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tv   Today  NBC  June 29, 2012 7:00am-11:00am PDT

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good morning. breaking news. the most destructive wildfire in colorado history claims its first victim. ex-treatment heat is expected to slow firefighters today. as temperatures head into the 90s and triple digits from the rockies all the way into new england. some cities will hit all-time highs. far from over, congressional republicans say they will vote to repeal president obama's health care law on july 11th, this after the supreme court's historic decision to uphold it, as mitt romney vowed to tackle it on day one if elected. this morning, the fallout. rant on the runway. a flight attendant uses the plane's intercom to confront passengers on a flight. things got so heated the police were brought in. the faa launched an
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investigation today, friday, june 29th, 2012. captions paid for by nbc-universal television >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today," live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning, welcome to "today" on friday morning. i'm matt lauer. >> good morning, everyone. i'm savannah guthrie. the victim in the colorado wildfire was found inside one of the hundreds of homes destroyed there. >> it's an awful situation. later today, president obama will fly to colorado to survey the damage. we're going to get a live report from colorado springs straight ahead. speaking of the president, he heads to colorado fresh from his victory on health care. we'll talk about that with senior adviser to his re-election campaign david axelrod live in the studio. also ahead some frightening moments inside an arizona courtroom. a man convicted of deliberately burning down his own house appeared to put something in his mouth after hearing the verdict.
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moments later he collapsed. he was rushed to the hospital where he later died. the question this morning, was it suicide? we'll have the investigation, which is now under way. then what appears to be a case of unsportsmanlike conduct at a youth hockey game. take a look at this. you can judge for yourself. a judge appears to intentionally trip a 13-year-old player from an opposing team during the post-game handshake. that little boy broke his wrist. now parents want that coach to face criminal charges. we'll have more on that story as well. we have a huge crowd on our plaza this morning. we're gearing up for a live concert from one of the most popular rock bands around, maroon 5. monsoonlike conditions earlier. they are ready for a good show, and they will get one. >> massive thunderstorms rolled through earlier, lots of lightning and rain. nice to see them all okay. we begin with the serious news, the deadly wildfire raging in colorado. nbc's miguel almaguer in colorado springs.
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miguel, good morning to you. >> reporter: matt, good morning. few details released about the fatality. police discovered the body as they were looking for two missing people. a deadly fire of historic proportions. the most destructive wildfire in colorado history has claimed at least one life and 346 homes. last thursday night, many families learned their homes are gone. >> we're planning on rebuilding. >> reporter: joan grant and tim doucy have lived in the neighborhood of mountain shadows for 12 years. >> it's a huge empty feeling. you have intense pain. >> reporter: with flames still on the move, crews are once again in the air. >> you got one little smoker outside the retard line down here. do you got eyes on that? >> reporter: air force c-130 swept across colorado springs dropping fire retardant, dousing hot spots. >> real nice drops there. real nice. >> reporter: for hometown firefighters on the ground,
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>> we're going to put you on a front line. >> reporter: shifts are 24 hours long. many don't know if their own homes are standing. >> it's been difficult. my wife had to evacuate on her own. >> reporter: this morning more than 20,000 are still evacuated. but for those whose homes are no longer in the top of the fire, their first chance to go home. >> i'm so excited, my heart's beating. >> reporter: the lucky ones in a community of homes ravaged by fire and now death. police have not yet elaborated on their search for that second missing person. as for this fire, it is roughly 15% contained. the president traveled here. he h declared this area a disaster. matt, back to you. >> all right. miguel almaguer in colorado springs this morning. miguel, thanks very much. as we mentioned that blistering heat wave from the rockies to the east coast is not helping firefighters with their efforts. we've got al roker upstairs with how hot it's expected to get today. al, good morning to you.
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>> good morning, savannah and matt. first of all, the weather conditions fing, savannah and matt. first of all, the weather conditions for the colorado wildfire fire, high park fire, waldo canyon, unfortunately dry storms so lightning strikes may trigger more fires. gusts of 35 miles per hour. what's going on? well, huge ridge of high pressure pushing that jet stream, keeping it way up to the north. this is not going to break into next week we're talking about. look at some of these temperatures we've got. we've got dangerous heat, hurricane watches, heat advisories from texas, nebraska to new york and down to savannah, georgia. temperatures 105, dodge city 107. a lot of temperatures are record setting all-time highs, 103 in lexington. as we move to saturday, the heat continues, saturday through monday. all-time records possible from nebraska, kansas, oklahoma and on through the southeast, on into the gulf coast. we're talking temperatures that are going to be all-time highs
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and heat indexes between 115 and 120 degrees. matt. >> al, thank you very much. we'll get your local forecast in a moment. now the fallout over supreme court's historic decision of president obama's overhaul. republicans vowing to repeal the controversial law. pete williams is our justice correspondent. good morning to you. >> good morning. left the new health care law nearly intact, tossing out a punishment on states that don't have the medicare requirements. a huge victory by the obama administration made possible by one of the court's conservatives. outside the court cheers and boos when word of the blockbuster 5-4 decision reached the crowd. >> elated. >> the government is out of control. >> reporter: the supreme court upheld nearly the entire health care law called the affordable care act, finding it a legitimate use of congress's power to tax. anyone who doesn't buy insurance has to pay a penalty, and the
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justices said that amounts to a valid federal tax. >> they have reaffirmed a fundamental principle that here in america, the wealthiest nation on earth, no illness or accident should lead to any family's financial ruin. >> reporter: mitt romney in washington spoke soon after the decision came out. >> what the court did not do on its last day in session, i will do on my first day if elected president of the united states. that is, i will act to repeal obama care. >> reporter: opponents of the law claimed congress's power to regulate commerce did not extend to people who chose not to buy something, that is, who don't have insurance. chief justice john roberts and others agreed with that saying the law could not be justified as use of a commerce power. then roberts joined the court's liberals upholding the law instead under the congressional power to tax people who choose not to get insurance. >> the individual mandate and
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the rest of the statute with it is constitutional. it remains the law, and it's going to go into effect. >> reporter: chief justice roberts concluded his opinion with this, quote, the court does not express any opinion on the wisdom of the affordable care act. that judgment is reserved to the people. some of those people were among officials of the 26 states that challenged the law. >> obama care has been upheld and it's deeply disappointing. it's especially disappointing to see the way it turned out. >> reporter: house republicans say they pushed for a vote in two weeks to repeal the health care law even though it's unlikely to get through the senate. >> a lot of resolve amongst our colleagues and american people to stop a law hurting our economy, driving up the cost of health care and making it more difficult for employers to hire new workers. >> reporter: most of the new health care law remains in place along with the requirement that by 2014, all americans who can afford it get health insurance or pay a penalty on their tax returns. savannah.
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>> pete williams at the court for us. hours after the decision the house voted to hold attorney general eric holder in contempt of congress. they say he's withholding documents tied to a failed gun tracking correspondent. capitol hill correspondent kelly o'donnell has details on this story. kelly, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. this all began a year ago as congress started investigating the arizona gun operation known as fast and furious. republicans don't think the attorney general was directly involved in approving it. they are upset because they say he has gotten in the way of them finding answers. now, some democrats, 17, did vote for contempt. but the overwhelming majority say this is about politics and it's unfair to the attorney general. without enough votes to defend the attorney general, democrats used their feet to send a message to republicans. they marched out of the capital. >> shame on you. shame on you. >> reporter: and straight to the
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cameras. >> we should be about the people's business and stop wasting time over stunts that will have nothing to do with the future growth and development of this great country of ours. >> reporter: but republicans were making history inside. reluctantly, they say, delivering a strong reprimand to eric holder. holder is the first ever cabinet official to be held in contempt of congress. >> i don't take this matter lightly. i would frankly hope it would never come to this. >> reporter: house republicans argued holder failed to turn over subpoena documents that might explain why the justice department gave congress false information. >> it took him nine to ten months to provide that information and, whoops, sorry. that's not good enough. >> reporter: last year the justice department denied and months later acknowledged that federal agents let guns cross the mexican border in an operation called fast and furious. they intended to track the
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weapons to cartels. but when a border patrol agent was killed, two of those guns were found at the scene. >> we were lied to repeatedly and over a ten-month period. >> reporter: holder lashed out calling contempt a political stunt. >> a crass effort and great disservice to the american people. they expect and they deserve far more. >> reporter: there's plenty of political fallout. some see this as an embarrassment for the administration. others say it's a legitimate use of congressional power. the next steps are a little unclear. contempt does have consequences. it gets referred to the u.s. attorney in the district of columbia. eric holder is the top law enforcement officer in the united states. there is a relationship there. matt. >> kelly o'donnell on capitol hill. kelly, thank you very much. david axelrod, senior adviser to president obama's election campaign. good to have you here. niced to you. let's talk about this. anybody who thought that the
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supreme court's decision on health care was going to end the debate was delusional. the republicans scheduled a vote july 11th in the house to repeal the law. is this a fight the white house is going to engage in? >> i think the court spoke, we're going to move forward on implementation. kelly suggested i don't think there's an expectation the law is going to be overturned in congress. the republicans think they can make a political issue of this. they are going to have to explain why they want to roll back a law that's already producing so much good for the american people. kids who are 26 and under on their parents insurance. senior citizens getting help with their prescription drugs. folks who don't have lifetime caps on their insurance anymore. there's so much working, why do they want to roll it back. >> the good news is the supreme court says the mandates are constitutional. the bad news is they say they are a tax. back in 2009 the president adamantly denied health care reform ways going to be a tax on the american people. does he now agree this
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legislation, this law is a tax. >> whatever you call it, matt, a mandate or tax, what it is is a penalty on the very few americans who don't -- who can afford health care, don't pay for it, end up in our emergency rooms getting free care and we all pay for it. >> whatever you call it is important. if it's called a tax, it's going to hurt. >> i suggest you direct that question to mitt romney, chief proponent of the policy when he was governor of massachusetts because he said it was fair to make sure there weren't free riders driving up everybody's insurance rate. that was right then. you should ask him why he doesn't think it's right now. >> the supreme court said it's constitutional. the latest numbers from the "wall street journal" poll, 41% of american think this is a bad idea compared to 35 who support it. a pew poll put that negative number at 48%. does the president win a victory in the supreme court and take a
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beating for it in the voting booth in november. >> first of all, i think you're asking the wrong question. i don't think at the end of the day it's did the president win, mitt romney win, did the american people win, the middle class stronger, are they more secure because of this law. the answer to that, i'm the parent of a child with a chronic illness, i think you know that from the time she was quite young, i was one of those americans 30 years ago who almost went bankrupt because the insurance company wouldn't cover what she needed to stay alive. that's not the country that we believe in. >> let me ask you to comment just briefly at the end here, david, on what congress did yesterday, voting to hold eric holder in criminal and civil contempt of congress. paraphasing mr. holder said the american people deserve better. what is the president's reaction. >> kelly o'donnell said this is an embarrassment to the administration, i think it's an enbearsment to congress. mr. holder turned over 11,000 documents, more than 11 times testimony from the administration.
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they wanted a confrontation, the political theater. they ought to get to work on problems significant to the american people. >> david axelrod. good to see you. >> good to be with you. thank you. >> fourteen minutes after the hour. here is savannah. tom brokaw nbc news correspondent, chuck todd nbc's chief correspondent and political director. gentlemen, good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> chuck, i'll start with you. we followed the president's repeated attempts to sell it to the public. is this supreme court decision another opportunity to have a conversation with the american people and sell something unpopular. >> a small one. they have a small window to do this. we saw it in our own polling. there is a middle of folks in here, mostly live in the suburbs, skeptical of the bill but think something needed to be done. he has a shot. i'll tell you, i do think there is a hardening on this issue. you're not likely after a week to hear much about it. >> what's governor romney's play, use health care to galvanize the base, i suppose or say every day i'm talking about
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health care i'm not talking about the economy. >> immediate indications are,el keep this as a central part of his campaign. i spoke with a senior republican yesterday. i think throughout the party they were stunned immediately, especially by the decision having been written by chief justice roberts. then they began to hear from their constituents, raised more than $3 million in a few hours yesterday. the mandate/tax is still what they believe, a game winning kind of issue for them, so it's game on. >> i was going to say, in some ways this is the republican side of things, a lawsuit at the supreme court but were handed a huge political argument in the form of this is now considered a tax. how powerful will that be on the campaign trail? >> i think it's really powerful in house and senate races. i think presidential, it's a really tough decision on romney how much do you talk about this because what you said earlier. any day he's not talking about the economy, are the voters going to punish him for this. the obama folks believe there's
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fatigue on debating health care. i do wonder if it's going to fade on the national front. romney might be a flawed attacker on health care. house and senate races, that's another story. let's talk about chief justice john roberts. tom brokaw, not many people saw this coming. what do you make of this nixon-china alignment with liberals on the court. >> i'm the last person who would try to read the mind of the chief justice or anyone for that matter. conventional wisdom was mandates would get knocked out and kennedy would be the swing voter in all this. the supreme court by 3-1 say mandates go. now chief justice shows up. i do think it lowered the temperature about the debate about the politicization of the court. that's a good thing about the company however you feel about the decisions they are making. >> california, you don't think we'll see -- >> i just like to say one more thing if i can. chuck and i were really very
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flattered ts morning to see those crowds out there to hear us talk about health care. >> we always have to increase security when you're here. >> have us back more often. >> chucked to, tom brokaw, the traveling band. now a check with natalie morales. >> good morning, everyone. confessed shooter of an unarmed teen trayvon martin returns to court to plead for freedom on bail. george zimmerman's $150,000 bond revoked this month when they learned zimmerman and his wife misled the court about a website with funds for his defense. peter madoff is said to plead guilty in the role in his brother's financial crimes and agree to a ten-year prison term. the younger madoff will turn over assets. after burning down $3.5 million mansion for insurance
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money, 53-year-old man collapsed in an arizona courtroom and was pronounced dead soon after. on videotape it appears as though he put something in his mouth that may have caused his death. police are now investigating. a vancouver hockey coach under investigation after he was caught on tape apparently tripping a 13-year-old player on the opposing team during a postgame handshake line up. the young player reportedly broke his wrist in the lineup. the coach was questioned and released. canadian police are now considering filing assault charges against him. just days after venus williams shocking first roundous ter at wimbledon, a new one gets the boot. famed rafael nadal lost to a 100th ranked player. he lost in the first qualifying
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round, while nadal has not lost in the first round in any major tournament since 2005. a major upset. carmelo anthony had fun with fans at madam tussauds's. he pretended to be the waxed figure. check it out. anthony also was honored with his own real statue but said the prank was the toughest acting job of his life. matt, savannah and al, looks like he pulled it off mighty well there. >> i don't want to yell rip off. >> we did that about three years ago. >> we love you, carmelo. >> imitation is the highest form of flattery. >> that's true. natalie, thank you very much. mr. roker. >> see what we've got. the heat, a toasty one. storms moving through the
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northeast and new england, all our maroon 5 fans got dumped on for 15 minutes. that's moving through quickly. can you see the rest of the country, we are going to look at the record heat. we do have a rick of strong storms stretching to the mid mississippi river valley. plenty of sunshine in the north, gorgeous day, sunshine, 72. temperatures in triple digits over 27 states from the southwest into the northea here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning to you. taking a live look over the embarcadero, mostly clear conditions. we have a full deck of clouds. some of your bridges are socked in with fog. that will not be the case all day. temperatures are going to warm up nicely, 71 in oakland, 78 in redwood city and 75 degrees in lovely santa cruz. three-day forecast works like this. we're going to drop off through sunday and then we soar come monday. that means temperatures will be right on track with seasonal averages for the fourth of july. that's your latest weather.
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matt. >> thanks very much. it's happened again. a flight attendant unleashes a rant on passengers. an incident caught on tape that led to police boarding that plane. we'll tell you more about it. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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after your local news. what makes hershey's s'mores special? pure chocolate goodness that brings people together.
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is a long-lasting moisturizer and spf in one. it helps protect skin against everyday sun exposure. daily protection body lotion >> 7:26. i'm jon kelley. a 10-year-old boy in the bay area is in critical condition this morning after getting shot walking home from school with his mom. police say someone on a bicycle fired at a car near 15th street and maine avenue but hit the boy. he was taken to the hospital. he is expected to survive. police now searching for the gunman. >> this morning a suspected serial killer asking a judge to review dna evidence linking him to the murder of four women. joseph nasoacting as his own attorney at trial, nasocharged with killing the women who police have identified as prostitutes. nasohas been labelled the double
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initial killer because the victims' first and last names start with the same letter. a jury trial set to begin in november. >> we're set for the weekend. it's feel good friday. christina says it's going to feel good. >> it's going to feel phenomenal. starting with a live look over san jose. mostly cloudy. these clouds are going to keep your temperatures below average as we head through this afternoon, so they are a welcomed treat. 61 in sunnyvale, we're at 58 in san mateo, comfortable enough to go to the short sleeves in san jose at 61 degrees at 7:27 this morning. we have reduced visibility in the north bay but the sun's going to break through the cloud deck as we head through 10:00 to noon, making way to sunshine across the greater bay area. still a high around 82 degrees in santa rosa. at&t park forecast, as the giants are back at it tonight, catch the game, they have four shutouts consecutive under their belt at this point so yeah,
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we're looking forward to that game. let's go, giants. cooler for the weekend. >> your earlier stall and slowing for embarcadero, that's clear. slowing northbound out of mountain view into palo alto. the rest of the south bay evening out, in the 50s, the 40s around the 280-80 interchange. an easy drive here as well but the commute will start building. back to you. >> thank you, mike. for the latest make sure to check out nbc bay area on facebook.
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all the fans that got up very early for maroon 5, out on the plaza for the band. a lot lined up down 5th avenue and up 5th avenue. about 15 minutes later, the skies opened up. we had lightning and thunder. so nice to see all those folks stuck around for our 8:30 hour. inside the studio, i'm had the lauer alongside savannah guthrie.
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just ahead, what have you accomplished so far today. >> out of my pajamas. for most of us we hit the snooze button and experts say we could be falling behind before we get up. how you start the day sets the tone for your health, personal lifer and career. coming up, a guide to make mornings more productive. also ahead, david beckham, a soccer icon. he's one of the guys who fought to bring the summer olympics to the city of london. now a lot of people are crying foul after he was left off the soccer team. we're going to tell you what he's saying about the decision. to be honest he's 37, most players are in their low 20s. so doesn't seem like that much of an injustice. more on that. >> he's still young enough to be in the underwear ads if there's a silver lining. >> thanks for add thanksgiving. a special look friday, the ultimate fourth of july party. let's begin this half hour with a flight attendant who lost his cool after passengers started complaining about a long delay. it was all caught on tape. nbc's ron mott has details on
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this. ron, good morning to you. >> hey, matt, good morning. if you've flown more than a couple of times, you start to tune out announcements flight attendants make. not on this flight. the flight attendant was trust traited, not because seat backs and tray tables with weren't in their upright and locked positions. american eagle flight 4607 from raleigh-durham, north carolina was grounded for five drama filled hours because of weather. the delay pushing the crew to its time limit for the day. >> if you have [ bleep ] otherwise you're going to have to fly with jose. >> passengers dave abels flying with his nine-year-old daughter caught the incident on video. >> the more people spoke up, the
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more he was getting angry at us and crazy. >> the line for takeoff was so long and tensions so high, the pilot eventually returned to the gate. >> unfortunately our hands are tied. we cannot leave until that's obtained. >> reporter: tempers reached a boiling point and cops showed up. >> he doesn't care. that's what he got on the intercom and told everybody. >> serrano and passengers were questioned by the police but no one was arrested. >> the captain wasn't back here. >> we're going to finish this discussion on the jet way. >> the passengers from indie rock band several fellow travelers deserve some of the blame. >> i think jose probably suffered the brunt of a lot of the frustration of the banks. i noticed at one point it seemed
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like he was tearing up. i could tell he was upset. >> reporter: parent company american airlines said passengers were threatening and unhappy. but said it had been a long day for our customers on board as well as our crew. we do apologize. eventually the flight was canceled. nbc reached out to serrano for comment. american airlines spokesperson said the incident is under review, they do not discuss personnel matters. they sent an e-mail from a first class passengers who said passengers were verbally abused. >> ron, thank you very much. 7:34. here is savannah. a national hero in britain, one of the most popular soccer players in the world but david beckham will not be suiting up for the u.s. soccer team in the olympics. more on the decision that surprised and dismayed a lot of people, michelle, good morning. >> reporter: hi, savannah.
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yeah, there's been an outpouring, backlash online. olympic teams are 23 and under, each team can pick three older players. but david beckham, which helped bring the olympics to london, was not one of them. soccer great david beckham not only campaigned hard to bring the olympics to his hometown, he literally carried the flame from athens, lighting the torch on english soil. many assumed he'd play for his country. the olympic committee used his image to help sell tickets. until may he was major league soccer's top star for the los angeles galaxy. this week the 37-year-old's olympic dreams were extinguished. not chosen for team great britain. he said through a spokesman, naturally i am very disappointed but there will be no bigger supporter of the team than me. like everyone, i'll be happy
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they win the gold. some calling it a disgrace, clueless, a terrible shame. before the decision beckham opened up about his hopes to meredith vieira. >> how bad would you like to be on the olympic team? >> i would love to be on the olympic team? >> are you nervous since they haven't made the decision yet? >> i'm not nervous, i'm excited. even if i'm not part of the team, i'm glad to be part of the team that brought the olympics to london where i grew up as a kid. >> reporter: a goal he worked on for years. he kicked a ball during the closing ceremony. beckham listed by forbes as one of the top paid athletes in the world, his income estimated at $40 million last year. endorsement deals with adidas. unveiled in more than one, underwear for h&m, fashion icon as well. the former national team captain will not be able to go for gold or glory in a game he fought
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for. the chief of the olympic organizing committee said, look, beck is our number one supporter. let's give him some special role off the field. his wife victoria may be involved if the former spice girls are asked to play at the ceremony and she goes along with it. >> michelle kosinski, thank you. now a check of the weather from al. >> i've got to tell you, savannah, this is the biggest crowd we've had since ricky martin. the crowd goes down to 5th avenue and extends almost to 50th street, rockefeller plaza. i've never seen anything like this. maroon 5. all right. let's show you what we've got as far as our weather is concerned for today. we are looking at some rough stuff as far as -- by the time we get to saturday, mid-atlantic
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coast, clouds and showers pacific northwest, heat, southeast on sunday -- sunday! -- expecting mores heat from the northeast, mid-atlantic, gulf coast and a risk of strong here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning. mostly cloudy start will make way to a completely sunny finish. this is actually san jose this morning. you can see already starting the to see clouds thinning out quite a bit. the sun will shine through. as we head into this afternoon we're talking about temperatures downright perfect. much cooler than our seasonal afrmgs. 75 degrees. that's it in san jose, redwood city. giants back at it taking on the reds. cooler weekend ahead. >> with this dangerous heat wave, make sure you check the weather. go to weather channel on cable or online. i know all these folks will do that, because you are my people! my people!
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my people! [ cheers and applause ] >> savannah. >> all right, al. thank you. still ahead, who will represent team usa in london? a sneak peek at the women's gymnastic trials getting under way today. up next, what are you doing right now? we'll tell you how to improve your morning routine to be more successful at work and in life coming up right after this. [ valeda ] since the very beginning, there's been this commitment to low prices. ♪ we might have had new ways to say it. but the commitment has never wavered. i should know. my name is valeda and i've worked for walmart for 50 years. ♪ ♪
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easy. you know the feeling. you may have had it this morning. that urge to sleep through the alarm and get a little more shuteye. you might want to get up a little earlier. mornings may hold the key to leading a happier and more productive life. most mornings begin with this infamous sound. the alarm clock prompting that first decision of the day, get up or sleep in. but before you hit snooze, experts say mornings can make or break your day. successful people have a tendency to get a lot done while the world is sleeping. >> mornings are a great time for creating good habits that set
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you on the road to happiness, to better health, even to better career success. >> whether it's a predawn jog or jump-start on your workday, studies show tasks that require self-discipline are simply easier to do while the day is young. also your level of optimism may rise with the sun, analysis of twitter feeds find people are more likely to use words like awesome and super between 6:00 and 9:00 a.m. wife, mother and entrepreneur angela kim runs two successful businesses. her average day begins at 4:30 a.m. this is what the world looks like at 4:30. >> it's very peaceful. i'm not getting hundreds of e-mails. i really love that time to myself. >> she calls these early zen-like mornings the secret to her success. she organizeses e-mails,
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prioritizes her thoughts and the day. >> my head is clear, i feel fresh, no distractions. >> while she's working gina is reaching for the snooze button, 5:15, 5:30, 6:00, then the mad scramble. >> energizer bunny mode. >> most mornings she has 45 minutes to get her two kids up, dressed, and out the door. when 7:00 rolls around, gina has to face her biggest fear yet. >> when the "today" show comes on, if my hair is not even done, i'm really late. >> she says for these hectic mornings make for a long, tired workday. >> the frantic mornings set the pace for the day. you're getting off on the wrong foot. >> be careful, watch your step. >> laura, author of the book "what the most successful people do before previous." good to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> i've been whining for 20
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years about getting up early in the morning. you say it may be the best thing to do. >> successful people know mornings are a great time to get things done. this is time can you have for yourself before other people's priorities invade, you can focus on important things. >> do you think there are people who are simply not morning people and are not just going to thrive in those early morning hours. >> of course, there are some people who are confirmed night owls. everyone else is more in the milling. with a little work you can become a morning person. >> you have ideas people should consider in terms of jump-starting their day. some need explanation. one is track your time. what do you want people to do. >> keep track of how you're spending your time. keep a time log. write down what you're doing. often the solution for morning dilemmas come the morning before. we want to get up early but we're tired. the reason, we didn't go to bed on time. look how you're spending your evenings, maybe not how you want to spend your evenings. >> picture the perfect morgue.
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>> you want a morning ritual that makes you excited to get out of bed. this isn't about punishing yourself. something that will make you happy to not hit the snooze button to get out and do it. >> does this all have to be about efficiency or fun in the morning. >> this can totally be fun in the morning. some people working outside the home, like to use the morning hours to play with their kids. it's a great thing to do in the morning. >> pick your tips. >> we have excuses for why our perfect morning can happen. that's the tip where we tackle those excuses. maybe you put your journal bit bed so you look at it when you wake up and write in your journal. >> when you build this habit, do you suggest people wake up at 7:30 right now jump into this tomorrow morning? do they set this at 4:30 and go in both feet. >> it will never work. >> work your way in gradually. >> start slow, wake up 15 minutes earlier, until that starts to feel good.
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keep doing this little bit by little bit until it starts to become a habit. >> the book, "what successful people do before breakfast." thank you very much. >> thank you. >> what to serve, get ready for fourth of july, the holiday weekend right after this.
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it's time to live wider awake. only the beautyrest recharge sleep system combines the comfort of aircool memory foam layered on top of beautyrest pocketed coils to promote proper sleeping posture all night long. the revolutionary recharge sleep system... from beautyrest. test. test. test. test. test. test. my milk chocolate is showing. only a fool would think i'd actually show up naked. so it's that kind of party...hit it! ♪ i'm sexy and i know it
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♪ look at that body
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videotape early on in natalie's newscast. carmelo anthony of the new york nix p knicks pretending to be his wax figure and scaring people. he did it pretty well. mr. roker. >> we did this in 2009. >> let's take a look at you. >> matt lauer. >> that was scary. >> meanwhile what's scarier --
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>> every time i see it, that is my indonesia brother. >> you look like barack obama there. >> i don't get that. >> i don't recognize you. >> i posed. >> they put you on a turntable and came around. >> i love the people there but i don't think so. >> apparently there's a new viral ad for the pine sole lady. >> we don't have it. >> go online. >> it's fantastic. >> going to love it, though. you know what else is coming up? we have a monstrous concert on the plaza in our next half hour, actually 8:30 half hour. maroon 5, grammy winning band. they have quite the crowd friday morning. we'll get out and talk to those people, 8:30. first these messages. hi, i'm phil mickelson.
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see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. for exceptional offers abracadabra. ♪ hershey's milk chocolate with almonds in pieces. your favorites, in pieces.
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it's about time we made our homes work for us. so let's make our dryers do the ironing. have our fridges cater our parties. and tell our ranges to whip up dinner. let's plug in to summer savings before they're gone... ...without wasting an ounce of energy with smart machines that turn housework into house play. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now, save $600 on this maytag french door refrigerator, just $1,598.
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>> the time is 7:56. i'm jon kelley. in fairfield a pastor behind bars suspected of molesting teenage teenagers. robert ruark works at st. tim 0 the church in fairfield. he was arrested last night based on allegations back in 1994. police say they were tipped by clergy but have five alleged victims who are now adults who have come forward. they claim ruark molested them at the church and in some cases actually took nude photos of them. the weather outside is gorgeous. a beautiful day in the neighborhood. christina loren. all weekend long. >> all weekend long of it we're at 62 degrees in sunnyvale, 61 in san jose. straight to the short sleeves this morning. a great looking day shaping up. most of that cloud cover has cleared the peninsula. still fog located over your open
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water bridges but we stop the clock at noon getting full sunshine over the greater bay area. that will continue all the way till about about 7:00 p.m. tonight when the marine layer will be back thicker than this morning. we expect more coastal drizzle as of 7:00 p.m. tonight. throughout the day here is where your highs are headed. 79 in san jose. cooler as we head throughout the weekend. then monday and tuesday, getting hot in here. 88 degrees on monday. here is mike with your drive. >> we're looking at slowing northbound directions, still in the 50s at the worst but 101 through mountain view, palo alto, gumming up northbound. ends by the time you get to embarcadero. you're okay south through the area at menlo park. slowing there as well. the other side of the bay. 880 slow through san leandro. the bay bridge toll plaza, jon, this friday morning, forget it, turn off the metering lights. >> smooth sailing. thank you very much. check us out on facebook.
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>> we're back with more friday on 8:00, the 29th day of june, 2012. had some rain move through the area earlier on. the skies are clear enough, although it's a tad on the muggy side. you combine that with several thousand people standing shoulder to shoulder and this is a party. that's right. these people are here because we have maroon 5 as part of our summer concert series this morning. they will be taking to the stage in just about a half an hour. out on the platform at the end of the plaza along with savannah guthrie and al roker. coming up friday morning a whip.
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>> creative ideas, inspired by the social media site pinterest. everything from fun patriotic treats to flag-waving fashions. a lot of good ideas. >> speaking of flag waving, the women's gymnastic trials kickoff tonight on nbc, games just 28 days away. how will the five coveted spots be chosen? who are the young women to watch? we'll get a preview in just a bit. >> an interesting week with swimming trials and diving trilgs and now gymnastics. natalie is standing by at the news desk with the headlines. good morning, matt, savannah and al. the political battle with president obama's health care legislation didn't end with the supreme court upholding all of the mandate. congressional republicans say they will vote to repeal it july 11th. republican candidate mitt romney also vowed to repeal it on his first day in office if elected. attorney general eric holder has
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become the first sitting cabinet member in history to be held in contempt of congress. on thursday the house voted 255-67 to hold him in contempt for refusing to turn over documents in the botched fast and furious gun tracking operation. holder has dismissed the vote as politically motivated. out west wildfires in colorado have now turned deadly as police say they have found a body in one of the nearly 50 -- 350 homes destroyed in a plays in colorado springs. meantime a fire in northern colorado has decimated another 257 homes so far and it's still burning. this as president obama issues a disaster declaration for the hard hit state making federal funds available for the crisis. he'll also head to colorado to survey the damage today. officials at fort bragg, north carolina are investigating a motive behind a shooting thursday that left one soldier dead and two others wounded. a soldier opened fire during a safety briefing on the massive
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army post killing a member of his unit before turning the gun on himself. the suspect was only wounded and then taken into custody. now for a look at what is trending the day. our quick roundup of what has you talking online. 50 shades of grey author raking in cash. reportedly earning more than $1 million a week. the trilogy ended as fodder for housewives has moved mainstream selling 1 million ebooks and paperback as week, shattering sales records in 37 country. fur is flying between peta and olsen twins. mary kate and ashley have come under fire from the animal rights group for their nearly $17,000 backpack made of fur patches designed for their upscale fashion line, the row. speaking of backpacks, this video going viral, the always super cool dora the explorer like you've never seen her before.
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>> ola dag diego. >> dora, it's been a while. i haven't seen you since i was this many. >> in case you didn't recognize dora, that's ariel winter. it's 8:04 outside, back outside to matt and savannah. note backpack backpack ♪ >> i'll never think of dora the same way again. >> when we have a crowd like this, we try to get a handle on the size of it. security is telling us we have something like 12,000 people on the plaza now. it is a very, very big crowd. >> a bieber-like crowd. >> i got to tell you, this is pushing i think the biggest crowd we've ever had. i think the biggest was ricky martin. this i think is bigger. huge!
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where are you from? >> fruit hill, new jersey. >> jersey! there you go. a lot of jersey here to see maroon 5. let's check it out, pick city of the day just happens to be sioux city eye way, news channel 4, partly sunny, scattered storms, 88 degrees. we saw the wet weather making its way through the northeast and new england. a few showers pushing through the interior pacific northwest. we also have heavier showers and thunderstorms through the upper mississippi river valley. looking at plenty of sunshine, plenty of heat in the southeast through the gulf course. gore jaws in seattle, sunny and 72. 80 in los angeles. risk 8:05 now. taking a live look over the san mateo bridge. first of all, that looks pretty good. no heavy traffic here. and what also is looking good is those layered clouds starting to thin out quite a bit. the sun will be out in full force later on today. we'll have to wait for it by the
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water. in san jose, mostly cloudy but the sun breaking through, we'll see clearing in the south and east bay first. temperatures tumble into sunday and then we ramp them back for monday, up to 88 degrees inland. that's your latest weather. >> al, thank you very much. when we come back, a friday morning whip, we'll tell you everything you need to know to make your fourth of july celebration stand out. we have a concert from maroon 5 right after these messages. with swiffer wetjet, cleaning better, doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm going to... drink this... on the porch! ♪ give me just a little more time ♪ [ female announcer ] mops can be a hassle, but swiffer wetjet's spray cleaner and absorbent pads can clean better in half the time so you don't miss a thing. swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back. and for dry messes big and small
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try swiffer sweeper vac.
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how so? you gotta bring the heat. it has to be juuussst right. [ male announcer ] mcdonald's new spicy chicken mcbites, rack 'em up while they're hot. the simple joy of changing the game. she would help her child. go! goooo! [ male announcer ] with everything. but instead she gives him capri sun super-v. with one combined serving of fruits and vegetables. new capri sun super-v. requires daily sun protection. eucerin daily protection spf 15 body lotion is a long-lasting moisturizer and spf in one. it helps protect skin against everyday sun exposure.
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daily protection body lotion only from eucerin. back at 8:09. this morning on today's friday with quick and easy fourth of july ideas inspired by the hot new social media site pinterest. >> it's a virtual pin board that let's people collect and share images, fun ideas on the web, recipes to fashion to travel ideas. we have three experts here to get us pinspired. start with sara gore who hosts "open house." we have great food ideas here. fourth of july is not the time to spend indoors. these are super easy. start as soon as you wake up. >> a piece of toast. very easy. let you spread jam on there, strawberry jam. you take blueberries. you're making a flag.
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>> that's adorable. the kids could do this. >> all these things are things kids can love but adults eat, too. >> finished product. >> bananas are stripes. i'm going back to art class. >> dessert kabobs. >> buy a pound cake, slice it in squares. take one, start with a strawberry. start this way, they close at either end. pound cake, strawberry, pound cake, strawberry. >> what is this, what chocolate? >> this is melted white chocolate chips. and then you just drizzle it. >> i would assume that's the last step before you serve? >> and that, but just for that i added blueberries on there for red, white and blue. >> stars and watermelon? >> how easy is this? super easy way to add something festive for any drink. this is a martini.
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>> i'll see if it's truly a martini. >> i don't think it is. >> it's not water. >> this is cranberry juice, blue gatorade and 7-up, sprite. take another and decorate for the kids. >> give us the secret. how do you get them to layer the right way. >> you have to start with one at a time and mix it up. >> sara gore, thank you so much. now here is matt. >> all right, savannah. thanks very much. how can you add style to your fourth of july entertaining. lifestyle expert robin moreno is here to show us that. good morning. happy fourth, almost. these are simple but add to the mood of the holiday. >> all these are cute but you can execute. this is great for kids. all we did was get paper lanterns. we got these at party city. we used ribbons and stencilled
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stars or made little stripe things. super fun. the idea is again very clever. >> the ribbon also works here when you're decorating vases. >> if you want to get more elevated on fourth of july. we went outside and got hydrangeas. we put them in vases and used double-sided tape forand added ribbons. you could do this, matt. >> i probably could. you want people to take christmas decorations out for fourth of july. i'm not sure i'm into that but that's okay. >> i'm all about working with what you have. who says you can't have christmas in july? kids want it all the time. we pulled them out. they are ornament. the thing is have everything monochromatic. that way more elevated. >> pin wheels popular on the 4th. >> super fun. we're making a twist on these. we made floral arrangements. we cut them to different heights and put them in vintage vessels. fun, twisty cool. >> my kids will want the
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lollipop decoration. >> this is fun and easy to do. fill a vase with gum drops, stripy candies. we got a foam ball and stuffed it with the tootsie rolls. >> where did you get this? >> west elm, $2. use them all year. >> a picnic, like serving drinks in mason jars. >> very summery. an adult sippy cup. that's fun for you guys. >> some adults can use those. >> we actually use paper from our christmas decor and all we did was trace a little circle, stuffed it in this little cup here, put a straw in and put a straw in and you're ready to go. >> quickly, retro games for outdoors. >> $60, have fun and look good. >> outdoors. don't kill anybody. >> robin, thank you very much. natalie. >> all american style, genie mi
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is here, host of the style network. here with winning looks. good morning. >> good morning. >> you want to look festive but not look like the american flag. >> it's powerful to represent but this is pinterest interest. >> can you tell, nice. first the blue outfit with a little white. >> this is what i consider my barbecue day. you want to feel casual, not like you fussed too much. but at the same time you're representing. i love this shirt from bongo. i love this. in the back, lace. fringe, fun fringe. if you feel like that's too adventurous, put on dark denim and call it a day. >> nice accessories as well. >> these are switch flops, genius idea. >> i have some of these. >> fabulous. cuff links available on open sky. fun things to put together. >> over here look at the white outfit. perfect for poolside. >> my ladies out there, don't be
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afraid of the monokini. this is perfect shape, high thigh for mini mes like me who want to look taller. >> great shoes to pair with that and cover up. some don't want to show it all. >> are you aware of umi kim? >> no. >> obsessed. one easy step, you throw it over. you can wear it poolside but anywhere. >> i'm going to move you quickly. not much time. a red outfit, dressing it up a bit. >> night out. get your cocktails on, this dress is perfect. i love this designer. she pinched every bit of your body into the perfect shape to the size 26. >> hot and beautiful. good accessories there. thank you so much. for more on this morning's ideas, head to check out pinterest for the 4th. let's head outside to al.
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>> natalie, thank you so much. the crowd gearing up for the big maroon 5 concert. a trivia question. front man adam levine has a tattoo that's the same as his new fragrance, the same as the first studio. what does it read? westwood, 405, 222 or rodeo drive. you guys think you know the answer? not sure. we're going to get the answer to that trivia question right after this. after college, i moved back in with my parents. i was worried about 'em, you know? i mean for instance my mom went to bed tonight before making my dinner. which is fine, i mean i, i know how to make dinner. it just starts to make you wonder. is this what happens when you age? my friends used to say i was the lucky one. i had the fun parents. where's the fun now? night guys! [ sighs ] ♪
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[ male announcer ] venza. from toyota. mashed potatoes and gravy! mac 'n cheese. [ male announcer ] now you don't have to pick a side. buy any kfc 10 pc meal or larger and choose two more large sides free. today tastes so good. softens the enamel so it can potentially erode. once that enamel is gone, it's gone. my dentist recommended pronamel. pronamel protects your teeth
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from the effects of acid erosion. i don't have to cut out the things that i love in my diet. right? get. out. exactly! really?! [ mom ] what? shut the front door. right? woop-woop! franklin delano! [ male announcer ] hey! there's oreo creme under that fudge! oreo fudge cremes. indescribably good. it's about time we made our homes work for us. [ male announcer ] hey! there's oreo creme under that fudge! so let's make our dryers do the ironing. have our fridges cater our parties. and tell our ranges to whip up dinner.
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let's plug in to summer savings before they're gone... ...without wasting an ounce of energy with smart machines that turn housework into house play. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now, save $600 on this maytag french door refrigerator, just $1,598. okay. we've got a plaza full of folks
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waiting for maroon 5. the trivia question, adam levine's tattoo, new fragrance, the place where maroon 5's first studio was, westwood, 405, 222 or rodeo drive. do you know the answer? >> 222. >> c is correct. 222. very good. you don't win anything but you got a nice spot for the concert. so that works out. let's head inside to matt. only a half hour to go, matt until maroon 5. >> today's olympic start is brought to you by kellogg's. from great starts come great things. and this morning on today's olympic start, one of the ma marquee events begins in san jose, california. here with a preview is natalie.
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good morning. >> there are 15 young women hoping to secure one of five coveted spots on the olympic team. this event will determine who will stay home and who will fulfill their childhood dream to represent team usa. >> that was really good. >> every since i was younger, it's been my huge main focus. it's what i've always dreamed of. >> i know that i'm in this because i love the sport and i have a passion for it. nothing is guaranteed, even if you're the olympic all around champion. i want to come out of this knowing i have absolutely no regrets trying to go and achieve this second time. >> it's always a little girl's dream to say they want to compete in the olympics. the dream for many years coming
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true. >> i'm going to go in there very confident and make sure that my routines are very consistent and do the same thing i've been doing my whole life. >> the olympic trials is where the olympic teams will be announced. five, five. wow. >> nbc olympic commentators are at the trials in san jose. good morning to you both. >> good morning, natalie. >> good morning, natalie. >> let me start with the decision process. i understand it's a lot like making a puzzle. is that right, tim? >> yes, it is exactly. what you've got is you've got these 15 athletes that are on the floor. from those 15 athletes, they get to choose five. the critical number is actually not five, though, it's three. on the four different events, floor exercise, balance beam, bars and vaulting, you have to
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have three top gymnasts on each of those events that can bring in the biggest score and they have to come out of those five. >> the u.s. women have not won team gold since 1996. how can we forget carrthe vault landing on the hurt foot. is the team gold the goal? >> yes, we were both there. i remember the feeling in the arena when the women took home the gold. it's been missed opportunities every since. this time they are going in as the defending world champions, theirs to lose. the best on paper, the most depth. i'll be shocked if they don't win in london. >> i saw the depth of the field just visiting the ranch recently. let's talk about 16-year-old jordyn wieber.
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the reigning world champions, came in first. is she basically a lock now? >> it would hard to mj her not being on the team. they are not going to say she's a lock but she's a lock. that's all it comes down to. she was very good at the national championships. but since we've arrived in san jose, she has looked so much better, so much more fit and just energetic. >> she's won the practices. you can't believe how physically fit she is and determined. she's out there on this podium and just cruising through the workouts. she has really stood out here. >> she's got a mary lou retton way about here. how do you size the competition up, the rivalry? >> it's there and it's for real. gabby douglas, no doubt about it. on paper she is incredibly talented.
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she could win. she could win these trials. the thing about gabby douglas, you know, she has some off days. as talented at this young lady is, her greatest challenge is to stay focused and to kind of keep her head in the game. that's what jordyn wieber has over her. don't count her out. gabby douglas is a super talent. >> if she has a great day, i think she's going to end up on top. >> well, it's exciting to wachlt you can catch watching the swimming trials. up next a concert from maroon 5 after your local news.
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good morning to you. 8:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. san francisco sheriff ross murk rimmy will continue temping. he admitted he did bruise his wife during a new year's fight, but he insists he's still fit to be sheriff. his testimony is scheduled to resume in half an hour. mayor ed lee is also expected to testify today. time to check the morning commute with mike. how are we looking? >> a couple issues on the bay bridge, got worried, a lower deck accident, one on the upper deck but both cleared. peninsula, slowing for 280 and 101. we're following power outages in the same area, south san francisco and brisbane. the chp says we don't see any effect on the traffic flow as far as any incidents so we'll
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keep tracking that between 380 and the 208 slr 101 split there. live look outside, the san mateo bridge, easy going both directions. clouds touching the top of the hills in the peninsula but the fog lifts through the area, especially pacifica. thank you very much, mike. for the latest traffic and news, check out nbc bay area on facebook.
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29th day of june, 2012. thank you, mr. roker. the weather has cleared. it's a beautiful morning for a concert out in new york city on the plaza here in midtown manhattan. just take a look at what the guys from maroon 5 have here. a crowd of about 12,000 people. they will be rewarded with great music in a couple of minutes. there's adam levine and the rest
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of the guys all decked out in white. i'm matt lauer with savannah guthrie, natalie morales and al roker. it's a good morning for a concert. >> to remind we have great concerts coming up. this summer, flo rida, a personal fan favorite. two weeks zac brown band with country and rock. remember a few weeks ago we showed you the guy who would parallel park his car in like six inches? so next week here on "today," he's here live. we'll put him to the test and see if he can do it. >> not a camera trick. >> it's the real deal. we'll see if he can redo it live on the "today" show. >> and nobody got hurt. >> i don't know about you guys but at my house "despicable me,"
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i loved it. if you loved the movie, starting monday universal welcomes a new attraction to the resort. the producer. two of the minions. they are a lot taller in person. >> they are. >> they grow. when you turn your back on them, they grow a little bit. >> what's it like turning a movie into an attraction. >> it was amazing to see people fall in love with it. now orlando really brings the characters to life. >> this is a ride that's not just fun but funny. >> well, like the film, it tells a story. it's really hysterical and very heartfelt. >> like the film, it ends with a dance party, right?
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>> yes. it ends with the first ever interactive minion dance party. >> which should be great. we're looking forward to this. actually jenna wolfe is going to be going down there. she'll be at universal orlando resort next week, i believe, when you actually kick this off. so we'll see it firsthand. >> by the way, is it true you fashion's the minion's hair after matt. >> i like that comment. usually i get it was fashioned after me. >> they do move like jagger, i'll tell you that. i was dancing with one of them until they got a little gropey. >> mr. roker, a check of the weather. >> minions got gropey? this weekend, saturday, risk of strong storms in the central mid-atlantic states, ohio river valley, wet weather in the pacific northwest. record highs in the northeast.
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s sunday -- sunday -- expecting more wet weather. wet weather along the texas border. record highs continue throughout the southeast. atlanta may see their all-time record high of 105 over the weekend. as much as the nation sizzles, we are going to have spectacular weather all weekend long. today fantastic. taking a live look over the bay bridge toll plaza. traffic here not too bad. those clouds are quickly burning off. the sun is now breaking through that marine yay leiier. and temperatures are going to climb to the 70s in places like redwood city today. 65 in san francisco, 81 in los gatos and a comfortable 79 degrees right here in san jose. even cooler as we head through this weekend. got a lot of weather going on this weekend. make sure you keep up with it, go to the weather channel on cable. >> you know what we have coming up? >> i hope it's maroon 5. >> maroon 5 on the plaza. first this is "today" on nbc.
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>> announcer: toyota concert series on "today," brought to you by toyota. >> we will not keep this massive crowd waiting one moment longer. ladies and gentlemen, here is maroon 5.
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♪ shoot for stars feels like you aim for my heart ♪ ♪ feels like take me away make it okay i swear i'll behave ♪ ♪ want to control waiting put on a show now make it today i'm okay ego i don't give a -- goes like this ♪ ♪ take me by the tongue i'll show you ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ kiss me till you're drunk and i'll show you all the moves like jagger noe i've got the moves like jagger i've got the moves like jagger ♪ ♪ i don't need to try to control you look into my eyes i'll own you with the moves like jagger
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i've got the moves like jagger ♪ ♪ you wanna know how to make me smile take control own me just for the night and if i share my secret you're gonna have to keep it nobody else can see this ♪ ♪ so watch and learn i want show you twice head to toe baby rub me right but if i share my secret. >> you're gonna have to keep it. >> nobody else can see this ♪ ♪ and it goes like this take me by the tongue and i'll know you kiss me till you're drunk and i'll show you. >> all the moves like jagger i've got the moves like jagger ♪ ♪ i don't need to try to control you look into my eyes i'll own you with them moves like jagger ♪
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♪ i've got the moves like jagger ♪ ♪ i've got the moves like jagger. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> maroon 5, thank you. we'll be back with more music in a moment. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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sold 17 million albums around the world since they got together ten years ago. the new album, overexposed. we don't think so. let me introduce maroon 5.
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congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> a collaboration, a direction you want to go in. >> we bridged out a bit. this was maybe the most fun we've ever had making a record, so really, really excited. >> you always have these fun melo melodies, great songs. you listen to the lyrics, is there pain in there? >> it's part of it. it's a prerequisite. you shouldn't have to be sad to write a song but it helps. >> emily over there loves you, so does everybody else. >> thank you. >> we kidded you, moves like jagger. half the people in the audience had to be reminded who milk jagger was when you wrote the song. >> exactly, like reminded of what a pay phone was. >> when is the last time?
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>> an emergency. used to be a casual thing. an interesting twist on the song. >> almost like can you find a pay phone. >> have you ever seen them in new york city. >> you might want to wipe it off. >> talking to a germ aphobe. >> i read an article that said you're not just famous but famous famous. >> i don't know what i ambu it's fun. looking at my band, the other things an amazing bonus. >> you talked about your band. you also mentioned the band journey. >> did i? i love journey. >> so is that something, you like their type of career. >> there's a lot of careers i'd love to emulate. they have had this resurgence that's cool. i think train started that.
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i don't know. they are a great band. i'm not sure what the context was. i forgot what it was. >> whatever the context was, you guys have drawn about 12,000 fans through rockefeller plaza. >> can i just say, tell you guys, we're so stunned and amazed that you guys got up so early to come see us. we love you so much. we have the best fans. unbelievable. >> thank you. what are you going to sing? >> let's do it. pay phone. ♪ i'm at a pay phone trying to go home all my change i spent on you the times gone baby it's all wrong where are the plans we made for two
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it's hard to remember the people we used to be it's enharder to picture that you're not here next to me you say it's too late to make it but it's too late to try and in our time that you wasted all of our bridges burned down i've wasted my nights you turned out the lights now i'm paralyzed still stuck in the time when we call it love but even the sun sets in paradise ♪ ♪ i'm at a pay phone trying to call home ♪ ♪ all of my change i spent on you ♪ ♪ where have the times gone baby it's all wrong ♪ ♪ where are the plans we made for two? ♪ ♪ if happy ever after did exist i would still be holding you like this ♪ ♪ all those fairy tales are full
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of it ♪ ♪ one more love song ♪ i'll be sick ♪ you turned your back on tomorrow because you forgot yesterday i gave you my love to borrow but you just gave it away ♪ ♪ you can't expect me to be fine ♪ ♪ i don't expect you to care i know i've said it before but all our bridges burned down i've wasted my nights you turned out the lights now i'm paralyzed still stuck in the time when we call it love but even the sun sets in paradise ♪ ♪ i'm at a pay phone trying to call home all of my change i spent on you ♪ ♪ where have the times gone baby it's all wrong ♪ ♪ where are the plans we made for two? ♪ ♪ if happy ever afters did exist i would still be holding you
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like this ♪ ♪ all those fairy tale are full of -- one more stupid love song i'll be sick. >>. ♪ i can tell you what you need to know i'm begging you please don't go so i can tell you what you need to know ♪ i'm at a pay phone ♪ my change i spent on you how the times go where the plans we made for two ♪ ♪ if happy ever afters did exist i would still be holding you like this ♪
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♪ all those fairy tales are full of it ♪ ♪ all those love sings i'll be sick ♪ ♪ now i'm at a pay phone >> maroon 5. they are back with more music on a friday morning. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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let's keep this concert rolling. again, performing one of their biggest hits, here is maroon 5. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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maroon 5 will be back with one more song a bit later, but first your local news and weather.
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good friday morning to you. 8:56. i'm laura garcia-cannon. a manhunt is under way for a suspect connected to a large-scale marijuana grow operation. santa clara county deputies raided the pot grow in a remote area near mt. ladonna park yesterday. one of two suspects was shot in the arm during that raid, later surrendered. the second man got away and led to a massive search. the exact size of the grow operation is still being assessed. time to check our forecast.
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here's meteorologist christina loren. how we looking? >> pretty good, laura. good morning to you. temperatures are going to be mild today, but we'll have to wait for the sunshine by the water. it is starting to break through the cloud deck, though. 84 degrees inland, 64 at the coast. tomorrow cooler and cooling off more for sunday. june 2012, crowd
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crowd on the plaza cheering on adam levine. they just completed a beautiful set of music on friday morning. if you stick around, one more song coming up later on in the show.
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out on the plaza, matt lauer along with savannah guthrie and mr. al roker. coming up in this half hour, talking about diets, especially diets that really impact your metabolism. we'll compare three of the most popular and find out which can do the best to boost your metabolism. >> you might be surprised. one of the biggest trends for women, borrowing from the guys. we'll tell you how you can incorporate men's wear into your every day style. >> that's only fair because matt and i wear mom jeans. >> i know. in pastels. >> matthew mcconaughey, channing tatum, those two guys, okay looking guys. they star in the new movie about male strippers. women coming out to see magic mike. >> i think they might. >> you should see matthew mcconaughey taking off the mom jeans.
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>> it's fantastic. >> let's go inside, matly at the news desk. >> good morning, everyone. sixteen months open enrollment for millions of uninsured americans following the landmark decision to uphold most of president obama's health care law. by 2014, it will be illegal for insurance companies to reject applicants with a history of medical issues or charge them more. all americans who can afford it must get health insurance by the time the law is enacted or face a penalty on their tax returns. the only portion of the law that was tossed out was a punishment for states that don't follow the new medicaid requirements. >> out west wildfires have turned deadly as police say they have found a body in one of the nearly 350 homes destroyed in the fire at colorado springs. meanwhile a fire in northern colorado decimated another 257 homes so far and it's still burning. this as president obama issues a disaster declaration for the
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hard hit state making federal funds available for the crisis. he will head to colorado today to survey the damage. police in utah are on the hunt for a predator responsible for killing a 6-year-old girl. nbc's michelle franzen in west jordan, utah with the latest. michelle, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. it's been three days since the body of sierra was found near her home just about a block away. police have yet to name any suspects in this murder investigation. outside the home where six-year-old lived and the place she was reportedly last seen a makeshift memorial and a community in shock. >> just a stake in your heart, i tell you. >> police show a photo of a little girl gumpd in a canal, sexually assaulted and murdered. >> obviously a predator out there who is a monster and
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murder add child. has this predator targeted our children? i have no idea at this time. >> reporter: her mother reported her missing tuesday morning around 7:30. sierra's brad dad had already left for work. within a half hour of the call, investigators found sierra's body. investigators aren't revealing the cause of death or how long she had been dead. information along with other clues, experts say, that could help find the killer. >> what appears to be most critical right now is law enforcement saying that there is evidence that she had been sexually molested. to me, that says the potential of dna evidence. >> police have focused their search where sierra reportedly disappeared, at her home and say they have interviewed her family. >> we have not ruled out anybody yet. the parents are fully cooperating with us. >> neighbors say they will remember sierra as the energetic girl enjoying her summer and excited about starting first grade. >> she was always smiling, always running around, really happy.
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>> reporter: and police are also reviewing surveillance home video given to them by the family. the fbi and authorities are also bringing in high-tech equipment, including imaging machines that will help them in their investigation. natalie. >> michelle franzen in west jordan, utah. thank you, michelle. attorney general eric holder has become the first sitting cabinet member in history to be held in contempt of congress. on thursday the house voted 255-67 to hold him in contempt in his role for withholding documents in the fast and furious gun investigation. holder has dismissed the vote as political theater. a winner made a home coming in time for the olympics. muggily returned from the competition to his british home. the 8-year-old was a star in england where he won the ugliest dog competition in 2005. in addition to his notable
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looks, he's got a very notable heart. his family is actually giving his $1,000 prize to charity. that's nice. now six minutes past the hour. back outside to al with a check of the weather. i don't think he's so ugly. >> i like that hair thing going there. you guys have a good time at the concert? >> very nice. everybody enjoying maroon 5. not going to enjoy this heat and rough weather we've got. unfortunately the fire forecast for friends in colorado, going to be tough. isolated thunderstorms, mainly dry. could be more fires started by the thunderstorms. temperatures 80s, into the low 90s. strong upper-level ridge keeping that jet stream up to the north. no relief in sight. these temperatures going to last right on into the weekend. hurricane watches, warnings, advisories from oklahoma, texas, neb, to the east. philadelphia, dodge city, all above 100. some cities seeing an all-time record high. these highs will last right on
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into monday back into the central plains and well, most of the nation suffers from oppressive heat. we are getting phenomenal conditions as the jet stream is just overhead. live shot of san francisco. this morning we have mostly cloudy conditions. they're clearing out quickly. highs today will end up in the 70s, low 80s in the warmest cities across the bay, 80 degrees in livermore, 80 in concord and 79 in san jose today. deeper into the weekend, temperatures tumble. 76 degrees by sunday. we'll ramp your numbers back um for monday, close to 90 inland, nice-looking 4th of july. and that's your latest weather. savannah. >> all right, al. thanks. this morning on eat smart today, which diet gets your metabolism in gear. new studies released, measure the impact of three popular diets to determine which work best in burning weight and keeping pounds off. joey bower alauer.
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>> this is exciting, the mar 5 of the health world. researchers answer add burping question every health expert and dieters have always had, which eating style will boost your metabolism the most. >> help you keep it off. >> the big issue is as you lose weight your metabolism decreases. it's unfair but natural physiology. if we can keep it stoked. >> three diets, low fat, low glycemic. >> low fass, 60% carbohydrate, fat and protein 20%. as you can see, the majority of your calories coming from carbohydrates. it's important to keep in mind during this study, healthy food. not junky, but fruits and vegetables and oatmeal and whole
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wheat bread. >> how did the low fat do? >> didn't fare well, triglyceride elevated, sugar and insulin not great. not the kind of diet to follow to keep the weight off. >> you might lose weight but harder to keep off? >> exactly. >> low fat. lots of people like this diet because it means bacon. >> for me, cheese. this is a classic atkins diet. you can see it's very restrictive on carbs. that's 10%. 60% and 30% divided between protein and fat. it's difficult to stay on. for meat lovers they love it. the interesting part of this diet, it stoked metabolism the most. people were burning about 300 calories more each and every day because it's hard to break down protein and fat. so that's the good news. it also elevated the good cholesterol and lowered triglycerides. all good. >> does that make it the best
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diet? >> no, increased stre stress hormone called cortisol and inflammation. some pros but not the winner. >> low glycemic. >> we need a drum roll. it means, it's the diet that does not elevate your blood sugar. it's all things in moderation. a moderate amount of carbs, protein, fat. you see the breakdown, like perfect. >> everyone getting the idea we like the low glycemic. >> the key is we don't restrict carbs, but high-quality, high-fiber, don't increase blood sugar. beans, lent ills. >> the best. >> bumped not quite as much as the low carb, much we feel good about it. a shopping list for people who
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want low glchlt lycemic foods. >> will a movie about male strippers create magic at the box office this weekend? we'll find out. coming up next, borrowing from the boys. how you can make it work for you. first these messages. number sto? you walk into a conventional mattress store, it's really not about you. they say, "well, if you wanted a firm bed you can lie on one of those. we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. wow, that feels really good! once you experience it, there's no going back. and don't miss our special financing now through july 4th only. plus enjoy the lowest prices of the season on selected bed sets only at the sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699. but not for your eyes. they're still so tired looking. with olay challenge that, with regenerist anti-aging eye roller. its hydrating formula with caffeine conditioning complex, perks up the look of eyes. it works in the blink of an eye.
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♪ with the hundreds i save at progressive, i'm out here, giving a little refill relief. are you on empty here, tyler? yes, actually, i honestly am. well, we're going to fill 'er up with savings. with the hundreds i saved at progressive, this tank is on me. if i ever find the bird that did this to your car... i am tickled! i don't know what to say! thank you! a hundred, a hundred and one ways to save. this really happens, huh, guys?
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food you love is a blt with best foods. it's made with real ingredients like cage-free eggs for the unmistakable taste that can only be best foods. bring out the best. [ female announcer ] weak, damaged hair needs new aveeno nourish+ strengthen. active naturals wheat formulas restore strength for up to 90% less breakage in three washes. for strong, healthy hair with life, new aveeno nourish+ strengthen. ♪ ♪ [ birds chirping ] unh! [ female announcer ] oikos greek yogurt. possibly the best yogurt in the world. you know, pool's like mcdonald's spicy chicken mcbites. how so? first you gotta start off right. ♪ you gotta have some flavor... ♪ ...then you add a little something special. ♪ finally, you gotta bring the heat...
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♪ ...but not too much... it has to be juuussst right. [ male announcer ] mcdonald's new spicy chicken mcbites, rack 'em up while they're hot. the simple joy of changing the game. rack 'em up while they're hot. this morning on "today's" style, borrowing from the boys, one of the hottest trends is happening in the men's department. lilliana vasquez, style expert. good morning. >> good morning. >> what is the benefit shopping in the boys to men's department versus going to lady. >> simply put, you can save a
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lot of money. high-end designers coming down with masculine pieces but they come with a high price tag. if you shop the men's department, you can get them for a lower price. i was shopping at a thrift shop and bought a blazer. i noticed on the tag it was a men's garment. wherever there's a good style i'm there. >> sizing, you have to be careful with measurements. >> if you're shopping online, check against your measurements. make sure you're cross-checking. in doubt, size down. men's cuts more generous. you don't want to look like you're wearing a size too big. you want boyfriend/slouchy look. >> bring out the models. jamie, she is wearing men's shoes. >> these are riviera. i found these because my husband had them. they are so cute. they are go down to 37, a size
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7. they are $70, kind of the it show for the summer, combination of espadrille and slip-on. i like it with the jean, button down shirt and the hat, so sexy. >> perfect fourth of july look. next, susannah with one of the most classic accessories, a bowtie. >> it's probably the trickyest item to wear. look for a bowtie in a feminine color, fun, flirty pattern. this is a polka dot pattern, which i think is so cute. the key to pull off bowtie, you want to pair with feminine pieces, things like a lace blouse, flirty skirt. you could do this look with a sexy high heel, i paired it with flats because i think tassel's loafers with the girl meets boy trend. >> next from accessories onto the clothing now.
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erica, you will not believe this. she's actually wearing a pair of men's shorts. >> yes. these are men's short. we love chubby shorts for two reasons. one, they are the most comfortable pair of shorts you'll ever own, elastic pants, covered by the sweater. i love the color. neon. the fit, slouchy, relaxed pair with relaxed off the shoulder sweater and look for feminine accessories, color block clutch. how sexy are the shoes, $49.99 from boyfriend approved looks. >> i love the shorts have an elastic waist. keep eating. >> great for a picnic. >> erica, good job. thank you. then finally, one of the great menswear looks, the blazer. this looks like matt's plaid jackets. >> does he have one of these?
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>> he did. he wore it one day. >> a great piece on men or women. this is from brooks brothers boys department. that's one of my biggest budget tips looks for blazers in the boys department. can go up to size 18 boys which fits a woman's size 8. this is the kind of dress you can wear all summer long to totally different occasions, shopping on the weekend with your girlfriends to a formal wedding at night. glam accessories. a studded bag from bakers. her shoes adorable, $23.99 from kohl's. >> great job. they look fantastic. >> ladies, come back out for one last look. >> well done. i'm going to have to start shopping my 8 years old closet. lilliana vasquez, thanks. speaking of great looking clothes, some great looking actors are taking them off. will women see "magic mike"? of course they will. avoid bad. don't go over 2000...bad. 1200 calories a day.
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carbs are bad. carbs are good. the story keeps changing. so i'm not listening... to anyone but myself. i know better nutrition when i see it: great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. for multi grain flakes that are an excellent source of fiber try great grains banana nut crunch and cranberry almond crunch. [♪birds chirping] [female announcer] shake a leg!
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you only have 6 days to get to the 4th of july sale at petsmart. save up to 50% on hundreds of items. friday through wednesday only, at petsmart®. happiness in store.™ it's my turn. mac 'n cheese... mashed potatoes and gravy! mac 'n cheese. mashed potatoes and gravy what are you doing? what are you doing? mac 'n cheese! should we tell em we got two free sides? and miss this? say "mashed potatoes!" never! [ male announcer ] buy any kfc 10 pc meal or larger and we'll throw in 2 more large sides, free. that's 2 extra sides of your choice and one happy family. today tastes so good.
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the new movie "magic mike" about male strippers has some asking questions, will it really appeal to women. natalie decided to investigate and get to the bottom of this story. >> i had to investigate this. you might think a movie featuring half naked men dancing would sell itself. market experts say it's not that simple. at a midnight showing in new york, women fans joked when you're talking about a sweaty channing tatum, the film's plot might not matter that much. >> i'm here is because all i know he will not have a shirt on and matthew mcconaughey will not have a shirt on either. >> all jokes aside the studio behind "magic mike" initially found the subject matter to be a tough sell. >> the law says you cannot touch. but i think i see a lot of law breakers up in this house. >> reporter: marketing research
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firm physiology says the film got an unexpected boost from an unlikely source, the steamy literally sensation fifty sha--0 shades of grey." >> people talking about channing tatum and saying they want him to be my "50 shades of grey." >> mommy more than. >> this book club got hooked on "50 shades." compared to the subject matter, it seems almost tape. >> "magic mike" would be a good get together for our little group. >> "magic mike" as part of a fun lady's night out. from the flash mob that showed up on our plaza to twitter where fans can share chan-a-grams with
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their friends, the studio is going all out to generate buzz. at the same time warner brothers is carefully courting it's other target audience with gay men with promotions like this float in the gay pride parade. >> it's like s"sex and the cit." they don't just appeal to women but gay men. there may be straight men curious who want to see it. >> one thing that might help. all the talk of beefcake, "magic mike" is getting good reviews. >> really good reviews. four stars i'm saying, three stars, pectacular. >> natalie, 2:10. >> ladies night, afternoon, breakfast. >> there must be a theater somewhere showing the three stooges. >> again with the three stooges. coming up couples arguing over money. how to keep the peace.
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>> go see a film about male strippers. >> maroon 5. >> coming up after your local news and weather. ♪ ♪ [ birds chirping ] unh! [ female announcer ] oikos greek yogurt. possibly the best yogurt in the world. wow, you look terrific! [ female announcer ] crest 3d white glamorous white toothpaste removes up to 90% of surface stains in just 5 days. crest glamorous white toothpaste. for a smile so white, you won't just be the ex. you'll be the one that got away.
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it is now 26 minutes after 9:00. good morning, everybody. i'm jon kelley. this morning the very man suspected of beating up a priest expected to take the stand. william lynch accused of attacking father gerald lindner at a retirement center in los gatos two years ago. now, lynch says he assaulted the priest because father lindner sexually abused him and his brother when they both were children. now, lindner the pleading the fifth during this trial. and this morning we're learning more about the baseball fan who fell into the bay after monday night's giants game. he's 27-year-old victor marie owe working as a prison guard in vacaville. friends say they last saw him as they headed for thirty cars parked on pier 32. an extensive search in that water and from the air found no
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signs of him. his sister says he did not know how to swim. a look at your weather and traffic after the break.
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welcome back. 9:28. taking a live look over alcatraz. we live here. yes, we live here. the bay area just a beautiful day. temperatures are going to be absolutely phenomenal. most of the united states suffering from extreme heat. so take a look at these readings and enjoy them while they last. 79 degrees in san jose today, about 81 in los gatos, just 80 degrees in livermore today and 83 in fairfield. staying far below our averages for this time of the summer. we'll go even lower heading through saturday and sunday with temperatures to hit the mids 70s. then we round your numbers right back up starting monday, up to 88 degrees, leveling off just a touch tuesday into wednesday. but that means offshore flow will be in place for wednesday. nice, clear conditions, great view for those fireworks on the 4th of july. here's mike with your drive. south of the city, south san francisco and daly city have
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reports actually through bridgebane of power outages. that was causing backup for off ramps. looks like things are coming back as far as the power goes and no slowdowns for 101 or 280 anymore. the south bay your northbound routes moving smoothly. not much of a disturbance in the northbound commute direction. very light this friday. very smooth through livermore and easy drive 15shgs minutes to the dublin interchange. oakland past the coliseum, light volume for the nimitz. jon, back to you. >> thanks for joining us.
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that's miami-based superstar bringing a dance party to our plaza next friday here on "today." >> natalie dance party. >> this friday morning we have one more song coming up from today's summer headliner maroon 5. 12,000 people plus packing the plaza today. >> 6,000 of them want to marry adam levine. >> one of them is hoda kotb. >> i'm here with natalie morales
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and savannah guthrie and, of course, jenna wolfe. >> if you're the kid going off to camp, you may be getting desperate letters and phone calls begging to come home. advice that will make you feel better. >> money can be a friction point in a relationship. it's the topic couples fight about most often. three in ten admit to deceiving partners when it comes to money. useful advice. first, as we mentioned, jenna wolfe with a preview of what's coming up this weekend. >> for most this weekend, the word is hot. nearly half the country will see triple digit temperatures. we'll look at what it means for firefighters out west as firefighters continue to struggle containing raging flames. with summer in full spring and kids home from school, you may see your grocery bill creep higher. doesn't have to, though. we will have money-saving tips. >> send them away. >> go away, kids. i need lower grocery bills. this week installment of
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summer stratearategystrategies. >> that wasn't a ball under there. >> ow, that hurt. >> geez. >> it was a tough boot camp. >> you wonder why you're on the weekend. nobody wants you here. >> whipping up, we're going to whip some of my weekend co-hosts into shape. at this point after you saw that, they may not be there. >> jenna coming by, a kick in the groin. >> weekend "today" if you dare. >> thank you for the tease. ratings sky high. meanwhile, al, be nice. a check of the weekend weather. >> i'm frightened. >> that's helping my reputation. saturday a risk of strong storms, ohio river valley into the mid-atlantic, showers and pacific northwest, sizzling through the southern half of the country with record highs.
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sunday-sunday, more showers in the west, record highs continue through the southeast with some areas seeing temperatures that are their all-time record highs. the heat m our neck of the woods is the rare part of the country that will be nice and cool and just beautiful over the course of the weekend. taking a live look at san jose, it's the low clouds, the return of the marine layer, that will keep us abnormally cool for this time of year. 78 in fremont, staying nice and crisp on the southeast shore with 71 degrees in oakland. we still have good air quality. tomorrow morning, maybe a little drizzle making way to a sunny finish, comfortable conditions on sunday. then we soar starting monday. >> that's your latest weather. >> all right, al, thanks. coming up next, coping with your homesick camper but first these messages. early for this thing... want to hop in the back and get weird? no. family vacation... vegas. ♪
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no. no. give it a big yank! really? yeah! [ knock on window ] no! no. ♪ ugh, no! [ sighs ] we can have hotdogs for dinner?! yes. [ male announcer ] in a world filled with "no," it's nice to finally say "yes." new oscar mayer selects hotdogs. made with 100% beef and no artificial preservatives. it's yes food.
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made with 100% beef and no artificial preservatives. what makes hershey's pure chocolate goodness that brings people together. hershey's makes it a s'more... you make it special. pure hershey's. mommy! i went potty! that's great, honey.... where? for life's bleachable moments. ♪ ♪ [ birds chirping ] unh! [ female announcer ] oikos greek yogurt. possibly the best yogurt in the world. it's not for colds, it's not for pain, it's just for sleep. because sleep is a beautiful thing.
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♪ zzzquil, the non-habit forming sleep-aid from the makers of nyquil. zzzquil, the unlimited soup, salad, and breadsticks lunching. at olive garden just $6.95. fresh, crisp salad made when you order it, four soups made fresh daily, baked breadsticks right out of the oven! just $6.95 for a limited time. gives you a 50% annual bonus. and who doesn't want 50% more cash? ugh, the baby. huh! and then the baby bear said, "i want 50% more cash in my bed!" phhht! 50% more cash is good ri... what's that. ♪ you can spell. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? ha ha. ♪
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♪ >> this morning on "today's" homs, dealing with a homesick camper, you may have found the right camp for your kids but there's often a tough adjustment to be made. a youth and parenting expert, founder of the consulting service, everything summer. good morning. >> good morning. >> you're in the know because you're a parent who sent your kids off to camp at one time and also counselled parents on this. >> absolutely. >> one bit of advice you say to parents first off, do not feel guilty about sending your kids off to camp. >> absolutely not. to me, camp is the greatest gift of childhood and lasts a lifetime. you've given your child an immense gift. don't feel guilty, feel proud. >> before the child is packed and ready to go, should you sit down with them, talk to them about what an adjustment it's going to be for them and for you as well and also talk to them through about homesickness, what it's going to feel like?
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>> it's very healthy to have open transitions about what life might be like, living with other peers, counselors. i don't think parents have to overwhelm kids but open up ideas, think about how situations will be different and how possibly they can handle them. >> inevitably it can happen that a parent gets a desperate phone call, come get me, the crying and tears or in a letter. how do you know when you shouldn't pack up and bring your child back home. >> preparation is really key both in terms of parents and children. if you've done your homework and read different types of articles, you get a sense of what to expect. definitely a parent needs to call a camp if they really feel their child is in lots of anxiety, severe feelings of homesickness. they have to trust the camp they know what they are doing, worked through this time and time before. >> you say it's a healthy thing for a child to feel a little bit
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of that separation anxiety, homesickness. >> of course it is. we all want to know we come from a home where we're loved and our parents love us and it's a wonderful feeling. now you have a new family you're trying to get acclimated to. >> a lot of camps have a policy, they limit phone calls or the number of letters kids can write. you say it's important to get to know what the policy is and honor that. >> all policies, become very familiar. them you understand how the camp will handle things. calls can be very, very trying for parents and for kids. you need to prepare for them and keep them upbeat and engage your children. but letters should be countless. they should be unlimited. you can't get enough letters. i still save and read my children's let prefers part of your advice, save the letters. why is that? >> well, a few reasons. one is children can't believe what they write to you when they look years later. also, if something happens later in the summer and the child had a difficult time, it's a frame of reference you say you told me how you handled the situation. sounds like it would make as
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soon as again. they are just memories. they are wonderful. >> how do you know if your child's bout with homesickness isn't something more serious. i have a friend whose sister sent her son off to camp. he wouldn't eat, having a terrible time stressing out. how do you know when you do need to finally make that call and say maybe it's too much. >> if homesickness is too severe they are sensing it. they are putting in place all the tools they have at their arsenal. again, the parents need to be in contact with the camp to work it out. oftentimes there's angst expresseds in a letter and they move on. you're rereading and rereading and thinking this but it's not the case. call the camp and enlist them as your partner. they are there to make a success for your child. >> they are well trained. jill, thanks so much. >> thank you. coming up next, why the marital conflict over money never ends and how you can cut the tension. that's after these messages. [ radio ] it's a scorcher out there...stay refreshed!
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[ female announcer ] new lipton tea & honey. sweetened with honey, made from real tea leaves and real fruit flavors. ♪ it's never felt so real ♪ no, it's never felt so right ♪ [ female announcer ] only 5 calories. new lipton tea & honey.
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[ male announcer ] why not talk to someone who owns an adjustable version of the most highly recommended bed in america? ask me about my tempur advanced ergo. goes up. goes up. ask me what it's like to get a massage anytime you want. goes down. goes down. [ male announcer ] tempur-pedic brand owners are more satisfied than owners of any traditional mattress brand. ergonomics. [ male announcer ] tempur-pedic. the most highly recommended bed in america. [ female announcer ] visit a participating retailer and save up to $600 on a tempur-cloud supreme mattress set. but why doesn't it last? [ male announcer ] even after a cleaning... plaque quickly starts to grow back. introducing crest pro-health clinical rinse. it actually keeps your teeth 91% clean of plaque even at 2 months after a dental visit. new crest pro-health clinical rinse. actually it can.
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neutrogena® ultra sheer provides unbeatable uva uvb protection and while other sunscreens can feel greasy ultra sheer® is clean and dry. it's the best for your skin. ultra sheer®. neutrogena®. ♪ ♪ [ birds chirping ] unh! [ female announcer ] oikos greek yogurt. possibly the best yogurt in the world.
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this morning on "today's" money, couples and financial fights. a new survey shedding light on how widespread and consistent the problem is revealing couples argue over money an average of three times a month. here with advice on how to cut down the conflict is "today's" editor jean chatzky, author of "money rules" and betsy, clinical psychologist. in full disclosure, you both went to college together. >> we did. go penn. >> let's face it, finances are really, it comes up above children, chores and work. >> that's right. we got this new survey from aicpa, and it shows 27% of couples say they argue about money every month. people in the 45 to 54 age group don't just argue three times a month, they argue four times a month. it seems to get worse as you get older. >> that's interesting. why is that?
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>> 45 to 54, it's colliding on you at once. you have children perhaps college age. you have to fund their college education. hopefully if you have your parents still with you, you're taking care of their aging and needs as they get older. you're also facing your own retirement. let's face it, you're probably at the height of your earning potential. your body is starting to ache. you're thinking of your own health care. it's colliding at once. >> sounds terrible. >> good times, everybody. wow. then throw in the economy. >> so when we look at people whose financial situation has actually deteriorated in the past couple years, they fight even more. i think what betsy said is really important. the people who fight most of all are the people feeling like they don't have enough money. >> okay. so let's break it down. you say there's something -- when people are fighting, it's usually over things, need versus want. >> the definition of what's a want versus what's a need. if i think getting a manicure is a need and my husband does not
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and it shows up four times a month in our budget, that's going to cause a fight. people also fight about not having enough in savings and having unexpected expenses. >> that's something else. >> exactly. that roof leaks. all of a sudden you don't have the money to pay for it. ka-boom. >> literally the rainy day fund. >> how do you counsel couples to deal with this? >> when you talk about needs and wants, it's simple. you may need the new stove, you may want the vacation or flat screen tv. in fact, it's very interesting, al, because the want is very important in terms of the need. marriages need the need and the want. you have to give yourself some pleasure. life is short. marn marriages need to thrive. there's lots of stress on the marriage. you can't deny needs are critical to the future of your family. >> the other problem for a couple is being deceitful about finances. i mean, this survey really reveals some shocking statistic.
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>> top of the list, we hide purchases from our spouses and don't talk about our purchases. >> especially a major purchase. >> a major purchase. here is where all of these problems could be solved. if you can sit down with your spouse and have a conversation where you agree if i spend $200, $500, whatever number makes sense for your relationship, we are going to talk about it first. other than that, maybe we don't have to talk about every cup of coffee we buy. when it's something big, we're going to at least have a discussion. >> betsy in the survey, it says more than 55%, more than half the couples say they don't communicate, don't talk about that. how do you go about changing that? >> we know communication is the number one problem in marriage. particularly in regard to money. money is just a lightning rod for conflict. what we say is go on a money date. make date night once in a while, at least once every three weeks before those bills are paid. make it money night.
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go somewhere pleasant you both love. give back to the marriage, away from the kids, stressors of your job. talk about your budget. talk about what you need to do. if you can't get out from under it and can't stop arguing. surrender. you need from a financial consultant, financial planning. it will only help you move forward. >> jean, dietitians tell you if you want to try to lose weight you have to track what you eat. it's the same with your finances. >> if you track what you're spending, it solves almost every one of those problems. then you can look at that and say is that a want, that is a need, can we free up additional money to save. it gets at the heart of every single one of these issues. >> jean sachatzky, betsy, thank you very much. up next one more song from maroon 5, but first these messages. ♪
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proun the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. coming up, kathie lee and hoda say hello to actor eugene levee. >> first one more song from the summer concert band. they rock the plaza. >> from their new album "overexposed" maroon 5 with one more night. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ so i cross my heart and i hope to die that i'll only stay with you one more night ♪ ♪ and i know i've said it a million times but i'll only stay with you one more night ♪ ♪ try to tell you no but my body keeps on telling you yes try to tell you stop but your lipstick got me soout of breath ♪ ♪ i be waking up
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in the morning probably hating myself and i be waking up feeling satisfied but guilty yeah baby give me one more night ♪ ♪ ♪ so i cross my heart and i hope to die that i'll only stay with you one more night ♪ ♪ and i know i've said it a million times ♪ ♪ but i'll only stay with you one more night ♪ ♪ ♪ yeah baby give me one more night ♪ ♪ yea baby give me one more night ♪ ♪ yeah baby give me one more night ♪ ♪ ♪ yeah
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♪ but baby there you again there you again making me love you yeah i stopped using my head using my head let it all go president got you stuck on my body on my body like a tattoo and now i'm feeling stupid feeling stupid crawling back to you ♪ ♪ so i cross my heart and i hope to die that i'll only stay with you one more night ♪ ♪ and i know i've said it a million times ♪ ♪ but i'll only stay with you one more night ♪ ♪ ♪ cross my heart hope to die that i'll only stay one more night i've said it a million times
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but i'll only stay with you one more night ♪ ♪ baby give me one more night
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good morning to you. 9:56. i'm gars garls. some help is on the way for dozens of people who have been out of their homes for a month. a four-alarm fire in san francisco's mission district last month forced 37 people including seven children out into the streets. four people were hurt including two firefighters.
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about half of the building's residents still have no permanent place to stay. a fund raiser will be held this weekend at the sunday streets event in the mission. time to check that forecast with meteorologist christina loren. hey, good morning to you. temperatures are really comfortable to start. we are already in the 70s in sun city, for example, gilroy, you're at 71 degrees, 63 in san jose, and we just hit 69 degrees in sunnyvale, headed towards the 70s and 80s in the warmest cities across the bay. and temperatures are actually going to come down even more so as we head into the upcoming weekend. so that's good news as much of the nation suffers from a heat wa wave. we've got a heat wave on the way for next week and the winds are picking up, helping to clear the cloud cover out of the way. still mostly cloudy across most of the bay area. 80 degrees later on with full sunshine. sun breaking through the clouds in concord at about noon today. as we head throughout the remainder of the weekend, temperatures fall to about 76 degrees on sunday, and we heat you right back up into monday
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next week. temperatures will be totoasty. enjoy the cooldown. here's mike with the drive. enjoy the friday drive while it lasts as well. a pretty light one. highway 4, a slowdown, typical. but that's the worst of it now. concord, walnut creek, walnut creek interchange. all feeder routes including the caldecott heading to the bay bridge which had its metering lights turned on, about 7:15 this morning. sunol, easy drive. skieses still looking hazy there, some clouds, but they're breaking up as well. the sun starting to hit the grass and making it even browner. the golden gate bridge, where we can hardly see the golden gate bridge because of the fog there. but that, too, is burning off, so no problem as far as those speeds. watch it through clouds. >> thanks for joining us. for the latest traffic and news, check out nbc bay area on facebook. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ [ transforming sounds ] [ male announcer ] transformers. the ride. ride it at universal studios hollywood.
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television it is try day friday. get away day for everybody for a big weekend. it's june 29th. it's hard to believe we are almost halfway, we've got to be more than halfway through the whole year. aren't there 12 months in a year? all right. >> fourth of july is falling on a wednesday. it's confusing. >> the forefathers did so much right. they didn't get that. >> is this the weekend? >> or is it after the 4th. >> i think you'll see a whole
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lot of people take off the whole week. we'll be here four, don't worry. >> in one way or another. we are starting off with these awkward money moments. >> we had one the other day. >> which thing? >> we can't talk about it on the air. we were invited to a luncheon only to discover we were the hosts for it. >> that was weird. >> when you're sitting in a big group of people and it's time for the dinner bill to arrive. what happens? if it's a big group, somebody is not going to treat. do you split it based on solely what you ordered or just say there are eight of us, divy it up eight ways. >> do you pay for the smashed one's 10 tequilas even though you had one glass of wine? >> i usually like to split it up. it gets too weird. did you have the fish? >> you ate one of my blueberries. >> i don't like that. >> some people are all about the
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splitting. we take turns. >> we go out almost every wednesday between lunch. between sunny, hoda and i, mostly i -- i'm only kidding, we take turns. one person pays it. >> nothing worth than divvying up at the table. >> no, there is something worse. >> i can't recall. asking somebody else what their salary is. i'll never forget i sat at a table and somebody out of the blue said, how much money do you make? >> are you kidding? >> frank was so -- >> what did you say? >> i said not enough. >> but how much do you make? i'm just wondering. >> not enough. you know what i'm saying. out of the blue. here's the trouble. when you're a well-known person they write in the papers all the time what you're allegely.
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they never say it right about me. >> 25% of the people think it is inappropriate, only 25% think it's inappropriate to ask your salary. 75% think it's fine. >> why? >> i find that very weird. >> it's very weird. >> they say another thing we hate when it comes to money, when you're pressured to chip in on an office gift for somebody and you don't know them. >> you don't like them. >> no. >> a going away present and you're glad they're going. >> then what do you do? i usually chip in. >> you don't like hassle. >> have you ever been to a store and you put your credit card down and the person runs it and they're calling and i'm sorry, your credit card is declined. you just used it, you know you did, but maybe you tipped it on the last one. that's happened. that's embarrassing. sometimes you're like, no, no, no. i feel like i've dob something
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wrong even if something is wrong -- >> you feel judged. >> i do. that's the worst. you know what money thing i love though? only disorganized people are going to understand the wonderful feeling. >> when you find it in your pocket. >> you dig into an old pair of summer shorts. in the pocket you find 10 bucks. i mean, i lose things all the time. but nothing beats the day you put your hand in your pocket. >> i totally agree with that. i don't go to an atm machine. i go to frank gifford. i don't have a pin card, nothing. i've got cards up the wazoo, but i never have cash. when i find cash, doesn't matter what you have in the bank, you know what i mean? it's what you've got in your hot little hands. nothing better than crisp bills. >> look at you. >> or maybe gold. you know when you're watching weird channels and all they have on are commercials for gold. that means you're an old
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fuddy-duddy. >> if you need a raise, they say you need to work out. >> people who work at the journal of labor and research? >> people who work out with weights. earn 5% higher pay. >> don't flap them. >> this is never good. do this one. they say the reason behind it, you're more disciplined. >> you are the most disciplined. you're there 5:00 a.m. every morning working out. >> i do that. i don't do a hard workout. i pad around and visit with friends, shower and steam and come in. it does get your mind going. a few things that work for me. you're in a fog. only thing to work to make me up, one is drink a full glass of water straight down. every morning. >> never touch the stuff. >> you're dehydrated. you never take a sip in eight hours, or in your case four. >> she's right. i don't sleep. >> then work out. those are the only two things to wake me up.
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>> you don't do caffeine? >> i get coffee. >> that's three things. >> don't get smart with your math with me. >> even i can count to three. the secrets of aging success is finally been revealed. >> we've been wondering. >> unitedhealth care studied centenariens. >> models say the way they say looking, they say i sleep ten hours. they sleep a long time. your body is at rest. >> it's tough to be an uber model. >> number two, they always eat a balanced meal. they have great communication with a friend or family member. >> models or people -- oh,
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that's right, 100-year-olds. >> they pray, meditate or participate in spiritual activity. >> they exercise almost daily. okay. those are all things. >> putting in your teeth and taking them out, is that considered? come on, does that count? we don't do any of those. i do the workout, i eat balanced diet, sleeping and eating i don't do as much. today we are going to find out, aren't we? we kept a log of things. >> if you took a log of what you ate the minute you woke up and closed your eyes and fell asleep. >> if you tell the truth. "men's health" ranked the top cities for vanity. not just about men, also for men and women. they judge things like plastic surgery, teeth whitening, spanx, tanning salons, botox. they totalled all that stuff. i thought it was a surprising
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list. the most vain cities -- dallas, texas, number five. number four was vegas. number three, atlanta, georgia. >> southern belles. >> just outside of dallas, plano, texas. >> and the number one vainest city in the country is -- >> where "magic mike" takes place. tampa, florida. ♪ you're so vain >> why tampa? a lot of southern cities. i'm surprised l.a. for botox and plastic surgery. >> you would think they would be the world leader. sugar does make you stupid. >> i didn't know there was actually science behind that. >> how many did you already have before we started the show in. >> i had two. i eat a lot of sugar, i should say. here's the deal. a diet high in sugar may hamper your memory, they say. >> why? >> i don't know. >> they did stuff with rats.
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if you're interested, look it up. >> one of us isn't even a journalist. >> but it's debatable which one. >> now it's debatable which one. >> time for our friday funny. come on, girl. >> emily noble from facebook. there are two snakes in a cage at a zoo. one turns to the other one and asks, are we poisonous? the other replies, i don't know, why? he responds, i just bit my lip. >> that's good. that was funny. all right, it's time for bobbie's buzz. >> betsy ross is with us today. or is this susan b. anthony. no it's condoleezza rice. >> i'm feeling the love. it's not foernurth of july, but like the dress.
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she's an american italian designer? am i wrong? so it's getting hot. i think everyone wants to get their hair off their face or off their necks. i am modeling a trend. you don't have to hide your bobbie pins. i stacked bobbie pins. you can see on the model on the runway had color so you can pick up colorful bobbie pins. pin your hair back out of your face. it's cool and on trend. another cool thing, your ponytail. people think it looks casual. the model here actually has about ten rubber bands wrapped around. you can do that with rubber bands or i have something from jennifer baird. >> i love this. >> this is a ponytail wrap that's got a piece of leather around it. >> it's one thing, but two
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parts. >> the crew goes crazy. >> shake it, bobbie. >> down, boy. >> oh, gosh -- this will bend around your hair. this is my lovely intern. rachel is showing off all these chains that if you turn around, you can see it's got even a ponytail holder in the back. wrap it in your hair. >> cassidy would love that. >> put your hair up. everything on kathie lee& >> you know what we are doing? something called land paddling. >> yes. >> this is a good exercise for people of all ages, including us. >> what is that supposed to mean? >> i don't know. >> hi, boys. how are you? >> good to see you.
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>> father and son, right? >> you're going to be doing your thing while you're telling us what he's doing? >> i'll show you how it's done. huna creations invented this sport called land paddling. >> looks like a skateboard. >> a little squirrely skateboard we would all die on. this is longer. it's much more stable. >> is it a real exercise workout? >> we didn't originally make it as an exercise. just wanted to have overall fun riding the board. we started getting contacted by mma fighters and football coaches saying we want to use this to work out. >> should i get on this? >> how do i get on this? >> that shipped sailed. >> do you want a helmet? >> okay. >> i have this big one?
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>> jump right on there. >> oh, lord. >> keep your eyes up. don't look like you're scared. >> i'm not. >> don't leave me. don't leave me. >> a little bit lower. bend your knees a little bit. >> get over here. >> i'm still getting a lesson. >> get over here. >> and she's off. >> we'll be right back. >> that was fun. i'm exhausted. >> we'll be back. >> you do feel it. not enough to do any good, but you know it's a start. >> actor eugene levy is here.
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hershey's drops. a lot of hershey's happiness in little drops of milk chocolate. and cookies n creme. pure hershey's.
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♪ ♪ [ birds chirping ]
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unh! [ female announcer ] oikos greek yogurt. possibly the best yogurt in the world. in the new film "tyler
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perry's made a's witness protection," a wall street guy is set up as a fall guy and needs to hide out in a safe house till the heat dies down. >> actor eugene levy plays the banker who has to break the news to his wife. >> i had no idea this was going on. i walked into the office and there's walter saying, what is in your desk, shred everything. i'm going, what's going on? you're going to take the fall for this because it's a ponzi scheme. >> hello. >> nothing better than a good ponzi scheme. >> no. >> we've seen a bunch of clips from this. we love tyler perry. he always, always delivers. >> it's a very funny movie. i have to say, he's a very funny man. >> and a sweet man, isn't he? >> he's great. >> did can you shoot it down in atlanta where he put half the state to work in atlanta? >> yeah. the tyler perry studios. >> he's doing for atlanta what oprah did for chicago.
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>> what did you think when you heard you were cast in a tyler perry movie it? seems like an unusual casting. >> i didn't question what was going on before i saw the script, but i was very excited when i got asked to be in the movie. the fact that i got, was getting a chance to work with tyler perry was like, that was the big thing for me. i thought, man, this is -- this man is iconic. >> he is. the story is extraordinary. >> they say the same thing about you. they sent us a bunch of clips speaking about the actors and actresses. he said you guys were going mano y mano on the set with jokes. >> he had one more than i did on the day. i got into this thinking i was going to play straight man, which was another thing that excited me about this. my role originally in the script was straight, which appealed to me. the idea that i was playing straight to madea, playing a straight man.
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when we started shooting, he opens it up and tells you, you know what? why don't you on this one veer off and go nutty. >> you don't have to stick to the script? >> exactly. >> so you're in the witness protection program in made a's home. >> hiding a white family of five in made a's neighborhood is funny to start with. >> yeah. that's what she says. we don't have white cars in the neighborhood. how are we going to hide them? it's great. i'm telling you, being on the set with tyler perry as madea and uncle joe. >> that's great. >> here's the great thing about tyler perry. you never know. you're acting with madea but when he says cut, it's like, who is it now?
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it's fun watching him. he puts the camera, when he gets the camera isolated on to a close-up on himself especially, he just goes crazy. completely off script. you know the funny thing is when you read the script, there may be one line in there that reads funny for madea, but when he does it, he improvises pages of it. that's what he uses in the movies. that's the gold. >> isn't that great? this was your 59th, who's counting, movie. >> that's right. >> i cannot remember anything you were in that wasn't just fabulous. you are so, so good. i think my favorite so far and i haven't seen this movie yet is "best in show." do you have a favorite of all 59? >> "for your consideration." i love that. >> "waiting for guffman." all the movies i did with chris guest.
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i have a soft spot for. i had fun doing "bringing down the house" with steve martin and queen latefa and "american pie" is great part of the fun. turned things around for me. >> we are with huge fans of yours. thank you for coming to see us. >> you're welcome to drink the glass of wine we provided for you. >> i'm so excited. >> "made a's witness protection" opens today. >> up next, sara is getting questions from the ladies. willie geist can give them the other view. ♪ nikki! rick! wow, you look terrific! [ female announcer ] the whitening you've always wanted. new crest 3d white glamorous white toothpaste. your smile will shine brighter after just one brushing, and it removes up to 90% of surface stains in just 5 days.
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for a smile so white, you won't just be the ex-girlfriend. you'll be the one that got away. crest 3d white glamorous white toothpaste. life opens up when you do. pleeeeeeeease... [ female announcer ] betty crocker fruit flavored snacks. pleeeeeeeease... less than 100 calories and made with real fruit pleeeeeeeease... thanks mom! [ female announcer ] betty crocker fruit flavored snacks. actually it can. neutrogena® ultra sheer provides unbeatable uva uvb protection and while other sunscreens can feel greasy ultra sheer® is clean and dry. it's the best for your skin. ultra sheer®. neutrogena®. it's the best for your skin. mommy! i went potty! that's great, honey.... where? for life's bleachable moments.
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poor eugene levy has no life and nowhere to go. >> where else do you get a free glass of wine? >> our own willie geist is going to answer your questions about men. >> look like your favorite celeb with sexy summer hair. >> why are zoos so important? some of our favorite animal friends. >> and eugene. my name is marjorie reyes, and i'm a chief warrant officer.
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i love the fact that quicken loans provides va loans. quicken loans understood the details and guided me through every step of the process. i know wherever the military sends me, i can depend on quicken loans. requires daily sun protection. eucerin daily protection spf 15 body lotion is a long-lasting moisturizer and spf in one.
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it helps protect skin against everyday sun exposure. daily protection body lotion only from eucerin. stay refreshed. hey boys, i have an idea. [ female announcer ] new lipton tea & honey. sweetened with honey, made from real tea leaves and real fruit flavors! mmm...that is so good. ♪ [ female announcer ] lipton tea & honey. real is refreshing. ♪ it's never felt so real ♪ no, it's never felt [ all ] ♪ so right [ female announcer ] new lipton tea & honey. lipton: drink positive! the breaking news we are following right now is happening in san francisco. we are getting reports of a three-alarm fire. we're hearing it is at a three-story apartment building at 540 leavenworth between geary and to ferrell right in the
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heart of the tenderloin. of course this is very close to union square. again, a three-alarm fire happening in san francisco at a three-story apartment building. we will have more in 30 minutes on nbc bay area at 11:00. we have a crew en route to the scene. we'll look at the forecast after the break.
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welcome back. 10:28 now. taking a live look over beautiful san jose. not only looking beautiful, feeling that way, as well. temperatures today are only going to climb into the 70s in
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san jose, 79 degrees, 81 in los gatos, about 78 in redwood city and 65 degrees in san francisco. now, we do have some changes on the way as we head into the weekend and those giants, they're back at it tonight, 7:15. csn bay area, our sister station. 57 degrees. could see winds coming into play. your full forecast is at 11:00. here's mike with the drive. i look over my shoulder and you see green and green. it blends in together. this is the south bay. nothing interesting. the bay bridge, they turned off the metering lights just about 45 minutes after they turned them on this morning so no real concern. but there will be a build heading to the city midday. typically happens. in the city, we have that concern marla told you about. the traffic okay right now, but the heart of the tenderloin, leavenworth near o'farrell. more congested there. back to you. >> okay, mike.
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we have a crew headed to that scene. we'll bring you the latest on that breaking news at 11:00. we are back on this try day friday with more of "today" ready to find out what your guy is thinking. >> co-host of "morning joe" willie geist, what we like to call him here, big willie. >> good morning, ladies. >> let's go across the street to miss sara. >> we'll start with a live question. annie from ohio. >> when do boys start to act like men? >> you sound a little impatient. i think not until you have children, sincerely. the truth about that. even after you get married, you're still spending time with the guys. once you have a kid, you run into that brick wall of reality. you start thinking long term, i've got to get a job to provide for this child. if you meet a guy without kids, it never happens.
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>> dead give away, huh? >> okay. >> the next question from carole. my mother-in-law often makes comments about what i'm doing and saying when i confront my husband, he says i'm taking it the wrong way. how can i express i take these things personally? >> this is a good one. it happens to a lot of people. your husband needs to do a better job being the relay man between the two of you. you need to respond in the moment to your mother-in-law. you're an adult, she is an adult. because she is your mother-in-law, she doesn't have special power over you. talk to her the way you talk to another woman. i don't like being told the way to raise my children. judge, tone though. >> tone is good. don't let it fester. >> people only have power over you if you give it to them. >> it's like prison. if you show you're weak early, you're in trouble. >> all right, who else do you have? >> linda from wisconsin. >> hi. i'd like to know why don't men
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ask directions when they're lost? >> do they know they're lost? >> they won't admit they're lost. this is why an industry of gps devices was created for men. we are a boone to the economy, our inability to ask for directions. it's a pride issue. we know we don't know where we are going. if we admit we don't know, we lost something. we will never admit it. >> it's all about impotence. >> i have an internal compass that will guide us off this small mountain road. we'll probably disappear. >> sunrise in the east. that's frank. so he knows where west is. >> it's pride. >> go ahead, sara. >> abbey, why did my husband continue to pull his bowl in the sink and not rinse it after i tell him -- >> his what? >> his bowl. >> i'm sorry it's the second thing that goes. >> it doesn't dry in there, how
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can i get him to stop doing that? >> if he's leaving those in the sink you have a bigger problem than dishes. let's get back to the topic, if we could, please. very serious segment. i want to get back to the topic. guys, if you're leaving your bowl in the sink, this goes back to the question of boy becoming a man. put it in the dishwasher. watch how long this takes. count for me. >> 1,001, 1002, 1003 -- >> five seconds. >> what is the right technique? >> leave it there. leave it there let his dishes pile up. why are the dishes there? because you left them there and we don't have a maid. put your dishes in the dishwasher. it wiffle save the dishes and save your relationship. >> what a nice tag line. we've got to go. you rock. that's it. >> you are so lovely. we love you. >> keep them out of the sink. that's a rule at our house.
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>> up next, how to create those sexy celebrity styles at home. look who we got here. put a little pepper on that. i'm a typical mom. i go to amusement parks. and my kid's games. and just like any typical mom i'm thrilled when my champion loves to eat something nutritious, like chobani champions yogurt. it's a good source of protein, and most important, he loves it. so even though i'm an olympian, around here, i'm just another mom trying to help her champion win the day. chobani champions. win the day. new venus & olay. olay moisture bars help lock in moisture... while five blades get venus close. revealing smooth and goddess skin begins. only from venus & olay.
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♪ with the hundreds i saved at progressive, i'm out here, giving a little refill relief. are you on empty here, tyler? yes, actually, i honestly am. well, we're going to fill 'er up with savings. with the hundreds i saved at progressive, this tank is on me. if i ever find the bird that did this to your car... i am tickled! i don't know what to say! thank you! a hundred, a hundred and one ways to save. this really happens, huh, guys?
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we are back with easy summer hairstyles that will get your hair off your neck, keep you cool and you'll look great. >> arson from russia is a celebrity stylist at the luis licari salon who is behind many of those fabulous haircuts you
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see during our fabulous ambush makeovers. he is stepping in the spotlight to show us this season's hottest styles. >> it's so nice to be here. thank you, guys. we have three hot looks for summer. one of the trends we have a high bun. this is a very sexy look for the summer. this is not an ordinary high bun. the way to do this, you could do it yourself. it's not as complicated as it looks. it's very easy. put your hair in a ponytail. then use one of those mesh donuts. they come with two colors, one for brunettes and one for blondes. also, what i did here i added extra lighter color to give her some dimension. >> you wrap your hair around the donut? >> you pull the donut through the ponytail. then you clip this on. then all that hair, wrap it and
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use the hair pins to secure it. >> it makes you like six inches taller. i like that. >> we like it. >> next up, what do we call this? finger curl. >> the wet look is very in. finger waves. it's like old school hollywood which is very hot today. you can see everyone in hollywood, i will demonstrate how to do this. it's very easy. it's not as complicated is a it looks. >> how can i do that? >> he's cheap. he'll come over. >> looks very '20s. >> long as you have it around your face, you can put the rest back in why low ponytail. the only product you need is gel and a water bottle.
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it's a wet look. the beautiful thing about this, you can dress it up or dress it down. >> how do you dress it up? >> put it in a low chignon. >> let's go down to lee who is a future star of the year. >> and reality soon to be tv star. >> it's not an ordinary old-fashioned braid. it's a fish bone. mika kelly had it. instead of three pieces of hair, you use two. you just crisscross and it will give you the look. it doesn't have to be so perfect. >> messy braid is so pretty.
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>> this is just a bit much. >> arson, you rock for stepping into the spotlight. >> lee, we'll be seeing you soon. we are excited for you. >> up next, what's up? >> your eating personality and how you can drop extra pounds. >> then we take a trip to the zoo with julie scardina. it's olive garden's 2 for $25. an italian dinner for 2 where choice is on the menu. start with all the fresh salad and warm breadsticks you want. choose 2 appetizers made for sharing. then 2 entrées from 6 of our favorites. classics like eggplant parmigiana and new favorites like smoked mozzarella chicken and spaghetti with four cheese meat sauce & meatballs. 3 courses, 2 people, just $25. but only for a limited time, at olive garden.
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abracadabra. ♪ hershey's milk chocolate with almonds in pieces. your favorites, in pieces. ♪ ♪ [ birds chirping ] unh! [ female announcer ] oikos greek yogurt. possibly the best yogurt in the world.
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are you a grazer or do you stick to three meals a day? do you prove protein or crave carbs? >> madeline is here to show us how to eat well.
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>> there are four eating types people fall into. you were nice enough to keep your own food records. >> it was just one day. >> that gets you thinking about what kind of eating personality you have. let's begin. the most popular is the grazer versus three meals a day. grazing means you want to eat all through the day. you can actually do this successfully. there are pros and cons to each. if you want to eat all through the day, this is about a lunch that is going to be probably around 500 calories. if you wanted to divide it up through the afternoon instead of having something in the afternoon, spread it out or eat it all at one time. >> does your body digest it differently? is it better for your mojo, so to speak? >> it's not better unless you have a medical illness like diabetes. you can have structured meals three times a day. you can eat it all at once or divide it. you can overconsume because you're constantly thinking about food. we are fueling all day, but for what? think about that.
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>> are you a frazphras grazer? >> i don't eat three times a day. i barely eat in the morning and i love lunch. that's my main meal and i rarely eat dinner. but there's the liquid part. >> we are not counting that today. hoda, you're more of a grazer. you eat throughout the day. >> she's all day long. >> it's a lot. >> it's like a trough. >> what do you mean a trough? >> this is easier to figure out. we have the protein lover or carb craver. what do you gravitate to normally? the carbs. >> if this were available, i would eat this. the oatmeal is available if the crew leaves us one. these guys can eat. it's unbelievable. >> you naturally gravitate to that. would you look for this? or eat what's there? protein or the carb. >> you're going to be out of
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focus the next three weeks. >> i look better out of focus, right anthony? >> think about this. this is taste versus volume. the taste per is i want intense sweetness, real fat, real sugar, all this. or i don't care what it takes like as long as it's a lot. >> i would rather have something delicious. >> 300 calories for a single scoop of the real stuff or three scoops of things edited down. lower fat. >> when hoda was telling me what was on her list. >> i had five lifesavers, six donut holes, half a donut, part of a brownie. this was all before a show. that's what i eat. >> we are going to where your speciality is. >> she gets all those donuts and feels bad about it so she plops an orange in the middle. >> i want people to think i'm eating fruit. >> sweet tooth or fat tooth? >> sweet. >> you can satisfy this in all kinds of ways.
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have it with fruit, have it with smaller amounts of things that you're doing when you're nibbling on those thix. then you have a fat tooth. smooth and creamy things. they don't like sweet things. these are low calorie ice cream or yogurts or a latte. what do you like? you don't have a sweet or fat tooth? >> i like salty. i really would prefer to have chips and guacamole. >> thank you. i feel thinner. >> up next, why do we need our zoos? this is "today" on nbc.
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. now on "today's" call of the
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wild, why we need zoos. if you ever stared at animals throughs plexiglass walls, you
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might find out zoos can be their only hope for survival. >> for the 175 million people who attend accredited american zoos and aquariums every year, it's an opportunity for families to do something together while learning about animals, an incredible diversity of nature. julie scardina is here to tell us more. this is a beautiful animal. it's a bobcat. >> that's right. this is jerry. >> we have a jerry, too. >> they're both adorable. >> they are both adorable. >> jerry is one of our most plentiful cats here in the u.s. so many cats species are in peril. up to 80%. the lions, the tigers, the cheetahs you might meet at busch gardens are in peril. >> his mother was a rescue? >> that's right. >> he's not vicious? >> he was hand raised so he certainly is comfortable around people. he is one of our ambassador
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animals. >> cod doesn't like him. >> the awareness you get when you go to meet animals at a zoo or see animals at a zoo, we do need to help these animals in the wild. some of the most passionate people are people that work at the zoo. they become inspired and go on to save those animals. we'll go ahead and let jerry jump off. there you go. we'll bring out another really popular species at the zoo. here come our penguins. everybody loves penguins. >> look at this one. what? >> what happened to my girlfriend? s. >> you want to come up? >> shall i get him? >> no. that's all right. >> he'll peck your eyes out. >> kathie lee, hang on to this one. just put your hands around there. i'll pick him up. >> hoda, be nice to the penguins. >> i'm trying to be. >> as popular as penguins are,
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13-18 species of penguins are in decline. the great thing about zoos is we share our expertise and knowledge about raising and caring for animals. back in 2000 when there was a major oil spill off of south africa, 20,000 penguins were saved, not only by seaworld personnel but zoos around the world. even now, we are doing what's called a chick bolstering program helping chicks abandoned by their parents because they can't find enough food and helping those chicks go back out to the wild. >> he likes hoda, but hoda doesn't like him. >> let's go to the tank. >> here are some of our bamboo sharks which are also hatched out at seaworld. >> you can't get up close and snuggly with them. >> you actually can. you can put your hand in there. they have a weird feeling skin if you go one direction or the other. they are sleepers. >> like a little razor.
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do they like to be petted? >> they are not moving. >> they are only about a year old right now. they are nocturnal and they hang out on coral reefs. >> hang out and do what? nothing. >> what do they do? >> they are all part of that big old ecosystem. >> let's bring out the spider monkey. >> we need to protect the coral reefs, as well. >> oh, my gosh. >> sweetie. >> grab a banana down there. as popular as primates are, 50% of primates are actually threatened with extinction. they are not pets. his story is very sad, actually. she was a pet. she didn't know how to care for her or raise her at all. she was found in a dumpster. she still has metabolic bone
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disease, which is why she can't move around as an adult primate. >> she has to be cared for. she would never survive. >> the thing about zoos, we are often the only places that people can turn these exotic pets into so that we know how to care for them and other places that we partner with that do wildlife education such as conservation ambassadors or bush wild sanctuaries. >> thank you, julie. >> she is adorable. >> actress lisa kudrow. we love her. our special fourth of july series on how to find all things made in the good old usa. have an awesome weekend. -- captions by vitac --
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