tv Comunidad del Valle NBC January 15, 2012 10:30am-11:00am PST
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hello and welcome to "comunidad del valle." i'm damian trujillo. we'll have cash for college. plus a clean slate tattoo removal gram. this is your "comunidad del valle." ♪ we begin today with the green cadre program inside of the work to future offices in san jose. with me today on "comunidad del valle" are david lavadro with
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green cadre. he runs the program. elizabeth compos has now graduated. first of all, david, tell us about the premise of your program and who you're helping. >> the green cadre is set up to give those who are low income, at risk youth a chance for success and job skill training, work experience as well as providing valuable community service on a weekly basis. it's a ten-week program right now. you come in. you get the training, nationally recognized certifications, while working at a number of different interships we provide throughout the city of san jose. b building up your resume. the whole idea is making you more employable. while providing community service with a number of different organizations and nonprofits throughout the city. >> how are you able to afford to do this given the cuts that we've seen? >> we are funded through -- we have grants and we have funds.
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we recently started the program with our funding specifically for youth. work to future green cadre is what's considered a youth program, 18 to 24. current green cadre is for 18 to 21-year-olds speaking employment and job skill training. >> tell us what it's done for you in your life, elizabeth. >> for me in my life, what it's done for me, it's been amazing thungs. i actually saw myself in this program. i've gotten a lot of skills for jobs. a lot of personal skills. speaking in front of people. i got to know who i really am through this program. before this program, i was lost. i was not heading in the right direction. i had a lot of -- a lot of troubles within myself. when i got into this program, i was expecting the unexpected, i guess. i just went in there with an open mind and an open heart. because i was just done. i was done for the things that i was doing before. when i got in this program, i met the staff. the way they treated me, the
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experiences, the life changing moments i had, there's one thing that we did, we had to wake up at 4:00 in the morning. get hot coffee, get socks, get food for homeless people. and we had to interview them. the things that i experienced in that program was just life changing for me. it touched my heart. i got speaking skills. i got job training skills. i got intern in a program for goodwill. to this day, i'm actually there permanently. i got hired. i got a job. it's an amazing program. i do recommend it for everybody. >> how big of a success story is elizabeth? her life was, as she said, headed in the wrong direction. >> those are the stories we see on a cohort to cohort basis. those are coming in either like elizabeth, open arms, what have you got for me? those who have clear direction paths. when we sit down, what are your goals? ten weeks a very short time
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frame to make life changing decisions and life changing goals. we make it happen. for some people it's the first step in many steps to make changes in their lives. at least we get them on the right path or headed in that direction. >> you had an internship with goodwill. >> yes. >> you were that good, fwoodwill said we're going to keep you and hire you on full time. >> they did. >> what's the problem out there right now on the streets with the kids? why is it that we're seeing the increase in violence that we're seeing. ? because you were out there at one point and you decided to turn your life around? >> to me, right now, what i truly do see and what i experienced myself was just loneliness. i didn't have a direction. i didn't know -- i didn't know what was out there. i only knew one thing. the only thing i did know was what i experienced day-to-day waking up and what i seen. i didn't know no different. i always wanted to change. i always had it in my heart. what the kids now need is somebody to push them there. if i could relate to you and i could tell you, you know, i've been there, done that, this is what it's done for me, i do recommend this program.
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but you've got to want it. you have to really want it. i could show you and i could tell you, but if you don't want it, you're not going to go for it. >> do you have to leave the attitude behind, the attitude of i'm bad? >> you do. you have to leave all that behind. you have to leave all that behind because if you don't leave it behind, you're not going to go nowhere. you can't be like that in certain places. this program's taught me how to dress in an office. it taught me how to present myself, how to present yourself in a lot of places businesswise. if you have that attitude with you, it's not going to take you nowhere. >> public speaking we ining ski well? because you're great. >> yeah. >> if you know somebody who might be able to benefit from this great program, the green cadre program out of the work to future office in san jose, there's the number for information. any final thoughts, david? >> we want to connect not only to those who qualify for the program but reaching out to those who are parents, legal guardians who have somebody at home right now that needs that push, that direction, that opportunity for success is what cadre is willing to do for you.
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they remove tattoos so you can get a second start at a professional career. it's a clean slate tattoo removal program in the city of san jose. they've been on this show for many years because they do some great work. with me are priscilla garoskilla. volunteer and registered nurse. and mario with the gang prevention task force. welcome to the show. how important -- let me ask you this. how does it fulfill you to see -- we're going to show you a video of some of the kids going through this process. how does it make you feel to see these images that we're looking at right now of kids who said, i shouldn't have done this. i don't want this anymore.
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>> it's very exciting. we get to know them very well as they're going through the process. one of the things, they come in a certain way. over a period of about two years it takes to take it off, they go out there totally different. their demeanor is different. of course, the tattoo is off. but it's not about that. it's about they are a valuable member of our community. even their demeanor, their face even looks different. the way they dress, the way they carry themselves. very exciting. >> you heard elizabeth in our previous segment. an attitude change, an attitude adjustment is what they go through? >> unbelievable. yes, it is. i think they see themselves different at the end of the program. they're case managed throughout the time. i think that makes a big difference. there's a lot of -- a lot of programs that the city has to help them out as they're going along. everybody needs help to change, right? >> mario, i know that every year, every six months we look to the budget and we say, this has got to go. this has got to go. somehow we've managed to keep the clean slate tattoo removal
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program intact. because it's that vital? >> yeah, damian. clean slate started back in, i believe, '95-'96. it's been one of those rare programs that outlasts several administrations and has never been thrown out with the baby water -- with the bath water. but it's one of the few programs that isn't talking about planting seeds that sprout later. you're talking about an instantaneous change in individuals from being in some people's minds tax liabilities to employable taxpayers, contributors to our society. these kids can't come in even looking you in the eye. i believe programs like clean slate and the green cadre and all the other at risk programs become agents of hope. because that attitude change is about leaving with a sense of hope. you come in wondering if the world has dealt you the wrong hand and if there's anything that can change. and i see people -- angels like priscilla and david and everyone that do the work that they do, actually being agents of hope and giving these kids something
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to push for. something to look forward to. because life hasn't been that great. >> your hands -- in your office right now, your hands are full. there's a lot of things going on in the streets right now. a lot of youth violence. i mean, there's no hiding it. it's on the increase. what are we doing to make sure that we curtail it and hopefully decrease it? >> the city sounds like it's had the luxury of being one of the safest large cities in the nation. it hasn't been by coincidence. it's been buy strategic approach. what we're going to do is stay the course, damian. there's gang prevention task force that works off a strategic work plan. seven amazie inine ining strate. a tremendous partnership and collaboration and true relationships have been established between the county, the city. it's an amazing thing i don't see anywhere in the state of nation. that's why we've been selected to be part of the national forum on youth violence. because we don't change every other year. of course, we look at our model
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and we always revamp and look for efficiencies. but what we're going to do this year to make sure we don't have 18 gang-related homicides is to not completely throw things out and start anew. it's really stay the course. work your protocols. make sure we continue to provide the great opportunities that we provide in the city. and we're confident that this year we'll see a return to what we expect here in our fine community. >> establish those relationships. do you find, priscilla, when these kids come in they're rough around the edges? might be a little intimidating to you? >> never. oh, no. never, never. they're very vulnerable when they're being treated. it's a little bit painful sometimes. oh, no, never. no. you know what? i see them the way they really are. i see them as just kids who got in a little trouble, went down a wrong path. the rest of us have done that from time to time. a different way, maybe. but the same thing. so, no. i see them as kids just trying to make a difference. >> you mentioned the 18
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gang-related homicides. do you see that changing if you stay the course, maybe tweak a thing or two here and there? >> i really do, damian. it's hard to put a -- put your finger on what caused last year's uptick in gang violence. there are so many anecdotal reasons that people give. bad weather. good weather. cyclic cyclical. it's the release of prisoners. it's on and on. we really believe we have something that has shown for 19 years in this city to be effective. and one bad year isn't going to be the reason to walk away from something that has proven itself and been seen as a model. we really need to stay the course. we've got the commitment of our mayor and city council. even in these tough budgetary times to make sure we're at least viable enough to have an impact. we're excited about this year's potential. >> we just need now the parents to do their part and know where your kids are at night. be responsible. you're their parents. you brought them into this life. make sure that you know where they are and you're giving them
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in the right direction. there's the information for the clean slate tattoo removal program out of the city of san jose. through the mayor's gang prevention task force. we're going to keep priscilla here because she made a wonderful gift to this program. we'll talk about that in our next segment, so stay with us. ♪ okay, so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol. lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol.
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♪ we're back with priscilla here on "comunidad del valle," the volunteer with the clean slate tattoo removal program. also juan avula, youth outreach specialist for the city of san jose. he's been working for kids for a long time here. welcome back to the show and welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> so we talked about how important this clean slate ta toot removal program is. but you thought it was so important that -- well, let's talk first of all -- first of all, about how you nominated her this special award. >> basically, the foundation, they have an awards ceremony for
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volunteers of the year. this year we submitted priscilla's name into that pool of people. and our superintendent, mario estramoto and myself, we all got together to fill out the application. we submitted it. then -- >> because of her work with what we've seen here in this video with the tattoo removal. >> correct, correct. priscilla's been with the clean slate program even before my time. i've been with clean slate for going on 12 years. she helped with the very beginning stages of it and has been the volunteer. i've seen several doctors go through. but she's been the most senior nurse around for the program. >> did you nominate her? >> we nominated her. >> the california wellness association said why not? >> they said, let's do it. she was the recipient this past year. >> you received a $25,000 reward? >> yes, i did. >> what did you do with that money? >> i'm a christian. i really prayed for a couple of months, actually, of what i should do with it.
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i know god wants to bless this city. i know he loves these at risk kids. i do, too. that's why i gave them the money. >> wow. >> i've seen them work for 15 years. i've seen the mayor's gang prevention task force work. that's who i gave it to. and clean slate. i've seen behind the scenes. i know all about it. they are doing a good job for our kids. they really are. we want a safe community, don't we? yeah, we do. i think it's the responsibility of all of us to help. >> just in listening to you, it seems like it wasn't a difficult decision. >> no, no. it wasn't a difficult decision. i love these kids. i have seen so many changes in them. you know, some of them are going to good schools and some of them are getting professions. more important than ever is them getting their kids back. them getting their records expunged. them getting a clean slate. they can start over. we want that for ourselves, don't we? >> you could have gone to paris. put a down payment on a condo, maybe. this is important to you. >> this is better than paris,
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yeah. >> how awesome is that, juan? >> that's pretty awesome. when i found out the recipients got $25,000, i said, wow, that's great. i even asked priscilla, i go, where are you going and what are you going to do? she goes, you know, juan, i'm going to give it back to the gang task force and clean slate program because i want to -- i want to give it back to the youth and to the program. which now during these times of budget cuts will help us out tremendously with our marketing efforts and different things for the youth. >> what does it mean about the quality of the people who you've recruited to help our youth in the city? >> i think the quality of the people is very important. it's people that -- that have the passion, i think, for helping youth. again, you know, kids have made their mistakes. been there, done it. they learn from them. you know, and they want change. i think this program has helped them with that. they go now through a seven-week life skills curriculum and then also the staff helps them out in
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communicating with them and mentoring them. then the bottom line is letting them know, you know, helping them plan their future. you know, what is it you want to do? now that you got the tattoos removed, what's next? well, college or a vocational trade or starting my own little business. >> that's the seed that you help plant in these kids. if it wasn't for people like you who give hope to these kids, can you imagine where we would be? >> well, valley medical center has given the facilities. and it's part of the trauma center, the violence prevention program. so they've done a lot, too. >> she's directing the credit to some other folks. but it's really here. do you know any other priscillas who we can nominate for next year? >> actually, i hope not just with clean slate but other organizations have some more priscillas. the unique thing is we're so fortunate to have this type of
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program because, again, the doctors and the medical staff or the clerks, the nurses, everybody, we're very fortunate. i know since i've been with the program, there's been a lot of other cities in different states calling us and saying, hey, how do you guys do this? because it's so unique and it's unheard of, really. >> let me show you the information once again for the clean slate tattoo removal program. find out if you or someone you know might qualify to get those ugly things removed from your body. any final thoughts, priscilla, on your generous gift to this great program? >> i just -- i just know god wants to bless this city. i'm glad to be a part of it. >> i'm glad you did that and i'm honored that you're here with us this morning. >> thank you. >> thank you, thank you so much, juan. up next on "comunidad del e som theyur kids are going to d e goin ntoeed some money. we're going to meet the person who has that money. stay with us. -here you go, lulu. -hey?! you had an imaginary friend once, too. she's full.
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high school students are now getting their acceptance notices for college. sonia ramos is here to tell us how she's going to help us give them all a lot of money. tell us about your program, if you will. then we'll talk about why there's all this money there. >> sure. san jose, california, student opportunity program is a state-funded program through the california student aid commission. we are one of 15 throughout the state. we work with low income first generation students and families to help prepare them for college, making sure that they are taking all of the appropriate courses, providing them with tutoring support, making sure they have met all of the requirements that are necessary in order to qualify for and apply for college. >> and you help them because there's money there, there are grants there, there's loans there? >> there are. there are lots of grants and loans available for students. and we are currently watching our cash for college campaign which begins january 1st through march 2nd deadline, which is the pell grant deadline specifically students and families should be
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aware of. during this period of time we work specifically with seniors. our focus on the statewide level is with low income, first generation students. and to make sure that they understand the process for applying for the financial aid. whether it's state, federal aid, and scholarship awards as well throughout this period. >> it is intimidating to fill out those financial aid forms. sounds like they actually guide you through the process. do you have different seminars throughout the area? >> yes. we're growing each year. last year we were able to organize about 18 workshops throughout san jose with all of our high school and college higher ed partners here in the san jose area. this year we have about 25 workshops that we'll be offering from down south -- as far down south as san benido as far as san jose. >> we'll give you a website and a couple phone numbers for you to call in case you want to know
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where these workshops are. so i know i'm just going to throw this at you, but a family of four, they need to be making what to qualify? any idea what? where does the line go at this point? >> it is -- it is very much dependent on the personal financial family status, and really we don't try to give a specific number for a magic number. there really isn't. there's so many variables that are taken into consideration once the family submits the application. all of the family income, assets and other types of, you know, income resources that need to be reflected in the application. it's a family by family basis. even if students feel like or families feel like they may not qualify because they may feel like they earn too much, we still encourage families to apply. because you never know. it is a family by family basis, and you may qualify for other types of federal loans and grants. >> do you find that maybe some families were too intimidated to apply? >> yes. >> and maybe don't go to college
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because how am i going to pay for it? >> absolutely. one of the biggest barriers that we face when we're working with students and families up through this point where students have successfully completed all that they need to qualify for college, go through the application for college which can be daunting in itself. then we come to the financial aid process, application process, and many times families feel really uncertain about sharing that type of personal information. it is confidential. it is kept confidential. and we assure families that that information won't be shared with anyone. we want to make sure that families understand the process well enough to -- to successfully apply for the financial aid and ultimately that is the ticket for many students and families, is getting that financial aid for their students. because if not, the students will probably not end up going to college if they're not given the proper resources. >> how vital do you think your workshops are now, now that schools are eliminating the
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guidance counselor position at their different schools? >> yeah. it is very critical, i think, because of the -- the challenge with the number of counselors and career center technicians that are no longer working with the high schools that we serve. so our -- it's been a great collaboration with our higher ed partners. they've really stepped up and taken on the lead in working with the high schools directly to make sure every high school that's interested in having a workshop at their high school for their seniors is able to actually offer one for their seniors and their families. and so it's been critical. last year we were able to serve 1,500 students including undocumented students. and we hope to exceed that this year and start even more students and families. >> so they have about two months to apply for the cal grant? >> yes. two months for the cal grant. and the cal grant is something that is a state aid which will now be offered to undocumented
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ab-540 students who qualify after january 1st of 2013. with some of the new legislation that's just passed, two bills specifically, we have students now, also undocumented students, who can come to the workshops and fill out the fafsfa -- or the survey for the cash for college workshop, qualify for a $1,000 scholarship, for a raffle for a $1,000 scholarship, also n now they are able to apply for scholarships. >> it's free money. >> it's free money. students don't have to pay it back. up to about $12,000 for a uc campus and as low as $5,500 for a csu. there are various cal grants. students can qualify for one of several cal grants that are available. it is free money that they do not have to pay back. >> i'm so glad they were there when i was going to college. here's the information for you
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to jot down, this number to call. you can also e-mail sonia. i also had a couple -- a couple of websites, maybe, you might have. >> sure. the is where students and families can go to actually find a workshop location in their area. >> we thank you so much for joining us on "commune dad el value." we're going to show you if you have any questions that you might have, we've run out of time to show you our community calendar and our birthdays. there's our address for next week. remember to pick up a copy of the newspaper and support your bilingual weeklies all across the bay area. we thank you once again for sharing part of your sunday with us here on "comm "comunidal el "
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we will see you here again next week. al? bring on the pork chops and the hot fudge. fantastic. are you done sweetie? yea [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. hey, i love your cereal there-- it's got that sweet honey taste. but no way it's 80 calories, right? no way. lady, i just drive the truck. right, there's no way right, right? have a nice day. [ male announcer ] 80 delicious calories. fiber one.
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