tv Press Here NBC October 28, 2012 9:00am-9:30am PDT
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the case of the garage door opener. plus former sun microsystems ceo and the 49ers throw out the play book with reporters and liz gains of all things digital. this week on "press here." monday night the san francisco 49ers will take on the arizona cardinals in the plays that harbaugh chooses to run will come from an ipad. the xs and os, the san francisco 49ers study in practice are stored as 1s and 0s on
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computerized playbacks which can be instantly updated and deleted from anyway. the coach can push out the idea to players anywhere in a snap. and not just the nfl. down the road the cardinals used the same system developed by denver based player link. >> ceo of player link used by the denver broncos, the cincinnati bengals, san diego chargers as well as the bears and the beloved green bay packers. before we explain the solution that you come up with plane expo me the problem. my career with the spartans we had a playback that was about yea big. i understand the ones the nfl use are significantly larger.
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>> i'm sure since your all star days they have grown over time. there are many teams using traditional play books. there is no reason you have to make this change. teams have done things their own way for a long time. >> now they are enormous. >> 300 pages and not only do they have to print them and distribute them every week they had to make play changes and the team would have to give back to play books, count them up and make sure they got back and then destroy them. >> and dvds on top of that. >> absolutely. the traditional way was player would come down and ask for a series of videos. somebody would have to find the videos and compile them and track the person down and find the dvd player and then what do i do with this material? it was kind a series of steps.
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>> is this basically a digitization opportunity? >> that's one stage of it, for sure. what's really important is the distribution of information, speeding out the coach can get his thoughts from his head to the team especially you think about a 16-game season in the nfl every game is very important to win. when there are changes that happen from the other team and in the weather, when new plays need to be distributed based on current information what is the fastest way to get it out in a way understood by the end user. >> is this your market now or is there something bigger you can do with this? >> we are focused on sports initially. that is our key focus and it has been amazing to see the adoption of our technology across the different leagues. we have customers on very
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industries, banking industry jumped in first. it is primary around the security of our platform. their need was to get confidential board material out to their board members on ipads is ideally the way to do it because it is easy and safe. the i.t. costs are low. they couldn't find a better solution out there. >> have you a function if i'm a coach i know that my running back looked at the play. i push out a play -- that is the funny thing. we think of nfl players as being of course they read all the plays. they are like any other employee. they read about half the manual. >> you said that. there are a lot of big brother capabilities that we can enable. we haven't done so until we are requested to do so and for really productive reasons. football has a few days to study what they need to study.
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it gets to be an extreme in other sports when they are traveling. to take information learned in one evening and by the next night how do you get the changes is a bigger problem that we saw. >> i talked to some players and i was astounded by how often they looked at the game films but probably not in the way the coach expected them to. he is the one who explained to me it is like being like an employee. yes you are an nfl player. do you do everything the boss asks you to do every day and the answer is no. it is the same sort of thing. at least this makes it more convenient with the ipad he can sit in the starbucks. >> it is one thing to sit in the desk office with a big manual full of papers. it's different if you have your ipad. we are seeing the amount of time
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that the playerers and coaches spend studying is through the roof. >> did you have trouble convincing the teams to go this way? was it obvious that they had to go digital? >> many teams have looked for technology as a potential strategic advantage but there hasn't been technology designed to push out file sizes that are videos can be quite large and get it out to the team in a way that the end user has a nice form factor. >> without the ipad this becomes not quite as appealing. >> that's a huge factor for sure. and the ease of use that really the ipad has brought to our world we have kind of followed in those foot steps. the player never has to go download anything. the content is synced to their
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device. the device can be asleep and they can be sitting on the couch and the banner pops up. when they are using the device if they are taking notes on the play book the notes are backed up. if they lose the ipad and need to go back in time to look up past notes it is easier to do. >> whose ipads are they? standard issue you get your uniform and an ipad or you bring your own? >> we are seeing a mix. >> they can't afford their own. >> there are certain rules around if this is considered part of a compensation package. >> really the $500 ipad? >> we work with various ipads. sometimes the team will give them out and they will say i am giving you this because i expect you to have all of this. we have teams where the players end up having the ability to
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carry two but they go to their own personalal ipad. as long as they have everything they need on it everybody is happy. >> ceo of clear link. favorite team is the packers? >> i like all of our customers very much. >> it's the packers in person he likes everyone very much. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. up next congress woman anna gives us an update on technology in politics when "press here" continues.
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a better eye on them. case in point the rush to -- cell phone companies are desperate for new band width. some members of congress had to fight to make sure there was enough spectrum left for every day devices like garage door openers. congress woman anna esher is a democrat, represents a large chunk of silicon valley in washington. >> great to be with you. >> i can understand why the government is in a rush to sell things off. you at one point stuck your hand up in the air and said hold on a second. let's keep what? >> the unlicensed white spaces. we were writing a very large bill dealing with spectrum. and we were not in a rush because congress really
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reallocates spectrum maybe once in a decade. it is something that you can't go to nordstrum to buy, macy's. so it has to be the reallocation has to be done in a very prudent and wise manner. and there is licensed spectrum and and unlicensed spectrum. the first draft does not include unlicensed. that is a very important platform for innovation. i fought very hard to include unlicensed in the legislation and did so. >> not just garage door openers. >> wifi, blue tooth, cordless phones. there are thousands of applications and uses in the unlicensed area. >> that is kind of the amazing thing about the unlicensed part is you don't know what will come out of it. >> exactly. and whenever i come home every
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weekend i try to get out to especially the startups where there are ten employees, nine employees, 14 employees. the one question i ask them was what would cause you to shut the lights off, close the doors, lock it and have to walk away? and they say if we lose unlicensed. i have a lot of determination on this. >> isn't it interesting that ten, 15 years ago everything was a ".com" and the wireless spectrum was not that critical. >> again, it is the innovation platform. that is why i worked so hard to protect it. there were some on the committee that wanted it auctioned off but that didn't happen. >> that's unfortunate.
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>> what is the change you have noticed in attitudes of silicon valley companies towards washington d.c. i was looking at the lobbying spending. i think a lot of it came out in the beginning of the year. now they have all sorts of other inquiries and other things to worry about. are you seeing that? how is it changing? >> i think that it is never a surprise to me that large companies have very effective lobbying shots. they are large. they have a lot of big issues that span across both the executive branch and the legislative branch. what i keep my eye on are the startups. because they don't have the resources to come to washington. they simply can't afford it. in meeting with very recently i invited the republican chairman of my subcommittee to come here and to listen to the small
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startups. and what was getting in their way and what they needed because again they don't have the resources to come to washington. it's not a surprise to me that the large companies have the lobby shops that they have. >> what are some of the things the startups want? >> they have a very specific list. first of all, one of them said to me, if i could double my workforce -- now, they have 20 employees, but he could double his workforce if he could find 25 employees. stem, science technology, engineering and math back grounds are absolutely essential. immigration is a huge issue. i hope in the next congress that we'll be able to take kind of one step at a time if we can't do comprehensive which i'm for
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comprehensive immigration reform that we deal with stem and that we allow employers to take a green card stapled to degrees so that we can fill out the workforce and patent reform is very important. i was told by the small -- it is a disaster that 40% -- they told me 40% of the lawsuits are around the issue of trolling. >> when you talk to people especially people who don't have that power, i think a lot of startup people ignore washington because they feel like they can't get anything done like it is ineffective and they shouldn't try. >> that's one way for someone to look at it.
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i think that representation makes a difference. so as i said, they can't travel across the country to the largest legislative body but i'm here and i go to them. so that's a very important message. again, as i said, i invited the republican chairman of the subcommittee, my partner from oregon to come here to not only meet but to -- >> did he come? >> yes he did. he was here a couple of weeks ago. >> if you were to stereotype the members of congress it would be people who may not be totally hip to technology. i'm thinking that is changing as the iphone becomes common and the wifi password. the technologies we are sending to washington is making them more tech nologically savvy. they want more band width. >> i think there is a broader
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understanding. i can't say that it is deep but there is a broader understanding because members are using these technologies themselves. the families are, the children are. the offices are being run in a completely different way than they were a decade or five years ago. this is such an important part of our national economy. there are hundreds of thousands of jobs that are being created as a result of it. and in terms of apps this is a $50 billion asset to our country right now. and in california there have been so many jobs that have been created. there is a broader appreciation. now, if someone is representing an agricultural district they probably care more about what the price of wheat is but that doesn't mean that they haven't developed, as i said, a much
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better appreciation of what the innovation capital of our country produces and wants to and that public policy needs to keep pace with that. >> the congress woman, we appreciate you being with us this morning. >> thank you. i love being with you. former sun microsystems jonathan schwarz will be joining us when "press here" continues.
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facebook and iphones and the cloud. a new social network called care zone sees those adult care takers as customers, a private place for families to communicate recording doses or how dad is doing. all in one place accessible from anywhere. care zone is developed by jonathan schwarz. he helps sell sun to oracle. we haven't seen much of you. how long has it been? >> it has been a couple of years since i have been out in the open. >> you have been underthe radar. >> we had a little bit of press on valentine's day this year. and then we have been back at it. >> this is an opportunity for what? i mean, why wouldn't i use facebook or google docs or
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e-mail? >> i think for the most part you probably wouldn't use the social network because you don't want to tell everybody that your dad is vulnerable and can't defend himself and will not talk about your child's health because you don't want the rest of the high school knowing about it. secondly, i think you will increasingly use e-mail and google docs and upper right hand drawer of your desk. the problem is that. there are all of these places. where do you have a central place where you can rely upon having something that is easily shareable and coordinated and where you are completely in control of everything. for me it was borne of a personal motivation. i had children about a decade ago. we lost materials we needed to coordinate. my parents decided to get old and the rest of my family and i have to coordinate a bunch of information. i needed a place that was
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rational and understood and completely private. that is why we built care zone. >> do you think there is a point in which instead of selling to the individual that you would sell as a service to a blue shield or something? >> that is very interesting. there are interesting statistics happening with the demographic shift. life expectancies are extending. everybody is going to find themselves taking care of their parents. everyone on earth has parents. often times they have children. you will be doing a lot more taking care. when you are taking care of someone you spend a lot of money. you spend 5,000 to $6,000 a year taking care of elders. that is somewhat inversely correlated to how close you are to them. the further away you are the more money you spend on them. it is also just a process of
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taking care of somebody in the u.s. is a 50 or $60 billion a year industry. so there is a huge diversity of economic streams that come to play when you are actually taking care of someone. what we want to do is make sure we give people a free service that they can have confidence in where they can read the privacy policy and understand it. they decent have to worry about data mining in a secure place. >> i think it brings up an interesting point which it is hard to get distributing for a social network that is very private. how will people find out about it if the only person they use it with is their sister or mother. >> the world's oldest social network is your family. families tend to interrelate through marriage. the distribution comes from i'm
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taking care of my husband so i talk to my sister. we find it is very web like. it continues to crawl along and push out. in addition to that there is the word of mouth component. now they have a safe place that they can share with a baby sitter. they are in control of it. >> it is growing? >> it is absolutely growing. we are still under 1 million users but the growth rate is continuing to accelerate and we are happy with it. >> do you see this as being for the current generation of people doing this or as people like me have this problem i'm in my 30s or is it a future problem? >> there is a great quote from steve bennett when he was running into it. a journalist was interviewing saying who is going to file his taxes online. he said you may not but time is
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on my side. today's generation is fairly well connected. the odds are good that families are storing information online and how secure it is big questions. we want to make sure that folks have a safe, secure place. and they are more than every day. >> i was asking the congress woman about the congress people are using iphones and social networks. i think we have come around some sort of tipping point here where yes my dad can't set up a wifi router but he can get on wifi. we sort of become tech nologically literate up to even older people. if you look at smart phone penetration we have amppple. >> google as done a little bit of work, as well. the penetration of over 50 the majority have smart phones. i think we are seeing a huge
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wash of technology that will just make it you biquitous. we want to make sure we have a service that is available to them. >> we have about a minute left. what is the head of a large hardware company doing running a social network? >> that's a great question. >> 30 seconds to answer it. >> i was interested in solving a problem that my family faced. care zone is exactly that. >> jonathan schwarz thanks for being with us. "press here" will be back in just a minute.
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