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tv   Today  NBC  August 16, 2012 7:00am-11:00am PDT

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concert series. >> fun. good morning. breaking news. a passenger jet from new york to moscow diverted to iceland overnight after a report of bomb on board as investigators begin their search of that plane. >> they have a winner in last night's $337 million jackpot powerball, the third largest in history and lottery officials are waiting for someone to claim that very big prize. how did they survive? dramatic new video of that terrifying car crash in colorado. they'll tell us about their unforgettable ride in an exclusive live interview today, thursday, august 16th, 2027.
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> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning. welcome to today on a thursday morning. i'm savannah guthrie. >> i'm matt lauer. we will have more on that breaking news, a bomb scou on a mo moscow bound flight. also, we will have a question for parents tied to flying, would you let your child get on plane alone? >> a couple thought they did and thought they insured their child's flight to michigan and paid extra to watch over her. now, those parents are demanding answers after the girl failed to show up to her final destination. it took the airline an hour to find her according to the parents. we will hear from them. >> and a story that will infuriate a lot of people as well. take a look at graceland
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this morning where elvis fans are gathering to mark the 35th anniversary of his death. there was an emotional scene last night when priscilla and lisa marry presley attended the candlelight vigil for the first time. live at graceland for the interview, natalie will take us on a tour of the king's home. it's al's turn for a day in history. we recreated the beatles on abbey road. matt is still chasing after doing his best to do air jordan and natalie and her son did charlie chaplain and the kid and mr. roker is recreate iing the first steps on the moon. >> one final question this morning, do you know who has the best selling album of the year? justin bieber, adele? believe it or not, it's lionel richie. he is here for a live concert on our plaza this morning. we're looking forward to that. let's begin with that single
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winning ticket in the third largest lottery jackpot in history. with us by phone from michigan, where it was purchased, what can you tell us? >> reporter: let's get right to it. what a beautiful crystal morning here, a little town called la pi ere michigan just outside flint. everyone has a mile on their face. one ticket worth $337 million in the powerball game sold right inside this sunoco station i am standing in coming to you right now. one single ticket. the powerball jackpot, there were so many sales overnight, the jackpot jumped about $27 million, up to $337 million. this is a big mystery. people are pulling over, seeing all the media here, whipping out their tickets, thinking one of their townspeople, one of their neighbors getting up, checking their numbers and want to see if they have won. if they choose the lump sum guy,
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$241 million. that's what somebody is waking up to this morning. there is no winner yet. i have to tell you real quick, the city manager stopped by. he is keeping his fingers crossed the winner lives within the city limit because they will get income tax money. >> 6, 27, 46, 51, 56 and the powerball number was 21. in michigan, doiners have to come forward? is it required? >> reporter: just got off the phone with the lottery officials. yes. you have to come forward. you cannot stay anonymous. you have one year to do so. the lady i talked to said the offices are open in lansing, michigan, waiting for the winner to call. >> sean, exciting day there. thank you very much. >> i really enjoyed you giving the lottery numbers there and the powerball. >> and the little wheel is this
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fun. >> exactly. let's check the other top stories, cameron is in for natalie at the newsdesk. >> good morning. and overnight emergency for a plane carrying 266 people from new york to moscow. an anonymous bomb threat was phoned into the airlines prompting the flight to land this morning in iceland. all passengers have been safely evacuated. the worst outbreak of west nile virus in years has spread to more than 30 states. janice is in delineatioallas, t where they have declared a state of emergency. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this is the epicenter of the epidemic. a third of the cases in dallas, county, something they haven't done since the 1960s, spraying pesticides from small plains. in dallas county, the west nile virus led to a full-fledged state of emergency. >> 6% of the west nile virus case is in america would be in
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t the -- southern dallas county. >> reporter: tonight, health officials will start fighting back with aerial spraying, hoping to slow the outbreak so far in ferkted more than 450 sex sans and killed at least 17. >> i think people are correct in being concerned about it. certainly, when you have that many fatalities, it's something that bears our attention. >> reporter: 14-year-old jordan connor was watching her dog when she was bitten by five mosquitos. doctors say that led to encephalitis, a swelling of jordan's brain, terrifying her mother. >> we have to do neurochecks, so you have to wake her up and make sure she's alert. >> reporter: jordan's mother says it's been like a roller coaster ride and she's very worried about jordan. texas is on track to have the worst year ever to have west nile, caused, they say, by an unusually warm winter, followed by a rainy spring, perfect breeding conditions for mosquitos. neighboring states are reporting
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higher rates of infection this year, too. cases have been reported in almost every state in the nation. >> i would not be surprising over the next month or two if we saw other outbreaks occurring in totally separate areas of the country. >> reporter: the cdc says, while this is serious, only one of every 150 people infected will develop any illness. cameron, back to you. >> thank you very much. this morning, ecuador granted political asylum to wikileaks founder, julian assan, holding up in london. he is wanted for alleged sex crimes and they will begin trying to extradite him to sweden. a fire has scorched more than 100 square miles and is growing. meantime, in california, washington state and oregon, thousands of firefighters are
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battling growing blazes fueled by dry conditions and hot weather. now, to wall street, cnbc mandy drury at the new york stock exchange. good morning. >> good morning. we're hoping to break out of a very narrow range. if you like tech gadgetry. you have samsung unveiling its new tablet in the united states. and hopes it sets itself apart from the ipad with features like a stylus pen and screen. apple is in talks with the biggest cable operators letting you use your device as a set talk box for live tv. >> thanks. prince philip is back in the hospital after a reoccurrence of that bladder infection that sidelined him at the queen's jubilee this summer. he will likely be hospitalized several days according to buckingham palace. it was a perfect game for seattle. felix hernandez, aka king felix
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on thursday, a perfect game for baseball history and thread mariners into history over the tampa bay rays. it is now 7:09. back to matt, savannah and al for your msnbc sports trivia of the go. how many perfect games just this season? >> three. >> you're good. >> don't try to -- even when you win you lose with him. >> don't they have these things they call newspapers in the morning, right there on the back page. >> i expected one of them to get it right. that's called a softball, savannah. >> all right. mr. roker, what's up. >> very bitter. >> let's see what we've got. we are looking at strong storms that will be firing up, stretching from kalamazoo and saginaw, all the way back to tulsa, damaging winds, a lot of rain, hail, you see on the radar, we are already seeing that activity fire up from traverse city to kiville and
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we're also looking temperature-wise, big changes, 91 in cincinnati, 91 in st. louis, behind it, minneapolis will have a high of 69, bismarck, 73. that's going to be good news. that's >> good morning to you. 7:10 on a thursday morning. starting with a live picture over san jose. mostly cloudy conditions, most of your valleys filled with low clouds but not for long. by about 11:00 you can see most of the low cloud cover and the marine layer will be pushed back out to sea. it works out like this today. 82 in san jose, comfortable in los gatos, 65 in san francisco and the fog will linger at the coast. until about noon today. then you'll get sunshine as well. and that's your latest weather. >> thank you. now to a growing scandal inside the department of homeland security. more men are coming forward saying a top aide to secretary janet in a politano made lut
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comments to male subordinates. >> just months after the department of homeland security was rocked by allegations that secret service agents procured prostitutes before a presidential trip to columbia, nbc news learned that congressional investigators are looking into sensational new charges of misconduct within the department, this time that a senior female official presided over a culture of intimidation directed at men. a top aide to homeland security secretary janet in a politano has stepped aside as department officials investigate new allegations that the female deputy was sexually offensive to male subordinates. suzanne barr, the chief of staff of ice has voluntarily placed herself on leave pending an internal review of alleged live lewd and sexually charged comments at work, a spokesman
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confirmed tuesday. the allegations first came from james hayes, jr., the special agent in charge of ice in new york. s hayes as filed a discrimination lawsuit. he claims barr's actions were part of a frat-house-type atmosphere at ice. >> if is highly unusual to see a male complaintant bringing a lawsuit. >> hayes alleged that bar played sexually charged games, in one 2009 incident moving the office computers, telephones and name plates of three male employees into the men's room, that she called another male employee in a hotel and screamed at him
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using a sexually vulgar term. his lawsuit accuses homeland security for gender discrimination for replacing him in a top top job in washington and retaliating against him when he filed a complaint. an ice spokesman said the lawsuit is unfounded and said "ice will respond directly and strongly to this lawsuit in court." a key republican congressman tells nbc news he intends to look into the charges. >> we're going to conduct our own investigation into the charges. they're so egregious and disturbing that if accurate, i think it poses serious problems for the department. >> homeland security officials tell nbc news the hayes discrimination complaint is belied by the fact he continues to hold his high ranking position in new york and most of secretary in a politano's top aides, including her chief of staff, are men. one official acknowledged at least one of the allegations
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that suzanne barr moved male employee's computers into the bathroom is true. it was, officials said, intended as a joke. >> thank you. it's 7:14 now. here's matt. >> if you thought president obama and mitt romney would ease up on their war of words on the campaign trail, think again. nbc's kristin welkers is at the white house with more on that. >> president obama is back at the white house this morning after a three-day campaign swing through iowa. with polls showing a tight race there and nationwide, he enlisted the help of his most powerful weapon, the first lady. in this week marred by mud slinging on both sides, president obama was in florida with his wife, michelle. >> we all know who my husband is and we all know what he stands for. >> reporter: the president on the offensive as mitt romney has been hammering him for running a
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negative campaign. >> take your campaign of division and anger and hate back to chicago. >> reporter: mr. obama responded in an interview with "entertainment tonight." >> i don't think you or anybody who has been watching me campaign would suggest that in any way that we have, you know, tried to divide the country. we've always tried to bring the country together. >> reporter: still, the president continues to use strong language to refute republican claims on medicare. republicans say the president's health care reforms slash more than $700 billion from medicare. in fact, according to the congressional budget office, president obama's reforms and the paul ryan medicare plan slow medicare growth by $700 billion but do not cut program benefits. ryan, campaigning in ohio, isn't backing down on medicare. >> we need this debate and we will win this debate. >> reporter: meanwhile vice president joe biden doubled down on being outspoken.
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>> i know i am sometimes criticizing for saying exactly what i mean. it's not going to chang. . >> reporter: biden still taking heat from republicans for comments tuesday about romney. >> he's going to let the big banks once again write their own rules. unchain wall street. they're going to put y'all back in chains. >> reporter: romney slammed biden's comment. >> an unfounded charge and a metaphor that is not uplifting, not uniting. >> reporter: in an interview with "people" magazine the president defended his running mate saying "the truth is that during the course of these campaigns folks like to get obsessed with how something was phrased, even if everybody personally understands that's not how it was meant." but then wednesday the vice president had another slip of the tongue. >> where is it written we cannot lead the world in the 20th century in making automobiles?
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>> reporter: it took just moments for the romney team to start mocking that mistake. earlier this week, former vice presidential candidate sarah palin suggested that the obama team should swap out vice president biden with secretary of state hillary clinton. president obama dismissed that idea during his interview with "entertainment tonight." now, one more point, matt, the rnc is out with a new web video today entitled "anger and division, " a sign the contentious tone of this campaign shows no signs of letting up. >> we've heard a lot this week about mitt romney's new running mate paul ryan but his real running mate is his wife ann. she traced her roots to the welsh village of where her father was born. >> reporter: in southern wales,
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found how the ann romney's well-to-do image has obscured her inner toughness, a grit that my rival her coal mining forbearers. she fierce live defended the romney's decision not to release tax returns from before 2010. a lot of people still are asking why not be transparent and release more than the 2010 and the estimates for 2011. >> have you seen how we're attacked? have you seen what's happened? >> it's been in the press quite a bit. should you not be questioned about your taxes? >> we've been very transparent. the more we release, the more we get attacked. the more we get questioned, the more we get pushed. we've done what's legally required and there's going to be no more tax returns given and there's a reason for that and that's because of what happens
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as soon as we release anything. mitt's financial releases were huge when he was governor if anyone wants to look and see what he has. he's honest, his integrity is golden. beyond paying our taxes, we give 10% of our income to charity. we have no issues that way. the only reason we don't disclose anymore is we'd just become a bigger target. >> so it's just because you'll continue to face more questions? >> it will just give them more ammunition. >> you're so pretty, magic. >> yet i also saw a surprisingly playful side to the 63-year-old would-be first lady. her affinity for animals or animals' affinity for her was obvious when we happened across a welsh upony. and it was a surprise to hear rare kind words between the
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rival camps of 2012. clearly the campaign has gotten to be so negative on both sides. is there a positive that you see in president obama and the first lady? >> you know, i love how family-oriented they are. i think her initiative is wonderful. i think obesity is a huge problem in this country and it's great to see her caring about that but to also see the role model of a strong mom and a dad and two darling little girls. you know, i love seeing that. >> what about president obama? what can you say positive that we don't often hear? >> well, you know, i think all of us are so proud that america backed him and i think that piece of it is never going to go away, that america is a place where anything is possible and anyone can dream whatever they want and anyone can accomplish anything they want and he is the embodiment of that and i think it's a thrill for all of us to have him as president. >> mrs. romney also talked very
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candidly about her own diagnosis with ms. can you see the full interview on "rock center with brian williams" at 10:00 here on nbc. >> still ahead, the two men inside this crash miraculously survived and are with us for hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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the economy needs manufacturing. machines, tools, people making stuff. companies have to invest in making things. infrastructure, construction, production. we need it now more than ever. chevron's putting more than $8 billion dollars back in the u.s. economy this year. in pipes, cement, steel, jobs, energy. we need to get the wheels turning. i'm proud of that. making real things... for real. ...that make a real difference. ♪
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just ahead, the investigation into three mysterious deaths in the last year at a rehab center linked to scientology. >> and a child doesn't reach her destination. why did it take the airline so long to find her? [ female announcer ] quaker yogurt granola bars.
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they're whole grain good... and yummy good. real fruit pieces. 12 grams of whole grains and a creamy yogurt flavored coating. quaker yogurt granola bars. treat yourself good. yeah go hide. one, two... [ son ] come and find me! three! [ male announcer ] bite-sized chicken's grown up. new kfc bites. freshly hand-breaded in the colonel's original recipe. try 10 bites with an 8 piece meal for $19.99. today tastes so good. hi, honey. how's the camping trip? well, kids had fun, but i think i slept on a rock. what are you doing? having coffee. ah, sounds good! i thought you'd say that. ah. ♪ the best part of wakin' up... ♪ you're the best!
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♪ i'm on my way ♪ get ready 'cause here i come ♪ every day >> 7:26. good morning. it's a somber day in the south bay, today marking five months since 15-year-old sierra lamar was last seen. the teen vanished after leaving for school march 16. now 21-year-old antolin garcia torres is charged with killing young lamar though her body has not been found. her mother pleading this morning for torres garcia to talk to investigators. >> he has answers and i pray that he comes forward and helps to end this for everybody. >> on wednesday, search groups fanned out again like they have done twice a week since lamar
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disappeared. her mother said she has not given up hope. our thoughts and prayers to that family. time to check in on the weather. christina loren says a good looking thursday. >> it is going to be a good looking thursday once we clear this fog out of the way. this is what's going to cool us off, taking a live look at san francisco this morning. yeah, you might need to use your wipers as we do have very thick low clouds soupy out there in san francisco and more so than we saw yesterday. this is san jose, same situation here. the low clouds are starting to thin out. throughout the morning hours your temperatures comfortable. headed to the low 90s, we're done with the triple digits and we have improvement. good to moderate air quality across the greater bay area. highs work out like this. 82 degrees in san jose. 65 in san francisco today, by friday the upper 80s inland, mid 70s bayside and upper 60s at the coast. showers on saturday. let's talk to mike about the drive. >> the east shore freeway
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bottling up in berkeley before university, we did have a car fire further down just off of ashby but that has cleared from the lanes and it's slow over there to the freeway from outside of berkeley and off of ashby. we get a live look to see you know what, that backup is keeping it light. a live look shows you palo alto southbound 101 slows a tad. back to you. >> thank you. for the latest make sure to check us out on nbc bay area facebook. [ male announcer ] the magic of nature appears every day, within each strand of an oat's rhythmical sway. when an apple's vibrant red temptation, and honey's sweet touch of golden sensation, join together with a pecan crunch you'll savor,
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creating the most perfect lesson in flavor. at nature valley, nature's best-written recipe is ready for you to enjoy. delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley, nature at its most delicious.
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this is a terrifying view. this is what it looked like for the guys inside a race car when that car slid off a cliff on colorado's pikes peak. what were they thinking what were they saying? it's morning tv. we can't say that. and how did they survive? we're going to ask them. they're here and relatively unscathed. that i am join us for a live interview. 7:30 now on a thursday morning, the 16th of august, 2012. a date, by the way, that has a special place in history for music lovers. >> 35 years ago today elvis presley died. natalie is live at graceland this morning. coming up, her interview with priscilla and lisa marie
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presley. she's going to take us on a tour of the singer's famous memphis home. >> and a drug rehab program is linked to three mysterious deaths in oklahoma. agonizing moments for a couple. they put their 10-year-old daughter on a flight unaccompanied but she didn't show up on time. diana, good morning. >> reporter: matt, good morning to you. letting your child fly without a parent is a white knuckle moment for any mom and dad. they're always thinking that something might go wrong. that fear came true for one family. >> i got a frantic phone call from the camp counselor saying phoebe's not on the flight from chicago. do you have any idea what happened? >> reporter: in june 10-year-old phoebe left san francisco bound for summer camp in traver city,
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michigan. she was supposed to change planes in chicago. her parents paid an extra $99 fee to united airline to make sure she was accompanied to her next flight. that never happened. >> all the worst possible thing goes through your mind as a mom when you think you have no idea where your child is and she's 2,000 miles away. >> reporter: when mother, annie, finally got someone from united on the line, it only got worse. >> they said, no, she's in traver city. that point was when i really knew that they had lost her. on some level they didn't know where she was. >> reporter: and then she says they put her on hold. what annie and her husband didn't know is the person hired to escort her daughter to her next flight never showed up and that person did not work for united. the airline outsources the service. phoebe missed her connection and an united employee walked her to a waiting room for unaccompanied minors. >> i asked several times to call my mom because i knew she'd be worried because nobody knew
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where i was but they kept saying hang on a minute, we're beneficially. >> reporter: her mother said it took an hour to get through to somebody at chicago's o'hare airport. >> she came back and said i can't sort it out and i'm going off my shift and my husband asked her if she was a mother. she said yes, i am. each said how would you feel if you couldn't find your daughter f for 45 minutes? >> the pleas worked. >> i don't understand why the agent didn't do something, hand her a cell phone and say call your moment. >> reporter: it took six weeks and an investigation for united to finally respond to complaints. they say they contacted the family to apologize and are reviewing the matter. "what the klebahns describe is not the service we aim to deliver to our customers.
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we are redepositing the miles used to purchase the ticket back into his account and in addition to refunding the unaccompanied minor charge. >> we should mention that to avoid any problems on the return flight home, phoebe and her parents flew back on a different airline. nbc news has reached out to the company hired to escort phoebe and so far they have not responded. >> thank you very much. let's get a check of the weather now from al. >> thanks very much, matt. we have a lot of big lionel richy fans out here. >> you're just married? >> just married. >> and lionel richy will ie wi singing to you. >> he's going to be serenading me! >> which has an even different
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meaning if you're just married. >> they're going to look at breaking the record in eugene. the rest of the company not as hot. >> we're going to continue that cooldown. i'm meteorologist christina loren. temperatures work out like this. take a look at the separation between your extreme east bay numbers versus those at the coast. 91 degrees in livermore. 65, though, in san francisco. as we head throughout the next couple of days temperatures are going to drop off. things change as we led to the weekend. so make sure you're ready for that. this morning a crisp start, and we also have good air quality. just about everywhere. moderate in the east bay. >> and don't forget, check that weather any time you need it. go to the weather chant on cable, the weather.comline. >> al, thanks.
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to a heart stopping crash we showed you earlier in the week. jeremy foley and yuri kouznetsov ed off pikes peak.uri kouznetsov both men managed to walk away virtually unscathed. they're with us this morning we're happy to say. i know u dislocated your shoulder. how are you feeling? >> feeling good. if you saw the wreck, good to come out with just a couple of bruises and this. >> you both have redness in your eyes. you've got some bumps on the way down i imagine. >> yes. >> you've seen that video probably a hundred times. is it hard to watch? >> it's definitely difficult. it's never enjoyable. >> what goes through your mind when you watch that and say i was in there. >> you try not to too much. the last few moments was pretty much a lot what you remember and then it's a big washing machine of pain and violence and then just coming back to it in a
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daze. >> let's walk through what happened. you're on this racetrack, you're going around what's known to be a very tough corner, right, i think they call it devil's playground. we actually have video of the moment where you lose control. did you know, jeremy? you were in the driver's seat. did you know? >> i did. there was a moment where the tires did not grip. you hear it in the audio where they squeal. as a race car driver, you know that sensation and feeling that the car is not doing what you want it to do. >> what amazing me is you were conscious the entire time. what went through your mind? >> a lot went through my mind. i thought this was it, game over. >> you told us you weren't really a religious man but there came a time did you pray. >> i did. prayed before the race and i prayed during the ordeal it
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would come to a halt. >> yuri, you lost consciousness. what do you remember? >> i remember everything to the point where it slowed us down. the moment i dislocated my shoulder, i remember that. i grabbed the belt and tried to grab it out. what goes through your mind is please stop, please stop. >> i hope those of us who see this hope you're secretly in shock and you don't feel every bump but that is not what happened. >> i did, i felt every single bump, every single impact. >> painful. >> indeed. extremely. >> when you think about getting back behind the wheel of a race car, is there any doubt in your mind you'll keep us with it? i know you've been doing it for eight years. >> i think we both want to get back in the car. we're both a little hesitant i think to do it tomorrow but with time we'll both certainly be racing in the future. >> one of the things you were really worried about was yuri.
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>> i was. that was my first concern. his life was the responsibility of mine and i felt extremely guilty and saddened to know that i may have caused him some harm. >> we're so happy to see that you're both okay and that you're here to tell us about it. be careful out there. i know you feel the roll bar and some of the safety equipment that we see here really saved your lives. >> indeed, indeed. the helmet here was worn by yuri. you can see there are multiple cracks on the helmet, indicating he suffered some severe impacts. luckily my helmet was left marked up but it shows those safety devices did keep us alive. >> jeremy foley and yuri kouznetsov, thank you. >> coming up, a drug rehab program linked to scientology under fire. ccent ] 50% more simoleons.
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scientology writings by l. ron hubbard and those deaths happened an their flagship facility in oklahoma, all within the last year. >> we are the authorities on the mind. >> reporter: famous scientologists like tom cruise have targeted their value. a crew from "extra" captured john travolta and kelly preston hoepsing a fund-raiser for their hawaii facility in 2007. >> compared to other rehabs, we're the best. >> i can't believe it, it works. >> reporter: their method of rehabilitation is unorthodox. patients are call students and they study eight books based on the writings of l. ron hubbard. its unconventional methods
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include being in a sauna for five hours a day. many graduates have told us the program helps them lead drug-free lives. but three people in the past year have died under mysterious circumstances while in the care of narconnon's flagship facility. stacy murphy 21 old, hillary holton, 21, gabriel graves, 32 years old. they all died inside narconon arrowhead. gabriel's mother and stepfather want answer. did you feel like they were completely forthcoming with you on the phone in terms of who they were, what their procedures were? >> no.
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no. i number one said i do not want my son indoctrinated into scientology here and i mean it. and we don't do that. >> they said -- >> they said we do not do that at all. when i talked to gabe about it, he said that's their whole thing, trying to get us to be scientologists. >> really? >> that's what gabe said to me. >> ceo gary smith says the church of scientology has supported narconon since its inception but insists it's a non-religious program. as for the death, smith said he can't comment on specific cases due to federal privacy laws but he says our deepest sympathies go taught those families and our prayers are with them. >> it needs some type of monitoring. i mean, what the heck's going on? >> narconon international declined to do an on-camera interview with us since they
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have done plenty talking with us over the last month or so. they say the detox is part of a larger plan of life skills training. the church of scientology says it is committed to help people free themselves from the ravages of drugs adding narconon has an exceptional record of helping people recover from addiction. >> you can see the entire report on "rock center" with brian williams tonight at 10:00. >> and coming up, natalie goes to graceland on the 35th anniversary of elvis's death. but first these messages. ch ili'
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s lunch break combos are a sizzling deal, starting at 6 bucks. try our new lunch-size chicken fajitas, sauteed onions and peppers topped with grilled chicken, served with soup or salad. chili's lunch break combos, starting at 6 bucks. what makes me feel truly decadent? [announcer:] new revlon colorstay whipped crème makeup. its unique formula flexes with skin for a flawless finish. the feel of nothing but silk on my skin. the moisturizer in other body washes sits on top of skin. only dove has nutriummoisture, which can nourish deep down.
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so help keep him strong and healthy with purina dog chow. because you're not just a family. you're a dog family. [ male announcer ] aggressive styling. a more fuel-efficient turbocharged engine. and a completely redesigned interior. the 2012 c-class with over 2,000 refinements. it's amazing...inside and out. ♪ join mercedes-benz usa on facebook for the best summer sweepstakes. missing franklin is one of the unquestioned breakout stars of the london olympic games. she finished with five medals, four of them gold, a performance that's left the 17-year-old with a big decision -- remain an amateur so she can swim in college or turn pro.
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miguel sat down with missy "the missile." >> today is her first day of her senior year in high school. next year she hopes to go to college and swim as an amateur. but with so much money if she turns pro from speaking endorsements to engagements, it could be a deal too lucrative to turn down. >> reporter: at just 17 years old, franklin has already reached the pin california of her sport. from her-faced enthusiasm and bubbly personality have made her one of the rare athletes capable of crossing over into the world of mainstream celebrity. she's already gone from the pool -- >> we welcome missy franklin! >> -- to "the tonight show." some say missy could make millions as a pro swinger, but if she did, it would cost her
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her dream of swimming for a college team. what are you thinking >> right now i'm still very set of swimming in college but my decision has become extremely difficult. there are so many pros and cons to consider. it's definitely hard. >> missy came out of the games as one of the most affable athletes. >> missy lab wwill be a winner, either way she decides to go. >> she has her own journey. >> reporter: a journey will little down side, even if she remains an amateur. swimming is a sport with few career-nding injuri career-ending injuries. and four years ago in rio, she's likely to be a star. >> i think she's a great swimmer who will be a long time. and those opportunities might even be greater going into the olympics. >> for a high school senior, a huge decision to make.
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will the teen-ager with so much fame now pursue fortune? swimmer's golden girl with golden years ahead. >> some of the numbers must be jaw dropping. do you fantasize about it? >> absolutely. you have to think about it. turning down this amount of money is unheard of. it's an amazing amount of money. >> she will be able to walk away from a couple hundred thousand dollars from medals earned in the olympics. not chump change but a fraction of what she'd make as a pro. she'll make her decision in the next few weeks. >> it's a hard decision for her. >> it's hard to contradict what she's been saying up to this point because she's always said she wants to swim in college. so if she changes her mind, it's going to get a lot of attention. >> i hope she follows her heart. we want to know what you think. you can cast your vote on
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>> the time 7:56. good morning. i'm jon kelley. it's d-day as in decision day for sheriff ross mirkarimi. the city's eanybodies commission due to decide whether to uphold misconduct charges leveed against him by mayor ed lee. in january mirkarimi was charged with domestic violence after a fight with his wife. mirkarimi pled guilty a lesser count. the commission must decide whether to recommend mirkarimi be fired. then it's up to the board to decide if he will ultimately be losing his job. >> it is friday eve and according to meteorologist christina loren it's kind of cool out there, a little fog but we have mild temperatures. >> yes, we do, jon kelley. happy to report after the heat wave last weekend into monday, so temperatures are going to be 10 to 15 degrees cooler than where we started out the week. plenty of low 90s inland. this is san francisco. a full deck of clouds.
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this is san jose. as you can see, the clouds are starting to thin out a touch where we have plenty of stratus across the greater bay area. foggy start, mix of sun and clouds later, possible showers on the way into the weekend. then temperatures drop off next week, back in the mid to low 80s so 65 in san francisco, 82 in san jose, tomorrow may be in sierra nevada thunderstorm. we do have a slight chance for showers north of the golden gate bridge saturday into sunday. >> you do have slowing south bay, look at northbound 85. there's an accident that's off to the shoulder and should be cleared soon but as you head up to prospect. it's slow. causing a backup off 17 but slow from 87 all the way into cupertino. look at the volume bunching up north of 680. a look at fremont as well, the south bound side srting to jam up past the truck scales. slow down to mission. jon, back to you. >> thank you. for the latest, make sure to
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check us out on facebook. your neighborhood subway:w at tonight, take it easy and enjoy your favorite soup, salad and hot, hearty sub. like the toasty big hot pastrami melt. get to your local subway for some dinnertime deliciousness tonight. subway. eat fresh.
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that's mom to you. and you should eat something that's good for you before you go outside. never! come on james. it's a new fiber one chewy bar. chocolatey and delicious. fiber one chewy bar, huh? mmm. refueled space captain james. [ male announcer ] new fiber one chewy bars. great taste kids love plus calcium and fiber kids need.
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♪ 8:00 now on a thursday morning. it's august 16th, 2012. it is a picture perfect start to the day. lots of fun. lots of smiles. big crowd and be in our next half hour they're going to get a treat. a concert from one of my favorites, lionel ritchie. it brings you back to the junior high dance. i'm alongside matt lauer and al roper. real awkward. >> that's exactly how he danced. >> you have to have a certain amount of distance between the bodies. >> exactly. like they say in catholic school, leave room for the holy ghost. anyway, there are a lot of memories today. it's a big day in music history. >> 35 years ago today elvis presley passed away. the king of rock and role.
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as marco hk cohen says, there's good thing waiting. natalie has a big interview coming up with priscilla and lisa marie in a little while. >> then we'll wrap you up our series in history. on monday we transformed into the beetles on abbey road. matt attempted to be like mike. natalie and her son struck a pose as charlie chaplain. this morning, bang, zoom to the moon as i attempt to re-create an iconic image from the first lunar landing. >> i thought you were going to do the "honey mooners ". >> with natalie gone, we want to get the news from cameron hall. >> good morning, everyone. a military helicopter has crashed this morning in southern afghanistan. seven americans and four other coalition service members have been killed. the cause of the crash is right now under investigation.
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someone in michigan is feeling very lucky this morning after a single winning ticket has been sold in a $337 million powerball jackpot drawing. the odds of picking that winning ticket, 1 in 175 million. and the worst nationwide outbreak of west nile disease in eight years is leading to drastic action. dallas has declared a local state of disaster and we'll begin aerial spraying of pesticides to combat the virus. this year's outbreak is centered in texas where west nile has infected more than 450 people and caused more than half of the nation's 26 fatalities. a parasailing accident has claimed the life of a connecticut woman who was on vacation in florida. officials say 28-year-old kathleen miskel was riding a pair assail with her husband wednesday when her harness broke. she plunged as much as 200 feet into the ocean.
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actress my an beal lick is recovering after a car crash in los angeles sent her to the hospital on wednesday. despite reports that her left hand was badly injured, her husband tweeted a message that she will keep all of her fingers. she starred, of course, in the '90s sitcom "blossom" and currently appears in the "big bang theory." here's brian williams with what's coming up on ""nbc nightly news."" coming up, baby elephant orphans. they're desperately seeking a mother. chelsea clinton went to nairobi. she introduces us to a woman who has dedicated her life to this cause, raising them, rescuing them. we'll have it all for you in our making a difference tonight. for a look at what's trending today. a quick roundup of what has you talking on line. actress jodie foster is supporting her former co-star kristen stewart. in an online article for "the
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daily beast," foster writes if she were a young actress growing up in this culture, she would quit because she doesn't think she could survive it. the mars curiosity has raised nasa's cool factor. lmfao sexy and i know it. the man who made nasa geek she can mohawk guy ♪ at my console ♪ ♪ data streaming back from curiosity ♪ ♪ stars on my hawk, and i ain't afraid to show it, show it, show it ♪ ♪ we're nasa and we know it i love it. nasa approved tweeting for fans to take a look at that really cool video. this home video of a 1992 bar mitzvah just posted on youtube. shawn sperlg honored his favorite woman, madonna. ♪ come on, vogue
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♪ let your body move to the music ♪ ♪ move to the music ♪ come on, vogue ♪ let your body go with the flow ♪ ♪ go with the flow okay. the 5,000-year-old rite of passage never looked so good. we have to catch up with this kid. this is in the '90s now. he's still voguing. it is 8:05. al, break it down. >> that is pretty good. he grew up to be david gregory. that's what happened. let's see. hey, air force week. very cool. what's happening? >> kicks off sunday at the intrepid to showcase your united states american air force. >> thanks very much for your service. let's see what we've got for you as far as your weather today. we are expecting to see, burlington, vermont, getting a gorgeous day. lots of sunshine. mild, a high of 80 degrees. as we look on the radar, we've got some strong storms firing up in the upper midwest. monsoonal moisture in the southwest.
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another sizeler for the pacific northwest. temperatures getting into the mid to upper 90s. it will be hotter in seattle than it will be in san diego. afternoon shower or thunderstorm down through central southern california. back 8:06. a live look over san rafael. the stratus clouds here but the sun is burning them done and looks like clearing at 10:00 in san rafael. you have to wait in oakland and san francisco probably until about noon today. but that sun will be out in full force. 81 in san jose. 72 this afternoon in santa cruz and cool down continues. we will get a little action around here. potential for thunderstorms and showers over the greater bay area saturday. >> and that's your latest weather. savannah? >> thank you, al. coming up next, natalie talks to lisa marie and priscilla presley on the 35th anniversary of elvis
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presley's death. we'll take you live to graceland next. here's what they'll need. ♪ pencils, folders, notebooks. ♪ ♪ backpacks, denims, graphic tees. ♪ ♪ markers, calculators. whoa! ♪ ♪ converse one start tennies ♪ well, pencils, hair gel, binders. ♪ ♪ pencils, hair gel, binders. announcer: school takes a lot, target has it all. ♪ ♪
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[ male announcer ] you've been years in the making. and there are many years ahead. join the millions of members who've chosen an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. go long. hey. hey eddie. i brought your stuff. you don't have to do this. yes i do. i want you to keep this. it'd be weird. take care. you too. [ sighs ] so how did it go? he's upset. [ male announcer ] spend less time at gas stations. with best in class fuel economy. it's our most innovative altima ever. ♪
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we're back now at 8:09 on this 35th anniversary of elvis presley's death. natalie is at graceland where she talked to presley's ex-wife priscilla and their only daughter, lisa marie. good morning again. >> good morning, matt. this is the first time priscilla and lisa marie have sat down for an interview together here at graceland. i began by asking them if they ever thought this place would become such a sacred place for elvis fans. >> we've had maybe some visitors, but not to this extent. i mean, i was told that elvis passed and that, you know, he'll be forgotten the next couple of years and life goes on. thank god i didn't listen to any of those people. >> lisa marie, what feelings do you get when you come here?
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>> i'm always really happy when i was here. it always reminds me of when i was the happiest i think in my life. it always just brings me right there when i come back. >> priscilla, in an interview i believe you said when you were talking about graceland that you have feel like elvis is going to come down the stairs any minute. do you feel his presence throughout still? >> absolutely. i've always said that. this was so much a part of him, this home. he loved this home. he always came back here no matter what. his presence is all around, sitting and talking or playing the piano, early morning hours, the kitchen, that's where we all congregated, lots of laughs. i can sometimes hear laughter. ♪ return to sender >> what did you call your father, lisa marie? >> daddy. >> never elvis? >> i did say it a few times and he wasn't too thrilled when i would call him that because i kept hearing it being yelled by women.
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i would giggle and start saying it back to him. or would i call him like the fans would call him when i was really little. he would giggle but he preferred that i called him daddy, i suppose. i loved being with him before he'd go on stage and then being in the audience, i was awe struck watching him. >> your own father watching him, you're awe struck? >> of course. there was really no difference from him on and off stage. there wasn't a persona. the word would be awesome, his dynamic, how big he was. what he projected was just as much off the stage as it was on so it wasn't any different. >> good evening. elvis presley died today. he was 42. >> tell me about that day 35 years ago, priscilla. do you remember getting the call? >> i do. i'll never forget that day. i walked outside and i said, my
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god, something's not right. lisa was in memphis at the time and i first thought about her. i wasn't able to function for a while without him because i just, you know, in my head i just thought what do i do without him because she was always there for me. >> lisa marie, you were 9 at the time, you were at the house i understand here at graceland. did you know what was going on? >> i knew something was going on. i was in my room right next to his bathroom. so i anywknew that something wa very wrong, all the commotion and everything. i was a wreck, i was a mess. i was confused. just the pandemonium that happened afterwards was a little bit confusing. >> for the first time you're actually going to participate in the candlelight vigil? >> yes. >> why? >> it just seems like it's the right time. >> when you come here and you see now on the 35th anniversary,
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i mean, there are just massive people outside for a candlelight vigil, are you somewhat struck with awe that people still decades later -- >> absolutely. >> -- come here to honor elvis this way? >> absolutely. that's the force of elvis. i remember elvis saying that he didn't really know if he gave up singing, if he did want to retire, he felt that people would forget him. and to see this every year, it's like my gosh, you were wrong, look at this. i mean, look what you do every year, look who you bring. and it brings a smile to my face, it does. if he only knew. ♪ falling in love with you >> and the memphis police department estimates some 75,000 people were here last night for that candlelight vigil.
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later today there lab special tribute concert for elvis and lisa marie will reveal a video performance of her singing alongside with an image of elvis, matt. so a very special celebration for his life and legacy. >> and you're not done there. you're going to take us on a tour in the next hour? >> that's right. coming up i'll show you all the hidden places in graceland. >> up next on "today in history," al takes a walk on the moon to recreate the historic photo of buzz aldren. that's right after this. ♪ look out baby 'cause here i come ♪ ♪ and i'm bringing you a love that's true ♪ ♪ so get ready ♪ so get ready ♪ gonna try to make you love me too ♪ ♪ so get ready
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♪ so get ready ♪ 'cause here i come ♪ get ready 'cause here i come ♪ i'm on my way ♪ get ready 'cause here i come ♪ every day ♪ get ready yeah go hide. one, two... [ son ] come and find me! three! [ male announcer ] bite-sized chicken's grown up. new kfc bites. freshly hand-breaded in the colonel's original recipe. try 10 bites with an 8 piece meal for $19.99. today tastes so good. so i'm not about to always let my frequent bladder urges, or the worry my pipes might leak get in the way of my busy lifestyle. that's why i take care, with vesicare. once-daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle and is proven to treat overactive bladder with symptoms of
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frequent urges and leaks day and night. if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems, or trouble emptying your bladder, do not take vesicare. vesicare may cause allergic reactions that may be serious. if you experience swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, stop taking vesicare and get emergency help. tell your doctor right away if you have severe abdominal pain, or become constipated for three or more days. vesicare may cause blurred vision, so use caution while driving or doing unsafe tasks. common side effects are dry mouth, constipation, and indigestion. i've worked hard to get to where i am... and i've got better places to go than always going to the bathroom. so take charge of your symptoms by talking to your doctor and go to for a free trial offer. has become boring and tasteless... only one man can save the day... ♪ with his sweet and nutty, sweet and nutty crunchy nut ♪ delicious! [ male announcer ] kellogg's crunchy nut. it's super delicious.
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♪ look out baby 'cause here i come ♪ ♪ and i'm bringing you a love that's true ♪ ♪ so get ready ♪ so get ready [ male announcer ] sometimes, it's hard for james to make up his mind. but corolla was an easy choice. over 80% of all corollas sold in the last 20 years are still on the road today. ♪ it's a choice well made. dang, son! [ male announcer ] another reason you can always count on corolla. from toyota. ♪ right now it's 8:18. all this week on special series "today in history" we recreated some memorable photos. >> i think those are pretty
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impressive but i'd have to say mine is out of this world. >> up two, three, four -- >> blasting off into outer space. a mission to the moon. going where no man has gone. things i dreamed about as a kid. but back then my dreams were the stuff of science fiction. >> this nation should commit itself -- >> until 1961 when president kennedy challenged america to achieve the goal -- >> of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. >> turning fiction into reality. >> we are go with all elements of the mission at this time. >> no matter who you are, what you believe in, you can believe in this. >> this is the story of a dream. it's the story of challenge, it's the story of a nation working together. >> ignition, sequence, start. >> to achieve an impossible
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goal. >> three, two, one, zero. liftoff! we have liftoff! >> within a decade, three american astronauts, neil armstrong, buzz aldrin and michael collins soared up, up and away on a mission to the moon. >> look at that. do you ever get tired of seeing something like that? >> no. used to be a stranger. it's become a friend now. >> you're one of the closest friends the moon has. astronaut buzz aldrin still hosts full moon parties to pay his respect to the old friend he visited over 40 years ago. >> the actual descent to the surface of the moon was a battle. >> apollo 11 flight director gene krants coordinated the landing from 240 miles away. >> we locked the control room
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doors and those doors would remain locked until we either landed, crashed or aborted. >> i was huddled around the tv along with the rest of the planet. we were all in the living room, we were all watching and my mom had made jiffy pop popcorn. we're all waiting. the descent was riddled with issues. the proposed landing site was strewn with boulders. >> he didn't say anything. he just leveled the spacecraft off. people on the ground were wondering why he leveled off. >> everybody was sucking air. i mean, it was about as tight and tense as you could get. >> it was quiet. you'd hear this his in between the word and transmission, the crackling. and he uttered those words. >> tranquility base here. the eagle has landed. >> tranquility, we copy on the
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ground. you got a bunch of guys about to turn blue. we're breathing again. thanks a lot. >> that's one small step for man -- >> one giant leap for mankind. >> i had the chance to look up, almost straight up about 24 degrees. i could see three quarters of the earth was illuminated. just to realize that we were the only people up there was a sense of pioneering, that we're really alone. >> and nothing captured that historic moment, the sheer will, better than what they now call the vizor photograph. zit still to me an amazing picture. >> it's candid because i was walking toward the landing gear and neil said, hey, buzz, stop a minute. i stopped and it was just kind of perfect. that picture represents the very fact that we did have a human, an american, on the surface of
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the moon. this is representative of mission accomplished. >> people ask me why is this so famous? and i say i got three words, location, location, location. >> we keep our area clean. >> for inspiration, buzz brings me to one location where i can get a little closer to the real thing, nasa's lunar sample laboratory. it's like a lending library for all of the lunar rocks buzz and the astronauts brought home. >> we're going to go into this little room. we're going to take an air shower. >> going in. >> okay, guys. this is the pristine sample lab. so we are going to be looking in the apollo 11 cabinet. >> buzz, did you get to keep any rocks? >> no. >> no? >> no.
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>> good answer. >> finally, under the watchful eye of the lab curator, i donned three sets of protective gloves and take my own trip to the moon. amazing. it really is. >> don't drop it. >> no. i am holding a piece of the moon collected from apollo 11. >> been there, done that. >> yes, you have. ♪ fly me to the moon >> now for my trip to the moon, i head home to recreate that epic shot. west 18th street, new york, new york. just doesn't sound as authentic as lunar surface, milky way glassy. but since nbc wouldn't spring for the flight, i made do. finally, i'm ready for my not so candid homage to the moon. for one giant leap for a weatherman and a lot of work for
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one photographer, mission accomplished. >> great, got it. >> all right. so of course let's do it, let's show you the photo that's of buzz aldrin on the moon. and now my photo on the moon. because the vizer is up, all the air was subjected out and now i'm dead. >> we wanted to share some of the best ones that we got. here's a good one. this is michael phelps. the famous e.t. phone home. >> iwo jima. there's some lifeguards recreating that picture. >> and this is from kelly from west lynn oregon. used her family to create famous faces from the world of music and movies.
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from queen. >> oh, yeah. >> and you a drew hepburn. >> buzz aldrin is good morning. nothing short of a rough month for chevron. first that huge fire at its refinery back on august 6th and now lawsuits against the company. they may reach class action status. john burris along with two other attorneys filed that suit yesterday. a broken pipe is being blamed for the fire that sent a toxic cloud into nearby neighborhoods. 9,000 people sought medical treatment following the release. the lawsuit is asking the court to require chevron to implement measures to ensure the accident that released toxins does not happen again. check the morning commute with mike. >> busy in the south bay. a lot of incidents popping up the last 15 minutes. we are looking over here at highway 87.
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both approaching downtown and then right at downtown. we have a disabled vehicle as you come through willow glen. an accident north of downtown and causing slow downs before you get to the airport and making 87 each nor congested. 101 is slow and bottleneck by another fender bender there and 85 incident on the shoulder as you pass by prospect. slow from highway 87 and 85 up through this area. back to you. >> thanks for the update. for the latest news and traffic updates, check ous out n facebook. another update in half an hour. ♪
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♪ i'm thinking sweet ♪ and i'm thinking new ♪ i'm thinking all these brilliant colors ♪ ♪ shining through
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♪ i'm thinking sunshine ♪ i'm thinking sunshine ♪ i'm thinking [ whistles ] ♪ i'm thinking [ whistles ] [ female announcer ] 40 delicious flavors that feel as good as they taste. yoplait, it is so good!
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. ♪ ♪ it's 8:30 on a thursday morning. it's the 16th day of august 2012. it's a beauty here in new york, nice blue sky, big crowd out on the plaza. they're here for a great reason, because we've got the music of the one and only lionel richie coming up in this hour. here along with savannah guthrie, al roker and tamron hall, who is here while natalie is gone enjoying some time at graceland.
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we're going to catch up with her in just a couple of minutes. >> we have one more concert for our big week-long series of concerts. nick lashea and the boys are getting back together. and next thursday, guess who's going to be here. >> who? >> hit it, boys. >> we may have to sing it. >> there we go. that worked well. >> "call me maybe," her relentlessly catchy hit. >> meaning you're not over it, right? >> no. and on friday we've got chain, one of your favorite bands. >> and we have the one and only kelsey grammer. this year he won the golden globe for best actor in a drama for his portrayal of a ruthless mayor on "boss." not only his new role as a great mayor, he's also excited about being a new dad.
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we'll talk to him all about that. each is looking good, looking fit. >> yes, he is. and today's professionals are hanging with us this morning, chiming in on the hot topic, including this picture of tim tebow causing quite a stir. people are reacting to it. we'll tell you why and find out what they think. >> first let's say high to three olympic gold medalists, helped the usa women's rowing team win gold in london. it's good to see you again. good morning. you three would get a lot of attention walking through the streets of new york no matter what. but with gold medals around your neck, you're really going to get attention. what kind of reaction have you been getting? >> it's great to be home. the biggest reaction is when you see somebody hold it and their eyes light up. >> and you're getting married? >> yes, i'm getting married in september. i need to be driving out west and fixing knick-knacks. >> how did you wedding plan and
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train to get a gold medal at the same time? >> i don't know. i guess i'm kind of a little control freak. >> rowing is in your blood. your mom just won in 1994. how does it feel being in the family? >> i ran home and put my medal around her neck. both my parents train and it's great doing it from them. >> and i'm from new york. it's a small town and everybody will be there. >> you're going to be in a convertible, that sort of thing? >> i don't know. >> do you know the wave? >> i did. we went to windsor palace so i've been practicing. >> are you retiring? >> yes, i'm going to work with
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tons of programs for kids. >> and the ladies throw you in the water. the tradition here in new york is you throw her in the hudson river. hey, congratulations. it's great to see you here in new york. >> thank you. thank you. >> which is different than our tradition, which is to throw someone under the bus. that's another story. >> mr. roker. >> let's tell you what we've got. for lionel richie, his hometown tus tuskegee. for saturday, more wet weather along the southern states. sunday, sunday, more rain through central texas, the heat relief continues here in the bay area. this is is a know a.
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look how dark the sky is. indication of a cooler day ahead. the inner bay is going to get some of the best conditions. fremo fremont, 76 and 78 oakland and 65 in san francisco today. but cool you off even more so as we head into the upcoming weekend. maybe even getting a few showers. north of the golden gate bridge, saturday into sunday. >> and coming up, kelsey grammer talks about his clinically [ mom ] dear chex cereal,
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i've never written a fan letter before, but you've done the impossible. you made gluten free cereals in a whole bunch of yummy flavors. cinnamon chex and honey nut chex are two of our favorites. when my husband found the chocolate one, we were in cereal heaven. the only problem is, with so many great flavors, you're making it very hard to choose. your fans, the mcgregor family. 'cause we love chex. ♪ [ male announcer ] and now try new gluten free apple cinnamon chex.
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back now, 8:37. kelsey grammer gained fame as dr. frasier crane on and "cheers" as frasier.
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but he now plays the mayor on "the boss," who is secretly battling a disease. >> the tremors can be hidden for a time but without awareness -- you're not god. you don't want to shake. how do you feel about seeing monsters or believing you can fly? your personality, your judgment, the way you look at the world, all those things will be compromised. >> purpose. i have purpose. >> mr. mayor, you have to know your best days are behind you. >> kelsey grammer, good morning. nice to see you. >> good to see you. >> they were nice enough to send me an episode last night. i watched it. this guy is a contradiction. on one hand he's ruthless, manipulative and will do anything to hang on to power. on the other hand he's broken, he's dying.
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is he like anybody you've played before? >> no. it's extraordinary. >> did you know about this before taking the role? >> no, it's still relatively unknown and his disease is misdiagnosed a lot of the time. it gave us a lot of license because it does have hallucinations. some of them are very benign and lovely. one person i know whose mother had it had been a school teacher and she spent most of her time talking to young children and teaching them during her hallucinations. >> i don't know if people are aware, he wants to hide this from everyone. he doesn't want anyone to know this is going to happen because it would take away from his persona. >> exactly. and his power base, yeah. >> it's been called a shakespearean tragedy, a story about a king who has to lose his kingdom, who is now thinking about his own epitaph. if his epitaph were written today, it would be pretty rough. >> what they know.
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if we get the seasons we want to get, the story is laid out that just when it's too late people will say, oh, what a shame. >> i want to mention it's on stars. does that give you a lot of leeway when it comes to violence and nudity and language? >> there's a lot of nudity. >> you're nude in most scenes. does it give you a lot of leeway? >> it does. i always think that it has to be earned. this guy would use the f word quite a bit because that's the situation he's in. but the nudity thing, i think we've actually done it, it's character based now. >> it's based in politics but it's not overtly political. >> you've been talking in the past a little bit about your own strong ideas and political beliefs. you still toys at all with the idea of running for office
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someday? >> maybe someday down the road. >> what office would suit you best is. >> lord only knows. >> small town mayor maybe? >> maybe so. >> not only is this going for you and going well, you had this transition in your life. you went through a very public divorce that was played out over a long period of time, you are remarried and you're a new dad. >> yes. >> do you find fatherhood at our age energizing or exhausting? >> this is just what i like. it's what i'm good at. i've wanted to have more children for a while. i love getting to know these people who come into the world. they come of their own volition i believe and they have some idea of what they want to do already and it's my pleasure to watch them blossom. >> i know you're a hands-on dad and i can see from the smile on your face that you're loving it. kelsey grammer, it's great to see you. >> thanks, man. >> you can catch the season
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premiere of "boss." that's friday night on stars. >> up next, lionel richie live on the plaza. but first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪ all night long, all night long ♪
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i know he likes the sound of this. he has the best selling album of the year and we are delighted to have him on our concert stage. ladies and gentlemen, lionel richie! >> here we go. come on! come on! come on! come on! come on! everybody, come on! ♪ i said what is happening here,
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something's going on, not quite clear ♪ we're going to have a party, it's starting tonight ♪ oh, what a feeling, as we're dancing on the ceiling ♪ whoa what a feeling, we'll be dancing on the ceiling ♪ some of my friends came back from the neighborhood ♪ it looks like everybody is having a ball ♪ whoa what a feeling when we're dancing on the ceiling ♪ whoa what a feeling when we're dancing on the ceiling ♪ whoa what a feeling when we're
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dancing on the ceiling ♪ whoa what a feeling when we're dancing on the ceiling ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ everybody starts to lose control when the music is right ♪ if you see somebody hang around don't get uptight ♪ the only thing we want to do tonight ♪ is go around, around until we're upside down ♪
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>> are you ready? i can't hear you. are you ready? one, two, one, two, three! ♪ whoa, what a feeling when we're dancing on the ceiling ♪ oh what a feeling when we're dancing on the ceiling ♪ oh what a feeling when we're dancing on the ceiling ♪ ♪ oh, what a feeling ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> that's how you do it. lionel richie, thank you. there's much more music ahead. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ good morning! wow. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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lionel richie has sold more than 100 million albums, winning an oscar along the way. his latest album "tuskegee" is a
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top seller this year. good morning to you. >> it is too early in the morning. do you this all the time, huh? >> yeah, you get used to it. >> hello. >> is it me you're looking for? >> you're exactly who i'm looking for. your songs, people love them so much, it's almost like the sound track of their lives. you must have people coming up all the times saying this is what's happening. >> yes, and i get details all the time. i don't need to know the details. "lionel, i made love to you all the time." i don't need to know. >> "tuskegee" is kind of a reinvention of these songs. it's not immediately evident to everyone that it would be such a hit but it is. >> i did not realize when i was writing for the people between new york and l.a. that those people happen to be partly country. when i asked tim mcgraw and
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kenny chesney if they'd like to come along, they said we've been singing these songs all our lives. it was basically a tribute to the melody. i had the best time of my life doing this album. >> i know you're going out on a european tour. how long has it been out since you've been out and done a full fledged tour like that? >> it's been two years since europe. we're planning on starting in february to come across america which have i not done in the last eight, nine years now. >> are you ready for life on the road? >> life on the road is probably where i live best anyway. but when you're playing with the kids and now the grand kids, i have to show them what pop-pop does for a living now. when harlow says for a minute, my daughters sophie and miles
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say what do you do for a living, dad, i have to show him. >> how is al roker's dance moves? >> al has not changed in years. he has that side to side move. al, stick to the day job. >> this is where i live. >> he's added an air guitar. >> lionel richie, we'll let you do the singing and dancing. take it away. good to talk to you. >> here we go. ♪ i know it sounds funny but i just can't stand the pain ♪ girl i'm leaving you tomorrow, seems to me girl you know i've
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done all i can ♪ yeah, that's why i'm easy, i'm easy like sunday morning, yeah ♪ i feel so easy, yeah, i'm easy like sunday morning ♪ >> sounds good out there, guys. ♪ why in the world would anybody put chains on me ♪ i've paid my dues to make ends ♪ everybody wants me to be what
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they want me to be ♪ i'm not happy when i try to fake it, oh, no ♪ that's why i'm easy, i'm easy like sunday morning, yeah ♪ i feel so easy, yeah, i'm easy like sunday morning ♪ i want to be high, so high, i want to be free to know the things i do are right ♪ i want to be free, just me, oh baby
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♪ that's why i'm easy, baby, well, i'm easy like sunday morning ♪ i feel so easy, so easy, yeah, well, i'm easy like sunday morning ♪ come on, that's why i'm easy, so easy, yeah ♪ i'm easy like sunday morning, yeah, oh, yeah ♪ i'm so easy, i'm easy, yeah, i'm easy like sunday morning ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> sounding so good, lionel richie, thank you. he'll be back with one more song a bit later. but first, your local news and weather. ♪ i'm easy like sunday mo good morning to you. i'm laura garcia-cannon. 8:56. this morning first look inside the new memory stadium on the cal campus. bears will hold their first practice of the season at the all new memorial stadium. they played across the street last year during construction. new seats, restrooms, concession stands have all been installed
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for college football. what about the forecast for today? >> it looks like fall out there this morning, laura. that marine layer is thick and still hasn't broken apart over san jose. nonetheless 91 inland and showers on the way as we head into the upcoming weekend. hope you have a fantastic thursday. ♪
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♪ i'm thinking sweet ♪ and i'm thinking new ♪ i'm thinking all these brilliant colors ♪ ♪ shining through ♪ i'm thinking sunshine ♪ i'm thinking sunshine ♪ i'm thinking [ whistles ] ♪ i'm thinking [ whistles ] [ female announcer ] 40 delicious flavors that feel as good as they taste. yoplait, it is so good!
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and we're back with more of "today" on a thursday morning, the 16th day of august 2012. you know, there's some guys who simply can put on a show and lionel richie is one of those guys. >> a life long dream fulfilled. thank you, lionel.
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>> and if you're just joining us, we have more music from lionel coming up in just a couple of minutes. man, now you know why his albums are the best selling. >> that's how it's done. >> on the plaza, i'm here with savannah guthrie and al roker. >> coming up, we'll be cooking with curtis stone. >> and we're heading down to graceland where natalie morales is for the 35th anniversary of elvis presley's death. you're going to give us a little tour, right, natalie? >> i'm going to give you a tour. this here is the dining radar loop. it is very much used and still continues to be used by the family. i'll show you graceland coming up. >> jody foster wrote an interesting essay in the "daily beast" coming to the defense of kristen stewart saying this
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coverage has gone too far. we'll ask the professionals what they think about that. >> one more time, lionel richie! >> the pride of tuskegee, alabama. >> the taliban is claiming it shot down a coalition helicopter in southern afghanistan this morning. seven americans were killed when the helicopter crashed in kandahar province. the military is investigating this incident. >> and today breaking news in the case of wikileaks founder. ecuador has granted political asylum to the founder. it is the third biggest powerball jackpot ever and there is one winning ticket, that ticket worth $337 million was bought at a gas station in
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lapeer, michigan. that's about 45 miles north of detroit. the winning numbers, 6, 27, 46, 51, 56 and the powerball 21. >> a state of emergency is in effect today in dallas as an outbreak of the west nile virus grows. more than 690 cases of west nile virus nationwide have been reported this year with one third of them in dallas county. >> president obama's back at the white house this morning after a campaign swing through iowa. on wednesday he responded to claims by mitt romney he's running a campaign of division and anger and hate saying he's always tried to bring the country together. meantime, the debate over medicare is heating up with romney's running mate paul ryan saying, quote, we need this debate and we will win this debate. >> officials are seeking a motive at a shooting wednesday in the washington headquarters
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where a security guard was shot in the arm. police are crediting that guard with thwart an attack that could have turned deadly. >> prince phillip is in a hospital in scotland after a recurrence of the bladder ineffeinfe infection that sidelined him at the queeny jqueen's jubilee thi. >> the interactive panorama compiled and edited by uses pictures from nasa's rover, enhanced by a photographer who retyped images and added features using the sun using older images from mars. 360 cities says the panorama is totally accurate. >> michael j. fox is said to be
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returning to tv in a comedy series now in development by sony pictures. fox left series tv more than a decade ago to focus on his fight with parkinson's disease. he said a new drug regimen has allowed him to take on more acting roles. let's check in with al who was dancing on the ceiling and shaking it down. >> that was a good time. that's how you do it old school. we love it. we've got some old school storms from saginaw to tulsa, threats for wind, damaging hail and a lot of rain. radar already firing up. can you see the heavy showers and thunderstorms from peoria all the way to traverse city. it going to dump anywhere from 2 to 3 inches of rain. ahead of the system you have all that hot airs are temperatures in the 90s behind it, cooler conditions. love the dance moves, al.
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you can see what is left of the marine layer. it was at 2,000 feet this morning and see the sunshine now break through the low clouds in san jose. 82 later on. 77 los gatos and 81 redwood city and 65 and limited sunshine until noon in san francisco. we continue that cool down and bring in some showers in the weekend. next week, overall looking much cooler. have a great day. >> you guys enjoy the concert? >> yeah! >> all right, yeah. natalie, from one icon to another. >> that's right, al. well we're of course talking about the king of rock 'n' roll, elvis presley. today marks the 35th anniversary of his death. we're here at graceland. i'm joined by angie markies.
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this room has tons of character. >> this is the jungle room. elvis bought all this furniture locally. it has a very polynesian feel to it. >> you see the llama, there's a lot of hawaiian influence. >> hawaii was his favorite place. his last album was recorded here at graceland. >> from the jungle room into the kitchen. talk about this being stuck in time here, very much a 1970s working kitchen. >> very much so, from the appliances to the iron skillet, a lot of great southern food came out of kitchen. >> it was the heart of the home, right? >> like any good southern home, the kitchen is the heart of the home. >> lisa marie and priscilla,
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they still have dinner and the table. >> the china is elvis and priscilla's wedding china. >> you see portraits everywhere throughout the house. even though it's a museum open to the public, 18 million visitors have walked through here, this is very much a home still. >> it is very much a home. you can see elvis relaxing here at graceland. >> this is the stairway of the second floor. not a lot of people get to go up there. >> no, they don't. >> you're still not going to let me. i thought live tv you'd let me up the stairs. what is up there? >> elvis's office, his dressing area and lisa's area. even when he was here it was a private part of the home. we still respect that and no one goes up there. >> oh darn.
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>> all the furniture was made for graceland when elvis bought the home. very much a family home. elvis's parents are there on the table, there's a portrait of elvis. >> and his parents lived in the home. >> yes, they did. >> he was all about family here. >> and it's still about family today. >> and coming in here, the music room, i imagine what would happen in here, the entertaining would carry over here with sing alongs in the music room? >> definitely. the piano has been here since 1974. the unique thing up might not know is elvis never took any formal lessons. he really didn't even read sheet music. elvis would mimic what he was hearing. he was fluent on the guitar and several other instruments.
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>> self-thought then, musical genius. >> it wasn't usual to have southern music coming out of here all hours of the night. >> when you talk about his legacy, we saw last night 75,000 people here. isn't it amazing his influence on music and the legacy he continues to have? >> it really is amazing but it's not shocking, though. elvis transcends generations. he's timeless. i think it's not only because of his music but it's also because of his personality. everyone could kind of connect with elvis, if it's the soldier, the family guy or the star you see on tv. elvis was that all-around guy, very personable. when you come to graceland, you walk through his house and you feel his presence and you're still welcome. >> thank you for the fascinating tour. my first time here. it really is worth coming to. we'll be back with more right after this.
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we earn more cash back for the things we buy most. 1% cash back everywhere, every time. 2% on groceries. 3% on gas. automatically. no hoops to jump through. no annual fee. that's 1% back on... wow! 2% on my homemade lasagna. 3% back on [ friends ] road trip!!!!!!!!!!!! [ male announcer ] get 1-2-3 percent cash back. apply online or at a bank of america near you. ♪ apply online or at a bank of america near you. hgotta start the day off right. wardrobe. cute. then new activia breakfast blend. a great way to help start the day. mmm... creamy lowfat yogurt with grains in yummy breakfast flavors, like apple cinnamon. its hearty, with twice the protein of regular lowfat yogurt and helps regulate your digestive system. our morning routines are important, aren't they? new activia breakfast blend.
9:13 am
but lately she's been coming in with less gray than usual. what's she up to? [ female announcer ] root touch-up by nice'n easy has the most shade choices, designed to match even salon color in just 10 minutes. with root touch-up, all they see is you. designed to match even salon color in just 10 minutes. run on in for sears one day sale this saturday with friday preview. get back to school's lowest prices, like jeans for just $14.99, and athletic shoes starting at $19.99, this is the one day sale. this is sears. endless combinations of pasta and sauce for just $9.95. plus, unlimited sausage, chicken, and meatballs for just $2.95 more. the never ending pasta bowl, only at olive garden.
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back now with today's professionals where we talk about the hottest headlines. our pros, star jones, donny deutsch and dr. nancy snyderman. >> kristen stewart is an actress. i'm sure you guys have been following this. she was caught publicly cheating on her boyfriend and now she's been in the middle of a media fire storm. jody foster wrote "if i were a young actor today i would quit
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before i started. if i had to grow up in this media culture, i don't think i could survive it emotionally." >> it's a feeding frenzy. when people have an indiscretion, when you're ripped apart for every little thing do you, which for most of us is how we go through life, we make errors and fix it and move on, i think it would be very hard. i thought jody foster's piece was right on. >> are you crazy? >> you're so predictable. >> she's under the same microscope that a 14-year-old in high school is under today. >> no she's not! she's not! >> what party did you go, what party didn't you go? >> it's not on the front page of the paper. >> listen to me, you pose for magazine covers, you use the press. that's the contract you sign. are you kidding? and on top of it this girl had an affair with a married man, 40 years old. are you kidding me?
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>> but you don't sign a contract to allow people into the most inner workings of your heart. >> every single day -- do you think you have signed a contract to have media look at everything? >> i walked in today, i'm not a celebrity like that but they flash and talk and they're nice. >> and if you were with your children -- >> i wouldn't be happy about it. people pose with babies on the cover of magazines and get upset. >> jody foster was criticized for having a protective stage mother and there were rumors she had a contentious relationship with her mother. i wonder if the reason she survived -- >> are you feeling really bad for kristen stewart, this sensationalized young starlet, now all of a sudden people are writing about her? >> she's being ripped to shreds for sexual indiscretion. >> star? >> the only word i would like to
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say is remember you don't give up privacy to get a check. >> says who? >> no, you just don't. >> they use the press, they exploit the press. >> not everybody does. >> let's go to our next topic. did you see this in gq, this picture of tim tebow has a lot of people talking. some people are saying it's a christ-like pose. >> it's photo shopped. >> it's a fake picture. >> it's an old picture that "gq" manipulated. what do you think, donny? >> tim tebow has decided to make his faith a part of his brand. i'm not saying i agree with it. if advertisers and magazine editorials are going to pick up on that essence of his brand, it
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is what it is. >> for us to say it was a christ-like pose, it's unfair to put it on his shoulders. when the girl who does my hair saw it, she said "yum." listen to what i'm saying. if i handed you a picture of the crucifix, she would not have said "yum." the crucifix is different from the pose. >> if next week he's having an affair with somebody, are we going to feel bad for tebow because he's being ripped apart in the press? >> no, that's not the point. >> i'm bringing it back to the first subject. >> let stay on the second subject. he's being criticized for taking this pose but he's not -- >> he's strutting his abs. >> i think he looks good. >> and after 35 years "the price is right" is now casting for a male model.
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we all remember barker's beauties. what do you think of this? a good idea? >> i think it's a brilliant idea. you're targeting to women at home. why not have hunky guys on there? i think it will bring in viewers. >> and there are some hunky guys at home that would like to look at guys also. there's a nice gay contingency that watches daytime television. >> is this an attempt to get more male viewers? >> no. >> is it an attempt to get more gay male viewers? >> yes. >> no. >> they're sitting there at home saying we want more women. if they get more men, that's great. >> i like to see handsome men. there's nothing wrong with that. >> have you guys heard about this new app called baby
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blocking. it basically allows facebook users who are putting their baby pictures up with other pictures with things that make them happy. what do you think? >> it absolutely hilarious. it addresses whether people are oversharing. >> just defriend them if you have don't want their pictures. >> i hate to bring synergy to the segment but it goes back to the first segment. even your baby,or putting your baby out there. that's the world we live in. >> thanks so much. >> you bet, savannah. >> coming up, we'll cook in the kitchen with curtis stone. but first these messages. ♪ i'd do anything for you, dear ♪
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♪ anything, yes, i'd do anything ♪ ♪ anything for you ♪ ♪ i woke up to a new day ♪ every little thing gonna go my way ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪
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[ female announcer ] kraft singles have no artificial flavors and they're always made with milk so all you taste is something amazing. ♪ life is amazing with the love that i found ♪ ♪ the moisturizer in other body washes sits on top of skin. only dove has nutriummoisture, which can nourish deep down. dove body wash with nutriummoisture. superior natural nourishment for your skin.
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that's why i got them pillsbury toaster strudel. warm flaky pastry with delicious sweet filling my kids will love. plus i get two boxtops for their school. toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat. [ music playing ] [ music playing ]
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still to come, straight talk for parents on how to keep your kids safe in the age of social media. >> and i have three words for you, crisp y crispy pork belly. >> and lionel richie and crispy pork belly. this day doesn't get any better! what ? customers didn't like it.
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so why do banks do it ? hello ? hello ?! if your bank doesn't let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. hello ? ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. nice'n easy colorblend foam is winning top beauty awards hands down! with beautiful tones and highlights... no other foam lasts longer. and no other foam is product of the year. check out colorblend foam. only from nice'n easy. check out colorblend foam. nobody beats officemax for back-to-school... with great prices on thousands of supplies. that's a big deal! so is a free 8-gig jump drive when you buy $50 in hp ink.
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save big on back to school... at officemax. good morning to you. 9:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. a somber anniversary in the south bay. today marks five months since 15-year-old lamar was last season. the morgan hill teenager vanished after leaving for school. toy des has been charged with kidnapping and killing lamar even though her body was never found. her mother urged him to talk to investigators. >> i know he has answers and i just pray that he comes forward and helps to end this for everybody. >> yesterday, search groups fanned out once again just like they have done twice a week since lamar disappeared. her mother said this morning she is not giving up hope. memorial services will be
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held today for a bay area sheriff who served the community nearly half a century. warren roof recently lost his battle with leukemia. the 69-year-old first served with the department in contra costa in 1969 before retiring. the private memorial is ewill be held in pleasant hill later this morning. a quick break. we will be right back.
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welcome back. the time is 9:28. start with a live look over sunol where we are getting full sunshine. san francisco now. quite the contrast! still have a pretty thick marine layer overhead. we will get a nice sea breeze this afternoon and comfortable conditions if you want to sit outside. 81 in redwood city and 77 los gatos and 82 san jose and bring in showers and thunderstorms and tropical moisture in the south as we head into the weekend. we are in the heart of your
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morning rush! here is mike with a check on your drive. >> i will show the same shot you showed of the bay bridge. treasure island on the lower deck and i don't see any problems but reports of a installed out big rig somewhere along the area, probably in the tunnel. expect slowing heading over there to the east bay from the city. back to the maps. another issue in the east bay. that is east 80 at carlson just away from the golden gate fields. the volume of traffic through berkeley and the curve. another live at the peninsula, a little slow. back to you, laura. >> thank you for joining us. another local news update in half an hour.
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♪ ♪ ♪ the time of your life, the time of your life ♪ >> being transported back to the day. >> they were quite the band. >> 90s boy band, 98 degrees. >> tomorrow on "today", the men are back in town taking center stage to wrap up our special week-long summer concert event. and somebody who really knows how to rock the stage, lionel richie. yeah. singing one of his classic hits to get the crowd back on their feet.
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>> you know the lyrics? >> yes, of course. ♪ ahh, ohhh >> we'll work on that. beyond that moment, get ready to pig out. how do you transform from that? curtis stone cooks up crispy pork bellies over noodles. they're eating it already? and gold medal olympians, they work hard so they eat a lot, giving him a hand in the kitchen. >> you're a rower, you burn calories. they need that. >> the competition is continuing on "america's got talent." this week 12 acts performed lives, including a guy who calls himself romo dance cheetah. >> good to be here. >> you're a professional air guitar? >> yes.
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started out as an amateur like everybody else. >> how did you decide to become a professional air guitarist? >> i actually play in a real band, believe it or not. >> a real instrument? >> yeah, you could call it that. we were performing once with the real air guitar champion. i saw it and i thought this is going to be a drunk idiot dancing around on stage and it was that but it was also very entertaining so i had to do it. >> you got voted off yesterday. >> yes. >> why do you think that happened? >> it's one of those things i came out there, i had some friends say, "romeo, don't rock too hard." >> oh. >> i gave them too much. >> was it the costume or -- >> i think it was a combination of pelvic thrust, the face
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melting, attitude, make-up. there was nothing i could do about it. i rocked at them. they just kind of looked at me with a blank stare. >> did you know at that moment maybe i blew it? >> yeah. they were like what just happened to me? i'm like i just rocked your face off. >> rock our faces off. >> do you want to learn how to do it? >> yeah. >> it starts with -- >> oh, we have to do it? stand up. >> first of all, grab the neck. then you've got your strumming hand. give a little strum. bam. >> bam. >> now get your rock face on. and then give me a windmill. >> thank you so much. >> what's that? >> matt cornelius, thank you so much. >> i hope my mom's not watching.
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>> "america's got talent," live he just rocked my face off! good morning to you. good looking day. the sun is breaking through the clouds. only hit about 82 in san jose. so a significant improvement. satellite imagery shows you we have cleared out the east bay because of the low clouds. still lingering, though, along the coastline and the peninsula and all of the silicon valley is partly to mostly cloudy. this afternoon as warm as yesterday and a couple of degrees cooler in some cities. this weekend the 80s return! >> and that's your latest. >> i'm winded from rocking it out. >> because you did the windmill. >> i did the windmill. next keeping your daughter safe from one of the top criminal profilers right after this. any size job.i n
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look how easily he gets things cleaned. it's enough to make you cry. you, specifically. not me. i'm just happy we don't go near rex's mobile home as often. because it's hard to clean or because you're scared of an itty-bitty doggy? [ dog barks ] aah! oh! [ clears throat ] yeah, that was a sneeze. i think i sprayed myself. [ male announcer ] new mr. clean select-a-size magic eraser. lets you pick the right size for every job. has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. when i went to my dentist, he had said, "we do have a solution for sensitive teeth. you're going to have to change out your toothpaste." i like the way my old toothpaste felt. it made my teeth feel really clean, and i didn't want to not have that again. my dentist suggested that i switch to sensodyne. when i went to sensodyne it was as if i was still using my old toothpaste, but it has an added benefit, which will help take away my sensitivity.
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it's a life changer, it really is. it makes you go from grumpy back to happy again. gotta get that bacon! bacon?! bacon! smokey bacon, meaty bacon, tasty bacon! bacon? ohh, la, la... oh, i say, is that bacon?! oh, good heavens! bacon! bacon! bacon! bacon! who wants a beggin' strip? meee! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum, yum, yum... it's bacon!!! mmm i love you, i love bacon. i love you. i love bacon. i love you. beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time. and check out beggin' thick cut. i'm gonna need a bigger mouth!
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for years criminal profiler has been teaching us how to profile. pat, good to see you. >> good morning. >> what inspired you to focus on protecting girls, daughters?
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>> well, i do a lot of television. of course i'm always doing television when something terrible happened, homicides, rapes, mass murders and all of that. so i'm always talking about what happens to some poor, innocent person. a lot of these people are teenage teenagers, high school girls. i keep trying to get the information out there how we can protect these girls. there doesn't seem to be enough of it so i wrote a book. >> you really have to be active and monitor their media, whether it's computers, what they're watching on tv, what they're reading in books. >> the thing is, predators are out there. unless we get all of them put away, i kind of would like all of this to happen, it's not going to in our system today, we're not going to get them all put away. our girls are going to be out there. we have to look from a predator's point of view. they're looking for prey. they look to see if they're in isolated location, if they're
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small and easy to grab, if they're vulnerable in any other way, emotionally vulnerable. bullies will target in on a girl who has a fragile ego. we have to work with our girls -- >> for example, you say you should have your daughter take martial arts classes? >> no, no, absolutely not. >> no? >> no. if you go to take martial arts to get strong and learn the art of martial arts, you're going to go three times a week and learn to become a black belt, that's great. today you send your girl off to a three-night class or maybe a three-hour class and they learn to punch like this. have you seen girls punch? >> there's some girls in my son's martial arts class, they would be afraid. >> but they're not taking self-defense. martial arts is okay. self-defense is a false sense of
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security. they're going to punch like that, they're going to kick in their high hee and they're not going to do it. if she's up against a mike tyson, a 2 pound psycho path, she's going to lose. >> we have a question from a parent, sent as you tweet. john asks "how can i keep my daughter safe when she's on trips with the local high school marching band?" >> that's a good question. we have to watch is our own home safe. but then we have to look at where our girls go out to. if they're going out on trips, do we trust the adults, do we trust the other kids? if we can't, our girls shouldn't be there. if they are going to go out, we have to understand our own daughters, look at their own vulnerabilities, what are our daughters like? some girls are real tough, some are not so tough. some are on the wild side looking for trouble, other girls
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would say i don't want to do that. >> some critics say they feel you're blaming the victim in this because of their behavior instead of the action of the criminals. what do you say to that? >> right. they want to think our daughters it doesn't matter what you do, where you go, what you wear, that old story, no girls deserve to be raped. no, they don't. but there are girls that will draw rapists to them, by drinking too much, walking where they are. date rape is almost 90% alcohol fueled. the predator is looking around and saying is your girl the one? we have to train them not to be the one. we have to look at their behaviors, teach them to be really, really smart. >> pat brown, thanks so much. coming up next, we have chef curtis stone including a meal that includes crispy pork bellies next. morning donut cookies
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chips, chips,...! silence those tempting thoughts with new light & fit greek. its creamy thick texture helps satisfy you. it has twice the protein of regular lowfat yogurt. and at 80 calories it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. cupcake! it's not gonna happen. new light & fit greek. be light and fit and satisfied. would they switch? notice a difference? it feels a bit tight. [ female announcer ] soap leaves behind soap residue that can cause a tight draggy feeling. with 1/4 moisturizing cream, dove cleansers rinse cleaner than soap. with 1/4 moisturizing cream, mommy! i went potty! that's great, honey.... where? for life's bleachable moments. hamburger helper can help you back. and with box tops for education on every box,
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it helps you help your school. so you're doing good just by making dinner. hamburger helper. help is on the way. but kate still looks like...kate. [ female announcer ] nice'n easy with colorblend technology is proven to give more blends of tones. for color that's true to you. i don't know how she does it. [ female announcer ] with nice'n easy, all they see is you.
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has become boring and tasteless... only one man can save the day... ♪ with his sweet and nutty, sweet and nutty crunchy nut ♪ delicious! [ male announcer ] kellogg's crunchy nut. it's super delicious. [ male announcer ] monica's decided to make a quick pit stop for gas. [ engine turns over ] but it looks like she'll have to find another station to fill 'er up. no! are you kidding me?! [ male announcer ] good thing her corolla has legendary mpg, so getting there won't be a problem. another reason you can always count on corolla. from toyota. back now and we are "cooking
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with curtis" today, celebrity chef curtis stone. he's whipping up crispy pork bellies with help from some of my friends, olympic rowers. >> do you have an appetite? >> come closer. don't be afraid. where are we starting, curtis? >> i have pork belly, crispy pork belly. we all love that. not everybody. >> they've been training. >> you can leave the skin on. i roast it the whole way through. you end up with this beautiful crispy skin. >> what does the scoring do? >> the scoring opens it up to allow the skin to get crispier. >> why do you prefer to roast it? >> because if you braze it you dilute the flavor a bit and the other thing that happens is you end up with -- it becomes this whole complicated mess. >> and we don't want complicated
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messes, right, ladies? >> it makes a great crunch. >> it makes a great crunch. >> i put it into the oven at 400 degrees. you turn it down and cook it slowly for another hour and a half. you let it cool, slice it up like this and put it back in the pan to get it crispier. >> mary is getting married first. this could be your first meal in your new home. >> i'm a vegetarian but my hubby to be is not. i think this will be good. >> this is ryan's meal. >> you won a gold medal, you can make a delicious dressing. someone pours out the lemon juice and there's the fish sauce. >> a little harder. faster. you're doing it, yes! >> look at that. great job! >> brown shug, a fish sauce
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which gives it the saltiness and lemon juice for the acidity. take your veggies, which i cup up nice and fine. we have mangos, carrots and chilli peppers. a beautiful thing about this style of cook beinincooking, th vietnamese take on the dish. >> what kind of noodles are these? >> these are rice noodles. you boil for three minutes and strain them. you add all of that dressing in there, brown sugar and all. >> ladies, the sound of shugar, just the word i imagine, you've been training so hard. >> you toss that together, get all those veggies in there. the cold salad would be with the hot pork on top. you come back here to your pork
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belly and turn that around. >> isn't that beautiful? >> it's gorgeous. a restaurant-style dish. we're in the middle of "top chef masters," all the fabulous chefs around cooking the food just like that. >> this is easy enough to make tonight. get the right ingredients. >> the pork is popping over here. i don't want to get, you know, porked up over here. >> and then the garnish of course is really simple. we have scallions, pressure peanuts and mint. >> ladies, you have the gold. you deserve the honor. doesn't that smell amazing. you always hear people say i wish we had smell-a-vision. >> ladies, dig in. >> if you don't hurry up, i'm going to take your fork. >> no time to wait around.
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>> the legendary lionel richie takes our concert stage. but first, this is [ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. introducing at&t u-verse high speed internet with more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hot spots than ever. call at&t now to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price.
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our newly expanded advanced digital network gives you more of what you enjoy online. and with at&t, our wireless gateway turns your home into a private wi-fi hot spot that connects your wi-fi devices and can even save on your smart phone data usage at home. so call now to get at&t u-verse high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. that includes access on-the-go to our entire national wi-fi hot spot network, with over 30,000 hot spots. at&t u-verse high speed internet. now on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection your whole house can count on. ♪
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♪ you are the sun, you are the rain ♪ two things we need every day. we need curtis stone here and we need olympians. >> and pork. >> and crispy pork belly. >> three things. curtis, ladies, thanks so much. his first song came out 30 years ago and he's churning out the hit ever since. >> it's lionel richie's latest album called "tuskegee." here he is with another one of his classics. >> here we go, everybody!
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♪ nah, nah, nah, nah ♪ well, my friends, the time has come ♪ to raise the roof and have some fun ♪ go away, the work to be done, let the music play on ♪ everybody sing, everybody dance ♪ lose yourself in wild romance we going to party ♪ fiesta, forever, come on and sing along ♪ we're going to party, fiesta forever ♪ come on and sing along, everybody ♪ all night long, all night, all
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night long, all night ♪ all night long, all night, all night ♪ once you get started, you can't sit down ♪ come join the fun, it's a merry-go-round ♪ people are dancing their troubles away ♪ come join our party, see how we play ♪ everybody, everybody hands in the air ♪ ♪
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♪ whoa, we're going to have a party ♪ all night long, all night, all night long ♪ all night long, all night, all night ♪ all night long, all night, all night ♪ everyone you meet, they'll be dancing in the street all night long ♪ yeah, i said everyone you meet, dancing in the street all night long ♪ everybody sing right here, all night long, all night long ♪ yeah, all night long, all night ♪ all night long, yeah
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come on, everybody! ♪ oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, all night long ♪ thank you very much, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] >> are you getting burned? tomorrow take a second look at sunscreen. but do the higher numbers really help?
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good morning. 9:56. san francisco is gearing up for the america's cup world series. 11 45-foot catamarans will hit the bay for the qualifying races starting tuesday.
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the boats used in the qualifying races may be smaller than the ones used in the finals races, but make no mistake about it, they are still very fast. >> you got to get across the bay and you're basically on a trampoline. if it's wavy conditions you're off balance. it's tough conditions. that's a good thing really. >> america's cup village is being set up along the marina green. access is free, but bleacher seat tickets are selling fast. saturday, in fact, is sold out already. no surprise there. let's see what the forecast is going to hold for them and what we are in store for today with christina loren. >> you look at the conditions on the bay right now. choppy. the camera has a bit of a shake to it. we will see improving conditions the upcoming weekend. foggy san francisco versus a completely clear san jose at this time.
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we just saw the sky open un'letting in sunshine in san jose. but redwood city you'll see the sunshine the next half hour. 81 for you today. 82 in san jose. cool you off into the upcoming weekend. the drive is busy. getting better off that richmond bridge. the accident at in this area has cleared. city side, looking at an accident this at 280 at the 101 interchange but off to the shoulder and a distraction and we get a look outside to see how fremont shapes up. southbound side slow down to mission. >> for the latest traffic and news updates, find us back on facebook. the next update is at 10:26. "oh, that's nice." "thank you." now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television hello,hirsty thursday people. it's august 16. >> which means only one thing. >> a lot of things. >> one big thing. >> elvis died on august 16th. >> but it's also your birthday. >> oh gosh. >> kathie lee's birthday is today. >> happy birthday to frank gifford. happy birthday to madonna, edie gourmet and art moore. maybe you don't know art moore. every year he was our executive
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in charge of productions with the shows at abc. all these years later, he always sends a birthday card to me and to frank. also an anniversary card. all these years. i have yet to send him one. i want to say publically, happy birthday, art moore. >> to celebrate your birthday there was a huge concert on the plaza with lionel richie. >> he was rocking with "dancing on the cereilinceiling." ♪ when we're dancing on the ceiling ♪ what a feeling >> i think my all-time favorite is "still." gorgeous. >> beautiful song. >> he will be with us in a little bit. >> we are excited about him. you were busy last night, missy.
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>> don't we have other facebook people who is also their birthday, guys? >> yeah. we are gng to get to that. >> i was extremely busy. i was on "kitchen cousins." >> we had a beautiful lunch. >> we had an amazing lunch yesterday. we thought it was going to be with timesville and joanne and you and i. >> instead we walked into oceana, this restaurant across the street. we got some beautiful pastries by jason chan. look who showed up. >> it was a crowd. it was so much fun. >> it was really fun. jim bell and his wife. kathie lee and i horned our way into that picture. >> and al's birthday is coming up on monday. we made it a triple threat. >> four more wake-ups for al roker. you were busy on hdtv. then with fallon. >> first of all, i might as well admit it. i have such a boy crush on jimmy
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fallon. i love him to pieces. he does not have a mean bone in his body. he's extraordinarily talented. he's a dream boat. i love him. we have fun together. >> you guys really click. i didn't get to see it because it was on so late. >> that is scandalous. >> that is scandalous. you talked about "scandalous." and you gave, as we say, quite a performance. >> oh, dear. ♪ >> "the sun will come out tomorrow." >> yes! >> it's a genius game where you pick an animal. you have to perform and then you pick a song. if it's "somewhere over the rainbow" as a goat -- ♪ it requires you to be stupid. >> did you talk about
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"scandalous." >> we did. he's coming opening night with his wife. i'm excited. another friend of ours jimmy kimmel had nice news. >> he got engaged to molly mcnierny. they've been dating since 2009. he's 44, he looks younger. >> and he acts like a goof ball. >> he has two kids from a previous marriage. one is 21 and the other is 19, which i found surprising. >> he doesn't seem like a father, does he? like howie mandell. congrats to him, as well. >> a lot of facebook fans have been writing saying happy birthday. so grateful for that. we missed hoda's because it was during our olympic coverage. >> don't worry about me. talk about rhonda. all these people have birthdays today. >> and fran. there she is.
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>> so sweet. >> thanks, everybody. there is a lot going on out there. we are showing -- there is something called a hoda barbie. >> i'm not going to like it. you know what? >> my 3-year-old was playing with her barbies and she said, look, mommy, i have a hoda barbie. >> okay. when is it over? when is that joke over? is that jokever over? >> it will not as long as you all keep sending in those pictures. thank you very much. >> people are still clicking on our facebook like page. >> we need to get over 500,000. we need you to like us. we do. we are very insecure. we need it. >> okay. you know a lot of people in restaurants, you see them on their iphones and blackberries and they may be sitting next to someone and are totally preoccupied. there is a restaurant that is giving you a discount if when you walk in the restaurant you
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hand your phone over to the maitre d. >> keep your old phone then give it to the guy at the front and keep it. >> they are giving a 5% discount at eva in l.a. that's smart. >> i used to being so against it. i'm a little lax now. >> with what? >> with the phone thing. my kids are not home. so it's about that. i have to check to see if it's cody or cass. >> all the kids are home? >> yeah. >> how's that going? >> it's good. it's good. it's wonderful. cody came home last night. he's taller, bigger than ever. you never stopped loving your kids, but i'm just still surprised how much i like them. we have so much fun together.
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cody might be the funniest person i know. >> he's really funny. >> he's hysterically funny. we are all together for a family wedding this weekend. it will be a lot of family time. big crab feast this afternoon. you're coming, right? we'll take pictures. >> cracking the crabs. >> from costas in baltimore. i'm having a good summer. you take stock of your life when you have a birthday. you can groan and moan about the fact you're not as young as you used to be and your thighs are never going to be the same. when you look at the blessings, they far outweigh everything. i still have frank and that's a miracle. i tell him all the time. i never dreamed you'd live this long. >> stop saying that. >> honey, i'm glad you lived this long. you are such a sweetheart.
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>> i decided i'm going to do a little lionel richie love. this is a group called little big town. they sing a long with lionel ritchie called "deep river woman." ♪ deep river woman >> that's music, hoda. ♪ i'm coming home to you ♪ deep river woman ♪ lord i know she's waiting ♪ just anticipating all my love ♪ >> i love that. >> it's a little weird what he's doing. >> so it is your birthday.
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how could we let your birthday go without a custom cake? it's created by le cordon bleu. executive chef bill walker is delivering the cake. it is a beauty. >> oh, my gosh! >> oh, you guys, it's got bambino on there. hello. thank you. thank you. >> happy birthday. >> thank you. >> tell us about the cake. >> we managed to incorporate a lot of aspects of your life. we have the nbc peacock and the "today" show logo, and we have the "scandalous" logo. we have your three dogs on there, bambino, lola and louie. he's taken the bite out of the "scandalous" apple. >> where is my hoda woman
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though? >> for her birthday, we'll bring one in. >> mine was last week. >> thank you so much. >> that is gorgeous. >> we'll share it with everybody. this is awesome. >> on behalf of le cordon bleu, we want to wish you a happy birthday. >> how long did this take? >> this took three days. that is record time for that. >> thank you. >> did they learn something in the making of this? >> they sure did. >> the baking class at le cordon bleu did this for you. >> thank you so much. >> sadly, we have absolutely to fans out there to share it with. we'll see what we can do. >> we may not look like it, but we are dancing on the ceiling. >> do we have an okay or not
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okay? >> tomorrow. >> oscar winner and five-time grammy winner lionel richie is here with us. >> we are so excited. ready for the big reveal. first these messages. [ female announcer ] there's surprising news about whole grain.
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now all general mills big g kid cereals have more whole grain than any other ingredient in cereals like lucky charms and cinnamon toast crunch, the delicious way to help them grow up strong. [ marcy ] it's like memory foam. [ female announcer ] the only pad made from a revolutionary material. [ erina ] it totally fits to your body [ female announcer ] it's incredible protection, you'll barely feel it. always infinity. tell us what you think. [ female announcer ] it's incredible protection, you'll barely feel it.
10:13 am
nobody beats officemax for back-to-school... with great prices on thousands of supplies. that's a big deal! so is a free 8-gig jump drive when you buy $50 in hp ink. save big on back to school... at officemax. mmmm, just how satisfying of new light & fit greek? morning donut cookies chips, chips,...! silence those tempting thoughts with new light & fit greek. its creamy thick texture helps satisfy you. it has twice the protein of regular lowfat yogurt. and at 80 calories it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. cupcake! it's not gonna happen. new light & fit greek. be light and fit and satisfied.
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♪ all night long ♪ all night ♪ all night long >> there he is. >> keep your day jobs, guys. he is a musical legend that needs no introduction. lionel richie has been thrilling crowds more than 40 years, five grammys and academy award. >> can we talk about your latest album? >> first of all, first of all. ♪ you're once, twice, three times a lady ♪ happy birthday. >> thank you, darling. >> what a beautiful way to start. >> oh, my gosh. >> i thought your career was
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terrific before. who knew now all these years later you would peak with this incredible album call tuskegee. >> it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. >> or more humble. >> or humble. i've been low key for a long time. the truth of the matter is what a surprise. i went down and said i think i want to do something country and realize everybody in country music knows every song i've ever done. next thing they said i'm going country and i said, no, i'm going country. tuskegee, alabama. "sail on" "stuck on you" have already been on the country charts. i never really went there. >> you have such great artists, you have shania twain. >> what song would you like toe do and they said lionel, my favorite song is.
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>> did people wrestle over certain songs? >> it was pretty much -- it gets really ugly. for example -- >> shania twain was down in the mud with someone, right? >> why does she know all this? i will tell you the truth. honestly, you think, for example, kenny chesney, his favorite song was, lionel, i want to do "penny lover." you can't do "penny lover." that's not the image you need. or blake shelton. i said okay, i'll let you sing "warm up" then i'll come in. he came in with "baby you'll find ♪ i said do you have a volume on your shirt? you can't turn him down. tim mcgraw, these guys -- it's so much fun. >> did they say yes right away? >> absolutely. you know what's so wonderful
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though? almost you get in the studio, it's the way the music business was where you're actually having fun. >> you remember why you got into it. >> it was so much fun. we told more jokes. we laughed. >> will there be a volume two? it seems it would only make sense. you have so many more hits. >> i'm going to go there and try it, but right now i'm going to survive the first wave. >> watching you in some of those videos with rascal flatts, you have such a connect with them. >> instead of trying to make it a sinatra album where you have to sing it like frank. i changed it around. okay, guys, you're the band, you make it a rascal flatts song and you'll come in after you. right? what did i do that for? that was wrong. >> it worked beautifully. >> yes, here is lionel richie trying to figure out how to get lionel richie on a lionel richie song, you following me? i asked the question to darius
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rucker, what part would you like to sing? he said, your part. i don't have any part to sing. >> the tv special you did, i couldn't leave the couch. i had to watch it from the couch. >> i don't think i'm the only one out there that misses beautiful melodies and fabulous lyrics. i'm distressed what's happening in the music industry. >> there is a point in life where we are going to sound like parents after a while. i remember when i came in the door that day with the commodores and had enough hair -- >> you had hoda hair. >> i had helmet head, they called it. my grandmother said, well, i would love for you to be in something dignified, like the music business was not what she wanted. she was a classical pianist. they referred to our music as bump-bump music. i called it funk. >> it was both. >> i remember the words henry
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mancini when he saw the commodores come down the aisle at the grammys, they said, well, there goes the music business. >> then you started singing the songs and henry mancini would know the greatness. my favorite is "still." would you please sing the last three lines of that? only because it's my birthday. ♪ i do love you still >> thank you, lionel. we love you. >> thank you. all the best. continued success to you. a sister act that took the plunge and will have you drowning in laughter. what could that be? >> it looks good. ♪ watch out, wishful thinking ♪ ooh la la, read between the lines ♪ ♪ i know a blessing in disguise ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] you know the difference
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and i knew he was getting everything he needed to stay healthy indoors. and after a couple of weeks, i knew we were finally home! [ female announcer ] purina cat chow indoor. and for a delicious way to help maintain a healthy weight, try new purina cat chow healthy weight. and for a delicious way to help maintain a healthy weight, since this is allowed to happen in public., son: see ya (in his head) aw yeah! new adidas styles are here. famous brands. famously easy. famous footwear. victory is yours. ♪ power surge, let it blow your mind. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural green tea energy... new v8 v-fusion plus energy. could've had a v8.
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it is time for webtastic where our own sara haines picks up the next hot video. >> this stars three real-life sisters who caught olympic fever and got inspired by those amazing synchronized swimmers. >> these golden girls should win a medal for the most spirit. ♪ o solo mio >> turn around on the edge. you're too far back.
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>> we got to do that again. [ bleep ]. >> she's losing her teeth. >> she can't get out. >> one hand. okay. i'm getting dizzy now. >> that's what old ladies do. >> well, that's what you are. ♪ >> oh, my gosh they are a trip. >> i got to tell you girls you take direction like [ bleep ].
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>> was that good? >> i love it. >> i wonder if they peed in the pool. >> at least 1/3 of them did 2. they are actually twins and their older sister mary who is 81. >> i don't know without looking at it which one is which. they decided to do it on their own. imagine choreographing anything with family? >> that was adorable. wouldn't you like to go to a cocktail party with those three? >> they love to give free italian mother advice, is what they say. they love videos together. they are adorable. >> they are so cute. perfect, sara, thanks. >> two lucky ladies on the plaza are going to get a makeover from our crack ambush team. >> and our friend curtis stone. >> and big willie is in the house. ♪ i dare you to dare me
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what's today's dare? erase the damage of 100 blow-drys [ female announcer ] with daily moisture renewal from pantene. the pro-v system nourishes to lock in moisture erasing the damage of 100 blow drys for a silky, soft touch. think only salon brands can do that? i took the dare...will you? [ female announcer ] daily moisture renewal from pantene. hair so healthy it shines. sure, bisquick makes delicious pancakes, but that's just the start. unleash the hidden power of bisquick. see what you can make at unleash the hidden power of bisquick. hgotta start the day off right. wardrobe. cute. then new activia breakfast blend. a great way to help start the day.
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mmm... creamy lowfat yogurt with grains in yummy breakfast flavors, like apple cinnamon. its hearty, with twice the protein of regular lowfat yogurt and helps regulate your digestive system. our morning routines are important, aren't they? new activia breakfast blend. good morning. i'm marla tellez. a school leader accused of embezzling more than a hundred thousand dollars will be in court today. the judge will decide whether
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they have enough evidence to bring ready to trial. he is accused of tag money from the solar panel fund to remodel his home in woodcited. a baseball team from petaluma will play a team from connecticut in the little league world series. they are hosting a viewing party at noon today for anyone who wants to cheer the all-stars to victory. they are the first northern california team in the little league world series since 2002. we will take a look at the forecast and the roads after the break. release me, momigus!
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that's mom to you. and you should eat something that's good for you before you go outside. never! come on james. it's a new fiber one chewy bar. chocolatey and delicious. fiber one chewy bar, huh? mmm. refueled space captain james. [ male announcer ] new fiber one chewy bars. great taste kids love plus calcium and fiber kids need.
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welcome back. 10:29 now. still have those deep layered cloud situated over san francisco. but you can vividly see how clear the air quality is here. nice clear picture of the tower and alcatraz island in the dance. 65 in fremont today and 82 in san jose. things change as of tomorrow. talking about showers in the forecast. we will go into more depth and detail over there coming up at 11:00. first, let's talk to mike about your drive. look over toward the bay bridge. smoothing out. lighter volume at the toll plaza. issue on northbound 101 at 280 and just cleared in the last few minutes but slow on the approach all the way up into the city where it splits off toward that lower deck. live look outside. this is the san mateo bridge. a lighter volume now. the haze hanging out. not a problem for visibility,
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though, marla. back to you. >> the next newscast is in about 30 minutes. see you again at 11:00. we are back on this thirsty thursday with today's plaza ambush makeovers where two lucky ladies are hoping to pop their looks. >> working their magic "today" contributor and style to the star lewis licari la-la-la-la-la-la-la and "today" contributor jill martin. >> lionel richie, he had it going on. it was so easy today. >> was it easy like sunday morning? >> all night long. >> let's get to it. nancy. >> is she here. >> i heard a rumor. 55 years old from long island,
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new york. she has not cut her hair since she was 16. >> i believe her. >> she was finally ready to take a chance on a brand-new look. let's take a listen to her story. >> we cannot wait to chop off this hair. i know you want to see it cut, too. tell me why she deserves this. >> i think she deserves it and can't wait to see what she looks like. >> she was 16. what do you think? s you're her son. ready to see a whole new look? >> i think it's going to be a shock, good or bad it's going to be a shock. you and mr. licari, unbelievable. i have no problem whatever happens to my mother. >> are you ready to go? >> i'm ready to go. i'm really, really ready to go. >> really, really ready. >> nancy is fired up. her son jesse is here and her friend carolyn. keep your blind folds on. this is nancy before. all right, nancy, come out.
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>> oh, my god! >> are you ready? take off your blind folds and be prepared. >> beautiful. >> nancy, are you ready to see yourself? >> oh, my god. my hair has never been this straight before in my life. it's fabulous! >> i can't believe this is you. >> this is the most surprising one we ever had. ever. >> louis. >> thank you. >> look at the difference. >> this shows what a great makeover, haircut, hair color, jill's clothes and a bottle of scotch can do. she looks great. why do we do the makeover?
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because she hasn't cut her hair since she was 16. >> she could have trimmed it. >> not even trimmed it. >> i've got to get the woman kleenex. >> tell us what you think about this? >> i'm surprised i'm not on the floor and one of you people aren't picking me up. it's literally mind-blowing, a shock to the system. i thought it was a switcher-oo and somebody from outside. wow, wow, wow, in a good way. >> i haven't worn a pair of pants since i was 16 either. >> why? you look great in them. >> i always wear long skirts. >> that she makes herself. >> her brothers and sisters are going to flip out. >> the jacket is andrew mark. the jeans are nydj and the top is white house box market. big staples for fall. >> big round of applause. >> thank you so much.
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>> our second lady is elizabeth, 49 from the bronx in new york. when we asked her about her daily beauty routine she replied dove soap, which is an excellent product. let's listen to her story. >> you're definitely more excited than your mom is for this. why does she deserve this? >> she hasn't really been girly her whole life. she is a tomboy. i don't know where i get my girliness from. she is a tomboy. >> are you ready? >> i'm ready for a change. >> she is here with her daughter sabrina and niece jessica. let's bring her out. you can take a look now.
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>> oh, wow. >> you look fantastic. >> turn around and take a look at yourself. >> you look gorgeous. >> oh, my gosh. >> more kleenex, quickly. >> turn around, sweetie, and look at camera 12. >> here is what's going on. this is the magic of the great make-up. she would like to keep it simple. she would like to keep it simple. >> we kept it simple. that doesn't mean you can't have edge and style. perfect example. >> sabrina, tell us what you think? >> she looks so great right now. >> yes. she looks perfect. >> thank you. >> give them to the whole crew.
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>> that dress is cool. >> everybody's crying. >> london times. it's a great way to transition into fall. you can put it with boots and heels and sandals. >> such a great job. awesome! come out, sweetie. you guys look so good. coming up next, we are playing a birthday game in honor of the birthday girl. trivia. >> big willie will be fun. ♪ ♪ i'm thinking sweet ♪ and i'm thinking new ♪ i'm thinking all these brilliant colors ♪ ♪ shining through ♪ i'm thinking sunshine ♪ i'm thinking sunshine ♪ i'm thinking [ whistles ] ♪ i'm thinking [ whistles ] [ female announcer ] 40 delicious flavors that feel as good as they taste.
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yoplait, it is so good! that feel as good as they taste. hey, becky. hey....uncle steve. for life's bleachable moments. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you've been years in the making. and there are many years ahead. join the millions of members who've chosen an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. go long.
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donuts? ♪ [ chuckles ] ♪ you're cute. ♪ [ door creaks, closes ] [ female announcer ] the protein effect. new special k protein cereal. with ten grams of protein and three grams of fiber... finally, a protein cereal to help keep you fuller longer. willpower. what will you gain when you lose? all right. 1953 is famous for a lot of things. the first corvette, the sale of the color tv. >> this is making me feel ancient. i'm as old as television? >> the first issue of "playboy" with marilyn man row on the cover. audrey hepburn won best actress.
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>> and my mommy gave birth to me. that's who should be blessed on birthdays. i heard about it my whole life. 1953 is the year we are going to celebrate. willie geist, host of "way too early with willie geist" and co-host with chuck scarborough. >> this is a game show as evidenced by the giant buzzer and the podiums that come with all game shows. this is about the year 1953. let's go to our first question. we start on the big screen. which film won an academy award for best picture in 1953, "house of wax," "from here to eternity" "roman holiday" or "gentlemen prefer blondes." >> "roman holiday." >> wrong. "from here to eternity." >> in addition to being the best
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picture the top grossing film, how much did it make in 1953? $27,400, $57,400 or $87,400. >> it was definitely $57,000. >> wrong. >> one of the others. >> 70 something. >> $87 is correct because it's your birthday. which of these tv shows was not on the air in the year kathie was born "i love lucy", "the jackie gleson show" the milton berle" show or "andy griffith." >> andy griffith. >> correct. what was one of the most popular songs, "love me tender" "the doggy in the window or "the twist." >> which one was a popular song.
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>> not chubby checker, "the doggy in the window" by patty page. >> cheating. cheating. >> it's only cheating if i don't admit it. i can't help with willie going like this. >> i'm helping her. >> is this game stacked or whatever you call it? >> no, but we are. >> bam! let's get to the heart of the matter and talk about wine. prices from 1953. starting with white wine. we know your favorite, maso canali goes for $23 today. what was the average price of white wine in 1953, $1.34, $3.34 or $6.34. >> i got it. >> $1.34. >> i got it. $3 and whatever. >> wrong. >> $1.34. >> my game is on.
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>> imagine the volume of white wine you would have drunk at those prices. gas prices range from $3.40 to $4.50. true or false in 1953 a gallon of gas was less than 25 cents. >> no. >> yeah, it was. >> oh, oh, oh! >> you got to read the cheating. >> i'm trying not to cheat. i'll give hoda that one. >> it's double or nothing, triple or nothing so we're tied. >> no. absolutely untrue in every way. >> this is the last one. >> no. this isn't the last one. question nine. this is for all the marbles. your favorite dish at frankie and johnny's steakhouse, it's shrimp scampi sells for $29 today. it became popular the year you were born. how much would they have sold it to new that year, $1.50, $2.50.
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>> $2.50. >> that is correct. >> we have a special gue. mario, please come out. >> happy birthday. >> oh, my gosh. this is both of our favorite things. >> this is from frankie and johnny's. you're right scampi was $2.50 in 1953. >> thank you, mario. i love you so much. >> look at the wine. that will get us through the crab feast today. >> happy birthday. >> thank you, darling. >> the birthday celebration continues. >> you'll have a special meal by curtis stone. more to eat. >> well, i'll have another bite of this. mmmm, just how satisfying is every spoonful of new light & fit greek? morning donut
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cookies chips, chips,...! silence those tempting thoughts with new light & fit greek. its creamy thick texture helps satisfy you. it has twice the protein of regular lowfat yogurt. and at 80 calories it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. cupcake! it's not gonna happen. new light & fit greek. be light and fit and satisfied. what makes me feel truly decadent? [announcer:] new revlon colorstay whipped crème makeup. its unique formula flexes with skin for a flawless finish. the feel of nothing but silk on my skin. pleeeeeeeease...
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[ female announcer ] betty crocker fruit flavored snacks. pleeeeeeeease... less than 100 calories and made with real fruit pleeeeeeeease... thanks mom! [ female announcer ] betty crocker fruit flavored snacks. [ marcy ] it's like memory foam. [ female announcer ] the only pad made from a revolutionary material. [ erina ] it totally fits to your body [ female announcer ] it's incredible protection, you'll barely feel it. always infinity. tell us what you think.
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[ female announcer ] it's incredible protection, you'll barely feel it. from your tv service, now's a great time to get at&t u-verse tv. make the switch! [ megan ] call now to get at&t u-verse tv for only 29 a month for six months -- with a total home dvr included free for life. plus add hbo and cinemax and get the first three months free. [ male announcer ] with u-verse tv, you can record
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four shows at once with a total home dvr that lets you play back, pause or rewind your shows from any room. get over 170 hd channels. that's more than cable. [ megan ] call now to get at&t u-verse tv for only 29 a month for six months -- with a total home dvr included free for life. plus add hbo and cinemax and get the first three months free. [ male announcer ] and now exclusively from at&t, our wireless receiver lets you move your tv where you want around the house -- even outside. so you're no longer tied to the tv outlet. [ megan ] at&t u-verse: tv like you've never seen before. ♪
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time for today's "kitchen." we are cooking with chef curtis stone who is here to help bring in kathie lee's birthday. >> i hear you're about to make some of my favorite dishes, crab cakes. it's good to be the birthday girl. >> i'm going to start off with the mango chutney that goes with the crab cakes. you caramelize the sugar. then you have your mango, a little bit of vinegar and lemon juice. you just let that crystallize and come back together. >> you just leave that on the flame? >> leave that. >> crab cakes. i've got a beautiful sauvignon blanc from new zealand. >> i'll be gracious.
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i mean it was a chablis. >> you can't have everything on your birthday. >> i've got a case of mano canali downstairs. >> chili pepper, fish sauce, sesame oil and egg. all this stuff goes in together. mix it up with a bit of mayonnaise. then you add the panko bread crumbs. >> people are using those more and more. >> they are really dry. they get super crispy. when you want that crunch -- >> keeps it all together, be too, so nicely. >> then you get this stuff. turn it into like a little ball or you turn it into a cutter and you can push it down. you make your crab cakes like
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that. pop them into a hot pan with a little bit of oil. you can use a little butter if you prefer the flavor of butter. >> is the egg safe? >> you're cooking it. >> okay. i don't want anybody dying because i was born. >> you see the chutney takes a little while to cook. you throw all that stuff in, get it working and it turns into this beautiful sticky chutney. >> that looks really good. >> how i serve these crab cakes, your next guest came in here -- >> he came in today. >> that's right. he's here today. >> you should never have two birthdays. crab cakes are right there cucumber. >> i've got to say this pie, ever since curtis made it when the book came out, it's the best dessert you will ever have in your whole life. >> get in there. >> take one for the team.
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>> you are the best. >> thank you, curtis. >> happy birthday. >> next, the birthday surprise that will blow kathie lee's mind. first this is "today" on nbc.
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get ready to believe world-renowned mentalist who dazzles audiences around the world. >> he has two secrets in his book "mind reader, unlock the power of your mind to get what you want." >> nice to see you. happy birthday. we get to do an experiment with influencing and suggesting. happy birthday. my mother told me never ask a lady for her age. how much do you weigh? >> they already know.
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>> think of a time that has a meaning to you. don't say it. think about it. don't tell hoda, don't tell me. got it? >> i got it. >> go to the left over there. can i borrow your watch? >> what were you doing with my watch earlier today? >> wow. it's a good watch. >> frank gave me that on our second date. >> you been to china lately? >> no. >> just kidding. hoda, use your intuition. you can move it forward or backward, but you will not notice whether it's going to be 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, whatever. can you pinch the watch with your right hand. >> pinch it? >> like this. perfect. like this. closure eyes. take a deep breath. with your right hand start to move this little notch forward and backward. when you want to stop, you just stop. whenever you want, you stop.
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the time you have in your mind. >> nobody in the entire world knows the time. >> can i have a pen. thank you so much. >> did you stop? >> i stopped. >> can you push it in. don't move. you can open your eyes. don't look yet. keep looking like this. >> it's going to be difficult. hoda, you will see what i'm doing here. i'm going to write something over here. can you tell everyone with your eyes closed what was the time you were thinking of? >> 5:00 a.m. >> oh, my gosh. look, look. >> look at it. >> what time does it say the watch? >> 5:00 a.m. >> that's your watch. >> you only have 30 seconds. i thought of your birthday present. what is it? i thought of a present for her.
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you have 10 seconds. >> boob reduction?
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