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tv   Today  NBC  January 27, 2012 2:05am-3:05am PST

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at a great price. it's an unbelievable deal. so why wait? act now, act now! like he said... ♪ captions paid for by nbc-universal television >> not at this hour. >> it is thirst day thursday, january 26th, 2010. kathie lee is out today but filling in is the wonderful carrie fisher. i'm sorry about the "star wars"
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music. that was not my pick. >> 2012, apparently. >> not with that music. >> exactly. 19 -- what is it? >> 56. >> yeah. i know, people still to this day, does it get on your nerves when people think "star wars," princess leia and come up and ask you -- >> well, i'm getting a little -- i should be queen by now. but the music following me, you know, imagine walking down the street. my favorite thing is people saying princess leia, and i'm supposed to go, yes? like i forget that's not my real name. >> the other thing people especially now know you a lot for is your tremendous weight loss. that was one of those things that we saw before pictures and then you went on jenny craig and these are the before and afters. >> oh, my god. >> why?
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what do you mean? when you look at those, what do you think of the before you and -- >> horror. just horror. no, the after part is fine, but look what i allowed myself to -- that was the thing where someone said whatever happened to carrie fisher, she used to be so hot and now she looks like elton john, which is not nice to elton john, i feel. but there you have it. >> how long did it take to drop all that weight? >> i started at thanksgiving. >> yeah. >> so that was the jumping-off point. i think about ten months? >> ten months. okay. >> sort of like a pregnancy but there was no child at the end of it. that i'm aware of. there might be. >> do you still eat the jenny craig food and do all that? >> i'm very involved in their snacks. >> i saw you had some cookies today. >> my big thing is it feels like -- what is that called? like i'm a truant. they're hiding the snacks from
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me at the house. so that's my new -- that is sad. you guys are hiding the drinks in the morning. >> i know. you don't drink so we cleared the table of all things alcoholic. >> oh, isn't that nice. >> sweet of us. >> come back on and i'll have the snacks. >> by the way, i know there were all those rumors about the facelift. are you sick of that? >> no. this is new. >> tell me. >> why didn't i get my neck done then? and they -- the great thing is there are doctors that weigh in, as it were -- >> yes. >> -- on my appearance, and apparently i didn't -- it's not a good job. i'll say. so, there's like three doctors saying it's clear she had the lift and it's a little too -- >> yeah. >> i don't know what else -- i had so many things done. >> have you ever had any work done? >> well, yard work.
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>> that's it. >> no. you know, like the botox. >> yeah. botox. we had your mom on the other day. >> she looks better than anyone except my daughter. >> she looks great. it was a weird experience for us, i have to say. >> i heard she used a certain word a lot. >> yeah. look, she wanted everyone grabbing her. no. she threw the dress open and you'll see, kathie's going in and at the commercial break, we have a shot of it. >> of her -- >> no. >> it comes with age that you start, you know, exposing yourself. i'm about five years away. >> she kept asking how do they feel. you live just around the corner from your mom. right? >> i'm near her breasts, yes. >> how is that living so close? >> well, we're both on the road
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for a long time, and there's a hill between us and between her arthritis and my bursitis, it's getting a little weirder as we go along. >> yeah. >> so i'm moving. no. i'm not. no. it's fine. except my mother now goes out and does interviews saying, well, our relationship is very volatile. >> yes. she says that. >> really? no one told me that. i thought we were getting along pretty well. so, you know, that's how i keep up with what she thinks of me. >> what is that relationship like between you and your mom? >> well, it's certainly not, i believe, typical. >> yeah. >> but it's -- my mother had me go and get my doctorate from the school of speech and drama that i never graduated from. >> okay. >> because she wanted class in the family. so she honestly thought i was going to be called dr. fisher, you know, and write prescriptions and stuff.
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and i said to her, why -- please tell me why i'm doing this again. she said it's for your future. when is that going to happen? i thought that was sort of already going on in a big way. so, you know, but now i have officially turned into my mother. in our family to turn into one another we do -- well, mine's not a knife, necessarily, but -- but i do a one-woman show now. >> you do. you're going to be in baltimore coming up. >> going to be in baltimore. >> on january the 21st -- 31st. >> nude. >> you're not going to be nude. >> no. i'm not. i promise not to be nude if you come. >> uh-huh. >> so please spare all of us from that. >> that's at -- where are you going to be? baltimore. >> the hippodrome. >> don't forget. and you're going to be in dayton and in houston and we're going
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to have all that stuff on our website. >> we are? all right. >> there we go. so demi moore, you guys know, was in the hospital and they were talking about what's happened since her breakup and she's obviously had a really difficult time. >> not that it's easy for anybody, but to do it this sort of -- >> publicly. >> yes. >> what do you think about that? there are two issues going on. obviously we've all had breakups. and we've gone through difficult situations. what was your worst breakup, by the way? >> it's such a competition. no. it isn't a competition but i'm not going to say. just guess. >> yeah. >> but it is difficult because -- well, especially with her, though. can you believe that after this length of time they're still saying jen wants to get back with brad and brad sent her a text message in her car. >> yeah. >> so this, i think, was -- they were just watching her, waiting,
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it seems like, for something to happen. >> for something. >> so she -- >> what about these -- we see may-december romances with men all the time, the older man, the younger women, and now we're seeing a lot more of the reverse. >> not a lot more, but when a guy is nice. >> yeah. >> but when a woman does it, it has him washed and brought to my tent. you know? which actually is a line of cher's. >> uh-huh. >> like to give credit when credit is due. but it's embarrassing. i mean, it's viewed that way or the inevitable. when they break up, then they -- >> right. madonna does it, j. lo, a lot of people who have -- >> but how to talk about it is not really complimentary. >> the way people look at it. there is a new website out there. if you do break up with your boyfriends or whatever and you wondered what went wrong, like why did we break up?
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i guess you never really asked him. >> like you care about his opinion at that point. >> right. >> but, okay. >> what you can do later, apparently there's a website -- >> how much later? >> when the sting has worn off. you can write him a letter on this website, wot -- what went wrong. and you can ask him in a form letter to tell you what went wrong. >> like for the next boyfriend? it was really bad and not really a great cook. and she takes things way too personally. i mean, what -- another way to be mean to people. >> yes. let me ask you this. if you could line up all your previous relationships, okay, for a second, there they all are in a line. and you could ask them all what was the reason, if you had to boil it down to one reason that this relationship didn't work, what was the -- what would be the one common thing every single one of those guys would say? what would the common thread be, do you think?
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>> she's a lot. >> she's a lot? >> yeah. >> what does that mean? >> i think they would say that i was -- you know, not sort of someone who can be found in the -- no. just, you know, too much. >> complicated. >> yeah. and i'm not -- i'm not a typical wife so, if you look at me and think, oh, that's my girlfriend, maybe that's fine. but if you look at me and say this is my wife, it looks weirder. so i don't know. i don't mean to brag. but i just -- i think that might come up on the resume. >> you've dated younger men before. yeah? >> thousands of them. >> did you? >> one after another. >> what would the youngest you ever went in terms of an age gap? >> 12. and i got arrested. so i learned from that. >> yes.
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>> more than necessary. >> yeah. >> and it was -- it's embarrassing. >> is it? >> well -- >> yeah. >> when you get around other people, yes. and when he was in very good shape and that was kind of his focus, so on christmas he gave me an exercise bike and i gave him some books. so that didn't -- >> that did it. >> kind of spoke of -- yes. >> of all the guys, the love of your life, who was the love of your life of the men you were with? >> oh, that's not fun to say. you know, in different ways. i -- paul was -- >> yeah. >> you know, very -- he was -- he's a great artist, so that was great. and i was quite young, and so it was like being apprentice to someone who was brilliant.
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and then my daughter's father, he took care of me. >> who's your daughter's father? >> i don't know. i'm still going through the tests. no. his name is brian borg, and he's an agent. and he's a great father. and we try very hard and succeeded, and we'd go on vacations together. you know, he prefers men now, but, you know. >> oh, okay. >> who doesn't? >> who doesn't. real quick, i want to get to -- we have something to play real quick. a little michael jackson song. every thursday i do a play list. i thought, you're close with michael, and this is one of his old songs. kind of a good dance song. get on the treadmill that guy gave you. >> elliptical. >> elliptical. here it is. do you like to dance? >> well, not in public. >> really?
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>> am i going to have to do this with you? >> just feel it a little bit. do you like it? >> no. >> she hates it. up next, luke perry is in the house. we'll talk to him about his newest film on the hallmark channel. very good looking guy.
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there is not much luke perry has not done. >> and you can add writing to that list. >> yes, you can. his first movie about a circuit judge in wyoming, did so well that a sequel is coming out. it is called "good night for justice." let's watch. >> you know how to use that thing? >> yeah. >> sure you turned the safety off before you put the finger on the trigger? you know something, i make a much better friend than an
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enemy. and you know something else, you pull a gun on somebody, you better be ready to kill them. also you need to make sure it's loaded. back on your horse. you're going to jail. >> oh. that's bad. >> welcome. by the way, this is number two on the list, is very first -- the first one came out and was the number-one-rated movie on hallmark so congrats. >> thank you very much. >> we expect something similar for this movie. >> we hope so. it's tough being the highest rated one they've ever had. nowhere to go but down or up. but folks hat hallmark are very supportive. >> i saw it and enjoyed it and you're very good looking. >> thank you, doctor. >> no, no. and i'm a doctor, so it has to be true. >> yes. you can take my temperature later. >> your facelift is awesome. >> thank you. good stuff. >> and you came up with the characters, too. >> yeah. it's first time i've ever done that. you know, i was thinking -- i'd
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done a couple westerns with these guys and i thought about a character that i would like to play. took out a yellow legal pad and started writing a story. >> describe this guy, your character. >> when he's not being a judge and sitting behind the bench as it were, he's a regular guy, drings whisky, plays cards, meets the occasional girl. rides a lot. spends a lot of time on the road. i thought that's interesting. you have to show the human being as well as the judge. >> and you're involved in the writing of the whole deal. how does that work? >> i have some folks i collaborate with, neil and tiffy. i write a story on a grocery bag or whatever i get it out on, i take it to these guys. they make it into a screenplay. they hand it back to me and me write on it. on the day i get to polish the dialogue and do all that stuff. >> great. >> it's interesting because -- >> that's the thing. on the day you want to be able -- >> you want some control over this. >> you shoot this -- how long did it take to shoot "star wars"? >> we're still shooting it. no. three months. >> three months. yours, what, 15 days?
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>> 15 days. >> both of you guys are interesting because you're both known for something, beverly hills "90210" and you "star wars." does that bother you, you did this movie but they go, hey, we remember "90210"? does that get under your skin or are you fine with it? >> doesn't bother me. without one probably wouldn't have had the other. if not for "90210" none of the other "stuff" would have happened. i don't know how you feel about it. >> i think you really just go with it. >> you have to embrace it. especially "star wars," the biggest movie franchise ever. you have to embrace it. >> princess leia is like being minnie mouse at some point. >> and my name being luke. the only time i've asked to have my picture with anybody was mark hamill. when we worked together, i was, like, i got to have this one. they've been calling me luke skywalker. >> we could wander around. >> can we ask about the tie you
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have on? >> this is a gift. this was give on the me by the kids at the st. jude's children's research hospital when i was down there. yeah, they designed it, all the kids did. i told them i would wear it. >> again, this is a sequel coming out. if you didn't catch the first movie, will you understand what's going on if you watch this one? >> you will. this is called "goodnight for justice: the measure of a man." two separate films, not a true sequel. they're stand-alone movies. we made a third one this summer also, stand-alone movie, all different characters. >> i saw it and i completely -- >> she got it. >> yes. >> thank you so much. good luck with this again. catch it saturday night on the hallmark movie channel. up next, sarah's going to take us to a webtastic wedding. we know a place where tossing and turning have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep.
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and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. 2:30 in the afternoon, a lot to do, and you've hit the wall. but you got to get stuff done.
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so take 5-hour energy. just open it up, knock it back, and roll up your sleeves. 5-hour energy is faster and easier than coffee. man, does it work. you'll get that alert, energized feeling you need to get stuff done. a lot of stuff. wow. look at you go. 5-hour energy. when you gotta get stuff done.
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♪ we are back with our special
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series we call "webtastic." sarah has a video that will make everybody dance. this week's video is by who? >> features one grooving groom. >> look at you, doctor, you're brilliant. >> that's right. check out the surprise performance of justin bieber's "baby" for his bride, emily. ♪ oh, like, baby, baby, baby oh, baby, baby, baby ♪ baby, like baby baby, baby oh, like, baby, baby ♪ baby baby, baby oh, like, baby, baby ♪ >> now this is a surprise. they actually watched a justin bieber the night before and
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choreographed it all night before. these are his groomsmen and ushers. >> she looks totally astonished. >> he's not a performer. he's a tax guy. >> i would have guessed that. guessed that in a minute. what do you think of that moving and grooving? >> i don't think they're still together. >> i hope they still are. >> i do, too. >> i want to note the contest we have coming up. >> that's what we do here. contests. tell 'em. >> if you think your engagement story is the most romantic, the most unique, go to klg and hoda dotcom for a chance to win four nights at laguna beach, roundtrip air fare, two spa treatments and an award-winning restaurant. the contest ends at february 2, not at midnight but 11:59 eastern time. >> they have to send in videos of a proposal? >> they have to describe it. >> we might amp that up. >> all right. sarah, thank you.
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>> thank you. >> we are going to come back after your local news. a lot coming up. something about fighting couples and -- remember? >> that's always good.
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and we are back on this thirst day thursday with "today's relationships" and how to feel closer after a fight. >> it's like being war buddies. >> we've all been there, raised a voice and you can get upset and you're angry and hurt. how do you get past that? kate white is the editor in chief of cosmo magazine, and she's here with doctor-ish -- >> ish -- love that word. >> you're not getting a long-ish. >> we've all been in fights with our husbands, boyfriends, what not. >> ish. >> and you say something you don't mean. and it's cruel and it's -- you know, whether -- you're a jerk isn't so cruel, but you say something. how do you unring the bell or can you? >> you have to do more than apologize if you say something stupid like that. you've got to try to neutralize it or those words will hang out in his head.
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if you have that you're a jerk, you could say something like, wait, aren't i a jerk for saying something so silly or if you threaten to divorce him you could say, hey, i was being overdramatic, overreacting, but try to neutralize it. >> and send a stripper. i've always found that works. >> when you got in fights in relationships, how did you fight? >> we never fought. >> come on. >> everything was so beautiful. so it got boring. no. it is tough. you try to make it i think funny. >> yeah. humor works, does it? >> humor works, but be careful. only if the other person thinks it's funny. guys, we tend to hold onto things a little more. let a little distance pass before you inject the humor because if it's too soon, he'll think you're making light of the situation. >> the cooling-off period, sometimes you need a little time, a lot of time, according to this study, 9% of guys need no time, okay.
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25% need ten minutes to cool off. 40% need an hour. and 26% need a full day. now, are women -- >> yeah. what was interesting is that, you know, 25% practically needed a whole day, so you've got to be aware that not everybody's ready to get all lovey-dovey, you know, at the same time. i like the hour thing because it is the length of a television show for a lot of guys. >> like a football game or something. >> and touching. i mean, when you're in an argument and you're really going at it, is it a good idea to make contact or not? does that help? >> it depends on the timing. so after the argument and you've had your cooling-off period, now you're going back in to assess the damage, i say do the sit test. sit right next to him. make sure some part of your body is testing him. leg, arm, shoulder, thigh. if he immediately pulls away, the argument is still on. if he doesn't move, it's over
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and you're in there. >> what about going to bed angry? when you got in fights did you go to sleep and wake up and -- >> i'm sure i tried to forget. i think it's important to teach your mate to say you may have a point. it takes a long time to learn that. >> it is true. sometimes they've got something that makes sense. >> mm-hmm. >> okay. now when you talk about humor, because i know that's something that kind of works, what do the women think of humor after a fight? >> i think they like it. it does break the tension and it's humor about something that you guys always laugh about, because that not only breaks the tension but it also reinforces the idea that you've got a great bond with each other. >> sure. sometimes the arguments, though, you can go way below the belt and sometimes you didn't mean it but you just grab -- you know his achilles' heel and you just went for it. that's a hard one to try to fix, isn't it? >> that is. that is. what i tell folks to do is
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before hand do the fighting fair test. when things are good and you're lovey-dovey, have a conversation, gosh, i like the way we get along and i hate when couples argue all the time and they say mean, hurtful things, such as -- and then you run your list of things. find the boundaries and the parameters for a fair fight. >> kate's working on a new book as usual. guys, thanks for coming to see us. >> thanks. up next, we're going to help winterize your house. this is interesting. >> ish. >> back after this. ♪
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♪ it is time for "today's home" and the ways to keep the heat in and the cold out. >> all it takes is a little plastic on your windows. >> "today" contributor and host from "house smarts," lou is here
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with a bunch of tips. >> good morning. >> we're still kind of waiting for winter. what's happening? >> i know. it has not come. i get that. but even though it's been mild, you're still paying to heat your home. these types of tips have a direct benefit, even in this type of weather. and when winter does come, you'll be ready. >> on the ball. >> standard thermostat. most people have seen this. they remember these round ones. they go on and off. some of the old ones have the mercury in them. these come off, pop off or twist off. this panel comes off and when you do that, ladies, you end up with these wires. >> look at that, carrie. >> these are low-voltage wires. they're not anything you have to worry about getting electrocuted. a programmable thermostat can save you up to 20% on your energy bills by adjusting the temperature when you're not at home or go to sleep at night. if you lower the temperature by just one degree it goes down by 3%. when you take these off, that
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back panel of that new programmable thermostat, you'll see a bunch of letters. >> see this? >> the letters represent the colors of the wires. can you see that? >> the colors of the wires. >> you take those wires and you connect them to that, mount that on the wall, then you have a programmable thermostat ready to go to adjust. it's really that simple. >> okay. >> would you do that? >> ish. >> a programmable thermostat, a good one is about $50. this one for $100 is programmable but also you can adjust it from your smartphone and from a computer. >> wow. >> so if you have a second home or you know i want to turn it up, it's a little cold, you can do it that quickly. it installs just like that with a separate module. >> let's walk down here. these filters, i don't even know where they come from, but -- >> they come from the store. you buy them at the hardware store normally. this is what most people put in. they put in a blue pleated filter. its only job is to from protect the blower motor.
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does nothing for indoor air quality. i want people to go into these pleated filters, these higher efficiency filters have ten times the cleaning power over these standard filters and you'll feel a difference in the overall air quality. but they trap more so it's important to make sure that you change them on a regular basis, probably every two months or so. >> okay. not bad. >> not bad. >> again, that is furnace that we have here. the reason i had them bring this in is this is a brand-new furnace. this is the heat exchanger. you need to get your furnace cleaned and inspected on an annual basis. one thing they'll say is you have a cracked heat exchanger. the gas that flows into the top of this can break through and this is where you can get carbon monoxide. a quality hvac contractor will clean these for about $100. we have about a minute.
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>> carbon monoxide, you can die from that? >> absolutely. really something you have to get inspected. drafts are the biggest things we want to eliminate in a home. whether you're using weather stripping, caulking is your best friend to get rid of the draft where is the baseboard meets the floor or drafts around windows and doors. the plastic sheeting we put on this window back here, if you have drafty windows and can't afford brand-new window, this gets put on with double-sided tape and a hair dryer to get it on nice and tight. you can increase the energy features of your drafty windows by 70%. it's just a plastic window film. when it's tight you don't even know it's there with your window treatment. >> and the glass is on the other side. >> the downside is you can't open the window up if you get a nice day in the fall without having to take it all away. but it does eliminate the draft. >> ten seconds. >> furniture. make sure if you have furniture, these directional vents can go on so you can push the heat where you want it so you're more comfortable and don't have to
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turn it up. if you use space heaters in small areas it's the most efficient way to heat because you don't have to turn the thermostat up to heat the whole thing. don't put it next to flammables, don't use extension cords. never leave it unintended. >> lou, thank you. talks to us like we're in third grade and i like it. >> no, no, you can do it. >> thanks. up next, stilettos. how they can save your life. >> good morning. getting you ready for the day. if you're stepping outdoors in northern new england, you could have some ice to deal with. still going to be seeing some of that isles or snow, depending on where you are throughout the day. that's going to come to an end from the west to the east. you get to the south and some of the bigger cities, dealing with just rain. another system working through the plains behind that, seeing
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cooler air. you get the daytime high, mild throughout parts of the east coast from boston. again, inland areas still going to be cold enough for winter precipitation. in the south and heartland, things are looking pretty good. fair amount of sunshine. it's going to be the northern tier where we see disturbances roll through. we're not talking super cold. we are relatively mild as we look at the weekend here. temperatures right around the freezing mark in minneapolis. still looking nice and feeling cool in some spots. a little more than what you would expect. minneapolis, temperatures into the teens by sunday. for monday around the lakes, that's where we're going to have a chance for snow. otherwise, mild conditions from kansas city all the way over to
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louisville with readings into the 50s expected on monday. tuesday, a chance of rain from missouri to michigan and another system working in the pacific northwest. wednesday, a bigger stretch of precipitation from the northeast, all the way down to the gulf. milder air once again in montana, with mid 40s expected. remember, weekdays on the weather channel, watch "wake up with al." 2:30 in the afternoon, a lot to do, and you've hit the wall. but you got to get stuff done. so take 5-hour energy. just open it up, knock it back, and roll up your sleeves. 5-hour energy is faster and easier than coffee. man, does it work. you'll get that alert, energized feeling you need to get stuff done. a lot of stuff. wow. look at you go. 5-hour energy. when you gotta get stuff done.
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"today's woman" is brought to you by aveeno. discover the power of active natural. >> protecting yourself with style. jenner is a fitness and defense expert who once found herself in a compromising position realizing she had very one unlikely weapon on her body and it was your shoes. tell us what happened in that
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situation. >> when i was living in new york city, i got attacked on the street. i was not being aware, which is the "action" in the abcs of self-defense. and i got grabbed from behind, caught off guard, and i had my stilettos on. my years of training, i was able to defend myself by scaring my attacker away and with my heels on i chased him down the street. did you start pounding on him with your shoe? >> i didn't have time to take it off. i chased him. >> you chased him. >> and he didn't have a weapon like a belt or anything? >> no. >> a clothing attack. >> no. >> that looks lethal. >> so the stilettos that we all have on can be weapons. what are the abcs on how to get busy with these? >> the abcs of self-defense are awareness, boundary, and being centered and calm in the face of an attack. however, being centered and calm, you need to be able to release your shidi. >> shidi. show us because often we can't
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understand unless we see. we want to know also if height matters. >> i'm very upset about being short. in this type of situation. >> okay. trust me, without these, i'm your height. here's my attacker. first things first, your attacker sometimes is going to come from the front when you see him, sometimes from the back. the first thing you want to do when he grabs you is to learn how to base out in stilettos. i'm dropping my center of gravity so i'm nice and stable. so step back like this. >> okay. >> it's a good leg workout, too. >> flexibility. it's not mental. >> drop your chin so you can breathe. now i have a lot of options but i'm going to look for my target. eyes, fingers in the eyes, right, or pull him close and -- >> whoa. that's what you were talking about. >> that's plan a. >> sometimes you have a weapon. >> a key.
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>> and it's going to go in his neck. and if you don't have that, you have your elbow, strike him across the face. next thing, i need one more thing to get him down because he's already going and then stilettos. boom. >> oh. triple threat. >> okay. come to carrie. >> oh, okay. >> drop your center of gravity. >> my center of gravity. am i kicking you in the balls first? >> you can. >> i can't remember. >> eyes. >> oh, i'm hitting him in the eyes. >> elbow. >> elbow. >> knee. kick him in the -- >> going! >> down! and stiletto. >> the key. i didn't do the key. >> you got it. >> thank you so much. you're good. scared of you. you can see the whole program on her dvd called stilettos and self-defense.
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a portion of the proceeds, by way, goes to women's victims of violence. coming up next, to the kitchen with chef ryan. he's going to cook us a meal.
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♪ well, it's dinnertime it's dinner sometime ♪ >> taking you into "today's kitchen," getting saucy with chef ryan. >> hi, ladies. >> ryan has a string of restaurants in new jersey opening the latest in newark called nikko kitchen and bar. >> in new jersey. >> the recipe you love the most
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is one of your moms, isn't it? >> this is one of my mother's recipes. and also i ate it every sunday i was off in italy. one of my favorite dishes, chicken cacciatore. it is a one-pot meal. everything cooks in the same pot, put it in the center of the table, throw out some dishes and everybody eats. >> what part of the chicken do you use? >> thighs. i just seared them with a little salt and pepper. if you can put the mushrooms and onions and butter in for me, that would be great. dump the whole thing in. >> oh. >> what kind of mushrooms? any kind? >> a meaty mushroom like a portobello. >> i'm going to take one, you take the other. >> so we give it a little bit of a stir. we'll cook it for five to seven minutes, get some nice carmelization. and we'll move down here -- >> is the chicken cooked all the way through? >> it is not. it still has to go in.
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onion, mushrooms, chicken and the garlic. then we'll glaze with white wine. >> that's what i was wondering. >> get the sizzle going. reduce it down by half. then you're going to add your tomato. okay. your sweet and acidity in one. >> okay. >> your roasted peppers. little smokiness in the dish. your potatoes are going to be your starch. and then we add our chicken back in. >> put the chicken in. >> okay. >> this is something that's great for the whole family. >> i got oregano, red pepper flakes for a little spice. i've got bay leaf. then we add the chicken stock. okay? going to cover the chicken and then it's going go in the oven. all right? >> carrie, what's your dish of choice? >> my favorite thing is to make dishes that everything ends at one. it is one dish -- >> yeah. >> you're going to love this. >> souffle, risottos. and you don't have to make everything in different -- time it.
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>> do you enjoy the cooking classes? >> someone said once if you can read you can cook, and i'm a good reader. >> follow me over the oven. we'll throw it in. okay? >> uh-oh. there it goes. >> put that in the oven for about 45 minutes. obviously with the magic of tv we have this beautiful dish right here. >> that looks great. >> we serve this dish at my other restaurant every wednesday night. chicken cacciatore. >> should we try it? >> let me give you your own plate. >> really delicious. >> here we go. >> of course. >> and bon appetit. >> looks really, really -- hold on. we have a knife but let's get in there. tell me about the restaurant in new jersey. >> it's been open eight years, modern italian, very market driven and upscale. and then last week was our
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anniversary, and now i'm the culinary director. >> we got to run. >> ciao. >> thank you so much. carrie, thank you. thank you. you were a lot of fun. tomorrow we have ambush makeovers. -- captions by vitac -- >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television


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