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tv   Today  NBC  October 10, 2012 7:00am-11:00am PDT

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good good morning. tough questions for the state department to be grilled this morning at capitol hill on the terror attack on the consulate in libya. were calls for security ignored? we will have dramatic new details on the assault that left four americans dead. where's jessica? the parents of a 10-year-old girl in colorado open up for the first time about their daughter's disappearance. >> i want her to coming walking back through the door. i need her to walk back through that door. >> as fbi officials search the girl's home and leave with bags of evidence. and heaven help us, a nun walks into a convenience store and caught on camera stealing
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beer, and whether she is the real deal or someone in disguise, she has con some confessing to do today. wednesday, october 10th, 2012. from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer an savannah gutherie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning and welcome to "today" on wednesday, i'm matt lauer. >> i'm savannah gutherie and we will have a chilling new details about the attack in libya. and when it comes to the presidential election, not only is mitt romney being blasted for his comments about big bird.
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>> yes, and we will talk to the president's senior adviser to the obama campaign being asked to pull ads about big bird. and one mom went on strike, and she let the mess pile up and took photographs and and did it have the impact on the daughters you hoped it would? she will join us as well. >> and you love this, because it is freaking me out with the germs in the dishwasher and the -- >> well, it was messy. we will start with the new details on the attack in benghazi, libya, and an gree ya mitchell has new details. good morning to you. >> good morning. officials described in detail a heavily armed assault on the consulate and not what had been described. >> reporter: officials say all
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was quiet until 9:40 p.m. when teams invaded the compound. attackers took the embassy ambassador. the ambassador and a security agent tried to escape through a bathroom window. the agent got out, but he then could not find the am b ambassadorment his body turned up hours later in the hospital where the staff had dialed numbers in his cell phone to identify him. eventually surviving agents drove an armored vehicle through heavy fire from an ak-47 at close range to an annex at several miles away. around 4:00 a.m. the main compound was hit by mortar fire, and then the ambassador was taken away by a jet. but then some claim that the administration was in a hurry to turn the security over to libya.
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republican jason chaffetz just returned from libya. >> there was a number of requests for more personnel and in fact, they reduced the personnel. >> reporter: the statehouse denies any requests and they deny any claims on reducing the security requests. this is fastly becoming explosive, as the committee is claiming they have had no access to committee members or documents. and on to politics and the ongoing dust-up on the campaign trail between mitt romney and the president over of all things big bird. pete alexander is in ohio. good morning. >> good morning. new evidence that mitt romney has erased the lead of president obama in the crucial battleground state of ohio. both teams are trying to capture the energy in a narrowing race and competitive race.
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with the calendar ticking down, mitt romney offered an alternative to the battle cries for four more years. >> i think that the right chant for them ought to be four more weeks, four more weeks. >> reporter: chris christie looked directly into the cameras and delivered this characteristically blunt message. >> mr. president, you have lived inside of 1600 pennsylvania for four years and if you cannot change washington from inside of the white house, then let's get you the plane ticket back to chicago that you have earned. >> reporter: and also in ohio trying to hang on to a slim lead is president obama as the new poll shows that romney's trend as the opponent advantage is trimmed to four points. >> i need you fired up and ready to vote, because we are have some work to do. we have an election to win. everything that we fought for in 2008 is on the line in 2012. >> reporter: ohio is the closest thing to a must-win battleground for both campaigns.
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no republican candidate has won the white house without it. mitt romney weighed into the social issue telling the "des moines register" that as president he would not pursue legislation for abortion and apparent shift on an issue that the obama campaign as tried to use against him. the president's campaign pounced on saying that we know right where he stands when it comes to a woman's option to choose. and opened the president's rally with the familiar theme. ♪ sunny day >> somebody is finally getting tough on big bird. who knew he was driving the deficit. >> his focus on saving big bird is a strange thing in my view, because i'm focused on helping the american people to get better jobs and brighter prospects. >> reporter: both are responding to this campaign ad by president obama to clip public subsidies
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to public television. it is already ruffling feathers with a nonprofit behind sesame street objecting and asking them to remove the sesame street characters from the ads. and just a short time from now mitt romney will step in that bus and begin to crisscross the state. it is a long day for him and a bus tour to try to win this us man must-win state, and also, the first vice presidential debate is still to come. >> thank you. robert gibbs is the presidential adviser to the obama campaign. and your colleague david plouffe said if the first debate fundamentally changed the race, you would see ohio polls drawing to a tie, and it has not gone to a tie, but it has narrowed from 10-point president obama lead to
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three or four points and can you deny that the momentum, robert, is firmly on the side of mitt romney right now? >> well, matt, we always expected this to be a very close race and we expected as we got closer to election day that the race would tighten even more. we have prepared for that since the beginning of this, but, look, it is a discussion of real issues of what separates these two candidates and the piece that peter just did, mentioned the fact that one more time we have an example of mitt romney changing a position in public even though everybody knows what he believes. yesterday telling the "des moines register" he has nothing on the agenda to restrict a woman's right to choose when he said in a debate that he'd be happy to sign a piece of legislation that banned all abortions. it is one more thing from mitt romney trying to have two positions as we get closer to voting. >> robert, i am glad you say it is about real issue, because i have the be honest with you,
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that i was personally a little bit surprised that the campaign released this big bird ad yesterday. is that the kind of political ad that a campaign releases when it feels that it has ideas and solution hs on the side or is that the kind of political ad a campaign releases when it simply wants to get attention? >> well, look, matt, the ad and the president have an important point on this. mitt romney took to the debate and said i will get tough by getting down and nabby and ending war and sesame street and not hold wall street accountable as we go forward in financial reform, and we can't have a president who does that. that is part of the real issue and one more piece, matt, of something that mitt romney said this the debate that he'd like to change or that is a position he will walk away from. >> i find it hard to believe that i am asking this question, but will the campaign take big
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bird out of the ads? >> i don't know of any change to that ad? >> and the performance of the first debate had this to say from the daily beast, i have never seen a candidate throw in the towel in the way that obama did and how do you erase that first image from the public consciousness and the president incapable of making a beginning argument or closing argument. so with the debate a week away, robert, does president obama understand what he did wrong? does he agree that he took the wrong approach? >> matt, no doubt, and i have said this repeatedly that the president did notley leive up s own expectations in that debate, but what we will see in the vice presidential debate tornlgs amo and as we get closer to the economy, what will we do as the
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president and vice president want to do by strengthening education and bringing the manufacturing jobs back from overseas or do it like mitt romney, tax breaks for the wealthy and building the economy from the top. >> all right. how much pressure has the first debate put on vice president biden's shoulders tomorrow? >> i look forward to talk watch the vice president tomorrow. he is eager to do it. i guess he will have to be on the toes, and you see what mitt romney did is congressman ryan walk away from the positions he has held in the campaign and give a much, much different and softer image for the american people. >> we will all be watching. thank you, robert gibbs, for your time. reminder to watch the vice presidential debate right here tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. on nbc. and a colorado couple is speaking out for the first time since the disappearance of their
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10-year-old daughter. miguel al guerlguerra has more this. >> this morning the family opens up since the police investigation. >> reporter: at a park where she often played, more than 1,000 offered to pray for jessica ridge w ridgeway, the pint-sized 10-year-old seen in this recent video has been missing since friday. >> she is my rock. she is all of our rock, and she is the one when you are kind of down, she is going to come along and mick you laugh. >> reporter: police say that jessica was last seen walking to scho school. her mother, sarah ridgeway said good-bye shortly before jessica vanished. >> i watched her walk out of the door, and i shut the door, and that's the last time i saw her. i want her to come walking back through the door. i need her to walk back through that door. >> reporter: when jessica's
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school called home to say she never made it to class, jessica's mom who works the night shift was sleeping. hours passed before she got the message. jessica was nowhere to be found. >> i made sure that she was not in the places that i knew she would not be, and you have to check. she was not there, and that is when i knew. i went straight back home, and e called directly 911. >> reporter: sunday's jessica's backpack was found some six miles from the home, one of the few clues that the police have made public. authorities have canvassed mile after mile, and some 400 homeowners in jessica's neighborhood alone will be interviewed. tuesday, the fbi was back at jessica's home leaving with with bags police say her mother and father are fully cooperating. jessica's dad who lives in missouri has flown to colorado to help bring his fifth grader home.
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>> this is by far the worst thing i have ever been through. >> and then you get the pit in your stomach that you don't want any, any parent, any parent to ever experience in their whole entire life. >> reporter: the little girl who loves the dance and often giggling and playing with her dolls has been gone tor almost a week. a community grieving together as a mother and father hold out hope. >> we will never stop looking, and we love her. >> reporter: as the search for jessica enters day six, police do not believe that her disappearance is connected to any potential other abductions that have happened in this area over the past few weeks. and hundreds of officers are working the case, but so far no breaks. >> thank you. and now a check to the other
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top stories and natalie is over at the desk with those. attorneys for the kconvicte childis ex abuser jerry sandusky are preparing the appeal this morning. michael isikoff has more from belmont, pennsylvania. >> good morn, natalie. jerry sandusky now officially branded a violent sexual offend ler be transferred to begin serving what amounts to a life sentence. judge john cleland's words were stinging as he rebuked jerry sandusky for assaulting the victims. the crime is not only what you did to their bodies, but to their psyches and their souls. he sentenced sandusky to 30 to 60 years and not as much as some victims wanted, their lawyers said, but it accomplished the purpose. >> bottom line, he will spend his life in prison no, question. >> reporter: sandusky was accuse of abusing ten young boys and one of them choked back fears saying that he was still haunted
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of flashbacks of sandusky molesting him. another said to the defendant, i will never forget you and because of you, i will not allow my only child out of my sight for fear of what might happen to him. sandusky gave a rambling statement recalling his glory days as a penn state football coach and helping the troubled kids and echoing the points he made from a radio broadcast from jail casting doubt on the accuser accusers. >> i wonder what they really won? attention, financial gain or prestige -- >> reporter: and the prosecutor was contemptuous. >> it was benile in the extreme, and devoid and not connection with any harm that he had made and sounded like a testimonial to himself. >> now, when sandusky is taken to the state prison intake s center next week, he will undergo psychological evaluation so officials will see if he can safely mix with other prisoners
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or he needs to be kept in olation for his own protection. >> thank you, michael isikoff in pennsylvania. investigators are searching through a veritable arsenal of a man at los angeles international airport. the man traveling from japan to boston was wearing a bulletproof vest and carrying a suitcase with a biohazard suit and gas mask, and leg irons, and he is not cooperating, but he is not expected to be linked to a terrorist organization. gl . and 11 people have died of a rare recalled all of its products. the supreme court takes up a challenge to affirmative action today. the court ruled on this divisive issue nine years ago, deciding that race could be a factor in at missions, allowing colleges more diverse student bodies. the decision now could limit or
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even eradicate the program all together. and did halloween come a little early, or is this video for real? take a look at this security camera footage posted to youtube, has gone viral. it appears to show a very thirsty nun stealing several beers from a convenience store, and since no one has confessed yet, either this nun's on the run or maybe it's a holy hoax, or it's all disguised. who knows. 7:18 right now. back over to savannah and matt. say ten hail marys for that. >> what do we think, real or fake? >> no way of knowing. >> no. >> i mean, clearly, it's -- it's not the situation she wanted to be caught in. >> no. >> i think she can be identified pretty quickly, don't you? >> exactly. we know her. natalie, thanks so much. let's check in with mr. roker on the road this morning in miami. lucky guy. hey, al. >> hey, you know, she keeps doing that, she is really going to become a bad habit. >> so, we missed you. we needed that. >> it was there.
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we knew you were going there, just couldn't do anything to stop it. >> thank you. thank you very much. anyway, we are in miami at the coast guard station in miami beach. we'll tell you why in just a little bit. it's really hot here. they set a record yesterday. look at this cold air that's going to be making its way in. we are talking minneapolis, 52 for a high today. 9 degrees below normal. chicago at 51. 14 degrees below normal. ahead of the front, nice and warm in d.c. and charleston, but then tomorrow that system moves through, and the can you see those temperatures drop in the east, and there's another cold front coming in behind that that's going to reinforce that cold air. fall is here. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good wednesday morning to you. look at all this activity. your doppler radar lit up this morning. heavy downpours from half-moon bay to the santa cruz mountains. the most action loss gatos.
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these thunderstorm cells are pretty strong. we're going to continue to see this activity. frequent lightning strikes already reported this morning. we cool off tomorrow. >> and that's your latest weather. matt. >> all right, al, thank you very e wrong choices, but this morning we have one about a man in boston or near boston who did the right thing. nbc's andrea canning has details on that. good morning, good to see you. >> good morning, matt. there are good people out there in the world. we'll call this story the opposite of finders keepers losers weepers. leo has a business hauling away people ejunk and occasionally he finds something work keeping but when he found an envelope stuffed with 1970s era savings bond this man showed he had a heart of gold. >> a kind of knock out the door that makes for great tv. >> the envelope, there was 22,000 $250.
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>> this weekend he delivered nearly $115,000 to brother and sister joe and marie larosa. >> i almost fell backwards. good thing that my brother was with me. i was in shock. >> it's like hitting the lottery, you know. it will change your life. >> reporter: by law this junk man owns everything he puts on his truck, but after cleaning out the velosa's house he made a find he couldn't help imagine holding on to. >> there were 22,300 worth of savings bonds. >> reporter: issued in 1972 with inflation, the savings bond are now worth over $114,000. >> we news our faith in humanity that honest people are out there. it was very nice of him to bring them back. >> 400. >> 5. >> yeah, sold. >> reporter: there's a growing number of reality shows reeling in audiences with the breathtaking prospect of big dollars hidden in ordinary junk.
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looking to cash in on his own potential for reality stardom he recently had a camera crew finding him around in hopes of landing a show, but this is his best material yet. >> this is the craziest. we found confederate money, gold coin, some watches, and this was -- this tops it all. >> reporter: with a flair for showmanship he made the delivery with local tv his production crew and newspapers in tow, a bit of grandstanding maybe, but certainly a story worth watching. >> so heartwarming to return something like that, you know. in this economy everyone needs extra money. >> at today's value with interest, $113,954! you just hit the lottery. >> reporter: their mother died a year ago and the saves bonds are all in her name. marie and joe say this is her way of staying in their lives. made it through my first day. >> did want to welcome you beforehand and make you more
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nervous but now that the piece is over, great to have you here at nbc. >> what an honor it is to be here. thanks for having me and letting me be part of your family. >> so happy to have you, andrea. >> watch out for this one. >> i know this one. >> just ahead, the duchess of cambridge sets off on a solo tour this morning. we're live at buckingham palace and the measures... measure up. money to our schools. "misleading." out here. it. but there's hope. straight to our schools... keeps it there. politicians. yes on thirty-eight.
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try all our tasty ocean spray 100% and light 50 juices. it is now 7:26. good morning, i'm jon kelley. san francisco sheriff ross mirkarimi will keep his job. that news after the meeting that lasted several hours. the board voting to reinstate him as sheriff. to oust him, the board would have needed nine votes. mirkarimi has been suspended from that job since back in march. last night, he and his wife spoke after hearing the decision. >> it's been more than grueling to say the least. and our debt has mounted like you wouldn't believe. >> i always feel optimistic and i feel that bad things happen for good reasons. >> mayor lee had been pushing
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for his removal. he did not like this decision. following that decision, he released a statement say, in part, the board's decision returns a convicted domestic batterer to lead the sheriff's office. i will do everything in my power to ensure abusers continue to be held accountable. we'll be hearing a lot more about that story. now, a busy day in that weather office. >> oh, jon kelley, it is crazy out there in parts of the bay area. showers and thunderstorms. cells push on shore. painting a gorgeous sunrise over the bay bridge this morning. zooming in for you over the santa cruz mountains. pea sized hail and lightning strikes reported across the south bay overnight. just be prepared for slick driving conditions. temperaturewise, you might need that coat. a little bit of fog and drizzle for your thursday. by friday, a few showers early and then we'll clear you out.
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let's check on those showers with mike. >> watch for that slick pavement. the first rain in a long time so that could be an issue. the bay bridge is an issue. the backup at the toll plaza, the earlier stalls have cleared, but jaed ejammed on the free ws you approach. slowing down all the way down to the san mateo bridge with the stall on the incline as well. sound like it's a minor fender bender. 101, 280, pretty dramatic. back to you. >> as always, thank you very much. check us out on nbc bay area facebook.
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well, you are looking at one enormous mess created by three little girls when their mom decided to go on strike. she kept her kids in the dark to see how long it would take them to actually start picking up after themselves, and you can see that some time passed. it got a little bit messier and messier and messier, so we'll meet the mom who went on strike just ahead. >> it got ugly. i mean, the dog eating out of dishwasher. milk and glass turning into a cheese-like substance. >> hair balls involved. this is not good. >> no. >> love that mom. it's a wednesday morning, 10th of october, 2012. i'm savannah guthrie alongside mr. neatnik, matt lauer. >> the duchess of cambridge will appear alone today while her
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husband goes to his nanny's funeral. >> have you seen the pictures of sarah palin recently? she looks really thin. but first a woman who pressed charges against the man who raped her and we'll talk more but first more on her harrowing journey. >> reporter: good morning. jennifer bennett said she expected defense lawyers to scrutinize her past but believes they went too far, requesting her search engine records to try to prove she had not been raped. now she's speaking out and telling her story to keep other victims from suffering the same. if you've been beaten, sexually assaulted and strangled, should it matter to the court what you've been googling? that's what the defense was demanding from victim jennifer bennett. they subpoenaed her journal, computer, even her search engine
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records. >> i drew my line in the sand and this is where i'm going to stick up for myself. i was not the criminal. so investigating me and my life, it just didn't seem right. it didn't seem just. >> reporter: her ordeal began in beautiful bend, oregon on a first date with a charming doctor she had met on thomas bray, a former anesthesiologist and teacher at a local community college. the date was going well so they went for a night cap at his home where bennett said he attacked her. the assault lasted five hours. >> she had been strangled. she had been beaten about the face so she had tki in both eyes. one of her eyes, her left eye was blackened. she had bruising around her neck. >> reporter: bray finally let her go home. as she stood in her shower bennett decided not to turn on the water. instead, to get dressed, go to the hospital and press charges.
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>> i needed to do this for other people and not just for myself. i needed to make sure that this man didn't hurt anyone else. >> reporter: bennett knew that she would have to relive the assault on the stand. that bray's defense team would scrutinize her personal life, but she and her attorneys were stunned to hear they wanted her search engine record from a month before and after the attack. >> you make internet searches all the time but you never think anyone is going to be looking in and using that as a reason why this -- as a defense over something horrific that happened to you. >> it's as relevant as if she went and googled how to make chili. it really doesn't matter. >> reporter: defense attorneys disagreed claiming bennett herself told police she had done a few google searches prior to filing her report. >> at a minimum it would have established that the accuser herself had grave doubt in her mind as to whether her encounter with my client constituted criminal behavior at all.
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>> reporter: bennett refused to turn the material over, and the judge subsequently refused to enforce the subpoena. he found bray greaty and sentenced him to 25 years in prison. a personal victory for bennett and a legal one for all victims of rape in protecting their privacy. >> the fact is there is little precedent for this kind of legal request. however, law experts suspect people's online histories will play more of a role in all legal matters. savannah. >> thank you. jennifer bennett is with us exclusively along with her attorney. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> jennifer, i first have to ask you, after this long and terrible road how you're doing this morning. >> i'm a little tired. i'm from the west coast, but i'm doing much better, and i'm looking forward to the future. >> the sentence came down i believe last week, 25 years. that is a significant sentence. did it feel like justice had been done? >> absolutely.
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if i understand it, it's an unusual length sentence for someone who commits this type of crime. >> your case got attention because of not just the brutality you went through and what you went through in court afterwards and people are aware sometimes rape victims do almost get revictimized in the trial's process, but this seems unprecedented. what was your reaction when you learned the defense lawyers were seeking your google searches? >> i was shocked and i was hurt and i couldn't believe that this was happening, and honestly i -- i felt like i needed to stick up for myself and stick up for everyone else. >> what else did they ask for? it wasn't just the searches. wasn't it facebook and that kind of thing. >> they wanted lots of different things, facebook, e-mail, the journals that i use for counseling, to help my healing process, and it was -- it was extraordinary amount of information. i didn't see how it was relevant. >> were you nervous at all about basically defying a defense request and for a moment defying
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a court order? >> yes, i was a little nervous. there were some evenings there that it was a very real possibility that i could be held in contempt of court and i hoped and knew in my heart if i did the right thing and followed what i knew was right that everything would fall into place in the end. >> good time to bring your attorney, jennifer, into this. i mean, to have a judge then ultimately decide not to enforce these subpoenas, that's pretty unusual, isn't it? >> it is. it's such a new area of the law. we obviously looked into it, and it's unprecedented across the country right now. i think that courts will have to deal with it more as everyone g goes to google whenever they have a question and they expect those google searches to be private. but the whole area is completely unprecedented right now actually. >> let me be a devil's advocate for just a moment. i know defense attorneys would say that the defendant is entitled to put on a defense and to get information, and what would your response be to that? >> the google search records are
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completely irrelevant, and you're so correct on the revictimization of victims, and for her to draw the line in the sand at that was spectacular because she wasn't just younger for herself. she was doing it for all victims who may go into technology in the future when they have questions. >> i know you had your eyes wide open when you entered this proce process. you knew it would be hard. did you imagine it would be this hard? >> no, i didn't. i mean, everyone keeps saying that i'm so strong to be going through this and standing up for everyone, but i always just tried to follow what was right, what i think is morally correct, and that's what i tried to do here. >> what message did you want to send to others by coming out publicly and saying here i am, this happened to me? >> i just -- i want to say, yes, this happened to me, i am a good person. i didn't do anything to deserve this, and there's lots of people out there that this happens to all the time, and they deserve their justice as well. >> and before we let you go. do you feel like you can turn a
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corner now, now that that process is behind you and put your life back together? >> yes. i want to become a teacher, a chemistry teacher, and that's where i'm heading with my life, but i also want to make sure that anyone else that this may happen to or it's already happened to gets the help that they need and can seek justice in their own way. >> well, jennifer bennett, so happy to talk to you. thank you for bringing this story to us and thank you as well. we will take a turn now and get a check of the weather. al is down in miami this morning. al, good morning to you. >> well, good morning, savannah. we're here at the coast guard miami beach station. it's part of an effort to tell you about a new program starting on the weather channel tonight at 9:00 "coast guard florida" and we'll bring you more of that in just a little bit. we've got some volatile weather making its way on to the west coast. big upper level low getting itself together, spinning around, bringing rain into central and southern california. as this system makes its way on shore, all eeoc in the next 24 hours, it's got a lot of
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moisture, going to drag that moisture up out of the southwest, and as it pushes east, we look for a lot of rain to start falling. there could be some flash flood watches stretching into central and southern nevada, on into the southwest, and as this system makes its way to the west we're looking for a risk of strong strms as we move into the weekend int >> showing you how it's impacting us here in the bay area. weem had these on and off cells move on shore. some cells have been strong. frequent lightning reported. we're going to see this action especially over the south bay mountain. look at all this activity. you really want to travel cautiously on 17. 72 degrees in redwood city today. we'll see a mix of sun and clouds today. by saturday, we clear you out and warm you up. >> and that's your latest weather. >> savannah. all right, al, thank you. coming up, why your next tax
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and did you know that our glasses come with a free 12-month replacement guarantee? i didn't know walmart had all this. the price is impressive, the quality is too! come to walmart and see for yourself. find quality eyewear brands starting at just $38. only at walmart. what are they fitting, aliens? we're back now at 7:42. this morning on "today's money," we're talking with the fiscal cliff, something you'll be hearing a lot of in the coming months. if congress fails to act by the end of the year a package of tax increases and spending cuts threatens to throw the country back into recession. today financial editor jean chatzky is here to sort it all out. good morning. >> reporter: this .
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>> good morning. >> this is based on a stalemate that's been in existence for a time. what's at stake here? >> at the end of the year, as you said, there's spending cuts that affect more than 1,000 government programs. >> mandated. >> absolutely. that could go into effect. tax cuts set to expire, including the bush tax cuts and the payroll tax cut. combined, all of these things could wipe about 5% growth off the economy, throw us into recession and the tax increases from 90% of americans. >> that sounds like the doomsday scenario. i mentioned there's been a stalemate so far, but the pressure is going to month on both sides to get something done. what's the likelihood we end up falling off this fiscal cliff? >> it's teetering right now. we've got eight senators, democrats and republicans, meeting behind closed doors in mt. vernon trying to come to some sort of a compromise, but there are other people who suggest that if we're allowed to go over the cliff, their
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negotiating power from both sides gains strength. >> let's break this down to the average person and the average family, all right. describe for me what happens to people at various income levels if all of these things actually fall into place. >> so, we're looking at 6% tax increases across the board, but for the lowest 20% of earners, that's about $400. for the middle earners it's about $2,000 a year and for the top 1% it's about 10%, but that equals $120,000. >> and, again, if we fall off the cliff, and let's all hope we don't get to that point, we have level heads prevail here, what about the job situation in the country? >> it will not be good. we're looking at one survey out of george mason university that says it could cost us more than 2 million jobs. also, lower growth, increased volatility in the markets which options traders have already started to hedge against, and unemployment benefits could be reduced. >> what will the outcome of the election do to all of this? how will it impact it, and where is the room for negotiation?
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where is the solution here? >> the solution is not going to come until after the election. people are in total agreement on that, and what looks most likely at this point is that those payroll tax hikes -- payroll tax cuts be allowed to expire which will cost middle income families about $1,000, higher income families about $2,000 and we'll get some sort of compromise on the rest. >> so if you hear the term fiscal cliff and you don't think it applies to you. >> you're wrong. >> you're wrong. >> thanks very much. we appreciate it. >> sure. up next, the duchess of cambridge going solo aspirins william mourns a personal loss right after this. [ ding dong ]
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hey -- little m&m's! wow! great costumes. what are you guys -- like four or five? forty-six. alright, yeah ok. here you go. you don't understand, slick. we're here for the party. whoo! yeah, that's cute! [ laughing ] put your hand down. they're whole grain good... and yummy good. real fruit pieces. 12 grams of whole grains and a creamy yogurt flavored coating. quaker yogurt granola bars. treat yourself good. quaker yogurt granola bars. onof chocolate lovers from the thmelting point of chocolate. so when you take hershey's chocolate and add bubbles,
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with less pain, i'm feeling better now that i've found lyrica. ask your doctor if lyrica is right for your fibromyalgia pain. to say get well to your loved ones. ♪ this came for you, mommy. [ female announcer ] but it takes the touch of kleenex® brand, america's softest tissue, to turn a gesture into a complete gift of care. [ barks ] send your own free kleenex® care pack... full of soothing essentials at kleenex®. america's softest tissue. back now at 749. with the photo scandal behind them, the duke and duchess of came bridge are getting back to public police and kate is venturing out into public on her own. nbc's michelle kosinski is live in london. good morning to you.
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>> reporter: not much of a chance for everybody to be buttoned up lately, including william and kate. for them it's all about charging forward, doing the right thing. today kate represents the firm solo. in a week full of events. kate is back, regal, confidant, wearing the same elegant burgundy coat she wore for her first royal christmas. crowds adore her. she focuses on the children. today on her own, a day packed with appearances, with kate carrying the full confidence of the family. this week william and kate have arrived victorious back home to royal business, practically gleaming after their wildly successful tour in the tropics, not to mention their courtroom defeat of a french magazine. william and kate are very much aligned now as a team. notice how much even their mannerisms seem to have grown alike. kate asked personal questions, paying close attention.
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across the room william says exactly the same. kate smiles warmly and william elicits huge laughs. both tend to talk with their hands. they nod together, even their thumbs move in unison. they are also good foils for each other. while all eyes on are kate talking about the goodness of sports, william is cracking the footballers up. yes, they may be the future king and queen, but these two put people at ease. >> oh, they were very funny, really lovely. very nice people. >> reporter: william even managed to sneak in another harry joke. i feel tempted to cry harry and george but i don't want to bring my brother into it. >> reporter: earlier he was partying in vegas but he's still in afghanistan in the middle of his second tour of duty. he also made the cover of this magazine here, beneath that
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beautiful fully clothed photo they called him dirty harry and at least made him man of the year. today it will be all kate on her own at a series of events. while william attends the funeral of his nanny growing up. even a toddler king needs scolding every now and then, much to his displeasure. powell helped them through their parents divorce and mother's untimely death, and now william is truly coming into his own, along with his wife. those who know about these things say there's been a lot of pressure on william lately to decide what he wants to do, either sign up for another tour in the military starting next year, which he said he wants, or devote more time to public life which just may be what his grandmother, the queen, prefers. savannah. >> all right, michelle. thank you. just ahead, a mom who scored a victory for all parents by going on strike. >> after your local news. [ man ] tell me about that. [ phil ] katie and i talked about really committing to making a difference in the amount of gas that we use. she was using 8 to 10 tankfuls. i was using 5 tankfuls.
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now i use one tankful a month, and she may use about two. it drives like a sports car. it handles very well. people are a little surprised that a hybrid zipped by them the way that i do. [ male announcer ] see phil's story and more at the camry effect. camry from toyota. [ male announcer ] see phil's story and more at the camry effect. ethan casually priced olors. with a $50 dollar savings for every $450 dollars you spend or 48 month financing. american colors. fabulous but...when i add chicken, barbecue sauce... and cheese...and roll it up woo-wee! i've made a barbecue chicken crescent chow down. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. what a bargain! [ female announcer ] sometimes a good deal turns out to be not such a good deal.
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and only at jcp. perfect golden color. rich in fiber. my dad taught me, and i taught my son out there. morning, pa. wait... who's driving the...? ♪ 99 bushels of wheat on the farm, 99 bushels of wheat ♪ [ male announcer ] yep, there's 8 layers of whole grain fiber in those mini-wheats® biscuits... to help keep you full... ♪ 45 bushels of wheat ...all morning long. there's a big breakfast... [ mini ] yee haw! those fun little biscuits.
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it is 7 ooflt 56. good morning, everybody, i'm jon kelley. the a's and the giants dancing on the edge. actually, stay alive in do or die games yesterday. hold on to their world series dreams. the a's refusing to go down without a fight. hold off a three-game sweep. how about this grab by coco crisp at the wall? they force game four tonight. that will be at 6:30. meantime, the gmen pulling off a win on the road in cincinnati. beating the reds 2-1. the giants also play again today hoping to tie that series up at two games apiece. it looks like history could be on their side. the reds haven't won a playoff game at home since 1995. let's go a's and g-men. christina, i know you're all excited your giants doing it. >> started with the bay bridge. we want a bay bridge world series. just a gorgeous sunrise.
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clouds really coming in. look at just off shore. we've got a lot of thunderstorm activity. quite a bit of lightning out there. the but the k of the moisture is sorry the santa cruz mountains. everything is going to the north. just count on kind of a split commute. we'll have that information for you in just a minute. 71 in los gatos. 68 in santa cruz. we keep the shower chance in the mix thank you friday. the san mateo bridge slow. peninsula, we'll watch that. look at these maps. there's no real good route to the south bay. all freeways are slow. the accident starting to clear. 85 maybe 280 might get touched by the sprinkles. the rain, definitely highway 1. 101 jammed up. still jammed all routes to the bay bridge, the east shore freeway, the earlier accident continue, clearing there. >> thank you very much, mike. if you're looking for more, find us on facebook at nbc bay area.
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. 8:00 now on a wednesday morning. it's the tenth day of october, 2012. yep, not a nice one here in new york. we've had rain over the last 24 hours or so. it continues. but they say it's going to get a little nicer later today. that's a good sign for these people. [ cheering ] i'm matt lauer along with savannah guthrie. al is on assignment down in miami. we'll check in with him in a couple of minutes. meanwhile, in our studio right now, we've got a mom who probably is a hero to a lot of moms across the country. she's had enough of picking up after her kids, three kids, three daughters. finally, one day without saying anything, she went on sfriek. she did nothing.
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she let the mess pile up and saw how long it would take for her daughters it realize it. wait until you hear how long it took and how bad it got. that mom will join us to find out how things are now in just a little while. >> so many moms are wondering, what would happen if i just stopped picking up? >> photographic evidence of what would happen. >> your nightmare come true. also ahead, growing older and feeling fabulous. we'll show you how the hollywood stars manage to age gracefully. we'll show you how to shave years off your look. >> could i have a taller umbrella, please? >> we have very exciting news. after years of speculation, willie geist who you know from morning joe and way too early over on msnbc is officially joining the "today" show family as the co-host of our third hour here. willie, we're thrilled to have you. >> thank you savannah. i'm thrilled. i'm thrilled.
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i'm humbled. i was thinking coming over here about 60 years of today show history going back to dave garo way. i can't wait to work with natalie and al and kathie lee and hoda even. >> what do you mean even? >> i couldn't be more thrilled. >> you are a talented guy but we've all come to know over the last couple years here, you're an awfully nice guy. eer thrilled to have you. >> i couldn't get an umbrella on my first day. >> when do you start? >> november 12th. monday after the election. >> great. great to have you on board. >> happy to have you, willie. >> now let's get a check of the day's top stories, other than willie's big news. >> a big welcome from me as well to willie. we're happy to have him. in the news, the state department released a new timeline of last month's attacks on the u.s. consulate in libya that killed ambassador chris stevens and three other
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americans. it portrays the attack as an assault by heavy armed militia, not the spontaneous that was originally described. that report comes as a republican-led house committee holds a hearing today on alleged diplomatic security failures in libya. the tsa says proper procedures were followed when a woman dying of leukemia was patted down at seattle tacoma airport this month. the woman says she was humiliated when she had to liflt her shirt and pull back bandages so agents could examine her feeding tubes in view of other pass yers. the tsa says she was never asked to pull back bandages. she was traveling to hawaii on what she expect to be the last trip of her life. >> the mug shoot of a groom's brother with inciting a riot and assaulting police during a wedding reception brawl in philadelphia. that fight ended with one guest dead from a heart attack. 26-year-old has posted bail and plans to fight the charges.
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an austrian daredevil was postponed in new mexico. feel ix baumgartner hopes to try again. he want o jump from an altitude of 23 miles. two americans won the nobel prize for chemistry. the two won for discovering a family of receptors that allows cells to sense their surroundings. now for a look at at what's trending today, a quick roundup of what has you talking online. tycoons and dreamers are checking out this year's neiman marcus christmas catalog including $1 million his and her watches and a $100,000 hen house inspired by the palace at versaille or maybe you prefer the $150,000 tailgate trailer that comes with a year's supply of bourbon and rye. well, new pictures of sarah palin on a shopping trip reveal
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her startling weight loss. the former politician and mother of five tells "people" that her family is writing a book on discipline, self-discipline and where they get energy while still enjoying comfort food and jimmy fallon spoofed mister roger's neighborhood as the campaign talks about cutting pbs funding. >> hello, neighbor. you see this. called a wallet. inside of a wallet, well, that's where money goes. now, do you know what money is? i'm guessing no because you're watching public television. >> fallon also got a advice friday mr. obama and joked that the president's debate performance taught kids a new word, choke. it is 8:05. back to al for a check of your weather. hey, al. >> thanks so much, natalie.
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we're here at coast guard station miami beach, and the men and women of the coast guard here tasked with thousands of -- checking thousands of miles of coastline, all the way down, and they do a heck of a job. we're going to be documenting that on a special series on the weather channel starting tonight, 9:00. "coast guard florida." check it out. let's check out what we've got going on for you for today. pick city of the day, what a surprise. miami. and we are looking at some nice weather today. nbc 6, partly sunny and scattered thundershowers. a high of about 85 degrees. satellite radar, got a frontal system pushing its way through the great lakes. that's going to usher in cooler air into the east, and, in fact, as we go underneath the clouds and show you we'll be looking at showers and thunderstorms from the mid-mississippi river vale and the west and northeast and also some snow showers in the northern rockies as well. that's what' >> 8:06 now on a wednesday
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morning. still feeling very heavy down powers over the santa cruz mountains. a lot of activity is pushing offshore. we will see spotty cells today. some of the thunderstorms cells have brief heavy downpours and strong winds associated with it. 69 in fremont. and 68 in santa cruz along the coast. we have 80 degrees in places like gilroy. >> and that's your latest weather. savannah? >> all right, al. thank you so much. coming up next, the mom who went on strike, stopped picking up after the kids, and, boy, did the kids get a valuable lesson. we'll have her story right after these messages. [ male announcer ] in a world where breakfast
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has become boring and tasteless... only one man can save the day. kellogg's crunchy nut! ♪ sweet and nutty crunchy nut! [ male announcer ] honey sweet flakes with nuts in every bite. it's super delicious. [ bump ] ugh. i'm the horseless headsman. i think you mean the headless horseman? no. have a snickers®. why? because you get confused when you're hungry. better? better. [ male announcer ] you're not you when you're hungry®. snickers® is halloween satisfaction. tomato, obviously. haha. there's more than that though, there's a kick to it. there's a pop. wahlalalalallala! pepper, but not pepper, i'm getting like, pep-pepper. it's kind of like drinking a food that's a drink, or a drink that's a food, zip zip zip zip zip! i'm literally getting zinged by the flavor. smooth, but crisp. velvety.
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kind of makes me feel like a dah zing yah woooooh! [ male announcer ] taste it and describe the indescribable. could've had a v8. woooo! could've had a v8. and every day since, two years ago, the people of bp made a commitment to the gulf. we've worked hard to keep it. bp has paid over twenty-three billion dollars to help people and businesses who were affected, and to cover cleanup costs. today, the beaches and gulf are open for everyone to enjoy -- and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years.
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[ male announcer ] with ge's most advanced cooking technology, the café line takes food further. ♪ the café line takes food further. . >> what would happen in your home -- ♪ i've got work, baby >> we're back new at 8:11. what would happen in your home if one day you stopped picking up after your kids? in a moment we'll talk to a mom who decided to find out by going on strike, that's right, strike. but first natalie has her story. natalie, good morning. >> good morning, matt. we love this story because for those of us with kids you know how quickly a mess can accumulate. dirty dishes, wet towels, messy beds. jessica stilwell knows all too
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well, and now her three daughters do, too. it was a typical weekend in the stilwell house. mom jessica spent her days running errands and carting her girls to sports practice. by the end of the day she looked around at the mess in her house only to realize none of it was her own. with her husband dylan out of town jessica exhausted and fed up decided she and her husband should go on strike, pledging not to pick up, tidy, wash or clear anything in the house. >> when i got back on sunday is when my wife declared that we as parents are going on strike. i said okay. i support you 100%. what do we have to do? she says nothing. we're going to stop cleaning up after the kids. >> reporter: jessica and dylan did not tell the kids that they had gone on strike. a self-described neat freak jessica's only outlet was her blog where she posted pictures of her kids' mess, striking a chord with mommy readers everywhere. by day one she confessed the dish washer is overflowing, shoes and backpacks are in the middle of the hallway.
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by day three says daughter quinn hit what she hoped was an all-time low. she emptied the dog brush and placed the bundle of hair on the arm of the chair. >> i was watching tv throughout the time. >> reporter: like any strong-willed workers on strike, jessica and danny stood firm. >> it was a pig sty. there's like milk everywhere. our cereal looked like oatmeal when it was actual cereal. there was like plates on top of plates. >> i thought like ew, this is disgusting. >> reporter: days went by. the mess multiplied and the girls began to catch on to mom and dad's trick. >> well, about the fourth day, around the fourth or fifth day i'm like hmm, i think something is going on but i'm not going to say anything. >> reporter: by day six the girls had had enough. >> i felt kind of like bad because i saw all the mold around the kitchen. >> it was so overwhelming you didn't know where to clean it. >> reporter: the stilwells
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called off the strike and spent the next two days cleaning up as a family. did the kids learn any valuable lessons? >> i realize that had during the week my mom does a lot for us and we should be more appreciative of her. >> she does a lot and we messed up and need to pick up and put away our own stuff. >> much bet they are week. the kitchen has been cleaned. i can't say much about the laundry, but one step at a time, i think. >> well, jessica says her girls are pitching in more around the house, but on her blog she points out she did find a dirty pair of socks on the stairs so we'll see how long it lasts. matt. >> natalie, thank you very much. jessica stilwell, the striking mom is with us along with lisa belkin who wrote about jessica's story for "the huffington post." good morning. >> good morning. >> my hero. we're alike, both neatniks. how did you even handle sitting there doing nothing watching this mess build up? >> it was a blog. it was the blog and the ability to sit and look at the mess and
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say that's going to be funny to write about tonight. >> but as you walked past the sink and the milk was curdling in the cereal bowl and the dishwasher was open and the dog was licking the dishes, you didn't want to just scream? >> i wanted to clean it, make myself feel better by cleaning it. i made a decision to leave it alone. >> let's be honest, they are 12 and 10, not 15 and 16, how long it took to recognize the fact that something was amis in the house. >> yeah. i mean, it went until friday night, right? it went longer than i thought. they recognized it, but they kept saying why isn't this cleaned up, when are you going to clean up? >> why aren't we cleaning up? >> like we? >> at one point didn't one of them sit down with a dirty dish right on the table. >> that's right. >> and say why is this here but still do nothing and leave it there and eat something? >> pushed it towards me, and i said that looks like your dirty cereal, my love. >> i love this thing that you did, so they would come home from school with their lunch
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sacks, and normally that would be the time that you would clean them out and get them ready for the next day but you did. >> it's an after-school job, their responsibility to do it. >> and you started then giving them lunches in the bags that you would use or would have used to pick up the dog's pop? >> yes. >> now, we started off -- >> this is where i might have crossed the line. >> my hero. >> we started off using plastic bags from a local wine store as a joke, ha-ha, an my husband said we're out of those. and i said what do you want to do, and it was his twisted idea to use the poop bags for lunch. >> there may be some people at home seeing those pictures saying i'm not sure whether she's a bad mom or a hero. >> yeah, no, our readers are not sure. actually many of our readers are very sure. they just are sure of both things. you know, we -- we do our kids a d disservice. i'm guilty. i read this piece and the reason it resonated for me i'm guilty of the same thing. it's easier to do it ourselves.
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we do it better ourselves. our kids are overloaded and don't want to load more on them, and then we end up with kids who just don't get it. they don't know how to do it. >> yeah. jessica, that's an important point you make on the blog and in the aftermath of this, that in some ways if we don't challenge our kids to do these things on their own. >> right. >> we're setting them up to fail. >> i do, and i have -- my kids -- i'm pretty strict, and my kids have responsibility and accountability within the home. it's not like i just did them to team them now. i've taught them for a very long time, but it was slipping because our family was so busy, so, yeah, i don't want a generation of kids who are entitled and just have -- don't have real life skills to be well-round adults. >> so you had how many days to sip wine and do nothing? >> five or six, yeah. >> you back okay, the hangover is over and the kids behaving. >> yeah, it's great. >> lisa, thanks for bringing the story to us as well. >> thank you very much. up next, how to change one item in your wardrobe and
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apparently shave ten years off your look. that's right after this. a world without breast cancer is a world with more birthdays. and signing up for the making strides against breast cancer walk will help us get there faster. the american cancer society invests in groundbreaking breast cancer research and we're part of every community. in fact, one in two women newly diagnosed with breast cancer turns to us for support. sign up today at together, we can turn this walk into a victory lap. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. i'm eating what i know is better nutrition. mmmm. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself.
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[ boy ] slurpably fun and a good source of calcium. dads who get it, get go-gurt. has become boring and tasteless... only one man can save the day. kellogg's crunchy nut! ♪ sweet and nutty crunchy nut! [ male announcer ] honey sweet flakes with nuts in every bite. it's super delicious. ♪ [ male announcer ] honey sweet flakes with nuts in every bite. we can't guarantee she'll always mind her table manners. we can't guarantee she'll be much help with the yard work. we can't guarantee she'll stay out of your personal space - not that you'd want her to... but we can guarantee that petsmart grooming... ...will make your dog look great! try us today. with the petsmart grooming look great guarantee, you're happy... or it's free. petsmart®. happiness in store.™ back now at 8:22 with our
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special series "growing older, feeling fabulous." nothing can you do, of course, to stop the clock, but some in hollywood have certainly found ways to age gracefully ♪ too young and beautiful >> botox, plastic surgery, liposuction, the pressure to stay young and beautiful is hotter than ever. >> the minute hdtv started coming out, you heard all the dermatologists in town just popping the champagne cork knowing how much more money they were going to make. >> with magazine covers and entertainment news shows documenting their every move, the secrets of how hollywood a-listers defy age are out. >> it takes a lot of money and upkeep and maintenance. >> sharon stone, who looks amazing. i don't think has ever had anything, denzel washington doesn't look a day older than he did 20 years ago. >> how you doing? >> tom cruise looks amazing, a normal 50-year-old does not look like that. >> and that's because some of
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these ageless stars get a little help. >> demi moore. i think that she looks really great for her age. looks older than she was when she was 20, but looks good, had plastic surgery. george clooney, admitted to eyelid surgery, very natural, very masculine. >> in tinsel town it's never too early to start. >> if the goal is to look as good as you can for as long a period in your life as you can, then dealing with the problems as they arise, even if they are late 20s, early 30s, mid-30s. >> so a little maintenance over the years can go a long way toward that ever elusive goal of looking young and keeping people guessing. ♪ you light up my world like nobody else ♪ >> michelle pfeiffer is 54 and that's somewhere in that area. i'm not sitting here saying we're all -- not too many 65-year-olds look like that.
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>> oh, god. ♪ that's what makes you beautiful ♪ ♪ >> now some style strategies, not surgery, to take years off your life. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> we'll highlight four mistakes people make. the first is wearing too baggy clothes. >> the idea, we get it. we think maybe we're not in the greatest shape of our lives or have baby weight left on so let's hide it. the opposite is true. >> and this look is the more thinning look. >> one of our secret weapons is a sheet dress. way tailored clothing, actually takes ten years, ten pounds off, like this great one from ted baker. >> and the peplum is very flattering. >> very flattering, we see jennifer anniston in this look recently and hides a bit of the hip area. >> the next mistake is the so-called mom jean. >> universally unflattering. whether we're moms or not. so, you know, a new silhouette that we're loving that's fresh and modern is the skinny jean. not skin tight jeans, talking about a mid-rise tapered jean like these from j. crew, $115,
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looks great on most figures. >> a lot of us feel we can't pull off the skinny jean. doesn't have to be skin tight. a great tapered slim silhouette. >> all right. the next big mistake, they dress too young. >> well, you know, it's okay to go shopping with your daughter but might not want to buy every single piece of clothing that she chooses. the idea is bore oerkts trend. go with the trends, but sort of adjust the silhouette to more age-appropriate silhouettes. instead of the micromini shorts go with the great cobalt blue trouser, bold colors are a big trend, so keep the trend but look for silhouettes that might work for you. >> last but not least, throwing out our sweats, oh, no. >> a 24-hour sweat might not serve you well, so a great wrap dress, one of our secret weapons from, just $79. you just put it on. just as comfortable as sweats and actually made out of sweat material so that's an easy way to look fantastic at any age. >> it is cozy, but a long way
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from sweats. >> i know. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> and we're b good wednesday morning to you. i'm laura garcia-cannon. several union city businesses are cleaning up after a fire tore through the strip mall. firefighters say it started at about 1:00 this morning and burned for more than two hours. one firefighter was hurt, taken to the hospital, but has since been released. no word on the cause. what is causing the traffic nightmare? it's bad out there. this is the bay bridge toll plaza, the backup. specifically the east shore freeway from the top of your
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screen. this the back, more fender benders adding to the slow down. through oakland and to the maze itself. 24 is slow. 680 is jammed. the northbound side has an accident clearing where they had two. one on either side. so there is the slowdown. 880 and there's the south bay. no weird relief. another local news update in half an hour. see you then.
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8:30 now on this wednesday morning. it is the 10th of october, 2012. kind of a messy morning here in the northeast. but hopefully the sun will peek through the clouds in a bit. supposed to come out. a lot of physician assistants are out as we are appreciating them this week, and a good morning to you. i'm savannah guthrie alongside natalie morales. matt had to leave a little bit early this morning. >> something looks different but. you did something different today. >> what do you mean? >> i don't know. you just look different. >> does it seem like i have a little more hair than i did say
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five minutes ago? >> yes, exactly. >> your hair grew in 30 minutes. >> it's not natural. >> oh, what a horrible pick tour. >> that's great. >> just got some hair extensions which is our way of telling you coming up we'll tell you how to get celebrity hair, and here's the dirty little secret, a lot of it is fake, that's why they look so good. we'll learn how the rest of us -- >> that's how they go from really short haircuts to long hair overnight. >> right, exactly. how to do it and we have a hairdresser to the stars here to show us how to get the fabulous looks. >> after a trip to the grocery store a lot of us throw everything into the refrigerator. there's a right way and wrong way to organize your refrigerator. elizabeth mayhew is going to show us exactly where we should be storing things so that it lasts longer. >> and, of course, you may remember exorcist," linda blair terrified us. now on a mission to save souls,
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little kinds of souls so we'll hear about that. >> okay. first a reminder about us a show us your moves contest. holding a danceoff on the plaza. these guys have the "gangnam style," that's for sure. later this month we've already received some great submissions for your chance to compete. don't be shy. if you can't be shy, i like it. find all the details on our website, >> send in your videos now. we want to see your moves for the big dance party i think on september 22nd. >> sounds found. let's check in with mr. roker, mr. tiny dancer down in miami. hi, al. >> not so much, guys. thanks so much. we are here on the coast guard cutter "flores," hasn't even been commissioned yet. will be later next week, but as we take a look and show you what's happening for today, we've got some showers in the northeast and also making their way across the great lakes. much cooler air coming in behind that front. we've got beautiful weather in
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the pacific northwest. hit or miss showers in central and southern florida. gorgeous day in southern california and tomorrow cooler weather is ushered into the even seaboard. we look for some showers and some snow showers and colder weather in the northern plains. cooler in the pacific northwest, and we have some wet weather 8:33 on a wednesday. still watching pretty active weather. most is pushing off shore and this will continue to be the case. the area of low pressure is finally moving south. we're going to keep the slight chance for on and off showers throughout the day. 69 in fremont. 72 in redwood city. fau light showers tomorrow. we're going to collie you out for friday and saturday. >> great new show starts on the weather channel, "coast guard
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florida." that's tonight at 9:00. any time you need that weather check out the weather channel or online. guys, back to you. >> all right, al. thank you. well, let's say hello now to jesse spencer. he is the star of nbc's -- >> thanks for coming under our umbrella. >> so nice to have you here. >> so great on "chicago fire." a lot of people recognize you from "house." went from that successful series straight into a new one. >> straight into a new one which is, yeah, which is great. we've got -- this one is so different because we've got so much physical stuff on the show. there's a lot of stunts. it's really about the characters, you know what i mean? we really delve into the firehouse and we get the interrelationships between all the characters. >> you wear all the equipment? >> we wear 70 pounds of gear. >> wow. >> and the fire fighters kind of laugh at us a lot because we tend -- they wear it like when they go on a run. they will wear it for a run, hour, hour and a half, and we kind of wear it for 14 hours when we're shooting these
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sequences. constantly drinking water, eat whatever you want, basically free exercise. >> yeah. you don't have to work out. i understand you really worked along the front lines with some of the real first responders. >> yeah. >> they are right there helping you guys in chicago. >> they are there all the time. they actually play the engine guys, so they are in scenes a lot with us, so we're like teaching them a little bit about acting. >> and they are teaching you a lot. >> and instead teaching us a lot about fire fighting, and the funny thing, is all the stories that we have up to date, and based on true stories, which is the great thing. sometimes i'll read something, and i'll be like is that really, you know, and i'll ask our chief consultant and he's like, yeah, this guy dived out of a window, hanging on a ladder, you know, his helmet got blown out on his back, and then he'll bring the guy on set. here's the guy that this happened to. and you're like nice to meet you. i hope to portray you in the right way. >> dramatic stories.
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we are looking forward to it. we should remind everybody it starts, the premiere "chicago fire" tonight at 10:00, 9:00 central. >> 10:00. >> congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> coming up next, we'll talk about those extensions and how to get the celebrity hairstyles.
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. back now at 8:38. in this morning's beauty secrets behind celebrity hair. stylist to the star, ken tavis, come on, worked with a-listers including eva longoria, jennifer lopez and today he's here to show us easy ways to get the red carpet look without stepping into the salon. ken, i love what you've done with my extensions. >> very quick. did it in about 30 seconds.
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kind of raises the question is it easy for the average woman to do and apply? >> really is easy for everyone to do. the reason i originally created this line is for women to have the looks they are seeing on the red carpet and in the magazines at home easily and do it themselves. >> it is true, right? you see the beautiful celebrity hair. gosh, why does my hair not look like and because it's fake. >> exactly. can be intimidating but now it's really easy and i can honestly tell you in 18 years there may be a handful of times when i didn't use extra harris. >> wow. you basically clip it in. >> this is my line of hair extensions. everything is clip-in. bangs for a night, you can have lighter color anything in an instant. >> i want to get to our models because you sent some extensions to our newsroom and our producers went crazy. some of our producers are here modeling our looks. let's start with the bangs idea. so us what the celebrity look is. >> done it on jennifer lopez and eva longoria, like the texture
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'60s updo, a little bridget bardot, a little sophia loren. the clip-in bangs. you want to start just on the hairline. watch the difference this takes. >> this is our producer carrie zimmer when is a gorgeous model, i might add. >> wow, how did you get such a good match on your hair? i would think that's hard to do. >> seven to 11 shades in all the colors, based on all the colors from my celebrity clients. >> i think she looks genius. >> amazing. >> what do you think? >> i like it. it looks good. >> and easy. the best part if you want bangs you can have them, if you don't you can take them off. very easy, no commitment. >> no commitment. like the sound that have. >> thank you so much. >> next we have susan. this is the hombre trend, harris that starts up darker as you see here on whitney port and goes
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darker and light on the edges, very time-consuming and damaging to your hair, not to mention expensive. here now you can have it. we'll put on susan this great clip-in extension. >> you lucky duck. >> this is a good one. i like this style. >> has great hair, bob length and i'm going to clip this in, all around the back. >> this is about how long it took to do yours as well. >> wow, that looks cool. >> i'm hearing oohs and wows in the -- in the studio here. she has the great trend of the wear without having to commit to t.fantastic. >> how does it feel? >> it feels good, i like it. >> very nice. >> and our next patient is miss vida. what look are we doing here? >> here we'll do a braided side braid, something i've done on victoria beckham and kind of a messy look, kind of undone glamorous. what i've done is started with a
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ponytail. already clipped in the clip-in extension wrap-around ponytail for a base. if you're hair is not this long, can be in a second, and all you want to do is take the ponytail, apologize. three seconds and keep it really messy, messy and loose. the more undone, the better. kind of that casual elegant look. don't want to look too done. >> yeah. >> kind of undone. >> that quick and easy and to be honest i do get all my clients red they fast. 30 minutes or less. >> do you like it? >> feel like a kardashian. >> i know you do. >> i hope you girls have some good lunch plans or something. don't hang around the newsroom with all this good hair. go take it out for a test drive. ken, thanks you so much. nice to see you. >> coming up next, the right way to organize your fridge to make your groceries last longer, but first, this is "today" on nbc. measures... measure up. money to our schools. "misleading." out here. it. but there's hope. straight to our schools... keeps it there. politicians. yes on thirty-eight.
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[ male announcer ] pillsbury grands biscuits.
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delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun.
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january, back now at 8:45 with "today's consumer." this morning the right way to store your food. a trip to the supermarket can be expensive, so you want your items to last as long as possible, and when it comes to putting away your groceries, it's all about location, location, location. elizabeth mayhew is a lifestyle expert and "today" contributor. elizabeth, good morning. >> good morning. >> there are some tips, first, to get started here. before we start unpacking all of our groceries. >> make sure your refrigerator is at the right temperature which is 37 to 40 degrees fahrenheit. freezer should be at zero. that's very important. do not overstock your refrigerator. you need to have some room for the cold air to ruminate and actually keep things cold. conversely, you don't want too little in the refrigerator. you need to have items in there. like one of those people that only keeps water and diet coke, need to have stuff in there, because when you open the refrigerator, that absorbs some of the heat that comes in. when you're buying containers, make sure they are square.
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they fit better. >> good to know, right. >> and lastly, do not washur produce. keep it dirty until you're going to use it. >> okay. >> and then wash before use. >> otherwise it gets wilted or goes bad. >> okay. >> let's open it up and take a look at what we have in our fridge. let's start from the top down. top shelf. >> top shelf is the least cold part of your refrigerator. our tendency is always to put milk up there. mostly because refrigerators come, i think, with the shelves at a lower point. >> right. >> and we don't adjust them, so you should adjust your shelves. don't want your milk up here. that is 100% the first thing to start with. >> why? >> because it will go bad. it's the warmest part of your refrigerator. here you want sodas, beer is fine this. stuff is going to stay cold, it's just not -- this is the stuff that doesn't spoil. >> okay. >> any kind of juices that are pasteurized. fresh orange juice store it lower, but for regular tropicana, that is fine up there. >> okay. middle shelf now. >> i see the eggs on the shelf in their original carton. >> yeah. middle shelf is the most
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consistent temperature so that is a great place for eggs. do not take the eggs and put them on the door in the plastic container, huge no-no. keep them in the original carton. the cartons are designed especially for eggs, because eggs are porous and will assume some of any bad smells in the refrigerator, so keep them in their carton. >> i've been doing it wrong all along. >> a great place for leftovers, things like salad, that are consistent. >> the lowest shelf is the coldest part of the shelf, where you want things like milk, sour cream, all your dairy. i like to put dairy on a lazy susan, that way you can get to it more quickly and check expiration date. also this is a place for raw meat. so you come from the refrigerator, put it here. the other reason for putting raw meat on the bottom shelf, if it were to leak, it doesn't contaminate the whole refrigerator, only have to clean t the bottom shelf.
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>> should you freeze it? >> buy meat in the beginning of the week but beyond a certain point you want to freeze it if you're not going to use it. the door. >> condiments usually. >> condiments because they have sugar and high in salt and vin tar guess natural preservatives. butter and cheeses don't have to be that cold so that's a great place to store them in your refrigerator, okay? >> okay. >> now let's get to the drawers. we can't show them as easily here so we're bringing them up here to the island. >> the produce. what goes in the high humidity drawer? >> never mix vegetables and fruits. fruits give our gasses that will make your vegetables rot more easily and just go bad. >> okay. so you want to keep your vegetables in the high humidity drawer. >> mm-hmm. >> drawers -- like this refrigerator you can adjust the humidity. vegetables like lettuce and carrots the highest humidity because that's the moistest place in the refrigerator. >> okay. >> often have a drawer that's low humanitity or called a crisper.
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that's where fruits go. just make sure you're not mixing these. >> and then lastly, a lot of refrigerators have a deli drawer which is where you would put deli meats. if you don't have that drawer, what you want to do is put it on the lowest shelf with the other meets. >> a deli tray. >> there's a deli meat tray. >> sometimes, yeah. >> or just keep it on the lowest shelf with the milk and all of that. a couple of things that should definitely go in the refrigerator. natural peanut butter. any oils that are nut oils, sesame oil, walnut oil. the other oils can go in your cupboards, like -- like vegetable. >> canola oil, olive oil. i learned so much today. thank you. i'll have to reorganize my refrigerator when i get home. coming up next, the star of "the exor
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that music. for many of us linda blair will always be that demonic girl in "the exorcist," the chilling portrayal that catapulted her to stardom as a teenager, but now assin adult the one she's playing is a different one, animal protector and jill rappaport is here to tell us about that. >> "exorcist" scares me. >> linda blair was only 14 when she landed the girl that made all of our heads spin but the
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young girl possessed by the devil on screen now in real life has become an angel to animals in need. >> high desert country in southern california. nestled in these mountains, a two and a half acre sanctuary for the forgotten. this is where linda blair spends her day, feeding, training and loving 75 dogs who otherwise wouldn't have a home. >> this is like a little piece of heaven on earth that you've created here. >> i've done the best with what i can. i call it design on a dime for the dogs, and it's quite rough. it's very much a pioneer life up here. >> go get it. >> reporter: after decades of advocating for animal rights, blair started a non-profit organization called the linda blair world heart foundation to ease the plight of unwanted pets. five years ago she bought this property to give some of those pets a temporary home.
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>> how are they doing? >> reporter: it's a rather desolate remote place. >> yeah, you think? >> reporter: i love it. it's beautiful, but, you know, it's a hell of a holler to your neighbor down there. >> yeah. >> reporter: how do you get the traffic in so that these animals can get adopted. >> the hardest part, jill, is because of who i am, letting people on the property so you have to go sort of through a security thing and you have to do an application for the dogs. >> about five or six months old. >> reporter: now player plays matchmaker, connecting responsible owners with the kinds of breeds that sometimes have a bad reputation. >> i look at how long they are working and what they are doing during the day and what they offer and their knowledge, small dog, big dog, medium dog, i've about pit bulls to poodles, jill. >> reporter: blair says the dogs she helps are oftens understood and blair knows a little bit about being misunderstood. in 1937 she was cast in the horror movie "the exorcist"
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playing a young girl possessed by the devil. >> it was the biggest novel in the world, "the exorcist." anyone would be thrilled to go and try out for a part, for the project. just like "the hunger games" now, to get that job is everything. >> she earned an academy award nomination for her performance, but says the role also demonized her in the public eye. you took some severe heat for that. >> i had so much prejudice against me, jill, that was obviously not true. >> reporter: and you were so young. >> i was so controversial, and it really wasn't who i was. >> reporter: how does that affect you at that young age? >> that's why i fight for the dogs. i understand it. that's why i fight for the underdog. >> i take care of those that have no chance. >> reporter: but these days blair is getting nothing but positive press. this past summer the los angeles city council gave blair an award for her work with her dogs, including spencer, a black lab
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mix who saved his adopted family from a home invasion robbery. >> i am really proud that i'm putting out canine good citizens. that makes me know that i am on the right path. >> reporter: this is so nice. do you actually take them out on walks yourself every day? >> well, i just feel that the exercise is most important. >> reporter: while the recognition and awards are nice, they don't pay the bills. every day blair is either working at the shelter or working her connections to raise money for her foundation. having all these animals hear and knowing there were many days that you just looked up and said can i even do this tomorrow, how do you keep going day after day? >> there are days, jill, where really in the last couple of years we were threatened with foreclosure. i got -- i got us out of it on my own, an nobody assumes linda blair off on the mountain with the dogs, possibly. i'm rich and famous, you know, but i'm not, because all my money through my life has always gone to charity, and they say if
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you give, it will come back to you tenfold. i know that what i do here is really important. >> it certainly is, and because her organization is a non-profit she's literally living hand to dog's mouth, but as you heard her say it is so worth it, and she wouldn't have it any other way. >> been a long road for her. nice to see her doing so well, jill. thank you. coming good morning to you. it's 8:56. i'm laura garcia-cannon. lightning could be to blame for a fire that burned in richmond this morning. the fire started early in an industrial park in north richmond. five businesses were damaged. firefighters had a hard time putting it out because there's only one fire hydrant and one road to the property. firefighters say it's possible the fire, as i mentioned, was started by lightning.
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and there was possibly a chance of that. we got rain overnight, christina. >> we still got a little bit. but not much. mostly between half-moon bay and santa cruz. throughout the day as we head through tomorrow. we'll clear out and warm up by the weekend. [ female announcer ] this is the story of sam,
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who made an unexpected arrival. [ woman ] he was 4 months early, weighing 1 pound, 12 ounces. [ female announcer ] fortunately, sam was born at sutter health's alta bates summit medical center. [ woman ] the staff was remarkable. they made me feel safe, trusting, cared for. [ giggles ] they saved his life. i owe all of them my son. [ female announcer ] alta bates summit medical center and sutter health -- our story is you. delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun.
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back now with more of "today" on a wednesday morning. it's a drizzly one. it's the 10th day of october, 2012, and we're so glad all these sweet folks actually stayed out here to fight this kind of tough weather outside. >> as we say good morning, tamron hall. look at you gorgeous in red. >> hi, good morning, guys. hey. >> great to see you. matt had to leave a little bit early. check in with nat at the news desk in a morning but coming up, one of my favorite segments, steals and deals. jill martin is here. >> do we really need two umbrellas? >> come under my umbrella, ela. >> look what she's got? >> 85% off wine. got to hear about that. designer clutches. >> i like that.
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>> shopping party. jill is coming up. >> nice. we'll take the cocktails and the clutches. sounds like a party to me. meantime, they have, yes, count them, seven children and a thriving business to boot. this family will be here to show us how to create a play room, love this, that's suitable for children of all ages, functional and fun. don't have to spend a fortune. one of their kids is a drummer. >> wow. >> so we'll see if that kid will break it down. love that they have kids of all ages. breaker will break it down. >> oh, breaker, awesome. got this rock star vibe already. >> teens to little ones, suitable for all of them. love that. >> before we get to that, want to check in with natalie morales over at the news desk. good morning. >> good morning, everyone. a new time line of the events leading up to the deadly attack on the consulate in benghazi, libya. according to the state department heavily armed militias launched a major assault on the diplomatic facility, and it was not a spontaneous demonstration sparked by an anti-muslim film.
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today house republicans investigating the attack will hear testimony from former officials who say their request for more security before the attack was denied. the obama campaign is accusing mitt romney of not telling the truth about his position on abortion. romney told an iowa newspaper tuesday that he won't pursue any abortion legislation if he's elected. romney did say he would instead use an executive order to reinstate a ban on using american foreign aid to fund abortion. the president's campaign responded, quote, we know the truth about where he stands on a woman's right to choose. in a surprise move this morning a russian court freed one member of a female punk rock group jailed for anti-government performance inside moscow's main cathedral. the court said the freed member never actually took part in the performance because guards threw her out before she could remove the guy tar from its case. the court did uphold two-year sentences for two other band members. police have releasedmore
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photos and a home video of the denver-area schoolgirl who has been missing since last friday, and they hope the images will lead to sightings of 10-year-old jessica ridgeway who vanished on her walk to school. hundreds of people gathered tuesday night at a neighborhood vigil for the fifth grader. jessica's parents spoke publicly for the very first time tuesday and denied any involvement in her disappearance. convicted child sexual abuser jerry sandusky is set to be transferred to state prison next week. the former penn state assistant football coach has been officially labeled a sexually violent predator. judge john cleland sentenced sandusky to 30 to 60 years, a number he says amounts to a life sentence. his lawyers says they are preparing their appeal e the death toll in the national meningitis outbreak is rising. 11 people have now died of the rare fungal strain of the disease linked to steroid shots given for back pain. 119 people have been sickened by the illness, and the company that makes those injections has
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recalled all of its product. a milestone in space this morning as a privately built unmanned capsule made the first routine commercial cargo delivery to the international space station. the spacex cargo ship dragon pulled up to the orbiting lab and astronauts snared it with a robotic arm. this is the first of a dozen spacex supply flights under a $1.6 billion deal with nasa. amtrak is boasting record ridership with more than 31 million customers taking amtrak trains in the past year. that was the highest annual ridership since amtrak was formed in 1971 and up 3.5% from the previous year. no more sloppy kisses with rover. it turns out the wet smooches aren't good for you or for your pup. exchanging mouth bacteria with your dog can cause gum disease and tooth decay for both dogs and humans, this according to a new report from the "archives of oral biology." good to know, right?
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and a new arrival at this zoo in israel. seems to have no problems swapping some of those smooches with his mommy. this is a baby tapir, an endangered relative of the rhinoceros and the horse. they use those funny notions to grab out-of-reach snacks. it's a cute one. five minutes after the hour. let's go to al once again who is in miami with a check of the weather. hey, al. >> natalie, thank you so much. aboard the coast guard cutter "flores" here in the miami beach area. joining me is rear admiral william baumgartner. he's the commander of the seventh coast guard district headquartered here in miami. admiral, thanks for joining us. >> good morning, al. great to be here. >> we have this terrific show starting on the weather channel tonight at 9:00, "coast guard florida can the "which highlights what you guys -- what the men and women of the coast guard do all throughout florida. give me a sense of what the scope of the mission is and some of the things that goes on down here. >> well, we've got a tremendous set of missions here in florida
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and throughout the seven coast guard districts, the southeast and the caribbean. not only do we go out there and save people's lives, save about 1,000 lives down here a year, we also protect america from threats that come by this sea, so we stop in the seventh district about $1 billion wholesale value in cocaine each year to get to the american streep. we stop, depending on the year, anywhere from 5,000 to 15,000 migrants being smuggled into the united states, and we also go out and inspect commercial shipping like all the cruise ships. the three largest cruise ship ports in the world are here in south florida and the coast guard inspects the cruise ships, makes sure they are safe and to make sure they are secure so when you if out on your vacation you can have a great time and you don't have to worry about it. so many more things, we look at counterterrorism. we, as i said, take care of navigation, all the buoys, lighthouses, all those kinds of things >> at miller baumgartner, thank you so much, and when people tune in tonight at 9:00 on the
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weather channel, they will be amazed at the work your men and women do here. that's great. >> thank yo well, the core of low pressure is starting to push offshore, but we still have quite a bit of shower activity from the santa cruz mountains up to half-moon bay. you want to keep that in mind. temperatures are going to be on the cool side, everywhere except for gilroy. you will hit 80 there. 69 degrees in fremont a stray shower or thunderstorm throughout the day today. by tomorrow we're going to clear you out for the second half of the day with isolated showers early. same deal for friday. by the weekend we all warm up. that's your latest weather, and savannah, your hair looks fantastic. i'm thinking of getting me some of those extensions. >> i think we can match it to your natural color, al. >> bald. >> just kidding. just say that because you're not here to get me in trouble. all right, al. thanks. time for today's take 3 where
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the three of us give our impression of stories giving our views and our special guest this morning, laurie kilpatrick. >> one of the co-authors of -- we have to clean it up on t, have "shoddy moms." you are a comedian, and we'll play a little bit of your -- >> stand-up act. >> let's take a look. >> the thing that makes me the mad set when people told me that because i had a dog that would prepare me for having a kid. it's not even remotely the same responsibility. you know, i wish it was. i would love to call up my friend and say hey, i'm going to vegas this weekend. could you stop by the house on sunday and check up on the baby? he's going to be in the backyard. >> if only it were that easy.
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>> by the way, i need to buy a new shirt apparently. >> the color worked for you. >> it's the same color. that's your color. >> it makes her eyes pop. >> yeah, right. >> so not buying it. >> whatever. >> move on, girls. >> move on. >> extensions first. let me take my lena dunham, very talented writer, sold her bok for 3.5 million. >> who's counting? >> i'm counting. >> the other day she wore this outfit to a premiere, it was an oversized shirt and very short shorts and some said she was going for the no-pants look. >> that's not the outfit. >> that's her, the red carpet at the emmys look. >> anyway, she has responded -- i'm sure well respond to the outfit. >> the no-pants look. >> basically she's saying because people didn't want to see her thighs. i don't think a girl with tiny thighs would have received such no paints attention. what i think it really was is why did you all look at size. my response is get used to it. i'm going to live to be 100 and
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show my thighs every single day until i die. like her attitude. >> do you think she's right? >> i've seen it with thin people. >> i get it, you work out. >> don't eyeball me. >> no. i think she's adorable, but at 25, it's the age. it's not the size for me. i think if -- i mean, i don't know, if i look like i have on no pants. >> as the woman who has no pants on. >> i like the look. she's young and that's why she can get away with it. >> i'm an old woman wearing a short skirt. >> you're not old. >> she's 25, i don't know. the age, that's the thing, not her size. >> if it were olivia wild showing up on the red carpet, oh, remember j. lo. >> maybe not a great look entirely for her. >> remember j. lo's dress, the belly button dress, people talked about it for good and for bad and she is sexy and thin,
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it's the reveal. >> reading some comments. oh, she's a hero for fighting back, but how sad of a commentary that someone can be called as a hero because they vow to continue to wear short shorts. >> whoa, hey, ladies. >> i like her hair. love her haircut. >> and i like the color of that outfit. >> basically we're fans. come on over. come visit us. >> number two, these are called scary beautiful shoes. >> take a look. >> they are scary, and i don't know about the beautiful part. the bottom line a capetown, south africa artist, these are the shoes. basically they are in reverse. make gaga look like amateur night at the apollo. >> love this. >> making a larger point she says with the pointy shoes about how we really suffer for beauty. our bodies become from corsets that they wore. >> look how she is walking? >> selling it hard. >> i couldn't have gotten it
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that hard. >> i was laughing out loud when i watched it last night and showed it to my kids and they were like, mommy, looks like she's going to the bathroom. >> honestly. those are like 16-inch heels and that's how i walk in 2-inch heels. >> all right. we'll do a class in this, because mine today are five inches tall. >> must be your thin thighs. >> don't go there, woman. don't go there. >> move over, lena durham. i'm putting pants on after the break. >> what i do think is interesting we then create a workout. that can be the next workout. >> a good squat and butt lifter. >> i want to see the bunions on those feet. >> the dogs are barking tonight, that's for sure. >> i like that. >> need a good spoking, that's for sure. take three, probably our cutest clip of the day and this is video of a sister, very little sister, lecturing her even younger brother, and it's gone viral overnight. take a look.
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>> you did something on purpose. when many and dad said don't do that, you don't do that. when mom and dad say no, and you don't sit -- you're only 2. you are not only enough for that boy to do a fight. >> she tells her younger brother he needs to toughen up a bit in that cute little british accent. >> first of all, i'm an older sister and that's how you keep them under your thumb. >> exactly. >> start young, right. >> it looks like she's making the next -- >> did you see how he looked up at the camera, like, can i say anything? do i get a chance to speak up. >> she will make a great wife and he'll make a great husband. keep it quiet and she knows how to dish out the rules >> he'll listen, that's for sure.
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>> laurie kyl milmartin thanks being here. >> steals and deals, bargains on everything from designer bags to jewelry, to everything. necklaces. i like it. that's coming up right after this. two years ago, the people of bp made a commitment to the gulf. and every day since, we've worked hard to keep it. bp has paid over twenty-three billion dollars to help people and businesses who were affected, and to cover cleanup costs. today, the beaches and gulf are open for everyone to enjoy -- and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years. we've shared what we've learned with governments and across the industry so we can all produce energy more safely. i want you to know, there's another commitment bp takes just as seriously: our commitment to america. bp supports nearly two-hundred-fifty thousand jobs in communities across the country. we hired three thousand people just last year. bp invests more in america than in any other country. in fact, over the last five years,
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no other energy company has invested more in the us than bp. we're working to fuel america for generations to come. today, our commitment to the gulf, and to america, has never been stronger. challenge that with new olay facial hair removal duo. even coarse, stubborn facial hair gently. plenty of gain, without all that pain... with olay. so the production of twix was divided between two separate factories. left twix factory cascades caramel and chocolate onto cookie, while right twix factory flows caramel and chocolate onto cookie. today they share nothing, but a wrapper and a driveway. try both and pick a side. today they share nothing, ethan casually priced olors.. with a $50 dollar savings for every $450 dollars you spend or 48 month financing. american colors.
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there's no subtext... just tacos. yeah, it's our job to make you want it. but honestly... it's not that hard. old el paso. when you gotta have mexican. perfect golden color. rich in fiber. my dad taught me, and i taught my son out there. morning, pa. wait... who's driving the...? ♪ 99 bushels of wheat on the farm, 99 bushels of wheat ♪ [ male announcer ] yep, there's 8 layers of whole grain fiber in those mini-wheats® biscuits... to help keep you full... ♪ 45 bushels of wheat ...all morning long. there's a big breakfast... [ mini ] yee haw! those fun little biscuits. back now with another edition of jill's steals and deals. this morning up to 87% off some great items exclusively for our "today" viewers.
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today and "us weekly" contributor jill martin is here to walk us through this month's offers. good morning. >> good morning. >> how does it work again? >> i love how we say 87%. >> 87%. >> every week it gets higher and higher. >> go on "today".com right now because there's a limited amount of these products. we'll link you to the retailer's website, and then you'll get the deals, but if you want it go on now, because, again, the items are limited. >> they go quick. >> first up, great clutches from kenneth cole reaction. they are faux leather, but as you see they come in a variety of different colors. here we've got a whole bunch. >> how much fun are these, retail is $56. ultra suede python and foil faux leather. comes in seven colors and sold at major retailers, including macy's. the retail $56. the deal $15. that's 73% off. >> fantastic. >> i just want to stress it's time now to stock up on holiday gifts so if you see something you like, this is a good time to get in on them because we'll
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keep doing holiday leading up to the holiday. >> over here now, not just drinking wine for any reason here starting early. this is actually an offer from, a $300 voucher you can use at thousands of restaurants across the country. >> i want to give you my wine glass. because of the teases i'm almost done with my glass. go on right now. it will give you a voucher to what you do is you print out the voucher, and it's worth $300. now you're only going to pay $40, but you get $300 of food and sometimes alcohol. you have to look at each specific restaurant. each denomination for each restaurant. they will tell you what you can use. again, it's a $300 value for only $40. >> and a lot of restaurants you can choose from. >> over 18,000 restaurants to choose from. >> wow. >> and a portion will go to the dan marino foundation benefiting children with autism so there's a great cause on top of that. $300 value for $40. that's 87% off. >> that is a great gift right there. perfect. >> one per customer. >> okay.
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>> go on if you want it now. perfect. next up, skin care, and this includes four products from cleanser to moisturizer. >> our beauty always does so well. >> people love it. >> i always try it out. want to say that because people ask me and this is gray. the retail $172. it's a four-piece set. the mask cleanse, balancing cerium, day/night moisturizer cream and the sheet mask and ingredients including caviar extract. >> got to be good for your skin, i would imagine. >> that's a big celebrity following. the retail 172. the deal $43 for the four-piece set. that's 75% off. >> okay. fantastic. now to jewelry. always a big hit as well, and you've got a pair of great earrings. cubic zirconias from kenneth lane. >> kenneth lane, everybody is going nuts. these are gorgeous. really look real in person. i'm wearing them now. the retail is $98. you can get drop or studs, two
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options, comes in the signature red box, so, again, a great gift. sold at bloomie's, nordstrom and saks fifth avenue, selling for $29. >> these portable speakers from ihome. these are really meant to be taken on the go. >> and meant to be taken now if you want it. >> exactly. >> a great gift for yourself or for your friend. >> a great sound system. >> and even for a house warming gift. what a nice thing to bring to someone's home. the retail 99.99. high quality stereo speakers with true bass sounds. operates on four aa batteries, protective speaker case. i just want to say it won't work with the iphone 5. >> i was just going to say. >> that changes the bottom, right? that's a different dock. >> but works with all other iphones and ipods. won't work with the iphone 5. >> the old stuff. >> my stuff. >> on to the new stuff. >> retail 99.99. the deal, $30, that's 70% off.
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>> radios and everyone has to upgrade. >> i'm still okay. >> jill martin, thanks so much. and to remind you what the products are, there's the kenneth cole reaction clutches, voucher, the masqueology skin care set and the kenneth lane cubic zirconia and the speakers. logon to coming up next, healthy favorites for your favorite fattening foods, but first these messages. wardrobe. cute. then new activia breakfast blend. a great way to help start the day. mmm... creamy lowfat yogurt with grains in yummy breakfast flavors, like apple cinnamon. its hearty, with twice the protein of regular lowfat yogurt and helps regulate your digestive system. our morning routines are important, aren't they? new activia breakfast blend.
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i decided to try the sensodyne iso-active toothpaste. it feels like it's getting in all the crevices and cleansing everything. sensodyne iso-active helps me with my sensitivity. i feel fresh and clean. it's kind of a win win. it's a cute little miracle in a can for me. it's kind of a win win. go out tonight - be social! then stay in tomorrow. make a date with your flat screen. olive garden's new dinner today, dinner tomorrow. two dinners for two nights, just $12.95. choose one of five entrees tonight, like new mezzaluna ravioli. served with unlimited soup or salad and breadsticks. then choose a second entrée to take home for tomorrow all for just $12.95. this has "movie night" written all over it. new dinner today, dinner tomorrow go before it's gone!
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go olive garden. that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun.
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and getting more. that's value sense. introducing the scott shared values program. get free movie rentals, music downloads, and more. use your value sense. sign up at coming up, husband and wife design teams put their magic to work and we also offer you healthier options for foods you love. but first your local news and weather.
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you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. i'm eating what i know is better nutrition. mmmm. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. too bad the guys aren't here we're clear. ok, swarm! swarm! hello [ female announcer ] pillsbury chocolate chip cookies.
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let the making begin good morning to you. it's 9:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. after a meeting that lasted several hours, the board of supervisors voted to reinstate the sheriff. the board needed nine votes to oust him from post. last night he and his wife spoke after hearing the decision. it's been more than gruelling to say the least. our debt has mounted like you wouldn't believe. >> i always feel optimistic. i feel bad that things happen few for a god reason.
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>> mayor ed lee opposed the rule. he released a decision saying it returns a convicted domestic batterer to lead the sheriff's office. we'll have a look at weather and traffic right after this.
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welcome back now. 9:28. still getting quite a bit of shower activity. a lot of this action is pushing offshore. 80 in gilroy. 7 # 6 in liver more. 77 in fairfield. we'll keep the chance for showers all the way through friday morning. 84 on tuesday. it's rush hour, mike. that does not look pretty. >> no. she was taking a sneak peek at the san mateo bridge. slow for 101.
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but much improved off the 880. we got a little slowing for 238 as well. avenues towards the bay bridge are much better but jammed through richmond. also very slow. still going on after all the accidents. southbound side and northbound out of san ramon. it's tough, guys. back to you. >> it sure is. thank you very much. we'll have another local news update in half an hour. get a chance to enjoy your wednesday morning.
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♪ well, she was asked to play at william and kate wedding reception, she had a huge hit with "lights" and now she is out with a new album, and she's going to be here for a live performance tomorrow on "today." she's all over itunes because i was on last night and saw her songs. really great. >> cool. >> i'm natalie morales along with savannah guthrie and tamron hall. coming up tomorrow, we'll get a close look at a 76-carat diamond. >> how close to you need to get? >> a close-up on my finger, don't let me. >> jennifer anniston's engagement ring.
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talk about bling, right? >> i know. >> coming up this hour, how to create the perfect play room that everyone in the family. the designers robert and cortney novogratz and their seven kids are showing us their downtown chick style. >> also ahead, one young woman who made big sacrifices to help people around the world and landed her on the cover of "seventeen" magazine and we'll talk to her. the foods we love to dig into, pasta, potatoes, brownies, oh, my, and we know, of course, they are loaded with fat and sugar, that's why they taste so good, but with a few swaps you can cut the calories and allegedly up the nutrition. >> really. >> i need to see this. >> and taste it to believe it. >> first a check of the weather from al who is down in miami today. hey, al. >> hey, guys. how you doing? we've got a lovely day today. we are here -- why are we laughing? >> because we were hitting that thing. >> i was hitting that thing.
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i'm here on the coast guard cutter. >> i have arrived. >> the "flores," pressing exciting stuff. got to tell you. do an amazing job, and we document it for the weather channel starting tonight at 9:00. "coast guard florida," only on the weather channel. let's see what we've got for you today, not just florida weather but the rest of the country. a gorgeous day today. we are expecting to see a beautiful day in the pacific northwest with temperatures mid to upper 60s. it's been one of these kind of cool day in los angeles, 69, 89 in orlando and showers in the northeast with rain and snow in the central great lakes. tomorrow look for more cold air making its way, reinforcing short of cold air making its way through the plains. cooler in the pacific northwest. we've got cool weather also in the northeast today with some showers and thunderstorms making their way from the southwest on into the central rockies. well, we're not getting as
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much shower activity as just about two hours ago, but woe still have very light activity over the western facing slopes surrounding san jose. highs will be comfortable. 80 in gilroy. 77 degrees out in fairfield. san francisco checks in with 67 degrees. by tomorrow, the low 70s. then mid 70s. we'll warm you up sunday through tuesday. a mini heat wave on the way. >> ladies, that's the weather. i will see you back in new york tomorrow. >> come on home, al. we miss you. >> coming up next, a famous design duo shows you how to create the perfect play room even a brood of seven of all ages will love. that's right after this. ♪ we are family declare that thou have brought overmany discounts to thine customers! [old english accent] safe driver, multi-car, paid in full -- a most fulsome bounty indeed, lord jamie. thou cometh and we thy saveth! what are you doing? we doth offer so many discounts,
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we have some to spare. oh, you have any of those homeowners discounts? here we go. thank you. he took my shield, my lady. these are troubling times in the kingdom. more discounts than we knoweth what to do with. now that's progressive. yoplait strawberry is delish. well jessyca now yoplait original and yoplait light have no high fructose corn syrup. and they're still delish. everyone do the wave. yoplait. it is so good. and getting more. that's value sense. introducing the scott shared values program. get free movie rentals, music downloads, and more. use your value sense. sign up at
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use your value sense. vo: for cold and flu season, honey, don't use your sleeve.
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there's clorox bleach. i'd like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios! mom, are those my jeans? [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios
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we don't let frequent heartburn come between us and what we love. so if you're one of them people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day... block the acid with prilosec otc and don't get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. well, when it comes to decorating robert and cortney novogratz have designed everything from townhouses to treehouses. in their new book "home by novogratz" the duo offer ideas for homes. today it's all about budget ideas for your play room. bob, cortney and the gang are here, including five, hey, five, catch me high five. high five from five. good to see you. >> hi, tamron. >> you've got children, the youngest 3 years old. >> and our old set 15. >> so quite the range, and your idea of putting this room together so everyone can enjoy is pretty accessible. >> definitely. listen, we believe in television, but i think when it comes to like a play room or a family room, you should get rid
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of the tv and definitely bring in the art, whether it's creativity with arts and crafts or musical instruments. >> hi. >> this is minimum wager. >> major, he's the youngest but he's the minimum wager. i love that. >> for sure. >> but i think a lot of parents need to tap back into their childhood. >> but you've got two girls and one, two, three, four are five boys. how do you make it gender friendly as well? >> well, definitely. listen, we expose our boys to paint because their mom loves paint the. i love paint. >> just blend it in so everyone can enjoy. let's launch into some of the ideas. first up, you say ditch the lazy boy and go for something comfortable. you've got a purple beanbag. >> our five boys love to wrestle so if you have furniture like this piece like a beanbag, easy for them to wrestle and also great for teenagers or a 3-year-old. >> still looks very chic. comfortable and chic. your kids love to hang out. this wallpaper is very interesting. what is this about?
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>> this is actually real wallpaper, we let the kids draw on it and it's their space. not so worried about the wall and when it gets done we put new paper up there. >> take a shot of it. >> know how to put a kid in place. >> i'll put the hall family. we've invaded your spot. >> wife it off and go. are you jealous of my artwork? i didn't think you were. let's move on to the table here. i love this. this is actual duct tape. >> our daughter bellamy made me a duct tape wallet a few years back. >> really? >> and the great thing is most stores sell amazing colors in duct tape so i think you need to allow your kids to draw on the wall from time to time, take risks and be creative so give them a little freedom to duct tape an old chair. >> and i skipped over this, freedom includes having a lot of things to play with. great bowls, markers, crayons, the pencils, everything. >> it's all about creativity. >> pablo picasso once said we're
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all born as children. the challenge is staying one as an adult so we try to expose our kids to as much art and creativity as possible. >> is that batman or is that me? >> that's batman. >> and who is night wing? >> he's robin before he's batman. >> oh, i didn't know that. >> very confusing these days. >> learned everything. thank you. such a smart kid and last but not least, a lot of parents avoid having drums in the house. you see these at toys "r" us. sorry i'm standing in front of you. >> we have a lot of music. don't have a lot of noise in the house with seven kids so we figured why not get more noise and drums. >> that's the only instrument allowed in. >> we have pianos, two pianos, drums, guitar. >> is that an an instrument? >> if they are sleeping, they give you the brush to drum with. >> you can drum at my house. in fact, you know what, i hear that you're ready to take us to
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break, and your name is breaker? so you ready to break it down. >> yeah. >> okay. here we go, one, two, go. ♪ >> can you guys dance. come on. >> go for it. we'll be right back right after a quick break. release me! you should eat something that's good for you before you go outside. never!
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it's a new fiber one chewy bar. chocolatey and delicious. mmm. [ male announcer ] new fiber one chewy bars. great taste kids love plus calcium and fiber kids need. presents the latest thing to wear with beautiful tops.
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beautiful underarms. wear with halter tops, tube tops, and bustiers. ball gowns. almost all gowns. cammies, jammies, toga tops, yoga tops, and va va voom tops! with 1/4 moisturizers and vitamins e and f, dove go sleeveless deodorant makes underarms soft and smooth in just five days. effective protection. beautiful result. try new soothing chamomile, clinically proven to calm shaving irritation. [ male announcer ] 20,000 btus produce a delicate sear. double-oven range makes dinner and dessert -- at the same time. turbo-charged advantium oven cooks more than twice as fast, in this culinary powerhouse. dan.
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yes? molé sauce. [ male announcer ] with ge's most advanced cooking technology, the café line takes food further. ♪ try the #1 gastroenterologist recommended probiotic. align. align naturally helps maintain digestive balance. ♪ ooh, baby, can i do for you today? ♪ try align today.
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well, how much would you give up to help other people achieve their goals? well, soccer score lindsay brown sacrificed a scholarship to notre dame to help girls in underdeveloped countries. her devotion has landed her on the cover of "seventeen" magazine as the winner of the pretty amazing contest. lindsay is here, along with "seventeen" editor-in-chief. lindsay, congratulations to you. >> thank you. >> you are quite impressive. >> thank you so much. >> this all started with a bake sale that a lot of kids do, but what made this bake sale so special? >> at the start of my sophomore year i organized tie dye cupcake sales in my dorm room at notre dame for she's the first and with enough help we raised enough money to send three girls to school in nepal. >> and you went there. how did that change your life? >> going there made me realize the impact of these girls life.
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we joked that we were changing the world one cupcake at a time but when i saw the living condition, getting an education and the opportunities that would come along with that, i realized it wasn't really a joke and i needed to do more to help these girls. >> helping them in the classroom and also on the soccer field, something that you love that you brought to them. >> yeah. i've been playing since the age of 5, so i've never really thought about what soccer has done for me, but for these little girls it's taboo for them to play sports in their society so it was ground breaking. it really upset their fathers when i brought them out on to the field, but slowly but surely they started gaining confidence and leadership skills that translated into the classroom, and it was the first time i realized that's what sock her done for me my entire life. >> therefore, you decided to give up your scholarship at notre dame for soccer, and instead decided to launch the segue project to help support girls both through school and also find a passion like soccer, right? >> once i realized this transformative role soccer
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should play, i knew i needed to expand the project, and to do that i needed to give up my role on the soccer team which was a really difficult decision, but at the end of the day sacrificing my senior season will never compare to the sacrifice these girls make to go to school, so once i came to that realization i knew it would be the right decision. >> you blew my socks off. easy to say why you picked her as pretty amazing for the cover of the magazine. >> lindsay is such a superstar, but we were most impressed by how selfless she was in helping other girls find confidence. confidence is the key. i mean, we want to help every single girl feel the confidence that lindsay feels and that such a special message that she has. >> and i imagine there were so many other great candidates as well. four other semifinalists so was it ultimately the fact that she was helping those other girls then? >> in the last two years we've had 70,000 girls enter this contest, and it's -- you know, i'm so happy to be here talking
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about something great about teenage girls. this is the ultimate celebration of teenage girls. her message says to girls if a girl like lindsay can be on the cover of "seventeen," why can't i? we want every girl to feel pretty amazing. >> she's pretty and pretty amazing to top it off, and 13 million readers read "seventeen" so a real inspiration to all of them. thank you and good luck with you with the rest of school. senior year at notre dame. >> thank you. >> thank you both so much. coming up next, gives up carbs and sugar without giving up flavor, but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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this morning on request go healthy today." food knockoffs if you're trying to eat healthier, simple ways to get out the oil, carbs and sugar and add calorie conscious ingredients to make it taste good. our diet and nutrition expert
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joins us. mah madeline, good morning. i'll terrorist you that it tastes good. >> people eat for taste. you want to eat healthy but taste is number one. you want really good food and taste which is what you want. >> let's start off with carbs. we know why our bodies love them and they taste so good, right? what do you do? >> really high in calories, and a couple of ways to swap this out is first to replace zucchini for your strips of lasagna noodles. use all of them or part of them and you'll save about 200 calories. >> will it taste the same? >> it will taste very good. a lot of people blend it because they don't want as many starchy noodles. >> nice. >> a really good tip that cuts out the starch all the way if you use the spaghetti squash. >> i asked you in commercial break, what is this? >> it's a squash, kind of like a pumpkin and when you open it up you have to cook, it doesn't look like this but when you strip it down it's strands that look like pasta, top it with a tomato sauce, a meat sauce.
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>> can i taste it? >> okay. >> not spaghetti but it's good. >> i love mashed potato and how do we knock off a mashed potato? >> by using another white vegetable, something like parsley. mix them half and half with potatoes or just substitute them. pasnips are like carrots, cook them and mash them like a potato this. will cut the calories to almost nothing. >> this is what this turned into. that's like magic so let's keep going. let's see our next knockoff. fats come in the version of mayonnaise and things like that. >> sometimes we cut out fat, we cut out a lot of flavor. i don't want this. thick and gunky and what you can do to get the flavor of a rick and creamy dressing like butter milk. it's got some tang. >> i would think fat if i saw butter milk. >> in current times butter milk is 1%. >> not in the olden days.
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>> not living on the farm anymore. >> i've been dissed. i am from the country. i thought it was fattening. what do we do in. >> use butter milk as a base and use a little bit of mayonnaise and sour cream to get the tang from the yogurt and put this on. this is thick. that's what people look for. not going to be watery. >> i'll be the tester. is it good? >> it's tangy, but i like it. that's good stuff. >> something people want. they want the creaminess of a soup. cream is a key word but there's going to be, just in a tablespoon of cream, five tablespoons of fat and 50 calories, what you can do is thicken up soups either with evaporated regular milk. that means take out water. you have the dairy product and flavor with far fewer calories, or kind of a lazy man's way. take instant potato flakes so if you were going to make mashed potatoes, dump in some water and they poof and plump up and you have mashed potatoes. if you put these flakes in
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anything else, things you want to thicken, it will soak up and give you a natural blend. >> creaminess without all the calories. >> i'm a chocolate fanatic. probably won't convince me but i'll listen. >> these were developed at our nbc commissary here and the big difference instead of a cup of oil this is replaced with greek yogurt. it will give the thickness and creaminess because texture is important. i want you to taste this. >> oh, okay. >> you can cut down most of the fat with yogurt. >> you can put this in any brownie mix recipe and you cut down the fat from nearly a cup of oil to about two tablespoons. >> oh, okay. >> someone said don't do it as i was doing it. it's delicious. i'm not kidding. >> again, these are not no calories. it goes from 200 to about 120. >> good enough for me. i'll take it home. next. that's how you know it's good. i'm taking it with me. >> one of the best ways to cut
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down on sugar, instead of fluff, peanut butter fluff. two tablespoons of this is about 40 calories. >> instead of frosting. >> instead of frosting. >> and it cuts the sugar down by 75%. >> is this safe for me? >> why do you say e lee and hoda after your local news. oh, it's good. >> don't do it. have you heard of the new dialing procedure for the 408 and 669 area codes? no, what is it? starting october 20, 2012, if you have a 408 or 669 number,
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you'll need to dial 1 plus the area code plus the phone number for all calls. o.k., but what if i have an 408 number and i'm calling a 408 number? you'll still need to dial 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. so when in doubt, dial it out! good morning to you. it's 9:56. i'm marla tellez. the a's stay alive in do or die games yesterday. the a's refusing to go down without a fight, holding off a three-game sweep by detroit.
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a's keep the tigers scoreless, winning 2-0, forcing game four, which is tonight at 6:30. the giants pulled out a win on the road in cincinnati, beating the reds 2-1. the giants play again today at 1:00 hoping to tie up the series at two a piece. history could be on their side. the reds have not won a playoff game at home since 1995. let's get a look at the forecast with christina. good morning. >> good morning to you. most of the the activity is just to the south. this is what we can expect throughout the day today. it looks like this line of showers is going to come right back along the peninsula through the next few hours. we'll still see hit and miss showers and thunderstorms. 76 in fairfield. 76 in livermore. comfortable conditions for this time of year. temperatures are nice and mild through tomorrow. we'll keep the rain chance in the mix all the way through friday morning. by this weekend we warm right
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back up to the 80s. mike, it's been a rough commute. >> it has. very tough for a lot of folks. we're looking at palo alto. 101 looks smooth. you see all of the activity. two of these accidents still in the roadway. still blocking the left lane in those respective accidents. a smoother drive and lighter volume across the san mateo bridge. the upper deck has a stall on the incline. still slow on the east shore freeway. plagued with backups to danville and northbound out of san ramon, a singular heavy jam. marla? >> find us on facebook. search nbc bay area. we'll be back at 10:26.
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and it's a wet and wild wednesday. a wily winesday wednesday. it is october 10th. say what we are think around here. >> a new addition the "today" show family, sort of part of the family for a while. his name is willie geist. really, so happy baby. [ applause ] >> so happy. >> we want to officially welcome you. come on in. >> what is that?
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>> bourbon. it is already 10. i'm a little late. >> that is a tumbler of wine. >> that 9:00 hour is a tough one. >> wow, that's heavy. >> be part of your 9:00 ritual? >> you going to steam all our thunder or -- >> take the example you set and move the drinking back an hour. lay that out there jim bell doesn't know. >> how in the world did they rope you in? the whole world wanted the big willie. my gosh? >> the "today" show and maybe i shouldn't say this on tv, they guaranteed me your job. >> i have been hanging by a thread since i got here. >> we want to show your official announcement because we took -- >> a bridge. >> let's listen to willie's official announcement. >> we have some very exciting family news here. because after years of speculation, willie geist, who you know from "morning joe" and "way too early" over on msnbc is officially joining the "today"
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show family as the co-host of our third hour here. willy, thrilled to have you. >> thank you so much. thank you, savannah. i'm thrilled. i'm humbled. i was thinking coming over here about 60 years of today show history going back to dave garroway and to be some small part of that is completely humbling. i can't wait to work every day with you guys, with natalie and al in the 9:00 hour, kathie lee and hoda even. >> what do you mean even? >> i couldn't be more thrilled. >> what is the even thing? what the heck that was about? >> sometimes i will stoop to coming on this show. i don't know if that was clear or not there. >> we love to you pieces. we say that to everybody but we don't really mean it. with you, we mean t. >> say one more thing this getup today -- >> aren't you into it? >> she looks like she is getting ready to mount sea biscuit and go for a ride. >> mount something. >> all you're missing is the
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crop. >> i won't do that. >> won't start my today show career by spanking you. >> we crashed a company the other day by lee's day pants, no affiliation. i put them on, they were velvet, right, hoda? unbelievable. >> like spank pants. >> different pair. these have the velvet up the side. >> tuxedo action happening. >> my old ralph lauren from eight years ago jacket, look what -- >> look what came together. >> my old boots when nacho was here. remember nacho? >> sure. sure. accident know today is the big willie announcement. >> dressed up for me. walking around the stable. >> love you. >> carry on. thank you, ladies. >> this could be a problem. >> leave the red. leave the red. >> bye. >> see ya. >> love you, willie. >> get out of here so you don't
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hear this, one of the sweetest human beings on the planet. who doesn't love their big willie? >> something similar may have happened to you in your lifetime, i went to go see this movie calleds a ar go" the most incredible movie i have seen in so long. >> you are raving about it. >> it's incredible. here is the other story, okay? i went to the preparty and guess who happened to have been at the party? guess who happened to be at the party, one of the producers, george clooney. >> i have seen it. not pretty when she does this. >> i don't care. i was going to take a picture. i was with -- wait, i was with jennifer miller and look at the picture. the guy who took it -- >> my brother, dave. >> he said it looks great. i said what looks great? what? where is he? i said to my mom. she said who's this? i said who's this? she didn't even know that was
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me. much less the other two people. >> jen looks good. and he is one of the few people i have never, ever met. i knew his mom, you know, really, really well but i didn't -- or aunt? rosemary clooney, his aunt, adored her. but i have never met him. i hear he is -- >> so charming. so charming. brian williams was there because he was one of the people who kind of sponsored the preparty himself. >> did you if you are in theary little? >> i did. when you see him, it's the weirdest thing. >> i feel like i've been around forever, met everybody. i think i would, too, if he was around. i love his personality. he just seems to be just so funny. and so smart. >> he is. brian was with him. by the way, brian williams claims to watch our show, doesn't watch it at 10, watch it is at 2:00 in the morning. >> why? >> he has got stuff to do important -- >> what? ironing, his laundry, his
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underwear? >> to do. >> i thought he might have a little problem. >> a little bit of weirdness. no. no. no. there is something very weird going on. someday we will discover. you know what is really weird going on? >> what? >> even right now? >> what? >> according to tmz. >> oh, yeah. >> just when we think it can't get weirder, lindsay lohan, need we say anybody else, lindsay lohan and her mother, dina have been in a big fight, 4:00 this morning at a nightclub. >> went out to a nightclub together, lindsay was standing by her mom after the drt phil interview and that whole thing h the duo went to a new york city nightclub, left somewhere in the neighborhood of 4 a.m. tmz saw them. the reports say, we can't verify this because we read it off tmz, but anyway, they got in a car, went to their long island home. prfrnlt they driving? please tell me no. >> not sure what was going on there. there was some kind of physical altercation. >> i beat up my mother every night at 4 a.m.
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>> the cops came, apparently. lindsay had a cut on her lech. there was damage to property, allegedly. her jewelry was broken. >> she has got to stop it with the jewelry. just don't wear any. don't wear any. she gets in trouble with it all the time. and quit clubbing with your mother. i mean -- >> i think that is important thing to learn. they need to be committed one more -- i don't know if dina has ever gone, but that is not healthy. not healthy. stev stev stevie nicks, saw you the mariah carey, nicki minaj, we did the voices ourself. >> recall how well that went
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over. >> stevie nicks decided she wants to get in the weeds with everybody and told "the daily," "if i had been mariah, i would have walked over to nick kind strangled her to death right there." >> i would have killed her in front of all those people and had to go to jail for it. >> i mean -- >> at least she is thinking it through. she is realizing that if she actually does kill someone, strangle them in front of a bunch of people, her chances of getting off are not good. so i admire that. thinking it through. >> most people say i could kill you but don't go into detail. >> strangle you. >> in front of everyone and go to james. i mean, she did the whole -- she went down the whole road. okay, "the voice" last night. let you be the judge. >> i haven't been so great on this lately. >> again, duos, head to head and one person usually gets voted off this is christina's team, aq aquile versus nathalie.
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>> one cares and one didn't. ♪ >> that is no contest. the young man is a far superior singer. >> yes, and that was the one that christina selected. >> okay. okay. >> now, here is team adam, an important one, caitlin versus melanie. take a listen. ♪ >> that first girl looks like she is in third grade. what is the age thing on this?
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>> i don't know, but who would you have selected the bow or the nonbow? >> not fond of either one of them. i would have picked maybe from the two, the second girl, but -- >> the nonbow? the bow one? [ laughter ] >> she is a human being, hoda. who has a name. >> to me, she is the bow. >> melanie. >> melanie. >> she reminds me a little of the other -- what was melanie -- who was it, you guys know. ♪ i've got a brand new pair of roller skates ♪ who was that? melanie -- she reminds me of that -- >> what? >> how old are you? you don't remember melanie "i got a brand new pair of roller skates"? look at you socking it down, hoda. >> just trying to forget what's happening here. we want to give a shutout to wdsu new orleans. >> we do? >> a couple guests in the house. our affiliate. guys, thanks for coming. >> okay. this is very, very exciting, guys. best performance all took place on a football field this weekend at the university of south carolina football game. >> yeah, there was a family and
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they have a loved one who is overseas at war and they were doing this thing where they honor military families and they had this big screen and they were -- they showed this family member on the big screen and there was a big surprise in store for them. so, let's watch. >> just keep in mind that my tour is almost over. >> he had been -- >> wait, look at that. >> he walks out of nowhere. >> he had been gone a year, right? >> in front of 85,000 people. >> oh, thank god. >> it was a reunion in front of 85,000 -- >> look at his wife. >> wow, she is not -- >> i bet she is still holding onto him. >> oh. that is really amazing. that is so sweet. >> come home at night, that's what i do to frank. friday night. a bad back, bad neck, i don't care. >> all right.
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we have two singers in the house. rick springfield. right after this.
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what i do to frank. ♪ [ ding! ] losing your chex mix too easily? time to deploy the boring-popcorn decoy bucket. then no one will want to steal the deliciousness. with a variety of tastes and textures only chex mix is a bag of interesting. and getting more. that's value sense. introducing the scott shared values program. get free movie rentals, music downloads, and more. use your value sense. sign up at [ male announcer ] sponges take your mark. ♪ [ female announcer ] one drop of ultra dawn
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has twice the everyday grease cleaning ingredients of one drop of the leading non-concentrated brand... ♪ [ crowd cheering ] clean 2x more greasy dishes. dawn does more. so it's not a chore.
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jesse spencer stars in the new nbc firefighting drama "chicago fire." >> great english accent. >> australian. great show. fun having you. you didn't give yourself much time in between -- were you planning on taking a limb time off? >> well, it kind of ended -- i mean, i had more time, i think. i actually had about three months off. so more than a long time? >> exactly.
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we had breaks between house and filming. it was the time in between going from "house" straight into "chicago fire" and flying back and forth, working on the weekend. >> it's done in chicago. >> everything in chicago. like another character in the series. >> there's a lot of authenticity in this filming, film in chicago, you actually wear the heavy gear. how heavy that stuff? >> like 70 pounds. >> wow. >> yeah 65 pounds maybe with the oxygen, a full tank of oxygen and everything. >> that you can fake, can't you? you don't have to put the oxygen? >> no, because then the masks on, wouldn't be able to breathe. we actually use the real oxygen and stuff. and actually quite -- >> everyone hits the gym as well. >> take your shirt off a lot. we saw skin in the pro-moment why don't you tell us about that, what happens. >> you like that part of it, don't you? >> the woman is insatiable. >> well, let's just say that --
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i mean, the characters that we have on the show, we have a ton of different, great characters on the show and a lot of local hires as well. things are spiced up with relationships within the fire house. >> can't fight fires all the time. have to saturday few, too. >> exactly. this is absolutely true. not disagreeing with you. >> you have real firefighters there do they give you tips on how you should be doing things? >> all the time. the good thing, is they have become our friends, our mates, our mates now. terrible. sorry. but, yeah, they are around all the time. they play, actually, the engine guys on the show. so, they are in the fire house. the background guys. it is weird for them, doing what they do on their job, get the hose out and run around and do all this stuff and then they are also, like, i mean, they are doing a bit of acting now as well, because they are standing
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around and giving reaction shots. >> get an agent. >> i love it. >> huge stars. >> is it tough for you to do the american accent, it come easy to you? >> this is my first time doing it, actually. >> do a little. >> no. no. >> different chicago accent? >> you might call me canadian or something. >> we will tell you the truth. >> we will promise you -- >> you can see it on the show tonight, 10:00. >> say that part. >> i don't say it any differently. i don't do an american accent on the show. >> you don't? you are an australian? >> i'm an australian. an exchange program. yeah. exactly what happened. >> you know, this acting thing doesn't work out, you have enough charm to be a talk show host. >> really? well, thank you very much. >> you actually do what's going on in your juicy fire-lit personal life? >> let's hear it. >> well, i have a girlfriend. >> uh-huh. >> and she is -- you don't know? >> no. >> you want me to say it? >> we don't know. >> okay. i -- >> not lindsay lohan?
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>> i'm not dating an actor, a surfer, big wave surfer and we have been together for a year and a half. and she is absolutely adorable. >> australian? >> no, she is brazilian. >> oh. >> yeah. actually during the hiatus break we went to indonesia to sumatra for the first name my life and we did a surf trip out there >> so you are a surfer as well? >> i'm a surfer as well, not like she surfs. >> she is world class, huh? >> she is world class. surfs 40-foot waves. >> there's no waves in chicago. >> i know, this is the only issue that we have. >> we wish you great luck with the premiere, tonight, right, jess? i trying to say good-bye in a nice way. >> personally, i want him to stay. the cutest thing ever. >> you want me to host now, right? >> yeah. any time hoda's gone. she rarely takes off. >> we wish you such great success. >> jesse spencer. >> tune in tonight, right?
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>> see chicago fire, 10/9 central right here on nbc. >> sara has the photos that made you go what the what? you better leave while you can. >> while the getting's good. ♪ i woke up to a feeling ♪ every little thing has meaning ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] we've added a touch of philadelphia cream cheese to our kraft natural cheese to make it creamier so whatever you make isn't just good, it's amazing. ♪ amazing with the love that i found ♪ ♪ donuts? ♪
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[ chuckles ] ♪ you're cute. ♪ [ door creaks, closes ] [ female announcer ] the protein effect. new special k protein cereal. with ten grams of protein and three grams of fiber... finally, a protein cereal to help keep you fuller longer. willpower. what will you gain when you lose? i got the mommy. look up here ! ♪ you are exactly one of a kind ♪ all the way up to the third floor. ( ding dong ) who's at the door ? come in ! the baby ! the baby is sleeping. ( flush ) ♪ cause we were made for each other for always ♪ delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce...
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and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. time for our weekly series, what the what?
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we can't understand why it is sometime on the we will go through the photos that made you do a double take. >> these two are playing hard to get. they loft segment. don't believe anything they do the first from joanie wren from blowing rock, north carolina. >> blowing rock? >> this property is a farm. farms have animals. >> animals make funny sounds, smell bad and have sex on tours. >> can't say they didn't warn you. >> that is kind of cute. >> the awkward elephant in the room, animal in the room. >> nothing against farms. >> thank you. daniel gill from westin, florida submitted this photo this makes me want to get some of that flooring. >> no, indeed it. >> 'cause it is don bailey flooring. >> oh, no. does he have socks on? >> they did not photoshop this as you can see. >> now is that don bailey himself? >> that is don bailey himself. >> or the guy that comes in and put on the flooring? >> would it change your
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decision? >> not until he changes his hair. >> on his chest or on his head? >> the combover has got to stop with the combover. probably a lovely guy. a guy his age, looks pretty good. >> okay. >> so do you want to weigh the flooring? >> no. >> next up, a photo from christie from east hampton, connecticut. are they saying it is okay to do this? >> that's hysterical. >> that was in venice. they are not saying no have the little ghost buster sign this is like go ahead and do it if you want. we welcome to you watch your neighbor. eric sent us this photo. nope this isn't but the single lady sea lion, he was proposing and -- >> that's adorable. >> i thought he was taking a picture. >> no he proposed to her and the sea lion said yes. >> who's taking the picture? who knew the sea lion was going to show up? >> how cute is that. >> look at the other one. the other one doesn't care.
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>> finally -- >> is that a penguin? >> oh, oh. nothing funny about this just scrumptious. >> we will be right back. [ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents fabulous but...when i add chicken, barbecue sauce... and cheese...and roll it up woo-wee! i've made a barbecue chicken crescent chow down. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin.
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woo-wee! i've made a barbecue chicken crescent chow down. the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint pattie get the sensation. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. i'm eating what i know is better nutrition. mmmm. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. good morning to you. it's 10:26. i'm marla telles several businesses are cleaning up after a fire tore through the strip mall.
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the firefighters say it burned for more than two hours. it spread through the attic and collapsed a portion of the roof. a nearby apartment complex had to be evacuated. one firefighter was hurt. he was taken to the hospital but has since been released. we'll look at the forecast and the roads after the break.
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welcome back now. still tracking heavy downpours but not in our neck of the woods. most of the activity down as we
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head throughout the day, though, we will still see on and off light cells push on shore. temperature wise it will be nice and comfortable. we're talking 70s and 80s. right around 80 in gilroy. then you'll hit about 68 in san francisco. today during the 11:00 broadcast we'll have the seven day outlook. let's talk about the oakland a's. they did it last night. game four looks good. 60 by 8:00 p.m. maybe a hit or miss shower. let's check your drive with mike. >> we're looking over here. still has a backup. much lighter here. look at the maps, though. oakland, 880 past coliseum as well. the accident right there at 887 and slow. >> the giants play at 1:00 in cincinnati. just two and a half hours. we'll have much more of the day's top stories coming up
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including the stanford professor who is the newest winner of the nobel prize. jon kelley and i will see you at 11:00. today's healthy weight is brought to you by walmart. save money. live better. walmart. >> and we are back with more of today on this winesday wednesday. ready to play who knew? in honor of nbc universal's healthy week about to find out if you are in tip-top shape. kathie lee is at the nbc experience store, hand out $100 to those who get the answers right f they don't, a kathie lee cd. imagine that here is ms. madeleine turn strom, "today" diet and nutrition editor. are we ready? go ahead. >> lovely lady from bridgeport, connecticut, true or false, you burn more calories when you're asleep than when you're awake and watching tv? >> true. [ ding ]
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>> really? 100 bucks. okay. tell us, tell us, how much do you burn? >> you're going to burn twice as much when you're asleep as when watching tv, about 25 calories an hour watching tv. >> why? >> because sleep is actually active it is a state of active sleep. people thrash around. you know that feeling. so people -- you burn calories like that. twice as much when you are sleeping. don't call it couch potato for nothing. >> back across to kath. >> student on a school trip from rochester, which of these foods has more calories, a chocolate frosted denut or a whole wheat bagel? >> chocolate frosted doughnut? >> these are tricky. you got watch madeleine turn strom. >> this seems crazy, a bagel has more than a sweet doughnut. >> the dough smut smaller, 270 calories, the bagel, bigger, bagels the size of your head, 350 calories without cream cheese or butter.
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up in are good choice. august about going smaller. >> you can get the flagles. >> she asked if she could look at the answer. >> no. she is also from rochester. okay. of the following four drinks, which has the most sugar? remember, madeleine asking this, minute maid cranberry grapes, coke, mountain due or snapple tea? >> um, i'm going to go with mountain dew? [ buzzer ] >> oh. that's all right. everyone has a story. >> you are fooling everyone. okay. so the juices are really packed with the calories. >> 100% juice, juice full of sugar around the cran grape you eight-ounce serving, ten teaspoons of sugar. the soda and the snapple are mo party either, six or seven teaspoons, all high in sugar park the juice is always going to have it don't be fool 13w50id 00% juice. >> you water it down?
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>> the best thing to do if you like real juice, water it down, half and half. >> back across to kathy. >> lady long way from home, roseville, california, welcome enough. eat two scoops of ice cream, about how long would you have to walk to burn off the calories? one hour, two hours, three hours or five hours. of course, it doesn't say what kind of ice cream. what do you think? >> i'm going to say five hours? [ buzzer ] >> and you would be wrong from roseville, california. >> well. but hopefully -- >> okay. all right. so the correct answer here is two hours. >> yeah. it is going to be two hours 'cause two scoops is about 300 each. taking a moderate walk, take you a couple hours to do that not a bad thing. if you want to enjoy it take that walk. remember, there's some payoff for eating that indulgence or have one scoop, only have to walk for an hour. >> yeah. back across. >> visiting from the beautiful town of chattanooga, we all want to satisfy our sweet tooth, especially hoda. of the following two items, which has less calories, nine
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hershey's kisses or one regular size nestle's crunch bar? >> a. nine hershey kisses. being ding ] >> those are so good. and you get nine. >> and you get nine of them. sometimes people think, that's so many, but a nestle's crunch, one big bar, 220, not a huge difference but nice to have nine to choose from. you know that serving, that's win. >> madeleine turn strom, so are you. thank you for joining us. kathy is going to come back across the street. he couldn't win over jesse's girl but has had throngs of adoring fans for more than three decades. we are going to talk to rick springfield right after this. honey, don't use your sleeve.
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vo: for cold and flu season, there's clorox bleach. these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. and getting more. that's value sense. introducing the scott shared values program. get free movie rentals, music downloads,
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and more. use your value sense. sign up at ♪
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wow... [ female announcer ] sometimes, all you need is the smooth, creamy taste of werther's original caramel to remind you that you're someone very special. ♪ now discover new caramel apple filled werther's original. i just wish i could keep it this way. [ male announcer ] now you can. with the crest pro-health clinical line. used together, they help keep your teeth 97% as clean as a dental cleaning. the toothpaste actually reduces plaque. and the rinse reaches all areas and is clinically proven to help prevent plaque regrowth. crest pro-health clinical line. together, they help keep your teeth 97% as clean as a dental cleaning. crest. life opens up when you do.
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if you were a girl growing up in the '80s, some points, you were probably obsessed with rick springfield. >> for many, the obsession has carried on to this day and then so the grammy award whipping singer and songwriter has sold 19 million records, has had 17 top 40 hits and plays more than 80 shows still a year to a legion of devoted fans. i mean, these people are crazy. krafrnlts zi fans. >> is all captured in the new documentary "an affair of the heart." take a look. [ screaming ] >> oh, my god, rick is in our radio. >> i know. >> we have reached our goal. >> let's just jump on the bed. >> okay. and go. >> oh, my god!
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>> apparently, you made quite the news this morning. you took the train in? >> the 1 train and walked through singing you and it was pretty wild. >> were you playing your get and it the whole thing? >> yeah. yeah. yeah. >> you don't mess around, do you. >> i have a hat down in front. and made $3. >> there you go. there you go. >> now, this documentary from the perspective of rickaholics, the ones who are crazy about you? >> yeah. a bunch of them out here. >> yeah. i mean, a lot of them have been with me for 30-plus years. and i understand that because i'm a fan of people myself. and as a kid, i'm still attached to those people. >> who was it for you as a kid? >> cliff richard and the shadows. >> i saw him the other day. >> really? >> yes. he looks the same. >> cliff. yeah. i mean, i grew up in england as a kid so i got into music and so it was the english bands, before the beet beatles, the ones that got n when you hit puberty -- i
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was there for them when they hit puberty. >> the document vitt number of angry husbands whose wives go to concerts, look like they need counseling. >> all say they get lucky afterwards. not angry in the end? >> a lot of guys come to the shows and it's great. now it's -- they know i'm married and this. it's -- it's okay to like me now. a lot of guys said they grew up listening to my music through their older sister's wall. back then, he is kind of a teen idol girl thing. >> not an easy thing to get over. >> office musician first and i write my own songs and produce my own music. >> haven't been packaged wait most of them r. >> i tried to package myself.
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i wasn't good at t >> you admitted you weren't great to your fans when you were younger, you turned the beat around. you embraced them, you soaked them up, a clear thing happening in this documentary. >> yeah, i think when you first get some big success, you think is all a about you. hard not to the ego takes over. i wanted a long career around gone through the peaks and valleys and i think you realize, i realize, can't speak for everybody, i realize why i'm here because of them. it's not -- not the other way around. my wife is a goddess. my wife was the greatest person i've ever known. and she is -- i haven't always been the best for her, but i owe her for still being together. she is amazing. >> off new cd out? what's it called? >> "songs for the end of the world," the soundtrack. >> not doom and gloom though? >> no, no a very up record. very high energy.
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and very happy to be swinging new music. >> whenn eyou walked out, every woman in the studio was singing -- ♪ jesse's girl >> jesse's girl. >> come on. ♪ why can't i find a woman like that ♪ >> i love when women sing that line. it is like -- >> oh, hody. >> thank you, rick. congrats. [ male announcer ] inside the v8 taste lab. tomato, obviously. haha. there's more than that though, there's a kick to it. there's a pop. wahlalalalallala! pepper, but not pepper, i'm getting like, pep-pepper. it's kind of like drinking a food that's a drink, or a drink that's a food, zip zip zip zip zip! i'm literally getting zinged by the flavor. smooth, but crisp. velvety. kind of makes me feel like a dah zing yah woooooh! [ male announcer ] taste it and describe the indescribable. could've had a v8. woooo!
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for effective relief from occasional constipation. the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint pattie get the sensation.
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today's style is brought to you by soma boutiques and home of embraceable, the softest, most comfortable bra in the world. >> now, we are back now with today's style and we are helping you find the right bra with the right fit for you, 'cause it's all about the fit. >> that's right. if the girls are lopping out of the sides or your bra is giving
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you cake rolls. >> enough about me. >> what are those? then it's time to get a new one. jessica wells is the style expert for soma intimates she has tips on how to fix those every day issues. a lot of women have problems with these kind of issues, don't they? >> they do we want every woman in america to wear a bra that she feels comfortable in, she feels beautiful in and she feels confident in. >> all right. we are going to put up karen's picture as she walks out. karen had issues you say she needed to deal with. what are those? >> karen has something she called cake roll. she is a professional baker. from all her baking, she was forming something called cake rolls, which were lumps above and below the bra band. >> she has on a bra now taking care of that business p. >> that's right. this bra is completely seamless. >> wow. look at the back on that. it really smooths her back. what i love about this, is no matter what your size, who doesn't want a smooth silhouette in their clothing? >> wow. i like t. >> impressed she is willing to come out here and -- >> go girl. >> go girl.
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>> you know what yeah. you look great. thanks. >> beautiful bra. >> thank you. thank you. >> all right. >> okay. >> takes a lot of guts. >> you're right. jessica is next. here is her before picture. she is a new mom. you think her bra was too big for her, right? >> right. so jessica just had a baby four months ago, she looks great but after the baby, she went in and just picked out a bra, she did not get a professional bra fitting so what happened is she picked a bra that was actually too big. so, we put her -- >> what is she wearing? >> wearing a size-slimming bra. this isn't a push up, it is a push front t really smooths her sides and fits her perfectly. no more gaping in the cups. >> i like that gaping in your cups, it's too big? >> probably too big. >> all right. got it. >> thank you. >> thank you. shannon is next and her issue is unique. she was using sports bras, right? >> instead of wearing a regular bra, you mean? >> shannon is a recent grad and a professional and wearing sports brass every day to work. >> yeah. >> so she would wear these beautiful suits with a sports
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bra underneath. as you can see it didn't fit her that well but worried because she was concerned about spilling out. a lot of women have that concern. >> now she doesn't. >> show us your new bra. >> oh. she is getting into it. >> yeah. shannon is in a full coverage bra. and what this bra does is it gives her the coverage she needs so it is smooth under clothes and not spilling out. guess what it is really, really comfortable, she can wear it all day long. >> why you were wearing sports brass, also, because of the comfort? >> very comfortable. >> you are not miked. where could we put it? >> thank you. my favorite barbara, just saying, a grandmother of six. she is last newlywed and wearing a bra worn out. women have it you go in the drawer and pull the same bra out. >> barbara wearing the same bra for the last five years. >> yeah. >> what was happening, it wasn't giving her the lift or the support that she needed. >> hi, bush bra. >> you go girl. >> she is last new bride. so, that bra was definitely unfit for love. so we wanted to put her in
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something that gave her the lift and support so we put her in a minimizer style what is great, if you are a c cup or above, you can men fit from a minimizer. >> thank you, you look great, hon. >> terrific. >> last is carla. her before picture. yeah. so tell us what she needed to do differently. >> car virginia a fashionista, she has a lot of different styles in her wardrobe and so what we put her in is a multiway bra, wearing the same exact gray bra every single day. >> for any outfit? >> any outfit. she can wear this under a halter, wear it with something strapless, versatility. it also gave her a little pushup she wanted a little bit more cleave van. this bra does the trick r >> bring our lovely ladies out. >> you guys look good, very brave. you look great. >> you do lovely. i hope you get a date. >> okay. they have sold a whopping 9 million singles. >> a performance by the script. first, these messages from nbc.
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>> by the way, the amazing brass are available at >> including the one i'm wearing here. before we sign off for the day, we have a little something special to share. since releasing their self-titled debut album in 2008, irish rockers, the script, we love these guys, topped the chart notice uk and the u.s. >> now they have released their third album appropriately titled "number three." >> you guys enjoy t we will see you tomorrow. >> have a great winesday wednesday, everybody. >> nice talking to you. ♪ she's all laid up in bed with
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a broken heart ♪ ♪ while i'm drinking jack all alone in my local bar and ♪ ♪ and we don't know how we got into this mad situation ♪ ♪ only doing things out of frustration ♪ ♪ trying to make it work but man, these times are hard ♪ ♪ she needs me now but i can't seem to find the time ♪ ♪ i got a new job now on the unemployment line ♪ ♪ and we don't know how ♪ how we got into this mess ♪ is it god's test ♪ someone help us 'cause we're doing our best ♪ ♪ trying to make things work but man, these times are hard ♪ ♪ but we are a gonna stop by drinking our cheap bottles of wine, sit talking up all night, saying things we haven't for a while ♪ ♪ a while, yeah ♪ we're smiling but we're close to tears, even after all these years ♪ ♪ we just now got the feeling that we're meeting for the first time ♪ ♪
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♪ she's in line at the dole with her head healed high ♪ ♪ while i just lost my job but didn't lose my pride ♪ ♪ and we both know how we're going to make it work when it hurts ♪ ♪ when you pick yourself up you get kicked to the dirt ♪ ♪ tryin' to make it work but man these times are hard ♪ ♪ but we're gonna start by drinking our cheap bottles of wine ♪ ♪ sit talking up all night ♪ doing things we haven't for a while, a while yeah ♪ ♪ we're smiling but we're close to tears, even after all these years ♪ ♪ but just now got the feeling that we're meeting for the first time ♪ ♪
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♪ for the first time, oh, these times are hard ♪ ♪ making us crazy don't give me up on me baby ♪ ♪ oh these times are hard, they are making us crazy, don't give up on me baby ♪ ♪ oh, these times are hard, making us crazy, don't give up on me baby ♪ ♪ oh these times are hard, yeah they're making us crazy don't give up on us baby ♪ [ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents
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