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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  October 18, 2012 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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bay but we do have road cruise. i'll point out exactly what we're looking at coming up. and a beautiful live look outside. giants flag waving in the wind. there is still hope for that team to come out. we've got live reports from st. louis this morning. it's thursday, october 18th. this is "today in the bay." > and good thursday morning to you. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> and i'm jon kelley. we have breaking news to tell you about. we are following a house fire in castro valley. this happened on san carlos avenue just northeast of the 580/238 interchange. we're learning at this hour there may be more to this fire than just a burned building. this one may be a crime scene. we do have a reporter on that scene gathering information and we will bring it to you coming up in a live report as soon as we get more on this fire. the streets of oakland could
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soon be patrolled with outside help. city leaders are considering a plan to hire sheriff deputies and chp officers due to high attrition rates within opd. city council members say this would be only temporary until the next batch of police academy cadets actually graduate. the city has not said how many officers it plans to hire or how it will pay for their salaries. we have brand new pictures this morning of a man involved in a brazen south bay bank robbery. palo alto police say this man jumped over the counter at the star one credit union yesterday morning just after 11:00. he took the cash out of the tellers' drawers and then took off before police got there. if you happen to know this man or recognize that face, please call palo alto police. the bay area air quality management district is developing a monitoring system to track pollution from refineries. the move comes after last august's richmond chevron
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refinery fire. air district officials say their current monitoring system was not designed to track big toxic releases. the new monitoring system could be in place within two years. scientists learned more overnight about a meteor seen streaking across the sky over the bay area. the whole thing was actually caught on tape. take a look. they now say the fire ball was the size of a compact car. arturo santiago is live at moammar gadha moffett field. >> reporter: good morning, laura. one of the astronomers here at nasa ames was watching this meteor very closely. he's hoping to have video of it from nasa's sunnyvale cameras. we have the video from lick observatory in san jose. here it is, the meteor streaking across the sky at the top of your screen. it entered the earth's atmosphere just before 8:00 last night. now, this is not part of the
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orionid meteor shower. this became visible when it was about 70 miles above the earth. one astronomer believes it was about the size of the car when it hit the atmosphere at around 25,000 and then started breaking up. people reported hearing a loud boom and saw the bright orange and red fire ball. >> the color of the meteor you see can tell you a little bit about what the meteor is made of. if you see yellow, it's sodium and iron, magnesium will glow greenish, calcium will give a sort of violet hugh to a meteor. a lot of people reported this as being pairly yellow and some red. this one actually broke up into multiple pieces so people saw different colors at different stages. >> reporter: now, if this meteor did not disintegrate completely, pieces could have hit the ground going about 200 to 400 miles an hour. this morning scientists are trying to figure out if there
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are any pieces and figure out exactly where those pieces may have ended up. to that regard, people are being asked to check their home surveillance monitors. some of those cameras may have picked up the meteor and any of the locations and trajectories will give them invaluable information on trying to figure out where this meteor may have ended up. >> pretty amazing. thank you, arturo. time to change things over to the ball yard. rough night all the way around for the giants. it was raining out there, they lose the ball game. but the good news, the giants can even up the series today after losing to the cardinals yesterday. >> sure, we can do it. comcast sportsnet scott reese is live in st. louis this morning where manager bruce bochy is putting the ball in timmy lincecum's hands. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, jon and laura. yeah, they erased a 2-0 series deficit against cincinnati so down 2-1 not nearly as daunting. yes, tim lincecum will take the
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baseball tonight in game four. timmy has been terrific in his playoff season. he has thrown 8 1/3 innings of one-run baseball. they would love to duplicate that and of course lincecum one of the heroes back in 2010 when he won four games on the road to a world series title. in order for the giants to be successful, they not only need good pitching, the bats will have to come to life with runners in scoring position. they were zero for seven last night in such situations. they left 11 men on base. that is no way to win a playoff game. they'll try to sort it out and even up the series tonight. game time locally is 7:00. that would be 5:00 p.m. out on the west coast. your pregame coverage begins on comcast sportsnet bay area at 4:00 p.m. with october quest. for now, we'll send it back to the studio. >> thanks so much. >> october quest it is, check it out. 5:05. meteorologist christina loren is here to tell us about our --
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what is today, thursday, but we like to call it? >> friday eve. like kathie lee and hoda, laura. good morning, 5:06. what is it? thirsty thursday? thirsty ursday, ladies and gentlemen. >> i like it. >> san jose mostly clear conditions at 5:06 and temperatures are cool out there. it just depends where you're waking up. look at petaluma, 46 degrees there, 49 in santa rosa, 54 here in san jose. gilroy, get ready to drop into the upper 40s. getting into the coolest point of the day. 94 degrees inland today, 83 bayside and 80 degrees at the coast. we will peak and our heat wave comes to a screeching halt after today. we'll drop off 10 to 15 degrees as we head through tomorrow and continue that cool down ending up in the low 70s by the weekend's finish. first let's talk to mike about your morning drive. >> let's take a look out here, guys. i want to show you 880 past the
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coliseum where traffic flows smoothly northbound of the we had a little slowing, looked like traffic breaks were going on but the maps will show you that's heading into the area with that construction. as we talked about earlier, pretty typical pattern. there's the slowdown right by the yellow arrow. also we had another slowdown east 24 heading over toward the caldecott. spread out a bit coming off of highway 13 but then it cleared. looks like whatever has cleared and the construction westbound has blocked a couple of lanes approaching the caldecott. a little slowing into the orinda area. we also followed this, this fire told you about just off 580 in castro valley. we have a crew heading over to that scene. no slowing reported there or for the freeways. a live look outside we'll show you in the south say, north 10 p1 picking up the volume just a little bit. there is a special tribute taking place tonight to honor former u.s. ambassador christopher stevens. a guest conductor will lead the
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california symphony during tonight's performance in walnut creek. that conductor is steven's step brother. the orchestra will be playing a patriotic theme in honor of stevens. the 52-year-old sadly died during a terrorist attack on the u.s. consulate in libya last month. stevens grewup in piedmont. he is a local guy and later graduated from uc berkeley. an injured sea lion found on san francisco's pier 39 is set to be released later this morning. he was found on pier 39 last tuesday with plastic packaging wrapped tightly around his neck. this is video of the actual capture. doctors at the marine mammal center have spent the past week nursing him back to health. he'll be set free later this morning. >> very nice. 5:08 right now. fire crews continue battling a wildfire near santa barbara. we'll have the latest on their progress next. >> reporter: i'm damian trujillo.
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the tournament gets under way today. we'll have a preview coming up. >> i'm not sure i can beat this. we'll take a look at business news as well. how about that. >> you just stay seated in your chair over there. for the latest news, traffic, weather, check us out on facebook. we'll all log on right now. we'd love to hear from you. you can also search nbc bay area.
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right now we take you live to greece with tens of thousands of workers are hitting the streets of downtown athens protesting against government austerity cuts. these protests are part of a 24-hour general strike in that country. so far we're being told and it's been reported it's been calm, nothing too extreme, but we'll keep you posted as these streets are filled with all the protesters.
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it is 5:11. the contents of an entire school are hitting the auction block today. it's all happening in detroit after a high school was completely shut down. items there on that list include pianos, microscopes, kitchen equipment and even a battery-powered scooter. the district says it's simply cheaper to sell all this stuff than move it. the money will be raised and help pay down a $75 million budget deficit. the auction starts at 7:00 this morning. if you want to check it out, you can see all the items on new legal maneuverings this morning to try to get youtube to take that anti-islam film off the internet. papers will be filed today in federal court. the attorney for one of the actresses in the film "the innocence of muslims" will this morning file a temporary restraining order against the filmmaker, his business partners and youtube. it's the latest attempt to try to get the film taken off the internet. as always, we're not showing you the film itself. now, the movie was originally
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blamed for the terrorist attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi, something the american government no longer thinks is true. but it did cause other violence across the middle east, including in egypt. san francisco's twitter meanwhile has done something it's never done before, censored a tweet based on location. twitter's main attorney says the company has disabled tweets from a neo-nazi group in germany. hate speech is illegal in germany. so are neo-nazi groups. let's check the rest of the news before the bell. we'll turn to jackie at cnbc world headquarters. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, scott. the futures are flat this morning after we saw stocks rising on wednesday on the back of better-than-expected housing data. reports saying that home construction is actually at a four-year high and that offset some of the disappointing earnings we got from intel, ibm and panic of america. verizon reported higher profits but didn't break out specifics on sales of the iphone 5.
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we'll get data today on new filings for unemployment and also a closely watched report on manufacturing in philadelphia, so watch for those. the dow rose five points yesterday to 13,557. the nasdaq edging up 3 points to 3,104. caught. >> jon and laura, back to you. well, you'll see lots of flips and falls at civic center plaza in san francisco this morning. guess what, it has nothing to do with politics. that's the good news. it is the extreme sports competition known as the dew tour toyota city championships. also known as do the dew. damian trujillo is live with a little preview of what's going on. damien, we see some guys working it behind you. >> reporter: these guys are doing what our executive producer does before putting the show together, kind of a balancing act if you will. let's bring in a.j. who's with a company called stride. what are these guys doing?
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>> it is called slack lining. it was made famous at the super bowl. it's really putting yourself out there so partnering with dew was a no brainer. so they'll be here all weekend at the civic center, 100% free. they'll be putting on performances throughout the day on thursday and friday and then competitions on saturday and sunday as well. >> i'm not advocating anything, but do you have to smoke or drink anything to do something like this at 5:00 in the morning? >> all they have to do is chew stride gum. >> reporter: again, the competition begins at 10:00 a.m. >> who knew that's all it took. >> that's very cool. we'll see damian later in the day. hopefully we'll get him up on that wire. damian does it all. christina loren, would you jump on that wire? >> you know i would.
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and then i'd fall flat on my face in true christina loren form. i'm a girl so i would take that challenge a little easier than you, jon kelley. taking a live look at crystal clear conditions. it's going to be so nice in the city by the bay. if you're looking for sunshine. things are going to change quickly so this might be your last hurrah to get your tan on. 58 to start you out in san francisco, 50 in gilroy to start and your beach cities will be perfect. santa cruz yesterday hit 86 degrees. today just a touch cooler, 84 degrees. half moon bay, again, another nice day. offshore winds pushing that marine layer way out to sea but we have major changes just ahead. we'll have widespread rain dropping our temperatures from the mid-90s into the 60s on the same seven-day forecast. i'll get to that in just a minute. fog and drizzle and measurable precipitation as we get into monday. it looks like tuesday is the best chance for that rain.
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94 degrees in livermore, 84 in fremont. on the east shore it is going to be warm today. friday into saturday temperatures tumble. we'll pick up more cloud cover. then look what happens monday, tuesday, wednesday, we usher in the rain. once it gets started, it looks like this rainy pattern will continue all the way through the end of next week. we need the rain. we're running a little bit of a deficit. we'll talk about that coming up. first let's check your drive. >> you heard it, folks, you got fair notice, fair warning, check those wiper blades and get them replaced if you have to. a smooth drive through the south bay with the volume picking up just a tad bit right here on monterey highway. we'll show you some live cameras to give you an idea of what's going on as far as that volume of traffic. 880 -- 101 traveling north through palo alto, a smooth flow northbound. southbound we have a little slowing right here. these cones that they just realigned here. we've gone through the construction area with some slowing. at the top of your screen just
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outside of our frame we do have flashing lights. crews remain on scene just south of university. meanwhile coming across the san mateo bridge, your commute direction moves just fine with these taillights eastbound. a note again, san mateo bridge closes starting tomorrow night at 10:00 p.m. they're continuing that retrofit job. should be reopened monday at 5:00 a.m. same thing for the following weekend. and the bay bridge, a nice easy drive down the east shore, freeway right here to the toll plaza. obviously no problem as far as the volume goes and the span is clear right now, guys. new this morning at 5:18, despite quicker calls for withdrawal, nato says coalition troops will stay in the country until 2014. many thought the u.s. would try to speed up departure, especially after a series of violent attacks on nato troops. nato also decided today to help create post-2014 mission forces to help train and assist afghan
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forces. laura, good news for firefighters down in southern california, getting control of a small wildfire. crews there have contained about 40% of that blaze along the hills overlooking santa barbara. this one ignited yesterday and so far around 50 acres have been scorched. mandatory evacuations have just been called off. about 100 homes were being threatened and there were no reports of any injuries so far. investigators think downed power lines may have sparked this fire. it is 5:19. coming up, a bay area landmark saved from demolition, but there are some concerns. we'll tell you about them in details next. have you heard of the new dialing procedure for the 408 and 669 area codes? no, what is it? starting october 20, 2012, if you have a 408 or 669 number, you'll need to dial 1 plus the area code plus the phone number for all calls. o.k., but what if i have an 408 number
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and i'm calling a 408 number? you'll still need to dial 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. so when in doubt, dial it out!
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welcome back, everybody. there is a 24-hour general strike going on right now in greece. this is a live look over the city. tens of thousands of greek workers hitting the streets of downtown athens to protest
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against the government's austerity cuts. greece's massive austerity program needed in order to secure additional funding from appear international bailout in order to keep the country from going bankrupt. san mateo county's lawsuit against lehman brothers will move forward. a federal judge refused to dismiss the suit. san mateo county lost $155 million in investments when that bank collapsed back in 2008. contra costa water district is also listed in that suit. 5:22. the government has decided to hold off on demolishing a radar tower for five years. during that time the public must raise about $3 million for repairs an ongoing maintenance and security. if the money is not raised, the tower would be demolished. it is a former air force tower that overlooks the santa clara
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valley. hockey fans, hoping it will be a good one. nhl contract negotiations expected to resume today. they are expected to respond to an offer by owners to split league revenue 50-50. that could be a good sign. if the players association agrees to that deal, here's the great news. the full 82-game season would start november 2nd. however, might be too early to get your hopes up just yet. looks like this offer is just a jumping off point in those negotiations and the players association will likely be rejecting it. >> if so, they could cram all those games together? >> they'll try to do it in a shortened season. maybe squeeze it down and make it happen real quick. let's hit the temperatures and see. the last warm one today? >> let's hit the beach, sister. >> there you go. >> it's going to be really nice out there and temperatures will drop like a rock. 66 degrees in livermore right now. we're at 56 in san mateo. right now temperatures are all over the place. later on today, though, only 5
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to 8 degrees of separation between livermore and san francisco. it's going to be warm everywhere. make sure you're ready for that. air quality could be suffering a lot more. we're in the moderate to good range. we've got that big dome of high pressure and just a little haze visible out there today. that's the good news. we could be doing a lot worse. 94 in livermore, 84 in fremont and 84 degrees in san francisco. i'll talk about which beach cities are going to get the most sunshine, where it will be the most comfortable later on today and then we'll detail that all-important storm system that will definitely impact us as we get into the second half of the weekend and early next week. 5:24. let's see how we're doing on a thursday. hi, mike. >> we have quick changes, how quickly since last we checked a few minutes ago. now we're looking north so the taillights bunching up at the top of the screen are heading north past willow toward marsh where there is an accident now blocking at least the fast lane and it sounds like the hov and fast lane are blocked.
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sounds like a car sideways. we'll look at the maps, that's just north of the dumbarton bridge. a lot of the folks heading north through the area and it is slowing from just after you pass that willow avenue off-ramp we just showed you on that live picture. the construction crews are clearing from the southbound side so there's a lot of activity there as well but the slowing has cleared up at university. watch just north of the dumbo on 101 for that activity. we'll look outside and show you 101 into the city. northbound with these headlights past the hospital curve or cesar chavez, the nearest exit there and a smooth drive splitting off into the lower deck or the city, but the volume just starting to pick up, as is tradition, right about now. guys, back to you. it is 5:25. an elderly livermore man is the first person being reported in alameda county to be treated for west nile virus. the 70-year-old person first reported being those flu-like symptoms in late september. doctors say he will be making a full recovery and that virus, as
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you may know, is carried by mosquitos. also investigators from the fda examining evidence har authorities raided a massachusetts pharmacy linked to a deadly meningitis outbreak. contaminated steroids from the new england compounding center have been connected to this outbreak. so far a total of 19 people have died, 247 other fungal cases of meningitis have been reported across 15 different states. a spokeswoman for the fda says this outbreak is one of the worst she has ever seen. the bay area is taking part in the great shakeout. it's the annual earthquake drill taking place around the world. it's designed to teach families how to be prepared when the big one hits. right now more than 14 million people are signed up to participate, 9 million of them from california. other western states will hold similar drills along with parts of canada, italy an asia. experts say there's actually a 99% chance another big quake
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will hit california within the next 30 years. this is a simulator that you can get into to feel it if you haven't before. the drill will start at 10:that i know morning. 5:27. still to come on "today in the bay" we will update you on breaking news out of castro valley. christie smith will have a live report for us coming up. plus looking for your help. new surveillance video of a minor traffic accident that could have led up to the death of an east bay man.
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in case you missed it last night, it was a sight to be seen. a meteor being said to be the size of a compact car zooming over the bay area last night. we have the amazing video coming up. plus fighting back. what a bay area teen is doing to try to get his eagle scout badge after he was initially denied it for being gay. and we've got cold weather just around the corner, but today near record heat yet again.
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that means mid-90s inland, 80s at the coast and bayside. we'll detail your full forecast. and i've got this accident on 101. our peninsula palo alto camera shows the flashing lights, two lanes and now it looks like a complete stop to traffic. we'll bring you the latest for highway 101 coming up. speaking of complete stops, this is a live look at the hp pavilion. the nhl lockout still going on but talks are said to be resuming in toronto today. we will keep our fingers crossed on this thursday, october 18th. this is today in the bay. it is 5:30. good morning, everybody. thank you for joining us. i'm jon kelley. >> an i'm laura garcia-cannon. new this morning, a rally is planned in alameda county over a sheriff's office plan to use drones for city surveillance. alameda county sheriff's office says it wants to use remote control devices only in emergency situations, but the
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aclu wants them only deployed if a warrant is issued. the sheriff's office hasn't specified what it would do with any information it gathers. today's rally is in front of city hall at 11:00 a.m. an oakland family hoping new surveillance video will help them catch a killer. the driver of the blue car is charles butler. you can see him bumping a car belonging to a man police believe killed him. the accident happened last december in front of a store at 45th and market streets. investigators say after a confrontation, butler leaves for home only to be followed by the suspect and another accomplice. butler sadly was later found shot to death. his family is asking witnesses to please come forward and help them solve this murder case. the bay area boy scout being denied his eagle scout rank because he's gay plans to file a petition with the boy scout council. 18-year-old ryan andresen says he's asking the organization to
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reverse its decision to withhold his eagle scout award. the scouts say andresen is no longer eligible because of his sexual orientation. his mother started a petition hoping the scouts will change their policy. so far 123,000 people have pledged their support. andresen's story recently women national after an appearance on the "ellen" show. meteor showers will continue to fill up the bay area skies the next few days, but there was something strange spotted overnight which has a lot of people guessing. arturo santiago is live with more details on what is nothing short of an incredible light show. >> reporter: good morning, jon. it was significant enough to catch the attention of astronomers here at nasa ammes. it happened just before 8:00 last night. about 70 miles above the earth, a meteor hit the earth's atmosphere. nbc bay area is the only station
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to have this video from the lick observatory. you can see what was described as a bright orange and red fire ball streaking across the sky at the top of your screen there. a lot of people in the bay area not only saw the meteor, they also heard a loud boom, which was most likely the meteor breaking the sound barrier creating a sonic boom. meteors in general usually hit the atmosphere at 25,000 miles an hour and then start slowing down and breaking up into pieces. it's estimated that pieces can hit the ground at speeds between 200 and 400 miles an hour. this morning scientists are trying to determine if there are any pieces left of last night's meteor and where they might be. >> a lot of people were very lucky to see a very bright fireball in the sky, which is to say it was a fairly large meteor hitting the earth's atmosphere and burning up when it gets to about, i don't know, 70 miles above our heads. well, meteors hit the earth's atmosphere all the time, every day, every hour. they're pretty common.
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bright ones like this are pretty spectacular. they happen a number of times a year, so you just have to be in the right place at the right time to catch sight of one. >> reporter: now, one thing that would help in locating pieces, if there are any, if people would check their home surveillance monitors. those cameras could have caught video of the meteor and those locations and trajectories are great data. tonight we are supposed to see the orionid meteor shower. this meteor last night is not part of the orionid. i'm arturo santiago, "today in the bay." 5:34. boy, a tough loss in st. louis for the giants. made even tougher by an almost three and a half hour rain delay. we were waiting and waiting and waiting. >> the good news, it's a seven game series, they're only down 2-1. what was supposed to be a day game lasted well into the night in st. louis. that is where comcast sportsnet's scott reese is live.
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scott, how are the guys feeling? what's the vibe the day after? >> reporter: all's quiet right now. it was ironic because it was shaping up to be the quickest game the giants played and three and a half hours of rain changed all that. it wound up being a marathon. right now it is a crisp morning and there's not a cloud in the sky. a little cool and breezy but shouldn't be any rain issues for the rest of the sear reese at least in st. louis, so that's the good news. last night, the fans took cover, the concourses were buzzing for hours and i'm guessing beer sales probably went through the roof as fans waited out a lengthy delay. when all was said and done, i'd say half of them came back for the final couple of innings. inside the clubhouse the players kept themselves busy but they knew eventually they would come back and finish this ball game. >> rain delays are going to happen. it's just a matter of having mental toughness and just be
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ready for whenever. >> reporter: and the giants will be ready for whatever this evening ads they get set for gae four. tim lincecum takes the baseball against adam wainwright for the cardinals. it's just past 5:00 tonight. comcast sportsnet has all your pregame festivities that begins at 4:00. we'll have much more coming up next hour. f now i'm live in st. louis, jon and laura, back to you. >> it was just like christina loren predicted, raindrops the size of canned ham. did you see that rain out there? crazy. >> how are we going to look today? >> nothing like yesterday. i was amazing at how well the field fared and how quickly they were able to drain the field and get that game up and running again. today they are going to see some spotty showers but no heavy downpours and i bet if anything does develop, they will play right through. 58 in san francisco, 48 degrees to start you out in novato, so
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temperatures have dropped off about 10 degrees from yesterday's highs. we had a little bit more cloud cover yesterday. this morning you'll notice 50 in gilroy, a very chilly start there. mostly clear conditions. that means fabulous weather at the beach today. 72 degrees. at 2:00 p.m. in stinson beach. by 4:00 p.m. complete sunshine, beautiful weather. 94 degrees inland, 83 bayside and at the coast right around 80 degrees. we'll have your full forecast in just a few moments. let's check your drive with mike. >> we do have a problem here palo alto into menlo park. we're looking just north of the willow avenue off-ramp heading over toward the dumbarton bridge. the backup starts just north of willow avenue but backs up all the way to university. at the top of your screen you see that wall of flashing lights. the reports are they only have two lanes blocked but i see only maybe the shoulder gets by all the way over on the right so phoenix are just eking by. we have a backup continuing to
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build just before university avenue. if you can jump over to 101 north of marsh, we do have a nice, easy drive once you're past that scene. also i've marked middlefield as alternate avenues heading up the peninsula getting into redwood city. then you're okay once you pass that area once you're in san mateo. let's show you the volume of traffic heading toward the peninsula. the volume westbound 92 builds a bit but not enough to cause any major problems. again, watch that menlo park northbound 101 drive. we'll track with it that sig alert. back to you. we continue to follow breaking news this morning in castro valley. police investigating a suspicious fire at a home on san carlos avenue. it's right near the 580/238 interchange. firefighters say they found a body inside that home. alameda county fire officials have not released any other information about the victim or how the person may have died. no other people were inside when firefighters arrived. our own christie smith is on the
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scene right now gathering information. we will have a live report coming up. fire officials there say this one is being deemed as suspicious in nature. we will keep you posted. as you say, christie smith will have all the details. it is 5:39 right now. coming up, a prominent south bay doctor heads to court today and more charges could soon be filed. >> reporter: i'm damian trujillo live at the dew tour championship in san francisco. we'll talk to this guy named crash coming up.
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5:41. to decision 2012. we're just two and a half weeks away from election day and the candidates there fighting it out for female voters. they make up half of the electorate. tracie potts is live on capitol hill this morning. who's leading with women voters right now? >> reporter: well, the president has been and now governor romney is certainly making a very strong bid for those voters. in fact he's got some brand new
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ads out that feature some of the women who worked for him in his administration in massachusetts. and that issue came up tuesday at the debate when the governor said he sought out information from women's groups and got back binders of women, that's the way he put it, of women who were qualified for these high-level positions. after that, that phrase binders of women really short of blew up on social media. vice president biden said he showed he's out of touch. the president mentioned it yesterday as well. but the romney campaign is fighting back not only with ads but saying, look, 42% of his appointees were women, 5 out of 14 of his cabinet members, includingis lieutenant governor for four years was a woman. and so the debate and the fight for female voters is on. meantime the latest poll shows the president won that debate by 15 percentage points. >> thank you very much, tracie. from high-flying politics to -- >> how about this. get ready for some high-flying
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stunts taking place in san francisco. >> the dew tour in town this weekend with a full schedule of extreme sport conditions. >> we like it. >> damian trujillo, let's see if he likes it too. he's live at the civic center plaza where some of the athletes are warming up out there. what about you, buddy? >> reporter: i'm a little jealous because the first bicycle i ever had i bought at the flea market from five different stands. how expensive is your bicycle? >> they're not that expensive at all. anywhere from $149 all the way up to $900 for the professional ones. >> reporter: we're talking with crash here representing mon goose and we won't get into why his name is crash. but you've got -- this is the new camera that we introduced a while back. >> we partnered up with ion camera at mongoose. kids can come on the course, ride around and go over to the
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ion booth and download their footage right to their computer. e-mail and facebook, whatever they want to do. >> reporter: what is it like to be right in front of san francisco city hall and doing your stunts and skits and jumps and everything? >> we are so stoked to be here in san francisco. the dew tour has been around for eight years. the first year it's been in san francisco. everybody at the dew tour, all the athletes, it's super rad being here. being in front of city hall? i mean come on, as a skateboarder, bmxer or moto cross guy, what a better spot. >> reporter: the tournament gets under way -- actually the practice runs begin at 10:00 a.m. this is what you want to stay around for. at 8:00 it's the fmx triple threat final. jon, i understand you might be a finalist for that one as well. >> i'm working on it, my man. i've got my bike in the back popping some wheelies. when you come back i'll show you. thanks, man, appreciate it. he's signing me up for that kind
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of stuff. i'm ready. >> you know, it's hard to pop a wheelie on a unicycle, but you get it done. >> i'm here to please. >> laura is the one that went skydiving. i was so blown away by that true story. another story in the sky right now, we have a meteor shower the next couple of nights and weather is going to cooperate giving you an opportunity to see those orionids. i want to start with this picture of the palace of fine arts here in san francisco which you can see very visibly. very good-looking day shaping up. 10 miles of visibility all across the board. 60 degrees in sonoma, chilly in novato. 45 in petaluma. one of the coldest moerpgz we've had so far this week. you want to dress in layers today. it's also going to be one of the warmest days because of the clear skies. we have perfect visibility out there. tomorrow is not going to be as great but you're going to get a really didn't opportunity to take a look at those orionids.
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best viewing time is between probably 9:00 p.m. tonight and midnight. and the same goes for friday. where you want to look is southwest. you want to look towards the san jose area if you're waking up with us in san francisco. we're talking about 50 to 70 meteors per hour. so that's a lot of shooting stars. it's going to be really nice to see that. usually we don't get that kind of clarity this time of year. area of low pressure moves in quickly. this thing will dramatically change our pattern as we get into the end of the weekend into next week. i want to make sure you're ready for it. pull out those winter clothes and, yes, get that umbrella ready to go. 60-degree temperatures inland. almost a 40-degree drop from where we're expecting highs to be today versus those on tuesday. 94 in livermore, 90 in concord. the big story is the mid-80s at the beach. as you can imagine, it's very dry out there with no marine influence so high fire danger today. friday into saturday look at the
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dropoff. we're talking about the low 70s by monday. so from 95 degrees today to 70 degrees inland. we keep that rain chance in the mix so, mike, we're going to be bizzy. but i do not like that traffic jam. >> there's a horrible backup. look at this. this is the accident i've been showing you zoomed in from our peninsula camera. flashing lights blocking all but your far right lane. just one lane eking by. now the backup coming all the way back down here. our camera is loebcated right a university avenue. it's continuing to build heading out of the south bay up the peninsula and into the san francisco area. this is the stretch. now let me lay this out for you as well. if you're coming up toward the dumbarton bridge, you're okay because you can still get over at university and make your way towards highway 84. if you're getting off of the dumbarton bridge, join up with 101 just north of this accident
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so you're doing okay as you come over highway 84. alternates through the area, middlefield or alma will get you past this accident and get on to 101 just north of there as we talked b coming other from the east bay, your flow here is okay. we have an accident here at the toll plaza. sounds like a car is on its side blocking the slow lane and causing a distraction there so we're watching for folks to back up towards 880 the next few. a quick look at the san mateo bridge toll plaza. once you get past that accident, the span itself, 92, is okay getting to the peninsula, guys. back to you. >> thank you very much. we continue to follow breaking news this morning. we first told you about it at the top of the hour. a house fire turned possible crime scene in castro valley. it's happening on san carlos and alameda street not far from the 580/238 interchange. a call came in a little after 12:30 this morning for a fire in the back of the house and the attic. it is suspicious.
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christie smith joins us live from the scene with what you've learned. good morning, christie. >> reporter: good morning to you, laura. well, a sergeant on scene with the sheriff's department has confirmed this morning that this is a criminal investigation. in fact it is expanding. they're bringing more investigators in after a house fire, it's a very small house fire, turned deadly here on san carlos avenue. i do believe we have some video for you this morning of investigators going in and out of the home. i can tell you we were closer and they just moved all the media down the street. what we know, single alarm fire. most of the damage to the rear and attic of the home. just looking at it, though, you don't see much damage at all. i spoke with a couple of neighbors. they tell me that a retired san francisco firefighter lives in the home with either a son or a girlfriend. we've gotten both of those answers. we're trying to clarify that. investigators have said not very much about the victim at all. i do have calls into a sheriff's spokesperson. we're told they may be on the way. i spoke with someone from the
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fire department by phone, a spokesperson, and she says because it was fatal and suspicious in nature, that's why they turn most of this investigation over to the sheriff's department, but they do still have a fire investigator here as well. of course we'll stay on scene. as soon as we get any updates we'll let you know. reporting live in castro valley, christie smith, "today in the bay." >> thank you very much for that update. a san jose man will be in court today facing murder charges over the death of his girlfriend. his name, anthony almager. he was arrested just this week. last month he had called 911 dispatchers to say his girlfriend had committed suicide, but investigators right now say they found evidence at that scene linking almager to her death. a prominent doctor will be in court this morning facing drug charges. dr. marvin bonham, a pediatrician turned administrator at valley health plan of santa clara is accused of writing prescriptions in exchange for cash and other drugs.
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investigators say he was even providing drugs to minors. police say the doctor's los gatos home was filled with marijuana, drug paraphernalia and several guns. investigators started checking up on the doctor because his desk job involved no patients, yet he was writing plenty of prescriptions. bonham is free this morning on a million dollars bail. the time is 5:51. coming up, we'll let you know how that dive that, wild dive from 23 miles up in the atmosphere could actually help nasa scientists. plus the badge of shame. we'll show it to you ahead in business.
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welcome back, everybody. the brand new record holder for skydiving is taking science to brand new heights. researchers say felix
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baumgardner's 24-mile jump from the stratosphere has given them a lot of new information on the extreme speed and altitude on the human body. he wore several sensors during that jump that measured his heart rate, blood pressure and the forces of gravity on his body. now, scientists say they'll be using that information to develop improved space suits and new techniques for emergency escapes for astronauts and high altitude pilots. it wasn't just cool to watch, it's important. >> i want to know more about his mind just to think about that do. it's 5:54. a sting this morning against businesses which abuse yelp. yelp now issuing a badge of shame. >> that's right. some businesses will reward you for giving them a good rating on yelp. the folks from yelp tell me they had undercover employees send e-mails to various companies
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that they had heard would pay for good ratings. and sure enough, they got offers. one jewelry store pays $200. for that they get this. the red badge of shame. you can read the e-mails between the company and the business as the sting was conducted. yelp said it slapped just a few businesses with the badge, but more are coming. google this morning has invited reporters to an announcement in new york city at the end of the month, probably to announce new android-powered phones. on the very same day, microsoft will hold a press conference in san francisco, also about phones and all of this, of course, comes a week after the apple announcement. reuters reports this morning that the white house conducted its own investigation into that telecom company huawei and found no evidence the company's equipment could be used to spy on americans. that contradicts a house intelligence committee finding. reuters did say the report did
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find huawei's equipment substandard. also the magazine "newsweek" will no longer being a magazine. they announced it is going all digital. "newsweek" has been around since 1933. >> that is very interesting. >> sign of the times. digital world. 5:56. let's get a check from christina loren of our friday forecast. >> get it while it's hot, guys, because temperatures are going to tumble tomorrow. 94 degrees, near record warmth inland today, 83 bayside and 80 degrees even at the coast. i'm talking about pacifica at 80 degrees. by tomorrow a return of the low clouds and then the rain moves in. we'll detail your full forecast coming up. 5:56. first, mike has some issues out on the road on a thursday morning. yeah, both side of the bay, folks. this is 101 right through palo alto into menlo park northbound. at the top of your screen i've been watching all the way on the right shoulder a very slow-moving tow truck arriving, a couple more needed to clear these lanes. only one lane northbound is open
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at willow avenue and that's why on the maps we see all the backup from university. a distraction on the southbound side. another accident at the san mateo bridge toll plaza now causing a backup. it's 5:57. still ahead, another live update on the breaking news we're following out of castro valley. the latest information is next. [ female announcer ] introducing yoplait greek 100. 100% new. ♪ 100% greek. 100% mmm... ♪ oh wow, that is mmm... ♪ in fact it's so mmm you might not believe it's a hundred calories. well ok then, new yoplait greek 100. it is so good. ♪
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we have breaking news to tell you about. a gruesome discovery in the rubble after flames rip through an east bay home. plus flying fireball. we track the path of this sight that blazed over the bay area overnight. also a tough loss and a soggy series. the giants trying to come through on another comeback in postseason play. we will go live to st. louis for a report. and the season is over,


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