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tv   Today  NBC  July 13, 2012 7:00am-11:00am PDT

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to savannah about the state of the presidential race. the florida teenager who lost his arm to an alligator attack speaking out in his first live interview today friday, july 13th, 2012. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. captions paid for by nbc-universal television and good morning. welcome to "today" on friday morning. i'm matt lauer. >> good morning, everyone. i'm savannah guthrie. that delta plane was about hour into its flight to madrid when they headed back and reported a possible explosive device on board. >> still a lot of questions unanswered. passengers were evacuated, two questioned by the police as the bomb squad surged the plane. the wires that triggered the scare were deemed to be nonthreatening. details in a live report straight ahead. >> investigators trying to determine what caused the doomed
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boat to capsize off long island on the fourth of july killing three children. this morning the youngest victim's mother, who was also on that yacht, speaks out with her husband about their daughter and what happened that night. then the opening ceremony of the olympic games two weeks away. there's growing outrage over the uniforms team usa will wear as they march into the stadium. not because of how they look but where they were made. china. we'll tell you what the designers are saying about that controversial choice. our plaza is filled for a fun summer concert. we have the grammy award winning country rockers zac brown band. they will begin at 8:30. we begin with a scare from passengers on a flight from new york to madrid. tom costello covers aviation for us. tom, how are you? >> reporter: good morning. delta flight to madrid, 206 passengers on board. it left new york at 8:00 but soon after turned back to jfk
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and escorted to a remote location on the runway after a passenger spotted something that looked very suspicious. on the floor of a lavatory, a straw with wires in it. the crew notified on board air marshals and then a female passenger began having difficulty breathing as she pointed out another male passenger she thought was the last person into the lavatory. the male passenger denied going to the rest room or having anything to do with the wires but the air marshals and crew became concerned that the female passenger might be part of a diversion. listen to the pilot talking to the tower when they were on the ramp but before police boarded the plane. >> we have a lady that is on oxygen that the flight attendants want paramedics for, but we think she's the one that is supposed to be the decoy to keep looking at the gentleman that was playing with the possible explosive device in the lavatory. so if she gets off the airplane with paramedics she has to be
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escorted by plus always but we want paramedics to take her off. >> reporter: the nypd bomb squad and fbi surrounded the plane and began questioning the passengers, they determined the wires were not part of the plane and not part of any explosive device and, in fact, there was no threat to the plane. all of the passengers were cleared and the plane continued onto madrid about 3:10 a.m. all of this comes as u.s. intelligence agencies have become very concerned that al qaeda and its affiliates may still be plot to take down a u.s. passenger plane. of course just two weeks before the start of the london olympics. everyone is on heightened alert right now. matt, back to you. >> tom costello covering this story from washington. tom, thank you very much. it's four minutes past the hour. here is savannah. in the presidential race we're learning more about when mitt romney might announce his running mate and who that might be. peter alexander here with the details. good morning. >> good morning. kicked off the race with a
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furious back and forth thursday, add into the mix the new vp speculation as well. could condoleezza rice be the president's running mate as the president makes a critical swing through the battleground of virginia today after opening up about his biggest mistake as president. the latest polls showing the presidential race neck and neck and obama and romney campaign thursday, the president made a rare concession in an interview with cbs news. >> the mistake of my first couple of years was thinking that this job was just about getting the policy right. and that's important. but the nature of this office is also to tell a story to the american people. >> a story that gives americans a sense of unity and optimism
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the president said. romney who attacks the president, being president is not about telling stories, it's about leading. the campaign becoming bitterly personal, both sides accused of lying. romney once again forced to defend his business experience, responding with this ad. late thursday the romney campaign tried to switch the topic, blasting this fund-raising e-mail to supporters offering to meet romney's choice for vice president. at almost the staple time the conservative drudge report website with close ties to the romney campaign insisted a surprise candidate is near the top of romney's vp list, former secretary of state condoleezza rice. rice has been seen as a long shot, because her pro-choice views on abortion clash with the republican party's conservative base. in march she denied any interest in serving as vice president during an interview with david gregory. >> it's not for me.
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i love policy. i love public service. i'm awfully happy doing what i'm doing. >> reporter: during a $4 million fund-raising swing through wyoming hosted by dick cheney thursday romney praised the former vice president as a great american leader but didn't say a word about his own plans for a running mate. we reached out to the campaign, the romney campaign late last night. a spokesperson told us they would not comment on the vp process. that's what they consistently tell us. many conservatives who all right doubt romney's conservative credentials would be deep will you upset if rice was chosen. multiple insurances from team romney that rice is not happening for vp. >> over but it begins. thank you so much. we had a chance to talk to former president bill clinton about the state of the race thursday as he prepared to head to arveg with his clinton foundation. we began by asking him about the
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economy's role in this election. >> our economy doesn't exist in a vacuum. you've got slowdown in europe, unemployment here on an average higher in america. you've got slowdown in china, slowdown in russia, slowdown in brazil. all that affects us. you know, i'm not sure both sides want the economy to get better. i know the president does. mr. mcconnell said his number one priority is winning the election. >> sounds like you're saying the republicans are basically rooting for the economy to fail. >> no, i didn't say that. senator mcconnell did. senator mcconnell said his number one goal isn't to get the economy going again, it's to defeat the president. i hope they aren't rooting for it to fail. they may believe austerity is the right policy. >> let me ask you about taxes. as you know the president is
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proposing bush tax rates be expended for middle class and would let them rise -- increase go into effect for wealthy americans. not all democrats agree with the president on this. some democrats and certainly mitt romney and republicans think raising taxes in a fragile economy is not a good thing to do. what's your take? >> if we're going to have long-term debt reduction, we're going to have to have some spending cuts and some more revenues and that's the fairest place to get it. what the republicans are trying to do is to put him in a position of giving all that up for another year, which i think would be a big mistake. these things have been extended for a long time. the republicans have made it clear the most important thing in the world to them is not raising revenues on upper income people. so i think we've not discussed this in a fair way, the president has said that he's open to tax reform, he's open to corporate tax reform, that he'd
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like a comprehensive ten-year settlement. but if they are not going to negotiate with him, which they seem disinclined to do, then he has to stand his ground on this. i think he's right. they are trying to force him to give away the store before they make any ohave any discussions with him. >> recently the democrats have been emphasizing mitt romney's personal investments, the fact he has some accounts in switzerland, in the cayman's. i wonder whether you feel this is a legitimate line of attack against mitt romney, if you think this is relevant to his fitness to be president? >> oh, yes, i do. i think for one thing just as relevant as going over my record as governor got when i ran for president. i had been governor for a dozen years. and because he put it at the forefront. he said basically i'd be a better president because i know how to create jobs because that's what i did.
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he's going to take credit for running a successful olympics, for example. so when all your work life before you run for president is relevant. i think that will be relevant. i am a little surprised he only release add year's worth of tax returns. that kind of perplexed me, because this is the first time in, i don't know, 30 years that anybody running for president has only done that. you know, it's typical we all release 10, 11 years. i think senator mccain released over 20 years of tax returns. that struck me as a little odd. >> that had to do whether he placed his own money in legal tax shelters overseas. >> the public ought to know that. the voters can make up their own mind about whether they think it's a good thing to -- for a person who wants to be president to minimize his own tax liability by putting the money in overseas tax shelters.
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they can decide whether they believe that or not. >> lastly, i know you're headed to africa in the coming days. this is a time when america is struggling, of course, and i think it bears reminding why we need to care about this part of the world. what are you looking to do when you travel there? >> i want the american people to know that we've had about 15 good years with africa. six of the ten fastest growing countries in the world in the last ten years were in africa. it's projected in the next ten years seven of the ten fasters growing countries will be in africa. we did a lot to kick that off in 2000 with the africa growth and opportunity act. one of the things i'll be doing is celebrating that act, celebrating and showing what good things it did. what i want people to see on this trip and what i want to check in is the positive things that are happening in africa and the progress that is being made.
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>> former president bill clinton. we should mention you can follow president clinton's trip to africa on his blog, head to it is 7:12. once again, here is . to the fallout at the internal investigation at penn state, failing to protect the children victimized by jerry sandusky. nbc national correspondent michael isikoff at state college with more reaction. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. penn state is brace forego a flood of lawsuits, criminal investigations are heating up and the school's board of trustees last night issued a public apology for the school's failure to protect what it said were the vulnerable young boys victimized by former defensive coach jerry sandusky. all this in the wake of thursday's scathing internal report from louis freeh from the fbi. the fallout from the freeh
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report is going through the commune, painful, shattered reputations, especially that of late coach joe paterno. >> he's not the godly saint that some of us made him out to be, including myself. >> reporter: the conclusions from the freeh report were stinging. >> the most powerful men at penn state failed to take any steps for 14 years to protect the children who sandusky victimized. >> reporter: who were those officials? according to freeh graham spanier, the school's former president, tim curley, former athletic director, gary schultz, former vice president, all of whom deny any wrongdoing, and paterno himself. >> there's more red flags here than you could count. >> investigators found e-mails and documents showing that paterno, contrary to his grand jury testimony, was informed and kept apprised of a 1998 police investigation of suspected child abuse of sandusky in the school's locker room shower. schultz, who is in charge of the
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university police wrote in private notes, is this the opening of pandora's box, adding, other children? no charges were brought and university officials kept it quiet again and again in 2001 when then graduate assistant mike mcqueary told paterno about seeing sandusky naked with a young boy in the penn state shower. freeh said the most disturbing incident was another sexual assault by sandusky on a different young boy in the shower seen by two penn state janitors. but the janitors kept it quiet, too. >> they were afraid to take on the football program. they said the university would circle around it. it was like going against the president of the united states. >> reporter: a former penn state vice president of student affairs said freeh's finding showed how the university had lost its way. >> i think well intentioned people lost sight of the purpose of higher education and got wrapped up in the power and money and prestige.
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>> reporter: a family spokesman issued a statement last night saying joe paterno wasn't perfect. he made mistakes and regretted him. meanwhile lawyers for curly, spanier, schultz criticized the report calling it a lopsided document based on an incomplete record. matt. >> michael isikoff at state college. michael, thanks as always. >> let's get a check of the top stories. good morning. >> good morning, everyone. a d.c. police officer who worked as part of the motorcade escort for the obamas is under investigation for allegedly making threats against first lady michelle obama. the officer reportedly told colleagues he would shoot the first lady, then pulled out the phone to show a picture of his weapon of choice. the secret service was notified and the officer has been moved from his white house motorcade job to a desk job. there are reports of a new massacre in central syria.
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activists say 200 people, most civilians, were killed by the regime thursday. a rebellious area in hamas province slammed by tanks and helicopter and stormed on foot by militia men who carried out execution-style killing. jpmorgan chase ceo jamie dimon appears on wall street today to discuss his bank's massive trading loss, this as new figures show the original estimated loss of $2 billion was incorrect. the actual loss grew to be $4.4 billion. a new jersey borough is releasing video from its red light cameras to encourage safer driving. take a look at the video from june 9th. it shows a driver slamming into a pole. he was later arrested for driving while intoxicated. he suffered minor injuries but fortunately no one else was hurt. a massive solar flare has erupted from the sun. while the storm is expected to arrive on earth early saturday
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forecasters expect minimal damage to communication and power systems. in the northern u.s. and southern canada star gazers might catch colorful auroras in the sky. speaking of colorful auroras we have one inside studio 1, a. matt's plaid jacket is back. >> you buy it, get to wear it twice. >> no wondering experiencing communication trouble. >> the force. >> matt took the blackberry because she was trying to tweet with it. you took his glasses. >> al, it's in the drawer. >> you're right, it is. right now we've got a lot of rain to talk about down in texas all the way to florida. you can see the heavy rain that is being generated and we have flash flood watches and warnings in around the houston area, 14 inches of rain in the last two days. some areas may pick up another three to five inches. then on the other side of the
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gulf florida will be looking in the gainesville area, another two to three here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> we'll start off with a view of the san mateo bridge. in and out of the sun and the clouds at times. and cool temperatures thanks to the sea breeze which picked up. temperatures 40s and 50s. and look at the winds in fairfield, so gusty across the benicia bridge and the carquinez strait. the temperatures nice, seeing mid 80s for most places inland. 60s and 70s around the inner bay. more to come for the weekend. warmer approaching sunday. >> that's your latest weather. savannah. >> americans are getting ready to throw support behind team usa in london in two weeks but there's controversy over the uniforms the athletes will be wearing. nbc's kelly o'donnell on capitol hill with this story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. this is not the kind of olympic fever you would expect from our
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nation's capital. turns outlawmakers are surprised, upset and disappointed that the red, white, and blue for team usa may not be so all american. you might say an olympic flame was just lit in washington. >> i am so upset that i think the olympic committee should be ashamed of themselves. >> reporter: congress's national pride turned to furry thursday. >> that is not outrage, it's just plain dumb. it is self-defeating. >> reporter: all this frustration because team usa will be sporting made in america. >> should be made in america. >> reporter: the big deal of the 2012 uniform happened here on today. >> ralph lauren has always been inspired by the olympics. >> reporter: so this is how america's premier athletes will make their first impression at the london games opening ceremony in two weeks. the famed american design house ralph lauren created the head to toe look, a style influenced by the 1948 claims also hosted by
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london. >> we're dressing basically 1,000 people representing america will be walking together. >> reporter: but those american designed patriotic blazers and berets were actually manufactured in china. a political wardrobe malfunction. >> i think they should be embarrassed. i think they should take all the uniforms, put them in a big pile and burn them and start over again. >> you'd think they know better. >> today there's 600,000 vacant manufacturing jobs in this country and the olympic committee is outsourcing the manufacturing of uniforms to china. >> reporter: two new york democrats fired off a letter to the u.s. olympic committee insisting future uniforms be american made. they would ensure u.s. olympians are supporting american jobs. in a statement the usoc responded. unlike most olympic teams around the world, the u.s. olympic team is privately funded, and we're grateful for the support of our sponsors. we're proud of our partnership with ralph lauren, an iconic
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american company." ralph lauren company did not want to make official company but a spokesman pointed out athletic gear is obvious made in china or overseas including athletic garb. this isn't new but because of the time china touches a nerve. >> thank you. just ahead the florida teen attacked by an alligator and lost his arm opens up about his encounter in an exclusive live ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] what's the point of an epa estimated 42 miles per gallon if the miles aren't interesting? the lexus ct hybrid. this is the pursuit of perfection. the economy needs manufacturing. machines, tools, people making stuff. companies have to invest in making things. infrastructure, construction, production. we need it now more than ever. chevron's putting more than $8 billion dollars
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back in the u.s. economy this year. in pipes, cement, steel, jobs, energy. we need to get the wheels turning. i'm proud of that. making real things... for real. ...that make a real difference. ♪ for real. ...that make a real difference. investigation into carnival games. the tricks that make them almost impossible to win. >> steven tyler leaving "american idol," jennifer lopez could be next. who will take their place? after your local news.
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are made with sweet cherries and the crisp, clean taste of our cranberries. i cannot tell a lie. 'tis tasty. okay, george washington, did you take my truck out last night? 'tis tasty. until they see this. the new oral-b pro-health clinical brush. its pro-flex sides adjust to teeth and gums for a better clean. the new pro-health clinical brush from oral-b.
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>> it is 7:26. good morning. we could hear this morning from a bay area computer programmer being sued by his children for killing their mother. hans reiser acting on his own and acting as his own attorney, testimony expected in this trial to conclude today, then both sides will give closing arguments, from there it will be up to the jury. >> a controversial project connecting b.a.r.t. to the oakland airport is marking a visible milestone. you'll see girders being placed between the columns along hegenberger road. the trains will run on a
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three-mile line between the coliseum station and the airport. replacing the air b.a.r.t. bus system. today is friday, that means a lot of people thinking about getting out for the weekend. rob has the report on what to expect. good morning. >> good morning. good news. afternoon temperatures involve two digits instead of three. some heat the last few days. mid 80s, 60s and 70s around the inner bay. and more where this is coming from. into the weekend, a little warmer as we head to sunday. >> we're looking at the south bay, we're holding steady with this northbound slowing. we saw that kick in just before 7:00 and holding for 101 and 280, also through mountain view and palo alto. keep that in mind for the bay shore freeway. slow 880 south of 92, an accident took 10 minutes but it's cleared at around tennisson. and we'll get a look at the northbound side of 880, on the right past the coliseum up to the bay bridge toll plaza.
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metering lights are on, keeping you backed up out of oakland toward san francisco. the span moves smoothly. >> thank you. and for the latest traffic and news updates check us out on nbc bay area on facebook. we're back in a half hour.
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♪ 7:30 now on friday morning, the 13th, july 13th, 2012. the crowd has packed the plaza for a live concert in the 8:30 half hour. two-time grammy winning zac brown brand is here. inside studio 1a, good morning, i'm savannah guthrie alongside matt lauer. also ahead, do you like the carnival? >> yeah, i do. my kids like it. >> a lot of times you play the games and think i have as good a chance as anybody. but you might be noticing it can be tough to win sometimes. >> experts actually say it may not be an accident. coming up, our hidden cameras
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will expose the secrets how they actually prevent you from winning at carnivals. >> sad to hear that. and then just ahead, what caused a yacht to capsize off new york's long island, killing three young children on the fourth of july? the mother of the tragedy's youngest victim was on that boat as well and this morning she'll be here speaking out along with her husband. on a much, much lighter note. could "american idol" look completely different next season? steven tyler says he's out. and there is a strong chance that jennifer lopez could walk away as well. so, who might replace those two? we'll get to that as well. >> we'll begin this half hour with the recovery of a florida teenager who lost his arm to an alligator attack. we'll talk to him exclusively in a moment. kerry sanders has the latest on the story. kerry, good morning. >> well, good morning, savannah. i'm at gatorland, an alligator park here in orlando. and as you can see, the saying goes, and it's really true, that there's an alligator in every
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lake, pond and river in this state. in fact, it's estimated there's more than a million alligators in florida. so it's really a way of life. so when 17-year-old kaleb fred langdale, a fourth generation floridian, went swimming this week, he understood the risks. remarkably he's among the few to survive a vicious alligator attack. >> this is 911, do you have an emergency? >> yes, ma'am. an alligator got my friend in the water. >> friends who had been swimming with fred langdale dialed 911 just moments after they watched their buddy attacked by an 800-pound alligator. >> are you all right, fred? i'm calling! >> ma'am? we need an ambulance on the other side of the river. >> is he out of the gator's mouth right now. >> yes, he's out. >> seconds later the dispatcher asked where the gator had grabbed him. >> arm, arm, arm. >> is it still attached? >> no. >> how did he survive? fred said he knew exactly what he had to do from watching reality tv.
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he told his story from the hospital tuesday. >> i took my left hand and i grabbed that skin underneath him trying to control him, and he just kept going. when he started pulling me down and i knew it's either i've got to lose this arm or i'm going to die. >> why swim where there are alligators. >> in moore haven, there's nothing to do. so like, all we have is the river. >> we were all pretty impressed with the way he's handled this. >> reporter: this surgeon was on duty when fred was rushed to the er. even he was surprised by the teenager's calm demeaner. >> he was very much awake and calm and telling us the story like nothing happened. >> reporter: dr. conner tried to reattach fred's arm but he said too much time had passed from the attack. as for fred, he's taking it all in stride. his prognosis, doctors say it looks good. >> this young man has had a wonderful attitude toward the whole thing.
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i hope that it continues and that he can have a full life and full recovery. i see no reason why he couldn't. >> reporter: doctors say fred will need physical therapy and they're preparing his injury now for a prosthetic. wildlife officials say one of the reasons this may have happened now is because it's mating season, among the most dangerous times to be in the water with alligators. savannah. >> kerry sanders, thank you. the victim of that alligator attack fred langdale is with us now exclusively. fred, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> well, you look good. how do you feel? >> good. a lot better than last night. >> was it hurting last night? >> the worst it's hurt since the attack. >> yeah. yeah. i know you're born and raised in the area where alligators are just part of the scenery there, but how did you know what to do when you saw one barreling towards you? >> i really -- i don't know how
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to answer that. it felt like something came over me and just done it for me. >> did you really think -- >> i don't know what to say. >> those alligator shows, were those really helpful, kind of gave you the idea of what to do? >> yes, ma'am. >> and i know you had your friends in the water right there with you. it strikes me what you did was pretty heroic. you told them get out of the way and you faced that alligator. were you worried about them? >> i was more concerned about them than i was me. because i knew somewhat what to do. if i knew everything to do, i'd probably still have my arm. i knew a little what to do. i didn't know if they could have handled it or not. i was telling them to get out of the water when the gator had me. >> you kind of wrestled that alligator a little bit, right? >> ma'am? >> you kind of wrestled with the alligator a little bit, debate
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-- didn't you? >> yes, ma'am. when he first came at me and whenever i grabbed him, i latched hold of him. we went under and spun a little bit. then i tried to bounce off to get to the bank and that's when he got me. >> two things strike me as really remarkable. number one, that you did know what to do. number two, that you have remained so calm even with the loss of your arm. how have you been able to do that? >> i couldn't hear you. what did you say? >> how have you managed to stay so calm and optimistic, even in the face of a lot of pain and also losing your arm? >> my adrenaline was running so fast, i didn't feel the pain. i knew if i freaked out or got scared, that was going to be the end of it. >> fred langdale, you are a remarkable young man. we're so glad you're okay. thank you for being with us. >> any time. >> now let's get a check of the weather from al. >> all right. thanks so much, savannah.
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nice morning out here. got everybody ready for zac brown so let's check it out and see what we've got for you. we're talking about heat making its way east, big upper level high, jet stream way to the north. that means that heat will start moving to the east. moisture, heat, humidity along the east coast. take a look between saturday and tuesday. for today, we are looking at heat in the midsection of the country, in the plains, in the 100s all the way plains in the 100s all the way down to texas, 80s and 90s in the northeast. 90s in the southeast. and out west we're looking at 90s from interior sections of california, nevada, all the way into the southwest. that's what going on around the >> most of that heat will be moving east of the bay area though we've got sunshine this morning around san jose. hour by hour for temperature temperatures thanks to an onshore push of marine air mid 80s inland but away from the triple-digit temperatures we had the last couple of days. strong sea breeze for the coast
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which means cool temperatures there. pretty mild weekend forecast as well. turning warmer sunday. and that's your latest weather. what's your name? >> vanessa. >> all right. okay. savannah. >> al, thank you. coming up next, are those popular games at the carnival stacked against you? we're going to go under cover to show you the tricks of the trade right after this. ♪
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♪ [ female announcer ] with its rich, silky smooth taste there's magic in every piece of dove® dark chocolate. ♪ [ female announcer ] new lipton tea & honey. sweetened with honey, made from real tea leaves and real fruit flavors. ♪ it's never felt so real ♪ no, it's never felt so right ♪ [ female announcer ] only 5 calories.
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new lipton tea & honey. this morning on rossen reports, summer fun at the carnival. are those summer games stacked against you and your children. jeff rossen went undercover to show us. i have a feeling it's not good news. >> all i wanted was to win you a teddy bear. who doesn't love the carnival? i do, my kids do. you've probably noticed some of the games are impossible to win. we're exposing secrets with hidden cameras. we're going a step further, too, showing you exactly how they do it. big prizes that seem so easy to win. >> for five bucks. >> and sometimes people do. but ever wonder why some games
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seem so hard. >> look, mom, there's no special gimmick. >> really? our hidden cameras are rolling, from mississippi to indiana, crashing carnivals. >> doesn't seem fair. >> welcome to carnival, man. >> revealing their tricks. >> take a look at this. >> barely. >> barely. >> from the shoot-out -- are the sights regulation on those guns? to milk bottles and the tough toss. our first stop the basketball game, one of the most popular on the midway. and we're under cover. we watched kid after kid lose, then i tried to play and couldn't make a single shot. >> come on. i'm no athlete but she is. that's carly, a top shooter in college basketball. if anyone can make a free throw, carly can. but at the carnival -- 13 tries
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and not a single basket. >> two or three bounced around the rim and popped out. >> in fact, we watched more than 100 tries and only two customers made a basket. >> this game, the way it's made is designed for the player to lose. there's no doubt about that. >> reporter: we shared our results with an investigator who specializes in rigged carnival games. >> when most people go to the carnival they think they are shooting at a round tube. >> they are shooting at this, an oval. your chances of winning are slim to none. >> he says it's no mistake, believe it or not, carnival rims are made that way on purpose, smaller and oval. we went online and bought one ourselves. there's another secret, too. balls are often overinflated and so springy they bounce right off the rims. it seemed to happen to us almost every shot. so we went back to the carnival with our cameras out. >> jeff rossen from nbc news.
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carnival games. experts say some of these games are rigged. >> i don't know about that. i know mine ain't. >> reporter: he said just before we walked up this boy won. >> people win every once in a while but what shape are these rims. >> they are oval. >> they are oval rims. >> reporter: that doesn't seem fair for a round ball to get in an oval rim. >> if the goals were this big, guess what, every person that shot would win. >> reporter: experts say some rims are so small even if you make the perfect shot your odds are still lo. >> you have a half inch margin either way. >> even with the perfect shot. >> even with the perfect shot. >> here is another game we couldn't win. seems simple, throw a ball in the tub. the carney told us what you can't see is the spring behind it bouncing the balls out. i couldn't win. so to get me to play again, the carney showed me it's easy. he cheats. here is the trick.
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before he plays, he puts three balls in. but watch closely, he only takes two balls out leaving one in the tub. >> can you do it from here? >> all day long. >> come here and do it. >> now when he plays there's a ball in there cutting down on the bounciness, a perk you don't get when you play. >> take your free shot. >> your ball the stay in there. the reason that works, this ball when it comes in, this one deadens it so it can't fly out. two balls to play. out comes the ball. watch what happens now. again. you lose every time. >> reporter: that carnival worker told us his game isn't rigged. the carnival manager told us none of them are. >> that's a thing of the past. we monitor our games. we background check our employees. >> reporter: but look at this game, the old carnival classic, knock over the milk bottles.
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here is how it should work. >> bottom two lined up perfectly. >> there you go. >> reporter: so i tried it out on the indiana midway. loser. i wasn't the only loser, other customers couldn't win either. even the game operator himself couldn't knock them all over. maybe we were all just off that night, or maybe not. >> set them up perfectly even like this and throw the ball, knock down all three with no problem. if the carnival man takes one of these and brings it forward just a little bit like that. >> an inch. >> just a little bit, the ball comes in, all the energy goes to that one. >> you don't win. >> that one stands. >> but of all the games we played, experts say this is the trickie trickiest, shoot out the star. surely this guy can win, he was a special forces sniper who can hit a nickel-sized target with
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ease. we brought him to the midway. >> how much is it? >> $5. >> let me have one for sure. >> for five bucks a game he flat-out loses. >> is this game winnable? >> those are all winners from this year. >> my buddy is a special forces sniper. he tried it ant can't win. >> i've had a lot of shooters come over here and can't win this game. >> that tell you something. >> when we pulled our cameras out. are the sights regulation on this gun? the guy running the shoot-out didn't want to talk anymore. >> a small child handing over their allowance money to win a game i know they can't win. deception, end of story. >> the carnival trade association says it has guidelines and expects operators to treat people fairly. is this illegal? law vary from state to state. some carnivals are better than other. the best advice is play the games where you're competing against other people and there's
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a guaranteed winner. >> you just bummed a lot of people out. >> have a nice weekend. >> thanks very much. coming up an alleged con artist using rented mansion for secret and illegal parties. that's right after this. [ male announcer ] if you think any battery will do,
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consider the journey of today's athletes. their training depends on technology. and when it takes a battery, there are athletes everywhere who trust duracell. they rely on copper to go for the gold. duracell. trusted everywhere. and soon...even more reason to trust duracell. duralock power preserve. it locks in power for up to 10 years in storage. guaranteed. duralock. coming soon to every duracell battery.
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for their "destination wedding." double miles you can "actually" use. but with those single mile travel cards... [ bridesmaid ] blacked out... but i'm a bridesmaid. oh! "x" marks the spot she'll never sit. but i bought a dress! a toast... the capital one venture card. fly any airline, any flight, anytime. double miles you can actually use. what a coincidence? what's in your wallet? [ all screaming ] watch the elbows ladies. there is money to be made renting homes in the hamptons outside new york city. some homeowners claimed they got more than they bargained for when their leased mansions were used to host secret teen parties. nbc's tom llamas has this story.
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tom, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. as can you see, this is not your typical summer rental. this massive house is all one unit and it rents for $30,000 a month. so imagine what the owner thought when her neighbor called her at 5:00 in the morning and said you better get over to your rental property. there's a party bus complete with a disco ball full of teenagers that just pulled into your driveway. the hamptons, new york's exclusive beach retreat where millionaires and billionaires come to summer and be fabulous. a place not only to spend money but also a place to make money. allegedly off teenagers. half a dozen hamptons homeowners accuse the 25-year-old of leasing their multi-million dollar mansions to secretly host prom and graduation after parties. >> noticed a bunch of kids standing outside the door there
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smoking pot. >> reporter: homeowner lucy sacks rented her 100-year-old family home. he signed the lease and paid the $30,000 a month rent. >> i was devastated. i'm responsible for this house. the rental was sort of on my watch. 100 kids aren't going to be doing anything good to your house. >> reporter: the home wasn't damage but wasn't the case here. house damaged, flat screen stolen and endless bags of trash. >> this guy reminds me of a catch you if you can kind of guy. he was very smart in everything he did. >> reporter: this east hampton report shoes one of the teenagers at the home told authorities he charged approximately 96 partygoers between $320 to $350 each. >> not everyone had a bedroom. some bedrooms had 15 kids and two beds. it was mayhem. >> reporter: sacks said she found a book in the home with
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rules for security guards to enforce on teenagers. rules such like if you act like animals, then you will be caged like them. do not open the front door ever. the only place for beer pong is on the ping-pong table. sacks is not the only one who feels conned. this police detective's son ended up at one of the parties. >> i'm outraged this person could let something like that happen. i'm really more mad at myself, as a father, for being more aware of what my kid was doing. >> the southampton attorney said he will be arraigned on several code violations. we tried to reach out to him but he did not return our calls for comment. savannah. >> coming up, major changes coming to "american idol." >> after your local news. [ female announcer ] think your kids are getting a dependable clean -in the bathroom? -[ gasps ] [ female announcer ] think again. try charmin ultra strong. for a clean that passes inspection with fewer pieces left behind.
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its diamondweave texture is soft and more durable versus the ultra rippled brand so it holds up better for a more dependable clean. fewer pieces left behind. now who's the man? you both are. [ female announcer ] we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra strong? abracadabra. ♪ hershey's milk chocolate with almonds in pieces. your favorites, in pieces. last season was the gulf's best tourism season in years. in florida we had more suntans... in alabama we had more beautiful blooms... in mississippi we had more good times... in louisiana we had more fun on the water. last season we broke all kinds of records on the gulf.
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this year we are out to do even better... and now is a great time to start. our beatches are even more relaxing... the fishing's great. so pick your favorite spot on the gulf... and come on down. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home. and set the stage for a great day. what ? customers didn't like it. so why do banks do it ? hello ? hello ?! if your bank doesn't let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. hello ? ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense.
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>> the time 7:56. good morning. i'm jon kelley. an east bay city shining a light on foreclosure in the community. the city of richmond offering a bus tour. a bus tour through neighborhoods that have been the worst impacted by the crisis. city leaders say the tour is to send a message to the big banks to try to fix hundreds of abandoned properties. the tour starts today at noon. >> brian wilson treating more than 1,000 fans to a day at the ball yard. kids from junior giants leagues across the bay get a chance to hear wilson and also get tickets to tonight's giants game against the astros you can watch here on nbc bay area.
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the week has been a scorcher. rob says it looks like it's getting cool. >> temperatures today much cooler than the last few days. we should see mid 80s in the warmest places. 60s and 70s around the bay. low 60s on the close, close to where the game time temperatures for the giants game should be later on. the weekend more of the same. coastal fog and drizzle. comfortable inland. >> pretty comfortable as far as the drive. slow south and northbound, in to menlo park. lighter than typical slowing because it's a friday. some folks are probably tired from the last few days. 101 slowdown past the airport, 280 jamming up around 880 and 87 slow into downtown. typical here. a live look shows you what it's like at the toll plaza. the backup around the bend, the berkeley curve, not so bad crossing the bay, wait about seven minutes, then on to the roadway. >> thank you for joining us. for the latest, you know what to do, check us out on nbc bay area
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on facebook.
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back now at 8:00 on friday morning, it's the 13th day of july, 2012. it's a pretty day in the northeast. that means it's a great day for a summer concert. we've got a great one on tap about a half hour from now as the grammy winner zac brown band takes to our concert stand, much to the delight of all these people you're looking at. a lot of people brought signs. it's a contest. zac brown band will pick their favorite sign and they get free concert tickets.
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pretty good. i'm matt lauer with savannah guthrie and al roker. a shake-up on "american idol." >> that's right. steven tyler announced he won't return to the judge's table. yesterday jennifer lopez hinted she might not be back. we'll get to that story. >> then we'll talk to the stones, man. an amazing legendary band, 50th anniversary. hard to believe they have been together 50 years. >> also ahead, talking about a tragic story we've been covering, the boat that capsized on the fourth of july, 27 people on board. three children died. this morning the parents the youngest victim, a 7-year-old girl are joining us. her mom was actually on that boat as well. she'll talk about her daughter and what happened on the fourth of july in just a couple minutes. >> in the meantime we want a check of the top stories. natalie morales at the news desk. good morning.
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>> good morning. officials investigating a midair school that forced a jetliner bound for madrid to return to new york's kennedy airport. a straw containing wires not from the aircraft was found in a plane lavatory. bomb squad and other vehicles swarmed the plane when it landed, two of the 206 passengers were questioned but officials determined there was no explosive on board. more documents released in the trayvon martin shooting case, including an fbi report look into whether race was a factor. more now from nbc's kerry sanders. >> reporter: the fbi agent interviewed dozens of george zimmerman's friends and co-workers. according to the just released report, not one of them said zimmerman was a racist. the fbi also spoke to then lead investigator with the police department. he thought he pursued martin based on his attire not skin
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color. martin was wearing a gray hoodie shown here. the local game dressed in black and wore hoodies. and there was this police radio transmission the night zimmerman called in to report martin as suspicious. >> for a black male late teens wearing a black hoodie. >> he described him as having a little hero complex but not as a racist. george zimmerman has pled not guilty to second degree murder. trayvon martin says they expect the trial to reveal the real motivation for the shooting. george zimmerman's lawyer said he's not a racist and will prove his innocence in court. kerry sanders, nbc news, orlando. a look at what's trending, what has you talking online. taylor swift unseated justin bieber on forbes list of the highest paid celebrities under
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30. rihanna, lady gaga and katy perry rounded out the top five. 23 years after she struck a pose with vogue, she's sued over the song. never made an orchestra for the chicago dance hit "i love it" here is a listen to the similarity. ♪ >> so why wait two decades? the suit says the sample was not obvious and only isolated using new technology. and is this american star jason bates cringe worthy film for male stripper film magic mike. >> all right, all right, all right.
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hey, ladies, how y'all doing tonight. now, the law says, no touching, but i think i see a lot of law breakers up in here tonight. >> it's just a spoof but certainly heating up youtube. thankfully that role of dallas went to matthew mcconaughey. 8:05. back outside to al. a check of your weather. >> oh, my. took a lot of guts. got all these zac brown band fans here. your grandma makes the best fried chicken? maybe zac will try that out for you. let's see what we've got as far as your weather today. pick city, albany, georgia, walb nbc 10. showers, storms, 93 degrees today. we've got wet weather again through the gulf coast of texas where we could have some more flooding. also wet weather in southern
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california, los angeles right here, a few showers this morning. heavier thunderstorms make their way into the ohio river valley. beautiful a day in the northeast. hot and humid. look for 88 degrees down in miami with a few showers. that's what going on around the and here's the view from sunol this morning where the gateway to the cooler weather awaits over the grade heading into fremont. you can see the low clouds in the distance, good sea breeze this morning pushing in the cooler air to livermore and fairfield, locations 24 hours, near 70 degrees right now, 59 degrees at livermore. it should be cooler after that. mid-80s in the warmest places inland, 60s and 70s around the inner bay. mild start to the weekend. little warmer getting to sunday, cooling down by monday. >> that's your latest weather. savannah. >> all right, al. thank you. coming up next, the fourth of july yachting accident that killed three young children including a seven-year-old girl.
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her mother who was on that boat speaks out along with her husband right after this. [ male announcer ] summer is here. and so too is the summer event. now get an incredible offer on the powerful, efficient c250 sport sedan with an agility control sport-tuned suspension.
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we're back now at 8:10 with a search for what caused a fourth of july boating tragedy off the coast of new york's long island. three children died when that boat they were on capsized. in a moment we'll talk to the parents of the youngest victim. but first natalie has the latest. natalie. >> good morning, matt. that yacht was raised out of the water earlier this week. investigators are how hoping it will hold the clues to what led to the tragedy. after two days of fighting strong winds and dark waters, divers recovered the candy one off the north shore of long island. the first glimpse of the 34 foot yacht after it capsized and sank watching an outing for the fourth of july fireworks. investigators hope to find answers to the cause of the accident. >> anxiously awaiting to take a look at that vessel as they
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would if it was an automobile accident or industrial accident or any type of incident that might cause the death of someone. >> reporter: 27 friends and family were on board when the vessel capsized killing 12-year-old david, his cousin carly and 7-year-old victoria, a family friend. no criminal charges have been filed. authorities are trying to determine if overcrowding caused the accident. they are also investigating other factors such as weather conditions and mechanical malfunctions. >> we're looking at several avenues, one of which would be overcrowding on the boat. >> another big question, was the vessel equipped with the required number of life jackets for all 27 passengers. the attorney for kevin trainer, the owner of candy one, who lost his 11-year-old daughter that fateful night maintains there were enough life jackets and the yacht was not overcrowded. >> the perception is there were 27 people on one side of the boat. people were distributed
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throughout the boat. no state or federal regulation on maximum capacity. >> i think it's unlikely criminals charges will be filed. an unfourth national accident. >> reporter: earlier this week, emotional services were held as friends and families said their final fairwell to the youngest victims. the youngest victoria would have turned eight just four weeks ago. the owner issued a statement through his attorney in part saying, quote, there was no alcohol or speed involved. the vessel was well equipped. his thoughts and prayers are with the families of david and victoria. the full statement is on our website, >> natalie, thank you very much. paul appeared lisa gaines, parents of one the of the children who died on the boat and their attorney. my condolences.
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i know how hard it is to be here this morning. lisa, you were on the boat as well that fourth of july. let me ask the question that everybody seems to want to ask about overcrowding. 27 people on board the boat. when you got on the boat did you think it was too many people? >> i did not realize. no, i did not realize. >> 17 adults, 10 children. how evenly dispersed throughout the boot were these people? >> on the back, up front, upstairs in the cabin. i really didn't see all of them at one time. to know how many were on. >> how about life jackets? did you see them? were all the children wearing life jackets? >> my daughter was wearing a lifejacket when she was out on the back of the boat. one of the others was wearing a lifejacket. that's it. nobody else was wearing a lifejacket. >> you didn't see if there were
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life jackets stowed on the boat, enough for all the people on board? >> i did not. i did not see all of them. >> i want to mention in addition to you and victoria being on the boat your son ryan, who is 12.5 was on the boat as well. when this happened, where were you on the boat and where were your children. >> victoria was in a cabin because we thought that was the safest place. she was playing cards. ryan and i were on the deck, a bench behind the operator of the boat. >> did this just happen. >> it was very fast. >> leaned to one side. >> started to lean and didn't recover and we were thrown over. >> were you thrown off the boat? >> i don't know if i fell off or slipped off. i don't remember. >> were you close to ryan when
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you hit the water? >> we separated for a little while. i was going under. if it wasn't for him, he grabbed me. he said, i've got you, mom. i grabbed onto him and he helped me swim to a chair that was floating before people got us out. >> paul, you were not on the boat, correct? when did you find out about this tragedy? >> approximately 11:30, received a call from the fire department from a gentleman, brian, who told me that lisa and ryan were fine but they don't know where victoria is. so at that point i was frantically trying to find my children and trying to get them. nassau county police had me running all over to hospitals, calling trying to find my daughter, finally arriving at the yacht club at 3:30 in the morning. >> lisa, were you still in the water when the rescuers arrived? >> yes.
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>> did you see them make attempts to get into that cabin? >> i couldn't see anything. i was just screaming her name to see if she came up. because i know she was below us. i was screaming her name to see if anybody would yell out they had her. i don't remember too much. >> michael as we heard in the piece, it seems unlikely criminal charges will be filed in this case. do you think some sort of charge should be filed? do you expect some civil suits to come out of this? >> it's a great question, matt. right now it's very early in the investigation. nassau county police, along with the fbi, are now involved. it would be irresponsible of me to discuss that at this point in time. with regard to a civil lawsuit, that's the furthest thing from this family's mind at this time. their mission now is victoria, their efficacy, our main
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objective for coming today. >> we'll put information on that so people can learn more about this. as you said to me, paul, so that perhaps tragedies like this can be avoided in the future? >> absolutely, absolutely. i woke up the other morning and it just hit me very hard that my daughter is no longer with us. i hate the thought of her loss of life not benefiting anybody in the future. so i can't stand the thought of something like this happening again when it's completely avoidable on multiple levels. >> again, our condolences. i know how hard it is to be here this morning. thank you very much. michael, thank you as well. it's 8:18. we're back right after this. living with the pain of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis could mean living with joint damage. help stop the damage before it stops you with humira, adalimumab.
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for many adults with moderate to severe ra, humira's proven to help relieve pain and stop joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not srt humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your rheumatologist how you can defend against and help stop further joint damage with humira.
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[ humming ] [ male announcer ] kraft macaroni & cheese. you know you love it. softens the enamel so it can potentially erode. once that enamel is gone, it's gone. my dentist recommended pronamel. pronamel protects your teeth from the effects of acid erosion. i don't have to cut out the things that i love in my diet. [ crunches ] mmm. ♪
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[ male announcer ] pringles... bursting with more flavor. [ crunch! ] when i had my heart event. and i've been on a bayer aspirin regimen ever since. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i know if i take my bayer aspirin i have a better chance of living a healthy life. right? get. out. exactly! really?! [ mom ] what? shut the front door. right? woop-woop! franklin delano! [ male announcer ] hey! there's oreo creme under that fudge! oreo fudge cremes. indescribably good. [ female announcer ] new lipton tea & honey. sweetened with honey, made from real tea leaves and real fruit flavors. ♪ it's never felt so real ♪ no, it's never felt so right ♪ [ female announcer ] only 5 calories. new lipton tea & honey.
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about how older people are becoming more and more antisocial, so i was really aggressive with my parents about joining facebook. my parents are up to 19 friends now? so sad. ♪ i have 687 friends. this is living. what!? that is not a real puppy. that's too small to be a real puppy. [ male announcer ] venza. from toyota. back now at 8:22 with po one of the most influential groups in rock and roll history, the rolling stones. michelle kosinski caught up with them 50 years after their first live performance. michelle, good morning. fifty years. >> reporter: i know, savannah. this was the heart of the scene.
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today it's a tad touristy, but the rolling stones are still going. ♪ i can't get no satisfaction >> reporter: somewhere in the rolling stones rollicking quest for satisfaction, they obviously found the fountain of youth. on tour just a few years ago. and now milk jagger turns 70 next year, sparkly shoes, shades, hair styles, every bit the rock star not of yesterday but today. >> you can still walk around. i know most people can't even walk at my age. >> reporter: fifty years ago the teenagers played their first gig earning 50 bucks. nervously excited. >> we went down really well. everyone loved us. we could see --
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>> reporter: they even outlasted the club, now a bank. appropriate maybe for a group that sold hundreds of millions of records, played for more than any other people than any band in history. irrepressible bad boy magic, mick quit the school of finance. >> you were going to be a banker? >> i wanted temperature in the foreign service. ended up in the backyard of a corrupt african country and stole a lot of money. >> you've still got time. ♪ time is on my side >> reporter: something they never thought would last. >> it was just a thing we lived day to day. that's how we approached life. to a large extent that's how i think about it. >> looking forward to what
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happens next really. >> today charlie watts raises asian horses and has a jazz band, mick, a live band. richards is an author and movie star. together they have plans to play live again soon. when was the last time you had an idea for a new song? are you amazed that you're still going and still alive and you're still at it? >> yeah. >> pretty difficult to get board doing this. >> ever managing to keep their biggest secret yet, these rock
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gods are senior citizens. exhibit of their photos over five decades. a new book of the same coming out in the u.s. in october. savannah. >> all right. michelle kosinski, thank you. just ahead a live . good friday to morning to you. 8:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. a fire department is about to get a big boost financially. it's getting an $8.6 million grant to hire 27 new firefighters. the grant will be announced in a news conference this morning. mayor chuck reed and representatives mike honda are expected to attend. let's check the morning commute with mike. >> a lot better. we were worried about this accident in hayward, southbound 880 around 92. that cleared and after it did all the slowing did as well. both directions out of hayward, short, smooth drive for 880.
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northbound 101 around 880, and 880 jamming up north past the scene as well. pretty light volume here through mountain view, palo alto, both directions around menlo park lighter than average volume there. we'll get a live look outside and see how things are at the toll plaza. the bay bridge has you slowing. the fastrak lanes are moving. pleasant drive down the eastbound freeway around the bend but nothing dramatic. it is friday so a lighter volume heading into the city, laura. back to you. thank you very much. for the latest traffic and news updates, check out nbc bay area on facebook.
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♪ cold beer on saturday night >> 8:30, friday the 13th of july. don't let that get you down. we have a great summer concert, the zac brown band is here. my goodness.
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>> zac brown band coming up in a couple minutes. next friday right here on the plaza we have music, come on down and check it out. >> speaking of music, looks like the judges' table at "american idol" is going to look completely different. >> that's right. steven tyler announced yesterday he's gone. natalie, you were talking to j. lo. >> she was trying to make her mind up on the air while we were speaking. she kept saying, if i go, it's going to be a heartbreaking decision. more and more it sounded like she was leaving. >> you were grilling her. >> sounds like she may be out. >> what about the dog. >> randy jackson is the last
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original judge. at the moment he's staying put but who knows. >> there is a couple of names floated around to be judges next season. adam lambert, miley cyrus, mariah carey. >> charlie sheen. >> charlie sheen throat out there. >> this doesn't happen often. a star of the highly anticipated movie. morgan, it's great to have you here. welcome back. >> thank you very much, matt. >> you are kind of a father figure of sorts to batman, but also you're the keeper of the toys. tell me about some of the cool toys. >> yeah. well, we have one new really, really cool toy. it make nomenclature but you don't want to hear that. we call it the bat. >> kind of a helicopter, half
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hovercraft. >> designed for urban warfare. >> right. >> all the stuff we design is actually for the military, but they don't use it too much. >> multi-tasking for sure. i notice the director has been -- this the last batman movie. did that kind of hang over the production? >> no, not at all. also, it's not the last batman movie, obviously. it's just the last of this trilogy. you won't get another one. >> i'm getting a sense there may be a robin movie in the works. >> i got that sense also but it's just a sense. >> also something near and dear to your heart, mine as well. my son was born on july 18th, mandela day. >> yes, indeed. a very important day. mandela said, i don't want people to get off work and go to the beach. if you're going to celebrate my
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birthday, do something. so he spent gaulden tabb years in public service. so he asked give 67 minutes on my birthday. do something for your community, your fellow man, that's all i ask. >> july 18th, morgan freeman, a great spokesman. always nice to have you here. ""the dark knight rises." morgan, thank you very much. >> you don't want to miss it. >> mr. roker. >> let's check it out for you, your weekend ahead. saturday we are looking at hot conditions through the south. rainy as well. sizzling throughout the southwest. nice and warm, sunny skies in the northeast. on sunday -- sunday! -- the crowd cheering for morgan freeman, looking for more weather in the southeast, rain in the mississippi river valleys, sunny and warm in northern new england. plenty of sizzling weather in the plains, into the sou
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. and here's a view of san francisco or just what you can see of it. building top where the camera is mounted. a little bit out there in the haze and the fog. what's good for cooling inland not so good for san francisco this morning. watch our hour-by-hour temperatures, 70s to mid-80s inland, nowhere near the triple-digit heat we've had the last couple days. sea breeze will be strong. heading towards the evening, expect coastal clouds, areas of mist and drizzle for morning but comfortable afternoon. good air quality through the weekend. >> that's your latest weather. savannah, did you know if you need your weather any time of the day or night. >> what should i do. >> go to the weather channel on cable or coming up next, sand and sunscreen, some of the most annoying things about summer. >> sunscreen. >> live concert from the zac brown band, but first this is
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"today" on nbc. hey parents, it's a big year. i'm not just teaching music.
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♪ i'm teaching performance. here's what they'll need. ♪ get your backpack, your hoodies, harajuku, ♪ ♪ turquoise kinda purple orangish sorta blue. ♪ ♪ backpacks, yeow, ♪ to put their stuff in. ♪ graphic tees and denim, denim, denim, denim. ♪ ♪ backpacks.
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school takes a lot, target has is all. we're back now at 8:37 with what's annoying today, the summer edition, before introducing jenna wolfe. is summer all it's cracked up to be? today's jenna wolfe has more on that. >> that is not the answer to the question. >> here we go. for many of us, it is the best time of year. it's summer. the kids are out of school. we've got time off from work. we can let loose to relax with barbecues and beaches. apparently, however, those lazy days of summer can really get on your nerves. oh, summer loving. the sand and the sun, the family vacations, hands down the greatest season of all. or is it? >> why is it so hot out here? >> it turns out there's a lot
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about summer that annoys a lot of people. >> it's like two to three shower day today, is it not? >> first of all, there's those ever changing rules of sunscreen. uva, uvb. spf 15, 30. it's enough to make you sweat before you get outside? >> 50, 70, waterproof, spray, lotion. >> this is so annoying. >> i'm just going to go for the sunburn. >> then there's the family getaway. have kids will travel. >> it takes forever to get to the beach. we have to pack up the cooler and girls and bathing suit and sunblock and balls. there's so much stuff. >> sometimes you need another vacation from your vacation. >> remember when it was just bikinis and towels? so easy back then. >> and if you're going to the beach, there's a good chance some of that beach might be coming right back home with you. >> i have sand in my bags from five years ago. >> yeah, i took out my bathing suit from this year and found sand from last year. >> lest we forget the sticky
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summer conditions on the particular swelter afternoon, hazy, hot, humid and then some. do you take public transportation in the summer? does this ever happen to you? >> i get the one car without any air conditioning. >> does this big you? the hotter it is outside, the colder they seem to make it in office buildings all summer. this is crazy. a hat? >> you have to wear a jacket or sweater inside but outside you don't. you don't know how to dress. >> isn't that annoying? >> you're outside sweating and you go inside and freeze and end up getting sick or something. >> i feel like it's the middle of winner. >> it wouldn't be summer without tan lines, sweat stains or gooey gum stuck to the ground. while we're at it, we may as well throw in mosquito bites. >> here and here. i can't deal with the bugs. >> as the temperature spikes and your patience plummets, what can you do to stay sane?
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>> can't breathe, it's so humid. >> just hunker down. it never hurts to embrace the dog days of summer. >> it's going to be 90 degrees out here. this heavy, thick winter coat, good idea? bad idea? where are we on that. i get it, it's summer. a lot of things come with summer. i'm just saying there's ways to navigate around. >> i'm with you on the air conditioning. it is like a meat locker in so many office buildings. >> sweaters. >> i have a blanket, scarf and snugy in my office. >> monday, a three-part series called quit complaining. >> shut the front door. >> good, jenna. thank you for coming. coming up next, zac brown band live in concert. but first this is "today" on nbc. good morning! wow.
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want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪
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wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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>> announcer: the toyota concert series on "today," brought to you by toyota. >> it's time to give our crowd what they have been waiting for, performing their hit song, "keep me in mind." here is zac brown band. ♪ how come all the pretty girls like you are taken baby i've been looking for someone like you to save me life's too easy to be so damn complicated ♪ ♪ take your time and i'll be waitin' ♪ keep me in mind somewhere down the road you might get lonely ♪ ♪ keep me in mind
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and i pray that someday you will love me only ♪ ♪ i think about you some days the way i would lay and waste day after day with you ♪ ♪ we always go our separate ways. >> but no one can love you, baby the way i do ♪ ♪ keep me in mind somewhere down the road you might get lonely ♪ ♪ keep me in mind and i pray that someday you will love me only ♪ well the world can be real tough find shelter in me if there's no one else to love
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keep me in mind ♪ ♪ if ever you wanted me i'll be your man ♪ ♪ i'd be a fool to let you go with someone else ♪ ♪ whatever you want from me i'll be your man ♪ ♪ i'd give it all up just to have you for myself ♪ ♪ keep me in mind somewhere down the road you might get lonely ♪ ♪ keep me in mind and i pray that someday you will love me only ♪
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♪ well the world can be real tough why don't you hold onto me when there's no one else to love keep me in mind ♪ ♪ keep me in mind ♪ i'll hold you darling keep me in mind i'll be your man keep me in mind going to lay it on you keep me in mind ♪ ♪ come on, little mama ♪ put it on me [ cheers and applause ] >> zac brown band, thank you. we have more music in a moment. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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>> the man has sold nearly 6 million albums and won two grammy awards since they have been together. they are proud to release their third studio album, "uncaged."
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zac brown, welcome back. good to see you. getting up early, you like this? >> love it. >> i was reading about the new album. the quote was this, powerful chemistry that's developed by living, traveling and working as a band. that's what creates the sound on the album. what's the best part about traveling with these guys. >> amazing. it's a never ending thing, we laugh all day, all night long. we have a good -- great group of folks together. >> no tension on the road? no times when you look at each other and say let's just all go our separate ways and get home? >> no, we keep that as a minimum. it's pretty good, amazing. there's 80 of us on the road together and it's really like a big family. it's pretty amazing. >> you have a big event coming up for any musical act. you guys are going to be playing madison square garden. >> yes. >> i know tickets just went on
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sale. what does it mean to you. >> huge, man. when you fill out the garden, you've made it. that's hopefully what's going to happen. we're glad. we're glad to bring our full production show to new york and do it up. >> will it be a little different getting up on stage that night? >> it will. >> i want to talk to you about camp southern ground. this is near and dear to your heart. tell me a little about it. when will it be up and running? >> soon. i was a camper and counselor at kid camp growing up. this is our chance to build an amazing healing camp in georgia. service underprivilege, developal disorders with autism. >> up and running? >> hopefully april 14th. we need a lot of help and a lot of love. we need a lot of attention. that's my life's work, you know. >> that's really great.
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let's give a little attention to some of the people. a lot of people got up early and started making signs for you guys. the idea being zac, you pick your favorite sign and whoever created that sign gets tickets to an upcoming concert. have you scanned the crowd? >> they are all amazing but the birdcage is my favorite. >> is there a specific concert? >> i'm down with whatever they want. >> what are you going to do now? >> a single called "the wind." >> ladies and gentlemen, the zac brown band. ♪ ♪ 30,000 feet above the city where i fell
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in love with you and the fading country skyline brings an urban lullaby that still rings true when i passed you on the street that day should have let that rest gone fly away like any chance i had of keeping you ♪ ♪ like the northern wind belowin' yeah my lonely heart is frozen never knew i'd find a way to break yours, too ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ zac brown band. the boys will be back with more music in a couple of minutes. first, though, these messages and your local news. p.
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good morning to you. 19-year-old tech sergeant james czyz si was missing in action after his plane crash during
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world war ii. a search party found the wreckage decades later. on thursday, his remains arrived at sfo. he'll be buried at golden gate national cemetery with full military honors. let's check the forecast with meteorologist rob mayeda. the forecast is cooler than it was just 24 hours ago, and this sea breeze is going to lead to much cooler temperatures for the afternoon. mid-80s inland. 70s around the bay. low 60s out on the coast. straight on through the weekend. ♪
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[ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering.
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and we're back with more of "today" on friday morning. you're looking at a lot of very happy zac brown band fans as the band just put on a great show on the plaza. guys, thank you very much. good luck with the tour. have fun at madison square garden. out on the plaza i'm matt lauer with savannah guthrie and al roker. we have a lot of happy people out there. >> good sound. >> good future segment. if you love the '80s, you'll love the trend in home decorating. apparently neon is back, so is flower power. show you things you have to have if you want to keep your abode current. >> of course, it's the summer season, time to look at the new sunglasses, shades. jill martin is here to help you find the right sunglasses for the shape of your face. she says she's a round face.
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i'm an oval. >> those glasses look good, kind of a cat eye. more on the latest details of the divorce agreement between tom cruise and katie holmes, also fighting back the tabloids about his home. the latest on that. >> a lot to get to. a lot of headlines to talk about as well. natalie at the news desk. good morning. a scare on a flight to madrid. the flight returned to the airport. a straw with suspicious wires. they notified marshals. a woman had difficulty breathing as she pointed out a male passenger she thought was the last in the lavatory. they thought the female passenger might be part of the diversion. >> we have a lady that is on oxygen that the flight attendants want paramedic for
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but we think she's the one that is supposed to be the decoy that keeps looking at the gentleman that was playing with the device in the lavatories. so if sheets off the airplane with paramedics she has to have police. the plane evacuated by bomb squad and fbi. no explosive device was found. the two passengers were questioned and released. washington, d.c. police officer is on administrative duty after allegedly making threatening comments about first lady michelle obama. the officer worked as a motorcade escort at the white house. he was reportedly overheard saying he would shoot the first lady and pulledut the phone to show a picture of the gun he said he would use. the secret service is now investigating. today president obama campaigns in virginia. on thursday he told cbs news that a mistake of his first term was in not telling a story to the american people that gives a sense of unity, purpose and optimism. republican mitt romney responded saying being president is not
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about telling stories, it's about leading. meantime there's a report that former secretary of state condoleezza rice could be near the top of romney's list for a running mate. officials at penn state university are calling the report on the child sex abuse scandal sad and sobering. the blistering report found that football coach joe paterno and others concealed what they knew about jerry sandusky's sexual abuse of children. former fbi director louis freeh who led the investigation said university officials disregard for the victims was callous and shocking. paterno's family calls the report impossible to accept. sandusky is awaiting sentencing after he was convicted of sexually abusing 10 boys over 15 years. a massive flair erupted from the sun thursday sending a solar storm toward the earth. radiation from the flair is expected to reach the earth tomorrow with minimal impact predicted on communication systems and power grids but it may fill the night sky with lots of colors over the northern u.s. and southern canada.
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well, a funeral home in south carolina is adding a coffee shop to offer the starbucks experience complete with fireplace, tv, wi-fi. the funeral home said there's nothing like food or coffee to comfort someone. forty dare devils around the world were jumping at a chance to be part of a jumping event thursday. they jumped from a 1,000 foot tv tower in estonia. one calls it intense. i can only imagine. it is the most expensive pet wedding ever. the bride wore couture for the quarter million dollar affair. all to benefit the humane society of new york. don't be too jealous of the puptials as bride and groom are spayed and neutered. that's no fun. back to al for a check of your weather. >> never surprises me. you guys liked the concert.
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[ cheers and applause ] there you go. the people have spoken. let's show you what we've got as far as today. we've got a lot of wet weather down through texas on into louisiana. houston, galveston, lake charles, louisiana. we've got flash flood watches, flash flood warnings over the next 24 hours, over seven inches of rain will fall. in florida more heavy rain as well. expect, again, between the next 24 hours, tallahassee down to naples, anywhere from two to three inches of rain we're seeing sunshine in sunol but some low clouds in the distance as we get over the grade, head towards fremont, finding cooler air that is being pumped in south of 20 and concord, southwest winds at 26 in fairfield. that's going to lead to the big cooldown in temperatures, especially in the inland areas today. we're talking some mid-70s to mid to upper 80s in only the warmest places. a droop of 10 to 15 degrees in
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fred. cool on the coast and around the bay and more of that for the weekend with morning drizzle, temperatures comfortable for seven days. >> that's your latest weather. natalie. >> al, thank you. this morning on "today's" home, summer friends in decor, bright colors and bold prints making quite a splash. kat good morning. the '80s, maybe not for everyone. >> maybe not for everyone. it's huge in fashion, why not the home. nothing says the '80s like neon. can you do this in your home. let's start with this chair. it's a classic cafe chair, reimagined in this fluorescent pink, from abc home. $150. it really does just add that edgy punch to a room. >> right. >> if you like to roll your sleeves up, you can do this
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yourself. they carry fluorescent spray paint. for $6 you can actually spray paint anything and enliven any piece of furniture. >> the idea is move these pieces room to room. >> exactly. it really does pack quite a punch. next we'll talk about these architect's lamps, love these from crate & barrel, $32. we really love you can clamp them onto any surface. move them around. great for a desk or bedside table. love, again, the intense color. >> great. perfect. let's move over here. more pillows and accents for the room. >> as we all know, affordable way is a pillow. they are the waves pattern, really iconic for them. $32. again, really affordable, really easy. >> perfect. >> also bring neon into your kitchen, believe it or not. these are by core bamboo. we love them because it's just so fun. >> the colors. >> it's made by artisans,
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sustainable, ecofriendly, and comes in every color under the rainbow. lastly, look at these little guys. the neon mini trio. they are little plants they promise are indestructible. anybody can take care of them. >> i was going to say, i would definitely pass the green thumb test on those. >> so cute. adorable as a little plate setting if you're having a party. >> let's move over to the scandinavian modern style. beach style but a little more elegant. >> exactly. a huge influence in home decor. think blues and white and stripped wood and modern meets rustic. let's start with the chairs. they are fantastic. wishbone by interior express, $189. it's a reproduction of a very famous danish modern chair by hans wagner, 1950s. they are beautiful and mix and match with everything. these plates. >> gorgeous. >> again, blue and white, which
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is a hallmark of scandinavian style, wave pattern. $19 for a set of four. we love mixing and matching. so fresh. >> sort of an asian motif, blepd that in. >> these are from pearl river, $4.95. they have every pattern under the sun. modern or traditional. great gifts, use them every day. at $4 we love them. >> great. >> glasses. you've got to serve your guest as great cold drink in these beautiful blue rimmed glasses. i've got to tell you about these amazing linens. these are actually herrings. pickled herrings are major in sweden, apparently. >> the whole thing very scandinavian, very much so. >> napkins for $9 or paper napkins for $6. >> we're starting to run out of
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town. the flower motif. beautiful a modern take on flowers. >> we love wallpaper, an easy way to update a room. this is coen and son, modern victorian. >> over here, the great mirror. >> the shape, $229, a modern take on a pedal, a flower. so fantastic. >> tell us about the desk. >> this is a slip cover on the chair from world market. it's just $44. so you have an old chair, put a slip cover on it, it's new chair for almost nothing. >> gorgeous. kathy post, nice ideas. thank you so much. >> thanks, natalie. coming up next, cool shades. nice frames for your shades. later on, the zac brown performs one of their biggest hits. ♪ this is my grandson.
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and if it wasn't for a screening i got, i might have missed being here to meet him. the health care law lets those of us on medicare now get most preventive care for free like annual wellness visits, immunizations, and some cancer screenings. and that's when they caught something serious on mine. but we could treat it before it was too late. i'll be around to meet number two! get the screenings you need. learn more at you don't want to miss any of this! ♪ spread a little love my way ♪ ♪ spread a little something to remember ♪ ♪ ♪ spread a little joy... [ female announcer ] fresh milk and real cream. that's what makes philadelphia. ♪ so spread a little...
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[ female announcer ] and that's what makes the moment we enjoy it, a little richer. ♪ real belgian chocolate whipped with philadelphia cream cheese. new indulgence. the moment just got a little sweeter. ♪ [ camera clicks ] ♪ it's hard to resist the craveable nature of a nature valley sweet & salty nut bar. it's hard to resist the craveable nature mommy! i went potty! that's great, honey.... where? for life's bleachable moments.
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this morning on "today's" style, finding the right sunglasses for your face. whether your face is oval or heart shaped, jill martin has
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some -- i can't quite see it. help men and women find a perfect frame. jill is a usa -- "us weekly" contributor. i should have gotten prescriptions. i don't have to read anything now. >> what i love about this, we have all four of the faces. richard from marchon eyewear walked me through what's important. you're oval, the proportion, oval, you can wear a lot of different frames. you have a heart face. >> no. >> it's nice to have a heart face. >> sometimes you have to pick on your personality. you have a square face because of your beautiful jaw line. >> it's not so much the face shape anymore now. >> it's about your personality. that's an antiquated way of looking at it. now, i'm going to show you four different vignettes here which brings out parts of your personality.
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that's how i think people should buy glasses now. let's start with the classic look. we have on muted tones. these are a little edgier. you see a little more color, a little tiny cat eye. for a classic look, this is for a more conservative event, work event. this is your basic look if you don't have it in your wardrobe. >> okay. for each of our shape faces. savannah can wear a bigger glass. >> saw you yesterday. >> i want to be alone. getting into character. >> like marlena detrick. >> zsa zsa gabor. >> cat eye. big for you. these wild shapes. >> you have to be going somewhere special to wear these. for men, a lot of mirrors. >> you look like the other half
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of chips, what is that eric estrada. >> for fashionistas, this is stepping out of the box. if you have the classic look, buy one if you're going somewhere fabulous and make it the focal point of your outfit. >> trendy is next. >> trendy is next. these are for you. you ride your bicycle. >> i love that. >> drop them up, pick them up, memory metal. not that you have any problems with that. >> or your eyesight. >> these are trendy. these are, again, bold shapes and bold colors. those look well on you, too, with the little cat eye. those are a little bigger for you, natalie, around town. >> can we drop ours? >> no. >> my son has these. >> really? >> nicky has these.
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>> sport is fabulous. it's about your personality and what you do. you play tennis a lot. now they are making glasses more fashiony to wear doing your triathlon. these, richard taught me, see these a lot at the olympics. see how they lie on your occipital bone? there's more on your nose, they will lie there rather than the back of your head and giving you a headache. you look for glasses with ventilation for sporty, they don't fog up. >> slip off the notices. >> the tackyness adds to that. bold colors. if you do yoga, they are making different frames to accentuate -- >> those look great on you. >> al looks good in all these sunglasses. have you thought about a career in sunglass modeling. >> i'm sure you can make a lot doing that. >> twitter, we can get tweets how we look. >> don't encourage that.
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>> studio 1a jill. jill martin, thanks so much. up next, new details in the divorce agreement between tom cruise and katie holmes. first these messages. this man is about to be the millionth customer. would you mind if i go ahead of you? instead we had someone go ahead of him and win fifty thousand dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer. people don't like to miss out on money that should have been theirs. that's why at ally we have the raise your rate 2-year cd. you can get a one-time rate increase if our two-year rate goes up. if your bank makes you miss out, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense.
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you don't disappear at midnight. and now, you've met your match. new revlon® colorstay™ 16 hour eyeshadow. 64 colors that will take you from night to day without smudging, creasing or fading away. ian italian dinner for 2r $25. where choice is on the menu. start with all the fresh salad and warm breadsticks you want. choose 2 appetizers made for sharing. then 2 entrées from 6 of our favorites. classics like eggplant parmigiana and new favorites like smoked mozzarella chicken and spaghetti with four cheese meat sauce & meatballs. 3 courses, 2 people, just $25. but only for a limited time, at olive garden. last season was the gulf's best tourism season in years. in florida we had more suntans... in alabama we had more beautiful blooms... in mississippi we had more good times... in louisiana we had more fun on the water. last season we broke all kinds of records on the gulf.
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this year we are out to do even better... and now is a great time to start. our beatches are even more relaxing... the fishing's great. so pick your favorite spot on the gulf... and come on down. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home. nice'n easy colorblend foam is winning top beauty awards hands down! with beautiful tones and highlights... no other foam lasts longer. and no other foam is product of the year. check out colorblend foam. only from nice'n easy. he thinks you're naked. it just looks like my milk chocolate is showing. only a fool would think i'd actually show up naked. so it's that kind of party...hit it! ♪ i'm sexy and i know it ♪ look at that body
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back now with new details on the divorce settlement between tom cruise and katie holmes. the attorney takes aim at a tabloid headline about the actor. >> reporter: since tom cruise and katie holmes split, it's been the talk of the tabloids. now cruise's longtime lawyer is threatening to sue the "national enquirer" for its latest
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headline story. >> the headline says, "inside tom's house of horrors." a picture of tom's beverly hills mansion and all sorts of other cover lines on there, the abusive relationship, how the real tom is a monster. >> reporter: in this letter, the attorney writes, "mr. cruise has not engaged in any abuse or humiliation of katie holmes and daughter suri was not forced to stay for five months in a tiny windowless room. he urges the inquirer to retract. the "star" apologized in print to katie holmes. >> it's rare for a tabloid to issue a retraction at all. it's more rare to put it on the front page. >> reporter: silencing all the stories on the divorce will be a tough task. "the los angeles times" is reporting the divorce agreement stipulates holmes has the lead role choosing suri's education
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and some influence over who cruise hires as a nanny. the "times" also reports it focuses on cruise's religion, scientology and holmes asks for a guarantee nothing is done to alienate suri from her mother. lawyers for holmes and cruise didn't return our request for comment. but in that letter to the inquirer, cruise's attorney wrote i intend to call to the court's attention the long record of precipitating and publishing lies, perhaps a warning to all that the superstar has no plans to sit back when it comes to reporting on his high-profile split. for "today," kristen dahlgren, nbc news, los angeles. still to come on "today," from makeup to clothing, new ways to get added sun protection. >> in the kitchen, light summer salads straight from the farmer's market. >> that's right. now is the best time to get the freshest stuff and put it to good use. we're going to show you how. first your news and local weather and one more song from the zac brown band. thanks for babysitting the kids, brittany.
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so how much do we owe you? that'll be $973.42. ya know, your rates and fees aren't exactly competitive. who do you think i am, quicken loans? [ spokesman ] when you refinance your mortgage with quicken loans, you'll find that our rates and fees are extremely competitive. because the last thing you want is to spend too much on your mortgage. one more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze. ♪ want my recipe for healthier hair color?
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natural instincts! formulated with aloe, vitamin and antioxidants natural instincts has a system that's a healthier way to radiant color. indulge... with natural instincts. less guilt, more gorgeous. good friday morning to you. 9:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. we could hear more today from a bay area computer programmer being sued by his own children for killing their mother. hans reiser is acting as his own attorney. testimony in the trial is expected to conclude sometime in the next few hours. then both sides will give their closing arguments. and then it's up to the jury to decide. reiser was convicted of murder back in 2008. the controversial project connecting b.a.r.t. to the oakland airport marking a very visible milestone today. gridders are being placed between columns on heckenberger
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road. once finished, trains will run between the station and the airport replacing the air b.a.r.t. bus system. a half a billion-dollar project is set for completion in 2014.
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and welcome back. there's the view over down stoun san francisco. not seeing much. but around the rest of the bay area, nothing but sunshine in san jose. what's happening in san francisco is going to affect the entire bay area today. we have the sea breeze and the low clouds back. cool start to the ball game you'll see right here on nbc bay area starting at 7:00 this evening. we've got giants versus astros, low, 60s, cool and breezy today. look at our temperatures around the inland valleys. mid-80s instead of those numbers near 100 degrees for the last few days. that's the effect of the ocean air conditioning and cooler air moving into the north bay. the temperatures today and through the weekend looking pretty mild. look at that. sunday, that's probably going to be our warmest day, temperatures climbing a little bit, then we cool off approaching monday. mike? from the south bay, moe most
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of our slowing is in the san jose area. a look at the maps, talking about northbound 880 approaching brokaw where we had a disabled vehicle in lanes for quite some time. that's cleared, but you still see the slowinging from 280 toward 101. we are also looking at the bay bridge toll plaza where we have folks still backed up coming off of the berkeley curve. all morning we've been able to pretty much see the fastrak lanes creeping along. the cash lanes starting to move much better now and things are getting better out of the caldecott, slowing for 24. the golden gate bridge, some mist on the lens. the low clouds and fog enough to cause a little mist. you might need to use the windshield wipers. starting to see a slowdown of folks coming into the city building toward the middle of the day. back to you. thank you, mike. thank you for joining us.
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>> defense department project. rotors are )ujconfigured to maneuver between buildings. >> a long, uninteresting wayne enterprises' designation. i took to calling it the bat. >> that is christian bale as batman in "the dark knight" returns. the highly anticipated movie is out next week but fans know very few details. let's see what we can get out of christian bale when he swoops
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into the studio monday on "today." >> i really liked him as batman. >> i did, too. >> meantime, coming up, it's expected to be a scorcher in much of the country. if you're planning on heading outside. we're going to show you new products to give you added sun protection. from makeup to clothing with spf. >> one of your weekend activities strolling through the farmers market, the best produce. show you how to create a delicious summer salad. >> we can't start the weekend without one more song from zac brown band. we really can't have the weekend without lester holt and jenna wolfe with a preview of what's coming up. >> there's a big hole on air. >> and our hearts. >> you're good, kid. you're good. >> thank you. i meant it. >> anyway, a lot coming up this weekend. more on the fallout of the penn state child sex abuse. big questions and discussion whether the school can repair its tarnished image. we're going to look into that.
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baby boomers and drug use. they came of age as drugs became part of pop culture. now addiction among americans 50 years and older is rising. we'll take a closer look as well. >> getting a new car, better to lease or buy. we'll have the pros and cons of each. i scream, you scream, we're all going to have to scream. i'm not going to do it here. you're welcome. this only when you reach a certain decibel. all those and more when we see you this weekend on "today." >> just like edward monks. >> all right. thanks, guys, i think. al, a check of the weather for us. >> let's check your week. starting tomorrow we have sunny, warm conditions along the east coast, showers in the lower mississippi river valley, a few interrog showers pacific northwest, showers in the northwest sunday -- sunday! --
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more warm weather in new england, sunny and mild in the pacific northwest. a lot of heat here's a mainly gray view looking across the san mateo bridge right now, and we've got some strong winds, maybe in some cays moving faster than your morning commute could be in a few spots. west winds at 20 into oakland, 20 into concord, 26 into fairfield, so that strong sea breeze definitely taking an edge off the heat and improving air quality. 70s and 80s inland today. low 60s on the coast. more of that this weekend with morning drizzle and cool temperatures all the way through your seven-day forecast. coming up next, new products to protect you from the sun. right after this.
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careful, pringles are bursting with more flavor. [ crunches ] mmm. ♪ [ male announcer ] pringles... bursting with more flavor. [ crunch! ] [ female announcer ] new lipton tea & honey. sweetened with honey, made from real tea leaves and real fruit flavors. ♪ it's never felt so real ♪ no, it's never felt so right ♪ [ female announcer ] only 5 calories.
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new lipton tea & honey. [ feedback ] attention, well, everyone. you can now try snapot from progressive free for 30 days. just plug this into your car, and your good driving can save you up to 30%. you could even try it without switching your insurance. why not give it a shot? carry on. now you can test-drive snapshot before you switch.
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visit today. i'd like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios! mom, are those my jeans? [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios
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>> more than 2 million people diagnosed with skin cancer. while sunscreen is the most effective way to prevent skin cancer, manufacturers are creating new products to give consumers additional protection. the founder and medical director of union dermatology.
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good morning. >> good morning. >> it's a reminder worth repeating. we have to be aware of cancer problems out there. important to use sunscreen. how often should we be reapplying it. >> everyone should wear spf 30 or higher every day. we advise people to reapply every two hours or after participating in activities either sweating or swimming and the sunscreen may wash off. in addition to sunscreen, it's really important to follow a complete sun protection program that we're going to talk about all these great products that fit into that today. >> a lot of things really go hand in hand with that sunscreen. abs lot of cosmetic companies building sunscreen into their products even. >> absolutely. a lot of times makeup alone isn't enough to wear as only sun protection. makeup and sunscreen are great to layer. i like this new science because it all incorporates protection. there are easy, portable ways to touch up sun protection every day.
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>> everything from powder. >> to9 sticks you can put on. men and women can use sticks, they don't give a lot of makeup coverage. i love lip glosses, people forget to protect lips as well. they are just as prone to sun damage. a nice shine and spf 30. >> and 50. >> 50 as well. yes. >> over here, this is something i've been using as a mom because it's so handy to have with your kids. a lot of products are doing this making it easier to carry along with you. >> isn't that great? sunscreen does lose its effectiveness as we mentioned. you have to reapply. a lot of us don't carry sunscreen in our bag or might not be convenient. these are packaged. you can wipe one out, put it on all sun exposed areas and you get that sun protection you need as well as a little light, fresh feeling. >> so good to use the base sunscreen lotion first. >> i use that before. >> these are great for touchups if you might be out and about. >> over here, let's talk about
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detergent has sunscreen and clothing lines building that in as well. tell me about this sun guard. >> clothing is an important part of sun protection strategy. with this new product, almost all your clothes could improve ultraviolet protection faerkt. what people don't know, a t-shirt only has an ultraviolet protection of five. this coats all the clothes with an ultraviolet protection of 30. you can use it up to 20 washes, any natural fiber. >> great reminder, noses, heads can be exposed. a lot of people don't think of a sunscreen on your head. >> hats are really important for everybody this summer. not all hats are actually protective. so you really want to look for something with a long brim. i really like this one from ll
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bean. it covers the ears and back of the neck where people forget to put sunscreen. this can be closed on a windy day. >> clothing here, something for everyone in the family as we see on this family of models. >> the big misconception about summer clothing is that long sleeves are too hot. these are all made from breathable fabrics but tightly woven enough so the sun can't penetrate you and protect you with ultraprotection of 50. >> ll bean, lands end, great stuff. thank you for being here. >> thank you so much. coming up next, summer salads direct from the farmers market right after this. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you've been years in the making. and there are many years ahead. join the millions of members who've chosen
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an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. go long. but kate still looks like...kate. [ female announcer ] nice'n easy with colorblend technology is proven to give more blends of tones. for color that's true to you. i don't know how she does it. [ female announcer ] with nice'n easy, all they see is you.
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food you love is a blt with best foods. it's made with real ingredients like cage-free eggs for the unmistakable taste that can only be best foods. bring out the best. that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown
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then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. [ male announcer ] sometimes, it's hard for james to make up his mind. but corolla was an easy choice. over 80% of all corollas sold in the last 20 years are still on the road today. ♪ it's a choice well made. dang, son! [ male announcer ] another reason you can always count on corolla. from toyota. ♪ ♪ >> this morning in "today's" kitchen, fresh summer salads as easy as one, two, ñ'ithree, loc farmers markets have so many beautiful vegetables, produce.
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owner and chef of restaurant elm in connecticut, great ideas to get us started. nice to see you. >> great to be here. thank you for having me. >> i love the name of your salad. you serve this at your restaurant. >> all the ingredients throughout the year, farmers markets in the summer, right in the middle of july. fruit is leading this salad. >> sure.&ñ the base of this, interesting you have kind of a goat cheese mousse. >> a really soft, delicious goat cheese. we can get started. >> okay. >> i know you've got quite the hand here. the lid there. extra virgin olive oil, a touch of milk right over the top. a touch of milk. a little bit of salt, kosher salt is my favorite for something like this. pepper, black pepper, always fresh. all right. we're just going to boom, boom. that's it. we'll come over here to this
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already finished goat cheese mousse. >> all pulsed up. >> the beautiful part about this salad is you're going to be able to have it set. >> what do we have here. >> beets. a beautiful hand at that salad. love these textures and slices of fennel. you can have this salad ready ahead of time just a few minutes before your guests arrive. nice platter for family style. or you can prepla4&ç÷ a smaller version. in this case we're going to have this beautiful arrangement, kind of like a crudite. we have tom thumb lettuces we get from a local farm nearby. beautiful. now fennel pollen. >> fennel pollen. >> it has a really nice toasted seed, almost speaks to a little bit of a curry flavor. >> what's this over here.
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>> walnut toast our pastry chef makes at the restaurant. >> nice. >> sherry vinegarette, aged, olive oil, dijon vinegar, mustard. perfect. >> this next one has a nice texture. you have a yogurt-based dressing. >> i like sheep's milk yogurt. it offers a nice tang. a little honey. at the restaurant we smoke our honey. >> only out of the pipe. >> so we're going to add a little bit of tarragon, chives, dill and parsley. >> you've got avocado obviously. >> avocado, butter crunch lettuce. as i mentioned earlier, tom thumb from a great farm nearby. sunflower seeds and pine nuts. perfect. take a little salt and add a little dressing to that.
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i'm a big fan of the pepper mill. excuse me. start mixing that together. there you go. >> this is beautiful. have this without the seeds. if you're not wanting to have that, just really, really clean and healthy, buttery. >> nice color, too, as well. thank you so much. restaurant in connecticut. still ahead two-time grammy winner zac brown band coming up. this is "today" on nbc.
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>> announcer: the toyota concert series on "today," brought to you by toyota. >> just ahead, more of "today" with kathie lee and hoda, help
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dealing with fashion emergencies. >> first they will catch up with "slumdog millionaire" actress freida pinto. we love her. >> first zac brown has one more song for us. here they are with their number one hit, cold weather. have a great weekend, everyone. ♪( ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm stuck in colder weather maybe tomorrow will be better can i call you then ♪ ♪ said you're a rambling man
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you ain't never gonna change you've got a gypsy soul to blame you were born for leaving ♪ ♪ at a truck stop diner just outside the night is black as the coffee he was drinking ♪ ♪ and inside he sees the same old light is shining thinks of colorado and the girl he left behind him ♪ ♪ said i want to see you again but i'm stuck in colder weather maybe tomorrow will be better can i call you then ♪ ♪ said you're a rambling man you ain't never gonna change
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you've got a gypsy soul to blame and you were born for leaving born for leaving ♪ ♪ the winding road you're a lover i'm a runner we go-round and round ♪ ♪ i love you but i leave i don't want you but i need you ♪ ♪ you know you call me back here baby ♪ ♪ ♪ i want to see you again but i'm stuck in colder weather maybe tomorrow will be better can i call you then ♪
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♪ because i'm rambling man i ain't never going to change ♪ ♪ i was born for leaving ♪ when i close my eyes i see no matter where i am i can smell your perfume through these whispering pines ♪ ♪ i'm with your ghost again it's a shame about the weather but i know soon we'll be together i can't wait till then ♪ ♪ can't wait till then
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[ cheers and applause ]
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it is 9:56. good morning, everybody. i'm dennis kelly. an east bay city shining a
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not-so-bright light on foreclosures in its community. it's not a real pretty light. the city of richmond will offer a bus tour through neighborhoods that have been hit hardest by the foreclosure crisis. city leaders say that tour is to send a message to big banks to fix the hundreds of abandoned properties. that tour is set to start at noon. to the ball yard. giants' closer brian wilson treating more than a thousand young fans to a day at the ballpark. kids from junior giants leagues across the bay area getting a chance to sit in with brian wilson for a little pregame q&a session. they'll also get some tickets to tonight's giants' game against the astros. the beard fear no longer. you can watch the game on nbc bay area. it is friday. that means let's check in with meteorologist rob mayeda and find out how nice it's going to be hot. >> pretty nice inland. we'll see temperatures much cooler than the last few days, mid-80s in the warmest places by livermore and pleasantson, 60s and 70s for the inner bay, and the coast guard and the peninsula around game time low 60s.
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misty skies, too. turning warmer by sunday. mike? the last of the major slowing sticking around near 880 near 101 after the earlier disabled vehicle which has been cleared about 45 minutes. a new accident westbound 237 at burst in the middle of your roadway there causing some slowing as they approach the scene. san jose fire and ambulance should be on scene shortly. this just happened a few ago. look at the crossing over the san mateo bridge, a smooth drive across into the haze. no major problems. 92 moves smoothly as does the bay bridge itself. here's the toll plaza. fastrak lanes are clear. just the cash lanes have a backup. should have got a transponder, folks. jon, back to you. got that right. thank you very much. for the latest traffic and news updates, check out nbc bay area on facebook.
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television hello, everybody! hey, it's day friday. guess what? it's the last friday the 13th of the entire year. >> it's friday the 13th? that's not good. not great. >> no. it's just fine. you might be asking yourself, why are hoda and kathie lee wearing such outrageously beautiful huge bras on the
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outside? >> this is part of a campaign. >> it's a great campaign. it's our third year being a part of it. what is it? >> giving is beautiful. >> soma is a bra company. >> i love their bras. >> they partnered with the national network to end domestic violence to collect bras for people in women's shelters. they want gently-used bras or new ones. >> they are very expensive, bras are. they are happy to collect those at soma boutique. >> we have a bin we can throw them in. see if we can make it. >> i don't feel lucky today. >> yes, you are. can i tell you why i'm so excited today? >> why? >> there is a guy on our show named paul sykes. i'm psyched to have him on. i went to nashville and there is a bluebird cafe where they have singers. they perform and you watch.
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>> they sit with their guitar and pianos and sing a song. >> i was with friends of mine. i listened and cried. we are starting a segment called -- this is what i took with my iphone. let's try to enjoy it. you can't hear it or see it, but you'll hear and see him in a while. >> i met him on the steps. he seems very psyched to be here. >> he'll sing a beautiful love tongue. >> my epitaph. i'll be on the lookout for talented people. don't audition or send tapes. this has to be people we actually find. it doesn't have to be singing. it can be hysterically funny people or people that do strange things with their tongues. it's open for everybody. >> okay. here is a question for you. is it okay to hug a co-worker? >> all right.
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>> bobbie thomas is testing out the theory. >> everybody here wants to hug bobbie thomas. just to make sure those babies are real, know what i'm saying? >> they did some surveys. the overall etiquette rule is do not hug co-workers. >> i hug everybody around here. anthony, do you mind it when i hug you? s mind waking up for the show? >> do you like when kath hugs you? >> yes. >> i think -- >> go back to sleep. >> good night, anthony. >> they say it's not supposed to be a full body hug. if you hug someone -- >> what's the point unless you're going to put a little oomph into it. mason loves it. >> bobbie is going toward anthony now, too. >> uh-oh. >> anthony has a thing for bobbie. >> don't give her a hug. please give him a hug. get it over with.
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>> he's going to the olympics. >> see, they did everything wrong. you're not supposed to linger or move your hands. bobbie did it wrong. but he liked it. >> you know, and i think we all know, there is a point when you're hugging someone and it becomes weird. we don't know when it is, but you know when it happens. >> when their tongue is in your ear. >> oh. >> our facebook people -- >> i had an uncle who used to do that. >> ew. >> yeah. >> anyway -- the wheels on the bus go round and round. >> do you ever regret you used to be an emmy-winning fantastic, you know, who won more edward r. murrah awards than you? did you ever regret your decision to join me and start drinking? >> this is so much more fun than that. >> when the economy gets bad
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with, women become sluts is what we are saying. it's called the lipstick effect. >> we spend more money when we have less money because we feel we want to look better. >> we are looking for a man who has money. >> i don't believe that. >> that's what the research says. >> that sounds old fashioned. >> they want to catch a man -- have you been out lately? >> i read it. i don't agree with that. that may be what they are saying, but i don't think women buy all the stuff to hook a rich man. do you? >> yeah. britney does it. bobbie did it and she got a rich man. she is about to get married. nothing is going to change in life like that with a woman. >> really? >> i thought sometimes you want to feel better so you buy a new lipstick. >> no. >> it's got nothing to do with it? >> everybody is on vacation around here. there are two ladies finally showed up yesterday that were not here before. my friends sara. they are still here. they are in new york. sara and yvonne, there they are.
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these ladies devoted their life to child help. thank you, ladies. >> if you want to know -- guess how much money the average woman spends over the course of a lifetime on clothes. over the course of a lifetime. the correct answer is -- >> $125,000. >> that means if you live to be 80 and you start clocking it when you're 1, that means you're spending about 1,500 per year. $1,563 per year. >> i have friends who spend that in a week or one item. >> the average woman owns 271 pairs of shoes over the course of a lifetime. >> that's bobbie in a week. >> 185 dresses, 145 bags. >> yes. 10% purchase at least one item of clothing or accessories a week yet everybody says, i've got nothing to wear. >> anyway. >> if you're on a plane and you want to fall asleep -- >> when i saw this, i thought you would be the biggest fan of
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this. >> this is a genius idea. it's a hoodie pillow. it's a pillow -- sara's got one on. you can see how it works. you put the hoodie on and it's a pillow and a hoodie. how does it feel? not great? >> you look like batman. >> if if the right pillow were in there because i like a soft one, this is exactly what you do on a plane. hoda disappears. >> i cover up like i'm in a cave. >> then you start to drool. >> i do not. >> you drool a little. >> this is smart. >> snores and drools, but it's cute. >> $19.95 for the hoodie pillow. you can get it at hoodie if you're interested in that. >> do we have time for this one? >> sure. >> have you started your holiday shopping? coupon -- why do we have music on every subject?
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13% of people have started holiday shopping. that's just wrong in july. >> you know those people who say i'm all done and they are so early. >> do they know how annoying they are? >> i don't have one single friend who does that. they wouldn't be able to hang with me. if you're starting in july, they say you can get a lot of sales, buy toys. >> if you have children and looking for deals, it makes sense to try hiding them from them for six months. >> yeah. that's something to know. would you pay more to get off a plane first before everyone else? >> if i have a really tight connection and i don't want to spend another four hours waiting, i would probably pay. normally, no. >> i wouldn't either. i think the weird thing is, number one, who is going to pay attention to that rule. you know how people are. they run off the plane. secondly, everyone is going to know you paid more and it's weird. >> no matter how much they say don't attempt to get up until the seat belt sign -- no. >> nobody listens.
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everyone gets up, gets their bag and tries to rush off the plane. i wouldn't pay the money. they may be testing that out. >> 84% said they wouldn't do it. >> i think -- >> they are already taxing you to do absent you look everything. pretty soon they are going to tax the bathroom, i bet. >> no, they are not. there is nowhere else to go. they can't do it. here is a video someone on our staff found amusing. we haven't seen it. we don't know. it's from college, i guess. you know how when you go to restaurants you don't want to get the cheapest wine so you get the second cheapest, whatever it is? this is what some college kids did. take a look. >> any wine tonight? >> we'll have your second cheapest wine. >> very good, sir. >> second cheapest wine. you don't know much about wine but you do know that you shouldn't get the cheapest.
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that makes it easy for you to get the second cheapest. second cheapest wine is fermented from only the finest of the second cheapest grapes. we would elaborate, but you have no idea what we are talking about. >> yep, it's wine. >> second cheapest wine. so you don't have to search while the clerks obviously judge you. >> you know what? that is good. >> okay. >> should we do your friday funny? >> sent in from jennifer wong on facebook. a little girl wanted to have a tea party with her daddy. she bought him a little cup of tea. he took a sip and found out it was just water. she wanted to keep playing tea party. she would bring him another cup of tea and her daddy would drink the water and give her back the cup. she continued to bring him little cups all afternoon until her mom came home.
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dad said to mom, watch what our daughter is doing, it's the cutest thing ever. mom watched as the little girl came into the room and handed her daddy the cup of tea. you know the only place she can reach the water is in the toilet, right? >> that's a good one. >> yeah. >> you know what else it's time for? bobbie's buzz! >> i'm good. i'm excited about today's buzz. on we kicked off today's made in america style contest during the july 4th week. we found some of the best home-grown businesses here that are small businesses under 20 people. rodney price who is a combat navy veteran has come up with this idea for a quick exchange picture frame company. he patented this idea. we have photos. it's a smart idea. he was the winner because he found a way you could mount this frame on the wall, easily exchange the photos, but because the frame is mounted on the wall, you could create a collage without having to relevel it, et
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cetera. love that. runner-ups i couldn't help sharing, i love this. the cap is missing. sophie and liz goo-goo balm for your butt to get rid of rashes. it smells good. the cutest thing ever, jackie kauffman from rock my world creates all these custom made pet nose necklaces. she'll take a mold of your pet nose. you can carry your pet's nose around with you on your chest. it's so amazing. it's 3-d. >> that is the weirdest thing ever. i'm sorry. >> does it work for other parts of their anatomy. does it work on anything? that is awfully cute. >> thank you. >> we had close to 1,000
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entries. there is nothing better than home. we want to support all these small businesses. >> awesome. >> you keep getting skinnier. >> bye. >> thank you. >> take your nose. >> best known for her role in slum dog millionaire. >> freida pinto is here to tell us about her latest leading lady role. she carries this picture as well as a few other things. [ male announcer ] what's in your energy drink? ♪
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power surge, let it blow your mind. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural green tea energy... new v8 v-fusion plus energy. could've had a v8. now there's a new way to help put bedwettto bed.strations... with new goodnites bed mats, take the goodnites better night test. just place, peel, and protect. and see how goodnites bed mats can help. hey, becky. hey....uncle steve.
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for life's bleachable moments. my system gets why out of sorts it? but that comes with age, right? just because we're in that over 50... what does that mean? are we done? activia helps regulate your digestive system when eaten daily. these could be our best years yet. [ female announcer ] every day, there seems to be a new reason not to make a home-cooked meal. work... errands... ♪ ...a greasy bag of deep-fried easy. ♪ but you have hamburger helper on your side. with 40 varieties that are all fast and easy to make, nothing stands in your way of a home-cooked meal. hamburger helper. help is on the way.
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the beautiful indian actress and model freida pinto is best known for her role in the film "slum dog millionaire" the surprise hit that went on to win eight academy awards including the big one best motion picture. >> freida pinto is in a new film about a tragic young woman courted by a wealthy man and the tension that ensues between them. hello. >> we are going to tuck you in. >> we've seen your films. i started to watch this film and right off the bat freida pinto.
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you carry this film completely. >> this is my first time, yes. >> we all got to know you from "slum dog millionaire." i can only imagine how much your life has changed from that movie. tell us about how everything changed for you. >> i think it was amazing to have that film. a lot of directors who i met after "slum dog millionaire" said we saw you in the film for 20 minutes and we think you can do this and this. i feel grateful that film happened. even though i was in the film 20 minutes, people have had just kind of the vision to see me doing other things, as well. haven't type cast me. it's hard when you come from a very, very big film. >> specifically indian. judge, exactly. for people to see you doing roles outside of it. i have a very good team backing me. the film gave me the right kind of exposure. maybe it was too much. >> no.
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i guess it's overwhelming at times. >> it is. >> you were an actress and hostess on a travel show. >> yes. >> we were wondering where you got your start? >> she literally dropped from the sky. >> it was a chewing gum commercial. i guess the theme is if the guy chews the gum he gets the chick. let's take a look. >> that's how it all started. >> then you fall into a motorcycle. >> it's so embarrassing. you have times you think about what you did before you actually seriously enjoyed doing the work you are doing. but i think, at first it's
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embarrassing -- it is, a tiny bit but everyone needs to start somewhere. >> you had your clothes on. >> i did. >> we had -- dev was with us, dev patel was with us. we love a cute romance. i know you guys were together. it's sweet. do you get to spend a lot of time together? >> yes, we do. busy schedule, but we try to find a middle ground somewhere. >> he has a job in l.a. >> yes. it's going to be good for him. have to learn how to drive if i have to live there. >> right. let's talk about your current film while we have time. i watched it. you can tell off the bat it's going to be a love story, that it's going to have tragic elements to it. >> roman polanski made a film based on the book.
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yes, everybody read the book, they are going to know this is a tragic love story and doesn't end as happily as some love stories end. i think more than anything else, it's not just the two of them, but it's also the socioeconomic and the class differences that keep them away from each other. and keep them apart. while she is trying to fit into his world, she can't entirely do it and the same goes for him. >> yet, they love each other. >> they love each other. >> it's beautiful. you carry the film absolutely beautifully on those tiny little shoulders of yours. the young man who pays opposite, he's darn cute. >> come back and see us. >> thank you. >> we appreciate it. >> "trishna" opens today in select theaters. >> sara is revving up the crowd. having triplets is such a blessing
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not financially so we switched to the bargain detergent but i found myself using three times more than you're supposed to, and the clothes still weren't as clean as with tide. so, we're back to tide. they're cuter in clean clothes. thanks honey yeah you suck at folding [ female announcer ] just one cap of tide plus bleach gives you more cleaning power than six caps of the bargain brand. visit to learn about special offers that's my tide. what's yours? doing laundry is classic problem solving. kids make stains, i use tide boost to supercharge our detergent boom. clothes look amazing and daddy's a hero. daddy, can we play ponies? right after we do foldies. tide boost is my tide. what's yours? right after we do foldies. hershey's drops. a lot of hershey's happiness in little drops of milk chocolate. and cookies n creme. pure hershey's.
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[ female announcer ] new lipton tea & honey. sweetened with honey, made from real tea leaves and real fruit flavors. ♪ it's never felt so real ♪ no, it's never felt so right ♪ [ female announcer ] only 5 calories. new lipton tea & honey. requires daily sun protection. eucerin daily protection spf 15 body lotion is a long-lasting moisturizer and spf in one. it helps protect skin against everyday sun exposure. daily protection body lotion only from eucerin. mom, we're dying. no you're not, you're just hungry. make some totino's pizza rolls. we don't have any! front... left, totino's. [ male announcer ] well done mom! less drama, more fun! totino's pizza rolls.
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dinner with the girls tonight. i really want dessert. i better skip breakfast. yep. this is all i need. [ stomach growls ] [ female announcer ] skipping breakfast to get ahead? research shows that women that eat breakfast like the special k breakfast actually weigh less. and, with honey kissed whole grains of oats & honey... you'll never want to skip breakfast again. [ woman ] victory is sweet. ♪ [ female announcer ] what will you gain when you lose? it is time for three, two, one live with sara haines hanging at the crowd at the nbc experience store. >> you pulled together some difficult questions. >> it was hard, but we did. first up, we've got sandy from chicago. she's got a question about youth. >> how do you both stay looking so young? >> who are you referring to in the beginning?
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>> first of all, you're very kind. i don't think -- you do. >> no, i don't. i don't. >> i think it's all attitude. i feel actually 28 years old. that's the age i feel. >> really? >> i'm going to be 59 in a couple of weeks. >> you are? >> i realize that i go, oh, my gosh, that's ancient! i don't feel ancient. i think the key is finding something you love to do and wake up every morning excited about doing it. i've got theater work, my cass and cody, a good life, great family. how about you hoda? did i give you time? >> you never do. back to you, sara. >> we have linda with a question about staying upbeat. >> are you like this even offcamera? >> yes. >> i think we are. you get to see we are up so early and here with everybody all the time. i think your true personality does come out. you see it in the make-up room.
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everybody in the "today" show has this attitude. al roker. >> al is the ring leader. then it's you. you're always dancing and singing. >> i've got song. sara, thank you. thank you, guys. got a fashion emergency, jill martin will save you from embarrassment. [ male announcer ] and now, another newtonism. being the apple of someone's eye is easier with cinnamon. ♪ new apple cinnamon newtons fruit thins. made with real fruit and whole grain. it's one unique cookie.
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made with real fruit and whole grain. and set the stage for a great day. it is 10:26 now. good morning. i'm marla tellez. san jose's fire department is about to get a big boost
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financially. it's getting an $8.6 million grant to hire 27 new firefighters. the grant will be announced at a news conference this morning. san jose mayor chuck reed and representatives mike honda and zoe lofgren are expected to be there. we'll have a look at the forecast and the roads after the break.
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welcome back. a view of san francisco. starting to see a little more but a lot of clouds out there looking town on the clouds from
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outer space, this is how it looks to get that marine layer thickened up overnight. this will lead to a cooler afternoon. combine the sea breeze, we have temperatures running a lot cooler today, but at least we don't have the rain like we're seeing some of that in southern california and around yosemite this afternoon. inland temperatures today 70s to mid-80s, much cooler than yesterday, almost 15 degrees cooler. 60s to low 70s around the bay and low 60s on the coast with some misty skies at times as we go into the weekend. mike? we'll focus on the south bay again because the remainder of the slowing down here. westbound 237 at first we had an accident. it had cleared to the shoulder in t last half hour but still slow and constantly rippling back onto 880 to milpitas southbound. southbound 101 around fair oaks moved to the shoulder without much of a problem. and northbound 101 at old oakland road. we have an accident currently moving to the shoulder as well for minor issues for 880 as well, slowing at the interchange. a live look outside, golden gate
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bridge, we have low clouds hovering around, the front is reflecting off the clouds, bring the sunglasses and expect more traffic to build throughout the day as folks head to the city. nbc bay area news starts in just 30 minutes. dennis kelly and i will see you soon. we are back on try day friday with "today's style" and everything you need in case of fashion emergency. >> from gadgets to phone to turning any mascara instantly waterproof. "us weekly" contributor jill martin. >> i used a few of these things i wanted to share. first of all, you know my favorite oil is kai. they just came out with a deoderant which is not always glamorous to carry around. it's clear.
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>> that is nice. i like that. >> we love that. >> that is fantastic. >> nice. i love it. this i love. this renders any mascara waterproof. it's a special secret coating. we put this on my eye before and sprayed it just to make sure. if you go to the beach and put this over any mascara. >> over on top of. got you. why don't you judge just buy waterproof mascara to begin with. >> some people have their favorite mascaras. >> these you con throw in your beach bag, too. a bronzer, blush and illuminizer. under $25. >> and you can take it on the plane with you. >> this is a beach spray that works. i have very fuzzy hair. i still need that out of the
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water. gives you that beachy look from bumble and bumble. these are like the converse for the beach. i know they are not your gig, but i think they are fun for the beach. i wanted to share. i knew this was going to happen. let's move on. >> these are cute. >> i'll take a small in a man's. >> that doesn't sound good. >> no. that didn't sound good. >> this is a little bit of an investment but day to night loafers. this is the biggest thing for men right now. >> all right. >> this is just a great new thing, iam fragrance. it has different moods, different locations for everything. wild, hot, naked, me. it has all different versions. >> what does naked smell like. >> yeah, that smells naked. get your nose in there. >> it's nice.
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>> shock $25 and under if 2 you're investing in statement jewelry, leaving the beach, want to go from day to night. look at all this fun jewelry. >> i saw a picture of elle mcpherson with that. she looked so awesome. >> this is a makeover for your phone. this is my iphone. this is selera, $40. >> don't do it. >> this does not break. >> i put this little case on. $40 on the front and back and it doesn't break. i just did that. the video. they have hammers going down. >> you drop it, you can do anything? >> you can drop it. let's see. >> let's throw it at anthony because he's still asleep. >> look, it still works. >> wow. >> i never like to carry anything which is why i wear a fannie pack and some people make fun of me.
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>> i wear my fannie pack. it's so smart. >> this is a pocket you tape on inside your shirt or bladzer to keep your money in. i have my lip gloss on my back. if i was wearing a blazer. >> anybody that makes fun of a fannie pack but think that looks good, i don't care of their opinion. >> let's drink. it's time. >> this is for you, a bin. this is kathie lee on the front. look at hoda's. >> that is very cute. >> our last makeover is for your guy. i love this bar sign from red envelope. jerry has a special treat for you guys. >> oh, jerry. loaded, ready for action. >> we got it personalized. show hoda hers on the other side.
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all from red envelope. >> jerry, you're hot anyway. >> i love him in chaps. >> how would you like to live in one of the happiest seaside towns in america. >> i do. we'll show you where they are. here you go little man.
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[ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again? [ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios now there's a new way to help put bedwettto bed.strations... with new goodnites bed mats, take the goodnites better night test. just place, peel, and protect. and see how goodnites bed mats can help.
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♪ power surge, let it blow your mind. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural green tea energy... new v8 v-fusion plus energy. could've had a v8. would they switch? notice a difference? it feels a bit tight. [ female announcer ] soap leaves behind soap residue that can cause a tight draggy feeling. with 1/4 moisturizing cream, dove cleansers rinse cleaner than soap. with 1/4 moisturizing cream, i feel likeo having that's normal. if you are not feeling like trying this on, that's not normal. activia helps with occasional irregularity when eaten 3 times a day. feeling regular to me was a new feeling... activia actually it wasn't 1935, he won it in '38...n '35. with a .386 average. you sure? i'm 99.9% positive.
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so you don't know. made with 100% angus beef, to make guys 100% happy. ball park angus beef franks. i'm 99.99999% sure. if you don't know, you don't's fine. from beach communities in california to cape cod, seaside towns are some of the best and happiest places to live in the united states. >> "coastal living" magazine ranked a list of the 15 happiest seaside towns. pack your bags, you might want to pack up your house. editor in chief is here with that list. how are you? >> i'm good. i'm so happy. >> partly because you brought us cocktails. >> what is happening over here? >> a toast to the 15 best towns on the coast. it's called the pink bikini. >> of course it is.
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>> raspberry lemonade, amaretto, coconut rum. it's a little strong. >> not for us. >> how did you narrow down your list? >> it was hard because there are so many great towns across the country. i'm sure everyone that lives in a seaside town would nominate theirs. >> did you go around the country? >> we looked at all the dream towns we ever covered in "total living." this is for our 15th anniversary issue. we asked people to nominate their town. >> lake bluff, illinois, on lake michigan. tell us about that one. >> people on the east coast and west coast don't realize what great coastline there is in the midwest. lake bluff, illinois, is no exception. has a coastal past for alcohol smuggling during the prohibition. >> we toast them for that. >> a happy place. has beautiful town, queen anne homes, prairie style homes, a lot in walking distance from the
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beach. >> laguna beach, california. >> i love. >> this has everything we love in california. started as an artist colony. retains this funky vibe. it's a surfer town. >> it's beautiful. it's got sweeping perfect weather, great. >> does it still have that artist vibe? >> it does. >> a little more upscale now. >> definitely tries to retain that. that's part of its charm. >> jupiter, florida, is a hot spot. >> frank lived there when we got married. >> i've been down there, too. it's incredible, the beaches. loggerhead turtles nest, juno beach. where the loggerhead turtles go is where i want to go. >> that is a great shot. moving up the east coast. tiny place called duxbury, massachusetts. >> it's on cape cod. terrific place.
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a real slice of americana right there. this was founded back in the 1600s by miles standish, a pilgrim. it's a happy town. dotted with cranberry bogs, known for its farming. it's a quaint and charming place. >> what is there to do up there? >> you should swim. you should eat and you drink pink bikinis. >> last on your list is solomon's island, maryland. that's one i hadn't heard of. >> that is a hidden gem. this is the quintessential place to kick back with an icy cold beer, cracked crabs, fresh oyster. they are into shellfishing there. it's a terrific place to live or visit. >>ing makes me want to go. >> you're happy when you're on the coast. anybody who lives on the coast or near water. >> except for a hurricane. >> even then people are like, we
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survived it. >> i love your magazine. i've been getting it for years. >> for bastille day, all things french. look who we got here. put a little pepper on that. i'm a typical mom. i go to amusement parks. and my kid's games. and just like any typical mom i'm thrilled when my champion loves to eat something nutritious, like chobani champions yogurt. it's a good source of protein, and most important, he loves it. so even though i'm an olympian, around here, i'm just another mom trying to help her champion win the day. chobani champions. win the day. i'm home! [ baby crying ] everything's fine. [ male announcer ] of all the things that happen on your wooden surfaces, disinfecting has to be one of them. clorox disinfecting wipes. gentle on wood. hard on germs.
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[ ding! ] losing your chex mix too easily? time to deploy the boring-popcorn decoy bucket. then no one will want to steal the deliciousness. with a variety of tastes and textures only chex mix is a bag of interesting. requires daily sun protection. eucerin daily protection spf 15 body lotion is a long-lasting moisturizer and spf in one. it helps protect skin against everyday sun exposure. daily protection body lotion only from eucerin. ♪ anything, yes, i'd do anything ♪ ♪ anything for you ♪
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now on "today's kitchen," what's cooking? tomorrow is the french national holiday known as bastille day. why not celebrate with french culinary delights. >> celebrity chef dominique fran is said to be behind the chef character in "rataouille." is this character modelled after you? >> i take the fifth.
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>> cherries are one of my favorite things in the whole world. >> it will be a yummy delicious dessert and a dessert that will speak to a lot of people. >> it's a vegan ice cream? >> delicious. >> you've got the most beautiful cherries on earth. >> we have different cherries, binge and rainier. one is sweetern't others. it's about texture and flavor. >> being these are sweeter, the darker. >> you chop them up. you have to chop them, a little bit of sugar and little bit of cherry liquor. >> now we are in. you've got our attention. then what? >> you just mix them and let it sit for about four, five, six hours. then you guys want to do it with me? >> tell us what to do. >> you cook it in almond milk. pour it in here. >> what is that one?
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>> coconut milk. >> and almond milk. >> no dairy at all. >> no. >> okay. a little bit of sugar. >> that's about two tablespoons? >> you want to scrape the coconut? >> how do i do it? >> it's not as easy as it looks. >> there you go. >> this is freeze-dried coconut. that's for the end. >> we mix this up. >> this is what it becomes. >> yes. >> wow. look what i did. >> when you put your mind to it, it's amazing what you can do. >> you obviously, not everybody has an ice cream machine. you can do it with ice cream or on your own.
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what you do, you churn the ice cream, freeze it, churn it, freeze it then make your own ice cream. >> let's get on down here to the finished product. >> the finished product is toasted oats, then we fried some basil and coconut crunches. >> a whole combination of things. >> get in there. >> thank you. >> oh, my god. >> let's try this ice cream. >> you can have this, hoda. >> i'm going to build a dish for you. >> we have to run. >> that is delicious. >> that was awesome. up next, i saw him on stage at the bluebird cafe in nashville. i had to bring him here. i'm so excited. >> up-and-coming country musician paul sykes performs. this is "today" on nbc.
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[spring releases] boing...boing (sir can-a-lot) excuse me, madame. [giggles] i only intended to punch up your potatoes with the flavor of glorious spam! (woman) oh... i never thought of that. (sir can-a-lot) i wouldn't be here if you had, madame. (ancr) break the monotony. for more fun ideas visit
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everyone's talking about the all-new american girl movie. it's empowering. i'm going to be up there wearing my gold. a celebration of friendship. an american girl, mckenna shoots for the stars. saturday 8/7 central here on nbc.
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it's time for "today's spotlight." today we shine it on an up-and-coming talented young man down south. >> i went to nashville a while ago. i stopped by the famous cafe called the bluebird cafe. my ears lit up when paul sykes started singing. i was so moved. i said i've got to remember this guy. >> you raved when you got back. >> not only because you're adorable. that wasn't the whole thing, but it was part of it. you started singing a long time ago, a little boy in nashville, right? >> yeah, born there. >> you're a pastor's son? >> preacher, yeah. >> you have a great voice. you have a cd on itunes. >> it's called "craft by paul sykes." >> of course. this song you're going to sing is one of the most beautiful love songs i ever heard. what's it called? >> "my epitaph." >> paul sykes, i'm so glad you're here. take it away. >> thank you so much.
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♪ ♪ if i make it to 100 ♪ or if i die today ♪ they will need to start the hill where my granddaddy lay ♪ ♪ and don't spend a lot of money ♪ ♪ on some oversized stone ♪ on my epitaph ♪ not much needs to be known ♪ cause i don't need this world
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to sing my praise ♪ or chisel out some long poetic phrasing ♪ ♪ should some stranger pass me by ♪ they can glance down on someone else's tomb ♪ ♪ all they need to know about me ♪ ♪ is that i loved you ♪ so just make sure they spell your name right ♪ ♪ that's all that matters anyway ♪ ♪ cause darling you have been my life ♪ ♪ and i'll take that to my grave ♪ ♪ cause i don't need this world to sing my praises ♪ ♪ or to chisel out some long
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poetic phrases ♪ ♪ should some stranger pass me by ♪ they can glance down on someone else's tomb ♪ ♪ all they need to know about me ♪ ♪ is that i loved you ♪ so you can write about me when imp's gone ♪ ♪ make it one little song ♪ cause i don't need this world to sing my praises ♪ or to chisel out some long poetic phrases ♪ ♪ should some stranger pass me by ♪ they can glance down on someone else's tomb ♪
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♪ all they need to know about me ♪ ♪ is that i loved you ♪ all they need to know about me ♪ is that i loved you ♪ i loved you >> thank you.
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right now at 11:00 a.m., a two-alarm house fire in san bruno has left at least three people injured, including a firefighter and a 2-year-old child. >> a lot of smoke in it. and hundreds line up overnight in the south bay just for the chance at something many of us take for granted. >> reporter: and convicted killer hans reiser takes the stand. he's being sued by his own children over the death of their mother. but today he seems to keep arguing with the judge. i'm christie smith. i'll have that story coming up. the news starts now.


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