tv Today NBC November 3, 2011 2:05am-3:05am PDT
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celebrates the chalice. the stella artois chalice can. from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. captions paid for by nbc-universal television so gd you're with us today. it's the middle of the week. winesday, wednesday. >> we have kris jenner prepping and getting ready to be with us on the program today. interesting, given two things. everything with her daughter kim, and she's got a new book out as well. >> she's lived quite the life. i'm sure she's not getting asked as many questions as she would like about her book today.
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she'll have plenty of time to do that. >> very newsy day. >> herman cain and kim kardashian. the two hot stories. >> kim did release a statement. a lot of people saw the crush of cameras when she arrived in australia. i wonder if she expected that kind of response. and in some cases backlash depending on who you're talking to. >> it's a huge hit in 150 countries around the world. i think she's come to expect it. >> my sister was in dubai when she was there. she said it was just like this kim kardashian insanity. >> pandemonium. >> here's her statement. first and foremost, i married for love. i can't believe i have to defend this. i would not have spent so much time on something just for a tv show. i love with all my heart and soul. i want a family and babies and a real life so badly that maybe i rushed into something too soon. i feel like i was on a fast roller coaster and couldn't get off when now i know i probably should have. >> you know, people are going to have their opinions.
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that's the kim i know. is the person that is a hopeless romantic. but the thing is that i think she has to understand now at this point -- and we'll talk to kris about it a little bit later, too. it's almost impossible to have a normal life anymore. they've become bigger than life. if you want those things, i remember saying to marla maples once. she said she was so in love with donald trump and all of that. she wanted -- frank and i lived out on a farm in connecticut with a white picket fence. she was talking about, this is the life i want. this is the life i want with donald. i said, here's the thing. you're never going to have this life with donald. you got to understand that. you'll have a different kind of life and maybe you can be happy. didn't turn out so well. you've got to understand the reality of the situation is if you're going to marry a kardashian, you're going to be caught up in their world. they're all about family. it's almost impossible to have a private life. >> what's interesting is the fans are so emotional.
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like, it's -- this is, i guess, what happens when you open your family up. people really feel a part of it. they feel a part of the love, the joy. they feel betrayal. they feel hurt. >> of course. >> they feel everything. at first i was like, wow, this sort of crazy anger, like, this is insanity. >> is that what most of it is? >> a lot of it is on the high temperature. i think people felt invested. some people have been saying it's a sham. kris says that's absolutely ridiculous and so does kim. i think it's one of those things that people don't like to feel betrayed in anyway. >> ultimately it is her life. >> yeah, yeah. >> she has the right to make her choices. here's the thing. we live with the repercussions of the choices we make. i don't know. we don't know the truth. we're going to try to find the truth from kris when she comes on. she's been very, very busy. usually she comes to new york, i get a chance to say hello. not today! >> justin bieber is also in the news of late.
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so on -- just when his album's being released a young girl comes out and says she and justin bieber had a sexual encounter. not only that -- >> very brief. >> she said 30 seconds. >> anyway. >> then she said she has a baby that's now 3 months old and she wants him to take a paternity test and all that. she said it happened at a concert? >> the staples center in l.a. >> he invited her backstage and they went into a restroom. >> about the most romantic thing i've ever heard of. i hope it's not true. interesting legal ramifications if it is. the girl is apparently older -- two years older than justin. he would have 16 at the time which is statutory rape. >> makes her 18. yeah. those are fuzzy when you're that close in age. >> you and i differ on these kinds of things. the law is the law for a reason. >> she believes everything is black and white. >> here's what i also think. if it's a lie she should have charges brought against her.
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for defamation of character. there's got to be a stop to this at some point, too. >> the timing is questionable. her lawsuit -- her suit against him is coming out right when his album is released. >> yeah. and the baby's 3 months old? how about when she got pregnant? >> that's how cynical we've become as a culture. everything's planned. >> everything's planned. i wish i could be devious like that and manipulate stuff and plan stuff. i say bring it on. let it happen. bring it. >> if you fantasize about your celebrity crush, and you're married or in a committed relationship, one study says it's a good thing. because it keeps the -- the juices flowing, apparently. the fantasizing about a stranger or a celebrity crush -- >> i disagree with this. what do you think? >> first of all, i disagree with the whole really fantasizing about a celebrity crush. i think you fantasize more about people who you see or know. the fedex guy. >> anybody in this room? >> there might be somebody.
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>> jerry? >> or anthony? yeah, baby. >> i like j.d. a lot, a lot of hotties around here. >> they say it increases the fun you have with your own partner because you're more stimulated. and you say? >> i -- i just say it makes the guy you're married to look worse than he actually is. because if you have a crush on george clooney and somebody in your cast does, and she shall remain nameless. >> but her initials are? >> joann lamarca. you have a fantasy about this man who seems perfect, of course we all know in reality he isn't. all of a sudden your husband's stinky socks are going to smell stinkier. his bad breath is going to smell stinkier. all about smells. his stomach isn't going to look as good as george clooney does. you start -- >> nitpicking?
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>> nitpicking and not appreciating the man you're married to. >> good point. so we trashed that study. one of our facebook fans we want to apologize lately. >> you want to. it was your idea. not guilty. >> i was saying if your shoes are a half size too big for you and you want to wear them still, what works is if you take a maxi pad. let's just say what it is. you peel off the sticky part and put it in your shoe. suddenly, uncomfortable shoes are comfortable. they fit better, whatever. it costs a couple cents. >> dr. scholz makes nice ones. >> sharon taylor heard about our advice. >> whose shoes are those? >> i don't know. anthony. >> i feel bad for sharon taylor. she put her maxi pads in. she had to go to the airport. she put them on the conveyor belt. you know, it wasn't pretty. she felt bad. she realized it. we want to apologize. >> keep your shoes on. >> i just want to give a big shout out to the folks --
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>> you've been wanting to since the weekend. >> a couple days. the folks at the kennedy center. we had this honoring the promise gala. it was a terrific gala. ambassador nancy brinker, sister of susan g. komen. a lot of great people were there. there were tons of wonderful people who came up. a couple of actors from "scrubs" and different shows you've heard of. it was great. all for breast cancer. a big shout out for that. and my friend chris dukes, in green on the end, she had a nice breast cancer event i attended, too. the bcrf. >> do you ever stay home and take care of hodie? >> yes, i do. >> you've got a quiet weekend coming up? no. your mother's retiring. >> yes. it's still going to be a quiet weekend. semiretiring on thursday. she's going to go back to work right after. >> library of congress is going to cease to exist. i don't think it can run. look at that. uncle jay. very cozy looking family. coming up next, kris jenner on daughter kim, all things kardashian.
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now, my good friend kris jenner can officially add author to her bio. in her new book -- >> her memoir called "kris jenner and all things kardashian" takes us through her early childhood in san diego and through marriages and reality empire and key moments that helped define her life, including losing one of her best friends, nicole brown simpson. >> thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to be here. >> i said i could use a real great dose of girlfriends this morning. i'm really happy to be here. >> tell us about -- the news broke on monday. and instantly it was just like chaos and pandemonium. >> yes. >> and there were -- mine, i know you're saying everyone was kind of nice. there was a lot of backlash that i heard. were you anticipating that degree of backlash?
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>> you know, when kim told me, i kind of braced myself for the worst. because it was shocking to all of us. nobody wants to go through something like this. it's devastating. not only to kim, but to our family. we're very sad. you have all these different emotions, you know. we're just sort of on this honeymoon from the wedding. it seems like it happened a minute ago. >> tell us what she actually said. >> she told me what she needed to do. she said, mom, i've been praying and after careful thought, just meditation and consideration, this is what she felt she needed to do. >> but why, kris? >> she's going to, i'm sure -- i can't be here to be her personal voice. that's not my place. >> you're her mom. why do you think? >> something went -- something's not right. you know? she realized that. she had to make it right for her and for her heart and soul. you know, kim's a very honest girl. she wears her heart on her sleeve. she's a hopeless romantic. she wanted this more than anything. and i think she got in over her
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head and she's devastated. she feels terrible about it. >> given how close you guys are, if people who watched the episode she had what could have been cold feet or could have been worse, she kept saying i'm not sure i want to go through with this, you're closer to her than anybody. you know your daughter better than anyone does. you probably know the difference between cold feet and, uh-oh, this is a mistake. what did you think was happening as it was getting closer and closer to the day? >> you know, it was hard for me because there was so much going on and i had such input into the wedding and the planning and everything that was going on. i had so many family members to keep track of and thought kim had herself in check, you know. as i started to notice her, i thought, well, maybe -- somebody asked me, is she a bridezilla. i said, you know what? she's unusually calm. i think kim obviously has feelings that she'll share eventually with all of us, including me. she's in australia. she's terribly guilty that she's disappointed anybody, including especially her family and all of
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us. she didn't want to disappoint anyone else. she went on with her duties in australia and she'll be home in a few days. >> did you try to talk her out of it? did you say to her -- knowing you, i would think, why didn't you guys get off the road for a while. do some counseling. you barely had time to be in the same country together much less be in a marriage. >> exactly. you know, here's the thing. i told kim, you've made this decision. you know, you've thought about this. of course, you want things to work out. you know? i met and married bruce jenner within five months. >> i remember. >> that's crazy. khloe got married in nine days. you and i talked about that. nine days? really? everybody said then, this is fake. this is a sham. they're the two most in love people that i know. bruce and i are going strong. i said to kim, you're not the first person to go through a divorce and you won't be the last. no matter how the length or whatever. get through this. obviously, she has these feelings. she's human. she's hurting. i have to respect that.
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as her mom, wrap my arms around her. >> the big beef i think a lot of people have is they all think it's about cha-ching. this was all a money thing. they made a ton of money. they sell their pictures. they've got a clothing line, perfume. you are a tremendous brand. people saw this as another way to bank. >> she didn't make any money off the wedding. she made some money with her pictures or whatnot. we had our fees for shooting a show just like anybody else. at the end of the day she had to pay money for her wedding. what she netted from the wedding was nothing. she paid money to make her reality true. just because it's written on the front of a magazine or a newspaper doesn't make it real. >> why didn't you at the time, kris, say this is not true. the ring did not cost $2 million. we're not making $20 million. >> because it was so ridiculous. you have to address -- we were busy planning a wedding. not worrying about silly rumors. >> these are the questions people have. >> at some point you get fed up. you hit a wall. you go, stop the nonsense. of course this wasn't a sham.
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do you know how hard it was for us to even say this to our fabulous network, "e!" and to tell my mother, it took me like -- it's like, whoa. >> what about your conflict. your conflict is you are not just the mother of kim kardashian, you are the manager. all the girls. you're the manager. you have to do more than just make sure everybody's in check. you have to make sure the business continues to run. do you think you could have compromised some of your motherly duties because you were worried about your business duties? >> when we did the wedding, the wedding wasn't my business. that wasn't -- didn't have anything to do with business. you know, the wedding was for kim. what i was doing was planning parties and a wedding and family members from out of town and if that's what you're talking about. but now my only job, you know, i have to put manager to the side right now. i'm kim's mom. first and foremost. that's what i'm here to do and to help her through this. all you've got is your family. >> kris humphries has a different kind of a statement which was a little surprising.
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>> he looked like he was blind sided. >> like he didn't see this coming. >> he wants to work it out. >> yeah. >> i haven't spoken to kris. i talked to him last week one time about something else. haven't spoken to him. you know, he's been in minnesota. so i don't know. >> okay. >> you don't think there's any hope for reconciliation? >> i don't know. when kim comes home from australia, i'll get more of a feel for what's going on. right now all i know is she's devastated. that's all i can wrap my head around right now is just making sure she's okay. >> is there anywhere she can go and not be -- heal or work on this? >> of course! she can go to your house. that's where we all go when we need a place to stay and heal. >> let's talk about kris. there's a lot in your book. in it i knew you were close with nicole simpson -- nicole brown. i was surprised you were supposed to meet her on the very day she was killed. i didn't know that. >> we were supposed to have lunch. she wanted to meet me two nights before.
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i couldn't because bruce was out of town and he had flown to do the golf tournament in chicago. and -- >> the same one that o.j. went to afterwards? >> we never figured that one out. i asked bruce that. was that the same golf? it was so foggy. they were in the same city at a celebrity tournament. i had the two little girls who are your goddaughters. i was babysitting, obviously. >> one of them turns 16 years old tomorrow. >> i know! isn't that great? anyway, yeah. i think anybody -- nicole was a dear, dear friend. such a good friend. anybody who was in her universe and in her realm. and a great mom and a great wife and a great sister and a great daughter. i think anybody that went through that at that time was devastated by that loss. but felt the sense of guilt. we all wondered, could you have done anything to make -- to change the outcome. >> you were surprised, but not shocked as i remember. same reaction frank had when we were told -- >> we went through that together.
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>> yeah. you talk about so many things. your marriages. you talk openly about an affair. you're like, this happened. why so open about the affair you had when you were married to robert kardashian? >> you know what? we get a lot -- i get tons of letters and thousands of e-mails of people asking me about my life and what happened here and why did this happen. so it seemed like a good time to write a book and do my memoir. when you do it, you have one shot at it. you do it one time. i thought, i'm just going to tell the truth. i'm going to tell my story from soup to nuts, from "a" to "z" and let it all hang out. we're pretty much an open book in case you haven't noticed. >> we've learned. >> it felt natural for me to be honest about that. my kids were okay with that. my husband was okay with that, bruce jenner. >> he's known. >> of course. i'm not the first person to have gone through something like that either. so i think it's important to tell my story and let people know, you know, what caused that. everyone's like, why did you get divorced? well, i made a huge mistake.
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and i'm human. i learned from that mistake and hopefully, you know, my life is better because of it. >> you regretted it hugely because of the hurt. >> my biggest regret. divorce was definitely my biggest regret in my life. >> we'll be thinking about you in the weeks ahead. you've got a place to come here, kris. >> i love you guys. thanks for being such good friends. up next, "what the what?" photos that make you look twice. right after this. we know a place where tossing and turning have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion.
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we're back with "what the what?" >> ms. sara spent all week sorting through your photos. and she's here with just a sample. >> our first was from kelly of news port news, virginia. maybe he should change his campaign slogan. >> that's his name! >> you might want to change that. >> put your first name up there and it would be okay. >>ext is a photo sent in by
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frank from oregon city, oregon. so should i just turn around? no left, no right. road closed. >> somebody was drunk. >> that's a sign you shouldn't be out of your house right now. >> somebody started miller time before the clock was over. >> next one up is jana from highlands, texas. sent us this photo. ouch. that's been up for years now. can you imagine? that's going to leave a mark. finally, lucas from wichita, kansas, sent us this photo. sadly, the sign that read kathie lee was burnt out. find your hoda. in great plains. >> thank you. send your "what the what?" photos to us. still to come, we're going to play who knew? >> and mr. cosby is in the house. we're going to talk to him in a little bit. if you want to reinvent your life, you've come to the right place. you can start over. right here. after your local news. a
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we're back on this winesday wednesday with more of "today." a very special man, another great friend with us today. you might recognize him. >> has written bunches of books, recorded all kinds of comedy albums. starred on the stage and screen. gaga over his grandchild. >> bill cosby had a lot to say in his new memoir, "i didn't ask to be born, but i'm glad i was." we're glad you're here. great to see you. >> we've been waiting for this next book. >> chapter two. >> go ahead. you two guys tell me. you read it. >> yes. well, that's questionable. >> if you didn't, then i will say this. >> tell. >> at some point you guys were -- >> teenagers. >> -- 14, whatever. and boy -- boys.
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you got girlfriends. so what was the intention of the -- the fellow who asked you -- >> when you're 14? >> to go steady. will you go with me. that was always the thing. >> but go where? go all the way. >> go steady. hold hands. walk to school. >> no. go all the way was not -- >> not back when i was a teenager. >> that's what we're talking about. >> i know! >> wait. why are you yelling when you were wrong? >> i yell a lot. >> you can't win here. >> i know. >> now, the point is, the guy said, i would like to go with you. >> right. >> and for me, i'm 74. so 60 years ago, girls would ask questions that would knock you back. like, males were just not -- other males didn't give us
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practice. >> you guys didn't talk about it? >> no. just, hey, man, things happen. that's it. >> yeah. >> girls have women who protect them, so to speak. and you have meetings. >> about everything. mostly about you. men. >> of course. because we are dangerous. >> i know. >> we carry -- >> look at justin bieber. just kidding. a little joke, bill. >> i don't want to -- you already covered -- i'm talking about the beauty and the joy of just a touch. >> yeah. the sweetness of it. >> yeah. >> and the honesty. >> yeah. >> the honesty of it. and how your heart could really explode. >> yeah. >> one of the girls asked you, was it bernadette that said, why do you want to go out with me? or was that the first one? >> no. no, no.
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why do you want to go steady? because i love you. >> i love you, yeah. >> and she said, what is love? i wasn't ready. that was enough. i love you. what is love? and it was like, i was afraid because she seemed to already have the answer. and that was a way that the older females are taught, the girls, you know, keep these boys honest. and then the other one was platonic. i would -- i would like it to be platonic. boys didn't know that word. >> they still don't. >> well, of course. because the girls have this vocabulary that's already been given to them, the older women do that. and all we have is a pumping heart. >> yeah. what do you -- what do you hope people are going to take away from these anecdotes, these stories, bill. >> laughter.
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>> yep. >> laughter. and then to be able -- when you read, it's different from when you see the fellow performing. >> yeah. >> when you read, even though you can pick up my rhythm, and even though you're laughing, you can still drift when you read. so i'm hoping the connections will be that when you're reading, you remember what's his name. >> yeah. >> and you remember your father. >> tell us the one way you say the word when a woman is fine. how do you say it. teach us how to say it. >> first of all -- >> we got to go. we got to go. >> i'm trying to do it. you made a face like -- and you just said, fine.
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>> all right. i like it. >> it's a sweet book. >> no, no. it's just, fine. all righty. find out how much you really know about the latest fitness trends right after this. [ male announcer ] this is coach parker... whose non-stop day starts with back pain... and a choice. take advil now and maybe up to four in a day. or choose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain.
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way to go, coach. ♪ way to go, coach. so to save some money, i trained mathis team of guinea pigs to brrow this tiny boat. guinea pig: row...row. they generate electricity, which lets me surf the web all day. guinea pig: row...row. took me 6 months to train each one, 8 months to get the guinea pig: row...row. little chubby one to yell row! guinea pig: row...row. that's kind of strange. guinea pig: row...row. such a simple word... row. anncr: there's an easier way to save. get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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i wasn't overweight. i never dreamed this would happen to me. when the doctor told me i had three blocked arteries, i felt like i was punche in the gut. i found out that one in three women die from heart disease. how did i not know that ? time to play our weekly trivia game "who knew?" we are testing your knowledge on all things fitness. kathie lee is across the street at the nbc experience store ready to hand out $100 to those who know the answers to the questions. to those who don't, they get a copy of her cd. from "shape" magazine, bahar takhtehchian, how are you? >> i'm good. >> lovely family from avon, connecticut. still out of power after that big storm. all right, honey. who sings this legendary fitness song.
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paula abdul, dolly parton, olivia newton-john or madonna? >> olivia newton-john. >> yeah! >> that's right. she hit it. olivia newton-john. >> came out in 1981 one of her most popular songs ever. it was on the charts for ten weeks straight. how can we forget? >> i didn't remember the video. >> it's so funny and controversial. >> look at the guy in the back. all right. cool. let's go back across to kath. >> this nice young man from des moines, iowa. all right. which of the following fitness trends came first. yoga, pilates, spinning or zumba. >> oh, man. i'm going to go with spinning. >> you need a bicycle to spin! he's going to love the lullaby album, really. >> i'm sure he will. the correct answer is, "a," yoga. >> yoga has been around for thousands of years.
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it's actually older than any of these other fitness trends combined. despite being tens of thousands of years old it's still very, very popular these days. >> i got to get on that train. haven't gotten on that train yet. >> good for your mind and body. >> which of the following was introduced in 1982 and launched the craze of low calorie beverages in the u.s.? crystal light, diet pepsi, diet coke or diet dr. pepper? >> i'll say diet coke. >> smart woman. smarter than this guy from iowa. >> definitely smarter than that guy. the diet coke ad which we remember very, very well. >> diet coke came out in 1982. it was the first brand extension of coca-cola. within two years it became the most popular diet soda on the market. and it still remains the most popular diet soda. yes, it is. >> okay. all right. back across to kath. >> lovely lady from tampa, florida. how many calories burned does it take to lose one pound?
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3,500? 185? 5,000? or 1,400 calories? >> 1,400. >> you wish. wouldn't you wish. >> okay. this is the most depressing answer on earth. it takes 3,500 calories burned to burn one pound? >> it does. this is very difficult to do unless you're exercising and you're taking in less than 500 calories a day. so at "shape" we recommend that you burn more than 500 calories day so by the end of the week you are losing one pound. >> time for one more. >> very quickly, from new mexico, which female athlete was the first woman to appear on a wheaties box? jackie joyner-kersee, dominique dawes or mary lou retton. >> i think it's mary lou letton. >> she's right! >> she was a first, huh? >> in 1984, he hop the gold medal for gymnastics. >> thanks so much. coming up next, if you're
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ready for a change, we're going to show you how to make it. it's all about reinvention at any age. right after this. here's a look at your weather channel forecast for today. we're going to see that storm that brought all the snow to denver and parts of kansas. it's going to continue to move off to the east. however, not as much snow. looking like mainy a rain maker from the great lakes to the gulf coast. daytime highs only in the 40s and 50s and we have another storm working into the west and it a es going to drop down as far south as los angeles where we could see some storms by the end of the week, by friday. meanwhile, on friday, sunshine from minneapolis all the way down to houston. so we are seeing some nice weather here. as far as the temperatures go, it is going to be very chilly throughout a good portion of the interior northwest and cool in the northeast and new england here. as we look at the great lakes,
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looking nice on saturday. a decent weekend it looks like. we have that storm moving through and eventually moving up and out by sunday. but some lingering showers will be here throughout parts of texas and arkansas, oklahoma, and missouri. we're going to start to warm back up through a good portion of the southeast. here's a look at the best chance of rain come monday, from the great lakes down to dallas. we'll take whatever rain we can get in texas because of the extreme drought. another system bringing temperatures into the mid 40s for monday. and then a look at tuesday, a good chunk of an area here with a chance of rain throughout a good portion of texas, at least eastern texas, up to the great lakes. looks like a decent day for new york city. back into the lower 80s for many of the gulf coast states. don't forget to catch "back up
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with al" weekdays at 6:00 on the weather channel. [ boy's voice ] hi, samantha. [ girl's voice ] hi todd, do you wanna be my boyfriend? [ chuckles ] sure! great- gimme your melt. myy--melt? [ singsong voice ] yeah. i'm your girlfriend now. ahh, i don't think this is working out. [ male announcer ] get your own subway steak melt. like the steak & cheese -- layers of juicy steak and bubbly, melted cheese. subway. eat fresh.
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it's time for "today's woman." if you've been threatening to change your life but have be afraid to do it now might be your chance. >> we're talking about reinvention. it's never too late to change the rules. deborah shipley and susan schwimmer. we love the topic. it used to be an old-school formula. you went to work. then you got married young. you had kids. you retired at 65. boom, boom, boom. that's how life laid out. the game's changed, hasn't it? >> absolutely. i looked at three categories which were young ceos, people having newborns when they were middle-aged and people who start second careers after retirement.
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people are scrambling the traditional categories. >> is it really reinvention or the actual evolution of an individual? >> it's a good point. i do think it's reinvention. i think we all make choices throughout our lives that i hope are the best at that time. but we at "more" magazine say all the time, it's not an age. it's a life stage. at different times in your life you want different things. >> that's true. >> what's nice in today's economy and today's world you can make different choices. you don't have to be locked in. >> people are afraid. i think once you've done a certain thing and you know how to do it very, very well, stepping out of your comfort zone, especially in your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond -- >> like your mom's about to. >> yeah. >> i think women are better at it. women are natural born evolutionists. do you agree? >> i think so, too. in particular when it comes to motherhood. 40 is the new 20 when it comes to having babies. between 2007 and 2009 more woman
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over 40 gave birth for the first time as opposed to women in their 20s went down. it's a huge trend. >> it used to be a thing. when you saw an older mother, older father, you kind of got the look, like, are those the parents or the grandparents? people didn't know. now that's not happening as much. >> they still think that about me and frank. >> there is still a bit of a stigma with women. they said they do experience it. a, they have a sense of humor. b, you have to think these are people who they really want a child. not to mention the fact people who have kids later tend to be more financially stable, many mature. >> these are women who have a career. they put off the motherhood thing. >> if you want to make a change in your life at any time just be smart about it. >> how? does that mean make a plan? >> yes. think about what you really want and what you really need in your life. do you need health benefits? do you need flexibility in a schedule? can you relocate? think about it. make a plan. do your research. >> someone was saying, there was
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a woman who wanted to go off and do her own thing. she needed health insurance and stuff. someone said take 10% of your day and dedicate it to your new idea. keep your health insurance. take 10% of your money. dedicate it to your new idea. have a little bank you start forming for the new idea. >> maybe stay in the job that you have. make the plan for a change. when you're ready, you can do it. you make the move. i also think at some point you've got to trust your gut and you've got to go for it. >> yeah. >> most people are terrified of it. >> that's why i say -- >> i'm more terrified of being bored. >> i agree with you. although, i don't know. i feel like today with women there's very much a new or neverness sensibility. >> i think age -- it's really just a starting point. i spoke to a woman who was 40 when she became a full-time dancer. that's usually when people hang up their shoes. you have to have an attitude that my age is a starting point. seize the day. look at it as an opportunity to move forward with a new life and new adventure that you want.
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>> we're healthier longer. we're in better shape longer. maybe it's time to try something. but do your research. if you front load it with information and research, it will make you feel more comfortable to make the change. >> all right. >> thanks, ladies. up next, impressing your guests without the stress. in the kitchen. first, this is "today" on nbc. [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus presents: the cold truth. i habe a cohd. and i toog nyguil bud i'm stild stubbed up. [ male announcer ] sorry, buddy. truth is, nyquil doesn't un-stuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] it doesn't have a decongestant. really? [ male announcer ] you need a more complete cold formula, like alka-seltzer plus liquid gels. it's specially formulated to fight your worst cold symptoms, plus relieve your stuffy nose. [ deep breath ] thank you! [ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth! [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels. ♪ oh what a relief it is! ♪
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we are back with "today's kitchen." we're getting saucy with our kind of celebration. with holiday gatherings in our not so distant future, chef peter callahan is here to keep things casual. >> author of "bite by bite: 100 stylish little plates you can pair with any party." and you catered my book party! >> at donny deutsch's magnificent apartment. >> i've never been so impressed in my life with caterer. >> that's so nice. thank you. >> show us what you've got, baby. >> we've got cheese and wine over here. this is a very simple one. put a little petal on top. >> a little petal? on top of what? >> on top of the cheese. >> and a little of this. >> a little of that. >> have a little bite. >> look at this. >> look how cute! >> tell me what wine this is.
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your favorite. >> chardonnay. >> yes, it is. >> not that i would know. >> yes, it is. >> next we've got mango shrimp lollipops. here are a whole bunch of ingredients that all go right in there. >> what are they? sour cream? >> a little coconut milk. lime juice. we've got rum. >> do it, baby. what's next? >> tabasco. >> really? >> and herbs. >> it'll all be on our website. >> do you say herbs or herbs? >> herbs. >> i say herbs. i have friends named herb. it's weird. it should be herb. >> we grind it up? >> grind it up. >> go, go, go. >> it's done. >> we'll pretend. >> throw it over. and then. >> look at the little -- >> please. look at the little -- >> bloody marys. lots of horse radish. >> look how cute the whole set-up is.
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>> there we go. quesadilla. we've got little avocado that goes on the bottom. >> mm-hmm. >> boom, boom, boom. >> this is labor intensive. but it's so impressive, right? >> he caters it. you don't have to do it. >> exactly. >> somebody has to make them! his workers have to. >> hire me. >> come around in front, peter. we want to see all the stuff. come here. this is such a beautiful layout. >> hoda won't let the man make his taco. >> all right. >> want to shake a little margarita? >> tell us about this one, peter. look how cute this is. >> that's my favorite sound. >> only trouble with this is it makes my arms flop. >> talk about this one. 20 seconds left. that is a vanilla pudding, papaya. it looks just like a bagel, only it's dessert. it's got a dessert wine.
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