tv Today NBC July 17, 2011 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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good morning. break news. she's out. wearing a bright pink t-shirt and little emotion on her face. casey anthony is whisked out of jail. surrounded by armed officers and facing an angry crowd, she is led away in an suv. where is she now and what will her future be? overseaings. more breaking news. it's a bombshell. the woman at the center of the phone-hacking scandal, rebekah brooks, former editor for "news of the world," has been arrested in connection with the explosive case that has engulfed rupert murdoch's media empire. we'll have a live report from london. and scorched earth. our sizzling summer brings new record highs across the country with temperatures soaring above
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100. for many states, it's about to get even hotter. for many states, it's about to get even hotter. today's sunday, july 17, 2011. captions paid for by nbc-universal television good morning, everyone. welcome to "today" on sunday. i'm lester holt. >> i'm jenna wolfe. two big breaking news stories to get to this morning. we want to begin with casey anthony. after 1,006 days in jail and just 12 days after a jury found her not guilty of murdering her daughter, caylee, casey anthony is a free woman. >> this is the seen from inside the orange county jail in orlando at the moment she was being escorted out of the facility. she appears to say thank you to one of the law enforcement officers before she's led out the door by her attorney and facing a pretty angry crowd. nbc's kristin dahlgren was there and joins us live with the latest.
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>> reporter: good morning. news choppers lost sight of casey anthony's suv so this morning we don't know exactly where she is. for the first time in three years she's not waking up here at the orange county jail. you can probably hear protesters are still here. with all of the protests, all of the publicity, there was so much talk about using decoys or casey anthony sneaking out a back door. in the end, she walked right out the jail's front door. just minutes after midnight, a first glimpse at casey anthony, free woman. in a bright pink shirt and showing little emotion, she and her attorney jose baez wasted no time. >> she was just tunnel vision to the door. that's when i think i saw that, you know, that smile or relief, if you will, because she saw freedom. >> reporter: but that freedom may bring the start of an even tougher trial for anthony. as she walked out the front of the jail and into an suv, crowds of protesters erupted in anger.
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security on high alert as anthony's suv drove away. news choppers attempting to track her trip. while her final destination is for now a mystery, there is little secret to how many feem about anthony's release. two weeks after being acquitted in the death of her 2-year-old daughter caylee, casey anthony is often called the most hated woman in america. few recent cases have drawn such attention, and few defendants such an nimosity. >> her demeanor and the way she acted, it made you so angry. i'm still angry over it all. >> reporter: her lawyers report anthony has gotten multiple death threats, tens of thousands have lashed out on social networking sites. security experts say fears of vigilante justice can't be ignored. >> she definitely needs an entire program, if you will. it's going to take more than one body guard or two or three.
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she needs a complete program. >> reporter: security costs that could run into tens of thousands of dollars or more. on friday anthony's attorneys again asked the court to declare her indigent. the jail says she left with just $537, some from admirers that sent her money. indeed, there were some to show their support. ♪ casey anthony please with me ♪ >> reporter: as she heads off to her new life, many speculate a paid interview or book deal will have to be casey anthony's next stop. in fact, an independent television producer has already offered her $1 million for the first interview and as the world now waits for the first sighting outside of jashlgs lesteil, les going to be very difficult to stay out of the public eye. >> casey anthony is free but her
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whereabouts, as we noted, unknown at this hour. a question of her future, what will she do? what will her life be like outside a jail cell? joining me is beth karas, from "in session" and tony zimbato who was inside the jail when casey was releed. thank you for being with us. >> good morning. >> tony, we heard your account a moment ago of her relief. i want to get a sense of wlu thought she was prepared to see you, members of the press, and that crowd outside. how she reacted to the crowd that was jeering as she walked to the suv. >> i think she was prepared because the way she came out, it was very calm. she wasn't shocked with the three imbedded journalists in the lobby there. i think jose, as he's done throughout this whole procedure, probably talked to her and told her to expect two cameras in there, maybe a mike stand and that they were not going to stop
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bit mike stand, they were going to bee line it to the door. i'm sure he also told her the crowd was going to be in their own little secured area but that she was going to hear a lot of yelling and a lot of nasty thing being yelled, to be ready for that. >> i'm assuming it's not a usual procedure to have a deputy in a vest and automatic weapon escorting a prisoner -- a released prisoner out. other than that, did you get the sense that they followed what would be a normal release procedure for someone convicted of a misdemeanor? >> no. this was not a normal release. in the history of this particular facility, this is the first. you've got to give a lot of props to the chief of this correction facility for giving us the privilege to be inside and doing it in a humane way. it could have been worse. they had three different scenarios they were going to try to bring her out according to the conditions outside with the fans and people that were awaiting for her outside. so, we ended up going with the
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first scenario, which was the original one. the chief wanted to bring her out through the public door, just like everybody else comes out. in case there was any kind of unsafe situation, they were going to take her out two other scenarios. but this has never been done here like this before. the cooperation was just unbelievable. >> let me bring in beth f i can. what are you hearing about what's next for casey? where she might even be at this hour? >> well, we do not know where she is right now. quite frankly, lester, her lawyers have a lid on everything. the way they did throughout the trial. we did not even know what the defense was going to be until the eve of trial. they are not saying where she is. there is some speculation she's already left the state because of lear jets that left in the middle of the night. others say she's still here in orange county. what can she do? she's not going to be too employable, at least in this part of florida in the near future, at least in the service
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industry. no one's going to want to have her wait on them ordeal with her. she'll have to take a job by phone, change her identity, go back to school, lay low for a while. >> anyone that watched the testimony in the trial, as you did, and heard from member of her family might have a lot of questions about the nature of that relationship. does she have a family to go back to? is there a family unit there that would welcome her? >> well, it is our understanding that our family would welcome her. she refused a visit from her mother after her acquittal on the felony charges. she continues apparently to be estranged from her parents. it may take time to mend that relationship. >> you've been a big help throughout the trial. we appreciate you coming in with us again. tony, thanks as well. appreciate it. >> you're welcome. from casey anthony we turn to our other top story, that
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devastating heat wave across the country. the temperatures are rising and reaching record highs. and if you're not in the grips of it yet, get ready. the weather channel's erik fisher is in minneapolis for more on this summer's extreme weather. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, jenna. they say the coldest time of the day typically is right around daybreak. temperature here at target field in minneapolis at day break, 80 degrees. dangerous and deadly in some cases, especially through the next few days with heat continuing to build. not just here in the twin cities but literally a huge chunk of the heartland of america from canadian border down to the gulf coast. is it a multiday event. now, here at target field, it's only a year and a half old. it could be the hottest game the twins have ever played inside the stadium. they are accounting accordingly. the crews will be putting out free water throughout the stadium, putting it around the upper deck, concourses, even at the gates so all the fans can stay hydrated at today's day game. not a night game scheduled for today. also putting first aid crews throughout the stadium,
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wandering around, hoping anyone who needs help here. they're going to try to be there for everyone. dangerous, heat indices around 105 by the time we get to the end of the game. >> 105. thank you very much. how long will this heat last? chris warner here with a check of your heat forecast. chris, good morning. >> good morning to you, too, jenna. it is going to be hot for days and days. this is diangerous heat. look at the extent of this heat, from texas and louisiana all the way up to the canadian border. while it's going to read 9 degree on the thermometer in minneapolis, by the end the day, heat index, feels like 110. 15 degrees warmer than what the therm t thermometer reads. you'll see it move into the mid-atlantic and back into the south and even into the northeast. we have days of heat on the way, lester. have you to do what you have to do to keep cool. >> thanks. now to politics. washington gearing up for a crucial week in this battle for
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a debt deal. president obama is warning of a financial armageddon if an agreement isn't reached. can both sides find common ground? david gregory, moderator of "meet the press." good morning. >> good morning. >> i keep listening to dueling news conferences listening for a code word or phrase that suggests there is room for compromise. do you hear anything in the language that suggests either side is willing to offer an olive branch here? >> what i hear is a willingness to ultimately raise the debt ceiling but to do it in it's most minimal form. i think the idea of a big agreement, a big grand deal that would involve big spending cuts over ten years, i don't think that's going to happen. that really centerings around the fact that republicans will not raise taxes in any way, shape or form and the president will only do so much in terms of spending cuts if it doesn't involve tax increases. so, i think that center of gravity has moved away from the white house despite the president's pressure. up to capitol hill where there are some dliks on what the
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fallback position is. that's where washington is right now. a small solution to a big problem. >> does each side think voters will side with them, that politically the other guy is going to pay the price for this? >> i think they're trying to -- trying to get something neutral. not a victory,en a defeat. i think both sides recognize the peril of letting the debt ceiling not be raised. even though there's a lot of more junior lawmakers on the republican side that say, no, this is a false crisis. there's no reason to raise the debt ceiling unless we get the sort of deal we want. you heard from the president this week, let's push this out, have this debate in the election over taxes and spending, but the reality -- you come back to, people i talk to, are so frustrated with the fact that washington can't do hard things. they can't make hard decisions because they're afraid of the political consequences. when we're up against the wall like this. >> we'll have more about this on "meet the press" coming up. david gregory, thanks. >> okay. now here's jenna. >> thank you. breaking news this morning in
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the growing phone-hacking scandal out of britain. nbc's chapman bell joins us from london with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. a huge development in this case. just a short time ago we learned that former editor of "news of the world" rebekah brooks was arrested in connection with the investigation. brooks was just until last week a senior executive for rupert murdoch's media empire. she's being questioned on suspicion of conspireing to intercept communication. it comes as this scandal continues to spread. issuing a fresh apology in some of the uk's other papers including "the sunday times" his remaining sunday publication, putting right what's gone wrong, promising to compensate those effected and full cooperation with the police. for those involved, there's no place to hide. but what has gone wrong for the media mogul? the most recent fallout from the hacking scandal, two chief executives of news corp., but more could be in line.
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scotland yard has come under heat. sir paul steephenson answered questions. >> i have not acted inappropriately. >> reporter: police deny any wrongdoing after he received a free retreat in an expensive spa where neil wallace was a pr correspondent. wallace, arrested in the scandal. and "new york times" reports 11,000 pages of handwritten notes, naming 4,000 celebrities, politicians, sports stars, police officials and victims of crime, whose phones may have been hacked by the "news of the world," have sat in a police evidence room. now stars including david beckham and paul mccartney reportedly claim they are among these names. while british actor jude law has claimed his phone was hacked while in the u.s. legal experts say this opens the way to possible prosecution in the u.s. where the fbi is already investigating allegations of phone hacking family member of 9/11 victims. >> up until a few weeks ago this
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was just a british problem. but with the resignation of the publisher of "the wall street journal," you've seen no part of rupert murdoch's media empire appears to be immune from this crisis. >> reporter: with each day come more allegations. one thing that does seem certain, the full extent of this scandal is not yet known. again, rebekah brooks arrested this morning in connection with the phone-hacking scandal. much more on "nightly news" tonight. jenna? >> thank you very much. i guess the one thing to think about is how much of what's happening over there is going to filter into what the murdoch empire owns over here in the united states. >> we've seen them play overnight, drip, drip, drip, new rev layings. we'll have more tonight. and how it could potentially affect investigations going on here in the united states. we'll have that coming up. chris jansing at the news desk. good morning. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> we begin in los angeles where
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the much balanly-hood carmagedd has turned out t carmaheaven. >> reporter: good morning. as construction cruise begin their work this morning, behind me just seems drivers are heeding warnings and staying off the roads through the weekend. they have shut down ten miles of the 405 freeway, the notoriously busy 405 for 53 hours this weekend while they demolish half of the bridge in a road widening project. lapd says no major reports of problems on the roads. l.a.x. officials say no problems at the airports. the 405 is one of the busiest roads in the country. billboards have been up for months warning drivers about the closure. the road is expected to be back up and running tomorrow morning at 5:00. >> thank you so much. on saturday president obama met with the dalai lama, exiled tibetan spiritual leader for 45 minutes. while the president praised his nonviolent efforts he reiterated
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the u.s. does not support independence for tibet. chinese officials say it damages relationships between the two countries. ann curry talked with the dalai lama yesterday. you can catch that interview tomorrow on "today." finally an out of the world opening day for the final harry potter film. "harry potter and deathly hallow 2" raked in a record $92 million on friday, higher than what industry experts predicted. it shattered by the twilight saga "new man" earning $72 million. that's the news. when i went on friday, people were holding up signs, do you have a ticket? like just a justin bieber concert. >> i haven't watched one yet. up to number one? >> eight, right? >> i'm slowly getting into harry potter. >> i think it's out on dvd. >> cool. >> not this one. >> awesome. >> the other six. >> chris is back with a check of the national forecast. >> hello. good morning. we're dealing with extreme
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dangerous heat across the middle part of the country. now, you look at these temperatures for the afternoon. in some cases, especially to the north and northern plains, you can add another five to even 15 degrees to this. we are going to see some storms to the north and monsoonal moisture moving into the southwest as well. and around the bay area today it will be another comfortable day once we lose some of the low clouds and light rain and drizzle we have around the bay area this morning. we're talking mostly 60s and 70s for the inner bay. you will get numbers closer to 80 inland towards sacramento and morgan hill for the afternoon. but if you want to find more july-like weather, you'll probably have to wait until the middle part of the week as high pressure builds in and the low clouds retreat to the coastline. we'll see temperatures inland in the 80s and 90s as we head toward thursday and friday. that's a look at your weather. back to you. up next on "today," into the wild. jenna, amy and myself commune
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with nature. nature will never be the same. neither will we. h her will we. our survival school experience. with the red, white, and blue. ocean spray cranberry, white cranberry, and blueberry juice cocktails. [ coughs ] okay, i believe this one is yours? [ clears throat ] we're here and we're together and we're still speaking. we're always up for an adventure around here and we did one recently. you, amy and myself went to utah this week to a survival school. >> they don't throw that word around lightly like survival school like any kind of school. it is a really good test of your
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survival skills out in the utah wildernist. >> the hardest part of this is what we couldn't bring. we all brought backpacks and sleeping bags, no sleeping bags. >> no toilet paper. no sunglasses. no blackberries. we honestly had to survive for 24 hours in boulder, utah, with nothing more than a blanket on our back. >> we couldn't eat until we made the fire. >> we will have a full report of this next saturday and sunday here on "today" and you'll see how we made out. >> we are alive and speaking, two good things came out of this whole thing. still to come on a sunday edition of "today." you go, girls. rooting on team usa in today's world cup soccer finals. first, these messages. [ female announcer ] what if your natural beauty could be flawless too?
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still to come on "today." casey anthony out of jail. will she be safe? the dispatcher that saved a toddler from drowning. but, first, these messages. also get a free flight. you know that comes with a private island. really? no. it comes with a hat. you see, airline credit cards promise flights for 25,000 miles, but...
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[ man ] there's never any seats for 25,000 miles. frustrating, isn't it? but that won't happen with the capital one venture card. you can book any airline anytime. hey, i just said that. after all, isn't traveling hard enough? ow. [ male announcer ] to get the flights you want, sign up for a venture card at what's in your wallet? uh, it's okay. i've played a pilot before.
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you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. good sunday morning. take a look at this pretty picture, looking live at the bay bridge and treasure island and of course lots of clouds. how long will they stick around? rob mayeda know that say answer better than i. >> that's an interesting picture there. we have drizzle falling around the east bay this morning, south bay included on the drive to work into san jose. right now oakland 56 degrees. it is mc hammer bobblehead day for the a's game. '80s day, at least in name only out at the ballpark because we're not going to see 80s in your forecast as we head through the afternoon. this morning we have lots of low clouds and drizzle. around lunchtime we should see 70s popping up inland. if you want to find 80-degree temperatures, los gatos, morgan
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hill, gilroy probably the only spots seeing that. temperatures running pretty mild. tomorrow more of the same. i think what you'll notice towards the middle part of the week is a warmup that will ertelly get us closer to average esatmpic, urhwh temperatures, which means 80s and 90s coming back for inland valleys around thursday and friday. >> we're looking forward to that one. thank you very much, rob. one person remains in an east bay hospital this morning after an accident, five cars on the sunol grade section of interstate 680 near fremont. the highway patrol says the crash happene jdesusteforee 2:0 this morning on northbound 680 at the sheridan road overcrossing. the freeway is open again, but at one point all northbound lanes were blocked until tow trucks could move the wrecked cars out of the way. the chp does tell us that the freeway was slightly wet because of that light precipitation rob mentioned. the injured person was taken to eden center medical center in castro valley. no one else was hurt. an accident brought together hundreds of people in santa cruz. 500 people gathered at twin
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lakes church yesterday to remember david and dee dee houghton and their two sons, luke and ryan. all four died july 7th when their small single engine plane crashed into a doctor's office at the watsonville community hospital. people remembered the family as people who were always willing to help. >> the hurricane in mexico came through a small down in baja and they packed up their plane and went down there with supplies and touched so many people. >> the family was headed for a trip near yosemite national park when the plane crashed. investigators are still trying to figure out what caused the plane to crash. for the first time ever, safeway stores throughout much of the country launched a summer food drive. organizers say there is an increased need for food for low income families in the summer months, particularly because kids are not getting fed at school. but they say it's also challenging to get people to think about giving this time of year. so food banks asked for help and safeway stepped up. the stores are asking customers to purchase a prefilled grocery bag for $10 each.
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they have things like tuna and peanut butter, cereal, pasta and more. the safeway summer food drive continues until next sunday. coming up at 7:00 on "today in the bay" -- this was the scene last night as protesters stormed the streets of san francisco's mission neighborhood overnight over a controversial police shooting. that story and all of the day's top stories coming up at 7:00. right now here's more of the "today" show. e
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hey, we're back on a sunday morning, july 17th, 2011. it is going to be a hot time in this city today. temperatures well over 90 and we have some great summer folks here enjoying this great new york heat. we'll call it that out on our plaza. thanks to them for spending part of their sunday morning with us outside on the plaza. i'm jenna wolfe alongside lester holt. after three years in jail and 12 days since her acquittal, casey anthony is out of jail. >> a ten-second walk out the door and to a crowd of engineering gatherers there.
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her attorney was by her side. she was driven in an suv to an undisclosed location. much more on the story and take a closer look at what life has been like for other high-profile defendants who have been acquitted. we have an incredible story about a 3-year-old who was playing at his home when he accidentally fell into a pool. 3-year-old malchi was on unconscious and not breathing and his family called 911. the dispatcher talked them through the steps to revive him. these doing great and live in our studio. just spent some time with him. he has a big smile. there he is. his family and malchi and the dispatcher will all be joining us. >> very dramatic and very chilling. so glad it had a wonderful outcome. big day, team usa, women's soccer team takes on japan in the finals of the world cup
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championship. the ladies have captured america's heart with amazing play and amazing devotion and also hopefully capture the title. a live report from germany coming up. >> you going to watch in. >> i think i will. >> 1999 was that big, fun year they all went to the finals. first, a special guest joining us here on the plaza and he's brought a special gift and i know this because i actually spent some time in this two-seater indy car a few weeks ago. which is incredible. >> yes, it is. >> it said lester holt, i thought he was going it read it. i apologize. he wasn't paying attention. >> canada is your home, right? >> my hometown. >> second time you'll drive in front of a canadian crowd. >> we were in toronto last week and. >> he looks so young, despite the beard.
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how long have aiobeen rayou bee now? >> i started racing at 9. my father had a mid-life crisis and that was pretty much it. got a go-cart for my ninth birthday and doing it ever since. no race car on the planet that goes faster than this thing. over 225 miles per hour. so, it's a tremendous thing to see on the street courses it's almost more incredible to watch. how we navigate city streets, the braking, accelerating. all sorts of things. racing all kinds of tracks. the fastest, most versatile racers on the track. >> i should mention, which is really interesting. this is custom made. it is made for your exact body as is your steering wheel and everything you use in the car. >> it's so tight in here. this is a bit bigger. this is a two-seater. mine is shorter than that. the seats are all custom made to the body. the physical forces that go through the body when you're in
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the car. the g forces are incredible. when you go through a corner, you almost have to hold your breath because like someone is crunching your lung together. the braking forces -- >> chris, good luck. great having you here. good luck in edmonton. we can watch you race next sunday on versus. >> thank you for being with us. chris warren has another check of our weather. chris sph. >> it is a great day in the northeast and another great day if it is your birthday. 3 years old. >> 3 years old. we're from connecticut. >> happy birthday, nila. hope you enjoy it. we also have some people here from houston. tell us about your summer in houston this year? >> it's awful. >> hot. >> thank you very much. it has been and will continue to be very hot in the middle part of the country with temperatures running well into the triple digits in some cases, especially when you factor in what it feels like out there. it's going to feel in some cases as far north as north dakota and
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south dakota and minnesota, in some cases, 115 degrees. we do have a chance for some of those sotorms to move into the northeast tomorrow. some storms could be on the there's a live look at oakland where we've got mostly cloudy skies. some heavy drizzle or even maybe just a little bit of light rain underneath some of those low clouds around the bay area this morning. we'll get at least inland clearing during the day, cool temperatures, mostly 70s inland, 60s around san francisco and closer to 80 if you head to morgan hill for the afternoon. as we get back to the workweek we'll see a steady warmup passing wednesday. finally some 80s and 90s inland to wrap up the workweek. est. that's your forecast. now, here's lester. >> chris, thanks. now, to casey anthony's first day of freedom after 1,006 days in jail and 12 days after a jury found her not guilty of murdering her daughter. casey anthony was released from
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jail and no one knows what she will do next or where she will live. notable defendants have had a rocky road after they were found not guilty. jay gray reports. >> reporter: as casey anthony walked out of the orange county jail, followed in the footsteps of a groups of high-profile defendants whose freedom has captured the attention and emotions -- >> justice for caylee! >> reporter: of the country. >> there are many people who identify with the victims or even with the witnesses and they feel very strongly about it and it really becomes very passionate to them. >> not guilty of the crime of murder. >> reporter: what about those accused and acquitted once the focus shifts to the next courtroom drama? o.j. simpson is currently serving time in a nevada state prison convicted of numerous felonies, including kidnapping and armed robbery. michael jackson fought rumors and algallegations until his de two years ago.
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>> not guilty of the crime of first degree murder of bonnie -- >> reporter: robert blake acquitted in the murder of his wife was ruled libel. >> find the defendant not guilty. >> reporter: william kennedy smith acquitted of rape charges in 2001 is a doctor now. a civil assault by a co-worker was dismissed in 2005. and now a mom, even lorena bobbitt cut a nerve with so many that followed her trial. >> makes people more cynical and skeptical about the system. >> reporter: part of an effect that lasts long after the verdict. >> now with the internet, now it really doesn't go away because now you just google it. you can put in murder or famous trials or acquittals and you get all the information as if it happened yesterday. >> reporter: or this morning. >> and i want her to be able to grieve and grow and somehow get
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her life back together. >> reporter: casey anthony, perhaps, taking a step out of the spotlight for the first time in three years, but with the emotion and passion from her trial, like the others before her, is not likely to fade for quite some time. for "today" jay gray, nbc news, new york. up next, a boy's hero. a live interview with the 911 dispatcher of the child he saved from drowning. we'll hear the dramatic call after these messages. t ] [ announcer ] who could resist the call...
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it's a parent's worst nightmare. earlier this week, 3-year-old malchi sessions accidentally fell into a backyard swimming pool. a family member pulled him out of the pool and quickly called 911. listen to what happened next. >> have your son pinch the child's nose. >> pinch the nose, dar. >> and give two more regular breaths. >> two more regular breaths. >> and then pump that chest 30 times. >> pump it again, baby, 30 times. >> 1, 2, 3 -- >> 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 -- >> 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 2, 4, 35, 36. >> two more breaths. >> remember, tell your son, keep doing the compressions, don't give up.
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i appreciate your help. just encourage your son to keep doing it because you guys are doing a good job. i just need your help to do this, please, until the paramedics arrive. >> joining us now is 911 dispatcher david macini. 3-year-old malchi. good morning to all of you. who is that, buddy? is that you? >> where? >> you see yourself right there. say hi. wave. let me start with you, first of all, this had to be a traumatic experience for you. you got this call that something happened. first of all, let me start with this. he looks like he's doing great. how is he doing? >> he's almost back to normal. tremendous. >> he has his energy back and all of that for the most part? how long before they say he will be completely back? >> they say he may have to undergo physical therapy, but it's looking like he might not have to after all. >> what was that phone call like
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for you or when you came home to find out what happened? >> it was just scary. i didn't know what was going on because i just talked to my cousin an hour previous to getting the phone call. >> you weren't home. it was a family member that was home when he had accidentally fallen into the pool. >> how are you doing? can i get a high five. give me a high five. how old are you? we're 3 years old. what was the first toy you played with when you got back to your house? do you remember? was is your drums? was it your truck? oh, suddenly he's been talking all morning and now he's camera shy. >> it's -- >> you think about that. >> it's a bike. >> okay, we'll think about that for a second. he's playing with every single toy, basically. everything on his head he has played with. david, i want to turn to you.
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this is what you do for a living. you're trained to stay calm and you're trained to be cool under pressure. but when you get a call like this that a little boy has drowned. is it hard for you to maintain that sense of calm when you're trying to talk someone through something like this? >> couple things to note is when you take calls like this, with the experience that you get in the high-volume call center that new haven is you understand that through experience and through great training and also support in terms of the team, the team that we have, the entire chain of team for public safety tell dispatchers that absolutely supported it and got the mission done. one of the things that you can see in the call is that when it's an immediate threat to life safety and an immediate threat, that's kind of why we go to work. >> that's why you do it. >> you're meeting dave frid for first time. what is it like to meet him and just be able to thank him in
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person? >> i'm very happy to meet him. i'm very appreciative. he was persistent during the whole thing and he stayed calm. that is what saved malachi's life. >> david has a present for you. i know you're tired. this will be over in 15 seconds. that was quite a yawn. look what david has for you. >> a couple cool things. we have a t-shirt from my motorcycle club to you, we'll make you an honorary member. >> he's getting undressed. it will probably fit. very nice. >> i was talking to sergeant ricardo rodriguez of the new haven police department and you'll be an honorary member of the pal department. a cool shirt from the new haven police department. >> he's practically getting undressed already. look what you got, buddy. >> we have to run. i'll let you put that on. thank you so much for being here. we're so happy he's doing okay and we wish you all the best.
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and we'ret(i -- put everything on at the same time -- right after these messages. acific in . vietnam, 1967. i got mine in iraq, 2003. u.s.a.a. auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation, because it offers a superior level of protection and because u.s.a.a.'s commitment to serve the military, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. u.s.a.a. we know what it means to serve. oh! let's do this. you're a little early! [ female announcer ] most people want to walk into their dental check-up prepared to ace it. that's why there's a rinse like new crest pro-health invigorating clean. its invigorating action lets you know it's working to fight plaque and gingivitis and it provides all these other benefits. crest pro-health invigorating clean rinse. clean, protect, and invigorate your way to better dental check-ups.
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this afternoon, the u.s. women's soccer team will try to make history by becoming the first country to win three championships. team usa meets japan later today for the final match. we're all rooting for them. nbc's anne thompson is live in frankfurt for more on the big game. anne, good morning. >> good morning, jenna. this is it. it's game day. alex morgan who scored the last goal in the semifinal tweeted this is going to be a great day because this is the day her
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dreams will come true. around the world, soccer practice is a saturday morning ritual, but for these 21 american women, this workout in frankfurt, germany, is one to treasure. the final run through before playing japan in the world cup. the way they won like the dramatic semifinal victory is all the talk of a high school girl's team from mississippi on tour here in germany. playing a little four on four on the banks of the mine river. >> abby wambach so amazing. we try so hard. >> reporter: in new york central park, heather super soccer stars are learning the names of the players, just like she did with the world cup champion squad of 1999. >> so exciting to have a player come and say they want to be just like one of them. >> reporter: the difference now, it's not just the girls. >> even though they're girls, we like soccer any time.
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>> reporter: true in new york and on this field at the u.s. army garrison. who's going to watch? >> me. >> me. >> reporter: these 8 and 9 year olds all have a parent that have done multiple tours in iraq or afghanistan. guess what they like best about the women's team. >> they don't give up. >> reporter: it's their hallmark says espn analyst, a member of the '99 team. >> to show this courage and this feistiness and this will to just persevere when everything is against you will be, i think, their legacy, if they can win this game on sunday. >> reporter: but the americans have already achieved a big victory. they're regarded than more just world class women soccer players, world class soccer players, period. >> the women are now being appreciated for what they wanted to be appreciated all along. simply their skill as athletes. >> reporter: skills, they hope, will bring home the cup. now, this morning the team has gotten encouragement, tweets of
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encouragement from justin timberlake and lance armstrong and today a white house delegation arrived here led by dr. jill biden and including chelsea clinton and they met with family members of the team to let them know how proud their country is and how much the country is behind this squad. jenna? >> all right, anne i hope you have your ticket. once again, here's lester. >> jenna, thanks. this morning on today's taste test. what would a french fry be without ketchup? comes in lots of varieties. which store brand is best? america's test kitchen to come on and tell us. they did a taste test. good morning, good to see you. >> good morning. interesting thing that the sweetening had to do with what people like. >> when we tasted these blind, tasters really chose the ketchups made with sugar over those made with high fructose
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corn syrup. the sugar ones really rose to the top of the list. >> heinz is is the most popular, but not the traditional heinz, but the organic one. >> if you want to try some. we have am french fries here for you. this nailed the balance of flavor oftima tomato, vinegar a sugar. almost a deeper, more complex flavor. >> you said sugar not high fructose. real sugar. >> this has real sugar in it. also, that nostalgic flavor that you look for. >> double dipping. >> you're allowed. nostalgic played a big role in our tasting. >> that was number one. the other heinz was kind of the middle of the pack. >> that's right. it's fun to compare the two and taste them side by side. this little simpler flavor but still really nails that balance, but has the high fructose corn syrup which tasters rated a little lower. >> i do like this one better. >> little deeper flavor. this hunt's was the runner up.
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>> it is cheaper, though. >> it is a third of the price of the heinz organic. very smooth texture and nails that balance of tomato, sugar and vinegar. >> very good. maybe it is the fries that are good. i don't know. >> you're hungry. this is the del monte. this one is really bold and zesty and quite thick. >> sugar or high fructose. >> i believe this is high fructose. >> stronger taste. a little more tang to it. >> higher ph, a little more vinegar. >> almost reminds me of barbecue sauce. >> some tasters said that. it lost points for nostalga. it's good. >> it's not the classic taste. >> finally, we have the annie's organic. this lost points for nostalga because it has deep smoky flavors and it's good. >> it's really good. it's very -- not like a regular ketchup. let me try it again.
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>> it's very thick. which some tasters appreciated. >> i kind of like this. >> it doesn't taste like your regular ketchup. it's a fun difference. >> when you have people taste these kind of things. you said there is a traditional taste. what do you ask them to do? >> you ask them to taste the balance of flavors and ask them, of course, whether they like it on a scale of one to ten and ask them to write down some adjectives to put some weight behind what they're tasting and why they like it or don't like it. >> the heinz organic was the number one. >> or the hunt's, which was a close runner up. >> and cheaper. >> julie, always good to have you on. >> nice to see you. >> you can bring french f fries any time. we'll taste it with whatever you want. we're back after these want. we're back after these messages. major medical. ...but it helps pay the doctors. pays the doctors, boyyy! [ quack ] oh yeah? what about your family? ♪ we added aflac, so we get cash! it's like our safety net... ♪
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we want to go back to david gregory to find out what is coming up on "meet the press." good morning, again. >> good morning, lester. we'll get the latest from the debt talks and then a debate over taxes and spending and the way forward. senators durbin and demint and a special economic roundtable of jobs and economy summit this morning on "meet the press." >> we'll see you later, thanks. that will do it for us on this sunday morning. chris jansing, chris warren. we frappreciate all the chrises. unforgettable experience at survival camp. >> i'll see you back here tonight for nbc "nightly news." until then, have a great day, everybody.
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