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tv   Today  NBC  January 18, 2012 7:00am-11:00am PST

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mathilda, two lanes are currently blocked, but the injuries are minor. back to you. >> thank you very much. and thank you for joining us and we'll be back with a local update at 7:25. >> go out and have yourselves a phenomenal wednesday. see you later. good morning. snowy in seattle. a major winter storm, one of the worst in years hitting the pacific northwest this morning. schools closed, flights cancelled, roads a mess. we're there live. too risky. work suspendedn the badly damaged cruise ship in italy. this as the captain is placed under house arrest and new details about his refusal to return to the ship as it sank. and blackout. head to some of your favorite websites like google and wikipedia and you will notice
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something unusual. why some of the most popular sites online are protesting today, wednesday, january 18, 2012. captions paid for by captions paid for by nbc-universal television and good morning. welcome to "today" on a wednesday morning. i'm matt lauer. >> i'm ann curry. good morning, everybody. this storm is expected to dump half a foot of snow on seattle which is typically what they see in a year. >> they're going to get even more snow than that in other parts of the region. we'll get the latest on that and al's forecast coming up in a few minutes. >> also, after being pressured by republican rivals, mitt romney said he pays a federal tax rate of about 15%. he stopped short of releasing his entire income tax return. does new jersey's republican
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governor chris christie who has pushed for full disclosure in the past agree with that decision if romney were to win the nomination and ask him to be his running mate. would he say yes? more with the governor in a bit. >> good to have you in studio. let me fire that political question at you. if the giants go on to win the super bowl in three weeks, the victory parade, should it be held in new york or new jersey? >> new jersey, matt. they train in new jersey, they play in new jersey -- >> what's it say on the helmet? >> that's all you've got, baby. >> nice to have him here. we have new details on the medical mystery we told you about on tuesday. what caused 12 girls in one school to suffer tourette's-like symptoms. the school district has released two reports on environmental testing done on the school building. more on that coming up as well. >> we begin with this major winter storm out west. the weather channel's
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jim cantore has more on this from seattle. good morning. >> reporter: yeah, good morning, ann. it's all about the snow and snowfall rates here which have really increased this morning. when you look at a city at sea level and goes up rapidly, very, very quickly, you look at streets like the one behind me. this is queen ann hill. all morning long we've been watching cars maneuver up and down this and having some decent success actually. what we're hoping, of course, is a lot of those cars that continue to move, this will continue to have that success. either way, 121 of the 132 school districts have canceled classes today. reason? because the city of seattle could get a year's worth of snow today. near white out conditions are making driving in parts of washington, oregon and northern idaho treacherous and frustrating. >> it delays you. you know? got the chains laid out, they go on easy, but it's part of it. >> reporter: in olympia, people are bracing for the storm.
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>> got some bread, cheese, lunch meat and wine. >> all the essentials. >> and have to have a cigar for when it's over. >> reporter: in snohomish, snowmobiles are replacing the automobiles where more than ten inches of snow have already fallen. >> it seems to me as a state trooper that people forget how to drive from snowstorm to snowstorm. what you need to realize is that speed limits are for dry roads. >> reporter: in seattle the space needle is in the clouds while below, plows are busy clearing roads throughout the northwest. one thing in portland that's a little unique, when we do get an all-out valley snowstorm, people simply abandon their cars. >> reporter: these are boom times for towing services helping motorists who did stay with their cars. >> they try to make it up the hill, get stuck, pull to the side of the road. then they are stuck there the rest of the day until someone can get to them. >> reporter: this storm hit the pacific northwest from northern
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california up to british columbia. >> snowmageddon, baby. >> reporter: it appears this rush hour isn't much of one at all because normally at this time, cars would be filling the streets. either way, the snow is sticking around for a while. >> jim cantore, thanks so much this morning. >> let's get more from al roker upstairs monitoring the path of the storm. >> good morning. we have advisories as far south as central california and as far east as montana. we have a pretty big storm. not as huge as yesterday but still good as the system comes in another big problem. winds, hurricane-force winds for coastal waters in oregon. wind gusts up to 85 miles per hour. and a lot of rain, not just snow with the system. take a look. as you get into the pacific northwest, northern pacific northwest, in the cascades, some areas more than two feet of snow all the way down into the southern and central cascades. as we move to the south, rain
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will be a factor. look at the rainfall totals. some areas, 7 to 10 inches of rain along the oregon, california coastline. this will be a big weathermaker. plus with those strong winds, we expect a lot of power outages. ann? >> we'll have the rest of the forecast in a bit. now let's turn to the cruise ship disaster off the coast of italy. rescue and recovery operations were suspended for a second time overnight after the ship shifted in the water. a costly delay in the search for two dozen people who are still missing. michelle kosinski is in giglio island with the details this morning. hey, michelle. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, ann. divers today say they need to blast four more holes into the hull of the concordia. they have been focused on the rear where they found the bodies of five victims yesterday and where they expect to find more today. there's also more scrutiny of the captain, the man who was ordered to get back on board
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while passengers scrambled to escape. prosecutors believe he never did. the man accused of causing the wreck of the "concordia," manslaughter and abandoning ship, is now back at home. captain schettino is home under house arrest and the world's eyes are on him. while at the scene of the epic capsizing comes the task of identifying the bodies of four men and a woman found inside tuesday under water, all wearing life vests, believed to be passengers in their 50s and 60s. in this video shot by divers tuesday, you see deep within that ship in the murky silence. they go through the same spaces where friday night vacationers had just begun their mediterranean cruise. above water, a blast. no accident. just searchers using every means possible to break through the hull.
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as this was happening, captain schettino was in court. now we know more of what he said that night. in a recorded phone conversation with a furious port authority captain in hours after the accident. "listen, schettino, there are people trapped. get on board and report to me how many people there are. is this clear?" schettino says why he's staying near the shore -- coordinating. what are you coordinating? get on board the ship is and coordinate the rescue. are you refusing? no, no, i am not refusing. you get on board. this is an order. get going. there are already corpses, schettino. yet at one point he asks, you are aware it is dark and we can't see anything. the port replies, and what do you isn't to go back home? get on the bow of the ship and tell me how many people there are and what they need, now.
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schettino says he's going, but prosecutors say he didn't. he stayed on land while desperate passengers struggled to find a way off themselves. the parent company carnival put out a statement saying they commend the tremendous efforts of the crew that night though they have been widely criticized by survivors. the captain claims he didn't abandon ship but said he was thrown overboard by the tilting of it. his attorney said he likely saved many lives by beaching it quickly here, otherwise it might have sunk in deeper water. ann? to be continued. michelle kosinski, thank you so much. it is 7:09. here's matt. >> now the race for the white house. with the south carolina primary now just days away the attacks are flying and most of them are aimed at front-runner mitt romney. we'll talk about it with new jersey governor chris christie in a moment. he is a romney supporter. first, peter alexander is in columbia.
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good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. sarah palin has added her voice to the chorus in south carolina saying if she could vote in this state, she'd vote for newt gingrich to try to extend the race. late last night nbc news spoke to a senior adviser for the campaign who said for conservatives, palin city statement is a pretty darn clear call to arms. in south carolina's final stretch, mitt romney's challengers are scrambling to cast themselves as the best alternative to the gop front-runner. >> we have governor romney who is timid and isn't what the country needs, and you have newt who's bold but all over the place. >> any vote for santorum or perry, in effect, is a vote to allow romney to become the nominee. >> reporter: even sarah palin weighed in. while still not endorsing anyone, she said on fox news tuesday night she wants the race to keep going with gingrich. >> if i had to vote in south carolina, in order to keep this thing going, i would vote for newt. i would want it to continue. >> reporter: ron paul says he'll
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stay in the race even if romney wins south carolina. >> of course, he won't win the nomination on saturday. why should everybody walk away if he wins this primary. you have to wait to see where the delegates are. >> reporter: romney's campaign hoped to build momentum with a high energy rally tuesday. >> i appreciate you spending some time with me. >> reporter: but romney was greeted by an unusually small crowd. after mounting pressure to release tax returns romney appeared to be knocked off message, promising to share his returns in april and disclosing he pays 15% in income tax, like many wealthy americans but less than many middle class americans. >> my income comes from investments made in the past rather than ordinary income or earned annual income. then i get speaker fees from time to time but not much. >> reporter: his form shows he earned nearly $375,000 in speaking fees in 2010. throughout his campaign romney
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has touted his career-producing jobs at bain capital. >> if you take the businesses we invested in over our many years over a hundred different businesses that collectively, net-net added over 100,000 jobs. >> reporter: he cited a new number. >> 100,000 or 120,000, which number should we stick with. >> four companies, 120,000 jobs. very simple. >> reporter: struggling to revive his candidacy, rick perry wouldn't commit to his campaign's future. >> we're headed to south carolina, south carolina and south carolina. >> reporter: while governor romney has been slow to commit to releasing his tax returns, it's actually believed the first modern presidential candidate to release his text returns was governor romney's own father, governor george romney. matt? >> peter alexander in south carolina. thank you very much. new jersey's governor chris christie campaigned for mitt
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romney in iowa and new hampshire. he's with us this morning exclusively. governor, it's nice to see you again. >> good to be back, matt. >> you're a full disclosure guy. you like it when politicians reveal their financial situations and tax returns. is mitt romney missing the boat? >> i don't think he's going to. i think he'll release the taxes. >> why wait? >> the most relevant information is the most recent. he'll release when he files in april. and i think that's going to be personally up to him. my practice has been all along that i release my tax returns every year as soon as they are filed. and that will be my practice. >> the appearance here is you wait until april, the nomination would be secured by that time and you don't have to worry about fallout in the primaries. >> he already started to speak yesterday about the rate he pays. what i would say to governor romney if you have tax returns to put out, you know, you should put them out sooner rather than later because it's always better in my view to have complete
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disclosure, especially as the front-runner. >> for five years he's been talking about his trump card which he says is his business resume, his ability to turn around companies to handle the economy. as you know his opponents are using what he sees as the trump card and making it his achilles heel, attacking his days at bain capital. is it fair? >> no. they're missing the boat. at the end of the day what governor romney did as the head of bain capital was help create jobs and turn around businesses. it's stunning to me somebody like newt gingrich would come out with the attacks he did. somebody who says he's in favor of american capitalism would come out with those attacks he's come out with. >> to separate mitt romney and say he's part of the 1%, he's a wall street guy, a financial tycoon you think is unfair. >> from a guy with a half million credit line at tiffany's? that's a problem. >> in 2009 you ran for governor against then governor jon corzine and ran with a bunch of
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ads that labeled him as a gordon gekko-type guy during his days at goldman sachs. isn't that a play out of your playbook? >> no. no, what i said was how he spent his money to buy political office. this is attacking the core of the way we try to build companies and turn around companies in a capitalist system. if the other republican candidates are so desperate at this point that they have no other message rather than to attack somebody who created over 100,000 jobs in his career, then it tells you their campaigns are pretty bankrupt. >> let's go to your state of the state address. you borrowed a phrase from mitt romney. you said, quote, the politics of envy have overtaken the imperative of opportunity. talk to me about that word "envy." i asked governor romney as well. why choose that word? >> i chose that word because i have been using another word for a long time which is the politics of division. yesterday i used the politics of envy. the reason i did it is because
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what we are setting up is people don't want to feel badly about other people who are successful. they want the same success themselves. we need to set up a system like we are doing in new jersey by cutting taxes where people can be just as successful as people already are. >> why envy as opposed to unfairness? >> this is what the president is setting up. he's saying the american pie is finite. if you don't like the size of the piece you have, only government can take more pie away from somebody else and give you a little bit and government keeps the rest. >> as people raise questions about wall street, financial institutions and practices and the division of power and money in this country, you do not think it's about envy. you think it's about fairness? >> no, listen. if they raise questions about practices under the law, which i spent a lot of time over the years as u.s. attorney, going after people in corporate america who were not acting within the law. that's absolutely fair. that's not what you are talking about with mitt romney. the attack with mitt romney is somehow his concept of capitalism at bain was wrong and
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destructive when the facts show he created jobs at bain capital. >> also in your state of the state address in new jersey you said, together we have done something trenton hasn't seen in a long time. we work together. we achieved compromise. talking about compromise and achieving it are two different things. we are in a climate where congress is as politically divided as it ever has been. yet americans seem to want these people to get their act together. what you accomplish in new jersey, how can it be accomplished nationally? >> only through presidential leadership. in the end what i have done as governor is bring the democrats into the room and say, we are not leaving until we come to a solution. there is a boulevard between getting what you want and compromising your principles. no one should ever compromise their principles. but you will never get everything you want. >> you don't think president obama tried to compromise? >> listen, i don't think the president has showed leadership.
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simpson/bowles, he put it on the shelf. never pushed for it. stimulus plan, turned it over to congress. the super committee, never got involved with the super committee to try to make something happen. that's the tough part of leadership. giving speeches in the oval office is easy. getting in a room with mitch mcconnell, john boehner and other democratic leaders of congress and saying, we're not leaving here until we come up with solutions. that's what the people are paying us for. that's leadership and the president hasn't done it. >> i hate to get into this subject because you're a good dancer and you danced over the presidential thing on the other of whether you would run as a vice presidential candidate to mitt romney, will you tell me now it is out of the question, it will not happen? >> no. no, i won't. no matter how much you want me to. stop, matt. what i have said all along i want to be governor of new jersey. if you're a betting guy, bet on me being governor of new jersey after november 2012. i think it is rude and wrong to say you wouldn't do something you haven't been asked to do. >> have you had discussions with governor romney about it? >> zero.
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my job with mitt romney is to go out there and help him be elected as president of the united states. i don't want anything in return except for a better country. >> if you can be part of achieving that better country as a running mate for mitt romney, you would do it? >> i think i could be a better part of doing that by leading new jersey to a rejuvenation of america. that's what we are trying to do. cut income taxes, reform education and bring people together. what we have done in new jersey more than anything else is you have seen the divided government can work. republicans and democrats can work together if there is strong executive leadership. >> chris christie, the governor of new jersey. always good to see you here. >> thanks, matt. >> let's get to the news desk. natalie has the top headlines of the morning. welcome back. >> thank you, matt. good morning. they promised they would do it, and they did. some websites including wikipedia have gone black for 24 hours beginning today to protest anti-piracy legislation before congress that they claim amounts to censorship.
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other sites including google are not stopping operating but have shown solidarity with the blackout. we'll have more on this story coming up. the white house was under lockdown briefly last night after someone threw a smoke bomb over the north fence. no one was injured. it happened as some occupy protesters marched from the capitol to the white house. the streets were closed while the secret service investigated. the president and first lady were at dinner celebrating michelle obama's 48th birthday. a new book out today claims the eldest son of kim jong-il believes the current regime is ready to collapse. the book quotes kim jong nam as saying his younger brother kim jong-un is not ready to lead and is just a figure head. the effort to oust wisconsin governor scott walker is gaining steam. trying to force a recall election. they say they are submitting 1 million petition signatures, nearly double the amount needed
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to force a recall. the effort was spurred by anger over walker's public fight against public sector unions. this morning the world bank is warning of a global economic slowdown. cnbc's courtney reagan is at the new york stock exchange. how do you expect it to affect the markets? >> it's not good news but likely won't impact world markets. the main reason for the economic slowdown warnings is a possible recession in europe. something that's not a surprise to the markets and traders consider the debt crisis somewhat baked in to stock prices. while the world bank is slashing the economic forecast for the world, it still does expect positive growth for to 12. natalie? >> thank you. and people in indiana and kentucky are assessing the damage after apparent tornadoes ripped through several cities on tuesday tearing apart homes and tuesday tearing apart homes and businesses. there are reports of as many as nine tornadoes touching down across three states. it is 7:21. now back to matt, ann and al. wild weather out there.
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>> just one of the systems you're talking about. >> that's right. sounds like a -- anyway, let's show you what's happening between lake ontario, lake erie, just to the east of buffalo. this is leroy, new york. they will pick up two to three s inches of snow. ne gerally we are talking thr a to five inches around the great lakes. from cleveland, erie, buff o bu syracuse we will be looking at anywhere from three to five. some areas may have eight. heavy rain and snow in the pacific northwest. windy conditions in the northeast. airport delays boston, new york, philadelphia, washington, d.c. sunshine through the gulf coast into southern texas and the southwest. good wednesday morning to you. take a look at this beautiful sunrise from san bruno mountain. gorgeous clear sky overhead. hard to believe that this is what is headed our way as we head through tomorrow. we'll see a few light showers mostly in the north bay, but the
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bulk of the action arrives tomorrow morning. highs work out like this not that warm, 55 in san jose, 54 in los gatos. we'll have your full bank of the west seven-day in two minutes. new details coming up on environmental testing done in a school where 12 girls are experiencing tourette's-like symptoms. we have the latest findings. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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we know everyone's looking for ways to save. why not save on car insurance? [ coin drops ] [ high-pitched voice ] thanks. [ normal voice ] you're welcome. get a free quote at just ahead, did the pilot do enough? new findings on the accident where a model walked into a plane's spinning propellor. >> after your local news. ane's . >> after your local news. there's no charge for the bag. thanks. i know a quiet little place where we can get some work done. there's a three-prong plug. i have club passes. [ male announcer ] now there's a mileage card that offers special perks on united, like a free checked bag, united club passes, and priority boarding. thanks. ♪ okay. what's your secret? ♪ [ male announcer ] the new united mileageplus explorer card.
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get it and you're in. united mileageplus explorer card. [ thuds ] [ man ] that's it! [ thudding ] - [ announcer ] to do a job well-- - this is gonna take a while. you need the right tools. nobody knows taxes like h&r block. so file for free at never settle for less. good morning to you, hundreds of pink slips going out today for oakland city workers. "today in the bay's" christie smith live in oakland with the very latest. not a fun way to wake up for folks. >> reporter: no not at all. we're talking about 1,500 pink slips. not all of those people will actually lose their jobs. the expectation is it would be closer to about 100 to 200 city workers who might actually be laid off by the end of the month, but the city is trying to prepare for a loss of about $25 million in redevelopment funds from the state. the notices will be spread across the board except for
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police and firefighters. now, the deadline for redevelopment agencies to be dissolved is february 1st, and the city's expected to decide sometime next week which jobs will actually be cut. laura, back to you. >> thank you very much. let's check the forecast right now with meteorologist christina loren. >> major changes along the way, and we'll have a wet pattern lasting well into the weekend. 53 degrees in redwood city, and 54 in los gatos. cloudy heading into the second part of your day. and the bank of the west seven-day shows you once the rain starts we don't get out of it until tuesday. despite the dry roads, we've still got major slowing northbound 101 at 237 an accident still in your middle lane there. and the activity on the southbound at mathilda, that accident hasn't cleared either. looking at all that slowing out of san jose. and that's going to make 280 as
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well as 85 experiencing heavier drives as folks try to get around the backup. thank you very much, bundle up heading out of the door, and we'll have local news updates every half hour and you can check out nbc bay area on facebook. have a fantastic morning. enjoy it while it's dry out there.
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7:30 now on this wednesday morning, the 18th of january 2012. you're looking at conditions on our plaza, but there you are in the pacific northwest, being slammed now by a powerful snowstorm. one of the worst there in years, but it's a very different scene as we just pointed out in rockefeller plaza. we have had barely any snow. >> it's been a pretty easy winter. >> knock on wood. >> jinx. >> al's forecast is coming up. inside studio 1a i'm ann curry along with matt lauer. we'll be talking about the tragic propellor accident that seriously injured a texas model.
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there are new developments. >> a new report from the ntsb reveals the pilot tried to warn lauren scruggs to stay away from his plane's still spinning propeller, but still questions are being asked, did he do enough? >> and the governor is launching a new crackdown on deadbeat parents who in some cases owe more than $1 million in child support. an inside look on that operation is brewing. >> that's right. a lot of people here in the studio excited because michelle obama gave young designer jason wu a huge boost when she wore one of his gowns to the inaugural ball. he's about to debut a new line at target and nothing costs more than $60. he'll give us a first look at his collection in just a little while. >> very exciting. we begin this half hour with details on a story we told you about on tuesday. 12 girls at the same high school struck with debilitating symptoms similar to tourette's.
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amy robach has the latest on the story from leroy, new york. good morning. >> reporter: ann, good morning. that's right. 12 girls here at leroy high school in upstate new york say they have been suffering from severe tics, almost like tourette's syndrome. for three months the girls and their parents have been searching for answers and now they are finally getting some with newly released test results from the school district. what's going on at leroy high school? that's what many students and parents want to know after 12 teenaged girls started suffering from uncontrollable body movements, ticks, and verbal outbursts. brook dupont said she has the symptoms. >> it's frustrating because when i get nervous or anxious or anything that's when it comes out more. >> reporter: sara sanchez is a senior at the school and says her symptoms are so bad she can no longer go to class.
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she shared her story with ann tuesday on "today." >> there was nothing going wrong and then i just woke up and that's when the stuttering started. i want an answer. a straight answer. >> reporter: now some possible answers in two newly released reports by the school district. a private company did environmental testing at the school in december. the reports found that no substances were detected within the school building that might be expected to cause any health issues in the student or staff population. the doctor and his team at dent neurological institute in new york are treating brooke and many of the other girls. he told nbc news they have a rare form of conversion disorder or mass hysteria. a psychological problem that can happen in groups like female teenagers. >> it's happened before all around the world in different parts of the world. it's a rare phenomena. physicians are intrigued about it. the bottom line is, these teenagers will get better.
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>> reporter: some parents aren't satisfied including brooke's dad. >> obviously all of us are not accepting that this is just a stress thing and our kids didn't all get sick by coincidence. it's heart-wrenching. you fear your daughter won't be able to have a normal life. >> reporter: brooke is feeling better, showing no symptoms when we spoke with her but constantly worries about her next outburst. >> it's frustrating. i want an answer. i would like to know why this is happening and i'd like to fix it. i don't want it to happen anymore. >> reporter: all the girls with symptoms have seen their own doctors and are getting treatment. the school district did not want to be interviewed for our story but issued this statement saying, in part, that all the girls -- these symptoms are real and that the girls are being treated with the best care possible and they hope all the girls get back to normal soon. ann, back to you. >> amy, thank you very much for
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your reporting on this. matt? >> thank you. nearly seven weeks after a young texas woman was injured after she walked into a plane's propeller, we're learning more about that tragic accident. the national transportation safety board is out with its report. savannah guthrie has details on that. good morning. >> good morning. lauren met with doctors about getting a prosthetic arm, but as she works hard at her recovery, the ntsb report is generating new questions about who was responsible for this question. lauren was returning from a trip to see christmas lights in dallas. the ntsb describes it as dark night visual conditions. the pilot, who was not named but previously identified as curt richmond told investigators he warned her when he saw her exiting toward the front exe extending his arm to divert her. the report states he continued to keep his arm extended and told the passenger that she should walk behind the airplane. once he thought she was beyond the wick he turned his head to
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look for the next passenger on the other side. the pilot then heard someone yell, stop, stop. and he immediately shut down the engine and saw the passenger lying in front of the airplane. the report has many asking who was responsible. >> if the pilot saw her start to walk forward, stopped her, i think at that point that should have guided him that, hey, she's going to need some additional help. i'm going to shut the engine down. pilots are responsible for the safe operation not only of their aircraft but people operating or moving around their aircraft. >> just wanted you to know we are starting a pumpkin -- >> reporter: this report didn't find fault with the pilot for the accident. a final report in greater detail is expected within months. >> the ntsb will come out with a final report and there will be a determination of probable cause. i think there will be some pilot responsibility as far as the determination of cause. then it's up to the faa to determine if they need to take legal or regulatory action
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against the pilot. >> reporter: lauren has been in intensive therapy in a dallas hospital since the accident. she's had to relearn how to walk, talk and dress herself. lauren's mom cheryl has been blogging on her recovery. saying she's not going to let this steal her joy and she sees it all through the eyes of the king. lauren recently reached out with gratitude on her website. i don't know how to thank each of you properly for so much love during this difficult incident in my life. my heart is so grateful beyond what i could ever imagine. we reached out to the pilot for comment. he has not spoken publically and didn't respond to our request. he is a family friend and the scruggs say they don't blame him, matt. >> all right, savannah, thank you very much. >> now a check of the weather from mr. roker. >> thanks so much, matt. it's your birthday. what's your name? >> kat. >> where are you from? >> alabama. >> i like the hat and the tiara.
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very nice. let's check it out for you. we have cold temperatures. we have extreme cold warnings and wind chill advisories and warnings from the dakotas to montana as far east as parts of wisconsin. look at the temperatures. air temperatures, 23 degrees below zero. international falls, 11 below and they won't warm up much. zero in international falls bechlt low zero throughout much of montana. as we look at the afternoon highs and temperatures, weather conditions are a mess in the pacific northwest. snowshowers northern new england. we're looking at showers and thunderstorms in northern and central florida today. sunshine from southern california into the desert southwest. good wednesday morning to you. 7:38 now. live look over the city by the bay. completely clear sky overhead and a cold start. 35 in hayward, 34 in san jose. still running 5 to 7 degrees
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warmer than 24 hours ago. we're heading to the mid-50s later today. 53 in redwood city, 54 in los gatos and 55 degrees in san jose. but the big weather story is all the rain we're expecting starting tomorrow morning. intensifying for friday. and lasting well into the weekend. make sure you check your weather any time day or night. go to weather channel on cable or online. matt? >> al, thank you so much. up next the federal government's crackdown on deadbeat parents who owe thousands and in some cases more than a million dollars in unpaid child support. plus, does your family need a new ride? we'll reveal the new list of the best family friendly cars on the market. but first, these messages. like many chefs today, i feel the best approach to food is to keep it whole for better nutrition. and that's what they do with great grains cereal. see the seam on the wheat grain? same as on the flake. because great grains steams and bakes the actual whole grain. now check out the other guy's flake. hello, no seam.
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because it's more processed. now, which do you suppose has better nutrition for you? mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal. when did you start that project? every new year comes with a few stories waiting to be built. it's when our brand-new to-do lists become "you did that yourself?" so when we can save more on the projects that let us fix, make, and do more, that just makes the stories even better. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. get this glacier bay vanity for the new lower price of just 39 bucks. -three. -one. two. three. one. -two. -three. -one. -two. -three. [ male announcer ] with the bankamericard cash rewards credit card, earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. 2% back on groceries. and 3% back on gas. automatically. no hoops to jump through.
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back now with the federal government stepping up efforts to track down parents who are behind in child support payments and seem determined to avoid paying. nbc's tom costello has details. good morning. >> reporter: hi, ann. good morning. the project is called project save our children. deadbeat parents collectively owe more than $100 billion. while many have fallen on hard times and can't afford the payments others are trying to avoid paying for their kids. tracking them down is not easy. 7:00 a.m. in arlington, virginia. >> sheriff's office. >> reporter: with a stack of warrants, sheriff's deputies are hunting for deadbeat parents. [ knocking ]
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>> he doesn't live here. >> reporter: it's a weekly, even daily game of cat and mouse where dads and moms who are behind in child support by hundreds, thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars have become very good at slipping away. >> how often do you knock on a door like this and nobody's home? >> 90% of the time. we knock on the door and there is no answer or the person we are looking for does not live there. >> reporter: because it is a civil warrant if a parent moves across state lines local police can't go after them. if they owe more than $5,000 and cross state lines it's a felony. that's where the feds get involved. gerald roy is the hhs deputy inspector general. >> you are talking about willful intent to avoid paying for your children, for their livelihood, for providing the basics they deserve. >> reporter: now federal investigators are naming names with a new fugitive website aimed at tracking down the most
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egregious cases. at the top of the list, robert sand who owes more than $1 million in child support. >> where do you mr. sand is now? >> we believe he is hiding out in thailand. >> reporter: he knows he's wanted? >> he knows. >> reporter: some of the biggest cases include pro athletes including tyrone nesby who pleaded guilty to avoiding to pay and is now paying nearly $1 million. in des moines, arlene shepherd and her seven kids are on their own. glen shepherd has been on the run since 2003. he owes more than $160,000 in child support while arlene and the kids get by on minimum wage. >> i would hope he could look at them and apologize. i don't think anything could take away the pain, anger, hurt, sadness. but i would hope he could apologize to them. >> reporter: just after christmas police caught up with
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shepherd in arizona. he's declined to talk to us. since 2006 the feds found more than 500 deadbeat parents recovering more than $33 million in child support. in this county alone in northern virginia they have 175 outstanding child support warrants, some dating back to 1997. >> you can't stand your ex, you should care about the children you brought into this world and make sure they are protected and okay. >> the feds are now working 170 investigations involving the most egregious cases. fleeing the country won't necessarily mean those people are free. the fbi and interpol have been used to track deadbeat parents overseas. ann? >> tom costello, thank you very much for that. still ahead, giada de laurentiis shares recipes for comfort foods. inspired by her golden globes
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after party menu right after this. looking for financial advice. ars ago, he wasn't back then he had something more important to do. he wasn't focused on his future. but fortunately, somebody else was. at usaa we provide retirement planning for our military, veterans and their families. now more than ever, it's important to get financial advice from people who share your military values. for our free usaa retirement guide, call 877-242-usaa. and also to build my career. so i'm not about to always let my frequent bladder urges, or the worry my pipes might leak get in the way of my busy lifestyle. that's why i take care, with vesicare. once-daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle and is proven to treat overactive bladder with symptoms of frequent urges and leaks day and night. if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems, or trouble emptying your bladder, do not take vesicare. vesicare may cause allergic reactions that may be serious.
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♪ sunlight says get up and go ♪ mountain-grown aroma coming through ♪ ♪ a new challenge waits for you ♪ ♪ ♪ jumpin' into something new ♪ you really see all you can do ♪ ♪ ♪ the best part of wakin' up ♪ is folgers in your cup we are back now at 7:50 with a kickoff of this year's doodle for google contest. it lets kids try designing a google logo that could end up on the website's home page for a day. >> that's right. marisa myers is the vice president of development for google. >> thank as for having me back. >> before we get to the doodle
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let's talk about what happened when i tried to google. there was a big black rectangle over google. >> we are drawing attention to the fact that there is legislation moving through congress we believe will ask us to sencensor the internet and affect the economy. >> comcast is in favor of the legislation saying it is imperative to protecting copy righted content and avoiding piracy. where is this going in your opinion? >> we are worried about piracy. that said we think there are better, smarter, more targeted ways to address rogue foreign websites than asking for broad censorship. >> this is something going through the mill. let's talk about doodling. first of all, what is the criteria -- this is specifically for kids. >> this year we have a theme. we always have a theme. this year is if i could travel in time i would visit. you want to inspire kids to pick the time they would always want to see. they can go into history and see
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the signing of the declaration of independence or in the future with space travel or scientific discovery or maybe a sentimental theme like wanting to meet a future baby brother or sister. >> they design a google -- a doodle, excuse me. i knew i would say that. >> once they do the doodle they can submit it to google by march 23. it goes through a series of judging which results in a national winner. they will have the logo on the home page may 18th for the whole day. >> and any other prizes? >> we are giving a $30,000 college scholarship. a $50,000 technology grant for the winner's school. the logo will be seen by hundreds of millions of users. in partnership with crayola we are having the logo appear on the 64th crayon box. >> thank you so much. >> kids, get to it. >> looks like you're in the
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wies protection program with that box. your mood and your makeup. makeup like you've never seen before. new revlon® photoready airbrush™ mousse make up. unique air-infused mousse formula blends easily for a smooth, poreless, airbrushed finish. i've been so looking forward to this. when my asthma symptoms returned, my doctor prescribed dulera to help prevent them. [ male announcer ] dulera is for patients 12 and older whose asthma is not well controlled
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on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. dulera will not replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. dulera helps significantly improve lung function. this was shown over a 6 month clinical study. dulera contains formoterol, which increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. dulera is not for people whose asthma is well controlled with a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled your doctor will decide if you can stop dulera and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take dulera more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if dulera can help you breathe easier. ♪ back probably about late '60s. my name is paul fabry and i grow oranges in florida for tropicana. my grandpa taught me a lot about life and most importantly, orange growing. you pick those oranges in the peak of their ripeness.
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that's how you make the best orange juice. this little thing has so much nutrition packed right in it. every glass of tropicana has two squeezed oranges in it. bet you didn't know that. they're good! they're good for you too. ♪ what's the meaning of life? keep your friends close... and the way to discover the best balsamic strawberry ice cream closer. the nokia lumia 710. connecting you to the amazing everyday. gives you a 50% annual bonus! so you earn 50% more cash. according to research, everybody likes more cash. well, almost everybody... ♪ would you like 50% more cash? no! but it's more money. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? woah!
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[ giggles ] good morning to you. 7:56 right now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. get ready tickets for the nfc game go on sale in two hours. general public can start logging in at 1:00 this afternoon. ticketmaster is the only way you can guarantee those 49er tickets are real. sites like craigslist and stubhub offer the tickets but as always it's buy at your own risk. police nabbed people outside of candlestick on saturday for allegedly selling counterfeit tickets. let's check the forecast with christina. >> it's the calm before three storms move into the bay area. temperatures right now are on the chilly side, make sure you grab a jacket on the way out the
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front door. but 54 degrees in sunnyvale and san jose. as you break for lunch i think the highs will come in at 1:30 today as the sunshine will be limited with increasing clouds ahead of a storm system. take a look at how much rain we're expecting as we head through 11:00 friday. you see the yellow and orange, upwards of 2 inches of rain in the forecast for many parts of the bay area. we'll continue to update you, but the seven-day outlook shows you the rainy pattern all the way through tuesday. mike has a serious situation. >> yeah, serious because of the baskup through the south bay. the accident at 101 and 237 has cleared. but look at the traffic heading up into san jose and sunnyvale and mountain view and heading up towards palo alto, more crowded for 280 as folks try to get around that backup and also 85, north of 17 we see a heavier backup heading into cupertino. there's a burst of traffic to pal toe alto and menlo park and
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101 slow through those areas. thanks for the update, mike, and we'll check back with you in a half an hour for the latest local, traffic, news and weather updates for you. in the meantime, logon to facebook and you'll find us.
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we're back now at 8:00 on a wednesday we're back now at 8:00 on a wednesday morning, the 18th day of january, 2012. it's a pretty nice day in new york. we have a brilliant blue sky and 40 degrees greeting these people in our plaza. that's always good news. thanks to them for stopping by. i'm matt lauer along with ann curry and al roker. we want to think back a few years and remember that michelle obama wowed people with that dress she wore to the inaugural ball. >> a white, beautiful dress. that put the designer, jason wu, even more on the map.
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now he's coming out with a line where everything is under $60. >> it's wu, not wow! >> he's going to give us a little sneak peek. there is a lot of buzz about what may be coming out. young people want to afford the outfits. we'll show you more coming up. >> giada de laurentiis, you spent time with her at the golden globes dancing at one of the parties. she also cooked for some of the stars at one of the parties, and she was a hit with comfort food and that outfit. she'll share comfort food recipes with us ahead. >> very exciting. also coming up, some cars that are family-friendly. they have gotten a little bit of a plus from parenting magazine
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because they have certain attributes that are particularly good for having children in the car. >> and then a little bit later on, president bill clinton knows a thing or two about comfort food. i think we all do. >> not anymore. he's vegan and has a new push to help fight childhood obesity. dr. nancy snyderman talks to him about it. it's a great cause. >> totally good. >> inside, natalie is at the news desk with the headlines. >> good morning, everyone. the search for some two dozen missing people aboard the crippled italian cruise ship was suspended overnight when the vessel shifted and they feared for diver safety. the captain accused of abandoning ship is under house arrest. republican presidential front-runner mitt romney said he will release tax returns this spring. romney said the returns will show he pays close to 15% in income taxes, similar to many wealthy americans. but that's much lower than the 35% paid by middle class wage earners in the top tax bracket. winter storm warnings and advisories from the west coast
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to montana. snow has closed schools and forced flight cancellations in the pacific northwest. seattle could see as much as eight inches today. the storm could bring heavy rain and hurricane-force winds. a new jersey couple has been invited to meet with hospital officials after claiming their daughter was turned down for a kidney transplant because she's mentally disabled. amelia rivera suffers from a disease causing physical and mental delays. her parents say a doctor told them amelia was not eligible for a transplant even if a family member was the donor. in a statement the hospital said it does not disqualify potential transplant candidates on the basis of intellectual ability. there was no drama when lindsay lohan appeared in court tuesday. the judge said lohan is meeting her requirements by attending therapy sessions and doing cleanup duty at the county morgue. lohan is on track to complete
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her probation for theft and drunk driving by the end of march. for a look at what's trending today, our quick round-up of what has you talking online. paula deen revealed she's had diabetes for three years. many fans are offering their support, but critics say it was wrong for deen to promote high calorie dishes and then become a paid spokesperson for a diabetes drug. deen says moderation is key and diabetics can have a piece of cake, just not the whole cake. beyonce is buzzing because of a photo being used to promote her album. her skin tone appears to be much lighter than usual. back in 2008 l'oreal was accused of lightening beyonce's complex in a hair color ad. and rick santorum is a talker on facebook. it's an old high school portrait that bears a striking
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resemblance to the character mclovin' in the movie "super bad." we all have a bad high school photo out there. let's go back outside to al. al has a great high school photo of him. >> we all have great high school photos. there goes mr. lauer. just zipped right out of there. we have friends from cape cod. >> yes, absolutely. good morning. go pats! >> go giants. let's see what's happening? your pick city today, albuquerque, new mexico. i knew i should have made that left turn at albuquerque. kob-tv, sunny and cool. we have a front bringing showers o.d thunderstorms to florida. there is a mess in the pacific northwest. mountain snows. snow around puget sound and right along the california coast, heavy rain. up to eight inches in spots. frigid conditions through the
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central plains. lake effect snow showers setting up in the eastern great lakes good morning to you. the time now is 8:05. temperatures are downright chilly, still about 5 degrees warmer at this time. showers tonight and a lot of rain will continue to follow over the bay area as we head into this weekend and next week as well. this is our last dry day. 54 in redwood city, 55 in los gatos. take a look at what's headed our way as we head through 11:00 pm friday. record-setting rainfall right here in the bay area. and happy anniversary. you have been married 15 years? what's your name? >> i'm denado and this is my beautiful wife mika. >> and they never had a fight. >> i believe you. when we come back, jason wu, the fashion designer is in our studio. he's going to reveal some of his affordable new designs right
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back now at 8:09. this morning on today's style one of the fashion world's hottest new designers. jason wu designed michelle obama's inaugural gown and there is a lot of buzz around his new line for target where everything is under $60. he'll be giving us a sneak peek in a moment. first, jason's rise to fame. it's the ivory gown that made michelle obama a fashion icon. >> how good-looking is my wife. [ cheers and applause ] >> and catapulted jason wu, then 26, into the spotlight. appearing on "today" the day after the inauguration, wu said -- >> i wanted to say something about who she is. i'm a part of history and that's amazing. this is pretty surreal. >> reporter: as mrs. obama continued to wow in wu.
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the designer's feminine silhouettes became a red carpet staple with hollywood's elite. while the first lady's silk chiffon dress now resides in the smithsonian. wu's newest collection will cater to a different audience. following the likes of mossoni and versace, he's launching a line of women's wear and accessories with a price tag under $60. long lines are forecast when the line debuts february 5th. jason wu joins us along with the editor in chief of glamour magazine and today's women's lifestyle contributor. good morning to you both. >> good morning. >> jason, what does the buzz, this excitement say about what american women want from fashion? >> i think american women are telling us they want beautiful clothes. they want something that's versatile, something that's quite timeless and something they can enjoy for not just one season.
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for a long time. >> and afford. what's happening here? jason is not the first top designer to do this. >> there have been a lot of collaborations. for my money it's one of the best fashion inventions of the last decade. it's really fashion democracy. luxury designers doing affordable collections for retailers. karl lagerfeld did one for h&m in 2004. mossoni for target was so popular it crashed the website. >> my girlfriends and i find out after it's all sold out. we have models here. your inspiration was this french new wave cinema which i never knew what that was before i tried googling it. what is that exactly? what does that look entail? >> it's a chic, little mischievous, nonchalant.
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i love french new wave films. and the women that define the style of film are so chic. i look up to them. i thought, let's pay homage to them for my collection for target. you know, of course, there are little american sportswear details in there as well. >> let's look at a young american look with our first model olivia wearing the work look. oh, it's cute. how does this work, jason? >> well, olivia and i went to high school together. i have known her for a long time. i love the idea. she's a real person and she is really working it hard. actually, wearing the striped sweater is casual. it can be worn with jeans. the pleated skirt is feminine and the whole three pieces can be taken apart. >> right. it's also difficult to find great work clothes on an assistant's budget.
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a lot of inexpensive clothes can be too young-looking or too sexy. here you have the boss' wardrobe on the assistant's salary. >> and you can mix and match it with other separates. olivia, you look adorable. i love the bow on the collar. >> i love a bow tie. >> me, too. our next model has a weekend look. hi, cherise. this is beautiful. it's got the beautiful striping at the bottom. what do you want to say about this? this is not something you can mix and match but i think you could wear it to work or the weekend. >> i think it's quite versatile. the bag, also part of the collection. it's so chic. so affordable. looks great on her figure. it's also body conscious and the belt defines the waist. >> this is one of the most flattering shapes on the planet.
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because the fabric is poplin, so not super dressy you could wear it to work, put on keds and ride a bike or over a swim suit to the beach. >> you're right. terrific. you look beautiful in that. our next model is kristin modeling an evening look. wow, look at the little bottom there. that's all part of the same dress? >> all part of the same dress. i worked hard to achieve some wonderful details for the pieces. >> what women know about the little black dress is it's incredibly versatile. i love it with a nude belt like this to define the waist. >> comes with it. >> oh, great. >> you can also do it with a big belt, a leather jacket or denim vest. the fashion girls in my office would put a collar shirt under it. >> that would be cute. >> someone in my ear, our senior editor don nash said that's $49.99. >> yep.
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>> i can't believe it. >> audrey hepburn for $50? hello. >> we want to bring out all the models. there is a lot more. this is just three looks and there are more than 40. >> 53. handbags, scarfs and clothes. >> thank you for making fashion more democratic. thank you, cindy. >> thank you. >> we have much more coming up including giada de laurentiis cooking up her favorite winter comfort foods after this. >> i think the chocolate curls are melting.
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congestion meant, i couldn't breathe right. i couldn't sleep right. next day it took forever to get going. night after night, i sat up. sprayed up. took a shower... or took a pill. then i tried drug-free breathe right advanced. and instantly, i breathed better! i slept better. it felt...better. thank you, breathe right! [ male announcer ] breathe better, sleep better, feel better. try breathe right advanced for free... at [ woman ] it's my right to breathe right. isn't it your right, too? taste so uniquely fresh and delicious? is it the rich florida soil? or the perfect blend of sunshine, rain, and temperature? maybe it's the fact that florida's natural oranges are never imported. they're raised right here in florida, and passed with care from our hands to yours.
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really went for comfort foods. she's back with us this morning. good morning. >> hi. good morning. >> stars like comfort food? next thing you'll tell me is they put on their pants one leg at a time, they're normal people. what did they like the most you prepared? >> the pot roast with creamy polenta. heidi klum sat at my table. she ate all four courses, devoured it. >> and she's a supermodel. >> i was happy with myself. or she was super hungry. >> it's a twist on comfort food. it's not just mac & cheese and baked potatoes. we started with baked gnocchi. >> it's giada style comfort food. when i think of comfort food i think of baked pasta. these are store bought gnocchi. i butter the bottom and make a fast cream sauce.
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we have chicken broth -- >> not for the faint of heart this cream sauce. >> i didn't say eat the whole dish. >> that's heavy cream. >> yes. and we'll add flour to thicken it. just whisk it for five minutes until it thickens. then you have a sauce like this. add salt, pepper and fresh nutmeg right on top. just add a little bit of warmth to it. and then you pour it over the gnocchi. >> this goes into the oven? >> yeah. 400 degrees but we have to add cheese. hold your horses one minute. we have four minutes. give me a second! >> trying to use my time wisely. >> i like to add spinach as well, but i should have added it in there. >> see, you're so busy criticizing me you lost your train of thought. >> it's improv. it's all good. then parm and goat cheese. >> in the oven for -- >> 30 minutes. >> it looks beautiful when it
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comes out. >> pretty good. >> on now to -- >> your favorite. >> chianti marinated beef stew. >> take a piece of brisket. i soak it for three hours in the fridge in wine. >> dry it off? >> pat it dry because you don't want the meat to steam. you want it to brown. put it on paper towel. dab it. >> what's in here? >> pancetta. >> brown it until it's nice and golden. the pancetta adds flavor. you could use bacon. >> carrots, green beans, potatoes and what was at the head of it? >> celery. >> use some kalamata olives for extra flavor. it's basically a one-pot meal. tomatoes. sage and rosemary. add the beef broth and simmer it
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and cook it for about three hours. >> through the wonder of television we'll show people what it looks like right here. >> aah! >> i want to relive a little bit of the moment from the golden globes. you two were cutting a rug. >> look at those moves. she's got the moves like jagger. >> were there nerves involved with the cooking thing or did you have a good time? >> there were tons of nerves for a long time. >> you were actually out partying. >> that was at the after party. i had a dinner for 160 people beforehand. then i had an after a party dinner, buffet. when you saw me, that was long into the night, my friend. >> you had been drinking pretty heavily. >> congratulations. good to have you here. let's go over to ann. >> this morning on today's health the fight against childhood obesity. former president bill clinton is working with 13,000 schools
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across the country to provide healthier meal choices to millions of kids. >> i would sit home and eat probably something i shouldn't be eating when i wanted burgers, fries. i would go home, sit on the couch and meld into it. >> reporter: a common problem for nearly 25 million children in this nation who are overweight or obese. today a war is being waged on the front lines and students are getting support of the school. ultimately choosing healthier foods and opting for exercise. >> one thing i notice you don't have is a fryer. >> oh, no. this is what a kitchen looks like in a school. there are no fryers. we have increased vegetable consumption by 30% over what we had in the beginning. >> the driving force behind this -- >> hi! >> reporter: former president bill clinton. his emergency heart surgery several years ago forced him to change stubborn habits. a realization he hopes will motivate others, especially the
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young. why do you see the investment in the kids as important? >> children need enough of the right kind of food to grow and develop their bodies and brains. when i had all these heart problems i realized this was totally unexamined. >> reporter: a multi faceted approach combining healthy food and exercise is key to the initiative. >> you will see people come into the cafeteria and complain if there aren't oranges. >> reporter: and here at ps-2 elementary in west new york/new jersey students participate in activities ranging from scheduled class breaks to an indoor fitness trail. even teachers attend physical fitness boot camp. the philosophy is catching on. >> kids spend six to eight hours a day in school. they want school to emulate the environment that they want to produce at home. >> this is in the dna of the school district now. >> reporter: they're having fun!
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>> they are. they're into it. >> reporter: for "today," dr. nancy snyderman, nbc news, west new york, new jersey. >> just ahead, the top family-friendly cars on the market. we'll check them out. but first, these messages and a check of your local news and weather. good morning to you. it's 8:26 right now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. the event will be at the bentley reserve on battery street at 11:30. tickets for the event started at $2,500 and $10,000 is getting donors lunch, a picture with biden and a handshake. let's check the morning commute with mike. >> shake your hand for a little cheaper. stephenson, an accident the there. they were going to call a sigalert but it moved to the shoulder over the last few. union city down in toward mission -- toward auto mall,
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actually, in the cutoff there. from capital to the earlier accident at matilda, cleared to the shoulder. few other accidents for 280, 85 and 101, all over to the shoulder. everything you see on the map has cleared the lane. menlo park, volume heading into that area and typical commute for 280 -- for 101, sorry, through san mateo. 280 shows extra slowing this morning as folks are are trying to get out of the backup to san mateo. >> check out nbc bay area on facebook for more news and traffic updates. another update in half an hour or so. have a great wednesday morning.
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8:30 now on this wednesday morning. the 18th of january, 2012. it's a pretty morning here in midtown manhattan. the sun is coming up in the sky. we'll take a good look at that as we say hello to our
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enthusiastic crowd. 39 degrees. it's a bit cool. i'm ann curry along with matt lauer and al roker and natalie morales. coming up, we have help for you if you are in the market for a family car. >> we have great examples chosen by parenting magazine as the most family-friendly vehicles. the cars are great but it's the features, things that make life easier for parents and children. we'll show you those. >> it's magic. >> that's cool. we like it. and the must have gadgets of 2012. we'll show you gizmos that have made their debut at the consumer electronics show. parents will love this one. look at the stroller. it's a power folding stroller. >> it's got running lights. >> that's cool. >> i thought you would say a power mower. >> take it for a walk and mow the lawn. i like it. >> that's brilliant. >> doubles as a snow blower in the winter.
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>> and makes mounds of julienne fries. and jenna bush hager catches up with thomas horn, the star of "extremely loud & incredibly close." what's it like making your big screen debut as a 9th grader alongside tom hanks and sandra bullock. he'll tell us. >> and both major actors had huge -- >> they have great reviews. >> they have been complimentary of him. anyway. >> i feel like we are in the blue period here. we have folks here from l.l. bean. how about a check of the weather? >> i still have my duck boots. let's check it out, see what's happening today. we have snow advisories, a lot of messy weather in the pacific northwest with a lot of snow. we are looking at heavy rain in northern oregon and parts of california. beautiful sunshine throughout the south. that will continue tomorrow. the arctic express makes its way
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into the plains. lake effect snow from the great lakes into northern new england and the heavy rain will continue in northern oregon and northern california as well. i should say southern oregon and northern california as well. good morning to you. 8:33 now. it's clear and cold out there. later on today, it will be mild and cloudy. clouds increasing throughout the afternoon ahead of the storm system that starts to drop rain over the bay area as we head through tomorrow morning. right now, though, most of the showers from that storm system are coming into the pacific northwest. you want to check with your carrier, numerous flights out of portland and seattle canceled because of that snow. 56 by thursday. hate to tell you this. it looks like we're going to see a lot of rain for the big game sunday. and that's your latest weather. don't forget. get your weather day or night on the weather channel on cable or online. now let's check in with with uncle willy and his smucker's jar. >> ah, it's good to have a
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january birthday because, you know what, it gets dull. christmas is over, hanukkah is over, new year's is over. have a birthday. why not? ova mccoy from california, missouri, is 105. reads her bible every day and believes the good lord is her strength. how about that? good old joe, what do you know, just got back from the radio show. joe elias, central, south carolina, is 101. an excellent pool player and still beats the young guys -- over the head with the cue. ivy nelson, grangeville, idaho is 103 today. master gardener and attributes her longevity to having one beer every day. doesn't say what kind. one beer every day. and we have charles bliss of arnold, pennsylvania, is 100
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years old today. loves to prepare dinner for the family and they love it and he's legally blind. how about that? throws stuff on the stove and goes wild. jennie -- i love that pretty name -- biancone of columbus, ohio, home of the slider. 103 years old today has a positive attitude and a great sense of humor. can't beat that combination. finally, clarence simmons of grace, idaho. two idaho. great place idaho. what beautiful country. 100 years old today. happily married to his wife vivian for 77 years. wow. that's it. now back to new york. >> willard, thank you so much. up next the hot test new gadgets for 2012. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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[ male announcer ] get ready for some deli-style delic-ious-ity:
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the subway big hot pastrami melt. dive into piled-high pastrami, spicy mustard, pickles and melt-a-licious cheese. treat your taste buds to a fresh toasted subway big hot pastrami melt. subway. eat fresh.
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this morning on today's tech the best new electronics from a smartphone you control with your eyes to a dancing robot with an mp-3 player, this year's recent consumer electronics show had gadgets to wow even the most tech savvy buyers. mario armstrong just got back from the show. >> still recovering from jet lag. >> do you find yourself just going, wow, all day? >> you do. then you have to filter that and get through the smoke and mirrors and find products that are practical and useable for people. >> one of the themes was smart home. this fits into the category. it's a stove. it's the latest on the market. >> this is a thermador smart stove. >> you're touching it because there is no heat to the surface. >> induction cooking. it knows what pots are on it. i can move -- see the diagram? watch what happens. >> it follows the pot around.
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>> and the temperature. if i know i'm cooking something at a certain temperature and i move it to make more room. >> it cooks at that temperature. it's instant heat like gas but safer. talk to me about the wine cooler. >> they are getting smart. this is an a 18-bottle wine cooler. number one it keeps the temperature for wine at the right level but also alerts you on your cell phone when is the optimum time to drink it or when the temperature is dropping. >> your favorite chardonnay falls below the required temperature you get an alert. >> start drinking today. >> is it expensive in. >> around $200. >> some haven't hit the market yet and we don't want to get ahead of ourselves. >> this one has. >> i have three kids and i when i read about this i thought, why didn't they come up with this. >> i have kad and now i want three more. >> this is an amazing stroller. >> it's made by four moms which
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is great because moms made this. essentially you turn the dial, press the button and it is a first power folding stroller. it completely collapses for you. >> you know the question everybody has -- how do i make sure that doesn't power collapse on my kid? >> it's a vegetarian. it won't eat the kid. it has smart century is ssensor know if there is weight. and you can manually override the power and close it yourself. >> four cup holders. a place to charge your phone. >> powers up itself. running lights at the bottom. you can get the pedometer and everything. >> how much? >> $849. >> smartphone. >> this is cool. we'll see thinner, larger screens and lower costs. this one by fuji is awesome. it goes into five feet of water for 30 minutes. toilet drop, don't worry. you're okay now. >> will that be expensive? >> not bad. it's available in japan but not in the u.s. yet.
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they are working with a carrier. >> these are new, better than the traditional tablets. >> intel ultra books. thinner, lighter, faster, stronger battery. they are windows machines. this is for someone on the go, a busy professional, wants a light machine for e-mail and work. >> you need a bag to put your laptop and other stuff in. these come with an extra feature that's handy. >> yes. everything needs power. i use this during the show to test it out. it saves me so much. everybody is running around looking for power outlets. they have messenger bags and others, but i have multiple devices all being charged. there is a battery inside the bag. >> you charge the bag first and the bag allows you to charge your device. >> simultaneously, multiple devices. tablets, mp-3, phone. >> wireless head set. >> yes, by fitty. this is sms audio, a line 50
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cent is putting out. smart entrepreneur. these can sync up to four different head phones listening to the same source. >> how does it do that? >> amazing. it has a wireless transmitter. if you have an mp-3 player, put on the transmitter and all four head phones. or if you have kids that want to play a game, they can listen to the same game. >> 50 cent in competition with dr. dre who has the hot head phones of today. >> he welcomes the competition. >> speakers. >> these are play cast, the first android wireless speakers. pretty much all iphone devices have the chance to stream music to them. we'll play a song from a kindle. meaning now for $199 each speaker are $199. if i have my kids in the basement they can listen to rock. i could be in the kitchen listening to jazz playing it through my device. >> very cool. >> do you like this song? >> straight from your playlist.
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i know. >> always trying to get matt to dance. >> this game is bizarre. >> it's fun. this is is sphero ball. you control the robotic ball with your physical device, with your smartphone. there are different apps you can use for this smartphone. there is a golf game here as well as a drawing game on here. if you really want to practice your putting, you can do it while you're at work. you can actually move the ball around. the idea is that for $129 you could have multiple balls playing that people are using. >> you create obstacle courses and you can roll the ball through the house just with your smartphone. >> the big thing is you can have multiple applications developed for this. new games are always going to come out. >> it's not looking that impressive right now. at least get it to move a little bit, mario. >> i'm working on it. >> go, go, go. there we go. all done with no sleight of
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hand. up next, the most family friendly cars on the market. first, this is "today" on nbc. whatcha lookin' for hon?
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ah, these new jeans i want. i've been looking everywhere. new blue jeans? oh, don't be crazy, i've got tons of blue jeans. frank! frank! get my jean bin, susie wants my jeans. no she doesn't. here we go. nice and loose. ohhh. those are loose, but i actually just ordered three pairs of this kind.
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ooooohhhh. oh. when it's on your mind, it's on ebay. this morning on today's family, smart family cars. a list by parenting magazine. we've got sean bean, the magazine's executive editor joining us to give us a preview. hey, how are you? >> doing great. >> nice to have you here. what is your criteria for what makes a smart car for a family? >> well, parenting's genius issue on newsstands now is about everything smart for families -- smart kids, smart foods, smart craft projects. obviously we wanted to cover smart cars. we did our research, our hoerk and found the cars we thought were the smartest, coolest, most family-friendly for the year. we have three of our favorites.
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>> you have seven on the list and you brought three. the chevy traverse. what makes it a smart family car? >> this is the chevy traverse. for starters it's a 3-year-old car. i have two boys and sometimes it's like transporting prisoners. there is a lot of fussing and wet willys. they have their own row and it makes for an easier ride. >> and they can bring friends. >> gm did take your kids to work day to bring the gm employee kids to offer feedback and kick the tires. they found the sliding second row seat even a 7-year-old can manage. >> easy. >> we have the perfect dvd screen placement in the middle and figured out, duh, let's get cup holders that fit sip cups. it makes sense. it's retro-fitted for kids. >> all right. what about this car? this is a chrysler town & country. >> this is the town & country.
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minivan with all the bells and whistles. for starters, the second row seat folds into the floor. it's a great hidden storage space. >> oh, my god. that's great. >> if the kids are misbehaving you can call it the timeout van. >> no, no. how great for basketballs and things like that. that's terrific. >> we have two dvd screens that have game hook-up. we have the sony playstation hooked up right here. >> that's crazy. i have never seen a car with two. that must be new. >> all the kids in every row are happy. sp you move to the back if we hit this button, one quick button. >> that's pretty nice. let's look at this car. this is a prius. we normally think of them as being environmentally friendly but not necessarily family friendly.
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what makes this family friendly? >> the prius is great on mileage. they did more with space. the cool thing that toyota has, the prius has is the n-tune system. they have an ipad basically in the dash. you have bing, pandora, you can get movie tickets. let's get coffee in the neighborhood. >> coffee! >> this is going to search for whatever restaurant is around. and if i stop talking it will find it. >> right. >> there are no coffee results here. >> there is no starbucks apparently in new york city. that's a bummer. but there is all kinds of stuff. live traffic updates, toyota is trying to put al out of business. live weather right here on the dash as well. very cool. >> thank you so much. i want to mention the other
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cars. the nissan quest, honda odyssey and infinity js. we have much more coming up. the young star of "extremely loud & incredibly close." first, this is "today" on nbc. ring, ring.
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hello, progresso. it fits! fantastic! ring, ring. progresso. they fit! awesome. thank you. [ man ] ring, ring. pro-gresso. they fit! okay-y... okay? you don't understand. i've been eating progresso because there's... 40 flavors 100 calories or less and now my favorite old okay. is there a woman i can talk to? [ female announcer ] tell your story at for the chance to win an ultimate makeover in hollywood.
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back now at 8:51 with the young actor making his debut in the new movie "extremely loud & incredibly close," a role that's already earning 14-year-old thomas horn rave reviews. "today" contributing correspondent jenna bush hager caught up with him in oakland's jack london square. >> reporter: thomas horn, like many 9th graders, enjoys being with his friends. but unlike most he's at a screening of a film in which he stars. >> i would like to introduce this movie "extremely loud & incredibly close" and i really hope you enjoy it. so please sit back, relax and enjoy the show. >> reporter: yes, 14-year-old thomas is the leading man in "extremely loud & incredibly close," a movie adapted from the best-selling novel. thomas plays oscar, a sensitive little boy who loses his father on 9/11. >> after he died i found this key in my dad's closet. >> reporter: and sets off on a journey to make sense of it all
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when he finds a key he thinks his dad left for him. >> this key once belonged to my father. >> reporter: a heartbreaking, complex role for a first time actor asked to audition based on his performance on jeopardy. >> article v spells out the procedures for making these changes to the constitution. >> what are amendments. >> good. >> reporter: you had no acting experience before this. >> that's true. >> reporter: little parts. >> i had one small part in a school play. that was it. >> reporter: "james & the giant peach"? >> that was the play. >> reporter: from a school play to sharing the set with sandra bullock and tom hanks. >> he's knowledgeable about everything and opinionated about everything. but he's not a young man who has to be tricked into performing. he's very, very focused on the intentions that he needs to communicate in each scene. >> we had a really good relationship on set. he's a really nice guy.
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i mean, people say it all the time about him and it's true. he's great. >> reporter: thomas is in almost every scene in a film that took seven months to shoot with constant script changes and emotional subject matter. what did you do to prepare? >> i would go into a room the director built for me offset. i would think about how the character would feel and i would maybe do this 15, 20, 30 minutes. eventually i felt that the character had entered my body and that i had left. at that point when i was the character, then i could leave the room and try to do my job. >> reporter: oscar goes on this amazing journey. what did you learn from going on this journey with him? >> i think one of the biggest things i learned is about the nature of grief. i'm lucky. i haven't had anything major to grieve about in my life which is super, but he has. from hearing what other people thought about him and from reading the book and the script, i got the feeling for maybe
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possibly how someone in grief would act. >> reporter: because thomas was only 3 on that fateful day he researched and learned a lot about 9/11. i heard you met with families who lost people they love in september 11th. what was that like? >> it really made a big impact on me. it made me feel like in a way that's what made 9/11 real for me. i grew up around here. i didn't -- i don't remember the day. i don't really hear about it that much in my normal life but meeting those people made me realize on an emotional level the tragedy that so many have gone through. >> reporter: while thomas continues on his own unscripted journey he says he wants to maintain a normal life though it may get increasingly difficult as he's already picked up a critic's choice award a. >> it's funny to think about. but i'm so lucky. everything that's happened since i got the role has been very
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lucky. >> reporter: an extraordinary boy and a role of a lifetime. jenna bush hager, nbc news. >> i saw that movie. he is spot-on in it. amazing. "extremely loud & incredibly close" is playing in select theaters. it opens everywhere this friday. >> and still ahead, we're cooking up a hearty feast with none other than the scottos. coming up after your local news. good morning to you. it's 8:56 right now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. championship game tickets for the niners go on sale in about an hour. seasoned ticket holders get
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thethe first crack. general public starts logging in at 1:00 pm. ticket master is the only way to guarantee your tickets are real. >> we are expecting a lot of rain for that big game. po potent storm has slowed down and it looks like it will time out just in time for the big game sunday, 3:30, heavy rain will move into the bay area. have a great wednesday. [ female announcer ] what would you call an ordinary breakfast pastry that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. guys...
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[ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls with cinnabon cinnamon are an irresistible sunday morning idea. nothing calls them to the table faster. sunday morning ideas made easy.
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i think i waa baby?by. but we were gonna see the northern lights in alaska. and go spelunking with the guys. yeah, i said it-- spelunking. [ whirring ] and i still haven't built one of those fighting robots. come on. it's pretty awesome. okay. just a few things we need to do first. [ laughs ] [ announcer ] before you make your leap, make a list. then get going in the completely redesigned cr-v. all new, from honda.
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must be really windy out there. back now with more of "today" on this wednesday morning. it's january 18, 2012. kind of a cold day here in the big apple. we have had the temperature slide since we have been on air. nice and warm inside studio 1a. i'm matt lauer along with al roker, ann curry and savannah guthrie. >> coming up the latest on the cruise ship disaster in italy where some two dozen people are still missing. new details are emerging about the captain's actions and his refusal to return to evacuate
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passengers. he is now under house arrest. it's chilling when you hear his conversation right after the accident with authorities trying to get him to get back on the ship. >> hard to believe this is a captain. unbelievable. we'll move on to personal finance on money 911. whether you are trying to get out of debt or own a home or start a business we have timely answers to your money emergencies. >> all right. also ahead, you're wearing that? how many of us have heard that from parents? >> i like it. >> thank you. i didn't think it was that bad. obviously savannah isn't excited about it. >> you wear it well. but parents and daughters who may have a jostle about what they are wearing. last week there was a story about a high school senior who wanted to use this picture for her yearbook photo. there is a battle with student
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editors. the big question is how can parents teach children to express themselves. i'm rambling. >> wow. my son just graduated from high school. that worked out well. i didn't even see the picture submitted. >> i could spend all day with you guys. >> it's how to get rid of aesthetic differences. >> just express themselves. you're inviting me to go on and on. >> i'm sorry, natalie, we don't have time for the news anymore. >> some day. good morning. serious news to report this morning. the italian captain of the stricken ship off the tuscan coast is under house arrest this morning as the world reacts to his actions that fateful night. nbc's michelle kosinski is in italy with the latest. good morning. >> hi, natalie. divers today want to blast four more holes in the concordia's hull. they are not focused on this end but the rear where yesterday
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they found the bodies of five victims and expected to find more today. there's more scrutiny of the ship's captain, the man who was ordered to get back on board while passengers scrambled to escape. the prosecutors say he never did. the man accused of causing the problem, manslaughter and abandoning ship is now back home. captain schettino is home under house arrest and the world's eyes are on him. while at the scene of the epic capsizing comes the task of identifying the bodies of four men and a woman found inside tuesday under water, all wearing life vests, believed to be passengers in their 50s and 60s. this video shot by divers tuesday, you see deep within that ship in the murky, silence. they go through the same spaces where friday night vacationers had just begun their mediterranean cruise.
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above water, a blast. no accident. just searchers using every means possible to break through the hull. as this was happening, captain schettino was in court. now we know more of what he said that night. in a recorded phone conversation with a furious port authority captain a few hours after the accident. >> listen, schettino. there are people trapped. get on board and report to me how many people there are. is this clear? schettino gives several reasons why he's staying put near the ship. quote, coordinating. what are you coordinating? get on board the ship and coordinate the rescue. are you refusing? no, no, i'm not refusing. you get on board. this is an order. get going. there are already corpses, schettino. at one point, schettino asks,
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it's dark and we can't see anything. and in reply, what do you want? to go back home, schettino? get on the ship and tell me how many people there are. what do they need? now. schettino said, he's going, but prosecutors say he did not. he stayed on land while desperate passengers struggled to find a way off themselves. the parent company carnival put out a statement commending the tremendous efforts of the crew that night even though they have been widely criticized by survivors. the captain claims he didn't abandon ship but said he was thrown over board when the ship tilted. his attorney said he likely saved many lives beaching it here or it might have sunk in deeper water. natalie? >> michelle kosinski in giglio, italy, thank you. don't try to look up today's website blackout on wikipedia. the site is dark until midnight as part of a protest against anti-piracy legislation in
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congress. google's logo has been covered up in solidarity. schools are closed and flights cancelled as seattle braces for a winter storm. forecasters lowered snowfall amounts overnight. they are expecting as much as eight inches there. snow covered roads made driving treacherous, causing cars to slam into each other. and people in indiana and kentucky are assessing the damage this morning after apparent tornadoes ripped through several cities there on tuesday tearing apart homes and businesses. there are reports of as many as nine tornadoes touching down across three states. take a look at the world's largest cut emerald. here's what it looks like. the rare gem was mined in brazil. it's more than 57,000 carats. look how beautiful it is. it's called teodora or gift of god. it's estimated to be worth more than $1 million. gorgeous. and a polar bear cub born this month is being nursed back
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to health in china. she was one pound at birth and has such a weak immune system she has to be kept in an incubat incubator. she's gained three pounds and zoo officials hope she'll make her public debut in six months. adorable. i could go on and on and on and on and on about how cute she is. >> i think we have other things to get to in this hour. >> since you brought it up. >> kidding. >> mr. roker -- >> love your outfit. >> are you wearing that? >> don't start. >> anyway. let's show you what's happening as far as our west coast friends. winter storm warnings, watches and winter weather advisories as far south as california and up to montana. we are looking at heavy rain and snow in the mountains. hurricane force winds, gusts up to 85 miles per hour. snowfall amounts, two feet or more in parts of the northern cascades. generally in the area it will be
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four inches to a foot of snow. as we make it down the coast into central and northern oregon, we are talking about up to ten inches of rain. we are talking about a lot of flooding and power lines down. lots of folks without power. it will be a mess in the pacific northwest into tomorrow. same storm system on the way to northern california and the bay area, as we wake up tomorrow morning. crystal clear sky, thing of the past by this afternoon. clouds increasing ahead of that system. temperatures ending in the low to mid 50s today. 55 in san jose. wet pattern develops tomorrow. continues all the way into this weekend. we're going to get a lot of rain during that san francisco 49ers. monday, tuesday, a few showers continue. have your umbrella handy. ♪ somebody call 911 ♪ shorty fire burning on the
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dance floor ♪ >> time for today's money 911. answers to your financial emergencies. from savingings and mortgages to getting out of debt we have our expert panel to help you out. host of financially fit on yahoo finance is here. david bach, author of finish and author of debt free for life and sharon epperson is cnbc's personal finance contributor. good to see you. >> good to be here. >> we'll get started with skype. we have lisa joining us now. she's from seattle, washington. how's the weather out there? >> there's snow outside. >> we have warm advice for you here. what's your question? >> so i work as a server and in january it's a slow month so it's hard to depend on 100% tips. so i have tried to figure out how to pay off $2,200 in credit card debt between a couple department stores and my bank. my bank credit card percentage
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rate is 7.99% so it's really low. but i still want to try to put money in my savings. should i keep paying larger payments and try to get it paid off as soon as possible or make smaller payments and put more money in savings? >> david, do you have a tip for lisa? >> absolutely. first of all, congratulations on checking in with us on such a small amount of debt. take a sticker, put it on your shirt and say, i'm $2,200 in debt, tip more! seriously, you're almost out of debt. as you said, you have two to three months left. normally i would say put half your money toward savings and half toward debt. in your case, you are so close to being out of debt, just pay it off. pretend you're on a diet and in two months you have hit your goal. then when you pay the debt off start putting money in the savings account. the most important thing i can tell you, from experience personally and also working with people, once you pay the debt off don't celebrate by using the
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credit cards and rack back up the debt. that sticker may help you get there faster. >> and the money to pay down debt she can put into savings later. she's building up savings faster. >> 7.9% is low but not that low with a 0% checking account. >> keep your cards open. >> we have another lisa on the phone. she's calling in from baltimore, maryland. >> caller: hi. i'm 53 years old. on march 30 of this year i will have been retired five years. prior to retiring my husband and i worked hard to be debt free. we put our daughters through college, owned two houses outright. our three vehicles are paid for. we each use one credit card but pay it off each month. although being debt-free gives us peace of mind and flexibility it has dropped my fico score by about 35 to 40 points because,
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quote/unquote, i do not have an adequate mix of credit. instead of my fico being 813 to 825 last i checked it was around 776. >> let's see what they think. >> take a big breath and exhale. okay? the good news is you have awesome credit. i know it's not perfect, but you have what most lenders will consider grade a plus credit. if you're in the market for a mortgage, car loan or credit card you will qualify for the lowest, best rates. fico isn't perfect. it likes to see you have a variety of credit because it should prove that you can manage responsibly a lot of types of credit. it's only 10% of your score. don't fret about it. just say, cheers to you and you're in great shape. no worries. >> good for you, lisa. >> now to an e-mail sent in from carol in owensburg, kentucky. are there any government grants to help a low income family get its own home or business? >> when you think about grants you think about free money.
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unfortunately there is no free money from the federal, state or local government to start a business or buy a home. there are plenty of programs out there for low income families to help you at least make this go more affordable. what you should do is start to go to hud and look at the programs they have available and some of the information they have about home ownership. they give money to state and local governments that might have a home buyer's assistance program with the down payment or closing costs. often there are income restrictions but i would urge you to go to your state and local government to find out what's available. in kentucky you can get up to $6,000 for a home that's $240,000 just for down payment assistance. it's a low interest loan you have to pay back. these are among many programs states have to help people get started. >> let's get one more on the phone lines. ann from madison, alabama is with us.
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what's your question? >> caller: good morning. i was wondering if it's time to pay back the 401(k). we have had money to pay it off for six months but given that the company dropped by 50% and the market is down, do we wait? also there aren't really great choices. i'm hesitant to put the money back. what's your advice? >> you should pay the loan back. here's why. first of all, if your husband were to lose his job he would be forced to pay it back within 90 days and if not it would be a tax withdrawal. he would be penalized and taxed on it. paying it back has nothing to do with the company stock or the stock market. i have never seen a retirement plan that doesn't have at least one or two good options. go to the hr department, meet with an adviser running the 401(k) plan. get help online on financial
9:15 am that has planning for a lot of 401(k) plans out there. pay the loan back. >> don't put more than 10% of your company stock in your 401(k) or retiemprement plan. that's a place to start. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. guess what. sharon will be doing an hour-long web chat as soon as we get her offset. if you have a question head to just up next is that really appropriate? that yearbook picture sparking questions about handling values versus your kids' expression. i don't think so. we'll get expert parenting advice. jill martin has fun finds. she found a baby! wow! [ mom ] to me, chex is not just a little bowl of cereal, it's kind of a big deal. to find nutritious and gluten-free cereals actually loves? well, the word "wow" comes to mind. and then a friend told me
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chex has five flavors that are gluten-free. even a cinnamon one the kids love. a nutritious cereal that makes everybody happy? like i said, wow. [ male announcer ] chex cereal. five flavors. good and gluten free. if you have painful, swollen joints, i've been in your shoes. one day i'm on top of the world... the next i'm saying... i have this thing called psoriatic arthritis. i had some intense pain. it progressively got worse. my rheumatologist told me about enbrel. i'm surprised how quickly my symptoms have been managed. [ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculis, lymphoma, other cancers,
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and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. get back to the things that matter most. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ male announcer ] enbrel. the #1 biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. kids make stains i use tide boost to super charge our detergent. boom. clothes look amazing, and daddy's a hero. daddy, can we play ponies? right after we do foldies. tide boost is my tide. what's yours?
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♪ vegetables picked at their peak ♪ ♪ so fresh my knees grow weak [ male announcer ] new hearty bertolli meal soup for two, with crisp vegetables and tender chicken. [ chef ] ♪ fresh tasting restaurant style ♪ ♪ bertolli soup's in the freezer aisle ♪ this morning on parenting today, are you going out like that? last week we covered the story of sydney spies, the 18-year-old colorado high school senior whose yearbook photos were rejected by a student editorial board because they were deemed to be inappropriate. left a lot of parents wondering how to balance is need for self-expression with what's appropriate. dr. gail saltz is a today contributor. she has three daughters. good morning. not only do you have medical degrees you have the credential that really matters for the discussion. we asked readers whether they
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thought the outfit was inappropriate, 76% disapproved. does that shock anybody? >> no. >> not at all. it's context. graduating from high school is a milestone. you would think you would wear something appropriate indicating that you're moving forward. it's not surprising at all. >> both of you have daughters. i'm sure you have had the war a droeb wars and are veterans of the wars. what's your position on this? if you disapprove of the child's outfit selection do you say something? >> absolutely. first of all, set the tone first of all by modeling. it's okay to wear something sexy in this setting but not this setting. you're modeling that and having discussions along the way. if they pop up, you can be positive by saying, look, you're attractive and you look attractive but this isn't the place. you're teaching morals and responsibilities, consequence for if you wear this in the wrong place it sends the wrong message. >> and sydney's mother did say that.
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>> she didn't stick with it. >> she ultimately supported it. my mother would have said, over my dead body. >> especially the mother of daughters. you have to pick your battles. you argue about everything. i think there is a level of the ability to have freedom of expression. you don't want to quarterback th -- quash that. >> she could have said, you're beautiful and you want to be creative. the challenge is how to be artistic, creative and appropriate for the yearbook. that's a task for you and something you can make up. but i can't support this. >> i know you have tips but in terms of -- it is a slippery slope. you say you can wear what you want but does that mean a tattoo? at what age can they make decisions for themselves? >> you want them to make decisions but understand they ever decisions may have repercussions. the bigger picture, especially for girls with self-esteem and what are you promoting? from the inside-out do you want to be known as only from the
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outside this sexual being or do you want people to look at you and understand what kind of person you are. >> you have good tips. dr. taylor, your first is to include dads. >> as a mom we often take everything on. we feel we have to be the ones for the discipline and lay down the values. don't forget to include dads because it's important from a developmental standpoint for both parents. >> you say to understand your feelings. >> just because you're a woman doesn't mean you automatically have self-worth and self-esteem. that's something to focus on in terms of significance and how successful and capable you are. >> last you say to teach accountability. >> it's awareness. not just how you feel but understanding what you do and what you say may impact others. your family and kmuchblt r community. it's a conscious decision. say, will this give me pride or will i feel shame? >> be a parent, not a friend. >> it's hard but too many parents are trying to be their
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kids' friends. they need you to be the super ego, give them a moral compass so sometimes say no, even if you're the bad guy. >> you say authoritative parenting works. >> that's between, no, i will punish you and so on. that doesn't work nor does passive. everything you do is wonderful. somewhere in the middle. these things are not okay, but you're a wonderful kid. >> start early. this should be a life long progression. >> you can't wait for the kid to be a teenager to say, now this is not okay. along the way you are setting up the morals, values and helping them think about consequences. >> at the same time, you say to encourage independence. >> right. you don't want to say, i have laid down the law. you are not instilling it in them. you want to say, this is what i think. >> this is a conversation that could go for a while. dr. taylor, dr. saltz, good to have your perspectives. still to come, why are 12
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girls at one high school suffering severe tics? we have details on the fascinating story after this. ♪ [ female announcer ] philadelphia cooking creme. a simple way to make dinner fresh and new again. creamy philadelphia along with savory herbs and spices. just stir it in. now it only takes a moment to make the moment. ♪ living the life with me ♪ so spread a little something ♪ to remember ♪
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coming up, jill martin is here with fun finds for your kids. >> plus, we have the here with ideas. first your local news and weather. this bowl of strawberries is loaded with vitamin c. and now, b vitamins to boot. coffee doesn't have fiber. unless you want it to. splenda® essentials™ are the first and only line of sweeteners with a small boost of fiber, or antioxidants, or b vitamins in every packet. mmm. same great taste with an added "way to go, me" feeling. splenda® essentials™. get more out of what you put in. you can always do something better for yourself. and better is so easy with benefiber. the fiber that's taste-free and grit-free... so you can feel free to add it to anything. and feel better about doing it. better it with benefiber.
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would they switch? it feels a bit tight. [ female announcer ] soap leaves behind soap residue that can cause a tight draggy feeling. with 1/4 moisturizing cream, dove cleansers rinse cleaner than soap. good morning. it's 9:26. i'm marla tellez. some scary news out of the south bay. a child crossing the street was hit by a school bus in campbell. three kids were on board this bus when it hit the child at south winchester avenue near west campbell avenue. thankfully, though, the child who was hit only has minor injuries. the kids on board the bus and the driver, they are all okay, though probably pretty shaken up. understandably. we'll have a look at weather and traffic after the break.
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welcome back. live look at the golden gate bridge. the calm before three potent winter storms move into the bay area. crystal clear conditions, high cirrus clouds for now. clouds will increase throughout the day. moisture is still to the north. can you see that visibly here from our satellite compilation. if you need to get anything done before the day comes, today is the last day to do so. 55 in fremont. 54 in san jose. friday night, 11:00 pm, we stop the clock on your future cast. we will be measuring the rain in inches. another storm system on the way looks like it will time out just in time for that niners fwam with heavy periods of rain at times during the game. make sure you're ready for that. we keep those showers in the mix all the way through the midsection of next week. things -- oh, yeah, they're changing around here. let's find out how your drive is changing with mike. >> all right, christina. a series of problems over the
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course of the morning for northbound 101. right now, no exception. still very slow as you're coming up toward bouward and great america parkway. they should be moving out of the lanes shortly. backup continuing from 680 past sfo, great america parkway. another accident northbound 280. clearing as you approach 85. generally slow through the area. san mateo bridge eastbound earlier had a school bus accident. that has cleared. no kids were injured. that is the second one we're talking about in addition to the one that marla was talking about. still slowing northbound. back to you. >> the morning commute is in full effect again. we'll be back with our next news and weather update in about 30 minutes.
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♪ the sparkle, the shimmer, the gowns, the stars, the bling! who wouldn't want to strut your stuff like the actors on the red carpet at the golden globes. tomorrow on "today" we'll show you how to get some fashions inspired by the golden globes gowns at real people prices. meanwhile coming up in this half hour, a medical mystery. 12 girls at one high school are suffering from severe tics and verbal outbursts, almost tourette's-like syndromes. but people don't know why. now they have some answers but it still may not be enough. we have the very latest on that
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bizarre story coming up. >> also ahead, great finds for the kids from things that glitter including fake tattoos and jewelry to clothes at the beach, a look at that little baby. >> look at that belly. you just want to blow on that belly. >> there's a baby, too. >> very nice! savannah's here until thursday. try the veal. >> don't forget to tip her. >> i'm learning from the best. >> and they're back! you know we love them. we have the scotto family here showing us how to whip up country chicken and warm soup among other things for a hearty dinner on a chilly night. obviously they didn't tell john they were coming. they finally wised up. >> he's getting in the cab now. he'll be here. >> first a check of the weather. >> heavy snow and rain for the pacific northwest. frigid air makes its way.
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frigidaire? >> tvs? >> refrigerator? >> we're looking for sunshine in the south tomorrow. temperatures warmer. the arctic express across the plains. eastern side of the great lakes and the heavy rain continues into parts of northern oregon. northern california, i should say, and southern oregon. no matter what my grandmother had she always c good morning to you. we're still dealing with some frigid air right here in the bay area. temperatures touched on records this morning, clear sky, calm wind. that's the reason why. everything changes later on today. storm system, the first of three, drops into the bay area. bringing us the first rainfall of the season so far. 30 days almost without rain right here in the bay. 54 in san jose. once that rain pattern starts, it sticks with us all the way through next week.
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that's your latest weather. >> thanks, al. up next, pieces to the puzzle but no answers for 12 girls at one high school all displaying the same symptoms. details on the mystery illness after this. [ male announcer ] what if we could keep enough plastic waste to cover all of manhattan out of landfills each year? the equivalent of 140 million trash bags, gone. by using new glad trash bags, designed with reinforcing bands to be stronger with less plastic waste, we can. ♪ it's a small change that can make a big difference. ♪
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on tuesday we told you about a mysterious illness about 12 girls at a high school suffering the same symptoms similar to tourette's. amy robach is in leroy, new york, with the latest. >> reporter: good morning. 12 girls here in up state new york say they have been suffering from severe tics, almost like tourette's syndrome. for three months the girls and their parents have been searching for answers. now they are finally getting some with new test results from the school district. what's going on at leroy high school? that's what many students and parents want to know after 12 teenaged girls started suffering from body movements, tics and outbursts. brook dupont said she has the symptoms. >> it's frustrating because when i get nervous or anxious or anything that's when it comes out more.
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>> reporter: sara sanchez is a senior at the school and says her symptoms are so bad she can no longer go to class. she shared her story with ann tuesday on "today." >> there was nothing going wrong and then i just woke up and that's when the stuttering started. i want an answer. a straight answer. >> reporter: now some possible answers in two newly released reports by the school district. a private company did environmental testing at the school in december. the reports found that no substances were detected within the school building that might be expected to cause any health issues in the student or staff population. dr. meschel and his team at dent in new york are treating brook and many of the other girls. he told nbc news they have a rare form of conversion disorder or mass hysteria, a
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psychological problem that can happen in groups like female teenagers. >> it's happened before all around the world in different parts of the world. it's a rare phenomena. physicians areintrigued about it. the bottom line is these teenagers will get better. >> reporter: some parents aren't satisfied including brooke's dad. >> not all of us are accepting this is a stress thing and our kids didn't all get sick by coincidence. it's heart-wrenching. you fear your daughter won't be able to have a normal life. >> reporter: brooke is feeling better, showing no symptoms when we spoke with her but constantly worries about her next outburst. >> it's frustrating. i want an answer. i would like to know why this is happening and i'd like to fix it. i don't want it to happen anymore. >> reporter: all the girls with symptoms have seen their own doctors and are getting treatment. the school district did not want to be interviewed for our story but issued this statement saying these symptoms are real. all of the affected students have been evaluated and some have already shown signs of
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improvement. we expect the students will get better in time. al, back to you. >> amy, thank you very much. up next, fun finds for kids from bathing suits to mother/daughter jewelry. first, these messages.
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ugh, my sinus congestion, and it's your fault. instead of blaming me, try advil congestion relief. often the real problem is swelling, not mucus. advil congestion relief reduces swelling due to nasal inflammation. so i can breathe. advil congestion relief.
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so i can breathe. is this your normal? jamie lee curtis?? oh, hi,, you really went all out on the decorations, huh?! yeah, but i'm so slow taking them down after all the fatty holiday food. but that's normal. what do you mean that's normal? it doesn't have to be.
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to me, normal, means feeling good inside. not slow. try some activia. activia helps with occasional irregularity, when eaten 3 times a day. keep a video diary and let me know about your new normal. love your new normal or it's free. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. we earn more cash back for the things we buy most. it's 1% cash back everywhere, every time. 2% on groceries. 3% on gas. automatically. no hoops to jump through. that's 1% cash back on oscar. ...tony. oscar! 2% back on whatever she'll eat. 3% back on filling up this baby. [ male announcer ] now get 1-2-3 percent cash back. it's that simple. [ male announcer ] apply online or at a bank of america near you. we're talking 3% back on gas.
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this morning on jill's fun finds, the hottest products for kids that even adults love. the holidays may be over but there are trendy gifts from tots to teens and today and us weekly contributor jill martin is here with her top picks. good morning. >> good morning. >> let's start with resort wear for kids. we have adorable little rome off to the corner here. this is so cute. >> space this is rome's tv debut. we all know mommy lee. >> yes. >> this is the newest wear for 3-month-year-olds. say hi, rome. >> he doesn't like fashion. >> these on the tabletop are bathing suits with floaties in them. not that you are letting them be by themselves. >> you have to be by them.
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>> but as opposed to water wings. >> gives them confidence in the water. i love this. what a great baby shower gift called l ork ll irk lrlollitots >> you can write your own message. it's all different sayings. twinkle toes, chatter box. you just give it like this. what a great gift to walk in with and it opens up to a onesie. >> and personalized books. i have a couple from when josh and luke were born. they're fantastic. >> a while ago. a mother of three made these. they're personalized baby books. you make your own little fairy tale. 24.95 to 39.95. it's the child's name is incorporated into the story. >> how long does it take to arrive? >> different time frames. >> ugly dolls are a huge trend but now there are iphone cases.
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i suppose if your child has a phone already. >> i put one on my phone. we were like, i want that. this is one of the things. an iphone case. scary if your young child has one. these are great. get if you want to get in on the trend as an adult. ugly dolls, one of the hottest products for kids. >> i love the cookie jar. >> all new toys. good luck charms you can put in your kids' lunchboxes. >> $5 to $40. >> fantastic. >> moving on to these place mats, colorful place mats for kid sz? >> i don't have kids but i baby sit. when you're done eating on it you have entertainment. look at the silverware. they have planes and
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screwdrivers. you put different things on. great for travel. >> i love these even as fashion. these are crayons. >> i'm wearing one now. you can color with them. >> there are two sets. great to sport on your fingers. >> if you're looking for valentine's day gift, maybe mother/daughter gift. this is a great idea. these are more expensive, $120 but these beautiful pieces of jewelry with the monogram. >> they are real. if you want to invest in something mommy -- slaught/daug. they last and you can wear them every day. just a beautiful gift. >> okay. these necklaces have different messages as well. >> gum drop loves $30 to $50. word up, birthday and flip-flops. >> if you look at my neck i have a necklace that one side says devil and the other side says
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angel which i rarely wear but it's cute. >> for the tweens and teens there is a skin care product line. i guess this is to teach them about starting to have a regimen. >> dermatologists suggest it for your tween. great for travel. >> we have other great things here. but we are running out of time. >> the slap watches. glitter hair bands. no slip. >> last but not least. >> lips, >> speaking of gitery things, kids love glitter. >> meet boyfriend and girlfriend tanner and theo. this is great. you could buy all of this stuff and throw your own party. >> she's a creator and she's been tattooing us. >> i have it right here.
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natalie got a "today" show tattoo. >> what did you get? >> i'm wearing my colors proudly. >> besides making a mess with the glitter. >> you will be sporting that. it's great for parties. >> absolutely. very nice. fun stuff. >> thanks, guys. >> jill martin, thank you. for more fun finds pick up us weekly. up next, warm up your family and friends with an italian feast from the scottos. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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when you first find out you have breast cancer, you feel like you're in a nightmare. terrified. horrified with the news. when i was diagnosed, i felt very out of control and very helpless and a victim of the disease. i was just so overwhelmed, and, um, my heart just started to race. helpless but never hopeless. (woman) and i can actually do something to help. (woman) and this is something we can do. (man) we can walk. (woman) we can walk. (man) if our wives and daughters, our sisters and mothers can go through breast cancer... we can walk 60 miles. 60 miles. we can erase breast cancer. (woman) 60 miles in 3 days. i can do that, and even 60 miles isn't enough. i believe that we can rid the world of this terrible disease. we can do this. we can all do this together. we can do this together. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee, because everyone deserves a lifetime.
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♪ this morning in today's kitchen, easy as one, two, three. an italian flavor for cold winter nights. here with us are mary, anthony and elena from scotto's restaurant. good morning. >> good morning! >> let's get to it.
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>> man your stations. we're making stuffed peppers. >> do you love that aroma of stuffed peppers? >> do i ever. >> let's start with the stuffing. here i am sauteing chopped beef and sausage. >> mm. >> this is another little trick. i like to put zuchinni. it gives it great flavor. >> onion. >> of course the perfume of italians, garlic. >> yum. >> get it all in there. >> how long do you let it go? >> the perfume of italians. >> i go until the zuchinni is cooked a little more. herbs. then we get it and we -- >> that's a heavy pot. >> help your mom out. what's wrong with you? come on! >> i'm sorry, mom. how much time has she taken so
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far? >> this time is my time. >> we can go all day. >> can i talk, please? okay. now we put mortadella, parmesan cheese. >> over a bed of rice. >> and an egg to keep it all together. now we mix it, but this is already mixed already. >> yes. >> put a little salt on the bottom. >> that's a good idea. >> i like kosher salt. then we stuff it. >> you could use red or yellow. >> i top it off with some olive oil. >> okay. >> and i bake it in wine. >> ooh. >> wine and olive oil. >> now we know where john got it. >> all over? >> just on the bottom. >> all right. thank you. >> moving on. we're making country style
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chicken. >> this is like -- >> old country or new? >> this is like jumbota. everything in a pot. we started with prosciutto. >> that's spanglish. >> italglish. >> we have potatoes, sausage, chicken. that's all done. garlic, onions and peppers go in. mushrooms. that perfume my mother discussed. >> yes, garlic. >> put it in now. parsley and basil. salt and pepper. >> wine. >> more wine, right. let it render down until it's safe and add everything back into the pot which is cool. >> the sausage and chicken go back in. >> everything goes back in. the potatoes at the end. we mix it all up. >> cover it up? >> no, you want it to stay brown. that's what it will look like.
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delicious. >> how long does it take? >> the whole dish takes two minutes on each segment, bringing it back it's about 20 minutes. >> let's see what we have back here. >> all right. good thing we have a simple recipe. >> it's a warm berry soup. >> exactly. we start with red wine, port. >> that's the cologne of the italians. >> my perfume. we start with all fresh berries. blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries. we'll cook it. sugar dissolves and we'll take out half. if you could put this in the blender. there we go. we're going to mix it. once it's all nice and thick we'll pour it back in. >> okay. >> we don't actually have to do it because it's already done. >> lemongrass. >> we add lemon zest, vanilla. >> very nice. and put it over ice cream.
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good morning. it's 9:56. i'm marla tellez.
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vice president joe biden is today at a luncheon san francisco. $10,000 earns donors lunch, a picture with biden and a handshake. $2,500 for the luncheon. dr. jill biden will visit wounded warriors at the hospital in palo alto, to support veterans and their families. following that visit, she and the obama administration's chief technology officer will attend an event in san francisco. okay. let's check that forecast now with meteorologist christina loren. good morning. >> good morning. it is chilly out there. but it's still dry. this is the last dry day before the rain starts. rain in the forecast every day, starting tonight through tuesday. right now, the bulk of the moisture sits to our north. heading through tomorrow morning, showers will fly south to the golden gate bridge and
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then heavy periods of rain later tomorrow afternoon followed by another system on friday that will bring inches of rain even to the south bay. and then a third, more potent winter storm arrives just in time for that niners game. make sure you have your poncho ready to go if you're going to see that championship game. a couple of accidents cleared finally from great america parkway and lawrence expressway. slow from the 680/280 interchange, slow approaching that area as well. there was an accident there as well in the backup. we'll look at the roadways at the bay bridge toll plaza. we still have backup forming once again after a little bit of a break over the last few minutes. fast track lanes are moving but metering lights are on, keeping the span in both directions moving smoothly, marla. >> what are those guys doing up on the rooftop? >> new -- >> all right. find us on facebook.
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search nbc bay area. see you soon. "and what's your name?" "oh, it's flo." "and what do you do?" "oh, i sell insurance like no one else." "oh, that's nice." "thank you." now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television hey, everybody. >> so glad you're with us for winesday wednesday, january 18th. >> welcome. no matter where you are in the country i bet you're not getting hit as hard as the people on the west coast. >> especially in seattle. >> oh, my gosh. they got smacked with this storm. and they are expecting up to
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half a foot of snow in seattle. they say that's usually the amount they get in an entire season. >> you know what? seattle has the reputation for being, you know, wet all the time. and having spent almost two months there, some of the most beautiful weather i ever had. absolutely gorgeous. very hilly. and like san francisco. so it creates all kinds of hazards. >> they closed some schools. a lot of flight cancellations. looking at snow it makes me want a little here. we haven't had any snow here. i'm just saying. >> you don't commute like i do. have a heart for all of us that come in from the suburbs. >> a lot of people go to meals and you have your phone with you. and sometimes you can help but take a peek at it, at inappropriate times during a meal. you were talk about that commercial. >> there's a new commercial with at&t where a couple is trying to have a romantic dinner.
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the woman catches him using his phone. he denies it, course. >> so nice to spend time just you and me. >> i know. this is great. >> i feel like -- did you just check the game on your phone? >> what? no. what am i like some kind of a summoner that i can summon footage to his phone? >> i guess i'm just a little -- overly sensitive. >> yes. >> it's just you and i -- >> that's just to clever. perfect timing. here's a game that everybody is talking about now. they are saying when you go to dinner with a bunch of friends, if you would all agree to put your phones in the middle of the table, okay, face down so you can't see them blinking. >> no vibrating. >> the first person to pick up their phone has to pick up the check. that's how the game is played. so we're going to ask -- >> this might be the only thing
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that ever works. >> i'm putting mine face down. there's your ridiculous flint stone phone. if you have a phone put it there. give them up. okay. come on. we won't read your text. sarah, you're giving up yours. we'll leave them here. >> is this painful? >> if you hear buzzing, beeping, anything at all. >> somebody's -- >> that was mine. >> of course it was. >> that must be christie. >> if you pick it up, you have to pick up the check. >> you know what -- >> don't do it. >> there's no check. >> don't do it. oh, you're right. >> it might be bambino and he needs his mommy. >> what should we put? let's pretend. >> what? >> i don't know. >> what? >> take away our martinis for the day. >> cheers. >> what is this >> why are we having this. there's usually a reason for it.
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oh, it's ice wine. and vodka. probably my mother. she's due to visit me tomorrow. frozen grapes. >> that's really good. >> it goes so well with burger king. >> by the way. i don't know if you saw this in "the washington post." burger king is testing its delivery. in other words, they picked a handful of stores between six and ten stores and test drive a delivery system where they will deliver a whopper -- >> or anything else. nch [ doorbell ringing ] >> whose is that? >> no -- >> there's too much beeping going on. [ telephone ring ] >> that's just being rude. >> you're tempted. you are tempted. >> you want to reach for it. >> they will deliver it. do they guarantee it will be hot? >> that's part of the idea. they probably deliver them in those zip up thing. they run the service from 11:00
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a.m. to 10:00 p.m. try to deliver between a 10-minute ride. [ cell phone ring ] >> that's me. it's an $8 to $10 minimum. it's a $2 delivery fee. they won't deliver shakes. i'm having a nervous breakdown. shakes or coffee or breakfast food. so there. >> whose is it? is that yours? walter. should we read his. stop it i can't take it. >> let's read their earn males. >> jason wu is a designer and been known to design dresses for the first lady michele obama. all that stuff is very pricey and impossible for a lot of people to afford. so he decided he would team up with target, and -- >> that crashed everything.
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>> well the dresses are adorable. they will be available between february 5th online until march 6th. >> at most but not all stores. >> between 19.99 and 59.99. we have c a ha r-- charisse is us. [ phone ringing ] >> whose is that one? walter. >> he's a gangster ring. >> thank you very much. >> that's a gorgeous dress. >> who in the world will be calling walter? think about it. [ laughter ] walter come over here. get your phone. >> no if he gets it he has to pick up the check. >> there's no check. walter, darling, come over so we can hear you on the microphone. [ cell phone ringing ] >> that's me.
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i know it's me. >> that's me again. >> who do you think it would be. [ cell phone ringing ] >> you know what i mean. >> okay. >> that's not me. >> that's me. that's mine. >> this would ruin every dinner you went to. i didn't look. >> oh, yes you did look. ♪ >> that's you. listen to hers. >> barbara streisand is calling me. all right. we get the point. >> walter. it's p. diddy. >> all right. we're going ignore them. >> we got to talk. >> okay. >> that's barbra streisand. [ cell phone ringing ] >> a great show coming out, "off their rockers." betty white is hosting it. it's a candid camera thing --
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>> walter come over here. >> so anyway debuted monday night and it just really is funny. we have to show you another clip. check it out. >> excuse me, i'm looking for my remote that does the throttle on this thing. i lost it. you could get that for me, hon. very sweet of you. yeah. don't touch the button, the button, turn it off. turn it off. >> that's cruel. burger king was flying. excuse me. >> oh, my god that's a great show. i love it so far. >> okay, hoda. >> i'm not answering because -- i didn't see bobby thomas. you know what, bobby that's just rude. couldn't resist. >> all right. this is what your dinner would be like.
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we completely lost control. we have no where what's coming next. that's what happens when you stop talking to one another. >> i do agree. i do think a friend of mine has this saying that it love, love, love. here's the saying. the saying is be here now. wherever you are, whether we're sitting together on the set, looking through your cards or on the fwoirn sister or whether you're watching a movie -- snowboard in the moment. >> it's so simple. i do it all the time. i struggle with it. i try to remind myself. it's so simple think about being here now. >> you never get it back. believe me at my age you start to realize that. you really do. my mom will be 82 on friday. so we're going to be talking about everything geriatric tomorrow. regis will be here. who knows frank might top by. it's going to be a lot of fun tomorrow. >> so there are a lot of things out there, new viral videos out
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there and we've seen -- they are doing these ones stuff that people say that white girls say that black girls say. this new one is called that stuff that nobody says. these things are getting gazillion hits. >> baggie t-shirts look awesome for you. >> i completely understand my taxes. >> captain d's. >> does anyone who how to make papyrus my default font. >> my bazooka gum still has flavor. >> i've got too much money. >> just get the best deal on printer ink. >> i miss rosie o'donnell. >> i miss my dial up. >> touch the screen. >> i'm thinking of ditching my iphone. >> we should move to oakland. >> never seen this ikea furniture in anyone else's apartment. >> you could please keep smacking your gum.
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>> tli. >> i've been dying to hear your new ring tone. >> i could go for a fillet of fish right now. >> that's cute. i do like filet of fish. every once in a while i do have a craving for that. not often. if mcdonald's starts doing it -- >> wonder if it will catch on. >> if they can find a way to keep it hot they will. >> they do deliver pizza and a lot of people are in -- [ cell phone ringing ] >> this is bothering us. >> not bothering me. >> imagine if you were on an airline halfway from, i think was it london to miami, you were in the middle of the night and it's black out there, you're at 35,000 feet. 35,000 feet and you get a recorded message playing on the plane. basically saying we're going make an emergency landing, a
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water landing. >> it came over twice. >> twice. it create this panic. people were screaming on the plane. i can't take it. [ cell phone ringing ] >> a blocked phone number. a lot of blocked. check. >> it's the check. you owe the crew $1,000 bonus. [ applause ] >> jerry, jerry, jerry. >> thing flight attendants reassured these passengers it was all a big mistake and they did apologize but didn't give them anything for their pain and suffering. [ cell phone ringing ] >> that's scary considering the whole -- see how quick i was? that's scary, those considering how frightening it is anyway to fly. >> if it ever happens to you. here's the good news.
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there's a death app, a facebook app that lets you post messages or video after you pass away. it's called if i die. name three good friends as executors and when all three have confirmed your death, your messages will be posted. what would do you? >> that's awful. i would never do that. >> what if you had a chance to really tell people what you thought of them. >> i don't know. >> you got to do this one. say you're waxed completely. and what is replaced there is a wig. >> made of fox fur. >> they have something called a foxy wax. what is it? anyway it's expensive but a lot of people are doing it. >> who? name one person who is doing it. first of all i want peta to know about this. does peta know about this? i want to know how they attach
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it. >> it's supposedly great. $225 to do it. >> if you ever had it done we want to hear from you. the dork is in. hank lawson is in from the hamptons. we'll talk with mark feuerstein right after this. the itch and i. so it can feel like you're using nothing at all. but new neosporin® eczema essentials™ with its unique relipd™ formula is different. it stops itch, soothes irritation, and helps restore the skin barrier. it's clinically shown to restore visibly healthier skin in three days. for everyday eczema care, new clinically shown neosporin® eczema essentials™. discover the difference. go online to save three dollars. the best in nutrition... just got better. high in vitamins d, e, and b12. plus omega 3's. there's one important ingredient that hasn't changed: better taste. better taste. yum! [ female announcer ] eggland's best. the better egg.
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you can't get taste without good quality. there's no way to cut corners on that. what i put on my table to serve my family is the same thing that i'm gonna be selling to mcdonald's. ♪ i'm a dad, coach... and i quit smoking with chantix. knowing that i could smoke during the first week was really important to me. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke -- and personally that's what i knew i needed. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression
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or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. these are the reasons i quit smoking. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. you can always do something better for yourself. and better is so easy with benefiber. the fiber that's taste-free and grit-free... so you can feel free to add it to anything. and feel better about doing it. better it with benefiber.
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. mark feuerstein is one of those actors you know from so many different projects like movies from "what women want" and "street car named desire." >> but these days he spend his time playing hank lawson, the good looking hampton's doctor. tonight's premier has hank pretty upset a doctor who gave an emergency room patient the wrong medication. zmu what i remember? briefing you on this patient. >> somebody landed on an e.r. for a second time.
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>> if he dies it's your [ bleep ] >> calm down. you don't want to have an aneurysm. >> he stopped being a patient when he came through the doors. >> you don't mess around. >> i got rage. i'm going let it out. >> that's what happened to your hair. we like your new hair. >> i miss the boufant. >> you're on season three. >> been picked up for the next one. >> we're premiering tonight. we have this great season with a lot of epic stuff happening. tension between mean my brother. for every episode for the last 2 1/2 seasons, patients walk off scot free. they are heeled by the end of the episode. this season not necessarily the case. i have a very serious patient played by tom kavanaugh, jack o'malley, he has a serious
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condition and we have to see which way it goes. it's my character's biggest medical challenge yet. and the tension hits def con5 levels. >> your sex life? >> that's on pause. the opening episode which begins at a divorce party -- >> what's more fun than that. >> a lot of those in the hampton's. >> my brother's relationship goes one way, mine goes another. a lot of questions answered. >> you split your time because your family lives on the west coast and you're shooting most of the time here. how do you divide up your time because you like your family. a lot of people like to leave their family. >> i love my family. minutes ago i had hair coming out of places i didn't know, they groomed me. i've been on hiatus for three months. i get back every chance i can. i fly back every weekend. i love being with my family.
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they come for the summer to enjoy the beach and sun. >> out in the hamptons. since you're shooting a fourth season will you keep it this way with your family on that coast. >> hoda, you're very intuitive. >> what's the chance? >> no, she's following her impulse. it's possible we would move to new york. there's a chance. because it's just very hard with the distance. >> the kids are cool age >> 6, 4 and 2. still okay. still okay. but my daughter, my 6-year-old is starting to miss me. every time i drive away she reaches, like i'm sticking my head out the window and she yells i love you so much i can't stand it. it's so sweet. i can't take it. i need them here. >> least you should ask for in your contract. i want my family. >> you have a little medical issue with one of your children, first of all she's doing okay now. >> thank god. she had a rare congenital heart
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defect and she had two open heart surgeries last season. this brilliant doctor at chla, and the nurses saved her life and we'll never, you know, be able to repay that debt. we're so grateful to them. she was in for 89 days. she was failing to thrive, not gaining weight. now she's like a porker. she eats like a pig. she walks around like she owns the place. >> she will never remember it and you will never forget. >> we appreciate every single day with her and the other two kids. so, thank god. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. you and you are too. >> you like matt lauer better than us. >> no! >> you guys are coming on. >> tonight. >> you and kathie lee. 10, 9 central time on the usa
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network. >> who knew. we'll find out what might be tripping out your diet. treatment...for inadequate or not enough lashes. now with latisse® lashes are longer...darker, with more than double the fullness in 16 weeks. if you are using or have used, prescription products for eye pressure problems, use latisse® under close doctor care. latisse® use may cause increased brown pigmentation of the colored part of the eye which is likely permanent. eyelid skin darkening may occur which may be reversible. if you experience eye problems or have eye surgery, consult your doctor. common side effects include itchy eyes and eye redness. my lashes changed as i got older. now i use latisse®. find a doctor at today. smooth sensation from nivea. the light lotion with moisture enhancing 24-hour-plus hydra iq. to keep skin smooth all day... all night. nivea. touch and be touched.
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you don't disappear at midnight. and now, you've met your match. new revlon® colorstay™ 16 hour eyeshadow. 64 colors that will take you from night to day without smudging, creasing or fading away.
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still to come, if your new year's resolution was to get in shape we have a new trivia game for you. >> what's the new way ytha thank you. >> donny is here. he'll help you figure out what you guys are thinking. @e9xd i say 1-sheeter. bounty can clean the mess with less. [ female announcer ] in this lab demo, 1 sheet of bounty leaves this surface as clean as 2 sheets of the bargain brand. ♪ dance cooking? bring it. super durable. super absorbent. super clean. bounty the 1-sheet clean picker-upper. and try bounty napkins.
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needs long term relief. eucerin calming creme. it soothes dry, itchy skin with a triple-acting formula. no wonder calm, comfortable skin starts with eucerin. [ male announcer ] what if we could keep enough plastic waste to fill over 200 garbage trucks out of landfills each year? ♪ 6.5 million pounds of plastic, gone. by using new glad trash bags, designed with reinforcing bands to be stronger with less plastic waste, we can. ♪ it's a small change that can make a big difference. ♪ it is 10:26 now. good morning. i'm marla tellez.
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good news, bad news for bay bridge commuters. bad news first. caltrans says it needs to shut down the upper deck over president's day weekend, next month. good news, the shutdown could shave six months off the reconstruction project. this means the new eastern span could open in late 2013. it would close westbound lanes starting at 8:00 pm friday, february 17th. if the work goes off without a hitch, lanes would open 5:00 am the following tuesday, february have a have a look at the roads and forecast after the break. honey...? [ mom ] yes. honey, i can't find my internet cord. oh, i'll borrow hailey's. you're downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord?! we switched to at&t high speed internet and got wireless access. no more cords.
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wireless, okay, honestly, can i just get a cord, please? dad, the cord's invisible. [ female announcer ] call at&t today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothing. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire national at&t wi-fi hot spot network for no extra charge. so call today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪
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welcome back. 10:28. clear skies we've had for almost over a month, a thing of the past. potential flooding on the way to the bay area. 55 in san jose. seven-day outlook shows you rain in the forecast thursday through tuesday with heavy rain for the 49ers game on sunday. let's check your drive with mike 10:29. >> that will make the roads lovely. no walk in the park in the south bay. you might want to walk. northbound 101, still very slow after an earlier accident. a couple of earlier accidents through santa clara. great america parkway had traffic backed up all the way to 680. second accident has things backed up to capital expressway. that's starting to move. laura garcia-cannon was on the road and called me to make sure i knew how extensive that backup
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was. and i do. thank you. marla? 49ers fever, i'm sure you have it. fans are sticking close to their computers today, snatching up tickets online for the sunday championship. we'll have the latest on all those sales. we'll see you in 30. ♪ we're back on this winesday wednesday. we play our trivia game who knew. did you keep your resolution or fall off the wagon. kathie lee is with the crowd across the street. she's ready to handous $100 to those to get the questions right and those who don't get a copy of kathie lee's cd. >> here's matt bean, contributing editor of "men's health" magazine. >> this lady is from richmond, virginia. true or false, crunches will help you get a flat belly.
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>> you're supposed to give me a hint back there. >> true. [ buzzer ] >> oh, no. >> she was going say false. >> that's one of those things. people think if you do crunches it will flatten it out. you can't spot reduce. you have to do 250,000 crunches to lose one pound of body fat. that's what you're trying to get rid of to reveal those rippling abs. go the gym and work your whole body. >> where are you from? >> melbourne, australia. >> by law how accurate must the calorie information be on a nutrition facts panel. within five calories? within 20 calories. no more than 5% off or more than 20% off. >> we use kilogels. i'll say 5%. >> this surprises you.
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>> the correct answer. there's 20% leeway there? >> 20% leeway. this is shock. if you ate every single meal with 20% variance in the wrong direction that's 30 extra pounds of weight at the end the year. that's because the restaurants say the food packagers say it's difficult to nail that. >> back across to kathie lee. >> gentleman from new orleans. true or false you should work out every single day if you want to lose weight. >> false. >> how do you know that. >> work out. >> how is that false? that's false. >> it is false because your muscles need rest and relaxation to rebuild themselves. when you do strength training, resistant training, even on the tread mill your body needs down time. three days a week usually enough. >> okay. four days of rest. i like it. >> jerry here is from the jersey shore. jerry, wow. how many tea spoons of sugar are
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in a can of soda, three, six, eight or ten? >> i would say ten. >> yes. >> a smart girl from the jersey shore. >> okay. so ten. >> that's right. >> oh, my gosh. >> this is still shock. if you want an example of how crazy this is. take a glass of water and try to dissolve that much sugar in it. you'll get an idea of why you should stay away from full sugar colas. >> they say diet sodas make you put on weight. >> it could be psychological. >> this sweet guy is from long island. he's rooting for the giants this weekend. what is the minimum amount of time you can work out each day and still lose weight. is it eight minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes or 45? >> i'll go with c. >> wow. >> that's rude.
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so the minimum amount of time you can work out each day to lose wait is 15 minutes. >> thaet's right. >> a lot of people get on the tread mill and go to sleep. if you're doing strength training, you only need 15 minutes a day. actually more likely to stick to your workout if that's as much time as you need in the gym. >> it's all calories. isn't that the deal? >> if you build muscle. not arnold schwarzenegger size muscle. that muscle burns fat sitting there. if you're nicely to end you can keep that weight off longer. >> ladies from gainesville, florida. which has more carbohydrate is an apple or orange. >> i'll say orange. >> i like her reasoning. >> your mother is going thereof this. >> the correct answer is an apple. >> it's an apple. don't let that dissuade you because it's not that much more
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carbohydrates than orange and has more antioxidants which are good for health benefits. >> doesn't an apple have a lot of fiber. >> it does. keep you fuller longer. >> like it. back across to kathy. >> a lady from baltimore. she's rooting for the ravens. you are more likely to purchase unhealthy foods at the supermarket if you are using a shopping cart or a basket. >> i'd say a shopping cart. >> no one can get anything right. >> okay. the correct answer is basket. sumpg because you think with a cart you have more room. >> a stumper. what researchers think having that basket on your arm, cradling that basket it activates your nurturing instinct so you're more likely to go for the feel good junk foods. >> matt, thanks. thanks for coming to see us. kathie lee is on our way back. guess who is with us.
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donny, donny deutschman. turn. so i make sure i have the right guidance to get me exactly where i need to be. it's the same with taxes. turbotax has a unique gps feature that guides me step by step, and if i have any questions, i can even ask a tax expert by phone or chat, for free, which helps me know it's done right and get my maximum refund, guaranteed. man: get free, one-on-one, expert tax advice. go to ♪ eat well, live long ♪ have a good daisy, work out, get strong ♪ [ female announcer ] enjoy the fresh, 100% natural choice in cottage cheese. ♪ have a good daisy ♪ have a good daisy was that cinnamon you put in the dessert? yeah. little dash of nutmeg too. wonderful spice... nutmeg is. as spices go, i find nutmeg to be underutilized.
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mmm, nutmeg. [ female announcer ] k-y brand intense. with just a few drops, this unique, scientifically proven formula increases a woman's sensitivity making her big moment feel even bigger. learn more at who emailed it to emily, who sent it to cindy, who wondered why her soup wasn't quite the same. the recipe's not the recipe... ohhh. [ female announcer ] ...without swanson. the broth cooks trust most when making soup. mmmm! [ female announcer ] the secret is swanson.
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mmmm! . if you've ever wondered what's going on inside the mind of your man. >> like why doesn't he tell me he loves me. our date was so great. here to give it to you straight is our resident guy donny
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deutschman. >> if a man hasn't told you in a year and a half of date iing th he loves you does that mean he doesn't? >> it probably does. designee treats her so lovingly. >> you should be able to say after a year and a half to say i love you. as a woman never ever say i love you first. if he's not telling you he loves you after a year and a half then he doesn't. >> what if he doesn't tell his mother. >> then he's a closed off guy. i'm on treat. i love you, babe. >> that's true. next up shelly is asking, she had a baseline date, real nice guy. they talked and joked for hours. she told him she was having a good day. she texted him the next day to thank him. >> you know, there's a great expression it is what is it. you can justify, maybe he's on a
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business trip. he obviously is just for whatever not interested. you might disagree. i know it's good manners to text after the date. let him. whenever a girl does that even though it's nice, she's really -- let the guy say i had a great time. obviously it's a polite thing to do. don't do it. >> five different guys were texting to her. she says mom it's so simple never be available. how did you get so wise. >> she figured out the magical formula at a young age. >> next up from bonnie. i want to know why my husband won't admit he's wrong. is that a man thing. >> i don't think it is. honestly that's completely gender irrelevance. i've been with women who can't say i'm sorry. some people are like that. i don't think that's a man thing at all. >> but it's more of a man thing wouldn't you say? >> honestly? i've only dated women.
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i've been with women. and i've been with a bunch of women where it's not in them. some men also. >> that's a huge problem in a person if they can't say i'm sorry. that's as important to learn to say that as it is to say i love you. it is. >> next is from cindy. why is it that when a man is sick the world comes stop. when i'm sick taking care of the kids and house goes on. men are big babies. >> we are. that's true. i'm the biggest baby. women are electronicer. i'm not just saying this to make nice with the audience. women are stronger. stronger in dealing with pain. they make babies. we are bigger babies and women are stronger in every way. >> if it bothers a woman what should she say? >> say hey you like to be taken care of? i go back to this, you have to
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say stuff. i get you're a baby but sometimes i like to act like a baby also. man up. >> christie wants to know why is it when her guys buddies call her, the mom, he's out the door in a flash but if i need help the response is tomorrow. >> men take their women for granted. as a woman you can't let it happen. you got to call men on the mat and say dude you're mother called you, your buddy called you. i call it open direct communication. you know we need to be told. we need to be smacked around sometimes. it's that simple. >> in a loving way. >> i was just waiting -- your eyes went twinkle, twinkle. >> coming up next, guys -- he's sorry. to text or not to text a thank you note. what do you think? >> you know what i think. >> know what you think right
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after this. possible. no, no... well how about the purp? ew! ♪ yeah. wow. unless you have eggo® waffles. they're quick and easy to make, and there's something about them... that just makes people move. [ male announcer ] golden crispy outside, warm and fluffy inside. who says breakfast together can't be done? [ male announcer ] eggo® waffles. simply delicious. smooth sensation from nivea. the light lotion with moisture enhancing 24-hour-plus hydra iq. to keep skin smooth all day... all night. nivea. touch and be touched. those five food groups sound a whole lot better when you put them in a taco shell instead of a pyramid. old el paso. when you gotta have mexican. 102?
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[ dog whimpers ] 102? no! [ female announcer ] try triaminic fever reducer. with medicine that starts to reduce your child's fever in 30 minutes, triaminic will have them up and running before you know it. [ barks ] when you walk 10,000 steps a day, it's the same as walking a professional golf course. humana. proud supporter of health and well-being.
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okay... is this where we're at now, we just eat whatever tastes good? like these sweet honey clusters... actually there's a half a day's worth of fiber in every ... why stop at cereal? bring on the pork chops and the hot fudge. fantastic. are you done sweetie? yea [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. hey, i love your cereal there-- it's got that sweet honey taste. but no way it's 80 calories, right? no way. lady, i just drive the truck. right, there's no way right, right? have a nice day. [ male announcer ] 80 delicious calories. fiber one.
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time for etiquette 101. the changing art of the thank you note. with the different modes of communication it's difficult to get confused. >> it is proper to send a written note or can you send an earn mail or a text. we have the editor-in-chief from "teen vogue." how are you? according to your teen vote poll one-third of respondents write handwritten notes. is that about the norm, do you think, one-third? >> i thought that was not so bad. that was pretty good. >> it surprised me. because of the world we live in today. >> but then we have 14% who never write a thank you note for anything. not a job internship interview, not any interview or a gift. >> why? >> probably weren't raised to do it. >> when do you think a child a young person should write a thank you note.
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>> they should learn at a young age. if they learn the art of closing a circle. you know so that they receive something, they say thank you, they send a note, a card, a picture. if you establish this behavior for any gift that they receive then it will become part of their life. >> earn males are part of kids notes. they don't know how to write in person. >> they have no penmanship. cody wrote something me i can't understand it. >> don't know my friends' handwriting any more. i know yours. >> i've forgotten. harriett, a little crocheted thing. sometimes you hear if somebody, if you open up a gift in person with somebody present there, and you're able to say thank you at that time that a thank you note is not necessary? >> during the holidays it happens a lot. a lot of people exchange gifts, say thank you in person and feel
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completed because they acknowledged each other. however, and we talked about this earlier. it's the nicest thing to receive a hand written note. it just is lovely. >> i think my mother would rather receive a phone call from one of my kids. >> that works. >> she gets to hear their voice and have some interaction with them. >> the main thing is showing gratitude. however you do it. >> what about temp mail. a lot of people are sending e-mail evites. >> an e-mail thank you is better than nothing. the gold standard is a handwritten note. after any kind of professional interaction a handwritten note. they do it at internship. >> handwritten sometimes in a business setting. when handwriting is so poor sometimes it's better to type that note. i want helps them to think more formally. we talked about ms.
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kotb. if you look for a job let them know you're serious. >> sometimes when you get a thank you note, thank you for the crystal bowl. love mary. i'm not saying it's not a nice thing to get a handwritten note. you know they are like this -- >> mom needs to teach them. >> they used to have thank you note parties for brides would do this with their bridesmaids. they would have fun. bridesmaids would help them write the thank you notes together. you want it to mean something. it falls flat if they are not offering your heart. >> teach your kids to put in a fuel sentences about why you love your nintendo open >> thank you. so hard to raise kids in the world we live in today. thanks so much. happy new year. >> thank you. >> up next photos that will make you say what? first t
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we're back to make you laugh with a segment called what the what? >> here we go. our first photo is from norfolk, virginia. happy birthday. it says i am one. then no kids under three. so she went to give it and i didn't see any hazard so they did have the warning. so they make it but you shouldn't give it to anyone. >> our next photo was sent in from michele from san diego, california. i don't think that's the right place to purity stroller when i said put it away. her mom went in and said what else did she put in there. she put in a sock, doll, a blender, her stroller. >> didn't put any of mine this morning and it still overflowed.
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>> wasn't my fault. >> apparently somebody's. >> kelley from richmond, virginia submitted this photo. those look like healthy fruit baskets. that's my kind of fruit. >> mine too. if you want to send me a fruit basket send me that one. >> we have a photo from eric carter. this is a little indecisive. freeteit kns for $1. finally allison from pennsylvania submitted this one. i'm not sure which one i want less. perms and worms. a strip mall with a bait shop and a hair salon. come on if you had to pick do you want the perm or a worm? >> i would take the worm. >> on that note -- >> big old worm. >> sends your photos in.
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tomorrow guess who is here? >> joanie is in the house. regis will be here. he's going stay for a little bit too. >> don't forget the cutest pets. >> winner of our cutest pets. have a great time tomorrow. jury duty. [ female announcer ] there's surprising news about whole grain
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and the cereals your kids love. ♪ now all general mills big g kid cereals have more whole grain than any other ingredient. the same great taste they love in cereals like lucky charms and cinnamon toast crunch with whole grain that they need. just look for the white check, only on general mills big g kid cereals, the delicious way to help them grow up strong. now with more whole grain than any other ingredient.


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