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tv   Today  NBC  January 31, 2012 2:05am-3:05am PST

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captions paid for by nbc-universal television ♪ like learning to fly >> right there. >> yep. >> it is fun day monday, january 30th, 2012. the reason you are listening to this terrific song is because we've got the lovely jordin sparks with us, filling in while kathie lee is enjoying a day off. so excited to have you here.
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i met her before, you walked in, you do your own makeup. >> yes. >> you don't do your own hair because you have, like all of us -- >> i'm working on it. >> great hair. >> thank you. >> is it all -- >> there's some clips in here. but it is mine. >> yours. >> i love them. i think extensions are awesome. i tell people i wear them because it's so easy. i can take them off if i feel like it, put them in if i feel like being glammed up. >> when i look at you now, hard to believe -- was it five years? was it five? almost six years. the youngest winner at the time on "american idol." you will probably remember jordin back in the day. >> look at my mom! ♪ >> oh, my gosh, this song.
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♪ this is the moment my mom. >> what do you think when you look back at what happened five or six years ago? >> i remember just feeling like i can't believe this is happening to me. >> yeah. >> as cliche as that sounds, but it was like one of those moments where they called my name and i didn't hear anything else but my own heartbeat in my ears. i saw people clapping and screaming but i could not hear them. they handed me the microphone and i was, like, i don't remember the words. i could not think of anything. >> your parents look so loving. still together, your mom and dad? >> they're not, but they still love each other a lot. >> okay. >> my dad's actually out here in new york so i get to see him whenever i come out here. but they are just -- they've always been so supportive of me and my brothers. that's always remained the same. >> talk about crazy. five, six years ago you're on "american idol" and you're doing that. today you are in a movie with the one and the only whitney houston.
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>> oh, gosh. yes. >> called "sparkle." whitney plays your mom. is that right? >> she plays my mom. when i first got the part and i knew about it, she was executive producing the movie. i was, like, cool, i'll say hi to her in the hallway. a couple days later, she's going to be playing your mother. i was, like, what? it was amazing. a lot of fun to be able to sit or stand in front of her. she's scolding me and i'm thinking it's the greatest thing ever. she was so sweet and nice. to hear her sing, not a dry eye in the house. all bawling. >> what's your whitney song? >> "i will always love you." can't go wrong with that but also -- >> okay, wait.
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♪ and i will always love you i ill always love you ♪ just can't go wrong with that. >> jordin did this thing in the makeup room, what's that thing? you started singing a song. if you're by yourself, in the shower and singing, i think you like nat king cole. >> yes. love nat king cole. one of my favorites ever. >> kind of singing in the shower -- >> i was thinking about it, and the one place i -- >> see if i know it. >> you will know it. ♪ o, say can you see that's where i practice national anthem is in the shower. >> you sang at one of the super
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bowls, didn't you? >> i did, back in 2008. >> unnerving, to sit there in front of all those people. >> my heart is pounding now just thinking about it. oh, my gosh. it was funny. my dad played for the giants, actually the rematch event this year. >> sure. >> but i just remember standing there and my dad was, like, at least one of us made it to the super bowl. it was crazy. but it's one of those songs that everybody knows it and it's such an honor to be able to sing it so it's a lot of pressure. i think that and going back to "american idol" are the two things that make me nervous. >> going back to "idol"? why? >> because when you come back, you want to make sure you're the person that everybody's like, i'm glad i voted for her. this is pressure that, this is why you voted for me. >> what's your woman song? >> "i am woman." yes. >> i wonder if she'll sing that right now. >> it goes -- shoot. hold on. it goes -- here we go. there it is. >> sing with it. ♪ i am woman all woman, all woman yes, i am ♪ ♪ ain't nobody else can do it quite like we can ♪ such a women's anthem. so good. i get a lot of messages that say this is my workout song. >> and jordin has a boyfriend is a song, which i learned about and was so excited for you.
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>> thank you so much. >> who is he? >> okay. >> she's like a schoolgirl. jason derulo. very cute. >> yes. >> how did that cute little romance come about? >> it actually came out of left field. i've known him for a couple years and there was never anything there, we'd see each other. but he kind of just came out of left field and swept me off my feet. >> he did? >> quite smitten with the guy, i must say. >> you are. >> yes. >> i know you always wear a ring, a promise ring. do you still wear a promise ring? >> i switch it from day to day. i don't wear it exactly every day anymore. >> tell us about it. >> i always have something there. when i was 13, my mom spoke to me about purity and waiting for marriage and different things like that. at the time, i was, like, sure, that sounds great. but i can't say, you know, what's going to happen a couple months from now or whatever. people grow, you know. >> i do think it is the day and age where especially young girls, they're just going to go off and do it because they feel
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like everyone else is doing it. >> yeah. >> it takes a lot of strength to be the kid standing there saying that's not for me right now. >> the one thing i learned that it's definitely when you're ready. you shouldn't do something until you're ready for it and absolutely sure. so i definitely think it's a talk that, of course, mothers and fathers should have with their kids, but, you know, they're going to make those decisions on their own. if they're ready, they're ready and if they're not, the mom and dad should be there to comfort them with if they need it. >> in your kind of world, you're on the go, a lot of fans. >> yeah. >> you have a lot happening. when you google jordin sparks, i did this, it comes up jordin sparks weight loss. >> yes. >> the first thing that comes up. i don't remember a dramatic weight loss but i guess there was one from back in the "american idol" day, the early days. >> what's funny is i look at stuff and pictures before and i felt good. i was definitely confident in myself then. >> sure. >> which is the crazy thing. because if i was confident then, my confidence level is through
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the roof just being able to find different clothes and the way i feel about things and things like that. but it was definitely slow and steady wins the race. >> look at you. hi. "people" magazine, you lost 30 pounds. people with great bodies. you can see before, you looked terrific. >> thank you. >> was this a special regimen? weight watchers? >> i didn't do anything crazy. i just -- it all started out with just being healthier. i got really sick the summer of 2010. >> what was that? >> i got walking pneumonia so i couldn't walk a few feet without having to rest and i was super fatigued. my whole thing was i need to get healthy. i'm almost 21 years old. i shouldn't be feeling like this. it all started with that. everything fell off. i was zumba class, hiking trails, changed the way i thought about food. i love the eat so i had no
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problem with second and third helpings. now i definitely listen, i'm not really hungry anymore, you don't have to feed me anymore. i don't know why people make it so hard. it's not hard. >> i know. well, it's one of those things you fall off the wagon and get back on. >> for sure. for sure. i feel like people definitely -- you know, they get down on themselves and are, like, since i screwed up i'm just going to keep doing it. just jump back on. >> jump back on. i get it. >> for sure. >> did you guys watch the s.a.g. awards last night? kathie lee got a great shoutout from tina fey. one of those we tivo'd and watched it again. i know kathie lee watched it a few times. here it is. >> i believe it was the distinguished director who gave this sound advice to actors -- know thyself. self-knowledge is important to an artist in endless ways. >> and i believe it was the "today" show's fourth-hour co-host kathie lee gifford who said if drag queens love you, you'll have the longest career in the world. they know phony. and they know real. >> tina fey.
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>> so true, though. so true. i love it when drag queens sing my songs. i absolutely love it. >> real quick, i want to give a shoutout to melissa lauder, one of our senior producers. >> you're in the picture. >> not why i'm holding it up. "favorite things." jordin, what's on your list? >> this is the beauty blender. >> okay. >> it's for you to apply your base and makeup with. it's so amazing. you put it under warm water and it expands and it's great. it's a blender. here for under your eyes. this side you can use blush. >> and just rinse it. >> it comes with a cleanser if you buy wit the cleanser. the most amazing thing. i've had it about a year. beauty blender. >> beauty blender. here's mine. you know when you wash your face and you put a headband on and
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your hair gets funky? put it over your face -- when you wash your face. pull your air up. you get it. and then you wash your face. when you pull it off, see how your hair looks. it stays okay. that was only two seconds. i know we have to go to break, but i know you love etta james. will you sing a little "at last." ♪ at last my love has come along my lonely days ♪ ♪ are gone and it's like a song oh, yeah ♪ ♪ at last >> i'm so happy. i have chills. i have chills. up next, you guys, another busy weekend in tinseltown. >> we'll bring you up to date
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with the latest buzz after this.
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we are back with "today's buzz" from another awards show. detail on demi moore. a pretty busy weekend in tinseltown. >> with all the scoop is staff writer maureen o'connor. >> hi. >> maureen's in the house! so the s.a.g. awards were last night and we wonder about the significance of the different awards shows but these are a precursor to the oscars, right? >> they are. the biggest voting bloc in the academy is the actors. there's more of them than any other group. when they're voting for the last oscars and the ones before that, all of the acting awards, the best supporting and the best actress -- >> all those. >> -- the best actor was jean dujardin from "the artist." beat out george clooney. >> beat out george clooney. >> i think that's the contest to watch, the clooney versus dujardin.
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viola davis won for actress. >> and who wins the oscar? >> i think viola davis going in, i think she's going in with a lot of momentum. when actors are behind you, that makes a difference in the academy. she gave a really beautiful speech. >> she really was shaking. "the help" just completely cleaned up. >> also octavia spencer. they had the best ensemble cast. >> everything. >> that movie was great. i cried. >> me, too. we like fashion, jordin and i. tell us what was going on on the red carpet. >> it was interesting with angelina jolie's dress. it was black but some thought it looked like a garbage bag. i don't know if she knew the way the camera flash was going to pick up on that. she still looked good. i mean, it's angelina. she could wear a garbage bag and look great. >> who makes this? >> this is kevin hall. he makes great stuff. i've worn a couple of his other
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dresses on the red carpet and the award shows as well. >> there's a lot of scrutiny when you walk the red carpet. >> yeah. >> do you get nervous before? >> if i know my outfit and my makeup and hair is fine, i'm fine. i forget which side to put my hand on and things like that. all about the legs for me. legs look good, i'm good. >> tell me about demi moore. the 911 tape actually came out. we have a little we can listen to. listen and we'll talk about it. >> she's okay, we should say, at the end and she ended up coming to then. what was going on? what was she on? what was she taking? >> so the 911 call, first of all, there's about three different voices. you hear people saying, hey, rume, what's the address, how old is she? they said she smoked something, not marijuana, but something
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like incense. people have been trying to guess what that was. >> not miss sparks. she stays away. >> on top of that, the person was asking did she take anything else, and they said we don't really know. we're finding out she's been doing some things. they're hinting there was some type of substance abuse going on leading up to that. >> we don't know if this is there, but everyone's talking about whippit. what is that? >> well, it's nitrous oxide. >> like the redi whip? >> they use it on paint ball guns. it helps to shoot the paint ball. >> i didn't know that. wow. >> all right. so katy perry stepped out. >> yes. >> i like her. i love her. i like her new look. >> she showed up for the first time since the divorce news, walked a red carpet event for charity in vegas. skin-tight dress, like
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seven-inch heels. the shoes were crazy. >> your girl, this is the one that jordin keeps talking about. she loves etta james. and christina aguilera sang a beautiful version, didn't she. >> she did. stevie wonder performed at the funeral as did christina aguilera, who sang "at last." it was heart felt and beautiful. >> etta james touched you, too. what is it about her that you think -- >> etta had just a sort of emotion every time she sang. it didn't matter what it was, what she was going through. every time she sang, you could feel it. it's so cool to see christina paying tribute to her like this, which she killed, she just sang like crazy. she was just an icon. for every girl that's growing up, singing "at last" is staple
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in the repertoire of songs. i've sang it tons of times. and christina has sang it. >> at weddings and everything. >> weddings, sang it for my grandparents. >> the end of the segment so -- >> oh. what am i supposed to do? what do you want to hear? >> "at last." again. >> let me start from the middle. ♪ a dream that i can call my own i found a friend ♪ ♪ to bless a thrill that i've never known ♪ ♪ oh, yeah, you smile >> we've got to go to break. why do we have to go to break? but coming up, music trivia. more singing. [ male announcer ] tom's discovering that living healthy can be fun.
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see? he's taking his vitamins. one a day vitacraves plus omega-3 dha is a complete multivitamin for adults. plus an excellent source of omega-3 dha in a great tasting gummy. one a day, gummies for grown-ups.
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♪ jordin sparks, top-selling artist and "american idol" winner and broadway star. with all this singing, we'll find out who knows about music trivia. >> you just wait. >> our pop culture expert is here, joe. >> let's get started with a
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popular single that's been a number-one hit for weeks. take a listen to rihanna and see if you can tell me what lyric comes next. finish the lyric. ♪ >> oh. ♪ hopeless way we found love in a ♪ >> that's good enough. that's right. ♪ we found love in a hopeless place ♪ this was rihanna's number 11 number one single. she is right behind madonna and mariah for the woman with the most number ones and tied with your co-star whitney houston. let's move on to another big hit. the video is in black and white and shows adele walking through the streets of what city? take a look.
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♪ find someone like you >> i don't even need to see it. i already know. >> you were supposed to see the video but you know the answer, hoda. >> paris. paris. paris. >> well, the judges -- >> is it? >> the judges say you gave the wrong answer before you gave the correct answer. 1-0 for jordin. six grammy nominations, best-selling album of 2001. the correct answer would have been paris. jordin, you're in the lead and also an "american idol" champ, but the original "idol" herself, kelly clarkson, has a new big hit called "stronger." listen to the words and see if you can finish the lyrics. ♪ what doesn't kill you makes you stronger ♪ >> what comes next? >> what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. >> well, that's possible but not correct. jordin, do you know? >> i actually don't. what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
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>> fighter. fighter. >> i'm so sorry. >> a fighter. >> she's not going to be happy with me. >> before she made it on "idol" she was a guest star on "dharma and greg." you know this song. do you know who sings it? name the band. >> oh, i know. >> hoda! ♪ you make me feel like >> shell ray something? >> well, the answer is cobra starship, but they're friends with the gym class heroes. >> this game stinks. >> the winner is jordin and we have a grand prize for you. yes. kathie lee cd. >> thank you, kathie. >>e on c >> back after this.
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"today's woman" is brought to you by roc skin care -- we keep our promises.
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>> we are back on this fun day monday with "today's woman." the lovely jordin sparks is filling in for kathie lee gifford. we are talking about feminine power. you know we often put to use. >> sometimes that power gets out of whack and needs to, well, be tamed. >> it sure does. rebecca grotto and christie whitman are authors of a new book, "taming your alpha bitch." how to be fierce and feminine and get everything you want. well, ladies, hello. experience from one of you two. describe this. what's the alpha concept? what does that even mean? >> you think of a woman who's very forceful, controlling, just a little bit competitive, even drama queen. >> uh-huh. >> ring a bell? >> i know a couple. what do you do if you know somebody who has all four? >> read the book. >> all of them. all at once. >> wine helps. >> yes. we do that.
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>> but in addition, we have five keys in the book. >> let's break it down because there are different degrees of these bossy types of women. and i think some of us fall into some of these categories. tell us the first category. >> forceful. we know her. we've seen her on the reality tv show. she's aggressive -- you were telling the story the other week about the subway ticket line lady. >> yes. >> makes me nervous. >> they're abrasive. they give themselves permission to say whatever they think. >> they don't care. okay. and those people you deal with how? ignore? >> how do you tame them? >> avert your eyes. back out slowly. >> really recognizing it within ourselves and when are we like that, when does that show up, because it typically shows up in a situation where we're stressed, we feel overwhelmed, which is a lot of women are like that these days. some stressful situation, it could be good, you're creating a wedding, just had a baby and you
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tend to be forceful because you're in fear. >> there are people who are controlling. i think i fall into that sometimes. i like a little bit of that. that sometimes happens when i'm in a car and someone is driving and they didn't take the wrong turn. you don't want to yell at your boyfriend and go that was the right turn, but you sit there and go i wonder if he's going to discover. that type of controlling personality ain't great. >> finger wagging, starting to feel tense inside. >> isn't tone kind of the way around that? you can still have that personality and go, honey, remember last time we came and it was so much easier we turned right? >> it definitely is how you say things for sure. absolutely. >> but, yeah, when you're controlling, it's like you're so restrictive instead of being allowing. let the person drive in the direction they need to go in. like you can see the fear in your eyes. what if they don't -- and that's
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what the whole thing is based in, fear. are we going to get there on time? we have to discover what's the fear. >> a lot of women become this way because in order to get ahead professionally or -- you couldn't be sitting where you are if you didn't have some of those traits, right? >> yeah. >> we do need to tap into our power, but there's a huge difference between brute force and -- >> and stepping on people, too. like you said, there's a way to say things and approach things. i'm huge on how people word things and say things. sometimes they can just come across the complete wrong way because -- how did you come up with the inspiration for this book? >> for me and rebecca, she's a therapist over 25 year, i'm a coach for ten years, and we work with women a lot. we see that there are four major behaviors that really hold women back, and it is being forceful, being controlling, being very competitive and also being a drama queen. we run workshops together and see this all the time with these women. these are things that they've gotten us to a certain place in life to help you be driven, but now it's like we need to go beyond them because more women are overwhelmed, they're stressed, we have more women on antidepressants.
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they've reached this level of success but they're not happy. >> the drama queen thing is interesting. these are like the fire starters, the people who cause a commotion so they can fix it, and then they're sort of the heroine. >> what we need to recognize is that takes tremendous energy, whether it's a drama queen in our life who's taking our attention or time, on the phone at 3:00 in the morning dealing with a crisis and it's over by 6:00. we need to realize how much of our resources are being depleted, whether it's our own dramas or their dramas. >> i guess we all have to check ourselves. just on the other end of the spectrum, we are very passive and say whatever you want, it's okay, we have to get a better backbone. >> i think the beauty of taming your alpha b is that -- bleep -- this is a book about empowering women, so it's teaching women to stand in their true power. that has nothing to do with being passive and -- >> thanks, ladies. all right. up next, we'll throw a party for your pooch.
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no kidding. a dog party. c'mon dad! i'm here to unleash my inner cowboy. instead i got heartburn. hold up partner. prilosec can take days to work. try alka-seltzer. it kills heartburn fast. yeehaw! with smooth caramel and chocolate. ♪
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it's time to unleash the hounds. dash your dog's winter blues and give them a little play time with their furry friends by hosting, of course, a plush party for your pup. >> here with advice on planning a yappy hour, tracy from the oprah winfrey network. >> you're in great company. great dog lover. you, by the way, jordin, on the front cover of a magazine called "life and dog." is that your dog? >> yes. that's mini. >> mini's cute! >> there's the other babies. maddy, my friend's dog, and the family lab, she's 10. >> great job. >> great design there. >> thank you. >> just so i'm clear you're talking about throwing parties just for dogs. >> oh, my gosh, are you kidding me? i threw a howl-aween party. this is yappy hour, super cute. hoda, this question is directed
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more towards you and i know kathie lee, also, when you both go to a cocktail hour, a happy hour, what's the first thing you want? >> i want a drink. >> mm-hmm. a cocktail, right? >> a cocktail. >> what do we have here? look at these little pup-tinis for the dogs. they're taped down so they don't fall over when the dogs come over. >> just water. let's be clear. >> you never want to food a dog human food or beverages. just water in here. >> all right. >> look how cute. with the doggie treats. just like we would have. and the second thing you probably want is some food so, we have an abundant amount of doggie food here. >> we should point this out. >> the dogs are blinged out after they get their all-natural pet food by wellness. everybody gets a collar. there's martin down there enjoying some treats. >> is that a doggie bag? >> these are homemade, which i made.
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they're for them to take when they go. >> we're moving to the spa. this is where dogs get pedicures, according to you. >> i believe interactivity is one of the most important things in any party. if the people just sit around and talk, it's a snore fest. this is nontoxic polish for puppies. and look at the toenails. here's the toenails. are these the cutest things? >> it is not that easy to do that. i have tried with my dog and they ran all over the place. it didn't work. >> at a yappy hour, you might have a little bit of a hook-up, so you want to smell good. you are going to die. there is a doggie cologne called, wait for it, sexy beast. >> everybody wants to smell good. >> okay. >> i use this on my dog. i know she loves it. >> doggie massages are kind of happening, too. is that something they enjoy? >> they do respond to it.
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there are even some therapeutic massages with machines that people are using. and you know what, dogs love it when their mommys and daddies get down there with them and, you know, just bond at their level. >> pedicures. >> the most fun with my dogs is when i'm on the floor with them. >> connecting with them in their space. >> why don't we take the dogs to the movies? >> why don't we, hoda. >> now, normally they're watching tv. when i leave the house, they're watching tv. favorite show. right? but why not have a doggie-themed movie like "101 dalmatians" would be a great film. when we go to the movies, we want what? >> popcorn and candy. >> they get doggie toy, and these treats are fantastic. they're by old mother hubbard. the reason they're perfect is because they're bite sized. you don't ever want to have a doggie treat -- >> we just have ten seconds. >> the doggie loo. got to do your business. how cute is this?
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>> oh, my gosh. adorable. >> i love it. >> my dogs are going to have so much fun. >> up next, the manicure of the moment. ♪ i want to love you pyt pretty young thing ♪ good morning. i'm meteorologist crystal egger with a look at your weather over the next seven days. there's not a lot of winter weather. you have to go pretty far to the north to find snow showers, sleet and freezes rain. we'll expect more of that in new england today. rain starting to move up from houston all the way up from western illinois, the rain spreading across the gulf coast as we start to make our way through the week here. temperatures, wow,mild for this time of year. we're all the way up to 58 in kansas city, chicago 52, new york city in the mid 50s, 62 in d.c. so we're warming up ahead of this front.
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that means we're going to see rain here once the system moves to the east. this is what it looks like on wednesday. that rain does make its way to the northeast. we'll see showers across the southeast. another system with rain and mountain snow across the northwest. we see the temperatures continue to go up here with 60 for the high on wednesday. rain moving in, feeling a little bit more like spring. by thursday the snow starts to v spread into the rockies. could see thunderstorms as well. scattered by nature as far as the showers go and we'll see them all the way up into kansas city on friday. opening up the door through the gulf of mexico. only 36 in minneapolis, staying cold across the northern tear. on saturday snow will spread into the southern plains, oklahoma and into kansas. so on-and-off showers pushing
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through. eg again, not a big snow event. and keeping an eye on indy, we could see some wet weather for the big game. wake up with al every weekday morning on the weather channel at 6 a.m.en clrd a lot to do, clrds and you've hit the wall. but you got to get stuff done. so take 5-hour energy. just open it up, knock it back, and roll up your sleeves. 5-hour energy is faster and easier than coffee. man, does it work. you'll get that alert, energized feeling you need to get stuff done. a lot of stuff. wow. look at you go. 5-hour energy. when you gotta get stuff done.
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see? he's taking his vitamins. one a day vitacraves plus omega-3 dha is a complete multivitamin for adults. plus an excellent source of omega-3 dha in a great tasting gummy. one a day, gummies for grown-ups.
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♪ i want to love you pyt pretty young thing ♪ >> okay. ♪ i'll take you there >> i want her to sing all show long. we are back with the hottest news in manicures, all about unique, colorful designs to kiwi nail art, polka dots, nails that sparkle like disco balls. >> it's fun to do and becoming hollywood's newest trends. i think one of those pictures was my nails. >> really? >> mikki williams is here with a diy lesson. you can do a lot of things on
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your own, can't you. >> you absolutely can. a lot of things that distracts people from doing their own manicure is keeping it within the lines. they can do one hand perfectly but the other not well. >> this is ali berger, one of our producers. hey, girl. >> a little eyeliner, put it right around the nail there. you just grab it after you paint it and it peels off all of the polish that went around the side. >> no way. i've got to have that. >> that's genius. >> these nails look kind of tie-dyeish except for the one in the middle. show us how you're going to make that one. >> these are magnetic nails. i love this. you paint the whole hand, and then what you're going to do is go back and while it's still wet do that second coat. go right on there with the second coat. what's gorgeous about this is it comes right with this little magnet on top of the container. it has a lid. you'll hold that over the nail and count to ten. >> one, two, three, four, five --
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>> and you've got it right there. >> bingo. >> three-dimensional. >> i like the colors. >> and vanessa, who also works with us, is here. hi, girl. >> sparkles are the biggest trend. vanessa got a manicure last week and it's starting to chip. one great thing to go ahead and rock the sparkles, which are on trend, is put that over the manicure you've already gotten and extend it. >> glitter. >> show this real quick to show you how great it is. big chip right there. put that on the top of it. it's practically gone. what's great about sparkle is two coats and it looks like a brand-new manicure. >> you're right. >> it's on trend so you can play with any color you want, light polish, dark polish. stagger it. >> i like the glitter. >> we talk about the gel manicures but they're pricey. >> $45 in new york to get the gel manicure. this is a $60 starter kit and you have 20 applications of color there, comes with a l.e.d.
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light. i love this kit. all of the colors, as you can see, are completely on trend. they're beautiful. they're that gorgeous gel manicure that you can get at home. >> how long do they last? >> about ten days to two weeks. >> a little longer than a regular. >> regular wear and tear. >> we have some more time. >> also the remover. glaze nail polish, uv, changes color in uv. walk outside, a completely different color nail polish. >> come on. 30 seconds. sorry to rush you. >> this is aida. she's wearing dazzle dry. we put this on, it's rock solid. >> already? it dries really quickly. >> you have the sally hansen nailer. a little bling to add it. just put a topcoat over this. >> these are lee press-on. press-on toenails. >> last minute basic pedicure you want, press them on and go. >> come on.
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>> i put the nails on. these are kind of fun. >> you want to rock it for the weekend, you can. take them off on monday going back to work. >> thank you, honey. >> thank you. >> coming up, we are going for a tasty touchdown super bowl party. we're going to go skinny
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we're going to go skinny dipping, but keep your pants on, people.
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>> we're talking about healthier ways to get your super bowl started. "prevention" magazine is here. a little more spin through the food processor. how are you? >> good. >> making your own chips and dips and -- >> well, it's a little healthier but it's also more satisfying because these dips are not only healthy but we tried to twist them up a little bit so they're not your predictable french onion dip, guacamole. a little more. we have pea dip over here. >> oh, okay. >> wasabi and peas. >> spicy tip to it. it's a play off the wasabi peas you get at the store. it has the big luxury of being healthy. >> hmm. >> this is like the replacement of guacamole, where you can only make like a couple hours ahead of time. all of these you can make ahead. basically it's just a food processor.
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those are basically a flour tortilla that you brush with egg white and chili powder, and you have the health benefit of that is sesame seeds and chia. >> what do we have here? >> old bay chips, a clams casino dip. a play off clams casino. it's ready. these are homemade chips. just spray with a bit of olive oil spray and a little bay seasoning. and then we have our clam dip that of course is power packed. we have clams and low-fat cream cheese, a little touch of bacon, turkey bacon, a little smoky hit. basically similar ingredients that would be made with but slightly healthy. >> there are some things that shouldn't be on the table. >> no double dipping. >> this one, too. >> okay. now we're ready. let's continue. >> here you go. >> all right. >> so this is our carrot dip,
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and this is spiced with some cumin and mustard. basically the carrots are the base of the dip and it gives it that beautiful orange color. so instead of using fat and heavy cream for overenriching the dips, it's vegetable based. >> is there curry here? >> yeah. >> i can tell. >> that goes well with the sesame pita crusts. then we have our green goddess dip. basically, this is a combination of low-fat sour cream, mayonnaise, two cups of spinach for that beautiful green color but you wouldn't know it. it's in there. and 1 1/2 cups of herbs, beautiful fresh chopped herbs. >> very fresh tasting. >> right. exactly. >> two seconds for that. >> this is our red pepper dip. i call it the man dip because it's packed with flavor. >> got to run. thank you so much. big, big thank you to miss jordin sparks. big, big thank you to miss jordin sparks. you were terrific. -- captions by vitac --
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>> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac -- ♪ [ cheers and applause ]


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