tv Today NBC July 12, 2011 7:00am-11:00am PDT
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rk with sweet and smoky barbecue sauce, all on freshly baked bread. subway. eat fresh®. summer sizzler. alert posted from texas all of the way to connecticut as that dangerous heat wave rose more than half of the nation. in some spots today could feel as hot as 109 degrees. new outrage, that scandal, more rupert murdoch's newspapers. this as britain's prime minister speaks out how he and his family were targeted. and sergeant surprise. a marine serving in afghanistan takes a chance on youtube and asks a favorite actress, mila kunis, to a military ball. >> take a second to think about
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it, get back to me. >> her response? yes! and now he's the envy of the corps. this is "today" on july 12th, 2011. and welcome to "today" on this tuesday morning. i'm ann curry. >> i'm matt lauer. nice to see you. >> nice to see you. welcome back. we really missed you. partner in crime. >> i had perfect weather on vacation. now that perfect sunny weather has turned perfect, sunny and brutally hot. if you're in the new york area today, hopefully your afternoon plans will be indoor. our heat index, about 103 today. >> we're not alone. heat advisories have been issued for at least 18 states, matt. and in illinois, the dangerous temperatures are blamed for at least one death.
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we'll get details and al's forecast straight ahead. nbc news investigates a controversy involving gop presidential hopeful michele bachmann. a secret videotape recorded inside a christian counseling center she owns with her husband is raising questions about the clinic's treatment for homosexuals. we'll have details on that coming up. also this morning. an extradition hearing is being held in los angeles today for bruce beresford-redman. he's the reality television producer accused of murdering his wife. the outrage of some of his family members, the defense wants the couple's 6-year-old daughter to testify. we're going to have the latest on that story. and we are going to begin a special series today on how to live to be 100. this morning we'll have the answer, could be all in your mind. we'll explain that. >> very interesting. but let's begin this morning with that oppressive heat being felt across the east.
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mauera is in oklahoma this morning. >> good morning, ann. the midwest is right smack in the middle of this heat wave with the humidity that will feel like 105 today in st. louis. now almost half the country is feeling the heat, advisories in place from texas to connecticut. it's the summer sizzler that just won't stop. >> it's been horrible. horrible. >> reporter: dallas facing its tenth straight day of 100-degree temperatures. >> look at the numbers. right up into the triple digits as we head into the afternoon. >> reporter: oklahoma city stuck on broil for almost two straight weeks. >> i carry a container of juice and a container of water frozen from the house every day when i leave so i can stay hydrated until i get back home. >> reporter: and now the east coast is bracing itself from georgia to connecticut. heat advisories have been issued for temperatures today that will feel as high as 105.
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in milwaukee, several runners are just getting out of the hospital after suffering heat-related illnesses during a half marathon sunday. >> people were falling down on that bridge. i had to stop in the middle of it to help someone who collapsed. >> reporter: in arkansas, it hit 102. many lined outside a nonprofit agency to apply for help with their electricity bills. a desperate effort to stay cool with no end to the heat in sight. now, emergency workers are asking people who don't have air-conditioning to leave their homes and go to a cool place. and they are reminding you, please don't forget your pets at home because they're vulnerable for heat stroke, too.
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>> thank you so much. it's a good time to look after your neighbors. >> people are asking, how hot will it get where i live and how long will it last? al roker is up stairs with the answers. >> matt, half the country, 24 states are under heat advisorie states are under heat advisories or heat warnings for at least the next 24 hours. stretching from texas all of the way into the northeast and parts of new england. in fact, in some areas you can see, look at these temperatures. 101 in oklahoma. air temperature, 100 in columbus. 99 in d.c. 96 in new york city. add the humidity, that's the problem. a lot of warm moist air coming in. 115 in huntsville. 107 in d.c. 103 here in new york city. here's why. big area of high pres keeping that jet stream way up to the north. this is just a heat pump that will continue. and the bad news is, this goes into at least thursday. in fact, jet stream guns up a little further into canada so that heat will be creeping up north as the ridge intensifies.
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we don't see this breaking down at least until the weekend. so the mid section of the country is going to continue to bake the northeast gets a little bit of a break as we head on into the next 72 hours. ann? >> all right, al, thank you so much. we'll get the rest of your forecast in a bit. for now, to britain's deepening phone hacking scandal. this morning there are claims that journalists from other rupert murdoch owned newspapers were involve and the alleged target is former p.m. gordon brown. stephanie goss is in london with this. stephanie, good morning. >> good morning, ann. gordon brown does not mince his words when he spoke to the bbc this morning about rupert murdoch's papers. he said those papers used people to gather information on, his words, known criminals. the allegations appearing in the british press over the last 24 hours claiming that brown's personal information has been relentlessly pursued for the last decade. a scandal that started with just one of rupert murdoch's tabloids
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is spreading. now two more of the media mogae mogul's newspapers "the sun" and "the sunday time" are being accused of unethical reporting. an adviser to gordon brown said in 2006, the editor on "the sun" paper and "news of the world" contacted the browns saying that the paper knew that their newborn son had cystic fibrosis and it was going to print the story. gordon brown spoke today with the bbc. >> in tears. your son is now going to be broadcast across the media. sarah and i were incredibly upset about it. we're thinking about his long-term future, thinking at our family. >> reporter: at the time only a small group of doctors knew the diagnosis and the browns themselves had only just been told. >> they didn't know how rebecca
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came across this information and now that it's come to light, it was obtained by what appeared to be illegal matters. >> reporter: "the guardian" reports that brown's financially details was also obtained illegally by "the sunday times." one of murdoch's most highly rega regarded publications. a lawyer from brown's bank sent a memo to the paper in january 2000. someone from the "sunday times" or acting on its behalf has masqueraded as mr. brown for the purpose of obtaining information. news international manages its british papers, says it is aware of the new allegations involving gordon brown and the company is asking for all relevant information so that they can conduct their own investigation. they did not comment on the latest allegations involving the news of the world and the royal family. the bbc reports that members of the royal family security team sold phone details to the paper. and that charles' and camilla's phone cells were among those hacked by reporters. "the sun" paper says it is
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confident in the methods it used to obtain gordon brown's sons medical records. even so, scotland yard is investigating all of the accusations and is casting a wide net. pop singer george michael says he's being called in for questioning after a number of tweets he posted about rebecca brooks. he said in one of them that she told him that almost all of their information comes directly from police. in a later tweet he said that police received, quote, a nice little wad of cash for the service. ann? >> this story just keeps on growing. thank you so much. 7:09. here's matt. >> ann, thanks very much. now to washington and the heat that president obama and congressional leaders are under to reach a deal on slashing the budget deficit. nbc's kristen welker is at the white house with the latest on this. good morning. good to see you. >> good morning. good to see you, too. president obama will meet with congressional leaders again today. the two sides still very much deadlocked. and the clock is ticking.
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>> thank you very much. >> reporter: with the deadline looming, president obama and congressional leaders met monday for a third time but they're still struggling to find common ground on the debt ceiling. >> this is the same shot you had yesterday except we're wearing ties today. >> reporter: those familiar with monday's talk, republicans and democrats, seemed to be gaining no ground, agreeing to only about $1.5 trillion in cuts to things like defense spending, medicare, medicaid. but that's far short of the estimated $2.4 trillion needed to get a deal done past 20 12, and the president says he won't go for anything less. >> i will not sign a 30-day or a 60-day or a 90-day extension. >> reporter: and mr. obama ramped up pressure on republicans to agree to the largest deal possible. speaker boehner said he wants that, too. >> i want to do what i think is in the right -- the best interest of the country. but it takes two to tango. >> reporter: the president called on democrats to take on
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their so-called sacred cows, namely entitlements like social security. and he called on republicans to agree to an increase in tax revenues, which mr. obama insisted would only impact the wealthiest americans and would not take effect until 2013. >> i'm prepared to take on significant heat from my party to get something done. and i expect the other side should be willing to do the same thing. >> reporter: but speaker boehner made it clear, he won't budge on taxes. >> the american people will not accept and the house cannot pass a bill that raises taxes on job creators. >> reporter: and earlier in the day on the laura ingram radio show the speaker alluded to the elephant in the room. >> the president is in re-election mode, and as a result, that's where a lot of this rhetoric comes from. i told the president and i asked him, mr. president, let's forget about the next election, you forget about yours and i'll forget about mine and let's get serious about doing the right thing for the country.
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>> it's not going to get easier, it's going get harder. so we might as well do it now. pull off the band-aid. eat our peas. >> reporter: sources close to negotiation say the goal today is for congressional leaders to identify at least a trillion dollars more of debt reduction over the next decade. that meeting will take place late this afternoon. matt? >> kristen welker at the white house. laura ingram is a conservative talk show host and fox news contributor. her latest book is called "of thee i zing." nice to see you. this seems like the case of the debt ceiling the case of the immovable object and unstoppable force. when it comes to taxes, this issue of revenues, is there any way this deal gets done without the republicans compromising somewhat on taxes. >> i certainly hope not because the one thing we do know, matt, and look at the whole landscape,
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if the republicans hadn't taken the house of representatives last november, we wouldn't even be having a discussion on any spending cuts. the democrats would have already voted to increase the debt ceiling. spending cuts would not be part of the equation. the only reason we're talking about shrinking the size of government, beyond all of these other details, is because the republicans are listening to the people out there in this country and you're angry. these people are angry. >> president obama talked about shared sacrifice. where is the shared sacrifice going to come from on the republican side? >> the shared sacrifice the fact that he canceled his montana vacation? >> he's opening a lot of entitlement programs up. he's doing things he just said to take heat from the democrats on. >> the president was dancing around using the word tax increases. the numbers don't add up. taxing the upper 1% or 2% income earners in this country does not get us to the mat. we have to shrink government. putting more burden on people who create jobs. hey, like nbc. we don't need to do that.
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>> everybody agrees there has to be changes on that side. >> when washington -- matt, when washington starts sacrifices instead of actually increasing the salaries of individuals within the executive offices of the presidency, when they start sacrificing, we can talk about the real meaning of sacrificing of american people. >> poll says 20% of americans think that spending cuts are the only thing that should be on a table when they're talking about be this they're talking about increasing revenue, they're talking about raising taxes on the 1%, on the corporations, even the corporate jet, which is a few million dollars. >> that was a scam and a lie. the fact that media allowed him to get away with that is absurd. the american people watching this today, they can't control. we -- what happens in washington, obama is going to come out and, you know, do his rhetoric and boehner is going to do the same thing. in the end the two parties have different visions. growing this economy is not -- has not been done, matt, stimulus bill or health care. >> with this deal, absolutely
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not, will there be no compromise on taxes on the republican side, in your opinion? >> will there be compromise on the other side on the issue of freeing up business to create jobs. that's where we are. that's the divide. >> this is going to be remembered in 2012 in the campaign. >> i hope so. >> which side has the most to lose if this deal goes south. >> who has been the adult in the room? obama comes out, we've got to eat our peas yesterday. excuse me, isn't it your budget that was voted down 97-0 by your own party. we know what he wants to do with our economy. >> you think the democrats are going to take the hit on this. >> the democrats are in big trouble. >> while we're on the subject of 2012, recent iowa poll has michele bachmann pulling ahead of romney by 4 percentage points. is she the candidate to beat right now on the republican side and, more importantly, why? >> i think she's resonating because she's a little different from the other candidates. congresswoman but she's a mom, she talks about issues beyond the economy, talks about the
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culture and not to segue to my book rudely, but i'm talking about other issues too. i'm a mother. okay? all of this political stuff it happens every four years. we vote for the presidency. we go to the voting booth. we can really affect the culture that's going on around us. a lot more so than we can affect the ceiling debate in washington or whether bachman is going to take out paul lentity. >> you have serious concerns about the culture and you use humor in the book to pinpoint some of these things. >> it's a cultural takedown. >> everything from muffin tops. am i the only man in america or person in this room that doesn't know what a muffin top was? >> apparently. everybody in the green room did. it's a cultural intervention. in this summer i think as tim geithner said yesterday, it's going to be a long, painful time for america. put that on bumper sticker. we've got to laugh. i think when we look around us, as i was on the train, may i tell you since you have three small children as i have, on the train two weeks ago my daughter and i coming up to new york, a
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man was watching full-blown porn. two rows up from us, we go to the snack car. my mom and my daughter says, mommy, why are those people swimming with no clothes on on that screen? and i'm like how did we go to a situation where that's acceptable? snakes on a plane, porn on a train, lunatic. >> you're not optimistic? >> i am because i'm in mom groups and i'm -- mom stuff all the time. and women across political lines are saying, we've got to do better. we have to do better. >> men, too. >> but, matt, did you really watch rihanna and brittney together on stage in that lip lock? this is an intervention with you. 11 times? did you say that on the "today" show on may 22nd? >> it was a joke. >> okay. it was a joke. >> similar to what you write in your book, some of this is humor. >> do you know what cee lo green's number one hit? >> i know the song.
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>> blank you. >> is that the way you want to end this by saying blank you? >> no, not you. >> is that the way we're going to do this? >> no. if i lit up a cigarette right now, what would happen if i did this? >> the alarms would go up and throw a a bucket of water on you. >> but we've agreed that this is not good. we've agreed that on television probably not a good thing to show that to the kids. all i'm saying is, love you guys, all i'm saying is, we can bring it up. tony bennett, love it. awesome. you have some great people booked. but we can do better than enrique ingesias. tonight i'm not trucking you, tonight i'm blanking you. >> i'm not going to say that on this show. >> august 19th. >> first of all, thank you for going to the website and checking out our summer concert series. >> i did. >> we've got a great app for your ipad too. >> do you? i'm sad i missed snl. may 27th, i watched it. >> the book is called "of thee i zing."
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>> excerpt on the website. >> on ours. absolutely. next, the top stories from natalie morales. >> good morning to you, matt. good morning, everyone. afghan president hamid karzai is mourning his brother after he was assassinated by one of his body guards at his kandahar home. nbc joins us now from kabul. atia,good day to you. >> reporter: good day, natalie. he referred to as awk was the younger half brother of president karzai. he was an infamous and influential power broker down south, sometimes accused of being a part of the narcotics industry, but what was widely known was how the u.s. and nato forces relied upon him to talk to tribal leaders as well as the local taliban to bring them to the negotiating table. but in the end it was the taliban who have claimed responsibility for his death. natalie? >> thanks so much, atia. u.s. relations with pakistan are getting icier as drone attacks are intensifying
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following this suspension of one-third to u.s. military aid to pakistan. u.s. slammed pakistan's reluctance to fight afghan militants along its border. a government accountability report released today finds the system for detecting medicaid and medicare fraud are inadequate and underused. billion of dollars and claims are paid out each year, according to the report. final spacewalk of the nasa era is conducted today. it won't be conducted by atlanta's astronauts. two space station residents will execute the walk to retrieve a broken pump. meantime, the landing plan for the "atlantis" has changed. it will now touchdown in the predawn hours of july 21st at the kennedy space center. meantime, all eyes are going to be on sergeant scott moore at the marine corps ball this november when he shows up with movie star mila kunis on his arm. he asked her to the ball on youtube. take a look. >> hey, mila. sergeant moore. you can call me scott. i just want to take a moment out
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of my day to ask you to the marine corps ball in november in north carolina. yours truly. take a second. think about it. get back to me. all right. bye now. >> well, with a little convincing from fellow star justin timberlake, kunis decided to serve her country and she said yes. i mean, how could you resist? he's so smooth, ann and matt. take the sunglasses down. hey, mila, took a little time out of my day. perfect. >> how can you say no? >> in afghanistan serving our country. there you go. >> that's going to be a well-attended ball. good for her. >> mr. roker, talk about heat. >> that's right. heat and severe weather to talk about as well. as we have that boundary line between the cooler air and the warm humid air, 78 degrees right now. you factor in the humidity, it feels like it's 87 degrees here in new york city. we've got a risk of strong storms, mid atlantic, southeastern atlantic states back in the midwest and rockies and parts of montana looking at possibility of severe thunderstorms.
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locally heavy downpours and the risk of showers and thunderstorms down through the southeast on into florida. plenty of sunshine here in the northeast although there may be a few showers in the extreme northern parts of new england. >> and that's your latest here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> our neck of the woods, though hard to see, it's going to be beautiful today. we will have the weather that is the envy of the nation as we head through the next couple of days. talking about on the "today" show most of the nation right now suffering from extreme heat. for us, significant cooldown continues. 63 degrees at 4:00 in the city, elsewhere i'm going to 70, even cooler than yesterday. and as we continue through the weekend, temperatures stay below their seasonal average. >> and that's your lat >> and that's your latest weather. ann? >> al, thank you so much. just ahead, should the 6-year-old daughter of reali television producer bruce beresford-redman be allowed to testify to a key hearing tied to her mother's brutal murder.
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latest in hi parents, it's going to be such a big school year. your kids will each take care of our class hamsters, lewis & clark. then i'll tell them the story of pluto, the sad little planet that was. i'll introduce them to some new friends, the fractions, and some cold blooded ones, the dinosaurs. [sfx: dinosaur growl] clark! anyway, here's what they'll need: markers, scissors, crayons, pencils, folders, juice boxes, pretzel sticks, glue sticks, tape that sticks, and glitter. so much glitter. school takes a lot. target has it all.
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>> good morning. 7:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. two people are in the hospital after their suv crashed into a peninsula fire station overnight. marla tellez joins us live with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this is fire station 27 right off de anza boulevard in the san mateo hills. this is the most expensive part of the damage, the lower portion of this garage door wiped out. you can see the pile of debris that's left from this morning. allen is giving you a look at the de anza off ramp. the driver took the off ramp off
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92 westbound last night, and lost control and ended up slamming into this fire station. we have the video from last night. it happened shortly before 11:00. you can see here the white gmc yukon. it could have been worse. no firefighters or personnel were hurt but two people in the suv were taken to the hospital with injuries, the extent not known at this point. we are working to get this confirmed this morning with san mateo police. we're told it was a mother driving her 17-year-old daughter, as to what made her lose control, that is the question this morning. >> luckily no firefighters injured as well. thank you very much. it is 7:27 now. you may feel cooler outside this morning. we want to check with christina loren. >> good morning. yes, much better weather than last week. especially if you are looking for the cooldown, looking to save on the pg&e bill. 76 in concord.
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75 redwood city. watch out for fog hugging the coast until about 2:00 p.m. today. we're going to cool off. >> slow through pittsburg at bay point. watch for that. also moving over to 680 south through walnut creek, look at this, jamming up westbound 80 down through richmond. that's slow for the east shore freeway. a live look shows you -- not a live look, the traffic through the area, the live shots are not available because of the heavy fog. back to you.
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morning, 12th of july, 2011. these folks up early in rockefeller plaza. and if they stay out there a couple more hours they will be poached. we're going to get up to be 103 heat index here in new york today. by the way, stick around, friday will be poached. they will also get some great music as we have a summer concert from pop superstar chris brown out on the plaza. that should be huge. meanwhile, inside a much cooler studio, i'm matt lauer along with ann curry. just aid head, did the clinic owned by gop presidential hopeful michele bachmann and her
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husband try to treat homosexuality. the controversy being generated by an undercover video. we'll get to that and the backlash over a recent kickboxing match. two girls, one 8, one 7, recently faced off in front of paying audience. one of those girls admitted that she was scared and even cried during the fight. why did her father allow his daughters to take part in such a violent sport? we're going to find out. and also, how about this for a story? one beauty queen's incredible transformation. at 17 she weighed more than 230 pounds. now just a few years later she is the reining miss south carolina. she's got her eyes on the miss america title. she will be here to tell us exactly how she did it. >> a lot to smile about. but let's begin this morning this half hour with new details about a hollywood producer accused of killing his wife in mexico. extradition hearing is scheduled for today. we've got nbc in los angeles
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with this story. miguel, good morning. >> good morning. bruce beresford-redman has been in jail since november awaiting whether or not he will be extradited back to mexico on charges he murdered his wife there. now his lawyers believe his 6-year-old daughter could help clear the hollywood producer's name. on april 8th, 2010, police in cancun, mexico, found monica's naked body floating in the hotel sewer. she was strangled to death, murdered by her husband of 11 years, bruce beresford-redman. the hollywood producer was questioned in mexico but wasn't charged with murder until after he returned home to los angeles. >> it is a rush to judgment. >> reporter: his lawyer says beresford-redman is independent and at today's extradition hearing wants to call the couple's 6-year-old daughter to testify. the couple and their two children stayed in one hotel room during their vacation where
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prosecutors say the murder took place. according to court documents filed by the attorney for beresford-redman the 6-year-old says she never saw her father hit her mother. she also states that her father got cuts and scratches on his face and body from a trip to a rocky river and that loud yelling coming from their hotel room the night of the murder was a family playing a game, not a homicide. >> the daughter was there. she did not report anything like that happening. that certainly would have been something a child would have known. >> reporter: but the mexican government and u.s. prosecutors call their evidence overwhelming. they say a cheetding husband had the motive to kill his wife when she threatened to leave him. investigators say the couple fought publicly in front of witnesses including hotel workers, that yelling from the room was, in fact, screams for help and key card records showed someone went in and out of their room several times over night when police discovered monica's body was dumped in the sewer. >> it's traumatic.
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it's tragic. it's really tragic. >> reporter: in a statement the victim's sister called the attempt to have their 6-year-old niece testify, quote, shameless. one legal analyst predicts the judge will reject the testimony. >> i think the chances of her testifying are slim to none because this is a hearing that is going to be conducted for the purposes of extradition and not a mini-trial. >> reporter: a murder in mexico, a husband charged with killing his wife, and now the suspect and victim's 6-year-old daughter asked to testify. the defense also argues that mexico is plagued by corruption, that their client could never get a fair trial there and the prosecution has put together a sloppy circumstantial case. the judge could make her decision on extradition as early as this afternoon. ann? >> all right, miguel this morning, thanks. star jones is a former prosecutor and veteran legal commentator. savannah guthrie is "today's" legal correspondent. good morning. >> good morning. >> it's hard to imagine a
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6-year-old child being called to testify. can it happen? >> actually i have called children to testify. i had a murder case in brooklyn when i was in the homicide division and all of my witnesses were kids under 12 years old. one of them was a 7-year-old, as a matter of fact. the only question is to whether or not the child is swearable, meaning understands the difference between the truth and a lie and the ramification. how far, in an extradition hearing, the defense -- the fugitive, if you will, does not have a right to call witnesses. so we don't even know if she'll get to the stand. >> so the real question then is what will the point be that the judge will make his decision on? >> yes. >> and but how much does how crucial the defense sees her testimony because clearly as we just saw, the defense said it's crucial. how much does that play in his decision? >> it's not a trial. it's not meant to be a mini-trial other wise that would
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defeat the whole purpose of having a treaty with mexico saying if a crime happens there we send the defendant there. actually the defendant is not entitled to call witnesses. there's no legal impediment to this child testifying but there may be an issue of relevance. the only issue for this judge to decide is whether there's probable cause and actually you can't even really offer evidence, the defendant has no right to offer evidence at this kind of hearing. the only thing he can offer is explanatory evidence. he may think that the child can explain away some of this testimony, some of the evidence that the mexican prosecutor sent. but the judge could ultimately decide this proceeding is too narrow. >> is it too much to hope the judge would take into the account the psychological implications on this child given she's the child of these two people? >> actually the investigators have never spoken to the child, only the child's therapist in dealing with the impact of the child's mother's death on the baby. so if you think about it, we don't even know what she would say. most judges would say if they're
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going to allow this it would be an in-camera interview. they would not want to put her in court. >> if the child is permitted to testify it will not be in open court but back in the judge's chambers. the prosecutors argued there's no need to call this child. we're take on faith the declarations, the legal papers that have been nild that describe what the child's testimony would be. prosecutors have said don't call her. we can just argue about -- we'll assume it's true and argue about whether it's relevant. >> almost a stipulation for all practical purposes saying, okay, even if she says what she says, this is absolutely nothing to do on the ultimate issue of extradition. we don't want to be in the position as the united states of not giving back someone who is accuse of murder in mexico because guarantee, you next week, there will be somebody over in mexico that we're going to want to get back. >> who has the burden of proof there? does this play in this kind of a case, in an extradition case? does the defense or the prosecution that has a greater
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burden? >> the prosecution has the burden to show probable cause the crime committed in mexico and the defendant committed it if possible caution is a lower, easier standard. >> so to that end, how much evidence is going to be presented in this extradition hearing? >> i think that the extradition hearing from the federal prosecutor is simply going to be these are the basic facts. if you look over the documents that have already been presented, they had an argument, there are some witnesses that indicate that it was loud and/or some sort of violence. the woman had not been seen at a certain -- for a certain amount of time. the do not disturb sign was on the door for a long period of time. it's definitely a circumstantial case. but you know a circumstantial case can get into court. >> we're going to see what happens, star and savannah. thank you so much for your perspective this morning. let's get a check of the
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weather from al. >> nice friends here. mom and grandma. 92? >> yes. >> what's your name? >> georgena. from minneapolis? when did you get here? >> sunday night. >> you had a lot of rain. take a look. we've got some tape. this is from this that moved through. strong thunderstorms moved through. some areas picking up five inches of rain in the minneapolis area. they had some localized flooding there as well. as we look at the rest of the country show you what's going on, temperaturewise, we've been telling you we've got the heat in the southeast. temperatures well over the 90s and the 100s. factor in the humidity, it's even worse. 60s and 70s as you get out in the pacific northwest. gorgeous there. 80s and 70s in the northern plains. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> a foggy start is going to make for very, very cool conditions today. especially if you're waking up with us near the coast. let's show you what you can expect. 53 in san francisco, just 63
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degrees even in the heat of the day, only climbing in temperature by about 10 degrees all day long because of that thick fog. it's going the take until about 2:00 p.m. before it breaks apart. 75 in redwood city. 76 san jose and 77 in gilroy. throughout tomorrow even cooler on the way. >> that's your latest weather. coming up next, did a clinic owned by michele bachmann and her husband try to convert gay men? nbc news investigates right after this. ♪ [ gertrude ] you do look good. [ maude ] well...if you insist. [ norma ] how can i say "no" to you? [ betsy ] you know my weakness. [ gertrude ] real good. [ norma ] you're so sweet. [ maude ] you're so salty. [ betsy ] irresistible. [ female announcer ] iging sn tovinacks? there's a better way to satisfy your cravings, twice a day with special k. enjoy something sweet... and something salty and still stay on track. ♪ so go ahead and embrace snacking with special k.
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really? 25 grams of protein. what do we have? all four of us, together? 24. he's low fat, too, and has 5 grams of sugars. i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... what's shakin'? [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. new ensure high protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. see? he's a good egg. [ major nutrition ] new ensure high protein. ensure! nutrition in charge! we're back now at 7:43. republican presidential candidate michele bachmann has made nighting same-sex marriage one of the defining issues a
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point of her career. now the approach she and her husband take with home weks sells at a clinic they own together. we have more on this story. michael, good morning. >> good morning, matt. in a recent fund-raising, michele bachmann touted her role helping to run a family counseling center. a secret videotape about how they treat people who might be gay is creating new controversy for bachmann. 26-year-old john becker said he sought help last month with the therapist at bachmanm and associates, owned by congresswoman michele bachmann and her psychologist husband marcus bachmann. >> i told them that i wanted to be rid of my same-sex attractions, to be rid of he home sexuality. >> reporter: in five one-hour sessions, becker said the clinic therapist advised him on on how to obama straight, through counseling, prayer and skrept chur. >> when i felt the temptation to
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act out homosexually, to pray about it, take it to the bible. >> reporter: he wanted to prove that the bachmann clinic used reparative therapy, to cure gays and lesbians of their homosexuality. >> the truth is god, god has designed our eyes to be attracted to the woman's body. >> sure. >> to be attracted to, you know, everything. you know? to be attracted to her breasts. >> reporter: the gay cure therapy has been repudiated by the american psychological association. in the past, marcus bachmann denied his clinic uses such practices. but the becker video could raise new questions about the clinic and candidate michele bachmann's views on home sexuality. from her first days as a state senator in minnesota bachmann led the charge for a ban on same-sex marriage. >> if this actually goes on the ballot it will pass overwhelmingly. >> reporter: the controversial 2004 speech she compare ed what she called the gay lifestyle to slavery.
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>> if you're involved in the gay and lesbian lifestyle, it's bondage. it is personal bondage, personal despair, and personal enslavement. and that's why this is so dangerous. >> reporter: comments such as these have alarmed some gop strategists and many gay republicans. >> congresswoman bachmann's view points are actually on the fringe, more and more americans believe and accept that their gay neighbors, family, friends, colleagues, are just who they are. >> reporter: but analysts say her uncompromising views on homosexuality are also one of the big reasons she's gaining traction in iowa. just last week she re-enforced her message by becoming the first gop presidential candidate to sign a controversial marriage vow that pledges vigorous opposition to same-sex marriage. she also vowed to push for a federal marriage amendment to the u.s. constitution. we asked the bachmann campaign for comment. the spokes pan said that
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bachmann and associates is a christian counseling center that has a variety of counseling and mental health issues. she are you fused to discuss it, citing patient confidentiality. shu she did say the clinic honors for all people for why a what they come in for. >> michael, thank you very much. coming up next, would you let your 8-year-old girl step into the ring and do some kickboxing? the heated backlash to one father's decision. we'll talk about that right after this.
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finally, there's a choice for my patients with an irregular heartbeat called atrial fibrillation, or afib, that's not caused by a heart valve problem. today we have pradaxa to reduce the risk of a stroke caused by a clot. in a clinical trial, pradaxa 150 mg reduced stroke risk 35% more than warfarin. and with pradaxa, there's no need for those regular blood tests. pradaxa is progress. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding, and seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have kidney problems or a bleeding condition, like stomach ulcers. or if you take aspirin products, nsaids, or blood thinners. tell your doctor about all medicines you take, any planned medical or dental procedures, and don't stop taking pradaxa without your doctor's approval,
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[ female announcer ] nourish plus. only from aveeno. aflac! oh, i've just got major medical... major medical. ...but it helps pay the doctors. pays the doctors, boyyy! [ quack ] oh yeah? what about your family? ♪ we added aflac, so we get cash! it's like our safety net... ♪ to help with the mortgage or whatever we need! so my family doesn't feel the pain too. ha! [ male announcer ] help protect your family at [ pigeons ] heyyy! hooo!!! what does your little girl want to be when she grows up? a controversy is xwruing for a father allowing his 8-year-old daughter to compete as a kickboxer. we have details now. >> reporter: what happened? from ballerina to boxer. >> when i grow up i want to be like my mom and dad. >> reporter: when dad is
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kickboxing champion. >> get harder and harder every day. >> reporter: and, boy, can this girl kick. jasmine parr is 8 years old. what she wants most, she says, is a trophy. >> a dancing trophy, but it's little and if i -- if i do boxing, i will get a big one. >> reporter: the next step to the scannedalized australia, her father john wayne parr put jasmine into the ring with another little girl aged 7. three rounds of three minutes before a paying audience. jasmine was knocked down. down but not out. after round one, jasmine cried for 30 seconds. her father urged her on. she came out fighting, so did her opponent. the result, a draw. and an avalanche of criticism. >> we had a girl aged 9 who was hospitalized due to a significant concussion as a result of boxing.
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>> reporter: some people called him crazy, abusive, stupid. >> a major backlash that i wasn't expecting. i'm not a bad dad. i'm a good guy. i wouldn't put my own flesh and blood in the ring unless i thought it was 100% safe. >> reporter: kickboxing has many defenders, though. in london amanda kelly is british's natural champion. >> great way of teaching them confidence, coordination, balance. >> reporter: so i thought i would give it a try. let's go. time to rumble. come on. lila thai, 5 years old, 3'6", 50 pounds. a mean fighting machine. she's also the daughter of a trainer. so it isn't only in australia. there, jasmine's father loves his sport and jasmine loves her father. >> i think that my dad and my mom are good parents. and i think they would never
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push me into something. >> reporter: however, ask 8-year-old jasmine when she wants to fight again and she says, when i'm 10. for "today," martin savidge, nbc news, london. >> i wouldn't do it. >> in the ring with a little 7-year-old. i don't think i could do that. to teach his own. just ahead, a young woman who lost 112 pounds to become miss south carolina. >> she will open up about her remarkable transformation. a living, breathing intelligence that's helping people rethink how they live. in here, the planned combination of at&t and t-mobile would deliver our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans, many in small towns and rural communities, giving them a new choice. ♪ we'll deliver better service, with thousands of new cell sites... for greater access to all the things you want, whenever you want them.
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>> good tuesday morning to you. 7:56 now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. this morning a mother and her baby are safe after a fire ripped through their apartment while they were sleeping. firefighters forced their way into the apartment on crest wood drive before 2:00 this morning. the baby is now in the hospital recovering from smoke inhalation. firefighters had the fire under control within 20 minutes. so far no word on the cause. firefighters say they were able to rescue the baby because the apartment's sprinkler system was working properly. >> and it's still heavy smoke but the threat was not from fire. the bedroom door was open. the entire apartment was full of smoke. in another five minutes it would have been much different. >> so far no word on the cause. >> i want to check the forecast
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now with meteorologist christina loren. >> good morning. some people waking up with the jacket in july. certainly cold enough and cloudy enough along the peninsula. it won't last all day. i think by 2:00 p.m. the cloud deck will break apart. warming us up to the 70s inland. mid-60s along the coast. temps keep tumbling tomorrow. 63 degrees in san francisco. bring that jacket. once you get home to the east bay, 77 degrees at 4:00 p.m. in fairfield. 75 livermore. and 77 degrees in gilroy. the south bay and the east bay the warmest spot. as we head throughout the afternoon, yeah, not going to be that warm, yet cooler tomorrow. 70 degrees up to 78 by 30s. let's check the drive now with mike. >> we'll follow the slowdown on the east shore freeway after an accident cleared from appian way. we see the slowing out of hercules, slow through richmond. about a 40-minute drive off of
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the carquinez bridge. snow 680 south out of concord, then walnut creek, 680 slow so watch for that. new disabled truck blocking a lane westbound past north flynn. slower into livermore. still at least 30 minutes out of the altamont pass and the dublin interchange. there is the south bay. thb 101 and 280. 280 is jamming up because of that volume in the south bay. >> thank you. for the latest traffic and news check out nbc bay area morning news on facebook. i'll have another local update in about a half hour.
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morning. july 12th, 2011. muggy, hot start to the day here at rockefeller center. that song you hear is our way of letting you know that we're going to really crank up the heat coming up on friday here on "today" because superstar chris brown will be here live in concert. we're excited about that. i'm ann curry along with matt lauer and al roker. coming up, a lot of young girls dream about becoming a beauty queen. and you can imagine, however, if you're a plus size teen, that that might be a little far
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fetched. feel as though it will be far fetched. don't tell that to the reigning miss south carolina. a few short years ago, 234 pounds. now look at her. how did she do it? she's going to tell us coming up. >> interesting. also, do you want to live to be 100? >> yes. over 100. yes. >> would you like that? >> a lot of people say good genes. healthy lifestyle. also, what about a positive mental attitude? this morning we're going to have a new series called how to live to 100. we're going to talk about the impact that positive attitude can have on your longevity. >> speaking of that, right over there is a young lady, 96 years old. >> welcome! >> 96. >> i bet she has a good attitude. >> she does. i was just talking to her. also, for a lot of you ladies who are expecting during the dog days of summer, you don't have to give up your sense of style. in fact, we're going to show you some great ways to stay
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fashionable through the heat of summer if you are expecting. >> all right. thanks a lot, al. let's get inside for a check of the top stories. natalie at the news desk. >> good morning again, matt, ann, and al. extreme heat and triple digit temperatures are gripping much of the nation again today with heat advisories from texas and connecticut. some cities could see temperatures as high as 109 degrees. president obama is asking lawmakers for fresh ideas when they brain storm yet again at the white house today over the budget stalemate. he says he won't accept short-term measures from defaulting on financial obligations. the next court appearance for dominique strauss-kahn has been postponed until august until they decide whether to drop the sexual assault charges against them. first lady michelle obama is among the many dignitaries attending today's funeral in palm desert, california, for former first lady betty ford who died friday at the age of 93. she will be buried thursday in
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michigan next to her husband. and now let's head to wall street. nbc mandy drury is at the new york stock exchange. >> we have a very weak lead from overseas market such as asia and europe. once again on fears that the european debt crisis is spreading to italy and spain. one thing that is necessary tive overseas news is doing is making our u.s. dollar stronger. elsewhere, rupert murdoch's news corp continues to be under pressure amid allegations that former prime minister gordon brown was the target of illegal data hacking. it's going to be a very interesting day in the market. back to you. >> we'll be watching that. thank you. here's brian williams with a look at what's coming up tonight on nbc "nightly news." >> coming up tonight, a lot of talk about. we'll talk about the gathering in southern california to remember betty ford and by the time we see you tonight the nation will have a new recipient of the medal of honor. so that and more when we see you for "nightly news." back to you.
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>> thanks, brian. now, what's trending today. quick round-up of what has you talking on like. america's 51st state is the hot topic. california county supervisor wants 13 mostly conservative counties to succeed to conform south california. los angeles is purposely excluded. they say living well is the best revenge. that's how playboy founde eer h hefner is responding to the internet sayings that he died. he said, i'm lying in bed with a big smile on my face reading twits about my unexpected demise. mila kunis could not turn down this youtube invitation from a marine corporation sergeant in afghanistan. >> hey, mila. scott moore. you can call me scott. i want to invite you to the marine corps ball in north carolina. so take a second. think about it.
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get back to me. all right. bye now. >> kunis said yes after a nudge from co-star justin timberlake. good for him. he is a smooth talker, i tell you. it's 8:05. let's go back out to al with the check of the weather. we love that story. >> we sure do. we love our audience. where are you guys from? >> florida. >> what's your name? >> ann. >> jean. >> good to see you guys. 96 years old. >> 96. >> god bless. that's fantastic. all right. four years until she's on that smuckers jar. let's check your weather and see what's going on. niagara falls! slowly, i turn, step by step. news 2 with rzwg in buffalo. as we look at the rest of the country today, strong storms push their way in the wet plains. wet weather in the carolinas. showers in the pacific northwest. those will give way later on. plenty of southern shine in the
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lower tier states. does anything say summer more than ann curry's skirt? yeah! that's it. that's what's going on around we are not going to feel like summer time today. in fact, it's going to be very similar to what we traditionally see in a fall day. this is sunol overcast conditions. 5 degrees cooler than yesterday. we continue to tumble in the temperature department at least through wednesday. 76 in los gatos. 75 in redwood city. cloud bank over san francisco. as a result, 63 degrees in the city today and 70 by wednesday.z
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and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. get back to the things that matter most. good job girls. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. back now at 8:10 with a dramatic personal transformation. in a moment we'll meet bree boy boyce, the recently crowned miss south carolina who will xheet in this year's miss america a jept. but how she looks today is a far cry from just a few short years ago. >> reporter: strutting in the swimsuit competition during the miss south carolina pageant, 22-year-old bree boyce had to shed a light of nervousness. but what so many didn't know,
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she also shed a lot of weight. >> at age 17 i was at my highest, which was 234 pounds. >> reporter: as a teen nanlger bree got hooked on fatty foods. >> i confessed to my moth her when i got my license i would run around to fast food places and get food and sit in he car and eat it. whenever my parents went out to a movie or dinner i would get a pizza and eat it by myself. >> reporter: looking back she can't believe the belly she developed, the jeans she once wore. >> these are my size 18 pair of jeans that i wore when i was 17 years old. >> reporter: she couldn't stand how being so big shunk her confidence. that's her in the blue bathing suit running from the camera. no sign of shyness in these photos. >> looking at some of those pictures, you do look pretty ripped. >> yeah. >> do you consider yourself ripped at this point? >> i'd like to think of myself ripped. >> reporter: how did she go from 234 pounds to this? it started as a warning from her
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doctor. >> at that moment i decided to change my life. i lost 64 pounds very quickly. >> reporter: then came a hard koer commitment to exercising and eating healthy every day. it took three years and a lot of hard work. bree says no surgeries, tummy tucks or lifts. she dropped 112 pounds. >> bree boyce! >> reporter: when she won the miss south carolina title that crown carried a little more weight for this winner. considering the pounds she's lost. bree is making healthy living her platform. >> that's really what i want to focus on is it's not about a number on the scale or the size on your pants. it's about being a size healthy and loving yourself and having that self worth. >> reporter: from chubby teen to beauty queen, bree's journey may seem unlikely, but don't tell her that. she's hungry to become the next miss america. for "today," nbc news, florence, south carolina. >> miss south carolina, bree boyce, is now joining us. bree, good morning. >> good morning. >> the moment you heard that you
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had won after having lost 112 pounds, knowing your past at that moment, what was the emotion for you? >> i have no words. i just thought to myself, i did it. i did it all on my own. i did it for myself. and i'm just so thankful to have this platform and to share my success story with everyone across the world. >> you don't have to choose a platform like other beauty queens. >> i like to tell people that i did not choose it, it chose me. a lot of people ask me if i would take the past back, but i definitely wouldn't because i wouldn't have this amazing story to share with others. >> part of that story is what turned the knob? what made you change into what you have become, a healthy, focused woman? what was the thought? >> i had so many dreams and aspirations for myself. and i knew that being so unhealthy i would not be able to accomplish any of those dreams. so by changing my lifestyle completely, i did a 180, and it has been completely amazing. i'm just so excited.
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>> you workout -- >> i work out -- >> how many hours a week? >> two to three hours to prepare for a competition. >> a day? >> yes, a day. and 30 minutes to an hour to keep it a lifestyle. >> okay. and your eating has changed from fatty foods -- >> fatty foods to healthy, nutritious, whole grains, fruits, vegetable, lean meats. i really educated myself on what i was eating and how it was fueling my body. >> you went from a woman who ran away from the camera to a woman -- and we've got these pictures of you in the swimsuit competition. >> i know. i love looking at those. >> that's the thing. how did you start to think, okay, i can go out there in front of all of those people with pretty much a little piece of spandex around me. how did you convince yourself? >> i didn't think about anybody else. i thought about myself and how hardy had worked and what i was working for and all the people that i would inspire. so that was definitely the motivation. and i am a confident and successful woman. and to strut myself on that
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stage was the proudest moment of my life. >> your mom is very proud. we saw her watching. she happens to be, by the way, in our studio. i want to point out mom. sorry, mom. there you are. but now on facebook, you've been hearing from people? >> yes. >> what is your effort, what is the most important thing you would like to say to people to inspire them to be healthier? >> whatever in life you want to do, it takes hard work. there's no secret. it's hard work and determination and perseverance, all of these things. i want to be that inspiration for people to know that anything is possible as long as you put your mind to it and keep it up every day. i know there are days that i want to give up, but i can't because i look toward the future. and i look for making my dreams come true and getting on that miss america stage and hopefully winning the swimsuit title there. >> high five to you. good luck at the miss america what pa gent. coming up next, the secret to a long life. what it takes to live to be 100. that's right after this.
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humira's use in patients with ra has been evaluated in multiple studies during the past 14 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events can occur such as, infections, lymphoma or other types of cancer, blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. make today the day you talk to your rheumatologist. and ask how you can defend against and help stop further joint damage with humira.
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discover aveeno positively radiant tinted moisturizers with scientifically proven soy complex and natural minerals. give you sheer coverage instantly, then go on to even skin tone in four weeks. aveeno tinted moisturizers. we're back now at 8:19. we'll kick off a special series now called "how to live to 100." the life expectancy of an average american is 77 years. by 2050, it's estimated 800,000 of us will live past 100. what is the secret to a long life? it turns out it may be less about genes than you think. ♪ >> middle age and all this old age business. what is it? is there a law somewhere because you're 30 or 35 or 45 or 50 or 60 or 70 that you have to get in a rocking chair and die? >> reporter: getting old, americans have being a little
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bit obsessed. even if you eat right and exercise more, there's no golden ticket to your golden years. >> people of our age, when we wake up in the morning and nothing hurts, we know we're dead. >> reporter: writer turned 100 this past may. she still goes dancing every week. >> i am too busy to grow old. >> reporter: ann believes the key to her longevity is simple. >> curiosity about the outside world and love for my children, for the people close to me. love is very important. i can't imagine people living without loving someone. >> reporter: it turns out her outlook may be what's keeping her alive. it's estimated as little as 30% of aging is genetically based. the world's longest living person lived to 122. she was known as much for her age as her joy of life. >> images that a lot of us carry
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about aging are unduly negative and harmful to us. they actually found that the type of belief system that a person has about aging has more impact on their health as they get older. >> reporter: that's not to say a healthy lifestyle srnt important. the japanese of okinawa have some of the lowest mortality rates in the world, and their success is largely attributed to a nutrient rich diet and physical activity. still, mindset seems to play an important role. researchers from the longevity project, the longest running age study, recently concluded that stable relationships and clear-sighted goals are two of the most important factors. filmmaker mark wexler became interested in aging after his mother passed away. >> is this it? am i passed my prime? >> reporter: he spent three years traveling the world for his documentary "how to live forever," interviewing characters like buster martin, he ran marathons and claimed to
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be 101. >> i'm not like you people, normal. i've seen that. >> reporter: as for bell, the next dance is just one step toward i'mmortality. >> you've got the stay alive if it kills you. >> what does it really take to live to 100? mark wexler joins us now along with leslie martin. good morning to both of you. nice to see you. we're going to deal the physical on this tomorrow so we'll stick with the psychological this morning. is there any real hard evidence that a positive attitude makes us live longer? >> well, there's really not from the longevity project. we studied 1500 plus people over most of their lifespans. 80 plus years. and oftentimes being happy does go along with living a long life but it's not that thinking happy thoughts or being happy is what makes it happen. it's the great thanks you do with your life. >> when you look at the study,
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what is really jumping out at you? >> one thing is to be persistent. i mean, find what you want in life and really go for it. work hard at your goals. some of the longest life people worked hard, some were stressed out by their jobs. but they cared about what they did. they felt it was important. >> they worked hard so they were mentally engaged. they stayed active. >> absolutely. >> when you went around the world meeting all these people was there a common denominator? >> humorous, very comfortable in their own skin. they were kind of serene and also i went to okinawa and in okinawa they have a thing which is a reason to get up in the morning, a purpose. i think everyone across the border, all around the world, should have a purpose. i think we kind of lose that sometimes. here people retire in america and other places. they lose their purpose. in japan there's not even a word for retirement. >> right. when you go back, leslie, to this clear-sighted goals, in other words, if you've always got something else you want to accomplish, in some ways if you
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have no goals you become stagnant. >> absolutely. and people who lived a long time in the longevity project they really did have things that they cared about. and oftentimes this was their work, they had hobbies and activities that they loved to do. they had strong social connections. to friends and family and colleagues and co-workers, and austin was very involved in helping other people. >> you talk about worry and stress. one of the things that comes out of the are search is worry in moderation makes you live longer. and what you're trying to say is not worry to excess. >> absolutely not. you don't want to worry herself and go crazy. but some amount of worrying actually good. you think ahead. you've got a plan b. it shows that you're really engaged in your own life and your own outcome. >> when i heard that, from your study, i was pleased. i'm a huge worrier. >> me, too. >> i worry that i'm worried too much. when i heard that, all is good. >> but it's worry in moderation. >> yeah.
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>> everybody worries about something. what about personal relationships? when you went around and talked to these people, did they all have very strong interpersonal relationships? >> they did. >> even the guy who says he's not normal? >> they have personal relationships but also a lot of their spouses had passed away because they outlived them and that was a sad point. but just a zest for life, i think, basically. >> sense of humor, how big a role? >> i think it's hoounlg. >> well, i think it makes you enjoy your life. what we found in the longevity project is a sense of humor and being optimistic wasn't helpful. it seemed to shave the way people few risks. they took more risks, more likely to be smokers and drinkers and have more risky hobbies. again, you can have too much of a good thing. >> did you meet any really grumpy old people? we highlight all the happy old people. there's got to be some grumps out there. >> i think buster, marathon runner. >> i hope he doesn't watch this
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show. thank you both. good morning to you. it's 8:26. unwilling to give up the family of missing nursing student michelle is offering a reward in the hopes that she will be found. they raised the money through fund-raisers and donations. new searches are organized for this weekend. her family hopes that she will has ound alive but theas ce been classified as a homicide. weather and traffic after this. ha
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good morning to you. still have areas of thick fog. it's going to keep your temperatures cool if you're waking up in the city of san francisco. 76 in san jose. 77 in gilroy. as we head through tomorrow, even cooler weather. we warm up on thursday and 80s back on friday. we start to warm up for traditional averages by sunday. let's check your drive right now with mike. >> overcast skies here as well.
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37-minute drive especially as you come the upper show freeway and jammed up after the early accident. it cleared about half an hour ago. slow as you come down the peninsula. south bay continuing to slow there northbound 101. >> good to know. thank you very much. for the latest traffic and news updates, check out nbc bay area morning news on facebook. i'll have another local news update for you in half an hour. see you then.
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90s. makes you feel like it's over 100. >> yeah. >> a little closer around here today. >> i'm matt lauer along with ann curry. >> shall i step aside? >> no. al roker and natalie morales. coming up, we have a performance in our studio from a very talented young lady, colby caillet. >> her music makes you happy. talk about the heat a moment ago, that brings us to a segment everybody is talking about this morning which is what to do when you're pregnant and how to dress for this heat. there's one of them right there. how people can look great, feel good while they're growing a baby. we have ideas, for example, sometimes when you're pregnant you get asked to go to a fancy event, what do you wear. >> oh, yeah. >> while the ladies may be looking for outfits we guys are looking about looking for a new
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grill. >> oh, yeah. can i get a uh, uh, uh. >> talk about the late nest grill technology. 27% of grillers are now women. so there you go. >> i do a lot of the grilling. >> there you go. we're going to show you the best of the best for the right price. a man who likes to grill, jim bell, ladies and gentlemen. jim bell, king of the grill right there. executive producer. look at him. >> check it out. >> i don't know if he grills as much as he likes to eat what comes off the grill. >> i'm with him there. >> exactly. coming up for all of our "today" show viewers, exclusive steals and deals. items that you don't want to miss. jill is back with our popular segment every week. stick around for that as well. >> thanks, natalie. >> but first -- >> but first. >> you. >> me, the weather. >> hot. >> it's all about you. >> yes. >> it's all about you. >> showering often today and make sure you moisturize. risk of strong storm from the mid atlantic to southeastern atlantic states back into the plains. we've got a lot of heat and
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humidity. it's going to continue tomorrow. much of the country. half of the country right now is under heat advisories or heat warnings. riff of strong storms tomorrow from the rockies into the western plains. sizzling in the southwest into california. there is no relief. at least for the next 72 hours. well, most of the nation is baking in summer heat. we're getting a july cool down making for really pleasant conditions and also a better pg&e bill at the end of the day. especially inland. take a look at how long this cooling will last. 78 degrees all the way through thursday. 80s return on friday into saturday and we'll get back to our normal averages as we head through the latter portion of the weekend into monday. hope you have a great tuesday. ii.
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watches sports with the women. ignatiua, great name, dugale, from venice, florida. the circus is down there. 100 years old. he likes to play card games, avid baseball fan. a lot of spring training parks down there. and warren patrick. how we love our warren. from townshend, vermont. 100 years old today. and loves to write editorials. i guess he does that for the
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local paper he bakes his own banana bread and they love it. and evelyn yee from washington, d.c. that's us, here in washington. 100. and credits her longevity, long walks and eating lots of veggies. she is a veggie monster. love it. thomas rotondo, and he is from lockport, new york. 100. and he reads a book every single week. longevity is remaining busy. i guess i should do more of that. and number six birthday, we have neita cochran from west branch, iowa. 105. how about that? loves to dance. very active in her church. and shares the same birthday with her sister, who is edna h
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>> narrator: today's woman is brought to you by aveeno, discover the power of active naturals. >> "today" on today's woman, what to wear in this summer heat but add a baby bump into the mix and it's nearly impossible to be stylishly comfortable. so rosy pope is the founder of rosy pope maternity and mom craft and she just finished the first season of the bravo
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docudrama "pregnant in heels." you come with experience because you have your own personal story about having been pregnant in the heat. >> i did. it's tough. i think we're very tired anyway when you're pregnant. in addition, everyone has a certain expectancy we're going to look good when you're pregnant. >> you're going to show us examples of how to look good and feel good. desiree is wearing a casual look. she's coming in, i think, right now. what made this particular look perfect for the summer. the color is perfect. >> color is great. it's a casual look from target. and it's great. this is the massimo brand. anything bright is beautiful. this is a great thing you can dress up. she's wear aggregate pair of flats right now from and lauren conrad cool sunglasses on sale right now. it's just a great look. chic. feels like a t-shirt but looks smarter than that. >> it looks incredibly
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comfortable but really embracing the shape. it's not hiding the shape. it's like, yes, uh-huh. >> i'm pregnant. exactly. >> thank you so much, desiree. we also have laura. now, here's the thing. a lot of people don't want to spend a lot of money on maternity clothes but sometimes you get invitations and it's tough to not spend money. >> and a lot of weddings that people have to go to in the summer. that can be tough. >> you've got your own personal line. you've got this evening chic look. this is the full maxie mini. it's a splurge at $160. if you're going to splurge make sure you can wear it to a lot of events. baby shower, wedding, cardigan, wear it to church. you can wear this one afterwards because when the bump doesn't quite go back to size, you can use it. >> terrific. you can wear it after. and then you've gotte espadrill are high.
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>> i would recommend flats. but if you're doing to splurge on a dress, save on the accessories. >> laa, thanks so much. you're a pretty model. we've got adrianne. she's got a weekend suggestion. is that right? >> we. this is a great dress. this is from kocalypso from target. it's also full of spandex. you get that point in the summer where you don't want to be wearing another stretchy type fabric. >> you have a little undershirt here. >> and crochet. the crochet will expand with you and come right back again. it's a great option. >> all right. >> these leggings are maternity leggings. a lot of my maternity women think you can get away with nonmaternity leggings. but if you buy one thing, buy maternity leggings. >> thank you so much. now, we're going to look at our lastly, our mommy and me look. she is with her son. looks like they're going to go
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off on vacation. >> they are. it's all about print and it's cute. a moms want to match their kids. what i would suggest is get a match, doing the stripes, don't be identically matched. this is from and this is a great long dress from obey h baby. it's brilliant again. if you have a taoddler, you can play on the floor. >> beautiful. coming up next, finding the grill of your dreams. the latest and greatest barbecuing machines. but first, this is "today" on nbc. hey parents, it's going to be a big school year.
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see, i'm not just teaching woodwinds and strings. i'm teaching attitude! if your kids want to sound cool, they have to look cool! so, here's what they'll need: denim, graphic tees, leggings and tunics, more denim, backpacks, headphones, hair gel, denim, converse one star shoes, denim, shaun white hoodies and denim. school takes a lot. target has it all. this morning on "today's" kitchen we're talking about the best grills on the market.
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adam rapport, the editor in chief with "bon appetit" is here. >> this is good enough. >> good stuff. >> is it all about budget? do you really need to assess your needs? >> how often do you grill, how many people are you grilling for? >> grilling for two people or are you the neighborhood barbecue center. >> are you the man? >> this is $200 at home depot. >> budget grill, turn it on, flick the switch, get the job done. >> four burners. >> very simple. easy to use. week night grill. >> the 00 bucks. not a lot of money for a grill. how many seasons should i expect to get out? >> depends on how long you use it. 3 1/2 years maybe. once a week or five times a week? >> just for simple hot dogs and burgers? >> you can get more but this is a basic grill to start off with. >> let's move up a little bit in the price ranges. $799. who makes this? >> the big difference here is
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it's cast iron grill. if you ever used a cast iron skillet, durable, sturdy, it will last a long time. >> cast iron and porcelain coated grates. >> that gives it so you don't just get the cast iron. this helps it get off the grill easier. >> for $500 more, what is extra? >> more durable. last longer. seven or eight years out of this guy. >> it can do all the fancy stuff? >> exactly. >> i like this one? >> yes. if you want to make more of an investment, make it last longer. this is the big trend right now. i saw your producer is a fan. this is wood pellets. the deal, is matt, if you want to make ribs, brisket, slow cooking, that's not grilling, that's barbecuing group need indirect heat. low temperature. 230 degrees. shut it. it's got a little auger. it's taking these wood pellets down. lighting them on fire. so the meat never comes in contact.
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>> right. >> you can go to bed and 12 hours later, wake up your brisket, your ribs are ready. fall off the bone tender. >> can i do ordinary grilling? >> yes. crank up the heat. this is more for the guy who wants the slow. cooked smoked brisket, ribs, chicken. >> $799. lasts a long time? >> exactly. super easy to use. this is your basic -- i don't want to say basic. this is a webber grill on steroids. >> this is the biggest webber kettle i've ever seen. >> literally the biggest one you can buy. 800 bucks. the kettle grill is the design. all the heat is contained. it's intense fiery heat. great steakhouse quality charre steak, you want charcoal. >> if you reach across for that corn you get charred on your arm. >> exactly. you get hardwood charcoal. don't buy the briquettes. >> you want to get adam going, you show him this. $3,000. >> and up. ferrari of grills.
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it's a rotisserie. it's dripping. go into a grooves, collect here, brush it. raise this up higher and lower. >> $3,000? >> matt, you can buy fancy cars, you can buy cheap cars. >> does it chew your food also? >> exactly. this will last a lifetime, guarantee it. >> you sound like -- do you have stock in this stuff? >> i want to, yeah. >> all right. this is for the ultimate. this is if you are the man. >> if you're a pro, yeah, especially. >> always fun. nice to have you here. we're going to have much more ahead on a tuesday morning. but first, you have to say it louder -- oh, we have colby caillat. but first, this is "today" on nbc. either i can't get to sleep, or i can't stay asleep. [ male announcer ] unisom helps you fall asleep faster and stay asleep. so i wake up rested. [ male announcer ] unisom. fall asleep faster. sleep longer.
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♪ >> narrator: the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. >> she was a social media sensation who went on to win two grammy awards and at 26 years old there is no slowing down. colby caillat. her third album is called "all of you." colbie, good morning. this is happy music. you really send out and specifically with this new album, love. >> yes. >> why? >> because i'm in love. i've been experiencing it. it's such a fun thing to write about. it just -- it flows out of you. and so every song that i right
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write is either about what i've been going through, the ups and downs of relationships or what my best friend is going through. >> i know one particular guitarist is smiling hearing you saying that because justin over there is the lucky guy we're talking about. but the point though is that you sort of seem to always want to send out happy music anywhere. this seems to be why you do it. >> i like to be optimistic about things. there's a song on this record called "think good thoughts." when i was writing it i wasn't anying good thoughts. i was writing something kind of mean but i don't want to do that. i want to send out positive messages. >> you're not thinking about can i vent, you're thinking about what can i do positively. >> i start out venting and change it halfway through the song where i want it to be or where it should be or the better way. >> what are you going to sing for us right now? >> we're going to sing "brighter than the sun." >> thea album is called "all of
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you." c colbie caillat. ♪ ♪ stop me on the corner ♪ i swear you hit me like a vision ♪ ♪ i i i wasn't expecting but who am i to tell fate where it's supposed to go with it ♪ ♪ don't you blink you might miss it ♪ see we got a right to just love it or leaf it ♪ ♪ you find it and keep it because it ain't every day you get the chance to say ♪ ♪ oh this is how it starts ♪ lightning strikes the heart ♪ it goes off like a gun brighter than the sun ♪ ♪ oh it could be the stars falling from the sky ♪ ♪ shining how we want brighter than the sun ♪ ♪ i never seen it but i found this love i'm undefeated ♪
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♪ you better leave i'm better than anything i've ever had because you're so damn beautiful ♪ read it it's time and deliver it let's seal it ♪ ♪ boy we go together like peanuts and paydays, molly and reggae and every day gets a chance to say ♪ ♪ oh this is how it starts lightning strikes the heart ♪ ♪ it goes off like a gun brighter than the sun ♪ ♪ oh it could be the stars falling from the sky ♪ ♪ shining how we want brighter than the sun ♪ ♪ everything is like a way out because we shine down ♪ ♪ even when the light's out but i can see you glow ♪ ♪ got my head up in the rafters ♪ got me happy ever after ♪ ♪ never felt this way before
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♪ ain't love just beautiful ♪ you mitt me like a vision ♪ i i i wasn't expecting ♪ but who am i to tell fate where it's supposed to go ♪ ♪ oh this is how it starts lightning strikes the heart ♪ ♪ but it goes off like a gun brighter than the sun ♪ ♪ oh we could be the stars falling from the sky ♪ ♪ shining how we want brighter than the sun ♪ ♪ oh this is how it starts ♪ this is how it starts ♪ lightning strikes the heart ♪ it goes off like a gun brighter than the sun ♪ ♪ oh this is how it starts lightning from the sky ♪ ♪ shining how we want ♪ brighter than the sun ♪ brighter than the sun ♪ brighter than the sun ♪ brighter than the sun
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♪ oh oh oh yeah ♪ oh this is how it starts lightning strikes the heart ♪ ♪ it goes off like a gun brighter than the sun ♪ ♪ oh this is how it starts lightning strikes the heart ♪ ♪ it goes off like a gun ♪ brighter than the sun ♪ oh this is how it starts lightning strikes the heart ♪ ♪ it goes off like a gun ♪ oh this is how it starts ♪ lightning strikes the heart brighter than the sun ♪ ♪ brighter than the sun >> music to make you feel loved. colbie caillat, thank you so
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much for that. whoa!! the really big chicken sandwich combo is back! and it's as big as ever. i'm gonna jump it! you can't jump that! it's two chicken patties, topped with bacon, and melting cheese plus seasoned curly fries and a drink for only $3.99! what do you know? your only a baby! vrrrrooooom! i'm t-rex and i came out of extinction cuz i heard the combo was back! and that got a million hits? yep. why do we even make commercials anymore? 'cause you like to be in them. good morning to you. it's 8:56. cutting class could soon cost students money. there will be a vote to propose on daytime curfew to avoid kids
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good morning to you. you're actually taking a live look downtown san francisco. you can't even see -- can't even make out the pyramid this morning. it's really dense out there. and that fog will probably linger over the city of san francisco to about 2:00 p.m. when the sun will shine through. drizzle could be slick in spots. really nice day today. 76 in concord. hard to believe we're in the middle of july. 77 in gilroy. we continue to cool down as we head into wednesday. back to you, laura. >> all right.
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thank you so much. 8:58. for the latest traffic and news updates, check out nbc bay area morning news on facebook. another local news update in half an hour. have a great morning. last we checked, politicians worked for us. so why is politicians preventing them from opening their calendars? elected and appointed officials often publish their appointment schedules. california senate actually forbids open calendars, arguing privacy over our right to know. we disagree. the legislature's own rules says access to information concerning the conduct of the people's business by the legislature is a fundamental and necessary right.
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this is about influence. closed calendars provide no transparency. who gets time with the very politicians who write our laws. we join the mercury news and ndrsot d ad emneenanss. tell us what you think. absolutely. 24 states under heat advisories or heat warnings. if you don't have to go outside please don't. make sure you check on your elderly neighbors. we'll be talking about cities in triple digits. humidity levels also going to add to that as well.
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we'll also give you the symptoms that you need to know and recognize for either yourself or your family and friends when suffering from dehydration or worse. we'll tell you about those things. just last week it was reported about a child left in a car. yes. happens way too often. your pets, your children, and as you mentioned your neighbors, very important. by the way, he is al roker. also coming up this morning we'll be talking about something involving steals and deals. al says don't go outdoors if you don't have to. stay on your couch because you don't even have to leave your couch to get our steals and deals. we're showing you a five star resort. the first time ever we'll offer a steal and deal, steal or a deal on a five star resort in cancun, mexico. wow. for "today" show viewers only. that's just ahead. that's kind of exciting and stepping outside the box. also this morning we'll help people get off the couch and get to the gym. if you are one of those who has trouble being motivated, this morning joy bauer has creative motivators.
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she always has good ideas and will also be talking about how to sort through the cereal aisle to give your children a nutritious breakfast whether they know it or not. she's got a treadmill that has bacon on it. the aroma is all i need. a continuous strip of bacon. let's go inside. natalie is standing by with the headlines. good morning. the dog days of summer are here as 100-degree temperatures scorch much of the country's south and midwest. nbc's mara sciampavo is braving the heat. >> reporter: things are already starting to heat up here in st. louis. with the humidity it feels like 115 degrees here today. the midwest is right smack in the middle of this heat wave but now almost half of the country is feeling the heat with advisories in place from texas to connecticut. it's the summer sizzle that just won't stop. it's been horrible.
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>> reporter: dallas facing the tenth straight day of 100-degree temperatures. look at the numbers. right up into the triple digits as we head into the afternoon. >> reporter: oklahoma city stuck on broil for almost two straight weeks. i carry a container of juice and water frozen from my house every day when i leave so i can stay hydrated until i get back home. >> reporter: and now the east coast is bracing itself from georgia to connecticut. heat advisories have been issued for temperatures today that will feel as high as 105. leaving these kids in philadelphia to seek some cool in the pool. this is some oppresive and dangerous heat affecting more than 20 states and more than 90 million people. >> reporter: the heat isn't just widespread. it's deadly. the mobile home of a 51-year-old illinois man reached dangerously high temperatures when the air conditioner broke sunday causing him to have a fatal heat stroke. in milwaukee several runners are just getting out of the hospital after suffering heat related
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illnesses during a half marathon sunday. people were falling down on that bridge. i had to stop in the middle to help somebody who collapsed in front of me. >> reporter: monday in little rock, arkansas where temperatures hit 102, many lined up outside a nonprofit agency to apply for help with their electricity bills, a desperate effort to stay cool, with no end to the heat in sight. and, natalie, people are doing whatever they can to stay cool. you see i have resorted to using note cards as a big fan. emergency workers are warning people in all seriousness if you don't have air conditioning to go someplace cool so everyone can stay cool and safe. all right. mara, go seek some air conditioning. thank you. we'll have much more on how to protect yourself from the summer heat coming up. tlo tlooe president obama is asking lawmakers for fresh ideas when they brainstorm yet again at the white house over the budget stalemate. he says he won't accept short-term measures to prevent the country from defaulting on its obligations.
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tlooe the brother of afghan president hamid karzai was assassinated this morning by one of his body guards at his home in kandahar. he was a supporter of the u.s. mission in afghanistan and had routinely cooperated with nato forces but it was suspected he had links to the afghan drug trade. as head of the kandahar provincial council he attached criticism to his brother's regime. three a water main break in kentucky left 75,000 residents in louisville with little to no water pressure. residents who still have water are warned to boil it first. the final spacewalk is today. two space station residents will execute the walk to retrieve a broken ammonia pump so it can be returned to earth for evaluation. meantime the landing plans for atlantis have changed. it will now touch down in the predawn hours of july 21st at kennedy space center.
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if you love show jumping but can't afford a horse, how about bunny hopping? that just seems so wrong. it's become very popular in germany and scandinavia. bouncing bunnies leap over hurdles up to 16 inches high. the leash keeps them on course and keeps the male bunnies from misbehaving with the females if you know what i mean. that's just not right. it is now six minutes past the hour. back to al for a check of the weather. talk about dangling the carrot in front of them. they started off with ten rabbits and ended up finishing with 80. that rabbit's dynamite. all right. let's show you what's happening. we have got a lot of heat out there to talk about. dangerous heat. heat advisories in 24 states. stretching from texas all the way up into new england. we've got temperatures, air temperatures well over 100 through the south stretching up into the mid-atlantic states. factor in the humidity. it's going to feel like 115 in huntsville, 108 in charlotte.
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111 in columbia. here is the bad news. big area of high pressure, this upper level high pressure ridge keeps the jet stream to the north so that keeps the heat and humidity in today and we move into thursday, the jet stream is even further north and so that heat will continue to creep north as that ridge gets stronger and bigger. it's that ridge of high pressure that kept us nice and hot last week as it continues to make for very, very hot weather across the second half of the state. we are seeing quite a cool down. continues through today. our temperatures are only going to climb into the 70s in the warmest spots. 76 degrees in san jose. 63 in san francisco. and 66 degrees in oakland. we continue to drop off in temperatures as we head through tomorrow. 78 degrees on thursday. 80s return friday into the weekend. are not maintained so
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basically you sweat a lot and you're not drinking enough water to compensate for it. a lot of people think that thirst is the first sign of dehydration but that's the last sign. the first symptom is fatigue. then you get a little irritable. you get a little dry mouth. and then eventually you finally feel thirsty so if you wait until you're thirsty it's too late. when we talk about dehydration and people talk about different kinds of fluids, obviously the number one is water. yes. absolutely. but does it matter what kind of fluid you're using? it does. first off you want to -- water is the best.
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sports drinks which can give you some electroliytes are next. watermelon and cucumbers. you want to avoid alcohol and caffeine because they cause make you urinate out some of that fluid you want to hold on to. all of these heat-related issues we're going to talk about all begin with dehydration. that's right. next one, heat exhaustion as we move up the scale. exactly. heat exhaustion is your body's response to the dehydration and your body temperature starts to rise. so what happens at this point is that your body starts to become light headed. you feel nauseous. you get headache. you can still sweat to compensate so your skin still stays moist but it becomes cool and pale at this point. evaporation is the body's own air conditioner in a sense. yes. when it's this humid and the humidity level is very close to the same humidity level as your
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skin your evaporation becomes much less efficient so your sweating doesn't help as much. that's correct. you're no longer evaporating sweat off your skin. it just sits on the skin and doesn't pull you down. that is the way fans can help you stay cooler. they help the sweat evaporate. heat exhaustion treatments, what do you do? it can be managed at home. you just want to get the person into a cool setting into an air conditioned room or even a cool shower. give them cold beverages. that will usually take care of it. now the most severe, heat stroke. when, which is a life threatening emergency. people should call 911 if they suspect heat stroke. if somebody, you think somebody is suffering from heat stroke what can you do for them until medical professionals get there? if you suspect they're suffering it what you're going to see is that the person is becoming more confused, getting lethargic. they can't sweat anymore so their skin is getting dry. you no longer have the moisture. it gets really hot and at that point it is an emergency. you want to take their clothing off. get ice packs into their arm pits.
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start pouring cold fluids on to their skin. who is more susceptible? what part of our population is most susceptible to these issues? well, the elderly are the most susceptible so if you have parents at home alone please keep an eye on them and call them regularly to make sure they're okay. also the next biggest threat is people who are exercising outdoors and not taking in enough fluids. and when we talk about fluid, how much -- i'm asking, generally, how much is enough fluid for you to be taking in if you're outside in this kind of weather? it's going to vary on how much you sweat but on average we lose ten cups of water per day on a hot day so you want to take in at least eight to ten cups per day. minimum. at least. at least. all right. dr. peterson, thanks so much. great advice. we'll need it over the next few days. still to come, if you're trying to motivate yourself to get to the gym we got creative ideas for you in our diet s.o.s. but up next bargains just for you, i mean you, on everything from vacations tote dresses.
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jill's steals and deals right after these messages. ♪ [ gertrude ] you do look good. [ maude ] well...if you insist. [ norma ] how can i say "no" to you? [ betsy ] you know my weakness. [ gertrude ] real good. [ norma ] you're so sweet. [ maude ] you're so salty. [ betsy ] irresistible. [ female announcer ] giving in to snacks? there's a tt eis satayfy your cravings, twice a day with special k. enjoy something sweet... and something salty and still stay on track. ♪ so go ahead and embrace snacking with special k.
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come in for a great time at olive garden. for just $10.95 enjoy our new pancetta and parmesan-filled carbonara ravioli with pan-seared chicken. or with sauteed shrimp for $12.95. at olive garden. [ sound fades ] at a moment like this, i don't care if my tampons come in a little black box. i just want them to work. tampax pearl protects better than u by kotex. [ cheering continues ] [ angie ] outsmart mother nature. only with tampax.
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this morning on jill's steals and deals something for everyone, literally everyone from monogram dress to first ever all inclusive package, yes, bringing you new travel deals. we have great discounts exclusively for you, our "today" show viewers this morning. jill martin is a "us weekly" contributor. for those of us who are new and don't know what this is about. >> if you are new, today is a great day to tune in. run to the computer. we have something literally for everyone. logon to you will get a code that will link you to the retailer's website and you will be able to
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buy these items an a an extremely discounted price. amazing. >> let's get right to it. fabulous summer dresses by stacey ru, comes in all these great colors. gray, pink, blue, black, white. so perfect for throwing on top of a bathing suit. >> fun for summer. here we go again. retail is $275. five colors. black, gray, navy, hot pink. sold at high-end boutiques. jessica beall, kate hudson and jennifer aniston. the deal is 49. 82% off. >> great cotton. wash and wear, too. >> go from day to night. >> perfect. okay. now, this is one that we love always. bar ware sets by the stationary studio. you can never have enough wine glasses or beer glasses or these, the stemless wine glasses. >> i've been getting a lot of tweets from men saying i want more stuff for me.
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the manly man like al roker. >> okay. so this is $95 for a set of four. and they come monogrammed. again, there are three options. the wine glass set, stemless wine glass set, beer set. three are monogrammed up to three same size initials. that comes with it. retail. $95 for a set of four. deal price is $28.50. 70% off. >> yes, they love it. our studio audience from al and savannah, love it. >> let's do what al thinks is great. >> over here, al can never have enough scarves, at least debra can't. 100% silk scarves. >> retails $125. great staple for your wardrobe. ten georgette silk summer tile offers. hand-made prints. retail, $125. the deal, $32. 74% off. if you need a great scarf, this
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is great to have. >> more applause. i like it, too. >> now, this one is a first for us. music on steals and deals. this is an offer from it's a daily -- as i understand, a daily deal music website by tony music entertainment, to bring you music fans complete collections, entire collections. you hear that one right there? "mrs. robinson." >> yes. >> they're going nuts over this. this is going to do well. let me tell you about it. five sets, retail for each of sets, $49.99. simon and garfunkle, hall and oats, earth, wind and fire, i know hoda loves. the retail on those, $49.99 for the entire box set. they have unreleased tracks, material, outtakes. deal price is $14.99. that's 70% off. >> that's the stuff, you get all those extras you can't get when you download music. >> what a great gift for someone
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who loves music. and now, if you really want to splurge, this is it. for the classical music lover this is multiple grammy winning cellist. $582.98. 90 cds. 312 hard bound book, photos, track, limited edition item. the deal, $174.89. >> wow. >> that's one. the next one, which i'm going over, miles davis, 43 cd box set. retail, $749.99. look how it's packaged. >> unbelievable. >> limited edition, trumpet case, replica mouthpiece, t-shirt, memorabilia. retail, $749.99. the deal is $224.99. up to 70% off. if you're a music lover, beautiful gift, furniture. >> this is truly for the miles
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davis fans. and another first ever. ariba, as she says. do i get to drink? >> yeah. we're going to go to mexico. >> we're going to mexico. we're going to -- this does not include airfare but it does include a five-star hotel in mexico. >> so here we go. let's just look at it while i tell you about it. four days, three nights. five-star hotel. $800. beachfront stretching along a quarter mile white sandy beach. all inclusive, food and alcohol all inclusive. >> margaritas, too. >> everything. jew july 31st, 20 12. there are blackout dates. >> we sell out. >> four days, three night, jean your suite for two adults. transfer from the airport. retail $800. the deal, $329. for three days, four days, three nights. and again, the all exclusive is the big thing. everyone loves a buffet.
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>> all drinks included. this is going to be a good buffet. >> and i heard great things about it. we've had beautiful reviews on it. >> looks fantastic. >> again, everything on it. >> all the margaritas you can drink. jill martin, thanks so much. the dresses, monogrammed sets by the stationary studio, and luminoso silks, and cd sets and cancun, mexico, vacation package. promotion code and sites offering all of these exclusive bargains, lead to right now, right now. do it now. coming up, turning your old clothes into hot summer trends on a budget. do it yourself tips. but first, these messages.
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really? no. it comes with a hat. you see, airline credit cards promise flights for 25,000 miles, but... [ man ] there's never any seats for 25,000 miles. frustrating, isn't it? but that won't happen with the capital one venture card. you can book any airline anytime. hey, i just said that. after all, isn't traveling hard enough? ow. [ male announcer ] to get the flights you want, sign up for a venture card at what's in your wallet? uh, it's okay. i've played a pilot before. what's in your wallet? lights, camera, activia it's the best job in the world. to be there for them, you've gotta feel your best. that's why i love eating activia light every day. activia light helps me feel good inside. which helps me be on top of things help regulate your digestive system. love how you feel or your money back. coming up today, inexpense i've and easy ways to make old clothes new again. healthy breakfast that your kids will actually eat. joy bauer will be here answering your question.
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and the whole family will eat what we're cooking in "today's" kitchen, sweet treats on the barbe. that and more. reduces the visible signs of aging... minimizes the look of wrinkles... hydrates... renews... seems like an amazing moisturizer? actually... it's an amazing makeup. introducing revlon age defying with dna advantage. its powerful skincare ingredients and spf 20 help protect skin's dna. 96% of women saw flawless, younger-looking skin in just 2 weeks. new revlon age defying with dna advantage cream makeup. age... defy it! now you don't have to wait 6 weeks to get it. introducing natural instincts with our first color refresher. get healthy looking, ammonia-free color, then let the new refresher boost your healthy look 2 weeks in. it helps restore color pigments, so you can get a freshly colored look once again.
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natural instincts. it's all good. now get all the healthy looking color of natural instincts in our new vibrant shades. good morning to you. it's 9:26. a santa rosa couple should be helping their young daughter prepare for high school and instead they are preparing for her funeral. she died on saturday during a slumber party at her own home near santa rosa. they took her and her friends to dinner. at 2:00 in the morning two of the girls got sick. the mother helped them believing it was food sickness but police believe the girls had been drinking vodka. the next morning the girls found their friend lying dead on the
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floor. >> upbeat people. she was always telling me to make the right choices. >> she was just an amazing little girl. completely surprised and just really, really sad. >> police say they do not plan to file any charges against the girl's parents because they say it appears they did not know the girls were drinking. 9:27 right now. a quick break. we'll be right back.
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good morning to you. well, we're clearing up nicely in the south bay but we still have a lot of fog covering the coast and san francisco completely socked in. later on today, as a result of the dense fog, just 63 degrees in san francisco. 66 in oakland. elsewhere, we're already seeing the clearing in the south and east bay. temps will climb into the upper 70s. 72 in santa cruz, close to the coast. 76 in san jose and we keep cooling down all the way through tomorrow. down to 70 degrees. we'll check your drive right now
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with mike. >> things got crowded around the bay bridge approaching the east shore freeway. highway 13 transitioning over to 24, it sounds like the lanes have been cleared. there was wood across the road. watch for slowing as you approach the bay bridge. oakland, middle of your screen, northbound was slow at 98 because of a truck struck in the middle of the roadway. traffic has moved better in the last five minutes. 101 is jammed around the airport. 9:29 right now. for the latest updates, check out nbc bay area morning news on facebook. i'll have another local news update for you in half an hour. have a great morning.
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yes. >> i've waited years for journey. >> let's get our concert t-shirts and kick it like it's high school. >> yeah. >> i think that's a great idea. >> you're with me, right? >> we're going to party like it's 1987. anyway -- what do we have ahead? >> in this decade, joy bauer is here answering your difficult it questions. >> europejourney, yes! >> from coconut oil to olive oil. from the workout, i suggest journey, advice in our diet sos. >> don't stop believing, folks. okay, from rags to riches, we're going to show you great ways to save a lot of money on your wardrobe with easy do it yourself ways to make your old clothes look like they're new and trendy for summer or make them look like they're back to the '80s all over again. >> yes. >> and then in today's chech chechen -- >> it's not just burgers and steaks -- >> or tater tots. >> that's '70s. >> "iron chef" is here with
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great desserts to fire up at your next barbecue. >> that looks delicious. >> bananas. >> that's good. >> all right. should we do the weather before we get to all that? >> i think we have to. >> you have to. we can't do it. >> that's right. any weather journey songs? anyway. as you see for today, risk of strong storms stretching from the mid atlantic back to the plains. we've got showers and -- what's ann curry doing here? oh. >> she forgot her blackberry. bye-bye. and then for tomorrow, we're expecting to see more strong storms back through the plains. hot weather in the mid atlantic states down through the southeast. good morning to you. we're looking pretty good. taking a live look from sunol where the sun is breaking through that thick cloud deck. not so much the case over the city. as a result, we have really
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come in for a great time at olive garden. for just $10.95 enjoy our new pancetta and parmesan-filled carbonara ravioli with pan-seared chicken. or with sauteed shrimp for $12.95. at olive garden. - definitely the one on the right. - yeah, are y-- - seriously, the clorox one. - oh, okay. the difference is obvious. for the whitest whites, use detergent, plus the advanced whitening formula of clorox bleach.
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what are you my grandmother? i'll rock white jeans whenever i want. and with tide plus bleach, they'll stay white. not whitish, not eggshell, not ecru... whatever that is. white. that's my tide. what's yours? pure... and also delicious. like nature valley. granola bars made with crunchy oats and pure honey. nature valley -- 100% natural. 100% delicious. sweet & salty nut bars... they're made from whole roasted nuts and dipped in creamy peanut butter, making your craving for a sweet & salty bar irresistible, by nature valley.
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this morning on joy's diet sos, answers to your diet dilemmas. "today's" nutritionist joy bauer is here from motivating yourself to a workout to the best cereal. let's get to the first question. cindy in vermont. she's live with us via skype. hi, cindy, what's your question? >> hi, good morning. i'm no longer working out at a gym and i need to know how to get motivated when i'm at home by myself. >> yeah, we all have that problem. >> good question. so, cindy, money tends to be the ultimate motivator. so i'm going to set you up with a system that i call burn it to earn it. you're going to go to the bank. you're going to take out $100 and you're going to loan it to either your mom or a super close friend or a trustworthy co-worker for one month. and every time you exercise they're going to have to pay you back $5. so it's going to take you 20
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sessions of exercise during that month to earn back your full $100. now, at the end of the month if there's a balance left, whoever is holding your money gets to keep the rest of the money or donate it to charity. and you can fiddle around with the details, but if you follow this system, i bet you're going to whip your body into shape in no time. >> all right. >> thank you. >> good luck to you. all right. our next question is michelle. she's on the phone this morning in connecticut. hi, michelle. what's your question? >> hi. i had a question regarding coconut oil. i had always thought that coconut oil wasn't good for you but i read recently that coconut oil is good for you and should be used instead of olive oil in recipes that require heating the oil. is this true? >> no, it's not true. now, olive oil is 100% good for you and it's perfectly fine to heat olive oil. coconut oil gets more complicated. it's more than 90% saturated fat. as you probably heard, saturated
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fat rise up the cholesterol and may in fact increase your risk for heart disease. the issue is all saturated fats are not created equal and the type in coconull oil we're finding may be good for you because i'll elevates the good cholesterol. my advice until we know definitively that coconut oil is perfectly fine, use small amounts of coconut oil but really use olive oil and canola oil in most of your recipes. whether you're cooking or baking. >> michelle, good luck. our last is from an e-mail. she writes, i try to get my kids out the door in the morning with a healthy breakfast. what is more important in picking a breakfast cereal, choosing one that's low in sugar or high in fiber? >> both. there are so many kid-friendly tested and approved mainstream cereals. when it comes to healthy cereals, know the first ingredient has to be a whole grain. second, you want at least three grams of fiber per serving. and third, no more than eight
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grams of sugar. i'm showing here these are four mainstream brands that you can get just about anywhere. and i have a huge list. i'm going to put it out on my facebook and twitter later after the show is over and everybody can check it out. there's a lot of them. >> a lot of them that work. you can't put sugar on top? >> no. >> not that i've ever done that. joy bauer, thanks so much, coming up next, the dyi makeover for your summer wardrobe. we'll show you easy and inexpensive ideas right after this. [ female announcer ] it follows you wherever you go. it's a cloud of depression. and although you've been on an antidepressant for at least six weeks, you're frustrated that your depressive symptoms are still with you. seroquel xr, when added to an antidepressant, is approved for the treatment of major depressive disorder. for many, taking seroquel xr with an antidepressant was proven more effective than an antidepressant alone for treating unresolved symptoms of depression. talk to your doctor about seroquel xr.
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then visit for a free trial offer. call your doctor if you have unusual changes in mood, behavior, or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children,teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients taking seroquel xr have an increased risk of death. call your doctor if you have fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, as these may be signs of a life-threatening reaction or if you have uncontrollable muscle movements, as these could become permanent. high blood sugar has been reported with seroquel xr and medicines like it and in extreme cases can lead to coma or death. your doctor should check for cataracts. other risks include decreases in white blood cells, which can be fatal, seizures, increased cholesterol, weight gain, dizziness on standing, drowsiness,impaired judgment, and trouble swallowing. use caution before driving or operating machinery. for more help putting distance between you and your depression, ask your doctor about adding seroquel xr. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help.
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to something that they want to eat. ♪ hershey's drops. a lot of hershey's happiness in a little drop of chocolate. pure hershey's. ♪ this morning on "today's" style, dyi's summer look. most of us have old jeans and t-shirts sitting in the closet so why not transform them to a sassy summer wardrobe and do it yourself tips. rachel is joining us now with great ideas. good morning. >> good morning. >> our closets with filled with lots of things you can
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refurbished. >> but don't throw the stuff away. turn them around for nothing. it's something that's really stylish. >> i'm not a crafty type but you did all this yourself. >> i can do it, trust me, anybody can do it. >> okay. first, taking that old pair op denims, denim shorts, very in this summer. >> absolutely. >> these were from my own closet. five years ago i had these with the big holes. >> great. >> but maybe not. >> 1990 sglz perfect pair. if you feel like your jeans don't fit great or they have a style, this is perfect. take a ruler, from inseam measure from four to six inches. >> depends on the length that you want. >> depends on the length, what you feel comfortable with. make a mark. use scissors or fabric scissors. just cut the leg. it's really simple. >> easy enough. easy enough. >> you want to take a pair that has good wear on them, too. >> looks a little worn in. >> you're going to want those
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frayed edges. >> yes. absolutely. how do you go about that? >> you want to like deconstruct them a little bit once you have them so they really look like denim sports. this is a wood plank. zero money. take a box cutter. just make a few cuts in it. and then all you do is take a pumice stone and go like and that all of a sudden it's deconstructed. you can also use a pumice stone across the edges and wash it a couple of times. >> and it will look like these. >> this costs absolutely zero money to turn your jeans into denim shorts. >> and don't throw away those jeans that you maybe loved at one point. and over here we all have a w t white tank but this is cool thing to do is tie-dye. >> i was cleaning out my closets and found white t-shirts with yellowing or spots on them. this is a great way to repurpose them. basically tie-dye is cool. it's not just hippie, '60s,
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jessica alba and all the stylish stars wearing them. >> it's fun knowing you did it yourself. >> do it yourself. take any white tank or t-shirt. >> the most you spend on this is the kit. >> $9 for these sets. you basically want a to section off your tank into four or five sections. you can do one last one. >> make sure they don't turn into a brown blob. >> exactly. you don't want the color to run. put on the gloves that come with it. either take a plexiglas bottom or some kind of -- >> you want to soak it in there. >> have fun with the colors. you want go wrong when it comes to tie-dye. makes the colors around. >> in my case, you can. >> i've done sot pretty bad tie-dye. >> i made that one right there and i am like one of the least crafty people ever. >> basically -- it's really how you wash it. >> the key is how toyou wash it. let it dry and wash it by itself. that's the key. you don't want the colors to run on anything. >> okay. >> you can see, it's going to come out looking like that.
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>> okay. beautiful. >> and that's a really family fun for the summer. i think this is a great, great idea. all of us have those little button boxes, all the buttons you collect over the years. maybe you have vintage buttons. give them all life? >> all the girls brought in their buttons from grandmothers, their own closets. i have them and i don't know what to do with them. make them into rings and earrings. here, you can go to any craft store. buy the ring backs for about 50 cents. basically just put the glue on. here is this great nautical button that we found. and you just stick it on and press it. you can take the glue and actually make earrings. beautiful pair we found. >> backings you find at michael's craft store? >> anywhere. put the glue. and then put the back on this. >> okay. >> look how cool this ring is. >> beautiful. >> these are all rings that we made. you can find -- >> my finger got stuck.
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we'll take them over here. >> stuck to your earring. >> look at this amazing pieces. so instead of -- >> i lost it. >> what are we going to do with you, natalie? >> okay. work on this. the headband. >> are you okay? >> there we go. fingers are back. head bands are another thing that, again, there are like ten that you have. maybe conservative or too print. this is great. this is this mustard color headband. this is a ribbon that came on a box. >> kate hudson really kind of brought the headband thing back, too. >> kate middleton. >> yes. >> these are two that i had in my room. i'm going to give you -- i think you're blinky. i see the earrings you're wearing. i'm totally obsessed with feathers. literally a dollar you can buy at the fabric store. so instead of -- basically, you just put the glue. >> there we go. >> you can also find this time, glad to know. i'm actually going to double
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layer the feathers. and make a really cool look for the summer. >> i love that. >> quickly, got to show you one last thing over here. >> i'm going to put on my headband. >> you made it beautiful. with the necklaces and scarves. >> again, we all have old necklaces. >> great. >> in our closets. these pearls might not be that like fabulous anymore but basically you just take it, fold this -- >> you are quite the vision right now. >> tie it around and make this. put it over a tank top. >> great. thank you. >> how do i look? >> okay. beautiful. thank you so much. coming up next, sweet treats for the grill, but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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smores. hershey's makes it a smore, you make it special. >> this morning in "today's" kitchen we're making grilled goodies as easy as one, two, three. celebrity chef author has a few sweet treats you might want to fire up at your next barbecue. a lot of folks don't think about dessert. once they get the entree off the grill they forget about it. >> right. you know what, i believe in the summer, especially, putting everything on the grill. i love to just -- whether it's ne nectarines, watermelon, chocolate smores. why not throw a dessert on while you have everything else on. take a couple of cookies there just like you would, a couple of graham crackers. we're doing it better with chocolate chip. peanut butter goes on the cookie. you take some of it. i got some here. what's not better -- i'm sorry.
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i'm a peanut butter fanatic. if you add chocolate to it, done. >> chunky if you want it. >> exactly. a little bit of chocolate there. >> i don't think these are big enough. >> big fat plump yummy marshmallows. then you take it and wrap it all up just like a little package. and then while everything is grilling, whether you have your meat, corn, chicken, whatever, pop that on there. >> last night i dreamt i was eating a 100-pound marshmallow. when i woke up my pillow was gone. >> okay. all right. we'll talk about that after this segment. that sounds like a problem will tl. what do you have here? gooey. >> look at that. >> that is so yummy. >> that is a mess waiting to happen. i like it. i love it, too. >> next one is, strawberries. a little bit of powdered sugar, roll it, sprinkle it on. right on the grill. what this does is really adds a little bit of caramelization to the strawberries. you can get a little bit naturally, you can do even a
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little bit of honey if you didn't want the sugar. that's totally fine. but i like to add a little bit to get this -- you can see. it adds this caramelization. >> what are you grilling here? >> short cake here or pound cake. you can do either one. absolutely. and then what i do is just stick the skewers right on top here. do it like that. and then spoon on a little bit of whipped cream. i mean, you know, why not. go for it. but, you know, it is a little bit -- obviously a little bit healthier than this. strawberries, a little bit of fruit. you can do pound cake with a pile of berrys on top and whipped cream. >> and then a sandwich. >> i have a sandwich. this, is i mean, this is nutella, banana, do i need to say more? >> i don't think so. i don't think so. in fact, you don't have to say anything because natalie is here. did you become unstuck. >> i did. i did. i still have a little glue stuck. >> these you can eat. these are fantastic. again, the brioche has butter in
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it. pop it right on the nice hot grill. spread on nutella, sliced banan bananas, yummy. >> very nice. >> here we go. >> let's warm some of these up. grab one. >> thank you so much. >> it's a great summer. >> you have a great summer. >> okay. all right. still to come? >> more music from colbie collait. >> after we e
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an autistic teenager is back home after found hundreds of miles away. he was found on a gray found r hound bus in the san fernando valley. garza has the mental capacity as a 7-year-old, bought a ticket and boarded the bus to san jose because he wanted to visit hollywood and meet some tv stars. his family brought him back home a few hours ago. i believe he was okay. into when he arrived home, beautiful weather. let's check in with christina loren. >> especially if he lives inland. i've been taking complaints from folks in the city. the fog is thick and it's getting the highway all wet. we'll start to see the cloud bank break apart by 2:00 p.m. in the city and then temps continue to fall tomorrow. it's going to make for a cooler day. 76 in san jose.
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perfect room temperature in places like concord, 76. 77 in fairfield. as we head through tomorrow, down to 70 degrees. holding on to the mid-70s all the way through thursday and then 80s come back in the mix friday through the weekend. let's check your drive with mike. >> she's just a messenger, just like me with this slow drive. san jose, northbound to 101, 680 past up the airport, a late morning burst that we see for slamming down 237 north up 101 into north palo alto. slowing through san mateo. just off 101, that causes slowing in the area and heading across san mateo bridge. here's the bay bridge. it's starting to move a little bit. you can see motion in the fast track lanes. there is sunol. don't know what, but it's slow through sunol. for the latest traffic and news updates, check out nbc bay
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from nbc news, this is "today," with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hello, everybody, it's booze-day, tuesday, it's july 12th. we're so happy that you're with us. we got a lot of business to get out of the way today. there's just lots going on. >> can we just say who is sitting on our couch over there? >> we're just jamming to her music. >> colbie callait. this is the old song that you guys are familiar with.
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this one we know, bubbly. >> she is sunshine. >> i did a drive-by of the studio at 5:30, she was already here. she's been here sing sins then. we're going to make her feel good with a little thing called the drink. >> she can have a skinny girl sangria. >> i went out last night, jay and i did, with bethany and her husband, jason. >> that would be bethany frankel, to all of you. >> yes. >> anyway, we had a drank or two. that is a watermelon. this is at the hurricane club r where we had meredith's going-away party. >> as a parting gift. she's got this skinny girl sangria. >> i love her margaritas. >> wait a second. she said, let's taste it. >> that's not it. >> hold on. >> it's got 132 calories, which sangria is full of sugar. let's taste it. >> yeah, yeah, yeah.
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really nice. really refreshing. bethany's a genius. >> so anyway. >> hi. >> hi, sweetie. >> how's things? >> are you ready for montreal? >> yes, yes, yes, we are going to montreal. >> thursday. >> thursday. and then we're going to do a second show, so we want everybody to come see us. you know who is coming back? >> who? >> arnold schwarzenegger is coming back. he's coming back. remember he said, when all of this happened, he was going to put his movie career on the shelf for a while? well apparently, he put it on the shelf for about five minutes and he's going to star in a western. entitled "the last stand." he's going to play this small-town border sheriff who battles a mexican drug cartel. i guess compared to his real life, that will be a vacation. >> here's the thing -- i wonder if people are going to see that movie. because mel gibson had that movie call "the beaver" that
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unfortunate title. and people didn't go to see it. >> i don't know if it was because of the title or something else. or they just, you know, don't like him any more. just had it with him and don't want to support his movies. >> i'll be curious if people go. do you think they'll -- >> i think there will be always be the curiosity-seekers. people who want to know. >> plus, it's a year from now when a lot of it will have died down. >> these things take at least a year. you know who i'm hoping we're going to see when we're in montreal? my friend, army hammer. drew's son, army hammer is prince charming in the new movie where julia roberts is playing the queen. and you know who is playing snow white? lilly, lilly collins, phil collins' daughter. she's a lovely actress. they're up there filming right now. >> here's something fun. there was a sergeant based in afghanistan and all he wanted to
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do was ask mila kunis to go with him to the marine corps ball in november. >> where is that held, washington? huh? >> they're having a poker game over there or something. >> he said where it was. anyway, the deal is that he asked her on a youtube video. and i think we have a little bit of that. >> sergeant moore, he want to take a moment out of my day to invite you to the marine corpse ball on november 18th in greenville, north carolina, with yours truly. so, take a second, think about it. get back to me. all right. bye now. >> she thought about it and with justin timberlake's encouragement, she said yes. because she and justin are doing that movie. >> and they were being interviewed together. he sort of put her on the spot. but it sounded like she was all for it. do it for your country. >> i think it's very sweet. she said she has no time right now for romance. she's on the set from like 4:00 in the morning. but it's very sweet of her to take time out to do that.
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>> we have a host of popsicles on the set and there's a reason for that. >> what is the reason? >> here's the reason -- if you've ever had the ice cream truck come in your neighborhood, the sound of those bells does something to people. now, let me tell you what it does to me. i remember this distinctly when we lived in morgantown west virginia. when i heard that sound, my parents were driving us up the street out of a moving vehicle i opened the door because i heard it and started -- it was without thinking. no, because that sound just evokes all that -- stuff. >> this is a lovely little sound. but apparently there's this ice cream truck operator in massachusetts, who has been fined because his music is blairing away. it's not colbie's music, or we wouldn't mind it. >> he was fined $100. >> here's the thing -- >> any of the sounds are good. >> no, they're not. >> i like it. >> no.
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when i was growing up, my family lived right behind bellaire junior high school, right? directly behind. and when the nice weather came, the guy would come and he would park his thing right on our driveway. the kids would come out of school, smoke their cigarettes, leave all their trash there and the music is blairing and my mother and father asked very nicely if he would please not do that. no, no. so my daddy, the smartest man i know. turned on our sprinkler system right around that time every day. he tried to do it nicely. but nobody has got the right to get on your property and destroy stuff and trash it. it's wrong. well now i don't care how much you like that sound. >> so there was a family that noticed that people were showing up at their house with campers and picnic gear and stuff like that. just lining up outside their house. and they're like, what are all of these people doing, coming to our home with picnic baskets apparently on google maps, their
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house shows up as a park entrance. >> can you imagine? >> go down this road, on the way to the park. >> so anyway they would show up -- can you imagine if you saw these campers, we got our barbeque and then it's their house. so they put up a sign saying it's not a park, please go away. >> google is apparently trying to do something about it for them. there's this couple, speaking of where people live, there's this couple that got married. they said, we'll get married, but we're not going do live together. they're in their late 50s. i guess when the recession came along they were forced to move in together 678 now they like each other, i guess they would say they're happily married. but now they have split their small new york city apartment into halves. >> yeah. here's the thing -- what about the idea of separate plateses to live? before we get to the house. do you think -- like you live in one apartment with your stuff, and he lives in an apartment with his stuff. >> yes. >> how would that work? >> that's what frank and i did
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when we first got together and then when we got married, we sold everything. i think when you're young and raising children together and stuff, you need to be there. >> if you don't have kids -- i think it's a nice idea. >> it's almost like look, these guys have separate bedrooms with their doors closed. >> well, he doesn't have a bedroom, hoda, he sleeps on a pull-out couch. and they keep their doors closed. you're not allowed to go in unless you knock. except on weekends. >> the only thing i think is really important for a happy relationship, what do i know -- separate bathrooms. separate bathrooms, if you can. because the idea, that is so important, just to have your stuff, you can shut your door -- there's something i like about the separate bathrooms. you and frank share. >> for years, in our house before we did an addition we had separate bathrooms. and then we built on the bathroom that we built on, it's just, it takes, it's this crazy views from every direction of water. it's just so beautiful and the
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tub that i brought from los angeles. so now i said just to have that bathroom. we'll share. we'll share. but -- >> does it get annoying? >> frank's watching, what am i going to say? i love you! no, no. you know, we're very mindful of each other. >> and you're always wiping things up. >> but we're 25 years married now, you know. i listened to colbie's cd, it's all about falling in love and being in a brand-new relationship. and it's all just so fresh. >> you know what i love about her whole deal, though, is her boyfriend, first i noticed him i think in one of the videos. i didn't know the whole back-story that he and she worked together. >> for a couple of years. >> and it gave her music all this depth. >> no, colbie, she doesn't want to talk about it. we better figure out if she wants to talk about that. she doesn't look too happy. >> every year, somebody makes a wedding dress out of toilet paper, right? look at this. this is the seventh annual
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toilet paper wedding dress winner. she hasn't won it all seven years, but this is her big year. susan brennan from orchard lake, michigan. she used flowers, feather, only four rolls of toilet paper. hot glue. >> $1,000 grand prize. people had nothing to do but make toilet paper dresses. >> you're not crafty, hoda. >> so not for me. if you want a good summertime read, you guys, this is a fun one. this is call eed "the ghost of greenwich village" by a good friend of mine named lorna graham. it's a mystery, a fun read. sometimes you just want a beach read that you can page through, and that's what that is. >> did we want to see something in this? i forget. >> never mind. >> did we want to see something in this? >> we want to see -- there's a brand-new trend out, you guys. larry king started it and now it's back again. >> larry king didn't start it. >> he made it famous. >> and now --
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>> he was made fun of for it. but these girls look adorable. >> suspenders are back. we have casey and jenny. do you guys like them? >> they're very comfortable. >> why would you wear them, just because? >> it's what people style tells us to do. >> you just blindly [ female announcer ] monistat® asks...
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what percent of women want to cure their yeast infection? one hundred. how many can cure it with vagisil? zero. monistat both relieves your symptoms and cures the infection. get the cure. get monistat. [ male announcer ] it's outlast lipstain from covergirl. [ drew ] light as air lipwear that does what a lipstick can't. [ male announcer ] with one sold every 16 seconds... [ drew ] it's the #1 selling lipstain in the u.s. [ male announcer ] outlast lipstain. from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. i don't even know anymore. [ tapping ] well, know this -- for a good deal on car insurance, progressive snapshot uses this to track my good driving habits. the better i drive, the more i save. it's crystal-clear savings
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and only progressive has it. nice. this has been a public savings announcement. out there with a better way. now, that's progressive. carol. fiber makes me sad. oh common. and how can you talk to me about fiber while you are eating a candy bar? you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one.
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self-recorded video on myspace. which led to the debut of her first album in 2007. >> the two-time grammy winner is ready to debut number three album today. and if you've read her tweets, she's excited about it. her cd is called "all of you." >> we're so glad you're here. what a good time to be colbie caillat, i tell you. >> just opening the papers today and reading the reviews, you got home run after home run. it must have felt great. because i know this has been a long time coming, this album. you know, you finish a record and you're so excited. >> you want to share it. >> i'm ready and it's here, finally and i can't wait. i have a song with kommon that i can't wait for people to hear. >> you're funking it up. >> i love him. and we did a song with me, ryan tetter and kommon. >> i went to school with ryan's
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father, gary tetter. >> are you serious? >> your music is fun because it puts you in a good mood. but one reviewer said you take us beyond the happy, flip your hair, because it's about your life. >> as a songwriter, you have to take from somewhere. and it's easy for me to write about what i'm going through. happy, sad, upset. these emotions spill out of you. and if someone else is going through it. like there's a song called "shout" on the record that i wrote with justin for my best friend, brianna. so she's, she loves it. >> i how cool. >> you just mentioned somebody we didn't know if we could mention, but now the doors are open. tell us how it came to be. it's not your whole life, but you wrote several songs with him. >> we wrote a couple of songs on the record together. i've known him for years. before he was in my band i would go see him play shows. and he's a beautiful songwriter, musician. and then when we needed another
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guitar player, singer for the band, we had him come in about four years ago. >> i like your beginning. i know you posted some of your songs on myspace. but what i love is you went to "american idol," not once, but twice. and both times you didn't even make it past the initial stages. what happened? >> i was in the auditions that you're outside with like the thousands of people, you sleep on the street. we did that whole thing. i was, i'm shy, i'm nervous, i don't audition well. and i honestly gave bad auditions. and the second time i auditioned with bubbly. which is kind of funny. >> the song you wrote. >> i didn't look that great. i get it. >> you turned off your glam team that night. >> this is such a great song. >> has your songwriting style -- has it evolved since the first album? >> it has. yeah. with this record, i'm more honest with the lyrics. the other records i wrote about my experiences, but this one i
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wrote about specific moments, with these certain people. and it felt good. that's the title of the album is about all of you and giving all of yourself and being open and honest. >> and you're going to sing "i do" for us. >> yes. >> thanks for coming on. >> we're so happy for you. you're so deserving. >> you guys are great, thank you. >> she's going to sing for us a little bit later. up next, can't you take it when the cereal loses its crunch? jill martin is goingelp to helpu keep your cereal from getting mushy. bye! bye! ♪ hi. hey! hey! [ laughter ] ♪ [ female announcer ] walk into a burst of fresh fragrance when you pass by. get motion activated glade sense and spray and release the magic. sc johnson, a family company.
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didn't taste so vegetably? well, v8 v-fusion juice gives you a full serving of vegetables, plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. and try our deliciously refreshing v8 v-fusion + tea. but it just tastes like fruit. a vacation on a budget with expedia. make it work. booking a flight by itself is an uh-oh. see if we can "stitch" together a better deal. that's a hint, antoine. ooh! see what anandra did?
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booking your flight and hotel at the same time gets you prices hotels and airlines won't let expedia show separately. book it. major wow factor! where you book matters. expedia. special k protein shakes -- ♪ a truly great-tasting breakfast shake. with 10 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber, it's the creamy, delicious way to satisfy... your hunger to help you lose weight. ♪ so you can kick the tin can habit. try special k protein shakes today.
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time for today's style. the top ten items that will solve life's little emergencies and so much more. >> the girl with it all is ms. jill martin. lost your voice a little bit. >> i lost my voice, hopefully i'll find it at some point. >> talk to us. >> look at this situation here, the chicks on the this is 25 outfits with these pieces. so let me show you how it works. it comes in this little thing. it's $199, which is an investment. but in this, you see all of these pieces. there's a tank dress. there's two sashes, there's two
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tops. a pair of pants and this skirt right here? which is also my top. >> that's crazy. >> it comes with this thing. >> it comes with directions. >> you cannot believe how many outfits. >> it's just incredible. >> chick on the go, baby. >> chicks on the >> that's that great for travel and great for montreal. >> well, too late. >> next, you have a belt and it doesn't have the proper loop. this gives you extra of these and you wrap it over the belt for an extra -- isn't that great? >> and look at blinged-out ones. >> whatever you want. those are if you're a little younger. belty loop. >> you know how you want to wear a scarf or you have jewelry that doesn't lay where you want it to lay? there are these double-stick dots and you put it on, you can't really see it. and it holds it down. so you look really chic and like you planned it. >> and easy.
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>> very inexpensive, $4.95, 25 of them, hollywood if you're in the kitchen, which i am never in, and you cook, these are really sexy aprons. $39.95. and sequinned and i'm the queen of the kitchen. just fun if you're cooking and you want to be sexy, making something for your boyfriend or husband. >> look at these grocery bags. reusable. now look at the front here. they come with a patch. and the patch comes off. and then you can put it on the other bag. >> why would you patch it? >> if you want to personalize it. let's say you are sending your son or daughter off to school. you want to change bags or you're taking something to the beach. we have klg and hk. >> very sweet, we'll give you a pass on that. >> for wine -- >> now we're talking. >> when you're traveling -- >> i have one of these -- >> you do? >> i do. i put my makeup in them. >> they're fancy bags, when
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you're traveling you can take everything out. >> $7.49 for 12. >> this is fabulous. i know it didn't come across in the tease, but this is $19.95 available in brookstone. you know when your cereal gets really soggy. what you do is you take the cereal and then you put as much as you want in the milk. you eat that, and then when you want a little more, you put it in. >> are we really that lazy? >> why is that lazy? that's so amazing. >> you just push it. >> no, you can push it. what i'm saying, it doesn't soak in the milk. >> we get it. >> we're taking advantage of you being vulnerable with your voice now. >> i thought it sounded, this, $5. >> love you. >> love you. >> see you later. the new mascara with a conditioning formula that helps strengthen and plump lashes up to 200%... instantly.
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for maximum volume... and a killer look. new revlon growluscious plumping mascara. i bet it could last through some artsy foreign film. good idea. let's go. did i just say that out loud? [ female announcer ] feel fresh up to 5 times longer with scope outlast. still feeling fresh? oh, yeah. [ female announcer ] what will you outlast? there's another way to minimize litter box odor: purina tidy cats. our premium litters now work harder to help neutralize odors in multiple cat homes. purina tidy cats. keep your home smelling like home.
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good tuesday morning to you. it's 10:26. pg&e says they should not have to make out payments to victims of the deadly explosion because the blast was caused by third party work. pg&e filed paperwork saying that the company should not be helped liable for millions of dollars in damages because city contractors worked on the pipeline. pg&e bought a full page newspaper ad apologizing for the blast which killed eight people and destroyed an entire neighborhood. ls awitsu aas result of thatanw
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the breeze will clear up and clear the cloud cover out of the way. by wednesday, temperatures continue to fall as we head through tomorrow. cool down continues across the bay area. todays highs in the 70s as we head through tomorrow. 70 degrees. that's it, mike. but, hey, that means you don't have to run the ac in the vehicle. >> that's true. very sunny conditions but both of the camera lens were dirty. east shore freeway, 20-minute drive through berkeley and emeryville. no major issues through the rest of the bridges. still gray skies. low clouds around the bay area but the traffic is moving, fast track lanes a big advantage. and then over the golden gate, there is slow traffic coming across the bridge and also a disabled vehicle causing some slowing right around lincoln avenue. laura, back to you. >> thank you very much.
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glamping was all about. not too shabby. a luxury rv complete with a living room, kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. all for a pricey, $500 a night. we were all ready to hit the road. but only one person was volunteering to drive. >> is this the brake and this is the gas? >> where is the drive? us glamers voted on hiring a driver instead. ♪ tonight's the night ♪ let's live it up >> before long we arrived at our camp site in foxborough, massachusetts. >> this place offered a bit more than a typical camp ground. our glam activities? massages -- facials and nails poolside. >> fantastic. after a day of roughing it -- ahhh. >> we needed to wind down with
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some wine and cheese. >> no dogs, no husbands. >> when dinner time rolled around, there were still no worries. glampers get their meals catered. >> a real clam-bake. >> so maybe we had to get our nail as little dirty making s'mores by the campfire. >> this one's on fire! >> so's this one. ♪ i say a little prayer for you ♪ >> all this fun, fresh air and freedom can really wear a gal out. it was time to turn in for the night. morning breakfast was a bit of a chore. in our luxury rv. cracking eggs and making toast. we downed some mimosas for the long ride home. >> here's to a great glaming trip. >> glam sites are opening up all over this country and in europe.
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so it's definitely the trend. >> $500 a night sounds steep until you think that four of you go and you share expenses. >> or you could go cheaper. you could go $80. you don't have to have the corian or the stainless steel. >> these are the cheaper rides. >> these are some glaming accessories. this is a tent. it fits eight. you can stand in it. it costs about $200. not bad. >> it has windows on either side. >> it's easy, five to ten minutes to set up. >> yeah, for our prop guys, they're masters. >> you hire a glamper. >> what if your back isn't great? >> this is great this is a therma-rest, it's a pad, it self-inflates, about $80. and it will save your back. sleeping bags, very important. this one weighs half the weight of a usual one.
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about $100, it will keep you warm in zero-degree temperature. >> take us to the grill. >> this is paul junior design. look -- almost full grill like you would have in your own back yard. it runs on propane. you don't have to take a match to it. >> is it heavy to move around? >> it has wheels. >> what, you put it in your car? >> in your rv, your glamping rv. >> we haven't glamed a lot. we're glamping virgins. >> this, also, by propane, the same propane you would use for that, you stick it in there, it never has to see the fire. about $80 also. >> a night light? >> this is lights. not only is it a light, but it -- how do you do this? i'm not a good glamper, either. >> you take it out and it's a flashlight to go to the bathroom. to read a book and enter are four of them. isn't that cute? >> that's really smart. >> bugs are a pain.
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>> this is a light and also it emits a chemical that they say doesn't smell, it gets rid of the mosquitos. and this is to make hotdogs. >> how cute is that? >> cute. >> wait a second. >> do you love this? >> yes. you put it in there and stick it right on the fire. >> does that work with s'mores, too? because hoda loves her s'mores. >> you have to get a little dirty for that. this is a backpack, it has a bladder pack. you can put water or vino. >> you guys hit the sauce on your trip, we saw. >> yeah, we hit it. >> we want to be invited the next time you go glamping. up next before you go ahead with the home improvement project. you better hear what mike holmes on homes has to say, right after this.
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meet beth, nursery school teacher. lights, camera, activia it's the best job in the world. my students are amazing. but to be there for them, you've gotta feel your best. kids can tell. that's why i love eating activia light every day. so delicious activia light helps me feel good inside. which helps me be my best... positive, cheerful and on top of things. help regulate your digestive system. love how you feel or your money back. ♪ activia [ male announcer ] for the most slam-dunk whites, it only takes three-quarters cup of clorox bleach. in the game. [ cheers and applause ] in servicing clients that serve our country. my name is marjorie reyes. i'm a chief warrant officer. i am very grateful and appreciative that quicken loans can offer service members va loans.
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it was very important for me to be able to close and refinance my home quickly. i wanted to lower my mortgage payment. quicken loans guided me through every step of the process. the whole experience was amazing! [ tony ] serving those who serve us all... one more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze.
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it is time for today's home. and we're talking tools. if you've got a home project in your plans, you better arm yourself. >> construction and home renovation guru, mike holmes, is the host of hgtv's very popular, "holmesed on homes." expert tips and advice that every homeowner needs. >> you look like mr. clean, the way you're standing there. >> i've heard that. >> a lot of people like to do it themselves. they figure, why am i going to hire someone that's going to be
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costly. i'll save some bucks. what's your advice to them. >> if you think you can do your own brain operations, go ahead. it would be the same thing. i've been doing this for years. if you think you can do structural, electrical, plumbing, you've got a new think coming. >> first of all, it's dangerous. electrical, you need a license. >> i think too many people hire the wrong people. >> for big jobs, you should hire someone. little jobs, you can do your own. >> you can screw up paint. even. if you put latex on top of oil. >> it's just starting and paying someone, right? >> yes. >> if we knew what we were doing, what would we use to do it? >> yeah, that's the question. >> this is a quiz we're going to take. >> you want to play, do you? >> not really, but -- >> it's in our contract. >> okay. >> all right. let's do that. >> what's the game? >> i'm going to hold up a few things and you pick the tools we're going to use to do
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something with it, okay? >> first of all -- okay. hold up something. >> this, you cut pizzas with. >> the tool, what i use to replace the screen. >> to replace the screen? >> i've seen andy do that at our house. >> i'm going to say that one. >> you are correct. >> i've seen him do that. >> and we use it for pizza. >> that's two in one, i do like that. you normally need a bigger wheel. >> what tool would i use for the drywall. >> to do what? what would i look for? >> are you going to -- >> i want to hang a picture. >> hang a picture? >> is this a staple gun? >> no. >> you want to hang a picture? >> wait until the studs go across and you've found your stud. >> cool, smart. >> i didn't even know what this was. >> a stud finder.
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>> i have to see what it is. >> we're ready for the next one. >> what tool would we use that really relates to bricks? >> can we please use this? >> something. mortar and stuff. >> that's actually a tuck-pointing tool. >> am i right? >> once you done your mortar you would tuck-point in between the bricks. >> we've done like 23 construction things over 25 years of marriage. >> i love to watch them do it. >> next -- >> i got the answer. what's the question? >> what is that? >> it's wire. >> what would i use that for? >> you would use this to drill a hole. >> it's a solder iron. we would get hot on the tip and it's going to melt our solder for the wires. minor electrical. >> what would we use this for? >> this is under your carpet. >> that's when you go boom-boom. >> that's the knee thing. >> i love to watch the guys do
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the knee thing. >> this is a nye stapler. this way you don't have to use a hand gun. nice and simple. >> i love to watch those empire guys. >> and this is -- >> angle finder. find us an angle, big guy. it tells you the degree. >> whoa. >> really simple tool to help you make it right. >> you're an interesting man in your overalls. >> up next -- >> spicy salmon slidersnd watermelon salad. i'm kind of hungry. [ female announcer ] now, give dry, damaged hair a whole new life!
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with aveeno nourish plus moisturize. active naturals wheat formulas target and help repair damage in just 3 washes. for softer, stronger... ... hair with life. [ female announcer ] nourish plus. only from aveeno. has twice the calcium of the leading yogurt. that's 50% of the daily value. pass on the news and make sure you and everyone you know is getting the calcium they need. ♪
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[ female announcer ] the counter. in most homes, it gets all the action. bring it. in this lab demo, one sheet of bounty leaves this surface as clean as 2 sheets of the bargain brand. ♪ why use more when you can use less? ♪ super durable. super absorbent. super clean. bounty. the one-sheet clean picker-upper.
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it's time for today's kitchen and we're getting saucy with garden-fresh recipes that will make your summer garden party sizzle. >> candace is the giving through growing ambassador program that provides resources to allow more people to eat farm to table. what a great idea. >> good morning, you guys.
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>> hi, sweetie, what are we going to make today? >> we're going to make a beautiful spicy salmon slider and a lovely watermelon basil feta salad and i brought you guys, tuesday booze-day white sparkling wine. >> let's get started. >> the first thing we're going to do is make a slider. >> what is a slider? >> it's like a mini burger. >> i thought it was the seafood thing that -- >> ooh! >> yeah. that's why i went ooh. >> this is just the base, which is egg and mayo. please go at it, ladies. this is cayenne pepper for the spice, and soy sauce and seasoning and that's lime juice. just for a little bit of a zip. and then -- >> a little pinch of salt, right. >> we want to always incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables giving through growing. >> that's great. >> this salmon is canned. >> this is canned. all that goes in. >> we've got -- >> we've got -- onions.
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that little piece likes to run off there. >> perfect. bright, vibrant colors. canned salmon is absolutely. it's full of omega 3 fatty acids which keep you gorgeous and fabulous, as we love. >> and we want to flake this up. i heard your mom makes a salmon -- >> she makes a cheese ball. >> a salmon cheese ball. >> a salmon loaf. >> and cottage cheese balls that that are incredible. >> we have to go in last, perfect. >> what is that? panko? >> a japanese wraed crumb, a great binding agent. >> i kind of like binding agents. >> today we're going to have to grill these up, great marks on both sides. we place them right in. and then the sauce that we have is just yogurt. if you wouldn't mind putting that in, hoda, it would be great.
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chi chives. and worcestershire sauce. >> and i made you guys this beautiful party. and woodbridge, robert mondavi has been putting on giving through growing for years. they want to embody freshness. >> here we have fresh basil. this is great. and i know that we just want to move over to the cocktail, then. this is basil, watermelon and feta. grab a slider. >> here's our toast. this is fresh peach, white grape and sparkle iing wine and mint cheers to giving through growing, right? >> love you girls. up next, colbie caillat will sing for us. >> but first, this is "today" on nbc. [ male announcer ] bring home a complete meal for your family.
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enough real food to feed a family of 4 or more for just 20 bucks. today is a kfc day. today tastes so good. out of the porous caverns of grout takes the right tools, but it also takes a gentle, caring touch. before you can deep clean, you learn to get a feel for its trouble spots. and hey, if you can't listen to grout, you can't truly know its wants...its needs...its dreams. ♪call 1-800-steemer.
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the toilet con the toyota concert series brought to you by "today." >> tomorrow, getting along with your neighbors and the how to fix the eight biggest makeup mistakes. >> we leave you with colbie caillat singing "i do" from her brand-new cd called "all of you." thanks, everybody, see you soon. ♪ ♪ it's always been about me, myself and i ♪ ♪ i thought relationships were nothing but a waste of time ♪ ♪ i never wanted to be anybody's other half ♪ ♪ until i met you ♪ you make me want to say i do ♪ i do, i do, i do
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♪ do do do do ♪ yeah, i do ♪ i do ♪ i do do do do ♪ 'cuz every time before it's been like maybe yes and maybe no ♪ ♪ i could live without it ♪ i could let it go ♪ how did i get myself into -- ♪ you make me want to say i do ♪ i do ♪ i do do do do ♪ i do ♪ i do ♪ tell me is it only me ♪ do you feel the same ♪ you know me well enough ♪ to know that i'm not playing games ♪ ♪ i promise i will turn around and i won't let you down ♪ ♪ you can trust i never felt it like this ♪ ♪ baby, there's nothing, there's nothing we can't get through ♪ ♪ so can we say ♪ i do, i do do do do ♪ oh baby ♪ i do, i do do do do
10:56 am
♪ 'cuz every time before it's been like maybe yes and maybe no ♪ ♪ i won't let us go ♪ what more did i get myself into ♪ ♪ you make me want to say meet my family ♪ ♪ how is your family ♪ ooh ♪ can we be a family ♪ next to you ♪ when we say i do ♪ i do ♪ i do do do ♪ oh baby ♪ i do ♪ i do do do do ♪ ♪ 'cuz every time before it's been maybe yes ♪ ♪ maybe yes, maybe no ♪ i won't let us go ♪ just when we got ourselves into ♪ ♪ you make me want to say i do
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