tv Today in the Bay NBC May 26, 2011 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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all clear? >> all clear so far. we have a little bit of haze. so far, visibility is good across the board. four miles or better. we are expecting the visibility readings to come down for the next couple hours. the sunrise takes place around here. could get socked in along the peninsula. we are watching that. otherwise, we are watching what happened yesterday in chico. seven tornadoes in the vicinitv. let's get you to work. 6:00 a.m. >> stick around for the video. we are looking at the maze. not a big sur prize. a treat for folks heading to the bay bridge. a nice drive on this thursday at 6:00. light volume of traffic heading over into the city. we have slowing off the skyway as you are approaching san francisco. it's traditional for this time of morning. no issues on this side of the
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bay. back to oakland, 880. camera shaking a bit as far as the adjustments go. wind is not a factor. back to you. >> thank you very much. new this morning, san jose police are continuing the investigation into the city's 20th homicide. marla tellez is live in san jose with the very latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, laura. now, it's been more than seven hours since last night's deadly shooting. still a lot going on out here as investigators continue to canvass the area. we are in, as you mentioned, we are in east san jose this morning at the corner of checkers and schulte drive. you are looking at the backside of the el rancho verde complex. a man was shot on checkers drive on the other side of the red tape. in the last 15 minutes a tow truck hauled away a white jetta. they believe that was the
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victim's car. it happened about 11:00 last night. the man found lying in the street. he died shortly after 11:30 at a local hospital. the police spokesman tells me the search continues for the shooter or shooters. he says two 911 calls were made last night. police are interviewing the people who made the calls. beyond that, information is limited. this marks san jose's 20th homicide of the year. not even half way through 2011 yet and we have surpassed last year's total homicide count. 19 homicides in 2010. san jose is considered one of the safest big cities. i asked a spokesman if he thinks it's gang related. he says at this point, it's too early to tell as the investigation in east san jose near mckee continues.
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much of this neighborhood is blocked off. officers don't know when they are going to reopen and give us new information. we'll be here when they do. laura. >> thank you very much. it's 6:02 now. just a few hours before that shooting, a san jose man was treated for a stab wound. someone stabbed the 21-year-olds man just before 8:30 last night. police say the man should survive the injuries. investigators are looking for two people. oakland police are looking into the deadly shooting of a teenager. he was weeks away from graduating. police say someone shot and killed detained franklin, jr. in east oakland. they are not sure if franklin took part in the shooting or caught in the cross fire. they know 50 people were in the area of the shooting. no one would give them information.
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los angeles police are happy with the results of the lineup in the beating of bryan stow. ramirez was in the group. his parole officer turned him in saying he matches the description of suspect one. they came out optimistic. >> we have significant pieces to it that lead me to believe we do, indeed, have the right individual. >> we are going to do what we can to show the district attorney's office that we have an innocent client. not that they can't prove it, we have an innocent client. >> ramirez is held on a parole hold. his attorney's say they will bring more evidence and submit him to a polygraph test. pg&e is moving forward with pipeline testing and starting work in the south bay. they will hold a community meeting to talk about pressure testing getting ready to start next week.
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they will conduct tests to make sure natural gas lines are working properly. it's from 5:30 to 7:30. the california public utilities commission could vote to increase rates for low income customers. it is considering pg&es plan for a flat rate for users. households who use less energy would pay $2.40 a month. everyone else is charged an extra $3. it hurts low income families and people who use the most energy pay less. pg&e is trying to make it fair to everyone, including those who use more energy. joplin, missouri could release a list of people still missing. sunday's tornado killed 125 people and injured more than 900. crews are still searching through the rubble this morning. people are writing signs on wreckage, calling radio stations
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and posting on the internet to find missing loved ones. we are going to have a live report coming up at 6:30 this morning. northern california got severe weather of its own. seven tornadoes in chico. christie smith is live at ocean beach this morning with more on the wild spring weather. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, laura. i just got off the phone from the weather service. he said severe weather is nothing unusual. we are moving from cooler to warmer season. seven tornadoes in one day in california, that is very rare. we are talking the chico area. they don't have an exact count. they are going to send a team to chico from the national weather service. right now, the number they are hearing is more like four. they want to make sure they are not getting multiple sightings of the same thing. for people near chico, really an incredible sight as the
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supercell moves through kicking up strong winds. there was some damage. here is mike smith with the national weather service. >> caller: i can't say i have seen that before. more than one tornado in an area this time of year, but four is a high number. we don't usually get that many. again, i don't think i have seen that since i lived in california. more than one is fairly typical. normally, you have a situation where you have the weather pattern set up for such a thing. if you get one, there's a good chance you will get another somewhere. >> reporter: in march, we saw a waterspout form near ocean beach in the city. what's behind all this? it could be a couple things. a weakened system that caused a shift in the jet stream. it's when the waterspout touches down over the water. we are told there could be more thunderstorms in the chico area. i have to say from here, the good news is that over my head, i'm seeing a little bit of sun.
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i'm hoping that's a forecast of good things to come. christina loren knows more on how the tornadoes are formed. >> yeah. the reason why we are seeing that here in california, in my scientific belief is that we have this really strong temperature difference for us out there. the warm air from the spring has settled into california. we have a really, really cold system, cold, dry system dropped in. it originated in the golf of alaska. that's how cold it was. they came together and collided. take a look at what happened. this is the outcome. seven tornadoes touched down. two in chico, one in paradise, one in hamilton and one in willo willows. take a look at how close the one in willows was to the i-5 corridor. they are going to go out and survey the damage. it happened from one supercell.
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usually, when we see the cell producers, we see amounts of hail. it's only 30% of the time that you actually see a tornado out of it. this is even rarer for supercells. here is what happens. you have the warm, moist air on one side. you have the cold, dry air. you take a pencil and twist it between. the two produce theati rotationd you get the tornado. the cold air moved in. you need the warm air to fuel the thunderstorms that produce the tornadoes. it's mild today. the chance is not as good. it's mild for us today. we have a 20% chance of rain everywhere as we head through the next 48 hours. i don't think we are going to see much of anything. i'm not calling for rain in the forecast. the clouds will shoot down to the south and maybe some of the clouds will produce showers. the best chance is late tonight into tomorrow morning.
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that chance is slight. you'll hear other forecasters talking rain in the forecast. i'm talking 70s today. 70 in fremont. 70 in san jose. 71 in gilroy. it gets better for the holiday weekend. stay tuned. the seven day is moments away. how is the drive shaping up? >> all right, christina. we will stick with you. you are always right. i called this one. didn't take a genius, though. speeds below 20 miles per hour past loveridge. there's a slowdown in the eastbound direction. i know the loveridge ramp is closed. shouldn't cause a problem. there's some sort of distraction for both directions. that's a no for antioch. the east bay is looking lighter. a 16 minute drive from the altamont pass. a little slow around that transition with highway 84 where
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folks cut down sunol. we see how things are shaping up. look at that, light volume on 680. laura said wow. audible gasp. everyone is watching us. we are huge in sunol. a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. maybe everybody is here. yep. it looks like they may have turned on the metering lights early. no details in the report. i will call my people and see what's going on before all the people at home head there. >> i think a lot of people are taking off early for the memorial day weekend. still to come, san francisco's sit law may not be working well. the giants lose more than the game last night. the latest on buster posey's injury is coming up next. >> reporter: 20 cities in 20 days. i'm bob redell. we are taking dwrou berkeley.
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20 cities in 20 days. may around the bay continues this morning in berkeley. the heart beat of berkeley's unit with the world class research and outstanding athletics. that's not all berkeley is about. today in the bay's bob redell is live in berkeley. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, laura. we are on top of the new ymca teen center across from downtown. berkeley high in the distance. this gentleman is a familiar face to people in the bay area.
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mayor tom bates, good morning. >> good morning. >> reporter: i want to talk about education. half of the schools suffer from extreme achievement gaps. half are labeled in the program improvement. what are you doing to improve it? >> we started working closely with the school board. what happened, we found out the kids were having trouble achieving we are having health problems. we started working closely together bringing in various tutors and mentors. the main thing was to bring kids to school ready to learn. second of all, we wanted to work with the school district to make sure in third grade you can read. if you can't read by third grade, you have a big problem ahead of you in life. we started tracking attendance. if they are not attending, we are reaching out and bringing them in. this teen center, right across the street from berkeley high,
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they serve over 650 kids that have come here. >> reporter: try to get them ready for life. looking over towntown, revit lieization is part of your program. how do you do that when you have silicon valley down the street? >> we have two wonderful facilities. it's a big college on the hill, over 30,000 students. we have a national laboratory. we are capitalizing on those facilities to bring start ups to the market. we have a building on the top floor, that big brown building, we are setting up a situation to have start ups. it's called a sky deck. we are hoping for 200 start ups.
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what we know is people who are employed, 95% of companies start from start ups. we are right on it. we have the young people. we have the energy. we have silicon valley like people putting venture capital in here. yeah, we think this is a natural. it's like it's been a sleeping giant that we are awaking. we are getting people to start here and expand to the bay area rather than expanding overseas. >> in this city, like many in california and throughout the country facing a deficit, the number somewhere around 25 million over the next couple years. >> it's not that bad. 12.5 over two years. >> i thought it was 13.5 the following. that's where i came up with that number. >> it's better than elsewhere. we have a diversity of income. plus, the fact that we are on top of it. berkeley had a aaa bond rating.
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berkeley of all places is a fiscally sound city. we are going to have to let people go. it's the first time in our city's history. 20 people are going to have to leave. we have a health department, a mental health department. the situation is that those are cuts directly from the state. the normal core service, we have been ratcheting down personnel. we have gone from 1600 to 1400 over the last couple years. we are under way with that. we are going to be fine. it's not going to be -- >> reporter: it's not going to be pretty, but you are having to make due like a lot of other cities are. >> i'm happy i'm not the mayor of oakland or san francisco. >> reporter: thank you very much. live here on top of the ymca teen center. inside, we are going to take you shortly where artists are finishing up one of the largest murals in the city. they are going to be finished with it in 24 hours, we
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understand. i know you have headlines. >> we do. you have to give credit to all the mayors we have talked to. thank you very much, bob. buster posey is going to under go an mri on his ankle. this is why. if you didn't see it, he suffered a serious injury in last night's game. it was brutal. we are going to slowmo it. players had to help him off the field. he went in for x-rays. they didn't release the results. he's trying to walk away from the field. eli whiteside is his back up. the controversial sit light ordinance is not keeping people off the streets. there's been a number of arrests since enforcement began in march as well as citations and warnings. no change in behavior. it's illegal to sit or lion public sidewalks between 7:00
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a.m. and 11:00 p.m. want to get out and enjoy the day? let's check in with christina. >> good morning to you. it's 6:19. the sun is out. it's looking nice. we don't have a lot of fog out there. some haze along the peninsula and the bridges. overall, we are looking clear. high pressure is going to keep us nice and dry today. we'll see a little bit of shower activity to the north. we are split in half with our systems this morning. this is what we are looking at. this system of low pressure is going to cross to the north. we won't see abundant sunshine. a nice mix of sun and clouds and no rain. 48 in livermore. 46 in sunnyvale. wherever you are waking up, a good spread in temperatures this morning. 39 in gilroy. wear a jacket this morning. we haven't seen those temps in awhile. 68 degrees in redwood city.
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71 degrees in los gatos. now, we don't know if mr. posey is going to play in today's game. it doesn't look like it. if you are headed out there, 12:45, cool conditions. bring a jacket. a little bit on the cool side. it tends to get cold inside at&t park. this is what we are headed toward. holiday weekend. 74 degrees on memorial day. back to you, laura. >> thank you. we want to head out to berkeley this morning with bob redell who is talking art. good morning. >> reporter: we are at the ymca pg&e building. they have a three-story mural that is going to be completed in the next 24 hours. being at the teen center, you are able to incorporate the teen that is come here. >> yeah. >> how? >> they worked with us. they worked with the architect to design the building.
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the teen center brought forward their teen leadership. >> reporter: i imagine you got to interact with the teens. >> they were the leadership. they provided the content, the quotes from literature, the theme of the mural. my students also comprise the other half of the leadership in terms of design, drawing and painting. >> reporter: what is the challenge -- i'm looking at the space here. that is the challenge. there's not much space. most are broad walls and open space where you can breathe. the open constraints, what does it do? >> it makes everybody a close-nit family. we know each other's names from a long year of working together. maybe a short year. we had a lot of fun. but the -- yeah, the space is very compressed. we have a great team, great chemistry and lots of
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cooperation. >> reporter: thank you very much. the unveiling is june 4th here at the ymca pg&e teen center. >> it's been a long 20 days around the bay. but it's cool. it's neat to see all the different things you are bringing us. thank you very much, bob. it is 6:23 now. we have more from berkeley coming up. plus, a report on the pollution found on beaches. cash out at the cash register with google. that's coming up in tech today. as we look at highway 24 toward the bay bridge, maybe the golden gate, too. we'll show you. we have an unusual pattern. ndiou f out the reason for the problems on highway 4. i'll show you that, coming up.
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welcome back. it's 6:26. things are getting crowded out there. there's additional slowing for eastbound highway 4. the closure that was supposed to be picked up over an hour ago, we just got details. the contractor was trying to squeeze in construction work. it's still closed at 6:45. that's what's causing the slowdown opposite the main commute. it's a ten minute delay.
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actually, it's only five, but we want to be sure. things are clearer than before. maybe one of the cash lanes wasn't open. scott, when i asked you what you have going on today and you said give me your wallet, what's that? >> no, google wallet. they want to put nfc technology into cell phones. you hold a cell phone near a cash register by typing a number in your phone. several store chains are participating. the container store let it slip early. google is expects to announce the plans later this morning. here to help us understand nfc is adam bloom. he's an expert in the field. thanks for getting up early with us. >> thanks. very glad to be here. >> explain it to me.
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is this like taking my wallet and tapping it near the receiver to get in the building? is it the same technology? >> it's similar. this is based on nfc, a standard so that hardware should be inner operable with software and devices. >> is this already in my cell phone or future cell phones? >> it's in the nexus s today and nokia's c-7. many nfc equipped phones will ship over the year. >> if my phone is transmitting my wallet, how do i keep bad guys from in the elevator getting my money? >> it turns out that in many ways, it has very similar security issues with how to secure credit card information. it is more secure than other
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communications or protocols uses such as bluetooth. it only works on the 5 centimeters radius. there's an inherit physical security. >> they can always steal your wallet anyway. adam bloom, thank you for coming on early with us this morning. >> this will happen in new york city later today. scott budman will have a wrap up with that. >> we thank you for the preview. 6:29 now. we go back to berkeley on the may around the bay tour. the 20th homicide of the year. a liveportre report from jo missouri. gasoline that chevron with techron. care for your car.
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fixing the name. it's fiber none. looks like one. well, i know. i put an "n" there. ah! fiber one honey clusters cereal! that's really good! it tastes good, so there can't be fiber in it! it's actually got about half a day's worth of fiber. [ asst mgr ] it says so right on the box. [ fiber seeker ] really? try it. [ mr. mehta ] honey, touch of brown sugar, crunchy clusters -- any cardboard? cardboard no, delicious yes. so where's the fiber? maybe it's in the honey clusters. [ male announcer ] fiber one. cardboard no, delicious yes. [ giggles ] hey! owww!
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morning. we are visiting berkeley with the beautiful marina on the san francisco bay to the home of the university known for world class research, athletics and the reputation for speaking freely. good morning to you. thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia-cannon. first, let's get a look at the forecast for today. should be nice. >> should be nice especially when we had rain yesterday. no rain in the forecast today except for north of the bay area. if you are headed toward the ic sacramento valley, you may encounter showers north. nice clear conditions out there. haze but no dense fog to drive-through. it should make for an easier commute. >> we are facing an unusual slowing because of a closure eastbound highway 4. it's opposite the main commute. that is the commute problem for folks heading toward antioch or
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the antioch bridge. that closure until 6:45. the contractor is delays. westbound slowed as according to the plan. a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza, a lighter volume overall. the lights are turned on as we speak. the back up is starting to farm in all the lanes. probably lighter because it's approaching a holiday weekend. >> it's 6:33 right now. we have an update on the continuing investigation into the fatal shooting of a san jose man. marla tellez is live in san jose with details. good morning. >> reporter: laura, good morning. we are getting new information about the deadly shooting that happened here in the east san jose neighborhood this morning. police saying the man who was shot and killed here, he was hispanic, in his 20s and from
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san jose. police are not releasing his name. he was shot and killed right on the other side of this lawn here on checkers drive in the street at the corner of checkers and schulte drive. mckee and king is the main intersection. this east san jose neighborhood remains blocked off with plenty of officers on scene this morning. a white 2000 jetta was towed away from checkers drive. this is a man's car. he was, in fact, found lying in the street in front of his car when officers arrived. he ended up dying at a local hospital a half hour later. the police spokesman says they are looking for the shooter, possibly shooters this morning. i spoke to a woman who lived here and she says she did not hear anything last night and the whole thing is surprising. has this happened before? >> no. i just live here about two,
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three year. i don't know. >> reporter: now this marks san jose's 20th homicide of the year. we are not halfway through 2011 already surpassing last year's total homicide count in san jose which was 19 for all of 2010. officers are dealing with a violent year and layoffs as the city faces a $115 million deficit. now back here live at the corner of schulte and checkers drive, the investigation continues. keep in mind, this neighborhood is still blocked off this morning. i should mention officers tell me they are investigating this to see if it's gang related. >> thank you, marla. a life cut short in east oakland. a high school student is dead after a shooting in broad
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daylight weeks before graduation. detained franklin jr. was shot while riding his bike at 80th and bancroft avenue. they are not sure if the high school senior took part in the shooting. franklin was not a troublemaker. >> i had classes with him. from us being in classes and in the hallways, he seem like a good person. i don't see why this would happen. >> police say 50 people were in the area when they arrived. no one would give them information. >> there's a month left in tornado season. more than 80 tornadoes reported yesterday. seven of them in california, north of us in chico. christie smith is here with us. >> reporter: good morning to you.
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i have been speaking with a couple surfers here at ocean beach. they say it's pretty cold out here. this may has been off the charts. the national weather service saying severe weather is not unusual for this time of year. seven reported tornadoes in just 90 minutes, that's rare for california. it's what's reported near chico, yesterday. a supercell thunderstorm moved through the funnel clouds. hail, wild strong winds roaring through. people couldn't believe what they were seeing. damage to homes. really an incredible sight considering california gets zero to one tornadoes in the entire year. the national weather service telling us they are going to send a team there to survey the damage and confirm the tornado count. fortunately, no one was hurt. in march, another sight closer to home, a waterspout near ocean beach. this is when a tornado touches
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down on water. some are blaming a system of winds that cool the water off the pacific. it made a sudden exit three weeks ago. without it, the jet stream has gone rogue. cool air is one of the ingredients that caused the deadly tornado outbreaks in the midwest. brian mooar is live in joplin, missouri with that. brian. >> reporter: everywhere you look, extraordinary scene of extraordinary scene of destruction. that house, only a closet and hanger left. right here is apparently a family home. you can see there's a baby's car seat. there's a little radio flyer tricycle that was probably a kids pride and joy. the most telling thing is this
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scroll in orange. kansas city fire department, engeneral 22 and the number 0. nobody living or died. the home was abandoned. hopefully, that was the case in a lot of homes around here. we heard extraordinary tales of survival. they are going to get a more accurate count of those missing than the 1500 they have had. they had a chance to get in touch with each other. they realize the death toll could go up. the number of injured stands at 1300. laura. >> wow. sadly so much recovery ahead of them. thank you very much. it is 6:39. i want to check our forecast with christina. >> we have a calm set up. we are going to see nice weather today. we thad rain come through yesterday. it purified the air. good air quality this morning. laid down the particulate
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matter. 47 degrees in concord. 53 in hayward. 49 in santa rosa. this is one of the coolest mornings we have had in weeks. 40 degrees in gilroy. don't let it catch you off guard and hit you in the face. grab the jacket this morning. we are looking good later on today. the clouds will filter through the bay area. the system of low pressure that's going to impact the pacific northwest and the northern most portion of the state. it's dividing california in half. southern california is nice and tranqu tranquil. some of the showers will slide to the south. you are going to hear other forecasters talking about rain. this is what we are talking ability. we stopped the clock at 2:00 a.m. there it is. a little bit of rain in the north bay. 65 degrees in oakland. 70 in fremont. 70 in san jose. that means we could have a little bit of moisture tomorrow morning when we meet back here
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and dense fog. i'm expecting that as high pressure gains control and the cool air mixes out. this is what we are expecting for the game time forecast. i have been getting the wrap. hey, watch for traffic around 12:45, right? >> that's right. game time traffic at at&t park. slowing around telly road. sunol 680 southbound, a report of an animal that was hit. i have been watching this. nothing in disturbance of the flow of traffic. maybe a deer or dog was hit in the last half hour. a smooth ride for this portion coming off the dublin interchange. 580 coming in, moving smoothly as well. a 20 minute drive for the travel time. slowing and into livermore. a lighter volume here.
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heavier slowing for eastbound high way 4. the closure that lasted overnight. westbound, the typical commute direction is showing lighter flow off the antioch bridge. we end with a live look at the plaza. the metering lights were turned on 15 minutes ago. no major back up here as well. there's someone working, the gentleman behind me. >> thanks so much. 6:42 now. still to come on today in the bay, we are heading out to berkeley. >> reporter: the may around the bay journey continues, 20 cities in 20 days. we are taking you to this east bay town. we have food trucks showing up. also, turn ofhe t siboard beetle. we are going to have to explain that one in a live report. ♪ let's go out to the dmv
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20 cities in 20 days. our may around the bay tour takes us to berkeley today. no tour of berkeley would be complete without a look at the food. this morning, bob redell is talking act mobile food and sampling some of it. >> reporter: well, actually, it's unusual for me to be in a food truck with no access to food. they haven't been permitted yet. it's brand-new. heather is with the association. of course, home of the gourmet ghetto. you have the idea of getting the
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food trucks to come to berkeley. it's a big thing. >> we knew these events were going on in the san francisco and we felt our district being the birthplace of gourmet c cuisine is a great fit. we had a perfect spot in the gourmet ghetto. we are bringing the trucks in, as a group, with off the grid. it's a year round event. it will be the community gathering event around food and it will also be a showcase for our businesses to come in and do their version of street food in the rental truck here. >> heather is coordinated with matt who gruns off the grid throughout the area. you do it friday nights. >> every friday night. >> reporter: you have 40 trucks? >> yep. >> reporter: what is that
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experience like compared to regular dining? >> i think we classify the markets into two categories, a neighborhood event like in north berkeley, a community place and destination. 30 trucks, thousands of people. it's a different experience. it's all the same great food. that's what it's about. >> i want to thank william for coming out this morning. they are still waiting for permitting this morning. >> sure, they are just telling you that. they don't want you to eat the profits. >> reporter: they see my stomach. the mayor was just out here. coming up, the sideboard beetle, but you have headlines first. >> thanks so much. an explosion in san bruno is making people question the fireworks.
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people in the glennview neighborhood want the city to temporary ban the fireworks. it's grassland and coupled with fireworks could be a bad combination. they approved of safe fireworks in 2005. only another vote would allow the city to ban the fireworks all together. now, a check of the forecast with christina. the sun is up, how about the temperatures? >> well, they are not up. it's a cold start this morning. we are seeing a couple 30s pop up on the map. guess what? end of may. can you believe it? 30s on the temperature map. we are going to warm up to the 70s. gilroy, napa, santa rosa, very cold this morning. mild along the coast and the bay. this is what we are going to see as we head through the hour-by-hour forecast today. mostly cloudy conditions. this system just to the north is driving in a fair amount of cloud cover especially areas north of the golden gate bridge. this is what we are expecting
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throughout the day. temperatures jump up from the upper 40s to 50s into the 60 degrees range. a full deck of clouds expected at that time. by 4:00 p.m., the clouds break apart. still a mix of sun and clouds, just not as thick. it will warm us up to 64 degrees. that's the high in san francisco. 65 in oakland, 70 in fremont and 70 in san jose. 12:45 today, right in the heart of your lunch hour, at&t park is hopping. a day game. cool conditions as the giants take on the marlins today and laura, i'll be there. 71 degrees. yeah, my first game. really excited. 73 by saturday. yeah, a nice weekend. >> meet the closer? >> hey, i'd like to close that deal any day of the week but it's not going to happen. back to you. >> it's early in the season. 6:49 now. university of california
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berkeley is known for the grand scale cutting edge research. bob redell has a look at the science on a very small scale. is something going to run by here? >> reporter: hopefully not. good morning to you, laura. we are down the street from the cal campus, which is home to very fascinating research. take a look. the beetles, they are back. this time, here to help us humans get a grip. he's got me. on the next frontier of engineered flight. >> he wants to fly. >> reporter: when this beetle flies, this team of engineers at cal will be in the co-pilot seat directing the beetle where to go by remote control. >> you can see the electronic package we put on them? >> reporter: they outfitted them with small electronic backpacks that communicate directly with the beetle's brain and wing
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muscles by a stimlator wire. >> when you apply the right stimuli to the area, you can get the beetles to turn on and off the wing oscillations. if it's on the table and you feel it start, it will take off. then you can stop them. we show this was lively. the other thing you can do, get the wings to modulate. it allows us to throttle it. if you overstimulate, it will turn this way. if you overstimulate on this side, it turns that way. just to be clear, we don't electricute these things. >> reporter: you can make it start, stop, go somewhere in between and left and right? >> yeah. >> reporter: what's next?
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>> we have a project to aggressively miniaturize all of this to put it on a fly. >> reporter: a fly? like a housefly? >> a fruit -- a housefly. bzzz. >> reporter: yes! that's how much i despise houseflies. what is a real-world application? let's say you have a heat sensor and there's an earthquake, they can search the rubble for survivors. he's trying to look beyond that. he's looking at how biological and non-biological things interact in terms of medical solutions. laura. >> very interesting. thanks so much. coming up, find out where we are heading on the final day of may
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>> welcome back. we have a couple issues. b.a.r.t. trains are stopped now. to trains through the powell situation. someone fell out of a wheelchair on to the tracks. the person should be up soon. it should start to move. i'll update you on delays on facebook or twitter. the back ups on loveridge for a mile. we'll take you to a live shot with the bay bridge toll plaza. the metering lights have been on. despite the problems with the commute, the light volume is keeping it moving smoothly. let's check in with scott. good morning, laura.
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dow industrial is down 25 points. 18 bucks a share moving higher. another ipo on wall street. good news out of palo alto. vmware says it's going to hire 2500 people as they expand at stanford research. there are already 1,000 jobs posted. >> really? >> 1,000! >> thanks. >> let's go to bill. >> he's actually out in berkeley this morning with a look at where our last stop is around the bay. >> reporter: we have the may around the bay map that's been destroyed all month long. we are going to throw a fork to find out where we are going. >> once you put a fork in it, it's going to be done. >> exactly.
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three, two -- wow. it's stuck in concord. tomorrow we go to concord. i think there's a sand mine theaf that's been abandoned. i'm going to try to take you on that tour. we have a couple other things to look at as well. >> very cool how you know things off the top of your head about where we are going. >> reporter: i have been here a long time. i want to thank the folks here with off the grid, the food truck gathering that will be gathering in june. it's a big deal in san francisco and finally bringing it to berkeley, wednesday's, starting in june. laura. >> thanks so much. we look forward to the trip in concord. >> it's going to be neat. >> there you go. put a fork in it. it will be done. >> until next week. thanks so much for joining us this morning. the today show is up next.
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