tv Today NBC March 14, 2012 2:05am-3:05am PDT
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television hey, everybody. you know it, don't you. it's booze day tuesday. it's march 13th, just one week away from the first day of spring! i'm pushing it a little bit with -- there are some hot spring colors, sort of tangerine. >> yes. >> look at these new shoes.
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>> look at what you got going on. >> 9 west, baby. >> those are cool. >> i can't -- wait a minute, careful. more than that. more than that. >> aren't they fun? >> i love them. and you have your diana von whoever. >> by the way, it's time for a change. spring is a time of change, and you know it because yesterday you decided to get the chop-chop on the hair. >> just a little. >> which i like. >> just a little bit. >> see if we can see the difference. that's you yesterday or the day before. >> i liked it better. >> i'm not one of those people that looks through magazines forever and finds, you know, exactly the look i want and then goes to the hairdresser and talks about it for an hour and a half. this is how this happened, people. never go out with an 18-year-old daughter that you have that is so drop-dead gorgeous, no matter what she does she looks great. you think, and you're wrong, that you're going to look good, too, no matter what you did. she has her high school graduation coming up so she needed a special dress.
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we went to our friend donald diehl, brilliant dress maker, designer, who's been designing stuff for me for the emmys for years and years. he did a first dress for cass when she was 3 and we were doing christmas specials. so there's a long relationship. for the first time i thought it might be nice to -- like getting her wedding dress or something. so it was very special. then we go to lunch and then we go to pink berries, and the kids these days cannot go anywhere -- they could have eaten a smorgasbord but you have to go to pink berry for every meal. we went to pink berry. then she had a hair appointment at lewis'. now, i'm fine. we're having a lovely day. all of a sudden i got a look at me in the mirror. have you ever just had that day you kind of go, i have two choices. either do something or end it all. you know, you have days like that. >> yes. >> and so arsen happened to be standing there, the russian, who
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does a lot of our makeovers and stuff. >> yes. >> and i said today i'm not happy with myself. he goes, it's too long. cut it. on a whim, on a whim, and it wasn't until afterwards i thought, i don't want to upset laura who does a beautiful job with my hair here every day and yours and everybody's. >> i think it's great. you've had quite a few changes over the years. >> i have a little history. >> look at that one. >> that was the worst. frank gifford, that's when we announced our engagement. >> that was interesting. that's when you had the bangs and the mullet. >> that's not a mullet. that was the same all the way around. >> i don't think so. it looks like it's short on the top. i love that. >> that was fun. >> well, curly. >> stuck my finger in a socket. that all you got? too blond. as i age, you notice there's a desperation factor. we start to think if we get blonder and longer we're going
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to somehow be better, and we're wrong on every account. >> one of hairdos that caught the nation's attention, back in the '70s, "name that tune" haircut. remember this haircut? let's roll this tape. oh, boy. ♪ soft as an easy chair love fresh as the morning air ♪ >> that hairdo. >> that was a dorothy hamill. i stole that from her. we should go back to that. >> that particular show, you guys, is maybe coming back to television. >> yeah. >> yeah. they've got the rights. it's a great show to bring back. >> "name that tune," i was ready to leave the business and i got a call from ralph and i'd been so used to going to cattle calls where you're one of 100 people. >> sure. >> i was the only person in this
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room and i thought i was in the wrong place. she goes, miss epstein, are you ready? >> that was you. >> that was me back then. mr. edwards will see you. i sang three songs and he said "welcome to the family." >> oh, my gosh. >> i had had nothing but rejection until then. he changed my life and he was a wonderful man. i had to learn 200 songs in five days to do that show. >> unbelievable. >> but the hair caught on. >> i also think that show will be a hit again. >> i do, too. it's not about stars performing the music or anything. it's about walking down memory lane. you have to go on it and win a gazillion bucks because you know every single song ever. >> i know the words but i don't know the names of the songs or who sings them. >> name of the song is usually in the words. >> sometimes, but you have to go deep in sometimes and sometimes it's not. >> i had the la, la, la the title. >> last night, if you watched "the voice," and it's getting so good. >> yeah. you love this.
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>> i do. they team up similar singers, they go head to head. we'll do the sing-off. this is team one, christina's group. and you're going to see a former professional kickboxer singing against sara hill. listen to this. ♪ ♪ >> so between those two, who would you have picked? >> i couldn't hear who hit the clam. there was a clam. i'm not sure. but just on basis of that easily the young lady because her voice cuts through and she sounds -- and she's a bit of an alicia keys --
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>> that's what i thought. >> and you would be right. >> you voted with the judges on that one. this is a tough one. this one was team blake. this is a girl from new jersey, her name is charlotte, and there's a quiet singer with a sexier voice named lex. let's watch. ♪ >> can't take your eyes off of her, and that's one of the things it takes to make a star. i guess having said all that, the one thing that i heard was i heard one little pitchy thing from lex in the first half of the song. but charlotte had control of her performance. >> wait. stop, stop, stop. >> i think i heard you talking about this, hoda.
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i think he went with the woman who didn't weigh quite as much. >> charlotte. >> charlotte. i don't know their names. this is an advantage for me. i didn't know their names. and that was upsetting because you thought it was based on their visual as opposed to -- >> i didn't think it was based solely on that, but one thing that bothered me was when blake said, you know, you just look up at you and you can't take your eyes off of you. i mean, look -- >> you're right because adele -- >> she's beautiful but she's not a size 2. >> but you listen and you lean in. if we would have played other parts of that song, you would heard there's such a sultry side of that lex's voice, you lean in. >> i have to hear the individual voices or i can't tell. it takes me a long time to figure out which voice is coming from who. >> this is adam's team. ♪
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>> based totally on that. >> totally and completely in 20 seconds. >> 2 the african-american young lady, absolutely. i couldn't tell from my monitor and my eyes. not the redhead. >> yeah. and you're right again. she was great. >> in other words, i should be making $10 million a year as a judge on "the voice." >> the good news, we're going to have our own version of "the voice." but we don't get paid anything. >> nothing. >> this is a great contest. young kids ages 8 through 16 i think. >> 8 and 16. >> we want you guys to go on our website, clickety clack, put your child's -- or kids, put your video on there. it has to be under two minutes and a cappella, no instruments.
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very, very important. we cannot run your tape if there's music in the background. please submit. it's going to go through march 30th. i can't wait. >> we had a ball last time. >> right. >> and we're mixing it up. >> i like your hair. i keep looking at it. >> thank you. getting used to it. >> it is booze day tuesday. >> what do we have? we have zodiac zingers. i don't know why. the jefferson hotel in washington, d.c., is offering the perfect drink to match your zodiac sign. >> we're both leos, so these are the characteristics of our leo drinks, confidence, ambition. >> generosity. >> and loyalty. >> the drink that matches this apparently is lemony. >> who knew? >> it's god vodka, gin -- >> oh, my gosh. >> you don't like that. >> i'm not a liquor person. >> thank the lord. >> this one's going to have me on my back in two seconds.
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this is rye, cognac, triple sec, lime juice and -- it's for virgos. >> what are you supposed to be? >> analytical, observant, helpful, reliable, and precise. >> so they're not always right. just kidding, sara. >> this is a lot of fun, baby. >> sara will not be seen the rest of the show, but -- >> we have two guys you don't usually see in the same room and they are -- what are they wearing? i'm sorry. >> the movie of theirs coming out is so wrong on so many levels it's unbelievable. cassie said your haike olook.lders look older. but don't worry mom, your hair grows fast.
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they'll make comedy magic. they are starring in a funny, funny new movie, in spanish, take a look. >> do you speak american? >> no, senor. [ speaking spanish ] >> and they are here. >> they're here. >> in body, in -- what's going on with the robes? >> it's so relaxing here. i don't know what it is. it is. the whole place is like a spa. yeah. >> thanks for staying around. we rarely get anybody to stick around for the 10:00 hour. >> this is a mercy visit. >> graveyard shift of the "today" show. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. this movie, when i heard it was subtitled and everyone said it was funny, i didn't realize how funny this thing could be.
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tell us what drew you to this thing, will. >> it was -- are you as drunk as i am, by the way? >> absolutely. three sheets. this is delicious. thank you. >> that's jerry. jerry's the guy to get to know around here. >> thank you, jerry. >> this was a crazy idea i had for years and years, to put myself in a spanish language film. >> but you don't speak spanish. >> i don't speak spanish. i thought someone from american comedy put themselves in this position, something we haven't seen before. >> in a novella style. >> absolutely. but i don't speak spanish. >> you faked us out, though. >> i studied it pretty closely, worked with a translator. >> did you do the rosetta stone? >> i did for like a day. yeah. it was terribly hard to figure out how to use it. and -- but mr. offerman, he has
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to speak spanish in the movie horribly. >> that's right. >> isn't that easier? >> not when you're as fluent in as many languages as i am. >> i heard. like ten. >> i had to really dumb it down. >> well, all the performances are unbelievable. there's a sex scene that -- the lights -- >> yeah. >> i hate to say the words young, because she's young, but that's what i felt when i saw this gorgeous girl who plays your love interest. >> genesis rodriguez. >> which means beginning. >> yes. muy caliente. is your eye okay? >> my eye is fine. she's so caliente. >> describe the sex scene for people who have not seen it, please. >> well, basically -- it's our take on, you know, the penultimate love making scene but it's just a long series of shots of butts, over and over. and a mannequin gets thrown in just for fun. >> like the fake horse, the fake body. >> a lot of massaging of butts.
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>> and tender groping and kneading. there's kneading. >> and yet there was a sensitivity. >> there was. >> it was your first sexual experience. >> it was handled with care. >> yeah. yeah. >> armando's a sweetheart. >> but his father tells him that he's not very smart. >> not very smart. >> that was one of our favorite scenes, by the way. >> and he has small eyes, like eyes like a chicken. >> but like your mother. >> yes. >> my other favorite scene, you have the scene about this is one of your favorite spots that your mother used to come. >> don't tell that. it gives it away. >> no, it doesn't. oh, right. it gives it away. >> come on, guys. let's get it together. what's going on? >> we rarely like the movies we see, but this one we are really, really very fond of. >> when you heard about this
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movie, when will told you about it, were you reluctant or did you jump right in? >> i refused, i flatout refused. >> several times. >> and i was sedated by my wife, and will came over and there was a whole intervention and -- >> under the cover of darkness we -- >> at the end of it i signed a contract. and it's a three-picture deal. >> right. >> we have a german picture coming next. >> remake of "das boot." >> i think "das boat" would be funnier. >> doesn't take place on a submarine, oddly enough. >> we watched it and thought how much fun did they have on the set. have you had as much fun on another set? >> well, i mean, it was -- you have to remember, i am intensely trying to remember this script in spanish. >> right. >> so it was a challenge? >> so i was kind of the boring guy on set. >> i'll say. >> it's not "war and peace." >> what a drag. >> thanks for coming to see us. >> thanks for having us.
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>> so funny. it opens on friday in theaters nationwide. >> up next, sara stirs up the fun in an irish pub for st. patrick's day. >> i need another drink, jerry. [ male announcer ] if your kids like movies with animals... ♪ ...action heroes... ♪ ...sing-alongs, or whatever else, then you and your family will love netflix. netflix lets you watch unlimited movies and tv episodes on your pc or tv via game console or other devices connected to the internet. search by age, or character, and get information that helps you make the right choices for your family. it's instant, it's unlimited. and it's only 8 bucks a month. start your free trial today.
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♪ oh pepperoni ♪ how much i love yah see the game last night? course i did! [ male announcer ] try the meatball pepperoni melt today. subway. eat fresh. when i'm on the night shift. when they have more energy than i do. when i don't feel like working out. when there isn't enough of me to go around. ♪ when i have school. and work. every morning. it's faster and easier than coffee. every afternoon when that 2:30 feeling hits. -every day. -every day. every day is a 5-hour energy day. [ male announcer ] 5-hour energy. every day.
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[ together ] it's an unbelievable deal. well, gotta go. but wait -- there's more... [ female announcer ] go to the website below today and get high speed internet for the unbelievably low price of just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. it's all the speed you need at a great price. you can chill online at a park. here, pidgie, pidgie. [ pigeon coos ] and surf the web at your favorite bookstore. our internet at home includes access to the entire national at&t wi-fi hot spot network on the go. [ female announcer ] go to the website below and get high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. that's all the speed you need at a great price. it's an unbelievable deal. so why wait? act now, act now! like he said... ♪
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it's time for "sara in the city" who explores everything new york has to offer. >> today she goes green. >> st. patrick's day is saturday, so to honor the holiday, i did what we like to do around here -- head to the bar. where i learned to poor the perfect guinness and even take a stab at participating in a traditional irish music session. >> nothing more fun. >> i'm at dempsey's, a famous irish pub in new york city. with st. patrick's day right around the corner, i decided i needed to get my irish on. these guys have offered to help. let's see what that entails.
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>> right. so to pour the perfect pint -- >> yes. >> two pours. traditionally, pour this and at a 45 degree angle to the floor. >> are you kidding me? >> it has to be a 45 degree angle to the floor. >> that's part of it. >> you can't pour it straight down. >> why? >> because the head of the guinness will -- >> what? >> the head will be too big. >> okay. >> swanta. >> what? >> cheers in irish. >> he's got more tolerance than i have. i'm getting tipsy already. hi, guys. wow. your instrument is poking me. oh, that didn't sound right. >> these are elbow pipes. >> oh, there's more to this. >> yes. >> what are you doing? just pumping or -- >> i'm pumping on the side, squeezing on the side.
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>> pump and squeeze. >> yeah. >> that's the move you're doing. >> yeah. >> want to make sure i had that right. >> this is the main thing the melody is played on. ♪ >> wow. i think i'm going to learn this really quickly. did i mention i played the flute in high school? do only big boys play this? where is that going? okay. >> keep pumping. >> i feel like i'm playing with a whoopie cushion. whoa. was that me? >> you kind of got to circulate -- yeah, you got to keep pumping. >> oh! i'm sweating. >> hard work, right? >> i have a whole new respect for you. who thought of this? clearly it was a lonely person that didn't have a whole band so they just put it in one instrument.
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i'm doing four things at one time. now i'm like what's he doing? he should be cooking with his right hand or something. so i definitely earned this guinness. as the irish say, slainte, and happy st. patrick's day. >> nothing more joyful than that kind of music. slainte. >> cleers. >> they do an anonymous let's hook up and -- >> you're not getting anything right today. >> all right, you guys. still ahead, hot topics and a new quiz. >> i'll have what she's having. >> and stars of fashion, elle macpherson.
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are taking on some topics people are talking about right now. >> and of course they love the see us compete. so we have our paddles here. one side says do, the other don't. >> you have to vote. i'm going to throw out a topic and you have to tell me if you think it's a glamour do or a glamour don't. there will be a prize for the lady with the most correct answers. >> okay. >> ready? >> yes. >> our first topic is celebrities breast-feeding in public. you may remember that beyonce did this last week. she nursed blue ivy at a restaurant in new york city. so is it a glamour do or a glamour don't? >> i'm going to say a do. >> it's a do. you're right. >> nothing more natural than a mother feeding your baby. >> 64% of our pollers agree. >> that's who we agree with. >> healthy, natural, good for the baby. >> i'm sure she did it very discreetly. she didn't whip it out and feed the baby. >> no, you have to be tasteful and i'm sure he was.
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>> and it was tasty to her, too. >> moving along. retouching your own personal pictures when you post them on facebook or, getting rid of a pimple, shaving off a few pounds. a do or don't? >> i say don't but i think everybody will say it's a do. >> i agree. >> people were split on this. they said getting rid of minor things, getting rid of that zit, totally fine. but once you make yourself into a much younger or thinner person, that's fraud. >> did we get it? >> that's a wash. >> we'll give it to both of you. >> okay, okay. we have a lot to get through here. >> all right. hurry. >> men expecting sex on a first date. we did a survey with men many boston, most likely to expect sex on the first date. glamour do or don't? >> to have sex with them? >> no. for men to expect it. >> i think it's a do.
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>> i think it's disgusting if they do. maybe it's the way you worded it. >> you are correct. >> of course i am. i'm old. >> you are correct. it is a glamour don't. what you do -- >> i said no. >> she spent a lot of time in boston, if you know what i mean. >> women in boston are unhappier than with their love lives than anywhere else. >> i wonder why. >> now fashion. a look that sarah jessica parker wore last week. it is a white lace look with a black bra under it. a glamour do or don't? think carefully. >> i think it's a do. >> i'm going to say a don't but everyone is going to like it because she has it on. >> that is true. people loved it and i did, too. >> so sad. >> glamour do. you are correct. >> it's the way she did it. it wasn't trashy looking. it was meant to be about -- >> showing the bra? >> the line between do and don't is it is a covered-up look. she's not letting it all hang
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out. >> we have to at least get two more questions. >> okay. the little ruffles on dresses. a glamour do or don't. quickly. >> do. >> absolutely. you're both right. we're going to go into beauty. there's been a big trend of grown women wearing little girl hair accessories, enormous bows, big barrette. big headbands. >> can we see a picture? i can tell i don't like it. >> picture an enormous bow on top of the head. >> i'm going to say no. definitely a don't. >> oh, please. you look like mini mouse. >> don't. you're both right. >> how am i going to get more points? give me another one. >> our last one. into the animal kingdom here. >> the winner gets this. >> i think that kathie lee might be ahead. >> a tiebreaker. okay. >> at any rate, we are moving into the animal kingdom and looking at clothes on dogs. this is a big trend right now, a huge booming business. people putting sweaters and
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little footy shoes on their dogs. a glamour do or don't? look at that. >> those don't hurt the dogs. they protect them. that is -- we had this last week. don't do it if the animal does not like it. >> it's a glamour do. >> a do. >> i'm sorry. they're too cute. >> wait, what's the prize? hair products? >> bring it out. >> you're giving kathie lee hair products? wait a minute. i need this brush. you know i need this brush. >> i'm sorry. this has to go. >> i love you so much. >> aren't you so nice to do that. >> by the way, we have another segment coming up on this brand-new show that's starting up, cindy's a part of that, too. but we'll talk to elle macpherson, nicole richie, john about the premiere of their great new nbc show. thank you, lord, we have a hit.
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not financially. so we switched to the bargain detergent but i found myself using three times more than you're supposed to and the clothes still weren't as clean as with tide. so we're back to tide. they're cuter in clean clothes. thanks, honey. yeah. you suck at folding. [ laughs ] [ female announcer ] just one dose of tide original liquid helps remove food stains better than an entire 40 load bottle of the leading liquid bargain brand. that's my tide. what's yours? ♪ icy, cool flavor in a delicious 5-calorie stick of gum. ♪ polar ice. from extra.
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i used to not travel very much, but then i discovered hotwire. now, i use all my vacation days. i can afford to visit my folks for the holidays. and reconnect with my girlfriends in vegas. because i get ridiculously low prices on all my trips. you see, when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them, so i get 4-star hotels for up to half off. now i can afford a romantic trip to new orleans. hi honey! ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪
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so what will be the next big brand in fashion? nbc kicks off a brand-new reality series tonight, "fashion star." >> heading up the weekly runway showdown are executive producer and host elle macpherson. she's been taking her ugly pills. celebrity mentors nicole richie and john barbados. you can remember because it sounds like barbados. >> great word. >> welcome, welcome. >> now, this is a new show and there's a lot of buzz about it. there are other shows like this out there, but what makes this one unique, elle? >> there are shows that are about making clothes. this show is about selling clothes and buying clothes. you can buy the clothes as you see them walk down the runway tonight or tomorrow morning at macy's or any of the great
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places that we have with us. >> people like instant gratification. >> yes, they do. >> you are the mentors, not the judges. >> right. >> tell us about your role. >> we're working with the designers to help guide them through, take them through not falling into those holes that we've fallen into in the past that we've had as well. and to help them build a brand, not just a -- one item but help them build a brand and market themselves. >> does it get nasty? >> it can. it can. it can. >> it has to be intense. you can't really show that on youtube the way you can a music talent. can you? it's a different kind of gift. >> you see people being bought and sold on the stage, it's a little like an auction house. rather than see people make clothes you'll see them bought and sold. you have three great retailers, macy's, saks and h&m will be bidding for the t-shirts, the jeans, the leather jackets. >> they're really the judges, too. >> yeah. >> are these clothes that people at home will say i can wear that
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to work or clothes that look neat but never buy? >> this is not about buying the $10,000 gown. these are clothes designed for america. that's our role, too, you know, is we have to transition -- we have to help these designers transition into actual brands, you know. you can be an artist and you can be as creative as you want to be, but unless you know the business side of it you're not going to stick around. i think we've all seen so many incredibly talented designers that disappear and we never hear from them again. >> it wasn't for lack of talent, it was just knowledge of the business. >> yes. in the industry, it's about listening to the buyers and understanding how you're going to brand yourself. and so that's what's so special. >> somebody missing here today? >> she's busy cooking and her baby. >> cooking her baby. >> she's been pregnant for four years. when is the child due? >> i don't know, but she's certainly a very smart business woman. >> she is. >> she's racking out baby clothes before the baby is even born. >> we're missing her here, too.
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she's great on the show. >> she's been such an amazing gift to the show. >> she's an absolute sweetheart. >> really look forward to tonight. it's an hour and a half, starts at 9:30. >> 9:30, nbc, after "the biggest loser." it's going to be fun. it's really entertaining. men and women can watch it, great fashion shows. great music, pretty girls. >> do you host in lingerie? >> no, but we do have lingerie on the show. >> another reason to tune in. >> say how many years. you've been showing your lingerie forever. nobody does it better. >> thank you. >> we hope you have an awesome hit tonight. >> thank you. >> up next, how to freshen things up and bring sexy back into the bedroom. >> where? >> in the bedroom. i'm meteorologist chris warren with a look at your weather channel forecast. looking across the country, it's going to be pretty quiet for most areas. may see an isolated thunderstorm
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throughout portions of the south. a storm moving through the northeast. going to bring a little rain and snow. the big weather producer will be in the pacific northwest, and down into central california, northern california here. but it's what you do not see that will be the big story for much of the country. it's what you're going to feel. all of this red, very warm temperatures. we're talking here midweek, temperatures in minneapolis, it's still march, 70 degrees. 76 in chicago. 80s for parts of missouri to tennessee, right down to the gulf coast. and in kansas city, your temperature is only four degrees cooler than orlando. in orlando, it's going to be toasty for your day. thursday, a chance of thunderstorms for portions of the mid south. northwest dealing with another system. much of the country is still dealing with and likely enjoying some warm air, 60s and 70s for
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friday. a system moving in through portions of the northeast. boston and new york will cool down, temperatures in the 50s. for d.c., mid 70s but another warm day for the morn plains and a stormy day in the pacific northwest. going to see things really cool down at the los angeles marathon. 58 on saturday. cooler air for los angeles and southern california for this weekend, even a chance for rain. we'll have a chance for storms over the weekend. kind of isolated in nature, not a widespread event. still seeing some mild temperature readings. louisville, 77 on sunday. for monday, that next system moves further into the southwest. chance for rain and mountain snow. and remember, weekdays on the itup."h wal chwake up with al." 2:30 in the afternoon, a lot to do, and you've hit the wall. but you got to get stuff done. so take 5-hour energy. just open it up, knock it back,
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and roll up your sleeves. 5-hour energy is faster and easier than coffee. man, does it work. you'll get that alert, energized feeling you need to get stuff done. a lot of stuff. wow. look at you go. 5-hour energy. when you gotta get stuff done. 48! 50! 71! 300! move it phelps! move it! [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] subway breakfast keeps michael phelps going strong. subway. the official training restaurant of michael phelps and athletes everywhere.
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said flies. if there are piles of laundry everywhere, your furniture is mismatched or your bed sheets are older than your children, it's probably time far change. >> here with some secrets for bringing sexy back into the boudoir, sara newell from "the nest." just zhuszh up our bedroom. >> refresh it, make it sensual. we'll add lots of texture. great tips, not spending a lot of money but making it sexy again. >> a lot of people have a tv in their bedroom. that seems like it would be a mood killer. >> completely. get the tv out. >> some people watch things on that is a mood enhancer. i don't know anybody like that, but i've heard. >> we found 1 in 6 couples were distracted from sex by the tv. you know, there's, you know, the one couple maybe likes it. >> let's talk about the bed. >> first you want to think about your duvet cover. it's definitely the focal point of the room. this one is $70 from target. it has romantic pin tucking and
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this lovely kind of smoky -- >> mauve. >> yeah, kind of a purple. that's nice. a nice new duvet. >> are those satin sheets? >> they are. these are $70 from bed bath & beyond. this is opulent. you want to slide in. which is really nice. and you want to accessorize with some throw pillows. these are from home goods, like $10 to $24. inexpensive. put on some ruffled ones. maybe a few satin touches. it's a nice way to freshen up your bed. >> a mirror seems to add a little something special in the right spot. >> that one's not going to do much for anybody at that angle. >> $187 from the home depot. >> you can see really well from the sofa. >> if you position it across from a window or something you could have some really nice light. it's an alternative to a headboard. a little glam. >> the right lighting is important, isn't it, in the room? >> yes. >> what do we have here?
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>> these are flameless. they're battery operated. they're about $45 from kmart. >> stop it. >> for a set of two. >> and who doesn't want two? you know what i'm saying? >> it's safer than flames. really you want to turn off the overhead light. that's the biggest mood killing. >> bad lighting will get you. >> you want to focus on your accent lighting. this also is mercury, it's hammered metal, from amazon, $104 and just beautiful. you can turn it on and it just kind of sparkles. >> i didn't know. i didn't know. >> if you go to hoda's apartment, this is what you see. >> kath came to my apartment yesterday. >> i went yesterday. >> let's got discuss. >> looks great, though. >> butiful curtains. >> yes. these are some gauzy curtains. this is called the scarf curtain from kmart. $22. hang it floor to ceiling. you want it to drape and look really romantic and kind of puddle at the floor. >> mm-hmm. >> add this to any existing lighting or window treatments you have, give another layer and it's kind of fun.
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>> lastly. >> this is if you splurge. you can never have enough accent pillows. these are easy to switch out. this is a chaise longue from overstock. a little more pricey at $380. but this is nice to just lounge on it. kind of a sex appeal. and also this really nice kind of rag rug gives it another layer of texture from urban outfitters. >> thank you very much. >> up next, is this a dream come true? >> could be. guilt-free. we know a place where tossing and turning have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities
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while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. ♪ i've got a little secret, too ♪ ♪ i've got a mad little crush on you ♪ [ female announcer ] it's always better when there's a little more to love. introducing our silky smooth dove chocolate bar.
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and now in "today's kitchen" we're getting saucy with guilt-free healthy chocolate. >> chocolate that's good for you. here with some recipes is "food & wine" magazine editor in chief dana cowen. hey, girl. >> good to see you. happy you're here with us. >> i'm so glad. i have chocolate every single day. >> you do? >> a small amount of chocolate, but i've got guilt-free here. chocolate frozen yogurt. i think that when you're making frozen yogurt you should have some fun. there's rum here. there's rum in the bananas, and then toss together with greek yogurt and cocoa powder. >> you actually made the -- >> yes. >> it's already in there is what you're saying. >> yeah. it's in there. we can taste it. >> so sad hoda can't have any. >> that's okay. don't mind me. that double chocolate bounce. >> that's guilt free?
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>> guilt free. 99 calories versus chocolate ice cream, 270 calories. >> just so we're clear, it's cocoa powder in yogurt? >> in the yogurt. and then an ice cream maker. slivers of chocolate mixed in. so good. >> all right. what else you got that she can't have? >> this is totally no milk, no dairy. >> i like that. >> these are fennel seeds caramelizing. >> you'll love that. >> in an indian restaurant you've got that little candy at the end. >> yeah. >> i think it's great for digestion. >> okay. >> so what you do is you take the -- i'm going to have you do this. >> i'd love to. >> dip this in chocolate. that's beautiful. then you'll want to take this -- >> oh, hoda. >> that's beautiful. you can put it down. >> i don't need this. >> thank you. >> then a little fennel seed on top. >> they're done here?
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>> that's the finished. >> okay. >> and ginger. >> would you like one, kath? >> sure. >> crunchy and light and chocolatey. and it's filled with antioxidants so it's going to save you, save the world. >> the ginger. you can really taste it. >> good for you. >> it's a grown-up flavor. >> i like it without the fennel. but thanks a lot. >> pavlova, usually you think of it, it's sugar and egg whites whipped together. but we've got chocolate mint folded in here. >> fennel and mint in the same day. wow. go ahead. >> it's your lucky day. >> i know. >> and this is great for you. no dairy whatsoever. drizzle a little chocolate on top. again, double chocolate flavor. you're doing a great job with that. >> i love when you humor me. >> only 139 calories for a plate of dessert. great for entertaining. throw some raspberries on top, a little decoration, a little fiber. >> taste that. >> you betcha. >> thanks so much.
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love you. tomorrow, the cast of "the jersey shore." hide the children. -- captions by vitac -- >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac --
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