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tv   Comunidad del Valle  NBC  August 19, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT

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of the hole. and bill can't believe it. i'm sure michael can't either. >> let's take one for look at this little bobble. >> yeah, right in front of the hole. right there. and that just kicked it to the left. just enough and with that speed, it wasn't going to go in. >> he knows how close he was to being the u.s. amateur champion right there. >> he has to regroup. he has to regroup and do it quickly. and they're going to move right over to the first hole, mark, the arnold palmer tee and play 338 yards today. there is his dad allen and his coach mark june. i'm sure they feel like they
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just beat fate. there is the good look at the hole location. set right down in the low portion of the green. perhaps the easiest place you could put a hole on this green. and as you can see, the tee up in the background there. it does play down hill. we documented the fact that oren a arnold palmer drove it on the green in '60. >> so steven fox will be on the tee first and would appear like he may not take a rip at it. >> i'm a little surprised at this. there is a creek that runs up the right hand side of the hole. but that's really the only issue, the only problem with this hole. if you can get it into one of the bunkers on the green, it's not that hard a shot where the hole is cut. >> his caddie kind of came in there with the bag just in case he changed his mind. >> gary, we talked about how he does what he does.
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you know, he doesn't leave his game plan. so he is staying true to form as far as i'm concerned. >> this should be fine. going down right center. >> there's no question by playing the hole this way, it is relatively stress free. if you're taking a 4 or 5 iron off the tee, you have a very wide target. and he'll have a wedge left into the green. now michael weaver has gone the other route. he has taken the driver. >> he hit it at 17, why wouldn't you hit it here? >> that's true. you have a lot more room to play with here. >> this is what he did when he won 17 and 18 to get square with albin choi and drove it in. got it into the green side bunker. >> able to get it up and down. if you can get it into that same position today, mark, it's an even easier bunker shot where the hole is cut in the green right in that low area.
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>> this is turning left. toward the gallery left. that's going to get on the other side of the second tee across the cart path. that's going to be very interesting if there are several trees in that area. >> well, let's go back and take one more look. this putt was to win the u.s. amateur for michael weaver. takes a little hop. gets airborne. and it is still above ground. he cannot believe it. and now they are in extra holes. [ male announcer ] the views at tpc sawgrass: reserved on your world elite mastercard. clinics with a course pro: lockers next to pros. ♪ a golf trip that leaves you speechless... hi guys. hey tom. graeme. [ male announcer ] priceless.
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. they are now on the first extra hole, the 19th. steven fox was trailing after the first 18. look at this list right here. the champions who actually trail. >> tiger woods, three straight times. he was behind after the morning 18. and three times he went on to win. >> that's really where the legend began. what is the situation for michael beaver? >> across the cart path, there
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is a tree that nearly is in his way, just not quite. there is the sign, the tee sign to the right of the tee but i think they're going to try to remove if possible. i think that could be a bit of a concern. he does have an angle. he does have an angle to play. >> steven fox is very good from this distance. still a lot of pressure. a lot of ways to get it close, mark. can you land it short and catch a down slope. can you go back behind the hole.
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>> 85 yards. >> and gets up on top and stays. >> that's going to be fast, fast, fast. >> wow. >> so a little unfortunate there for steven fox. i'm sure he's not feeling too bad after seeing what happened to his opponent at the 18th hole on his six foot putt to win. let's go to steve burkowsi. >> thanks so much. what is more stressful on the bag all week or watching your son try to win the u.s. amateur? >> just watching instead of being on the bag. there is a little more stress. >> how are the feet? i know a lot of blisters. you're getting a little tired. >> a little tired. blisters. i'll walk as much as i have to. >> you're enjoying it, aren't
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you? >> absolutely. it's great for me. >> head up to the green. >> okay, thanks. >> so michael weaver now, it would appear only appropriate we have sunday night football. roger, the green sloping as his ball gets to the green away to his right? >> correct. correct. i wouldn't say contact is necessarily guaranteed. he wants to pitch i just on to the green and trickle to the right. nope, nope, not going to get there. >> and guys deep into that rough. and now that's going to be where the players have exited the first green and walked over toward the second tee. so there's a good chance the grain of the grass is going to be growing against him in this situation. and that is going to make this next shot even tougher.
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>> what has to be going through michael weaver's mind now? >> i guess the angle. he did have a tee sign that was not directly in his path but being played as temporary removable instructions. he had the opportunity to move the ball. i guess he liked the lie enough and the angle enough that he wanted to play from there. but you could see that kind of shot maybe happening the way the ball was sitting on the ground. now this is a very tough pitch down the hill.
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>> he needed to get down that slope. >> he might still be away. still trying to creep. but that is way short. man oh, man. >> so it would appear that michael weaver has not lost his turn. >> he's asking the referee exactly that information, mark. make sure. >> they determined that fox is, in fact, away. this is when you just get
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started, gary. this will find its way and you just got to get it going. >> in the end, it's probably too hard much it's almost impossible to stop it short of the hole. you see here he's walking up the slope right there. at the high point. this isn't the type of putt you can move a couple of inches. >> but if he makes it, he's the u.s. amateur champion. >> he does! how about this finish for steven fox?
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two down. two holes to play. he wins 17 and 18. he birdies the first extra hole. he is now the united states amateur champion. and what a disappointed michael weaver. take one more look at this putt. just barely -- >> we talked about it all week long. his stroke was so good on the super fast putts. and there was none faster than that one right there. it just drips right over the front edge of the hole. right to the bottom of the cup. >> it wasn't a straight path either. there was a lot of break.
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what a moment. roger maltbie is with the champion. >> thank you, mark. steven fox, u.s. amateur champion. how does that sound? >> it sounds amazing. i'm at a loss for words. this is unreal. >> when you stood on the 17th tee, two down, two to go, did you think this could happen or would happen? >> you know, i fought all day. you know, i had to keep pushing and try to make birdie. >> can you imagine your name on a trophy with bobby jones? arnold palmer. that's a good start. >> this is unreal. >> terrific. congratulations. >> thank you. thank you very much. >> mark, back to you. >> what a win and it has been an emotional michael weaver all week long. cannot hold back tears now. be sure to join us labor day weekend. the pga tour playoffs to the fedex cup continue wit the deutsche bank championship on golf channel and nbc.
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coming up next, exempt on the west coast, your local news. tonight on nbc starting at 7:00 eastern time, it's an all new "dateline." then at 8:00, sunday night is football night. andrew luck leads his new team, the indianapolis colts, against the pittsburgh steelers on sunday night football. -- captions by vitac --
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isn't that cool? and that's pretty cool. able dust pick up in less time. i love that book! can you believe the twin did it? ♪ [ female announcer ] swiffer. great clean in less time. or your money back. ♪ he is chief of the san jose police department and look what he's doing. he's hiring. edgar see ya is here. with us are his recruiters for
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the san jose police department. welcome to the show. because of the two stars on your collar, we are going get four on you before long. you know, it's a sense of pride on your side and probably on the community's side knowing that in the highest ranks, major law enforcement agency in this country, they can put a latino face on it. it's got to be a sense of pride for you as well? >> it's a sense of pride for me. it's a reason to come out and recruit. i'm hoping to recruit a future deputy chief as well. i have been fortunate, the department has been great to me. it's my chance to make sure we have the officers we need for the future. >> has your role changed at all being in the gang unit, the s.w.a.t. team. you have served on every unit.
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you have two stars on your collar. you are out there and the face of the department as well. >> quite a bit. the job changes. it's a more managerial position. it's exciting. some of the things we offer with the police department that a lot of others don't have is the ability to work those units. you promote through the ranks. the job gets more global. you are looking at a 64,000 foot level. >> i haven't held one of these up in a long time. you haven't been hiring in a long time. that's where you all come in. tell us what your roles are when it comes to being the face of the department on the street. >> i have been in this position going on seven months. we actively go out and recruit. we haven't for two years.
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it's been a long time. we are going out there and actively recruiting. one of the things we initially started off, the biggest hurdle we had to overcome was money. the funding wasn't there initially when we first started. our department and the citizens of san jose understood the need for hiring officers. now that the funding is there, we are better able to promote our department by going to more functions and stuff like that and advertising on radio. >> what's it like to be able to do that, to go out there and recruit fellow officers to help you out on the beat? >> it's very exciting. we haven't hired in a few years. we go to a lot of festivals and job fairs, we hit colleges and police academies. people are amazing because we laid off recently and we are actively hiring.
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>> how do you make sure you get the topnotch candidates? >> we couldn't be successful without the jobs they do. the last recruiting cycle, we hired 51 individuals attending the police academy in september. because of their hard work, you are looking at individuals over 60% that have their four-year degrees. there's 12 different langages that that group speaks. you know, going out in the community and getting a diverse group of applicants and recruits is important because right now the department begins to grow again, we have the ability to grow it right. i mean we have the ability to reflect the community we serve with the recruits we get. >> before i leave for work every morning, i kiss my kids good-bye. i have a good chance of
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returning at home at the end of the day unless i have a heart attack. in your case, that's not the case. you leave home not knowing if you will be back. how tough is that? it's probably why you joined. that part of not knowing makes it adventurous. >> i started at the age of 32. i started older in life. i think it's a good thing. it was one of my family's concerns. police officers don't always come home. seeing the crime rate rise in san jose. it's a good thing. everybody is well trained. we work as a team. we are a big family. we have had some unfortunate tragedies happen throughout our department the last few years. it's been amazing how everyone stuck together. >> it sounds like you wear that badge with honor. you are there to serve? >> yes, sir, i do. before i became a police officer, i was in the teaching
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field. i switched careers. this is a very, very wonderful career for me. different. every day is a different thing. i enjoy doing it every day and helping the individuals in our society. >> if you elect to be a member of the finest, the website is we'll be back and talk in a couple minutes about the difficult things happening in the police department. stay with us. release me, momigus!
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is at right now? >> i certainly understand the fear and the frustration officers feel. in the end, we have a job to do, that's to protect this community. all though i completely understand the frustration, we all feel it. it's not just the officers. everyone feels the frustration. we have a job to do. it's never been a problem recruiting. recruiting is not the problem. this is a great agency to work for. you have a lot of great opportunities you don't have in other places. the problem is, how do we hold on to them? that's the problem. if we were to sit here and try to explain, let's recruit it's too big. our job is to bring them in, recruit them and show them all the great possibilities they have in this department. retaining them is another issue.
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>> what do you promise in return if they sign up? this week, the san jose city council is taking up a reduction. how do you convince them this is the police force to serve on? >> we certainly can't be dece deceitful or lie to our recruits and tell them things about their pay and benefits. itis out there. they understand that. a lot of them know that coming in. one of the reasons you became is police officer and especially a san jose police officer is the opportunity. i stand before you, i have been here 20 years and i stand before you, i worked several units. i'm a deputy police in a very large city. you know? to me, that's the opportunity that san jose gives. that, unfortunately, is all we can offer and the training we have. other agencies can't do that. we obviously can't -- it's tough to discuss with them with
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measure b and the pension issues, but i feel we have a product we can sell. >> you have some of the finest police officers in the country. tell us about the pride patch on your shoulder. >> for me, i have a lot of pride. i have 14 years on. 17 1/2, i worked for a grocery store. i love my job. not a lot of people can say they get up every morning after 14 years and love to come to work. you know, it's fun to meet people that want to start on a new career. young guys and older people. we talk to them about the excitement of this job. every day, you come to work it's a new adventure. you get to meet all the different citizens of the city, different races, religions. it's very enjoyable. >> how about you? >> same thing. i enjoy every single day.
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you don't know what you are going to get into. very rewarding when you see something go from a tragic experience and change their lives for the better. i enjoy doing that every single day. this department is one of the finest. my brother is a police officer in dallas. he's going on 25 years. i remember when i first started, he mentioned what agency are you going to i said san jose. he said oh my god, that is a great department. it holds true today. >> i have nothing but respect for the work you do. you have the final word. >> we need it from both fronts. we need to do a great job at are you cross-suiting and retention. we are bringing the officers in, but there's no monetary value you can place when we lose officers with years of experience. it's something that needs to get worked on from both ends.
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we need to work on the recruiting and the retainment. that's the way the city, you know, that's the way that we're going to be able to grow. >> thank you so much for answering the tough questions. thank you for being on the show. this is the place to be if you want to be a police officer. we thank you for sharing your sunday with us. here is the web address for the san jose police department. thank you for joining us. see you next week. rick will join us. stay with us. [ female announcer ] what would you call an ordinary breakfast pastry that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun.
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