tv Today NBC September 12, 2011 7:00am-11:00am PDT
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good morning. nbc news exclusive. president obama talks to brian williams about the struggling economy, the gop presidential contenders and his poll numbers. >> if i was worrying about polls i wouldn't be sitting here. he speaks out as he gets set to send his jobs plan to congress today. in her own words, jacqueline kennedy, unfiltered on life with john f. kennedy and how he really felt about his own vice president. >> he said, oh, god, can you ever imagine what would happen to the country if lyndon was president." >> this morning, nbc news has obtained the never-before-released audiotapes recorded just months after
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president kennedy's assassination. final moments. new video of robyn gardner with the last person to see her alive in aruba. investigators are hoping it will lead to a breakthrough in her case. the exclusive video today, case. the exclusive video today, monday, september 12th, 2011. captions paid for by nbc-universal television and good morning. welcome to "today" on a monday morning. >> i'm savannah gut think. ann is on assignment in iran where she was given u unprecedented access to mahmoud ahmadinejad. >> that's right. she spent an entire day with that leader getting insight on how he sees the world and his place in it. ann will share that with us. casey anthony's parents speak out in their first
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interview since she was acquitted of murdering her day cayl caylee. how do they feel? we will hear from them coming up. later on, do your kids like to watch "spongebob squarepants." it may keep them entertained but is it bad for their brains? the interesting new research that may have you paying a lot more attention to what your kids are watching on tv. but let us begin with president obama's thoughts on the economy and the gop presidential candidates. nbc's brian williams spoke to the president exclusively. brian, good to have you here. >> well, matt, thanks for having me. what an interesting weekend to go to washington to the white house and talk to this president. first of all, we had the terror warning, of course, and, second, all those op-ed pieces warning this president he's going to be a one-term president. started out by asking about his poll numbers. 37% of the people believe in the way he's handling the economy and his overall approval rating
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of 44%. >> one of the things that i learned very early on is thought to worry about polls because if i was worrying about polls i wouldn't be sitting here interviewing with you. as you recall when i was running for president i was down about 30 points around this time in my first run for the presidency. you know, the truth of the matter is the american people have gone through the worst economic crisis since the great depression. and they are understandably impatient and i can say to them, look, all the actions we've taken have been the right actions. if we hadn't taken those actions things would be much worse but the bottom line is unemployment is still at 9%. and there's still a lot of folks hurting out there, and my job as president of the united states is not to worry about my job, my task is to worry about their job and their economic situation. >> do you watch any of the republican debate? >> you know, i didn't watch my
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own debates much less somebody else's. >> mitt romney, "the president is a nice guy. he doesn't have a clue how to get the country working again." your reaction. >> i'm not going to start reacting to republican rhetoric in a presidential campaign. let them decide who it is that will be their standard-bearer. we will have more than ample time to -- >> what do you make of rick perry, the front-runner, i guess? >> well, you know, he's -- he's been the governor of a big state, and, you know, there's no doubt he is a credible candidate as is mr. romney and a whole bunch of other folks. >> tea party here to stay. >> you know, i think the strains that you're seeing in the tea party are a permanent part of the american political landscape. we've always had a anti-federal government bent in a chunk of our population. that's nothing new. i do think that the extreme
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position that you hear that says government has no role to play in growing our economy, that the federal government has no function to play in building a strong middle class, absolutely wrong. i reject that view and i think the vast majority of americans reject that view. i think having social security and medicare and medicaid programs that provide a social safety net for people is a vital role for our government. it's not enough for us to just leave that to local charities. >> you said to matt lauer february of '09, "if i don't get this done in three years then there's going to be a one-term proposition." >> well, it would be -- you know, what we've done is we've been able to stabilize the economy and, you know, that is an enormous accomplishment, but the fact of the matter is that we are not where we need to be. and it is important for us to
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not relitigate all the arguments of the past but rather to say, right now what are the smartest things we can do to put people back to work, and when you look at what independent economists are saying about the american jobs act, my jobs plan, uniformly what they are saying is this buys us insurance against a double-dip recession, and it almost certainly helps the economy grow and will put more people book to work, and that's what the american people want right now. >> interesting day with the president. i went on to ask him when he's going to channel his inner harry truman as members of his base have been asking. and we were just getting started. i also asked him about all the people who voted for the man on the poster that said "hope." that answer was illuminating. we'll have that tonight on "nightly news." >> when you talk to him about the idea it could be a one-term presidency and he said, well, stabilizing it was an enormous
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accomplishment, do you think voters will see it that way. >> the voters will see a different president as a candidate in terms of energy and trying to defeat the opponent. whether that's going to make any difference to them on the economy, it still goes back to your question, can he move it off the dime and if not, voters have a funny way of enforcing their will. >> he's on the road a lot this week. he'll be in ohio, north carolina. supporting this jobs plan. how is he trailing the debate on that versus the republicans? >> i asked him, is this just a big jobs program, a big put people to work dig into the soil and make roads? he says, no, it has a lot of different facet, and he's going to, while not quite painting it as a do nothing congress he'll be running against congress as he goes out into all these congressional districts. >> 80% of people would like to get rid of that particular -- >> 82%, i think. >> brian, good to have you with us. >> thanks very much. >> you can see more of brian's interview with president obama, that's tonight on "nbc nightly
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news." seven minutes after the hour. here's savannah. >> from one closely watched world leader to one of the most controversial. ann is in tehran, iran, where she was given exclusive access to the iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad. ann, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you, savannah. that's right. we were granted the first ever behind-the-scenes access to the daily schedule of iran's president ahmadinejad. drawing back a curtain on one of the world's most controversial and secretive leaders. after his 5:00 a.m. prayer, president ahmadinejad -- >> good morning, mr. president. >> good morning. >> reporter: walks from his private residence in the presidential compound to his daily workout. jogging with his security team at times seemingly rocky style. before sunrise. then to the gym often lifting weights or cycling. concerned about staying healthy, president ahmadinejad exercises
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more than 30 minutes every morning and reaches his spacious but simple office before 7:00 a.m. and there he works without shoes but alt 54 with reading glasses. first up scanning local newspapers and briefs including what western media are reporting. by 8:00 he's on his way. on this day to a gathering of prominent shia muslim leaders. he's called to promote iran as a shia superstate. by 9:40 he's boarding a government 707, more than 50 years old. the flying relic is likely a result of western sanctions long imposed against iran. even during the flight he's m t meeting with ministers. that's the norm his aides say claiming he sleeps just three hours a night and that his days often stretch to 2:00 a.m. they say even iran's supreme leader has advised him to sleep more. in his six years as president,
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ahmadinejad has visited each province at least three times and every city in each province. at 11:45 after an hour flight we land at remote korizan province. he first stops at a bazaar meeting local artisans. speaking to some, even in everyday english. >> mr. president, why have you made this point to come to one of the poorest parts of iran to highlight the art and the crafts? >> translator: i want to show that we have some common humanity. human values. do >> reporter: all the nations of the world? including the united states? >> translator: everywhere wherever there is a human. >> reporter: keeping a grueling schedule what is your primary motivation, mr. president? why do you work so hard?
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>> translator: we barely started working. >> reporter: mindful this is one of the poorest parts of his country at 12:50 he's on the move again. to review government subsidized housing. iran's poor masses are his base. 26,000 families here alone have gotten homes. these women agree the homes are far better than the ones they used to live in. but as the president attempts to leave, he is surrounded. swarmed by people pleading for food and other necessities. now dramatically more expensive because of rising inflation. later in the afternoon -- this man tells the president he lost three sons in iran's war with iraq and now his wife is sick. the president showing a compassionate side, perhaps trying to remake his image at home and abroad.
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at 6:35 he lands back in tehran. what is the future for iran? >> translator: i want the same future as i want for every nation in the world, peace, friendship, happiness and unity. >> reporter: at 7:30 back at the presidential compound for hours for more meetings. he stops to pray for the fifth time on this day. and then in darkness he returns to work expected to go until midnight when night comes day again. president ahmadinejad is about to appear once again on the world stage when he speaks are for the united nations general assembly but in a signs that his controversial rhetoric has not changed on sunday he reiterated his position that 9/11 was "a complicated plan devised as a pretext for the occupation of afghanistan and iraq." there is a lot to ask about including new concerns about their nuclear ambitions and we are now working to bring you that interview tomorrow morning
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on "today." now back to you, savannah. >> we will be waiting for it. thank you so much. 7:12 nouchlt here's matt. >> savannah, thank you. jacqueline kennedy was one of the most beloved icons in american history, also pretty private. now the world is getting to see a side of her only friends and family new with the release of a new book and audiotapes. andrea mitchell has details. >> reporter: jacqueline kennedy is heard giving her impressions for the very first time. ee emerges as a much more complex historical figure as does her husband, the president. there are also some startling candid evocative portraits of figures in her own words. it was only months after her husband's assassination when a 34-year-old widow sat down to record more than eight hours of recollections about her husband and his most private thoughts. while they were still fresh, even raw. jfk and his brother bobby on
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lyndon johnson, the new prefd. >> bobby told me this later and i know jack said it to me, sometimes, "oh, god, can you ever imagine what would happen to the country if lyndon was president? so many times he would say if there ever was a problem." >> reporter: she called lyndon jack's right arm and more than that we were friends, all four of us. almost a half century later we hear a different view. perhaps colored by bobby kennedy's resentments after the assassination. and her annoyance after this call from johnson a month after her husband's death. two days before christmas. >> i hope that you are doing all right. >> oh, i'm doing fine. thank you. >> do you know how much we love you? you have a good christmas, dear. >> thank you, the same to you. >> tonight. >> reporter: hours later jackie learned lbj was showing off for a room full of reporters. just as stunning criticisms of
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the leader of dr. martin luther king jr. but they need to be understood in context. at the time fbi director j. edgar hoover was trying to incite divisions between dr. king andkennedy and was told he was overheard on wire tapes making crude comments about jackie kennedy. kissing her coffin on the day of jack's funeral. they were supposed to be locked in a vault for a century but caroline kennedy decided to release them now, all 8 1/2 hours uncensored because she feels you don't gain someone else's oral history. she explained it isn't surprising her mother would have at the time made some statements she might have changed later. as caroline told "parade" when she first read the transcript shortly after her mother died they reminded her mother felt what made historical figures human was what made them more interesting and indeed emerging from this oral history is a very different jacqueline kennedy. not the long familiar public
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figure whose whispery voice guided us to the white house. >> seemed such a shame when we came here to find hardly anything of the past. >> reporter: or the fashion icon. >> i am the man who accompanied jacqueline kennedy to paris and i've enjoyed it. >> reporter: this jacqueline kennedy is far more complex with a keen eye for the characters around her husband. and a feel for diplomacy and politics. >> i mean, things do change quickly and jack would never -- often say never get into anything so deep you lose a chance at con surveillanceation. >> reporter: she says life with jack was always fast and that people said he never talked about politics to her but that that was all they ever talked about. the tapes also capture intimate family moments. at one point john kennedy jr. walked into the room and asked what happened to his father. he answered barely 3 1/2 years
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old, well, he's gone to heaven. by the way, the book will be released tomorrow but nbc news bought a copy which comes with the cd of the interviews at a book store in new york city. we'll have more tonight. >> all right. andrea mitchell in washington this morning, thank you very much. appreciate it. >> all right. a check of the morning's top stories and good morning. >> good morning, everyone. the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks went by as a day of remembrance and skrij lance. several disturbances on passenger planes received heightened responses and two military aircraft shadowed an american airlines flight when officials say three passengers locked themselves inside a bathroom. a denver to detroit flight was shadowed by a pair of f-16 jets after two were in the bathroom for an extended period of time. two were detained at the airport but no charges will be filed and an ex-nypd officer has been detained at the kansas airport.
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suspicious items were found in his carry-on luggage. cnbc's melissa lee has more for us. >> good morning, tamarin. the culprit is europe. the big worry that greece may default on its debt. officials in germany have been meeting about how to shore up german banks should a greek default occur. also concern that france's three biggest banks could face a credit rating downgrade because of their massive exposure to greece. these latest developments coming as markets as you can imagine are already on edge after friday's 2.7% drop on the dow. tamarin. >> all right, melissa, thank you. ground zero officially becomes a memorial and museum today as it opens to the public for the first time since the attacks of 9/11. the families of the victims got their first glimpse of the memorial sunday. security was tight and visitors will have to get tickets in advance. it is 7:18. back to matt, savannah and al. >> the sign-up sheet for those times to go visit the memorial,
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i think the next available time sometime early october right now. very popular site. >> a lot of people want to visit what is hallowed ground. >> hello, mr. roker. >> guy, odevybery, having a good monday we hope. as we take a look and show youy across the country we've got showers off the southeastern atlantic coast, monsoonal moisture out of the southwest causing hit and miss showers and thunderstorms there. across the plains we've got gorgeous weather. slight risk of strong storms in parts of northern wisconsin on into the u.p. of michigan. rip currents due to tropical storm maria. problem up and down the eastern seaboard and the heat continues in the pacific northwest all the way down into the southern california coast. good morning to you. taking a live look at san francisco. you can see the golden gate bridge clearly here this morning. and a little shake to the camera. we have winds tout there.
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watch out if you drive a high profile vehicle. it's gusty out there this morning. we will see a few isolated thunderstorm throughout the afternoon in if east bay mountainous area. 84 in fairfield. 81 in san jose. kind of a roller coaster ride this week. we're going to drop to the 70s midweek and warm back up for the weekend. . >> savannah? >> it was all captured on surveillance video and john yang is in benton harbor, michigan, with details. good morning to you, john. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. s the walgreen's where it all happened where jeremy hovan did stop that attempted armed robbery. some hailed him as a hero but walgreen's fired him. now he is making a federal case suing walgreen's for wrongful termination. security cameras captured the brazen late night robbery attempt. a masked gunman leaps over the counter and points a gun at
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jeremy hovan in the blue shirt. in response he draws h own weapon. >> i feared for my life and in self-defense i fired my weapon as i continued to move from him. >> reporter: instead of being rewarded hovan was fired. >> no life was lost. no life was harmed and nothing was stolen. so in that context i think he was a hero. >> reporter: hovan was on the overnight shift at the walgreen's last may when two armed men burst in. one holds a gun to the back of another worker and the second jumps the pharmacy counter trying three times to shoot hovan but the gun wouldn't fire. >> the gunman advanced on me rapidly. he hurdled over the counter and a single motion and pointed his weapon at me. the gunman repeatedly attempted to fire upon me. >> reporter: hovan says he tried to call 911 and can be seen
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holding a phone in his right hand and a gun in his left. he says he fired three times not wounding the would-be robbers but apparently scaring them away. another employee recovers one of the guns. hovan says he bought his gun after the store was robbed in 2007. he has a concealed weapons permit but admits he didn't tell his bosses that he had the gun at work. asked to comment, walgreen's said in a statement "store employees receive comprehensive training on how to react and respond to a potential robbery situation. law enforcement strongly advises against confrontation of crime suspects." hovan's lawyer says he never saw those policies and acted properly. >> he was exercising his reasonable right of self-defense in the face of a gunman who attempted to pull a trigger three times and shoot him presumably shoot him dead. >> reporter: those three -- those two gunmen are still at large and hovan's attorney says he continues to struggle with the emotional toll both of the
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attempted robbery and of losing his job. savannah? >> all right, john yang in benton harbor, michigan for us. just ahead exclusive new video of robyn gardner and the prime suspect in her disappearance together just hours before gardner vanished the impact it could have on the case. look, every day we're using more and more energy. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪
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♪ ♪ good monday morning to you. 7:26 right now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. the men accused of shooting a 3-year-old to death will face a judge today. >> reporter: good morning, laura. the main suspect lawrence denard had asked for more time in previous court appearances to prepare for his case. he is expected to enter a plea today in a shooting that stunned the city. the killing of little three-year-old carlos who was an
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innocent victim out on a stroll with his family in broad daylight on august 8th when he was killed. investigators believe the intended targets were rival gang members. 22-year-old willie torrence is also expected in court today. police believe he was the driver. denard's family told us outside of the courtroom that he is innocent. both men face both murder and attempted murder charges. they'll be this court at 2:00 this afternoon. laura? >> thank you very much, christi. now let's check the forecast with christina loren. >> good morning to you. a deceptive look out the front window. it looks cold and cloudy, but really we have tropical air overhead and it's downright mild. 64 in sunnyvale. 60 in san francisco throughout the day because of the unstable air mass we may see thunderstorms. 75 in concord. 75 for fremont. 81 in san jose. a 20% chance of thunderstorms
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throughout the entire bay area. if you're inland, especially in the hiler elevations, your chance increases. let's check your drive with mike. >> we have the commute for the east shore freeway. look at that. really jamming up to richland. slowing all the way up. we have slowing for 680. look at san mateo. the bridge itself is moving smoothly. thank you very much, mike. for theatest trosk and news screw up dates, check out nbc at bay area morning news on
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7:30 on a monday morning, the 12th of september, 2011 and couldn't ask for a nicer start to the workweek. here in new york, at least, we have sunny skies. about 67 degrees and a big, nice crowd of people out there. on this back-to-work monday. meanwhile, inside studio 1a, matt lauer along with savannah guthrie while ann is on assignment in iran. exclusive new video of robyn gardner and the prime suspect in her disappearance taken hours before the maryland woman vanished in aruba. we'll show you more and talk to star jones about whether this video might have an impact on
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that investigation. >> also ahead, george and cindy anthony open up in their first interview since casey was found not guilty and spoke out to dr. phil and he will be here to fill us in on what the anthonys had to say. with their reality show now cancel what had is next for kate gosselin and her eight children? we'll talk to her about what the future may hold. >> but we'll begin this half hour with those surveillance videos of robyn gardner taken just hours before her disappearance. investigators are now poring over the tapes for clues. nbc's jeff rossen is here with the details. jeff, good morning. >> reporter: hi, savannah. look, we have never seen robyn gardner in moving video until now. her body language, her expressions, did she seem happy or scared in the final moments before he vanished? all of it is revealed on this restaurant surveillance tape and it is crystal clear, not just one camera but several angles showing her every move. we've seen the still images of robyn gardner in aruba moments
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frozen in time. but now for the very first time we see robyn on videotape in vacation mode looking carefree. just minutes before her mysterious disappearance. and there's the man by her side, her travel companion, gary giordano, who would soon become the prime suspect. >> well, for law enforcement this is almost the holy grail. what you want to be able to do is see the missing person, the victim and the last person that she was known to be with. >> reporter: 3:07 p.m., robyn and gary arrive for lunch at a restaurant by the beach. gary is walking a few steps ahead. they look normal like any other couple. and don't appear to be fighting. another camera picks them up each holding a plastic blue cup as they're about to be seated. they walk out of frame. just one minute later, robyn gets up and walks to the bathroom alone. she gets all the way to the door wearing high heels carrying a large purse. then suddenly stops, turns
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around and walks back toward the bar. seconds later she walks back to the bathroom and goes in for two minutes. when she comes out our first look at robyn's full face, no sunglasses as she walks back to her table off camera. 3:57 p.m. gary giordano walks out of the restaurant holding the plastic blue cup. witnesses say he went to his rental car and refilled their drinks with his own stash of vodka and orange juice. 4:00 p.m., gary walks back inside holding the cup. >> was it alcohol and he was just trying not to pay for drinks or was it something far more sinister that could have had something to do with her disappearance. >> reporter: 4:07 p.m., robyn makes another trip to the bathroom. one witness says she appeared sober but groggy. when she comes out robyn heads back to the table. 4:13 p.m., one hour after they arrived robyn and gary leave the
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restaurant. gary is walking several steps ahead. they're talking normally. gary even stops and waits for robyn to catch up. he's still holding the plastic blue cup. >> there is not a happy ending to the end of this tape. >> reporter: what happened in the next two hours remainings an unsolved mystery. giordano says after lunch he and robyn went snorkeling near the restaurant. giordano claims robyn disappeared underwater and did nothing wrong and reported her missing around 6:00 p.m. the surveillance tape licensed by nbc news captures gary's behavior after robyn vanished. at 6:16 p.m. he reappears at the restaurant alone and walks up the steps shirtless wearing what appears to be a bathing suit and sneakers. he bangs on the restaurant door then bangs on another door looking for help. after working with police for days investigators questioned giordano at the airport trying
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to leave aruba locked up ever since. >> i'm hopeful that justice will be served. i can't lose hope and i can't lose faith. >> reporter: an aruban judge ruled that gary giordano can remain behind bars for another 60 days while police investigate and build their case. giordano's lawyer in aruba has appealed but that motion was denied so even though he hasn't been charged yet he remains in prison and, of course, savannah, still no sign of robyn. >> jeff rossen, thank you. star jones is a former prosecutor and legal commentator. star, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> let's talk about this video in terms of the investigation and where it stands right now. how potentially significant could it be in terms of evidence, in terms of finding
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out what happened here. >> we look at it from two different perspectives. first as an investigative tool. law enforcement will definitely use it for that purpose. you could help to identify any eye ory witnesses that could be around the couple and help to establish a good time line. if the person says they were at this location, they now have some videotape proof of when they were moving around. >> then the other aspect you mentioned is in terms of evidence that might also be presented against gary giordano if he is ultimately charged. but how does it cut because you look at robyn gardner. she does not appear to be under any kind of duress and see him searching for help. i mean do you think this is potentially evidence that could help him? >> well, see, here's the problem though we don't know enough about the videotape. you know we have chain of custody issues and technical issues. whether or not a court will actually see this tape is the first hurdle you'd have to get over. the second hurdle is what does it actually show?
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we don't know, was there real panic? it doesn't show indifference. it doesn't show fear. you can't tell from stills or a videotape without sound. >> we know that gary giordano lost his appeal so therefore he will remain in custody until the beginning of november. how much pressure are the aruban authorities under right now to file charges in this case? >> tremendous pressure because the judge has actually said i think there's enough there to make this person a person of interest. but that time is going to come to an end at some point and aruba, you don't want to cast dispersions on the whole country. >> do you think aruban prosecutors feel the pressure because of the holloway case. >> i think there's been a lot of comparison of the two cases even though this woman was a 35-year-old woman who met with u unforeseen circumstances under a lot of different reasons. >> all right. star jones, thanks. good to see you. now a check of the weather from al. >> all right, thanks so much.
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savannah, a beautiful morning. a lot of nice folks out here and we've got some weather to talk about out west. we've been talking about those texas wildfires. well, take a look. central california, a lot of remote areas they are looking at wildfires, firing up there. firefighters can't get to them and, again, they've had tinder dry conditions and very hot weather and a lot of these wildfires in central and rural california are nowhere near being close to containment. let's check your weher. tropical storm maria, 165 miles north of san juan moving northwest at 9. the good news, it'll get caught up and follow katia's footsteps and cause rip currents back to work monday. and yeah, we have interesting weather out there this morning. more high and mid level cloud cover than what we're dealing with in terms of low cloud cover
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and fog. you can see along the golden gate bridge, you can see the span. subtropical moisture is surging in from the south. and we have a lot of instability out there. count on afternoon thunderstorms that is really tropical. concord on your way to 75 today. 84 in fairfield. we drop off to the middle of the week. coming up next, the end of their daughter's murder trial right after this. -i love this card. -with the bankamericard cash rewards credit card,
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we'll talk to dr. phil in an exclusive interview but first kerry sanders is in orlando with the latest. kerry, good morning to you. >> reporter: well, good morning, matt. florida corrections officials say casey is in the state of florida but in an undisclosed locate. she's here because she was convicted of passing bad checks and has a one-year probation to serve. now, as far as anyone knows, casey has not been to this location where her daughter caylee's remains were found but five weeks ago her parents were here and at the time george and cindy revealed they've had no contact with her daughter since she walked out of jail to freedom. >> she's been cuffed in the driveway. >> reporter: dr. phil's production team says the exclusive interview with george and cindy anthony was set up with no restrictions. >> she continued to lie. >> she continued to lie. >> reporter: he was free to ask any question he wanted including why did cindy post a message on the internet that caylee was missing 12 days before she
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dialed 911 and first alerted authorities about her granddaughter's disappearance. >> it was on july 3rd that you wrote something on myspace. you say, my caylee is missing. she came into my life unexpectedly just as she has left me. jealousy has taken her away. jealous si from the one person that should be thankful for all the love and support given to her. >> caylee was missing in my heart that day. she wasn't missing physically in the sense because i thought i knew where she was at. >> did you know something then that you hadn't even admitted to your consciousness because what jumps out to me about this is the title of this is my caylee is missing. you said this mother gave chance after chance for her daughter to change but instead more lies, more betrayal. >> i wanted casey to know how much she was hurting me and i thought she was purposely keeping caylee away from me. >> this family keeps its secrets
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quiet. >> reporter: if his opening statement jose baez told the jury she was not murdered which he said explained why when caylee went missing no one called 911 for a month. >> how in the world can a mother wait 30 days before ever reporting her child missing? it's insane. it's bizarre. something's just not right about that. well, the answer is actually relatively simple. she never was missing. caylee anthony died on june 16th, 2008 when she drowned in her family's swimming pool. >> reporter: prosecutors said among their key evidence was what they say was the stench of death coming from casey's car, a smell even george and anthony choked on before dialing 911. >> it smells like there's binghamton a dead body in the damn car. >> what do you now believe the smell was from? >> truthfully to this day i
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don't know. to be honest. >> i don't want to believe caylee was back there but i'm going by what investigators have told me. all i know is that caylee is not with us anymore. i know that. i know that. >> do you believe she was in that car? >> reporter: a little bit of a cliffhanger there. now, dr. phil says that he did not pay george and cindy for this interview. rather, his production company made an unspfeecified amount of donation to caylee's fund, a nonprofit set up. while state records indicate employees can draw reasonable salaries from that organization, dr. phil says it's his understanding that his donation to it will not be funneled to george and cindy. matt? >> all right, kerry sanders, thank you very much. dr. phil joins us right now. so good to see you. >> you feel comfortable they
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will not profit from sitting down and doing this interview personally. >> they've certainly gone on public record on -- in my interview saying absolutely not and, of course, 501c3 is audited by the rhys and attorney general in florida so i think they're playing it very straight. >> a lot of people wondered during the course of the trial what it must have been like for george and cindy to sit there and listen to some of the things that their daughter was being accused of and you talked to them about that. what was their reaction. >> well, you know, it's so hard for parents to wrap their mind -- think about it. we all focus on the tragic loss of caylee, but it's so hard for parents to wrap their mind around the fact that their own child that they raised and sat in their laps and played with every day could do something so horrific and they're caught up in that. there's no question but the real frustration here, matt, is no one has been held to account for caylee's loss at this point because she was acquitted. casey was acquitted and no one -- >> it's even more, dr. phil.
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things were said about the parents, about cindy and george in particular. for example, it was alleged that george helped bury caylee's body and i know you talked to cindy about that. let's listen. >> when you heard the defense in this indication say that he was involved in not in causing the child's death, but in events that took place after that, did it ever occur to you that he's hidden substantial things from me before. could he have done it before. >> no, not when it came to his family as far as casey and caylee. george would never have put us through those six months of not knowing where caylee was if he knew where caylee was because i watched his heart break every single day and i watched him as frantic as he was. >> how much anger do they feel toward the defense? >> a tremendous amount. i can tell you one of the things
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that comes out in this interview which airs tomorrow, the first part, not today because of the u.s. open, it's tomorrow, on wednesday, they had to sit there and listen to him say george molested his daughter, that he coerced her and helped hide the body and that he confessed his involvement during an extramarital affair with a volunteer worker. they had to sit there and listen to all of that and, of course, they have never had a chance to tell their side of the story and i think it was very cathartic for particularly george to talk about those allegations because i asked him straight up. >> the idea also and heard bit that for 30 days casey anthony lived as if nothing was wrong. did you talk to them about it? let me play that clip. >> because we now know that day, 911 calls were made. she's being cuffed in the driveway, when she's in your home that night, she knows that
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caylee is gone. >> yeah. >> and she continued to lie. >> she continued to lie. >> can this family ever have a relationship again? >> well, you know, here's the thing. when you think back on it, they went through all of this time, first the 31 days which were like and i'm a new grandfather and i have a grandson now just a few days old but i have a granddaughter about caylee's age and i really put myself in that situation and said, would there be a 30-day period of time that i wouldn't hear her in the background? i wouldn't hear her, you know, laughing, crying, calling mommy, daddy, something like that? this little girl was living with them and then for 31 days not one peep, cry, laugh, nothing and warning bells don't go off. she's got a job for two years, never saw a pay stub. this went on and on. how could they not see. >> you asked them about it directly. phil, thanks very much. >> thank you. >> i appreciate it. we're back with more of "today" right after this.
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i don't know if i could say the same for my parents. it's the worst thing that's ever happened to them. i'm just pretty much killing it out here. they say they're happy. i mean, what do you think they do every day without me there? ♪ are they eating? they must really miss me. i'm their only child, except for my sister. [ male announcer ] venza from toyota. just ahead, is "spongebob squarepants" bad for your kids' brain. plus, kate gosselin opens up as's episode.ltdown with her i. we'll talk to you after your local news. s a teacher, setting that goal to become a principal. but, i have to support my family, so how do i go back to school? university of phoenix made it doable. i wouldn't be where i am without that degree.
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pays cash so we don't have to fret. [ together ] ♪ something families should get ♪ ♪ like a safety net ♪ even helps pay deductibles, so cover your back, get... ♪ a-a-a-a-a-a-a-aflac! [ male announcer ] help protect your family at b a-[-eatboxing ]flac! [ male announcer ] there are snacks. and there are better snacks. quaker chewy, 25% less sugar than the leading sweet snacks, no high fructose corn syrup and the goodness of whole grains. yep! (mom) i'm so proud of you. the bus is here, gotta go mom. okay hunny, have a great day. look in your bag, made you something. (announcer) it's more than just that great peanut taste, choosing jif is a simple way to show someone how much you care. choosey moms, choose jif.
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good morning to you. it is 7:56 right now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. oakland homicide detectives looking into the deaths of two people found inside a burned home. it started sunday morning with a fire in the 3100 block of coolidge avenue. that's between brookdale and school streets. investigators say the fire is suspicious because witnesses reported seeing someone rung from the scene, possibly carrying gas cans. firefighters found the bodies of a man and woman on the second floor of the building. someone may have assaulted the victims before the fire started. autopsies are being conducted. injured giants fan bryan stow may undergo surgery tomorrow. the surgery was supposed to take place last month, but stowe
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developed an infection that prevented the procedure. stowe's family says he appears to be getting back to the place he was a month ago before the infection when he was mouthing words and responding to people when they talked to him. we hope for the best in that recovery ch hope for the best in the forecast as well. let's check in with meteorologist christina loren. >> yeah, we have interesting weather happening out your door right now. mostly cloudy conditions, but it's really mild. it looks like it's cool, but 63 in hayward, 64 in sunnyvale. we'll see a lot of cloud cover throughout the day. and we have instability out there. isolated thunderstorms this afternoon definitely a possibility through the east bay hills. 81 in san jose. 82 in gilroy. now we're going to take you on kind of a roller coaster ride this week, dropping you down to 73 degrees by thursday inhe south bay. then as we head into the weekend temperatures start to climb back to the mid-80s.
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so you get to wear the shorts and the pant this is week. let's see what mike is wearing. >> we know who wears the papts in my family. my wife has them now. the accident is in charge right now and causing a slowdowns. just past the 880 interchange. that's causing a slowdown towards the 680 interchange. folks are going to 280, causing a ripple down there as well as 87 and 85. trying to stay out of the backup. watch for that kicking in the south bay and east bay as well. the volume of traffic is very slow out of richmond and s san pablo. all the way to the toll plaza. for the latest updates, check out nbc bay area morning news on facebook. another update in half an hour. have a great morning. , plus bacon or sausage, all for only $2.99. it's just the kind of breakfast hardworking guys like you need. ...yeah. they're here!
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we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪ we're back now at 8:00 on a monday morning, the 12th day of september, 2011. a great morning here in new york city with cool temperatures and sunny skies and people with sunny dispositions out on the plaza. always nice to see them. i'm matt lauer along with savannah guthrie, who is in while ann is on assignment in iran and al roker joins us, as well. coming up -- guess who is in our studio. >> kate gosselin. her reality show is coming to an end tonight. it was canceled, but how does she feel about that? is there some sense of relief or is she upset about it?
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and, by the way, what happened on the last episode where she had this fight with a friend and their babysitter, her babysitter. we'll talk to kate gosselin in our studio in just a couple of minutes. also, we know that kids love television, too, but are fast-paced shows like "spongebob squarepants" actually hurting their ability to concentrate? what a new study says and what parents should do when it comes to little ones and the television set. >> what did you say? >> different kind of little ones. >> natalie is in brazil on assignment getting set to co-host tonight's "miss universe pageant." wow, very cool. can't wait to meet the contestants. she'll give us a preview later on. >> that's miss -- all right, natalie is in brazil. tamron hall is behind the news desk. checking out the head lines. >> good morning, everyone. president obama is giving his jobs bill a personal push today as it officially reaches congress.
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meantime, the republican presidential hopefuls are back in the spotlight. more from nbc's white house correspondent chuck todd. good morning, chuck. >> reporter: good morning, tamron. a couple things to look for. you will hear the president will be surrounded by teachers and firefighters as he makes his pitch for the jobs bill. what they call the american jobs act officially sends it to congress tomorrow and hits the road again going to ohio and then wednesday, north carolina to continue this campaign of sorts and to keep with the campaign theme, the democratic national committee is going up with tv ads around the country to support the bill. meanwhile, tonight rick perry and mitt romney continue their battle over social security battle over social security, creating jobs and possibly beating each other up over the issue of immigration in a debate tonight. could be very heated. >> all right, chuck, thank you very much. new york city's clamp-down remains in place as the september 11th memorial opens to the public.
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on sunday's anniversary two commercial flights were shadowed by military fighter jets because of unusual passenger activity. in both cases passengers had spent large amounts of time in the bathroom. several people were questioned and released and a former new york city police officer was detained in kansas city airport with suspicious items in his carry-on but later tested negative for explosives. dozens of wildfires sparked by lightning burned out of control overnight in california. most in remote areas but officials told people in mountain towns to prepare to evacuate and in texas a wildfire near austin has now destroyed more than 1,500 homes. now for a look at what's trending today. our quick roundup of what has you talking about online. "spartacus" star andy whitfield died sunday of nonhodgkin's lympho lymphoma. his wife says he was a beautiful, young warrior. serena williams is generating buzz with her rant to a referee
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during sunday's u.s. open finals. >> you're a hater. and i never complain. >> which wiilliams went on to l match to samantha stosur. facebook friends are purring over glowing cats. this litter was created at the mayo clinic to help genetic researchers in their fight against both feline and human aids. back to al with a check of the weather. >> thanks so much, tamron. as we see our corner here and a lot of nice folks. the birthday girl. what's your name? >> sherry. >> where are you from? >> illinois. >> see what's happening as far as our forecast. savannah, georgia, our pick city. wsav, savannah very happy about that. >> well, yeah. i thought you were talking about me. i was excited for a second. you meant the city. go, savannah.
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>> you're our pick co-host. the let's check the rest of your weather to see what's happening as we show you a week ahead. much about normal temperatures east down in the gulf coast below normal in california, showers and thunderstorms there and midweek period we have much below normal temperatures in the great lakes back through the central plains on in the southwest, above normal, east coast, and the latter part is going to be cooler than normal. great lakes into the mid plains and the northeast. mid-atlantic states above normal. cooler along the coast. rmal. good morning to you. well, we're not seeing a lot of low cloud cover over the city by the bay. plenty of high at mid-level clouds, though. 60s popping up all over your temperature map. 63 in hayward. 60 in concord with mostly cloudy conditions over the entire bay area. mostly cloudy throughout the day in san francisco. limited sunshine. 68 degrees. as a result, isolated thunderstorms definitely a possibility, especially inland
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and the higher terrain. temps fall to the 70s by wednesday. al. thanks. coming up next with their reality show canceled, what's her for kate a we'll ght?ta we'll talk to her. ew york ♪ ♪ concrete jungle where dreams are made of ♪ ♪ there's nothing you can't do ♪ now you're in new york ♪ one hand in the air for the big city ♪ ♪ street lights, big dreams all looking pretty ♪ ♪ no place in the world that can compare ♪ ♪ put your lighters in the air ♪ everybody say yeah, yeah ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ in new york ♪ concrete jungle where dreams are made of ♪ ♪ there's nothing you can't do ♪ now you're in new york ♪ these streets will make you feel brand-new ♪ ♪ big lights will inspire you
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we are back now at ten after 8:00 and after six years it's a wrap for the goslin group. tonight marks the end of "kate plus 8." first a look back. >> action. >> the cameras have stopped rolling for one reality family and the most well-known mom of multiples and her eight kids reminisce on the show's finale. >> the last episode of our show. >> go. >> reporter: after months of speculation and reports of low ratings in august the cable network released a statement tlc has decided not to renew another season of "kate plus 8." gosselin took to twitter that
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same day tweeting there are many tears at the breakfast table this morning. >> might be a crazy life. >> but it's our life. >> reporter: the show began as "jon and kate plus 8" as they raised twins and sextuplets in pennsylvania. the eight little ones stole the show but viewers were captivated by the relationship between mom and dad. in 2009 the show got its highest rating as over 10 million viewers watched jon and kate gosselin announce their separation. >> kate and i decided to separate. >> i am not very fond of the idea personally, but i know it's necessary. >> reporter: the show took a brief hiatus but the divorcing couple remained fixtures in the headlines and paparazzi. kate kept fans intrigued as she got a new look and took a spin on "dancing with the as far as." the rebranded "kate plus 8" focused on single kate as she and her kids moved forward with
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their lives. >> everything comes to an end. everybody knows that. >> kate gosselin, welcome back. good morning. >> hi. >> mixed emotion, right. >> very. >> yeah, you were here in august and you were talking to ann. you seemed to have no idea this was imminent. how did you find out. >> not long after that interview, i got a call from tlc and i knew that we were, you know, in the deciding -- >> teetering. >> -- place so it was not a surprise, obviously ratings and everything else, so i braced myself and here we are. >> i guess a lot of people would say, okay, brace myself and we get back to a normal life because this has been not normal. you know, living in front of cameras is not normal and yet you don't seem to feel that way. i think there's sadness and also fear, isn't there. >> yeah, there's a combination of both. i mean there is some relief, but
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there's -- there is sadness because it's the end of an era. i feel sad for my kids because of all of the opportunities that they're now questioning what's going to happen. i feel sad for fans because they're devastated. they're saying, you know, you're the neighbor moving far away and we won't see you again but there's also fear because this has been although maybe not my career, it has been the start essentially of my career and my job and the way i've been providing for my kids for six years and so, you know, it is a little scary. >> jon gosselin your ex-husband has spoken about the cancellation. we reached out to him. he was unavailable for comment but did tell radaronline that he is "very relieved that the kids will be away from the cameras." he also told another organization "that reality tv is not a career and it's time to get back to a normal life." >> well, it's a situation where, you know, jon may be accepting of mediocre for his kids and
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working a regular job. i want the best for my kids and the best opportunities not unlike every parent. i think that to be a good parent is to work as hard as you can and give them the best opportunities in life and this has provided that. >> so it sounds as if you're keeping the door very much open to continuing to work in television. would you agree to another reality show? >> you know, it would have to be the right one but i think at this point the best opportunity for all of us would be me continuing in tv as a way to provide for my kids. something that's exciting and challenging for me has been tv and, you know, i wouldn't be opposed to it. >> would you be opposed to including your kids again? would you put them right back into a cycle of that? >> you know, if the right thing came along, i think that we all are still in agreeance with it and i'm sure you will see my kids again at some point. >> you know, i was thinking. do you think in some way the ratings started to decline -- do you think in some way after the
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divorce that the viewers missed the bickering that they missed the dynamic and that that's what they were tuning in, as cute as the children are, that what they really wanted to see was a couple disintegrating. >> you know, i think people watch sometimes hoping things, you know, ill will on people and that's unfortunate. but i think that also the -- the drama that was caused the tabloid fodder, i honestly think that played as much of a role into it, because it was drama that was unnecessary that was created that was made up and i'm still where i was minus jon, moving forward doing the best for my kids like many moms out there. and so i think that that sort of distracting factor may have gotten the best of it, as well. >> last week on the last episode a little fireworks there. you know, you had a pretty good fight with a good friend of yours. the nanny or baby-sitter had a
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little -- tough time with her. she got up and quit. what happened. >> you know, it was a situation where there was just that trip was so much even more stressful than you saw on camera. there was so much more, you know, unplanned drama. the whole murphy's law thing and honestly that was a situation where many people have had family vacations wheres that sort of thing happens. you just don't see it on camera and i love jamie. i love ashley. they both know how i feel. i've apologized immensely and they're -- i love them. >> apparently have good feelings about the people at tlc. you thanked them for the opportunities they've given you. >> i do. i need to thank tlc for, you know, opening this door for us, specifically david, the ceo of discovery who has never lost sight of the fact that we are a family with hearts and a future and always protected us and taken care of us and i can't thank him enough. he's a great man. >> just in case people think
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you're vanishing from the planet you have a family website that i think goes on today. >> yes, is a place where fans can follow us so we're sort of not ended. >> keep us posted. i'm sure we'll figure out and be hearing things about what your future holds. thanks for your time this morning, kate. nice to see you again. >> good to be here. >> the season finale of "kate plus 8" airs tonight on tlc. the meg impact that fast-paced cartoons,spreks, spr "spongebob" might have on your children. i've been in your shoes. one day i'm on p of the world... the next i'm saying... i have this thing called psoriatic arthritis. i had some intense pain. it progressively got worse. my rheumatologist told me about enbrel. i'm surprised how quickly my symptoms have been managed. [ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events
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so every bite can be uncommonly good. with a little something extra. today" television's influence on your children. the average preschool kid watches more than 90 minutes of television a day and according to a new study it's not only how much but what they're watching that can havage impact on their attention spans. dr. roge is a medical editor for
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"health" magazine and robin silverman is a health specialist. good morning to both of you. before we turn to you, robin, with good tips, doctor, this study was in in "the journal of pediatrics" and said fast-paced programming can affect executive functioning. translate for us. >> all right. so executive function is a collection of skills that really govern how we behave and acts involving working memory, delayed gratification, problem solving. all the things we need to function well and in this study they looked at 60 4-year-olds and broke them into three groups. one was watching quote/unquote fast-paced television and second was slower paced -- >> what did they find. >> after nine minutes of one of these activities it was decreased in the fast-paced but not affected in the group that watched the slower paced or did the drawings.
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>> had we talking about long-term impact? >> that's the interesting question. it only looked at the immediate time after they watched the television but, you know, the question is does this have long-term effects and other studies have shown television watching for children can affect long-term school performance, attention problems, even lead to obesity so, you know, there's a very good chance these results would be extrapolated. >> so the bottom line is that it's not just quantity of television but quality. i mean, robin, how would you define fast-paced television? >> well, in the study it talks about how often a scene is changed completely. so in the kitchen, in the bedroom, they're in the swimming pool. how often does that happen. fast-paced might be five to six times per minute. >> in fact, the study used an example "spongebob squarepants." >> exactly and a slower pace might happen every two, two per minute like "sesame street." >> nickelodeon puts on "spongebob squarepants" and says
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"having 60 nondiverse kids as not part of the show's targeted demo watch 9 minutes of programming is questionable methodology and could not possibly provide the basis for any valle findings. how much television should toddlers be watching. >> they should not be watching any more than two hours of high quality television per day. and they really are watching a lot more than that. >> and my question is really what parents should do to kind of build this executive function. what are some tips you might have. >> good old-fashioned play. get them out there, imagination, creativity, get them listening to directions, following all the way to the end of a goal. they can also get into martial art, yoga, great activities like that. >> dr. raj, to be devil's advocate for a minute, you might argue our world is a lot more quicker paced than it used to
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be. >> i hear this argument all the time. adults are texting, on the computer and on the phone all the same time and thinks that makes them more efficient. when you focus on one task at a time you're much more efficient at what you do so we're not preparing our kids for any good behaviors. >> a few seconds. robyn, if you want to wean your child off. >> get the tv out of the room. be a great role model. if you want them to watch less, you need to watch less. >> as a reward system. >> like make it more of a privilege. so when are they watching tv? is it in the morning, afternoon and also what shows are they watching. >> all right, dr. raj and robyn silverman, thanks. nate berkus will tell us about fall's hottest colors and how to use them in your home.
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good morning to you. it is 8:26 right now. i'm laura garcia cannon. the woman accused of killing area nursing student michelle le is back in court. le's body was never found but investigators say they believe it was a homicide. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, laura. the high school friend of michelle le is expected to enter a plea in about 30 minutes. she is accused of killing the
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nursing student. she was supposed to be arraigned on thursday but it was delayed because she needed medical attention. she is about seven months pregnant. the last time she was in court, she appeared without an attorney and she indicated to the judge that the court would need to appoint one for her. laura, she is said to be arraigned again at 9:00 this morning. >> thank you very ch, elise, for the update there.
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welcome back, folks. i want to show you a live shot where the a's play tonight. right now, you're concerned about the jam from downtown oakland, very slow here. back to the maps, 580, 24, 680. all those commutes really slow, including the east shore freeway. that 101 accident at the shoulder not quite as bad as i thought it would be. back to you. >> thanks, mike. check out tayn ithe bay morning newsthn facebo.s
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we're back now at 8:30 on a monday morning, the 12th day of september, 2011. nice people gathered in the plaza on a stunning morning here in new york city. we're hoping it's nice where you're waking up, as well. thank you for joining us. we also want to thank savannah guthrie for joining us while ann is on assignment in iran and al roker is here and so is tamron
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hall joining the group. coming up in this half hour we'll help you with your dinners all week long. martha stewart is in the house and she'll be making meatballs. not only can you serve them as one meal but put them aside and serve them to your family for another meal down the road. >> and taking pictures of them. >> family photo album. also ahead, jackie collins is talking about her new novel one, a steamy one. aren't they all. her 28th novel. we'll talk to her featuring one of her most beloved protagonists. >> very nice, time to start getting your home ready for the fall. the decor anyway, expert nate berkus will join us to show us the hottest colors for the season and how you can use them in any room and, of course, on a much-needed budget keeping it affordable and cute. >> too many colors. >> that's a guy thing. >> that's a guy thing. >> but we've got the most beautiful women in the world all gathering in brazil for the
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universe pageant. >> natalie morales is in brazil along with helio castroneves. natalie and helio, what can we expect tonight? >> you can expect a lot of beauty and drama. this is a world class competition, 89 gorgeous women will be here to compete and helio has the tough job of being one of the judges. >> that's why i'm excited to be hosting the show. race car drivers are well-known to be actually hanging out with beautiful women, so i kind of am okay with it. hopefully i can do a good job and choose a great miss for everybody. >> okay, so helio is doing research.
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just so know for the most beautiful women. helio, i know this is your home city, sao paulo. natalie spent part of her childhood there. what do you think it will add to the competition? >> i believe it's great. i mean, natalie actually does speak portuguese. i'm very impressed by her and, in fact, brazil is not only hosting miss universe but the 2014 world cup and olympic games in 2016 so great for brazil. brazil is really supporting everyone here so i'm actually very excited and honored to be in this position. >> great musical performances, as well. one of the hottest numbers here in brazil along with alberto in the u.s. well known as well so really great performances and the spotlight really is on sao paulo and brazil so it's great. >> guys, thank you very much. good luck tonight. we'll all be watching to see who changes clothes more often, the
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contestants or natalie. >> or any of them. >> you can check out the 2011 miss universe pageant tonight at 9:00, 8:00 central right here on nbc. mr. roker. >> andy cohen co-hosts. all right, check it out. as far as weather is concerned today we've got a rick of strong storms in the upper great lakes, sunshine, the heat continues down through texas, no relief for the firefighters there. we got strong rim currents because of maria up and down the eastern seaboard. tomorrow a slight risk, interior new york state. shouldn't cause problems for the folks recovering from the flooding there and heat continues down to the gulf coast and clouds good monday morning to you. taking a live look at downtown san jose. fair level of high and mid to low-level clouds. clear in the city except for when it comes to the high and mid-level clouds, which will hang around all day long.
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60 in oakland. 64 in sunny vale, 63 in hayward. isolated thunderstorms are certainly possible. we've had a couple already this morning. down to the 70s by wednesday. >> don't forget check your weather any time of the day or night on the weather channel or cable. >> next, meatball madness with martha stewart in the kitchen. first this is "today" on nbc.
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and we give you a discount on both. great! did i mention no hands in the bundler? bundling and saving made easy. now, that's progressive. call or click today. martha on today brought to you by macy's and >> we're cooking up a big batch of meatballs. transform the leftovers into family-friendly meals for the rest of the week. martha stewart is here with a few recipes featured in her
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september issue of "everyday food." >> everybody loves meatballs. >> it's great. you make a big batch and use them throughout the week. can you freeze them also? >> you could once you cook them. i think it's better to cook them then freeze them. >> we are tea talking about pork meatballs today. make them out of beef and pork and veal if you'd like. you can do it, whatever your favorite mix is. >> what goes in. >> we shredded a whole zucchini, medium zucchini and squeezed out the moisture. this goes into 1 3/4 pounds of pork and yields 24 nice size meatballs. half a large half onion grated and here's the nis thing. this is bulger wheat as opposed to bread crumbs. you have to really stir. might have to get your hands in there. >> i just took a few hands outside. i'm not sure you want me to do
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that. >> you should wash them. >> i was running. i didn't have time. >> makes excuses. >> okay, so a quarter of a cup of oregano. our mix for the meatballs. 2 1/2 teaspoons of -- cloves of garlic, excuse me, very finally chopped and pepper to taste. >> let's pretend we've mixed that up like crazy. >> we can. >> oh, you actually have to do that. >> there you go. >> don't eat these. don't eat these meatballs, okay. do that. that was fun. all right. >> i'll do it. how long are you going to brown those? >> you have to make the meatballs and get everything incorporated because you want every meatball to have that flavor in there. >> i think we want to save three for our friends back there. >> don't worry. you put them into one cup of vegetable oil in a hot pan like this. okay. i'll wipe mine, thank you and brown them, keep turning them. you can use a pair of tongs like
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this and brown them nicely. this is on -- set there. okay. this is what comes out. look how gorgeous, beautiful. >> now, this we have 24. i ate one already. >> 23. >> now, take out all the oil, discard it. don't pour it down your sink, pour it into an old milk car takener and throw it away. 2 1/2 cloves of garlic. add four pounds of tomatoes that are peeled and seeded if you like. i don't even take the peels offer because i love some crunch in my sauce and a half a cup of oregano. chock oregano leaves. add your meatballs to that and this is what you have. look how beautiful. these are your cooked meatballs. >> we were going to make meatball pizza. another use. why non. >> you could use nonor a prepared pizza dough. if you could get that and keep it in your pizza.
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>> torn up meatballs and shred a couple more if you like. >> my hands -- >> just shred the meatballs on top. i like a lot of meatballs. this would use about four meatballs. >> and how long before these meatballs would spoil? >> well, you keep them in the refrigerator overnight or -- >> well, you know, everything i ask he just makes fun of. >> shred your cheese over the top. >> lay it right on there. >> you put this into your oven. >> okay, you'll bake it. >> let the cheese melt and a few red pepper flakes. >> how long do you bake it. >> until it melts and looks like this. >> you put arugula. >> squeeze lemon over that. fresh arugula and a little bit of olive oil. >> and artfully place it. >> artfully place that all over the top. cut it into pieces and have a really spectacular pizza. >> okay, thank you. >> all right. >> we've got kind of a mediterranean -- >> these are delicious petas. you stand here and i'll go here. take your peta pocket.
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line it with some beautiful lettuce. that's tomato sauce with cumin and hot sauce so it gets a middle eastern flavor to a half a cup of plain yogurt, add some more mint, salt and pepper an and -- i just got back from the middle east eating all this delicious -- petas are so fantastic. >> did you wash your hands? >> since i got back, i washed my hands since i got back from israel. >> a little sauce. >> and beautiful red onions. little peta pockets. wrap them in parchment paper. nice thing to serve to the kids. >> meatball -- >> you can mix them with barbecue sauce and put them on these little -- >> not homemade. out of the jar? >> you can use a jar. >> where did you get the little potato rolls. >> just available in the bakery
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and everybody loves sliders. >> that's easy. >> i like a lot of barbecue sauce so i put it on both sides. >> so cute. >> got my name all over. martha stewart, so good. >> everyone is not afraid to eat. >> i know. i know. >> best of all. >> coming up next, the best-selling author jackie collins but first this is "today" on nbc.
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she has written an awful lot of best-sellers. sold more than 400 million copies of her book. now jackie collins is out with "goddess of vengeance." jackie, welcome back. nice to see you. >> nice to see you too, matt. >> this is different. no one drinks, no one does drugs. no one is having sex. no, that's right. everybody is doing drugs and having sex. tell me about this.
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lucky santangelo is back. >> she's back. she is a goddess. everybody thinks she is a goddess because they love her so much. they just love this character because she's such is a strong woman and takes vengeance and i like a woman who does that. strong, takes vengeance, hence "goddess of vengeance." >> you did tell me one time you were towning down your characters in terms of what you had to make up for them because you were taking so much of this from the headlines of what happens every day in hollywood and truth is better than what you can make up. >> exactly. when you think about what happens in the world not just hollywood but you think about the whole weiner scandal. if i made a character up like that i would be laughed off the page and arnold schwarzenegger. these guys go too far and think they can get away with it and they do but never get it away with it in my book. that's why my twitter fans lover it. >> even as you mentioned twitter. there are a lot of current references in the books you mentioned. tmz, perez hilton, radaronline.
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are you wrapped up when you're home and writing for your whatever hours of day in your general life, are you wrapped up in that celebrity culture? >> i am a popular culture junkie. i love covering it all and watching it all and i've said this to you before but i'm like an anthropologist crawling through the jungles of hollywood watching what goes on and writing characters people recognize. >> do you keep files of these stories because thee happen every single day. do you scroll them away. >> all in my head. i mean i write in longhand and as i write my characters take me over. i've written in "goddess of vengeance" the worst villain i've ever written. armand jordan. he came to me because i was reading an interesting article in the newspaper, not interesting, really frightening about this woman in another country being stoned to death for adultery and i wanted to create a fictitious country and a fictitious sin and show he had a lot of contempt for women and show what happens when this character comes up against lucky
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santangelo. >> do you go into demographics? do you know exactly who it is buying your books and television we're very much into that. is it the same way when it comes to books. >> it is and i love it because of the whole social media now i know exactly who is reading my books. >> who is it? give me the average person. >> it would be a 30-year-old woman whose daughter is also getting ready to read my books and it's kind of i get the generations. i get the daughter, i get the mom and i get grandmom. the husband reads them too and then they have a much better sex life. >> those younger ones, though, while it's great because it rejuvenates you and keeps the brand going, they're tougher to shock, aren't they. >> not at all. >> haven't they grown up in a time where they've seen and heard everything. >> you would think but i get all these correspondences and go, you know, i was reading it under the covers and you taught me everything i know about sex. i think it's a good thing because i great write marriage sex.
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you know all about that. >> thank you. >> being a married man for many years. >> speaking about marriage you wrote the secret to a sensual, sexy marriage is knowing when to leave children, pet, family commitments and business affairs at the door. >> is that not true? >> reallying abouted down in all that. >> a great elevator scene that people are talking about -- >> yeah, what is it with you -- >> elevators. >> you like scenes where people get caught in the act. >> i've written 28 books and written a lot of sex scenes so i have to get inventive and i do and they're erotic and fun and i think people have fun reading them. >> they play on your biggest fantasies or worst fear, those scenes where you get caught. >> or my truth. >> has it happened. >> i had a friend who got caught. i had a friend. i won't tell you her name. >> who had a sister named joan, yeah, okay. you talk about lucky yes's kids. >> max who is 18 and she's a wild one like a little lucky and
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this morning on at at home with nate berkus today," five fall color trends. time to replace the summer colors and who better to show us than nate berkus >> that's me. >> yes, that is you. host of the appropriately named "nate berkus show" premieres today. we should expect what for the season. >> it's all makeover, everything that out in the feel i'm back sort of my oprah day, always ringing doorbells and the first two weeks of the show are fantastic. it's a polished brand-new season. >> people get really excited when you show up. let's talk point colors of the season. i'll go through them we can talk about them. navy black, jade, rust, asparagus and bronze. now call me crazy, i'm not a designer but navy black seems like two colors. >> it's one color but good call.
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you know, in fashion we're seeing a lot of women wearing black and navy at the same time and there's a lot of clothing that is both colors at the same time. that is extended itself into homes. it's a huge color for fall. >> the couch we show is navy black. you can really see. >> what's great is a neutral. an upgrade. decorating in a more traditional way. if you're contemporary it works as well. >> would this be too wintry later. >> i don't think so. i think you flip out with linen pillows. white with blew wilting. i never recommend a sofa that is a trend but will last 10 to 15 years. when you're picking a sofa color navy black is a new classic. >> your next big color is jade. you don't have to do a huge piece change but subtle accents. >> it appears in fresh flowers. but if you want something more permanent we have beautiful boxes, there's different pottery
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that you can look at. west home has great pottery. all online catalogs, an easy way to update a coffee table and feel like you've done something new. >> our next color here is rust. >> the rug which i absolutely love, it's under $250 from west elm, beautiful color. nice to switch out rugs as the seasons change, as well, savannah, because it gives you a different feeling when you're walking into the space and all those natural fiber rugs and the sea grass and things like that, a flat woven rug when you can do a rug room size for $250 is a nice instant update. >> next color is asparagasparag. why not avocado. >> because avocado is probably the same color, spg, i'll admit that to you but avocado makes people think of the appliances they don't want anymore. >> i think of guacamole. >> which is a happy thought. asparagus, great color green, a fresh green and what i like
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about it, it transitions into fall without feeling like we've given up the sunny afternoons. still bright. >> you're showing them in the vases but the pillows, kind of an easy color to incorporate. >> crate & barrel, great thing to buy on the weekend, add it to the sofa or the chair you haven't been paying attention to. >> final color, bronze. >> my favorite. i don't really like when i'm asked what trend colors are truthfully. i think it's designed to make people feel bad about what they bought last season. i'm careful to pick them to incorporate what people already own. silver and gold, we've seen a lot. bronze works with everything. >> kind of a neutral. >> completely, completely. >> what would you put it with if you're thinking some old colors. >> the lamp, i like that color, i like the mirror, it's from bed, bath & beyond. it's kind of a soft metallic that works well and we're being invaded. hi, guys. what's going on? it's a design invasion. >> yes, celery.
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as we head throughout the midsection of your week, temperatures fall a little bit, down to 73 degrees in san jose, thursday. back to you, laura. >> looks good. thank you so much. check out nbc bay area morning news on facebook. i'm suzanne shaw. raiders management to take every step to stop fan violence sparked your attention. that violent preseason game, many people were blitzed by the time the coin was tossed. they were plain stupid drunk by fourth quarter. alcohol should be banned from the tailgating parties. kevin said no, don't ban alcohol. instead, set up beer gardens, put in tvs. you have to show your i.d. to buy. if you appear to be drunk, you're not allowed in. ryan says there's absolutely no need to reinvent the stadium safety security wheel. managers should learn from best
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practices, such as the zero tolerance policy at at&t. and brita advises more severe consequences for violating stadium rules will make the biggest impact. your views are important to us. join us at nbc we are back now with more of "today" on a monday morning, september 12th, 2011. just take a moment if you will to say hi to all the nice people gathered on our plaza. on a pretty late summer day here in new york city. i'm matt lauer with savannah guthrie. al roker joining us, as well. and now never before heard radio tapes of jacklyn kennedy, recorded a couple of months after her husband john f. kennedy was assassinated and some of the things she says on the audiotapes are very
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revealing, very personal and intimate and hearing some of that in a couple of minutes. >> fascinating stuff. also ahead, rethinking retirement. what with the wild stock market swings and our finances taking a real hit, a lot of working americans are worried about enough savings for retirement and what should you be doing with your money right now? we'll break down the common myths and give you some much-needed tips. also ahead, easy treatments for some of the most common skin concerns and hoping it saves you a trip to the dermatologist. could be stretch marks, acne. we'll get the answers to frequently-asked questions. >> stretch marks? >> i have stretch marks but that's another story. okay. let us go inside. natalie's also on assignment. tamron hall has a look at the headlines. >> good morning, everyone. president obama's $447 billion jobs plan heads to congress today kicking off the push for
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support today in the rose garden before heading to ohio and north carolina later this week. brian williams sat down with the president to find out how the commander in chief thinks he is doing in the efforts to bolster the economy. >> there are still a lot of folks hurting out there and my job as president of the united states is not to worry about my job. my task is to worry about their job and their economic situation. >> did you watch any of the republican debate? >> see the interview with the president on "nbc nightly news." the tenth anniversary of the september 11th attacks went by. several irns dents. two aircraft shea doed a flight bound for new york city when officials say three passengers locked themselves inside a bathroom. a denver to detroit flight was shadowed by a pair of f-16 jets after two people reportedly in the bathroom for an extended period of time. three people were detained at the detroit airport but a representatives said no charges will be filed.
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an officer was detained at a kansas airport saying suspicious items were found in the luggage. those items tested negative for explosi explosives. ground zero is a memorial and museum today as it opens to the public for the first time since the attacks on 9/11. the families of the victims got the first look sunday. security there will be tight and visitors will have to get tickets in advance. officials say there's no outside leak of radioactivity after an explosion this morning at a nuclear waste facility but a worker was killed and several injured. they were supposed to be sealed away for a century but there's audiotapes of jacklyn kennedy. it's a complex historical portrait of an american icon with emotions raw and revealed just how jfk viewed lyndon johnson, the new president. >> bobby told me this later.
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and i know jack said it to me sometimes. he said, oh god, can you ever imagine what would happen to the country if lyndon was president? so many times he would say it or if there was ever a problem. >> caroline kennedy said she felt it was time to release the uncensored tapes because you can't change someone else's oral history. a movie infectious around the country this box office. "contagion" the first place spot with $23.1 million. "the help" in second and "the warrior" at third. a pair of gog thes worn by amelia earhart sold at auction for almost $18,000. two dozen rare photos fetched another $13,000. it is now four past the hour. back out to matt and savannah. a lot of money but it's worth it. >> thank you very much, tamron. let's check with al and find out where the weather is.
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>> inside and upstairs. >> that's right. savannah was looking around. >> i was looking for you, al. you left us. >> i did, i did. jo'll show you the reason in a second. let's check out what's happening. we have monsoonal moisture out srm he southwest, strong sto off the southeastern atlantic coast. looking at some beautiful weather in the pacific northwest today underneath the clouds we go. a few clouds along the coast and inland gorgeous weather. slight risk of strong storms in the upper great lakes. heat continues with no relief in sight for the drougtd in texas on through the gulf coast. rip currents a big problem because of hurricane -- i should say tropical storm maria up and down the eastern seaboard and heavy surf good monday morning to you. taking a live look at downtown san jose. you can actually see the mountains off in the distance. we have a little bit of haze out there. air quality in a good range across the bay area. 65 in concord. it feels kind of tropical out there. we've got a lot of moisture surging in from the south.
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as a result instability. could see some isolated thunderstorms in the mountainous regions later on today. 68 for san francisco and 69 degrees in oaksnd. we drop off toward the middle of the week. ht to you by bank >> and this morning on "today's money" rethinking your retirement. a lot of americans spend their working lives building a nest egg for the golden years but some the advice you've been getting could be off the mark these days. we have a personal finance expert author of "the real cost of living." good to see you, carmen. we've heard so many of these tried and true ideas but you've got to be paying attention right now. >> you have to pay attention and have to rethink things these days. times have changed. the market has changed. it's six times more volatile than it has been over the past 40 years.
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think about it more smartly. we're living longer too. >> here we go. the myths we talk b first of all, the day i retire i need all my money. >> isn't this what panics when the market drops. we saw this in 2008 and again in august, a lot pulling it out of the market. you have time even at the age of 65 but only if and only if the money that you have in the market you're not going to feed for at least ten, 15, 20 years. you should not have money you need for the next ten years in the market. when the market moves on a daily basis, you don't need that money that day. you teed to keep it in and you have the time to ride it out. >> as you get closer to retirement you should think about moving your money in something more secure. >> less risk. >> also which goes to the next one, a lot of people believe stick with the plan no matter what. >> no, listen, you can't do that especially with so much volatility. there are two ways you don't have to stick with the plan. you can't control the markets. you can control what you do.
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first withdrawal rates. the tried and true null has been if you withdraw 4% a year, things should be fine. the market is not behaving as it has the past 40 years. lower that to 3%. make sure someone is doing simulations for you or you're doing it yourself online to see how you can switch out every six months to a year how would my investments are doing. can i go back to 4, can i go to 5 and adjust yourself accordingly and working in retirement. don't write off working. i know i will be working. but keep in mind supplement your income, just keep in mind one thing. if you're taking social security, check to see what the limits are. >> another myth is in this kind of volatility you should have just cash is king and gold aeven better. >> oh, i love hearing people say these are safe. okay, safety, let's define that. s is's something you're not losing your value, you keep your money that you have. cash, putting it under the mattress even or just sticking it in a checking account. here's the thing, capital gains tax on anything you earn on it,
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say you earn 1%, inflation, 2% to 3% a year you lose. if you keep it in the mattress you're actually going to lose on average 2% a year. $2 for every $100. >> what about gold? these radio hosts are talking about gold and putting it in gold. >> here's the thing, gold lost $120 in a day. anything that can lose $120 in a day is not a safe investment. it's one commodity, one asset. be very mindful of that and gold didn't do anything for 20, 30 years and now it's just very volatile. keep in mind what safety means. >> paying off your mortgage early is the way to go. >> no. >> that's one of the myths. >> here's the thing. when you have a mortgage it's not just the interest rate and for many years that's all we had to think about. you see what the housing market has done. how much we've lost in the housing market. it's not just the mortgage but also the market. first year in and year out
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"consumer reports" found if you put an extra $100 in your retirement savings versus your home in the long term you always come out 1% to 8% ahead. also to the mist, it's really bad to be house rich and cash poor. so if you put all your money into your home how are you going to pay for everything else? make sure you save money. the house is not a liquid asset. >> if i can ask you this, you know, because i see a lot of commercials aimed at seniors, these reverse mortgages. >> yeah, this is the danger and this is again a situation when you find yourself, you own your home but have no cash so they come to you and say let's do a reverse mortgage. you're borrowing against the hem, you can lose up to 20% on your home and on the value of your home. you can outlive your home and then you would have to move so what would you do. my recommendation if you want a little o extra money toward the house, fine. please, whatever you do, number one, save for retirement. >> all right. carmen wong ulrich. thanks so much. we'll be working a long time hopefully. we've got answers to your most commonly asked questions at
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the dermatologist's office. later, all signs of fall. we'll help you gear up with a fashion road map. first these messages. ve this card. -with the bankamericard cash rewards credit card, we earn more cash back for the things we buy most. it's 1% cash back everywhere, every time. 2% on groceries. 3% on gas. automatically. no hoops to jump through. that's 1% cash back on oscar. ...tony. oscar! 2% back on whatever she'll eat. 3% back on filling up this baby. [ male announcer ] now get 1-2-3 percent cash back. it's that simple. [ male announcer ] apply online or at a bank of america near you. tt we're talking 3% back on gas. or at a bank of america near you. on a recent trip to france we discovered the inspiration for a totally new yogurt. activia selects french yogurt. so silky and smooth with lots of juicy fruit. it was a grueling trip! try new activia selects french yogurt. first these messages. prescription strength relief t with 24-t
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younger-looking skin in just 2 weeks. new revlon age defying with dna advantage cream makeup. age... defy it! will thrng on "today's health," the top skin care complaints. millions go to the dermatologist every day with common conditions like acne, stretch marks or even scarring so what are some of the best treatment options out there. dr. debra wattenberg is a dermatologist and joins us. nothing is off-limits when you go to the dermatologist but the number one thing, acne, what is surprising to a lot of people it affects all age, not just a puberty or teenager problem. >> if you come into my office
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complaining with wrinkles or a rash acne comes into the combination and after between the ages of 30 and 40 people still complain about acne. >> what causes it. >> so acne can be caused by stretch or hormonhormones, gene. cosmetics, applying creams and lotions, dilates pores and it creates problems for people of all ages. >> what do you do to clear it up. >> acne, the quickest fix look for sal sill lick acid, benz soil peroxide. you can start with some of the over the counter products that work will an there are systems that work well with cleansers and moisturizers designed for people with acne and if that's not working see your dermatologist. you might need some retin-a. accutane is always available for those and laser treatments that are fantastic to clean out the skin. one of my new favorites sucks
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the material out of the pores and it shoots a laser light source to kill the bacteria and works well. it's new, fast and helps people clear up. >> now moving on to scars and preventing and taking care of them whether it's a fall or maybe another kind of scar you've acquired from burn. >> they come in all different sizes and shapes and colors. you need to address the issue. if you have a red mark, treat it with something that will help eliminate regular. a hyper pigment mark, you want to bleach it out. if you have a wound that's not healing you need to address that before you can actually address the scar so important to take care of them. avoid sun exposure. make sure your wounds are covered. covered wounds heal faster and can prevent scarring. >> is it possible to make a scar completely disappear or will it always be there slightly. >> depending on how the scar is formed will determine whether or not you can get rid of it
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completely. insurgency cal scars are hard to get rid of completely. you can't get rid of them completely. but there are great topical medications that get rid of pigmentation, products that contain hydro quinone and others that contain silicone that help to shrink and soften them and laser treatments to get rid of brown spots and red spots and really work. >> that's a long list. obviously you need to talk to your dermatologist with that many options. >> i think if you're looking for issues with discoloration, might want to start with simple products that help hyper pigmentation he spefshlly after acne people complain of marks or after a burn, discoloration is there. you can treat that. >> hair loss. we hear about that a lot but it's a problem for women, as well. >> hair loss is actually one of the most stressful conditions for a woman to experience and the ones i see come in two forms. one that is alopecia which is
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genetic and they get a diffuse thinning by diffuse thinning and it is stressful but they don't see the hair falling out. the other type is acute which is where it falls out because of severe stress and that might be stress at the workplace or stress on the body secondary to a surgical procedure, divorce, crash diets. and for those people they're losing more than 100 hairs per day and can see the hair follicle at the edge of their hair and need to figure out what is that stress that's causing it. >> you see products like rogaine and propecia. >> rogaine works well. i prefer the men's version of men's rogaine for women. you just want to be careful because the side effects is that it can cause facial hair then you get rid of one problem and create another and that's sometimes an issue for people.
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there are systemic medication as valuable for women to counteract the hormone component so that is something you can get from a dermatologist. the issue is you want to make sure you don't have a medical condition causing it so often with hair loss i do recommend seeing a dermatologist, things with anemia, thyroid abnormalities can be easily corrected and prevent it from happening. >> let's move on to stretch marks. another big complaint. what causes stretch marks. >> stretch marks occur when you have rapid growth or rapid weight gain and during puberty when, you know, people are growing. their growth rate occurs so quickly, the skin stretches and it occurs in areas where there's a lot of fat deposition, along the breasts, hips. >> what's the cure? >> best treated when treated early. once they turn white you can't get rid of them but when they're red or pink you can apply topical retin-a. topical creams and then the
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lasers and lasers that help can scar removal are quite helpful. >> you hear about complaints about ingrown hairs. women are prone to these but you think laser is one of the best ways to deal wit. >> permanent hair removal is the only cure for ingrown hairs. if you have a chronic issue from waxing because the hairs drop back below the surface of the skin and then they cause a foreign body like having a splinter in your foot, if you don't get rid of that air issue, it will persist. permanent hair removal can eliminate it forever. if you can't do permanent hair removal with lalser or electric troll cyst which works, as well. you might want to consider doing some exfoliation using warm water and a buff puffer, using things that will thin the skin, glycolic acid. salicylic as sit. over-the-counter products that can help that. >> a lot complaining about the little white dots on their skin. is this from the sun? what causes it? >> the white spots that are
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there are chronic sun damage from too much sun. people come in all the time complaining that they're vealing these white spots. why are they getting them and how can you get rid of them? you cannot get rid of them. they are from too much sun and there isn't anything that will repigment someone will come in with white spots caused by a fungus and that we can treat and seen right after the summer and we apply some topical medications and goes away. >> quite a list but a lot of information. thank you very much, doctor. coming up, cool weather and your fashion road pap for fall. first these messages. new york ♪ ♪ concrete jungle where dreams are made of ♪ ♪ there's nothing you can't do ♪ now you're in new york ♪ one hand in the air for the big city ♪ ♪ street lights, big dreams all looking pretty ♪ ♪ no place in the world that can compare ♪ ♪ put your lighters in the air
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♪ everybody say yeah, yeah ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ in new york ♪ concrete jungle where dreams are made of ♪ ♪ there's nothing you can't do ♪ now you're in new york ♪ these streets will make you feel brand-new ♪ ♪ big lights will inspire you ♪ hear it for new york ♪ ooh ♪ new york [ girls ] good. ♪ ♪ thank you! ♪ phew!
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[ ernie ] we make our cookies the way only keebler elves can: with a little something extra. so every bite can be uncommonly good. with a litt♪e something extra. why settle for a one-note cereal? get more with honey bunches of oats. four nutritious grains come together for more taste, more texture, more healthy satisfaction. have a bowl of happy. vine-ripened tomatoes and real italian seasoned meat. the food got famous. and soon, so did the chef. hello, i am chef boyardee. quality ingredients no preservatives still in every bowl.
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quality ingredients if you think occasional irregularity is no big deal, think twice. it may be a sign that your digestive system could be working better. listen to this with occasional irregularity, things your body doesn't use could be lingering in your system, causing discomfort. but activia has been shown in clinical studies to help with slow intestinal transit when consumed 3 times per day. 7 out of 10 doctors recommend activia. and the great taste is recommended by me! coming up, exclusive video of robyn gardner before she
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vanished in aruba. plus, easy meals to get the family around the dinner table." we could do weight watchers online together. it was easy, it was flexible and it worked. ok -- i've got ground turkey, i've got bell peppers so he'd plug it into the recipe builder and it just pulls up tons of recipe options. laura's very competitive, whenever i was beating her in weight loss numbers -- i always was winning in percentage. i am a little competitive. together we lost 162 pounds. i don't know if you've noticed, but look at this guy. [ female announcer ] join now and get one month free. hurry, offer ends september 17th. weight watchers online. finally, losing weight clicks. but we don't make stuff. we make ovens. dual fuel double ovens. and they bake so evenly, so perfectly, that now, delicious is something you can depend on. we only make things for one room. the best room. your kitchen.
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we're devoted to it, delighted by it, and you can feel it in everything we make. nobody knows the kitchen like kitchenaid. good morning, it's 9:26. you could be paying more to cross the golden gate bridge come 2013. that's when the district will have to pay $75 million for, the district also needs to pay for $100 million in seismic improvement to the span. the toll increase could happen in july 2013. the toll could be raised a dollar. the district board of directors needs to vote on the proposal first. another possibility is that the toll could gradually be raised in 2014 to match the annual 5% transit fare hike.
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right now, it costs you six bucks to cross the bridge. more problems mounting for a fairfax father recently charged with child endangerment. after being accused of leaving his baby in a hot car last week. fortunately, we're happy to report the 1-year-old was not injured. chelicov violating probation for an earlier drunk driving conviction. it is possible he could be deported back to the native country of ukraine. stick around. traffic and weather is next.
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81 in san jose. east and west cities will get sunshine between noon and 5:00. a sigalert. >> that's right, christina. 30 minutes or more for this accident to clear northbound 101 at hilldale or basically 92. blocking three of your left lanes right now. injuries reported at the scene. four cars involved. another accident in millbury all the way down to hillsdale because of the slowdown as well. john, this is much better than half an hour ago when it was all the way from san leandro. >> good to see it. check out nbc bay area morning news on facebook. i'll be back right here in about half arne hour.
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right, tamron. >> i don't know what you speak of. >> i hear you, girlfriend. >> coming up in this half hour, what happened to robyn gardner? we'll take a turn and talk about this maryland woman missing in aruba for more than a month. exclusive images of her and the prime suspect in the says have come out. it shows them just hours before she disappeared, so what is it telling investigators? we'll take a look at that. >> what a story there. also, moving ahead. we'll get on the style road map for this fall. we'll point you in the right direction for all the hottest trends in the upcoming season without breaking the bank and show you how you can rock these pants. not for the wary or not for those confident. >> yeah. >> rock it the right way. she's rocking it. >> yes, she is. >> it was good of you to loan her your pants. really nice of you. >> recipes and ideas. >> get her my big clown shoes too. >> get your kids involved in the kitchen and entire family. not leaving anyone out. get you around the dinner table
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and have us cooking a nice meal. >> how about a check of the weather. >> for the day today, we've got a risk of some strong storms in the upper mississippi river valley. clouds along the pacific northwest. and no relief for firefighters in texas or the drought. that continues tomorrow. interior sections of new york. may see a light risk of strong storms. hit and miss showers and thunderstorms into the southwest and mild conditions along the mid-atlantic coast. good monday morning to you. still mostly cloudy over the east bay and the south bay. we do have good air quality for today. you'll actually feel the moisture when you walk out your front door. tropical out there. moisture surging in from the south. as a result, instability. we do have that chance for isolated thunderstorms, especially in the east and south bay as we head throughout the afternoon. 68 degrees in san francisco. 71 for santa cruz. temperatures drop off toward the middle of the week. we'll warm back up, 83 on
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saturday. and that's your latest weather. >> all right, al, thanks. coming up next, exclusive new video of robyn gardner just before she disappeared in aruba. we'll have the latest on this investigation right after this. good morning! ♪ [ female announcer ] nutri-grain -- one good decision... ♪ ...can lead to another. ♪ ♪ with real fruit, more of the whole grains your body needs, and a good source of fiber. nutri-grain can help you eat better all day. nutri-grain can help you ♪ nutri-grain can help you ♪ introducing hershey's air delight.
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experience new light and airy, melty bubbles. made from pure, delicious hershey's milk chocolate. new hershey's air delight. if you have painful, swollen joints, i've been in your shoes. one day i'm on p of the world... the next i'm saying... i have this thing called psoriatic arthritis. i had some intense pain. it progressively got worse. my rheumatologist told me about enbrel. i'm surprised how quickly my symptoms have been managed. [ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience
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persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. get back to the things that matter most. good job girls. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. good job girls. on a recent trip to france we discovered the inspiration for a totally new yogurt. activia selects french yogurt. so silky and smooth with lots of juicy fruit. it was a grueling trip! try new activia selects french yogurt.
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it's been five weeks since robyn gardner went missing in aruba. now investigators are poring over surveillance video showing the maryland woman just hours before she disappeared. nbc's jeff rossen has more on this with exclusive video. >> reporter: hi, al. we've never seen robyn gardner in moving video until now. her body language, expressions, did she seem happy or scared in the moments before she vanished. all of it is revealed on this restaurant surveillance tape and it's crystal clear, not just one camera, but several angles showing he every move. we've seen the still images of robyn gardner in aruba moments frozen in time. but now for the very first time we see robyn on videotape in
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vacation mode looking carefree just minutes before her mysterious disappearance, and there's the man by her side, her travel companion, gary giordano, who would soon become the prime suspect. >> well, for law enforcement this is almost the holy grail. what you want to be able to do is see the missing person, the victim and the last person that she was known to be with. >> reporter: 3:07 p.m., robyn and gary arrive for lunch at a restaurant by the beach. gary is walking a few steps ahead. they look normal like any other couple and don't appear to be fighting. another camera picks them up each holding a plastic blue cup as they're about to be seated. they walk out of frame. just one minute later, robyn gets up and walks to the bathroom alone. she gets all the way to the door wearing high heels carrying a large purse. then suddenly stops, turns around and walks back toward the bar. seconds later she walks back to the bathroom and goes in for two minutes.
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when she comes out, our first look at robyn's full face, no sunglasses as she walks back to her table off camera. 3:57 p.m., gary giordano walks out of the restaurant holding the plastic blue cup. witnesses say he went to his rental car and refilled their drinks with his own stash of vodka and orange juice. 4:00 p.m., gary walks back inside holding the cup. >> was it alcohol and he was just trying not to pay for drinks, or was it something far more sinister that could have had something to do with her disappearance? >> reporter: 4:07 p.m., robyn makes another trip to the bathroom. one witness says she appeared sober but groggy. when she comes out, robyn heads back to the table. 4:13 p.m., one hour after they arrived, robyn and gary leave the restaurant. gary is walking several steps ahead. they're talking normally. gary even stops and waits for robyn to catch up. he's still holding the plastic
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blue cup. >> there is not a happy ending to the end of this tape. >> reporter: what happened in the next two hours remains an unsolved mystery. giordano says after lunch he and robyn went snorkeling near the restaurant. giordano claims robyn disappeared underwater and he did nothing wrong and reported her missing around 6:00 p.m. the surveillance tape licensed by nbc news captures gary's behavior after robyn vanished. at 6:16 p.m. he reappears at the restaurant alone and walks up the steps shirtless wearing what appears to be a bathing suit and sneakers. he bangs on the restaurant door then bangs on another door looking for help. after working with police for days, investigators would arrest giordano at the airport trying to leave aruba locked up ever since. >> i'm hopeful that justice will be served.
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i can't lose hope, and i can't lose faith. >> reporter: an aruban judge ruled that gary giordano can remain behind bars for another 60 days while police investigate and build their case. giordano's lawyer in aruba has appealed that decision, but that motion was denied, so even though he hasn't been charged yet, he remains in prison and, of course, savannah, still no sign of robyn. >> jeff rossen, thank you very much. why do we have aflac... aflac... and major medical? major medical, boyyyy! [ beatboxing ] ♪ i help pay the doctor ♪ ain't that enough for you? ♪ there are things major medical doesn't do. aflac! pays cash so we don't have to fret. [ together ] ♪ something families should get ♪ ♪ like a safety net ♪ even helps pay deductibles, so cover your back, get... ♪ a-a-a-a-a-a-a-aflac! [ male announcer ] help protect your family at [ beatboxing ]
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[ malvo: a breakfast worthotect your famwaking up enjoy the sausage, egg and cheese croissan'wich today. only at burger king. while i took refuge from the pollen that made me sneeze. but with 24-hour zyrtec®, i get prescription strength relief from my worst allergy symptoms. so lily and i are back on the road again. with zyrtec® i can love the air®. [ female announcer ] windex multi-surface so lily and i are back on the uh oh!!ain. lets you keep up with messes right when they happen. so you can put that windex shine -- on just about anything. get windex multi-surface and keep up. sc johnson, a family company.
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think twice. it may be a sign that your digestive system could be working better. listen to this with occasional irregularity, things your body doesn't use could be lingering in your system, causing discomfort. but activia has been shown in clinical studies to help with slow intestinal transit when consumed 3 times per day. 7 out of 10 doctors recommend activia. and the great taste is recommended by me! ♪ life is a highway." >> on "today's style." pointing you in the right direction for fall. the fashion road map so you never get lost. good morning. a whole road scene. what's common road blocks when shopping for fall? >> this season we have a thod to
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the '70s. animal prints, mixing color and texture and i think people are very trepidatious when you have to put it all together. much easier when you don't have to layer in spring and summer. what we're here to do today is give you answers, not advice, solutions and great ways to not overfend but to be on trend. everyone wants to do that. >> some of these new trends are difficult for ordinary people -- >> exactly? so let's bring out our first model. two-way street. melissa and when you think two-way street. what do you mean by that. >> the fashion road map is relating to our road signs we all know and now we're driving our wardrobe into the right place. here what we're doing is mixing textures and prints. what you have to do here if you're going to mix a novelty print is stay in the same color family. if you see it's all the darker tones like navies and we mix the tweeds and stripes but never mix
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two of the same prints. >> you've got two different -- you have the different prints and different textures. >> that's what is so exciting. you can mix it up with texture and have fun with your wardrobe. between jackets. pants, all under $100. you don't have to buy every piece. we're giving you great pieces but it's not about clutter or re-creating a wardrobe. these are grade wardrobe building. wear the pant with the tank top or sweater. >> or put it together like that. thank you, melissa. our next road map, wildlife crossing. i think i know where this is going. >> backstage everybody was flipping for this dress. number one, we know how animal prints have been on the runways, if you open up any of your magazine, here we used a python print mixing the hughes of black, gray and off white and put an ankle boot. a black shoe or tight in your wardrobe for under $50 you can
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get this dress and a layer chain necklace. on trend. when could you not wear this necklace. >> these animal prints lets you get your mind around -- they are like a neutral. >> they are, a great print. i would always wear won. don't mix animal print on animal print. less is more. take an animal print, do a dark opaque leg. i love as i said before the darker tights and 45, you layer on your necklace and look gorgeous. >> we'll all steal that dress. our next one with just road block and we have tiffany to model this look. this is a fashion we're seeing everywhere this year. come on out. >> we use our road block sign to represent color block. when we think color block we think the pop art kind of colors. this is a great way to take a classic pencil skirt because we
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work and need things to wear to the office but still need style. dark green tone, navy and black. you can layer on a black top, white top, a simple pump and you add a limb bit of shine near the face and on trend, made a great investment in the skirt and can build it if last season. >> i like how this color blocking is understated but you do see some of those bolder color combinations that you've put together this fall. how do you know what works. >> well, on one color in your color block, focus on that. atranth, not distract. if you have a lot of multicolors, pick out your darkest solid and wear white. don't have too many things. don't have someone look at you and think, oh, my god, of a headache. you want them to look at you and admire you but not be distracted by all the colors. >> thank you so much, tiffany. hard hat required. you're saying hats are all the rage. >> i love a hat for one
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functional reason. my gray comes in quickly. all about the '70s. >> hazel has a floppy hat. >> we've done the '70s trend here. not to say dunnaway. we didn't make it break. i love the rich bordeaux color. for $15. if it's getting cold in the winter, we don't need to wear a ski cap. a nod to fashion. someone who loves to have a look but -- >> would you wear hats like that to the office. >> to and from the office but during the day it might block your keyboard when you're looking down but not everything has to be for 24/7 all the time. $15 you can have it just for fun. >> let's bring all the models ott one more time and look at all these fashion trends. >> you don't have to overspend and still look great. >> stefani, thank you so much. thank you and coming up, we'll take back dinnertime with an easy meal idea and the whole
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safeway. ingredients for life. this morning in "today's kitchen," easy as one, two, three, get the whole family together to encourage parents to create easy meal, get kids involved and have fun doing it. ally is here. good morning, real good to see you. cute, cute, cute. >> you can relate to getting the family around the table. i love the challenge. what's some of the things you heard from families. >> we had so many readers respond to us saying help me, here are my dinner problems and told us, i don't know how to cook. i don't have time to cook. you know, i am eating too much take-out. >> all the realities. >> and you've come up with some solution, easy meals and start off with chicken. >> exactly. one of the things -- we all from
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our readers. nobody has time to cook. one of the solutions just have a bunch of 20-minute meals this. is a red curry chicken. chicken breast, curry paste, red pepper, rice, lime, you're done. tons of recipes on our app called no time to cook. ipad app. keep those in your back pocket. there's no excuse. take-out takes 20 minutes. >> kids will enjoy this from the look of it. >> next, this looks like the traditional meatballs and spaghetti. >> this is great turkey meatballs. you don't have time when you get home and kids have to be in bed at 7:30. not going to happen. so make a big batch of meatballs, keep them in the freezer and reheat hem in 10, 15 minutes. you can put them on a sub sandwich, pizza, soup. >> refrigerator, freeze them. boom. >> okay. now, this looks like it would be
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more difficult. i'll be honest. >> really easy. what we told a lot of readers to rely on salmon filet, ten minute, chicken breast, ten minutes, italian sausage, 10, 12 minutes. really fast. here's the deal. you make this on a weekend. a big batch of side dishes. make the bean salad. onion, pepper, vinaigrette and whip it out and put the salmon in the pan and have dinner. >> obviously it's about planning, just putting in a strategy and all about that. >> none of this is hard to do. all really simple cooking like all of our recipes are simple. a few strategies to get in your head and incorporate them into your week and find it's easy. >> they suggest you cook maybe three meals or have three meals on the ready before the week starts like on a sunday. >> on a sunday maybe make a batch of meatballs and bean salad and probably got two or three dingers covered right there. >> last but not least, i love this. >> you don't always have to
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cook. the other thing. what you do is make everyone make their own. all you do is put out the stuff, cheese, cold cuts. leftover cooked vegetables in the freezer, onions, arugula, that kind of thing. >> i love it. >> and put it together. >> that's healthy. >> 20 minutes or less. it's all about planning and planning your strategy. >> congratulations. >> thank you on the new baby. allie, thank you. >> i just stuck my fork in. >> i busted you there. >> there you go. >> all right, coming up, what's next for the crew of "entourage" after last night's finale. one of the cast members stops by. >> first we have your local news and weather.
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i'm jon kelley. 50 lightning strikes in contra costa county late friday night sparked four vegetation fires most in mt. diablo. they were all under control and no buildings were damaged. firefighters in, more than 40 wi wildfires burning in remote parts of kern county. people who live in the area are being told to be ready to evacuate. firefighters not sure at this point how long it will take to bring all those fires under control. i can tell you right now it's time for weather. that means it's time for christina loren. inland and mountainous regions, isolated thunderstorms. take a look at the temperatures already. lack of low cloud cover and fog at coast has you at 62 in san francisco. you're at 73 in sunnyvale. limited sunshine, even in the
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east and south bay regions, probably not seeing that complete sunshine until about 12:00 noon today. 68 in san francisco. mostly cloudy conditions for you throughout the day at the coast. as we head throughout the afternoon, temperatures will be comfortable. we have a chance of thunderstorms, especially inland. giants take on the pads at at&t park. winds out of the west-northwest could make for some interesting ball play. should send those balls right out to center field. temperatures start to drop as we head toward the center of this week. let's check your drive. mike, you still have that sigalert? >> it was just canceled. 101 still very slow. in hillsdale, three lanes were blocked, some of the southbound lanes blocked by crews as well. starting to recover now. getting hit hard south of millbury to the interchange. 680 basically out of pleasanton and clear by the time you hit fremont. jon, back to you? >> we suggest you check out nbc bay area morning news on
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nbc-universal television captions paid for by nbc-universal television hello, everybody. it is funun day monday septembe 12th. we are so glad you're here with us. >> you're a little hoarse after a long sprinting weekend. >> this has been my third weekend in a row where i through out on a thursday night to seattle, the west coast, and took a red eye last night and usually i'm okay. it's just starting to get -- we
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are in rehearsals up in seattle. >> how is it going? >> phenomenally well. so exciting. saturday night we did spotlight night. what i love so much about the fifth avenue theater is, i love revivals of great old shows, but it's very hard to mount new work. it's very expensive and it's very difficult work. they champion new work or else i wouldn't be there. i'm so grateful to them. 1,000 people on a gorgeous night in seattle came out to see it. they came to see and hear some of the songs. it was -- when people start to hear about the story of aimee semple mcpherson, they're hooked. i got home today, this morning, we landed at 6:15. thought i'll go to the little apartment, take a shower. i want to be nice for my co-host. >> what happened? >> then it was two hours from newark airport just to get to the lincoln tunnel just because of all the security. now i'm thinking, you get a little -- plus i was in a plane last night that lets you only go
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back about two inches. good night behind me had to go to the bathroom all night long. he's holding on to the back of my seat. i said really? >> people don't realize that in the movie theater. when they are walking in front of you and move your seat around like that. >> i'm one in three of us hate mondays more and we complain more on mondays than any other day. i don't mean to. >> this is why we complain on mondays. you have your reasons, obviously, you're exhausted. >> and part of that is i finally get to the lincoln tunnel. i think i'm going to get to hair and make-up, see my hoda woman. i can smell her. she's in the distance. >> what happened? >> policeman pulls us over. i roll down the window and he says, open the trunk, please. he was polite. i said they're just doing their job. there's a real concern about security. he looks in the trunk, my
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suitcase is there. comes into the window and goes, "love your show." one of the funniest parts of the weekend was, i'm out in seattle. you tend to forget the rest of the world really is existing while you're so in the zone working on a theater piece. chris jenner calls me and says the kardashian girls are in new york for fashion week. they've got a day off for september 11th. going to be a busy time in the city. can they come out to your house and hang. i called frank. honey, do you mind if the kardashian girls come up? he goes, sure. i call him on sunday, how's it going with the girls. he goes, oh, are they here? how many men would not know that the kardashians are that the hair house? i said yes, look out the window. they're down by the pool in their bikinis. they are? what would you do if you had kim
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kardashian in a bikini in your backyard. yeah, yeah, they're down there. i said i think her new husband is there, too. he goes, is he? he goes which one is he? >> he's 6'9". he's hard to miss. yeah, they're here. they look like they're having a good time. i guess he was very into the giants game which was not going well for the giants. >> i heard it was nasty. >> but you had a nice weekend. >> i did. i did a little fashion week action -- by the way, fashion week in new york is crazy. you sort of get it, but it's wall to wall people jammed in. i went to lord and taylor and crowbared myself in with interesting people. >> we'll show that later. >> went to the u.s. open on thursday. saw big john the american playing somebody who everybody knows. i can't remember his name. that's not the highlight. i'm with jay. we are at the tennis thing.
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a ball is airborne like sky high. all i want jay to do is catch it. i'm yelling get it, get it. he reaches up like he did when he was a wide receiver in college and he got it. yes! >> he got the ball. >> he got the ball. >> and it's not a shchweddy bal. >> we were on the show the other day. >> we had real schweddy balls ice cream. >> ben and jerry's made a schweddy balls ice cream flavor. apparently it became a thing. huffington post ran a clip of you eating the schweddy balls. i can't have ice cream so i can ask what it takes like. >> how are they? >> it's got fudge-covered rum balls and milk chocolate malt balls, too. how do you think it tastes. go out your schweddy balls fast.
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>> huffington post said we consumed something other than alcohol, which was nice. aol said, sure we ate schweddy balls, there was rum in there. and anna gaster tweeted, holy cow, i just heard hoda and kathie lee tested schweddy balls this a.m., can we write a sketch about that? molly shannon, are you in? >> maybe we can look forward to having our careers further ruined. >> there was a rant on the usa open. serena is losing. she is one set down, getting ready to hit a shot. before her opponent gets a chance to swing at it, serena screams out. in tennis, you're not supposed to yell, obviously. watch this exchange. >> this is before. >> she yelled. >> she yelled, "come on!"
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it threw the girl. that's not the highlight. >> you're not allowed to do that. >> the judge said instead of having a do-over, they said she gets the point. serena got upset. they gave the girl the point. less's listen now. >> that's a bizarre thing to say. >> it went on and on after that. >> it seems like serena is out of control. >> she says, i never complain, et cetera, et cetera. i think once you complain once you're seen as a complainer. >> we don't know the stress they are under. apparently she was getting beaten badly in the match. still no excuse.
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>> there isn't. apparently that was not the judge. it was another controversial call several matches ago. that wasn't her. it was another person. i think you do things when you're under pressure that are stupid. i told you that one time i was playing high school basketball and we were getting totally crushed and it was horrible. >> one of my favorite hoda stories. >> i'm dribbling down the court. a girl steals it. not only did she steal it, i'm flat on my back like a big loser and we are getting creamed. i do what any basketball player would do, i reached back and grabbed her ankle and yanked it and she fell down. that's not my personality at all. >> this is my theory, it is your personality. that's when your true character emerges. >> it's one of those you just want it to end and you end it like that. >> oh, my gosh. >> what is your favorite thing? >> i've worn this twice now.
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this looks on the surface like it's a ton of bangle bracelets, right? it's really -- look at this i think this is great. it's like a slinky. $49 at stella.come. looks like real diamonds and everything else. isn't that fun? >> i love how it stacks up on you. >> here is mine. it's a book called "all about us." you're with your boyfriend, husband, whatever. you start asking each other questions. they marked a couple. i can't see. let's look at one. you ask questions. >> before us. >> anyway -- >> no. it's great. >> it's by philip kiel. >> three things you dislike about your relationship. three things you love about
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being in a relationship. turn off or turn on. it gives you everyone is a jumping off point. lost loves. >> i think that is a dangerous book. >> it might be dangerous. >> a really dangerous book. >> but you'd like it. your memory losing your virginity. >> joanne lamarca. >> describe your husband's sex appeal in one sentence. don't say it. hi, sara. what is your favorite thing? >> my favorite thing is the twist band. the twist you get four for $2. i wear them constantly as bracelets. they're for your hair. i want to remind everyone. people are having problems logging on for the cutest baby. click on the link at the top that says "cutest baby." >> show how to do it. >> i clicked on the tab. below it it has your name and a link below it.
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you have to click on this link. it opens up and then it will lead you to the submission. that's the only way you can get an eligible. >> people are trying so we don't have their submissions? >> they are putting it on our facebook page which we like, but not officially in. you have to officially enter. >> yeah. it loads and you order your submission. people need to wait. click on that and go below to the other link. >> thank you. what else? >> then next up we have the fan of the week. it's monday. drum roll, please. our winner is kelsey bridges from kentucky. she is obsessed with the show. blogs about you and even wrote a play about you guys that was performed at her couch's women's conference. >> at church? >> kelsey loves hoda's book. can't wait to give her son parker "the legend of messy
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m'cheanie." >> fantastic. congratulations. >> we are giving away 20 signed blondie cds. >> is this fun day monday or not? >> tell us why you're a blondie fan. >> we'll be performing for us. thank you, sara. next, it is the end of an era "entourage" signs off after eight seasons. >> i don't know what cody is going to do. we get to talk to one of its stars jerry ferrara, aka turtle. [ female announcer ] today is the day... ♪ make a change with best foods. ♪ make parmesan-crusted chicken. ♪ surprisingly crispier... juicier... mmm. yummier.
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find this and other recipes at made with real simple ingredients. best foods. make it real. make it different. best foods. new revlon age defying with dna advantage makeup. its powerful skincare ingredients and spf 20 help protect skin's dna and reduce the visible signs of aging. 96% of women saw flawless, younger-looking skin in just 2 weeks. age. defy it! whoa! do you know what our favorite part of shooting hoops is? 3...2...1... overtime! ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh
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♪ we're the kids in america sfx: bed crashes to floor kids seem to get bigger overnight. good morning... whoa! whoa! and when they do, they're ready for goodnites. the nightime underwear specially designed for kids 4 and up. flavored with real honey. powerful cold medicine that leaves out artificial flavors and dyes and instead uses something more natural, honey. new vicks nature fusion cold & flu. ♪ new vicks nature fusion cold & flu. if you think occasional irregularity is no big deal, think twice. it may be a sign that your digestive system could be working better. listen to this with occasional irregularity, things your body doesn't use could be lingering in your system, causing discomfort. but activia has been shown in clinical studies to help with slow intestinal transit when consumed 3 times per day.
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7 out of 10 doctors recommend activia. and the great taste is recommended by me! era "entourage" signs off after if hbo's "entourage" as important tv for you as it was so many, you have time to fill. >> after eight seasons, it signed off last night. jerry ferrera played the loving and well-meaning turtle. centered around four childhood buddies. >> you were the most loveable of all of them. >> i'll take that. >> they were a randy little group. >> they were. before we get to the details of what happened last night, you are so slim. i remember in the first season you were a chubby little turtle. >> it was actually a fat suit all these years. this is really me. >> what did you do? how did you get it off? >> just a long period of time of just eating well and working out
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a lot, which is why i'm grumpy a lot of time. i love to eat and i hate working out. >> you changed your diet big time. >> i feel great. >> what was the hardest thing to give up? >> pasta. i'm italian from brooklyn. >> that's in your dna. you have a little once in a while? >> sure. >> the end of the season, because there were a lot of loose ends that needed to be tied up at the end. some involved you, obviously. tell us what you're comfortable telling us about the end. >> the finale aired last night so the purpose was to wrap up a lot of these loose ends. it's more about the journey for the whole eight years, looking back where we all started. my character, trying to get a girl to make out with him. selling a company and actually becoming a millionaire. >> you evolved the most out of all of them, don't you think? >> yeah. it took the longest. >> weren't you always begging for some great storyline from the creator and he said, wait. you're going to get it.
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>> seeing everything evolve ahead of me, maybe could we take the yankee cap off and i could actually have a girlfriend? our creator said we are saving you for season 8. i think he said that thinking we'll never get to season eight. season eight came around, it's my turn. >> is this going to turn into a movie or something? there is talk of that. >> that's always been the idea. obviously, i don't tell you nothing is set until you're i there on set rolling cameras. doug allen is going to be writing the script. i believe he started. we are hoping to keep it alive. >> you have a serious side to you, as well. you have a project you've been working on close to 9/11, right? >> yes. i've been working with this organization called action america which literally was started less than two months ago by tim armstrong, the ceo and chairman of aol. for me it just started off helping spread the word and just kind of continued to grow.
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in 2009, the united states named 9/11 the national day of remembrance and service. that's kind of what action america is. the service part just being positive action. the littlest things from helping elderly across the street to donating money which goes to the wounded warriors fund and 9/11 memorial to any of that. >> we like you so much. >> just being here in new york for the tenth anniversary, i haven't been in new york since. >> i cried when i was on the treadmill in seattle. paul simon started singing ♪ hello darkness my old friend ♪ >> good to see you. >> come back with your next project. >> i would love to. hopefully it's the "entourage" movie. >> punky brewster is grown up with kids of her own. wait until you hear who brought them into the world. what you get what hoda mixes her favorite music with fashion.
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even though i'm a great driver, and he's... not so much. well, for a driver like you, i would recommend our new snapshot discount. this little baby keeps track of your great driving habits, so you can save money. [sighs] amazing. it's like an extra bonus savings. [ cackling ] he's my ride home. how much can the snapshot discount save you? call or click today. should we order panda blossom, panda moon... how about chinese at home with wanchai ferry? you can make it in just 14 minutes. mmmh, orange chicken. great. i didn't feel like going out anyway. [ male announcer ] wanchai ferry. restaurant quality chinese in your grocer's freezer.
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hours of the night for fashion in the city. >> hoda is keeping up her reputation for painting the town in the pink. >> everybody, it is fashion night out. the third annual. it is a party in new york city. it's buzzing. can you hear it? wait, look, look, can you feel it? lord&taylor. >> thank you for being here. >> do you always have jets cheerleaders? how are you guys? you all right? you never know who you're going to run into. in lord and taylor, i found nan yet lepore. what is the one thing women should have? >> color. a beautiful jacket in a great color. >> we are going to go into the photo booth. is music in there? what is going on in there? ♪ the show goes on all night ♪ till the morning we dream so long ♪ >> if p you watch our show, and i know you do, kathie lee and i are constantly wearing a certain
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brand. it is kay unger. guess who's here? your clothes fit like regular women. like kathie lee and me have different bodies, but we both can zip your dresses up. >> i believe in real women. i'm a real women. i've been all different sizes. >> shall we go up? >> let's go up. >> it's not even 10:00 in the morning and time for us to have a little drink. here is to an evening cocktail, kay. i'm going to tweet you. we're on a roll. we're drinking and tweeting. what's your jam? >> moves like jagger. ♪ >> we've got more to do. come downstairs. it's happening down here. down here. we are going to see ivanka trump. >> does everyone know who this is? >> i like a lot of things about ivanka, but most of all she
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wears a 9 1/2 shoe like me. >> party in the house tonight. ♪ everybody just have a good time ♪ shake that >> go, go, go! >> it's like a dance party. fashion night out has been a success! all right, i'm going to dig through my bags. nice talking to you. >> see what happens when i leave town? >> i'm broke and trashed. >> that looked like fun. >> we are talking about hollywood romances. >> then punky brewster no more. >> [ male announcer ] at cheez-it, we expect a lot from our cheese. hmmm, what are you doing? studying. studying? quantum physics. that's not mine?! i don't know where that came from! aw, do you ha...
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is that a check? that's not a good check is it? what do you think? it's a bad check. [ male announcer ] we take the time for our cheese to mature before we bake it into every delicious cracker because at cheez-it, real cheese matters. that's why i buy new charmin basic. it's very reasonably priced. plus, it's two times stronger when wet versus the leading competitive brand. new charmin basic works for my bottom line. and my bottom. new charmin basic.
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i brought champagne. oh wow! best in the world. oikos greek yogurt from dannon. so creamy thick and fresh tasting dannon oikos berry flavors beat chobani 2:1 in a national taste test. mmmm... this may be the best in the world. oikos greek yogurt. good morning, everyone. the time now is 10:26. i'm jon kelley. their game at the broncos kicks off in denver at 7:15. ted ginn jr., first player to ever return a kick-off and punt for the opening game of the season. scoring both touchdowns with minutes left in the game. seahawks did it 57 minutes apart. up by 2 before he did that. they go on to win over the seahawks. as for the giants,
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mathematically, they're not quite out of the playoffs just yet, but for all intents and purposes, the season is over, unfortunately. finally getting the run support they needed yesterday, beating the dodgers 8-1. that was enough to avoid a weekend sweep. they still lose that series. now 8 1/2 games back in the n.l. west. giants host the padres tonight at 7:15. meantime, the a's are already out of the playoffs. texas beat them yesterday 8-1. with that loss, it's now mathematically impossible for the a's to make it to the postseason. in case you're interested, they still host
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welcome back. temperatures already climbing into the upper 60s and low 70s. you can actually feel the moisture out there, sticky icky. tropical moisture continues to push into the area as we head into the afternoon. instability for pop-up thunderstorms here. couple in the east bay early this morning. 75 in concord. 65 in fremont, 68 in san francisco and in oakland. cooldown toward the middle of the week. bring a jacket if you're headed out to the game tonight. padres at 7:15. sticky situation for san mateo, southbound 101 still recovering after the earlier sigalert. northbound side at hillsdale,
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rest of the peninsula all right. slowing around the coliseum. >> weather traffic and advisories. these guys do it all. check out nbc bay area morning for the latest s.teda s.wete'l we'll see you at 4:30 for today in the bay tomorrow morning. monday with "today's buzz" and the juiciest, steamiest, sizzling celebrity news. >> from george clooney's new gal pal. >> hi, ladies. let's start with j. lo and bradley cooper having a little -- >> one of the most, i mean, expensive and romantic restaurants here in the time warner building. >> that's right. it's a famous restaurant. the date was the real deal.
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we found out in hollywood? they were there for three hours. >> it's eight courses and one bean for course. >> that's good for j. lo. apparently they were very romantic at the table. you can't go there with somebody unless you want to spend time with them. it's that commitment. >> obviously, they didn't order off the prix fixe menu which is $300. >> they did. they had the nine courses, $295 each. >> between them they can cover it. >> george clooney doesn't waste time. >> neither did j. lo. >> back-to-back so quick. >> you can barely get your monograms changed. >> this is a former wrestler. the question is whether she can pin him to the mat or not. >> he doesn't like to be pinned. that's why he broke up -- >> well, he likes. >> exactly.
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he ditched elisabeth after she gave an interview where she talked about she wanted to be married and have kids. >> this is a strong, tall woman. she is 5'11". when she was on "dancing with the stars" they referred toer as "the object of seduction" because she is so glamorous. she is very independent. in toronto she was free to be apart from him and not so clingy. >> he was very much there. he was rubbing her back. they were sharing food off a plate. >> hoda and i do that. there is nothing wrong with that. you should not assume that means something is going on. >> justin bieber 17 years old talking marriage? >> there is something going on. he gave an interview and said he wants to be married by the time he is 25. his mother and father were teens when he was born. >> interestingly, he didn't say he wanted to be married to selena gomez. >> he did go out to las vegas to see her.
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she was sporting his name on her wrist. >> at her concert you could see it. justin with a heart underneath it. >> we think it's a draw-on. >> let's skip over to demi moore. what is this topless tweeting, she is 48? >> she may be taking up with ashton kutcher left off in terms of all will be revealed on his show. she took a picture of herself in the bathroom wearing only her dark-rimmed glasses. you see only her back in the photo. >> she likes to take her clothes off. she tweeted a lot of photos of herself. >> i like to be naked, too. >> last time she tweeted, this picture you see here was the one she snapped when there were rumors of ashton cheating. >> what is that supposed to say? why cheat when he's got this at home? >> kind of. she is a brave woman. she was the first woman to go
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naked on the cover of "vanity fair" when she was pregnant. >> we'll get the news maybe from soleil moon frye because they are best friends. >> you covered everything, puppy love, cougar love and brand-new love. she was the spunky punky brewster. uh... um... [ bling! ] four score... [ bling! ] ...and seven years ago... [ bling! ] i kissed emily costa... eww! [ male announcer ] unlimited talk and text, only $45 a month, add more lines only $25 each. plus other low prices every day on everything. save money. live better. walmart. plus other low prices every day on everything. lose those lines for up to a year! juvéderm® xc is the gel filler
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your doctor uses to instantly smooth out lines right here. temporary side effects include redness, pain, firmness, swelling, bumps, or risk of infection. ask your doctor about juvéderm® xc. on a recent trip to france we discovered the inspiration for a totally new yogurt. activia selects french yogurt. so silky and smooth with lots of juicy fruit. it was a grueling trip! try new activia selects french yogurt. but sometimes i wonder... what's left behind? [ female announcer ] purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena® naturals. developed with dermatologists... it's clinically proven to remove 99% of dirt and toxins and purify pores. and with natural willowbark it contains no dyes, parabens or harsh sulfates.
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dirt and toxins do a vanishing act and my skin feels pure and healthy. [ female announcer ] purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena naturals. [ female announcer ] purifying facial cleanser let's design a vacation on a bumake it work.edia. see what anandra did? booking her flight and hotel at the same time a serious money-saving maneuver. book it! major wow factor! where you book matters. expedia. we're all out of toilet paper. can you toss me a roll? too rough.
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we're out of toilet paper. can you toss me a roll? too soft. can you toss me a roll? that's better. angel soft. an ideal balance of softness and strength. [ announcer ] who could resist the call... of america's number-one puppy food brand? with dha and essential nutrients also found in mother's milk. purina puppy chow. known for playing the lead character in punky brewster. >> now a mom of two and entrepreneur. first check this out. she was the star of her own hit tv show in the 1980s. >> who are you? >> i'm punky brewster. and who are you?
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>> soleil moon frye was 7 years old when she played punky brewster, an adorable little girl abandoned by her parents and later adopted by an old grouch-turned-loving dad. >> you haven't matched your shoes yet. >> i have two different feet. why shouldn't i wear two different shoes? >> i don't know where punky ended and i began because we were so intertwined and she was so spunky and full of life. >> today at 35, soleil is a wife and mother of two. she has an online blog and plans to share her life in "happy chaos." >> it was like playing in a play ground. i wanted to share some of those wonderful adventures. then i also loved the idea of exploring the kids we are and the parents we've become. >> poet. do we need a wipe here? >> "happy chaos" is for anyone that is living in the chaos of
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kids. takes that moment to realize, it may be chaotic, it may be crazy, it may be insane, but there's happiness and joy in it. >> amen. and she is here with us today. your girls are adorable. >> so cute. >> they are getting so big. my 6-year-old just lost her first two front teeth. it's the time is going by. >> an empty nester. you're right about it. the core of all of it is, embrace it, right? >> absolutely. our houses are full of chaos. i would come home and literally every one of the cushions in the house if you flipped it over, you would find black paint or something there. you know what i mean? just embrace the messy moments. >> plus out there you seem to see a lot of seemingly perfect people. >> that would not be me. >> i don't think it's anybody. i really don't. i think they are just putting on
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a front. >> or they're knocking back wine or something. >> hey! >> it's okay to knock back a little wine, right? i did feel like why do i feel -- i shouldn't feel bad about this. i love being a mom so much, but i also think it's totally crazy and chaotic. i want to be able to embrace that messiness and not feel bad about it. i want to enjoy it. >> your kids have unique names. >> poet and jagger. >> how did you come up with those two? >> poet, we love the name poet. there was a quote by edgar allen poe, all we see we see like a dream within a dream. jagger was strong in my belly. we wanted her to have a strong name. jagger was cool. >> mick jagger? >> no. i do love mick jagger, it's just that she was strong. >> is she the most docile.
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>> when she was born, we thought, she is peaceful. i hope the name fits. she is like a tiger. she went on space mountain the other day. she was only 3 1/2 years old. >> you must be getting great reaction to your book. >> i was so inspired by twitter and facebook and sharing with social media. i was a really early adopter. here is my messiness. i would share pictures of the sharpee on the wall. parents said finally, there is somebody like me. i feel like the social community became my parenting group. >> we have to ask you about demi and -- what was the whole point of that? >> we can ask her. we can tweet her right now. >> we weren't sure if she likes to be naked or -- >> she is incredible. >> she was your birthing coach? >> both times. she was in both of my birthing rooms. ashton was in the first one, as
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well. it's like a party. i was brought up in a very unorthodox family. >> your name long before. >> both birthing rooms we had eight to ten people. demi was there both times running the legs and massaging. >> she is a great friend. >> she is such a great friend. she is amazing. >> your book is fun to read. you get a little bit of your past and your present. >> "happy chaos" thank you so much. >> i want what she's having. >> if if you missed it, soleil's book is called "happy chaos, from punky to parenting and my perfectly imperfect adventures in between." >> how to fix that bad skin andf rsve signof aging. >> what are you looking at? and blondie is going to sing. could be working better. listen to this with occasional irregularity, things your body doesn't use could be lingering in your system, causing discomfort.
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but activia has been shown in clinical studies to help with slow intestinal transit when consumed 3 times per day. 7 out of 10 doctors recommend activia. and the great taste is recommended by me! who's she? new downy unstopables. here to shake up your fresh. toss these little scent boosters in before you wash. and the fresh scent will last until you're ready to wash again. new downy unstopables. the fresh too feisty to quit. until you're ready to wash again. sfx: bed crashes to floor kids seem to get bigger overnight. good morning... whoa! whoa! and when they do, they're ready for goodnites. the nightime underwear specially designed for kids 4 and up.
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revlon launches growluscious plumping mascara. with a conditioning formula that helps strengthen and plump lashes up to 200% instantly... for maximum volume... new revlon growluscious plumping mascara. that's why i got them pillsbury toaster strudel. warm flaky pastry with delicious sweet filling my kids will love. plus i get two boxtops for their school. toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat.
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hey, jessica, jerry neumann with a policy question. jerry, how are you doing? fine, i just got a little fender bender. oh, jerry, i'm so sorry. i would love to help but remember, you dropped us last month. yeah, you know it's funny. it only took 15 minutes to sign up for that new auto insurance company but it's taken a lot longer to hear back. is your car up a pole again? [ crying ] i miss you, jessica! jerry, are you crying? no, i just, i bit my tongue. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. state farm. now's a great time to get at&t u-verse tv. make the switch! [ female announcer ] call now to get at&t u-verse tv for only $29 a month for six months. hd-ready dvr included
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at no extra charge. plus get up to 182 channels with hbo and cinemax free for three months. [ male announcer ] u-verse tv lets you record up to four shows at once on a single dvr. and you can record and play back your shows from any room. even upgrade to over 170 hd channels. that's more than cable. [ female announcer ] call now to get at&t u-verse tv for only $29 a month for six months. hd-ready dvr included at no extra charge. plus get up to 182 channels with hbo and cinemax free for three months. [ male announcer ] and at&t u-verse tv leads major cable providers in customer satisfaction. see for yourself why at&t u-verse is america's fastest-growing tv service. don't get left behind. [ female announcer ] at&t u-verse: tv like you've never seen before. it's time for "today's
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beauty" and reversing the damage the summer's sun has done on your skin. >> it's not too late? >> it's never too late. >> starting with the face. >> when you were a kid your freckles were called freckles and they were cute. now they are called hyperpigmentation. we want to take them away. these are for dark spots from garnier. they have different acids which help dissolve the melonin in skin. >> our hair gets crackley. >> and the ends get crunchy. you want to use a protective mist. this is from john frieda which infuses your hair with oils. >> when do you apply this. >> before, during and after. it's a leave-in. there is a great brush from
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goodie. it has the oils that mimics the oil in your scalp. >> back feet, crack ling feet? feet crack. >> yes. the skin on your heels is three times as thick as the skin on the rest of your body. it's like a hoof. >> so attractive. nice hoof. >> so when it gets dry it gets crackley. you want to keep it soft. this is a new line from opi about smoothing your feet. you put it on and it helps hydrate as well as exfoliates. this is from sally hansen. this is a 24-hour moisture thing. put your socks on to keep your feet cozy. >> hoda has perfect feet. that's nice. >> you can use it on your hands.
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>> smells nice, too. >> these are two of my favorite products. they are lip balms, but they have spf in them and they are hydrating. your lips get dry. this is from tarte. there are great shades for the fall like berry. this one doesn't have any color. it's from elizabeth arden. they are both about $17 and they feel good, they look good and make you look good. >> and you look good. >> thanks, sweetie. up next, blondie is back with a performance. first this is "today" on nbc.
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when you hear songs like "call me" you're probably transported to another time in your life. >> when blondie broke on to the scene, is releasing her ninth album. this one is called "panic of girls." while you think blondie is debbie harry, it's chris stein, glennburg, lee fox, tommy kessler and matt kesboen on keyboards. so happy for you guys. >> we've been waiting for new music. why did you decide to come out with it now? >> i had to kids in the interim and it took a while to get that stabilized. >> all that pregnancy tired him out. >> you guys are still kicking it. i think that's awesome. still loving it as much as before? you're in the middle of a tour. >> yeah. we've been touring regularly all these years. we love it. >> you're going to play a song called? >> mother." >> take it away.
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♪ ♪ in the patent leather life ♪ i was foolish you were right ♪ looking for some other way ♪ shiny boots all up their thighs ♪ mother in the night ♪ calling you ♪ calling you ♪ mother in the night ♪ where are you ♪ where are you now ♪ mother's left the building ♪ we're the missing children ♪ mother in the night
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♪ where are you ♪ where are you tonight ♪ mother may i stay all night ♪ lift your curfew like the light ♪ ♪ collars turned against the cold ♪ ♪ i'm looking for someone to hold ♪ ♪ in your patent leather night ♪ mother in the night ♪ calling you ♪ calling you ♪ mother in the night where are you ♪ where are you now ♪ mother's left the building ♪ we're the missing children
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♪ mother in the night ♪ where are you ♪ where are you ♪ now that i can't remember ♪ now that i need you more than ever ♪ why can't we be together always ♪ ♪ mother in the night ♪ mother in the night ♪ mother let the children ♪ where are the missing children ♪ mother in the night ♪ where are you ♪ where are you ♪ mother in the night
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