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tv   Today  NBC  February 14, 2012 2:05am-3:05am PST

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captions paid for by nbc-universal television hello, everybody. it's monday and usually it's fun day monday, february 13th, the day after the grammy awards. not such a fun day today, though. last night at the grammys, you probably saw an amazing tribute to an amazing musical legend. >> mm-hmm. >> whitney houston. we're all remembering her today.
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we all have different memories of an incredible talent. >> she was 48 years old. when you share someone's birthday, we have the same birthday but a year apart, but when i heard the news, it was one of those things you had to go i'm sure i heard that wrong. it was on the radio at the time or someone heard something. you saw her on the mend. like i remember seeing her on oprah, john robertson interviewing her. we'd seen her at her lowest and you thought she was mending. so sad. >> a lot of people were saying they were stunned and shocked. but then there would be an afterthought, which is not surprised. people who knew her well. we don't know all the facts and it will be several weeks before toxicology reports but in the last two years she was open about her addictions and tragically open about them, you know. >> right. tmz and other sites are reporting she was found in a bathtub, that there were prescription medicines like
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xanax and stuff there. again, toxicology reports take a long time to come back. >> yeah. >> they take several weeks. but, you know, you hear what a lot of friends are saying. it was just so hard to hear that. funny about her voice because there are very few voices when you walk by a radio or something, you go, that's whitney. other people, you go, who is that? is that so-and-so? on shows like "american idol" or other shows they're, like, what are you doing singing whitney? no one sings whitney like whitney. >> let's take a listen to her. this is from "the bodyguard" of course. ♪ i will always love you i will ♪ i will always love you i will always love you i will always
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love you ♪ >> unbelievable. >> so pure. so pure. who didn't love that movie with kevin costner there. some of the things you hear from different people, the producer of the sound track and album i think held the record for sales until "the titanic" soundtrack came out. but he had great memories of working with her. we haven't heard what kevin costner has had to say about whitney. he's a very private guy. maybe he's just keeping it private within the family. >> i had vh1 on. you could watch cnn or whatever. i chose to watch vh1 to see the videos. there are certain videos when you see them, it takes you back to a place -- there's one that makes me -- every time i hear it i want to dance, "i want to dance with somebody," her hair and the whole thing, from the '80s. i was watching this and i thought, come on, you cannot stay still with this song on. and look at her. it takes you back to that time in your life.
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>> so many have tried to copy. she was so young when we first met whitney, 18 years old, clive davis found her. she came from a very, very successful musical family. we all know about her heritage. but she was the perfect combination it seemed of youthful vitality, raw, magnificent talent and incredible natural beauty. >> gorgeous. i don't think -- her smile rivals -- very rarely do you see a smile like farrah fawcett. like hers. i think our president has a smile like that where you just, whoa, golly, is every single tooth perfect in there? and she was the real deal. i first met her when she was performing for the special olympics held in minneapolis. never seen anybody work so hard. it was a huge crowd out there. but she was soaked. i mean, as if she'd been swimming when she came off
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stage. she gave absolutely everything. >> mm-hmm. >> you know, it just breaks your heart. i loved what barbara streisand said. she said something like -- i'm paraphrasing and i shouldn't. i wish i had the exact worlds. but basically we wish she could have found the happiness from her beautiful gift that we found in her gift. that it just wasn't enough for her somehow. and that's just -- that must be the definition of tragedy. >> yeah. >> you know, somebody has what seems like everything. >> yeah. >> but not what they really want most of all. >> yeah. yeah. you're right. it was interesting at the grammys last night. i turned them on and i wanted to know what they were going to do. i thought they did a beautiful job. ll cool j was fantastic. >> right tone. >> and it was fun, but when you listened to jennifer hudson sing that whitney song, and i couldn't -- >> it was a dolly parton song. >> right, right. written by dolly and she sang it. but it was one of those things when you watch that --
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♪ i will always love you i will always love you ♪ >> beautiful. >> you know, a very difficult position to be put in with very little notice. she handled it with great grace. >> yeah. >> she didn't oversing it. she didn't try to -- >> and i loved watching the grammys. i love the people who stand there and sing. >> yeah. >> no fire. no dancing. >> they don't need pyrotechnics. >> adele. just stood there and sang. it was awesome. jennifer hudson and adele. >> game over. and alicia keys and bonnie raitt. >> nothing against things on fire and flipping around, but, boy, you really see it when you see real talent like that.
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>> this is one of the first grammys in a long time that i enjoyed. i don't know why. >> yes. >> somebody was saying around here, i think it was keith, one of our dressers, saying lately he feels like he's one of those muppet guys, the two old guys that sit in the balcony and go, i don't know, who's that? oh, my god i hate that. but last night there was a lot of talent on display. >> how about the beach boys? >> i did like the older performers a lot better, i got to admit. the big boys kicked it, "good vibrations." just them going bop, bop, come on, get out of here. of course it was adele's big night, lady gaga, a new verb, lady gaga got adeled. it's a verb. six times. >> yes, she did. adele just rocked it. it was a great night for her. how fun to be her on that night. >> she seemed grateful. she seemed grateful to have her voice back. the reaction of the crowd.
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you know what, she did seem happy to be there. >> she seemed humbled and almost embarrassed, one of my favorite traits. >> was it three years ago she was first on our program with us. you and i went crazy for her. never met her before, never heard of her. thought she was amazing. and she was the sweetest, most down to earth and doesn't look like she's changed at all. unlike others who shall remain nameless. >> who are totally different than they used to be. >> we have a tribute to glenn campbell. suffering with alzheimer's. ♪ like a rhinestone cowboy oh, yeah ♪ ♪ like a rhinestone cowboy >> beautiful. that particularly killed me. he was a great studio musician for years before he ever became
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a performer himself. went through all kinds of his own demons with addiction and living in the tabloids. and, you know, there's a happy ending. it's ultimately going to be tragic, but right now he's awesome. he got a lot of help. he just wished somebody who loved whitney could have found her -- you know, we always say this about the ones that are troubled. somebody around her and has access to her, love her enough to get her well. and her daughter is now 18. >> yeah. >> consent. even if somebody wants to help with problems in the future. when you're an adult, you make your own choices. >> they say you have to be ready for someone to help you. >> this says it all. the contrast between "the new york post" and the "daily news." >> two whitneys, both displayed on these last two covers. anyway, well, we were gone for a while. we were in the bahamas. >> yes. >> and we still feel a little
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bit of the afterglow of the sunshine and all that. >> not really. >> 27 degrees here. but we're not complaining. we were at the atlantis, and -- >> we want to thank everybody for their hospitality down there. the junkanoo band called colors. this is me -- >> i'm in pink. >> whipping your -- oh, and hoda finally -- hoda ate it. >> that thing you were seeing was -- what was it called? >> aphrodisiac. called a pistol. anything that has the word pis-tol in it, run away. the main reason i wouldn't eat it was not being mean to hoda, although that was part of it, was that people were afraid it wasn't going to show up well enough on the plate. so everybody on our crew came by, picked it up and put it on a different plate. >> dark plates. >> manhandled them. i'm going, no way. >> down the hatch. right down. >> it's supposed to be an aphrodisiac. did it work? >> that's what i've heard. anyway, we also had fun with the
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dolphins. shoutout to sasha. >> our favorite part was swimming. we kissed a girl and we liked it. >> she was precious. >> so sweet. we had a wonderful time. >> thank you to everybody. >> it's a big day around here because joy, as you know, reached her 25,000-pound weight loss goal. >> hey. >> now we've got the winners. right? >> we do. we had hundreds and hundreds of entries. i've got to say i'm glad i was not the one to judge because i would have said everybody. but you are going to call the first winner today. >> let me ask you -- >> hi, penny. >> penny! >> we're going to hear you. we're going to hear your story more on thursday when you're with us. how much have you lost total? >> 19 pounds. >> i bet you lose another pound before you get here. >> tuesday is weigh day so i'm not jinxing myself.
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but i lost three more pounds last tuesday. >> well, good for you. >> we cannot wait to meet you when you come to see us. >> you're going to have a great time. you're going to come with a guest of your choice. you're going to have an ambush makeover from head to toe. >> and lunch with you. >> lunch with me. a personal one-on-one. all sorts of bells and whistles. >> we're excited. >> bye-bye. >> oh, my gosh. i'm on pins and needles. thank you so much. >> you're welcome, sweetie. you're welcome. >> thank you. >> favorite things so fast. penny, don't listen to mine. i feel bad about mine right now. so delicious. these are called cake box. cake sliders. remember push-ups when you were a kid? this is a cupcake in a push-up thingy. yeah. no, no, no. hold on. i'm going to do it right here. >> they don't come out. oh, hoda woman. jerry! >> you got the thing out. here, here. you push it. look, look, look. can you see it? >> get your face in there. they're really delicious. >> they are insane.
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you eat it like it's a popsicle. >> my favorite thing -- i don't know. it's on our website, all the information. >> $21.95. get it for valentine's day if you can. >> we were down in the bahamas and a commercial kept coming on every five seconds. every five seconds. and i said to christine -- >> what was it? >> -- if frank ever, ever got me one of those i'd kill him. and guess what showed up yesterday -- or saturday? a vermont teddy bear. i thought that would get a much bigger laugh. one came for me and one came for kath. i just looked at him. after i got it, i loved it. it's really heavy and happy. he's adorable. i don't want him on the bed, but he's adorable. i'm going to send it to kathie lee's place in new york for the kids there. thank you, sweetheart. i want something else for tomorrow. >> kathie lee needs one more thing in her bed.
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mine is my laptop case. it's about $30. my sister bought this great cover and everything was so expensive. i hunted and hunted and finally found this. it's like a sleek thing. it has the felt in here to clean the laptop every time you put it in. >> i like it. >> oh. >> get involved. you will love these. >> all righty. up next, everybody, a silent voice now. ♪ don't make me close one more door ♪ one of the greatest voices ever. remembering whitney houston. just kills me. ♪ stay in my arms if you dare
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♪ all at once whitney houston is the only
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artist to chart seven consecutive number-one hits on billboard's top 100. >> here with us is singer darlene love, a very close family friend to whitney. in los angeles, billboard magazine's editorial director, bill. how you doing? >> tough to say good morning. it's a tough morning, isn't it? >> yeah, but we have to stay up. we have to stay positive. because the way i heard, i was working in new jersey and a group of six of us went out to dinner. we were laughing and talking about my christmas show. i said, you know what, i'm going to call nippy this week -- her nickname for us -- and have her be in my show. let me just do something. the couple next to us were laughing and having so much fun. finally we said, oh, yeah, jumped in our conversation, now you talking about whitney. they said, no, no, no, she just died. >> a horrible way of hearing. >> i was, like, huh? >> and you were always a very fierce defender of whitney's. there were tabloid headlines all over the place and you spent a lot of time saying -- you know, really fighting for her. >> cissy houston used to say,
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girl, you always got your shield up when it comes to my baby. i did. i've known her since she was 8 years old. >> when you have the personal relationship it's different than, like, bill. did you also know her? >> not personally, no, just from her enormous presence on our charts. >> do you think she'll be remembered for her triumphs or her tragedies? >> i think once the dust settles on these things and sort of all the little details get sorted out, there's no question it's going to be about the music. she just leaves behind such an amazing legacy of songs. honestly, there's a feeling that's happening where radio everywhere is paying a ton of music and vh1 is playing whitney videos around the clock.
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it's a healing process that happens when an artist dies. >> it's heartbreaking, darlene. she was going to go to the grammys party, the big clive davis party, everyone wants it, the hottest ticket in town. it's hard to be one that sort of seems like the world looks at you as if your career is in the past and there's -- but she had things to look forward to even then. >> she did. even though people said her voice was not what it was, none of our voices are what they were. yes, hers had changed and she was working her way back. that's the sad part. >> give us a little window into whitney. we know her from tv. we watched videos of her and in the church and growing up. tell us something about her. >> i met her because i worked with dionne warwick for ten years, dionne, cissy, we were background singers. whenever we would come back to new york to work, i would stay at cissy's house. where you staying? i guess i'll sleep in this room. she always called me auntie. you can sleep in my room. you can take care of my room. the wonderful thing about her, i was pregnant with my last child when i was on the road with
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dionne the last time. nippy would come in and say, okay, auntie, what you want? she was like 8, 9 years old. can i get you something? during that time, i wanted any kind of fruit. i said if i could get some fruit i'd love it. even though she'd gone to the store to get the fruit to bring it back to me, you know, a half hour later, she'd go, you need something else? you okay? >> quite the mentor to other young performers also, we hear, right, bill? >> oh, god, yeah. there's certainly not an r&b singer and probably not a pop singer that doesn't owe an enormous debt to whitney houston. just turn on any of the tv competition shows like "idol" or whatever and on any given night you'll see a dozen people trying very hard to sound like whitney houston and ultimately probably not doing so well with it. >> yeah. yeah. >> always better to be just the best "you" you can be. >> that's right. >> thank you, bill. >> thanks, bill.
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>> thank you, darlene. very sorry for your loss. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back with more of "today." after these messages. ♪ let them lead the way ♪ show them all the bumt ♪ $5 footlong ♪ februany any 5 ♪ $5 ♪ $5 footlong ♪ februany any 5 ♪ you c-c-can't go wrong [ male announcer ] februany's on!
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now for an update on how the online community is remembering whitney, let's go over to sara. >> celebrities hit twitter hard. mariah carey wrote she will never be forgotten as one of the greatest. christina aguilera said we have lost another legend. love and prayers to whitney's family. she will be missed. tony bennett said it's a tragedy. whitney houston was the greatest singer i've ever heard and she will be missed. >> there are a lot of young girls grew up watching pink and christina. >> every time something like this happens we always say, gee, we hope people will learn from this. but it seems like no one -- no one does. >> yeah. >> just tired of these kinds of
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reports of wonderful, talented people losing their battles. >> still ahead, we'll have all the latest on the buzz from hollywood. and her show is a smash. >> yes, she is. >> so is she. katharine mcphee is here. >> and animal attraction. monogamy for valentine's day. [ female announcer ] feeling that flu all over your body? immerse yourself in all over relief with alka seltzer plus.
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i know. we're back on this monday with "today's buzz" filling you in on what's happening with the latest in entertainment. bobby and roseanne are with us. hello, ladies. the grammys, grammys, grammys. chris brown made quite the splash. two numbers. >> comeback for him after spending the night in jail three years ago after beating up rihanna. this is a big turn of events and won an award. >> people said his career was done, he could never be
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successful again. >> were you one of those people, bonnie? no. >> well, you know what, you can never say never. he has worked hard for this comeback and he apparently has earned rihanna's forgiveness and earned the industry's forgiveness so we'll see. >> that may have helped him because she's maintained a relationship of sorts with him. >> we all knew he was talented. >> it's a matter of people liking him. >> katy perry made a splash. she did well. >> she usually has a hard time performing in public. she always looks great, doesn't sound so great. >> really. >> however, last night was something else. she got up there and it was the biggest revenge song i've ever heard. it was called "part of me." she had her blue hair. she talked about how you chewed me up and spit me out like i was poison in your mouth. these were her words. >> she made a wonderful entrance
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in that blue gown matching her hair. a little bit smurfish. come on. >> she was. >> she's a beautiful girl with an amazing figure. i don't know. >> you can keep your diamond ring. so there. >> a little something for everyone at the grammys. katy perry, chris brown, and on the flip side of the coin, the beach boys. they came back. loved it. >> it was so much fun. first time they've performed together in 20 years. >> but they say they're going to go on tour now. >> they had to bury the hatchet to do that. people don't know this about the beach boys but when they introduced them, they also took a shot at glenn campbell, who received the lifetime achievement award. he toured with the beach boys. >> what did you think about the performance? >> really fun. it was terrific. glenn campbell was amazing. you would never have known if you didn't know. >> ll cool j. >> what a beautiful job. >> smooth. >> yeah. >> he's a sweet guy.
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he completely, you know, hit the right notes in the tribute to whitney. he set the tone. >> what's going on with miss gaga, do you think? >> i think she felt very outstaged. i mean, first of all, what was with that outfit, the, like, mermaid bondage outfit? >> we're always asking that. was she outshticked by minaj? >> that's right. nicki minaj looking like a cardinal accompanied by a pope. how do you beat an egg? >> lady gaga arrives in an egg. >> on twitter that got such -- there were some -- some people were crazy about it and some couldn't stand it, thought it was sacrilegious. >> i didn't see that one. >> i couldn't stand it. not the sacrilegious part but it just sounded awful. and she's a great singer. it was awful. >> when it came down to it, it was adele's evening. >> let's look at some pictures of jay-z and beyonce's baby. how about that.
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something nice to end on here. nice pictures. >> these are beautiful. they came out on friday night. and i was at fashion week and it was like a hush came over the crowd because these pictures were just put up on tumbler and people discovered that. they decided they weren't going to sell the pictures, weren't going to make any money off the baby. they just wanted to share their baby with their fans. >> we can't talk about it but we should think about that because of all the fuss that happened. >> thank you, ladies. >> thank you. >> up next the star of nbc's big hit, we love it. >> she's a smash. >> her name is katharine mcphee. ♪ have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake.
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walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta.
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♪ ♪
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that's former "american idol" contestant katharine mcphee. i don't want her to stop. "smash." i love this show. a behind-the-scenes look at the making of a broadway musical, which is not easy. katharine plays karen auditions for the role of marilyn monroe. we would just like to continue to watch this. >> you have taken time out of your 16-hour days, six days a week schedule to be with us. >> happy to be here. >> save your voice. >> i will. >> this thing came out of the gate so strong. we saw all the commercials, especially people saw during the super bowl and stuff. everyone was waiting for it. it did not disappoint, did it. >> it didn't disappoint. we had really great numbers last week. tonight's the second episode. but nbc has done such an amazing job. there's me and megan hilty. >> you guys are competing. >> we are. this is the first episode where we're competing. and then the next episode is basically finding out basically
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who gets the part. we're on episode 13 right now. it's just been such an amazing ride. we have such amazing writers, the story line is fantastic. >> when you came in second on "american idol," did you feel like that was your last -- that was it, you missed your great opportunity? even then did you think this is going to propel me no matter what? >> you know what, i think i was so just relieved that the show was, you know, over. it was so much stress. it was such a wonderful experience, but i was -- i had so much anxiety. i think i had the opposite feeling of just taking a deep breath and being excited that the show gave me so many opportunities. but it's been a long journey. >> wanting to act is something. when some people see you in the role as a singer -- >> right. >> -- or in a contest, now to step over into this and do the other thing you love, which is acting, and being taken seriously, too. >> right.
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you always want to be taken seriously, but it's just -- it's been really -- i've been just so lucky. i've been an actor lots of different parts in the last five, six years. >> came down to you and a few other girls every time. >> yes. it's very much like this story. i never would have thought, though, that someone five years ago today -- it was when i came off "idol" and he wanted to know what my aspirations were. i never thought it would be this show where i get to be an actress. but singing and dancing. >> you sure do. honestly, i watched the pilot about six months ago. i was stunned by what a fine actress you were. >> thank you. >> i was delighted for you because you need to be the triple threat in today's world. you really do. >> did you take lessons for acting or learn by watching? >> i've always been a pretty good observer of people from a young age. in high school i got really into the theater program and i went to college for three semesters before i dropped out to come back to hollywood to become an actress. but i had wonderful teachers
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there. i had a nice foundation. i think the most challenging thing was i grew up dancing but never a real competitive professional. >> actress/singer who moves. >> yes. >> never call yourself a dancer. >> i guess that's been the most challenging thing. god -- >> like "dancing with the stars." look fantastic. >> all these aches and pains. >> oh, now you're going to moan about it. >> the role of a lifetime. >> stop it. we love you. >> okay. >> good luck tonight. >> a great show, guys. it airs tonight at 10:00, 9:00 central on nbc. up next, so happy together. animals pairing up for valentine's day. good morning. i'm meteorologist crystal egger with the weather channel and your seven-day forecast.
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we are tracking two storls, oms heading into the either. snow into the ohio valley. light moisture once this moves into the northeast, real lose a lot of moisture so light rain in new york city and light snow around pittsburgh, western pa. dry through much of florida, including the panhandle. more snow shower back to the high country being barks to utah. flagstar anticipationing snow. our storm in the east on wednesday and this is some spreading through the middle of the country. we're anticipating rain from houston to dallas, a mix indicated by the pink and purple here. the cold air starts to make its
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way a bit farther south beep are expecting snow in the higher elevations of arizona here over the next couple of days. that moves to the east. it's going to bring warm aer ai. we're not expect anything snow. by afraid looking quiet with the exception of new england. light rain across the south around the gulf coast. fry more snow through the tennessee valley. another system will spread more snow in utah and colorado. light are rains lingering through the mid-atlantic and through the southeast. snow here, a little bit of rain there. we can get the very latest any time for you right here on the weather channel, "wake up with al" at 6 a.m. when do you take 5-hour energy? when i'm on the night shift. when they have more energy than i do. when i don't feel like working out.
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when there isn't enough of me to go around. ♪ when i have school. and work. every morning. it's faster and easier than coffee. every afternoon when that 2:30 feeling hits. -every day. -every day. every day is a 5-hour energy day. [ male announcer ] 5-hour energy. every day. see? he's taking his vitamins. one a day vitacraves plus omega-3 dha is a complete multivitamin for adults. plus an excellent source of omega-3 dha in a great tasting gummy. one a day, gummies for grown-ups.
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well, katharine mcphee saw we were having beautiful animals so she stayed with it. >> i love it. >> seaworld and bush gardens animal ambassador always brings us great little guys. >> just in time for valentine's day. we're talking about love in the animal kingdom. >> inspiring people about conservation usually, but today we're going to inspire people about love, right? the reason we brought the penguins is because for some reason -- >> ah! >> it's the place where our penguins fall in love. >> he's falling in love with her. he's in love with katharine. but who wouldn't. >> he likes your sequins. finds it fascinating, which is not good now because she was falling in love with our male here. now katharine, you're a little bit of competition.
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you're a home wrecker. >> they mate for life. is that part of the deal? or they lie about it? >> penguins do stay together for the entire season and often if they're successful raising chicks they will continue to have the same mate year after year. >> wow. if not, they get dumped? >> well, you know what, raising chicks is very important in the wild. so, you know, they may have to find a new mate if that happens. >> what do they eat, julie? >> they're fish eaters. they're not going to eat what we've got for the next pair of animals. >> okay. ready for the next pair? >> let me put these guys down on the ground. just a second. be careful. he's going to be wandering around, so. >> okay. >> we'll see you later. >> okay. so watch your feet. now, i'm going to have you guys catch one of the birds that comes in. kathie lee, just hold your handle out. come on. there we go. >> wow. >> they're called military macaws. >> get involved. >> good job! >> military parrots, basically. they're really one of the two
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monogamous species out there. once they find a mate they're likely to stay together for life. >> that's crazy. >> very, very good role models for us, basically. >> these aren't the talking types, right? >> they can talk but they say things when they want. they are from discovery cove and they fly across the park, meeting the guests. that's why they're very good flyers. >> they stand like that on one leg. look at that. they're beautiful. >> they are. the coloration is perfect with the nice red for valentine's day on them. >> beautiful. >> if you want to open your arms up, open your arms back up, and they will fly back to their two trainers from discovery cove. there they go. >> very nice, you guys. >> you and i could work at seaworld. >> we've got it. >> look at these guys. >> 90% of the bird world is considered monogamous. >> oh, my gosh. >> only about 3% of mammals are.
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>> oh, it likes you. >> so here are a pair of monogamous monkeys. >> you want me to hold this? >> they might go right up to your shoulder or want to be held. >> come here, baby. >> come here, dexter. he's a little shy. she's watching the penguins march around. see if dexter wants that. >> oh. i'll get it. >> banana. >> amazing. >> what's really cool about the fact is not only they're monogamous but the dads actually do most of the caring for the offspring because mom is so -- they're small monkeys anyway. she needs to produce all the milk to take care of the offspring so dad basically takes care of everything. >> he's evolved. good for them. >> thank you, katharine. you can tell a lot by people if they like animals. as opposed to hodie. >> careful. coming up next, slip into something sexy. lingerie for her and him.
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according to our next guest, the hottest trend for valentine's day's this year is not chocolate or flowers but lingerie for couples. >> here with fashion looks for you and your man. >> ladies are so excited about dressing up for valentine's day. what better way than to match. we have some fun, flirty looks for girls and a little bit of
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spice for the guys. >> let's bring out nina and chris. we're calling this the formal affair. come on out. >> this is our red and white formal affair. >> that's quite formal. >> camisole and shorts. >> don't wear socks with this, people. it just spoils the whole thing. >> hers is from only hearts. chris has -- we are calling the tuxedo boxer. it has the nice bow detailing. >> of course it does. >> this is for the classy couple who likes to dress it up in the bedroom. tuxedo boxers are from three wishes. >> thank you two. >> andrea and mack. this is a sexy look. >> this is tie a bow on it. >> i've done that before. >> oh, look what's happening over there. >> baby doll dress with tiny bows all over it. as you see, mack has a larger bow. >> yes, he sure does. >> a special valentine's day present. >> oh, my gosh. >> abc underwear.
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>> i wouldn't be able to stop laughing, you know? >> well, this is for the fun and flirty couple. so, you know -- >> okay. they look comfy, though. >> thanks, guys. >> nice talking to you, mack. all right. our next pair are nicole and john, and they're having a pants party, i guess. >> yes. this is for the casual couple who likes to lounge around the house. and she has on this silk pajama set from fredericks of hollywood. and he has magic silk lounge pants from amazon. >> those look comfortable. >> so comfortable. you can be -- you can lay around the house. you can have a relaxing morning together on valentine's day. >> yeah. all right. >> okay. >> we sort of believe you, sara, but not quite. we're getting there. >> thank you, guys. thank you, john and nicole. now something more comfy, heather and lamar. this is called hearts on fire. >> this is for the passionate couple who likes to stay casual as well.
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she has on a black nighty from calvin klein and a black heart camisole that's lord & taylor intimates. about $70. he has on these great heart boxers. this is a steal. these are $12.50 from american eagle. great for valentine's day. >> let's bring out all our couples. >> thank you, everybody, and happy valentine's to all. thank you, sara. >> tomorrow we'll have delectable desserts for valentine's day. >> and hair makeover, hoda. >> valentine's day gifts that are not chocolate or flowers. >> have a great day, everybody. whitney, god bless. we'll see you tomorrow. ♪ but above all this i wish you love and i will always love you ♪ i will always love you i will love and i will always love you ♪ i will always love you i will always love you ♪
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-- captions by vitac -- >> jimmy: hey, everybody. it's jimmy and we just finished our live super bowl show. we can't make it back to new york for a new show, so we put together a best of late night featuring some of our favorite musical sketches. take a look. >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- ♪ ♪ now this is a story all about how


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