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tv   Today  NBC  May 17, 2012 7:00am-11:00am PDT

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there. little cooler, but still a nice day. have a good one. we'll see you tomorrow. good morning. kennedy tragedy. the estranged wife of robert kennedy jr. found dead at her home, an apparent suicide. this morning, the details of her downward spiral and reaction from the kennedy family. risky gamble. closing arguments being held today at the john edwards' criminal trial, thisfter the defense rested without calling edwards, his daughter, or his former mistress to the stand. how will that impact the jury's decision. and watch this, maybe. it's the hot new viral sensation inspired by call me, maybe. it has more than 6 million hits, but the women's crew team at southern methodist university is quickly getting a leg up. so who does it best?
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they're all with us for a live competition today, thursday, may 17th, 2012. and good morning. welcome to a split edition of this show. sounds redundant, but i'll say it again. thursday morning, i'm matt lauer in studio 1a. ann can curry is at the 65th annual cannes film festival. ann, good morning. you gave us a preview wednesday and it is now officially underway. >> that's right, matt. bonjour. we're at one the baoli beach, the festival is entering its first full day. and after last night's opening
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under clear skies and the stars were out in force. celebrities like bruce willis and ian mcgregor and alec baldwin. and speaking of alec baldwin, coming up, we'll be speaking with him, an interview with him, and he's joined by his co-star, chris pine, to talk about their new movie. that's a lot of fun. for now, matt, let's get back to you in new york. >> we look forward to that, appreciate it. also ahead, the florida pogo mogul convicted of dui manslaughter. he's been appointed bond while he appeals that rest. but his house arrest comes with some pretty strict rules. but we begin with an autopsy set to be performed on the death of estranged wife of robert kennedy jr. nbc's jeff rossen has the latest on this story. jeff, good morning to you. >> reporter: hey, matt, good morning to you. police are in westchester
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county, new york, trying to figure out exactly what happened inside the home, but law enforcement sources now tell nbc news, this is an apparent suicide. and "the new york times" is reporting this morning, citing two sources familiar with the case that she did it by hanging herself. the kennedy's latest tragedy, playing out here on the family property in upscale bedford, new york. by the time police arrived wednesday, mary kennedy was dead. the estranged wife of robert f. kennedy jr., mother of their four children, apparently killed herself. unclear if she left a note explaining why. >> the idea that somebody in that family would kill himself or herself, i would have considered that unthinkable. >> reporter: the kennedys separated two years ago, as mary kennedy battled with drug and alcohol problems. in may 2010, she was arrested for dwi and pled guilty to a lesser charge. months later, she was stopped for driving under the influence
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of prescription pills. that charge was later dropped. >> so they were all very aware of the ravages of alcohol and drugs. and she, unfortunately, became caught up in that. >> reporter: there were happier times. here's mary standing in the back of their home, joined by rfk jr. and a builder. today robert f kennedy jr. is a prominent environmental lawyer, seen often in recent years with actress cheryl heinz. and he has endured tragedy before. when he was 9, his uncle, president john f. kennedy, was assassinated. when he was just 14, his father, senator robert f. kennedy was assassinated. his brother, david, died of a drug overdose in 1984. and another brother, michael, was killed in a skiing accident in 1997. his cousin, john f. kennedy jr., died in a plane crash in 1999. and just three years ago, there was the loss of his uncle, senator ted kennedy. now, this. his estranged wife's body found
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in the family home. >> it's devastating beyond imagination to them to have this happen to them, yet again. how do you handle it? you don't handle it. it handles you and you try to go on. >> reporter: the kennedy family now asking for privacy, but they have released this statement saying, "mary inspired our family with her kindness, her love, her gentle soul and generous spirit." matt, the medical examiner here in westchester county will perform an autopsy on the body later today. >> all right. jeff rossen in mt. kisco, new york, this morning. jeff, thank you very much. in other news, john edwards' fate will soon be in the hands of a jury. closing arguments are scheduled today at the former presidential candidate's corruption trial. nbc's lisa myers is at the courthouse in greensboro, north carolina. lisa, good morning to you. >> reporter: hey, matt, good morning. today, each side gets two hours to present closing arguments to the jury, in a case which has often been more about lies and
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betrayal than about whether john edwards actually violated campaign finance laws. in a surprise move, john edwards' lawyers abruptly rested their case on wednesday after a little more than two days. and without calling any of a trifecta of blockbuster witnesses. jurors will have to decide the case without hearing from edwards' highly sympathetic daughter, kate, or from the woman at the center of the scandal, rielle hunter, or from john edwards himself. the man who rose to fame through his powers of persuasion as a trial lawyer and a politician chose to remain silent with his own freedom on the line. >> if the gamble pays off by not testifying, the defense team and john edwards will look like heroes. if not and john edwards goes to jail, he's going to have many, many hours contemplating and second-guessing why he didn't take the stand. >> reporter: the defense has managed to decimate the credibility of edwards' chief accuser, andrew young, showing
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he pocketed most of the money the government claims went to hide hunter, using some of it to build this $1.6 million home. in a final dig, the defense got the government to admit young's timeline is wrong. young has said it was hunter's pregnancy that triggered the cover-up. but wednesday the defense cited medical records that show hunter learned she was pregnant after young had already received the first checks. yet prosecutors produced other witnesses, who testified edwards did know of at least some of the effort to fly a pregnant hunter around the country and take care of her while he ran for president. still, analysts see weaknesses in the case. >> the biggest hole in the government's case is the failure of the government to show that john edwards knew he was violating the law. >> reporter: edwards says whatever was done was to protect his wife, elizabeth, from humiliation. the government alleges the cover-up was to protect his campaign and his political viability. >> no jury has ever been asked to do this before, assess money
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to cover up an affair and see whether it's a campaign violation. so we're in unchartered territory. >> reporter: the judge says she will tell jurors later today that to find edwards guilty, the prosecution does not have to prove that attempting to protect his campaign was the only reason for the cover-up, but that it was more than a side benefit. this jury begins its deliberations tomorrow, matt. >> all right, lisa myers in north carolina. lisa, as always, thank you very much. savannah guthrie is "today's" legal correspondent. hampton dellinger is an nbc legal analyst who's attended every day of this trial. good morning to both of you. hampton, let me start with you, if you don't mind. there's two reasons a defense would rest, either they think they've made their case or poked holes in the prosecution's case, or they've run out of viable and effective witnesses. which is the case here? >> matt, it could be both. and these could be individual decisions. i think not putting rielle hunter on the stand was an easy call, because it was so easy for her to turn off this jury.
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and they made their point that the edwards -- that the youngs kept most of the money, not rielle hunter. i think john edwards, the father, decided he didn't want to put his daughter, kate, through the rigors of testifying. i think the toughest call was edwards not taking the stand, and that may be the one that they're going to regret. >> savannah, earlier in the trial, the defense told the jury, john edwards is not afraid of the truth. so if you've been sitting on that jury every day of this trial, don't you hold it against him if john edwards doesn't get up there and answer tough questions? >> jurors may hold it against them. they'll get a specific instruction from the judge that says, just because the defendant didn't testify, you can't hold it against them. but we live in the real world. on the one hand, yes, john edwards needed to get up there and appear sympathetic and appear likable. but this is the same guy who jurors saw on video lying to america about the details of this affair. so there's no question that he has some credibility problems before this jury. >> hampton, going back to you and the subject of kate edwards
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not testifying, john edwards' eldest daughter, do you think if she had gone up there and testified, and we talked about this earlier, and john edwards had not, then it would have looked like that she was being put up there to take the tough questions for her father? >> i think that's very much a possibility, matt. you know, she really is an innocent victim in all of this. she has stood by her father's side throughout this trial. she certainly could have handled it herself, but i think john edwards felt after all he had put his daughter, his family through, the last thing he wanted to do was ask her to take the stand, face cross-examination, and i think you're right. i think it would have been smart if she spoke and he didn't. >> let's stick with you, hampton, closing arguments, what does the defense have to do, what does the prosecution want to do? >> the prosecution has got to deal with the issue of criminal intent. they've only got a circumstantial evidence, really the convoluted money trail to show john edwards' guilty mind. they've got to squeeze that trail for all it's worth. the defense has got to deal with the fact that this is a mixed
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motive case. edwards wanted to save his campaign and his marriage. they've got to convince the jury that if edwards thought this was both political and for his family, they still don't have to convict him. >> and savannah, let's end with you. abbe lowell's a brilliant lawyer, but at this point right now, based on what they're seeing in front of them, does that plea deal look better and better in the rearview mirror? >> you've got to believe that the defense would never thought they'd get this close to a jury. they were extreme lly confident that case was novel and it was a stretch. but every place where this case could have been thrown out, it wasn't. they lost yesterday with regard to jury instructions. but they've got to be sweating it a little bit because it's about to go to a jury and anything can happen. >> savannah, hampton, thank you both very much. we appreciate it. moving on, nbc news as reviewed an autopsy report that deals more about the death of trayvon martin during his encounter with george zimmerman. now the teenager's parents are calling for the release of all
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the evidence in this case. nbc's kerry sanders is in daytona beach, florida, this morning. kerry, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. trayvon martin's parents have not seen the medical examiner's report that was prepared here, but the fact that others have, including nbc news, has their attorney telling nbc news that it's enough. they now want all of the documents released. benjamin crump tells nbc news that they want full transparency of all the records, because anything short of that is manipulation. when george zimmerman shot and killed trayvon martin, the state attorney first concluded there would be no charges. and key to his decision was the medical examiner's report, which was completed nearly three weeks after the shooting. the very same report was viewed by the special prosecutor, who charged zimmerman in april. while the multi-page autopsy is sealed by court order, nbc news was given access to read it. it says, in part, the teenager was killed by a penetrating
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gunshot wound to the chest. the entrance wound located on his left chest, 17 inches below the head. the single bullet passed directly from the front to the back, through his lungs, creating perforations. the only injuries to trayvon martin are from the gunshot and to one knuckle, a quarter-inch to 1/8-inch abrasion on the fourth finger in the ring area. trayvon martin's gunshot wound entrance of intermediate range. how close was that? the medical examiner's report says there was a soot ring abrasion and a 2 x 2-inch area of stiping. vincent demaio is the former chief medical examiner in bear county, texas. >> stiping or powder tattooing are marks on the skin due to unburnt grains of powder emerging from the muzzle of the gun. based on the size of the pattern, the range was most likely between 2 and 4 inches.
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>> reporter: usually in florida, the medical examiner's report and the recently revealed medical records that show george zimmerman likely had a broken nose and black eyes, all of those reports and more would be part of the public record. but in this case, a unique effort to prevent the release of records has resulted in selective leaks, the sort that trayvon martin's family lawyer says could be designed to taint a jury pool. >> what i think is more of a question is, the leak of the information, what it's purported to prove. >> reporter: zimmerman's defense attorney, mark omarra will not speak out on the information contained in the leaked reports, but says the 67 cds filled with investigative notes are shaping his defense. >> if the evidence supports it, certainly we'll look into filing stand your ground and whatever other motions may be appropriate. >> reporter: while both the defense and prosecution said they wanted these reports sealed to protect all of the witnesses' names, many legal observers say
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it appears these leaks are simply strategic. matt? >> all right, kerry sanders in florida this morning. kerry, thank you very much. let's get a check of the rest of the morning's top stories. natalie is over at the news desk with those. natalie, good morning to you. >> good morning to you. good morning, everybody. world leaders arrive in the washington area today ahead of the g-8 summit of economic powers being hosted by president obama at camp david. after two days of talks, they'll head to the nato summit in chicago focusing on the role of troops in afghanistan. meantime, protesters marched through the streets of chicago on wednesday and a larger demonstration is set for sunday when global leaders arrive. protests are also expected in the nation's capital. a wildfire threatening an historic mining town in arizona has nearly tripled in 24 hours. the fire in the prescott national forest grew to at least 5,400 acres, pushed by strong winds and dry weather. and a dramatic scene in portland, oregon, where a firefighter fell through the roof of a burning apartment building. two of his fellow firefighters sprang to action and rescued
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him. fortunately, no one was injured. for the first time in american history, minorities now make up more than half of the children born in the u.s., outnumbering whites. new census figures out this morning show that hispanics, blacks, asians, and those of mixed race account for 54.4% of the newborn population. a remarkable moment for a woman who has been paralyzed for 50 years. she was able to drink through a straw by moving a robot powered by her brain. well, you can go ahead and drink that cup of coffee or two, because it may help you live longer. a study in the "new england journal of medicine" found that men who drank two cups of decaf or regular had a 10% advantage in outliving those who did not drink coffee, and women had a
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13% advantage. a very close call for a scientist in north carolina who was trying to corral a 250-pound alligator. the man put a towel over his head and as you can see, the alligator then proceeded to grab his arm, snapped at him, biting him. fortunately, he's okay and his team was able to tie the gator up, secure him, and release the gator back into the wild. that's a little too close a call. he is okay, though. >> i like his bold pal, though, who's kind of like, he's out! he backed out! >> he's just recording it on video. >> he's like -- got to go! you're on your own! call me later! >> later, gator! >> pretty sure he's not going to be wearing those pants again also. mr. roker's here with a check of the weather. al? >> it always takes more than a towel, doesn't it? let's show you what's going on. oh, my golly, we've got a lot of rain down in florida, but we
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could use that in the southwest, where it's clivery dry already. we'll continue with red flag warnings and fire weather watches from california, new mexico, all the way up into colorado. and in florida, the heavy rain and these systems are going to just sit over southern florida, dumping a ton of rain over the next 48 hours. we're talking anywhere from 3 to 5 inches of rain, from key west to miami, on up to daytona beach. kind of a cool cloudy start to this thursday morning. but it's going to be nice temperature wise. we'll end up in the 70s, inland. 72 for los gatos, holding on to the 60s by the water. 69 degrees in oakland and 65 in san francisco. as we head through tomorrow, don't forget you can catch those giants versus the a's right here on nbc bay area. starting out cloudy, 78 degrees. and then we warm you up just in time for the weekend. and that's your and that's your latest weather.
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matt? >> thank you, al. then a really nice way to end this half hour. a pretty remarkable shopping spree in kentucky. nbc's kevin tibbles is here with details on this. kevin, good morning to you. >> good morning, pat. talk about, attention, k-mart shoppers. when one kentucky man saw that his local kmart store was closing, he saw the opportunity to make a quick buck, but then he decided to do something even more. call it the bonanza of the blue light specials. >> instantly good. >> when kentucky businessman rankin paytor was shopping at a closeout sale at the local kmart, he struck up a conversation with the store manager. >> i looked around and said, what's going to happen with all this merchandise that you don't sell? >> reporter: and that's when one of those little blue lights went off in his head. >> my wife's always said, i'd give it all away if i had it. >> reporter: he decided to buy all the merchandise left in the local store and donate it to a charity.
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>> the business i'm in, i see it firsthand, the need. and times are getting harder. >> reporter: paytor is a self-made man with a very successful jewelry exchange business, but he's never forgotten that he grew up poor. the clothing, shoes, household items are all being donated to the clark county community services for distribution to those in need. >> this is the largest donation we've ever received. and with the number of families we're serving in this community, we'll have a home for all of it. >> reporter: it took four cash registers, nearly seven hours to ring up all the merchandise. the tab, almost $20,000. all destined for folks who need it most. >> it's going to help me with children's jackets in the future, for the winter, some hats for them to be warm. >> i buy gold, silver coins. >> reporter: paytor says he's always had the knack for making money and he says he could have doubled it had he sold the kmart
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merchandise, but he's happy sharing his fortune with the less fortunate. >> i was raised here, i know the people. i know how good they are. and just cause a lot of them is needy is no sign they're bad people. and if i can help them, i do. >> so much stuff, he had to rent a warehouse to store it all. now volunteers are going through it to determine the best way to distribute it to all the people in need. matt? >> kevin, that's a nice one. nice story. if we had hats on, we had tip them to our friend. thanks very much. still ahead, the polo club founder convicted of a dui manslaughter in florida granted house arrest, so why it's coming with a steep price. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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just ahead here from cannes, we've got alec baldwin and chris pine talking about their new movie and showing us their playful side, matt?
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>> and smu women's crew team and baseball's team have a viral video live on the plaza, after we wake them up and after your local news and weather. re. how do you kill them? frontline plus. it uses two ingredients. one to kill adult fleas and ticks. plus another to eliminate flea eggs and larvae, annihilating the next generation of fleas. and, frontline plus works non-stop for thirty days. no wonder it's the number one choice of vets for their pets and yours. ask your vet about frontline plus. accept nothing less. ♪ got it all. here. have a good day, honey. i love you, ok. bye, mom. [ female announcer ] sam's mom is muddling through her allergies. what can she do? she can get answers at walgreens. with guidance and information to help her make informed choices for her allergy needs. like zyrtec -- with the strength of 24-hour zyrtec, you get relief from your worst allergy symptoms,
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and i've got better places to go than always going to the bathroom. so take charge of your symptoms by talking to your doctor and go to for a free trial offer. it is 7:26. good morning, everybody, i'm jon kelley. san jose police planning to talk to a man to find out how he managed to survive seven straight days with no food or water after crashing his truck. investigators say more than a week ago michael sanchez jr. lost control of his ford pickup on highway 101 near the exit. a witness there said well he saw the truck go down an embankment and crash but then saw sanchez get out of the car and managed to walk away. chp found no signs of him. then seven days later, san jose police returning to that scene where they found sanchez still alive. >> well, he actually was out there for seven days and, you know, he was found alive, so i know that the investigators were elated to know that.
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they actually found someone that they essentially rescued. >> detectives have not had a chance to talk to him yet to get the story. well, they hope to interview him later on today. that is a wild one. well, it's time now to check in on your local weather. christina loren with what's happening on a thursday. good morning. >> good morning to you. rather mild start because of a full deck of clouds overhead. mostly cloudy, 54 degrees in concord, 57 in san jose for now. we are going to hit the 70s today. it will become breezy for the second half of the day. and as those winds pick up finally getting some sunshine by about 2:00 p.m., you're going to have to wait for it. and through the weekend, much warmer weather on the way. it all works out like this for today, 72 degrees in san jose, 72 in los gatos, 79 in livermore, and temperatures nice and cool by the bay and at the coast. only holding on to the 60s for today. saturday, sunday, we warm you back up. let's check your drive with mike. >> this thursday, we're looking at slowing for highway 4. concord, the slowing starting before the end of the show and now it's gone down towards 680
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and the 24 interchange continuing down into danville. that's a little unusual for this time on a thursday. continuing south, 680 and 580 pretty standard flow there, but a live look at sunol shows the slow a little bit, as well in the commute direction as traveling through the left of your screen. slowing down toward about fremont border. back to you. >> thanks a lot for the update and for the latest updates, check us out on facebook, nbc bay area. we're back in one half hour with more updates. "today" show coming up.
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♪ call me maybe ♪ hey i just met you ♪ and this is crazy ♪ but here's my number ♪ so call me maybe it's the viral video craze sweeping the nation and two videos from college teams are leading the way. first harvard's baseball team posted their tribute to the carly rae jepsen song "call me maybe." and the women's crew team at southern methodist university saw that, and they answered it. and this morning, both teams are here for a friendly competition live on the plaza. there's a lot of trash talking going on out there. we're going to check in with those two teams in just a little while. 7:30 now on a thursday morning. it's the 17th day of may, 2012. inside studio 1a, i'm matt lauer. meanwhile, ann is still jet setting.
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she's in the south of france in cannes. ann, good morning. >> good morning again to you, matt. i'm wondering where is my glass of champagne? i want to tell you there are something like 200,000 people roaming this city now over the next two weeks. and so you're bound as a result to run into a star or two or perhaps even alec baldwin. he's filming a mockumentary. this role is giving a whole new take on santa claus. coming up, we'll talk to him about that. and also his co-star, chris pine, matt. >> we look forward to that. thank you very much. also ahead, the country gets a new crop of millionaires tomorrow with facebook's initial public offering. but should you buy that stock, and can you find that stock? we're going to talk about that with cnbc's jim cramer. and later, it's happened again. a new mom of twins fighting for her life against a rare flesh-eating bacteria. her friends will update us on
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her condition coming up. but we begin with a decision to let a florida millionaire found guilty of dui manslaughter serve house arrest while he appeals that conviction. nbc's mark potter has the latest on this story. mark, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. when he was released from jail, john goodman will come here to his mansion at this polo club. but it won't be a party. he'll face very strict conditions including 24-hour monitoring. when john goodman walks out of the palm beach county jail after posting a $7 million bail, he'll face tight restrictions while his attorneys appeal his dui manslaughter conviction. under a court order, goodman will live under house arrest at his mansion on the grounds of the international polo club in wellington, florida. he'll wear a gps monitoring device and have limited visitation. >> he can't socialize at all, no. >> not even with family members? >> his lawyers obviously could
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come. his family could certainly come and see him but we're not going to have a party. >> guilty of dui minnesota slaughter. >> reporter: goodman was sentenced to 16 years in prison for driving his bentley while drunk and slamming into a car driven by 23-year-old scott wilson. wilson drowned after his car was pushed into a canal. under his bond conditions, goodman must submit to alcohol and drug tests. he cannot attend charity events, polo matches or fundraisers. he can walk to his office to conduct business, but he must be monitored around the clock by off-duty police officers. for whom he will have to pay. >> mr. goodman would have any reasonable -- >> reporter: at a hearing last week, a judge said he feared goodman could be a flight risk. >> he has apparently the financial wherewithal to get into a private plane and fly to another country in a private airfield and illegally enter a foreign country. >> reporter: the defense insists goodman will follow all the rules imposed by the court. >> it can be frustrating for the public to see a millionaire spending time in his mansion while an appeal is pending. but in this case, there are so many safeguards put into place
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that if he loses his appeal, you can be assured he's going straight to jail. >> reporter: still to be decided is an issue involving goodman's girlfriend, 42-year-old heather h hutchins, whom he adopted as a daughter to protect his wealth. another court must still decide if she becomes a beneficiary of trust money set aside for goodman's biological children. if that occurs, the rules of goodman's release could change. now, the sheriff's office here says that goodman will not be released until all those security measures can be put in place at his home including the hiring of those deputies to monitor him. we're told that could happen perhaps as early as today or tomorrow. matt? >> all right, mark potter in wellington, florida, this morning. mark, thank you very much. it's 7:34. let's get a check of the weather from al. >> thanks so much, matt. we've got some basketball girls here. what's your team? you guys did pretty well. what champs are you? wow! you're all-island champs. very nice. let's check your weather.
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we'll show you it's a little on the cool side if you make your way through new england. 50s and 60s for highs today. we're looking for 70s and 80s through texas. 90s to 100s in the southwest. as we show you what's going on weatherwise, we're looking at beautiful weather in the pacific northwest. 101 in vegas today. 87 in beautiful mobile, alabama. look for a high of 73. new york city, lots of sunshine in the northeast as well. a lot of rain, though, down through florida. that's what's going on around well, it's going to take a while before the sun is able to breakthrough those clouds. good morning, i'm meteorologist christina loren. temperatures today will still climb into the 70s. but overall, we're running about 10 degrees cooler than where we ended up on wednesday. thursday works out like this. 72 degrees in san jose, 79 in livermore. by tomorrow, we're going to warm you back up to 78 degrees inland and the 80s return through saturday and sunday. and your bank of the west seven-day shows you next week
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holding on to seasonal averages. l on cable or online. matt? >> al, thank you very much. facebook founder mark zuckerberg isn't the only person set to profit from tomorrow's initial public offering. hundreds more including some rank-and-file employees are primed to become rich as well. nbc's ron mott is at facebook headquarters in menlo park, california. ron, good morning. >> reporter: hey, matt, good morning to you. winning the lottery isn't the only way to become a millionaire overnight. another way is to join a start-up company like facebook, stick around long enough for it to hit it big which facebook has. and now a lot of folks can't wait to see how these new millionaires will spend all that money. in 24 hours, silicon valley's newest millionaires are born. ♪ money money money opening a world of luxury and opulence for the taking. riches far removed from the harvard dorm room where facebook was conceived eight years ago.
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high-tech ipos are nothing new in this part of the world. but then again, there's never been an initial stock offers here quite like facebooks, expected to fetch around $15 billion. that's why there's a lot of excitement in the valley. hundreds of the company's employees are estimated to see their net worth explode into the tens of millions of dollars on friday. >> it was a huge endorphin rush. >> reporter: charlie ayers, employee number 53 and head chef at google when it went public, knows a bit about how life can change in an instant. he was finally able to open his own restaurant. his advice to the new potential big spenders, be careful. >> they say money is like a volume knob. it makes you either a bigger jerk or a really great person. >> reporter: despite the caution, high-end retailers are gearing up to reap rewards. this lexus dealership is counting on moving a lot more of its pricey wheels than usual in coming weeks. >> we even saw some business from facebook in the previous month. so i think some of those folks thought, well, i'm going to get
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the money. so i'll go ahead and get the car now. >> reporter: and while they're at it, maybe even get the big house, too. home prices in the region which this real estate agent says hit $2 million for starter houses have spiked as much as 20%. >> it's a market unlike anything else i've ever seen. i refer to palo alto as the capital of unpretentious pretentiousness. and i think that fits very well with the culture of facebook. >> reporter: while some say modesty is central to facebook's culture, charlie ayers suggests that modesty is about to be tested. >> when you see all those zeros at the end of your net worth, you know, people start to change. young people with a lot of money, that's a dangerous combination. >> reporter: the cash-strapped state of california also looking for a little bit of a windfall in all of this, raking in anywhere between $1.6 billion and $2.1 billion. >> ron mott, thank you very
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much. jim cramer is the host of "mad money." >> morning, matt. >> everybody wants a piece of this ipo. can the average guy or gal actually buy this stock? >> you can buy it once it starts trading, but history says that's a very big mistake to do. >> because almost every single deal that has come public has descended, has gone down, after the first day. and you get burned if you come in and buy. >> let's give people some examples. groupon came out last november. it's now down 53% from its offering price. internet radio company pandora came out june of last year. it's down 38%. zingo which came out back in december is down 10%. why do these stocks have so much trouble? >> because the sellers are the guys who make money, matt. they're out there taking the profits. you're out there buying what they know much more about, and they're dumping it. >> yeah. some of the big companies that are getting huge blocks of this stock like goldman sachs are planning to turn around and sell up to 50% of it very quickly. is that common practice? >> no. this has got to be one of the most dumped first-day stocks
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i've ever seen. i do think that this is a real company, matt, but you don't want to buy what these guys are selling. >> you say it's a real company. it's got this enormous value of something like $100 billion. and a lot of people say it doesn't make anything. but what it does have is 900 million registered users. that's the value of this company, isn't it? >> yes. you've got to figure that someone is going to be able to advertise and make some money in return. it did make $1 billion for two straight quarters. >> general motors has announced recently that they're not going to advertise on facebook anymore because they say that the ads on that site do not pay off. is that a troubling thing for facebook? >> gm, third largest advertiser. you never want to go against them. however, if you're trying to reach the youthful people, matt, around the world, facebook may be the best way a couple years from now. >> recent poll from the a.p. said that over half of americans think facebook is a passing fad. are you in that group? >> no, i'm not.
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there's too many people who subscribe to it. here's the big issue, though, matt. tomorrow, this thing's going to open up gigantically. maybe north of $100 billion. i don't want people chasing it. >> okay. you got the advice first from jim cramer. and you can catch more of jim on "mad money." that's weeknights at 6:00 and 11:00 eastern time right on cnbc. up next, ann sits down and talks to alec baldwin in cannes. nice work if you can get it, right after this. i love cash back. with the bankamericard cash rewards credit card, we earn more cash back for the things we buy most. 1% cash back everywhere, every time. 2% on groceries. 3% on gas. automatically. no hoops to jump through. no annual fee. that's 1% back on... wow! 2% on my homemade lasagna. 3% back on [ friends ] road trip!!!!!!!!!!!! [ male announcer ] get 1-2-3 percent cash back. apply online or at a bank of america near you. ♪ [ son ] mom, computer's broke!
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go to your mood and your makeup. makeup like you've never seen before. new revlon® photoready airbrush™ mousse make up. unique air-infused mousse formula blends easily for a smooth, poreless, airbrushed finish. welcome back to the french riviera where the cannes film festival is now in full swing. i had a chance to sit down with alec baldwin and chris pine to
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talk about their new animated movie "rise of the guardians." an epic adventure featuring santa claus, the easter bunny, jack frost and others all with the power to protect the imaginations of children. alec, you play santa claus. and he's not so sweet and cuddly. in fact, he's sort of has the voice of a russian mobster. >> yeah. >> he's got tattoos. >> yeah. >> i mean, is this santa claus before he discovered yoga? >> it was a kind of a bruce wayne element to the superhero thing, that kind of duality. my character is a woodworker in unspecified eastern european or russian mountains somewhere. somewhere where people talk like this. like we are doing roc rocky & bullwinkle. where he wasn't just jolly and sweet. he has a bit of an edge to him. >> tattoos as well. >> not nice.
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>> moose. squirrel. >> did you get to do this together, or were you in separate booths doing your own thing? >> the first time i met alec was actually in the booth. i just had sheer intimidation. >> i mean, when i met chris, it was like guys like this, i met him, this is chris. i'm, like, god, i hate you. >> he said that to me, too. first of all, i had never done an animated film before, so that was one thing. i had never met alec before. it was a big thing. like any fan, the first moment you take in the fact that this is a guy i've watched for many years do many different things. >> don't say since you were young. >> since i was a babe. >> oh, no, chris can't wait to say that. go ahead, chris. she teed up the ball for you. swing away. hit that ball 300 yards. >> hold on. >> is there a gray hair growing out of my ear? >> alec. >> have you seen the whole movie? >> this to me was the most beautiful animation i've seen. >> it's also in hd so you get
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these layered images that are very dreamlike. >> it's just a very magical, you know when you're a kid, anything is possible. the imagination is boundless. so when you're in the backyard playing cops and robbers, you really are the cop and your buddy is the robber. >> are you the cop or the robber? don't answer that. >> i was the robber with a heart of gold. >> they've got some pretty funny chemistry. "rise of the guardians" opens in november. and by the way, baldwin attended last night's opening of the film festival here, and there was a really cute moment when like a scene out of a movie, he swept her fiancee off her feet and carried her up the red carpet stairs and into the theater. that is a moment she's not likely to forget. well, coming up next, we've got the stars coming out to skewer a 90-year-old woman. that's right, the highlights from betty white's roast right after this. e millionth customer. would you mind if i go ahead of you? instead we had someone go ahead of him and win fifty thousand dollars.
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. . . it was a huge day yesterday with people like liza minnelli,
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larry king and a lot of others, honoring betty white, making a few jokes at her ex-penpense at friars club roast. take a look. ♪ >> betty white. >> too late to even run, i hope you have your catheter in because this thing runs forever. >> betty white is so old that on her first game show, the grand prize was fire. >> her first sitcom was called "hot for grover cleveland." >> betty, it's a miracle that you're even alive. what's more amazing is that your parents are here today, too. give it up for adam and eve back there. >> you are a beautiful woman. >> betty. ♪ from the bottom to the top ♪ hey you're the top >> i really had a good time when i didn't expect to.
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thank you so much. i love you. >> she was a fantastic sport, and it got -- that's -- those may be the only five jokes we could show you. >> i wondered. >> from the entire event. it got pretty raunchy. >> i'm still scarred from that regis kiss. >> wow, yeah. >> jeff ross who's one of the great roasters of all time made another joke that said betty white is so old that the color white was named for her. >> wasn't there a joke that said her name was betty black but she faded over time. just ahead, two high-flying olympic brothers competing for one spot on team usa. you've probably seen their viral ...98, 99, 100! ready or not, here i come! ♪ found ya! you always find me. you always hide here. [ male announcer ] tim and richard smucker have always loved the taste of just-picked fruit. so it's no wonder why today
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i haand then i have eleven my grandkids. right when you see them, they're yours, it's like, ah, it's part of me. it's me again. now that i'm retiring they all have plans for me. i'm excited.
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the time now, 7:56. good morning, everybody, i'm jon kelley. the vice principal now facing felony charges for sexually assaulting a teenage girl. a 32-year-old assistant principal of activities at leland high accused of having unlawful sexual contact with a minor who happens to be a student. the alleged incident happening last september. he was charged yesterday with two felonies and one misdemeanor. he has now been placed on paid administrative leave. well, it's time now to check things out outside for a thursday. this is actually friday eve. we all love this day and looks like the weather's a little chilly. >> yeah, always a bit easier to take the cooler, cloudier weather so close to friday. and good news, a great-looking sunny weekend. temperatures this morning nice and mild, but only going to climb by an additional ten degrees. the winds are picking up, but we're going to wait for the
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cloud kor to clear until about 2:00 p.m. temperatures still running about ten degrees cooler than yesterday under limited sunshine for the most part today. 72 degrees in san jose, 70 in fremont. meanwhile, holding on to the 60s bay side, 68 degrees today in oakland. tomorrow, we're going to warm you up by about 5 to 8 degrees, even more so, the sun comes right back out for this weekend and then next week that may gray stays with us each morning monday through wednesday. the south bay continues to slow, pattern typical for your normal routes. 101, 880 interchange over the last few. 880 itself slow in both directions through union city and fremont. basically between the bridges. hisperian, an accident north of 92. and another accident to the shoulder there heading over towards the san mateo side. that westbound direction will slow as you hit the high-rise and also for 101, jon. back to you. thank you very much. and for the latest updates, check us out on nbc bay area on
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facebook. back in half an hour with more local updates. see you then. [ creaking ] [ male announcer ] trophies and awards lift you up. but they can also hold you back. unless you ask, what's next? [ zapping ] [ clang ] this is the next level of performance. the next level of innovation. the next rx. the all-new f sport. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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♪ hey i just met you ♪ and this is crazy ♪ but here's my number ♪ so call me maybe 8:00 now on this thursday morning, the 17th of may, 2012. and you're looking at "today's" version of the carly rae jepsen song "call me maybe." the video to that song has become a sensation online. but that attempt pales in comparison to one from the baseball team from harvard and the women's crew team at smu, matt. >> yeah, ann, we learned a lot of things making that video. most importantly, savannah guthrie has no rhythm whatsoever. >> i know. it's like the easiest three-step dance, and i couldn't even do step two.
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>> anyway, we've got team smu, team harvard live on our plaza this morning. we've got some vans parked. they're in there warming up, and we're going to have a competition to see which team does the best job with that video in just a second. ♪ hey i just met you ♪ and this is crazy and you can see team harvard, i think, by the way, surprisingly cool and hip. >> the problem is you will be singing that song for the rest of my life. >> i know, you're stuck with that. >> it's relentless. >> you saw ann a second ago in cannes, france. i'm matt lauer along with al roker and savannah guthrie here in new york. what's coming up? >> we have two brothers competing against each other for their shot at olympic gold. here's the problem. only one of them can go to london. we are going to meet them. i mean, they get ridiculously high. unbelievable. in fact, up to three stories high. >> a lot of people didn't even know there was a trampoline team, but only one spot and the brothers are ranked number one
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and two to take that spot. >> talk about sibling rivalry. >> exactly. >> looking forward to that. on a more serious note, earlier in the week we told you about a young woman in georgia who is battling a rare flesh-eating bacteria. now there has been a second case. this time it's a new mom. she had just given birth to twins and now she's in the fight of her life, has already undergone multiple surgeries. we'll get the latest. >> we have a busy half hour. let's start it inside with natalie at the news desk. natalie, good morning to you. >> good morning to you, everyone. in the news this morning, an autopsy is scheduled for 52-year-old mary kennedy, the estranged wife of robert kennedy jr. she was found dead wednesday at her home in new york, an apparent suicide. mary kennedy had battled drug and alcohol problems. the couple had four children. closing arguments today in the corruption trial of former presidential candidate john edwards. he's accused of authorizing more than $1 million in secret payments to hide his pregnant mistress during the 2008 campaign. the defense rested wednesday
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without calling edwards or rielle hunter to testify. it's expected jury deliberations will begin tomorrow. new details in the investigation into the shooting death of florida teen trayvon martin. the 17-year-old died from a single gunshot wound to the chest fired from intermediate range according to an autopsy report reviewed by nbc news. the report also found that martin had a cut on one of his ha george zimmerman says he shot martin in self-defense. the senate on wednesday rejected president obama's 2012 budget. the second year it has rejected the president's plan. the trading losses suffered by jpmorgan chase have reportedly surged by $1 billion in recent days. "the new york times" reports the losses are now at least $3 billion. ceo jamie dimon had warned the losses could balloon in coming days. police in southern california are trying to find 32-year-old actor nick stahl,
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one of the stars of "terminator 3." his wife reported him missing earlier this week. now for a look at what's trending today, a quick roundup of what has you talking online. multiple websites are buzzing with speculation over whether jennifer lopez will return to "american idol." the executive producer tells tmz we want her back. he was reacting to lopez's comments on "ellen" this week when she said she wasn't sure she could go for a third year and that she missed doing other things. lopez was just named number one on "forbes'" list of the 100 most powerful celebrities. this photo of a supremely cool watch posted by ann curry on wednesday is being shared across facebook and already has thousands of likes. it was a gift from the dictator himself, sacha baron cohen, who sat down with ann at the cannes film festival. and apparently a good bachelor party is about finding a way to humiliate the groom and then share his embarrassment on the internet. in this viral video, the best man fakes his pal into thinking
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he's going to take a 50-foot bungee jump blindfolded. instead, the nervous groom just dove into a shallow pond. fortunately, he came up smiling and laughing about the whole thing. there's a groom for you. it's 8:05 right now. let's go back outside to al with a check of your weather. >> those are some good friends. >> yeah. >> all right. we've got great folks here. now, where are you guys from? >> louisiana. >> where's that near? >> new orleans. >> near new orleans. very nice. you didn't bring any beignets with you, did you? >> no. >> no. i took a shot. what can i say? next time. all right. let's see what we've got as far as your weather. pick city, omaha, nebraska, nbc 6 wowt, partly sunny, windy, warm, 85 degrees today. a lot of rain down in florida. this is going to just sit there and dump lots of rain. 2 to 3 inches over the next 48 hours. a few showers in northern california. otherwise windy and beautiful out west. a little on the toasty side. 101 in las vegas. 85 in phoenix. beautiful around the great lakes.
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72, chicago. plenty of sunshine. northeast looks good. plenty of sunshine. wet weat well, it's mostly cloudy and cool out there to start. good morning, i'm meteorologist christina loren. we are going to wait for the sun to break through the clouds probably till about noon to 2:00 p.m., especially right by the water. bayside, you might not even get out of the clouds until later on tonight. we're expecting the winds to pick up. that should help the situation. with limited sunshine, only climbing into the mid to upper 60s. rounding out the day with the mid to upper 70s in the warmest cities across the bay. 72 for san jose. warm-up is on as of tomorrow. we continue to warm all the way through sunday. and that's your latest weather. savannah in >> al, thank you very much. coming up, the frightening new case of a flesh-eating bacteria. this time it's a new mother of twins battling for her life. and then we will switch gears and go back to france where ann is live in cannes. it's coming up right afth this one's for all us lawnsmiths.
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grass gurus. doers. here's to more saturdays in the sun, and budgets better spent. here's to turning rookies into experts, and shoppers into savers. here's to picking up. trading up. mixing it up. to well-earned muddy boots and a lot more - spring per dollar. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. this toro mower is just $334. right now, during toro days. what makes hershey's pure chocolate goodness that brings people together. hershey's makes it a s'more... you make it special. pure hershey's.
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gives you a 50% annual bonus. and who doesn't want 50% more cash? ugh, the baby. huh! and then the baby bear said, "i want 50% more cash in my bed!" phhht! 50% more cash is good ri... what's that. ♪ you can spell. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? ha ha. ♪
8:09 am
ha ha. (belhi.ings) good morning. big news. we're spreading the word about new honey bunches of oats fruit blends and their unique taste combinations. like peach/raspberry... and banana/blueberry. we're telling everyone. with one flavor in the granola bunch and one on the flake. try some. mmm! two flavors. in harmony. yummy. four nutritious grains and two big fruit flavors to make your day bunches better. back at 8:09 with the race to save another woman who's battling a rare flesh-eating bacteria. the latest case, a new mother from south carolina on the heels of the infection of a young woman in georgia. nbc's gabe gutierrez has details on this. gabe, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, matt. right now this woman is in critical condition here, but she has stabilized. and friends and relatives are hopeful that she'll not only be able to survive, but that she'll keep all of her limbs.
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lana kiuykendall had expected t spend the week bonding with her newborn twins. >> lana got to hold her babies once. >> reporter: instead the new mother is fighting for her life. >> so you've got two babies that don't have a mom right now. >> reporter: the 36-year-old gave birth at the beginning of last week in an atlanta hospital. a week ago today she was released and drove back home here to greenville, south carolina. friday morning, friends say, she noticed a spot in the back of her left leg. at first, kuykendall, a paramedic, thought it was a blood clot. >> around 11:00, 11:30 is when she saw it. it was about the size of her palm. her husband said. and then by the time she went to surgery and they thought they knew what it was, it had consumed practically her whole leg. >> reporter: since then, her husband, darren, a firefighter, has stood by her through four surgeries. >> it all happened kind of quickly. she deteriorated quickly after coming to the hospital. >> reporter: this case comes just days after another woman in
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georgia was also diagnosed with what's called necrotizing fascitis. aimee copeland got the bacteria after cutting herself in a zip lining incident west of atlanta. so far she's lost her left leg, and her family fears she could lose her fingers. but her father says she's improving. >> at this point, seeing her spirits high, knowing that she can communicate with us, and we have some wonderful moments in there with her. and the visiting hours just runs far too short. >> reporter: these infections are rare. between 500 and 1,000 cases each year in the u.s. and they are often lethal. a quarter of those infected die. in south carolina, kuykendall's friends are thankful she went to the er so quickly. they're now raising money for her treatment and waiting for her to breathe without a respirator. >> leaning over and talking into her ear and then watching the heart monitor as you talk, you kind of see that heart rate go up a little bit. i truly believe that she hears us and she knows. >> reporter: a paramedic that has dedicated her life to
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helping others now finds her friends helping her. and right now those friends are helping take care of those two beautiful twins. many of those friends work here at greenville memory. we're told that little boy and the little girl are doing just fine. but right now, matt, it is still a mystery how their mother came down with this flesh-eating bacteria. >> gabe gutierrez, gabe, thank you very much. dr. nancy snyderman is nbc's chief medical editor. good morning to you. >> hey, matt. >> it strikes me how different these cases are. i kind of can get aimee copeland cuts herself, exposed to perhaps river or stream water. but lana kuykendall just had babies, had just given birth. >> otherwise healthy except when you're in your third trimester, your immune system really does change. so she was at risk for infection. the question is, did she have a cut on her leg beforehand? did she pick up this infection in the hospital? i don't know. but it's not related necessarily to being pregnant. >> but same kind of bacteria,
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always causes this? >> no. it can be staph, strep, clostridium. there's a laundry list. it releases a toxin and that destroys the tissue. there are sometimes layers in the body between muscle. it's almost like a canvas sheet type of layer. but it doesn't have a lot of blood supply. and if the bacteria gets in there, it can literally zoom along the highway and spread. and that's when you see these big areas of destruction. >> and you kind of just touched on what i was going to ask you. it's rare, 500 to 1,000 cases a year -- >> i think it's underreported. >> but why is it so difficult to stop once it's diagnosed? >> a lot of time it's deep tissue. take aimee copeland, deep tissue injury, sewn up appropriately in the operating room, but the bacteria was probably deep into her thigh where it was allowed to fester. what people need to remember is that every wound gets some bacteria in it. you start with soap and water
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and clean it out. but if over the next 24, 48 hours there is redness, increased pain, the wound doesn't get better, it gets worse. but pain that is disproportionate to what you think the cut is, that's the hallmark sign because this toxin can be destroying tissue that's deep, deep, deep away from what the visual eye can see. >> and is there any way to take precautions against something like this? >> not necessarily precautions other than being hyper aware and getting to the hospital immediately. the treatment is i.v. antibiotics. >> for a long period of time? >> maybe five days to seven days depending -- could be longer. my concern right now is that if people don't go within a matter of hours, it can be a problem. and with increasing antibacterial resistance, and not a lot of drugs in the pipeline, the antibiotics make a difference. so again, remember, the big thing is, if the pain doesn't match the wound, think that something is serious and get help immediately. >> all right, nancy snyderman,
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nancy, thank you very much. >> you bet. >> we appreciate it. coming up, we'll head out to the plaza for a couple great segme segments. we'll talk to two brothers who are competing for one spot on the u.s. olympic trampolining teams. two college teams will face off live on the plaza. it's smu versus harvard right after this. un, deux, trois, quatre! ♪ allez ouais...woo! ♪ crazy, crazy, sky so blue. ♪ ♪ hit the beat move my feet now. ♪ ♪ there's one thing that i want to feel, ♪ ♪ just liv'n' life'n' take the wheel. ♪ ♪ ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhh. and find more than just great styles. you'll also find great value in our free design service
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i mean he could teach. he was there for us, even if we needed him in college. you could call him, you had his phone number. he was just focused on making sure we were gonna be successful. he would never give up on any of us. ♪ got it all. here. have a good day, honey. i love you, ok. bye, mom. [ female announcer ] sam's mom is muddling through her allergies.
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what can she do? she can get answers at walgreens. with guidance and information to help her make informed choices for her allergy needs. like zyrtec -- with the strength of 24-hour zyrtec, you get relief from your worst allergy symptoms, indoors and out. right now, get a 40 count bonus pack for just $19.99. ♪ find answers at walgreens. ♪ hey i just met you ♪ and this is crazy we are back now with the stars of two of the hottest viral videos on the internet right now. and in just a couple of minutes, we're going to have a dance-off of sorts between the ladies crew team from smu and the men's baseball team from harvard. we'll find out how that goes. but first, natalie's here with a little look at their online competition. >> we had our own fun with it as well. that's right, the teams choreographed dance routines to carly rae jepsen's hit "call me maybe," the catchiest jingle du
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jour. ♪ i just met you ♪ and this is crazy ♪ but here's my number ♪ so call me maybe >> reporter: call it a sports team rivalry at its finest. they're the latest viral videos taking the nation by storm. ♪ you took your time with the call ♪ ♪ i took no time with the fall ♪ you gave me nothing at all >> reporter: the women of southern methodist university's crew team take on the men of harvard baseball. the challenge, a choreographed dance set to carly rae jepsen's "call me maybe." this since the first time the catchy song sparked attention online. in january, america's favorite teen sweethearts justin bieber and selena gomez, tweeted about the then-unknown song, launching carly's career here in the u.s. ♪ your stare was holdin' ♪ ripped jeans ♪ skin was showin' ♪ hot night wind was blowin' >> reporter: three months later
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bieber and gomez released their own take on the video. friends ashley tisdale and members of "big time rush" made cameos. ♪ and this is crazy ♪ but here's my number ♪ so call me maybe >> reporter: pop star katy perry joined in on the fun with her own version. ♪ here's my number so call me maybe ♪ >> reporter: but it's these college athletes who are appear touring the spotlight now, not on the playing field but on the road and online, giving us all something to sing about. ♪ so call me maybe so what does carly rae jepsen think of all of this? she playfully retweeted the harvard version of the song. >> you've seen the videos. now it's time for our dance-off. we have the men from the harvard's baseball team. they're here in van number one getting ready to go. and they're represented by jonathan smart with us out here. now, the southern methodist university women's crew team, they're in van number two over here. they're getting ready to go. and they are represented by
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emily karstens. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> let me start with you. how many parents on this team are saying this is what i sent my kid to harvard to do? >> we've actually had a big response. we were worried about our coaches when they first saw it, what they would think. they've loved it, had a good time with it. hopefully it will be a good recruiting tool, good publicity for the team and the school. >> who's the sleeper? >> jack colton, one of our sophomore outfielders. he actually couldn't make it today, but we replaced him with a pretty good actor. >> was he really asleep? >> he was out cold the whole time. >> this is a song that i think is for teenage girls. how did you guys pick this? >> we're a pretty goofy team, we have pretty eclectic taste in music as it is. sort of came on thei ipod drivig to one of our games. we had fun with it. >> you guys are a team that works hard. there's another member of our team, alex, a 5-year-old that you guys befriended. >> that's right. little alex we adopted as one of
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our teammates three years ago through the friends of jack foundation. it's been great. he and his mom come to a lot of our games. he gets to hang with us. it's also a great reminder for us how lucky and fortunate enough to be healthy and happy students at harvard. >> emily, you represent this team. how many takes did you do of this video lying upside down with the blood rushing to your head? >> i wish i could remember. >> you blacked out. >> i blacked out halfway through. over the weekend, we did anywhere from seven to ten takes. >> you had seen the harvard video? >> we had. it was our athletic trainer, drew yoder. he thought we had one-up them. he choreographed it and directed us all. we had a blast. >> the car is moving and not upside down. >> no. >> could you work this into a synchronized swim team? >> we got a lot of comments, if we were ever to capsize, we
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would be an excellent synchronized swimming team. >> we have a trampoline over there. >> we'll have to give it a shot. >> the trash talking has begun. some of the guys on the harvard team said there are innovators and there are imitators. why don't you two join your teams. emily, jump in van number two with your team. jonathan, you head in van number one. we are going to start the music in just a couple of seconds. then members of our audience here, you guys peek through the windows. look at the monitors. and you can decide which team you think does this song best. >> and we'd like to see you guys do the moves. >> exactly right. so try it with them. >> it's harder than it looks. >> so maestro, if you will play the music, you can start it when you wish. teams, good luck. ♪ don't ask me ♪ i'll never tell ♪ i look to you as a friend ♪ now you're in my way ♪ i trade my soul for a wish ♪ for a kiss ♪ i wasn't looking for this ♪ but now you're in my way ♪ your skaer wtare was holdin' ♪
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♪ ripped jeans ♪ skin was showin' ♪ hot night wind was blowin' ♪ where you think you're going baby ♪ ♪ hey i just met you ♪ and this is crazy ♪ but here's my number ♪ so call me, maybe ♪ it's hard to look right ♪ at you baby ♪ but here's my number ♪ so call me, maybe ♪ hey i just met you ♪ and this is crazy ♪ but here's my number ♪ so call me, maybe ♪ and all the other boys ♪ try to chase me ♪ but here's my number ♪ so call me, maybe ♪ you took your time with the call ♪ ♪ i took no time with the fall ♪ you gave me nothing at all ♪ but still you're in my way ♪ i beg and borrow and steal ♪ at first sight and it's real ♪ i didn't know i would feel it ♪ ♪ but it's in my way ♪ your stare was holdin'
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♪ ripped jeans ♪ skin was showin' ♪ height not wind was blowin' ♪ where you think you're going baby ♪ ♪ hey i just met you ♪ and this is crazy ♪ but here's my number ♪ so call me, maybe ♪ it's hard to look right ♪ at you baby ♪ but here's my number ♪ so call me, maybe ♪ hey i just met you ♪ and this is crazy ♪ so here's my number ♪ so call me, maybe ♪ and all the other boys ♪ try to chase me ♪ but here's my number ♪ so call me, maybe ♪ it's too bad ♪ it's tootoo bad >> i've got a little bit of each going here. >> i don't know. i kind of like the harvard guys, they have a certain amount of cool about them. >> ladies, what do you think? >> the ladies. they're hanging upside on their
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head. come on. >> it's official. it's a draw. >> yeah! >> thanks to the hrd good thursday morning. 8:26 right now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. this morning, grocery workers across the bay area delivering a strong message to their employers. they'll get on buses heading to 24 grocery stores from vacaville to salinas. they're demanding a contract that provides good jobs and affordable health care. at 4:00 this afternoon, the buses will converge at cesar chavez park in downtown san jose for a mass rally. time to check your traffic with mike. >> right around the college, there are signals that may be out because of that earlier
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accident and the wires that have been cleared from hesperan boulevard. an accident is moving to the shoulder in the last few here. and the south bay, your north bay routes, northbound 880 off 17, very slow right there. back to you. >> thanks for the slow spots, mike. check out nbc bay area on facebook for updates. have a great thursday morning.
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the perfect race i'm running in my mind. >> i've done this 100 times. >> everything that's built up is released. >> i'm hitting the water like a rocket. >> if i do the best that i can do -- >> i touch that serwatt thaorew ld record. >> i just won. 8:30 now on a thursday morning. it's the 17th day of may, 2012. talk about a sibling rivalry. you're looking at the trampoline skills of jeffrey and steven glucksteen, brothers from new jersey currently ranked number one and number two in the country on the trampoline. the problem is, only one spot is available on the u.s. olympic trampoline team. so one of the brothers will
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probably get it. the other will not. we're going to talk to them and take a look at some of their skills in just a couple of minutes. meanwhile, i'm matt lauer out on the plaza along with savannah guthrie, al roker and natalie morales. ann curry is still wining and dining on the french riviera. ann? >> oh, nice. >> reporter: hey, matt. i'm really sorry, i'm distracted here in cannes. we'll see you a little bit later. i'll catch up with you in just a second, in fact. let me just tell you, i know all of you hate me for being here in cannes. we are going to try to bring a little cannes to you guys. we're going to talk about what causes people to think that women here have such great sense of fashion. we're going to show you some roses that you can pick up, even for very inexpensively in the united states. give you a sense of what it's like to be here. as a gift to you coming up in this half hour. >> that was cool. that was john paul gaultier hanging out with ann on the french riviera.
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>> although ann's going to see that guy a little later. >> in a couple of minutes. >> i don't know what that is. >> what's up with that? >> what else is happening? >> we've got sharon osbourne live in the studio. what's it like to be a judge sitting next to howard stern? and what about those acts? we'll talk to her about the new season of the show. it's going to be good. it's okay. also, don't forget, we have a pretty talented performer, he's lined up to kick off our summer concert series. tomorrow here on "today," r&b superstar usher. be sure to come on down or if you're camping out already, let's hope it's a nice night. right here on the plaza. let's say help lowell to dev patel, star of the oscar-winning movie "slumdog millionaire," and now the star of "the marigold hotel." good to have you back. >> thank you for inviting me. >> this is the little movie that could and you're going up against big movies like "the
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avengers." they're very similar, aren't they? >> that's for sure. totally different concept. this is a feel-good kind of light poignant film, i think, would be the difference to the crazy action-packed "avengers." >> and your character, to put it lightly, is extremely optimistic and energetic. was that exhausting? >> i needed a tranquilizer in the movie. i was crazy hyperactive. it was great. i was this kind of ray of hope who thought everything could be all right in the end. >> you open up this hotel for seniors. >> yeah. >> but you're filming in india. you had to work with a dialect coach. >> i did. everyone looked at me as this kind of veteran because i shot "slumdog" in india. and i was just as terrified as those guys. it was amazing putting on this thick accent talking at a million miles an hour with the most amazing cast and this big package deal. it's great. >> not to mention the cast that you got to work with, pretty amazing, judi dench, maggie
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smith, tom wilkinson. i think you even said that working with them, these are legends. >> yes. >> and you at the time, i guess, you were a fetus when most of them already started their careers. that probably went over pretty well, right? >> the thing is, i've never had so much fun on a movie before. because they're so -- they had such a great energy. they're all so funny. dangerous senses of humor. and they all know each other. it's like a big family so we had a great time. >> this movie has done great in the uk. it opened in limited theaters a couple of weeks ago. and now it is opening in many more theaters here. so a lot more people will get to see it. dev patel, wonderful to have you back. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> "the best exotic marigolds." i just like the title. mr. roker. >> let's look at your weekend starting with tomorrow. lots of sunshine along the east coast. showers along the southeast coast. rain in the western plains. sunny and hot through the southwest. then on saturday, slight risk of strong storms from texas all the way into kansas and nebraska. wet weather into the northern plains. sunny on both coasts. although a little on the wet side in the southeast.
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sunday, sunday, a risk of storms from texas all the way into the u.p. of michigan. a few showers in the pacific northwest. sizzling in the southwest. sunny and mild along the northeast coast. pretty nice weekend throughout much of the country. that's what' well, it's nice and mild to start with temperatures in the 50s. but we are only going to climb into the low to mid-70s, even the warmest cities across the bay as we hit 4:00 p.m. by noon, you will see the 60s, probably requiring a jacket for the first part of the day. 72 degrees in san jose. 69 in oakland and 64 degrees in san francisco. as we head through tomorrow, we'll add an dibble 5 to 6 degrees here. temperatures, the 80s return. much warmer weekend ahead. have a fantastic day. and that's your latest weather. >> all right. when we come back, inside sharon osbourne is here to talk about "america's got talent" and much more. but first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ [ transforming sounds ] [ male announcer ] transformers. the ride. ride it at universal studios hollywood.
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back now at 8:38. sharon osbourne has seen it all from singers to acrobats, high divers and fire eaters. and that was before she even joined "america's got talent." but even now as she kicks off her sixth season as a judge on nbc's hit talent competition, she still finds acts that thrill her. >> ah! look at those! >> oh, my goodness me. it's the best. >> sharon osbourne joins us now. okay, we found the way to your heart. just be a dog and the fix is in. >> listen, everybody knows that when they come to audition, if they bring an animal, i'm, like, you're through. you can go. yes, yes, yes. >> so how's it going? anything else new at the office? >> same old, same old. you know. >> howard stern obviously has joined the cast. how has that changed the energy?
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how's it going so far? >> oh, it hasn't changed the energy. it's still, you know, very subdued, you know -- >> respectful. >> low -- you know, we're under the radar. >> it's almost like watching c-span, isn't it? >> really, yes, it is. >> it's funny. when howard stern was announced, the parents council tried to stop advertising on the show. you said something funny. i think they're a bit slow because i've been on the show for six years, and i have such a potty mouth, it's like a truck driver. >> i do. what he does on his radio show is not what he does as a talent judge. two totally different things. >> in fact, we saw kind of a different side to howard in the first couple of episodes which i'm going to ask a question you definitely don't hear every day. is he too nice so far on the show? >> i think because you thought those were the first auditions that we did, and i think, you know, you're trying to be
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politically correct. you're trying to find your rhythm of the show. and he was, you know, just taking it all in. i think as you see it go on, as the show progresses, you'll see more of the howard that we know and love. >> all know and love. you've worked with some of the best, okay? you were obviously on "the x factor" with simon cowell. >> yes. >> over in england. now you've got howard stern. so if we were to compare, what do you think? who's the better judge, or how do they compare to each other? >> they're totally, totally different people. you know, simon has a real gut for what will work in music. he's got a really good gut for that. you know, he's always spot on. he can pick someone out and go, that's my next star. and he's right. and howard is more to the extreme. like he'll see something in a
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ventriloquist or a dog act and go, oh, that's outrageous. i love that. >> got to see more of that. speaking of your co-host, there's a story making the rounds about your old co-host, piers morgan, and you on a flight and some toplessness. you want to tell us anything about that? >> oh, that old chestnuts. he was asleep on the plane. and he gets very grumpy. and so he was asleep. and he's, like, don't make noise. don't make noise. i've got to be on cnn in the morning. all right. so anyway, i had had a couple of little cocktails. and nick was sat opposite him. and i said, come on. get the camera out. and so i took my bust out, and i put it -- i hadn't it on his shoulder. and we took a picture. and just as the flash went, it woke him up. and he was, like, what? and i'm, like, morning. >> and where is that picture now? >> nick cannon has it. >> you're kidding. well, i hope you paid him off
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appropriately. >> oh, no, i'd love for it to get out. no, i would. yes, that's my breast! >> well, you are a pioneer of reality television, after all. i have to ask you about something really exciting in your life. you have a grandchild. >> i do. >> how has that been? >> it's been just an amazing time in my life. it's something that i didn't think was going to happen so soon. and it's just been a blessing. it's fantastic. >> i'm sure you won't spoil this little baby. >> oh, no, i'm very strict. i have strict guidelines to bringing children up. >> well, sharon osbourne, it's a pleasure to talk to you. thank you so much for being here. >> thank you. >> and remember, everybody, you can catch an all-new edition of "america's got talent" monday at 8:00/7:00 and tuesdays, too, 9:00/8:00 central. next, two high-flying brothers facing off for just one spot on team usa's trampolining team. did you even know there was one? but first, this is "today" on
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we are back now with "today's countdown to london." 71 days and counting until the opening ceremony. the sport of trampolining made its olympic debut 12 years ago. the u.s. has never had an athlete in the finals of that. but there are high hopes that a gluckstein brother could change that this year. the question is, which one? >> reporter: in football, brothers peyton and eli manning make headlines. in tennis, sisters serena and venus williams go head to head. ♪ jump jump and now sibling rivalry is reaching new heights. ♪ jump jump meet the brothers gluckstein from atlantic highlands, new
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jersey. jeffrey and steven. steven is the highest ranked male athlete in the united states. jeffrey is number two. with one more olympic qualifying event to go, the brothers are vying for just one spot on the u.s. olympic team. when the gluckstein family brought home a trampoline for the backyard, they never dreamed it would produce elite athletes. >> they just started to jump. and got better and better. >> we never competed against each other. so i never looked at him as competition. i looked at him as my little brother competing at the same sport. i was trying to get him better, help him out, give him tips. >> reporter: but in 2011, little brother, jeffrey, became a national champion, taking the title big brother steven had held for two consecutive years. >> it was a bittersweet moment. but as a competitor, you have to be a little bit aggressive. >> reporter: the boys train together every day and live at home with their parents. >> i make breakfast so he doesn't sleep through training. >> yeah. >> i want him to compete at his
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best. so when i beat him, it will be that much sweeter. >> and we're joined now by steven and jeffrey gluckstein. jeffrey's up on the trampoline. steven with me down here. nice to see you. good morning. >> good morning. how are you? >> i'm fine. two qualifying events down, one to go. so you basically have 20 more seconds on the trampoline to decide which one of you goes to the olympics. if this were my kids, i'd have to move them to separate states. how are you handling this? >> well, you know, it's very important that we keep our gym life separate from our home life. so when we walk through the gym doors, we're competitors. but once we leave, we're brothers. >> you guys train together. and i understand you have slightly different styles of training. tell me the difference. >> well, you could say i'm more of a military and strict trainer. you know, everything's on time. everything's got to be very organized and structured. whereas my brother, as a younger brother, a little bit more laid back and does more what he wants to. >> and because you train with him every day, you know his
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strengths and weaknesses. does that come into play now when you are competing? >> oh, absolutely, you know. and i'd say i notice his strengths more than his weaknesses. and it makes me work that much harder. >> jeffrey -- whoa, jeffrey, can you come down here for a second? you were up there, man. come on down. join us here. i think a lot of people are watching this and may have seen that story we just did. they have trampolines in their backyard, all right? and some may have even had bad experiences on those trampolines. how dangerous is this? >> oh, i mean, we've been training for at least 11 years now. we know how to handle our falls and everything. it is a safe sport. you just have to put a lot of time and practice into it. >> when injuries do happen in this sport, what's the most common kind of injury you have? >> usually broken bones, torn ligaments. actually -- >> oh, that old stuff? >> yeah. i've broken my arm twice on a backyard trampoline. i've experienced it before.
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now i'm broken bone free. >> which is good if you're heading toward the olympics. so as i mentioned to your older brother here, one competition qualifying event left. that will decide which one of you goes to the olympics. how much pressure are you feeling right now? >> oh, right now, i don't want to crack under this pressure. i've been working for this for 11 years now. we just opened up a new facility. it's elite trampoline academy. it's ten minutes away. every day, the ten minutes, i just get psyched to jump there. >> all right. i'm going to grab the microphone. you're going to go back up. before you jump up, raise your hand, which one's going to the olympic games? all right. jeffrey and steven, hop back up. let's take a look at what they do. 71 days till opening ceremony. one of these two will be in london jumping for the u.s. ♪
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hey, guys, good luck. thank you very much. hope to see you in london. we're back with much more on "today." but first, this is "today" on nbc. [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to get great prices on things you need. we know you look around for the best deals. that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. right now, arrowhead water is just $3.33 a case. heinz ketchup is only $1.79. that's for the party size. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. get the new safeway app. it's free. and the easiest way to get the most savings.
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♪ back now with more from the cannes film festival. and this morning, we've got your
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go-to guide for all things cannes from travel to a little wine. but we begin with french fashion. we've got john paul gaultier, he's the fashion-forward designer and also a juror for this year's festival. good morning. >> good morning. >> it's great to have you here. congratulations. the first designer ever to be on the cannes jury. what's your reaction? >> it's very flattering, you know. working with a director, models. to make that connection. >> you know a lot about films. you were inspired by them. you also know a lot about fashion. and a lot of people wonder, what is it about french women and their fashions? two women you say embody this are katherine deneve. what is it they possess that can speak to french fashion? >> i think feeling good in themselves, a movement. but sometimes french can make some mistakes.
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women but men, too. for example, two times i have been refused from the festival. the first time i was in a tuxedo but shawl, black. on second time, i was with a kilt with tuxedo. refused again. the third time, i came, i was like a look-alike. so i got through it. >> so you go through with madonna. >> no problem. >> i'm sure. >> the jury, no problem at all. >> i want to also introduce because we want to talk about also traveling in this area. we're joined now by a contributor editor to "conde nast traveler." so there are so many beautiful hotels, very historic places here in cannes. and many of them are very expensive. is there an inexpensive way to visit this area? >> well, one thing we suggest to conde nast traveler readers is to take a train in from other places. the train system is great here. you can come in from nice,
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monaco, it takes less than an hour. you get to see a beautiful coastline on the way. and then you can come in, soak up the movie star glamour for the day and head back to a less expensive pad. >> noticing that a lot of people really enjoy the window shopping around here. there's also a way to see movies for free. >> yes. there's this wonderful program of having movies on the beach open to the public free at 9:30 every night. this year is the anniversary of bond, so they're showing some bond classics like "dr. no," "diamonds are forever" and "jaws" remastered, being right by the sea, i'm not sure you want to get into, but it's still a great choice. >> stand by. i want to walk this way. we want to talk about what's really important today. we want to talk about wine. and we want to talk about wine with really an expert. this is francois, he is the director of the provence wine
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council. >> morning. >> is it true in france people drink more rose than they even drink white wine? >> more and more in france, white wine is a real trend. we drink more rose wine than white wine today. and it is a tradition. >> and this is the region that makes most of the rose. >> yes. >> give us a sense about some of these. by the way, all of these are available in the united states, as i understand it. >> yeah. they are available in the united states. and, for example, this one, whispering angel. >> whispering angel. >> yes, whispering angel. because when you drink it, we used to say that you hear, you can hear whispering angels. try it. try it. >> i will definitely try. hey, guys, come on in. >> whispering angel. >> we also have this which, by the way, is owned by -- >> brad pitt and angelina jolie.
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>> how about that? to cannes. >> to cannes. >> to you. he news. good morning to you. 8:56 right now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. a teenager is dead after a shooting in san jose. doctors worked through the night to try to save the boy but he died early this morning of a gunshot wound. officers say they found him and another man injured on walnut woods drive on wednesday nig. the other man was assaulted and had serious injuries but he was not shot. so far, no word on the possible
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motive. and police have not released a description of any possible suspects. a lot cooler out there this morning. let's check the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. >> good morning. it's going to be a cooler afternoon by about 10 degrees from yesterday's highs. we're going to climb by about 5 to 8 degrees tomorrow. and then the 80s return for the weekend. have a great thursday. [ man ] hmm. a lot can happen in two hundred thousand miles...
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are you guys okay? yeah. ♪ [ man ] i had a great time. thank you, it was really fun. ♪ [ crash ] i'm going to write down my number, but don't use it. [ laughing ] ♪ [ engine turns over ] [ male announcer ] the all-new subaru impreza®. experience love that lasts.
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♪ we're bac we're back now with more of "today" on a thursday morning. i just had to figure it out for a second. it is the 17th day of may, 2012. we have a rather boisterous crowd here in rockefeller center. and it's been a little bit of a three-ring circus here out on the plaza over the last 45 minutes. we had some viral video face-off. we had some guys on the trampoline. now we have two guys and savannah guthrie. how good does it get? i'm matt lauer along with savannah and al roker. ann is still in the south of france. and the weather, i mean, it looks beautiful there, ann. >> hey, matt. you know what? this is really the best. it's been a great time so far here. it's just getting started. last night, of course, the red
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carpet was rolled out. the glitterati were on the red carpet showing off their designer duds. getting ready to see all of these movies. we're pretty excited to be here, matt. i want to mention to you that tomorrow we've got more heavy hitters. we've got ben stiller and chris rock and jada pinkett smith and we were also talking to eva longor longoria. before i let you go, on your behalf, just for you, because i'm really missing you here, i'm going to go take a little dip. actually, not complete dip. i'm going to put my toe in the mediterranean for all of us at the "today" show. and sending it back to you from here. >> wow, that's nice. >> it's cold! >> we're going to have a little doughnut in the green room for you here. we miss you as well. >> careful. careful. >> send back some rose! >> okay, i will. i'll bring back a bottle. >> where was it we were doing the show remote one time and you dove in, in your clothes in the pool. was it miami? >> oh, that was in miami, yeah. that was in miami. >> do it again.
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>> not this time. >> dropping a hint. >> anyway, ann, thanks very much. here we have "today's professionals" back in the house. >> yeah, they are here. they've got a lot to talk about, fired up. we are going to talk about the john edwards case. was it a mistake that john edwards did not take the stand in his criminal trial? we'll also talk about the thing that's been come to known as hoodiegate. mark zuckerberg's been to high-powered meetings with investors on wall street wearing the hoodie and jeans. should he have dressed more for success? we'll talk about that. and then another controversial magazine cover, this time it's "newsweek." >> all right. then sexy kate, the duchess of cambridge's fashion choices always make headlines. some are saying the royal is now walking on the wild side. showing a little more skin. we'll tell you what's behind the new look. >> i love it when you do your whole english accent. >> i'm practicing. of course for the olympics. thank you. let's go inside, natalie's standing by at the news desk with the headlines. hi, natalie. >> good morning, everyone. a new tragedy for the kennedy family.
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mary kennedy, the estranged wife of robert kennedy jr., was found dead wednesday at her home in bedford, new york, an apparent suicide. she was 52. an autopsy is being done today. new census numbers show for the first time that racial and ethnic minorities now make up the majority of babies born in the u.s. minorities made up just over 50% of u.s. births in the 12-month period ending last july. that's up from 37% in 1990. well, today no break in the weather as firefighters battle raging fires in the west. one fire in crown king, arizona, tripled in size on wednesday to about 6,000 acres. and a wildfire near ft. collins, colorado, may force residents there to evacuate. frightening moments wednesday in oregon where a firefighter fell through the roof of a burning apartment building. two other firefighters pulled him safely back out, and no injuries there. today an american astronaut and two russians arrived at the international space station, doubling the population up there. they'll be there for more than four months.
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"forbes" magazine is out with its list of the most powerful celebrities. and based on both money and fame, "fork's" picked jennifer lopez who earned $52 million last year as number one on its celebrity 100 list. oprah winfrey was second followed by justin bieber, rihanna and lady gaga. a new jersey man is truly attached to his ipod. he had four metal studs implanted into his left wrist and attached four magnets to the back of his ipod nano. the ipod clicks right into place to play music or tell time. he says he always wanted to do something no one has done before. okay. and a case of unrequited love in russia as one toddler tries to hug another and tries again and again. aww. only to be pushed away each time. she wouldn't even say "call me, maybe." his determination has already
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topped 1.2 million hits on youtube. aww, then she runs away. adds insult to injury. it's now five minutes past the hour. let's go back outside to al. >> wow, playing hard to get. ouch! >> there you go, taking it to the extreme. >> i'll tell you. all right, thanks so much, natalie. as we look at what we've got going on today, first of all, again, out in the southwest, big problems. we're going to continue to see a climatologically dry season, strong winds, locally gusty with low humidity. no help for our firefighters. red flag warnings and fire weather watches from california to colorado, new mexico, arizona, nevada and utah. then in the southeast, we could use some of that rain. heavy rain will continue to dump on central and southern florida and the southeast. we're talking about from key west all the way up to savannah. anywhere from a quarter inch to three inches of rain over the next 24 hours. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your well, winds out of the west have pushed that marine layer all the way inland this morning.
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good morning, i'm meteorologist christina loren. the winds will pick up heading throughout the second half of the day. we're expecting the clouds to hang around at least until 12:00, partial clearing between 12:00 and 2:00 today. 79 degrees in livermore. 72 in san jose. taking your temperatures down by about 10 degrees with the lack of sunshine for the first part of the day. through tomorrow, back up to 78 degrees inland. and then the 80s return just in time for the upcoming weekend. weather. savannah? ♪ i'll be taking care of business every day ♪ >> time now for "today's professionals" here with their take on the hot topics of the day. star jones, donny deutsch and dr. nancy snyderman. good morning. let's talk about the big trial, john edwards, of course. the defense rested yesterday without calling the blockbuster witnesses, john edwards, not cate edwards, not rielle hunter,
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the misstress at the center. we start with our lawyer. was it a mistake not for him to take the stand? >> he was really the only one in my opinion to take into consideration. i'm not sure what cate could have added that was substantial to the evidence. and rielle hunter was a train wreck waiting to happen. so john edwards was a real maybe. but you know, when he was a silver-tongued trial lawyer, the jury found him credible. now we know he's a liar. i think it would not have been a good idea to put him on the stand. >> that's what leads me to donny, actually. the jurors, the last piece of evidence they saw from the prosecution's case was john edwards on national television lying smoothly about this affair. could he then take the witness stand and have any shot at being believed by the jurors? >> absolutely not because going in, he's got two strikes against him. he's obviously -- we've seen what has happened here. and on top of it, he's a smooth lawyer. so almost -- whatever he says coming out of his mouth -- >> and a politician. >> and a politician. he's got every strike, other than a tv personality, he's got every strike against him. >> less of a legal question for you, nance, but do you think
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there would have been value in having cate edwards take the stand? >> she could have softened up and said, look, my daddy did this to protect my mom and they loved each other. she could have done the empathetic daughter. but my heart bleeds for her. she's now going to be really sort of the mother to the little kids. she has a life of her own. the sorrow of losing her mother, and frankly the public embarrassment. i think everyone's cringing for her. >> one quick thing also -- >> and i bet he walks. >> i think in america we have to stop acting surprised when men of power do these ridiculous things. it almost goes with the kind of person that wants that power. there's an exception to the rule. >> wait a minute. no one would imagine that a presidential candidate with a wife dying of cancer would start sleeping with some wacky spacey girl, have a baby with her -- wait a minute, come on. it's just going completely off the reservation. >> there's a certain profile that somebody like that is more prone to do it than an insurance salesman. we've got to stop acting
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surprised. >> the interesting thing for me, too, bunny mellon, the socialite. there are three times when you should be in the newspaper, when you're born, when you marry and when you die. and suddenly she's thrust into this. but there are people who can't get enough of it. >> i want to move on but real quickly, star, do you think they should have taken that plea deal when they had it? >> 100%. because now -- >> they're sweating it? >> yeah, they're sweating it. >> let's move on to mark zuckerberg, speaking of sweating, sweatshirts, hoodies, thanks for the segue. here he is, this is the big week of the facebook public initial offering. he goes to wall street, meets with high rollers, big investors, and he's wearing his uniform, the hoodie and jeans. we'll start with our branding guy. i know it's his brand, but should he have worn something more suited to the occasion? >> first of all, it wouldn't have made a difference. second of all, no. you said it, it's his brand. the whole facebook essence is we are this exclusive billion-person club that's thumbing our nose at the rest of the world. if all of a sudden he shows up in a suit and tie, you go, what? this is not facebook.
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it would lose the patina of we are something special. i actually think, although i find it incredibly annoying, something about him, i just want to go like this to his nose. >> okay. >> he did put on a sport coat when he met the president in a private setting. >> right. >> and he was basically told to because, you know, that's out of respect of the office of the presidency. but having lived in that part of california, there is this feeling that, you know, you east coasters do whatever you want, but guess what? we're making things happen out here. and he is a nonconformist. >> but does he occasionally know that the situation requires it? >> do you notice the hypocrisy here? when we talk about mark zuckerberg, rich white guy wearing a hoodie, we call him brainy and self-confident. and he's the man making things happen. but when a young black kid walks down the street in a hoodie, that's ghetto. that's urban. >> whoa, whoa. >> that's negative. i just find it very interesting. sorry. >> first of all, i don't know why this is a black/white issue. >> it's not. >> i love you like a sister.
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but you do this a lot. by the way, we're putting him down for it. >> no, no. don't interrupt me about an issue that means something to me and to the rest of the world. >> it's not a racial issue. >> what i'm saying to you is is you're having a discussion about an article of clothing where two months ago, that article of clothing was looked at as negative. think about it for a minute, donny. >> it's negative here for a different reason. >> you're not looking at it -- >> it's not like he's great because of a hoodie. >> in "the new york times," they called him brainy and self-confident. >> star, you're real whacked out right now. >> you're just not living in the truth. >> let me throw something else at you real quick. let's do it on the basis of a gender. what if a woman's brand was to wear a certain kind of clothing, maybe hot pants for all i know, and she goes and takes meetings on wall street. but, i mean, do you think there would be a double standard there? >> of course there's a double standard. how do you think sheryl sandberg's going to dress on friday?
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she's going to dress like the adult in the room. and she'll be there on time. and she'll be late. and guess what? they're going to go ahead and be phenomenally successful. >> i want to get to our next topic. cover controversy, okay? just on the heels of the "time" magazine cover, with the breast-feeding mom, we have "newsweek" with a cover that shows president obama with a rainbow halo and it says "the first gay president." i know, donny, the name of the game is to sell magazines. is there any point where they're pushing it too far or people reading it might feel manipulated by this? >> i have to tell you, specifically "time" is a brilliant cover. that format, a weekly news magazine, is dead. it's over. all of a sudden there's a reason to pick up "time" magazine. just like "esquire" in the '60s did those covers. it's the only way they're going to survive. >> is there any limit in your mind as to what they should do? >> hello, hello. >> i don't see that. >> tina brown has revolutionized how provocative and how much you can push magazine covers. and when magazines frankly aren't selling, she's shown that you can uptick sales by what's on the cover.
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>> also newspapers do the same thing. we live in new york city. and the "new york post" is legendary for its front cover. >> i want to get to our last topic. a tough call. virgin atlantic is going to let some of its overseas flights from new york to london let people talk on the phone on their cell phones. there are limits to it, but is this a good idea? >> why do i feel like i want to channel samuel l. jackson and go no more mmm mmm phones on that mmm mmm plane. i can't imagine that you want to have phone calls while you're in the middle of flying. >> i would think for every happy traveler who can do business, there's a mad traveler. >> and the noise. >> first of all, we are way too connected as a society. when i'm in an elevator and someone's on the phone, i take my phone out and pretend i'm on a call and start screaming. no. >> can you imagine the number of confidential business conversations people have, as if i might not know who they're talking about or to. stunning to me, if that person were working for me, i'd suspect
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you say this and they were talking about business, boom, they're gone. >> you're too amped up today. did you have too much coffee? >> i don't drink coffee, okay? >> that's a natural high right there. >> do you have your coffee black? >> if i did, i'd have cappuccino anyway, okay? >> star jones, donny deutsch. dr. nancy snyderman. >> don't hate me because i'm brown, okay? >> you can take this up after the commercial. coming up next, don't ignore the warning signs. important health information about skin cancer, and it could save a life coming up right after this. t skin cancer,ld could save a life coming up right after this. h a machine. what ? customers didn't like it. so why do banks do it ? hello ? hello ?! if your bank doesn't let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. hello ? ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. ya', you betcha honey.
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ya' think so? mm-hmm. [ male announcer ] some mornings, you just can't eat at the table. introducing eggo wafflers, a new kind of waffle packed with flavors like brown sugar cinnamon roll so you don't need syrup. new eggo wafflers. actually it can. neutrogena® ultra sheer provides unbeatable uva uvb protection and while other sunscreens can feel greasy ultra sheer® is clean and dry. it's the best for your skin. ultra sheer®. neutrogena®.
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♪ i've got a little secret, too ♪ ♪ i've got a mad little crush on you ♪ [ female announcer ] it's always better when there's a little more to love. introducing our silky smooth dove chocolate bar. ♪ every little thing has meaning ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] we've added a touch of philadelphia cream cheese to our kraft natural cheese to make it creamier. so whatever you make isn't just good, it's amazing. ♪ life is amazing with the love that i've found ♪ [ female announcer ] and to make a creamier sandwich, try new kraft touch of philadelphia slices.
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"today's health" is brought to you by nicoderm cq. three steps, ten weeks, and you're free. this morning on "today's health," skin cancer. we all know the dangers, yet 34% of women still don't use a sunscreen as a precaution. dr. carrie peterson is an internist and contributor to "women's health" magazine. carrie, good to see you. >> good morning, al. >> that's amazing. 34% of women. i'm not sure what the percentage is for men. i'm sure it's probably just as high. >> yes. >> we've been hearing about all these dangers for so long. why are so many people still not using sunscreen? >> a lot of factors. if you work indoors, a lot of people think i work indoors, i'm not going to get any exposure. think about it. if you're driving, your left arm is at higher risk. >> or if you've got a sunroof. >> exactly. through the top of the car. some people think it causes acne. other people think it's already in their makeup. and for some people, certain chemicals can cause a little
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bit of stinging. so switch to a physical block. >> you say it's important to watch your body in a sense. >> absolutely. >> to monitor. especially when you see new moles on your skin. >> yes. just as part of your routine health care, check your moles. if you notice that they're changing at all, see a dermatologist. and if you're not sure, interestingly, "women's health" in their june ipad edition, you'll be able to upload a photo and see if there's any changes that look cancerous. >> folks who think, okay, i want to lay down that base tan, that's pretty risky, isn't it? >> just as risky as getting a significant tan because any uv exposure can cause cell damage causing wrinkles and skin cancer. >> so there's some factors that you don't want to ignore. first of all, you say family history. >> absolutely. if you have a first-degree relative who has had melanoma, your risk goes up by 50%. and even with a distant relative, your risk goes up as well. >> a blistering sunburn. >> one blistering sunburn in adolescence can increase your risk by double. what it would have been if you had no sunburns. and even if you have five mild
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sunburns, that also doubles your risk. >> it's been in the news, tanning beds. >> yes. they have been in the news. and they are just as risky as the sun. they increase your risk of melanoma by 75%. basal cell carcinoma by 69%. >> fair skin or light eyes. >> fair skin you're at higher risk as well because your skin doesn't have enough melanin in it, the pigment that offers us inate sun protection. you definitely need sunscreen if you're fair-skinned. and if you have light eyes you're at risk for ocular melanoma. >> just because you have dark eyes doesn't mean you shouldn't be concerned. >> that's correct. you have higher levels of melanin and still at high risk. >> and if you're in either a sunny or a high altitude location. >> if you live in a tropical climate, you have uv radiation exposure all year long. at higher altitudes, even though it may be cooler in the air, for every 1,000 feet you ascend, the risk of uv exposure goes up by 5%. >> sunscreen. i know you're supposed to use a shot glass full on your body. >> correct. >> but if you've got sunscreen left over from last year, you say get rid of it. >> toss it. it has an expiration date.
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if you also notice that the texture has changed or it's separating, throw it in the garbage. >> what if you have a hat on? do you need to put sunscreen on? >> you do. you could get uv exposure from the water or sand reflecting upwards. >> how often do you put on sunscreen? >> every two hours, reapply. >> dr. keri peterson, thanks so much. great advise. especially as we get into the warm weather months. coming up, then there were two. who will be crowned the "celebrity apprentice" and who will be fired? he looks pretty happy about it. we'll find out sunday in the finale. the two finalists face off here coming up. inspired by tuscany's freshest and savoriest.
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olive garden brings you the taste of tuscany starting at $10.95. try our new chicken with tortelloni or grilled sausage with orecchiette then choose two of four tasty tuscan extras. like a bruschetta and our roasted asparagus. enjoy it all starting at just $10.95. for a limited time at olive garden. and now you can enter our sweepstakes for a chance to win a trip for two to italy. to enter visit
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so it stays on in conditions like sand... sun... 100-degree heat, and ocean water. for uva/uvb protection in seven conditions, banana boat. we've got you covered. ♪ [music plays] ♪ [music plays]
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all morning long we've been humming along to "call me, maybe." >> earlier, we had a contest between harvard baseball and the southern methodist women's crew team. well, we decided yesterday, we'd make our own little video. check it out.
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♪ ♪ before you came into my life ♪ i missed you so bad ♪ and you should know that ♪ i missed you so so bad ♪ it's hard to look right ♪ at you baby ♪ but here's my number ♪ so call me, maybe ♪ hey i just met you ♪ and this is crazy ♪ but here's my number ♪ so call me, maybe >> this was natalie's idea. >> we did a little retake. it got progressively better. not that one. >> no, no. >> although dave auerbach was perfect. >> the sleeper. with no moves. >> those three moves, it's harder than it looks, people. >> no, it's not. >> it's just a matter of keeping up with it. >> it's such an easy thing. >> there we go. >> this was natalie's big idea. her directorial debut. i won't be in the next one. there was a problem with casting. still ahead, charlie
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palmer's here to help us fix shrimp t t>>ways. >> that's after your local news and weather. flo, and karen for a girls night out talking about activia. i tried it and my body felt so right, for a change. and then there's you... why should i try it? my system gets out of sorts but that comes with age, right? wouldn't you like to feel great? just because we're in that over 50... what does that mean? are we done? activia helps regulate your digestive system when eaten daily. these could be our best years yet. activia [ female announcer ] improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula improves skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] only from aveeno. ya', you betcha honey. ya' think so? mm-hmm. [ male announcer ] some mornings, you just can't eat at the table. introducing eggo wafflers, a new kind of waffle
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packed with flavors like brown sugar cinnamon roll so you don't need syrup. new eggo wafflers. the alameda county sheriff's department says the deputy was putting dewitt into leg chains when dewitt kicked him and broke his jaw. dewitt is accused of bludgeoning a berkeley hills homeowner to death with a flowerpot. it was being transferred to napa state hospital. a rare chance this morning to see a world class racing yacht up close and personal. the americas cup race organizers displaying a full-sized catamaran complete with six-story wing sails in san
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francisco at union square park. the 66-foot-tall race boat will be there from 10:00 this morning till 1:00 this afternoon. it will be in san francisco, which will be the home in the city for the 34th americas cup next year. we'll have a look your local weather and traffic right after this break.
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welcome back. 9:28 now. still dealing with a strong westerly wind. and that wind out of the west has pushed the marine layer inland. mostly cloudy to start. temperatures will warm once the sun breaks through the clouds. 65 degrees at livermore. 73 in antioch. holding on to the low 70s in places like san jose and fremont for today. 60s bayside. through tomorrow, warming your temperatures back up. 78 degrees, even warmer heading into the upcoming weekend. best beach day will be sunday. let's check your drive with mike. >> we'll look over to the east bay. first a live look at oakland because traffic really is still bogging down past the coliseum.
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better north of high street heading into downtown. back to the maps, the eastshore freeway has slowing down. getting into san francisco, the upper deck slows as well. south bay northbound 880 the slowest spot of the area. but things are lightening up all over the place except for 101 northbound heading up through palo alto. heading over toward the embarcadero exit there's a disabled big rig blocking one lane causing all that slowing. >> mike, appreciate it. thank you for joining us. another local update in a half hour from right now. the "today" show rolls on.
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♪ baby let me love you down ♪ there's so many ways to love you ♪ ♪ maybe i can break you down ♪ there's so many ways to love ya ♪ that is usher, the seven-time grammy winner out with his seventh album and getting ready for his first concert in rockefeller plaza. i can't believe it. he's kicking off the summer concert series tomorrow. so come on by. and next week, one of our favorites, pitbull, will take to the stage. he is always a lot of fun. and then a special memorial day concert from bobby brown. so all gearing up for our super summer concert series. meanwhile, coming up in this half hour, the duchess of cambridge still turning heads. she went from demure royal bride
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to stunningly sexy fashionista apparently. we'll look at her style from slits to come-hither stilettos. also, it's getting to be wedding season. if your first thought is what am i going to wear? don't worry, we have perfect looks for any type of affair from formal to intimate and will have you looking great for your friends' wedding great. but not too great because you don't want to upstage the bride. >> never. then we'll be cooking up shrimp. our good friend chef charlie palmer is in the kitchen preparing the tasty crustaceans three different and delicious ways all guaranteed to please a crowd. >> slump sounds better than crustacean. seems more appetizing. first, this sunday marks the season finale of "the celebrity apprentice." >> got the crustacean in your mouth. >> donald trump crowns the winner, the two finalists must
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execute their charity event and work together to make sure that their variety show goes off without a hitch. take a look. >> i sort of hoped that arsenio and i would be in the final two together. i have a lot of respect for him. >> there is no feeling like this. this is so cool. and i'm in a competition with someone i respect. that's an important part of it, too. i'd like a low five. bam, baby! we are here! >> well, there you see them. the final two, clay aiken and arsenio hall, the two left standing. you guys actually seem to really like each other. but you've been competing all along. so how did you work together? >> what's not to like? >> some of the competitors throughout the season. >> sure, you did. >> they've had a lot to say about you, clay. >> of course. you know, we have -- besides looking so much alike, we have -- >> identical. >> -- we have a lot in common, you know. >> like what?
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>> we both are sort of -- we met at kind of like a cocktail reception for all the contestants in a corner because we both really are not social beings when it comes to that type of thing. so we were both hiding in a corner and we became friends like that. and just got along from the beginning. >> the loner bond. >> and we both start our sentences with "yo, dog." >> there you go. >> i knew there was a lot more to that story. so you guys had to actually work together and pull this event off. how did it go? >> we actually had to work against each other for this. and we got to bring back people from previous contestants on the show to kind of help us. >> the first time we worked together, who won? >> the first time? >> we always won pretty much every time. >> but the first time we worked against each other, who won? >> i believe i did. >> i don't think so. >> puppet test? excuse me? >> a little fight. >> i had an out-of-body experience that week. >> we both love each other. wow.
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wow, lightning fast. >> i have the speed for "the apprentice." >> that's what donald said. >> what did you guys learn about ourselves in these final tests? >> i've learned that i'm not very trusting. we literally were leaving the hotel heading back to our respective cities. and it dawned on me that he was an honest guy and we were really friends. >> it was all over. >> i was, like, every day i was waiting to find out, oh, clay went into a confessional and used the "n" word. >> i realized it was nice. >> yeah, it was nice. >> it's weird because you always expect to have these friendships created. i've talked to people in the past. and marlee matalin told me, people you think are your friends are not your friends. and i'm, like, yeah. >> you guys are friend, so there's a happy ending. and to hear the rest of the ending, you've got to tune in.
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>> it's going to be happy for one of us. >> we'll see if they're friends when they find out who wins. clay aiken and arsenio hall, the finale airs this sunday at good morning. temperatures are going to be comfortable to start. but we're only going to break into the low 70s even in the warmest cities across the bay today. looking for warmer weather? wait one more day, up to 78 degrees inland tomorrow. the 80s return for the weekend. great beach day on sunday. next week, monday, tuesday, wednesday, keeping that may gray in the forecast. but overall, holding on to our seasonal averages. have a great day. and that's your latest weather. >> thank you, al. coming up, kate middleton
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turning up the heat. the duchess of cambridge transforming herself into the most glamorous royal since princess diana. but first, these messages. un, deux, trois, quatre! ♪ allez ouais...woo! ♪ crazy, crazy, sky so blue. ♪ ♪ hit the beat move my feet now. ♪ ♪ there's one thing that i want to feel, ♪ ♪ just liv'n' life'n' take the wheel. ♪ ♪ ohhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhh. ♪ make a change with best foods. ♪ make parmesan-crusted chicken. ♪ surprisingly crispier... juicier... mmm. yummier. made with real simple ingredients. find this and other recipes at
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[ thlurp! ] aflac! [ male announcer ] help your family stay afloat at plegh! ♪ ...action heroes... ♪ ...sing-alongs, or whatever else, then you and your family will love netflix. netflix lets you watch unlimited movies and tv episodes on your pc or tv via game console or other devices connected to the internet. search by age, or character, and get information that helps you make the right choices for your family. it's instant, it's unlimited. and it's only 8 bucks a month. start your free trial today. from demure to daring, it seems that the duchess of cambridge has suddenly gone sexy. so what's up with kate's new look? she's on the new cover of "people" out this friday. and kate coyne is the assist aeptd managing editor. good morning. >> good morning. >> looking at some of these pictures of catherine middleton,
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we see her showing a little bit more skin than we're used to. what is going on here in >> in a way, this is a new kate, but it's also the old kate in the sense that you need to remember, this is a young woman who first caught her prince's eye by wearing a see-through dress. >> that's right, in college. >> in college. she has worn plunging necklines before. she has worn certainly very body-conscious outfits before. but not since becoming the duchess of cambridge. since that wedding, you've seen her in a lot of literally buttoned-up looks. lots of coat dresses, heavily belted, thick fabric. and even -- >> fascinators. >> even when she's gone out for formal events, there was a beautiful pink dress about a year ago. it was cut across at the collarbone. things have been very, very covered up. and now suddenly with this green lace dress with a much more plunging neckline, the back is just covered by lace, leaving very little to the imagination or quite a bit to the imagination in terms of what sort of undergarment could have possibly worked with that dress,
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it's definitely a return to the sexier kate of their courtship. >> although you and i were talking during the break, i mean, it's sexy, but it's not like it's like -- >> yes. >> -- hey, look at me, i'm showing it all here. >> only a monarchy woman would wear her hair in a dress bun suddenly be considered radically sexy. it's sexy up to a point. i don't think we're ever going to see kate wear something cut down to the navel or completely thigh high. >> these are all events -- these are all the queen's dining jewel lee celebration. so i'm sure these looks are approved by the queen. >> by the queen, by her prince. you know, she's viewing this with impeccable class and taste as she's done everything else thus far. >> she's showing perhaps a little more confidence in the ability to wear these kinds of looks, right? >> yeah. when she first became the duchess, it was clear that she was very conscious of following the rules. she wore the new, she showed
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very little skin, she kept herself much more covered up. it's not that she's abandoning that look, but she's clearly relaxing into her role more, having more fun with it. the shoes are even a little sexier. they're jimmy choos. she's having more fun because she feels more confident in her role. >> she's the person who made nude pantyhose come back in style. it gives you an idea of what we'll all be looking to next. >> green lace dress, beautiful. >> i know. i'm waiting for the invitation. kate coyne, thanks so much. how to be the best-dressed guest at any summer wedding. speaking ofea giful reen reulse b dresse we'll have more of that right after this. we charge everything else... maybe it's time to recharge the human battery. only the beautyrest recharge sleep system combines the comfort of aircool memory foam layered on top of beautyrest pocketed coils to promote proper sleeping posture all night long.
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the revolutionary recharge sleep system from beautyrest... it's you, fully charged. no. you quit? i'm trying nicoderm cq. [ male announcer ] nicoderm cq, the patch with 24-hour smart control technology, lets you celebrate a little win every time you say no to a cigarette. nicoderm cq. quit one day at a time. ya', you betcha honey. ya' think so? mm-hmm. [ male announcer ] some mornings, you just can't eat at the table. introducing eggo wafflers, a new kind of waffle packed with flavors like brown sugar cinnamon roll so you don't need syrup. new eggo wafflers.
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you squashed my willpower like a fly. you looked so innocent and so sweet. convinced my lips that we should meet. you were a relentless flirt. oh no we had indecent dessert. twinkle twinkle hope appears. a stevia leaf erased my fears. it made my willpower a super hero. as for calories, it has zero. twinkle twinkle truvia® star natural sweetness, i love just what you are. truvia. honestly sweet. it's real milk full of calcium and vitamin d.
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and tastes simply delicious. for those of us with lactose intolerance... lactaid® milk. the original 100% lactose-free milk. ♪ pop goes the world ♪ it goes something like this ♪ everybody here is a friend of mine ♪ ♪ everybody, tell me, have you heard? ♪ ♪ pop goes the world ♪ pop goes the world [ female announcer ] pop in a whole new kind of clean with new tide pods... a powerful three-in-one detergent that cleans, brightens, and fights stains. pop in. stand out. ♪ this morning on "today's style," summer wedding attire. whether you're invited to a daytime wedding for a nighttime soiree, our stylist has the perfect outfit for every occasion. good morning to you, jen.
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>> good morning. >> i thought you looked perfect for a daytime wedding. >> who knows, maybe i'll get invited to one this afternoon. i'm ready to go. exactly. you never know. >> first things first, before we get into our models, is it still the rule you can't wear white to a wedding? >> i wouldn't wear white to a wedding. there are so many other colors to work with. the bride may say she doesn't care. even if she doesn't care, other people will question it. there are so many other options. let the bride wear white. >> don't wear your most show-stopping gown because it's the bride's day. >> i think going classic is the always the way to go. whether it's daytime, nighttime. >> we've got four different types of weddings. let's start with the daytime wedding. generally speaking, what should you keep in mind? >> daytime wedding, color. i think you don't want to be garden-party ready because that doesn't look sophisticated enough. solid color is great. i love this yellow dress from where you can find
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weddings, special occasion finds. the ruffle makes it feel fun, playful. >> she's got just below the knee length. how short would you go? >> you'll be sitting so don't go too short. you want to acknowledge it's a daytime wedding and wedge shoes. you'll be most likely on the grass. you don't want to be sinking. wedges are great. especially when you go with nude, it elongates the leg. then we played it up with cobalt jewelry. stella has great color pieces. you get a colorblocking effect. daytime appropriate. >> the wedge shoes are key. thank you so much. our next type of wedding is a destination wedding. this can be tricky especially if we have a beach wedding. let's bring tiffany out. >> destination weddings stress me out to no end. first thing to consider, make sure your dress is easily packable. this is a lace number, under $100 at tj maxx. you can roll it. you don't know what you'll be wearing. >> lace is great for that?
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>> lace is great for that. add some color. she can wear this shawl on the plane. so she doesn't have to pack a lot. >> love it. tiffany, thank you so much. the next one is another tricky one, that's the big formal wedding. black tie wedding. >> black tie wedding, always, again, stressful. what are you going to wear? i say go classic black. i think it's always timeless. and it's easy to accessorize in different ways. this dress is under $150 which we found at it's an easy way to find black tie dresses online. i only shop online. finding black tie is tough. the jeweled detail makes it dressy. it's jersey. even if you gain a couple pounds, you can easily wear it. fun neckline, chandelier earrings draw the attention. >> i love what you did with her nails. show those. >> the nails were all her. it looks great. and the bag, keep it simple. charming charlie, 40 bucks. easy. some super high heels. got some bcbg metallics. go metallic. >> so it's very elegant. moon, thank you so much. and then our last one is an intimate wedding event.
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this is a smaller wedding. >> a smaller wedding. a luncheon, a dinner party. and joan is wearing such a beautiful outfit for a smaller wedding. go with separates because you can. and you can wear them a million different ways. we mixed and matched some pastels here. i love the h&m peplum top. this is from talbot's. you can do pieces of a suit. and the chunky pearl accessories also from talbot's. classic but a little edgy. and it's sexy. >> let's bring all of our models out one more time. i would think some of these might work for a daytime wedding, too. >> that's the thing. they're very interchangeable depending on how you accessorize. you want something you can wear a million times. with all of these, you could wear them every wedding season. >> jen, thank you so much. ladies, great job. appreciate it. and coming up next, don't know what to make for dinner? well, it's quick and easy. we'll show you how to make shrimp three ways. but first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪
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[ transforming sounds ] [ male announcer ] transformers. the ride. ride it at universal studios hollywood.
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♪ come out to my house ♪ my house i'm going to give you candy ♪ this morning on "today's kitchen," hot chef charlie palmer. charlie's here with three shrimp recipes that are sure to have your family asking for seconds. always good to have you here. welcome back. >> look, we have the whole team. >> it takes three of us because you're doing shrimp. three ways, right? >> starting off with a nice pasta shrimp citrus. >> that's coming up. first we're going to do a shrimp scampi. cooking tlimp is the easiest thing in the world. we've got some raw shrimp here. nice gulf shrimp. >> is there a specific time? >> i've been talking about gulf shrimp a lot because they're having problems with the gulf still with this perception that the seafood's not great. >> and it's still fantastic. >> it's still fantastic. they've tested things and it's really come back. get a little pepper on there. what we've got going on here is a little onion and garlic in the pan. you can smell that kind of going on there. and we're just going to season
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our shrimp up. little wonder flour, that super fine flour and right into the pan with our garlic and onions. >> what does the flour do? >> it's going to give it a little body to the sauce. we're going to see that down on the end there. like i said, it literally takes a couple minutes on a side. >> you don't want to cook these too much. >> you don't want to toughen them up. >> i'll leave that to you. >> you're doing great. come on, you've got it. so this one, we started one here. we have one that's seared on one side. now we're just going to flip them over. got a nice caramelization. we're getting color on our garlic and onions. we get that going. another minute there. then we come down on the end, a little splash of white wine. you know, to finish this up here. a nice squeeze of lemon. right in the pan. >> nice and fresh. >> and then we take that. a little parsley. and then we go right over top. we've got a little kind of bruschetta. >> a little lemon zest, too. >> a little lemon zest, yeah, on top. >> that looks delicious. yum.
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there's lunch for us. >> that's nice and fraige ragra. the whole kitchen smells great when you do this. when we do this at home, you don't have to announce that it's ready. >> here, too. >> a little zest. >> yeah, we've got some shrimp kabobs. >> what we're doing here, same thing. we've just skewered our shrimp. open grill. you could do it outside on an open grill. low fire, though. not a really hot fire because it's very delicate. shrimp aren't something you want to cook on a hot fire. a little asian marinade, it's got a little soy, ginger, that kind of thing. we've got some grilled up. a minute and a half on a side. >> so quick and easy. >> you don't even have to soak the skewers. >> yeah, it really doesn't matter on this one. we just take that. >> that looks great. >> we're going to put them over top of our salad. >> beautiful. >> asian vinaigrette. we'll just put that. >> what's our final dish? >> our final dish is the pasta dish. so here we've got a spaghetti
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with lots of fresh peas. >> oh, wow, that looks amazing. >> and just like, you know, ann's on the cote d'azur drinking that rose. we've got a little rose. >> nicely done. really nice. >> cheers. >> a little darker rose. and sparkling, right? >> this is a domestic rose from california. >> thank you so much. on our website. still to come, hoda and kathie lee and instant ambush makeovers. that's all coming up after your local news and weather. cheers.
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the time is 9:56. good morning, everybody. i'm jon kelley. san jose police talking to a man and asking him how he survived seven days without food or water.
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michael sanchez, jr., lost control of his pick-up near the hellyer exit. a witness said he saw the truck go down in an embankment but then saw sanchez walk away. chp found no signs of him. and then seven days later, police found sanchez alive. >> he was out there for seven days. he was found alive. so i know that the investigators were elated to know that they actually found someone that they essentially rescued. >> detectives have not had a chance to talk to him just yet. they are hoping to interview him later on today. let's check outside for today's forecast and the weekend ahead. christina loren is here. >> good morning. no wild weather to report. it's quiet out there right now. 71 degrees is the forecasted high in redwood city. 64 for san francisco. and 70 degrees with mostly cloudy conditions for the first part of the day up in san rafael. throughout the afternoon, you will probably be keeping that jacket on until at least 1:00,
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maybe 2:00 p.m. temperatures will break into the 60s then and low 70s. but that's it for today. tomorrow, the upper 70s return and then we get those 80s. a warm weekend with a lot of sunshine saturday and sunday. let's check your drive with mike. >> heading down to the south bay from the east bay, this is an issue. earlier we had an accident that cleared a few minutes ago westbound 237 right around mccarthy. there's still slow south of mission. south bay all right. but 880 at the alameda southbound side, stalled vehicle causing problems there. and 880 past the coliseum, a slow drive getting up out of san landri landro. >> back in a half hour with more.
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television ♪ >> oh! hello!
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>> hey, everybody. it's thirst day thursday. may 17th. >> that was not easy. >> thank you. did that work is it. >> if you were wondering what -- >> what did jerry put on me? jerry? was that so these wouldn't show? is that the point of that? thanks, jerry. >> here's the story. in cales you're wondering why were there legs up, and not the people --vy a head rush -- there's a viral video that's sweeping the country to the song "call me maybe." it was one of the harvard team's baseball teams versus a crew team from smu. are you dizzy? i'm re i i'm dizzy? >> i like it. >> this is what they did. ♪
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>> so we -- please! >> can we come back to what we did? let's go back to us and what we did. >> so you be the judge -- >> we could have done it all day lo long. >> i don't get any exercise today so that's going to count for it. >> hi, everybody. >> what a way to start the day. there is some good news besides that. sorry you had to see that. >> we had to lower the screen -- >> nobody wanted it see it in
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the other direction. >> we have a bunch of coffee cups up here. >> the "new england journal of medicine" says drinking two to three cups of coffee a day -- caffeinated or decaf natured -- lowers the overall risk of death by 10%! >> that's unbelievable. they say coffee drink region less likely to die from heart disease, respiratory problems, strokes, injuries, accidents, diabetes and infections. so drink up. drink your coffee an -- >> not if you're trying that. you know who must have been drinking an entire lot of coffee her entire life, at age of 90 she puts everybody to shame. yesterday we went to the sheraton midtown. i've been in this business a lot of years an been to a lot of those red carpet events. paparazzi was almost blinding. >> here's the fun thing. usually this thing is totally under wrap. it is like the cone of silence but stuff trickles out. betty white rode out on a who are -- before we go to the
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video. just here's a photo. two slicked up, oiled up men brought her out on a horse and there was also a woman on a horse next to her nak. lake. >> no choreography though. >> matt started off introing the whole tape. >> he introduced everybody that was not going to be a speaker. i'm going to introduce everybody who's really not funny and not talented enough to be speaking. kathie lee and hoda. right off the bat. >> that was rude. >> here's what he had to say. >> miss betty white. >> too late to even run, i have you have your catheter in because this thing runs forever. >> her first sitcom was called hot for grover cleveland. >> what's amazing is that you're alive, and your parents are here. give it up for adam an eve back there. >> are you a beautiful woman.
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>> oh, nice. >> what? were you drinking, hoda? >> yes, i was. had they had some funny lines in there. >> those things can get some unbelievably raunchy. but it was not for faint of heart. >> this joke from jeffrey ross. >> she's so old the color white is name after her. >> i like that one. >> some of the funniest stuff was the raunchiest stuff. hoda, you were talking yesterday about your tooth. >> i crack it. i'm good to go on monday. >> are you afraid? >> i don't lot of dentist because they stuff cotton and i get claustrophobic. when their hands are in there and the stuff -- >> that's a disease called dentaphobia. it is a common phobia among all people. probably because of this. >> i'm going to hate this. what is it? ♪ i am your dentist and i enjoy the career that i pick ♪
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♪ i'm your dentist and i get off on the pain i inflict ♪ >> so he know you are a little worried about it so we are bringing in an expert to calm some your dentist fears. look at her. we have a skype guest. >> are you joking? >> dr. greg lituchy -- >> that's whose going to fix my tooth. >> on central park south. there that's where i'm going on monday. >> i'm a partner. >> it as you understand like a legal firm for accident victims. >> hoda, this is your dental fear intervention. >> oh, okay. >> why are people so afraid of you? you seem like a pretty nice guy, though you don't look so great on skype. >> patients have a lot of fears -- >> what's that sound? >> i see it all. i see them grab that chair. i see them try and stall by
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racing out 100 times or running out to put the money in the meter and we're really not that bad at all. >> you know what? ky tell what you it is? it is the soun that we're hearing. it's that drilling soun that makes you just -- >> earplugs work? >> we have lots of things in the office. we have a massage therapist that rubs your feet. we've got headsets to drown out the sounds of the drill. for you, hoda, for your special fears, i have special things like this pair of pliers i think will be very good or possibly a scalpel as i'm fishing around your cracked tooth. no, seriously, we have such a relaxing office and the most important thing is you got to find somebody that you trust. >> i do. >> if you find someone that you trust, then you'll be safe. >> mark lowenberg is on vacation. >> this man could probably do equally as good a job. >> probably. >> he's on vacation. you called and i was available, you didn't come to see me. you hurt my feelings. >> i don't know you.
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i know him. >> but thank you for taking time out of your very, very, very busy dental schedule to meet with us today. >> hoda, there's a chair around it's calling your name. >> does it vibrate? she likes that. >> stop it. sick. >> thank you. >> sick joke. so there is a really heart warming story about a guy from kentucky. he's a businessman, local businessman -- he found out k-mart is shutting down. he asked them what they were going to do about all the mdz they had left over. he said i want to buy every last bit of it. he gave it to a local charity. it took i guess six hours, four registers and $200,000 and he bought it all an he gave it all away. >> to the clark county community services. >> i love what he said. they asked why would do you such a thing? he said what i see is people coming in my store, needy people sell their stuff. it's bad nowadays.
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i just told the clerk, let's just give it away to charity. what a blessing. what a blessing for the people he's doing it for. but a huge blessing for him. you know? to know that he's going to make that kind of a difference in everybody's life. you know who made a difference in our life, yesterday? >> yes. so funny. >> maybe the funniest show ever. "one may two govnors." this kid, james cordon, i believe it is, the whole cast is sensational. it is basically like and english farce. it is about man who's sort of down on his luck and takes on two jobs, two bosses at the same time. zblipts's sort of -- >> and hilarity. everyone says hilarity ensues? it doesn't usually. >> if you like austin powers and that kind of stuff, too, it is that kind of humor. you'll crack up if you like that stuff. >> it's go potty in your pants funny, girls. >> don't ever repeat that.
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ready for a little song. this is a little bit of a collaboration. country music tim mcgraw sings a duet with nelly. it's kind of mellow, it is kind of cool. it is a song called "over and over" and you're going to want to play it "over and over." let's go. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ >> hey, do not encourage her. >> look right here. look behind the news desk. rockin'. >> one woman, hoda. >> no. they are all rocking it. good music. >> it's nice, it sound fun. it just -- >> here it comes. >> see, that's the trouble! you're going to think about it "over an over again." >> no more, please. >> you can just feel it in your toes. i want to point out that "call me maybe" song, it was my song on "ihoda" two months ago. a trend setter. >> you were right for once, is the way i see it. here's the thing -- >> what? >> aren't we supposed to go to a little piece of -- yeah. yeah. i think we found a song you did
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not discover first and i think you might actually enjoy it. >> what? i don't like this chat. >> yes. yes, it's the song video. >> this is a good chat. ♪ in case you didn't hear it the first time ♪ ♪ girl didn't mean to make you cry ♪ ♪ didn't mean to make you cry ♪ >> who is this? >> this is brought to you, hoda, by your friend at o.b. tampons. >> i don't even get it. wait. what happens? you put your name and they make a special video of you? >> yes. apparently. >> i thought it was for me. tampons! this is ridiculous. what a ridiculous thing. >> anyway, they did that for
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their fans because apparently they took something that women loved off the market and they gave that to women everywhere who -- to make up for taking something off the market. >> should we do a really quick okay/not okay. is it okay -- >> is it okay for reality stars to run for office. you said of course it is okay but watch out what you run for. you may get it. >> it helps also to live in the place you're actually running. you can get in trouble with that. hoda says sure it's okay. why not? it is a free country, if they can fix what is broken, have at it. >> whatever. 30 rock jane krakowski. justt seeil you see how these ladies look after their "ambush makeovers." after these messages. you're doing it again, sweetheart. hmm? the thumb thing. ♪ -mine. -mine. -mine. ♪ mine!
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[ female announcer ] glidden brilliance collection paint and primer in one. available only at walmart. got a day? get some color. ♪ glidden paint makes it easy to add color to your life. glidden gets you going.
10:15 am
new venus & olay. olay moisture bars help lock in moisture... while five blades get venus close. revealing smooth and goddess skin begins. only from venus & olay. ♪ you take a message. take a boo-boo and make it better. take a nap? lol. take a breath. you take care of it all. let nutri-grain help take care of you.
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it's tasty -- made with real fruit, whole grains, fiber... soft and sweet. take a moment. then take on that to-do list with a grin. kellogg's nutri-grain. take care of you™. many people regard jane krakowski as a likable, award winning actress and singer. we are he not among them -- no, i'm kidding! she also happens to be a good ice skater. >> if you're a fan of "30 rock," you know she's the narcissist -- take a look. >> oh, poor baby, can't hack it in the big city. going to move to the bay area pretend that was your dream the whole time? have fun always carrying a light sweater. >> what's your problem? is this when i tried to cripple you? jenna, that was weeks ago. >> bye, hazel. i look forward to reading your obituary -- least famous person
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in the world dies. >> that a meanie! >> wow, ladies, what a way to start your hour! >> nice to see you. >> welcome to nbc news. >> exactly. you want your news, you get it here. >> it was a spanx party this morning. he. >> just let it go. >> hang that flag out there. >> so your character is hilarious on "30 rock." you do play a meanie, narcissist, all those kind -- >> which is so much more fun than playing the good girl. >> i love it. she's out there so -- and i love every minute of it. the more crazy they make her, i love it. we can get away with anything because it is all in the blanket of tina fey's world that she created. >> alec was on this morning with ann --
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>> he's lost so much weight! >> amazing what yoga will do for you. >> and the yoga teacher. >> your character got engaged in that live episode. >> yes. >> who would marry her? >> she's sort of marrying herself because she's marrying a male impersonator who impersonates jenna maroni. >> we heard the news that "30 rock" is going to just go for one more season. we're excited it is another season but it is a little sad. >> it is official we are finishing up in the seventh year. we'll do 13 episodes and -- well, i'm so glad we've had this time together. >> it must feel that way. part of you must be excited because there's other things you do. do you theater, do you so many different things. but you've become a family after -- >> i'm going to miss it so much. it has been the greatest group of people i've worked with. it's so rare that after seven years i love them and admire them even more now than i did even when we started. but it's probably time.
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we had a lot go on in our lives. >> you guys had babies, got married -- >> we have two new babies, two new kidneys, a few engagements and a new wife. >> the babies are cuter than the kidneys. yeah. a lot cuter. >> we know you from broadway. are you going to plan on doing some more of that? >> i hope so. i love the theater. it rejuv naturrejuvenates she. i have a conseth at the legendary town hall on june 8th. it is a 1,500 seat house that hopefully we'll be able to fill. >> we got to fill this! >> it's just me. it is my solo show. >> what are you going to sing? >> many songs. many from some he sort of my cabaret world and some from the broadway hits. we're going to expand the show. it will have some special guest stars. >> bring your one woman show to broadway this summer while some of these theaters are dark. it makes total sense. >> it would be amazing.
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>> there's that possibility! we wish you all the best. love to your little one. >> watch the season finale tonight. >> i think it airs tonight at 8:30, 7:30 central. >> that's what i've heard. right here on nbc. up next, find out why anything goes on this week's "webtastic" video right after this. what is that? new crystal light energy.
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hey! [ gasps ] ♪ [ backfires ] [ female announcer ] girl power to go. new citrus crystal light energy. 5 calories. because you never know. over time, my lashes thinned. crystal light energy. after 40, i didn't have enough lashes. my doctor said...latisse® is the only fda approved prescription treatment...for inadequate or not enough lashes. now with latisse® lashes are longer...darker, with more than double the fullness in 16 weeks. if you are using or have used, prescription products for eye pressure problems, use latisse® under close doctor care. latisse® use may cause increased brown pigmentation of the colored part of the eye which is likely permanent. eyelid skin darkening may occur which may be reversible. if you experience eye problems or have eye surgery, consult your doctor. common side effects include itchy eyes and eye redness. my lashes changed as i got older. now i use latisse®. find a doctor at today.
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but why doesn't it last? [ male announcer ] even after a cleaning... plaque quickly starts to grow back. introducing crest pro-health clinical rinse. it actually keeps your teeth 91% clean of plaque even at 2 months after a dental visit. new crest pro-health clinical rinse. i'm here with carol, flo, and karen for a girls night out talking about activia. i tried it and my body felt so right, for a change. and then there's you... why should i try it? my system gets out of sorts but that comes with age, right? wouldn't you like to feel great? just because we're in that over 50... what does that mean? are we done? activia helps regulate your digestive system when eaten daily. these could be our best years yet. activia
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we are back with "webtastic" when sara haines digs up our next video that will have everybody hitting "send." >> "anything goes," love that show, love that theater with a special backstage performance. >> yes, that's right. these broadway stars have gone from the stage to cyberspace with their rendition of one direction's "what makes you beautiful." check it out. ♪ baby you light up my world like nobody else ♪ ♪ the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed ♪ ♪ the way that you smile it ain't hard to tell ♪
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♪ you don't know you don't know you're beautiful ♪ ♪ >> you'll notice that there was -- it featured joel gray in the leading lady, and also one of the cast members raymond lee shot and edited. it took a week and a half to shoot. 87,000 hits online right now. >> good for them. >> that is really cool. excellent. >> i'd like to see like broadway performers do one of those. coming up next, are mail order desserts a sweet deal? what we'll find out if what you see is what you really get. we'll check in with "slumdog
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millionaire's" star and see what he's really up to. and "today's" "ambush makeovers." all of this couldsoming up. our lunch break is just that, a break. so we take time to sit down for lunch at olive garden, and we enjoy catching up as much as we enjoy the meal. it's the unlimited soup, salad, and breadsticks lunch.
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only at olive garden. featuring four homemade soups. enjoy all you want for just $6.95. [ man ] i love you guys. [ laughs ] i mean, just, you know, the whole heist thing. just putting jewels in teddy bears. this guy's wearing a wire the whole time. right? look at that! he's wearing a wire! [ laughs ] all right, let's do this. all right? before my wife changes her mind. go. [ male announcer ] your favorite movies right when you want them. watch unlimited tv episodes and movies instantly through your game console or other devices, all for only 8 bucks a month from netflix. no sequel for that guy. good morning. it is 10:26. i'm marla tellez. we're just getting word into our newsroom of police activity in oakland. officers are in the 2700 block of richie street where they are trying to arrest a suspect
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wanted for homicide. right now, there are no hostages or lockdowns in the neighborhood. we have a crew en route. we'll bring you more in about 30 minutes during our00 a newscast. a look at the forecast and the roads after the break.
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(sir can-a-lot) good day, ma' lady. [muffled] i am sir can-a-lot. i am sir can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! (woman) hmmm... that's actually a good idea. [nervous giggle] (ancr) break the monotony. for more fun ideas visit welcome back. take a look at our temperatures, all over the place right now. 56 degrees in san francisco. 70 degrees in sunnyvale. and 63 right here in san jose.
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the microclimate really kicking into high gear. temperatures are going to enup about 10 degrees cooler than where we were yesterday. talking about the low 70s and 60s bayside. your full forecast today at 11:00 a.m. first let's check your drive with mike. >> still have slowing southbound 880 out of fremont and into milpitas. we also had an earlier accident on 237. that's cleared. northbound 101, as you pass by the merge off of 85, a little slow past shoreline. that's about it for the northbound side. southbound 101 slows from just as you approach san mateo into toward highway 92. no other major issues, though. that's good news for the peninsula. >> mike, thank you. coming up on nbc bay area news at 11:00, a new crew member for the americas cup. race organizers announced a new partnership today. we'll have the latest for you. plus, cutting the security
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line, the security clearance program coming back to the bay area. we'll see you soon in 30 minutes. we're back on this thirst day thursday. it's time for the results of "today's" ambush plaza makeovers. two lucky ladies were plucked from the plaza. >> here to show off their hard work. "today" contributist and stylist to the stars louis licari la-la-la-la-la. >> is that getting old? >> and "today" and "us weekly" contributor and author, jill martin. beautiful day. >> beautiful day, tons of people. tons of signs. >> lots of opportunity out there. >> our first lucky lady is tammy gibson, 52 years old from
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orfield, pennsylvania. she's only had her hair cut three times in her entire life. >> wow. >> her daughter begged us to give her a sleek new style. take a look. >> all right. we loved your song -- make over my long haired hippy mom. >> i'm looking for her to look sexy, new, hip and cut the hair. i'm over it. >> you're over it. >> it was 17 years. how old are you? >> i'm 26. >> it's almost your whole life that she's had this hair. >> yes. >> are you ready to cut it? >> yes. i'm ready to start anew. be a new woman. i'm excited. i've always wanted to do this so i'm ready. >> tammy will come out in a second. halle is right there. please keep your blindfold on until we give you the green light. here is tammy gibson before. bring out new tammy. >> oh, my god! oh, oh, oh. >> halle, get ready to freak
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out. take off your blindfold. >> oh, my god! you look hot. >> all right, mom. >> oh, my word! >> you look awesome. so many years younger. unbelievable. please look right in camera 12. >> look at that. that just shows with -- i was going to say a little haircut but it is more than a little haircut. obviously more than a foot was cut off. she's a long haired good. why not. the big thing that we did here was layer it around the face to make the length age appropriate and flattering to her face shape. of course washed away the gray, washed away the year. >> halle, what do you think. >> i think she looks fabulous and she dev seserved it. >> i love this dress on her.
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>> she said this isn't really me. i said it's perfect then. it is from london times. i just love this color. for summer. then a great just statement necklace from talbot's. >> round of applause! our second lady is treacy farrell, 56 from north carolina. she wanted a new style to accompany a new phase in her life. let's hear her story. >> you're ready to make your single mom a hot mama, huh? >> oh, yeah. so she can enjoy new york city. she's single for the first time in 38 years. >> wow. we are going to make you totally glam. what do you think about that? >> i think it's awesome. go for it! make me beautiful! >> she's cute. >> that won't be too hard. she's awfully pretty. she's here with her daughter tessa. let's make one last look at teresa before and bring out the new teresa. >> oh, my gosh!
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>> wow! >> oh, you know what, tessa? i hope you got a strong heart. take that off and look at your mom. >> wow! >> yeah. strong heart for you, too, teresa. >> oh, my goodness! >> you look hot. >> who is that beautiful woman? >> if you can just tear yourself a way from yourself for a moment. >> tell us, louis. >> everything in her life was changing. she's divorced, she's moving to texas. we changed everything. the previous haircut -- and this haircut was done by myuki. we gave her very natural, soft makeup. haircut lifted. new style and changed the shape of the bangs which updated the whole look. >> tessa, what do you think? >> amazing. >> tell us about that great dress. >> love a wrap dress for summer
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spring. obviously beige shoes elongate the legs. from juicy available at macy's. the dress is from london times. >> jill, louis, thank you very much. >> coming up next, if you like to do shopping online, we'll show you what you can get when you order and -- >> the most popular desserts. throughout our entire lives. ♪ one a day women's 50+ is a complete multi-vitamin designed for women's health concerns as we age. ♪ it has more of seven antioxidants to support cell health. that's one a day women's 50+ healthy advantage. i was trying to figure out how i could get rid of 99% of the lead i can pick up traveling through your pipes, and then... [ click ] it just clicked.
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get it? it clicked... like the
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huge news! [ giggles ] all band-aid® bandages just got better. yay! and still protect from dirt and germs. [ female announcer ] band-aid® brand has new quiltvent™ technology with air channels to let boo boos breathe. only from band-aid® brand.
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now to "today's consumer
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watch." cupcakes, cookies and pie, oh my. we're looking at some of the most popular mail order desserts. >> if you've ever had one ordered online and sent to a friend, you probably wondered if what you saw in the ad is what they got. we've put those companies to the test. "today" financial editor jean chatzky is at it. >> with the answer to your question did it arrive in the exact same shape -- yes and no. >> the cookie bouquets, you always see these out. >> you do. i like them especially for college students. who wouldn't want food instead of balloons? this is the surprise bouquet, the celebration bouquet. $40, $70. they arrived on time. this one was a day late because of our address which is a little bit complicated. we've got a little bit of a crack in the icing but i think they did a pretty good job. >> cracks don't matter to kids. >> they do not. i'd eat it, too. >> sprinkles cub capcakes are fs
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and delicious. >> $49.59 each box for each set of 12, plus shipping. totally no problem. with the delivery, arrived on time. we've got one little smudge in the icing that they had to point out to me. i didn't even notice. they arrived fresh. we've got everybody in the studio waiting to eat those. >> all right. this -- >> the creamery. >> this i love. you can order different samples and you can actually create your own flavors. you go on. you pick whether you want a sorbet base, gelato base, ice cream base. pick your flavors, pick your packaging. we could even name it hoda's ice cream crunch. it arrived totally fine. completely frozen, in the dry ice, no problem whatsoever. $109 for the eight and another $40 for shipping. shipping matters. >> shipping is expensive with these things. >> you have to really take it in to part of your gift. >> when you guys ordered all of
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this stuff, did you do it online? did you do it by phone? did they know it was nbc -- >> they did not know it was nbc. we did it online and then they route it through their shipping company which proved in this case to be a problem. >> oh, look at the mess. >> this is dean and deluca. we ordered cherry pie -- >> look at that. >> there was a delay in shipping due to our complicated address. it is the fault of the shipping company. that part is not the fault of dean and deluca. but the packing in the styrofoam crate was not perfect, the dry ice evaporated and we ended up with a business of a mess. to the company's credit, they stepped up, said we'll refund your money, send you a new one, refund your shipping. we've all dealt with them for
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years zblsh is that the case with most of these? if there's been a problem and you called, they say just tell us what you need to fix. >> absolutely. and i think these are companies in the service business and they know with yelp and sites like that these days word spreads like wildfire. >> it is delicious by the way, if that happeit helps. at all. >> cheesecake factory. two 10-inch cheese cakes. this is tiramisu, this is red velvet. the only difference, if you look at pictures, online they're not cut. they arrive cut with paper in between so if you want to pretend you made this cake -- >> you're not going to be able to pull that off. >> you shouldn't be doing that anyway, jean. that's called pulling a hoda and it is not nice to do. this is fantastic! i don't care what condition it's in. >> again, shipping in this case was almost half the cost of the individual cheese cakes. >> but beyond delicious and we have not. able to keep the hands of
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jarfully particular off of that tirami tiramisu. >> jerry can't keep his hand off anything. up next, talking about delivering on your promises. dev patel up next. [ wind blowing ] ♪ [ female announcer ] when is it okay to lose the cover-up? when you can. take the special k challenge... and lose an inch from your waist in two weeks. ♪ my, my, my, my a cover-up free summer begins with special k. ♪ free personalized plans at what will you gain when you lose? free personalized plans at your mood and your makeup. makeup like you've never seen before. new revlon® photoready airbrush™ mousse make up. unique air-infused mousse formula blends easily for a smooth, poreless, airbrushed finish.
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time out. sweet. [ female announcer ] with charmin ultra soft, you can get that cushiony feeling while still using less. designed with extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent and you can use four times less. charmin ultra soft. lunch announcements are primetime. [ male announcer ] lunchables peanut butter and jelly. feed your great ideas. ♪ it's peanut butter jelly time ♪ ♪ peanut butter jelly time [ cheers and applause ] [train whistle blowing] ♪ we're here becausey time we wanted to come as much as they did. (girl) it's really hogwarts! because i can fly with harry! because i love seeing him like this!
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(screaming) ahhhhh! (narrator) from unforgettable adventures to the wizarding world of harry potter, only at universal orlando resort.
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after dev patel made a name for himself in the starring role in the oscar winning ""slumdog millionaire,"" he's about to become known for a new prelim. >> in "the best exotic marigold hotel," he opens a hotel in india for british retirees. when a guest complains the hotel doesn't look as good as it does in the brochure -- >> you photo shopped it. >> i have offered a vision for the future. of course i hoped by now it would be developed -- but in india we have a say everything
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will be all right in the end, so if it is not all right, it is not yet the end. >> it is so good to see you. >> how are you? >> this movie -- i loved. >> thank you. >> i just didn't want this movie to end. you fall so in love with the character. a brilliant ensemble cast. >> they are amazing, aren't they? >> just gagmy smith, judy dench, and dev patel. who was your agent? >> i really have a great agent. it was absolutely amazing. it was like an acting master class. everyone's got like a really dangerous sense of humor. hilarious. and they've all worked with each other for years so when they came together they were just having fun. judy and maggie smith are my best friends. >> i am so glad maggie smith has never done anything to her face because every line is there and you want it to be. not that judy has -- but maggie. >> i had this character, he's
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like a big showman. he's always speaking to the crowd. and then maggie would roll if on her wheelchair, say one line and roll away. >> and steal it. >> was it at all intimidating? there is a scene where you have to do this thing all on your own in front of the entire cast. when you are looking at everyone looking at you -- >> it is terrifying. i had one screen where i had everyone in this room. i'm inviting them to this english roast. it's awful. it has curry. it was going all wrong. looked around at all of these mega stars around me. sometimes you just -- you're terrified. i just wanted to speak really quickly and get it over with but they were so grateful. >> it is sort of like in athletics. when you play with somebody who's just more experienced, you get better. your game gets sharper. >> they were so humble. there was no egos about anyone. i was so humble to work with
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them but they really treated me like an equal -- but i'm not. >> in their mind you are. you are a fine working actor and deserve all the respect in the world. >> this movie did very well in europe, overseas, just opening now in select theaters. how do you think it will play with audiences here? >> i hope they like it. it did amazingly in the uk. probably thanks to my mum and all her friends. >> nothing blows up. it is about people. it is about getting older and their dreams and their dashed hopes. >> it is a really hopeful film. it is poignant -- >> and very moving. >> i have a gift for you. >> time for the parting gifts. >> you guys are now officially guests of "the marigold hotel." it's now painted. >> it is a wonderful film. we've got great parting ideas for celebrating graduation today. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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[ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to get great prices on things you need. we know you look around for the best deals. that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. right now, arrowhead water is just $3.33 a case. heinz ketchup is only $1.79. that's for the party size. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. get the new safeway app. it's free. and the easiest way to get the most savings.
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get the new safeway app. it's free. more than 3 million students will graduate high school this year making it a great reason to throw a party. >> my little daughter cass is one of them. here with a few fresh, yet simple ideas with how to honor that special day, elachb griffin. contributing editor for "better homes and gardens" magazine. >> it is my stage name. >> let's get the invites out. >> graduation really is a huge moment. as you know. in your life. it is cause for celebration. for our invitations you want to take pictures of your grad and then trick them out using ins instagram. do a photo montage invitation. fold them so so they fit in. we use this for decoration. >> that's not that expensive. >> no. we start with a libation.
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this is a multi-generational event so this is a simple graduation punch garnished with flowers. we added a little kicker. >> that's delicious. >> it is fruit juice, iced tea, club soda and then a little something for the grown-ups. >> that's good. >> when you think about colors for your pallet, it is the last time to your teen will get to rock school colors. we're on the "today" show campus, our colors. for snacks, do something that's graduation theme. >> those are cute! >> they're wraps. >> look like diplomas. >> these are very easy. skinny vases. we wrapped card stock around them, a little piece of black ribbon and a little gold seal. this is our invitation that
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we've mocked up. it is decor, too. we have celebratory cupcakes. we just printed out a little "you go" shout out, something congratulatory. on a bamboo skewer. >> this is such a cute idea. >> it is a photo mobile. it comes already done from umbra. add pictures of your grad's life. we did it by tiers. started k through 12. >> adorable. >> my favorite is senior spew l superlatives. sbl most likely to join a motorcycle gang. >> that's funny. >> most likely to have too many
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cats. >> kathie lee -- most likely to save the world! >> this show is not fair. most likely to save the world. >> another fun activity for your guests. >> who are these people? >> this is me! these you! >> that is not real! >> i love it. >> we're going to leave you with a nice picture. check this out. [ male announcer ] sizzler's new ultimate steak combos.
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hand-cut, tri-tip sirloin, plus choose shrimp scampi. or grilled malibu chicken, or bacon-wrapped shrimp. starting at just $11.99.
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