes the courage of the navy s.e.a.l.s. but despite the earlier, it
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turns out there was no fire fight and it was the s.e.a.l.s themselves that did most of the shooting. as the first s.e.a.l. came broke in, they came under fire in the small guesthouse. the americans shot back, killing bin laden's curier and the courier's wife caught. they could see a man with his hand behind his back. fearing he was hiding a weapon, they shot and killed him who as it turned out was unarmed. as the commandos cautiously moved through the house they found several weapons and barricades to slow down any invaders. way upstairses they ran into his 19-year-old son who was shot and killed. he, too, was unarmed. once on the third floor the s.e.a.l.s barged into his bedroom. the wife charged at the americans and was immediately shot in the leg. without hesitation one of the
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s.e.a.l.s turned on osama bin laden. fired two shots, one to the chest, one to the head. although there were weapons in the room, bin laden was also unarmed. instead of a chaotic fire fight, they describe the assault as a precision-clearing operation. in fact, most of the 40 minutes inside the compound was spent gathering up intelligence, computers, hard drives and files that could provide valuable information and al qaeda members and operations. as they left the compound with bin laden's body, they blew up one of the helicopters revealing one of the u.s. military's most closely guarded secrets. the remains of what appears to be a stealth helicopter, a modified version of a black hawk that reduces rotor noise and makes it difficult to detect by radar. pentagon officials refuse to comment. even as those s.e.a.l.s were firing their weapons, they were
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carefully gathering up women and children to protect them from any harm and it's important to point out here this morning that these reports of what happened in the buildings are coming from the s.e.a.l.s themselves, and they more than anyone want to make sure that the story is told correctly. matt? >> all right. jim miklaszewski at the pentagon. thank you very much. michael, good morning. >> good morning, matt. >> this story keeps evolving. some would say it keeps changing. is this a fog of war or is this something else we're getting a glimpse into? >> i think it's close to what may have happened. it may evolve over the weeks ahead but i think now that we've got the teams back and they've been debriefed, we've got the team's story. >> this was a number one terror suspect in the world. this was a mastermind against so many americans.
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was this only a kill mission or did u.s. intelligence want at least a little time with osama bin laden to try to find out if he knew anything or was planning any current ploots? >> i think a nighttime raid where these guys are coming in all charged up for a fire fight initially even the third floor, i don't think they're going to take a chance to try to capture him and do a debriefing. >> as we're hearing reports coming from a 12-year-old daughter that i have not confirmed personally but that he was captured before he was killed, you don't think there was any attempt at intear gagt osama bin laden? >> no, i don't think so. i don't think that story is credible, matt. >> let's talk about the helicopter. we're seeing the tail and midsection of a modified helicopter. >> we're talking with the military and the cia teams. what we haven't talked about are the brave aviators. they have very special aircraft modified blackhawks as was said.
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they have tremendous technologies to try to keep these aircraft quiet as they infiltrate into the target area. >> bin laden was captured, 500 euros, telephone number inside his clothing. it looked like he was preparing to make a quick exit it. over 100 phone hard drives and five cell phones. >> matt, this is huge. when i was working in the government in 2003, we made a similar capture of a major al qaeda operative, in 2003 i kasay the material pick up helped for years. this is a treasure trove. it's going to promote tremendous activity. >> i'm trying to thing a couple of months down the road when an audio tape surfaces reportedly from osama bin laden and
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reference is made to this raid in pakistan and someone pretending to be osama bin laden saying i am still alive. even if our intelligence services come out and say we thing it's a fake, aren't there conspiracy theorists to be important? >> they're already out there. i don't think a photo being released is going to change that if the least. >> and lastly, michael, seeing that we have seen so many supposedly secret documents leaked over the last year or so, i'm thinking about wikileaks here, is it likely this photo is going to make it out anyway? >> maybe not, matt. the wikileaks did not leak cia documents or classified documents. thee were state documents. i think these are in tight come apartmentments. the chances of them leaking are far less than normal.
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>> sonly so many people have sen it so if they're leaked -- >> i think the chance of a leak in this case are much smaller. eventually i think we'll see these photos. >> michael, always good to talk to you. thank you very much. it's 7:13. let's get a check on the rest of the stories. an is in pakistan. natalie's at the desk. good morning to you. >> good morning to you. a lot more to talk about including ongoing concernser flooding. the mississippi river is flooding to what could become its highest levels in nearly a centu century. ron mott is there where residents are preparing for the worst. ron, good morning. >> good morning. they say the mississippi should crest next wednesday. while they may not set a record, it will be the highest water level seen here in nearly 75 years. call it a shovel-ready project the mississippi river onto
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downtown streets and into homes and businesses. >> if these sandbags save something i'm going to feel awesome about being here. >> reporter: upstream, major flooding, prompting evacuations. the rescue of a 93-year-old driver and the army corps of engineers to blow up levees to minimize flooding in populated areas. >> our job now is to get this water down to the gulf of mexico. more than 130,000 acres of missouri farmland were intentionally flooded. farmers are furious and fear huge financial losses. >> i guess they got the last nerves i had left. >> a corps official defending the decision saying public safety is the number one concern. the flood zone is anticipated to your top banks among much of the river's length from minnesota to the mouth of the gulf of mexico with 11 locations in six states recording new record crests. >> do you have flood insurance? >> no, with do not have flood insurance. >> reporter: it's moving day for jean, with water close to entering her cottage downtown.
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>> we have a beautiful spot. we are going to be leaving. we are going to be flooded. >> reporter: later today the army corps of engineers is expected to detonate the third and final opening of the levee and they prepare to make use of the floodgates downstream to keep water from as many people as possible. >> our thoughts are with those people fighting that. thank you. one of the most direct calls for libyan regime change as secretary of state hillary clinton urges gadhafi's ouster. richard has more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. if there was any doubt about what the real mission is here in libya, well, there should be no doubt sending more, the secretary of state calling for gadhafi to leave power, regime change in order to protect the civilians. there are questions, however, about the level of commitment, the level that the united states is willing to do to actually engage in this regime change. the government here in benghazi,
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the opposition government is asking for $3 billion in international support in order to help it get on its feet. no signs that the united states or anyone else is willing to pay anything near that amount. also, condemnations from secretary clinton about serious crackdown on human rights activists on pro-democracy supporters, a crackdown that has killed, according to witnesses and activists, about 500 people over the last six weeks. this morning witnesses said that some syrian tanks that had been entering the city were leaving the city, but there are also reports of mass arrests ahead of friday prayers tomorrow, natalie. >> i wanted to ask you as well. what is the reaction to libya on the administration's decision not to release photos of bin laden's body? >> reporter: here in libya, online, across the muslim world there is a degree of skepticism
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in part because the united states has released images like this in the past. if you remember when saddam hussein's sons were killed in iraq, the images were quite gruesome, but they were released so people knew they were actually killed. when there was another similar commando raid that killed zarqawi, the u.s. military blew up a picture of his body, poster size, and presented it to journalists in baghdad. some people are asking if the united states did this in the past, why is it not doing it again. >> all right. very interesting point there. richard engel for us. thank you, richard. workers have entered the reactor unit at the damaged fukushima plant for if first time since the march 11 earthquake and tsunami. workers are installing ventilation machines to help with airborne radiation.
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>> some $2.6 billion may soon be returned to victims in bernie madoff's ponzi scheme. they sought approval to begin distributing the first $272 million payout. and take a look at this video. it's unbelievable. miracle landing after a wild ride near moscow. a jet swaying out of control. lurched across the sky en route to a repair facility and while aviation officials have already launched an investigation into the incident, the cool-headed pilots are being praised for making a safe landing, no one was injured. that plane had not been in use for ten years. should have kept that one in the shed. >> gee, that is scary to look at. >> very scary. they must have been a little nauseous after that flight. >> i need a glass of vodka. oh, my gosh. but they landed it, which is amazing. >> yeah. well, mr. roker, it was cold yesterday.
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it's chilly again. >> it will eventually warm up -- asometiround july. no horrible weather to talk me about. things relatively quiet. a pesky low pressure system up in northern new england. that's going to drop rain there. we have storms in lower minnesota. low pressure moves across. for the most part a nice day through the mid-atlantic states and into the gulf coast. beautiful in the southwest, rockies into california. showers move into the pacific northwest with rain, again, through the upper mississippi river valley. that's what's going on around good thursday morning to you. we have a mostly clear and mild start with the temperatures in the 50s. temperatures fall slightly as we head throughout the afternoon. about a five degree dip from yesterday's highs where we broke records in the bay area. on shore flow is going to bring the fog into the mix. expect a foggy start. 87 degrees in san jose, 87 in gilroy. temperatures drop significantly
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for the weekend. cloudy for mother's day. hope you have a fantastic thursday. weather. coming up, the mother of phoebe prings speaks out as two of her daughters' alleged tormenters strike plea deals in order to avoid jail time. we're going to hear from her and the teens for the first time. first this is can i eat heart healthy without giving up taste?
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new cinnamon burst cheerios. prepare your taste buds. just ahead, a couple discovered their laptop was loaded with secret software taking photos of them and it could be on other computers across the country. plus the uninvited guest who wormed its way into the official wedding portrait. weite eho tt little bugger is. first these messages and a check of your local news and weather.
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♪ oh, do it [ female announcer ] coffee is like life. it's better when you add your flavor. like rich caramel macchiato, part of coffee-mate's new café collection. from nestle. part of coffee-mate's new café collection. on t(both) literally! your photos right at your fingertips. okay. can you zoom in on this? oh! okay. this is my boyfriend. this is my mom and dad. robin, you okay? whatcha doin'? i'm dealing with a slight underwear malfunction. need hanes panties. they don't ride up. yes please. hey, wardrobe? and now a word from hanes. hanes panties. so cute. and they don't ride up. >>wanna try some sfx: breakfast on the go!? negative. that is not a bar. sfx: gzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzhhhh. humanize your morning. emerald breakfast on the go!
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good morning, it's 7:26, i'm marla tellez. hundreds of nurses are in -- at oakland's children's hospital are out to picket for their benefits. christie smith is live where the protest is happening and is supposed to happen for the next five days. is that right? >> reporter: good morning to you. we have 25 minutes into the strike that's going to go on for five long days. these are nurses saying the offer they received from the hospital says it is so bad they
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couldn't afford to bring their own kids here. the union contract expired in may of last year. this is their second strike. the first one was three days. a spokesperson says they are facing tough economic times, but offering a fair package. during the strike, replacement workers will fill in. it will be business as usual. procedures have been rescheduled. >> christie, thank you very much. now, it's getting busy out there. if you are getting ready to head out the door. mike, what's going on. eastbound heading toward hercules out of richmond, very slow approaching will avenue where the overnight paving work is still there. two out of three lanes are blocked until 8:00 a.m. they have extended the closure twice. by the time you get to the carquinez bridge, it's clear.
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a standard flow and around 238 around 14th, a motorcycle accident. christina has a look at the forecast. >> good thursday morning to you. we have a clear and mild start with temperatures. temperatures fall slightly as we head throughout the afternoon. a five-degree dip from yesterday's high where we broke records. tomorrow, on shore flow is going to bring the fog into the mix. today, crystal clear. 87 in san jose. temperatures drop off significantly for the weekend. mostly cloudy conditions on mother's day, have a fantastic thursday. >> we'll be back at 7:567.
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7:30 now on a thursday morning. the fifth of may, 2011. what a pretty shot from the top of the rock just above us here in rockefeller center, going past the empire state building toward downtown, lower manhattan where the president will be joining other dignitaries this morning for a ceremony at the former site of the world trade center at ground zero. just ahead -- first of all, we get to see the people on the plaza. a wyoming family claims that the computer they were renting had
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been secretly programmed to take pictures of them. even more alarming, there could be many more computers like this out there doing the same thing in homes across the country. we're going have details on that coming up in a couple of minutes. >> creepy, actually. also ahead, a wedding crasher. we're going to explain how an uninvited guest slipped into one of the official family photos. who says love can't strike twice? marie osmund remarried her first husband. plus, we're going to talk to an oregon woman who claims she got more than she bargained for during oral surgery. when she woke up, she suddenly found herself speaking with an english accent. believe it or not this is a legitimate condition and she enjoys her new voice. but we begin this half hour with new details from the phoebe prince case. she's the young girl who took her own life after bullies bul y
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bullied her at school. jeff is in hadley, massachusetts. >> reporter: this case set the tone. if you're a bully, you can be charged with real crimes by police and prosecutors. the kids, six of them in hadley, massachusetts, were charged with serio serious, serious charges. most are striking plea deals to avoid jail time altogether. we never heard from them themselves. they've never spoken about what happened. they never apologized until now. in court wednesday, one of the so-called mean girls broke down. she now admits she bullied 15-year-old phoebe prince at school and online. >> i am sorry, phoebe.
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i'm sorry for ton kind things i said to others about you. i'm sorry about the unkind posting on my facebook page. but mostly i am sorry for january 14th of 2010 in the library and in the hallway when i laughed one someone said humiliating things at you. i'm sorry for the tramgy and the prince family who i know has been suffering since that awful day. >> but phoebe prince would never live to hear that apology. for this young girl the torment was too much. according to the court papers they called her a whore, threatening to punch her in the face. while walking home from school they said, why don't you just kill yourself and she did. she hanged herself at home. her mother has been silent ever since but opened up for the first time wednesday, facing phoebe's alleged bullies in
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court. >> as i said my final good-bye to phoebe at the crematorium, i held her for the very last time. my little girl once so full of life was not so cold. i asked her what am i going to do. people trusted sean mulvespill, guide her through the maze of the school. i can only imagine the pain that she felt in his unrelenting desire to harass and humiliate her. >> reporter: wednesday both reached deals with prosecutors. >> guilty. >> thank you, sir. >> reporter: misdemeanor, criminal harassment. probation and one year of community service. sources close to the case tell nbc news three others will strike the same deal later today. >> is phoebe's family satisfied
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with this, the kids get nothing jail time? >> yeah. i don't think anybody wanted to see the kids go to jail. >> reporter: phoebe's mom signed off to akroid going to trial but you can hear the hurt in every word. >> phoebe ended her pain by the harass management. >> reporter: heart-wrenching to be sitting there in the courtroom. there really wasn't a dry eye in the entire house. it's been nearly a year. the criminal case will come to an end. as we mentioned the five or six kids have struck plea deals. this boy is charged with statutory rape. he denies that charge. he apparently isn't wheeling and dealing with prosecutors and plans on fighting the charge, meredith. he eelg be in court over the summer. >> thank you very much. emily is a writer and senior
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editor for "slate" magazine. good morning. as jeff pointed out all six of these teens, two of them have pleaded guilty to criminal harassment and criminal misdemeanor. we'll probably see the same lenient sentence. are you surprised by the outcome here? >> it's hard to square the outcome with the very serious felony charges that were filed but i'm not surprised to the degree that phoebe's family supported the deal and also i think a sense of proportional punishment took over in the d.a.'s office. >> why are you not surprised her family, specifically her mom, is all right with this because obviously she's heartbroken and angry. >> absolutely. but her father wanted them to acknowledge their wrong and apologize. and we saw i think kayla do that in a moving and brave way
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yesterday. >> do you believe in your report that justice has been done here? i ask you that because the last time you were on you had written a piece that had suggested quite clearly that you felt maybe these kids should not be charged with any crimes. >> i do think there's a question about using the criminal justice system in situations like this, but i also think that listening to the facts recounted yesterday that a misdemeanor harassment and seeing them acknowledge what they had done seemed like it was bringing some relief to phoebe's family, and perhaps to them as well in the sense that these cases are over. these very serious charges have been hanging over the heads of these kids for a year and that is punishment itself. >> and the kind of ha asment they subjected phoebe to, they have been received, death threats, messaging over the internet, the reaction if the people you saw there when these sentences were handed down. >> you know, it was just a very
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sobering moment and occasion, and i think that there was a way in which phoebe's mother was able to speak. and i hope that gave her some comfort. she really expressed herself clearly as did kayla. so there was a senn of kind of a public accounting. >> so you didn't get a sense that because there was such outrage that that continues to be the case? have you seen those sentences come down? >> i think that's right. i think there'll be pockets of upset online, but i think a lot of people, particularly in south hadley, feel relief that this case is coming to an end. >> and there is another student that's involved in this, austin. he was charged with statutory rape as was sean. do you anticipate the charge will also be dropped for austin? >> i do think that would be a fair outcome given the outcome of sean's statutory rape charge. austin's is different in the case that there isn't necessarily a lesser case for
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him to plead to. we're talking about an 18-year-old who allegedly had sex with a 15-year-old and who denies it. you know, those are the facts at issue. >> and finally do you think there is a message here that kids will receive loud and clear about bullying, specifically during this period where social media is so prevalent, that it can be criminalized? >> it can be and it's risky. kids write all kinds of really mean things on facebook and most of the team people don't pay attention, but sometimes it can really come back to bite you because there's a permanent record of the krult you are part of. >> sad all the way around. >> really sad. >> thanks for having me. >> now let's get a check of the weather from al. today's weather is brought to you by the u.s. postal service. and good morning, everybody. from lead better, kentucky, flooding going on there. 4,000 folks have had to be
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evacuated. the ohio mississippi river's rising. the army corps of engineers is going to try to relieve flooding later on. missouri, 25 farmers getting together, suing the federal government. let's check your weather, see what's going on. for today, we've got sunshine in the east, beautiful weather. some rain up in northern new england. showers moving through the pacific northwest. sunny skies along the coast. for tomorrow, we've got some showers moving up into northern new england. we've got more rain i in the pacific northwest. sunny and hot through the southwest into central california. and the running of the roses. the 137thky derby. cloudy, mild, 60% chance of afternoon thunderstorms. good thursday morning to you. well, we have a mostly clear and mild start with temperatures mostly in the 50s now. temperatures fall slightly as we head throughout the afternoon. a five-degree dip from yesterday's high where we broke
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records in the bay area. on shore flow is going to bring the fog back into the mix. 87 in gilroy. temperatures drop off for the weekend. mostly cloudy conditions on mother's day. hope you have a fantastic thursday. has no fuel surcharges. the u.s postal servic combine that with low online pricing... and your shipping costs...
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now, there's a first. tell us what you've always wanted to do, on facebook. [ ship horn blows ] . now at 7:43. a young couple who represent add laptop computer claims their tisht was being remotely monitored and even snapped secret webcam pictures of them. the question now, how many other computers ha that software on their computers, customers, sorry. janet is in casper, wyoming with details on this. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you. it's a national chain. basically it's a place to come to lease anything from a television to refrigerator or you can eventually rent to home. when a couple came to rent a blacktop computer from this franchise, they say it came with
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something not advertised, software that was tracking every website they visited and also enabling the webcam to take photographs of them without them knowing it. crystal and brian byrd have always looked at their home as a safer haven. so they were shocked when they leased a computer turned up at their front door. >> i couldn't believe it. a guy came in the house like he owned the place and showed me a picture of myself. pretty invasive. it was really invasive. >> reporter: the photo was of brian on the couch playing poker computer. it was secretly taken. the employee had come to the home to repo says the computer. turns out the byrds paid for it and have a receipt but now they wonder what other photos might exist. >> i've used it in my bra and
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underwear. there's been a few times checking grades and i'm getting ready to take a shower, in my bra and underwear, not thinking anybody is watching me. of course, who would. >> reporter: when he left the home without the computer the byrds called the police who now have the laptop as part of the investigation. they have filed susan against aaron's and others. >> the people for designing the software, they're wrong for designing it too. this kind of stuff shouldn't be out there at all. it's unbelievable. >> reporter: if its part the giant rent-to-own train says the company doesn't use tracking software but they're taking it very seriously. we're conducting a thorough investigation and diligently reaching out to our customers to address any of their concerns. they did not sell directly to
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aaron's but to the franchise and the firm's owner says he encourages disclosure. we have paperwork that we suggest they, the customer, sign as the software is installed. i can't enforce them. >> they never said anything about watching us or taking photos, otherwise i wouldn't have got the computer. >> reporter: the casper franchisee says it uses the software on its leased computers but says at no time has the software ever been utilized by aspen way to spy upon its customers. the byrds have taken it differently. >> after they have taken a ridiculous amount of money from us, they came in our house and watched what we were doing. >> reporter: if you near possession of a computer from a rent-to-own company it's possible you have this software on its computer because they say they sell to a number of rent-to-own companies, but, matt, it's very difficult to determine if you have this. this software is like
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stealthware. it's almost invisible. >> i bet people are going to be finding a way to check on that this morning. thank you very much. appreciate it. up next, the uninvited guest that wormed his way into the official royal wedding photo. we'll explain that right after this. [ female announcer ] keurig brews more than just hot coffee.
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now you can brew over ice for delicious iced coffee or tea. hot or cold, keurig is the way to brew everyone's favorite cup in under a minute. choose. brew. enjoy. keurig. the monster was furious. roar!!! it's for laughing... [ laughs ] [ female announcer ] ...pretending... and the mouse went, "wha-wha-wha, why?" [ giggles ] [ female announcer ] ...seeing things differently... and then the boy bit the dragon! [ female announcer ] ...and for being with your favorite storyteller... [ grandpa ] i love you when you're qu..ha [ female announcer ] ...even after he goes home to nevada. [ grandpa ] and i love you when you're loud! [ female announcer ] hallmark recordable storybooks. ♪ take toast... spread with i can't believe it's not butter... add jacques. he's french. oui! oui like! [ male announcer ] four out of five agree it tastes as good as fresh butter with 70% less saturated fat than butter. [ kim ] you can have it all.
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the guest list for last week's royal wedding was highly exclusive but we found someone who managed to get into the official family portrait. nbc's anne thompson explains it all. >> reporter: can you spot the unofficial guest in this official portrait? right there next to prince phillip is 3-year-old bridesmaid eliza lopes and in her hand is a wiggly worm. they're all the rage with kids on youtube. eliza is just the latest
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bridesmaid to attract attention for not the quite reason. last week was grace covering her ears when they kissed. the story revealed by eliza's grandmother, camilla, dutch el of cornwall. it seems the millions of people who lined the streets to catch a glimpse of the newlyweds scared little eliza until prince harry came to the rescue distracting eliza with a toy he found in his pocket as they road from the kainch in westminster abbey to the palace. >> are we surprised prince harry has a wiggly worm in his pocket on the wed dag? not really. he's a bit of a jokester. >> reporter: harry demonstrated his affection for slithering creatures on a trip with his brother last summer. eliza loved the toy and wouldn't let go. apparently the unofficial guest
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escaped the photographer's trained eye. >> i hope it looks effortless and relaxed and friendly and smiling. >> reporter: a portrait for the history books through the spirit of a child. for today, ann thompson, nbc news, london. >> so the question is as we were say i saying was he just happy to see us. so strange. >> only you would go there. >> he had a wiggly worm in his pocket. that's odd. >> you know who else got married recently? let me take this. speaking of recent weddings, marie osmund tied the knot with her first husband who she had divorced back in 1985. >> '82. >> she married him in '82. >> oh, yeah, yeah. >> you stick to wiggly worms. >> they had a son together.
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>> that's right. >> he's 28. >> she wore the same wedding dress. that's a pure ad for neutra systems. >> she looks great. >> they were married in vegas. >> let's take your microphone off for the rest of the show and let's move on. we're going to be back with much more after your local news and weather. >> so much more. i can hardly wait. >> just unbelievable. or i just forget. but look. this is doing fine. why? it's planted in miracle-gro moisture control potting mix. it holds 33% more water... than ordinary potting soil. releasing it as plants need it. not when i get around to it. and there's miracle-gro plant food mixed in. so you get miracle-gro results... i like that. [ female announcer ] miracle-gro moisture control potting mix. success starts with the soil.
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and all we need to do is change the way we're thinking about them. a couple decades ago, we didn't even realize just how much natural gas was trapped in rocks thousands of feet below us. technology has made it possible to safely unlock this cleanly burning natural gas. this deposits can provide us with fuel for a hundred years, providing energy security and economic growth all across this country. it just takes somebody having the idea, and that's where the discovery comes from.
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took some crazy risks as a kid. but i was still over the edge with my cholesterol. anyone with high cholesterol may be at increased risk of heart attack. diet and exercise weren't enough for me. i stopped kidding myself. i've been eating healthier, exercising more, and now i'm also taking lipitor. if you've been kidding yourself about high cholesterol...stop. 80% of people who have had heart attacks have high cholesterol. lipitor is a cholesterol lowering medication, fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patients who have heart disease or risk factors for heart disease. [ female announcer ] lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems and women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. great ride down. if you have high cholesterol, you may be at increased risk of heart attack and stroke. don't kid yourself. talk to your doctor about your risk and about lipitor.
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at 7:56 right now, we are following developing news happening in the north bay. firefighters in santa rosa are working a debris fire near kerny and lance drive. people in the area are being asked to stay inside right now. this fire started about 6:45 this morning. at this point, firefighters are trying to determine if the flames are releasing hazardous materials. here is a map of the scene here. a hazmat crew is on scene, we are told. firefighters, as i mentioned are asking people near the fire to close all their doors and windows and turn off any air
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conditioners and bring your pets inside. we'll bring more updates as soon as more information becomes available. you could soon see a spike in your utility bill, even if you don't use extra power. pg&e wants to increase rates and change the way customers are charged. those using less electricity will pay more and higher volume users pay less. they are expected to decide if pg&e can change the rate structure later this month. now, let's check the roads if you are getting ready to head out the door. mike, what's going on? >> the south bay is bogging down. 680 interchange, coming down 680 toward san jose. it's slow up to saratoga and 85. that entire stretch of 280 is bogging down there. it's holding up nicely. eastbound 80 has one lane
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closed. christina has a look at the forecast. >> good thursday morning to you. we have a mostly clear and mild start with temperatures in the 50s. temperatures fall slightly as we head throughout the afternoon. a five degree dip in yesterday's highs where we broke records in the bay area. the fog will be back in the mix tomorrow. today, crystal clear. 87 in gilroy. mostly cloudy conditions on mother's day. hope you have a fantastic thursday. >> we will be back with the next news and weather update at 8:26. the today show returns in less than a minute.
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no wonder more people have chosen lexus over any other luxury brand 11 years in a row. see your lexus dealer. 8:00 now on this thursday morning. the 5th of may, 2011. we have a great crowd at the plaza this morning. i'm meredith vieira with matt lauer and al roker. >> you are filming my dirty house. turn that off. >> looks like a typical american accent. then she yurntd went oral
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surgery, and when she woke up this is how she sounded. >> she said, oh, well, why don't you unlook like the dressing room for you and you can try that pair of pants on? >> so she speaks with a foreign accent now. how did it happen? she's smiling, and we'll talk with her. it's the real deal. >> maybe that's what happened to madonna. >> i don't know. >> are you trying to alienate everybody today? is that what's going on? >> also ahead, how about this, some of the world's most successful people, people like bill gates, even bruce springsteen, were actually considered outcasts when they were young. now the author of a new book says some traits make you an outsider and lead to you being admired, valued, and loved as an adult. we'll talk about what she calls the quirk factor. i like this. this is very interesting. >> i was on the av squad. that will give you --
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>> look what happened. >> yeah, look what happened. by the way, mother's day, sunday. in case you front of. that's right. we have got a great gift guide to make the laid in your life the moms in your life, feel like the queen. we'll have those ideas for you a little bit later. >> first, a check of the morning's top stories. natalie morales filling in for ann, who is in pakistan. hey, nat. >> good morning, everyone. president obama is defending his decision not to release photos of osama bin laden's body. the president said the images are graphic and could insight future violence against americans. meantime, officials now say there was no prolonged firefight and that although bin laden was not armed, there were weapons within his reach. president obama honors bin laden's victims today at ground zero where he will lay a wreath in memory of the 9/11 victims. it will be his first visit to the site as president. the threat of record flooding could force thousands of people from their homes along the mississippi and ohio rivers. the mississippi is still rising and officials fear it could break high water marks set back
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in the 1920s. engineers are using explosives to breach levees and reduce river levels. the republican-led house passed a bill wednesday that would limit tax breaks for insurance policies that cover abortions and prevent people from deducting the cost of an abortion on their taxed. it's the latest attempt to chippewa at president obama's health care overhaul. now let's turn to wall street. cnbc's mandy drury at the new york stock exchange watching the action there for us. mandy, good morning. >> good morning, natalie. we've been hearing from a lot of big chain stores this morning, like costco, zoomie's and limited brand and victoria's secret. sales have been better than expected, which seems to suggest that the high gasoline prices that we're all feeling the pain from have not yet dug into the consumer as much as you would think. the good news is that crude oil prices, along with many other commodities has been falling this week. if sustained, it may relieve some of the pressure that we're feeling at the pump. back to you. >> we certainly hope so. mandy drury, thank you so much. well, apple has released a
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new version of its operating system for the iphone, ipod touch, and ipad users. the software update allows users to stop the devices from storing any information on their location. and the last known world war i combat veteran died today at a nursing home in australia. claude stanley tools was the last veteran to have fought in both world wars. he joined the british navy when he was just 14 years old. he was named chuckles by sailor friends. let's get a check of the weather from al. it's 8:04. >> today's weather is brought to you by smuckers. hey, welcome back. oh. it's the high school choir from tip city. do you have a little song? >> yes. >> you want to sing it? okay. you blew it.
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oh. okay. go. ♪ ♪ when you're down ♪ when you're down ♪ i will carry you >> let's check your weather and see what's happening. pick city, rogers, arkansas. knwa. morning sunshine and afternoon showers. as we look at the temperatures, they kind of fall apart there at the end there, don't they? that's okay. you guys sound good. 90s to 100s in the southwest. 40s in new england. 08s throughout texas. where is your coach? we got plenty of showers working into the pacific northwest. yeah. that's what's go st. louis good morning to you. it's going to be another warm day. high pressure has set up. it's shifted to the east a little bit. for us, that means we're going to drop off a few degrees. our temperaturing are milder than yesterday. tomorrow we're expecting a
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significant cool down as onshore cool kicks in. we're looking for in terms of your weather forecast. temperatures looking comfortable in places like san francisco. 76 degrees. 87 in loss gad os, and 81 degrees in santa cruz. >> that's your latest weather. happy cinco de mayo, mr. lauer. >> you too. when we come back, the oregon woman who underwent oral surgery and woke up with an engli car karen, take it away. >> we'll be right back after these messages. e messages. hey, you made your own lunch. yep! (mom) i'm so proud of you. the bus is here, gotta go mom. okay hunny, have a great day. look in your bag, made you something. (announcer) it's more than just that great peanut taste, choosing jif is a simple way to show someone how much you care. choosey moms, choose jif.
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nothing beats the taste of honey bunches of oats with real strawberries. it's full of sun ripened strawberries. and 10 grams of whole grain per serving. mmmm delicious! nothing's better than honey bunches of oats with real strawberries. what makes hershey's s'mores special? hershey's chocolate goodness, that brings people together. hershey's makes it a s'more. you make it special. pure hershey's.
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but sometimes i wonder... what's left behind? [ female announcer ] new purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena naturals. removes 99% of dirt and toxins without dyes, parabens, or harsh sulfates. so skin feels pure and healthy. [ female announcer ] new from neutrogena naturals. it's called hope. hope? 'cause every time you get a happy meal or a mighty kids meal some of the money goes to ronald mcdonald house charities. happy meals. the simple joy of helping. paid your dues. raised a family. you've earned a little peace of mind. now, some in congress want to make harmful cuts to medicare and social security. cutting your benefits so washington can pay its bills. aarp believes the country can do better. we can cut wasteful spending without cutting the benefits you've earned. join us. tell congress to stop the harmful cuts to medicare and social security.
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medicine." this morning a woman from oregon who speaks with an english accent. that might not seem so unusual but she says she developed it after undergoing yorl surgery. we'll talk with her in a moment, but first miguel almaguer has her story. >> reporter: any conversation with caron butler inevitably leads to the same question. >> where are you from. where did you get that accent? >> reporter: the answer is new port, oregon, a tiny community outside of portland. in this small beachtown, karen can't even open her mouth before inviting a lot of questions. >> you tell them i got it from here. >> from here? oregon? they think i say ireland, but i'm saying oregon. >> reporter: karen says her accent has its roots here at her dentist's office. a year and a half ago she
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underwent oral surgery and was given a sedative. >> i was induced to sleep and when i woke up i didn't sound like myself. >> reporter: he didn't want to speak on camera but he did confirm when karen woke up, she was speaking differently. listen to karen's voice on this home video before surgery. >> you're filming my dirty house, turn that off. >> reporter: this is the karen everyone knew, the familiar wife of a mother, wife, and friend. but when karen came home from surgery, no one could believe their ears. >> say ske neck telldy. say supercalifragilistic- expialidocious. it was a lot of fun. even i had fun. >> so karen has an extremely unusual neurologic condition that's called foreign accent syndrome. >> reporter: this doctor is a neurologist who says the syndrome is triggered by a stroke or trauma to the brain.
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while he's not examined karen, he's met with her br and says her speefrp may have been altered by yorl surgery. >> it's so rare, less than 100 cases ever reported that the average neurologist, even a stroke neurologist, would not see a case in their lifetime. >> reporter: karen said for months doctors were baffled by her medical mystery and so was everyone else. even now, a year and a half after the accent, she gets. >> that's cool. i wouldn't mind waking up with a cool accent. >> reporter: an accent from an ocean away. a new voice that seems to suit caron butler and her family just fine. for "today," miguel almaguer, nbc news, portland. >> she's joining us from washington. good morning do you all. >> good morning. >> so, karen, i think there are
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people at home who probably find this bizarre and might think she's got to be faking this. >> i don't think you could, not for a year and a half. >> do you get that all from people? the skepticism. >> not really. the most skeptical i've seen is this last week when we were talking to the media when they have to make sure everything is on the up and up. >> so what was it like when you had woke up and your voice has changed. that has got to be strange. >> i had just had dental surgery. you're sore. your family is making fun of your funny cry and id did not go away. at first you think it's the results of that happening. a week goes by, the swelling goes down, and you're still not talking yourself after a month. then you're looking for answers because you know this is just not normal. >> were you worried at any point there might be something seriously wrong with her? >> no, no. we've had more fun with this
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than anything else. her sister came down the first week and she was back on her feet, sat around, drank a cull f of beers and came up with words and terms to see if she could say them. spent a week doing that. >> at some point did you ever get diagnosed with this? did you go to a neurologist and get diagnosed? >> when i talked to my doctor and he said, well, there's nothing wrong with you, and there isn't. no loss of motor skills, no problem with my eyes, no faci facial -- >> ticks or anything like that. >> right. i'm a-okay. >> yeah. >> all in your head. >> so it's not just that your voice has a different accent. are you changing word patterns at all too or is it just in the words? >> my sister thinks i've changed my pattern of speech. but i think it's tinted with this other side. >> the other side.
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i want to bring in dr. nancy here. what do we know about foreign accent syndrome? obviously it's very rare it. >> is very rare. less than a hundred cases over the globe. that's what makes it really difficult. it really becomes a diagnosis of exclusion. you have to rule out brain tumors or strokes or any recent brain injury. and if you listen very carefully as i've been listening to the accent, you can't say, oh, i can tell you're from county cork or dublin. it's an imprecise change to english, so there's a change in cadence, a change in the way the syllables are enunciated. so it becomes sort of an atypical pickup of an accident that rather is sort of untypeable. my only word of caution is i think this is the perfect case to get an absolutely confirmed diagnosis and that means neurologists, radiologists, get the right scans, see a speech pathologist and really make sure that there's nothing else going
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on. and then if that's okay, then, you know, e-mail perfectly willing to live with this diagnosis. >> can she get her original voice back or karen says this one seems to work for her now so let it be. >> there are reports that people have it gradually go away. other cases go back hundreds of years where we really don't know what the resolution was. i think in this situation it's going be watchful waiting a. but i would hope it would be watchful waiting under the guise of a really good language and speech pathologist who can watch the changes. do it under a professional's watch. >> i get the sense you don't want to. you're having a bit of fun with this, right? >> it's been a -- it's like a new toy, and that's what we play with. like i said, we've had it for a year and a half. and it's like a chameleon voice. whatever pops out pops out. you can't make it be something that it isn't.
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you can pretend to have a southern drawl or talk like john wayne, and i can't. very simply. whatever pops out of my mouth pops up. >> my director john michaels thinks it's irish. can you say guinness. thank you very much. up next, teens, high schools, and social clickeeks. do the thinks that cause them to stand out help them later in life? a revolutionary new line of body wash with the highest concentration of nutrium moisture. visible care makes skin visibly more beautiful in just 1 week. ♪en why heho tw when they saw how much more beautiful and radiant their skin looked with new dove visible care... there was only one question. ♪ new dove visible care creme body wash.
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a new book says students who are on the fringe of a cool crowd. so we headed to a high school in california to talk to kids about social cliques and how they shape the teen years. >> it's not like the westside story. we're not like snapping at each other and having like clique warfare, but there's definitely like little social groups. >> especially at lunch you can see it, whereas the jocks sit in one place and the arts kids stick to one or two certain spots. >> you're not in a clique or group. you're alone. and when you're alone, you're vulnerable. >> i'm definitely a part of the nerd herd. i go to star track club, i'm part of the band, i get really good grades, i don't want to be popular. i'd much rather have people who i know care and love me.
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>> being a drama geek basically means you're not afraid of public embarrassment. you're comfortable or at least good at faking being comfortable, putting yourself out there. >> you can't let somebody inhibit who you are and you can't let them control your life and you just have to keep on moving and hold your head high. >> really, i think, in the end, the kids who have had to face so much adversity in high school are going to come outed on top and be for the better afterward. >> high school is what you make it, and you -- if you put yourself in a box like i did, it's not goichk to be the easiest time, but if you take advantage of the opportunities, it can be an extremely fun time. >> high school for me has been a really, really good experience. i've made a lot of friends, i've gained a lot of confidence. >> alexander rob bins is an author of the new book "the
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geeks shall inherit the earth." good morning. nice to see you. what exactly is the quirk theory? >> here's how i define it. many of the kids who are caused to be excluded in school are the same traits that students are going to admire and respect about them outside of high school in an adult setting. >> is it the training itself or having to put it with being cast aside and shunned that makes you stronger and more independent and makes your successful? >> i think that helps. the reason they're targeted in school is because they're different and that's going to make them stand out. >> you mentioned perhaps a bill gates in high school, maybe a mark zuckerberg, bruce springsteen, people like that, and they've done pretty well for themselves. >> absolutely. >> you've followed seven kids from across the country. the loner, the new girl, gamer, cheerleader. why was it important for you to follow the real life examples?
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>> to get both adults and students to think that nonfiction is fun. i think it has to be as fast-paced and engaging as reality tv. >> you followed these kids and got involved with them. and halfway through the year you said i want you to try to change the way others perceive you and you perceive yourself. >> it was great. everybody ended the book happier and healthier than they did before. it doesn't spoil anything. the boy who contemplated suicide turned his life around. really these characters exceeded my wildest hope for the challenges. >> when you look at the words, nerd, geek, jock, drama geek, why are we so interested in labels? why do we kind of draw ourselves to them so much? >> for psychological reason, that's how students compartmentalize each other as they're trying to deal with the
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world. today's skolls there's so much conformity and standardized testing, it turns into a place where anybody who's an outsider and labeled that way is suddenly not at the popular table. >> so if you're a parent and you've got one of these whichiln who is the outsider in high school, you need to change the way you deal with those children. you need to say what makes you disht is what makes you special, not that you're not part of the incrowd. >> absolutely. parents should show admiration for uniqueness, praise children for expressing a unique view or style, even though you don't agree, so you can see differences are valued. >> somebody recently said we have to stop only honoring the kids who win the baseball games and honor the kids who win the science fair. >> exactly. people are wondering why students ring going into science. >> and for teens watching at home, you've got to pinpoint what makes you unhappy and find
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the confidence. >> absolutely. let your fork flag fly. >> it's have interesting. alexandra, thanks so much. appreciate it. the book is called "the geeks shall inherit the it's 8:26. nurses at oakland children's hospital are walking off the job to pickett for their health care benefits. today in the bay christie smith is live at the hospital where hundreds of nurses are expected. good morning st. louis good morning to you. we're about 90 minutes into this. there are dozens of nurses out here on the pickett line. they say their contract offer is such a blow to their health care coverage, they wouldn't be able to afford to bring their own kids to children's hospital for care. the hospital says they're giving three options, all of them very fair. in this economy, they're really
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in a tough situation as well. the strike is expected to last five days. the hospital says that replacement workers and nonstriking workers will be here to fill in, so the hospital is open for care, but some elective surgeries have been rescheduled. that's the latest from here. reporting live in oakland, christie smith. stuiafter this break, mike is going to tell you what you have to know. how do i take on tough back pain? i use the power of nature. [ male announcer ] introducing icy hot naturals
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welcome back. it's 8:28. good news. the paving work has cleared from highway 4. still clear on highway 80. typical buildup between 580 and 880. getting down to the area, southbound 680, new accident involving five cars in fremont. big concern for a lot of folks. >> the "today" show returns in less than a minute. we'll be back at 8:56. we'll see you then.
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think mexican independence day. it is not that. >> what sit, matt? i just said it's the mexican victory over the french army. did you not hear me? i thought you couldn't hear. >> i can hear. >> by the way, another big day approaching. we're talk about mother's day on sunday. >> have you guys gotten some gifts together? >> already done. >> all right. but if you haven't and you're still looking around for a gift, you've come to the right place. inspired by the royal wedding to make the special lady in your life feel like a queen for the day. there's bobbi to tell us all about it. >> we've got giada de laurentiis with her beautiful girl jade. what a beauty. have you ever wondered -- look at her. born with a wooden spoon in her mouth. have you ever wondered what professional cooks make for their families at home? gee da's going to share it with
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us. the run for the roses, the kentucky derby is this saturday. what does it take to win the most exciting two minutes in sports? >> come in first. >> we're going to pay a visit to the first-ever jockeys school to find out. >> that looks pretty cool. first for the seventh straight year major league baseball is teaming up with the susan g. komen fund. each will have an honorary bat girl whose story will inspire the fighting disease. matt kane is a pitcher for the 120u san francisco giants. good morning to both of you. matt, let me start with you. talk to me about this great collaboration between major league baseball and the susan g. komen foundation. >> they've done a great job for the cure. they've done it for seven years. they have so many different ways of trying to get out there. pink bats, pink wristbands, guys
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will wear pink logos on their shoes. >> and linda will be the honorary bat girl for the new york mets. i know you love the team. >> i am beside myself. i'm so overwhelmed. i didn't realize my son nominated me till i got an e-mail from the mlb. i said i got something from the mlb. he said, oh, mommy, i nominated you for honorary bat girl. so when they actually told me i won, i was screaming. i about blew the poor girl's ear off. i've been a met fan forever. >> this is great. >> that's okay. we're all a team, we're all in the fight for this cancer. >> can i see the bat for a second, matt? the giants so far are on the verge of sweeping the mets so why don't we grab one of these and go aftermath. >> i think that's the first time
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we've ever threaten add guest. >> yes, with a pink bat. it's such a great, great cause and so nice that major league baseball is so intimately involved. by the way we should message that so many players have personal stories and connections to the disease. that's really important. good luck. nice to have you in town. >> we have something for you. >> oh, cool. run in here real quick. >> all right. >> this is boo who nominated his mom to be the bat girl. come on over here. >> mer meredith this is for you >> it's going to be another warm day. high pressure has set up, but it's actually shifted to the east a little bit. for us today, that means we're going to drop off by a few degrees. our temperatures will be milder from yesterday. tomorrow we're expecting a
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significant cool down. we're looking for in terms of your weather forecast. here are your temperatures looking comfortable in places like san francisco, 76 degrees, mostly clear. 87 in loss gatos. check your weather any time of the day or night. go to the weather channel on cable or >> good advice. we're going to get you set for saturday's kentucky derby with a trip to jockey school. first this is "today" on nbc. twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. [ woman ] sam begged and pleaded... so i sent him to camp. we'd earned lots of points with our new citi thankyou card... and i put them to good use. he told me about his bunkmates,
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and how he signs up for every activity. ♪ he even hangs out with the camp director. just like that. [ male announcer ] the new citi thankyou premier card gives you more ways to earn points. what's your story? citi can help you write it. [ and i'm not talking looking for deals these days, about saving a dollar off shampoo or two-for-one tacos or something. i'm talking about paying less -- every month. like this deal. [ female announcer ] call today and get the fastest internet for the price -- an amazing $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network at no extra cost. [ woman ] with at&t, i'm surfing at hot spots all over town. ♪ i'm downloading music fast. and watching videos. cute! and the price is great. [ female announcer ] call at&t today and get the fastest internet for the price -- an amazing $14.95 a month
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for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. plus get access to the entire at&t national wi-fi network at no extra cost. [ woman ] i went looking for a deal, and at&t delivered. now, i just need to curb the shoe shopping. ♪ back at 8:37. the 137th annual kentucky derby will run this saturday live on nbc, and while all eyes will be on the horses, don't overlook the jockeys.
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"today's" correspondent jenna is in louisville with the details. good morning to you. >> good morning to you. we're talking about jockeys. it's not the most stable job or safest or glammous job in the world, but when a jockey rides that personal race to victory, there's nothing quite as fulfilling. just ask the new up and coming crop of new jockeys. >> digging in and holding on. he's going to win the kentucky derby. >> reporter: in 1994 gopher begin etched himself in horse racing's most prestigious history books with a win at the kentucky derby. his jockey that day was chris mcperrin, who at age 39 capped an incredible career with his second win at churchill downs. >> and they're off. >> the exhilaration, the rush that you feel when a
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thoroughbred bursts out of the starting gate it's not hard to develop a passion for that kind of excitement. the derby is a big kahuna. as soon as you can stick your chest out and say, yeah, that was it. that's it. >> reporter: he ended up retiring shortly after but he couldn't quite fully hang up his reins and in 2006 he opened the first-ever jockey school in the united states. >> it's different than any other athlete than you can possibly think of. when we're learning to ride, we don't have coaches like baseball players and football players. i felt adamant after i retired that a school like this was necessary. >> reporter: the north american riding academy teaches the fundamentals of professional riding, everything from horse care tand fitness to finance. meet nick, aerial, this is the
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class of 2012. >> you get to jump on their back and take them for a ride. so it's a blast. >> reporter: it's also work. jockeys subscribe to a fairly regimented workout schedule and a good part of that schedule takes place here on the exciser. i think treadmill to a runner. much, much harder than it looks. much. >> and since the smaller you are the more aerodynamic you become, weight is an issue. >> as long as you're sitting around 112 pounds, you're okay. i'll splurge every now and then. i'll go get the double cheeseburger or whatnot, but i watch it from day to day. >> reporter: jockeys warn not to let the exhilaration fool you. there's an inherent risk every time you get on a horse. >> i've broken this femur twice, this once, this once. i've had i don't know how many fractured ribs.
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i broke a vertebrae in the 1976. >> reporter: and chris is considered lucky. michael strait with an up and coming racer, a former student of the acallmy. >> i started going really fast. usually they're going at miles an hour. fell off and landed on my neck and got paralyzed. >> if you could walk again what would the first thing you would want to do? >> i'd love to ride again. it would be just unbelievable. >> there's always an inherent risk, but it's something that we decide to accept and we know it's part of the game. >> reporter: and while hisky derby days is behind him, chris sees the future of the sport here, so he comes to work every day, passing along his knowledge in the hope that just maybe one of these future jockeys will know what it's like to don the roses. >> i can't come up with the words to describe the way i feel. it's a blast. >> reporter: so here's how successful chris mccarran is. his former student ts, some of
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them have gone on to become professional jock is have won a combined $10.5 million in earnings. to give you some perspective, i won zero. where can you watch horse racing this weekend? it all gets kicked off on versus with the oaks with the 137th running of theky derby saturday at 11:00 a.m. eastern.had until. >> misdiagnosed, i'm sure, many times. >> they just didn't know where to go. >> i love the attitude of your family. it was reflected in your letter. you guys seem to be a very joyful family, which i love. >> we try to d
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the balcony kiss. with a little creativity this weekend you can make your mom feel like queen for a day. bobbi thomas, today "today's" style editor and creator of nice to see you. >> nice to see you as well. >> this isn't keeping with the royal theme because we will not let it go. >> absolutely. we can't get enough. >> let's talk about stationery products. >> i thought this was so cool. a world war ii poster., great assortment of items. i love this note pad for mom. mom is always right. perfect to put her orders down. >> these come in handy. how did you make these. >> these are customized postage stamps. >> office this.
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they come in three sizes. you can make them and get them ships out in 24 hours. >> they're legitimate pose taj stamps. >> we have something just for fun. >> i love these because apparently these were all over london. these were solar powered? is. >> and she keeps wave. it's what everybody has been loving this. it also comes in pink and yellow. >> an idea of what it costs? >> less than $20 on >> fragrances and candles and things. i understand that these may be popular at the palaces in london? >> yeah. it's a cool backstory. they make cool deliveries to buckingham palace. one of their fragrance cutting garden was inspired by the windsor cutting garden, jasmine and -- >> i love the hats. we saw hats everywhere during the royal wedding. are they going to be back in a
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big way? >> i hope so. if you're listening, help mom incorporate a hat. these are from reese. but hats are a great thing for weather. i do hope women incorporate this more into their wardrobe. fun little catchy something. these are flipout sandals. each pair comes with a set of shoe jewelry. >> it unscrews? >> it will unscrew and you can change them into a butterfly art. >> you've got the crown ring holder? >> yes. this is a handy dandy thing. mom will keep it for her jewels if she's a queen. i love these rings. they're from chelsea taylor. they're little crown and mom can collect these on special occasions. >> tell me about this. >> this is great from claudia. this is an adorable crown pendant that mom can wear and put anywhere and it's got the
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royal wedding date inscribed. >> queen bee here. >> of course. it's a great key ring. a little bee with a crown on her. they have a great assortment of items like you can personalize. these lockets with initials and this great purse compact. >> and finally breakfast in bed on a big day. make your mom feel like a queen with great items. >> moore store offers these great queen mother cups and last but not least, aristocakes and this crown bottle stopper. perfect. >> you pulled it together here, bobbi. >> make mom feel like a queen. >> are you ready? >> i'm all set. up next, what professional chefs cook for their children. giada is here with her daughter.
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this morning on "today's" kitchen, easy as 1-2-3, what chefs cook for their kids. what do they prepare at home when they are at home? . we enlisted the help of charlie palmer and chuck henderson to whip up the meals their kids like to eat and love to cook. >> hi, i'm charlie palmer and welcome to my home. my sons are cooking for you today. they're going to be doing some of their favorite dishes what
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are you going to be doing? >> brew she ta. >> and what are you going to be doing? >> roast chicken. >> let's go into my home. >> for the chicken you need olive, clove, and onions and seasoning. >> why do you season? >> so it tastes good. >> we're going to roast these vegetables on the outside. you're going to mix the onion in with the garlic. we'll take a lemmon cut in half and a couple of garlic cloves. >> because you taste the inside just as much as you taste the outside. give it a little olive oil massage. these are pretty big chickens so they're going to taken an hour and 15 minutes. >> pretty good, guys. eric is going to pull out his famous roast chicken. look at that skin. crunchy, crispy. let's try eric's chicken.
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>> pretty good. >> hello, i'm chef henderson. welcome to my home. i'm preparing a vegan breakfast today. are you ready to eat? let's go. we're going to have scrambled toe few here. come on, mama, squeeze them up. we have sock green bell peppers, fresh own, garlic. i like to get it talking to me. i prepped the morning. all i have to do is add all the ingredients. check the flame, make sure it's not too high like daddy always teach you. cook it down. ready for the toe few? there we go. we have to really, really season it up. we're going to put some tear a mack in here. it's going to give it that egg yellow color. whoo. that's what i'm talking about. you always touch them. firm, they're done. let's stack them and rack them. it's almost there.
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chef, do you got the orange juice in. >> yeah. >> let me see if i can find the good maple syrup. you're all eating good today, huh. >> here contributor and chef giada delore rehn it is, and she's brought along her daughter jade. >> jade's moved to dessert. >> these are jade's favorite things. jade, what's this? what's this one? >> that was a mousse, right? no. leave me alone. she's eating. this is lamb chops. >> you know what i like? there's a lot of different cuts. you've got the lamb leg, lamb shoulder, but this one's fun because they can pick it up with their hands and dip. i make a homemade ketchup. >> you make your own ketchup? >> yes. there's a lot of funny things in regular ketchup. we start with tomato puree and i add some ownions to it.
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do you want to stir? great. and some brown sugar. >> oh, that looks good. >> do you want to scrape this out of the bowl? >> i can't. >> the onion's heavy. >> when you make home made ketchup can you keep it in the refrigerator or is it good for one day? >> it can be batched. apple sider vin gafrmt stir it around. perfect. jade's my little stirrer. it cooks for an hour. put it in the refrigerator. >> how long does it last? >> a couple of weeks. trust me, by then all the kids will have eaten it. i take the lamb chops and go to the butcher and have them french really well. >> french means you're exposing the bone. >> and have the fat tripped off so it's easy to pick up and eat like this. you can grill them for two or
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three minutes each side or put them in the oven. >> i know jade loves these turkey meatballs with spinach inside. >> easy way to sneak veggie in. >> a cup of spinach. mix it with ground dark meat. the white is super dry. >> you can have it with tomato sauce. >> jade likes them without sauce. >> meredith is creating problems over here. >> what did i do. >> i know jade and all of us love cupcakes. >> do you want to come back with us? do yaw want to stay there? she's busy. anyway, i can stand on this. >> these are healthy. >> yes. they're brown rice flour, almond flour, greated zucchini and raisins. it's cream cheese and honey to sweeten. >> happy mother's day, by the way. >> happy mother's day. >> thank you. er you're a goodmmheer. mmhe
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>> welcome back. 8:58. we have a good deal of slowing through the south. couple of accidents. southbound 680, accident cleared at the shoulder. slow on 280 up to the exit. the whole stretch slowing nice slow speed. 101 and 85, little longer as far as the slow downs not quite as severe. more severe along the bay shore. southbound coming into midland park into pal lo alto.
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very slow up to high street where an accident just occurred. >> lot of people trying to get to work. "the today show" continues next. go! go! completing an atm deposit in record time... that's a step forward. go! go! with deposit friendly atms, you can make ultra fast, secure deposits with no slips or envelopes. take a step forward and chase what matters.
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we're back now with more of "today" on a thursday morning, the fifth day of may, 2011. great crowd out here on the plaza on a stunning morning. although, i understand there's going to be some rain heading into our lives in the not-too-distant future. doesn't look like it right now. out on the plaza i'm matt lauer along with al roker and tamron hall. ann is on assignment. we're going check in with her in ch just a couple minutes. she's outside the compound where osama bin laden was found over the weekend and killed. she's got some new reporting on what bin laden's 12-year-old daughter may be telling authorities right now.
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as i mentioned, we'll check in with ann in a couple of minutes. >> on a different note, also coming up, saving you time and money at the drugstore. you know you can get certain vaccines, vaccinations at the drugstore. there are also other exams you can get. should you be taking advantage of these services? we're going to give you good consumer advice as to what you should do as far as medical checkups. an interesting question, what makes you guy cry other than me being here? >> the movie, "the notebook." >> me too. you're such a chick. >> i watched that movie on plane one time with him sitting across from me. burst into tears. i don't know what happened. >> i watched it and then i cried. >> that's interesting. science shows that women actually can put on the waterworks faster than men, but that just means you guys are sensitive. we're going to look at why women are wired to cry more than men. we're going to look at science and the social impact crying can have even in the workplace.
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pretty interesting. the other question -- i'm quizzing you. what do you think is the most popular name this year? >> tamron. >> not going to happen. it's a made up name. >> a made up name? >> no. a real name. >> jack. >> no. >> sam. >> no. but we'll find the answer to it. >> luke. >> we're going to tell you what the social security administration says are the most popular names and why the mtv show "teen moms" have impacted the names people are choosing for their kids. >> wow. that's amazing. no. i mean the length of that tease is amazing. let us go inside. natalie is at the news desk. natalie, take it away. good morning, everyone. a debate is raging over how osama bin laden was able to live unnoticed in a pakistani suburb for years. ann curry is in pakistan with the very latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, natalie. pakistan is on the defensive
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about why it took so long to find osama bin laden, the government actually saying it's an intelligence failure by the whole world not just pakistan, but one official is willing to call it an embarrassment that he was found just 35 miles away in islamabad. they're keeping people away from the house where osama bin laden was killed on sunday, but we were able to take a walk around and we saw that there were young people still finds pieces of helicopter wreckage. the overwhelming feeling here is of disbelief. people here say that they will not believe that osama bin laden was ever even here unless they see dna evidence or medical records or some kind of photographs, evidence of his body. in fact, one national security, former national security official, national security -- sorry -- official said with all due respect he believes president obama is making a mistake in not releasing a photograph of osama bin laden's
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body because he said the world needs proof, and without it, there is a chance that osama bin laden could gain mythical status, natalie. >> ann curry continuing with the reports in pakistan. thanks so much, ann. the mississippi river is swelling to what could become its highest levels in nearly a century, forcing thousands to leave their homes from illinois to louisiana. rising slowly, the worst flooding could still be a week away as the communities ban together to try to safeguard their towns. in missouri army engineers have demolished parts of the levee to help divert waters, a strategy that is now being considered along other locations along the river. workers have entered the plant for the first time since the immediate aftermath of the march 11 earthquake and tsunami. workers are installing ventilation machines. to heb absorb airborne
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radiation. general motors is recalling about 150,000 of its popular 2011 cruise compact sedans. the company wants to check steering shaft covers and automatic transmissions to make installed former child actor jackie cooper has died. cooper appeared at gang comedies and at the age of 9, he became the youngest person nominated for best actor for his role on the film as skippy. decades later he played perry white in the "superman" movies. he was 88. >> and california, here they come. the official royal website announced that the duke and duchess of cambridge, prince william and princess katharine, will be visiting california for three days this july after their tour of canada. details will be posted later. william has been here before to the u.s., but it will be kate's first visit to the united states. we'll welcome her with very open arms. it is now five minutes past the hour. let's go back outside. that's cool. glad they're coming our way too. >> it is cool. i'm sure we will ignore that, right? >> yeah, right. >> thank you very much.
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let's go over to al with a check of the weather. can you wait? i can't. we're excited. >> we know our producer don nash is giggling like a little school girl right now i'm sure. ooh, the royals. you're 13. what's your name, young lady? >> hadley. >> where are you from? >> colorado. >> happy birthday. >>hank you. >> let's all giggle like little school girls. you can seee w have got some wet weather making its way from minnesota on down into parts of nebraska. a pesky system that won't get out of here. still bringing rain to new england as well. showers back through the western plains. we're expecting plenty of sunshine along the gulf coast. beautiful weather through the southwest. nice warm phoenix today, 99. 88 in l.a. that's it's going to be another warm day. high pressure has set up, but it's actually shifted to the east a little bit. for us today, that means we're going to drop off by a few degrees.
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our temperatures will be milder from yesterday. tomorrow we're expecting a significant cool down. it should be back as of this afternoon. we're looking for in terms of your weather forecast. here are your temperatures looking comfortable in places like san francisco, 76 degrees, mostly clear. 87 in los gatos. 81 degrees in santa cruz. and that's your latest weather. natalie? ♪ al, thank you. saving time and money. by using drugstore services. $270 billion industry, and that's big money, meaning fierce competition in everything from flu shots to skin cancer screenings now being offered as a way to lure customers into stores. lisa is the editor of "shop smart." good morning. you're seeing drugstores with the walk-in clinics popping up all over the place. there's a real service added to this. are customers seeking that at the drugstores? >> people's lives are so crazy and there's not always time to
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get to the doctor and sometimes the doctor can't see you right away. some of these places are open seven days a week. a lot of them have clinics where you can get all kinds of services. it's a real service to the community, especially if you're a busy mom. >> what should you know before you walk up to the counter? >> you should find out how they're staffed. most are nurse practitioners, some have doctors. find out if they take your insurance. not all services are covered by insurance. find out. those are questions you want to ask. >> i know shop smart took a look at services. many of them focusing on health care. utilize the convenience of in-store clinics, testing, and shots. when it comes to these medical services, is the drugstore alternative as safe as going to your doctor's office? >> absolutely. we're talking about poison ivy. chicken pots. many kinds of shots. don't have to shlep over to your doctor's office. you can do it there.
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another convenience is high blood pressure screening, asthma screening, skin cancer screening, there may be special events. check the pharmacy. you might be surprised. again, remember, do they take your insurance, and if they're price sensitive, you might want to see. >> do they take insurance? >> a lot of insurance, exactly. but if you don't have insurance, you're going to want to check the prices there versus the prices that might be offered at your doctor's office. shop around. >> also it doesn't replace your doctor. >> that's right. go to your doctor. >> it's a substitute for going to your doctor. it's a supplement. they are open seven days a week. if you've got a minor wound or, again, poison ivy, pink eye, you have a place to go and take care of it. of course, you want to let your doctor know. >> next you say tap your pharmacist for non-publicized offers. you can ask for bargains if you ask for it. >> right. for example, 13% asked for a price reduction and half of them
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got it. some will open credit accounts for you free of charge. you have to ask. definitely negotiate and find out what other extra services may be available. for example, they might be able to customize your prescription. if you are having trouble choking down your pills, they might be able to get a liquid formulation for you or if you're having trouble having your daughter take her medication, they may be able to make cherry flavor. >> next you say take advantage of competitive drug pricing so asking for things like generics might be the way go. go. >> generic is the way to go. walmart and target have special $4 flat rate drug pricing for a 30-month supply, $10 for a 90-month supply. that's on generic drugs. even your mom and pop pharmacy down the street might be willing to negotiate with you to give you a better price to compete.
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many have jegeneric over-the-counter drugs. they can save you 66% or more. there's a huge savings going with the generic over-the-koub ter drugs. >> there's a lot of information. we'll have to check out "shop smart". coming up next. they say it's already too cry. but why are men's tears different from women's? we'll find out. raising happy healthy kids. helping children reach their full potential right after this.
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here's to my pants not leaving marks on my waist. achieve small wins with a healthy lifestyle and dannon light & fit. the light fresh yogurt with 80 calories vs. 100 in the other leading brand. here's to 80 calories tasting crazy good. live light and fit. twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. [ male announcer ] savings and value is what toyota does best. after all, toyota's the most fuel-efficient full-line auto manufacturer in the industry. and we have the lowest ownership cost of any full-line car brand. and for a limited time, get 1.9% apr financing on select new camrys and tundras. pl, usery new toyota comes with toyotacare, a complimentary maintenance plan with roadside assistance. we're number 1 for a reason. come see for yourself. hurry in for the best selection. ♪
9:13 am
if it captures... ...sparkles... ...or shines... ...only sears has the perfect gifts for any mom. sears [ male announcer ] discover the new taste of eggo thick and fluffy waffles. whoa! a deliciously different way to waffle. how'd you make these, dad? secret recipe. really... [ male announcer ] new eggo thick and fluffy waffles. imagine what it can do to your skin. but dove isn't soap. it contains pure 1/4 moisturizing cream because, everyday moisture is the key to beautiful skin. and who knows moisture better than dove.
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while i took refuge from the pollen that made me sneeze. but with 24-hour zyrtec®, i get prescription strength relief from my worst allergy symptoms. so lily and i are back on the road again. with zyrtec® i can love the air®. fill an entire community with joy? maxwell house believes so. that's why we've partnered with rebuilding together to help revitalize communities in need. vote for your community at so what makes you cry? a sad movie, wedding? nothing. >> scientists say we're often powerless to hold back tears but when it comes to tears, men and women are biologically built differently. the author of "why him, why her." good morning. good to see you. this is such an interesting topic. it's one of those things we all mention or discuss at home.
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but there's science behind it. why do we cry? not based on gender but why do people cry? >> anthropologists never knows. no other animal cries. it's such an honest signal. you cannot fake crying. actors can. they move their face into a position that triggers the muscles and brain that starts crying but to the rest of us it's an honest signal and people immediately stop and pay attention to you. it's a very effective deal dealing with your husband or wife or social group or even with your children. so it's an honest signal. >> so do men cry less than women, or are we better at, say, holding back? we're more emotionally stunted so we don't release those emotions? >> i don't want to call it's motionally stunted. i think there's good evolutionary reasons why men can do that. for millions of years men needed
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to protect the group and not show their weakness. but we know testosterone puts on the brakes. when the tess when tesses to trone kicks in. they think of ways to stop crying. they'll cry to mem rice the gettysburg address or come up with baseball scores because they don't want that vulnerability. >> if that's the case for men, why do women like to own turning on the waterworks. >> first of all the gland, the tear duct is smaller in women so when it wells up, they well up faster. >> our glands are smaller and we hold fewer tears. >> we don't hold them as well. they pour out so we give that signal. you know, there's studies in 22 societies around the world and everywhere women are more
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emotionally expressive. one of the reasons is because they've got more prolack tin. >> what's prolack tin? >> it's a largely female hormone and actually is a catalyst that makes tears and so women are capable of making more tears. and then, again, we also -- we're not afraid of crying. vulnerability gets women something that it doesn't get men. >> like what? >> well, you know, when a man and woman are in an argument, a woman will start to cry and instantly he'll stop. instantly he'll pay attention. instantly he'll try to give her what she needs. you know, for millions of years women have not been incredibly physically powerful so that they're emotionally powerful. >> but it hurts us, too, because if you cry in the workplace or your husband sees you crying it may start an irritant in that person as they feel helpless when you start crying. >> particularly in the workplace. this is where women don't want to cry. >> does it hurt men as well as
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women in a man is seen crying at work? >> i think it is. it's more unacceptable for a man to cry at work than it is for women and it's probably been more unacceptable for 4 million years. >> why do we feel better after crying. >> they wonder that, whether we're actually getting rid of various toxic chemicals. they've not been able to prove that but there are lots of bee havl studies that show that we actually do feel better after crying. it's probably the expression of the emotions. the response of all the people around us who pull us in, help us with our problems. >> but have we got on the the point where we do encourage our small boys to -- are you seeing a social logical change or anthropological change? >> i do. i think when teen age comes on, it's harder for men to do that. men feel their emotions. they have much more emotional
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flooding. they're betting at emotionally containing themselves probably because of the testosterone, but they can go over the eng. >> thank you so much. coming up next, michael or daniel, alexander or emily. one of the most popular baby names in america. we'll find out o after these messages. 's worse -- mosquitoes or mosquito spray? huh. [ female announcer ] try the new design of off! clip-on repellent. lab tests show this sprayless repellent really repels. in minutes, its fan surrounds you from head to toe with effective, odorless protection. [ mosquitoes buzzing ] so don't spray it on. clip it on. off! clip-on. keeps bugs off. sc johnson. a family company. off! clip-on. keeps bugs off. here's to my pants not leaving marks on my waist. achieve small wins with a healthy lifestyle and dannon light & fit. the light fresh yogurt with 80 calories
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choose. brew. enjoy. sweet dreams, little buddy. love you, mom sfx: squeaky door closes sfx: bed crashes to floor kids seem to get bigger overnight. good morning... whoa! whoa! and when they do, they're ready for goodnites. the nighttime underwear specially designed for kids 4 and up. and 40% more absorbent than training pants. lighten the night at is the best part of stouffer's lasagna. the tomatoes i grow are the best part. distinctive, beautiful rich cheese. delicious tomatoes. can't have lasagna without cheese. that's a perfect looking tomato. my cheese. tomatoes. cheese. tomatoes. cheese. [ horn honks ] these whole grains of mine put a whole new spin on lasagna. [ female announcer ] introducing new stouffer's farmers' harvest meals. made with select farm-picked ingredients. the same great taste your family loves
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now with the goodness of whole grains... and no preservatives. find more ways to get your family to the table at oh! [ both slurping ] ♪ [ female announcer ] the irresistible taste of cinnamon toast crunch. crave those crazy squares. just in time for mother's day, the social security administration is releasing the list of names. commissioner is here. >> everyone wants to know top girls and boys names. >> we've got jason on the boys' signed isabella on the girl's side. >> jacob. 12 years in a row. >> my mother's name was isabella. >> i guess sophia is moving up
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the list. >> sophia is moving up. the top tenuous fairly similar. we saw interesting patterns with names moving up, so we had the fastest moving name on the girl's side was macy and bentley on the boys side. >> bentley and macy. >> all because of pop culture. >> interesting. it seems like reality tv is catching on. we saw the impact of traditional tv and hollywood. the reality is very popular. religion is still very popular. >> some celebrities. twilight. >> callen. we also saw knox rising on the boys' names which was the names of one of the adopted children of angelina jolie and brad pitt. >> for you personally, elvis dropping off. >> this was a big blow for me
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for the first time since 1954 elvis dropped off the top 1,000. i was all shook up about that. >> come on, commissioner. >> meanwhile let's talk about our names. >> we want to talk about our names. >> the only name -- >> not only are you the only one up, you're now the top name on the "today" show because matthew slipped on the boy's side. i think you do this segment every year and people are paying attention. >> i moved from 16 to 14. >> you're not up. >> it's a made up name. >> more and more people are doing that particularly with our daughters. we do a lot more made up names with the daughters. you see a lot more creativity with the daughters than the suns. >> it's a great list. >> you can check it out on
9:25 am >> thank you very much. >> we have your local news and weather. and the name weather is up to 162. [ female announcer ] this is not just a corner drugstore. this is walgreens. a place to help you stay well. where liz kiem can find answers to nagging questions like... "is this a cold or allergies?" and, "when should i switch out my toothbrush?" where she can get calcium for her bones and protection for her skin. at walgreens, you can find the answers to live a little healthier too. walgreens. there's a way to stay well. don't let allergies slow you down. this week, save $5 on non-drowsy claritin. no hoops to jump through to get it? even better. not a big fan of hoops. that's why i have the bankamericard cash rewards credit card. we get 1% cash back on every purchase. there's no limit to the amount of cash back i can earn. and the rewards -- yes. won't expire. bankamericard cash rewards.
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1% cash back. no hoops to jump through. nice and simple. just the way i like it. [ male announcer ] the refreshingly simple bankamericard cash rewards credit card. apply online or at a bank of america near you. good morning. it's 9:26. this morning, police in the south bay are searching for a suspect in a fatal stabbing that happened in east san jose. this happened about 11:30 last night near lake cunning ham park. the victim was taken to regional center but died a short time later. the investigators have not released a description or motive. seven men will be in court charged with the murder of a german tourist. the woman was in the city celebrating her 50th birthday last august when she got caught
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welcome back. a couple seconds before 9:28. use those couple seconds to go through 280 or 85 because of an accident that has just cleared. look at the slowing for the south bay. there's a sig alert coming out of san bruno. 380 to 101, heading to the san mateo bridge is slow. christina has a look at your forecast. >> good thursday morning to you. it's going to be a nice day today. not quite as warm as yesterday. for us, an onshore flow is going to take shape. the fog going to come in the night and tomorrow morning. we'll see a few including for
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your getaway friday. temperatures are going to be pleasant at the coast. 76 degrees in san francisco. can't beat that. little toasty in the south bay. 87 degrees in san jose. 82 degrees in san rafael. here's where we are as we head to the weekend. 74 degrees on saturday, 71 by sunday. conditions stay nice and mild all the way throughout next week. sunday, mother's day, mostly cloudy conditions, maybe a sprinkle in the north bay. i think it's going to be a nice day. that's the only chance of rain we have though for the next 15 days. hope you have a great day. >> "the today show" returns in less than a minute. we'll be back at 9:56.
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. >> she always talked with us. the relationship you have with your mom and kids. >> at the end of the day, your family is your most important possession. i think that was -- she was all about her family. >> and those are some of the lessons we learned from our moms, and in honor of mother's day, we're going to share with you some of the wisdom our moms passed on to u. that's tomorrow on "today." >> a special edition here. we've got jean chatzky who's going to be with her mom, giada with her daughter. lessons we learned. it's going to be great. being a parent, of course,
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challenging enough. what about when your child seems unhappy or frustrated? you may not know if it's just a stage they're going through or perhaps a sign of something a little more serious. we're going to tell you how to recognize signs that it's time to seek professional guidance to help him reach his ore her full potential. >> keeping with the mother theme, jill's fine finds. three days. have you made your move yet? >> done, done, and done. >> we've got great gift ideas for every mom out there. >> we're going to head into the kitchen for huevos rancheros. >> what ak sernlt are you trying to do. >> i was trying to go with antonio bandaras. let's check your weather. for today we expect to see the run for the roses on saturday.
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there you go. 137th kentucky derby. mostly cloudy, mild, 60% chance of afternoon showers and showers. temperatures in the upper 60s. as we look ahead for tomorrow, saturday, i should say, we expect to see plenty of sunshine in the southeast, rain in the mississippi river valley, sunny and hot out west. on sunday, sunday we expect showers in the northeast. rain on mother's day in the pacific northwest with some mountain snow. sunny and hot, texas into the >> good thursday morning to you. we have a mostly clear and mild start with temperatures in the mid 50s. temperatures fall slightly as we head throughout the afternoon, a five degree dip from yesterday. tomorrow, the fog is going to bring the fog back into the mix. today, crystal clear, 87 in san jose, 87 in gilroy. mostly cloudy conditions on
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mother's day. >> and that's your latest weather. thank you very much. red flags for parents. when do seek help when your child is out of hand right after these message. all they've given us. really?! [ female announcer ] the tough love... okay, don't do that on your test. [ female announcer ] ...invaluable guidance... [ mom ] go, turn, turn, turn! [ female announcer ] ...and a lifelong friendship. do it again. [ chuckles ] ♪ [ female announcer ] mother's day is for celebrating all our moms have given us. happy mother's day. i love you. i love you. [ female announcer ] now, select cards come postage paid. here's to my pants not leaving marks on my you. achieve small wins with a healthy lifestyle and dannon light & fit. the light fresh yogurt with 80 calories vs. 100 in the other leading brand. here's to 80 calories tasting crazy good. live light and fit. the film gala's in about 2 hours.
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wanna go? yeah! wait. 2 hours!? [ female announcer ] no time to plan? there's still time to whiten. introducing crest whitestrips 2-hour express. now, in just two hours you can have a noticeably whiter smile that lasts for months. ♪ they must think we're famous! let em. [ female announcer ] whitening without the wait. 3d white whitestrips two hour express, from crest. life opens up when you do. and try 3d white paste and rinse. aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. with active naturals oats, it's proven to moisturize for 24 hours. for healthy beautiful skin... and a better day. choose america's #1 daily lotion, only from aveeno. chicken, chicken chicken.
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there are thousands of ways to prepare it. [ chickens clucking ] you know only two of them. time to mix it up. time for new philly cooking creme. it'll take your chicken to places it's never been before. somewhere creamier, dreamier, with lots of flavor. look at you all chef-like. spread the love around in four fabulous flavors. spoon in a little new philly cooking creme. dove's new range with weightless nutri-oils. smooth away up to 100% of dry hair's roughness and frizz. new dove nourishing oil care. make friends with your hair. [ male announcer ] our 16 fresh-picked oranges have a new home. tropicana pure premium now comes in a clear bottle so you can see how much goodness is squeezed inside. ♪ good morning tropicana. the world's best juice never looked better. [ cer ] discover the new taste of eggo thick and fluffy waffles.
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whoa! a deliciously different way to waffle. how'd you make these, dad? secret recipe. really... [ male announcer ] new eggo thick and fluffy waffles. this morning on "parents today," it's child mental awareness day. is your child falling behind in school or having trouble making friends? these may actually warrant signs that need attention. the president of the child mind institution and die an, the deputy editor of "parents" magazine and they're partner s n the speak-up campaign.
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nice to have you here for such an important cause. let me tell you why. if you look at these numbers, more than 15 million children in america have psychiatric disorder is. half never receive help. 75% of all psychiatric illnesses occur before the age of 24 and 50% before the age of 14. given these numbers, why aren't we take children's mental health more seriously? >> the big problem is still a lot of shame. if you think back 40, 50 years ago, people used to whisper canc cancer. today we're doing the same thing. unfortunately left untreated, kids with psychiatric disorders are likely to have ak demming failure, substance abuse, dropouts. 5,000 teenagers this year will kill themselves and 600,000 will actually make a serious enough attempt that they'll land in the hospital. >> third leading cause of death. >> actually 14 to 24. but the more important thing is more kids have these disorders
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than all the kids who have aids, diabetes, heart disease combined, and yet we tend to ignore these kids. >> and diane, is the reason we're ignoring it, is it because of that social stigma we talked about or is it something more like parents look back at their own history or cases of mental illness in their family that they don't want to own up to that? >> i think it's very difficult for parents know whether their child's behavior is normal or not. i think they want to believe that if a child is having difficulties that he's going to grow out of it and i think it's typical for a parent to wait two years before taking a child with a typical mental health problem in. that's unfortunate. >> what are some symptoms parents should be looking for in children's behavior? >> they have to know their kids. they have to know how they sleep, what kind of social life do they lead? are they outgoing? are they a shy kid? do they love sports? when does it change? when you see your kid has stress
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or dysfunction, he didn't want go to school or he can't sit still or he's come plank, parents should see the red flag. if a child has rash, you wouldn't wait four days. you look at it, call a pediatrician. if a kid's not functioning or not happy, call the pediatrician. number two go see someone. you can go for a symptom checker do, i really have to worry about my kids. >> diana, i know this is something that the readers of your magazine, i'm sure they talk a lot about this and write a lot about this, their children's behavior. what do they say about what they notice in kids' behavior and especially when it deals with bullying nowadays that we hear so much about. can some of that play into what could be going on in terms of mental health? >> there's so many reasons for why a child acts difficult. there's a lot of guilt and
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embarrassment. parents worry if their child has a problem, people are going to look at them and thing that they're a bad parent and they hesitate to get help because of, that but that's really unfortunate because it's not the parent's fault. >> sudden change, too, we can't forget about that. in the case of sudden death or divorce in family, those impact a child's mental health as well. what should you do to get them need? >> again, we're here in a celebration, again, 9/11 was so many years ago and we feel in some ways relieved. after 9/11 or any traumatic event, certain kids are more sensitive. that's, again, when you have to be on the lookout. i think diana's right. it's not bad parenting that causes these disorders but it takes excellent parenting to make it better. that's what parents need to do. >> good point to end on. thank you. thanks so much for coming to us and raising our attention to it. there's much more information on our website, by the way, on
9:41 am se ing up next jill's fun findse r moer's day after these messageses. acalongmes re n i 'vmberd ihae nstesee iva id anything about it because i felt like okay this is not life threatening. maybe i just need to sip a certain way. or eat something a certain way. until i went to the dentist one day. ttiheenav d g stmene sesodyne toothpaste. once i tried sensodyne and kept using it i realized okay this really works. i have stopped using sensodyne in the past for like a week. and then i would notice slowly but surely that same sensitivity would start coming back.
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i said let me go back to using the sensodyne. this one is a keeper. [ female announcer ] lunchables turkey and cheddar cracker combos, now with fruit because a great lunch inspires great ideas. can i borrow your orange? give me a big smile. ♪ it doesn't get better than this ♪ if it captures... ...sparkles...
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...or shines... ...only sears has the perfect gifts for any mom. sears of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. it's the way to individually brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew, hon. [ female announcer ] choose. brew. enjoy. keurig. [ female announcer ] choose. brew. enjoy. here's to my pants not leaving marks on my waist. achieve small wins with a healthy lifestyle and dannon light & fit. the light fresh yogurt with 80 calories vs. 100 in the other leading brand. here's to 80 calories tasting crazy good. live light and fit. [ male announcer ] our 16 fresh-picked oranges have a new home. tropicana pure premium now comes in a clear bottle so you can see how much goodness is squeezed inside.
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♪ good morning tropicana. the world's best juice never looked better. now for a special edition of "jill's fun find" for mother's day. jill martin is here with gifts for moms everywhere. good morning. good to see you, jill. >> good morning. >> so it is not too late to make a great impression. >> my mom's a teacher so i know she's not watching. i wait till the last minute but i still like to be thoughtful. the shipping on all of these if it's a website is not exorbitant.
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>> we're starting out with matching outfits. carly and her beautiful daughter harper. >> this is harper's first appearance. she's looking beautiful. what's great about these,s they're in select ann taylor stores. 60% of the proceeds goes to st. jude's hospital. so it's a great way to get something for your mother, matchy, and also give back. >> absolutely beautiful. thank you. thanks, harper. you were fantastic. swimwear, matching swimwear. i can't stop smiling. >> it starts at $60 for the collection and up. look at this. exact matching mother/daughter. sexy mama. >> that's a hot mama. >> that's right. i think it's so great, especially for mother's day. if you're in an environment to wear a bathing suit, wear it. we're definitely welcoming in the warm weather. >> the next is called baby buggy? >> look how cute this is?
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this is from target. $3.99 and up. it's a limited edition. 10% goes to baby buggy. it's a charity. 0 to 9 months for boys and girls. jessica seinfeld's charity. do that big event every year. 10% goes to baby buggy at target. >> that's a great idea. what mom doesn't need a great tote. >> let's start with the beach-loving mom. this is $30 and up. you can buy all different sizes. that's for the mom who shleps who always has everything on them. >> i think all moms shlep. it's cute. >> you can add on for every little holiday. >> very nice. and the mom who loves comfort. >> okay. this is great. we are debuting these on the "today" show. misoni, designer has teamed up with haviana's to bring us these
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flip-flops. $60 and up. they're pricey but if you have a mom who likes them, they're amazing. >> these are great. i love the color. >> they sold out online in 24 hours but they're available at nordstroms. it's great for mom who wants to get in on the trend but doesn't want to spend the money. >> for moms who like to travel? >> three pieces in great colors. $63.99 for all three pieces. my mom ties a million ribbons onto the black luggage as it comes along. this is better. at least it's a color. it doesn't look like a carnival on it. >> you've got interesting accessories for ka lip sow. >> they did a line for target. this is to put in your bag. i always think it's nice when you're on vacation when your toiletries are in nice matching
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bags. it feels like you're relaxing and pampered yourself. >> that's a good idea. you hate when you travel and your necklaces are all tangled up. for the coffee-loving mother. >> i have this actually in my house. it makes single-cup coffees. i brought it from home just to show. it's so nice to be able to say, here, pick your coffee. you make a cup and it comes out in less than a minute. it's available at macy's starting at $99 and up. it's a great gift if you love coffee it's a really sleek design so it goes cool in the kitchen. these plates are beautiful. >> from kate spade available at bloomingdale's. again, another high end designer, kate spade. look how beautiful this is to serve on. they love to be able to present it on beautiful plates, so this is a great gifts and comes in beautiful packaging. >> is this for the matter mom? >> yes.
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cheers. you hook this up to your ipod or ipad and it will play it for a 150-foot broadcast range. it's water-resistant. you can put it outside. $14 and up, baking for good. the proceeds go to charities. you can pick the charity. cheers. i know you're in ebony magazine with your mom. >> yes, we're featured in there. happy mother's day to you as well. very good. up next. something spicy, something sweet. are they talking about us? they're talking about cinco de mayo brunch. first this is "today" on nbc.
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made easy. good morning. those who think cinco day mayo is mexican independence day, wrong. history lesson. >> it's the battle against the french in 1962. it's not a celebration. it's so ironic. >> it celebrates mexican herita heritage which is what it's all about. >> you're going to start with a couple of recipes. huevos rancheros divorce style. what do you mean. >> we make them separately, mick them up. they're happily divorced. we've got a few different flavoring. this has spice here. straight in the pan. no oil. >> regular tomatoes. >> regular tomatoes. garlic, cerrano. no oil. charred. it's give to give it so much flavor. we're going to add them to the blender, add them in. you want to add a little bit of
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chicken brought just like that. and then a couple of cerranos, give it a blend. this is nice and spicy. this is the spicy one. i think that's enough to get the sauce going. are you blending? >> blending. >> there you go. >> there we go. >> perfect. >> it's a team effort this morning. i love it. after you blend it up, it looks exactly like this one and it's nice and spicy. >> and you keep it simmering? >> yeah. you want to reduce it a little bit. you want to intensify the flavors and kind of cook down the spice from the cerrano. exact same procedure but you're using anaheim chiles. pop them, blond them and you get this beautiful sauce here. >> so that's cold. you get the hot and the cold. >> room temperature. >> okay. >> nice and warm, nice and arm. you've got eggs, sunnyside up eggs just like this. >> these are nice. >> they look beautiful.
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we've got tore tee owes. these are huevos rancheros. they're tra dilgsally served with a tortilla. don't fry it so much it's hard. >> you can buy the store bought stuff. >> you would buy the tortilla, the soft one, and fry it for about 30 seconds per size and you put the egg over it, a couple of eggs, sauce it. >> let's move back here. >> yes. >> through the magic of television. >> through the magic of television we've got divorced huevos rancheros. >> and over here, hash browns? >> yes. very easy to put it together. it's really classic mexican combo. >> i love this cafe de la hoya. >> yes. >> we've got some of that going here. >> yes. we've got the coffee grounds, a little bit of water.
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happy sincinco de mayo. >> there's something not on this table. nomargaritas. what's up with that? >> it's breakfast. we start the day with coffee and then we have the margaritas. >> we do have to do this. >> yes. you do have to strain it because the grounds are in there. you want it to be really, really smooth. can you smell the cinnamon and the orange? >> thank you so much. this looks delicious. we're going to dig in. still twizzlers. the twist you can't resist.
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captions paid for byn. nbc-universal television hello, everybody. thank you so much for joining us. you know what today is cinco de mayo, the 5th of may. hoda is feeling a little bit better. >> i am. >> she is going to go today and get an interesting procedure. >> giata told me to get a shot in the ass and said it will
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clear your head up so i'm doing it. i can't hear and i'm supposed to fly tomorrow. she cade you get the shot there and it clears your head up. >> wonderful. >> i can't wait to do it. >> you were down in the dumps yesterday. you were really bad. it was matinee wednesday. we were on our way to see a new show. huge fan of sutton foster. you couldn't go. i started feeling sick. good afternoon, i'm david zbreg ri in washington. we're going to take you live to new york where president obama is making a highly symbolic visit to ground zero, now in the process of laying a wreath at what is hallowed ground in this
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>> the president after observing a moment of silence and laying a wreath at ground zero. he's been meeting with family members of the victims and also first responders from that day. police officers and firefighters, some of whom from units in lower manhattan that suffered great losses responding to the events of 9/11. again, all of this in a week filled with a sense of rejoicing and accomplishment and justice just days after osama bin laden was killed as a result of a raid on a compound outside islamabad in pakistan carried out by navy s.e.a.l.s, a daring raid, a risky one. that president obama ordered.
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earlier today, president obama visited a firehouse in lower manhattan. among them, engine 54 which lost 15 firefighters on 9/11. >> because of the courage of our military and the outstanding work of our intelligence, sent a message around the world but also sent a message here back home that when we say we will never forget, we mean what we say. >> the president, as i say, meeting with family members of those killed on 9/11, also those first responders like those visits to the firehouses earlier today. during the week that, as i say, was filled with the bittersweet sense of justice and accomplishment, having ordered a raid that killed osama bin laden but also the knowledge that nothing can be done to erase
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that sense of trauma and pain from the losses on 9/11. many people have made the observation that this was the ultimate leadership moment for a commander in chief who in some ways had not been tested on this order, who had been the target of criticism from republicans who said that he has not shown the kind of leadership necessary to demonstrate he was capable of protecting america, despite the continuity of this administration with the previous administration's fight against terrorism, whether it's detainee policy or the surge of forces in afghanistan. but nothing more potent than a moment like what this president experienced earlier in the week, ordering a raid that ultimately killed osama bin laden nearly a decade after the attacks. ron allen is in lower manhattan at ground zero. ron, tell me about the president's visit and what the response has been there.
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>> reporter: well, it's a very somber occasion. this is a place that's always very heavy with emotion. and i think the highlight of it, of course, will be when he meets with the families one-on-one. we've been talking with a number of families since we've been down here after the killing of bin laden. and there's such a complex layering of emotions that they feel, relief, yes, that this has happened, a sense of justice that this man so directly responsible for the death of their loved ones has been held accountable for this. but, of course, none of that brings back the people who are lost. so the pain that so many still endure continues. but i think there's a real feeling that -- of gratitude that the president is coming here to mark this occasion, coming here to focus the nation's attention on what happened here so long ago. with first responders as well, i think there's a feeling that the nation at times moves on and doesn't always remember, doesn't
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always pay perhaps the kind of level of attention that they would like to this particular place. so, again, a feeling of gratitude that the president is coming and saying "thank you" to them, saying that we value your service, that we still feel your pain and we honor what you've done and what you continue to do every day for this country. this place now, this place is so much more alive than it's been in past visits we've had over years past. the memorial that will be open to the public in a short period of time is mownow alive. a lot of people are glad to see that. back to you. >> thank you, ron allen. ground zero is hallowed ground. it's the place where there will be a memorial and new buildings. it is the new construction site for the new freedom tower which has still not been completed. and part of the openness and rawness of the wound. there was within the white house a sense that the death of bin
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laden afforded an opportunity for the president to visit not so much about a victory lap. but a kind of closing of the circle that here we are nearly a decade later and the man responsible for the attacks that left that hole in the ground and the hole in so many hearts around the country has indeed been killed, that he has been brought to justice. it was president bush who in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks just three days later made his first visit to ground zero to inspect the damage firsthand. and there was a moment that became an iconic moment of his presidency when many felt he became a commander in chief, his so-called bullhorn moment when he spoke to an assembled group of firefighters who had gathered and the president said at that point, i can hear you, after he was speaking to the group saying that america was on bended knee and those who were assembled
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said, we can't hear you. and he said, i can hear you. the man who was standing with president bush is a firefighter who was in the middle of what was such an impromptu moment at ground zero. nearly a decade later, what was your response to hearing the news about bin laden? >> i felt very, very happy that this had happened while i was still here. and i'm glad that the president's down here today to thank the firemen and the pol e police, the parents and siblings of the deceased that were in the building. >> you know, as you compare these two presidential visits, one that you had such an important part in with president bush, describe your emotions that day and that presidential visit and compare it to now nearly a decade later with this sense of accomplishment about
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bin laden, how you feel today. >> i feel very good about, like i say, the president coming down here and coming to new york. it's a plus. it's a plus for the people. i'm proud that he came down here and thanked the people. >> thank you very much for joining us. we appreciate your perspective. as we still look at live pictures from the president's visit to ground zero as ron allen noted, he will meet later in the day with family members of the victims of 9/11, all part of a day to mark the loss, but to also mark a sense of justice, a kind of -- if not a completion in this war, certainly a milestone. nearly ten years after the attacks, to be able to go to lower manhattan to ground zero, to go to those family members and share with them that bittersweet moment of the end of
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bin laden's life, some measure of justice for those who were killed and responded and felt such a sense of trauma that continues to this day, but also the resolve that an american war on terror has borne such an important result. more later on "nbc nightly news" and on these nbc stations. for now, i'm david gregory in and submi the hot dads. >> we have hot dads around here. jerry, you're a dad. who is hotter than jerry, al, matt, frank gifford. who is hotter? >> check him out. >> so grand prize is a seven-day, six-day luxury something somewhere. it's going to be fantastic. it just went right by. >> go to dads. >> you're only as good as your information. >> up next, very funny and
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ooh, a brainteaser. how can expedia now save me even more on my hotel? well, hotels know they can't fill every room every day. like this one. and this one. and oops, my bad. so, they give expedia ginormous discounts with these: unpublished rates. which means i get an even more rockin' hotel, for less. my brain didn't even break a sweat. where you book matters. expedia. here's to my pants not leaving marks on my waist. achieve small wins with a healthy lifestyle and dannon light & fit. the light fresh yogurt with 80 calories
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vs. 100 in the other leading brand. here's to 80 calories tasting crazy good. live light and fit. sweet dreams, little buddy. love you, mom sfx: squeaky door closes sfx: bed crashes to floor kids seem to get bigger overnight. good morning... whoa! whoa! and when they do, they're ready for goodnites. the nighttime underwear specially designed for kids 4 and up. and 40% more absorbent than training pants. lighten the night at
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get ready, john leguizamo is in the house. the actor is back on stage after a bit of a break starring in his latest one-man show called "ghetto klown." >> they take you on this wild ride. this from his early days growing unin new york city to his rise as a full-fledged celebrity. >> thank you for coming to play. we appreciate it. >> i did that worm from the turn of the century. >> there is dancing in the show, isn't there? >> there is a lot of dancing. i use dance as a mark of the ages. '60s i do the camel walk.
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>> it's a theatrical device. >> yes. >> country dancing was something you had to learn. >> that i had to do. i had to go on youtube and watch the line dancing. i had a coach come in. it wasn't coming naturally. i was trying to get that. >> what comes easy, the salsa, the samba? >> the salsa. >> what do those in your life think of the show? >> don't like it so much. they never have. i had breakfast with my mom today. we were arguing. that never happened, you were lying. mom, it did happen. you have parental amnesia. >> what is an example of something you say about your mom in the show? >> when she used to get really
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upset with me and she found out my first show was about her, how dare you expose me like that you son of a, and i go, mom, you just called yourself a name. i did not, shut up, you grand punta. she kept insulting herself in spanish. >> you call it therapy for yourself. >> as opposed to paying for therapy. >> it's like 300 bucks in manhattan. i'm getting paid whatever i'm getting paid on stage. >> is it cathartic to put your business out there? >> it is. i'm reliving all the fights i had with my parents and on the set i had a couple of fights with stephen segal and kurt russell. stephen comes in and says, i'm in command, what i say is law, do you disagree. i started cracking up in his face. >> you can't believe it's real. >> exactly. who talks like that. and he knocks me into a brick
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wall. when i say how big and fat he is and runs like a girl, because he does, but he hits like a dude. he runs like a chick. he is 6'5". >> he's a lethal weapon, isn't he? >> i did have a lawsuit. i'm not that kind of guy. >> you imitate other actors. >> pacino told me my best lesson. i was a young actor trying to bring ought my ghettoness to it. he was like, just be yourself, john, be yourself, john, you're a clown, john, just be yourself, beep, beep, beep, there was a lot of beeping. do less, john. do less. >> less is more. >> we saw -- >> sometimes less is less. >> we saw you in "lincoln lawyer." >> i played a bail bondsman. i went to l.a., hung out with
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bail bondsman and ex-cons who needed the help. i spent time with them. reprised that on screen with matthew mcconaughey. >> you get to do both, but what do you personally enjoy them both? being in front of a live audience? >> live audience. it's like my religion. it keeps you honest. if you're a real actor, you can tell on stage. you can't fake it. you start coming up with new stuff all the time. >> do you mix it up every night? i know you wrote it. you had a lot of freedom. you're not sticking to noe lfrl coward. >> i have flashbacks. i get very vocal in my shows. >> they don't know what's rude.
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>> i let them know. i'm not sharing my salary, so you've got to be quiet. >> it's so great. i love spanking you. bad boy, bad boy. >> frank is a lucky man. >> he has no idea. >> up next, if you like dogs and babies, you'll love this. don't know what to give her this mother's day? how about a smile? at, we can design an arrangement that is sure to delight. [ doorbell ] 1-800-flowers. ohh! take our "tote-ally" original, "tote-ally" mom bouquet,
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a stylish gift that fits her perfectly. this mother's day, don't settle for the ordinary. send a creation that's truly her. call, click or come in, and let us arrange a smile for you this mother's day, starting at $29.99. your favorites, in pieces. you know what, tell me, what makes peter, peter ? well, i'm an avid catamaran sailor. i can my own homemade jam, apricot. and i really love my bank's raise your rate cd. i'm sorry, did you say you'd love a pay raise asap ? uh, actually, i said i love my bank's raise your rate cd. you spent 8 days lost at sea ? no, uh... you love watching your neighbors watch tv ? at ally, you'll love our raise your rate cd that offers a one-time rate increase if our current rates go up. ally. do you love your bank ?
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we're all out of toilet paper. can you toss me a roll? too rough. we're out of toilet paper. can you toss me a roll? too soft. can you toss me a roll? that's better. angel soft. an ideal balance of softness and strength. ♪ i've seen the sunrise paint the desert. witnessed snowfall on the first day of spring. ♪ but the most beautiful thing i've ever seen was the image on a screen that helped our doctor see my wife's cancer was treatable. [ male announcer ] ge technologies help doctors detect cancer early so they can save more lives. bringing better health to more people. ♪
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we are back with our special series called webtastic. this is the time of the week sara puts you ahead of the curb. >> billy the poodle can't wait to meet his sister is bell. if at first you don't succeed try, try, try again. check it out. >> is this a repeat? >> no. you can see the baby is doing all kinds of different things.
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>> isabel is only two days old. : when they had the first baby, the dog did the same thing. they are from brazil. does he ever made it? >> that was like bambino trying to get to my shoe. >> no. wait for it, wait for it. >> gets a little rest. >> he never gets up. he just keeps going. she was only two days old. but they felt fine laughing at him. >> still to come, we'll celebrate singo de melsel celebrate cinco de mayo. man: till the heroes retire and the monsters return to their dens... woman: and all the plots are wrapped up.
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man: till that day... boy: by hook or by crook... girl: by book or by nook... woman: i will read. these 4 brands took home more allure best of beauty awards than any others. pantene... olay... venus & gillette... and secret. the four most awarded brands. keeping you your most beautiful from head to toe. it's pretty revolutionary. patented, actually. it takes a snapshot of your good driving habits, so you can save money. like a snapshot? that's what i'm talking about. in a sports car. show it to me. yes!
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i want to believe it! ooh! fierce! argh! love it. i think we have it. the snapshot discount. new, huge, and only from progressive. good morning. students and teachers expected to be business as usual as live oak high school in morgan hill this morning. police say they're not going to take any chances so they're stepping up patrols. a year ago today, four students wearing american flag t-shirts on cinco de mayo were sent home out of fear it would spark fights. the story made national headlines. three of the boys' families have sued the school district for what they say is a violation of their constitutional rights. since last year's incident a new
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group called voices have organized campus events to promote unity. you can soon be seeing a spike in your utility bill even if you don't use the extra power. pg&e wants to increase rates and change the way customers are charged. under its plan, those who use less electricity will pay more and higher volume users will pay less. pg&e wants to make it fair for everybody by creating an across the board fee. california's public utility commission is expected to decide if pg&e can change its rate structure sometime later this month. you can watch the candidates running to be the next mayor battle it out today. the university of san francisco is hosting this forum. it begins at 6:00 tonight and it is free. a look at weather and traffic right after this.
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twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. good thursday morning to you. well, we've got mostly clear and mild start with the temperatures in the 50s right now. temperatures fall slightly as we head throughout this afternoon, about a five degree dip from yesterday's high is where we broke records. tomorrow onshore flow is going to bring fog. expect a foggy start tomorrow. crystal clear in san jose. temperatures drop off for the weekend. mostly cloudy conditions on mother's day. hope you have a fantastic thursday. south bay is looking better.
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slowing through fountamountain . toll plaza, things are moving well. 880, the accident has cleared. there's the light volume through the east bay. the approach, beautiful sunny skies. 880 isetti gng g better. "the today show" is next. thirs-day. we are back with cinco de mayo. >> i was just at your restaurant saturday, out in the lunch. love, love, love. >> the food is fantastic. >> crazy. >> we have one in las vegas, one in ft. lauderdale, florida, the sheraton. >> you're very big. >> and we have harrah's coming up in atlantic city.
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>> thank you for taking time out of your extremely busy schedule to be with us. >> the restaurant is opening without me. >> all right. what are we making today? >> a cocktail, a cucumber and mango margarita. we take fresh cucumbers and muddle them. it's like a mojito. >> it's mashing. >> we muddle. >> we muddle through. >> we add tequila. >> how much do you go through in a day over there? >> a lot. a margarita should be a lot of tequila and the rest of the stuff. fresh mango puree. this is a little bit of triple sec. little bit of fresh lime juice. then we are going to shake it up. >> do your thing. >> i've been shaking it up too much around here lately. >> she is taking a little break.
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>> take this strainer. >> this is a lot of trouble. this is a lot of work. >> that was no trouble at all. >> it better be good. >> that was simple. we have a cucumber mango margarita. around the rim you have chili salsa. it makes your lips red. >> i like that. >> this is actually a tea made with hibiscus flowers. that is a watermelon and mint margarita. >> that is really good. >> did you muddle that, too? >> i can taste it. nice. >> that's our version of a tequila-based mojito. we have fish tacos. >> i love fish tacos. >> we use mahi-mahi. you can use salomon, shrimp or
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lobster. we use flour tortillas. they use corn in mexico, but we like flour. we will make a slaw first. cucumbers, shredded cabbage, strips of tomato. a little bit of serrano chilies. thinly sliced red onions. leaves of cilantro, some salt, pink grapefruit juice, lime juice and orange juice. >> look at you. >> wow. >> we'll toss that together.
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>> i use my hands. i washed them. we finish this with a chipolte. a little bit of guacamola, little bit of the fish. >> thank you. these are the mahi-mahi tacos already finished. >> this might be the might be the best guacamola in the world. >> this has marinated artichokes. >> can i try it right here?
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i like their original. >> we'll make one quick. >> fresh crab meat and roasted tomatoes and chipotle. >> are you still talking because we're eating? >> i got that. >> the crab guac is here. >> this is insane. >> we have our regular guacamole. >> delicious. >> come see us for cinco de mayo. come anyway. no, kidding. come every one. harrah's resort atlantic city may 25th. >> everyone has a story. we are about to hear adam recchi. [ male announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult.
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or other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. sweet dreams, little buddy. love you, mom sfx: squeaky door closes sfx: bed crashes to floor kids seem to get bigger overnight. good morning... whoa! whoa! and when they do, they're ready for goodnites. the nighttime underwear specially designed for kids 4 and up. and 40% more absorbent than training pants. lighten the night at but i learned that i don't have to use a vial and syringe as part of my daily routine anymore. my doctor showed me the novolog mix 70/30 flexpen. flexpen is discreet and comes pre-filled with my insulin.
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flexpen goes with me and doesn't need refrigeration. and it's covered by most insurance. if you're still using a vial and syringe, ask your healthcare provider about the benefits of flexpen. flexpen is a discreet, pre-filled, dial-a-dose insulin pen. you can dial the exact dose of insulin you need. and inject insulin by pressing a button. novolog mix 70/30 is an insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. do not inject if you do not plan to eat within 15 minutes to avoid low blood sugar. tell your healthcare provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions, including if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. most common side effects include reactions at the injection site, weight gain, swelling of your hands and feet, and vision changes. other serious side effects include low blood sugar and low potassium in your blood. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions including body rash, trouble with breathing, fast heartbeat, sweating, or if you feel faint. flexpen is made by novo nordisk, a healthcare company committed to diabetes care for nearly 90 years.
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i've made flexpen part of my routine just like spending time with my family. ask your healthcare provider about novolog mix 70/30 flexpen today. learn more about the different insulins available in flexpen at flexpen. insulin delivery that goes with you. today we might our newest "everyone has a story" contest
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winner. 12-year-old adam recchi. he was brought to you are attention by one of his school teachers. >> first, let's listen to maureen's letter to us. >> adam is in many ways a typical 12-year-old. i loves to play soccer and baseball. he loves to ride his bike and play video games. he loves philadelphia sports teams. what is not so typical about adam is every day these skills are deteriorating. adam suffers with a rare genetic disease. each year that goes by is another blessing for his family and another year of hard work and prayers to save adam. his family works tirelessly to help raise money for research. their motto is persevere. because the disease is so rare, research funding is limited. friends, teachers, family and strangers in our community helped in his fight. we need more ammunition to continue the war against this
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disease. adam brings such joy to our school every day. he always arrives with a big smile and cheerful disposition. while most kids complain about coming to school, adam thrives here with his friends. he loves to tease and be teased. you can hear him from across the hall calling out to his friends or giving a high five as they walk by. even though he is unsteady and has difficulty with physical tasks, he still loves to be in physical education class and participate in games with other students. as a mother, i understand how desperate adam's parents must feel, but they continue on as any parent would in hopes that anything they do will help their child to see another birthday, another ballgame, another grade in school. time is their critical resource. they made their life all about saving his. >> and we are hear with maureen and adam as well as adam's parents amy and sean. welcome to all of you. when we got this letter, i was
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familiar with this disease even though it's rare because in our connecticut hometown there is a family who have two children that have the same disease. it very much does become a community effort, doesn't it, when people hear your story. when did you first find out about that? >> well, his problems started when he was 2 months old. excuse me. and we never found out what he had until he was 6. >> misdiagnosed, i'm sure, many times. >> they just didn't know where to go. >> i love the attitude of your family. it was reflected in your letter. you guys seem to be a very joyful family, which i love. >> we try to do everything we can for adam to have a great time, always smile. he always smiles. we have a lot of fund-raising events that we do every year all year long. we have a walk run coming up this saturday at lehigh parkway in allentown.
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we have a polka ride. casey stengel started that and made a lot of money. a great friend of mine teaches social studies. >> you call it adam's army. how did you first get involved with it? >> he just came to our school this year. i met the reckes last year at this time finding out about his problems. i wanted to do things to get everybody involved. the fund-raising is so tough to continue the money for research. it seemed to me everybody was pulling together and pulling together. i like it's like an army for him. we dubbed ourselves adam's army. >> you love going to school, don't you? >> yeah. >> were you okay with taking a day off to come here with us today? >> yeah. >> i understand he is looking forward to the pizza that follows this. >> i said are you excited about your song and he said, yeah, and pizza. >> we are excited to hear this
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song. >> when we come back, the song written for adam will be performed by one of broadway's brightest young stars kerry butler. you can catch her in "catch me if you can." here's to my pants not leaving marks on my waist. achieve small wins with a healthy lifestyle and dannon light & fit. the light fresh yogurt with 80 calories vs. 100 in the other leading brand. here's to 80 calories tasting crazy good. live light and fit.
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it's nice 'n easy colorblend foam! permanent color with tones and highlights. now in a delightful foam. just three shakes, foam it, love it! it's foamtastic! new nice 'n easy colorblend foam. your right color. of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. it's the way to individually brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew, hon. [ female announcer ] choose. brew. enjoy. keurig. [ female announcer ] choose. brew. enjoy. we're all out of toilet paper. can you toss me a roll?
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beautiful ♪ than watching a little child grow ♪ watching him play in the bath tub each night ♪ watching each day as he runs to and fro ♪ so there is nothing you couldn't do ♪ to keep your child ♪ healthy and strong ♪ there is nothing that would be too much for you ♪ if something should ever go wrong ♪ you'd persevere ♪ do whatever you had to do ♪ conquer all fear ♪ keeping the faith day by day ♪ year by year ♪ knowing a miracle ♪ is bound to appear ♪ yes that's what you do ♪ if it were you ♪ you'd persevere ♪ there is nothing more challenging ♪ but something that you can't control ♪ but when it comes to your
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children ♪ you know ♪ you will fight ♪ and protect them ♪ with all of your soul ♪ for there is nothing more powerful ♪ than the love that you feel for your son ♪ so whatever the battle ♪ whatever it takes ♪ you won't give up ♪ till he's well and you've won ♪ and you'll gather and army ♪ of family and friends ♪ to stand by your side ♪ to support and remind you ♪ that hope springs eternal ♪ that love never ends ♪ and with every new day ♪ with an army behind you ♪ you'll persevere ♪ do whatever you have to do ♪ conquer all fear ♪ keeping the faith day by day ♪ year by year ♪ knowing a miracle's bound to appear ♪ yes that's what you'll do
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i had no choice. i wanted to do something bigger than myself. that 3-day gave me that opportunity. and i can actually do something to help. i think it's a very bold thing to do. 60 miles in 3 days-- i can do that. i'm sure if it was 100 miles, we'd still walk it. it was a big statement for me of... (voice breaks) i'm alive. we can do this. we can do this. we can rid the world of this terrible disease... so that no mother... granddaughter... sister... daughter... mother... go through what my wife had to go through. this is more than just three days. this is a lifetime. (man) register today for the... because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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we are back honoring a special young man. that was a beautiful, beautiful song. >> kerry performed it perfectly. >> what did you guys think? >> that song is spectacular. it goes to the heart of what we are trying to do, save the children. that's a beautiful song, beautiful voice. thank you very much. >> you know what though? we have something special. this is our favorite time. we get to give our friends from the philadelphia phillies donated tickets to you and your family to go to a game this summer. also in there is a signed baseball by ryan howard. >> he is supposed to be your favorite player. >> for more information go to our website klg and >> what do you do before you play baseball, before you do
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that ryan howard does? >> point like that. >> yeah. >> i will see you all on may 20th in greenwich, connecticut, for the morella's evening. we'll see you again. david's got a new book out called "the thought exchange." >> i heard about that book. >> it's setting the world on fire. catch kerry eight times a week in "catch me if you can." such a terrific show. dave wild, what are you up? >> a song in the new trailer "the help." >> you're fancy. >> who is hotter than us? nobody. god bless you all. thanks so much. >> tomorrow ambush makeovers. -- captions by vitac --
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