tv Meet the Press NBC August 26, 2012 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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this morning, a special edition of "meet the press" from the republican convention in tampa, florida. now delayed by the approaching tropical storm isaac. still, this convention week could be romney's big moment to reshape the race. >> i believe if we get off the track that president obama's put us on, you're going to see america's economy come roaring back. >> the romney roll-out is our big focus today. how will he try to rebrand himself, and even his party, after distractions like congressman akin and the abortion fight? as well as his own fumbles, like friday's joke aimed at the president. >> no one's ever asked to see my birth certificate. they know that this is the place that we were born and raised. >> this morning, my exclusive interview with a commanding figure in the gop -- a man many hope would seek the presidency himself. former florida governor jeb
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bush. also, we'll turn to the party's nominee four years ago, senator john mccain, to weigh in on this state of the party romney now leads. finally, insights from our political roundtable on the job ahead here in tampa for romney. plus, the fight for women voters, and the issues, like the debt and immigration, that will occupy the fall. joining me, florida congresswoman and chair of the democratic party, debbie wasserman schultz. the republican governor of arizona, jan brewer. republican strategist mike murphy. and nbc's political director and chief white house correspondent, chuck todd. >> announcer: live from tampa, florida, and site of the republican national convention, this is a special edition of "meet the press" with david gregory. good sunday morning from tampa. our perch here at the republican convention where the story this morning is not politics, it is the weather. here's the front page of the
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"tampa bay times." "isaac intrudes." the convention is now delayed until tuesday because of this approaching storm. that's where we're going to begin this morning. joining me now overlooking tampa bay, just about ten minutes from where i am, our expert on severe weather, the weather channel's jim cantore. jim, they canceled monday. they hope to be able to get in tuesday afternoon but based on this track, do you think that could be delayed further. >> reporter: yeah. it is going to be a close call. even if we begin to ramp things back up here tuesday, and improve in tampa, on many, many people's minds is what's going to be happening in the northern gulf coast. are we going to be looking down the peril from new orleans or mobile at a category 2 or 3 hurricane. here i am on the eastern end of the causeway, the same water that eventually leads up to you, david. problem is we're only three to five feet from that causeway. thousands of delegates are out there toward clearwater beach. decision to cancel all activities starting monday afternoon and tuesday morning is a wise one because that's when
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we'll feel the impact. the wind will begin to push the water. when you look at this cone here, you think, okay, tampa, if you're not if that red cone, why are you so concerned? it's because when you drop a rock in a pool, the wave that it produces is going to go all the way to the ends of the pool and the wave, which is isaac, is going to affect tampa in the way of water, first of all of. then the wind which will come out of the southwest, it will push that water up into here. so the surge is going to be as high as three to five feet and that is going to be what's going to close this causeway down. even though our conditions will improve we think, as we get into tuesday afternoon, as they've planned on, many, many people will be focused on what's going to be happening upstream from new orleans, all the way to pensacola. >> all right, jim. thanks so much. we'll obviously monitor the storm all day, into tomorrow and into tuesday. but now back to politics. in just a minute you're going to hear my exclusive interview with former florida governor, jeb bush, including his reaction to when president obama blames his brother, former president bush,
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for the state of the economy right now. >> i think it is time for him to move on. i mean -- look, the guy was dealt a difficult hand. no question about it. but he's had three years. his policies have failed. and rather than blame others, which i know we were taught that that was kind of unbecoming over time, you just can't keep doing that. >> that full conversation is up next. but first, let's go live to washington this morning to talk to the one man who knows exactly the pressure that mitt romney will be under this thursday, the 2008 republican nominee for president, senator john mccain. senator, welcome back. >> thanks. >> let's talk about the weather, senator. it is ironic but four years ago as the nominee of the party were you in this very same position with hurricane gustav barreling toward new orleans, there was a real perception problem with you and the republicans going forward with a convention. you cut short the convention as well. do you think there could be a further delay down here? >> i trust the judgment of your weather expert on that, david. i certainly hope that we can
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begin the real business of the convention on tuesday. those are the important three days. i hope we can move forward with it. if we don't, i think it will be very unfortunate, not just for the republican party, but a long standing tradition of three or four days of intense political campaigning so that the republican party and the nominee can make their case. >> senator, you've dealt, as i say, not just with the practical concerns that they're dealing with here, real safety concerns -- transportation, power and otherwise -- but also the perception, beginning a big convention for a party when you've got what could be a huge disaster that's brewing for even other parts of the state. how sensitive, in your judgment, do they have to be about the optics of this, the politics, the perception? >> honestly i think they have to be and i think they are. that's why they very early on canceled the first day so that people can make arrangements. but david, as you know, it's wednesday and thursday night
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that are the big moments. now people have these things called channel changers so it's not that there's did shall that we don't want that first night, but i don't think it will be damaging if we lose the first night, but it could be harmful if we lose more than that. >> there's been another distraction this week, it's political in nature. missouri congressman todd akin with his ill. >> announcer:ed comments about rape and abortion. you were astounded by it. mitt romney said he should get out of the race. the reality is, he said no. this was his response on friday. >> we're going to be here through the november election. we're going to be here to win. >> just this morning, senator, your former colleague, olympia snowe from maine, republican from that state who's now left the senate, writes an op-ed in which she says the comments from akin reinforce the perception that we in the republican party are unsympathetic about issues
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of paramount concern to women. how big a hole did akin dig that romney now has to dig out of? >> it is a pretty big problem. mr. akin should realize having the nomination of your party is a privilege and if you abuse that privilege, you are not eligible to keep it. what he said was unacceptable and we republicans have to consider all options. and to start with, make sure mr. akin knows he will not have the support of the mainstream republican party or any of our organizations. it's one of those things. but you know, david, you were talking about it earlier what the republicans have to do. i'm surprised that we are -- "we," romney/ryan ticket -- are neck and neck in the polls right now particularly given a couple of the setbacks that we have experienced, which means to me that this attack strategy of obama not being able to defend his record is wearing a little
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thin with the american people. so i'm overall optimistic. i, like others, urge mr. akin to abandon his quest for the united states senate because, frankly, he would not be welcome by republicans in the united states senate. >> are you concerned when you hear the birther joke, birth certificate joke that mitt romney made the other day, that that's indicative of romney trying to placate a party of the party that he doesn't hold sway over and that he does so at his pea peril when he reaches out to undecided voters? >> no. i think it was an attempt at humor. one thing that i regret about american politics is that nobody seems to have a sense of humor anymore. it was an attempt at humor, and so sometimes these speeches even become more dull and boring by all candidates if you're not allowed to have a little humor. >> well, let me ask you about the speech that he's got to give. i wanted to speak to you this
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morning because you have unique insight into that pressure of going into a convention, connecting your vision and a road map for the future with the american people. you mentioned something significant -- this is a tight race because of the state of the economy but you also know that governor romney has some image problems, about his business background, about this issue of his tax returns, his standing with average voters, with women, with latinos. does he need a game change in this convention? >> no i don't think so. i think what he needs to do is try to reinforce his message. the reality is he's been heavily outspent by president obama campaign up until now where he will now have some advantage but up until now the negative ad campaign by president obama has been much more heavily outspent mitt romney's. second of all, we have to appeal, as you say, to hispanic voters and to women. we have to point out that the unemployment rate amongst young women is now 16%.
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that the unemployment amongst hispanics is very high. that jobs and the economy are more important perhaps than maybe other issues. we are a big tent party. we have to give that message and we have to repeat that message over and over again. and jobs and the economy are the best way we can help. both of those groups of americans who obviously we have an uphill task and it is a tough task but i'm of confident we can do it. >> senator mccain, thank you very much. we appreciate you on this show, as always. up next, my interview with former governor jeb bush who talks about mitt romney, the republican party and the bush legacy. right after this. [ female announcer ] e-trade was founded on the simple belief
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and we're back. we want to take you to former governor of florida, jeb bush. he was considered a favorite this year for the gop nomination, but he remains an influential voice in the party and in this race. i sat down with him late this week. >> governor, welcome to "meet the press." >> great to be here. i am excited that the convention is going to be in florida. >> let me start by asking you about the race. here we are. polling shows a four-point advantage for president obama but he's under 50%. you said when mitt romney chose paul ryan, it ensured their
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victory in november. why? >> i said it would change the campaign about big things. this should be a campaign of substance and big things rather than distractions and little things. i think the ryan choice, of all the people in washington, he's the one guy that has had the courage to lay out plans with great substance that are big and broad and i think the debate will change and it has. it's already started to change towards these bigger things the country needs to fix. i think mitt wins when it's about these big things and if it's about the constant distractions, it will be a very, very close race. >> as we sit here later in the week, it is actually not about big things, big issues, fiscal issues, one of the big debates now is over abortion within the republican party. is this a constructive topic for republicans to be talking about in a presidential year? >> look, life issues are always important. it is a powerful moral issue. people have deeply held beliefs. but it is not going to change the economic climate of our country. we're not going to create jobs by having a discussion about this.
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i think republicans really need to be disciplined to stay focused on sustained economic growth as our objective and here's how we're going do it an here's how the president's failed. >> todd akin as we sit here is still in the race. made controversial comments about, in his terms, legitimate rape, that he apologized for. party platform in tampa will focus, in part, on abortion. what does this say about internal rifts in the republican party, others trying to force him out of the race and he hasn't gone. >> i think the reap he's been asked to consider leaving doesn't relate to his views on the life question. it relates to his had misguided views about rape. that's a totally different subject. he'll make that decision himself. the platform of the party hasn't changed. it is the same as it's been for a long while. mitt romney has a slightly different view and he's our party nominee but i know that the romney campaign would prefer to talk about the things that are on the minds of the american
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people. you ask every poll shows that 70% of the people are concerned about economic growth, job creation, deficit, debt. that's where i think we have the winning -- where mitt has the winning philosophy, for sure. >> you understand the role of biography in presidential races as well. our polling revealed something that is pretty striking. and that is, governor romney has a 20-point deficit when it comes to this issue of caring about average people. he's 20 points behind president obama. why do you think and how big of a liability is that? >> it's an advantage the president has terrell but as the president goes on the attack, constantly attacking, constantly using negative messaging, i think his connectivity with people will drop, and governor romney has a chance at this convention and going forward to reconnect with people to set the stage for the general election and show who he is, what's in his heart. i think the acceptance speech is a great place to start and when he does that, i think those
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numbers will get better. >> you also speak -- you'll have a prominent role. one of the things you said, when you're not running you could be listened to more. what is it that you'd like your party to hear from you? >> well, i'm going to talk about education, which is something that is not necessarily a federal program but it's something that is a great national priority. it's actually a place where it's not as the partisan divide is not as sharp. but if one-third of our kids are college or career ready by the time they reach 12th grade, that's a tragedy but there's no amount of government programs that could ever fill that void and we have this big debate now in our country about class warfare. the president is constantly trying to divide the country by saying rich people need to pay more and they didn't build what they built. it was a communal effort, i guess. the fact is, if you don't build capacity in people, they can't pursue their dreams, no matter how hard they work.
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if they don't have the power that comes from knowledge and a college education, they can't do it. that's what i'm going to talk about. it is not necessarily going to be a driving political issue at the time but i'm passionate about this because i think american political system has become so short run in its nature and we need to be much longer term in our thinking and begin to solve problems. >> you've talked about wanting to see -- for the republican party to lead a nation of converts. that people become republicans based on ideas, based on leadership. you look at the gender gap right now between the president and governor romney. it is in the president's favor. among hispanics, he's got two-thirds of the hispanic vote. younger viewers, our polling on african-americans, zero for mitt romney. are you concerned that republican party is not making much progress toward becoming a nation of converts, politically, philosophically? >> i'm concerned about it over the long haul, for sure. our demographics are changing. and we have to change not
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necessarily our core beliefs but the tone of our message and the message and the intensity of it for sure. i don't think that's going to have an impact in this election though. so there is a gender gap in favor of president obama among women. in a dead heat, there's obviously going to be a gender gap for men in favor of romney. this is going to be a close election. but long-term conservative principles if they're to be successful and implemented, there has to be a concerted effort to reach out to a much broader audience than we do today. >> you talk about the importance of the race and how tight it's going to be. florida, yet again, is going to matter hugely. we did some analysis based on where we look at the electoral map right now. if president obama's able to win florida under this current model, he's just four electoral votes short of 270. yet again it could all come down to here. what tips the balance, do you think? >> i think it is the economic
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issues again. if the campaign is about how do we restore confidence and greatness in our country by a climate of sustained economic growth. an energy policy that's true to our -- patriotic that's going to invest in our own resources. and immigration policy that allows people to stay when they get a ph.d or masters and they can become the next generation of entrepreneurs. a regulatory system that doesn't try through command and control to create prosperity but recognizes that you can get the desired benefits without creating huge compliance costs that right now make it impossible to work. an education policy that reaches out to everybody so that they have built capacity. a fiscal policy that isn't just nuts where you're spending 40 cents on every dollar through debt in a growing budget. entitlement reform. tax reform. these are the things that will create sustained economic growth. >> let's talk about taxes. this is going to be a big fight in november over all of our
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taxes, whether they should be going up or not. do you think the republican party, if it's going to help reach a solution on our debt, is going to have to break some of the orthodoxy about raising revenue through eliminating deductions or other loopholes or raising taxes? will republicans have to give, do you think at some point, on this? >> i don't think -- right now i don't think that there is disagreement about that in terms of the deduction. raising rates i think would be foolhardy and republicans oppose that but tax reform could yield the opportunity to find common ground on entitlement reform. >> you've been in favor of being willing, at least, to break -- you say there is too much orthodoxy in the republican party. you got to take a serious look at raising revenue. >> i'm saying there's too much orthodoxy in the political process, that we're yapping too much instead of trying to find common ground which is why i'm excited that mitt romney's our nominee because he is a practical person who's had life experience based on solving problems. in that kind of environment rather than this ideological
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fight that's existing right now that's turned off the american people across the spectrum, if you have a leader like that you could see how you could get common ground done on revenue where do you raise -- is this a tax increase if you increase the eligibility or the cap for medicare? people pay a tax today but it's capped at $103,000. if you raise that, is that a tax increase? i don't know. i don't really care because i think if you could get enough of consensus around solving problems, you could get the country moving again. >> but raising revenue, the govern raising revenue is something you think should be on the table. >> it should. first step though is to create a climate of economic growth where revenue comes in because people are creating jobs and investing and are being taxed because of it. that's, by far and away, the most important way of doing this. and if our -- look at it from this perspective.
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we spend 25% of our gross domestic product or economic activity goes through government today. that is much higher than it used to be. used to be around 20%. and our revenues are like 15% which is much lower. the reason why that is, demand is placed on governments to grow whether there is no economic activity. that changes the whole context of the debate in washington. >> you mention medicare. let me ask but the politics of it. can romney/ryan win florida taking on medicare. you saw what your brother went through as president trying to inject the private sector and private competition into the social security system. it failed. and he later said it was a mistake to try to do it in that order, that he tried to do it. >> you have to persuade. you can't just say i'm for medicare reform and leave it at that, because then the attack machine on the other side says
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that you're throwing granny off the cliff in a wheelchair. just outrageous. so, yeah, i think you can. in fact the polls show that the romney/ryan ticket is doing significantly better amongst elder voters than younger voters. up double-digit in florida for voters over the age of 65. but you have to explain that the romney plan does not change anything for anybody that is 55 years old and older. it allows people to opt out of the traditional medicare plan to these new plans where they're being more choices. it is not some kind of radical experiment. it's the right thing to do to create some cap on the explosive growth of the medicare program. >> immigration. i quoted a moment ago the reality in our polling right now, the president's polling is two-thirds of hispanic voters in the country. after all the games that president bush, your brother, made among hispanics. you see such a decline which i know troubles you.
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now you have the immigration debate over this temporary measure this president's put into place to allow children of illegal immigrants to get on a work path, if not a citizenship path. governor perry of texas saying it is a slap in the face to the rule of law. governor brewer of arizona saying she wouldn't allow driver's licenses to be issued. should they continue with that opposition to the president's plan? >> my personal view is that we need to get beyond where we are. we need to create a climate of border control. that's begun to happen, if you look at the number of illegal immigrants coming into the country, it is net zero. it's been that way now for almost two years. if you say, well, we've gotten a much better grasp on the number of people just coming in without papers, then can you develop a strategy that's part of economic growth. that's where we need to be focusing. we need young aspirational people to come to our country so that we can grow over a sustained period of time in a high rate that will allow us to create jobs without raising taxes, balance the budget, do all the things that we want do.
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changing the debate to those issues is where the majority of americans want. now is it a useful tool politically for some republicans to stay focused on the political issue, the wedge issue? it might be. i don't know. but i don't think that's right for our country. >> given that view, just bare knuckle politics here -- is the hispanic vote gone? is it democratic until republicans change the way you're suggesting they should in the national debate on immigration? >> i think governor romney can make inroads if he focuses on how do we create a climate of job creation and economic growth. i think that's what this fall campaign is going to be about for their campaign. i think people will move back towards the republican side. but we've got to have a better tone going forward over the long haul for sure. we're not going to -- you can't ask people to join your cause and then send a signal that you're really not wanted. just doesn't work. >> let me ask you about yourself, private citizen, i
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know. recent headline i say that says elder statesman or 2016 candidate. how about this? "the daily show" marketing their coverage in tampa says "rnc 2012 road to jeb bush 2016." would you like to be president some day? >> i don't think about it. i'm not motivated by it. it takes an incredible a discipline and ambition to even think about aspiring to it and i'm not there yet in my life. >> but you have said that this is probably your time politically. >> yeah. it would have been a good time to run for me because of my tenure as governor ending in 2006. my age. the fact that there's the challenges of the country. this would have been the time to do it but it wasn't the right time for me. so i'm excited about supporting mitt romney. he's a great guy. i look forward to working on his re-election in 2016 and making jon stewart awfully upset during that period of time.
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>> how much do you get your back up when you hear this president blame a lot of our economic condition on your brother? >> i think it is time for him to move on. look, the guy was dealt a difficult hand, no question about it. but he's had three years. his policies have failed. and rather than blame others, which i know we were taught that that was kind of unbecoming over time, you just can't keep doing that. maybe offer some fresh new solutions to the problems that we face. but that's not going to happen between now and election day. >> i want to end with this. i want to ask you about the bush legacy in american political life from your tenure as governor to your brother's as president, to your father as president. what is that legacy? where do you think it stands right now? >> look, i don't know. the "l" word is not used much in our family, so we don't have a lot of people trying to organize it or plan it. i think in the case of my grandfather and my dad and my brother, i think they all served
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with honor and distinction. they love this country and they always put their country first. >> governor bush, thank you very much. appreciate it. >> you bet. coming up here from tampa, how does mitt romney reconnect with voters as governor bush said he must? and did the recent back hnd and forth over abortion rights. dnc chair debbie wasserman schultz, arizona governor jan brewer. republican strategist mike murphy and nbc news political director and white house correspondent chuck todd. new yo. we built the first railway and the first trade route to the west. we built the tallest skyscrapers, the greatest empires. we pushed the country forward. then, some said, we lost our edge. we couldn't match the pace of the new business world.
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well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. build energy highways and high-tech centers. nurture start-ups and small businesses. reduce tax burdens and provide the lowest middle class tax rate in 58 years. once again, new york state is a place where innovation meets determination and where businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business. find out how it can work for yours at
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in communities across the country. whether it's supporting a delaware nonprofit that providing training and employment opportunities, investing in the revitalization of a neighborhood in the bronx, or providing the financing to help a beloved san diego bakery expand, what's important to communities across the country is important to us. and we're proud to work with all of those who are creating a stronger future for everyone. we are back with our special edition of tampa, site of the republican convention with our political roundtable. joining me chair of the democratic national committee, congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz. she's in unfriendly territory here for the moment. republican governor of arizona, jan brewer. our chief white house correspondent and political director chuck todd.
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and our friend, republican strategist and columnist for "time" magazine, mike murphy. welcome to all of you. chuck, i think we should start with some news. we're talking about the weather, talking about potential delays. what are you learning about whether even tuesday afternoon they'll hold the start. >> they seem to be pretty determined to do something on tuesday. they have to do some business of the convention. but i've already been talking to some officials who indicate there will certainly be a tone change, if you will. what does that mean specifically? does that mean romney's speech scheduled for tuesday get moved from monday to stus? that's unclear. they know that they are watching this storm and if it's in the middle of battery, essentially the gulf coast as it looks they will take some measures. as of right now they seem, i'd say 90% certain they're going on. >> mike murphy, the business of this convention, a lot of people like to knock these as an infomercial. the reality is this is a really big opportunity for a candidate and a party to connect their visions for a country to a much wider audience. romney is thinking a lot about his mission this week.
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what does it need to be? >> if you're running for president, particularly as a challenger, there are really four hours that count. that are the highest level of your opportunity to persuade the country to vote for you. one is the acceptance speech at your convention. and then you've got the three debates. so yeah, this is prime-time, it is key romney reach outside the convention and persuade voters by reframing himself. it's a great opportunity to get through the filter. so hopefully he'll grab and seize the most of it, there's a joke going around that this tuesday night theme is not going to be, you built that ark. who knows what it could do to tuesday. but the key is wednesday and thursday, and in particular, mitt romney's speech is a huge opportunity. >> and governor brewer, the timing and how much time you have at the convention does matter because there is a lot to accomplish here. this is really about biography. romney's biography, who is he? what does he stand for? how does he deal with some of the negatives that have been built up by democrats, and team obama? look at some of our polling that shows some of the liabilities that romney how faces. i'll put it up on the screen.
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polling that's in president obama's favor right now, dealing with issues of concern to women, issues of concern to seniors. you see 28-point advantage. 12-point advantage. caring about average people. 22%. he's up against it. he's got to deal with a lot of negatives, doesn't he? >> well, there's a lot of issues out there. but you know, we're here at the convention and i believe that that is our great opportunity to unite republicans behind governor romney, and then to be able to reintroduce governor romney to the american people, to the republicans, and the democrats, and the independents. >> forgive me for interrupting. reintroduce and reconnect. and that's the word that jeb bush used. it suggests that the connection either was never established to mitt romney or he lost it. how? >> well, you know, in elections a lot of time with a lot of money, you know, there's a perception of political parties hammering away at political candidates. and so, they have spent a lot of
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money focusing on so many issues tat are not really too much important to the american people do. i think we're more focused on jobs and the economy, rather than all these peripheral kind of things that they're hammering away at. i know governor romney, he's a wonderful person, and this is our opportunity to let us connect with him to the public. i'm looking forward to it. >> congresswoman, mission accomplished then, right? if he battered his image as a democratic chair, then also, you know, affiliated with the obama campaign, been a key focus on tearing down mitt romney. fair? >> caved, first let me just say as a floridian that i went to my counterpart priebus we know in hurricane ally, we make plans and god laughs. it's good that they've made this decision to put safety first and we want to make sure that everybody, our visitors and guests, as well as our residents stay safe. but i think the words redo, reintroduce, are just code words
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for what we expect, no matter how long the convention is, to be a convention reinvention. i mean this is the big etch-a-sketch moment for mitt romney, and they're going to do their best, because not only has he not connected, but he's alienated large groups of important voters that are going to be important to determine whether or not we can continue to have a president in the white house who fights for the middle class and working families, or whether we have a president that as romney proposes to be, to take us back to the failed policies of the past that nearly crashed our economy, and that would focus our economic policies on millionaires and billionaires, and people who are already doing really well, make sure they can do even better. that's not the direction we need to go. but we need to continue to make progress. >> chuck todd, we've been looking at some of the history of conventions and convention bounces in the polls. we put it up on the screen, it's an interesting graph to look at in terms of how candidates have fared over time. look what jumped out at you. it is clinton in '92 a 16-point
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bounce. he, too, comes into a convention in '92 with an image problem, battered by the other side and by his own mistakes. and we all remember this line that included his acceptance speech. >> i end tonight where it all began for me. i still believe in a place called hope. >> it was this introduction of his heart, and his persona into this race. talk about that and talk about how it's compared to romney and the parties? >> that night at the democratic convention might be the best organized, best reinvention, if you will, of somebody that we've ever seen. that's when they debuted the famous photo of clinton and kennedy shaking hands. that was from a production standpoint by political party still an unmatched convention in the modern era. let's say something about bounces. there's not going to be any. the conventions are too late. that convention was at the end of july. you had ross perot drop out so he got more of a bump, frankly,
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than he probably would have had perot still been in the race. these conventions now are so late, and there's been so much money. this is not august. it's october. let's not pretend, $500 million have been spent by both sides in this presidential election. this is -- you're not going to see more than a one to two-point bump as we saw with ryan. this isn't a reflection of ryan. this is a reflection of the amount of money. >> respond to the congresswoman, mike. does mitt romney have to rebrand himself? >> what i think he has to do is break out of the cage of the couple hundred million dollars of negative television advertisement from the democrats. i've been in politics for ta log time, first time i've seen commercials saying the republican candidate has been involved in murder. for the home audience watching the convention shows, both of them, the battle ground of this election is the war to provide new information about mitt romney. the romney campaign is trying to fill out a story, trying to break through, point things forward on jobs. the democratic strategy is very simple.
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we've got to destroy romney. this year both conventions are going to be about romney. there's going to be a convention trying to break him through, connecting on the economy and jobs. then you're going to have a democratic election which i don't think is going to be about president obama. they've thrown in the towel on that. it's going to be about ruining romney. we won't really know what's going on in the polls and all this i think until late september after we go through all this. and i frankly think if romney can use his speech to put a positive vision going forward it will be a good contrast to the tone of the campaign that will do him a lot of good. >> governor brewer you also have, if there's a lot of work for romney to do, to break through some of the negative advertising, as you say, and mike said, there's also some issues that the party has right now. i mean here you have congresswoman akin with his comments about rape, that talked about abortion, doing a lot of damage. the entire republican establishment, including mitt romney saying get out, and he says no. you have a fight on immigration that you have, in part, led, that has created fissures even within the republican party.
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i want to underline something that jeb bush said, governor bush said, about both of those issues in our interview with him. >> our demographics are changing, and we have to change not necessarily our core beliefs but how we -- the tone of our message and the message and the intensity of it. >> do you agree with that? when it comes to, let's start with women and outreach to women and what they care about? >> well, i think that, you know, everybody wants to divert the real issues. i think that, of course, there's been a plummeting, if you will, of republicans because the democrats have certainly tried to wage a war against women. class warfare. bottom line is, is the republican party has -- statements of president -- governor romney has rejected that statement. as have i. you know, he made a serious, outrageous statement. and now everybody wants to pile on to that statement, trying to
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make it a republican statement. it has nothing to do with the republican platform or where the party is. and as far as immigration, you know, arizona has been the battleground, if you will, regarding illegal immigration. yeah, we live in the southwest, we're a very diverse population. but we believe in the rule of law. we believe in the rule of law. certainly those kinds of issues are going to have to be discussed, moving on into the future. we're going to have to determine collectively and legally and lawfully how we're going to deal with those issues. and we're all willing to do that. but we can't just all of a sudden, according to the current administration, to rule, if you will, it's an un-american way. we have a congress there. we have lawmakers there. we have a president who ought to be upholding the constitution. >> this is the battle over immigration and tone that has frankly alienated a lot of hispanic voters, if you do look at the polls which is an opening for the democratics politically.
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you no doubt want to keep a focus not only on romney but problems you see with the party, whether he's really in control of the party. >> well i think todd akin's outrageous comments and mitt romney's position on immigration, and he's really the most extreme candidate for president in modern times on immigration that we've seen, give you a window into the soul of the republican party. i mean, it's not just that todd akin made some really outrageous comments. it's that mitt romney chose a candidate for vice president who co-sponsored legislation that would narrow dramatically the definition of rape to only mean forcible rape. there are platforms, embraces a human life amendment with no exceptions for rape, incest, or the life of the mother. on immigration, while president obama has made it a priority to rapidly, and significantly increase border security, particularly on the southwest border in the governor's home state, he's also focused on making sure that we don't ignore the fact that we have 12 million undocumented immigrants who are
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an important component of our economy, and who we're hurting our future if we don't recognize that this should be a comprehensive immigration reform approach to dealing with them. instead of allowing -- instead of mitt romney's approach, which just says let's just have those 12 million stop at the board are. it's an unrealistic and extreme position. >> chuck todd, how are you going to get beyond the base issues of the party? is it a window into the soul of the party? >> no, look, here's the republican platform, nobody reads it. i've been in this business 28 years. i've never read the platform. i did read the democratic platform last night because we've been talking about platforms. it promised to close guantanamo bay, krenlsive immigration reform in the first year in office and a lot of other stuff they haven't achieved. ban assault weapons. >> it's not about achievements, it's about what you're committing to. >> committed to and failed to deliver. >> there are republicans in congress who -- >> the democrats want the election to be about trivia because they don't want a referendum on the president. what romney's got to do is break
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through all that. we do need to adjust the tone of politics on both sides. i'm a liberal in the republican party. the more we debate these side issues the more we not only take attention away from stuff i think we're better at we take attention away from people screaming every poll. the voters are not confused. this is a jobs election. that's the election they want. that's what they want to hear about. and i think the traditional kickoff of the campaign, not for junkies like us, is now, the convention. and i think that's what mitt romney's going to do. >> i would just say that i think the president's trying to turn this into a values election, and there's some people that argue, and i think mike might be one of those, that every election is a values election on who wins the values argument. the idea of who connects more, who is more representative or reflective of who you want to be. that's the danger here for romney is that obama has turned this and the democrats have turned this into a values election with women and with hispanics, and they've done it in a segmented way within different parts of group. how does romney take this economic argument and turn it
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into a values argument rather than just sort of the businessman approach, on the economy. bus his lead on the economy, in our polls, are smaller than the president's lead on values issues like middle-class average. >> let me get a break in. i want to come back and we've talked about rebranding necessary for mitt romney. i want to talk about his strength as he comes into this convention. why the romney team is pretty pleased that this is such a close race. more with our roundtable and chuck is going to break down the map, as well. ♪ ♪ i can do anything ♪ i can do anything today ♪ i can go anywhere ♪ i can go anywhere today ♪ la la la la la la la [ male announcer ] dow solutions help millions of people by helping to make gluten free bread that doesn't taste gluten free. together, the elements of science and the human element can solve anything. solutionism. the new optimism.
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we are back from our perch here at the site of the republican convention. more with our roundtable. first, want to go to the map. mike murphy i do want to talk to you about this akin controversy, as well. >> sure. >> as i talk to women this week, i can't imagine that anybody thinks it's a good idea for mitt
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romney that you not only are going to energize democratic women, but there's a lot of republican women who heard this man, were disgusted by it, and frankly do not want to focus on what goes on with their bodies and their health, even in their own party. >> well, like, akin was a gift to harry reid. in the old days, the gender gap in kansas city we'd lock him in the hudson and take him to the state line. unfortunately, here's something to remember abou akin. two-thirds of republicans in the primary in missouri voted against this guy. he had about 7% of the real eligible number of all voters. so he's got no mandate. everybody in the party except eisenhower has called him to get out. that's only because ike isn't with us anymore. the question is, with time, will it become what it ought to be, a local deal? romney came out strong against it. all the leaders did. it will be a flag the democrats wave around because they've got to destroy romney. i think it will melt away. particularly if romney can get that economic vision out there and crowd out the election. i think people care about rather than -- >> and he gets to one of his
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advantages. first, chuck, on the map. i talked at the outset about how romney reshapes this race. what they're going to look at is the nuts and bolts of what states they can flip to obama. >> look. here are our nine battle ground states and only two of the nine in our top states are states that both john kerry and barack obama won and that's new hampshire and wisconsin. all of the other ones were bush in '04, obama in '08. and when you look at the toss-up states you'd say the disappointment is pennsylvania, michigan, minnesota. they didn't get to expand the map. and when you're challenging you want to be expanding the map. let me show you why there are so many people who sit there and say you look nationally, you think boy this is a dead even race. but when you start going on the map it's very difficult. and let me just remind viewers how to follow this. we will be changing the numbers here, if you can follow up top there. i'm going to go in order of where the romney folks believe is their best opportunity. and look how hard it takes them -- how long it takes them to get to 270. north carolina in our battle ground, that's where they feel best about, then you got
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florida, then you got iowa and then you got colorado. those first four are the ones they feel best about. the next five are the top or maybe even slightly in the president's advantage here. and they've got to win at least two of them, one of them being ohio to even get close, and one other state. if they don't get ohio, the numbers get even harder where they have to win out of nine of the toss-ups. this electoral map is what is a hindrance to the romney campaign. >> they've either got to do better in latino states going west, arizona -- excuse me, nevada and colorado, or metal bending states which means reach out into wisconsin or pennsylvania and of course, the all-critical ohio. so they're funding obama's -- they also need to do better with white women. so this convention has got to not be about extra applause in the hall. these are the voters he has for free. it's about reaching through that camera -- >> -- suburban women and the akin stuff. colorado and virginia more races
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have been won by democrats by reaching out to pro-choice suburban women who want to vote republican on economic issues but more democrats have been able to appeal in those two states on the issue of abortion. that's why akin is a real problem. >> this is a real issue. >> it's a huge issue and something we're all looking at and we're all very, very concerned about it. but i truly believe that the republican party is the party of women. we have been really, really good to women candidates. you look at just governors alone. we've got more women republican governors than we do democrat governors. we believe in life. that is true. we believe in life. but we are very, very open and supportive of women and the women's issues. but the bottom line is most women, they want to talk about jobs and the economy. they want to talk about their children's future. and we, as republicans, need to drive that message down -- and we will do that between the convention, reintroducing a president romney. we will be out there. and we're going to get those
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states. >> let me underline that advantage, because congresswoman, this is what the president is up against, and why this is a really tight race, despite some of the disadvantages. here are romney advantages according to our polling, you put it up on the screen, good ideas to improve the economy. he's got a six-point advantage. changing business as usual in washington, six-point advantage. and here's the other reality that president obama faces, are you better off now than you were four years ago? again, this is what our polling shows, that a whopping 69% think either worse off or the same. this is why we're in a tight race. >> the record of failure. >> as a mom with three young kids, and a woman who understands that when it comes to economic policy, women want to make sure that we have a president in the white house who's committed to investing in our children's future. like president obama has. committed to investing in education. in innovation. in making sure that in america everyone has an opportunity to succeed so that, you know, your kids can live the american dream. mitt romney, his policies would
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increase taxes on the middle class. make life much more economically challenging for women. would do that to pay for tax -- >> the record -- >> like you said, david, that six-point advantage in one poll is very narrow because women understand that not only would mitt romney's policies not make them better off, but he also has an extreme policy, set of policies on their reproductive rights, on the -- the things that are important to them to make sure that their children have an opportunity to be suck sefls. >> mike murphy, there's another big theme that i think is so important this week. i think americans are looking for a vision, not just of leadership and where you take the country, but how you're actually going to get this. we've seen two presidents fail to change the culture in washington. and there's that sense that nothing is going to change. how is mitt romney addressed that? >> i think mitt romney has to sell forward results and how he'll get there. biography is over there. biography is vulnerable to
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negative ads. i'm happy they're doing some of that but that speech has to take us forward. i think the president has invested a lot. almost all the way to national bankruptcy. the key is no results. who can deliver the results and what's the plan to get jobs? that's the number mitt has to move. it's in that plus six. the ideas for the economy. when that goes into double digits, 10 or 12, that's when romney's winning. >> do you hear any bipartisanship? >> no and that's the problem. ryan's first name is congressman. congress had a -- our lowest ever approval rating and highest ever for congress. that congressman baggage that romney adopted with ryan i think is something that they're a little nervous about. >> your first name is paul -- >> no one ever referred to him -- >> thank you all very much. it's going to be an exciting convention. a couple of programming notes before we're done here today. you can watch a rebroadcast of today's program this afternoon on msnbc, that's at 2:00 p.m. eastern and then you want to stay there, because right after that at 3:00 is my friend chuck
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todd, new documentary called "mitt romney, the making of a candidate" and starting tuesday at 10:00 p.m. eastern i will join brian williams and the rest of our nbc political feeds for live coverage of this republican national convention. also check out our press pass blog for special convention interviews each day from tampa. and that's all at "meet the press." that is all for today. we'll be back next week, if it's sunday, it's "meet the press." as we leave you this morning, we remember astronaut neil armstrong, who passed away yesterday at the age of 82 as the first man on the moon, he was a modern-day american explorer whose words and spirit will be forever ingrained in the fabric of his country. >> one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
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