tv Today NBC October 26, 2012 2:05am-3:00am PDT
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"today" with news with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1 a in rockefeller plaza. >> hey, everybody, thank goodness it's thirsty thursday. hoda and i are barely surviving today. one of us is in traction and we'll tell you why. >> we went to lunch with 200 people yesterday at gallagher's by kath's theater. on 52nd street. we didn't know if anyone showed. we went in. let's see. george clooney in there? it's dark. there we are. we were having our fair share of you know what. >> yeah. >> it was just amazing. boy, the light is terrible. >> britney tried. >> suffice it to say those women are enthusiastic. >> we had a wild crowd. there were 200 people. i think more made it in. >> a lot of people snuck in. i want to thank whoever made this. >> pam. her name was pam.
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>> she made a scarf. >> i'm just going to do it. one of those things that sounded funny then you do it and you go not so much. swing and a miss. but you know that's life. >> we are going to do gallagher's again next week. there was a lot of kissing and hugging. . thank you everybody. >> we loved everybody who came. >> pretty much. >> even the woman at the bar, i said thank you for coming. she said, who are you? i thought you came for lunch. she goes, no, i just eat here. okay. except for her. but it was a really fun afternoon. >> you know what drives me crazy, not the people, the people are wonderful. technology, people. >> yeah. >> it used to be when i was growing up you get a little instamatic. you take the picture. they all work the same. now there must be 50 cameras and phones. none of them takes a normal -- you stand there and you smile for 15 seconds. then just when you think you've taken it you move away and then
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the picture goes off. >> it's the double flash. the first flash happens and you leave. >> somebody has got to invent a better camera and it has to be universal. >> by the way, your phone was well represented at that event. the old-fashioned -- they were all like flip phones. let's take a picture. it was the kind you open like kath and push the button in the middle. >> we were trying to take pictures with everybody. i swear half of them came up to us afterwards and said it didn't take. it was awful. my eyes were closed. my books didn't look good. so you take another one. anyway, you guys, we're not complaining. we thank you for coming with us. i love my hoda. are you sure you're going to do that two more times? >> we are i doing it again. >> we are having a better day than tom cruise is. >> he is suing two magazines, "life and style" and "in touch." >> the publisher. >> he's suing them for 50 million bucks for cruel and reckless statements. he's very, very upset that these
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two magazines had headlines that read things like "suri in tears abandoned by her dad." and when it comes to -- i'm sure people have said a lot of things about tom cruise over the years. and he doesn't sue -- i don't know if he's ever sued. >> you pick your fights absolutely. >> this one bothered him. >> his lawyer says that this picture of suri crying was over a puppy. the magazine made it look like she was crying over her dad. who knows what the truth is? but it is true. we've sued a couple of times. never anything they said about me or frank. it was something they had written that was completely untrue about our children. we had a settlement which i was very happy with. it wasn't money i was after it was protection for our kids. >> sure. >> so you do pick your fights. when it hits you where you live in terms of your integrity, he probably thinks the one thing you don't mess with is me being a dad. >> he did say if he won that lawsuit he was going to give all the money to charity. >> i don't even know what it costs now to sue somebody like that. but back then it was like half a
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million dollars 15 years ago to do it. it must be like $1 million to bring a suit. >> to bring a lawsuit. >> you got to be really willing to spend that kind of money. >> have you ever written an e-mail about someone that maybe wasn't kind and instead of sending it to the friend you wanted to you accidentally sent it to the person you were talking about? >> one more thing that's never happened to me because i don't do e-mail. >> i've done that. a friend of mine and i were in a news room. we could see each other over the computer tops and we were top of the lining hit quickie e-mails, talking about someone there who you would not have liked either. as we're writingt we're hitting it and hitting it and it goes to the person. oh, my gosh. eyes darting. she's staring at me. we go get the i.t. guy. we're on a full on panic. not in the news room yet. walking around. >> it's a movie. >> please god. i go, you don't understand. he went in. i think i can get it.
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he ended up being able to delete those quick messages and she wasn't able to see them. i learned my lesson. >> what did you say? >> i'm not repeating but it wasn't nice. this couple in the u.k. was planning a wedding at a swanky place. >> like a five star restaurant. >> here is the bride. she is a substance abuse counselor he is an engineer with the ministry of defense. >> he does have a past. >> they want to get married. >> he had a background in the porn industry that might be part of the story, hoda. i'm just saying this might be part of the region they had deciding what they decided. >> here is what happened. the wedding planner sent an e-mail to her manager. here is what it read. "michelle seems lovely, i know this probably doesn't sound very nice, but i'm trying to put this wedding off as i don't think they're the type of people we would want to have at stoke park" and then she cc'd the bride accidentally. >> the wedding planner was disciplined and the hotel apologized profusely.
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they should give them a free honeymoon i guess. the couple decided to throw the wedding someplace else. >> where they are wanted and their money. >> exactly. but i think talking about what the man's past was about is probably had something to do with their -- >> they hired him at ministry of defense or wherever he works. >> which makes you wonder. >> the woman's past. >> the bride. definitely the bride. >> now she's a counselor. she turned it around. >> i'm all for second chances. i think they probably found that out and used that in their reasoning. this isn't something we would do. >> ever. okay. so what songs turn you on and make you want to go to poughkeepsie? >> spotify asked 2,000 people questions. here is the song they say best gets you in the mood. it is by marvin gaye. come on. ♪ when i get that feeling i want
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sexual healing sexual healing oh, baby ♪ >> works for hoda. but what doesn't? >> stop it. >> "it's a small world after all" works for hoda. >> there is a little too much laughter in this area. >> "old macdonald had a farm" works for hoda. >> once you're there, here is the song that worked. it is anything from the "dirty dancing" soundtrack, but this one especially. >> i don't think so. what if you're not having the time of your life, you know? ♪ i had the time of my life you've been there. we've all been there. let's be honest. >> what is better than poughkeepsie? queens "bohemian rhapsody." ♪ i see a little silhouette of a man ♪ >> no.
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this is not better. is this a joke? . . >> no. >> oh, you're right, this is better. >> people are smoking something at that spotify. >> okay. so my song -- >> did you pick one? >> i don't know if this is the right one but let's try it. >> i didn't pick this song. >> i picked this one. "give into me" have you heard it? >> no, but it's supposed to be from "country strong." >> it's the right song but not the right singer. i mean i love faith hill. but the guy who sings it is very sexy. >> i said "one more night" and i never picked that song. ♪ if only for one night ♪ if only for one night let me keep you near ♪
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>> yeah, i like that. beautiful. start to get in the mood. what you got for us today, hoda woman. >> you're going to love my play list. >> i don't think so. >> here it is. we're going old school. we're taking you back, way back, to the ohio players. how about that? a song we might all know. maybe not you. it's called "fire." ♪ fire fire fire fire >> the lyrics are awesome. >> let's do it again. ♪ the way you walk and talk really sets me off to a four alarm, child ♪ ♪ the way you squeeze and tease knocks me to my knees yeah,
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yeah ♪ ♪ the way you swerve and curve really wrecks my nerve ♪ >> everyone's into it especially bob and marcia. >> who are bob and marcia? >> bob and marcia are visiting us. they are from the chris evert t t tennis tournament. >> it's this weekend. we hope the weather cooperates. >> we're expecting hurricane sandy? >> it's going okay. >> is it okay to buy a haunted house? >> i thought about this question a lot. cath said "why in the hell would you want to do that"? and hoda said "it's okay if you are not into sleeping ever." that's a good one. can i say also we have two
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wonderful doctors coming on the show. >> i know, i know. >> who are actually my surgeons from five years ago. i'm at my five-year no longer with breast cancer. they are here so i want to thank them. >> we'll talk with him later. hopefully we'll give you some information so you won't be one of the statistics. >> coming up, she has got millions of devoted fans, two-time grammy winner and she is awesome. melissa ethridge is here. >> and two women on our plaza get ambush makeovers. first these messages. 2@
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♪ come to my window >> melissa ethridge became a household name and earned a devoted following of fans. with hits like "come to my window" and "i'm the only one." >> her music scored her two grammys and an oscar. she is out with her 12th studio album called "fourth street feeling." >> we are happy to have you here. >> thank you so much. >> you were performing last night and managed to get up and get dressed and make it here?
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>> that's rock and roll. >> she's a pro. >> and she's also not singing for us this morning. >> i can't talk. i'm doing the show tomorrow night. >> does it get harder or easier? you know what you're capable of. >> there is a certain amount of self-confidence. that's great. finally, i truly believe that the people pay really good money to see me really want to see me. >> and deserve to see you at your best. >> yes. and so it frees me up to enjoy it. i really love doing it. it's my favorite thing. >> you said doing this album, this particular cd, i remember when they were records, it was your favorite recording experience ever. tell us why. >> a lot had to do with the self-confidence of going in. this is my 12th album and it's been 25 years doing this. i thought this one i'm going to make all the music that i love. i played all the guitars. >> harmonica. >> yeah. and i loved it because i believe that my fans want me to love the music i make. >> i went to one of your concerts, the aarp one.
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but a lot of people were watching it waiting to hear their favorites. you played a lot of your new stuff and it was contagious. who do you think this music is for? your new stuff? >> i think there is an audience out there. it's not age. you can't put an age on it because my kids search for it. i have teenagers now. they search for the things that spark them, the real things. my music is for the music listener who loves the art form and wants to be moved by the music, by the lyrics, by the performance, by the emotion. that's what it's for. >> a lot of us remember you. so many memorable concerts, but probably the most memorable was shortly after your breast cancer treatment. you got on stage. >> at the grammys. >> it was so moving. it's been how many years now for you? >> it's going on nine. eight years ago was the grammys. >> when you look back at that. it was a monumental moment. what's it like looking back at that time?
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>> that was such a personal moment for me. it was the first time i was out in public since the treatments. i had just finished my last one like a week or maybe two weeks before. >> it hadn't ravaged your voice? >> no. the voice, i was able -- it's a rock and roll voice. the energy was the hardest part. i was really low on energy. so i came there, did my thing. did it and went home and got in bed before it even started airing. >> boy, the accolades from that. number one, people enjoy your performance, and number two, the courage it took. hair, we are very attached to our hair. >> yeah. going through, i don't know how much your process was, but going through it, thinking with women, it's hard enough the breast cancer and everything. but the losing the hair is such oh, but not the hair. >> it makes it real, doesn't it? >> yeah. but i felt honored to be able to
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stand up and go, it's okay. i'm not my hair. >> it doesn't define me. >> sure. to stand up and do that. that comes back to me every week someone comes up. >> it was really memorable. >> your music is great. what other stuff do you listen to that gets you off the couch, gets you moving? >> any new performers you're crazy about? >> i love we call the civil war music. the banjos and the fiddles and stuff. i love that. that's good. that's authentic music. >> you know what else she likes? the song we just played. >> i know she does. ♪ fire >> is that one of your favorites? >> growing up in high school that was it, man. >> i just wanted to let you know about that song >> no accounting for taste is the story of that. >> we wish you great luck with this. >> all the best on your new cd, recovery, so great. >> thank you. >> this guy had only one direction in mind to surprise his girlfriend with a ring. >> sara haynes has your
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webtastic video of the week right after this. new pink lemonade 5-hour energy? 5-hour energy supports the avon foundation for women breast cancer crusade. so i can get the energized feeling i need and support a great cause? i'm sold. pink lemonade 5-hour energy? yeah and a portion of every sale goes to the avon foundation for women breast cancer crusade. i'm sold. new pink lemonade 5-hour energy. get the alert, energized feeling you need and support breast cancer research and access to care. [ male announcer ] peppermint that cools as you chew. [ air howling ] stimulate your senses. 5 gum. now in micro pack.
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follow the wings. wooohooo....hahaahahaha! oh...there you go. wooohooo....hahaahahaha! i'm gonna stand up to her! no you're not. i know. you know ronny folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico sure are happy. how happy are they jimmy? happier than a witch in a broom factory. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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>> time for webtastic when our very own sara haines diction up a video to put a smile on your face. >> it features a very special proposal. >> that's right. brad surprised emily with an elaborate lip dub set to one direction's "one thing." check it out. ♪ shot me out of the sky you keep making me weak ♪ i'm frozen in time ♪ love has got to give now ♪ i need you with me now ♪ 'cause you've got that one
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thing go get out get out get out of my head i don't i don't know what it is but i only need just one thing ♪ ♪ so get out get out get out of my head i don't i don't don't know what it is but you've got that one thing ♪ >> brad is going to give you a ring on your finger. you should say yes to brad. you're the best ever.
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>> i guess she said yes. >> that was perfect. that was sweet. especially the little kid that talked. >> i like that it was private at the end. the song and dancing and the moment that should be private. >> thanks, sweetie. they are almost out of hair and makeup, ready for their big reveal. the ambush makeover. >> a special anniversary around here. we are marking five years since hoda was diagnosed with breast cancer. we're so glad she's okay. we're going to take a look at her journey and why early detection is so important. >> my hair was so dark back then. then creative hallowe'en costumes for the family thanks to our girl, bobbie thomas. b.t., we're into your outfit. >> that's a clever i.d. >> go as paper dolls. questions?
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we are back with more of "today" on this thirsty thursday. it's time for our plaza ambush makeovers where our team plucks two lucky ladies from the plaza and gives them a brand-new head to toe look. >> working their magic as always "today" contributor and stylist to the stars, louis licari and" today" and ""us weekly"" contributor and author jill martin. >> how was it today? >> a little brisk, but fun. we had many ladies to pick from. >> the first one is 45 years old from newark, ohio. after going through a divorce, she had very little time to focus on herself so her friends begged us to give her a brand-new look to jump-start this brand-new chapter in her life. let's listen to her story. >> they drove 598 miles to see "scandalous." is that right? >> yes, we did. >> but the problem is you tell me you have nothing to wear.
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>> i have no idea what to wear. we're from central ohio, you know? we are in new york city for our first time. i have no idea what to wear. i'm so excited. >> we are going to get you ready for kathie lee and broadway. are you ready to hit broadway in style? >> yes. >> yes! >> wonderful. how exciting. >> we'll see them there. >> sari is here with her sister sue and best friend amy. keep your blind folds on for a second. here is soni piper before. all right. let's see. great. guys, ready? take off your blind folds. >> you look awesome. >> are you ready to see? turn around here. >> oh, my gosh! >> you look beautiful. >> you look beautiful.
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>> look right at camera 12. tell us about her beautiful hair. >> okay. soni has fine textured hair. the best way to plump up hair is with hair color and a hair cut. kept the haircut simple. just keep it sort of more appropriate length. we reshape your forehead with the side-swept bangs. make the color warmer. small changes make big differences. before, i don't like to use mousey, but a little dull. >> dull is better. >> them's fighting words. >> now you have just this little glow. >> lovely make-up, so soft and beautiful. >> wait. she is exploding. do we need to call a doctor? >> looks great. >> just wonderful. i can't believe it.
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>> it couldn't have happened to a better person. >> that's sweet. >> and that outfit is lovely. and you'll be seeing "scandalous." >> she matches the playbill. >> she does. >> she is all ready to go to broadway. the dress by london times and topped it off with jewelry by kendra scott. >> a big round of applause. >> that is so sweet. all right, our second lady is judy, 46 from louisville, kentucky. as a stay-at-home mom for three daughters she allows herself no more than 30 minutes to get ready in the morning. she jumped at the opportunity to be pampered for just a few hours. we're certainly going to do that. let's listen to her story. >> when is the last time mom bought something for herself? >> i don't know it was so long ago. >> she hasn't bought anything for herself this whole trip and i want her to do something for herself. >> you tell me you want her to look cool. >> yeah because she -- yeah.
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>> steve is psyched. >> i am. she is the most beautiful woman in the world to me, but this will be a lot of fun. something neat for her. >> and you're already crying. don't worry, we are going to take good care of you. are you ready to see a glam mom? >> yeah. >> all righty. judy is here with her husband steve and their children elizabeth, grace and lilly. keep those blind folds on. one last look at judy and let's bring out a very beautiful lady, judy. oh, wow! beautiful. >> tell your dad he can take it off. >> gorgeous. you look gorgeous. >> turn around. >> oh, my god! >> gave her some very subtle highlights. vanessa gave her a great haircut and the make-up which made the thing come alive.
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>> that dress is awesome. >> london times. boots 9 west and jewelry kendra scott. >> so beautiful. what do you guys think? >> love it. >> let's bring soni out. give it up for our ladies. and louis and jill doing a great job. thank you all. we are marking a very special occasion. hoda's cancer free for five years. be right back to celebrate with her. [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus presents the cold truth. i have a cold... i took dayquil, but i still have a runny nose. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't work on runny noses. what? [ male announcer ] it doesn't have an antihistamine. really? [ male announcer ] really. alka-seltzer plus cold and cough fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a fast acting antihistamine to relieve your runny nose. [ sighs ] thank you! [ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth! [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus. ♪ oh what a relief it is! ♪ [ male announcer ] try new alka-seltzer plus severe allergy to treat allergy symptoms, plus sinus congestion, and pain.
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but now you're saved clear men, with mint, ginseng, and tea tree. it feeds your scalp to stop dandruff at the source. clear men. feed scalp. stop dandruff at the source. mr. parker! sir... excuse me, excuse me... can i get you to sign off on the johnson case... ♪ we built this city! don't let food hang around. ♪ on rock & roll! [ orbit trumpet plays ] clean it up with orbit! [ ding! ] fabulous! for a good clean feeling... eat. drink. chew orbit. for a good clean feeling... new pink lemonade 5-hour energy? 5-hour energy supports the avon foundation for women breast cancer crusade. so i can get the energized feeling i need and support a great cause? i'm sold. pink lemonade 5-hour energy? yeah and a portion of every sale goes to the avon foundation for women breast cancer crusade. i'm sold. new pink lemonade 5-hour energy. get the alert, energized feeling you need and support breast cancer research and access to care.
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many times on our show hoda shared her story and thoughts as a breast cancer survivor. today is a monumental moment. it's been five years since there's been any evidence of cancer. so let's take you back to 2007 when hoda was first diagnosed and treated. >> okay. now we're rolling. in exactly one week from today
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at this exact moment, i will be laid out. in a week i'm going to have my surgery. my mastectomy. >> you're watching a video diary hoda kotb never imagined she would make. >> today was not a good day. >> not in her wildest dreams. >> it is the weakness in all of us to think we are invincible until we realize we are not. >> i just assumed i'm pretty healthy. i have my act together. it's not going to be me. it's going to be somebody else, not me. >> the phone call came last february as she was talking to an nbc intern in her office. just days before her doctor had found three lumps in her left breast and now suddenly a hospital was on the line. >> he said it's cancer. you have breast cancer. everything else he said, ann, i didn't hear. i didn't hear what he said. you have breast cancer. that was it. that was it.
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this intern, i won't forget, she was looking at me and she goes, should i leave? and i said, yeah. and she said, can i hug you? i said, yeah. she didn't even know what was going on so she hugged me. a kid. a kid. i don't even remember her name but i won't forget what she did. god, i needed it. >> many more hugs came from friends and colleagues, and most importantly from hoda's mom sami and sister hola who rushed to new york to be by her side. >> when you think about your body and i don't think about mine often really, but suddenly i was forced to. i've never been that attached to my breasts. i don't really identify with -- that's not my thing. >> your hair's your thing. >> my hair's my thing. >> good afternoon. >> kotb. >> i only had one choice. you couldn't take out the lumps
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without ruining the whole breast. you had to get rid of the whole thing. gives me the heaves just thinking about it. . what makes you shiver? >> i think knowing you're not going to be the same as you were. knowing when you look in the mirror, you're never going to be whole. pretty much ready for this thing to happen. according to mwatch it's a long time since we got here. here is my quote for the day, let's flush this toilet. i'm ready to go. hello. ready to go. forward. forward. forward. i wrote forward. the day i was diagnosed. get through things. get through it. forward. it's the best word. >> it's hopeful. >> right. it's hopeful. tomorrow, right? forward. >> not the cancer that makes you write forward, it's who you are. >> yes, yeah. you're right. i am glad it is over.
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i'm so glad it's over. i'm just glad it is over, it is out of me. it is over. >> people ask me sometimes who my favorite people are to interview. you know what i always come back to? cancer survivors. >> why? >> cancer survivors know how to live. they know what they are not going to put up with any more. cancer survivors have clarity. >> what i get from this whole horrible ordeal i get you can't scare me. >> anyway, here with more on hoda's journey is dr. erin dupuis, as well as the director of breast surgery at nyu clinical cancer center. you found hoda's lump and you took off her breast and saved her life. the two of you. i love you ladies.
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>> can i say thank you, by the way? because -- you know what? here's what's funny, it's been a long time since that, but when i look at you two you rarely get to see someone who saved your life. so thanks. i love you, too. >> because i was slack and lame early and i didn't do all the checking i went to erin like you guys at home do for a regular check-up. she said let me do a breast exam and said i feel something. i was like oh, no, you don't. that's a nothing. what made you tell me to go to check that? what was weird about the thing you felt? a lot of people have breasts that are dense.
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>> or cystic. >> well, it was a couple of things. one, there were masses there. i don't take that lightly as a physician. a mass is a mass is a mass until you know exactly what it is. the other thing was my connection with you in the office and knowing that you have a lot going on in your life and that women like that don't always rush to get that mammogram and make that appointment right away. it's one thing that can get put off. it should never be put off. i said that to you. >> she said to me, i want you back here in a week or two with the results. i thought, oh, she is very pushy. erin dupuis. >> did you try to make excuses for her? >> that's what i do, i'm busy. when looking for a breast cancer surgeon, people have been through it or know someone who has, finding you was a gift from
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god. you took my mom's hands right before the surgery and said you would take care of me. >> i'm glad to be part of the team. >> a lot of people don't -- look, you see so many people like me who are going through what i'm going through. if you were to say something to folks at home who are putting things off, what would be your message? >> people put things off like mammograms and other tests because they are fearful. the big fear is always what will happen if they find something. then i have to go down the rabbit hole and it's about the doctors and the medicine and the hospitals and the surgeries. that's not entirely untrue. there is truth to that, but, but, for the majority of women who go to get those mammograms and get those screening tests, when it turns out to be okay, the reassurance just takes away so much anxiety that by itself is tremendous positive. on the other hand, early
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detection saves lives. that is not a question any more. and allows people to have less obnoxious treatment. >> you have to find a great surgeon that is a-1 number one like i did with freya. and like i did with dr. erin dupuis. so thank you again so much for coming. >> and for celebrating. >> thank you all so much. >> and bobbie thomas is all dressed up to celebrate. >> we are crazy about you. sara's got one on, too. >> we'll be right back. at cepacol we've heard people are going to extremes
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to relieve their sore throats. oh, okay, you don't need to do that. but i don't want any more of the usual lozenges and i want new cooling relief! ugh. how do you feel? now i'm cold. hmm. this is a better choice. new cepacol sensations cools instantly, and has an active ingredient that stays with you long after the lozenge is gone. ahhh.
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not just a sensation, sensational relief. mike's being healthy and chewing like a man. introducing one-a-day vitacraves for men! it's a gummy multivitamin... with more vitamin b, to convert food to energy, and help mike do manly things, like wrestle bears and take out the garbage. new one-a-day vitacraves for men.
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with ideas out of this world. >> you're barking up the wrong tree, baby. this is a post menopausal tree. forget it. >> what do you have on? >> when it comes to paper, you can steal some paint chips from the store and have "fifty shades of gray." i have some paper doll outfits. you trace these out of poster board. what you can do with boxes is what we see with our fun and games family. this is so great. parents are tetris. our little one is the steel crane. adorable. you cut holes in the box. >> thank you, guys. let's bring out our next group. juliana, angelo and donny. >> look at the fashion don'ts. we have our audrey hepburn and
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parent don'ts. go into your closet, get creative, go to t.j.maxx to overlogo yourself. >> that dog kills me. so cute. >> it's time for squeaky clean. we've got the loufas. >> we have suds and the box of soap. and two loofas. >> those are adorable. this is easy. all you do is get toile from the fabric store. safety pin it around you. >> i love you bubbles. i love the soap over there. >> thank you. let's bring out under the sea. >> our under the sea family. look over there.
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>> this is all about playing with umbrellas. the little one is a jelly fish. her parents are under the sea. so they got in on the act. sometimes it's raining when you're trick-or-treating. >> she is out. >> thank you, guys. >> thank you. >> let's bring out rocco, kathie and alex. >> oh! >> kathy is a trouper. she's here and she's expecting. she is our solar system. >> i love it. >> this is our out of this world photo and our little astronaut. >> let's bring everybody out. come on out. >> for more information -- >> drag her out. >> the little jelly fish. >> for more information, go to -- >> >> we'll be back in a moment. first this is "today" on nbc.
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coming up tomorrow, grammy-winning country music singer martina mcbride and the legendary tony bennett. >> and fast fixes for your fashion emergencies. see you tonight at "scandalous." >> get ready for something "extra"! >> "extra, extra!." >> oprah in curlers taking over "gma". >> oprah is in the control room. >> "extra" is behind the scenes with queen o. >> we're together again. >> her morning tv battle with her best friend gayle and her new interview today with the her best friend gayle and her new interview today with the recovering robin roberts.
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