tv Today NBC March 3, 2012 2:05am-3:05am PST
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television hi, everybody. it's try day friday, you made it to the end of the week. march is just zooming by. >> feels like it. >> march 2nd. >> crazy how it flew. >> and you know what march 2nd is? >> what is march 2nd? >> it is dr. seuss' birthday. he would have been 108 years old today. >> happy birthday, dr. seuss.
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♪ >> i love that song. >> he actually wrote was it 47 -- 46 children's books. >> can i tell you something funny? every time someone talks about people who overcome adversity, they bring up dr. seuss because they say his first book he wrote he went to 27 different publishers and they all rejected him and they wrote things like, that's not the kind of thing juveniles enjoy reading, thank you. if you are on something and feel like you have a great idea and people keep telling you no -- >> don't give up. >> he kept going and look at him. >> when you first try to get a job out of college, how many different -- >> 27. yes. >> 27. that's the magic number. what was his name? >> stan in greenville, mississippi. >> and he said hoda -- >> he said yes. >> he said hoda -- >> he said, i like what i see. you do? everyone else said they didn't like what they saw. >> when you saw my pictures from the '80s, you'll understand why they didn't. >> but he did.
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we love that guy. so the first one he wrote was called -- and to think i thought on mulberries. >> that was the one. 1931. >> the biggest one was the green eggs and ham. >> which we happen to have here. >> yes. and the cat in the hat was a big one. this is the fourth -- fourth best-selling book of all time. >> also karen, my best friend's birthday. >> happy birthday, karen. >> we know that song -- the song was written by dolly parton "i will always love you." this is dolly's song. ♪ i will always love you >> you know she originally wrote this for? >> who? >> she and porter wagner broke up, not as a love affair, but they were partners. >> oh. >> so she sang it about them breaking up. >> i didn't know that. >> and that was 38 years ago, you guys. so it was in the country charts there. >> and whitney sang the song, as you guys know, and made it famous. >> in "the bodyguard." >> even now it's still in the top three, so it's really sort
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of a big newsy thing when you think about it. but here's what's funny. we heard different people sing it. dolly sang it, whitney sang it. you'll be shocked when you see this next kid who sings it. he's from taiwan on one of those shows -- "the avenue to stardom" it's called. youtube sensation. only 15 seconds, so don't miss a second of this. here he is. ♪ and i will always love you ♪ i will always love you ♪ >> wow. >> but anyway, that kid, it's got an gazillion hits on youtube. if you want to see the whole thing, go on youtube. he's a 25-year-old. when you hear him, you don't expect to see this kid singing. >> i wouldn't want to sing in front of those judges. they were not even smiling. >> they scare me.
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he was bullied, this kid, by the way. so he's probably not scared of anything anymore. >> good for him. >> what else do we have here? >> we're talking about temptation. >> you know, temptation isn't the sin. we're all tempted. it's a sin to give in to temptation. >> in front of us, this is a big pile of reese's cups. >> reese's peanut butter cups. >> so delicious. the small ones especially good because they have the exact amount of peanut butter to chocolate. a new study says, you know, sometimes you look at that and say i'm just going to have one and that's all. >> yeah. >> just one more. that's it. they're small. i'm going to have the little ones. then you have one that's a little bigger. they say if you put it off you actually start losing interest in it. it's when procrastination works. just leave the house and walk away, because i can smell those from where i'm sitting. >> then you sing -- ♪ and i will always love you
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no, you know, in full disclosure, hoda woman -- >> did you have one? >> yeah. >> you did? >> i came up early, jerry and i hanging around. i saw them and i said, i'm going to have a little -- i had the little teeny one about 20 minutes ago now and -- i'm satisfied. >> see, you're different that way. >> i'm satiated. >> you're different. you always say i'll take a little corner and you do. >> and i loved it. >> i've never been able to -- >> get in there. >> i can't. that's not being tempted. i have to tell you, when i walked up and saw those, i reached for it without thinking. that's how i do. >> anyway, you just go on with the show. >> let's talk act what we all lie about. we just told you the truth. you've been very honest about the fact -- >> i'm a binge eater. i'll eat late at night when no one's around. >> what will you eat? >> i'll go to the bottom of the bag of chips and not realize it's the bottom and go oh my god. and i'll say i can't believe i've done that. or the entenmann's cookies, the
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soft ones. i'll just take a couple. i don't like being around people when i'm eating. i like to do it privately alone. i actually stop eating when i'm around people. i have a problem. but i'm fine with it. that's my thing. >> "fitness" magazine and yahoo! shine, whatever that is, finds we are all filled with bad behaviors. 65% of us have acted rude. >> and they're all in new york. >> how about this? half of us have hung up on someone. >> i've done it. >> fr have you ever hung up on your mother? >> no. you've done that? you hung up on your own mother? >> no, i think the cell went out. no. but i have on occasion to other people and my mother one time i was really angry, said good-bye. is that hanging up? if you say good-bye? >> still kinda. >> not proud of it. >> sometimes when people are in the middle -- a confession, in the middle of a long story, like keep a long story short, i'm like this -- >> oh, you, when you're out, you're out. you glaze over.
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oh, you do that. all right. you're kidding me. >> i'm, like, what happened? >> oh, my god. >> so weird. you were just there. >> i was in a bad place. >> the cell service and it's so strange. it rings again. >> now you told everybody you did that. >> not to them. just somebody else. >> more than a third of us have flipped the bird to another driver. >> i've done that. >> really? >> yes. i did that -- >> while you were eating a bag of chips -- >> let me tell you when i did it. i was racing to a graduation speech. it was a high school graduation speech. i was giving it. i was late. >> role model that you are. >> i was flooring it. a guy cut me off, and i unrolled the window and i did it. and the guy looked at me, and i'll never forget, and he goes, hey, and he goes -- my general manager was mr. early, i never called him that. he goes, hey, i'm friends with mr. early, okay? i was, like, oh, my gosh.
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i rolled my window back up and felt sick for weeks after that. but i did it. i unrolled -- i didn't even do it through the glass. i made sure he saw it. the window was down. you've never done that? >> that i've never done. that i've never done. i'm not sure i could actually do it. only a quarter of us lie about our weight. >> the biggest lie of all. >> and almost half of us lie about something. i think it's even more than that. so people -- guys and women think that their worst pet peeves or the thing they do the worst is different. men say it's the toughest thing for them is smoking. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. i don't remember women saying that. >> worst habits. >> habits is smoking. >> women say it's lying about their weight? is that -- binge eating. >> binge eating. >> but are you a nomophobiac? that sounds dirty. no mobile phone -- mobile phone
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phobia. >> you know how you are when you go, where's my phone? where is it? and you don't know. do you know how many times i've had it in my purse and gone back to my office, to my apartment -- >> imagine that. >> searching for it, calling. i'll talk to my sister and go, kathy, it's somewhere in my office. she'll go, check your purse. it's a panicky feeling and i'm not sure why. i guess because a lot of your info is on there. >> the worst is when you drop it in the toilet and you just don't have a bowl of rice right there to save it, because do you know that that will save your phone? a bowl of rice? the you get it in immediately. >> dry rice. >> i suggest you keep a big bowl of dry rice right next to your toilet so when that happens you're good to go. >> that is the most ridiculous thing. >> you'll thank me one day. >> a lot of people say if their house was burning and they had a chance to get one thing, forget
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the family dog. it would be their mobile phone. >> it must be, sara, because you're laughing. >> a guy sued his uncle. >> right. >> a guy sued his uncle because the uncal tagged him in a facebook photo of him when he was a kid and he didn't like it. he said things about it. and he sued him. the judge said, look, forget it, frivolous lawsuit. but there is a point to be made for people who get tagged in photos that you don't want to be tagged in, because when they tag you, it winds up on your facebook page and everyone can't see it. >> you and i take pictures. who knows what they're saying. here's the thing, don't ask. if it's there, it's there. don't give it power. >> right. i think some people do things to be funny, like they'll tag you in a picture you're not even in, even if you're not in it, it will appear on your page. you'll think, i wasn't at that party but it shows a bunch of crazy, half-naked people drinking --
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>> maybe i was at that party. >> maybe you were. do you know what time it is? >> go ahead. time for me to have wine. >> you've been good. >> just a little. >> those are two. >> that's the little one. >> those don't count. your "friday funnies." >> okay. okay. so a duck goes -- no. they left out the top part of this. a guy goes into a bar, sits down, puts his hat down and out jump three ducks. the first duck goes, hey, bartender says, excuse me -- are we boring you, bobbie? >> she goes -- nice! >> i'm sorry. >> bartender goes, oh, you talk? the duck goes, yeah, i talk. bartender says what's your name? duck says dewey. bar tender says dewey, how's your day going? dewey says great, i've been jumping in puddles all day long. he says good to hear that. sounds like fun. second duck goes, hey. oh, you talk, too? yeah, i talk.
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what's your name? duck says louie. he says how's your day going? i've been having a great day, jumping on puddles all day long. bartender says great. he says to the third duck, you talk, too? yeah, i talk. let mow see, i have a huey and a dewey, you must be louie. he says, no, my name is puddles. don't ask me how my day is going. i want to thank ray, a wonderful waiter at a restaurant up in greenwich. i'd like to give you one. thank you, ray. time for -- i'm sorry. bobbie's dead to me. >> "bobbie's buzz." bring it on up here. >> what the heck were you doing so late last night that you can't -- >> nothing. they all started yawning and it's universal. >> oh, so it's our show. busted. >> i love you. today i have some cheese solutions. >> cheese?
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>> she. so if you need some tlc that time of the month, come to the rescue, good and lovely. you can send this to a girlfriend or yourself from $13.99 every month. a supply of chocolate, cramp relief pads, everything you need. and then also these are called my last look wardrobe tags, adorable. this hangs in your closet and each piece of paper you can write on a dress that you've worn to a special occasion. you'll remember, hoda, the last time you wore the dress. >> that happens to you a lot, hoda woman. >> these are called i gotcha. they are adorable broaches with a magnet back i put on kathie right here that helps you never lose your eyeglasses or sunglasses. >> not that i need eyeglasses. >> so attractive. >> all right. love it. >> bobbie! up next it is almost time for college students to go away on spring break. >> we'll show you how to keep
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now that march is here, college students everywhere are thinking about spring break. before your team gets some fun in the sun, make sure they play it safe. >> here with gear for your kids when they roam away from home is the author of "college safety 101." kathleen beatty. >> you know your stuff. what have you got? >> i love the fact that there finally are these great smartphone apps for kids to keep them safe. the first one that we are -- that i came across that i love this service, it's called bread crumb. if your child is going out of the country or even around the country on spring break, this is a way to track them if they get into trouble. it's a service that you down load onto your computer, and they down load it onto their smartphone. there's an sos button.
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if they're distressed, they hit it, and you can track them immediately on your computer. >> at times like use it to track them anytime, anywhere? if they have that smartphone, do you know where they are at all times by this app? >> here's the point. let me go back. here's the point. a lot of kids don't want to be tracked. that's the problem. >> they don't want it. >> you say i'm not going to track you, but there is a device on here that it loads onto theirs. all they have to do is press the sos button and it immediately pings you. >> okay. real time. >> let's talk about overdrinking, which is a problem with kids on spring break. >> the number-one problem on spring break. this is live blood-alcohol. what it does is you first calculate -- i'm sorry. this is in -- wait. hold on. whatever. so you have to fill out this thing. age, weight, height, gender, all
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that. once you do that, then you go into your drink database and we decide, you know, what are we drinking. all the different kinds of drinks. then once you star going, you say okay, what do you want to drink? what are we drinking? >> whatever. sex on the beach. >> okay. >> no, i don't want my kids -- >> you're, like, done. too late. >> when you're done drinking it, you hit it again. you go back. now what? >> cosmopolitan. >> cosmo. >> the more you add it up. i see. >> you hit it again. in about five hours and 48 minutes you'll be sober. it calculates. and the reason, you know, you're saying will kids do it, yes, they will, because it's a game. and you keep in mind how much you're drinking. >> one last app. >> this kept a guy alive under rubble in haiti for 55 hours. amazing app by the american heart association for free.
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it has every type of injury and what to do. bleeding, all of it. >> fantastic. >> a great product as well. >> big problem with spring break, date rape drugs. the drink safe technology has two test packs that test for it. you take a drop from your drink -- >> put it on? >> put it on each test pad. and if the pad turns to dark blue, your drink has been tampered with. you need to get to a hospital. >> how long does it take? >> immediate. immediately. >> all right. >> we just have about a minute for everything. >> so all of this, if you're on a road trip, there's a thing if you're fatigued, it goes on your dashboard, it wakes, tells you to pull over. american adventure medical kit, fantastic. you know, for every country, it has specific things in here for where you are. >> okay. >> many, many products in here. your all in one.
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if your child is going on a road trip, make sure they go to the garage first, make sure they get the car checked out, have aaa and all that stuff. make sure you have all of these products inside their cars. >> cables. >> exactly right. if they are traveling abroad, most important thing, three copies of passports, birth certificate, credit cards, all of it. keep it all, one in the hotel safe, one at home with you and one with them. >> thank you, sweetie. up next, sara is getting our fans hopping. but there will be no dancing. here we go again, right after these messages. yes.
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yes. yes. noooo! [ male announcer ] yep, subway broke the 200-calorie breakfast barrier. with delicious fresh fit mornin' melt breakfast sandwiches. subway. eat fresh. when i'm on the night shift. when they have more energy than i do. when i don't feel like working out. when there isn't enough of me to go around. ♪ when i have school. and work. every morning. it's faster and easier than coffee. every afternoon when that 2:30 feeling hits. -every day. -every day. every day is a 5-hour energy day.
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it is time for "321 live" with sara haines who's hanging with the crowd at the nbc experience store. >> we hope you did a good job putting their questions through a fine-toothed comb. >> do i do anything less? jamie from texas. >> hi hoda and kathie. i have a question for you guys. i was wondering what your biggest pet peeve is.
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>> we have a similar one. you have a couple other ones. but a similar one is when people are late. that's one of those -- you know what i mean? i sound nerdy, i'm always five minutes early. when someone is 10, 15, 20, 25 minutes late, that's one of mine. >> mine is people that are just so self-absorbed that they don't see anybody else around them and they don't -- they're rude. >> right. >> rudeness i think would be my biggest one. nobody i know. >> yeah, exactly. >> next up we have katie from michigan. >> hi, kathie and hoda. you guys look so fabulous. i'm wondering what your favorite workout regimen is when you only have 15 minutes to work out? >> we look good from across the street. >> yes. >> far away. >> and fuzzy and not in focus. hoda works out like a crazy woman every day. >> 15 minutes, i do the stairmaster for 15 minutes if that was all i had. >> for 15, run on a treadmill. >> yeah. thanks, kids. >> thank you, sara. >> ahead, we are going to take our sex quiz.
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here back on this try day friday with "today's style." did you ever wonder what your wardrobe would look like if your man in your life picked it? >> 300 guys were asked to vote on their favorite trend of the season. they were shocked at the great taste men have. >> show-stopping outfits. the fashion director of "redbook" magazine is here with us. >> you were surprised. >> pleasantly. and thrilled actually. >> you were expecting lots of cleavage. >> yes, we were terrified when we embarked on this.
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skin tight, see through, up to there, what are we doing? >> enough about hoda. >> hey, hey, hey. >> our first trend, all white. we have alissa modeling the look. >> here comes alissa in all white. one of the things we discovered is these are not complicated creatures, men, and if you give them a lot of patterns and crazy colors they get terrified and confused. >> keep it simple. >> simple is the way to go. with guys, they totally get it. she looks chic and polished. it just looks amazing on her. it's like the perfect sort of running around outfit. you want to add a little personality, pop of color, probably not a white shoe. step away from the white shoe i would say when it comes to this look. >> thank you. >> the next look is the '40s chic look and christina is modeling this look. tell us what you think about this one. >> i think men can relate to this. it's like you in their shirt but
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even better, you know? it's just, like, you throw it on for weekend. it's as comfortable as your t-shirt and jeans but you really look hot. >> she's saying i'm ready to have some fun, sailing or boating. >> yeah. something. >> and it's definitely the outer wear "it" piece of the season, so it's great when guys and girls can get behind it. win-win for everyone. >> thank you. >> another one they like is morgan and the figure-flattering -- figure-flattering outfit. tell us about that one. >> this is a slip dress, and you know what, they just fall over themselves for this. >> that's what my husband loves, soft and flowy. >> flowy, suggestive, doesn't show it all. just enough. >> right. >> but we don't want to look like we're running around in our nightie, so wear the accessories with this. cool shoes and a great necklace. >> beautiful. great. >> thank you. >> another sexy trend, guys like sexy shorts. that's what ann's sporting today. >> men have spoken. here comes ann to show us.
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>> she looks adorable. >> this is not your short and skimpy as daisy dukes. that is not the trend we're talking about. they're soft. they're feminine. >> almost like a kulat. remember those? >> maybe a little more leg than kulat. longer is definitely an option. this is a huge trend. they're everywhere. >> and the toe polish. >> most women have cellulite on the back of your thighs and you don't. >> a little longer. >> i'm horrible. >> you look really cute. thanks. next up, rebecca has the bare shoulders look. this is our last model. tell us about this. >> you know what, men just cannot resist anything strapless. they love it. it's that drama, romance, super pretty. if in doubt pretty is the way to go. this is all of that. and don't wear a necklace with this because you sort of defeat the whole purpose. it's definitely a going-out look, so bring on the bling, killer shoes, all that. >> not a bosom to be had here.
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>> let's bring everybody out. >> they don't care about any of that stuff. >> maybe they are evolving. thank you, ladies. you all look beautiful. >> coming up next, five-minute hair styles for your girl on the go. right after this. you go next if you had a hoveround power chair? the statue of liberty? the grand canyon? it's all possible with a hoveround. tom: hi i'm tom kruse, inventor and founder of hoveround. when we say you're free to see the world, we mean it. call today and get a free hoveround information kit that includes a video and full color brochure. dennis celorie: "it's by far the best chair i've ever owned." terri: "last year, 9 out of 10 people got their hoveround for little or no money." jim plunkitt: "no cost. absolutely no cost to me." breaking news...when you call today, we'll include a free hoveround collapsible grabber with the purchase of your power chair. it reaches, it grabs, it's collapsible and it's portable. it goes wherever you go.
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get it free while supplies last. call the number on your screen to get your free video, brochure and your free hoveround collapsible grabber. call the number on your screen. 2:30 in the afternoon, a lot to do, and you've hit the wall. but you got to get stuff done. so take 5-hour energy. just open it up, knock it back, and roll up your sleeves. 5-hour energy is faster and easier than coffee. man, does it work. you'll get that alert, energized feeling you need to get stuff done. a lot of stuff. wow. look at you go. 5-hour energy. when you gotta get stuff done.
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...and on the go... ...with some really big news. it's b-i-g -- big. high speed internet from at&t at home... ...includes wi-fi access on the go. woo-hoo! [ together ] it's an unbelievable deal. well, gotta go. but wait -- there's more... [ female announcer ] go to the website below today and get high speed internet for the unbelievably low price of just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. it's all the speed you need at a great price. you can chill online at a park. here, pidgie, pidgie. [ pigeon coos ] and surf the web at your favorite bookstore. our internet at home includes access to the entire national at&t wi-fi hot spot network on the go. [ female announcer ] go to
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the website below and get high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. that's all the speed you need at a great price. it's an unbelievable deal. so why wait? act now, act now! like he said... ♪ "today's moms" is brought to you by tide pods. do you want a cute do for your daughter but don't want to spend all morning fighting with her to get it done? >> five-minute styles with the author of "the complete guide to girls' hair," the cutest cuts and sweetest hair styles to do at home. how are you? >> good. how are you? >> this is challenge for some parents trying to get new dos or letting them do one at all. >> but these today are so easy. literally they take one minute.
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>> what are we doing to alexa? >> this is called the flip tail. all you do is take a low ponytail, you make a little hole with your finger, and you flip it through. >> how cute. >> that's it? >> that's it. >> that's adorable. and it will stay? >> it stays. >> look how cute that is. >> just a colored elastic. >> i love it. thank you. >> thank you, sweetie. >> sara is next. what are we doing to sara? >> sara has the bow trio. what we did is pulled the hair back, put a ponytail, did another one, grouped the hair and one more. to dress it up, all you do, took a couple bows, and voila. it's done. >> that really is cute. >> adorable. >> and this will stay in all day? >> this will stay all day. you can accessorize it with anything. i like to mix and match so it
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makes it cuter. >> thank you, honey. >> what do we have with miss jordan today? >> this is called the genie pony. we pulled a piece of hair and wrapped it around and curled the end, but you don't need to. you can wear it straight. sandra bullock wore a style just like this to the oscars. >> beautiful. had a little further back on her head. >> right. >> you love it? you love it. thank you, sweetie. >> this is ayla. >> hi. i heard you were here. >> what's happening here? >> we're in the middle of a hairstyle. >> okay. and this is the flip tail. and all you do is on your last time when you're pulling the hair through you just don't pull it all the way through. a little knot. here we have another clip. >> so cute. >> yeah. >> do you like that, ayla?
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i can tell you do with your dimples and everything. >> bailey. >> bailey's in the house. what are we doing with bailey? >> this is actually the style of the moment. >> braids. >> braids are very, very popular. but loose braids and side braids are really popular. so what we did for her is just a very simple braid. but you could do a french braid, anything if you are a little bit more adept at it. but you don't have to. the beauty of the look now is it's loose and messy. >> so even if you don't know how to braid, you can do it and it's messy and it's fine. >> come on. >> you guys all did such a great job. >> thank you, everybody. >> thanks, bailey. thanks, cozy. >> coming up next, plug your ears. from attracting the opposite sex to what goes on in the bedroom. >> la, la, la. >> our sex quiz, right after this.
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good morning, everyone. a look at your forecast for today. this saturday coming off the heels of a deadly, severe weather outbreak. we will have a threat of thunderstorms here in the east, but the severe threat starting to diminish. keep your guard up here across the southeast and parts of new england, where we're expecting showers and thunderstorms. a big system wrapping through the lakes with a lot of wind and snow, especially in parts of wisconsin and upper michigan. 36 in chicago. only light snow forecast for you. it will be clearing out as we head through the day. 51 in louisville. temperatures are a lot cooler behind the cold front that brought in all that volatile weather on friday. in the west, gearing up for a fantastic stretch of weather over the weekend. sunday, lighter snow around the northern plains into the lakes. the lakes' enhanced snow bands
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continuing into eastern areas of the lake, east of the lakes i should say into the interior northeast. 48 new york city by sunday. temperatures boiling in parts of the desert southwest. up to 85 in phoenix. 76 in los angeles. a fantastic stretch of weather. and how about the start of the week. looks like it's going to be quiet for us, which i think people are grateful for here. it will be 44 in minneapolis. 44 in new york city and dry on monday. the showers in the form of snow will be up through the appalachians. 57 in salt lake city. another system moving into the pacific northwest. we'll track this, but it will quiet down for much of the country on saturday. then on wednesday, the system out of the northwest brings some energy with right now it looks like rain, perhaps isolated thunderstorms into the central plains. your third forecast expands that further to the east. get your latt fesasecortkdeeay w
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mornings at 6:00 a.m. with "wake up with al." when they have more energy than i do. when i don't feel like working out. when there isn't enough of me to go around. ♪ when i have school. and work. every morning. it's faster and easier than coffee. every afternoon when that 2:30 feeling hits. -every day. -every day. every day is a 5-hour energy day. [ male announcer ] 5-hour energy. every day. i'm in italy... ♪ ciao! ciao! ciao! dude!? [ male announcer ] try the delizioso italian b.m.t., one of our fresh takes on italian. subway. eat fresh.
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how much do you think you know about s-e-x? does the size of a man's ring finger tell you anything at all? who wrote this? >> i don't know. >> our quiz will cover all the bases to find out with which rumors are true. >> to help us establish between myth and fact is "prevention" magazine's robby caplow. how does she know everything about sex? >> a lot of research, let me tell you. >> we're ready. >> first question. a recent study shows that at least 20 minutes of love making is necessary to be considered desirable by both men and women. >> myth. >> yep, this is a myth. >> awfully disappointed most of the time. >> you're going to love this. a penn state study says it's between 7 and 13 minutes is perfectly fine. >> five! five! >> the best part of it, 3 to 7 minutes both men and women say it's perfectly adequate. 3 to 7 minutes. >> but at least five times a day. let's be honest.
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>> that sounds good. more than half of couples who are married or in long-term relationships believe that they are having enough sex. >> myth. >> that is absolutely a myth. it's very interesting, gender divide. >> that's what i was going to say. >> about 28% of women say they're not having enough sex, 53% of the men are saying they're not having enough. >> okay. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> okay. you really can tell a guy's size by his hands. yeah. it's a fact. >> is it? >> kathie lee is correct. >> i've just had really good luck with that. >> it has to do with how much testosterone a fetus is exposed to in the womb. so here's what happens. you have to look at a man's ring finger and if it's longer than his index finger, well, you know -- boom, boom, is all i can say.
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>> now you tell me. >> 20 minutes of exercise can increase your sex drive. >> definitely a fact. >> absolutely a fact. just 22 minutes on the treadmill, all of a sudden you're feeling good, it increases your arousal and your desire and you can actually have a better orgasm. >> 22 minutes will give you the world. >> okay. >> that's what they say. cold feet are a proven turn-on. >> myth. >> myth. >> definitely a myth. >> yeah. >> they're clammy. ew. >> apparently if you have cold feet it's about 50% of people have a harder time reaching an orgasm. if you put on some socks, 80% of you will get there. >> oh, really? >> yes. >> so put socks on. >> stupid-looking socks are a turnoff. that's what happened with you know who, the governor. >> the lights are off. >> people who have the most sex also work the most. >> myth.
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they don't have as much time. i'm telling you. go on. let's hear your side. >> just to be arbitrary, i'll say fact. >> it's actually a myth. people turn to work because they're not having enough sex at home so they just do something to fill the time. >> okay. got it. >> it's true. >> hoda, are you beating me by one? >> by two. >> male sweat gets women going. >> oh, myth. >> well, at prevention, we were surprised, it's a fact. >> what? >> if you smell good -- >> but it's sweat. >> sweat can -- >> you're with the wrong man. smells like what you had for dinner the night before. >> it does. yeah. >> believe it or not, biologically it boosts a woman's mood, her heart rate, her blood pressure, the scent of a man. >> i don't think so.
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>> one more quick one? >> one more quick one. 20-somethings are less orgasmic than older women. >> myth. >> it's a fact! >> i heard wrong. i heard you wrong! i was going for the 40-plus people! all right. >> i think that was a tie. >> definitely brought it up from the rear so, to speak. >> thank you. >> three simple steps to a successful party and they don't involve sex.
3:00 am
3:01 am
sure to win over your guests is the founder of a luxury event planning firm right here in new york city. hello. >> how are you? >> you've already started to muddle. >> of course. we're muddling some strawberry. you have to have this. this is the must spring cocktail. >> the important thing is once your guests step through the door, you should hand them something to drink. even before they have their coat off? >> absolutely. get the party started right away, right? >> oh, my god. she's a crazy woman. >> thank you. we are about having a great time. isn't that yummy? >> it's delicious. >> that's the strawberry. >> what's that? >> 4 this is gin, baca, fresh lemon and some sugar. yummy. >> so you can have two. >> kathie lee, go for it. >> that is nice. delicious. tangy. >> the fresh lemon juice.
3:02 am
here we've got five essentials. every home in america should have this if you're planning on entertaining. don't wait for when you need to party. stock up when they're having a sale. >> stop yelling at us. >> you have to do this! >> so inexpensive. it will make your table look so expensive. five bucks. lots of places. >> where did you get these? >> you can get them at the christmas -- lots of places. >> big wine glasses. >> stock up on wine glasses and nice white napkins and some flatware. you need a serving tray to serve cocktails. >> why are you so angry? >> show us this beautiful, beautiful table of yours. >> so here what i like about this table is -- >> nothing matches. >> nothing matches. >> but it works.
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>> it works and i promise you every home in america can do this. this is what i love about it. even on my high-end events, this is what we're doing. >> so don't be afraid of it. embrace it. >> embrace it. mix and match. look at your accessories, your beautiful outfits, shoes, everything. >> just happens naturally. >> what about mine? whatever. >> what i love about this is whatever flower you love, place it -- >> little flowers. >> singles. >> piggy bank. >> took my kid's piggy bank. but isn't this nice and fun? >> it gives a vintage feel to it. almost like going to the restaurant the ivy in los angeles. >> yes. >> favorite restaurant but all mismatched and beautiful. >> we have to go. this is terrific. thank you for your beautiful table. >> thank you so much. this was fun. >> next week, we have funny lady fran drescher with that laugh. remember? >> and lisa rinna. >> and a live performance by denny lovato.
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action-packed show. >> no men? >> hmm. -- captions by vitac -- >> jimmy: hey guys. it's the last day of broadway week, here at "late night" and we're finishing the week strong, with a big number from "sister act," which is playing right here, at the broadway theatre. it's been a great week of amazing performances and tonight it gets even better. let's start the show. >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon!
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