tv Today NBC March 31, 2012 5:00am-7:00am PDT
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good morning. golden ticket. there's at least one winner and there could be more in the record $640 million mega millions lottery. we're live in maryland where the winning ticket was sold. chilling information. newly released documents reveal more evidence about susan powell's disappearance. it raises questions why her husband josh was never charged in her disappearance before he killed himself and their two young sons. and fired. current tv has fired keith ownerman one year after his
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launch. he finds himself out of work. today's saturday, march 31st, 2012. captions paid for by nbc-universal television and welcome to "today" on this saturday morning. i'm amy robach, and as you can see, it's the morning after the mega millions lottery drawing and my partner lester holt's chair is notably empty. >> it's not what you think and not what i hoped. i'm still going over the numbers. you know, i'm living out the last moments of a fantasy, where you win the lottery and there'd be an empty chair. >> never have to go to work again. >> never have to go to work again. >> i do have to go to work. 176 million were the odds. but look at it this way. i wasn't struck by lightning. how many people like me got a
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case of lotto fever. americans spent $1.5 billion on lotto tickets. i think i spent 35. but i won 10. we'll head to-month-o maryland e golden ticket was sold. a company that made transactions improperly exposed consumers' information. that means your name, card numbers, expiration dates, that all could be breached. and imagine being stranded at sea for nearly 40 hours. that's what happened when two lifelong friends headed out on a fishing trip and only one returns home. coming up, we're going to hear a dramat dramatic story of survival and how the events ended up in mexico. and her name is teresa caputo. this wife, mother, and psych immedium, let's just say, has a
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larger-than-life personality and we're going to see how she amazes her family, neighbors, perfect strangers. think pretty much our entire staff cried because she finds way to connect with just about everybody. >> and makes you believe. >> yes. >> interesting. wi we want to begin with the mega millions winner. there's at least one. there could be more. luke russert is outside a 7-eleven where the lucky ticket was purchased. luke, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, lester. i'm here in milford mill, baltimore county, maryland. it's north of the beltway. it's a fairly vibrant working-class neighborhood. i talked with a lot of folks. they say it's usually where they grab a cup of coffee in the morning. we still do not know exactly who the winner is who purchased that hundreds of millions of dollars ticket right behind me. a few folks who were driving through saw the television cameras and link up trucks and
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they said, what's all this for. i said, the winning ticket was sold here. and a few folks said, oh, my gosh, we bought our tickets here. we've got to go home and check them. another interesting fact is in the state of maryland, if you live win the lottery, you may stay anonymous. i spoke with the attendant at the 7-eleven. he said the owner is foreign, he's out of the country. sometimes his wife works here. he said they sold over 4,000 tickets yesterday alone and thousands more earlier in the week, so it's anybody's guess who exactly has that golden ticket. i must reiterate in the state of maryland, you do not have to come forward if you don't want to. so we might never know who won that lucky golden ticket sold at the machine behind me. i saw the machine. the machine has become a celebrity, lester. folks are going up, taking a picture with it, touching it. it's the machine that sold the lucky ticket. an absolutely amazing story in
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milford mill, baltimore county, maryland. >> i love the fact that you can remain anonymous, but come on, lurks would you tell everybody? >> you would think but a lot of folks might be bothering you a little bit. there's a lot of local residents who had no idea this was the store that sold the ticket. it will be interesting to see if the winner would come back here. also, a nice little chunk of change for the store. i spoke with the maryland lottery folks. they give $100,000 to the winning store. there's a lot of smiling faces behind the counter there as well. >> luke russert, thanks very much. and now here's amy. >> thank you. now to a security breach that could potentially affect millions of credit and debit card users across the u.s. today's contributing editor jean chatzky. let's start off simple. everyone wants to know have i been affected.
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>> what essentially happened -- and we need to take a look at that first. a third-party processor was breached, hacked. when you swipe your card at a store it goes through a processor before it ends up at your bank, so that means anywhere from 50,000 to up to 10 million card numbers have been compromised. >> what steps do you take if you have a debit or credit card and have had it recently. >> you want to go online and start very, very carefully monitoring your account transactions just to make sure they're all yours. i say online because if you wait for your monthly statement, there's a lot of time that lances. we have the ability to get online and look at our debit cards and see. is all this activity mine. you also want to contact your bank immediately if you think there's a problem or if you simply want to know has my bank taken any steps to protect me. some banks in situations like this will kick in credit
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monitoring for their customers. and the last thing to do is just be really careful of phishing expeditions by scam artists. >> because they're looking to capitalize on your fear that your account has been compromised, so they're going to ask for personal information. >> if you get an e-mail that looks like it comes from your bank to ask you to quote/unquote confirm your security information, just get rid of ichlt if you want to get in touch with your bank, you call them, grow to them on the internet. if they come to you, be worried. >> and this is just the latest in a spring of security breaches. how concerned should people be about the security of their personal information? >> i think we need to be vigilant more than we need to be concerned. there's really no excuse these days for not checking your credit report a few times a year. you can do it for free at annual credit and keep on top of it. banking and transacting online is really skreenlt but we have to make sure we're taking the right steps. >> knowledge is key for sure.
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jean chatzky once again. and once again here's lester. i want to turn to the trayvon martin case. there are new questions about the background of george zimmerman. michael isikoff is in sanford, florida, with more. michael, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, lester. as florida prosecutors weigh whether to charge george zimmerman for the shooting of trayvon martin, the backgrounds of both principals are getting fresh scrutiny. it led to his arrest and -- it led to his arrest and a court order that he be required to take classes in anger managemen management. when george zimmerman was questioned by police after the trayvon martin shooting, it wasn't the first time he had been in custody. in july 2005 george zimmerman was arrested in orlando for resisting a florida law enforcement officer and obstructing justice. this police rorpt obtained by
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nbc news says zimmerman used violence and battery against the lead officer. the lead prosecutor says he could be charged with a felony i receive felons charged with less conduct than mr. zimmer haan is alleged to have done that night at the bar. >> reporter: the incident took place at this bar where an undercover control officer was arresting several employees for selling minors. zimmerman began interfering. the officer identified himself, showed his badge, and asked zimmerman to leave the area. i don't care who you are. he asked hem then to leave and zimmerman said f you. after a short struggle, zimmerman was handcuff and arrested. but the charges were lowered and he went to anger management classes. state officials say had zimmerman been convicted of a
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felony, he would not have been able to obtain a concealed weapons permit. zimmerman's attorney did not return calls. today they're planning a march, calling for the arrest of zimmerman. but friends and family are pushing back. they say when the medical records are released they'll back up the story that he was bleeding from his nose and the back of his head when he was defending himself. now to politics. all three republican candidates are campaigning in wisconsin ahead of tuesday's primary. nbc's ron mott is live in pew waky, wisconsin. good morning, ron. >> all eyes are going to being here in wisconsin because of the importance of the state in the general election. it's part of the cluster of states. now, for mitt romney, that error
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of inevitability is starting to hang around him. he focused his speech primarily on president obama and his failures as he calls it with china in particular. he did not even mention rick santorum, his chief competitor. so as the polls show him up now, the late polling 5 to 10 points here in wisconsin, a lot of folks are going to thing it's all but inevitable that he'll win the nomination, get the 1,144 delegates that he needs to secure the nomination. now, as for rick santorum, he's got giving up. he's campaigning hard across wisconsin. spent the better part crisscrossing. he's got 11 victims but he's not one in the industrial heartland having lost to ohio and michigan earlier. so he very much wants to win wisconsin come tuesday. now, newt gingrich, his campaign is continuing limp on after he reduced his staff. he is also going to be here with
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newt gingrich -- with newt gingrich, mitt romney later this morning at the faith and freedom coalition forum and later tonight as well. back to you, amy. >> and we're hearing reports this morning that the governor of wisconsin is facing an election -- recall election. i can't say it. recall election. is that true? >> it is very much true. in fact, scott walker is expected to be in this ballroom later on tonight. he'll give a speech. he's expected to face a recall on june 5th. you'll recall the massive protests we saw last fall where he signed into bill. this is going to be a big election in june. republicans and democrats are going to fight hard. the republican governors campaign released a statement yesterday saying they expected voters in wisconsin to stand with d governor come this summer. amy? >> ron mott, thanks so much. let's get more of the
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headlines out from msn nbc's thomas roberts. >> good morning, everybody. we start with the sold wloer who killed 17 afghan civilians. he's going to get a psychiatric examination. john robert brown to represents bales made the announcement friday. he also accused the government of hiding details from the defense team. they say he left his base and went on two shoots rampages on march 11. more questions are being asked in the disappearance of a utah woman. investigators found susan powell's blood in the family home. there was also a hand-written note in which she expressed fear about her husband. this raises questions as to why he was never charged in d disappearance. he killed himself and his two sons at an estate in february. we'll have more coming up. new jersey police are
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investigating whether the parent suicide of a 15-year-old boy is linked to reports that he was bullied at school. he died in his home by hanging himself on wednesday. hundreds of people gathered at a prayer service on friday afternoon to remember baldwin. a cruise ship with about 1,000 people on board is drifting in waters south of the philippines after a fire disabled its engines. now, one of the 300 americans on the tells nbc news there's no air conditioning but they have plenty of food and water and they're in good shape. the philippine coast guard hopes to reach the stricken vessel late today. there's been another fatal shark attack. he was killed today while diving with his brother who wasn't hurt. he's the fourth person killed by a shark since september. all of them off the continent's southwest corner. keith olbermann is looking
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for a new job. olbermann show's "countdown" would be replaced with a new show called kwl viewpoint." own berman has a reputation for repeatedly clashing with his employers. she's been gone only a short time, but memorabilia belonging to whitney houston is included in an auction being held this weekend in los angeles. a black velvet dress and a pair of earrings she wore in the bodyguard will be sold to the highest bidder. okay. last but not least. the battle of kentucky is going to be fought in new orleans as the top-rated wildcats face louisville in the final four. in the other game, ohio state takes on the kansas jayhawks. the winners play for the men's basketball championships. that is the news for now. we send you back over to lester,
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amy, and bill. if you're like me, you fill out your brackets for the final four and you pick them out and then you say you're dyslexic, depending on who the winner is. >> a little insight. bill karins is here with a check of your forecast. we won't blame you for today with what's out there. eww. >> it's ugly. as far as the west coast, you're right with new england. what a march to forget about. you had over a half a foot of rain. portland, over seven inches. look at the coastal areas, 11, 13, 10. we've been getting socked with one storm another. being that it's the last day of march, it's raining. pretty big storm with strong gusty winds. in the middle of the country, who enjoyed one of the warmest marches all time, it just figures we're going
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well, the morning is starting off pretty mild. the upper 50s to near60 right now as warm air comes rushing up out of the south out ahead of a cold front, still lurking offshore. you can see a pretty good line there dropping in probably within the next two to three hours. and behind it, some brief clearing, but then don't let your guard down. we'll see a chance of scattered showers and thunder for the afternoon. wind, rain, big waves on the coast to 20 feet, tomorrow, obviously looks better with some clearing, so a dryer finish to the weekend. more showers due in late on tuesday. >> that's your saturday forecast. lester? a woman is being come beared to nelson mandell low and even gandhi is. she's poised to be a member of the very government that kept her down for so many years. nbc's ian williams reports. >> reporter: this is something few people have ever seen in
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myanmar. holding posters that would have landed them in jail just a year ago in support of a woman whose quiet dignity and determination have gripped this country and this world. for 15 of the past 23 years, her lakeside home has been a prison where she was kept isolated from family and friends. yet she never gave up hope and is now poised to win a seat in parliament and join a government that is embracing the reform but is still tormented by the vilks. >> i don't think i or anyone has the right to forgive or not forgive. all we can do is find out what we can best do. >> reporter: the spirit that has won her a lesion of international admirers. she was so exhausted this week that she had to stop campaigning and the 66-year-old says she's
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still delicate. there is a real sense of euphoria here and a feeling that for all its imperfections this election does represent a first step toward real change in myanmar. led by the woman who defied the generals and won the hearts of her nation. for "today," ian williams, nbc news, myanmar. now 19 minutes after the hour, here, again, is amy. >> thank you. next week is one of the biggest tournaments in golf. the masters. the location is at america's most exclusive golf club. the club has almost 300 members and all are men. now they're under pressure to admit a woman. nbc new's lisa myers has the details. >> reporter: its tournament, the masters, has provided some of golf's most memorable moments
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from its brightest stars but this year's event threateneds to be overshadowed by controversy. it's long refused to accept women as members but historically it's invited the eco of ibm to join. now the new one is a woman. they're under pressure to finally admit a woman. >> a lot of people who cover the tournament cover the club thinking that female membership will come to augusta national but it will be on augusta's terms and sideline. they' e . >> reporter: they've been slow to fall. the lead golfer, lee tra vigneault, a mexican-american, is reported to have changed his shoes in the clubhouse because
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he found the clubhouse w. for people who don't play golf, why does it matter? >> it matter because it's about power, not golf. it's where deals are made. and women should not be left out of it. >> reporter: she said it's important that ibm's first ceo be treated with less respect than her male predecessors. augusta has no comment and ibm wouldn't continue ee. this it's so see quiet that she could have been invite bud they're not telling us. for "today," lisa myers, nbc news, washington. and still to come, stranded at sea. two best friends head out on a fishing trip, but only one makes it home. that story coming up. but first this is "today" on nbc. this one's for all us lawnsmiths.
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grass gurus. doers. here's to more saturdays in the sun. and budgets better spent. here's to turning rookies - into experts, and shoppers into savers. here's to picking up. trading up. mixing it up. to well-earned muddy boots. and a lot more - spring per dollar. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot.
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still to come here on "today," new evidence in the susan powell case. questions are being raised about why susan powell and her children weren't protected. and welcome home. it's the latest video go viral, and it makes you we'r smile. we're going to meet the soldier and his loveable dog, but first these messages. ♪
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actually there's a half a day's worth of fiber in every ... why stop at cereal? ya know? cancel the gym membership. bring on the pork chops and the hot fudge. fantastic. are you done sweetie? yea [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. it is bright and early on your saturday morning. well, not really bright, i take that back. here's a live look at san francisco. sparkling on this early saturday morning. good morning to you. i'm marla tellez. chris sanchez has the day off. rob madison is here with a look at the weekend forecast. rain is going to hit the bay area. >> some areas of light rain in a few spots. we have the weather headlines for you. quite a bit of weather coming your way, first the wind, we have it out there with gusts near 45 miles per hour. and we have a chance for thunder later on today. one thing you'll notice is it is
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mild outside. the mid to upper 50s with winds out of the south/southeast ahead of the cold front bringing in pretty mild air. in terms of the rain, some areas of light rain here and there around the bay area. the majority on the north coast should be sweeping south as we approach the 7:00 newscast this morning. there you see around the bay area right now, mainly hit and miss areas of light rain. the main cold front there is offshore and the popcorn cloud you see there is cold air aloft that may contribute to some thunder later on this afternoon. so a windy day. really raining midmorning into early afternoon. then we'll change over to scattered showers by this evening, but here's the good news. tomorrow looks much better for your weekend plans. not a complete washout, windy and wet with big waves on the coast. >> march goes out with a bang. >> it does, indeed. thank you, rob. well, parents, teachers and students are holding marchs and rallies in union city. they are marching to show support for a $180 million parcel tax on the ballot in
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june. if it passes the measure will raise $3 million for the school district each year. supporters will march from james logan high school to union landing shopping center at 9:00 this morning. the search for a hit-and-run suspect in sunnyvale now extends to dubai and possibly end yay. sunnyvale place are working with the fbi and u.s. marshalls to track down 25-year-old piwanjit singh. he is wanted in the death of jennifer flores on sunday. the woman was inside singh's suv before she was thrown out and runover near mission college. he boarded a plane to duh bye the following day. authorities believe he may try to flee to india. well, coming up this morning on "today in the bay," three tickets are splitting the record $640 mega millions jackpot. that's a mouthful. we'll have the latest details including where the tickets were sold. congrats to them. we'll be back at 5:56 with
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a little "hairspray" in the morning. we're back on this saturday, march 31st, 2012. there's a reason why you're looking at this 7-eleven in baltimore, maryland. >> you want a slurpee. >> that's right. someone is waking up this morning with 640 million reasons to rejoice. and here outside on the plaza, many of us are dealing with the realization that we are, indeed, not mega winners, but we want to thank the people who spend part of their weekend with us rain and all. i'm amy robach with lester holt,
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and coming up in this half hour, it sounds like a strange phrase, but we're talking about the divorce expo. >> it's called "stark over smart" and it's touted as one-stop shopping for people going through a divorce. it started with two women who needed much needed divorce going through a difficult time. why are some critics calling it shameless? we'll talk about it. >> keith olbermann is looking for a job once again. coming up, we'll find out whee he was let go and who is replacing him. >> how about this for a warm welcome. a soldier comes home from his tour in afghanistan, and his dog, happy to see him. it's the latest video to go viral. it just makes you smile. we're going to meet this soldier and his loveable dog shortly. we want to begin with the mega millions win. there's a 6$640 million jackpot
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who may be doing the lucky dance like the dog. the potential to win big led to a new kind of march madness. >> again, tonight the winning numbers are -- play on, america. >> for this one, you've got to take a shot. >> reporter: this is probably the way you're feeling. >> hopefully next time. >> reporter: call it lottery hangover. after all of the mega millions madness. >> pay off bills. >> buy a brand-new house. >> i'd travel the world. >> reporter: as the jackpot swelled, so did the frenzy. >> got to get it now in one quick pick. >> reporter: so many snatched up tickets wednesday's jackpot jumped to 540 million. then ballooned to $406 milli406 million. she collected more than 150 dollars from co-workers. >> they don't want to be left
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out. i had almost everyone say i don't want to be the sucker working by myself. >> teen folks who gave her five bucks admit it's a long shot. >> the odds are equivalent to you making two holes in one in a round of golf. michael schermer has never played the lottery. he publishes skeptic magazine. >> yes, i know somebody has to win, but the chances of you winning are virtually nil. >> reporter: actually 1 in 176 million according to lottery officials meaning there's a much better chance of being killed by an as tropical depression. >> the last winning golden ticket. >> reporter: what if you end up getting that golden ticket. lump sum or spread it out? >> lump sum. get planning advisers. you can have it last a lifetime. you want to build a legacy with this money. >> reporter: almost everyone recommends one thing. >> go to your employer and recommend he find a new me.
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i'd quit my job. >> we know lester would have quit his job. >> i would not. i was just playing. >> you got three numbers. >> yeah. i was looking at this because i got the -- the 23, that's the ball. >> the power ball. >> i tweeted it out and i got back $10. >> if you got four, you get -- >> five gets $250,000. >> yeah. >> almost. almost. >> i can buy you a starbucks, maybe a scone for you. >> you can't get three starbucks. that's pushing it. >> then we're out. tell us about the weather. >> i can't believe how many people are outside on our plaza. the windchills are nasty in new england. it's one of the coldest days we've had in this entire march. we've had reports of snow in the catskills and the berks. up in the adirondacks it's snowing, and some of that's going to push its way through massachusetts, new hampshire,
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and vermont. you get the picture. if you can sleep in with the covers pulled up tight, do that. slight risk of storms. then on the west coast, you're as bad as new englan and it won't just be rain today, it will be wind with gusts getting up to 45 miles per hour near the peninsula and the coast. and big waves up to about 20 feet pushed by the strong winds. now you can see the cold front is starting to approach the bay area right around 7:00 this morning. i do think we'll see rain spreading over the bay area. yes, red on the radar, too, as the cold front sweeps through. then by the afternoon, scattered showers, a slight chance of thunder. much dryer come tomorrow. >> of course, the chilliest weather is right where we are today. everyone in ten very is putting on sunscreen while we're tucked if the covers. >> thanks, bill. still to come, stranded at
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sea. we'll find out what happens when two friends go on a fishing trip and only one returns home. ways to break up, not so hard to do. but first these messages. , a great clean doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm gonna read one of these. i'm gonna read one of these! [ female announcer ] unlike sprays and dust rags, swiffer 360 duster's extender gets into hard-to-reach places without the hassle. so you can get unbelievable dust pickup in less time without missing a thing. i love that book. can you believe the twin did it? ♪ swiffer. great clean in less time. or your money back.
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i've dealt with all types of tax problems. people want to know their taxes have been done right. to help, you can use our free, one-on-one, expert tax advice. man: go to well, when couples are preparing for their wedding, they can turn to magazines, expos, and wedding planners, but for nearly half, once they walk down the aisle, they're headed for divorce. now there's a new adventure. when making it alone, it can be much easier. >> reporter: in spring while flowers bloom, weddings abound. like any wedding planner, they're going over every last detail. >> round tables create more
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intimacy. >> reporter: but instead of making a dream couple's wedding come true, they're hoping to help men and women pick up the pieces when that dream falls apart in a rare form of a divorce expo called "start over". >> when you're facing it yourself, you're facing it alone. >> reporter: half of all marriages in this country end in divorce and this mother and daughter team find themselves expert. francine is a marriage therapist and her daughter is a newly divorced mom. >> you're divorced. what was the process like for you? >> it was very difficult, very overwhelming, very isolating. but i've gotten to the other side and i've put in an expo everything i wish i had and i hope other people can take advantage of. >> reporter: surprisingly they say it was one of the most romantic cities in the world
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thain spired them to bring a divorce expo to new york city. we flew to paris, went to the expo, fell in love with the idea. >> i'm assuming you've never seen anything like this before. >> never. a lot of people think it's depress, sad. it's not. quite opposite. very empowering, very uplifting. >> reporter: like a bridal expo, services are all over the place. >> they're going do get access to close to a hundred professionals. >> you might imagine there would be therapists, attorneys, mediators there. but what you might not think about would be hair style lists, plastic surgeons. >> it's very important to clear up and demystify the divorce, we have this other side, 000 put your makeup on, how to feel sexual, how to start dating. >> reporter: they say they're not proponents of divorce but also not ashamed to call themselves divorced entrepreneurs with a message. >> i think it's time that people
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not look at divorce as a bad word but as a transition in people's lives. they couldn't work together, they couldn't live together, and this is a new chapter. >> robi ludwig is a psychotherapist and jean chatzky is a financial speaker. this is the first of this kind here in the united states. i know when people first hear divorce expo, it sounds like a celebration. what do you think about the whole concept of a divorce "ex" po. >> it's nice to know they have a place where they can go to, connect, meet other people that can make it slightly easier for them. having said that, it's not going to be an easy process. >> you and i know first hand how difficult can be. you're speaking, we mentioned,
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about how difficult the financial picture can be when you're separating and going on your own. >> absolutely. when i got divorced, somebody said to me, you need a good attorney, you need a good financial person, and you need a good therapist. i just talked to robi. they're right. the finances are often the things that get left behind because they're the thing we're least comfortable with. >> this is the thing that resonated with me and brought tears to my eye. divorce is extremely isolating, isn't it? >> it's really a greeshing process. sometimes it about loss. you're losing a family, an identi identity, you're losing a dream? and you're scared. it scares your friends when people go through it. they question their marriage. it does bring up a lot of issues that need to be respected because there's no easy quick way of getting through the difficulties of divorce. you have to kind of be in the trenches and there's a reason for that. >> exactly it's growing process,
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a transition. but what we heard from the founders of this "e " "x" po. they say they have to go through it to get to the other side. is there a need? >> i think there's definitely a feed. i've been astonished by the amount of coverage that this expo has gotten and they want to take it to other cities. >> absolutely. and i think people going through a gores feel like failures in some way even though they're hopeful about the future. hopefully this will offer them other opportunities. >> for those listening to this or contemplating divorce, this is not something -- the founders were concerned they were not proponents of divorce, but what should you be asking yourself whether or not to go through the divorce. >> what's motivating your divorce, have you explored all of the options in your marriage
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so if you decide on the divorce, you can go through it with less guilt and are you prepared to go through it. >> and jean, in terms of finances, what should you be seeking help for? >> you need to know where you are right now in terms of what you've got access to financially and how much it's going to cost you to live your new life. if you continue on the road with your old life, you're going to be in trouble. >> thanks will have to change. we appreciate it. coming up next, a dog really is a man's best friend. e story bind this video right after these messages. [ male announcer ] it sizzles, ready for anything.
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bringing a rich, warm tenderness to your peas. ohhh! it's i can't believe it's not butter! fresh butter taste with less saturated fat than butter the story behind this video . [ female announcer ] michelle's allergies are becoming an issue. [ dog yelps ] [ sneezes ] [ female announcer ] what can she do? she can get answers at walgreens. with guidance and information to help her make smart choices for her allergy needs. like allegra -- only allegra combines fast, non-drowsy 24-hour relief from allergies. right now, a 30 count is just $17.99. find answers at walgreens. there's a way to stay well. i heard they found find answers at walenergy here.
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it's good. we need the jobs. [customer:] we need to protect the environment. [worker:] we could do both. is that possible? [announcer:] at conocophillips, we're helping power america's economy with cleaner, affordable natural gas. more jobs. less emissions. a good answer for everyone. the story behind this video d as long as we keep these safe. d there you go. thanks. [announcer:] conocophillips. so i used my citi thank you card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? we talked about getting a diamond. but with all the thank you points i've been earning... ♪ the story behind this video ...i flew us to the rock i really had in mind. ♪ [ male announcer ] the citi thank you card. earn points you can use for travel on any airline, with no blackout dates. metamucil uses super hard working psyllium fiber,
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which gels to remove unsexy waste and reduce cholesterol. taking psyllium fiber won't make you a model but you should feel a little more super. metamucil. down with cholesterol. it's a once-in-a-lifetime reunion that happened to be caught on camera twice. nick found this enthusiastic greeting from his best friend chuck when he walked through the door, and then last week after returning home after a second deployment in afghanistan, he had his old friend waiting for him once again. that video has now gone viral with over two million hits on
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youtube, and joining us now via skype is nick, his wife, and the woman behind the camera katy and their dog chuck. nice to have both of you with us. and chuck there. nick, let me ask you. the first deployment we saw this tape of the incredible greeting. did you know that chuck had taken your deployment so hard? >> i had an idea. i told my wife before the employment he was the hardest one to say good-bye to. my daughter was so young she didn't understand where i was going. my wife obviously knew i was going off to the army and heading to deployment. but animals don't quite understand that deployment, that you're going off for deployment or a business trip. they see you leaving. i guess they ultimately see it's dim and that's why you're leaving. >> and this other deployment was caught on tape after eight months. this one, the cameras are rolling in anticipation, so you kind of thought this might
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happen, right? >> katy actually warned me about it. she told me i shouldn't surprise her because she wanted to get this moment on tape. i'm glad we did. it's like you said a second in a lifetime opportunity. >> katy, were you feeling a bit left out? you're behind the camera here. >> it's okay. we had our greeting before they met. i left chuck in the truck while i said hi to him and i said stay right there, i have to get the camera and i'm going let chuck out. we had our greeting and i knew chuck was going to go crazy, which was why i needed to get it on video. >> listen. what did the two of you make of the fact that two million hits, two million people have watched this or at least it's been looked at two million times. >> i think it goes to show that people are still good out there. they see something like this, and they don't attribute it to anything going on in the world. a man coming home and a dog that has unconditional love for him,
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is happy to see him. i believe that everybody wants to be greeting like that. >> well, this is why we love dogs. nick, katy, and chuck, listen. thanks for spending some part of your morning with us, we do appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> we're back in a moment, but first this is "today" on nbc.
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i know we talked a lot about the mega millions jackpot. sadly most of us didn't win. >> that's right. before you toss your ticks in the trash, it's a good idea to see if you matched any of the winning numbers. >> we hit on this a moment ago. let's talk about this. even if you didn't hit the big jackpot. you can walk away with a decent pay. one mega ball, $2. 1 number, and the mega ball, $3, 3 numbers and no mega ball, $7.
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match 2 numbers. match 4 mega numbers and no mega ball. >> here's where it gets good. match 4 regular numbers and the mega ball for 10,000 dollars and if you have all five wu didn't get the mega ball, that's still $250,000. not too bad for a loser. >> i didn't think you'd look for all those combinations. >> maybe you can buy me starbucks after all. keith own erman gets his walking papers. >>irst these messages. [ male announcer ] this one goes out to all the allergy muddlers. you know who you are. you can part a crowd, without saying a word. you have yet to master the quiet sneeze. you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts. well, muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief.
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and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour 1 on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour 3. zyrtec®. love the air. and then treats day after day... well, shoot, that's like checking on your burgers after they're burnt! [ male announcer ] treat your frequent heartburn by blocking the acid with prilosec otc. and don't get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. it was like a "what if"-- like we got money back,rs missed. but i just never-- i've always felt there should have been more. i would want my money back from the government. i would want it back. we want to get back every dime due. [ announcer ] don't risk your refund. at h&r block, we guarantee you won't leave money on the table. call 1-800-hrblock or visit and never settle for less. if you're looking for a place to get together,
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you came to the right place. because here at, we're only about hotels. finding you the perfect place is all we do. welcome to well, it's not gonna clean itself. want me to get dad? no thank you. viva's all i need. look at that! still in one piece. yeah, so's the towel. [ female announcer ] grab a roll and try it on your toughest mess. and i know there's no orange like a tropicana florida orange. the soil and sunshine are just perfect here. tropicana pure premium is made with 100% florida oranges. because the best oranges make the best juice.
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rise and shine toyou on this early saturday morning. we are giving you a live look at the golden gate bridge toll plaza. a few people making their way across the landmark this early saturday morning at 5:56. i'm marla tellez in for kris sanchez along with ron looking at the forecast. you can see the cold approach here. we have quite a bit of rainn the areas north and west of sonoma county. you can see this rain moving pretty quickly. i think by 7:00 we'll see the
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rain spread over the bay area. you can see the system offshore. we are going to get widespread rain through mid to late mortgage. morning. then it will bllnteresting through lunchtime. we'll catch a break with more showers coming on in. obviously, it's the morning to see the majority of the rain. chenat w that right at noon. the sun should come outatnd you'll think we are done, but not quite yet. cold air isweeping in and we'll have more scattered showers. look east of san jose. cooler air may drop a little bit of snow near montana hamilton later this evening. during the day today, highs near the upper 60s. kind of where we are right now. for the second half of the weekend, tomorrow looks better. it's the triple threat today, wind, rain and surf with breakers up to 20-feet plus. use caution if you are on the beaches today. thank you, rob. a few stories we are following today, the search for sierra lamar continues today. hundreds are expected to head to downtown morgan hill later today for a walk and a balloon launch
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honoring the missing 15-year-old. meanwhile, santa clara county investigators will be searching the old coyote creek trail from cochran road to bernard road. several hundred volunteers combed the hills and fields around morgan hill yesterday. sierra's family thanked all the volunteers for coming out saying they are waiting to hear if an empty handcuffs box and a couple empty condom boxes have any connection to sierra's disappearance. well, the search for a hit-and-run suspect in sunnyvale extends to dubai and possibly india. sunnyvale police are working with the fbi and u.s. marshalls to track down 25-year-old powanjit singh wanted in connection to the hit-and-run death of jennifer flores on sunday. the san jose woman was inside singh's acura suv before she was thrown out and run over near mission college. we have learned singh boarded a
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plane to duh dubai the following day. authorities believe he may try to flee to india. today marks the one-year since the brutal bake beating of ryan stowe. he now uses a wheelchair and has trouble speaking. he also has short-term memory loss and needs around-the-clock care. the stowe family will mark the anniversary by joining an estimated 250 people at the walk for thought event in san jose today. organizers hope to raise $50,000 for the brain injury association of california. the walk begins at 10:00 this morning at almaden lake park. coming up on "today in the bay," three tickets are splitting the record mega millions jackpot. the latest at 7:00.
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welcome back to "today." it's saturday morning, the 31st day of march, 2012. we've got great crowd on the plaza waving hello to their friends and family back home. there's two kinds of people, those who won the lottery, and the rest of us, the loveable losers. we're happy to be out there with the latter group this morning. our thanks to everyone for spending part of this saturday with us outside on the plaza, i'm lester holt along with amy roba robach. coming out, we're going to talk about keith olbermann who's looking for a job. >> that right.
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he had been the highest tv personality. current t v-cut ties with him. we'll goi we're going to talk with him. >> do you remember your prom dress? >> red sequins. >> where was the hemline? >> all the way to the ground. my mom would make sure. >> coming up in a bit, this is one of my favorite stories. the the long island medium. teresa caputo is a wife and mom of two. she said she talks to the dead for a living, and we're going to show you how she amazes her clients, her neighbors, in fact, people she just met in restaurants and stores. i spent a fairly unforgettable day with her. wait till you see what she says and does. >> she said a couple of things that got you thinking. >> she did, she did. >> let's begin this hour with the winning mega millions
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jackpot. there was at least one winner in the drawing. that ticket was purchased at a 7 7-eleven in baltimore. luke russert is there live. i don't believe anyone's come to claim any winnings in the last hour. >> reporter: no. but i will tell you, just right outside the beltway, it's turned into news town nbc. tv trucks as far as the eyes can see at this 7-eleven. the reason why? that lucky golden ticket, $640 million ticket was sold just behind me. folks are ecstatic. this is a real working-class neighborhood. a lot of folks were coming by, stopping in for a cup of coffee as they often do and a doughnut. they said, why all the commotion. this is where the winning ticket was sold. one lady goes, i bought my tickets here. we haven't checked them yet.
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she said, we'd better go back home. i said that's correct. a raw feeling of jubilation. a few interesting things, lester. in the state of maryland, if you win the lottery, you do not have to come forward. it would be hard to sit on hundreds of millions of dollars. but you can choose to remain anonymous if you would like to. the folks working behind me, they're very happy because they get $100,000 for selling the winning ticket. the machine is also in that 7-eleven. folks are stopping by to take pictures with it. a lot of people are excited. who knows if the people is from here. the guy inside told me he sold 4,000 tickets yesterday. it's pretty busy, people coming and going around here and into washington. a lot of excitement and jubilation. we still don't know at this hour who has that golden ticket, lester. >> i know we got you out of bed.
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you probably thought you one, didn't you, luke. >> reporter: absolutely. i was ecstatic, a 2:30 a.m. call, i thought, oh, my gosh, what happened. for waking up that early i'd like to know who they are so i can shake their hand. you owe me a coffee. >> or a slurpee. thanks. let's head over to the other news lines. thomas roberts at the news desk. the soldier accuse of killing afghans last month says the military is planning to conduct a comprehensive mental health examination. balts has been charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder. we turn now to the death of trayvon martin. ron mott has the latest from sap
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for sanford, florida. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. they'll be gathering throughout the day trying to keep up the momentum. zimmerman's family has been vocal as well making case he's an innocent man who fired to save his own life. it's creating a complicated picture of what really happened here that night. >> zimmerman is not -- >> reporter: the reverend al sharpton and activists across the country returned today, trying to keep the pressure on police. surmd there's another protest planned in trayvon's hometown of miami where his parents are expected to attend. but authorities warn it may take weeks or longer. zimmerman's brother appeared on ""piers morgan tonight."" >> trayvon martin, he killed him
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in cold blood when he only had a bag of skittles. >> reporter: and some five weeks later, sanford itself is being pulled in opposite directions where merchants are claiming they're losing business. >> there's a big misconception that sanford is a volatile place. >> reporter: and others hoping attention brings justice to the entire community. >> there's a lot of tension between the police, and, you know, the community. >> reporter: city officials say they hope to appoint new officials here. they press their demands. thomas? >> nbc's ron allen. thanks so much. all three presidential candidates are campaigning in wisconsin. it's the most competitive of the three primaries on tuesday. mitt romney is up by 7 points. rick santorum and newt gingrich, well neither did well that their
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campaigns can survive. so some people can sleep anywhere and do anything. this shows 18-month-old bodie nodding back and forth while still standing after they finished a heavy day of sleeping. his day ended when he finally kneeled over in a state of exhaustion. he's doing just fine. that's the news. time to check the weather. we're checking outside the plaza where, bill, people are braving the rain it's festive, i'll say that. we have not one, not two, but three marching bands. we have a michigan high school band and minsota and another. let's take a look at your weather out there today. we're dealing in the middle of
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the country with very warm conditions, if you can hear me. minnesota is going to be very warm. record heat. what a march it's been. as far as the highs go, enjoy this today. imagine that, minnesota. you guys are getting 70 degrees in new england where new england it's going to be nice and chilly. weave got a pretty strong cold front lurking offshore, so we have the wind picking up out of the south at 20 to 30 miles an hour around the bay area, especially for areas up in the north coast. we are seeing the rain line sweep towards you m at 7:00. the coast into the bay area.oss later today you'll notice near lunchtime we have a break mixing with sun and showers. heading into tonight, things will start to dry out for a dryer finish to the weekend after a pretty wild and windy day today. >> the marching bands are way too rowdy. back to you, amy. >> all right, bill.
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thank you. there are new questions tonight in the case of susan powell. she's the missing utah woman whose husband killed himself and their two sons last month. good morning, thomas. >> the judge revealed a search warrant. among the chilling documents, a hand wr handwritten note from susan saying she feared her life at the hands of her husband. >> never happened, no. >> reporter: chuck cox says he lost so much. his daughter susan powell is missed, believed to be dead. his two grandchildren murdered. >> that would have never happened if josh had been in jail. the children would be safe. >> and you're steven craig powell? >> correct. >> reporter: during a hearing the judge decided to unseal information against his son josh revealing a bach shell of evidence. we learned right after susan's disappearance in 2009, police searched john powell's car and found a generator, gas can,
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tarps, and a shovel. susan powell's cellular phone was also in the vehicle. inside the utah home, two fans were set up and blowing on a living room sofa that had just been cleaned. blood evidence was located on the floor adjacent to the sofa. forensic tests indicate forensic tests of this blood indicated it was susan powell's. then inside susan powell's safety deposit box was a folded letter. susan asked it not to be shown or given to her husband, writing she did not trust him. she said they were having marital problems for the last four years and if she dies it may not be an accident even if it looks like one. even with this information, west valley city police declines to say why powell was never arrested. >> as difficult as it may be at this time i am not going to address specific questions in relation to what has been released today. >> how much more do you need? >> chuck cox respects the work investigators have done so far,
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but he believes police in utah made a bad call. >> it's just very frustrating. i did everything that was in my power to ask them would they please arrest him, if they have enough, if they think they were even close would they go ahead and do it and they assured me they were doing the best that they could at the time. >> chuck cox believes that josh powell's father knows where susan is. stephen powell is facing voyeurism and pornography charges. >> it's such a sad story all around. >> it really is. >> thomas robert, thanks so much. here's lester. >> keith olbermann is looking for a new job less than a year that his talk show launched, olbermann is not happy about the news. gabe gutierrez is here with a real-life tv drama. >> perhaps more surprising is who has already replaced him, new york governor eliot spitzer,
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a man who is no stranger to cable and controversy. >> which of these stories will you be talking about tomorrow? >> less than a year after moving to current tv, keith olbermann is currently out of a job. >> some people say he's a genius. others say he's a mad genius. >> as i was saying --? olbermann was reportedly making $10 million a year at the network co-founded by al gore, but friday that all change. it was founded on respect, openness, collegiality and loyalty to our viewers, the network said, unfortunately, those values are no longer reflected in our relationship with olbermann. olbermann fired back on twitter, it goes without saying that the statements against me are untrue and in the legal actions i'll be filing against them. >> keith olbermann has very high standards and when he looks around and sees the stewed why
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plagued with difficulties, he is liable not to show up for work. olbermann's rise began in the early '90s on espn where he drew attention for his feisty personality on "sportcenter." >> their fate may have been sealed -- >> the guy who made esp, in a household word, but others weren't as flattering. i was enraged by olbermann's espn's former chairman of quoted as saying. there was no choice, but to get rid of him. after switching to politics and scoring a big success for msnbc with countdown, olbermann clashed with his bosses and abruptly parted ways with countdown. >> this is the last edition of "countdown." i'm honored to be your first guest on your first show. >> he's much more point of view centric and personality centric. >> i'll be doing this until i'm 125 years old. >> a personality now off the air once again.
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>> good evening, i'm eliot spitzer. >> replaced by another controversial figure, former new york governor eliot spitzer who resigned in disgrace after he admitted hiring a prostitute and two years later briefly hosted a show on cnn. >> good night. >> proving in the world of television there's often room for a comeback. >> spitzer didn't mention his predecessor at all during last night's show. it is not clear where olbermann might end up, but it appears the legal battle might not be over soon. >> up next p dresses. how some schools are issuing dos and don'ts for prom dresses right after these messages. capital one is issuing a venture double miles challenge. show us how much you spent last year and we'll give you 2 miles for every dollar spent on your travel reward card. up to 100,000 miles! hawaii, here we come. claim your miles at today!
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what's in your wallet? can you play games on that? not on the runway. no. can you play games on that? everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny. cause only he brings delicious cadbury crème eggs, while others may keep trying. nobunny knows easter better than cadbury! [ bottle #2 ] mr. clean magic eraser extra power was 3x faster on permanent marker. and he didn't stop there. aw, he never stops. i-i can't watch. cut to commercial. yeah, this is a commercial. [ male announcer ] mr. clean magic eraser extra power. might seem...impossible. unless you have eggo® waffles. they're quick and easy to make, and there's something about them...
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that just makes people move. [ male announcer ] eggo® waffles. simply delicious. 'tis the season for prom. they're in search of the perfect dress but some schools are imposing strict dress codes to keep super sexy styles out of the big dance. we have more. >> reporter:ite heise school's biggest night. i've been waiting for prom like since the big day. >> until a girl's wedding, prom is their one moment, their one princess moment. >> reporter: but these days some are less royal and more racy from super slits to barry there backs. >> if your dress needs
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double-sided tape to keep you in it, it's a don't. >> reporter: schools are cracking down on don'ts, imposing strict dress codes. many are demanding longer hemlines, no cut outs. one california high school went so far as to post a detailed guedeline like dresses with hemlines no shorter than three inches above the knee. >> they want to represent themselves as sexy women when to me they're still children. >> many teens take their fashion cues from hollywood but some say what's right for the red carpet is wrong for the big dance. >> i think part of the problem is teenagers look to celebrities much older than they are. you shouldn't be dressing like a 40-year-old woman. >> reporter: fashion experts say dressing your age is key. >> the girls are looking toward shorter dresses but still
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beautiful and gorgeous. i want to look like a princess. >> reporter: making sure both students and schools can say yes to the dress. for today. >> here to further discuss hemlines, plunging back lines -- good morning to both of you. >> marvet, we just heard that piece. a lot of girls think of this as a right of passage. fashion evolves and changes from year to year, but how do we get to a place where schools are actually having to put out pictures of whatnot to wear. >> i think a lot is ignited by trends we see start in hollywood. it's fueled by what we see our favorite hollywood starlet wearing. so i think it's important for us to educate how we perceive them is largely due to how they dr s
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dress. >> stacy, obviously we see the dos and don'ts. my mom would never let me wear the inappropriate dresses wrchl are the parents in all of this? >> that's absolutely right. i have to tell you i think these new standards are giving parents a huge break because they can blame the schools instead of themselves. and i'll tell you why the parents are having trouble saying no. our generation of moms and dads, we want to be the cool parent. and so it's very hard to tell our quids what's the right thing to do. >> what's wrong with wearing what the kids want to wear and why should a parent be able to stand up and say, hey, i'm doing this for you. >> because i think it's fueling the inappropriate behavior that we see happening in schools between students and school officials. if we're enticing students to dress and we wonder why there
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are inappropriate relationships between teachers and students, it's a big problem. students are spending more time in school than they are with their parents. it really is up to the school to enforce rules of conduct and clothing the same way they do with behavior. >> you know what's interesting because there are celebrities out there that do dress age appropriately. taylor swift to name one. they're huge teen idols. why aren't more looking to emulate their style, a much more demur classic side. >> taylor swift isn't sadly on the cover of life & style and "us weekly." you see younger starlets like jennifer lopez. >> i don't think it's only the starlets. i do think that young people have developed this whole idea they look good if i wear this. what i love about the whole new prom dress dress code rule is you can look good, feel good,
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have a great night without wearing something without your stomach showing our your breasts hanging out. >> thank you both. we appreciate it. interesting topic. still ahead, the life and death-choices a man makes after his boat sinks. hear his harrowing detail and fateful decision. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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still to come on "today," the long island medium. meet the suburban mom with psychic abilities. and how to make your lawn the envy of your neighbors. but first these messages. [ woman ] i was ready for my trip, but my smile wasn't. [ female announcer ] new crest 3d white intensive professional effects whitestrips. it goes below the enamel surface to whiten as well as a five-hundred dollar professional treatment for a transformation that's hard to believe. ♪ wow, that's you?
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[ female announcer ] new intensive professional effects whitestrips. and try 3d white toothpaste and rinse. from crest. life opens up when you do. might seem...impossible. unless you have eggo® waffles. they're quick and easy to make, and there's something about them... that just makes people move. [ male announcer ] eggo® waffles. simply delicious. [ male announcer ] eggo® waffles. livi ng w simply delicious. ith the painannouncer ] eggo® waffles. livi of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... ...could mean living with joint damage. help stop the damage before it stops you... ...with humira. for many adults with moderate to severe ra,... ...humira's proven to help relieve pain and stop joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections,
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including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events can occur, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, blood, liver, and nervous system problems,... ...serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your rheumatologist how you can defend against... ...and help stop further joint damage with humira. this one's for all us lawnsmiths. grass gurus. doers. here's to more saturdays in the sun. and budgets better spent. here's to turning rookies - into experts, and shoppers into savers.
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here's to picking up. trading up. mixing it up. to well-earned muddy boots. and a lot more - spring per dollar. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. good morning. i'm marla tellez. kris sanchez has the day off. rob mayeda is here with a look at the forecast. it is dry but the rain is coming momentary in this? >> within a matter of minutes. we are seeing this from the north bay coast. everyone is seeing the gusty winds out of the south with a strong cold front offshore. you'll see the wind strongly o of the southeast for the morning and switching to the southwest for the afternoon. the north bay is seeing the rain move in. the cold front is avequick-move,
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but it will hit pretty fast this morning with pretty heavy rain. in fact, the futurecast pin points it from 8:00 to 11:00. it's the mainyain band. then 12:00 to 1:00, it is windy, the sun is out but we have unsettled air sweeping through. that will help to trigger the scattered showers that should shut down in terms of intensity after sunday night, but they will linger into tonight. tomorrow we'll see clearing and less wind. tomorrow is certainly the nicer half of the weekend. that's not an april fool's joke, either. first day of april, a dry start to monday, thin more showers rolling in for the middle part of the week. okay, thank you. parents, teacher and staff are holding a rally in union city to help new haven schools. they are marching to show support for measure 4rks, h, a $180 million package on the ballot. if it passes it will raise $3 million for the school year eacheer. supporters will march from james
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logan high school to union landing shopping center at 9:00 this morning. well, the search for a hit-and-run suspect in sunnyvale extends to dubai, possibly india. sunnyvale police are working with the fbi and u.s. marshalls to track down 25-year-old pawanjut singh. he's wanted in the hit-and-run death of jennifer flores before she was thrown out and run over near mission college. we have learned singh boarded a plane to dubai the following day. authorities believe he may try to flee to india. today marks one year since the brutal beating of giants' fan brian stowe. the former paramedic from santa cruz suffered severe brain trauma and now uses a wheelchair and has trouble speaking. he also has short-term memory los and needs around-the-clock care. they will mark the anniversary by joining the estimated 250 people at the walk for thought
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event in san jose today. organizers hope to raise $50,000 for the brain injury association of california. the walk begins at 10:00 at almaden lake park. well, coming up this morning on "today in the bay," three tickets are splitting the record $640 million mega millions jackpot. we'll have all the latest details, including where those winning tickets were sold. clearly, rob and i did not win, otherwise we would still be sleeping or celebrating. see you at 7:00.
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welcome back on this saturday morning, march 31st, 2012. it is a cold, rainy morning out here on the plaza. but look at that. even though march isn't going out like a lamb, we want to thank all the very enthusiastic people who stopped by on this final day many in march. i'm amy robach along with lester holt. still to come, a story of survival and strategy. >> it was planned as a fun fishing trip but it turned out to be anything. two best friends were ejected from their boat. stranded in the gulf of mexico for hours. only one of them made it out alive. we're going to hear more about
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that story. >> take a look. is this what the average woman looks like? victoria beckham seems to think so. we're going to tell you what she said that has a lot of people shanki i shaking their heads. teresa caputo. listen to what she says and how she's turning her skeptics into believers. and apparently spring has sprung even though it doesn't look like that. has anyone told your lawn that? four easy steps to get your grass in great shape. >> first, bill karins with a check of the weather. >> good morning, everyone. this high school band didn't just come from minnesota. they traveled by bus. 1,325 miles. how many hours? >> 122. >> you doid did -- did so by seg
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puffins. we are very warm in the middle of the country today. also we're watching heavy rain on the west coast. not a pleasant saturday or sunday in the northwest. we'll be happy to get rid of march. your sunday, what an incredible start. we're going to get hot in some spots in texas. we'll have our first 90-degree readings as we go through the tail end of you and we are tracking a pretty fast-moving weather system here. the cold front just lurking offshore. the rain is reaching the marin county coastline. notice what happens here, a mostly rainy morning. then around lunchtime we get the sun to break out as the cold fronsupasses to the east, but we have cool unsettled weather sweeping through for the afternoon. scattered showers with a mix of sun. windy all day long with the winds from 20 to 30 miles per hour. tomorrow the showers shot down. and a pretty decent finish to the weekend and a dry start to the workweek after a stormy start this saturday.
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and that's your saturday forecast. if you want your hour by hour forecast, you can also get that at lester? >> bill, thanks. what started as a fun fishing trip among friends ended in strategy. ken anderson was stranded at sea in the cold waters of the gulf of mexico in 40 hours. now he ice telling his bittersweet amazing story of survival. nbc's lilia luciano reports. >> we were as close as brothers if not closer. >> ken henderson and his best friend ed cohen have spent much of the last 25 years hunting and fishing. >> my wife always commented we could finish each other's sentences. >> reporter: the two former marines were on a boat off the coast of texas when the boat started taking on water. keep tried calling for help. >> the whole time i'm trying to get the dma call. no cell phone. nobody's relying to my may day
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call. ken jumped off one side. ed off the other. >> when i hit the water, it took our breath away. the boat was straight up and down and we were both looking at like what else happened. >> for your the next 30 hours they tread water, tied their lifejackets together. what he told me will stay with me. that's the way it was intended. he talked about his daughters. he was shiver, cold, starting to ha lewis nate. ken had a choice, to stay with his friend or cut himself loose. in last-ditch effort he swam for help. seven hours later he was finally able to reach for rescue. when they found him it was too
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late. >> i wanted to go back in the ocean. i feel like i let him down. >> ken's mission now, sharing the story of his best friend ed. >> ed's a great guy, was a great guy. he would do anything in the world for anybody. >> reporter:ed for "today," lilia lewis a know, nbc news, miami. >> and now here's amy. swishing gears a bit. victoria beckham is an a-list fashion designer and former spice girl knows how to turn heads and turn the paparazzi. i. good morn, amy. we have the royals and we have the beckhams who, let's face it, are celebrity royalty. now victoria's success at combining her career with motherhood is an inspiration, but her comments with her slender figure, she represents the average woman who's got us wonders.
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victoria beckham is glamorous, no doubt about that. the red carpet regular. >> this is one of my dresses from my new collection. >> she shaun. ed her label four years ago. it was an immediate hit with people like beyonce and jessica lawrence wore a premier of the dress to the premiere of "the hunger games." beckham admits she often trieses on sam prime ministers in the workshop because she believes she represents the average woman. really? most women here in the uk and the in states are many inches from her svelte size 2. the average woman is a 12. >> this is a woman, frozen grapes are a snap. edamame is a snack. women can't relate to that. when you come out and say this dress on me represents what you're going to look like, i mean it makes women say, yikes, she really doesn't get ichlt.
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>> reporter: the spice girls were all about girl power. of the five victoria's likes and lifestyles her's changed the most. there's the soccer star, hardly the average and the multi-million dollar fortune the pair have accumulated. her label has been named designer brand of the year in britain. >> i always dreamed this would happen one day. but it really is a dream come true. >> reporter: but is she ordinary? >> she hasn't been living an ordinary life for a long time and she's a lot thinner than the ordinary woman. >> she looks like she's going out every day, dressing up every day. >> she's not the ordinary woman. but she was once. >> reporter: when this picture was reported, she admitted she was tired looking after the baby. >> she also is a mother, has a husband, four children. so that is -- that's going to be an extremely difficult job. >> reporter: but with hollywood
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parties, a gorgeous wardrobe, and an invitation to the wedding of kate and william, few would agree that victoria beckham is an ordinary woman. now, the beckhams say they always put their kids' interest first like when they turned down the move to france and that's something most moms could relate to, even if the figure and the lifestyle remain well out of reach. amy? >> anabel roberts. thanks so much. coming up next, wife, mother, and medium. how teresa caputo makes special connections with people she meets. but first these messages. a ♪ me and you
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now enjoy our new truffle fillings. hmm. let's just share a 20 piece. [ internal ] 20 mcnuggets, for only $4.99? oh, man. she's beautiful smart and sensible. jackpot. [ crewperson ] anything else? [ male announcer ] mcdonald's crispy, juicy chicken mcnuggets are now part of the extra value menu. so you get the tastes you love at a price you'll love even more. guess who's going to the game? [ internal ] thank you. [ male announcer ] the simple joy of having more to love.
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fr [ internal ] thank you. long island medium on tlc. it stars working mom teresa caputo. i suspect the day with her that can be described as anything but normal. >> i was blessed with a very beautiful gift from god. >> teresa caputo talks to people for a living. >> what i do is creepy, scary, freaky, whatever i -- >> can i ask you, has your dad passed? a young male that passed? >> my god. you freak me out. >> i have a very special gift. i talk to the dead. >> her show it gives a glimpse into her daily life as a psych immedium with a unique style and sense of humor. >> it's just my life and i just look at it, my regular day, and instead of spirits just following me, now we have cameras following me. >> reporter: so spirits follow
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you and they take to you. >> yes. >>. >> reporter: do they sound like normal people? >> all i know is i'm able to communicate whatever your loved ones want to tell me. >> he says i need you to release that fear so i can be happy. >> reporter: all i can think of is i see dead people. >> i love that movie, because i can relate to that. that and "ghost," those are probably the only two movies i've seen about what i do. >> reporter: that connection with people on the other side compels teresa to share their messages everywhere she goes. >> reporter: so you're receptive and you're open and then it seems as if the people you go up to are open. and that's not a coincidence. >> no, i don't think it is. i think that spirit's placing the opportunity in my path to deliver a message. i'm always feeling and sensing things. someone's mother is standing behind me. oh, your mom.
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your dad said -- your mother, was she funny? she goes, oh, god, here it comes. she's a hoot, your mother. she goes -- >> she was quite a character. >> she said i got more where that came from, honey. and then she's tell your father, sit over there. be quiet. just sit there. >> i know they're together in a good place. >> absolutely. they're together and at piece. >> reporter: peace is something her family wishes for when they're in public. >> by the way, i'm teresa and i'm a medium. i know i look like a large, but i'm a medium. >> we wonder, who's going to approach us or who is she going to stop and read for 200 hours. >> reporter: but they also view her job as important work that touches people's lives. >> it's changed my life and changed our kids' life. you learn to appreciate what life's about. so much more to it than we can
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comprehend. >> she says i'm so proud of my daughter. he says you are going to get through this. he's still watching over you. >> reporter: but not everyone is per septemberive. >> and you said, i know some think i'm crazy. >> oh, yes. i get that. i know it's hard to wrap our physical minds. you can't make this up. that's all i'm saying. >> there were tears and laughter everywhere she went. she moves people. despite the skeptics, business for teresa is booming. there's a two-year waiting list for a private reading. >> did she feel anything when she was talking to you? >> she did. i didn't think anyone near me had passed and she mentioned my aunt that had died and she got specific with things and specific with things in my life and that was the spirit letting me know she was watching over me and was watching me. she knew my daughters were going to a new school. it felt a little strange.
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okay, so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol. lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste? honey nut cheerios. want whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. it's a win win. good? [ crunching, sipping ] be happy. be healthy. can i try yours?
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♪ it's spring again i can feel the birds ♪ >> getting your lawn ready for spring. after a long winter your grass is probably looking a bit rough, but bringing it back from the dead is easier than you think. with a few simple steps your yard can be the envy of the neighborhood. our own sara haines shows us how. >> last week you told us how to make a beautiful path. >> yes. it turned out great.
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>> what do you have in store for me today? >> we handled the small part of the yard. now there's the larger part. there's four basic steps everybody should be aware of. we should start with decluttering of the yard and dethatching. >> i have no idea what you're talking about. thatch is simply dead grassroots and debris that has gathered and decomposed. that's going to block water from getting to the roots. that's a dethatching rake. >> this is about dethatching. this is not a bad gig as long as i don't get the youngy part. i think it's safe to say the yard has been dethatched. >> let me take that and give you this. >> oh, my gosh. this looks like an ancient
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torture weapon. >> this is actually used to aerate the soil. that's going to open up the soil so the nutrients can get down to things where they're needed. the next thing you want to do is feed, seed, and weed. your grass has been sleeping all winter. it's going to bake up hungry. you want to feed it by fertilizing it. this is new from scott. it's called their snap system. you pick it up and snap it in. it's weed and feed. it's going to feed the grass but also attack the weed, when you're finished, you unhook it, it's self sealed, and you store it. >> it's good to seed your lawn in the fall but recede it in the spring to renuv nate it. >> it's like fixing the bald spots of your yard. >> exactly. >> because that makes sense to me. it's like rogaine. >> it seems odd to me, like, duh, i want to water my grass.
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the number one thing they do wrong is they don't water deeply enough. the deeper the water goes, the more incentive to go down and get that water. roots are very shallow. >> you don't need to do it much but strong. >> most grass needs an inch of water a week. >> what happens if yo do all this and you're still having problems. >> let's saying you dethatched, aerated, feed it, seed it, and weed it, and you're watering like you said, you probably have a ph problem. it's simply a gauge of theal khalidty and acidity of your soil. you can get one of these test kits, put some soil in there, shake it up, and it will tell you what level your soil levels are at. >> the level is good so it should all work. >> yep.
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we've done all we can. the rest is up to mother nature. >> so we just sit and wait. >> sit and wait. >> we'll be right back. but first these messages. here's to more saturdays in the sun, and budgets better spent. here's to black friday prices that turn more shoppers into savers. to picking up. trading up. mixing it up. to well-earned muddy boots. and a lot more-spring per dollar. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. black friday is back. now through wednesday save on these top brand project starters, just $8 each.
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that does it for us on this saturday morning. thomas robert and bill karins, thanks so much. tomorrow on "today," etiquette rules for the office refrigerator. >> clean it out. we'll see you then. i'll see you back here tonight for "nbc nightly news." have a great day, everybody. -- captions by vitac --
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good morning. i'm marla tellez. coming up on "today in the bay," the win that could change your life forever. we'll have the latest on the $640 million jackpot drawing, including where the winning tickets were sold. plus, a search for sierra lamar takes a turn today as a special tribute is planned for the teenager. and first lady michelle obama continues her bay area visit today. we'll tell you where she will bestow a speci honor ts hi morning. join us in just a few. [ teen ] times are good, aren't they, kids?
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that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver only from at&t. get u-verse tv for $25 a month with free hd for six months. at&t. well, welcome to "today in the bay." a live look over san jose, downtown san jose. covered with clouds this morning. good morning. thank you for being with us. just about 7:00. i'm marla tellez. kris sanchez has the day off. we'll check the f
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