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tv   Today  NBC  August 1, 2011 7:00am-11:00am PDT

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good morning. crisis averted. president obama and congressional leaders agree on president obama and congressional leaders agree on the a plan a raise the nation's debt ceiling, but not everyone on capitol hill is happy. >> on the surface it looks like a -- >> are there enough votes to pass it with the deadline looming tomorrow? costly delay. amanda knox suffers a back in court until appeal is setback to september. we'll talk to her mother. and snake on a car. imagine driving down the road and seeing this, a huge snake slithering across your windshield. >> never in my life.
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oh, my gosh. >> the story behind that unwanted guest today, monday, august 1st, 2011. captions paid for by nbc-universal television good morning. welcome to "today" on a monday morning. i'm matt lauer. >> i'm ann curry. the big news is that after weeks of often bitter negotiations republicans and democratic leaders in washington finally agree to an outline of this deal. >> it came last night. it would cut trillions of dollars of federal spending but the bill still needs to be voted on by the full house and senate. the outcome of that vote is not a foregone conclusion. the members on both sides of the aisle already complaining about the deal. we're going to talk about that with one of the president's top advisers coming up straight ahead. also this morning, what
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would you do if you came face to face with a black bear? a former member of the u.s. ski team accidentally got between one bear and her cubs leading to a dramatic encounter. she was forced to fight for her life. she actually struck the bear as it was clawing at her. coming up, exclusive live interview this morning. also going to talk about something you're starting to hear more of, the no kids allowed movement. it's picking up steam at certain restaurants, even some grocery stores, even an airline or two. is it fair, is it good business? we'll get into that later on. let us begin with that deal finally reached to raise the debt ceiling. nbc's capitol hill correspondent kelly o'donnell has the latest on this. kelly, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. for days now people across the country have been saying stop it and work together. at least for this moment, they are getting their wish. that appears to be what's happening after the top leaders in congress from both parties and the white house and the vice
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president and the president all shook hands on this deal. now, that isn't the end of it. there is still the voting to come and that will be another big challenge for the house speaker. just seeing that tired look on house speaker john boehner's face captured the grueling end game of this debt ceiling crisis. >> it's very frustrating for all americans. >> reporter: after the deal was announced sunday night, the president made a point to give special credit to the public. >> it's been your voices, your letters, your e-mails, your tweets, your phone calls that have compelled washington to act in the final days. >> reporter: the breakthrough came after talks with the white house and a hectic race around the capitol. a crush of cameras tagged along. senate majority leader harry reid called the deal a relief. >> both parties gave more ground than they wanted to. and neither side got as much as it hoped. but that is the essence of compromise.
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>> reporter: moments later republican leader mitch mcconnell. >> the united states of america will not for the first time in our history default on its obligations. >> reporter: the agreement would raise the debt ceiling in steps. cut about $1 trillion in spending right away. form a new bipartisan super committee to find another $1.5 trillion in savings by november. if congress fails to act on those recommendations this year, broad spending cuts would be triggered. >> is this the deal i would have preferred? no. but this compromise does make a serious down payment on the debts and reductions we need and gives each party a strong incentive to get a balanced plan done before the end of the year. >> reporter: some republicans are upset about defense cuts. >> i really do fear that we're going to jeopardize the ability to defend this nation if we're looking for the defense department to pay the major burden of this deal. >> reporter: democrats are angry
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over cuts to to social programs. >> until we see the details, we're going to be extremely noncommitted, but on the surface it looked like a satan sandwich. >> a satan sandwich, i had not heard that one before. the head of can congressional black caucus. you will get a sense of how this is going over today when members of both chambers and both parties get together in their own groups and look at the details. that will give us an idea if the what the leaders say can happen can really happen with the votes. the vote isn't yet scheduled. they're hoping they can hurry it up a bit and not work with the kind of constraints congress usually has, because obviously we are down to the wire. matt? >> kelly o'donnell, thank you very much. david plouffe is senior white house adviser to president obama. good te to see you. good morning. >> good morning, matt. >> they're talking about a done deal and it's really not a done deal until congress votes on this. there are unpredictable caucuses in the house, for example. what's your level of confidence? >> well, obviously, that's going to be up to each member of
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congress to decide how they vote on this. congressional leaders in both parties ended up moving forward based on the substance of this, which was a compromise obviously where both parties will not get everything they wanted but also a sense that it will be passed. each member is going to have to evaluate this. but we think at the end of the day this is an agreement that will pass the senate and the house, and the president will sign into law. >> you hear a lot about compromise. i think everybody wants of to be able to stand up and say, hey, we got somewhat we we wanted and we compromised for the good of the nation. i want to play you something that the democratic congressman from missouri had to say about the nuts and bolts of this. listen to this. >> if i were a republican i would be dancing in the streets. i don't have any idea what the republicans wanted that they didn't get. >> so did the president compromise here, david, or did he give in simply so that he wouldn't be labeled as the president who was on duty as the nation defaulted on its financial obligations? >> now, listen, you're obviously
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seeing some criticism from my party, you're seeing some criticism from the republican party. but what this does is first of all we get significant deficit reduction, $1 trillion on the front end. the president said the spending cuts are phased in carefully over time to not affect the economy too adversely. secondly, we have an opportunity this fall, congress does, to visit a next day reduction. and in that stage, entitlement reform, tax reform will be looked at. it's reported there's a enforcement, but those are done carefully. 50% of those savings would come from defense and programs like medicaid, college loans, children's health care would be protected. >> one of the things you left off that laundry list though is taxes. the president wanted more revenues, wanted to raise taxes on wealthiest americans, wanted to get rid of some tax cuts for corporations. those are not in there. is the fight over taxes over and did the president lose it? >> absolutely not. this congressional committee is
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going to look at tax reform, entitlement form. our point was things like social security, cuts to medicare beneficiaries, medicaid, we did not think those should be part of the deficit reduction package without tax reform. none of those things are in this initial package and that's what the debate in the fall is going to be about. >> speaker boehner said his opinion raising taxes in the second phase of would you agree with that? this lan >> no, that's just not true. is nearly im obviously in our discussions possible. with speaker boehner he tentatively agreed to raise $800 billion in revenue. you see a lot of republican senators, business leaders in the country saying we need a balanced budget. i think that's the case the president is going to make. if we're going to do it in the fall it should be tax reform, closing loopholes for the wealthy and big corporations. the good thing about the debt ceiling debate, it's got to pass, is now we can move forcefully and centrally onto the economy, on the job creation. this debt ceiling was clearly
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harming our economy and consumer confidence. >> it may have also harmed our image. deal or no deal, the way this played out and as long as it played out, has had some impact. david sanger writes about this in the "new york times" this morning. and when talking about this process he says, quote, it has left america's creditors and allies alike wondering what has changed in american politics, that a significant part of the country's political elite was suddenly willing to risk the nation's reputation as the safest place for the rest of the world to invest. have we been emotionally downgraded, david, even if we avoided technically being downgrades? >> i don't think so, matt. as the president said last night, this was messy. the president last week urged the american people to reach out to capitol hill to demand our leaders compromise. i think that was one of the reasons leaders finally compromised. but the president said last week, the american people did choose divided government but they didn't choose dysfunctional government, and there were moments it looked dysfunctional.
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moving forward it would behoove all of our leaders to lower their voices a little bit and be more earnest in seeking compromise. >> david plouffe at the white house. a long weekend. thanks for your time. i appreciate it. >> thanks, matt. >> here's ann. >> thank you. now let's bring in david gregory, moderator of "meet the press" and tom brokaw who also had a long weekend. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> first of all, david, very quickly. does this deal have the votes to pass the house? >> i think it does. there are problems on the left and the right. you had emanuel cleaver that liberals are not happy with this deal. there are going to be some hardcore republicans, tea party folks, who aren't happy either. michele bachmann who is running for president said she won't vote for it. boehner is saying he's for it, it should get through. >> you talked about the tea party, there's been no secret the conservative elements in the tea party, especially the freshmen, have had an impact on this struggle. so the question i think some people might be asking is, do you think that members of the
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tea party caucus know how to govern or are they -- do they understand that standing up for a cause is not the same as governing? >> i don't think that you can separate the two. the fact is that they were elected to pursue the goals that they took before their constituents that said, this is what we believe in, this is why we're going to washington. they had changed the tenor of the debate there and the details of it. i don't believe anyone woke up this morning and said, this is a peachy deal. we've dodged a bullet. but we still have a long way to go. and anyone who is out there with a mortgage that's in trouble or doesn't have a job, this doesn't solve their problem. we still have systemic issues within the american economy. the tea party members came here under fair terms. they said this is what we want to do, this has been a big morning for them so far, but we have miles to go before we sleep. >> what's to stop this same caucus, the tea party caucus, from blocking the work of the new subcommittee without the threat of the default, david? >> it's actually a good
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question. without getting too technical, this happens in two phases. the second phase could be tricky because that's where you heard david plouffe just say, we may get tax increases there, tax reform there. they don't have to do all of that in that committee. the bottom line in this package they still didn't make the hard decisions. washington failed to make the hard decisions. the president has an option. he could veto the extension of the bush era tax cuts at that point. we could be headed for another showdown. by the way, another showdown this fall going into the republican primaries and election year. they left in place the major fights about the role of government, about taxes, about the deficit, for the 2012 campaign. >> with that said, we heard matt talk about the emotion. whether this had an emotional impact. what about an emotional impact with the recovery? with what we think has been a deal. has there already been a negative impact on the economy?
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>> that's what we don't know yet. the private sector and public sector do worry these cuts there take out what is an imperfect stimulus. we know that. a lot of money helping to prop up the economy right now is public money, it's government money. these cuts will pull that out or reduce a lot of those. the impact on that on what we know is a very fragile economy remains to be seen. and two years ago i was with a group of very high-level ceos. they felt the stimulus program would work. they thought by ten mid-term, late term, the economy would be back on the road to recovery. we learned last friday that we're under 2% in terms of growth. we're in a fragile situation. how all of this will play out no one can say with clarity because so much of the projections that we have made in the past prove to be dead wrong. >> how this all plays out politically is also a matter of debate. the pundits are already second guessing who won, who lost. can we talk about the definitions?
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after this, after what we've seen this weekend? >> tom alluded to, it's early to do that at this stage because this is not over. but there's no question. first of all, this was a failure to govern by both sides. nobody comes out of this looking very good. >> who lost the least? >> well, look, republicans came out. they drove the conversation about cutting the deficit. there are no tax increases in this. the president did not get what he wanted. he's got a very unhappy liberal base. so i think overall, as tom alluded to, tea party republicans had a huge impact on this at the end of the day. >> this is a new passage, ann. i mean, in fact, they have changed the tone and the tenor of the debate in washington and the economic reality of where we go from here if this continues to play out in the matter that it played out over the weekend. >> terrific to hear from both of you. great perspective. thank you so much, tom brokaw and david gregory. and now natalie morales who is at the news desk. >> good morning to you, ann. good morning, everyone. we begin this morning with a
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check of how the marks are reacting to the news that a debt deal has been reached. mandy drury is at the new york stock exchange for thus morning. mandy, good morning. >> overseas markets got the first chance to ract to this deal. asia and europe have rallied on the back of that. gold amid the u.n. default deals has pulled back and the dollar has climbed against the japanese yen and the save haven swiss franc. after u.s. stocks finished their worst week in a year last week, there is a classic relief rally going on here as some kind of a deal was reached. but analysts are cautioning here, natalie, that it could be short lived as we've still got a lot of hurdles to jump over. back to you. >> i can understand that. mandy drury at the new york stock exchange. thank you. now to the despair unfolding in africa. humanitarian catastrophe in somalia is spreading to kenya. nbc's kate snow is there with >> reporter: good morning to you, natalie. this camp in kenya actually
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opened in the mid '90s for political refugees, built for 90,000 people. now there are more than four times that many people crowded in here. most recent refugees are very hungry. the line starts at dawn. single men on the left, women and children to the right, families with the most need in front. raha and her four kids came yesterday. her baby looks like an infant, but he's a year old. raha says they went through hell to get here. gunshot, fighting, but most of all, the constant hunger. this family walked for 13 days. it's been two months since their 3-year-old evra had a really good meal. >> average at this camp, 6% -- 6700 people a day. >> reporter: we followed them through a process, fingerprints and yellow band will get them enough food for three weeks. cornflower, oil, bedding, just the basics. the kids are measured and given vaccines.
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look one direction here and you see so many children in need. look the other way and there's a pick-up game. kids happy to talk about their favorite soccer clubs. it is not all sadness and misery here but there's enough of that to go around. the u.n. world food program estimates it's costing 9 to $10 million per month to feed everyone who lives here. and, natalie, if people want to help there's more information on natalie? >> kate snow, thanks so much. the divers in northern new hampshire searched a local pond for missing salina cass. she was last seen at her computer in her family's home. violence is rocking syria for a second day this morning. on sunday syrian troops killed at least 70 people in hama and other cities protesting against the government. tanks opened fire early this morning despite the stort of the
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holy muslim holiday ramadan today. after four decades, infamous cold case is heating up thanks to modern technology. the fbi says it has a credible lead in the 1971 hijacking of a passenger plane over washington state. the suspect d.d. cooper demanded $200,000 in ransom and parachuted from the jet. officials say forensic testing is being conducted on an item belonging to the suspect. a creepy stowaway made a memphis family's skin crawl when a snake slithered out of the car's engine and on to the windshield. even at 65 miles per hour the snake was undeterred, hitching a ride there for several minutes. it eventually did blow off the car. it is 7:18. now back to matt, ann. i don't know how they're driving straight. i would be off the highway, that's for sure. >> that would really get your attention. >> crazy. >> yeah. by the way, can i mention new developments in the d.b. cooper case. coming on a day that al roker is not here. all right? adding to that whole conspiracy. we are joined by stephanie abrams of the weather channel
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here with the forecast. steph, nice to have you. >> nice to see you guys as well. let's talk about that heat. heat advisory stretching through the center of the country, including dallas where we have had 30 straight days of 100 plus degree heat. the record by the way is 42. that streak continues today at 106 degrees. otherwise there is a threat for stronger storms through the northeast and portions of the upper midwest. now here's a look at what's >> the map you saw may make you appreciate the temperatures you'll see around the bay area today. inland spots only low 80s here for the first day of august. we're talking 83 livermore, closer to mid-80s around los gatos and around morgan hill and gilroy, upper 70s san jose, 60 san jose and oakland. we'll warm up the middle of the week. temperatures running mild for this time of year. we'll cool down slightly thursday into friday. low clouds to follow us into next weekend. >> matt, over to you. prince wi
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and kate turned heads once again at another royal wedding. nbc stephanie gosk is in edinbur edinburgh, scotland, with det l details on this. stephanie, good morning. >> good morning, matt. this is supposed to be a private understated affair. the queen's granddaughter, 13ette in line to the throne, marrying her rugby boyfriend mike hindle. with that guest list, how could it be? on an unusually sunny scottish day a crowd that was supposed to number only 1500 was actually closer to 6,000. they came to see the royals decked out for the second time this year in their very best. some of the largest cheers after those for the bride and groom were for william and kat tlcath. their wedding only three months ago, support for the royal family that isn't letting up.
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at least not here. >> wanted to see cambridge again. people love seeing the queen. they love royal occasions because everyone is out in their refinery and wonderful pomp and circumstance. >> reporter: the hats as well as the dash of brilliant blue from princess beatrice. quite a change from the hat she chose for prince william's wedding but there was also a nod to tradition. philips who has at times pushed the fashion envelope was instead the picture perfect traditional bride. her dress designed by stewart parvin, a favorite of her grandmother the queen. and then there was catherine, her dress notable because it was so easily unnoticed. an effort perhaps not to upstage the bride. but what that, the tabloids asked, haven't we seen that outfit somewhere before? it made its first appearance back in 2006, and on top of that the green diana van fewas seen
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before. >> in this age, catherine has become the perfect role model and the perfect fashionista and the fashionista prove that you can wear the same outfit twice. >> reporter: the morning after, the groom did a little recycling of his own showing up in his tails from the day before. eventually he did change and the royal entourage, including the newlyweds, looking a bit more ruffled, made an early exit. their work here was done. princess william and harry had a role during the ceremony and red from their favorite book "the velveteen rabbit." the queen went to bed. the vodka started to pour. and then later on that night one of the rugby players, matt, tweeted the following. can't say too much about the real royal wedding but i will reveal that prince william does an uncanny bon jovi impression. i can't even imagine what that
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looks like. >> good to know. stephanie gosk joining us from edinburgh wearing the same outfit she had on friday. just ahead, one-sometime member of the u.s. member of ski team forced to fight off a black bear as it clawed at her arms and chest. she'll share is a story of survival. whoa!! the really big chicken sandwich combo is back! and it's as big as ever. i'm gonna jump it! you can't jump that! it's two chicken patties, topped with bacon, and melting cheese
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plus seasoned curly fries and a drink for only $3.99! what do you know? your only a baby! vrrrrooooom! i'm t-rex and i came out of extinction cuz i heard the combo was back! and that got a million hits? yep. why do we even make commercials anymore? 'cause you like to be in them.
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♪ hershey's chocolate syrup. stir up a smile. >> good monday morning to you. 7:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. one person is dead, another injured after a violent night in richmond. that is where damian trujillo joins us live with the latest on the latest shooting. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, laura. still an active crime scene in the iron triangle of richmond. the body of the victim is on the sidewalk in front of the police cars behind me. been out there about five hours now. the witnesses tell me here that she's a 25-year-old mother of four, church-going person, an innocent bystander, was told by some folks here they say that
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they don't understand what exactly happened out here. we're at the barrett terrace apartment complex on 8th and nevin. in richmond. this is a crime scene and there are surveillance cameras here, not sure if they captured anything. we'll keep you posted. live in richmond, now back to you. >> thank you for the latest. 7:27 now. let's get a look at the forecast with rob in for christina. >> good morning. we're seeing nothing but low clouds inland this morning, and the coast. later on today, sunshine inland but pretty mild temperatures for the sun near 80 in san jose. 70s, low 80s as you get up to 87. and we'll see temperatures climbing a little bit for the middle of the week. cooling. sea breeze for the second half of the week. >> we're looking at the south bay, slowing continues 101 into san jose and tully past the airport. and this closure for the southbound side heading to 101 at matilda avenue. the off ramp still closed. the cleanup continuing there.
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getting away from the freeway all lanes blocked. heading to the freeway all lanes reopened. sweeper truck is on the scene. a half hour of work through the area. you can travel south on 101, get off at fair oaks. looks like traffic's relatively minimally impacted though getting crowded. >> 7:28. for the latest traffic and news check out nbc bay area morning news on facebook. i'll have another local update for you in about a half hour.
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♪ 7:30 now on this monday morning, august 1st, 2011. that's a view this morning from top of the rock here in midtown, manhattan. and down below we have a happy crowd. i'm ann curry alongside matt lauer. and just ahead, a former member of the u.s. ski team faces down a black bear and lives to tell the tale. coming up, her incredible story in an exclusive live movie, matt. ahead, will amanda knox be cleared of her roommate's
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ruling? a new ruling means she will have to spend at least two more months behind bars before she learns her fate. we'll explain that and have the latest in a live report. also, if you're watching your weight, are you tired of having limited options at your favorite restaurants? coming up, the popular chain is giving up menus a healthier overhaul. but let's begin this morning with the story about one woman's hero inning encount we're black bare. we're doing to talk with her in a moment. but first, here's nbc's lee cowen. >> reporter: along the crazy canyon trail. a wilderness spot known well to native hosz who unwittingly wound up where no one wants to be, between a black bear and her two cubs. >> she is going to do everything she can to protect her cubs if she thinks they're in danger or somebody is trying to do something to them. >> reporter: athletic enough to once be a member of the u.s. ski team decided at first to flee. but realizing she couldn't outrun the bear, she turned to face her down instead.
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>> you've got, you know, size on your side if it's a black bear as opposed to a grizzily that is 700 to 1,000 pounds. >> it's still a terrifying suspect. anni punched the animal repeatedly in the face. not a soul on the trail earned her scream. he she had just been musing how precious life was. especially after learning her friend and fellow ski team member committed suicide just days before. as those thoughts erase the mind of the bear, suddenly back down. returning to her cubs who, by now, had scurried up a tree. stunned but thankful, having had a wild encounter and lived to tell about it. lee cowen, nbc news, los angeles. >> joining us exclusively, good morning. >> good morning. >> this just happened on friday.
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you can see the impact. describe the injuries you have. >> i'm so lucky that, you know, this was it. she just got my left arm and then she got some on my chest, one good paw on my chest. otherwise, this is it. i'm so fortunate that i walked away from this incident. >> fortunately but also to some degree because of your actions because it turns out with grizzily bears the rule of thumb is to play dead. but be black bears you're supposed to make yourself big and holler and throw things. the moment you saw the bear, how did you know what to do? >> well, actually wild animal catch has been one of my biggest fears and something i always talked about and worried about and people laugh because they say you're so outdoorsy and you can't worry about it but it's so real. i kind of just remember growing up in montana always hearing what you're supposed to do and different instances on different animals. all the protocols are different. so i just remember kind of while
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everything was happening, like, what do you remember, what have you heard and that's exactly what i remembered was just try to be as large and aggressive as you can be and that's what i tried to do. >> so describe then the encounter and what was going through your mind. >> as i was running, you know, through the trail and i kind of saw to my right these two bears scramble up the tree. i realized they were cubs and i saw the mother bear. normally bears are sort of human so i thought they typically would turn and run. i thought that's what she would do. she turned and ran straight for me. at first instinct was just get out of here, maybe try to get out of her territory. so i started sprinting faster. i looked behind me and she was right behind me and i realized running from a wild animal is the worst thing you can do. that's when i stopped and turned around and she first lunged on me and i was so lucky she was the size that she was because as she was coming at me i was able
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to strike her in the head a few times. and the second time i struck her i made pretty good contact and she kind of fell off of her hinds and went down to all fours and kind of swung back. i was able to pick up a rock. and i threw that at her. that made her more angry, so she attacked me again. and then for whatever reason, when she kind of stopped attacking me, i slowly started backing up, grabbed another boulder and just started walking backwards. i noticed the more quiet and calm i became, the more quiet she was. so that's what i tried to do. and i just got some space between us by backing up. and she charged me a few times and was growling and snorting, but she jumped on a tree and kind of circling me but luckily didn't come and attack me again. after, you know, getting some space between us she sort of lost interest and turned around and went back up to her cubs. and i walked backwards for probably five or so more
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minutes, worried to turn that she was going to come at me again. and then i had probably 3 1/2, 3 miles back to my car. all injuries were superficial that i was able to drive myself to the hospital and was treated. but i got -- i got so lucky. >> i'm sure your parents were so relieved. and your father gave you something for your next run. is that right? >> yeah. i got an industrial sized can of bear spray. it's heavy. i'm going to have to try to fasten it somewhere. but, you know, i'm really lucky to be here today. and just so lucky it turned out the way that it did because it might not have. >> i want to mention you just heard in lee cowan's report that you were a friend of speedy peterson who we all reported last week took his own life last week. any thoughts you want to add to this. >> >> my condolences go out to everybody who knew him. he was an amazing human being and amazed so many people.
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i think this experience really has taught me that and it's so important to believe in yourself and to be confident and i think every experience makes you more experienced for the future. and this is definitely a life lesson that i have learned. to really just show that you can -- you can get through most anything if you believe in yourself. and that's kind of what i have taken away from this, is you just can never doubt yourself and just be strong a. strong and confident woman and human being and that's what i think is greater lesson in all of this. >> it's a lesson. we thank you for sharing. >> thank you for having me. >> inspiring the rest of us. >> it was wonderful. thank you. >> thank you. nice to meet you. now let's get a check of the weather. the weather channel's stephanie abrams is in for al. >> it's 72 degrees on the plaza. kate lynn is wearing a sweat shirt because she's from phoenix. fur day in new york. what do you want to see? >> statue of liberty. >> maybe it will be cooler there for you. >> a look for what's happening in the tropics because we are
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watching for the threat of emily to develop. still several days out if it will, in fact, affect the u.s. what will aft the u.s. today right now as you head out the door? there is a chance for severe weather to the upper midwest and the northeast and a few s >> safe to say the heat is well east of the bay area. as we head toward the afternoon highs for this first day of august only 70s to low 80s inland including livermore. it's an all-day sea breeze. low 80s later today. close to 80 in san jose. 60s in san francisco and oakland. for tomorrow and wednesday, inland valleys should warm up. as the sea breeze takes hold, skd half of the week cooling down again approaching the weekend. >> big crowd from texas. thanks, guys. over to you. >> all right, stephanie, thank you. aymda man da knox, the american we hind bars will have to wait longer to see her
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conviction will be overturned. keith miller in is perugia with detail on that. keith, over to you. >> good morning, matt. appeals court has taken summer recess. the prosecution's case against amanda knox took a big hit from forensic scientists who say that dna evidence is contaminated. the prosecution spent the last day of court before summer recess lashing out at the court appointed forensic signists who called the dna evidence used to convict knox unreliable. the prosecutor attacked the findings and questioned the qualifications of the forensic scientists appointed by the judge. he was clearly irritated and ord weer erred to prosecution to tone it down. the local newspaper questioned the wisdom of attacking court-appointed experts, describing the prosecution's tactic as firing off a torpedo in the courtroom.
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testimony from the for rensz si forensic expert is an embarrassment to the police. dna is at the center of this case and was used to convict knox and her former boyfriend of murdering her roommate meredith. but the scientists say there is no dna material from the victim on the alleged murder weapon, a kitchen knife. the prosecution insisted it was there. the public here is not so sure. according to a leading criminal attorney in rome, the perception of knox as a murderer is changing. >> today i think the number of people that are starting to wonder whether there was sufficient evidence has grown exponentially. >> reporter: knox' parents, nearly bankrupt from legal fees and trans atlantic trouble, say the trial may finally be swinging in their daughter's favor. >> the appeal is going really well. they are supporting the defense
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expert. >> reporter: the judge recessed the trial until september to accommodate summer vacations, leaving knox locked up for at least another summer. when the appeal resumes they will have about a dozen sessions dealing again with this dna evidence and the close arguments and then the judge will have to come to a decision, and, matt, he's got three options. he can overturn the conviction and release amanda knox or he can, in fact, impose a harsher sentence if new evidence arriveser, or reduce her prison sentence. we'll have to wait probably until early october to find out which one it will be. matt? >> keith miller for us this morning from italy. keith, thank you very much. up next, a food overhaul. the popular cheesecake factory unveils a new and healthier menu. david will talk about that with some other food choicegh ter this. t she's had these shoes a long time.
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they're kind of my thing. and they were looking... nasty. vile. but i used tide and tide booster, and look at them now! now they can be my thing forever.
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tell your doctor about alcohol use, liver disease, and before you reduce or stop taking cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. side effects include nausea, dry mouth, and constipation. is today your day? talk to your doctor... and go to for a free 30-capsule trial offer. depression hurts. cymbalta can help. hey parents, it's going to be a see, i'm not just teaching woodwinds and strings. i'm teaching attitude! if your kids want to sound cool, they have to look cool! so, here's what they'll need: denim, graphic tees, leggings and tunics, more denim, backpacks, headphones, hair gel, denim, converse one star shoes, denim, shaun white hoodies and denim. school takes a lot. target has it all.
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7:44 this morning on eat this not that, healthier options coming to a restaurant near you. growing number of establishments are adding more nutritious items including one chain unveiling a brand new menu today. david is the author of the popular "eat this not that" series and frequent guest on this show. >> great to see you, matt. >> the power of you, because, no, seriously, you have often been hard on, in particular, the cheesecake factory, giving them low ratings for their menus. they listened. >> yes. >> they listened. >> four years in a row we were kind of railing against them. in this case, i mean, new menu. their skinnyliscious menu. it used to be you could only get out of cheesecake factory at 600
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calorie it is you pulled the fire alarm. that was it. >> be nice. they've done good things. >> this is great. >> let's take a look. this is classic item, cheesecake factory herb crusted fillet of salmon. the thing that jumps out at me is the sauce. and look at that portion of mashed potatoes. >> 1400 calories group will probably have to swim upstream. it's the equivalent of -- we won't even get into it. the new menu item. same thing, herb crusted salmon. what you're doing here is getting it for 570 calories. you are saving 70 grams of fat, 800 calories. two days worth of fat traded fat. and cutting the sodium in half. >> which is really good. hats off to the cheesecake factory. classic item here. this is petite fillet mignon. >> this is like getting kirstie
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alley into a size 2. this is still a petite sir loin. what is great here, it is 585 calories. it is still savory. still delicious. you are shaving 500 calories off of this, half the fat. cheesecake factory is also offering up this tortilla sala . 560 calories. we might have to send it to not that food analysis lab. >> that's a big salad. >> but it's really healthy and nutritious. >> let's bring mcdonald's into this. classic item. mcdonald's double cheeseburger, mighty kids meal. 820 calories. >> but now here's, you know, a happy meal to be happy about. it's chicken nuggets. now they're adding apple slices. cutting the number of fries. 820 to 410. you're losing half the calories. what's cool is if you just shave
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25 calories a day from your child's diet between 8 and 13, she is going to enter high school 25 pounds lighter. >> okay. that's good stuff. let's go to friday's. this is the classic item. this is friday's jack daniel's ribs. >> yeah. >> and this is 1640 calories. >> you're going to want to drink away your troubles after eating this. this is the calorie equivalent of five wendy's junior bacon cheeseburgers. but they have a new menu that is right portion, right prices. again, modest portions, still savory. >> i'm not sure the guy who walks into the restaurant hoping for that is going to order this. i don't know why. this is a different customer. >> these are sirloin skewers. delicious. bring a friend or take a rack home. >> okay. >> you know. >> all right. let's move on. shall we? this next someone denny's. >> denny's grand sandwich. this is 1520 calories.
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this should not be called the grand sandwich. it's should be called the strikeout. over 100 grams of fat. it has a phenomenal fit fare menu, egg whites scrambled, tomato, spinach, you get turkey bacon, fruit, english muffin and it's only 390 calories. so this is a fantastic new menu they have. 1100 calories a day saved for breakfast. by friday, you would be a pound and a half thinner. >> once again, the restaurants are listening to you new orleans one but you. >> thank you. >> thank you. still ahead, what is a part to do? why more restaurants even airlines are banning children. is that a good idea? but first, these messages. 20 ce. what?! -match it! -match it! -match it! -match it! -match it! -match it! -match it! -match it! -match it! -match it! -[ horn honks ] -match it! thank you, got it. i'll match that price right here. cool.
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the edge of the world's tallest tower. say something interesting. so how about this weekend we learn some new tricks of the trade... then break out our doing clothes and get rolling. let's use some paint that helps us get the job done in record time and makes a statement when we're finished. we're lowering the cost of a new favorite color. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. take your painting skills to the next level at one of our free paint workshops. aflac! oh, i've just got major medical... major medical. ...but it helps pay the doctors. pays the doctors, boyyy! [ quack ] oh yeah? what about your family? ♪ we added aflac, so we get cash! it's like our safety net... ♪ to help with the mortgage or whatever we need! so my family doesn't feel the pain too. ha! [ male announcer ] help protect your family at
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[ pigeons ] heyyy! hooo!!! marie callender's smoky cheddar mac with bacon. she makes it for a surprising 380 calories. it's a taste of home. perfect for lunch. marie callender's fresh flavor steamers. it's time to savor. what once took huge computers can now be stored on a single flash drive. yep, 4 gigs, just $5.99. will wonders never cease? [ male announcer ] staples has amazing back to school deals, like flash drives for $5.99. ---- as easy.
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i didn't understand it. i found out that connected to our muscles are nerves that send messages through the body. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia -- thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and less pain means, i can feel better and do more of what matters. [ female announcer ] lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior, or any swelling or affected breathing or skin, or changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. i found answers about fibromyalgia. then i found lyrica.
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ask your doctor about lyrica today. >> good monday morning to you. 7:56. i'm laura garcia-cannon. the question, when will the woman accused of stealing alex trebek's cash and jewelry be in arraigned in court? the answer, what is today? 56-year-old lucinda moyers faces felony charges after allegedly making off with his wallet and other items. if she is convicted could be third strike. she burglarized two homes two decades ago. trebek is in a cast for six weeks. he injured his achilles tendon chasing moyers. >> expect more lights and sirens along the bridge. making sure you stay in the speed limit, sensors built into the bridge shows cars typically
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drive about 10 miles an hour over the speed limit during off-peak hours. chp says it's dangerous especially because all of the construction happening on the bridge lately. expect more patrol cars out on the bridge throughout the month. a check of the forecast now with rob. he's in for christina. >> off to a nice start. low clouds all the way inland even livermore, 50s and 60s now. a good strong sea breeze going to keep temperatures down below what you would expect for the first day of august. especially the inland valleys. 83 livermore, 79 san jose, 60s san francisco and oakland, not much change toward the middle of the week. inland spots warming a few degrees approaching wednesday, now speaking of the east bay, some issues on 580. >> the tri-valley, 30s and that's for the speed so lower temperature and lower speeds now. coming through the heart of livermore, we did have an earlier accident and there was some slowing but this is heavier than we've seen over the last couple of weeks at this time of morning.
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better pleasanton and dublin. sunol, slowing in the south bound direction around the express lane. starting to smooth out. it's relatively early for this to be smoothing out. we'll follow with this. past the coliseum light for the nimitz into downtown and the metering lights over to san francisco. no major issues between the coliseum and the bay bridge toll plaza. so shaping up right now. >> thank you very much. for the latest traffic and news updates check out nbc bay area morning news on facebook. another local update in a half hour. ♪
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♪ mm-mmm-mmm-mm-mm-mmm ♪ mm-mmm-mmm-mm-mm-mmm ♪ ♪ mm-mmm-mmm-mm-mm-mmm ♪ mm-mmm-mmm-mm-mm-mmm ♪ [ female announcer ] kraft cheese has more full length shreds in every bag. you'll see the difference. ♪ mm-mmm-mmm-mm
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it's 8:00 now on a monday morning. also the first day of august 2011. cool fashion here in new york city. moderate temperatures on a monday morning. that's 72 degrees. we should get a couple of thunderstorms later in the day. stephanie will bring us up to date on that in just a couple of minutes. meanwhile, out on the plaza, i'm matt lauer along with ann curry. coming up, we're going to be talking about a movement that seems to be gaining some traction with businesses across the country. it is the no kids movement. >> that's right.
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it does seem to be a bit of a trend. basically increasing number of businesses not just restaurants but also movie theaters are now banning children or saying we just want children on certain days but not on other days. why is it happening and what can we talk about that? we'll talk about that coming up. also ahead, something i don't know if you would want to have your kids do this. take a look. this is a brand new tour you can take. unusual perspective of the world's tallest tower, some five football fields in the air. now you can walk around that. no glass, no walls, just you and a safety harness. and you're leaning out ever the edge. not for the faint of heart. we're going to find out more about that with jenna wolfe. anyway, we also are going to talk about, speaking of trails, the new movie from the planet of the apes. a very talented young man james franco was in that movie. guess who is going to be in the studio this morning.
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first, we've got a lot to get to. lots new hampshire news making headlines this morning. natalie, good morning. >> good morning, everyone. the full house and senate are preparing to vote on the debt limit compromise agreed to last night by president obama and the leaders of congress. it extends the nation's borrowing limit in stages beyond next year's election. it promises spending cuts of more than $2 trillion over the next ten years. the fbi is pursuing a new lead in the 40-year-old mystery of the man known as d.b. cooper. nbc's justice correspondent pete williams is in washington with more. good morning, pete. >> natalie, the fbi examined over 1,000 possible suspects in this case but hopes are high about this latest one. investigators are waiting for lab results to see if they have finally found the answer. the fbi is hoping that fragments of fingerprints and traces of
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dna can solve an airline hijacking that captivated a nation. a man calling himself dan cooper bought a ticket from portland to seattle before thanksgiving in 1971. in flight, he claimed to have a bomb and demanded money and parachutes. on the ground in seattle he released the passengers and then ordered the crew to take him to mexico. once airborne again, he soon jumped out with $200,000 cash. a fraction of that money has been found but not a trace of him in the nation's only unsolved airplane hijacking. now an fbi official says that a. tip has led to a promising new suspect whose fingerprints and dna are being checked against traces found on items like this clip-on tie left on the plane by the hijacker. but the author of a new book about the case says he's sceptical that the traces of evidence found on the plane can ever provide a good match. >> the problem with the print is there are too many prints. the prints that the fbi has been able to find aren't necessarily good ones.
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the fbi won't say whether this latest suspect is alive. most of those checked out before were dead. but either way, investigators hope they're close to solving this long-running mystery. natalie? >> such a fascinating story, almost like a movie. thanks so much, pete williams. two american hijackers jailed in iran since 2009 may know their fate within a week. although the two were expected to be released over the weekend, their lawyer says they're still awaiting a verdict. officials investigating what to skid off a runway in guiana says the airport was in the process of up getting their landing system. investigators say it's still too soon to know what exactly caused the crash. all 162 people aboard the plane miraculously survived. now for a look at what's trending today. our quick roundup of what has you talking online. the blagosphere is all about harry potter and the deathly hallows part two, now past the $1 billion mark at the worldwide box office. the first potter film to reach that milestone. and mtv turns 30 today.
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that has older fans nostalgic for the pre "jersey shore" version. they are searching online for the classic videos. remember those? twitter is filled with ramadan greetings as muslims observe the holiest month on their calendar, and have a renewed focus on faith, family and friends. that's what's trending today. it's 8:05. let's go back outside to matt and ann. >> natalie, thanks. in for al this morning, stephanie abrams is standing by. >> hey there, ann and matt. you have to see this sign. the first sign i've ever seen made out of legos. >> how long did it take you? >> a few hours. >> what was the first stop here in new york city? >> the lego store in rockefeller plaza. >> impressive, illinois. temperatures will be above avege. heat advisories. heat indices from 100 to 110. severe weather does exist in the midwest and northeast. let's look at where we have the rain right now.
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a few showers into the southeast and also throughout the west. otherwise in the center of the country it stays hot and sunny. > and 74 in petaluma. looks like the warmest days of the workweek tomorrow and wednesday, and the sea breeze kicks on stronger as we kick off the week, cooling us off towards the weekend. >> nice, stephanie, thanks very much. when we come back, no kids allowed. why more and more businesses you defend on are actually banning children. is that a good idea? we'll get into that, but first, these messages.f arou house. but we don't make stuff.
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we make ovens. dual fuel double ovens. pet lieu ma aluma met my
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children so you don't know that. >> a little less behaved kids. reacting to it in terms of the adult population. >> you're making a direct correlation between the behavior that we're now allows our kids to have and these bans. you agree? >> you all have kids but increasingly a number of people are deciding to not have kids. 27 million couples have decided
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they're not going to have kids. dual income, no kids, dinks. marketing are realizing, hey, this is a segment of the society that's not being addressed. there's money here. create environments where there are no kids, we can make a quick buck. >> when a restaurant says no children. you would think that they're not going to make as much money in the restaurant bill if they don't have -- you're giving me that eye. >> if you think about it, say two parents and two kids come in, they ineventabitably have t leave earlier, couple with no kids, stay longer, entree, bottles of wine, dessert. they don't have to spend money on pampers, tuition, anything of the sort. they have time to just have a leisure dinner and spend more money. >> you're saying this is economically the right decision today. you have that eye thing going on again. where are you going? >> it could go -- well, i think
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we need to keep in mind that there are still extremely child friendly establishments out there. but in terms of economics, we're hearing more and more businesspeople who are very concerned because they're getting so many complaints from patrons and many of those patrons have children themselves but they want that date night out finally with the husband that they get time alone and they sure don't want to be interrupted. what they're looking for is a happy meal themselves and they're not getting it. >> i posed the question on twitter yesterday to some of my follows and said, would you pay more if you were guaranteed there would be no children on the plane. they all said yes. one parent said no. >> so is this just confined to first class on some planes, restaurants, movie theaters? >> the planes, certainly it's the first class. and it's babies. and certain restaurants are also doing it under a certain age, like under 4 or no babies. >> we've got recommendations for parents. you say start at home, meaning? >> start at home by asking yourself before you take the kid out, can the child sit at the
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dinner table without the exorcism. >> be ready to go out. >> you train the child at home, put your napkin in your lap and say please and thank you. may be missing the boat on thinking you're going to train them at the restaurant, you don't. >> be considerate. prepare for meltdown minimizers. >> this is important. we know that kids are more likely to have the melt downs when they're bored, hungry, or fatigued. you can prepare that ahead of time. bring them an etch-a-sketch at the dinner hour. >> the ipad now. >> i know it is. but that's exactly why i'm saying the etch-a-sketch. the last thing you want is a plugged in kid. if you're taking him to dinner, not that mothers wanting to take the kid out. the experience. instead, boredom. it's also hunger. give them a little snack ahead of time. and the final thing is, make sure that they're not going to be so irritable that they're going to snap out at the end of it. give them something to do, i don't care what it is. >> it's also important to know
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your child. you know if your child is ready to be out in public and if they're not. >> fourth point taken, behavior reality check. i appreciate your advice this morning. and coming up next, we're going to take you to the new attraction that is not for the faint of heart, walking on the edge of th estworld's toes esta tower. . hello parents, it's going to be a big school year.
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your kids are going to climb rope. they're going to have a year long tug war with the ceiling. and by the time they get out of 8th grade, they're going to do it with sweat on their brow and achievement in their hearts. so, this is what they're gonna need: running shoes, t-shirts, tube socks, fruit cups, cheese sticks, energy bars, rope climbing gloves, rope burn ointment, and a jump drive. not sure what that is, but they're gonna be jumpin'. school takes a lot. target has it all. [ female announcer ] nutri-grain --
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one good decision... can lead to another. ♪ ♪ with real fruit, more of the whole grains your body needs, and a good source of fiber. nutri-grain can help you eat better all day. and replace your old mayo nutri-grain can help you [ female announcer ] it's time to raise the bar with the full flavor of kraft mayo with olive oil. ♪ made with half the fat and calories of hellmann's real mayo... ...kraft mayo with olive oil is the new standard in mayo. marie callender's smoky cheddar mac with bacon. she makes it for a surprising 380 calories. it's a taste of home. perfect for lunch. marie callender's fresh flavor steamers. it's time to savor. excuse me? my grandfather was born in this village. [ automated voice speaks foreign language ]
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[ male announcer ] in here, everyone speaks the same language. ♪ in here, forklifts drive themselves. no, he doesn't have it. yeah, we'll look on that. [ male announcer ] in here, friends leave you messages written in the air. that's it right there. [ male announcer ] it's the at&t network. and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. not a mammal in this household is willing to lay claim to its origin. but now is not the time for blame. now is the time for action. ♪call 1-800-steemer. back now at 8:20 be a new trillion for thrill seekers. a chance to walk on the edge literally on top of what was formally dubbed the world's tallest free-standing structure. so what did we do? we sent jenna wolfe to do it. jenna, good morning. >> i have this wirld feel that this show is trying to kill me.
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we're going to explore that later. this was a challenge i was up for. north to toronto to add one more death defying experience to my list. let's call it my reverse spunkit list. i have flown an f-18 with the blue angels, nearly drowned, and i've been thrown off a 900-foot building. for many, it would be considered a rather tough year, but for others, fuel to the thrilling fire. our quest to experience extreme heights isn't new, from the famed observation deck at the empire state building to the glass walkway of the grand canyon. but this? this is something completely different. after ten months of planning and inspiration, starting today the cn tower, the tallest in the world, is the latest attraction
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to give thrill seekers a rush. for $175, adrenaline junkies can step out on a slim five-foot-wide grate and stroll around these 116th floor. oh, and did i mention, all without the pesky con strastraif a guardrail? >> scariest thing i've ever heard. i don't think i'll hear it again. >> reporter: despite being tethered to an overhead trolley, i was not alone with my hesitation. >> what do you mean? >> i will die. >> so is that yes or is that no to going up and walking the edge walk? >> no. >> i still can't hear you. >> no. >> you would chicken out at the last minute. >> my knees would be shaking but i would still do it. >> one more time? >> no. >> i'm pretty sure they want to do it. >> reporter: with my knees knocking, it was time to walk arnd the world's tallest structure. how high? well, it's almost double the height of the eiffel tower.
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that's 5 1/2 football fields high. but before heading to the top, needless to say, a few security checks to hopefully keep me in one piece. i want you to know i took no shots of courage before i got here. finally, we suit up. strap on a safety harness, aka, my lifeline. >> did you test this one? >> and go through not one but multiple safety checks. a lot of checking. ready to go, we take the 62-second ride all of the way up to the summit room. at least i wasn't hesitant. i'm starting to feel it now. one final check to secure the harness. can we do this? and it was go time. >> walking to the edge walk. take a couple more steps up there. ♪ >> crazy job that i have. >> take a look down, jenna.
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it's great. >> incredible. >> let's have some fun. >> whoa. down, out, up, wherever you look, it's amazing. sunny, open air views of toronto, lake ontario, and buffalo, new york. i barely even noticed my nerves. this is actually real right now. let's do something before i chicken out. >> let's do it. ♪ >> what we're going to do, jenna, is something called toes over toronto. put your toes like i'm doing right now rig over the grate there. put all of your weight on that front rope. take your hands off. there you go. >> okay. this is an incredible feeling. >> it's going to get krasier. you're going to straighten your knees right now. push your butt over the ledge and look down. see that hand? take it off the rope. there you go. how's that? >> oh, my gosh. definitely ranks up there. this is the dumbest thing i've
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ever done. >> what a view. >> reporter: and after seeing the sights -- >> you can actually see niagara fal falls. >> reporter: -- and snapping a few pics -- >> big smile, jenna. >> reporter: -- i finally calm down to consider what i just accomplished. we did it! that was insane. i never thought i would be -- i thought it was would be pure panic. it was like adrenaline, but i'm ready to do it again. by again, i mean not for a really long time. again, not for the faint of heart. minimum age is 13, physically fit and you want to stare death in the face. trip around the cn tower lasts 30 minutes. $175. includes a photo, a keepsake video, gift certificate of your achievement, and bragging rights for the rest of your life. >> is it open? >> it's not open. >> i hear you. >> we want to follow-up.
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>> thanks, jenna. good job. . go this is today in the bay. >> good morning to you, 8:26 right now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. slashed tires and swastikas carved into cars over the weekend. owners on almar avenue woke up to find their cars had been covered in graffiti overnight. when the suspects are found, it is possible they'll face hate crime charges as well as felony vandalism. it is now 8:26. we'll have a look at weather and traffic right after this.
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and welcome back. we're seeing lots of low clouds around the bay area this morning. san jose 62 degrees. 60 in oakland. san francisco will see patchy clouds. a healthy sea breeze keeping temperature mild. upper 70s closer to san jose. 60s for san jose. temperatures climbing for part of the week and cooling as we approach next weekend. mike? we got reports of a dog in
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the roadway. watch out, cars are swerving around. i wanted to point that out. still have a closure 101 and matilda avenue. still have that offramp close. about another half and hour. slowing north and southbound, both directions for 101. watch for that. and the san matteo bridge, smooth drive, watch the fog along the coast, laura, back to you. >> thank you for joining us. for the latest traffic and news updates check out nbc bay area morning news on facebook.
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8:30 now on this monday morning. it's the first day of august, 2011. and we're giving our crowd a little country sonund to start their morning. superstar trace adkins has a new album out this week and will be
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performing it live for us tomorrow here on "today." and then on friday, get ready to rock. the it band maroon 5 takes to our concert stage. there you are. i'm ann curry alongside matt lauer and natalie morales this morning. and a lot of times we're told, you know, you are what you eat. well, guess what, one thing we realize what you eat can actually boost or not boost your mood. we're going to get some expert advice on that from joy bauer. and who the fans of planet of the apes series movies. >> i am. >> and there's a new movie out that's going to explain how that whole series of movies began. it's somewhat of a prequel and stars that man right there, james franco. he's in our studio now. we're going to talk to him about the movie and other stuff going on with him in just a couple of minutes. >> okay. and then, are you a baby boomer with money whoas?
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may be actuall lly borrowing ca from your kids? is that a good idea and what are the problems that can cause? should you put anything in writing? we're going to get some important advise coming up. >> all right. the weather today is beautiful. 74 degrees. fantastic. let's find out if it's going to last. stephanie abrams, what's the story? >> unfortunately we could see scattered storms later today. first, let's give a birthday shoutout to who? >> nana. >> she's 93 today. h is the past part. seven more years any the smuckers report. come on, guys. she's going to make it. nan a's birthday profiforecast. showers in florida. threat for severe weather in the northeast and upper plains. that moves east as we head into most of the heat around california will be around
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southern california. east bay inland valleys, same story around -- 60s around oakland and san francisco. tomorrow and wednesday, warming inland, not much change for the coast, and as the sea breeze kicks in stronger for the end of the week, temperatures will be dropping. did not get ran over by a tkaxi you're okay. if you want your birthday forecast, all you have to go is go to 24 hours a day. >> stephanie, thank you. by the way, do you like james franco? yes. excited. he's in our studio. but first, this message. ♪
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♪ mm-mmm-mmm-mm-mm-mmm ♪ mm-mmm-mmm-mm-mm-mmm [ female announcer ] kraft cheese has more full length shreds in every bag. you'll see the difference. ♪ mmm our call last week to bring the death penalty to a vote
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produced earnest reactions. dave favors life in prison without parole. joan expanded on economics. it's all about return on investment. either way, these people die in prison. getting rid of the death penalty means a huge savings we could use to prevent new crimes and close old ones. but steve argued it's the lengthy appeals. death row inmates are executed three years after conviction. finally, pat attacked the unfairness of it all. the individuals executed are primarily people of color and poor people. the debate continues online at nbced we're back now at 8:35 with oscar nominated octobactor jame
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franco. in "plan tet of the apes" he is raising a chimp named caesar as his own. when caesar gets too big will is forced to put him in a primate facility. take a look. >> caesar, it's going to be okay. everything is going to be okay. you're going to stay here now. i know. we're not going home right now. >> allow you to drag it out. i know what it is. >> james franco, good morning. >> good morning. >> i watched that just to remind yourself, this is an actor playing that character of caesar. just explain to the viewers the technology that's involved here. >> yeah. well, to me, i sound like a bit of a ne a erksnerd but the most
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interesting thing in the film is the way they capture the chimp. the man who created golin in "the lord of the rings", he's onset with me for every scene. wears gray pajamas with wires on it. >> motion sensors. >> right. so he looks nothing like an ape onset. but he's so good -- he's the master of this kind of work. so he's so good at the chimpanzee behavior that you kind of forget what he's wearing and -- >> but typical of you, you're giving credit somewhere else. the fact is you've got to act with this guy with wires all over him and you've got to stay in the idea of what's imaginary in this scene. >> yeah. but it's -- actuall lly not tha large of a leap. in a normal scene if i was with somebody playing my brother who is obviously not my brother, as long as he's a good actor you fall into the relationship. bu >> but he looks like a human
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being. this guy doesn't look like an ape. >> but i think you go on behavior just as much as appearance. so andy is so good at the behavior, you fall into that kind of relationship and, you know, you respond to each other based on a lot of things. so it was easy to kind of fall into it. >> i think it will be also easy for audiences to go and see this movie and get wowed by the technology and what you guys were able to accomplish in the movie making side of this. but there's also a message to this movie. i'll give you my summation of it and you correct me and tell me where i'm wrong. it's a little bit like careful what you wish for in terms of technology and science because you can embrace parts of it that simply aren't going to take you down the right road. >> that's true. that is in there. no, that's in there. that's what happens. the scientists are testing on chimpanzees and things go wrong and there's some disastrous results. but to me, that's kind of a premise for, you know, telling this great story.
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in fact, i see this ape movie and all of the "planet of the ape" movies not to be read so literally. it's best read if the apes and the humans interacting is an analogy for how we treat other groups and in this movie apes are kind of a group that are repressed and so it's a great situation to show what happened to a repressed people. >> and what happens without giving anything away, there's a pretty amazing revolution scene in this one. it takes me back to the first "planet of the apes" came out in 1968. i was 11. i saw that movie. i didn't sleep for 3 1/2 years. it freaked me out. how high would you say the freak-out factor in this movie is for the average viewer? >> it's actually, for a summer movie, not -- it's much more human, it tells the story about human characters and one of the responses i've heard a lot from
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people that have seen it is i was surprised about how much i felt. and so actually it's not a kind of a freak-out movie as much as it has great action but it's more of a -- >> it's more thoughtful. >> yeah. it's a little bit of a character piece. >> when we look back at this stage of your career will we call it the prequel phase because here you're doing "rise of the planet of the apes" and also working on "oz, the great and powerful" which is the story leading up to what happened to the "wizard of oz." >> yes, this is my prequel phase. >> some actors have a blue phase, you have a prequel phase. you're still working on that movie. what's going on with that? >> yes. we're filming that in detroit. i flew in to new york for the weekend. but i'll be going back. we just -- we just started. finished our first week. it's directed by sam rainy who directed the first three spider-man films. and i play the young wizard of oz and it's the story of how the
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wizard got there, you know, before dorothy came. and it's got michelle williams and, many mila and rachel. >> and the whole academic side of your life. in may you graduated with a masters in film from nyu that adds to the other two masters degrees. pursuing a ph.d. in yale and just started teaching a film course at nyu and you teach drivers ed weekends in brooklyn, also, haven't you? >> no, i haven't drifr veb in years. >> do you have a license? >> i guess i still have one. i might want to check. >> might be expired. >> good luck with enverything. congratulations. it's 8:41. "rise of the planet of the apes" will hit theaters this friday. food cures, what you should be eating to boost yourself and get rest. [ female announcer ] they've been off limits to dieters
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since time began. not anymore. ♪ fiber one is bringing brownies back. at 90 calories, the only thing between you and chocolaty brownies is a nicely designed package. ♪ now you can have brownies again. new fiber one 90 calorie brownies. in the granola bar aisle.
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this morning on "eat smart today" the food you choose has a direct effect on your waistline and cholesterol but also impacts your mood and sleeping patterns. "today's" nutritionist is here with a revised and updated rendition of "joe bauer's food cures." joy, good morning. revised and updated because there is so much more new research. >> yes. and so the first book came out in 2007 and since then we've had a wealth of scientific information that really does show food is more than calories. it's nature's medicine. and in the book i show people that everyday foods can really help to manage, treat, sometimes even reverse common health conditions. it's pretty cool. >> frkor example, you say eatin the right foods can help aches and pains? >> yes, first, one of my top
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foods is ginger. ginger contains compounds that are similar to anti-inflammatory medication. relieve everyday soreness or joint inflammation that we'll suffer from. you can take a few slices and steep it in hot water for ginger tea or throw it into a stir fry or ground ginger in smoothies. it's terrific. >> red peppers have a tremendous amount of vitamins. one pepper gets 250 -- >> 250% of our daily allotment for vitamin c. the reason i have it on our aches and pains table is because a study showed that people who tend to get arthritis have lower levels of vitamin c. so i say half of a red bell pepper a day going to be really good. and then pumpkin. pumpkin gets -- >> she seems so happy talking about pumpkin. >> i love pumpkin. bright orange color from two potent caroteniods and helps reduce inflammation as well which means your joints are
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going to be happier and less painful. >> speaking of happy, let's talk about foods that are supposed to boost our mood. >> number one happy food has to be lentils. and that's because when we have volatile swings in our blood sugar, we're cranky, we're irritable and we're tired. and lentils has this winning dualal of fiber and protein which smooths out blood sugars and essentially keeps us feeling happy. salmon is another key player because it's got omega 3 fats and vitamin d. both have been linked to better moods. for people who have these types of issues, salmon at least twice a week. and oranges would be your fruit of choice because it has folate. folate is involved in making special brain chemicals to keep our regulation intact. >> another reason to have hopefully fresh squeezed orange juice in the morning. foods to help minimize pms. >> women, pay attention. first it's going to be yogurt.
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that's because we have research that shows women who struggle with severe pms symptoms tend to have lower levels of calcium one to two weeks prior to their period. yogurt is the top source of calci calcium. whether it's plain, flavored, traditional or greek. yogurt rocks. the next thing is almonds. almonds are rich in magnesium. magnesium has been shown to alleviate pms-induced headaches. the last thing is pineapple. pineapple has something that helps to relieve pms symptoms. it's also very juicy. when you bring water into your body it will flush water out which is great forgetting rid of water retention. sweet and delicious, helps with the cravings right around pms. >> it will all work well together in smoothie. almonds, how many do you need to eat to prevent the pain of pms? >> a handful a day. that's all. you don't want to go overboard because you don't want to gain
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weight. >> preventing insomnia. unusual choices. >> when it comes to insomnia right off the bat i do have to say you want to layoff the caffeine eight hours before you hit the sack. you don't want to have a heavy fatty meal right before bed because that's going to disresult sleep for sure. we do know if you have a light p.m. snack, about 150 calories. atsz co it's a combination of turkey, milk, or cheese, together with carbohydrates you can producer is serotonin in the brain which lems you g helps you get a better night's sleep. here a scoop of cottage cheese with cinnamon or apple slices or rice cake with a spread of humus and a turkey slice. i would say within within hour. it would help. the key is get rid of that cough 15. >> we'll try your tips. thanks so much.
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joy bauer this morning. a pleasure. the book again is called "joy bauer's food cures." how to make it work if you need to borrow money from your children. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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we're back at 8:50 with "today's" money. this morning went baby boomers and retirees turn to their
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children for financial health. it's happening more and more. and with many older americans struggling to make ends meet. she's the founder of as i was reading about this last night. the rules of who is in financial need have been turned on their rear because everyone is in financial need. >> that's right. >> this is the different dynamic. parents have been going to their children. >> right. we heard about the boomerang ben jags where the kids come back after college or maybe they've gone through a divorce and come to the parents. now we're seeing a lot of people in the 50 plus crowd dealing with a lot of problems, medical debt, et cetera. >> and you have to keep your fingers crossed that your children are able to help. you say if you are a parent and you do have to borrow money from your kids. things to consider. first of all, carefully select which child to ask. why wouldn't it be just the one with the most money? >> well, you have to take into consideration a lot of factors. the child's personal circumstances, of course.
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but also, some parents do things like, say, i'm going to need $1500, i have three kids, i don't want to burden just one so i'll ask all three. again, you might be a parent with three children and that child might have three kids of their own, young kids going to private school, having to write a check. you do have to take into account each person's circumstance. >> this next one is interesting. it says be honest and realisrea. oftentimes if someone is going to borrow money they tell you why they need it. they devulge their circumstances. >> i think they should be quite candid. honestly is important in this situation because you have to let a child know whether or not you're suffering a one-time crisis like, oh, i overspent. i need money to pay the rent or mortgage, or frankly, whether your financial troubles are longer term, as in i can't afford my monthly medication. that's a chronic issue. >> brings up another point though, because in some cases by divulging that information what you are signaling is i may never
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be able to pay this money back. >> that's right. you need to know what's the wise way to do that, which is why some parents say, okay, if i'll going to ask for $300 this month and then again the next month, that creates a problem. you've really got to avoid those scenarios. >> you want this in writing. >> absolutely. >> and if you are able to pay it back, does that contract, if you will, include a payback date? >> absolutely. i tell people all the time, you need to make this professional. a loan is just that. money that has to be repaid. a lot of people turn to peer-to-peer lending sites like or formalize the contract in their own way. the idea though is if you're going to pay interest, write it down. if you're going to have a set payback date, i suggest that you do, put that in there as well. it really does need to be professionally done. >> this next one i think is really, really important. if you're the person asking for money, in other words, you're the parent going to your children, make it about just the money. do not lay on the guilt trip. >> absolutely. come on. a lot of us who are in the
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sandwich generation taking care of your kids and helping the parents as well, we already feel burdened and guilty. some parents will lay it on thick. >> i sacrificed when we were young to give you kids everything you needed. >> you don't call. the least you can do is help me out here. make it about your situation. explain why you need the money. do not use head trips or emotional guilt in order to get what you need. >> and if you borrowed money and get in a situation where you are having difficulty living up to the terms of your agreement, again, open and honest. >> that's right. and you've got to pay it back. >> don't stop answering the phone from your own kids. >> it's going to make for difficult family situation down the road. imagine thanksgiving dinner, for instance, if you haven't repaid it. be candid about your circumstances. try to repay in installments. that sometimes works better. especially if it's a big lump sum as opposed to saying, okay, i borrowed $5,000. i'll give it back to you in 30 days. >> it can be embarrassing. don't forget to be appreciative. >> say thank you. >> good to see you.
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still ahead, some simple things you should do every day to boost your brain power. but first, your local news. .
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this is "today in the bay." good monday morning to you, i'm laura garcia-cannon. starting today, the city is resuming red light cameras at certain areas in town.
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no citations will be issued during the 30-day warning period but expect a $437 fine once the grace periodex tends.tends. the city voted to renew the program another year. all on freshly baked bread. subway. eat fresh®.
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and welcome back. we got a lot of gray skies around the bay area. san francisco and even inland. you can see it here from san francisco over to oakland and livermore down towards salinas our temperatures are quite mild for this time of year. upper 70s san jose and 60s for san francisco. and oakland, staying mild for august standards for the middle
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part of the week. >> for the latest traffic and news updates check out nbc bay area morning news on facebook. i'll have another local news update in about half an hour. have a great monday morning.
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we're back now with we're back now with more of "today" oh a monday morning, first day of august 2011. it's a keeper here in new york city. we have a great crowd out on the plaza. usually one of our hottest months, although today, a little more moderate to start the day. thunder showers later on, but we aren't worrying about those right now. out on the plaza, i'm matt lauer along with ann curry and tameron hall. al is off today. is he off all week? >> i think he's just off today.
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i think he's back tomorrow. >> coming up in this half hour, more on the search for 11-year-old celina cass missing for a week now. sunday, search teams looked into an area near her new hampshire home. now her family is speaking out. we're going to hear what they have to say, coming up in a live report. >> also this morning, matt will be talking about estate planning. we'll have some advice on how to boost your brawn power. getting up early in the morning is challenging and that keeps you going, but what about a cross word puzzle when you get up early in the morning or getting some extra zzzs. we're going to tell you what you can do right now to feed your brain. sleep is a big one. >> it heals your brain. >> we don't do enough of that. and also, it's the other world wedding that everyone is talking about pzara philips got
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married in scotland over the weekend. but everyone, yet again, talking about the duke and duchess of cambridge and what the duchess wore is getting a lot of attention. and i love this because they are calling her the recessionista. >> recycle. >> recycle. >> messed that up. >> you can claim that. that can be yourself. >> i'm the recessionista. i got this on sale. >> wow. let's go inside. natalie is standing by at the news desk with all of the headlines. good morning. president obama and congressional leaders have reached a debt deal narrowly dodging the nation's first ever default. the deal heads to a vote on capitol hill today. if passed, it will cut $2 trillion from federal spending over the next decade. after four decades, an infamous cold case is heating up thank to modern technology. the fbi is conducting forensics
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in the 1971 hijacking of a passenger plane over washington state. d.b. cooper demanded $200,000 in ranson and parachuted from the jet. the father of a new hampshire girl spoke publicly for the first time sunday about his daughter's disappearance. michelle franzen is in town for the latest. michelle, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. he was, as you mentioned, the first of her immediate family to speak out publicly and he was in the hospital when celina disappeared. she lived here with her mom and stepfather. they returned home this weekend following days of police searching their home. investigators have been fielding 400 tips and searching rugged terrain in the hopes for her safe return. one week after 11-year-old celina cass disappeared from her home, volunteers and investigators still arrive here every day.
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but sunday, for the first time, dive teams checked a pond not far from celina's home. >> anytime there's a body of water involved and we're working on little to no information, that needs to be searched. >> reporter: state and federal investigators, including the fbi, are sorting through hundreds of tips. and so far, not ruling anything out. >> we still not have discovered celina and we are continuing to work tirelessly to bring her home. >> reporter: celina's mom and stepfather have not spoken publicly, but authorities say they're cooperating with investigators. for the first time, however, celina's father is speaking out. >> we're hoping for her safety. i'd appreciate it if we get her back very soon. >> reporter: adam lereaux was in the hospital when he learned his daughter was missing. >> if she hears me now, tell her daddy is okay and i'm getting much better and recovering from the hospital. so whenever you're ready to come home, celina, daddy will be here waiting for you. >> reporter: volunteers are back
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out today in hopes of finding her. in the meantime, investigators have also announced a reward, a $25,000 reward and another $5,000 that's been posted by somebody anonymously with any tips lead to go celina's whereabouts. natalie. >> michelle franzel, thank you. call it round two for the royals. another fairytale wedding but this time for prince william's first cousin. stephanie gosk reports in edinburgh, scotland. >> reporter: on an unusually sunny scottish day, the number that was supposed to number only 1500 was actually closer to 6,000. they came to see the resplindant royals, decked out for the second time this year in their very best. some of the largest cheers after those for the bride and groom were for william and catherine. their wedding only three months ago triggered a wave of support for the royal family that isn't letting up, at least not here in edinburgh.
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>> everyone wanted to see the duke and is duchess of cambridge again. they love seeing the queen. everyone is out in their finery and wonderful pomp and circumstance to it. >> reporter: pomp and some of those hats, as well as the dash of brilliant blue from princess beatrice. quite a change from the hat she chose for prince william's wedding. there was also a not to tradition. zara philips who at times pushed the fashion envelope was instead the picture perfect bride. her dress designed by stewart parvin, a favorite of her grandmother, the queen. and then catherine, dress notable because it was so easily unnoticed. an effort perhaps not to upstage the bride. but what that, the tabloids, asked, haven't we seen that outfit somewhere before? it made its first appearance back in 2006, and on top of that the green diane von furstenberg dress from the drinks reception friday night was worn just a few weeks ago in l.a. the press here dubbed the duchess the recycle royal.
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the morning after the groom did a little recycling of his own showing up in his tails from the day before. >> and that was nbc's stephanie gosk reporting. imaginary creatures battle to a rare photo finish at the weekend box office. "cowboys and aliens" and "the smurfs" each debuted, took in $70 million in ticket sales. "captain america" took in third. for the weekend beachgoers this monster might look like you're worst nightmare. that is 7-year-old oliver pike getting dwarfed by a gigantic jellyfish. he was walking with his father in washington state when they found it. little oliver says when he first saw it he thought he had discovered an alien. certainly looks like one. it is seven minutes past the hour. let's go back outside to matt, ann, and tamron. wouldn't want to be swimming next to that thing. >> no. >> they do what? >> they sting, don't they? >> yeah, they have the tentacles. some do. some you can pick up in your hand. >> not that one. >> no.
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>> thanks, natalie. we've got a check of the weather now from stephanie abrams way down on the other end of the plaza. >> hey, guys. i'm down here. there's all different ways you can see the city. heel to toe walk it or bus. how are you guys going to see the city today? >> we're going to do it on a bike. >> on a bike. >> yeah. >> where are you going to go. >> we're going to go around the city, see the sites, ground zero, brooklyn, the bridge and back. >> no joke. do it early because there is a chance for storms today. if you're doing a bike ride in the center of the country do it early because we have a heat advisory. up and down the plains and also the mississippi river valley and our highs this afternoon will be above 100. and, of course, we have heat indices well above 100 where you saw the advisories out. otherwise, that threat for from the heat that we're seeing in the central plains to probably one of the coolest places in the country, right here in the bay area over the next couple of days. highs inland only, upper 70s to
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low 80s. temperatures climbing a little bit towards the middle part of the week. sea breeze kicks in again as w wrap in the workweek. very mild temperatures for this time of year. >> you guys have to check out these cute faces. coming home today? >> coming home today. >> no fear. natalie, over to you. >> narrator: "today's" health is brought to you by aquafresh too toothpaste. it's a great start to a lifetime of heal i have teeth. >> stephanie, thank you. this morning on "today's" health,boosting your brain power, what you do on a daily basis could make all the difference in keeping your brain in top condition. contributing editor from "prevention" magazine. good morning. >> good morning. >> there's been a lot of good tests on the brain in the last decade. new information coming to light. what are these studies showing us about the cognitive side of
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the brain? >> one of the most important concepts is we can exercise your brain in the same way we can exercise our body and benefit the brain as we age. increases something called cognitive research, which is the ability to maintain a normal brain function as we get older. so doing these simple activities can actually increase our brain power for life. >> let's talk about some of the prevention list for ways to increase your brain power. starting off with your morning routine. the first thing you can do to wake up your brain. >> i've always felt terribly guilty. i basically have to crawl to the coffee pot with my eyes closed in the morning before i can do anything else. >> me, too. >> it actually turns out that coffee may be good for your brain. one study showed women over the age of 65 who had three small cups a day showed less decline in verbal reasoning as they aged. so it might be a good thing. and even if you don't -- >> drink up. >> exactly. and even if you don't drink the coffee you may want to smell it. it's one of the most stimulating
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sense for the brain. >> i love the smell of coffee and i love to drink it, too. perfect. certain act tiivities that can boost your brain power. a lot of people like cross word puzzles. >> yes. and really just reading a newspaper and analyzing it and thinking about it. anything that gets your brain started in the morning will maintain you throughout the day. you will continue to exercise your brain for the rest of the day. >> i like this one. midday, you encourage have been a nap attack. i love that one. >> it's a good thing. the best part about it is longer is better. we heard a 30-minute power nap but now it turns out sleep for 90 minutes may be even better. you actually enter a stage called stage two non-rem sleep which is when the brain clears out short-term memories and makes room for more -- for new memories and to store better information. so sleeping longer doesn't mean you're lazy. >> boosting your brain power. another way you can boost your brain power is search the web,
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doing internet searches. >> you know, browsing the web doesn't have to be a mindless activity. it actually helps you to think of concepts for multiple angles. but one of the keys is not to fall into a routine. don't just look at the same sites over and over. you know, use different search engines, look at different blogs and look at different sides. that cac chully really eactuall encourage fresh thoughts. >> the other thing is taking a drive, your drive home going a different route, you say is another way to sort of restimulate the brain. >> it's really the same concept. you just want to do anything that can break routine, that really helps the brain to create new connections and think about things in different ways. even sitting at a different seat at the dinner table is thought to increase the ability of our brains. >> all right. perfect next segue to dinner time. and there's actually great foods to help boost your brain power. brain foods. what are some you encourage for
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de denner? >> it's all about dish. salmon, mackerel, blue fin tuna and beans are all high in something called bha, which is a good fat, omega 3 fatty acid. that helps to increase those nonverbal and verbal reasoning. it's really about focusing on that. >> and then speaking of verbal reasoning, you've encouraged maybe studying a different language or also playing an instrument, learning how to play an instrument. >> a aren't study shows that people who are bilingual are better multi-taskers. >> that's what i always say. >> exactly. and playing an instrument can have the same effect. you know what, dust off that guitar you might have in the closet or even learn a new song on the piano. anything at all will help boost your brain power. >> get your groove on, having sex apparently boosts the brain power as well. >> one of the things we pointed out in prevention. recent study showed actually not just having sex, having sex frequently. more than once a day or 14 days
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in a row. >> more than once a day? >> i know. exactly. it was -- >> and then take a 90-minute nap and you're perfect. >> it was actually shown to build new neurons in the brain. so, you know, it's another good, ku excuse, right? >> you're going to be exhausted. thank you so much. coming up next, the importance of, a, having a plan b when it comes to your money. and later, looking gorgeous in glasses. makeup maiden bobby brown is here with a tip. ♪ [ male announcer ] did you know that your baby's adult teeth are already forming just below the surface? caring for your baby's teeth now, can impact the health of those adult teeth. that's why we created new aquafresh training toothpaste and brush especially for your baby. our toothpaste is safe to swallow, with no fluoride, and no artificial colors or preservatives. it's a great start to a lifetime of healthy teeth.
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new aquafresh training toothpaste and brush. amazing. training toothpaste and brush. and off we go! seeking inspiration from the world's best yogurts for activia selects in paris we discovered the inspiration for a totally new yogurt. activia selects french so silky and smooth with lots of juicy fruit. then our search took us to beautiful greece and this thick and creamy greek yogurt, so rich and full of flavor. it was a grueling trip! try new activia french and greek yogurt. a world of great new tastes.
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[ female announcer ] the counter. in most homes, it gets all the action. bring it. in this lab demo, one sheet of bounty leaves this surface as clean as 2 sheets of the bargain brand. ♪ why use more when you can use less? ♪ super durable. super absorbent. super clean. bounty. the one-sheet clean picker-upper. you want that? you want a warm, super-delicious strawberry toaster strudel yeah but now i have nothing to eat sure you do. hey!
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you can have the pop tart! pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat this morning on "today's" money, having a financial back-up plan. unfortunately guests can come at late but how does your state and order can be a lasting gift to your survivorssurvivors. that hit home for sharon e epperson when her father passed away unexpectedly six weeks ago. sharon is with us. thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. >> i appreciate that. >> that is difficult but reading about your father, sounds like an amazing man. you wrote he has a plan b in place and that underscores the love he had for his family. your father had thought and planned so much. how did this help you and your mother in the last six weeks? >> my mother and sister and i have been able to celebrate his life rather than be concerned about where the finances are going to come from or what he would want us to do because he
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already set a blueprint for us, a financial plan b for us that was so critical to allowing us to now enjoy our time as a family together and honor his memory. >> talk about the fact that you don't want to talk about that. this is not something you want to speak about about the dinner table but you should. >> it's so empowering to yourself and to your family members to have a plan in place, to have put in place what you want through your will or through an account you may have set up for you family, let them know what you want to happen for the days when you're not here. it's empowering to yourself and to your family members. >> let's talk about some of the things you father did. he updated his beneficiaries. why is that so important? >> that's so important. of course, it's important to have a will, but it's even more important to have retirement accounts to make sure you have the beneficiaries that you want designated on the accounts. you may have some people you want your belongings to go to on the will, but if it's not on the ira, the 401(k), the accounts, they may not get it.
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my father did that for my mother to make sure she had the lifestyle she was accustomed to. >> your father updated his living will, powers of attorney for health care and finances. he went down the line. >> all of those things are so important. living will or health care proxy it's called in some states allows people to know what you want in terms of life-sustaining treatment. whether you want them or not. of course you really want to have a power of attorney for health care matters and power of attorney for financial matters. have someone in charge of your finances if you're unable to do so. >> do you need to hire an attorney to do this or if you don't have the money? >> there are sites like that can help you come up with the documents. you may want to hire an attorney as well. that could cost several hundred dollars but it's well worth the planning to have that in place. and you can go and find an attorney through the state bar association. find, a great place to look for an attorney in your area. >> your father made his own
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funeral arrangements. it just hits you when you think about it. >> you don't want to think about it. i think that was the most tremendous gift that he gave to us because in those days after he passed away so suddenly, i could barely breathe. you know, the last thing i wanted to think about was going to a funeral home or go to the cemetery. i didn't really want to go with my parents. and this is my family. and we decided that i would go and when i got there i realized he had done everything. he had picked the mausoleum, the casket that he wanted. we didn't have to go through that. that is a very expensive week for many people. $10,000 or more for burial arrangements. if you prepay that you can reduce your costs. but most important, you reduce the stress for your family member. >> you also say suspicious life insurance. you talked about in your article term life and what your needs are and matching the needs with your -- basically your budget. >> exactly. >> life insurance, first thing to do. >> i talk about this on
9:21 am my father was 76 years old. he had sufficient retirement savings but he still had a life insurance policy to take care of some of the things he wanted to make sure were taken care of, fooun ral arrangements and things like that. for people in the 30s, 40s, 50s they think, i don't have money for life insurance in is the time you need it. if you have a mortgage, tuition, your kids education. you have other debts. you want to make sure those things are covered. term insurance, affordable. a 40-year-old man can get it for $50 a month for a half million dollar policy. it's not a lot of money. it's so important for your family. >> important lesson for all of us, sharon. thank you so much. again, our thoughts are with you. i know your father is so proud of you. >> thank you. for more information about estate planning head to our website still ahead, gourmet goodies on the go. but t, theseessa what makes our country great? our can-do spirit and our can-do cheese. kraft singles. this cheese rolls up its sleeves and gets the job done
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'cause we're always made with milk and we're rich in calcium to help build 'em up strong! and fast! and, uh, talented. hey, our country put a man on the moon, maybe because we put our cheese on all our sandwiches. kraft singles. the american cheese. kraft singles. your favorites, in pieces. introducing honey bunches of oats, raisin medley. there's nothing like it! the only cereal with 1, 2, 3 kinds of raisins and crunchy multigrain flakes. you gotta try new honey bunches of oats raisin medley.
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they're itchy, dry and uncomfortable. i can't wait to take 'em out, throw 'em away and never see them again. [ male announcer ] know the feeling? get the contacts you've got to see to believe. acuvue® oasys brand contact lenses with hydraclear® plus technology, keeping your eyes exceptionally comfortable all day long. it feels like it disappeared on my eye. [ male announcer ] discover why it's the brand eye doctors trust most for comfort. if you have astigmatism, there's an acuvue® oasys lens for that too, realigning naturally with every blink. ask your doctor for acuvue® oasys brand. now's a great time to save big on a toyota the most fuel-efficient full-line automaker. take advantage of the summer's best selection and the year's biggest deals on our most popular models. don't miss the perfect opportunity to get the toyota you've always wanted. plus, every new toyota comes with toyotacare, a complimentary maintenance plan with roadside assistance. toyota's nationwide clearance event ends soon.
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hurry in today before time runs out! ♪ hurry in today before time runs out! [female announcer] looks like everybody's at our biggest sale of the year: the petsmart power sale. save $4 on select iams® cat food. including iams® healthy naturals chicken and salmon formulas. only at petsmart®. lights, camera, activia it's the best job in the world. to be there for them, you've gotta feel your best. that's why i love eating activia every day. activia helps me feel good inside. which helps me be on top of things help regulate your digestive system. love how you feel or your money back. still ahead, makeup tips for girls who wear glasses from
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bobby brown. make the glasses pop. plus, making dessert for families on the go? and the sparks could fly when some of the "real housewives of new york" stop by, after your some of the "real housewives of new york" stop by, after your local news and weather. cher. lights, camera, activia it's the best job in the world. my students are amazing. but to be there for them, you've gotta feel your best. kids can tell. that's why i love eating activia every day. so delicious activia helps me feel good inside. which helps me be my best... positive, cheerful and on top of things. help regulate your digestive system. love how you feel or your money back. ♪ activia aflac! oh, i've just got major medical... major medical. ...but it helps pay the doctors. pays the doctors, boyyy! [ quack ] oh yeah? what about your family? ♪ we added aflac, so we get cash! it's like our safety net... ♪
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to help with the mortgage or whatever we need! so my family doesn't feel the pain too. ha! [ male announcer ] help protect your family at [ pigeons ] heyyy! hooo!!! this is today in the bay. >> good monday morning to you. it's 9:26 right now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. work will soon begin to cover the last crater left after the deadly san bruno pipeline explosion. pg&e will cement the underground pipes and fix utility lines. as you may know, an underground gas pipe blew up last year. you might think another person's trash is your treasure, but
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alameda county thinks it's against your law. lawmakers are considering a law that it's illegal to steal recycleab recycleables. if the law is passed, your first ticket will cost about $100. second, $200, then $500 for every ticket after that. by the way, it is already illegal under state law.
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and we're finally seeing a little sun break around san jose. 64 degrees, lots of low clouds else where. san francisco to oakland, patchy low clouds there. san jose, one spot seeing the sun right now. we'll see cool temperatures in the inland valley. 70s to low 80s inland, likely
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staying in the 60s around san francisco to oakland. middle part of the week, temperatures climbing a little bit but cooling during the week. better in the south bay as far as traffic as well. lighter volume here, matilda off-ramp opened awhile ago. accident clearing from 101 at 85. also another accident causing some slowing. that's a disabled vehicle. the accident, further north as you're approaching 94 and an accident just cleared there. other side of the bay, laura, no issues there. >> sounds good. it's 9:29 right now. for the latest traffic and news updates check out nbc morning news on facebook. another local news update in about a half an hour. the "mystery spot". not a mammal in this household is willing to lay claim to its origin. we may never know. let that sink in, people. we may never know.
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but now? now is not the timr blame. now is the time for action. ♪call 1-800-steemer. ♪ variety of musical performances this week, starting tomorrow on "today" country music star trace adkins and then this thursday we switch style with a performance by the italian tenor. i can't wait. i'm a huge fan. and the week wouldn't be complete without a rocking set by maroon 5 live on our plaza for our summer concert series. that is friday on "today." we are looking forward to all of it. meanwhile, coming up --
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>> i can't get off the list. ipod dream list there. >> do men make passes with girls that wear glass snes if you choose the right frame and makeup for your face, it's a voila moment. bobby brown has chic beauty tips. i don't think anyone -- >> no. >> i think you look smart. looks good. and then inspirational 11-year-old battling a condition that affects thousands of kids. and now he's racing to raise money and awareness and putting some big names, of course, we're going to share his great story. and then we're going to head up into our kitchen for sweet snacks from portable pies on a stick to homemade bars using fresh fruit. we will show you grab and go goodies that is easy and healthy. but first, a check of the weather with stephanie abrams. >> i don't need glasses. is it okay if i -- >> is it okay or is it not cool to do? >> very cool. >> tyra banks does it. wears the glasses. >> really?
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>> i'm going to look into that. >> okay. >> not that you need them. >> all right. let's have a look at your weather here. you're going to need the sunglasses. that's what you will need today throughout the center of the country as the sun will be blazing. otherwi othe around the bay area today, first day of august, not living up to expectations. especially inland valleys, upper 70s to low 80s out to the tri-valley. 74 for petaluma. 83 in vakaville. temperatures climbing inland the middle part of the week. then approaching the weekend, extra morning clouds and cooler temperatures thursday and friday. >> so hot in the center of the country. glass, 42 for a streak. could rival, it's not very go goodne goodness. >> you remember what it's like. >> my mother complains about it
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every day. it's still there p. >> all right. thank you, stephanie. coming up next, smart and sexy styles for girls who wear glasses. bobby brown is here with great tips right after [ male announcer ] this is lisa, who tries to stay ahead of her class. morning starts with arthritis pain... that's two pills before the first bell. [ bell rings ] it's time for recess... and more pills. afternoon art starts and so does her knee pain, that's two more pills. almost done, but hang on... her doctor recommended aleve because it can relieve pain all day with just two pills. this is lisa... who switched to aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels. with totino's pizza rolls. big pizza taste in a bite size roll that my kids can't resist. plus i get two box tops for their school. totino's pizza rolls. the pizza way to snack.
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shows your pet you care by unleashing a complete killing force against fleas and ticks. and not just adult fleas. what makes frontline plus complete is that it breaks the flea life cycle killing adults, eggs and larvae. and it keeps killing fleas and ticks all month long. that's why it's the #1 choice of vets for their pets, and yours. unleash a complete killing force in every dose of frontline plus. unleash a complete killing force i just transferred a prescription to cvs
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because they have care 1on1. it's where the pharmacist stops and talks to me about safety and saving money with generic prescriptions. laura, let's talk about possible side effects. it's all about me. love that. get care 1on1 and talk savings, safety, and side effects when you transfer or fill a new, ongoing prescription. i'm laura, and this is my cvs. it's all mine. it sure soothed my itch. me, why? the museum... [ screaming ] fine, miss beautiful hair. [ female announcer ] head & shoulders itchy scalp care with eucalyptus. and off we go! seeking inspiration from the world's best yogurts for activia selects in paris we discovered the inspiration for a totally new yogurt. activia selects french so silky and smooth with lots of juicy fruit. then our search took us to beautiful greece and this thick and creamy greek yogurt,
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so rich and full of flavor. it was a grueling trip! try new activia french and greek yogurt. a world of great new tastes. isn't just a great way to clean wood. pledge is also gentle on leather. safe on stainless. missed a spot. great for shining motorcycles... wood? come on. it's pledge. car seats and dashboards. hey there! it cleans laminate furniture... or whatever that was. even granite. today, pledge shines a whole lot more than just end tables. [ male announcer ] for a quick dusting, try pledge wipes. [ female announcer ] sc johnson, a family company.
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this morning on "today's" beauty, putting your best face forward if you wear glasses. bobbi brown has the tips. bobbi, good morning. you're rocking your glasses already. >> i need my glasses. it's not just for the look of it. it makes you look smarter. >> it does. >> what are the challenges that people face when you're trying to match your makeup with your frames? >> i think a lot of people choose the wrong style and the wrong color for your face, which is difficult. for makeup, they don't wear any or they wear too much eye shadow which creates a little bit of depth in their eye. so it doesn't -- it takes away. >> okay. >> and people don't fill in their brows and they don't line your eyes. >> the amount of eye makeup, you say less is best in this case. >> for shadow. definitely do brow or if you can do any eye shadow do it close to the lashes. >> what about the eyeliner? >> yes, important. you want to add definition. that's the main thing with glasses. add definition.
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>> you've got glasses here. how do we pick the frames that work for us? >> first of all, it's a lot about your taste. if you want to wear something a little styling, i love the geek style. i think these would look great on you. >> this is the tortoise style shell. >> i love the tortoise shell. >> doesn't she look pretty? >> yes. >> you do. >> these are different, as well? >> lighter colors, darker. a lot of it depends on your colors. i wear black a lot because i don't love as much brown on me. i like black better. but either way, it works. >>s this are strong frames. this collection here. you see some people with the thinner. >> but it depends on your face. d depends on your style. it's not geek anymore. it's cool and hip now. >> chic. >> chic. >> we have a picture of jennifer, our model today. before shot of jennifer. she alooks adorable but want to take her from geek to chic. >> her glass rees are round forr face and covers up her eyebrows.
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to be more in style, she's got her new frames on. ta-da. >> this frame fits her face why? >> fits her face really well because it's not too strong and doesn't go over her eyes. and what we did with her makeup is lined her eyes with a shadow, couple coats of mascara on. just a neutral color on her lips. >> again, you say the fraps should hit below the brow. >> yes, should hit below the brow. i'm going to show you how easy it is to find your brow and how important it is. i'm using a taupe shadow and an eyebrow brush. it's honestly so easy and then you don't look like groucho marx. okay? >> why is it so easy? because i have a hard time. jennifer says she has a hard time. >> first of all, choosing the right color. a color has a little bit of red in it because she has red in her hair. >> should you brow shadow be darker than your color? >> your brow shadow should match your hair color. right now jen's brows are naturally lighter than her hair color. by choosing a color that really
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blends in with her hair, and it's a taupy color and it's got a little bit of red in it. like you would wear no hag goma. it frames her face and makes hi stand out. >> i want to go back quickly to the eye makeup. you say less is best. do you eyhighlight the lid? >> we started with a light color all over the whole eye and then did a shadow just close to the lashes. just a brown shadow. not too strong. and we did an eyeliner. a lot of women who wear glasses don't wear liner. so we used a gel liner and then a little bit of shadow on top of it and mascara. and also don't forget about blush and about lips. >> what is the key, though, to the thickness of the eye liner? >> that has a lot to do with the eye shape. if you have deepset eyes you want a thinner line. you don't want -- you know, you
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don't want too strong of a line. if you have larger eyes you can get away with a little bit of a larger line. >> what's the difference between doing your brow and shaping them at home versus going to the salon? >> i think that everyone should get their brows shaped from a professional at least once and then you can do it yourself. >> that's just the clean-up and mant france of it. >> yes. and the trick to why this is so simple to define the brow is we used a slanted hard brush, okay? that's really important. it's not too softed. and we use basically an eye shadow on her, so it's not a waxy formula, it's not creamy. i have three colors. if you want to see how you choose the right brow. here's three. this one which would make you look like groucho. it would be too dark for her. this one is a brown that has gray in it that wouldn't be good enough. and this has has a little bit of red. you might not see the difference on tv but the warmth in the brown is what made the difference. >> what's the difference in a pencil and pouder? > powder is not 100 times easier
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but pencil if it's a regular waxy pencil. there are some pencils that are powder which are easier. >> fantastic. you went from -- you were never a geek but you certainly are chic right now. thank you. you're beautiful. and still to come, easy gourmet goodies that your kids can get in and help you with it. but first, these messages. [ dramatic soundtrack plays ] whoa! man: what is that? i don't know, but it burns! it's like fire. woman: ow, ow! i can't see. man: it's singeing me! it's the sun. get out of the office more often with chili's $6 lunch break combos. pair a texas toast half sandwich with fries and super salad ev. ♪ chili's lunch break combos ♪ now?! [ female announcer ] crest whitestrips two hour express. in just two hours you can have a noticeably whiter smile that lasts for months.
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hi. hi. [ female announcer ] two hour whitestrips from crest. life opens up when you do. mosquitoes or mosquito spray? huh. [ female announcer ] try the new design of off! clip-on repellent. lab tests show this sprayless repellent really repels. in minutes, its fan surrounds you from head to toe with effective, odorless protection. [ mosquitoes buzzing ] so don't spray it on. clip it on. off! clip-on. keeps bugs off. sc johnson. a family company.
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off! clip-on. keeps bugs off. lights, camera, activia it's the best job in the world. to be there for them, you've gotta feel your best. that's why i love eating activia light every day. activia light helps me feel good inside. which helps me be on top of things help regulate your digestive system. love how you feel or your money back. but we don't make stuff. we make ovens. dual fuel double ovens. and they bake so evenly,
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so perfectly, that now, delicious is something you can depend on. we only make things for one room. the best room. your kitchen. we're devoted to it, delighted by it, and you can feel it in everything we make. nobody knows the kitchen like kitchenaid. main gin a disease that strikes thousands of children every year but hardly ever talked about. one courageous 11-year-old is racing to find a cure. here's nbc's lee cowen. >> reporter: in the robinson house you can smell breakfast a block away. even though the cook can barely
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see over the stove. at just 11 blake robinson is already a renaissance man, he's a chef, a musician, and an artist. how did you do that? that is so good? when he counts among his greatest achievements along with his 150-yard drive, is the way he's battling a disease that he will carry the rest of his life. so how are you feeling? >> good. i still get headaches. >> reporter: at just 18 months blake was diagnosed with m.s., a genetic disorder that causes benign tumors to grow along nerves. in blake's case, the optic nerve in his brain. >> you think of the worst headache you've ever had and multiply it by ten and that was the equivalent of what he was going through. >> reporter: surgery was the only option. >> right before the big surgery, am i going to die?
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how do you answer a 7-year-old? >> reporter: he's had four more surgeries since, but the headaches still come. is it scary? >> yeah. >> how come? >> you don't know when they're going to end. >> reporter: m.s. strikes one in every 3,000 kids. more common than cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy. >> it can be a fatal disorder depending on the type of tumor you have and where it is. >> reporter: although it's hardly rare, it is rarely talked about. and that's what blake is trying to change. >> the racers, start your engines! >> reporter: mazda laguna raceway may not be the first place you think of genetic disorder would be fighting for awareness, but inside that porsche is a driver who cares. >> i have three daughters. and you know, you all of a sudden look at these children and go, it could be me. >> reporter: his car is
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sponsored by the children's tumor foundation, and is far more than just 140 -mile-an-hour billboard. the racing for research project has already raised more than $1.4 million. >> having fun today? >> putting the kids in the driver's seat in more ways than one. beyond the money though there is also a message here because just like every driver has a pit crew, so, too, does every patient. >> it's not about a checkered dplag flag. it's not about tires and gas. it's about firing a cure. >> reporter: and if racing was enough, how about this? nick plays kicker for the new york jets, has raised more than $50,000 for research. he's also blake's cousin. >> puts a warm feeling in my heart to help not just blake but help everyone out whenever we can. >> reporter: for now, blake is safe, better than he was, but not cured. do you think there's going to be a cure?
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>> i believe. keeping our fingers crossed. >> reporter: here's the race, for blake, that signature grin, the finish line is a lot closer. for "today," lee cowen, nbc news, monterrey, california. >> go, blake. we're rooting for you. for more information and the children's tumor foundation, just logon to our website coming up next, homemade sweet treats on the go, in "today's" kitchen. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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>> narrator: "today's" kitchen is brought to you by kitchenaid for the way it's made. this morning on "today's" kitchen step-by-step, gourmet snack on the go. instead of buying snacks for your kids it's easier and
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healthier to make them yourself. we have some of your favorites. i cannot wait to learn about the pies on a stick, portable pies on a stick. how did you come up with this? >> well, i'm a mother of three small boys, three young boys. so always trying to think of fun and easy things to take with us. you know, on those little car trips and days to the beach and to the park. so this is along those lines. >> i love it. it beats the fruit roll-up things. >> yes. >> and this is cool because you can make it with your children, as well. >> yes. you can. it's very easy. let's get started. i had some fresh vanilla beans. >> why is that easier? >> i'm sorry? >> why is it key to the recipe? >> it gives a beautiful, beautiful flavor with the fruit cherries, vanilla and cherry is a beautiful combination. we're going to add that here to our freshly pitted cherries. >> okay. >> and put this in, on a medium low heat. bring it up to a boil.
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>> now, can you use other fruit? because, again, this is for kids and kids can be picky. >> you can use cherries, blueberries, strawberries. we added in lemon juice, salt. here we have some cornstarch and water that we're just going to put together. and this is just used as a thickening agent. it helps thicken it up. >> and gets the texture you need there. >> yes. and we bring this up to a boil. and the boil is going to help to get the cornstarch activated and get it moving. it cools down. we add a little bit of cherry preserve. >> nice. >> and we have some almond extract which gives a really nice flavor also. >> i love the almonds, vanilla. >> nice, nice, nice. >> so we have our cooled mixture here. here we have some pie though that we've made. this is a homemade pie. >> how long cool it? >> at least an hour. pop it in the refrigerator. when it's cold to the touch, it's ready to go. you can even do that overnight. >> premade? >> premade pie dough works
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fantastic with these recipes. all we're going to do is we have these circles here that we just cut out simply. the pie already, why don't you -- >> if i can do it, anybody can do it. >> cut one for me. >> you got it. >> so you can just place it right over here. and i'm just going to put a little spoon of filling here. >> okay. >> and then we have some egg wash. we're just going to very quickly on the side so it will stick together. and then you will just -- there's our finished product there. >> how long do you bake? >> 12 to 15 minutes at 3:75. >> let's get to your other recipes here. >> blueberry oat bars. melted butter, oats, walnuts, some beautiful sweet aromatic, very floral. >> sweets and things. >> yes. really necessary. >> okay. >> sounds good. press this down. this is our bottom layer. to that we're going to put some
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fresh blueberry jam. here you can get really fun and creative. you can even use apricot jam. anything you like. >> seems like it's kind of healthy. >> it is. >> and then add our layer of fruit. >> okay. >> and then our toppings. >> and this is our finished product. >> you can pack them and ready to go. good. thank you so much. >> thank you. still to come, the "real housewives of new york." >> that's coming up after your local news and weather.
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good morning to you, it's 9:56 right now. i'm laura garcia-cannon.
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two uc berkeley graduated will see if they are coming home from iran. josh fattal and shane bauer had their day in court yesterday morning. they both appeared healthy. the two, along with sarah shourd were arrested two years ago when they allegedly crossed the iraqi border into iran. the judge was hoped to free the two yesterday because muslim tradition often allows for compassion and the release of prisoners during the time. it didn't happen. the judge will decide a verdict by the end of the week and the two went back into prison. it is 9:57 right now. a look at the forecast right now. >> forecast looking pretty good, at least for san jose, broken out to sunshine. low clouds over san francisco, 60 degrees right now, south bay sunshine right now. 64 and not much wind.
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castro valley westward seeing cloud cover, san jose, got the sunshine. these temperatures are going to run very cool this time of year. 70s to low 80s inland and the 7-day forecast keeps things very mild. look at the inland temperatures. no red on my radar, mike, you got a little red. >> red northbound 101 from highway 237 all the way up to the disabled vehicle, which is still blocking a lane. that's the palo alto, not the other one. slower drive southbound appro h approaching the area as well, but the earlier accident has been cleared. that's a better drive on this side. now over to the other side, 880, live shot past the coliseum, volume picking up, still no major slowing. metering lights just shut off a moment ago. we are monitoring the debt crisis and we have live video on
9:59 am another local news update in half an hour. see you then.
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from nbc news, this is "today," with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. thanks for joining us on this fun-daymonday, august 1st. oh can't believe it's low pressure august 1st. but we have a good deal in washington. >> as we lounge on the beach, the deal is coming together. why are we sweating about anything? on monday, it looks like things are going well. >> okay. >> so we'll see. but we had some fun this
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weekend. >> we just can't stop hanging out together, hoda-woman. >> we had a double event, a double-whammy in the hamptons, we were in southampton early on saturday, and by early, we mean 3:00 in the afternoon. and we did a book signing. that's me and kathie lee enter front of jennifer miller's jewelry store. >> thanks, everybody that came out to see us. i expected maybe five grandmas to get my book for their grandchildren. >> it looks like no one's there. but there were lots of people. and it was very nice. there's jay, jay's in on everything now. >> and jennifer, what a sweetheart, what a cute baby. and what a great store she's got there, too. >> very nice. >> i picked up a few items. >> yes, you did, that you happen to be wearing. >> that i have no intention of returning. >> and then that night, we barely had time to change and get a blow-out. unfortunately i had no time to do my hair. >> we went to a breast cancer
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event called heat. the honorees were kathie lee, kim cattrall, and hoda kotb and rosanna scotto. >> there were tons of people. it was really sweet. >> wow, look at my hair, it looks like your picture, hoda. >> careful. >> and we got these beautiful bowls that were there. and it was a really nice event and we raised a lot of money. you did, because i made that man pay ten grand to have lunch with us. >> that's right. >> she went for it in the audience, like, you. and the guy raised his hand. >> yeah. >> pay $10,000 for lunch. >> and also because kim cattrall is going to be on broadway this fall in "private lives." you come to us on theater day, we'll have lunch with kim and raise money for a good cause. >> she's such a sweet person. >> cass said to me, are you going to be with kim cattrall? i love her.
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and i said, why? and the other thing i said to cass, because she's in europe right now with her friend's family. she said, if you run into any of my friends there, say hello. >> and she say who, mom? i said, you know, harvey weinstein. she goes, we ran into harvey weinstein in bridge halten saturday night. >> we were a little -- >> we both were. anyhow. >> forget no kids allowed, no co-hosts should be allowed. >> we want to apologize. >> so there is a new trend that's getting out there. and it's called no kids allowed. like brat bans. it's happening in restaurants, some restaurants and not allowing kids in movie theaters. airplanes. the question is, i guess it would depend on if it were good business for the establishment. if the restaurants can make money by not allowing kids in, they probably would do it. >> it wouldn't make sense for a place like applebees or cracker barrel. you expect to see kids there.
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>> what do you think of the idea? >> can't generalize, because you know, some kids, i don't ever want to see again as long as i live. they're so badly behaved. other kids are so great, they're a delight to be around. >> you're right. it's about the kids. >> it's about the kids. and more importantly, it's about the parents who don't parent as a result nobody wants to be in that restaurant, because they're running amok and going all over the place. >> i think it's weird when the kid goes running in the restaurant and the parent just keeps an eye out to see where he or she is going. but there is sometimes when it's nice. remember when it's adult swim hours and all the kids had to get out of the pool. you could enjoy the swimming pool and then they had certain hours for kids. and some theaters are saying they're banning kids under six. >> i think teenagers are worst behaved in movies than some 6-year-olds. >> and some grown-ups. >> on their cell phone. like mine went off in the theater the other day. >> you're still talking about
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that. >> i make a thin about that. >> and you said you turned it off and magically it wasn't off. >> there's a short in my phone and i have to take it to verizon and have it fixed. >> i'm not -- i'm not saying -- >> what part of that don't you understand? >> it has nothing to do with turning it off. it's a short-circuit? >> oh, my god! how do you know, you're stretched out there in the aisle with your legs and trying to bring in your bowling ball and everything. >> if we can bring the guy from horizon and tell me it was a short-circuit, then i'll believe it. >> i would say all sounds off, close it and the next thing you do, you open it up and it says sound high. >> all right. so here's a question for you. when you're out to dinner, you finish eating and you know your lipstick has vanished. >> you ate it. >> you ate it. do you reapply at the table or do you go to the bathroom and reapply.
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>> yes. you don't reline your eyes. but i think that's always been acceptable. now our friend phillip from the "new york times" says yes when dining out with other couples it is rude for women to reapply makeup at the table. >> he's not a woman. >> he doesn't get it. >> i think it's fine to do it. i do, sometimes if i'm with a boss or somebody, i'm uncomfortable doing it. i'll be honest. i don't do it then. i do. i had lunch with our new ceo and i was slathering it on. >> you did? >> five times, i wanted him to check out those lips, no. >> here's a cree video. imagine you're driving in your car, you're going 65 miles per hour like this lady in memphis. and suddenly she notices not a little garter snake. a big old honking snake like that on the car slithering around. the husband is videotaping while she's driving it comes around the rear-view mirror. it wants to get in so badly. i don't know why it couldn't crawl up some of the apparatus
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and get in the car. >> it must have come up from the engine or somewhere. it's on the outside, right? >> but can't things crawl in from under? >> the exhaust pipe and stuff? somewhere. it's creepy. it did fall off the car apparently, they just kept driving until it fell off. >> it became road kill. >> don't you think? >> that's terrible. >> they could have stopped. >> oh, pulled over. >> oh, right. >> they could have done that. >> right, right, okay. now we have some favorite things, don't we? >> yes, we do. >> this is not my favorite thing, but there's a story behind it. this is called dream water. and i had had it before. somebody sent it to me and i liked it. >> it has tryptofan in it. >> we stayed at donnie deutsche's house over the weekend. and at 5:30 in the morning, i
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thought, i'm just going to go walking on the beach because it's glorious. i get back at 7:00 and hoda and jay are like -- >> zzzzzz. >> anyway, because they had dream water the night before. >> that's what it was, it was the dream water. >> that dream water has tryptofan, like eating a turkey dinner. you take it, you drink it, and good night irene, it's over. >> anyway, if you have trouble sleeping, all i could say is i saw two people that could not wake up. >> we were in comas, it was weird. >> okay, spanx has done it again. they have spanx bathing suit and now they have spanx active wear, the kind you wear in the gym. it's the pants with the tummy control item. because sometimes the workout pants, they're too low. you want them to cover your
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belly. >> you don't have any belly, hoda. >> i do, and that works, isn't that great? >> yeah, how much do they cost? >> they cost -- a certain amount of money, i don't know. you can get them on or i think neiman marcus has them. and i think they're about $100. they're expensive, but they're like those lululemon pants. and they keep your tummy tucked in. sara has a favorite thing. >> if you wear those, you don't need to work out. done and done. i've got a fan favorite this is from dana from pennsylvania. these are called nanotech facial cloths. rather than using a ton of remover, you keep using them and they're really soft on your face, you can get them on for about $25 the full set. they're green, they're green. >> very nice. >> trying to figure that out. >> all right. this is of course the beginning of the month and every month we have our new everyone has a story winner. and today -- ♪ everyone has a moment
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>> nothing like the sound of my voice. the winner is mary kay dyer, she's on the phone with her daughter, melissa, who wrote in with us. >> hi. >> hi, ladies, how are you. >> mary are you finding out just now that you're the winner? >> no, actually your producer was very kind and gracious and told us a few days ago. so i could pack appropriately. >> that's right. because you have a little more trouble traveling these days, don't you? >> it just takes a little bit more time. >> mary was in a car accident, a devastating car accident that left her paralyzed from the waist down. she went through rehab with the most unbelievely positive attitude. she works full time as a children's pastor and says that she now says the blessing of this is that she says i can be eye-level now with the kids. so talk about seeing the glass half-full. so she plays wheelchair tennis, hoda-woman. drives her own hand-controlled van. and i was so moved by her, the letter, it was beautifully,
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beautifully written. so we have a trip in store to new york for you ladies. >> we can't wait to see you. >> and we'll see you on thursday. >> we're so excited! >> awesome, thanks so much for writing in, marissa. >> thank you, we can't wait to meet you guys. >> same here, sweetie, thank you. >> that's sweet. >> very sweet. so that's the end for many, many people, they go through something so devastating and marissa was saying, yeah, for our family, it seemed like it was, but it was our mom's attitude. who said, no, it's just the beginning of something really incredible and new. >> let's talk to miss sara to see what's cooking. >> i wanted remind everyone about our big thing. two days away, the biggest zumba class ever to be held in new york city. if you want to join in the fun, throw on your workout gear an come on down, go to don't forget to sign up. you'll have to be here at 7:00 a.m. and the zumba creator will be here to lead the class.
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>> the twitter world is crazy about zumba and bato. they are on it. we're ready for you. all right. up next -- >> we did tell you about the family who won the lottery three times. there are a lot of people who are extremely lucky. we're going to tell you how you can get lucky, too. >> plus, it's time for today's buzz and all the hollywood news you can possibly handle. what's with the bieb-meister? >> i don't know.
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lights, camera, activia it's the best job in the world. to be there for them, you've gotta feel your best. that's why i love eating activia every day. activia helps me feel good inside. which helps me be on top of things help regulate your digestive system. love how you feel or your money back. sfx: bed crashes to floor kids seem to get bigger overnight. good morning... whoa! whoa! and when they do, they're ready for goodnites. . . . imagine that ♪ ♪ imagine sunshine always shining ♪ ♪ ♪ imagine blue sky just for you ♪
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♪ imagine that, imagine that ♪ imagine this, imagine that ♪ imagine that ♪ ohhhh, imagine that vegas! now?! [ female announcer ] two hours to vegas. two hours to whiten. ♪ crest whitestrips two hour express. in just two hours you can have a noticeably whiter smile that lasts for months. ♪ hi. hi. where you guys headed? i think we're here. [ female announcer ] whitening without the wait. 3d white two hour express whitestrips...from crest. life opens up when you do. and try 3d white toothpaste and rinse.
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do you feel like other people are always getting a lucky break? as you stand by watching from the sidelines? >> now it's your turn. the haeealth editor of "ladies home journal" is here to tell you how you can meet your own luck. there are certain people you meet and you just feel like the sun is shining on them. like the family that won the lottery three times. how does that possibly happen? is some of that just coincidence. >> the thing is it's not magic and experts have studied this. it's amazing, they've found certain personality characteristics of people who are lucky. and it's not like someone waved a magic wand, you know, there are actually things you can do to improve your chances. >> a lot of -- >> you mean lucky, just monetarily, like winning the lotto, that kind of thing? >> random stuff happens in the universe, people get cancer, tornadoes happen -- >> or you win the lotto and you're run over by a bus. >> but they say, you have to be in it to win it. you're not going to win the lottery if you don't buy a
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lottery ticket. >> a lot of athletes, they're the ones, they will wear something a million times because they believe it brings them luck. like -- a keycharm. >> i wear a ring, i wear this pink ring a lot -- >> that has great significance to you, though, that's not for luck. >> but you know what, that's the same thing, the experts say, is that lucky charms again aren't magic, but they give you confidence. they reduce your anxiety. it almost gives you a sense of control. and that's why baseball players do their rituals and their lucky charms. it makes them feel in control and translates into confidence and that can affect your performance. >> otherwise it's a form of idolatry and give it god-like power. >> they say people that are lucky smile more, they're more open. they're not shy or afraid. and like you guys didn't get these jobs by being shy and retiring. >> we slept with people. >> no, it was lucky.
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but you laid the foundation, you know. you knew the right people. you worked hard, you -- did the right things. >> knew the right people, exactly. >> but we worked our butts off. >> yes. and some people would say, gosh, kathie lee has talents, she's really lucky, but i have talents too. how did she get there? >> my daughter just shot an episode last week of a tv show. and it was eight hours in the heat and working hard. and the next thing you do, you see your minute and a half on the air. that's what people see. but the reality is not glamorous. it's a lot of hard work. >> and what appears to be luck, there's always lots of hazard work. you may not even know you're doing it people who are lucky are laying the foundation. you're not going to meet a fabulous man by sitting home in your jammies with the cat. >> you've got to write a book. >> you don't get a fabulous job unless you're out in the world. >> you've got to do your part.
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>> abcs, there are people who say, i've had a string of bad luck, i'm having trouble getting a job, you do give off the negatives, how do they turn the corner. >> they say smile and schmooze. if you're naturally shy and retiring, try to learn to get past that. seriously, just smiling more, it sounds cheesy, but it leads to connections. don't poop out, accept every invitation. talk to people, meet them. not in that fake, cheesy, schmoozy way, but really try to get to know people. >> nobody wants to be with a debby downer. >> and it leads to connections and that can make things happen. >> some people get stuck in that. i was with a guy and he said, this kind of stuff always happens to me. and that perpetuates that. >> and it's a self-perpetuating. >> it's about attitude, openness, making things happen. >> a lot of it is
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self-centeredness. and quit being selfish about everything. start helping somebody else and you'll be amazed how your attitude changes. >> that's what real power is, when you have the power to change another person's life, then you start to feel good about yourself. because look what you just did, you know? it's really about that. not what you're going to get. >> so true. >> why didn't you say it julie. put the positive energy out there. and the lucky charms, they can help, too, if they give you confidence, for me, it's wheat pennies. my dad and i, when we went for walks as a kid, he always loved finding wheat pennies. andant year after he died, i found 21 wheat pennies on the streets of new york. >> there's a whole confirmation and significance there for you. thank you very much. up next, time to find out who or fan of the week is and the places she'll go. and what happened this weekend. after this. what?!
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-match it! -match it! -match it! -match it! -match it! -match it! -match it! -match it! -match it! -match it! -[ horn honks ] -match it! thank you, got it. i'll match that price right here. cool. [ male announcer ] get low prices every day on everything. backed by our ad match guarantee. and the savings are even hotter with the walmart sizzling summer clearance. get cool clearance prices on clothes, toys, outdoor gear, and more. now through august 15th. save money. live better. walmart. listen to this. three out of four americans don't get enough vegetables. so here's five bucks to help you buy v8 juice. five bucks. that's a lot of green. go to for coupons. you can count on us. how cool is that? bang boom! ha ha. let's do this! we got milk! awesomeeeee! [ male announcer ] new digiorno pizza and nestlé tollhouse cookies. it's not delivery, it's digiorno pizza and cookies.
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with aveeno nourish plus moisturize. active naturals wheat formulas target and help repair damage in just 3 washes. for softer, stronger... ... hair with life. [ female announcer ] nourish plus. only from aveeno. you noticed! these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios... five whole grains, 110 calories. thanks, skyler. let's go to last night's highlights. look what sometimes happens with the ordinary bag. it slips. bingo, falls in. mom was mad. mom should have used glad forceflex with the stretchable drawstring that grips the can and stays in place. plus, it has the stretchable strength of forceflex. that's all today for glad tv. [ both ] don't get mad -- get glad! [ male announcer ] and try glad black bags -- strong for tough jobs.
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♪ oh, love me ♪ oh oh oh ♪ just love me ♪ oh oh oh ♪ just hold me ♪ oh oh oh ♪ just kiss me ♪ oh oh oh ♪ just want me ♪ l-o-v-e ♪ love, love, love, love ♪ ♪ ♪ l-o-v-e ♪ love, love, love, love and it's time for our fan of the week, when we get to surprise a lucky viewer at home. >> miss sara is here to announce the very lucky winner. >> i love this, drum roll,
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please. our winner is -- kathy -- >> did you see our wiener? >> it's kathy murray from coconut creek, florida. kathy watches on wtvj. it gets her day going with laughter. kathy started watching the show when she was pregnant with her twins and now watches with them every morning. she loves seeing what hoda will pick for her play list and how kathie lee will react. and she enjoys getting recipes from all the cooking segments to try out on her husband. her favorite segment is everyone has a story. and sees the deserving people featured on the fourth hour. kathy, we would like to thank you for being such a huge fan every morning. so we are actually sending you to -- >> where, where is she going?
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>> five days and four nights at the tamber tropical beach resort in costa rica. it includes round-trip airfare for two. daily breakfast and snacks, accommodations furnished by the tamber tropical beach resort. >> all the places we could go if we were fans of the show. go to our website, klg& so you can be a fan of the week. next up, today's hollywood buzz. and will sparks fly when re realhousewives of new york get on the couch. the bundler. let's say you need home and auto insurance. you give us your information once, online... [ whirring and beeping ] [ ding! ]
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and we give you a discount on both. sort of like two in one. how did you guys think of that? it just came to us. what? bundling and saving made easy. now, that's progressive. call or click today. lights, camera, activia it's the best job in the world. to be there for them, you've gotta feel your best. that's why i love eating activia light every day. activia light helps me feel good inside. which helps me be on top of things help regulate your digestive system. love how you feel or your money back.
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this is today in the bay. >> good monday morning for you. 10:26 right now, i'm laura garcia-cannon. burglars are breaking into homes while people are at work. investigators say the thieves have been knocking on doors, if no one answers, they break in, stealing jewelry and electronics. last week there were seven burglaries or attempted burglaries. neighbors are on edge and voice their concerns at neighborhood catch meetings. >> it definitely leaves your nerves a little raw, and we're locking the doors and paying more attention when we leave,
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even for short periods of time, windows aren't open, garage doors are down, all those things. >> police have received similar reports in other mms, including in the east bay. 10:26 right now. quick break. we'll be right back.
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here's a look at our temperatures right now around the bay area. we've got 50s and 60s, up to 67 in san jose, but thanks to the low clouds around oakland and san francisco, not warming up a lot right now.
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that sea breeze during the day, not warming up in the evening either. east, little more in pleasanton, we have a lot of low clouds on the coast. temperatures not living up to expectations for inland valleys. 70s and 80s inland. even though temperatures will climb through the middle part of the week, you can see things running very cool for this time of year, in fact, cooling down even more towards thursday and friday. mike? that disabled big rig finally cleared after over an hour. still slow northbound heading up into the area. through that backup, several accidents involving a total of five cars, they are on the shoulder but adding to the slow down. there it is continuing from 237. we'll get a look at the other side of the bay, oakland, not a problem, southbound side, a lot of jamming up from the coliseum south over the last hour. heading from downtown oakland,
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expect the northbound side to get the sweep in about a half hour from now, and the golden gate bridge, beautiful drive right now. >> misty on the lens out there, thank you very much. for the latest, check out nbc bay area morning news on okjoa in u tomorrow morning at 4:30. have a great day. we're back on we're back on this fun-day monday, with today's buzz, a round-up of all the famous faces making headlines this week and over the weekend. >> we've got all your gossip covered because we've got hollywood's editor in chief bonnie fuller and roseann colletti in the hot seat. what happened to poor justin bieber? >> go ahead. >> this was a hilarious story. he gets pulled over by a cop because the cop goes, what's a 12-year-old driving a rolls royce for? of course, he's not 12. that's what he thought, good
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question. but he pulls him over and it turns out he's with sean kingston. sean kingston, who he has recorded with before and saep goes, it's my rolls royce and all kinds of girls and fans start gathering. this was actually in miami. and he was in miami for seleno gomez's concert, his girlfriend. >> and it's what he will have to live down among fans is they're saying he was driving like a grandma with both hands on the wheel. >> hey, i am a grandma, what's wrong with that? >> so there was another incident of someone getting pulled over, much more serious. >> al pacino's daughter. >> this is very sad. his daughter, julie, was pulled over and apparently she admitted she had three beers and had smoked marijuana. >> not a good combination. >> not a good combo. >> and on the breathalyzer apparently she tested .12 when the legal limit is .8.
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>> it's her first offense, so she's not going to have to face any jail time. >> and al pacino flew back directly from los angeles where he is making a movie about the troubled music producer. >> she's 21? >> yes. >> okay. >> phil specter. >> phil spector, yeah. >> and al takes his fathering very seriously. >> he's very devoted, he's got the young twins as well. >> the royal wedding we had this weekend, i think a lot of people were unfamiliar with this royal couple. but everyone was interested in what kate had on. >> princess anne's daughter, zara phillips. and everyone wanted to know what kate wore. the bride wore white and kate wore a recycled outfit. >> they're calling her the royal recycler. >> good for her. >> i think it's an excellent message. >> she pulled out a dress she last wore to a wedding in 2006. so she's got a very organized closet. >> wait, i want to know who -- >> she wore this outfit three times. >> she's in green there. >> that was at a yacht party the night before and she wore that green outfit in l.a. >> can i ask a question? who says you can't rewear
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clothes? i don't understand why that is. >> most people have to. >> but i think that's why she's making such a statement. because, yeah, who says. >> and you wear a dress once and don't ever wear it again? >> exactly. >> she's saying i am not the royal clothes horse and i am not a fashion model. and i feel for people because times are hard. >> times are hard. >> first of all, even if she doesn't feel that way, it's so smart of her. from everything we've seen, she is genuinely that way. it's like she's such a breath of fresh air. >> that's right. and i think she is also taking ku di kudos from -- not kudos, but -- >> from hoda. >> i wore this green dress this is the one that i keep wearing, i like it. >> it looks great on you. >> and i think you look fantastic, hoda. >> let move on quickly to the box office. a surprise, i think. >> it was. >> the "smurfs" overpowered "cowboys and aliens."
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we know the smurfs, but harrison ford and daniel craig starred in the "cowboys and aliens." >> the "smurfs" was in 3-d, and it boosted sales of tickets a little bit. and also, a lot of kids go. >> all right. kids. and congratulations to the latest "harry potter" movie, it was the first one that went over a billion dollars, with a b. >> it was one of the top five all-time grossing movies. >> we've got to run. two ladies are in the hot seat and they're just sitting there. >> yeah, how real are the two new york housewives? we're going to find out. >> ramona and jill. they're hanging. >> get closer. >> oh,or pretending to be happy. please!
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sfx: bed crashes to floor kids seem to get bigger overnight. good morning... whoa! whoa! and when they do, they're ready for goodnites. the nightime underwear specially designed for kids 4 and up. mosquitoes or mosquito spray? huh. [ female announcer ] try the new design of off! clip-on repellent. lab tests show this sprayless repellent really repels. in minutes, its fan surrounds you from head to toe
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with effective, odorless protection. [ mosquitoes buzzing ] so don't spray it on. clip it on. off! clip-on. keeps bugs off. sc johnson. a family company. off! clip-on. keeps bugs off. ♪ hershey's drops. a lot of hershey's happiness in a little drop of chocolate. pure hershey's.
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hey, honey, we're all out of toilet paper. can you toss me a roll? your toilet paper shouldn't be too rough. we're out of toilet paper. can you toss me a roll? your toilet paper shouldn't be too soft. we're out of toilet paper again. fortunately, angel soft is an ideal balance of softness and strength. unlike other toilet paper that has just one ply, angel soft has two. and it's strong, yet gentle on your skin. ♪ angel soft ♪ an ideal balance of softness and strength ♪
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season four of bravo's, "the real housewives of new york city" wrapped earlier this month. but the real drama has only just begun with part two of their reunion special and it airs tonight. >> this season came down to a battle of the blonde housewives versus the brunettes, we are a little representative of each side, ramona singer and jill zariner with us today. >> let's do it let's tee it up. some people maybe didn't see the first portion. they're going to see the second portion. but there's some squabbles that wept on. let's take a look and then let's talk on the other side of that. >> what about your husband? >> nothing, he's a great man, i'm very lucky. i wish you had a great husband like mine. >> you know what? i love bobby. >> i was right there. >> get a life. get a life, loser. >> shut up. >> shut up and let me ask about it, okay? >> i'm the newest one i know of. >> you guys are acting like beasts today. >> okay.
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now first of all, the fight that you guys had about each other's husbands. is that a real problem? was that an issue? >> just things happen in the reunion. you know, we get there at 7:00 a.m. and we don't finish until 7:00 and that's 12 hours. >> you guys spend all weekends together. >> but not filming. >> i will say, i felt bad about that. that remark that i made, it was literally, i did say it, it was under my breath, in morocco. i did not say it -- >> you're miked, you know now. you really do, it wasn't meant -- i really, i mean, what i said, i said. but i felt bad afterwards. because i wasn't trying to hurt her. i'm apologizing now. i did feel bad. >> are you accepting her apology? >> no, jill is -- >> i don't know if that's a yes or a no. >> you guys are friends, so let's be real. >> you know what, i'm still
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recouping from the wounds of the reunion. >> you guys seem to spar and fight all the time. >> i'm friendly with her. >> when the reunion ended, we're friends. >> obviously there's another scene where you guys were fighting about her ex-husband. >> jill said sometimes she's passive-aggressive, but she doesn't even get it. when she sees the tapes of the digs, she thinks digs are behind your back, two-faced. digs are when i say, why are you wearing the ugly green dress. even though the dress is beautiful. she gets a dig, she's condescending, passive-aggressive. >> it wasn't the dress. >> i love your dress. >> when you push me and then i push back a little and it's the reunion and a lot of times at the reunion, i turn my check. but sometimes -- i wasn't proud of the way i acted. i was embarrassed. >> when you look back, it's one thing to be with everybody and it happens. it's another thing to look back at it, knowing millions of people are watching it. do you regret this kind of a
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reunion show? >> what's going it happen tonight that i regret, you have to ask ramona. she accuses me of going to an aa meeting. i don't drink, i never really have. but i've been there to support other people. and what i worry about is the repercussions, i've gotten emails on my website. saying my sister wants to go and now she won't go because she's afraid that someone is going to out her. >> i have my ramona pinot greej yoe, it's going nationwide, i donate $1 a bottle to domestic abuse centers for women.grigio,i donate $1 a bottle to domestic abuse centers for women. >> jill keeps inferring and implying that i may have a drinking problem. >> you girls like to have a drink every now and then? >> not these girls. >> you know, i've heard, i heard she had a serious drinking problem. i heard she was -- >> never.
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you know what -- >> this is what i heard, ramona. >> if i did, it's not true. if i did, for you to out someone on national tv. >> by saying my husband cheated on me, i have a drinking problem. jill, enough already. alcoholics anonymous is an anonymous program and it's meant to help people privately. you can't go -- >> people say, i met my husband at aa. >> but it's not for you to tell people. >> who told you, i was at a meeting a few years ago. >> if anybody goes to aa, there's nothing wrong with it. >> people are afraid to admit you're a victim of domestic abuse. >> those are two separate things. >> and that's the thing that people want to know out there -- is about all of the so-called reality television. people don't -- believe, some people think it's all real. that nothing is scripted, no situations are made up. other people think the opposite. what would you say to those people out there that are cynics
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of reality television? who think that, because you guys walked in here this morning acting like you're the best of friends, we don't know what to believe. >> i'll give you a perfect example. season one, i was invited over to jill's house to dinner. i was very rude to assumen saying why are you here, you shouldn't be here. two minutes later, here's a drink, here's a cocktail, nice to meet you. they edited out that. they show parts of the picture. it's not scripted. >> oim not saying it's scripted. but scenarios are in place. >> i would normally not be friends with certain girls on the show. i just wouldn't be. but because we're all cast and getting paid and we're there. i wouldn't go to parties that i'm invited to, i wouldn't be invited to some of the parties, you know, with some of the girls, because i wouldn't be friends with them. so that's the part where the show makes it. >> okay. >> we have fun, at times it's a little snarkey, a little mean. the show has given us a lot of stuff.
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jill is introducing a product to the market, coming up. >> i think i'm showing a little too much. i have my jewelry, my hsn jewelry. my ramona pinot grigio, it's unbelievable. >> we're not allowed to drink it on air. >> part two of all of this, "real housewives of new york city" reunion airs tonight. coming up next, perfect hair and flawless skin. >> but enough about me. >> your quick summer beauty fixes right after this. honey...? [ mom ] yes.
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with a 1-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothing. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire national at&t wi-fi hot spot network for no extra charge. so call today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪ . hard to believe it's the first day of august and unfortunately with this month comes high humidity, bad hair days and the height of the bed bug season. >> but here, help's on the way. the contributor to "o" magazine is with us. >> penny, you look adorable. >> yes, you do. >> if you get bug bites, you want to cover them up often
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because they're unsightly, you've got a solution. >> yes, we do, we recommend treating the swelling with a hydrocortisone cream. and apply the concealer with a small brush, dab with your ring finger and set with a translucent powder. >> and this is the laura mercier one. very good. >> and there's a skeptic on this one. >> there is a way to prevent this. this is your super-absorbant shower. it can reregulate your body temperature also. then use a strong deodorant and even apply it the night before. to get like -- >> right out of the shower, you mean. >> let's not focus on this. i'm getting creeped out. >> so any kind of acne on your back? >> okay. >> if you need all of these things -- >> you've got issues. >> boy, are we feeling sorry for you. >> if you need them all in one day -- >> sun dress, got a breakout on your chest.
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if it's a single pimple, use the advice earlier about the mosquito bite. and if your hair goes limp or flat in the hot weather, which isn't my problem, if it does, you have a lift spray that works? >> we do. your goal is do add volume, apply while your hair is damp, at the roots. >> i could have used that, but there was none of that in donnie's guest room bathroom. >> and the other hair thing is keeping your hair off of your neck. your secret weapon is a ponytail. we suggest adding polish by doing a nice chignon and pin it with a bobby pin. >> and frizzy hair, these products you like for that? >> you see, frizzy hair is the biggest issue, has the most products. you're trying to prevent the moisture in the air from getting in your hair. you want to use a smoothing shampoo and conditioner. continue using the smoothing products after you shower. also. >> self-tanners are always good.
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>> but they can streak and leave blotchy messes. >> most people do not apply them properly. >> well and the key is exfoliating before you apply, if you've forgot to do that, you can even use a lemon wedge and apply it to the dark areas and that helps smooth things out. >> and what do we have here? >> these things here, you want to have a smear-proof mouth, no gloopy gloss and no heavy lipstick and here we have bikini irritation. >> nobody has that. >> and if you're using a razor, ladies, make sure you get rid of it every couple of uses. >> thank you very much. reptile guy is coming up.
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we're back with today's call of the wild. and the reptile guy, corbin
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maxy. and lucky for us, his creatures don't do much more than crawl. except for boa constrictor. this is little foot and this is jamarcus and this is henry, baby turtles. >> would you believe me, that you guys are actually touching the largest mainland tortoise species in the world. >> stop it. i don't believe it. >> this is how big they get and it's so unfortunate that, take a look at this right here. this right here is how big a silcota tortoise will get. people see them and they don't believe they're real. >> you have something she wants, you know the drill, let's go -- >> she's had three children. >> take a look, actually she had 17. you're going to love this. her boyfriend is duly seven years old.
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and he's bigger than tinkerbell. >> you said give me, here, honey. >> don't shove it in her face. >> i'm not shoving it in her face. now she will look. a lot of people are confused. tortoises and turtles don't have teeth. >> it's more of like a sharp edge, kind of like a bird's beak. >> how long did it take for her to get that big? >> it depends on her environment. in seven years you could end up with an animal this big. and these animals, they don't hibernate. >> here we go, here we go. >> we doesn't want her to eat her children. >> eating grasses. >> how are you guys on the road? >> now i'm confused on which is which. >> don't make them pets. >> what we're going to do now is i'm going to set tinkerbell down. watch your feet, because if she
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gets your feet, you're in trouble. >> this animal, this animal -- sometimes, take a look at this, ready? you get -- >> look at this. this is a brazilian rainbow boa. people believe this is one of the most beautiful snakes in the entire world. take a look at the scales, and the light something really good, you can touch it, go ahead. the lighting, it reflects all the colors of the rainbow. now so many people hate snakes, they fear them, they kill them. but snakes are great for our environment. girls, if we didn't have snakes, we'd be knee-deep in rats and mice. this animal is from africa, they can be dangerous. are you guys prepared? >> no. >> this is actually related to a komodo dragon. this is junior. and get it away. it's a nile monitor lizard from africa.
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africa's largest lizard. they'll get up to six and a half feet long. these are carnivores, he is smelling you. >> yeah, get in line. >> we love you, we got to run. >> we've got to run.
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