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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  September 23, 2012 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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good morning. i'm kris sanchez. coming up on "today in the bay," the san francisco giants clinch a spot in the playoffs. we have highlights from the game and reaction from players and the fans. fall fire danger. flames burn dangerously close to homes in the bay area. what homeowners are being urged to do to protect their property. >>. >> something you might have purchased from trader joe's could make you sick. the latest on a new recall. this is "today in the bay." good morning again. looking live from one of our mountain cameras there in the distance you see the fog that will keep things nice and cool and fallish for this first full
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day of fall. thanks so much for joining us. i'm kris sanchez along with rob mayeda. we had a taste of fall yesterday. >> a lot of 90s inland. today maybe not quite as hot. still pretty pleasant around the bay area. this morning 50 in san francisco. a warm 58 in fairfield where the temperatures inland this morning are still dealing with some of the leftovers from yesterday's heat. you can see west wind at 5 hardly a breeze. inland areas will warm up. heating up just like you saw. san francisco giants now officially nl west champs. they're going to have game time temperature of 72 degrees heading out to that. nice and comfortable. first pitch at 1:05. around the rest of the bay area, oakland where steelers play raiders, we should see low 70s there. 80s in san jose. 90s liver more toward pleasanton. first week of fall, we bumped up the numbers. we'll show you the effects of warm temperatures in the forecast coming up. >> all right. thank you very much, rob. this morning san francisco
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giants fans are still buzzing with excitement for the second time in three years the san francisco giants clinch that division championship. at at&t park, the giants beat san diego last night. people were on the edge of their seats until they had the chance to finally jump in celebration. here are the highlights. padres versus giants. bottom of the second, giants lead 2-1. a single to center. the giants are up 3-1. then at the bottom of the fourth, we have two on two out. lined to center. the giants lead 5-1. and at the top of the ninth, two outs, a fly out to center. giants win 8-4 and win the national league west division championship. >> we've had a lot of fun from the beginning of it. whatever happened during the season, you'll have bumps here and there. we've been healthy this year. we've had other hiccups. guys really took it in stride
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and didn't worry about it. >> i just show up every day ready to play. try to help win. >> it's a great feeling. you put in so much work in the off-season. spring training. throughout the course of the year. this is what you work for. it's step one and we got to finish strong the last ten games of the regular season and go into the postseason with some momentum. >> i love that he had his goggles ready to go. inside at&t park, all 32,400 fans were on their feet at the top of the ninth waiting for that big celebration and when the win came, no one wanted to leave. they all wanted to stay for the party. kimberly terry was inside the stadium and talked to the fans moments after that sweet
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victory. >> this is pandemonium. being here when they clinch the division. it's fabulous. one of the most wonderful days of my life. >> what a great thing to repeat just two years after going. great. fantastic. really good. i think this is a good team and i have every faith they will go. >> reporter: from this game's inception, there was energy and excitement at at&t park. many fans told us they were certain they hold the golden tickets to watch the giants clinch their second division title in three years. their predictions held true. >> this team is just awesome. they're just wonderful. >> they play together and pick each other up all the time. it's a great team. it really is. >> it's very exciting. been waiting for this since spring training. 2011 was a disappointment. 2012 is going to be redemption. >> reporter: for some giants fans, victory is all the more sweet with l.a. dodgers loss. it moves the giants into position for the championship
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title with the win over the padres 8-4. >> i'm very excited. stage was set earlier when dodgers lost 6-0 against cincinnati. $360 million down the drain. >> dodgers can buy whoever they want but if players don't gel together, you don't make it. that's what you see. always comes down to chemistry. you can't buy a championship. you have to earn it. that's what the giants are doing. >> and san francisco's mayor ed lee is congratulating the giants on that nl west division title saying "san francisco is once again filled with giants pride as our amazing home team beat the san diego padres 8-4 to begin their quest for bringing another world series championship to our world-class city." so now the giants are headed to the playoffs. first they have torap up the regular season. they face the padres again today at 1:05 at at&t park. next, the giants face the arizona diamondbacks also on their home turf and then go on the road finishing off the 2012
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regular season against the padres and the dodgers and they will begin their quest for their second world series title in three years on either october 6th or october 7th. the giants have set up a lottery system for postseason tickets and the website says the random drawing for tickets will happen tomorrow. you can still sign up to be in that drawing. there's no charge and no commitment. switching gears now, fire investigators are trying to figure out what sparked a wildfire over the east bay. 32 acres went up in flames yesterday just outside of brentwood. no one was hurt. no buildings were damage. firefighters are reminding people that it is still fire season here in the bay area. homeowners are being urged to cut down grass and brush around their homes. san francisco police want to hear community concerns about thursday's police shooting which sparked angry protests and vandalism. demonstrators damaged several
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buildings in the mission district thursday and friday nights. on friday this wells fargo window was damaged. police say demonstrators also threw bottles and hammers at them, the officers. this morning officers are reportedly beefing up their presence in the area. a citywide alert is also in effect which means any officer on duty should be ready to respond with riot gear. the shooting that sparked the protests happened near 14th street. an undercover officer shot and injured a suspect after that man allegedly aimed a gun at the officer. tomorrow's meeting is set for 11:30 at cornerstone church on 17th and hamshier streets. still more ahead on "today in the bay," including scary moments for a truck driver left hanging from a rail on a guard bridge. the note here, there is a happy ending. an important food recall to tell you about. check your refrigerator or your kitchen cupboard.
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details on a product that trader joe's wants you to toss out.
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excuse us, while we change into something more comfortable. cool. introducing, the square sunnyd bottle.
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looking live at the recommeremnants of the sunrise and clouds over the bay bridge toll plaza. it's nice to see it this way rather than on the way to work on monday morning. frightening moments for a truck driver in southern brazil. dramatic video has his truck skidding over a guard rail left hanging over the side of the bridge. local news media reports the driver lost control after a car stopped suddenly in front of him. people passing used a rope to secure the driver from the truck about 25 minutes after the accident then they were able to hoist him up to safety. new revelations about the catholic church in australia's state of victoria. they say the clergy abused 620
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children since the 1930s. that news is prompting more calls into an independent inquiry into sex abuse. they say most cases happened 30 to 80 years ago. the archbishop says the church is committed to facing up to the truth. in bangladesh, india, most shops are closed today because of a strike to protest the anti-islam video produced in the u.s. thousands of security leaders and police are on the streets in the capital to keep the peace during today's strike. the strike was called in response to police action yesterday against protesters rallying against that film. dozens of people were arrested. so far no violence has been reported in today's strike. still ahead on "today in the bay," we have details on a plan to turn the bay bridge into a giant light show. here's a look outside around the bay area this morning.
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we have high clouds coming in and temperatures today feeling a bit more like summer than fall. i'll have a full look at your sunday forecast coming up.
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>> it got hot yesterday afternoon as we were playing in the backyard. >> inland valleys will be warm. numbers in the 80s and i think some low 90s today. the coast and north bay will see changes. mostly clear except patchy low clouds and fog around san francisco and the coast. 54 in san jose. look at fairfield, 58 degrees. look at the wind in fairfield, sea breeze barely reaching solano county right now. onshore winds will pick up this afternoon dropping temperatures a little bit around the north
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bay. we have patchy fog to start the day. increasing high clouds is the first fall weather system trying to drop down into northern california. we'll show you that in satellite view in a moment. through the week, inland temperatures will drop a bit. they'll come back up again as it looks like we're getting a bonus week of summer in terms of temperatures in the first week of fall. satellite radar view you can see the system dropping down to the east of the sierra. don't expect to see showers out of this. you're going to see clouds come in making for nice sunrise this morning. those are high clouds starting to see there. future cast through the morning, just has patches of low clouds around the coast and bay. here comes that line of high clouds right on top of us as we head through the afternoon. filtered sunshine today. that should also knock down temperatures just a little bit too as those high clouds go through the bay area into the evening and behind the system we'll see the sea breeze pick up dropping temperatures a couple degrees inland today and probably a few degrees more as we head into tomorrow and tuesday. so temperatures around the bay area, we're looking at mainly
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mid 80s around san jose. south of san jose down into morgan hill and gilroy, a chance we may get close to 90s before the sea breeze picks up late this afternoon. east bay as hot as mid 90s yesterday. the sea breeze turning on a little bit sooner today as the system starts to go by and around the north bay 70s and 80s in the forecast. 60s and 70s around san francisco. comfortab comfortable. the sea breeze will pick up strongly as we head toward evening. you can see over the next three days, a slight bump down and temperatures inland valleys and then past the middle part of the week, numbers will come up. some of the extended range forecast models do bring some mid 90s possibly back as we head toward next weekend so again now that we're kind of in the driest time of year, what we have to watch for are offshore winds. that's the combination of wind and hot and dry temperatures like that that could cause issues. winds don't look like a problem right now but again we're still seeing summerlike temperatures
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in the seven-day forecast. >> hopefully we'll get rain in the forecast at some point. all right. thank you very much. the sikh community was a target of a lone gunman that opened fire in a temple in august in wisconsin. six weeks later, the bay area sikh community, largest in the country, gathered to raise money and awareness and to show everyone that their values are american values. more than 400 sikhs and other community members took off from the starting line of the 5k fund-raiser for the sikh coalition, a national civil rights organization. part of what they do is to educate people about who the half million sikhs are. >> sikh values are american values. we believe in honesty. we believe in giving back to the community. we believe in the oneness of god. we also have a strong tradition and belief in social justice. if you look at american values and you look at sikh values, they are perfectly aligned. >> because of that, so many bay area sikhs were shocked that a
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lone gunman would open fire at a sikh temple in oak creek, wisconsin, last month. the runners and walkers observed a moment of silence in honor of the six victims before taking off raising $75,000 and raising awareness. >> i want people to know about, like, that it's good to support us and it's not right to shoot us. >> it's so nice because all of my religion people are here and it feels really good. >> they're all here to support the sikhs so it's nice to be here and to see so many people here too. >> we're like any other person. there's no need to not be friends with us. >> it's amazing. i haven't seen a lot of this other than at my temple. most of the time we stayed reserved. little groups here and there. >> reporter: there are half a million sikhs living in america. half of them in california. fremont in particular. most people were exposed to the sikhs because of that mass shooting. they know while wearing turbans and scarfs could make them easy
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targets, they work hard to live in their religion. >> you see the kids and hear everyone, it's about the community moving forward and being inspired. >> kris sanchez, nbc bay area new year's. here we are again. in san francisco, walkers are getting ready for another run. they will take part in the american foundation for suicide prevention's annual out of the darkness community walk. registration starts at 8:00. the walk kicks off at 9:00 this morning. money raised will go to research and education programs to prevent suicides and save lives and increasing awareness about depression and suicide. this weekend is a good time to get your hair cut. all 15 sport clips haircut salons and barber shops are taking part in that fund-raiser donating a portion of all sales to the homes for wounded warriors program. it was started by an nfl player who plays for the minnesota
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vikings. he has been raising money for the past several years to support vets from both the afghanistan and iraq wars. the bay bridge will soon look a little bit different. maybe get more attention. it's about to cost $8 million but you can think of it as a glowing work of art. here is today's joe rosato, jr. >> reporter: it's one thing to hatch a bold, unusual idea. it's a whole other thing to see it come to light. just imagine the first time ben davis explained to anyone the vision for the bay bridge. >> it's going to be a beautiful sublime piece of art. 500 feet high. you'll be able to see and experience in a gentle way up and down the entire san francisco water front. >> two years after davis thought up his idea, the bay lights project announced today it had secured all of the permits and most of the funding needed to execute his dream.
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>> in october the lights will begin to be hung and by march of next year there will be a grand lighting ceremony. >> the artist plans to install 25,000 programmable l.e.d. lights on the north side of the bridge's western span. the lights will be attached to the bridge's suspension cables with the display being programmed. >> i'm interested in sequences that will display patterns based on all of the motion that i find around the bridge. >> the group raised 5.5 of the $8 million needed to fund the project and got agencies from the coast guard to chp to caltrans to sign off on it. >> a lot of permits was required but this group has been committed and innovative and have been able to go through the maze of the agencies they have to bettinteract with. >> reporter: crews will hang
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lights at night to minimize traffic impacts and once installed they won't be visible to drivers. everyone else will get an eye full. >> you couldn't invest enough money in margareti imargaret ma images that will be seen around the world. >> $100 million in revenue will be committed during the two-year run and lights will coincide with the eastern span of the bay bridge. >> i think it really is a gift. >> reporter: joe rosato, jr., nbc bay area news. much more ahead, coming up, the new bill signed into law that makes it easier for women to get birth control. details on that coming up. [ male announcer ] the magic of nature appears every day,
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within each strand of an oat's rhythmical sway. when an apple's vibrant red temptation, and honey's sweet touch of golden sensation, join together with a pecan crunch you'll savor, creating the most perfect lesson in flavor. ♪ nature's best-written recipe is ready for you to enjoy. nature valley, nature at its most delicious. now try our new crunchy dark chocolate peanut butter bar. governor jerry brown signed a bill into law that he says empowers women to control their own destiny. the ceremony happened outside a planned parenthood clinic.
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>> govern roor brown made it ear for women to get birth control in california. registered nurses can contribute hormonal contraceptives that could only be prescribed by a doctor, physician's assistant or a midwife. >> it's more than time. it's 2012. >> reporter: alexandra who took the pill for 12 years before she got married and planned her pregnancy, says it should be easy to plan fertility. assembly woman holly mitchell authored the bill but not without great opposition from california's nurse's association, organization of women and catholic conference. >> given the national climate where they have reversed access to this service, we are thrilled
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that california is in the forefront of protecting women's rights. >> women have the right to control their own destiny. >> it is a statewide bill. federal health officials are warning people to avoid eating a certain kind of trader joe's peanut butter that may be responsible for making dozens of people sick. the peanut butter has been linked to salmonella infection. 29 people have ended up sick in several states including california. the peanut butter in question has a number of 97-111 and should be returned to any trader joe's for a full refund. as part of a nationwide recall, the store pulled the products from store shelves and posted an advisory on its web stapagewebp. the giants win the national league west. we'll show you the most entertaining play against the
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san diego padres. you can already snap up your giants playoff gear this morning. we'll show you where it is for sale and what you can get.
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good morning. happy sunday to you looking live at the transamerica pyramid there and fog in the distance that's way lower than it usually is. it's squished on the city like a blanket. thanks for joining us. i'm chris sanchez along with meteorologist rob mayeda. when it is low like that, does it keep us warmer or cooler? >> inland. we receive warmer temperatures around the bay where the fog is it's cool. what was interesting about that shot, you saw tops of the golden gate bridge towers and top of the clouds. clouds have been compressed below 700 feet this morning. a lot of patchy fog along the coast. 50 in san francisco. 54 in san jose. notice the winds inland. we're going to see the west wind
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at 14 in san francisco cooling there and around the coast. one of the things you'll also notice is we're seeing high clouds coming in out of the north. this is our first fall weather system that will dive by to our east today and it should increase the sea breeze heading into the afternoon. inland temperatures around 4:00, you can see it by livermore with 80s and 90s. 60s and 70s around san francisco and oakland. and now the seven-day forecast, we're bringing inland temperatures up a few more degrees. it's fall but summer trying to hang on. a look at that in the forecast coming up. >> thank you very much. giants fans are waking up with smiles on their faces after that huge playoff birth victory last night. we take you back to last night's game at the bottom of the second inning. starting giants pitcher helped his own cause by driving in a run with a base hit. a few innings later a line drive to center scoring two more runs to pad the lead. fast forward to the eighth
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inning and brandon belt goes deep with the opposite field home run. giants win it 8-4. in the stands it was pure excitement. last night at at&t park more than 42,000 people watched the giants clinch the national league west title. when the game ended, the fans weren't ready to go. they wanted to soak in all of the excitement. some giants fans are already looking ahead to a possible world series appearance. >> they play together and pick each other up all the time. it's a great team. it really is. >> very exciting. waiting for this since spring training. 2011 was a disappointment. 2012 is going to be redemption. >> the victories with made more sweet because san francisco rival it the l.a. dodgers, lost enabling the giants to clinch that division title. within minutes of last night's win, the giants tweeted out this link showing all of the team's swag that fans can order celebrating that division title.
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t-shirts, hats, sweatshirts, jackets are all ready to ship out. the man they called the panda made perhaps the most entertaining play at the game last night. did you see that. he got a standing ovation for that one for sure. pablo sandoval catches the pop-up landing in the seats and as we mentioned, he blew a big bubble as he did it. that's concentration. not like me that can't walk and chew gum at the same time. the final play of the game really lit up at&t park as the team celebrated, the crowd did too. the giants still have some work to do to get where they really want to go which is of course the world series. first the giants have to wrap up the season. they face the padres today at 1:05 at at&t park and then face the arizona diamondbacks also on their home turf and then go on
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the road to finish off the regular season against the padres and dodgers and begin the quest for the second world series title on either october 6th or october 7th. the giants have set up a lottery season for postseason tickets and the website says that random drawing for tickets will happen on monday. you can still sign up to be in the drawing and the good news is there's no charge and there's no commitment. in other news this morning, a small brush fire is serving as a big reminder that it is fire season still here in the bay area and it is the most important time to be vigilant. today we get a report from antioch with more on a fire that burned dangerously close to homes and how people can protect themselves. >> reporter: an air tanker dropped fire retardant off deer valley road just outside of brentwood. a helicopter lended a hand with several loads of water. this is 50 to 60 firefighters working on the ground containing the brush fire to just 32 acres.
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>> they're amazing. it was kind of interesting to watch and see how they did their thing and then when the air tankers came in, poof, the fire was out in just a few minutes. >> ben foreman lives across the street from where the fire was burning and watched it closely. >> out here in the rural areas, the wind can change and i keep my place pretty well mowed down but it could change and start coming this direction. i kept my eye on it. >> reporter: fire officials want the charred hillside to serve as a reminder to residents that it's fire season in the bay area and with hot, dry and windy conditions, people need to be on alert. >> it escalated quick. it shows when we have mowed grass, the fire goes out better. we remind homeowners to mow their fields as low as they can to stop the fire and help us help them. >> reporter: it's a well known practice for neighbors especially here in the rural parts of the county. >> everything is mowed down enough that i don't think i
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would have an issue and obviously i have a stucco house with a tile roof so i have taken precautions to keep a spark type thing from happening. >> investigators are still trying to figure out what caused the fire in the first place. construction of the new 49ers stadium in santa clara is making steady progress. team officials say the installation of the stadium's steel frame is about a quarter of the way done. as of now, they tell us the entire project is about 15% complete. the stadium is scheduled to open for the 2014 football season. officials say about 70% of the club seats and luxury suites are sold. those are the suites that cost anywhere from $150,000 to half a million. tomorrow we may get more insight into what triggered that fire at the richmond chevron refinery. chevron along with local and state investigators will share their latest findings in a meeting tomorrow talking about the possible causes and the
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environmental impact of the august 6th fire. preliminary reports say a massive vapor cloud was released which somehow ignited. more than 14,000 people sought medical care during the following weeks. the chevron meeting will be held at the richmond memorial auditorium and convention center at civic center plaza beginning tomorrow night at 6:00. debris from the earthquake and tsunami that devastated japan has now reached hawaii. a large plastic bin washed ashore friday after floating across the pacific ocean. japanese leaders say the bin came from the fukushima nuclear plant. it was spotted off the island. at least five sea birds were found dead inside. barnicles had grown on the outside. debris also washed on beaches in alaska and oregon. still ahead abouton "today e bay," we have details on a class
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action lawsuit including whether or not you qualify.
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looking live at sunol this morning. hope your day is off to a good start. cnbc's sue herrera has a look at the latest reports on the housing market. >> as september winds down, the days are getting shorter and autumn has officially begun. it's also the end of the third quarter for wall street keeping investors busy buttoning up portfolio this is week. a new member of the dow jones industrial average starting on monday. after just four years in the dow, kraft is out and united health care group is in. kraft is in the process of splitting into two food companies and addition of united health indicates the importance of health care spending to the u.s. economy. we'll get more readings on the recovery housing market this week including two reports on
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home price which is have been on the rise and two reports on sales, one for newly built homes and other on pending sales. deals agreed to but not yet signed. the government gives a final estimate on domestic product. it is expected to be under 2% but at least growing. a couple big events in new york city this week. heads of state from around the world attend the united nations general assembly and there's also the clinton global initiative with former president bill clinton hosting business executiv executives, politicians and celebrities to discuss solutions to the world's most pressing problems. i'm sue herrera. get your business news on cnbc. >> you can also get your business news before the bell weekdays on "today in the bay." we get started at 4:30 in the morning. in just a few hours, electric car owners from across the country will converge in silicon valley celebrating national plug-in day in cupertino. organizers say it's the largest
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gathering the hybrid owners in the bay area. visitors can test drive the latest electric cars and there will be seminars on how battery power could be the way of the future. national plug-in day will be held at de of anza college at 10:00 this morning. some of hollywood's a listers are asking you to tweet them. director ron howard and several movie stars including eva longoria and jamie foxx are taking part in project imagination. they want the public to tweet them pictures to help inspire them on what short films to make. if you want to take part, you have to hurry because the deadline is tomorrow. you can logon to the project imagination website for more details. people who shop at one pricey handbag store could soon get a pretty good discount. coach recently settled a class action lawsuit. the company was sued over private information it requested from its customers including
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address, phone numbers and e-mails. people who bought items from coach between february of 2010 and february of this year are eligible for a 30% discount on a future purchase. the company has begun contacting customers by mail. still ahead on "today in the bay," the battle to save public education. we'll look at two measures on the november ballot meant to raise billions of dollars for public schools. nbc bay area political analyst larry gerston will help us break them down. have you heard of the new dialing procedure
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for the 40and 669 areaodes? no, what is it? starting october 20, 2012, if you have a 408 or 669 number, you'll need to dial 1 plus the area code plus the phone number for all calls. o.k., but what if i have an 408 number and i'm calling a 408 number? you'll still need to dial 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. so when in doubt, dial it out! dial it out! i'll have the build your own burger with a...n? sunny-side up egg, jack cheese, jill. and, uh... make it a double. inspiration can come from anywhere. build your own burgers are now at denny's.
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looking live at downtown san jose. you can see sunshine that will spill over the silicon valley and beyond. it will be a nice fall day today. two initiatives on the november 6th ballot intend to rescue public education in california but divided voter loyalties may defeat both. nbc bay area political analyst larry gerston is here to explain
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this. let's talk about what's going on here. the bills sound very similar. >> at first blush they do. talk about proposition 30, proposition 38, both of which focus on public education in california. to understand this, let's do a little history. we'll go back in time here. the legislature and the governor last june passed a budget that was unbalanced by $8 billion. $8 billion. why? because they didn't have the money. they couldn't get any tax increase support from republicans. so governor jerry brown and his allies went ahead and qualified a ballot initiative that would raise income taxes for seven years on the wealthiest, raise the sales tax by a quarter cent for several years and that's the idea behind proposition 30. all of that money, virtually all of it, would go toward public education. therefore, balancing the state budget in the process. that's the idea. now some might ask why public education? what's going on here? the reason is because they cut another $8 billion last june
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from all of the other subject areas. education takes up about half. half of the state spending. this is where the money goes if in fact the voters go along. >> that's the simplest explanation we can get. it's way more complicated than that and that's why there are two competing measures, right? >> now we got to drill down. some critics say wait a second. this is a ground proposal that didn't go far enough. among them was molly who is a wealthy attorney and she's qualified her own initiative, proposition 38 raisie ining inc taxes for all californians with all proceeds once again earmarked for public education. here's the problem. the presence of two competing initiatives on the ballot has potential to confuse voters and guess what? confuse voters tend to vote no. >> okay. so how are they doing in the polls? at this point we're 46 days away
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from the election. 45 days away from the election. they have to have a pretty good margin if you can even expect for them to pass in november. >> we talked about this. here are latest results from the field poll released the other day. if you look at proposition 30, leading and you look at proposition 38 and it's 41-44. just losing slightly. not so good. on the surface, you say 51-36, piece of cake. home run and we're done. no. no. no. as we talked about many times before, a money proposition needs to have about 60% going in. why? because people tend to have second thoughts. more taxes, i don't know. you look at one here that's got 51% right now. if you're jerry brown, you have to bite your fingernails. that's the problem. you put that along with 38, people say, 38, i don't know. i'm confused. more taxes. you can see why it's in trouble. >> okay. so what happens if jerry brown's
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measure prop 30 fails? >> it's the classic tradeoff. those making over $250,000 annually, not going to have to pay any extra income taxes. rest of us won't have to pay that additional quarter cent sales tax. terrific. no more taxes. that leaves the state without that $8 billion budget matter they needed which will force governor brown to cut three weeks from the current school year for public education, three weeks, and make some incredibly drastic cuts in higher education as well. you put it all together, a lot at stake here. you raise taxes or you see public education pretty much clobbered for this year and next year because there won't be the money. there's your choice. high stakes election. >> will we see more of an information blitz then? people can still register to vote. are they going to be bombarded with more information from the camps? >> i expect so. she's already raised $25 million. she dumped in her own money.
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jerry brown raised 32 million. opponents have raised hardly anything. this is the kind of thing where people just have a knee-jerk reaction to say no when it comes to taxes. besides, how many times have they told us before that we'll have a problem and somehow things work out? sort of like crying wolf. we have issues here. we have public perception ideas here that are running counter to this thing. brown is out there banging his drum. we'll have to see if he bangs loud enough. >> thank you very much, larry. you can get larry's political insight any time, of course it is prop 0 that you're looking for. the presidential campaign is nearing the homestretch. both candidates are continuing to visit key battleground states not only to pick up support but to pick up cash. republican mitt romney will campaign in colorado today while president barack obama has a quiet day in washington with no public events. nbc's brian mooar has more details from the campaign trail.
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>> reporter: at a fund-raiserer, the president told story about parents who said their 4 year old new barack obama from his tv ads. he asked what does barack obama? he says he approves this message. >> reporter: there will be more of those messages as the race for the white house heads into the final 45 days. both the president and mitt romney were in fund-raising mode gathering the cash they'll need for the homestretch. a day after romney released more tax information, the president couldn't help taking a poke. >> i want to keep your taxes low. i can afford to pay more. and mitt romney sure can afford to pay a little more. >> reporter: in san diego, romney got in a dig of his own. >> he's increased the number on food stamps by 15 million. that's more than the population of ohio. randomly selected state.
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>> reporter: ohio is just one of the battlegrounds each candidate will be visiting a lot in the next few weeks on the ground and over the air. in a lot more of those tv ads. brian mooar, nbc news. >> and we still have more ahead for you on "today in the bay." coming up, they're now in the 70s and 80s but the original all-female baseball league that inspired the movie, "a league of their own" reunite. we'll take to you the game. you can see we have some fog out there and high clouds coming in with our first fall weather system dropping into northern california. we'll have a look at your sunday forecast straight ahead.
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welcome back. look in the distance, you can see the golden gate bridge way off there about 750 feet the tops of those towers. if you can see them sitting on top of the low clouds this
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morning, we have a marine layer that's been really compressed down and closed to 700 feet to 600 feet this morning. we've got fog around the golden gate and around the coast. temperatures inland still mild. fairfield, 58 degrees. 50 in san francisco. 40s around the north bay and notice the wind speed this morning. it's light. out in concord and fairfield and livermore, the ocean air conditioning really not being felt inland. that's the reason why yesterday you may have noticed mid 90s in a few spots in the tri-valley today we'll see numbers climbing into the low 90s in a few spots inland. inland, 80s and 90s. increasing high clouds today. that's one change you'll see as a system drops in from the north. and our seven-day forecast actually looking warm here for the first week of fall. so on satellite view, you may notice high clouds outside right now and showers here north of lake tahoe this afternoon. the system isn't going to bring us rain but it's going to probably increase the sea breeze as we head toward afternoon and evening. around 3:00 you'll see mid and high level clouds. it will be filtered sunshine this afternoon.
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not as sunny as yesterday. heading toward the evening, clouds move on and should be a gorgeous sunset. you get the clouds made of ice crystals that reflect the sunlight and we'll see a gorgeous sunset for the bay area later this evening. close to 90 around morgan hill. numbers in mid 80s around dublin and low 90s around sunol. the three-day forecast inland, a slight cooldown and then days to watch will be the second half of the week. not only do we warm up inland, we could see 70s near the coast around pacifica and if the winds turn strongly offshore, we will have to watch out for fire danger possibly in our hills thursday and friday. stay tuned in that forecast. >> all right. thank you very much. another run in san francisco aims to prevent suicide. registration gets under way in five minutes at lake merced for the out of the darkness run.
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the actual walk and run starts at 9:00 this morning. money raised will help fund research and awareness about depression and suicide. sort of fast forward from a flashback. the women who played in "a league of their own" were back on the field. the surviving members of the baseball league made famous in the 1992 film "league of their own" held a reunion in upstate new york yesterday. women in their 70s and 80s gathereded to play an exhibition softball game. they visited the national hall of fame for baseball on friday. this year is the 20th anniversary of the iconic film and a new dvd is being released next month. i say they still have it. here is the football lineup in the bay area today. the san francisco 49ers are in minnesota taking on the vikings. it is an early kickoff. game time at 10:00 this morning. and then the oakland raiders host the pittsburgh steelers. kickoff is this afternoon at
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1:30. tune in here, nbc bay area news for sunday night football, sing the song, you know it. pregame this afternoon at 4:00. no 5:00 or 6:00 news for us. the next newscast will be at 8:30 and then you can tune into sports sunday prime time. thank you for making us a part of your morning. one last look at the forecast. any words of advice? >> we're looking warm inland today. 80s and low 90s. just gorgeous weather. hot for this time of year. hot as san francisco giants who are nl west champions. >> perfect for my cousin visiting from colorado. we'll leave you with the giants celebrating at at&t park. we hope you have a fantastic day. we'll see you very soon.
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