tv Today NBC October 30, 2012 7:00am-11:00am PDT
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zoob seven million people are without power. if you are out west trying to fly east, you really have to call ahead. our airports are basically closed down. the flights are incredibly delayed. more than 6,000 flights have been canceled today. a total of 15,000 in all as a result of this storm. >> and hundreds of thousands of those power outages are right here in new york city. lower manhattan hit by a record storm surge of more than 13 feet. it has flooded streets and the ground zero construction site. just look at that dramatic photo taken there overnight. >> some subway station and tunnels or stations and tunnels are flooded as well. transit officials say the system, "has never faced a disaster as devastating as this." during the height of the storm, the island of manhattan seemed like it had been virtually cut
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off, with almost all of the major bridges and tunnels shut down. we've got it covered this morning. let's get the latest from natalie morales. she's in lower manhattan, battery park city. natalie, good morning. >> good morning to you, matt. it is a new day, and the worst of it may be over, but it is clear the aftermath of sandy, the devastation will be with us for a while. as you mentioned, main concern obviously is still flooding. president obama has declared new jersey and parts of new york major disaster areas. millions here are still without power up and along the eastern seaboard. we could be without power for up to a week, even more, and sandy, as you have heard, is being called the storm of the century. clearly, it is living up to its hype. >> reporter: waves pounded the new jersey coastline destroying parts of atlantic city's historic boardwalk. >> this storm as everyone has been saying is not like any storm we've ever seen before. >> reporter: sparks flew from a
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con-edison explosion in manhattan, and snow fell in western wv virginia and tennessee. all scenes from super storm sandy, also known as frankenstorm, or the storm of the century. >> this water following this neighborhood. >> reporter: it was downgraded late monday to a post tropical cyclone, but it weather it hit land at 8:00 p.m. with winds of up to 90 miles per hour no one was spared its wrath. sfoo we're seeing hurricane force wind gusts, and this is really pushing the atlantic on to the beaches here in north jersey. >> reporter: millions of people and more than a half dozen states experienced devastating flooding and over seven million homes lost power. raging fires spread across the tristate area. in lower manhattan the lights went out in the city that never sleeps. the power outage caused evacuations of some of the city's most vulnerable. over 200 patients were carried downstairs and out of nyu's
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lango medical center, including babies in critical care. a building was ripped apart left exposed to the storm and a construction crane hung by threads 80 stories above the ground. >> unless you own a submarine, there is no way you are getting out of new york city. >> reporter: and there is no getting in. >> what looks like a river is actually the fdr drive. >> reporter: water gushed through the city covering everything from ground zero to the brooklyn waterfront and the new jersey pass train. the mpa chairman spoke to the historic damage saying the new york city subway system is 108 years old, but it has never faced a disaster as devastating as what we experienced last night. >> we need to keep the roads clear. do not drive. let me repeat that. please do not drive. >> reporter: as day breaks, the recovery effort begins, but the extent of the damage from this deadly storm remains to be seen. >> here in the financial centers
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down in lower manhattan in new york, the new york stock exchange, once again, will remain closed for a second day. this is only the second time in its history since 1888 that it has remained closed due to weather. also, getting in and around the city, as you can imagine, very difficult. all the major bridges and tunnels, except for the lincoln tunnel, remain closed today, and the mayor is urging new yorkers and people once again in the area if they don't have to be out and about, that they shouldn't be out and about, because once again, safety is of utmost concern again today. matt. >> all right, natalie. thank you very much. natalie mentioned that construction crane that was toppled by the high winds eight blocks north of us right here in the studio. we have the video of it happening. just happened to be captured. again, this is almost 1,000 feet above the ground. imagine what would have happened had that major portion of that crane come crashing down to the ground. >> there we have the live picture. it remains in that precarious
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position. matt, i know you were out yesterday walking around. as the winds were blowing, you saw it blowing around. >> i took a walk and went right to the corner of 57th street and fifth avenue. that's as far as they would let you go. they had 57th street blocked off, but you could watch it swaying in the wind, and a lot of people were concerned about it, and now the question is how do they fix that? what do they do with that to dismantle it and bring that section down to the ground? >> well, they're going to take a look today, and in the short-term have evacuated the immediate area for the obvious reasons. the damage is widespread to our west in new jersey where sandy actually roared ashore. al roker is in pount pleasant beach this morning. al, good morning. what's the scene there? >> well, as you can imagine, savannah, it's a lot of devastation. back right through there, that's where the dunes were. i was standing on it yesterday. well, about 8:00 last night those dunes breached, and you can see the result. sand as far as the eye can see, and we're not just talking a veneer. we are talking at least six inches of sand.
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you mentioned, savannah, this came on shore as a post-tropical system. in a way that's what made this so bad. with a tropical system, once it comes on shore, it loses its energy source, the ocean. a post-tropical system doesn't depend on this. it merged with another, and that's why we have such strong winds now and such a difficult time dealing with sandy. speaking of sandy, let's look at where it is. it's still hanging around as a post-tropical system about 95 miles west of philadelphia. 65-mile-per-hour winds. it's moving west-northwest at 15. a lot of wind gusts still as yesterday. some of the wind gusts into the 80's, 70's, some places even 09-mile-per-hour wind gusts. damaging winds continue today because of the potent si of s d sandy. we're talking of wind gusts of 50 to 60 miles per hour. near 70-mile-per-hour wind gusts near lake erie.
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in fact, as you take a look from this morning, we've got wind gusts as high as 48 miles per hour in detroit, boston, 41 in atlantic city, and it continues right on into the day tomorrow with wind gusts still anywhere from 15 to 35 miles per hour, and the water rises, they were a mess as well. king's point, new york, at 7:15 we're looking at another high-rise. as you would look are not here, you can see the devastation, and it's going to continue as we move in and sandy finally dies out. matt. >> all right, al. thank you very much. obviously, it was new jersey that took the direct hit from this storm. the governor of that state, chris christie is holding a news conference right now bringing reporters up to speed on the damage. we had the chance to talk to governor christie a little bit earlier this morning. i started by asking him about the state of his state. >> we have over 2.4 million
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people without power across the state. we've had flooding in the new york bay areas, rareton bay. new jersey area is 59% without power. it all came from the tidal surge that came through raredon bay and new york bay, and the same thing affecting new york city, and we have a battered, battered new jersey shore that i hope to tour a little later on today, but i think the losses are going to be almost incalculable. >> i was watching reporters all afternoon and evening from long branch and point pleasant beach and atlantic city, and do you have a lot of people that you think you're going to have to go out and account for this morning? search and rescue missions to find people that you haven't heard from? >> we are in the midst of search and rescue missions in atlantic city now, matt. we are in the midst of search and rescue missions in munacci, new jersey, where there was significant flooding from,
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again, the tidal surge last night. that's up in bergen county. we've done a number of rescues already in the last night and through this morning. we have search and rescue teams positioned throughout the state. they're doing that right now. unfortunately, we have had three deaths so far in new jersey from the storm. we're hoping to make sure we don't add to that total. >> you need help, obviously. i know you spoke to president obama on a couple of occasions yesterday. he has offered his help. what's the government's -- the federal government's response been like so far? >> the federal government's response has been great. i was on the phone at midnight again last night with the president personally. he has expedited the designation of new jersey as a major disaster area. i expedited that. i was on the phone with fema at 2:00 a.m. this morning to answer the questions they needed answered to get that designation, and the president has been outstanding in this, and so the folks at fema craig and his folks have been excellent. >> i know you took exception
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with the handling of this situation by the mayor of atlantic city, lorenzo langeford. you were very upset that he didn't evacuate that city or all of that city and, instead, offered some people shelter in some city shelters, and you said he was a rogue mayor and said, "i don't have a feud with the guy, but i wish he would do his job." a little time has passed between those comments right now. the emotional level come down? do you still feel that way? >> the fact of the matter is i feel badly for the folks in atlantic city who listened to him and sheltered in atlantic city, and i guess my anger has turned to sympathy for those folks, and we're in the midst now to try to go in and cia them. daylight has come. we've got an urban search and rescue team with four boats and 21 state police personnel. we have federal urban search and rescue teams. they're down there as well. i feel badly for them that they've got mixed messages. i signed an executive order declaring an emergency and ordering the evacuation of atlantic city, and for some reason the mayor gave a mixed
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message, but my focus right now is on the people in atlantic city and we need to get them out and keep them safe. that's what we're going to do. >> finally, like so many other states, new jersey is dealing with a big financial crisis. the budget is very tight. how much of the bill for the clean-up in your state is going to have to come out of the state's coughers? can you afford it? >> we have to afford it, matt. the fact of the matter is i think we're going to get significant federal assistance on this, and the major disaster declaration last night by the president is incredibly helpful in that regard. we'll work with our federal partners on this, and, listen, if i have to make cuts in the budget for other places to make sure weigh ford this, i will do it, but it's too early to tell on that, matt, and so i don't really know. i spoke to my budget folks yesterday, and they told me if that's not something they're concerned about at the moment, and it's not something i'm concerned about at the moment. the first thing we to be concerned about is minimizing loss of life, saving the people who need to be saved, and then we'll move from there, and new jersey, listen, you know this, matt. new jersey is a tough place. we'll recover from this, and we'll be just fine, and whatever
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we need to spend to get it done, we'll do what we need to do to make sure that gets done. >> that was governor chris christie earlier this morning on this program. as we mentioned, he is holding another briefing for reporters right now. some highlights from that, he said that he has national guard troops out in the state of new jersey. he says there are six shelters open. some 2.4 million people are without power in that state. that is twice the number that were without power after hurricane irene. so a serious situation in the state of new jersey. savannah. >> all right. from new jersey to connecticut, the governor there is calling the storm the worst water event in his state's history. thousands of homeowners trapped by coastal flooding. nbc's katie in connecticut this morning. katie, good morning to you. >> reporter: certainly one of the worst water events in history. now it's going to go down as one of the worse power events. take a look at what's going on here in stonington. this tree is about 80 feet tall.
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i'm about 5'2", 5'3". ripped out from its roots about 5:00 last night, and thrown on to, luckily, the powerlines here, which are basically cradling this tree right now. this house was saved by those power lineses. you are seeing this seen up and down connecticut as we speak. trees that are down, taking down power lines, and damaging a number of houses. that's what is causing a lot of the outages. there was massive flooding as well last night. high tide here in stonington was around 9:30 last night, and the water got up pretty high. that's what you are seeing in all of the coastal areas. more to the west near fairfield and those areas, high tide was around midnight. there were a number of water rescues, we're told, around there. also, 40 trees down in one hour in fairfield alone, we're told, last night. a number of fires in greenwich, connecticut, and a number of fires in old saybrook, and in greenwich a number of multimillion-dollar homes were completely destroyed because firefighters just couldn't get to them. now this is a power event though, and with over 600,000 customers without power, they'll
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be dealing with this for some time to come. >> all right, katie. thank you. we spoke with connecticut's governor earlier today, and i asked him if the storm lived up to his expectations of being catastrophic. >> it's pretty bad. the firefighter in easton is emblem attic of that. we have trees down every where, poles down everywhere. the amount of flooding damage was unbelievable. we have thousands of people trapped in homes at the height of the storm last night. in fact, i went on tv to tell people to stay in place because we didn't want people to try to be swimming out or walking out through high water or driving out. having said all of that, i think the connecticut folks responded pretty well. most heeded the call. most did the right thing to get out of harm's way. we had a series of fires last night in greenwich and old saybrook. we lost a number of housing and
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housing units to fire and flood and wind damage. obviously, there will be a lot more assessments today. we know we have over 635,000 customers without power. we know we have water damage to at least three, if not four major sewer treatment facilities that will take some period of time to repair, so we've got a lot of work ahead of us. i want to thank the president of the united states who did a magnificent job and fema who have really done some amazing early work to get us ready, but now the hard work will start. >> and, governor, you talked about the evacuations. do you have any sense of how many people may still be stranded this morning? do you have search and rescue efforts underway? >> we do have search and rescue efforts underway. we have mobilized 850 troops. they've been deployed throughout the state. we have a number of regional teams as well as others that are responding.
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they'll start to come back. you know, we're going door to door, house to house making sure people are okay, and that if they need our assistance at this point, we're making it available. we have thousands of people in shelters last night. certainly the hundreds of thousands of people obviously staying with friends or relatives elsewhere in connecticut. i'm very grateful to people of connecticut for responding. our municipal officials by and large did a magnificent job of preparatory to the storm so that handling the storm at its height was more manageable than we might have thought only because of the hard work that was done. >> connecticut governor daniel malloy with us earlier this morning. >> we'll have more in a moment. first, though, a check of other headlines. tamron hall over at the news desk. >> good morning, everyone. sandy's sting is being felt on the campaign trail as well this morning. analysts fear that the extreme weather could disrupt voting in key swing states, including virginia and ohio. no u.s. presidential election
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has ever been delayed or canceled in our nation's history, but congress has the authority to do so. there's also been concern that the storm could delay friday's real esta release of october's unemployment numbers. the last before the presidential election. two nato service members were killed in the helmand province. officials say the victims were shot by a man wearing an afghan police uniform. a deadly school bus accident in northern kentucky monday afternoon. two preschoolers were killed when their bus overturned and slammed into a tree. four other children were taken to local hospitals. the bus driver escaped unharmed. the cause of the crash is under investigation. a new study out today in the lancett journal says while mammograms provide a life-saving diagnostic tool in the fight against breast cancer, they also cause doctors to treat some women unnecessarily. a british panel found that for
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every life saved, three women are overdiagnosed, treated for a cancer that would never have threatened their lives. and retired space shuttle endeavour opens to the public today in los angeles. visitors can now see the 122-foot long orbiter for themselves after its cross-country piggyback ride and 11-mile journey through the streets of los angeles. endeavour spent a total of 296 days in space and circled earth more than 4,600 times. earlier is another word for earth. it's now 20 minutes after the hour. back to matt and savannah. it was earth not early, but i'm sure it was early when they circled earth. >> yes, exactly. >> as the moments passed. thank you very much. >> we get back to al on the jersey shore. he has a check of your local forecast. hey, al. >> thanks, savannah.
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we just saw about three blocks down a front-end loader going by. i spoke with a howard county official about a half hour ago. he said they can't even imagine what they're going to need to clear these streets out, and there's another high tide, and they may be getting more of this on top of what they already have. out west there's a big storm going on in the pacific northwest where we're seeing heavy rain in the pacific northwest anywhere from about one to three inches of rain, and in the mountains there will be some snow, so it's a real mess out there as well. that's what's going on around good tuesday morning to you. we have some really dense fog out there. give yourself plenty of extra time. this is a life look at sunol. we should see clearing in this region by about 10:00 a.m. san francisco, you'll have to wait until about 1:00 this afternoon. 70 in fremont, 71 in san jose. right around 69 degrees in san
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francisco. we do have rain on the way. doesn't look like it's going to interrupt your halloween plans unless you're up in the north bay. those showers will push to the south, clearing on friday. >> that front-end loader. obviously, they're getting ready to try to start to assess the damage and maybe start the clean-up, but it's going to be a long time coming. matt. >> al roker for us in point pleasant beach, new jersey. al, thank you very much. more on sandy, but, first, this is "today" on nbc.
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just ahead, sandy's widespread damage to the northeast after its direct hit on new jersey. we're live in atlantic city and talk to the mayor there coming up. plus, the impact away from the storm center on travel and the presidential race. the election seven days away from today. first, we check your local news. ♪ the car of the future many have said ♪ ♪ 'cause at the pump it's miles ahead ♪
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good tuesday morning to you. 7:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. the world champion san francisco giants say they're looking forward to tomorrow's world series victory parade. fans fave the team a hero's welcome at at&t park yesterday hoping for a glimpse of their favorite players. they didn't disappoint. look at pablo sandoval running towards the crowd showing op that coveted trophy. >> they earned this. >> it feels awesome because i've never seen them in real life. >> the fans really mean a lot to them and it means a lot to us that they're so personable and that's what makes these giants so awesome. that's why i'm a huge fan. >> preparation for the parade moving at the speed of a fastball, which is one day left to decorate. organizers working overtime to
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make sure everything is just right. the ticker tape parade route goes from the foot of market street near the ferry building all the way up market to mcallister and over to city hall. it takes place at 11:00 tomorrow morning. hopefully we'll have good weather. what about today, christina? >> thick fog out there this morning, good morning to you. temperatures are chilly, we're in the 50s, but we're watching these thick pockets of fog from fairfield up to santa rose avmt less than a quarter mile visibility on your drive. not quite as extensive as yesterday but nonetheless give yourself a little extra time if you can afford it. 72 in santa teresa and 72 today in redwood city. when it comes to the big parade tomorrow in san francisco, 11:00 a.m., 60 degrees. it's going to be comfortable out there. 1:00 p.m. the clouds start to increase. we're not expecting any rain until late tomorrow night. that's the good news. 7:27. let's take a look at your drive with mike. >> that was a nice giant scrapbook you had there. this is the fog that we're talking about, the low clouds an issue all around the east shore
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freeway. there's university avenue, the bridge you can barely make out. this is the san mateo bridge westbound away from, it's very slow near the toll plaza. fog along the peninsula in patches for 101 as well as 280. here the concern for the south bay, northbound from 680 all the way up past the 880 interchange. look at this, 101 and 87 and really packing in for 85 as well for your northbound commute. >> for the latest traffic and news updates, check out nbc bay area on facebook. another update in half an hour.
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back now on a tuesday morning, 30th of october, 2012 as the northeast continues to deal with the fall-out from sandy. historic damage all along the east coast. atlantic city, new jersey just one of the cities that's under water this morning. we're going to hear from the mayor there straight ahead. another big story this morning massive overnight flooding or fire in a section of new york. >> yeah, it happened in queens, new york, and you see the images there. nearly 200 firefighters responding to the six-alarm blaze. it destroyed between 08 and 100 homes. it's moved into pennsylvania. heavy rain and tlooding remain threats today. >> in new york city the storm
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surge reached a record of more than 13 feet. >> it flooded subway stations, the electrical system that powers wall street, and utility companies across the region are telling the millions who have lost power it could be a week or more before electricity is fully restored, so we want to start with jeff rossen who is here in new york city. he has been checking the damage all morning. jeff, good morning. what do you see now? well, we may have a frozen signal. we've been having a little bit of technical difficulties this morning for reasons that are clearly able to be understood because of the weather situation still here in new york. >> we mentioned a second ago atlantic city took a direct hit from this storm. there is massive flooding there. atlantic city's mayor is lorenzo langford. he joined us by phone a little earlier this morning. i began by asking him for his assessment of post-sandy atlantic city. >> well, let me say this, as devastating as this storm was
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with respect to property damage, i think the glass is half full and not half empty. we've experienced a minimal loss of life and injury, and i think for that all of us ought to be thankful and send up a big mighty prayer. >> your name got in the news yesterday maybe not for reasons that you had hoped. the governor of new jersey called you out for your failure to fully evacuate the city. he had called for that evacuation, and you offered some residents of atlantic city shelter in city shelters. talk to me a little bit about the decision. what happened? >> well, first of all, let me say this. the governor is either misinformed or ill advised or simply just decided to -- that is not what happened. here we are in the throes of a major catastrophe and the governor has decided to use a time like this to play politics. i think it's terrible that he would try to make a political
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situation out of something so serious. >> let me tell you what he said. he said whatever reason mayor langford urged people to stay in shelters in cities despite my admonish. he gave them comfort for some reason to stay. >> what's his source? >> i'm asking you. did it happen? is it accurate? >> i'm telling you that that is absolutely false, and the governor needs to rechallenge. those of you with journalistic integrity need to ask the governor what his source is. where did he get that information? he is dead wrong. >> he are join us a little later in the morning, and we will ask him that question. how many people did spend the night in shelters in your city, mayor? >> well, fortunately, most of our residents did heed the repeated warnings that they should flee the city. as you know, we are a barrier island, and the call did go out from the governor's office to suggest that everybody ought to flee the island, and, fortunately, most of the residents in the city of atlantic city heeded that advice. unfortunately, as always will be the case, there will always be those who will not heed that
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warning and decide to stay. in life it's better to have options and not need them than to need options and not have them. we had a plan in place for those few residents who would decide at the last minute that they would not try to heed our warning and vacate the city, but would try to offer them to tough it out only to find at some other time they wanted to flee. we had that contingency plan in place. >> that was our conversation a little earlier this morning with the mayor of atlantic city, lorenzo langford. >> we were trying just a few minutes ago to get in touch with our correspondent jeff rossen who is inspecting damage. a little earlier he filed this report. >> reporter: in the east village of manhattan right now this entire area was completely under water and so the water has receded now, but look what it's left behind. cars are literally strewn through the new york city streets. you are seeing this everywhere. these are cars that were parked along the side and literally
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floated into the middle. i mean, half of them have water damage, and in some cases we're told the water was up to here on these vehicles. i want to show you something else as well, bill, as we walk through here. here's another car on a main avenue that got into an accident with a con-ed car. this is a power company. the people tried to put the electricity back on. the issue now -- we just talked to con-ed. this is one of their power plants here. we said when do you think the power will be back for all of these people, and as you know, there are millions without. they said it will be days and days -- what the one worker told me, i don't even know where to start, and that's the situation because i'm looking around here. power is out everywhere. no traffic lights. i'm looking at these apartment buildings. people now with first daylight are just now beginning to wake up and see -- you can see cars are strewn all throughout. i have never seen anything like this covering news in the city for over a decade, savannah. >> jeff rossen a little bit earlier in lower manhattan. we want to check in with al
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roker. he is along the new jersey shore, again, this morning. al, what's the scene there? >> reporter: yeah, well, we're looking right now at that front-end loader that's obviously trying to get some work done, get some of this sand out of here. i mean, we are probably talking literally millions of tons of sand that has to be cleared out of these streets. an ocean county worker had just moved through, and they were saying that down by the barrier islands, down to the other end, if anybody is down there, they are stuck. they can't get out. down at the other end here, there's an inlet, and that -- there's massive flooding there, so it's a real mess. let's take a look and show you what we've got going on so far. right now, sandy about 95 miles west of philadelphia. it's got 65-mile-per-hour winds. as it continues, we are talking about just coastal flood warnings and flood advisories that continue throughout the area that will continue really
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for the next 24 hours. damaging winds as far south as central georgia, as far north and east as bangor, maine, and as far west as detroit. these damaging winds, we are talking about wind gusts of 65 miles per hour or more, and we've got a snowstorm going on, blizzard warnings for parts of west virginia on into parts of the western mountains of virginia. snowfall amounts anywhere one to two feet over the next 24 hours. that's what's 7:37 now. good morning, i'm meteorologist christina loren. we've got a lot of fog out there. you want to give yourself extra time and travel cautiously. overcast conditions will prevail until 11:00. we'll start to clear in the south bay and the east bay at that time. you'll have to wait until noon or 1:in t:00 in the city by the. 72 in sent teresa.
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62 in san francisco. we will have showers about 8:00 p.m. tomorrow evening. >> and that's your latest weather. savannah. >> al, thank you. what are authorities going to do about that crane that toppled over on monday during hurricane sandy? we're going to talk to a city official here in new york live right after this. living with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis means living with pain. it could also mean living with joint damage. help relieve the pain and stop the damage with humira, adalimumab. for many adults with moderate to severe ra, humira is clinically proven to help relieve pain and stop joint damage. so you can treat more than just the pain. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb.
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you are looking live at something that a lot of new yorkers are looking at this morning. they're looking up to see that damaged crane on the west side of manhattan. as you can see, it's dangling over the street. that's 57th street on the west side. that's because on monday this is what happened during hurricane sandy. it toppled over in high winds. >> scott stringer is the manhattan burrough president. he is with us here by phone. there's a lot to you about, sir, but we may as well start with the crane. number one, what do authorities plan to do about this which now, of course, it's not secure, and is there any reason to believe it was not adequately secured before this happened? the leasing company telling us it was last inspected on friday. >> we're not going to know exactly what the status of the crane was until there's a full investigation, but what you are hearing is true. the crane was inspected. there was no red flag raised, so one can only suggest that this is just about a wind surge that toppled that crane.
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more importantly, what do we do now, and i think the mayor and city agencies are going to make that evaluation sometime today, whether you let the crane drop to the ground or whether you try to secure it in some way? obviously people are being very cautious and careful. i can tell you we've evacuated 16 buildings. the street has been secured. steam is off. electricity is off in the area, so if that crane were to fall, the damage would be limited. obviously, human life would not be impacted, which is the most important issue. >> mr. stringer, you have a lot of things to deal with, a lot of issues. let's talk about power. a lot of people in manhattan still without power. any idea when that might be restored? >> again, we're going through an assessment with con-ed. after i finish with you, i'm going to be on a call with con edison. below 39th street we have over 200,000 people without power. 600,000 people just within the
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city area. this is obviously something that everyone is concerned about. we need to get a timeline when power can go back on. we need to get our subway system up within the next day or so, and obviously there's a lot of work that has to be done. we have never seen a storm like this, and we are just digging out from under it, and obviously, we're still concerned about people who don't have power, who are in dangerous situations, so our police, our fire, our emergency services are operating at maximum level. >> and real quickly, you mentioned the subway service. you think it will be up and running within a day or so? >> the mta is talking about trying to create a situation where we could have some buses operating, maybe some service on. my sense is this is going to take some time. there's a lot of flooding in our major subway stations. again, we haven't seen this in modern history, so obviously, a lot of what we're going to try to do is something we've never had to do before. >> yeah. >> my sense is we've got to get people a timeline and a real transparent process so people in our neighborhoods understand that they'll get a sense of when
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they go back to work, when they can resume normal life. >> i'll have to remind you, mr. stringer, you have the new york city marathon scheduled for sunday. that means a lot of people expecting to come to this city. we wish you the very best of luck. >> thank you. >> as manhattan burrough president scott stringer. >> we will continue right after this. hey! you kids almost ready? i've got breakfast waiting for you. wooo! uh oh. what? mom's doing her exercise video again. when mom's on a health kick, all of us are.
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the island. maria schiavacampo is with us live. >> reporter: conditions are still really bad here. this wind is pounding us. that's why i'm wearing these glasses because i'm getting sandblasted with the sand being blown in from the beach. i have some new information to share about conditions here. we have one fatality confirmed. we have reports of widespread water outages after a water plant here was flooded last night during the hyde height of that storm, but, of course, you mentioned the power outages. we're talking about almost a million people without power. the power authority says it could be seven to ten days before they're able to restore that. let me show you a little bit of the other damage, some of the stuff that's more visible. we can see here it looks like i'm standing on the beach. we're talking about a foot of snow here. this is a city -- i'm sorry -- of sand, rather. this is a city street that when that water came in during high tide, that ocean rushed in here one resident said like the colorado river for several,
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several blocks, and when it receded it left behind all this sand, bringing essentially the beach well into the streets. can you also see some more of the damage here, property damage to homes. all of these vehicles that you are seeing, or most of them, were not parked here. they were brought in here by the force of that water that rushed through these homes, flooded at least one story high, and then came back out receded with the tide, but it left an awful lot of damage in its wake. you can see the garage doors have been reduced to pieces of wood, and this is not the worst of what is being seen around long island. there are places where people have reported up to four feet of flooding when the ocean and the bay came together and met. essentially flooding many, many homes up to the first story. people are still trying to deal with that. furniture from the living room has been thrown into the yard. people's decks and patios have been washed away. you know, this is a beach community. a lot of people have boats. those boats now in many cases
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are on the lawn as opposed on the slip where they were parked last night. what the real moment of damage last night was when this ocean was in high tide and this storm was still raging and the ocean essentially looked like a raging river. one resident told me that it had a fury to it. we're also seeing a lot of damage from wind. we're seeing rooves that have been torn off, shingles that have been ruined and the like. that's why this area was under mandatory evacuation, but, of course, as always, lots of people ignored it, and now they're facing clean-up. savannah. >> we still hear that wind this morning. thank you very much. . we've been seeing how unsettled the weather is. it was nice for a while here behind us. it started to rain again. umbrellas back up. wind gusts here. no question about it. i've been showing you some of the twitter pictures that ewe been sending us. they've helped us. we haven't seen a lot of these until we show them to you. here's one from new york, new york. just some of the debris that is washed up as a result of this storm.
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good tuesday morning to you. 7:56. i'm laura garcia-cannon. we're learning more about the husband and wife charged with the death of a retired schoolteacher in heck hercules. darnell washington was arraigned yesterday. prosecutors say he and his wife, tania, allegedly robbed a k-mart in sunol before killing susie ko inside her hercules home. prosecutors say they then stole ko's car driving to washington state where they were arrested. darnell washington was extradited to contra costa county on sun. his wife's extradition is pending. let's check the forecast now with meteorologist christina lauren. h how are we looking? >> we've got some thick fog out there. i want to make sure you travel in a very slow manner. we're down to just hundreds of feet, pockets where you can't see at all in fairfield, your visibility is really dropping off. quarter of a mile in santa rosa,
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two and a half miles in san mateo and the fog will get a little worse before it starts to clear. we're expecting clearing by 1:00 p.m. tuesday. a little lingering cloud cover but you'll still get a lot of sunshine. as we head throughout this afternoon, 75 in fairfield, 77 for livermore and 72 in los gatos. 69 in the city. as we get into your halloween, expecting some showers. might interrupt your trick-or-treat plans up in the north bay. elsewhere it looks like the showers move south of the golden gate bridge after 9:00 p.m. let's check on that rush hour drive. good morning, mike. >> good morning. a quick look at traffic tuesday. here's 280 northbound underneath the 880 interchange. you can only see about 100 yards or so through this area of thick fog, dense clouds. look at the thick traffic as well. 280 through the middle of your screen but also 101 and 85. the orange is where the fog is even thicker than where we just saw. live looks outsideshow you things are tough 101 jamming up near university where a car just spun out trying to avoid something on the road. tougher here on 880 through
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back now on this tuesday morning. it's the 30th of october, 2012. a daring coast guard rescue that happened off the coast of north carolina from sandy. we'll talk to some of the brave people who risked their lives to save the crew of the hns bounty. i'm savannah guthrie along side matt lauer zoosh you whan they're going to say, we're just doing our jobs, and this was the training we had, but, boy, when you hear the details of what they did to save those people in nasty conditions, they are heroes, no question about that. the worst of sandy may be over, but high tide added to the flooding and a lot of spots in the northeast. al will have more on that in a couple of minutes. also ahead, sandy, of course, has both president obama and governor romney standing down with the politics.
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the presidential race still one week away. both candidates have canceled their public campaign events today, and friday's all-important jobs report could be delayed. we're going to talk about the storm's impact on the race and the economy with chuck todd and cnbc's jim cramer. let us start, though, with the record flooding we've seen down in lower manhattan. natalie morales is down in battery park city. natalie, good morning to you. >> reporter: and good morning to you, matt. we are fortunate that those waters have receded down here in the lower manhattan area, but obviously flooding is an ongoing concern. just to bring you up-to-date right now, nbc news has confirmed 18 deaths have now been blamed on sandy. the situation still not safe, according to officials. as you see, bands of rain and wind still whipping us around, so there's still many areas that are waterlogged right now. flooding, the ongoing concern in coastal, new jersey, which really bore the brunt of the storm.
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new jersey governor chris christie saying new jersey was the worst hit. the devastation along the jersey coastline he called unthinkable. more than seven million still are without power. all up and along the eastern seaboard. a quarter of the entire state of new jersey is without power. that is more than two million people. hundreds of thousands, as you know, here in new york city, also without power. hospitals even had to be evacuated during the night last night. this is the city's financial center as well. as you know, the heart of the world market, and the new york stock exchange once again is closed today. this is the second consecutive day. only the second time in its history that the financial markets have had to remain closed. seven -- >> that's natalie morales reporting from lower manhattan. these are the things that happen in the aftermath of the storm like that with strong winds, and we're going to get back to her a little later on in the show. >> we've been talking about new jersey, so we want to go about 125 miles to our south now where atlantic city took a direct hit
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from this storm. wcau's ted greenberg is live with more on this part of the story. ted, good morning again to you. >> reporter: good morning again, savannah. we are in long port, new jersey, in atlantic county on the same barrier island as atlantic city, and, unfortunately, the heavy rain has started yet again along with the wind. that heavy rain is adding to what is already a very messy situation. i'm standing on atlantic avenue, one of the main drags here on the island, and you can see i'm literally pretty much standing on the beach. that's because it is completely covered with sand. that's the beach right over there, and during yesterday's ferocious high tide, the ocean came crashing on to the streets. it brought all of that sand with it. as we swing aron the other way, just a couple of blocks in that direction that's the back bay. well, during the high tide the
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bay came up as well. the two met. the ocean and the bay met, and this is the huge mess that we have left behind. we see heavy equipment behind me. public works crews use says front-end loaders and even shovels trying to clean up this mess. all going on here a day after the flooding that we had here in longport and other parts of the atlantic city area. this area is without power. it could be days until we get power back on again. still seeing some flooding. especially in some low-lying sections of this island and other parts of the jersey coastline. a real mess for people to deal with, and it's going to be going on for days, we're told. i talked to the longport mayor here a few minutes ago. he said that they have never, never seen anything like that. >> ted greenberg from our affiliate wcau. thank you very much. let's get to other headlines right now. tamron hall is over at the news desk with those. good morning. >> good morning, matt and savannah. good morning, everyone.
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sandy's sting is being felt on the campaign trail as well this morning. as analysts fear that the extreme weather could disrupt voting in key swing states, including virginia and ohio. meantime, both president obama and republican rival mitt romney have put their campaign trips on hold because of the storm and the need to deal with its aftermath. iranian state television says the country's army has launched two days of ground and air maneuvers near the iraqi border. state media says the exercises are aimed at upgrading combat readiness and increasing deterrents against possible attacks. the war games come at a time of escalating tensions with the west over iran's nuclear program. there appears to be high level fall-out from the apple-mac fee arrivingo. long-time head of iphone software development todd forstall will be leaving next year. apple did not give a reason, but it was his division that oversaw the update that replaced google maps with apple's first mapping
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app. that app drew so much criticism, apple apologized to its customers. intrepid late night host jimmy fallon did not let the storm stop his release. he opened the store on almost the desserted streets, and then he delivered his monologue without a studio audience. >> thank you. welcome to late night with jimmy fallon, everybody. please, please keep it down. [ laughing ] >> you're performing as if there was an audience. >> i'm assuming people at home will be watching on their laptops or get their generators out, and then they're going to watch me, and they're going to want to leave room to laugh. everybody -- >> everybody. david letterman also taped his show, without an audience because of the storm, joking that if you were home, he would be boarding up television sets. it is now six minutes after the
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hour. back to matt and savannah. i have watched that fallon thing a couple of times, and it's funny each and every time. especially on a day like today when you want -- >> you do what you have to do. >> make it work. no tougher crowd than no crowd at all. let's get back to al. he is in point pleasant beach, new jersey. al, good morning to you. >> reporter: well, good morning, guys. again, we got through the high tide. now that that protective dune is gone, they're worried about, again, high tide this evening, and we're still seeing the winds blowing around from sandy. again, sandy making its way further to the west away from pennsylvania -- or through pennsylvania with 60-mile-per-hour winds. it's moving to the west-northwest at a pretty good clip. so that's the good news. the bad news is we still have to deal with these winds. we've had peak wind gusts yesterday, some as much as 90 miles per hour. today we're going to continue with damaging winds from as far north and east as bangor, maine,
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as far south as central and southern georgia. we're looking as far west as detroit. some of those wind gusts could be over 65 to 70 miles per hour, and they're going to continue today. really. as you take a look starting from this morning on into tomorrow, the wind gusts are anywhere from 20 to 40-mile-per-hour wind gusts. as we get through to tomorrow, they're going to be a little bit less. again, the winds will be a problem. we'll still have more heavy rain that will be up in new england, and then we start to finally put sandy to rest. that's what's going on around the . we are so glad you're safe, al. good morning. we have thick fog in the bay area. give yourself extra travel time. this is san francisco where you can vaguely make out the buildings. 71 in san jose. 72 in los gatos. wednesday into thursday,
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temperatures start to drop. we get showers up in the north bay starting at 8:00 p.m. into thursday. >> that's your latest weather. savannah. >> all right, al, in point pleasant beach, new jersey. thank you. the coast guard members up next who put their lives on the line for a dramatic rescue at sea during the height of the storm. their story right after this. [ ding dong ] hey -- little m&m's! wow! great costumes. what are you guys -- like four or five? forty-six. alright, yeah ok. here you go. you don't understand, slick. we're here for the party.
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♪ ...and copays as low as one dollar... ♪ ...saving on your medicare prescriptions is easy. ♪ so you're free to focus on the things that really matter. call humana at 1-800-808-4003. or go to for details. one of the one of the dramatic rescues tied to hurricane sandy. the hms bounty, a replica tall ship went down in rough seas off the coast of north carolina. the coast guard pulled 14 crewmembers to safety. hours later a 15th person was found, but she died overnight. this morning the ship's captain is still missing. nbc's lester hold is in elizabeth city, north carolina, with more on this. lester, good morning. >> reporter: matt, good morning. the search is still on for that 63 captain. coast guard and aircraft are on
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the scene. also cutters off looking across the coast of north carolina for that last missing crewmember, the captain, but as you said, 14 other people are lucky to be alive after a heroic and daring rescue mission. >> survivors coming out of the raft. >> reporter: in tropical storm force winds crew members of the ill-fated ship wearing orange survival suits are hoisted aboard coast guard helicopters. for the chopper crews it was adairing mission into the teeth of a storm. >> the transit out there was relatively low level. about 300 feet out of the clouds. there was a lot of rain and a lot of wind. >> reporter: the drama began sunday night when the hms bounty, a replica of the 18th century vessel that made captain bligh famous began taking on water. its pumps failing and losing prop you will shon, the decision was made early monday morning to abandon ship in two life rafts. lieutenant commander steve and co-pilot lieutenant jane penna piloted the first of two jay
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hawk helicopters that soon arrived over the scene. >> the first survivor to be found, the only one that would happen to be in the water, he was in a survival suit and pretty much just laid out in the water. >> reporter: 13 others were huddled in enclosed life boats. coast guard video captured a rescue swimmer being lowered to them and into the heaving ocean. >> being down there in those waves is more like being in a washing machine. >> reporter: petty officer third class daniel todd immediately tried to calm the stranded crew. >> i hopped in and said, hey, i'm dan. i heard you guys need a ride, need some help. there was the chuckle between them as well. >> there will be no more killing aboard this ship. >> reporter: the ship was featured in the 1962 film "mutany on the bounty" as well as a sequel to "pirates of the caribbean." it left on thursday en route to st. petersburg, florida. it attempted to steer clear of the hurricane, and a posting on the facebook page said "rest assured, the bounty is safe and in very capable hands."
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bounty's current voyage is a calculated decision, not at all irresponsible or with a lack of foresight as some have suggested. robert hanson is the ship's owner. >> he was heading way out east to try and go around it, and we just don't know what happened yet. >> reporter: the coast guard debriefed members of the crew trying to get a handle on exactly what happened, and, meantime, matt, family members of the crew have arrived here in elizabeth city to bring them home. >> lester holt down in elizabeth city this morning. lester, thank you very much. three members of the coast guard team that helped rescue the crew of the hms bounty are with us now. lieutenant xharntd steve, lieutenant jenny fields, and petty officer daniel todd. good morning to all of you. let me start by saying job well done. steve, let me start with you. you were the pilot of the second jay hawk rescue helicopter sent to the scene. what was it like navigating?
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what was the situation like when you got there? >> well -- in the location -- we didn't know exactly where we were going. we had a lot of rain and very strong winds, low clouds, and -- navigate out there and once we got on scene, thankfully just after sunrise, so we were able to do everything without the night vision goggles. >> dan, you'll -- i want to talk about what you said. you got down into -- you know, you were one of the guys lowered down into the sea. you got to that life boat, and you tried to calm everybody down by saying, hi, i'm dan. you sound like a pretty cool customer. then you went down and one by one you brought those people up to the helicopter. you didn't do it once. you did it nine times. it's a pretty remarkable feat. does the training just kick in?
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>> yes, it does. you know, we're comfortable in our own abilities to be able to go out there and do that. i mean, for me it was kind of luck of the draw. i was able to go out there and be able to perform those tasks yesterday, but any one of the people that i work with here in my rescue swimmer shop, i work with 13 other guys, and any one of them could have done what i did yesterday, so, you know, it is what we do, kind of like you said earlier. >> jenny, i know you had a chance to speak to some of these people that were rescued. talk to me a little bit about their emotional state of mind. >> well, we first started pulling the fist two survivors into the helicopter, and they were a little taken back, a little scared about being up there with us. then as more survivors came into the helicopter, they started seeing their friends, got a little bit more happy, a little more excited to be out of the situation they were in, but as we departed, they started to
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realize that they were leaving, and this was over, and they still had people left behind, so we definitely stayed out there and kept looking. >> you talk about people left behind. the coast guard retrieved 14 people on monday morning. then later that evening, another crewmember was found and that person died. the captain of the ship has yet to be located. given what you saw in terms of the conditions of the seas off the coast there, what are your hopes, do you think, of finding that person alive? >> um, well, we have a lot of people that work in the coast guard. we have command centers and district staff that all work together. they have computers and algorhythms and they analyze that data and considering the sea state and the weather out there what that survivability time is and they let us know so we can plan accordingly to have the best possible outcome. >> we should thank you for what you do on a daily basis, but we want to thank you for what you do in particular on days like yesterday when it takes all your skills to save lives. job well done, guys.
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>> thank you. >> thank you. >> all right. we're going to have more of "today" on a tuesday morning right after this. ner, one pharmacist started it all: charles walgreen had a mission to help people be happy and healthy. from inventing the first chocolate malt... to creating a nonprofit pharmacy for our troops... to the first child safety caps. walgreens has been innovating for over a hundred years. and we're just getting started. with more and more ways to be well every day. here at the corner of happy and healthy.
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couple of days, which leaves, of course, precious little time to persuade voters in this incredibly close election. >> reporter: with the campaign largely on hold, president obama hunkered down at the white house prepared the nation monday for what could be sandy's long-lasting impact. >> the public needs to prepare for the fact this this is going to take a long time for us to clean up. the good news is we will clean up, and we will get through this. >> reporter: the president awoke monday in orlando for what was supposed to be a one-day three-state blitz along side former president clinton. instead, he and aides called an audible and headed back to washington to focus on the storm. at the midday briefing, mr. obama insisted the campaign was not on his mind. >> i'm worried about the impact on families, and i'm worried about the impact on our first responders. i'm worried about the impact on our economy and on transportation. the election will take care of itself next week. >> meanwhile, for much of monday mitt romney tried to walk a fine
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line, balancing campaigning in ohio and iowa with compassion for storm victims. in ohio he appealed for americans to put politics aside. >> we can mace these kind of challenges before, and as we have, it's interesting to see how americans come together, and this looks like another time when we need to come together all across the country even here in ohio. >> reporter: still, romney did not entirely abandon politics. >> the people of the entire nation are counting on ohio because my guess is -- my guess is that if ohio votes me in as president, i'll be the next president of the united states. >> reporter: both candidates have canceled all of their own public events for today. the president was supposed to be in colorado and wisconsin and mr. romney had planned to be in new hampshire. but this doesn't mean the campaigns are not still battling below the radar. the latest flash point, a romney tv ad running in ohio making this claim about gm. >> obama took chrysler and gm into bankruptcy and sold chrysler to italians that are
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going to build jeeps in china. >> reporter: campaigning with former president clinton vice president biden blasted the ad as false. >> chrysler has felt obliged to go public and say there is no truth. they say jeep has no intentions of shifting production of its jeep models out of north america to china. >> reporter: while mitt romney is technically not campaigning today, he is doing a storm relief event, savannah, in the state of ohio. >> chuck, and a lot of folks are asking us this morning, is there a possibility with this widespread power outages that could last days if not weeks, is there a chance the election day itself could be delayed? >> it's very unlikely. look, the presidential election day is something that is set in the constitution. now, states run electrics, and they can decide to postpone if they wanted to. it's happened before in new york city, of course, postponed in new york city elections on 9/11 on the day that it happened. they postponed that. now, that said, what did come up
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yesterday during the fema calls with craig and state officials was could states get reimbursed for having to, for instance, move voting precincts, get extra generators in to get the election going? that is what states are figuring out now, and that's the most likely scenario here is that people may find out their voting place has moved in order to get power to them, things like that, but the idea of a delay right now, that seems to be way, way out of the question and very, very unlikely. >> very quickly, chuck, we are seeing an affect on early voting in swing states affected by the storm. >> well, that is true, particularly virginia is the place when you look at the battleground states that is most affected by this. a little bit in ohio. some things i know that maryland delayed some early votes, so there's some of those delays, but, savannah, right now it doesn't seem to have a huge impact yet. >> chuck todd, thank you. just ahead, what you need to do before filing an insurance claim, and many people waking up realizing that they may need to
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do that very soon. many homes suffering extensive damage in the storm. we'll have the information good morning to you. it is 8:26 right now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. the man accused of abducting and killing sierra lamar is due back in court. there will be a hearing this afternoon. it is still unclear whether he will waive his right to appear. torres is accused of abducting lamar in march. time to check the morning commute. it is foggy out there. how are we looking now? >> the low clouds are drifting around. the traffic here. look at the northbound side. that is the headlights coming toward us. you see the flashing lights next to the diamond lane.
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that stall has been there for 15 minutes. the taillights are the southbound commute direction and distracted by the northbound side. that is a slow drive. the orange is showing the fog which is strong enough to affect your visibility. look at westbound 237, extra heavy. slow also for south 682. back to you. >> thank you. thank you for joining us. we'll have another local news update in half an hour. ah.
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fire bad! just have to fire roast these tomatoes. do you churn your own butter what? too? this is going to give you a head start on your dinner. that seems easier sure does who are you? [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters. five delicious cooking sauces you combine with fresh ingredients to make amazing home-cooked meals. ♪ ambiance [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters.
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your head-start to home cooked. it's 89:30 now on a tuesday mornin it's october 30th, 2012. there is a look at rhode island right along the shore. one of the many beautiful and historic towns in that state. they have widespread damage caused by hurricane sandy, and, again, this is a story that's being repeated all up and down the east coast. it really shows you the size and the intensity of that storm. about 300 miles from where sandy actually make landfall near atlantic city, new jersey.
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i'm matt lauer along with savannah guthrie. >> good to see the repair already underway. this could be one of the costliest natural disasters in u.s. history, and it can get pretty complicated to figure out exactly what is covered about your homeowners insurance so, we're going to have some good answers coming up. obviously, i don't think we have to tell you, travel in this region is basically at a standstill. the impact being felt on the airlines across the country, and even around the world, so what do you do if you need to go somewhere or you booked a flight that's now been canceled? we'll get advice from an expert on that as well, but, first, let's go to nbc's jeff rossen. he is driving around in lower manhattan seeing what he can find. jeff, good morning again. >> reporter: just cue me. >> jeff, can you hear us? >> reporter: i apologize. we just lost our phone tag and the phone service here in manhattan is absolutely terrible. we wanted to show you for all of us who have been living through this storm and we heard the wind and the rain pounding against
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our windows, it's hard to imagine what was actually flying through the air, and we actually have an idea now. i mean, look at pieces of replyworepl plywood that fell on top of cars. this was just in the streets here in manhattan. we're talking about metal pipes, this piece of piping. it's pretty heavy. off a local building. this is the kind of thing that could hit cars and actually people. i mean, here's something in the middle of the avenue. this piece of metal is so heavy. i was trying to -- i can't even pick it up. that's the strength of this storm and how much debris was flying through the air. if you look down the street, i mean, people with daylight are now just beginning to come out of their homes. con-ed is out trying to restore power, and we should mention evidenced by the traffic lights right up here, there is no power to any of these buildings, no power to the traffic lights, so even driving all over manhattan this morning -- in fact, we're
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broadcasting right now. my cameraman has a backpack on. no truck. we've been able to be pretty mobile driving through the streets absolutely eery. no one knows where to go, and can you see people are coming out into the streets taking photos trying to find their vehicles, which, by the way, are strewn up and down these streets. the water in this area had actually been so high, and we showed you earlier in the show cars had been moved per p perpendicular to the street. we can swing around right here. here's another piece of plywood. this is a major new york city, manhattan avenue, and already pieces of wood absolutely still in the street. people are just trying to figure out now when they're going to get their power back, and, by the way, the answer to that question very much unclear. we actually were speaking with some con-ed workers earlier, and said when do you think this can happen? what's the estimate? a man told our producer, jeff
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long, we don't know when, we don't even know where to start, and so as we can give you another live picture down the street here, people just beginning to get to their cars. here's the con-ed car trying to figure out exactly where to go. one other important note before we go, matt and savannah, there are puddles, and if you are watching in the new york and new jersey area right now, there are puddles, and you walk through these puddles, and you think to yourself everything is fine. a woman had been electrocuted by walking on a puddle, and can you also fall into a manhole. that's the situation here. again, i cannot hear you, so i can't answer any questions, but back to you. >> all right, jeff rossen, thank you very much. just a couple of things we take for granted often, but it feels nice the sun is now coming up here streaming down 49th street. that feels awfully good, and there's a young lady standing behind us with a sign that you saw earlier that simply says -- >> mom, i'm okay. we are happy to hear that. >> we want to go further up the coast now. sandy, of course, brought high winds and a damaging storm surge
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to parts of rhode island's coast. some of the images he were shown a few minutes earlier. stephanie gosk is in rhode island. stephanie, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. well, the day after a storm like this is a day to satisfies, and it's a day to start to clean up. police have closed off this road behind me so that they can clean it up, which we're looking at the debris that came over the sea wall over the course of yesterday. i mean, watch it pound hour after hour, and as high tide hit last night, it reached the sea wall and flowed into this town, so there is massive damage here, and also, along the coast of rhode island, a lot of the coastal communities here were evacuated. people now are going to try to get back to their homes and figure out just how bad it was. one of those people actually knows how bad it is already. he is the owner of this restaurant behind me called the coast guard house. we actually had dinner there sunday night, and it has been basically destroyed. all of the windows blown out, all of the furniture in the ocean or up on the street.
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he is not sure where he is going to get the money or the time even to fix it. savannah. >> all right, stephanie, thanks. >> that restaurant has been there for years and years. i used to live in hi hi and went there many times. let's go to al who is in pount pleasant beach, new jersey. al. seems like we have a little bit of trouble communicating with al this morning. we will check back with him in just a little while. >> well, there are so many aspects of this story. one of them, of course, is the economic impact. the stock market is closed for a second day in a row, so what impact will the storm have as this nation is still trying to recover. jim cramer is the host of "mad money" on cnbc. he is at the cnbc headquarters. jim, good morning. it's good to see you. >> good to see you, savannah. thank you. >> stock market closed for a second day. i assume you think that's a good call. >> this is one of the things if you can't get to it, we still need humans. you think it's all by machine. it's not. this only happened in 1888.
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extremely unusual, but, yes, there will be no action today at all. >> as you mention, we do need to have people physically there, but we do do a lot of trading electronically now. wasn't there also a concern that there might be some manipulation had the markets opened? >> absolutely. there would be so few players that you could move stocks in any one direction if you had a couple million dollars, and then i think what people don't recognize is that even though we can trade machine to machine, if individuals aren't involved, there is capability for true mayhem, and i think that was a great reason why there should be no trading today. >> we are hearing figures this morning, and they're just early estimates that are absolutely staggering about tens of billions of dollars in damage from this storm. i'm sure everyone has the same thought. we are already an economy that is struggling. what larger impact do you think it might have? >> last time -- irene right now $7 billion initial estimate. totally wrong. it only was $15 billion. there's about $20 billion that came into the economy from
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federal payments and from insurance. katrina, $100 billion. again, it took a long time to rebuild. what i would say is the initial impact very, very bad, but when the federal government gets involved, waves its wand, and when insurers pay, you tend to have a very quick rebound that can actually help, if it's huge enough, the gross domestic product of the united states. >> i want to focus on that. not to be insensitive to what people are dealing with, but there are certain sectors of the economy that will benefit, i would assume, the construction industry to start with, one. >> yes. in hurricane andrew in 1992 the construction industry boomed. the lumber industry boomed. glass. a lot of companies simply had to send everything down to florida and that raised the price across the board throughout the united states. highly unusual. that was pretty much the only time that i have seen the gross domestic product really jump off of a hurricane. this could be like that. that's how big this one might end up being. >> and very quickly, i'm sure you had heard rumors, reports that potentially the federal government would have to delay
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the jobs report that's expected on friday. do you have anything -- the latest on that? >> as of this morning, of quote that we're getting from labor is they are still hopeful that we will see a number that is probably the most important number before the election. >> all right, jim cramer at cnbc headquarters. thank you very much. >> thank you. let's give this another shot to go to al in point pleasant beach, new jersey. al, sorry we cut away from you so quickly before. you sounded from our end a little like mr. roboto. we're back to you now. >> i have been working on that while the lights were out here. again, besides sandy here in the northeast, in the northwest there are big problems as well as we take a look at today. heavy rain throughout the pacific northwest. one to two inches not unlikely, and, in fact, it's going to be a mess there for the next couple of days. through the southwest gorgeous weather. plenty of sunshine. windy conditions, though, all the way back through the great lakes and down into the southeast because of sandy. for tomorrow more of the same. the winds hang on, although not quite as bad throughout the
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northeast and new england. rain continues into the plains. beautiful weather works its way through the southwest all the way back into southern california. also back as far east a 8:40 now. what a trooper, al roker. good morning. we have a good-looking day shaping up once we get rid of the fog. mostly cloudy conditions over the entire bay area. we will lose the fog by about noon. you have to wait until 1:00 in san francisco. we hit 77 degrees in san francisco. when the sun comes out, it warms in the upper 60s in san francisco. heading into tomorrow, looking good for the parade in san francisco. showers arrive wednesday evening. >> and that's your latest weather. savannah. >> all right, al. thank you. coming up next, how to get where you need to go if sandy has thrown a wrench into your travel plans. first, this is "today" on nbc. this is hayden.
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that's elizabeth. and that's skyler... and his mom, nancy. they're just a few of the californians who took it on themselves to send you a message about what they need to restore years of cuts to their schools. prop thirty-eight. thirty-eight raises billions in new revenue - bypasses sacramento and sends every k through 12 dollar straight to our local schools... every school. for them. for all of us. vote yes on thirty-eight. mom, pop it. ♪ two inches apart, becky. two inches. t-minus nine minutes. [ ding ] [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls. let the making begin. ♪ too bad the guys aren't here we're clear. ok, swarm! swarm! hello [ female announcer ] pillsbury chocolate chip cookies. let the making begin
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we're back now with more on we are back now with more on the impact of hurricane sandy up and down the east coast. the storm created a travel log jam coast-to-coast. thousands of flights were canceled for a second straight day. nbc's tom costello is at reagan national airport. tom, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, matt. this place, as we have shown you yesterday and today, is absolutely desserted. the flight status board shows every flight canceled. the numbers today, we just got from flight stats. 5700 flights canceled along the east coast or flights to or from the east coast xshgs along the course of this storm, we have now got hundreds of thousands of passengers who have been inconvenienced by the storm. >> reporter: this is massive storm has turned out to be a halloween week nightmare with travellers going nowhere fast from d.c. to chicago to san diego canceled is again the word of the day for flights coming to or from the east coast.
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>> all day long hurricane sandy has been waging a war with a berm, a dune that had been built after a nor'easter in 1992. well, finally, hurricane sandy has won. >> reporter: with one eye on al robinger and the weather channel, all of the airlines, u.s. airways, united, delta, southwest, american, jetblue are, again, today cancelling flights into the airports hardest hit by the storm and high winds. washington, baltimore, philly, new york, and boston. ♪ >> reporter: inside the terminals are deserted. outside the runways are empty. by 6:00 p.m. monday 14,000 flight cancellations and climbing fast. in d.c. we found two foreign exchange students from italy stuck, unable to get back to rochester. >> we wanted to spend a couple of days in washington, but then -- and then come back to rochester in a few days, but then this happened, so the weather, and we are stuck here.
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>> reporter: in l.a. nathan cooper is also stuck trying to get back to newark. >> sat in line for five hours. >> reporter: and in paris jeff barron was one of thousands of travellers stuck in europe unable to get back to the states. >> we, obviously, need to get a place to stay here in paris. >> reporter: airlines have moved their planes out of harm's way parking them at airports across the country. >> we've got another -- >> reporter: cnbc's fill lebeaux at delta heads quarters in atlanta. >> delta will cancel more than 2,500 flights and forcing 75,000 passengers to rebook their flights. >> i think we'll be able to operate most of the rest of the impact once we get past early morning wednesday. >> reporter: meanwhile, amtrak's northeast corridor remains shut down. new york's grand central station empty. subways shut down up and down the east coast as sandy's travel impact extends both near and far.
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>> reporter: we checked with they said hotel bookings have soared as a result of this storm, and new york hotel bookings up 14% in just one week. d.c. up 24%, and philly up 50% all because of sandy. matt, back to you. >> all right, tom costello at reagan national. tom, thanks very much. kate maxwell is editor in chief of good morning. we've all been there. it's frustrating. what's the best piece of advice for somebody who needs to rebook a flight? >> just be patient. there's something like 14,000 flight cancellations, so it's going to take a while to get everyone moving again. >> when are you entitled a full refund? >> you're entitle iffed your flight has been delayed by at least two hours or it's been canceled. >> reporter: have most airlines now waived those rebooking fooes? >> they, yes. >> let's say you have booked a flight or a hotel through one of the travel web sites like expedia or orbits. what's the best way? do you go back through the website or call the airlines directly?
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>> go back to he expedia, travelocity. you have to rebook through them. >> reporter: for now people who are already stuck or stranded at airports, will airlines pay for your hotel because the flight was canceled due to a force of nature? >> unfortunately, they won't. they're not obliged pay for weather-related cancellations. however, if you are traveling internationally on an international carrier, they will pay for your hotel. >> which meansure the traveller, have you to pay for the hotel. what's the best way to negotiate the best price for a rate, especially if are you stuck for a couple of days? >> at the moment there are things called distressed traveller rates that hotels offer, particularly hotels around airports. ask them if they have that kind of rate. having said that, you might find a cheaper rate just by going on-line and shopping around. >> if you are trying to monitor the stat of upcoming flights, find out when things are back on-line, what's the best way to monitor that? >> obviously, check the airline's website, and i also really recommend going on twitter. airlines and hotels as well, they tend to update more often on twitter. >> kate maxwell, always good information.
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in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. back now with more of back with more on of our storm coverage, and we're beginning to see the full extent of the damage, but when all is sxsd done, it could be one of the costliest natural disasters in u.s. history so, what should you do if your home is damaged? robert hartwig is the president of the insurance information institute. bob, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> first thing to know, if you have homeowners insurance, that doesn't necessarily mean it covers flood sng. >> that's right. your typical homeowners insurance policy does not cover flooding. most people who live in the most flood-prone areas will have a policy through the national flood insurance program. >> needless to say, if you have damage, it's too late to call your insurance company now and try to get that coverage. >> well, yes, it's after the fact, but what you are employing to want to do is inspect your property this morning. go out, take a look.
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if you have damage, document it. take photographs. then call your agent or insurance company right away and the claim process will begin. >> you say call the appointment to get an adjustor to come out. how soon is it reasonable to expect an adjustor to come out and inspect the premises? >> all major insurers have adjustors. they'll be moving into the affected years today and through the rest of the week. >> after you have spoken to the adjustor, your next tip is to get a trusted contractor. that is surprising. it's not the insurance company that finds the contractor? >> you need to work with a contractor that friends have used, neighbors have used. go with somebody you trust, and you might need to get an estimate or two, but, yes, go ahead and use that contractor that you have used in the past. >> how do you know if your insurance is going to be able to cover all of the damage? >> well, wind damage from hurricanes is covered by homeowners insurance, and fortunately, we don't so many homes that are completely destroyed here, and many people -- many people in coastal new jersey were, you should have that flood policy in place.
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mom, pop it. ♪ two inches apart, becky. two inches. t-minus nine minutes. [ ding ] [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls. let the making begin. ♪ too bad the guys aren't here we're clear. ok, swarm! swarm! hello [ female announcer ] pillsbury chocolate chip cookies. let the making begin nbc. viewers viewers have been great about sending us some images of the storm over the last 24 to 36 hours. want to go through a couple more
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of those here. atlantic city, new jersey, we've already told you the story how the flooding was severe there going from the ocean to the bay and n many places. >> and in atlantic city today they're waking up to streets that look like the beach, and as we continue to look through some of the pictures we're seeing that have been sent in, we're getting a lot from atlantic city that appears to be the world famous boardwalk and huge swaths of that are now in the ocean. >> we spoke to the mayor of atlantic city who said that, obviously, it's going take weeks to get that city back on track. it may not be a hurricane anymore, but it will be impacting us for weeks to come. >> see you after checking your local news. >> it would potentially have fatal consequences. >> our hearts and our prayers go to them. >> this is a massive storm. >> hurricane force winds extend some 175 miles in every direction. >> it goes north and now hooks off to the left. we have never seen that. >> up and down the jersey shore. i gather we are the target, the
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bull's-eye at this point. >> fema is here on the ground working with us here at the rock. >> dramatic rescue at sea today. >> survivors coming out of the raft. >> the pictures here are worth 1,000 words. >> hurricane sandy has been waging a war. the dune has been destroyed. the ocean is now rushing in. >> this crane is now dangerously dangling over the street. >> the island of manhattan all but shut off. no way in. no way out. >> long beach is flooding. that flooding expected to get worse. >> we lost a transformer. everybody is okay. we're just fine. >> you can see that the fire is just burning up on that front lawn. some serious flooding may shut down the highway because it was completely submerged. >> stay put. stay at home. every street you don't know what you are going to find. >> look at the waves out here. look at that surf. >> 13,000 volts of electricity. nothing to play with. >> whoa! whoa! i think it's time to go. >> much of manhattan, many of
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the neighborhoods in lower manhattan dark at this hour. >> trying to get these patients, 215 of them, out of nyu. not sure why the backup generator failed. >> water spilled over the ocean water spilling over. >> we lived down there all our lives. we like it down there. it's a shame that, you know, stuff like this happens. this ha. good tuesday morning. 8:56. i'm laura garcia-cannon. victims of the pipeline explosion may be allowed to seek further damage from pg & e. both sides will be back in court today when the judge makes his
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back now with more of back with more today on this tuesday morning, october 30th, 2012. you're looking at one of the images of the wrath of sandy. a massive storm that started as a hurricane and has hammered the northeast and new england. major flooding. a lot of wind damage, and massive power outages that could take days or longer to restore. good morning, everyone. i'm savannah guthrie along side matt lauer. we were just talking about how the sun came out. what a difference 20 minutes makes in midtown manhattan. >> just about two minutes ago we had a major downpour behind us. the wind picked up considerably. one of our cameras blew over. if you look at a satellite image of the aftermath of sandy, which is now just kind of a mass of clouds and rain, you see within the next day or two we're going
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to be dealing with these kind of stray gusts of wind and rainstorms. this is something i heard one forecaster say we're going to deal with the high winds and the gusts of winds through tomorrow night into thursday, but, again, it did just get dark here, and we had a lot of rain over the last couple of minutes. >> tide still coming in. flooding storm surges still a problem. >> the death toll has risen now to at least 17 people in seven different states. in queens just outside new york city dozens of homes have been lost in an overnight fire. it is still burning this morning. we'll have the latest on that straight ahead. and a lot of people are asking us questions. they want to know what's going on. we'll be answering them later. if you want to send us a question, tweet it to us and just use the hash tag sandy today, but first let's go to al. he is at his post at point pleasant beach, new jersey. this is the point where sandy officially made landfall last night. al, good morning again. >> good morning, guys. as you look down, there's
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atlantic beach. the atlantic ocean. and there's dunes there. i was standing on those dunz. they came down about 8:00, and the ocean came rushing in, and you see the aftermath. sand as far as can you see. flooding too down the block here. it's a real mess. a real mess here. let's look and show you what we've got as far as the latest on sandy. right now it's about 90 miles west of philadelphia. it's got 65-mile-per-hour winds. it's moving west-northwest at 15 miles per hour. the wind gusts, again, a big problem. 86 in parts of massachusetts. 90-mile-per-hour wind gusts in islip yesterday. annapolis, 90-mile-per-hour wind gusts. as far as winds today, we've got damaging winds stretching from bangor, maine, as far west as michigan, as far south as atlanta. wind gusts of 55 to 60 miles per hour. look at what we're going to be dealing with over the next 24 to 36 hours.
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detroit, gusts of 48 miles per hour. new york city, 30 miles per hour. washington, 32. by wednesday they've died down, but can you still see pretty gusty in the northeast and even back as far as detroit. about 22 miles per hour. highest water rise is reported. in brooklyn up to 12.5 feet. bridgeport, connecticut, 9.9 feet. the battery where we've seen so much damage almost ten feet of water. we had a recordsetting wave height at sandy hook, new jersey, at 2.5 feet, and the rainfall was just tremendous. especially south of the city. upwards of a foot of rain, and that's going to continue, and the rain will finally start to die down. we'll pick up more rain up into new england. about two to three inches of rain. some areas as much as five. a blizzard still going on in the mountains of west virginia and western virginia. we're looking for another one to two feet of snow. this thing has been a monster,
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and we're going to continue to deal with it for at least another 24 hours. savannah. >> at the moment seems to earn the title storm of the century. al, thank you. now to the historic flooding in lower manhattan. natalie morales is in battery park city this morning. natalie, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning again to you, savannah. well, the worst may be over. it is a new day, but clearly, the aftermath of sandy is going to be with us for a while. as you mentioned, flooding still a major concern particularly in coastal new jersey as well as coastal connecticut as well. whether you heard the governor speaking about the situation there. now, millions are without power all up and down the eastern seaboard, and we could be without power for at least up to a week if not longer than that. as you mentioned, this is being called the storm of the century, and, clearly, sandy has lived up to the hype. >> reporter: waves pounded the new jersey coastline, destroying parts of atlantic city's
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historic boardwalk. >> this storm as know has been saying is not like any storm we've ever seen before. >> reporter: sparks flew from a con edison explosion manhattan and snow fell in western virginia ask tennessee. all scenes from super storm sandy, also known as frankenstorm or the storm of the century. >> this water is swallowing this neighborhood. >> reporter: it was downgraded late monday to a post-tropical cyclone. when it hit land at around 8:00 p.m. with winds of up to 9 miles per hour no one was spared its wrath. >> this is really pushing the atlantic on to the beaches here in north jersey. >> reporter: millions of people and more than a half dozen states experienced devastating flooding and over seven million homes lost power. raging fires spread across the tri-state area. in lower manhattan the lights went out in the city that never sleeps.
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the power outage caused vacs of some of the city's most vulnerable. over 200 patients were carried downstairs and out of nyu's lango medical center, including babies in critical care. parts of buildings were left exposed to the storm, and a construction crane hung by a thread hundreds of stories above the ground. >> unless you own a submarine, there is no way you are getting out of new york city. >> there is no getting in. >> what looks like a river is actually fdr drive. >> reporter: water gushed through the city covering everything from ground zero to the brooklyn waterfront and the new jersey pass train. the mta chairman spoke to the historic damage saying the new york city subway system is 108 years old but it has never faced a disaster as devastating as what we experienced last night. >> we need to keep the roads clear. do not drive. let me repeat that. please, do not drive. >> reporter: as day breaks, the
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recovery effort begins, but the extent of the damage from this deadly storm remains to be seen. here in the financial center of new york as well as the world's financial center, the morning stock exchange will remain closed for a second day. as you heard, bridges and tunnels, some of them -- major bridges and tunnels in new york remain closed as well, except for the lincoln tunnel, which is the only access point really into the city. major access point into the city, i should correct myself there, matt, and also, important to note that it's still rough going around -- in and around, so if you can, stay home. probably advisable to do so as well. matt. >> good advice, natalie morales in lower manhattan. thanks very much. to our east on new york's long island, flooding and wind damage also widespread, and residents of long beach are being told not to drink their tap water this morning. nbc's mara sciavacampo is there. good morning. >> reporter: matt, good morning. the rain has stopped, but we are still getting pounded by very
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high winds. it's actually why i'm wearing these glasses because we're getting blasted from the sand that's coming in from the beach. yesterday during high tide this ocean moved through this town like the colorado river. it was raging. one resident said that it had a fury, and what it did was cause a tremendous amount of flooding and when it receded, this is what it left behind. i want to show you around a little bit. a plow just came by to create access roads through vehicles and left this mound of sand that was left behind by the water that came in. this is a city street right now that's totally and completely a beach, and it's like this for blocks and blocks inland, and i want to show you some of the damage here to property. you can see that when that water came rushing through town, it caused a tremendous amount of damage. at least up to one story. all of these vehicles that you are seeing, they weren't parked here. they floated here. they were brought here by the force of that water, and it's just reduced these garages to beams and pieces of splintered wood. this really main concern that
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the officials here and the reason they set up a mandatory evacuation for this area because this area in particular was getting storm surge not just from the ocean on one side, but also from the bay, so there are reports of considerable flooding all over town. also, of power outages. approximately 850,000 homes without power right now, and the power authority is warning that it could be up to ten days before that comes back. the other concern, especially with these winds still as high as they are, we're now in high tide again, and we can see, you know, the beaches not very far. it's about three blocks away. we can see that water churning and still very, very active, and so the concern is that though it's receding for now, there could be a second wave of flooding, if you will, that could exacerbate the problem here for people that are trying to clean up. we have also seen some damage from these high winds, so it wasn't just the flooding. we had seen roofs peeled back. damage to rooves and windows. furniture strewn about and the like. a lot of cleanup here in long island. matt.
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>> all right, mara, in long beach on long island. talk about people being out of power -- or without power for seven or ten days. we're entering november here, and it gets cold at night in this part of the country, so those people are going to have some issues over the next week or so. >> no question about it. we're going to have more of our coverage on sandy in a moment, but, first, there are other news headlines to get to. we have tamron hall over at the news desk. >> good morning. sandy's sting is being felt on the campaign trail as well this morning as analysts fear that the extreme weather could disrupt voting in key swing states, including virginia and ohio. no u.s. presidential election has ever been delayed or canceled in our nation's history, but congress has the authority to do so. there's also been a concern that the storm could delay friday's release of october unemployment numbers. the last jobs report before the election. as of this morning the labor department says it does intend to have those numbers available friday. meantime, both president obama and mitt romney have put their
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campaign trips on hold because of the storm and the need to deal with the aftermath. a deadly school bus accident in northern kentucky monday afternoon. two preschoolers were killed when their bus overturned and slammed into a tree. four other children were taken to local hospitals. the bus driver escaped without being harmed. the cause, though, of this crash is still under investigation. a shuffle for apple executives after some embarrassing software glitches and retail staff cuts. software chief scott forstall will be leaving next year. the reason? reportedly the glitches in apple maps that gave users faulty directions. a new study out today in the lanceet journal shows that while mammograms provide a life-saving diagnostic tool in the fight against breast cancer, they also cause doctors to treat some women unnecessarily. the british panel found that for every life saved, three women are over diagnosed, treated for a cancer that would never have
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threatened their lives. the u.s. joelogical survey says a magnitude 6.2 earthquake off the west coast of canada last night with a strong aftershock of the most powerful 7.7 quake had struck the same area saturday night. there have been nearly 80 aftershocks registered in the area off british columbia. no reports of any significant damage. a new report shows that all of those extra fees you pay to fly really do add up. in 2011 airlines made $32.5 billion in those ala carte fooes charging flyers to check a bag or board early. that, by the way, is an 11% increase from the previous year. and a retired space shuttle endeavour opens to the public today in los angeles. visitors can now see the 122 foot long orbiter for themselves. it went cross-country, approximatingybacked across country, 11 mile journey through the streets of l. affirmative action as well. endeavour spent a total of 296 days in space and circled the
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earth more than 4,600 times. you can see it for yourself on the next family vacation. it is now 12 minutes past the hour. back to matt and savannah. something fun to think about to break it up, and that would be an awesome family vaca. >> all the circling around the earth was easier than getting it through the streets of l.a. that was a tough trip. it really was. let's go back to new jersey and the shoreline where al is standing by. al. >> hey, guys. when you see this sand, this isn't just a little veneer of sand. this goes down about six inches deep. i mean, it is a lot of sand. you can imagine the effort it's going take to get all of this off the streets. i mean, it's just really mind-boggling to think about it. you get a sense of the power of water. let's show you what we've got going on today. you can see on the u.s. satellite radar you can see the swirl that is still sandy in the northeast, but if you look to the northwest, there's a lot
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going on there too. big storm coming on shore. it is bringing a lot of rain to the pacific northwest. one to two inches in some areas. up to three inches and mountain snows. through the southwest we've got plenty of sunshine, beautiful day. sunny and warm through the gulf coast. again, the windy conditions extend down into central georgia. the effects of sandy still being fe 9:14. i'm meteorologist christina loren starting with a live look at a foggy san jose. foggy as we head throughout the afternoon. highs will make it into the 70s. it will be comfortable. 77 in livermore. 77 in gilroy. you will hit 70 up in oakland and 69 in san francisco. we have rain on the way for halloween. it looks like we get into the end of wednesday and thursday, the rain arrives friday and saturday. >> that's your latest weat
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go now for olive garden'sve to. new dinner today, dinner tomorrow. two dinners for two nights just $12.95. choose one of five entrees tonight. then take home a different entrée for tomorrow. two nights of deliciousness for just $12.95! go olive garden. too bad the guys aren't here we're clear. ok, swarm! swarm! hello [ female announcer ] pillsbury chocolate chip cookies. let the making begin
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well, as the storm slowly runs its course, a lot of kids on the east coast have one question. what will happen to halloween? today contributor elizabeth mayhew, a lifestyle editor. good morning to you. oh, boo-hoo. >> talk about boo-hoo. >> presumably many, many events will be canceled. >> i mean, actually ironically this happened last year too. there was a big snowstorm, and most of halloween was canceled, so the big question is power.
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obviously, you're not going to send your kids into a dark neighborhood and that is the real trick, so you need to check with your town. you need to follow the local news and see what's going on. moa most malls are closed. even some places that absorb the trick-or-treating, a lot of them are shut down. sdmrooits the day before now. at what point do you tell your kids, okay, it doesn't look like we're going to have trick-or-treating this year? >> i think it's good to have a plan b, and so have something that's a substitute. make it fun. a lot of kids are happy because they've misdz two days of school. really, you need to have a plan b and start telling them that this is a possibility and maybe you can make it up. a lot of the big parties are going to be canceled. the smallest parties might be happening, so maybe gang together with friends. there are certainly things you can do as a community to come together and make it fun for kids. >> and this is a time to get creative with the kids, which is where you come in. you have an idea called chunk and treat. what you do you mean by that? >> i already know some people in
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new jersey that are have already organized this, whether it's a cul-de-sac or neighborhood. people bring their cars out, providing you can drive. there are 4r50i6 every a lot of driving restrictions so, watch out for that. if you can, you bring your cars together, everyone puts candy in the trunk and kids go from car to car and trunk or treat. >> if you can't do that, what about indoors? i mean. >> i think you could still have your child dress up in his or her costume. >> absolutely invite some kids, some friends over, if can you. have them dress up. i always like to do a scavenger hunt. just follow what you would maybe do for an easter egg hunt and hide the candy around and let them go and find it. a lot of the fun is getting the cabbedy and then sorting it. my brother and sister i and always used to like that. >> sort it means fight over it. then have you this great craft idea. what happened to the milk carton and cereal box here? >> i just took a milk carton and cereal box. for those of us that have been eating all the halloween candy, just glue it on. have the kids have fun. they can decorate it, whether it's with a door or whatever it might be.
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you clean it out, and start gluing away. >> gluing away. you could probably still eat the wrapped candies, but not the candy corns. >> it's leak a gingerbread house, but it's with all your halloween candy. it's something fun to do. if you are indoors and have a lot of time, there's no electricity, there's nothing like candy, a cereal box, and glue to get you going. >> one thing a lot of people have right now, time. elizabeth, some great ideas. thank you. >> thank you. >> we're back with more of our coverage of the storm, but, first, these messages. with morf the storm, but first these messages. when you're sick,] seems everyone and their brother has a home remedy to try. but walgreens knows that you need advice from an expert. that's why our pharmacists are trained to know just what you should take for your symptoms. they're here and ready to help before you try anything... too crazy. now walgreens pharmacists welcome express scripts members. you may stop by today for the service you trust. at the corner of happy and healthy.
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[ ding! ] losing your chex mix too easily? time to deploy the boring-potato chip decoy bag. then no one will want to steal the deliciousness. [ male announcer ] with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix is a bag of interesting. lots to cover with this thanks a lots cover with this storm. at last point 7.8 million people throughout the northeast without power this morning. no telling when it will be restored. >> could be days. could be more than a week.
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we're back after your local news. [ female announcer ] born from the naturally sweet monk fruit, something this delicious could only come from nature. now from the maker of splenda sweeteners, discover nectresse. the only 100% natural, no-calorie sweetener made from the goodness of fruit. the rich, sweet taste of sugar. nothing artificial. ♪ it's all that sweet ever needs to be. new nectresse. sweetness naturally. now all general mills big g kid cereals have more whole grain than any other ingredient in cereals like lucky charms and cinnamon toast crunch, the delicious way to help them grow up strong.
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it is 9:26. good morning. i'm jon kelley. the world champion san francisco giants are more than ready for the world series victory parade. a pre-party yesterday at at&t park. fans gave the team a heroes welcome home. take a look at that. pablo sandoval raising the trophy in a victory celebration. >> it feels awesome because i've never seen them in real life. >> the fans mean a lot to them. it means a lot to us. that's what makes these giants awesome. >> that party keeps on rolling tomorrow in preparations for the parade moving into hyper overdrive with one day left to
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decora decorate. organizers are making sure everything is just right. the ticker tape parade route is from the foot of market street near the ferry building up to market and mcalister and then to city hall. for the parade, san francisco police will be out in force tomorrow morning with more than 500,000 people expected to attend. officers will not stand for the idiotic behavior they saw after they won the world series. they flipped over cars and set a muni bus on fire. the police chief said he had officers in the hot spots, but when the alcohol-fuelled celebrations got out of hand, it was not safe for officers to escort crews. a total of 35 arrests were made. we will have a look at your weather and traffic coming up right after this break.
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fog is clearing slowly but surely. this is san jose still overcast here. by 10:30 or 11:00, we expect the sun to come out. 77 degrees in gilroy. 72 in santa teresa. touching on the 70s at the coast. rain arrives late tomorrow. let's check on the rush hour drive with mike. christina, the fog is burning off. here is south 101. slow on the maps into palo alto out of menlo park. northbound route through the south bay and the orange glow through the fog may be affecting your drive through the south bay. we'll return to the "today" show.
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yeah. what was a what was a rain event in most parts along the east coast and some states up into new england was a snow event, as al has been telling us over the last day or so, in parts of west virginia and the mountains of mcincome. that was an image, i believe, from the area near snow shoe, west virginia. that's a ski resort that i've been to on a couple of occasions. it's beautiful there, and they don't normally get snow this early. at least not in this amount. it's a good start to the ski season, but, again, making life a little bit more difficult for people in that area. we'll check on that situation there in a couple of minutes. matt lauer along side savannah guthrie. the storm knocked out power to millions of people all on the
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east coast. >> that presents a problem for many, many families. how to feed everybody as you wait for the lights to come back on. especially if you are worried about the food in your frig and how long it may last. >> let's go down to ann thompson in lower manhattan. when we checked in with her yesterday, the discussion was whether the hudson river and the harbor water would come up over the promenade. guess what, it certainly did, and some other damage behind you there, ann. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, matt. you know, high winds are just one of the problems that manhattanites are dealing with this morning. let me show you what they're waking up to in battery park. this tree fell over last night as wind gusts hit very high seas here. there are hurricane wind gusts here in battery park. that's just one problem. another big problem down here in lower manhattan is the lack of power. i was driving here from my apartment, and below 28th street there is not a light on. con-ed turned off the power about 7:00 last night in lower
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manhattan to protect its equipment, and to protect that equipment from the storm surge that came up fast and furious here last night. in fact, it set a new record. almost 14 feet high. we got trapped down here last night because of the storm surge. when we finally got done about 9:00, we tried to go back to our apartments. we couldn't get out of battery park city because everything was flooded. it took three hours for the water to recede enough so that we could drive through some very deep water with our suvs. now, this morning i can tell you driving here you see debris all over manhattan. there are branches down. there are trees down. scaffolding is down. it's a real mess. and because of that mayor bloomberg is, again, urging people to stay inside, stay home, don't go outside because it is not safe. even if you want to go outside, i mean, i tell you can't get around. mass transit -- for the second straight day. the subways, seven -- the east
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river are flooded. they hope to have bus service back tomorrow, but it looks like subways and trains are iffing to take a lot longer because of the cleanup here going to be quite extentive. matt. >> ann thompson in lower manhattan for us this morning. ann, thank you very much. well, they're also dealing with widespread flooding in connecticut as well. nbc's katie in stonington this morning. katie good morning again to you. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. there are two deaths to report. one was a woman in mansfield, connecticut, who was hit by a tree. another firefighter over in easton, connecticut, who was also hit by a tree. they're still looking for one man who was last seen swimming or near the water. it was very dramatic in some areas in this state. overnight especially. there were coastal rescues in fairfield, connecticut, by the national guard. there were also fires in greenwich, connecticut, that burned out of control all night long destroying multimillion-dollar homes. firefighters could not reach those homes because the floodwaters were so high. also, fires in old saybrook, and
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they were raging since 9:00 p.m. last night. they were still raging last time we checked. couldn't get to them because of all of the floodwaters. at one point last night emergency officials sent out a tweet saying if you were trapped in your homes, hang a white sheet out of your window or on your house in some way so we know where you are. it was very reminiscent of what we saw certainly in katrina. the good news is that the vast majority of people that were told to evacuate did evacuate, so you didn't have as many trapped people as you might have expected had they not done so, but, again, two people dead, one man who is still believed to be missing. >> all right, katie, stonington, connecticut, for us this morning. katie, thank you. let's go to al roker again along the jersey shore. what's the weather like there, first of all? >> reporter: well, it's still windy, matt, and we're getting bands of rain, and let me show you something. down philadelphia avenue you see there's a lot of flooding, and folks walking through that standing water, do not do that because you don't know what's in
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there. from a biohazard standpoint, from a debris standpoint, from live wires. there was a woman electrocuted in new york city walking through a puddle. do not do that. again, we are talking about the remnants of sandy still hanging around for at least another 24 to 36 hours. as we take a look at the today map, can you see in the northeast, of course, sandy is the dominant feature, but in the pacific northwest another big storm there. a lot of heavy rain. windy conditions back through the west into the great lakes. let's look at tomorrow. you can expect to see more heavy rains from the northwest spreading down into northern california. more rain hanging around the northeast and into the eastern great lakes and mountain snows continuing in west virginia and western virginia. sunny and warm from the gulf coast. texas on into the southwes 9:35 on a tuesday morning. this is a live look at san
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francisco. still mostly cloudy here, but the clouds are starting to raise above the surface into the high highs of the san mateo bridge. we are getting greater visibility. we were down to .25 of a mile a half hour ago. it gets dicey as we get into halloween. expecting showers up to the north bay at 8:00 p.m. tomorrow. >> matt, point pleasant beach is in ocean county, and ocean county officials just road through, and he said they're doing an assessment. the dunes are knocked down in about a dozen different places, and the other end of town where the inlet sshgs the flooding is extensive. the scenes like this being repeated up and down the jersey shore. back to you. >> al, i think you told us yesterday that those dunes had been created years agoing to protect against storms, and now they have to go through that whole process again. >> exactly. there was a big nor'easter in
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1992, and so they built these dunes as a protective barrier, and really for just about 30 years they've stood up against what mother nature and the atlantic has thrown at it. sandy proved to be too much. >> all right. al roker, we appreciate it very much. we're back with more on the storm and the damage left behind right after this. ight after this. ally bank. why they have a raise your rate cd. tonight our guest, thomas sargent. nobel laureate in economics, and one of the most cited economists in the world. professor sargent, can you tell me what cd rates will be in two years? no. if he can't, no one can. that's why ally has a raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally. ♪ in everything you do [ female announcer ] add your own ingredients to hamburger helper for a fresh take on a quick, delicious meal.
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it's one box with hundreds of possibilities. onof chocolate lovers from the thmelting point of chocolate.. so when you take hershey's chocolate and add bubbles, it deliciously melts the moment you take a bite. hershey's air delight. it just might make you melt. and less saturated fat? it's eb. eggland's best eggs. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. it's eb. want my recipe for healthier hair color? natural instincts! formulated with aloe, vitamin and antioxidants natural instincts has a system that's a healthier way to radiant color.
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indulge... with natural instincts. less guilt, more gorgeous. throughout our lives. one a day women's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for women's health concerns as we age. it has more of 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day 50+. ♪ spread a little love my way ♪ ♪ spread a little something to remember ♪ ♪ ♪ spread a little joy... [ female announcer ] fresh milk and real cream. that's what makes philadelphia. ♪ so spread a little... [ female announcer ] and that's what makes the moment we enjoy it, a little richer. ♪ real belgian chocolate whipped with philadelphia cream cheese. new indulgence. the moment just got a little sweeter.
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fabulous but...when i add chicken, barbecue sauce... and cheese...and roll it up woo-wee! i've made a barbecue chicken crescent chow down. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. sandy has knocked out power to millions from virginia all the way to new hampshire, and that has families scrambling to feed children in the house and tlemsz without the help of stoves and microwaves. susan russ is a lifestyle expert here with us. good morning, suzanne. good to see you. >> great to see you so too. >> you wish you had stocked your pantry properly, but never the
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less, there's always room to learn something new. >> of course. >> having beans on the ready in the house. >> you don't have to insist on peanut butter and jelly. if you have a well stocked pantry, can eat decently and have a dignified meal. olive oil, vinegars, and you look in your pantry and look in your frig. do you have any herbs left or carrots, cell celery, and tuna. >> things with a long shelf life. >> they're good for a while, and you can make a couple of things with this. we'll start with a tuna and bean salad, which is very easy. use the canned tuna. i like them in olive oil, but whatever you have in your pantry, and any kind of beans you have. you can do white beans, black beans, red beans. dump them all. >> this is healthy. >> you know, we were just lafring but seriously, a lot of families saying can we eat the ice cream before it melts because that's the only thing that's there, but then -- >> then you have some scallions, or red onions are nice.
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>> if you don't have these in your refrigerator or pantry, forego and just do the tuna and bean combo. >> mix it up. if you have a jar of peppers, what have you. season it. i like cayenne. i like to give it a kick. >> nice. seasonings have a long shelf life. >> it's really the dressing that brings it to life. >> oil and vinegar. i like lemon a lot because it adds a little brightness to the dish. that's what you can use. just start out and mix it up. you can either serve that on crackers or bread. >> great. sflu know, or just as a salad on a bed of lettuce or a bed of spinach, whatever you have. this is something, and i think the kids eat it too. my kids like this. >> absolutely. after, you know, you don't have an oven or microwave, they'll eat anything at that point. they're starving. >> you kalz have a meal. >> it's filling on top, and it has legs. >> you also have a different salad here. zucchini and carrots. >> a lot of zucchini and carrots. i just like this presentation. it's a fun way to do it. you're cutting them into ribbons and it's a prettier way to approach it. you get the kids busy in the kitchen, and they can all take a
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peeler and get going and get everyone involved. you can dress it in the same way. olive oil and vinegar or olive oil and lemon. >> you can add different things. it's also nice to have nuts in the house. that's just a good way. these are things in your pantry. if you keep it stocked, you'll always have a good meal. >> we were warned early there could be power outages. you can make this the day before. >> yes, you can. >> in anticipation of a storm. have it there on the ready to feed the kids. >> sandwiches tomorrow too. if you have anything left over. use up what you have in your pantry and keep these things on stock and never go hungry again. >> a full belly makes everyone happy. thank you, suzanne. great pleasure having ow. we'll be back with more coverage of sandy right after this. of sandy right after this. alright let's break it down.
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mom, pop it. ♪ two inches apart, becky. two inches. t-minus nine minutes. [ ding ] [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls. let the making begin. ♪ it's not for colds, it's not for pain, it's just for sleep. because sleep is a beautiful thing. ♪ zzzquil, the non-habit forming sleep-aid from the makers of nyquil. [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it... in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. mmm... [ male announcer ] sounds good. it's amazing what soup can do.
9:45 am
[ male go out tonight -ds good. be social! then stay in tomorrow. make a date with your flat screen. olive garden's new dinner today, dinner tomorrow. two dinners for two nights, just $12.95. choose one of five entrees tonight, like new mezzaluna ravioli. served with unlimited soup or salad and breadsticks. then choose a second entrée to take home for tomorrow all for just $12.95. this has "movie night" written all over it. new dinner today, dinner tomorrow go before it's gone! go olive garden.
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there's a place where the sky is always blue and the kids always eat their vegetables. because the salad there is always served with the original hidden valley ranch. it's the way ranch is supposed to taste. and try italians and vinaigrettes from hidden valley. delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce...
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and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. well, the impact the impact of sandy extends well beyond the united states with so many flight cancellations. thousands of tourists are now trapped overseas. nbc's michelle kasinski is in london with that part of the story. good morning to you. >> reporter: hi, savannah. right now you might say the situation is improving some with more u.s. airports now opening, but it's worse in others. heathrow here, for example, has more flight cancellations today than yesterday. it's left now thousands of americans stranded all over the
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world, and thousands of others stuck in the u.s. >> super storm sandy strikes causing death and damage. >> reporter: sandy is the big news story here too thanks to all of emergency. >> a major disaster is declared in new york. >> reporter: and affecting many. >> sandy was canceled are closed and so we're here for four more days. >> reporter: starting at the weekend and felt in airports around the world. london, frankfurt, paris. no way into new york or many other u.s. cities. jeff and his wife need to get from the city of lights to a place in connecticut that may or may not have power once they land. >> we need to get a place to stay here in paris, and a little indecision because they don't know how long it's going to be before errants open. >> reporter: he is thinking they might be able to get home via montreal. this group is planning on camping for at least an entire day at heathrow trying to make it to los angeles. for some stranded farther afield, the next available flight might not be for a week. forcing americans to stick it
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out through the mounting expense and uncertainty. >> we're fortunate they were able to afford to do wra tha. i feel so badly once i'm watching the news. >> inconvenienced. certainly a little bit of an expense. >> reporter: the new england patriots after beating the rams in a game in london barely made it out on a charter flight and were able to land in boston monday. some others in town for the game got stuck. the eye of the storm across southern parts of pennsylvania -- >> >> reporter: the huge hurricane sandy who was a finish no, ma'am in an almost unheard of in these parts also had reverberations in european stock markets. wall street closed and sand bagged, markets here lost some volume. investors that fund insurance specialists, lords of london, pulled back. worried how much cleanup from this monster storm could ultimately cost. new york and london are connected by commerce of all kind. more than 7,000 people a day on average. more than 2.5 million last year fly just between j.f.k. and ethrow. sandy now leaving people stuck
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on both sides of that ocean. americans stranded around the fwloeb. people here are watching those pictures in horror at what a storm like this can do, and for those stranded, some airlines are not helping with its move for hotels. the question is how soon they'll be able to get back to the u.s. when things like this have that snow balling effect. some are being told their next flight might not be until saturday or sunday. they're trying to fly to other cities like chicago to get to new york. savannah. >> it could be a while. michelle kosinski in london. thank you. this is "today" on nbc.
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mountains. the weather channel's janelle cline is in snowshoe, west virginia, with the story from there. janelle, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, matt. as hurricane sandy continues to batter the east coast, it's having a very different affect here in west virginia. lots of snow, as you said. in fact, almost two feet of snow in some parts of west virginia. the governor declaring a state of emergency here with travel very, very difficult this morning. thousands of people without power. many counties in the state of emergency because of that power loss, and many travellers stranded on the road. the plows are out this morning trying to clear those highways. national guard troops are also on standby trying to help people stranded on the roads, and state agencies have set up shelters trying to help people who have been out and have no place to go. yet, they do expect that the storm will get better. as can you see, the snow continues to fall here, and the storm does continue. we expect that it will intensify before the day is over and get a lot worse as the day goes on. matt and savannah. >> all right. janelle cline of the weather channel in snowshoe, west
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virginia. thank you very much. want to bring up some pictures of manhattan here. the f.d.r. drive is the main thoroughfare along the east side of manhattan right along the east river. we don't have major thoroughfares in the middle of the island. just streets and avenues. this is like a highway, and that is what it looked like in the middle of last night as the east river and the f.d.r. drive were one. >> yeah. more like a river than a highway. on the west side a similar story. we saw those images from battery park city, which is the southwestern tip of manhattan. the water spilled over, and i think exceeded even the expectations, the worst forecast for what the storm surge should be. about 8:30 or so, a lot of us don't lost our power. con-ed, the local utility, doing so in an abundance of caution to prevent further damage, and it may be days, perhaps weeks for some across the northeast to get their power back. >> i should mention, the f.d.r., it basically floods when it cruise missile drifs here, but you can imagine what it's like in a storm like sandy.
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anyway, images like that, you'll be seeing them in the next couple of days as we continue to clean up from a storm that had an enormous impact on our region. >> and if you want to send some pictures, we are anxious to show them on the air. you can tweet them to us. just use the hash tag sandytoday. after a check of your local news, we'll be right back.
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tanya, allegedly robbed a k-mart and then stole coe's car and went to washington state. darnell washington was extradited on sunday. let's get a look at the forecast with christina. >> thanks. we have a good-looking day shaping up. temperatures will end up in the 70s. just about perfect in livermore once we clear out the fog. it should clear the bay area by 1:00 p.m. 77 degrees in livermore. 77 in gilroy. 72 in santa teresa. we have showers in the forecast for tomorrow, but not until tomorrow evening. i think showers will stay north of the golden gate bridge until about 10:00 p.m. wednesday. for the parade, 64 degrees at 3:00 p.m. we will clean out the bay area
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for thursday and into friday. nice finish as we get into the weekend. temperatures are going to be comfortable. let's check on the drive with mike. they will finish strong. tough to see through the haze, but it is better than the fog which kept us from seeing at all. there was a disabled vehicle on the shoulder. you see the volume here. heading to the toll plaza. you are moving smoothly until you approach west grand avenue. jammed at hayward and mission boulevard. san jose with slow clouds hovering around here and 85. it is starting to move better. back to you. thank you. we'll be back at 10:26.
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from nbc news, this is a special guy edition of "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb and a bunch of guys. from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. is that you, hoda? >> that wasn't me. what are you reading? are we really on nbc news? they couldn't even see your magazine. >> it's july 11th, and i can't believe jennie mccarthy is naked in this thing again. i thought she still looks darn good at 40. >> what else are you learning? >> other people read the stories, but i haven't got my glasses on. apparently, there are good
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stories in here too. >> you told me you learned something. >> what did i learn? what did i learn? >> everyone downstairs is -- >> i can't believe everyone is, like, clean as a whistle. when did that happen? >> that started. people started doing that downstairs. >> that's disgusting. >> anyway, this is our special guy edition. this is going to be a fun show, you know why? >> why? >> because we get to drink beers like guys do. by the way, can we show our cute mugs? >> we can spit and scratch. >> this is coors light. >> coors light. >> wait, one -- >> we're just hanging out in our man cave. we're going to talk about -- we're going to talk about the battle of the sexes. >> this is cool. there are a lot of guys who are looking for work and they want to be all -- >> looking for chicks like us. >> they are getting a makeover. so we're having a complete
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makeover. >> we love our guys tell-all panel, ryan, chuck, remember this ginney is here from "the bachelor." >> he got married. >> but it didn't work out. >> welcome, bob, we're so bad. half of them don't, bob. >> one out of two, bob, you know? my first one didn't, hoda's didn't, we're all in this together, all right? >> by the way, i get why guys sit in these easy chairs and eat funyons. >> how do you get out? they are ugly as sin, but i like it. >> you got your frank gifford shirt on? >> i wouldn't show up in anything other than the frank shirt. we only have about 100 hanging around at home. we had a big reaction yesterday from our question -- everybody but myself have read the "fifty shades of grey"
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trilogy, so we asked all of you out there who you think of when you're reading this. >> you picked yesterday. >> who should play it in the movie. >> you picked kevin costner in "no way out." >> not in the "hatfields and mccoys." >> and you picked the one and only frank gifford. >> when he was about 27, which is how old christian grey is supposed to be. >> i picked gordon gecko sexy in charge michael douglas. >> you wrote in with your ideas. a lot of people, a lot of women thought ryan gosling, you know? >> yeah. >> he's an awfully good actor, too. cute on the eyes, but he's a great actor. a lot of people because of this "magic mike" -- >> channing tatum. matt bomer is totally hot. >> and channing tatum. >> yes.
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>> he is the sweetest guy. he was here last week for "magic mike." he's from alabama. these southern boys have been raised with manners. >> i agree. >> i didn't mind being called ma'am. >> i like southern boys, too. have you ever had a funyon? get involved. >> a funyon? >> funyons are so good. >> christian bale a lot of you thought. which is surprising, he's not anywhere near 27. >> bite into it. tell me how bad your breath is right now. >> oh, my god. >> they are awesome. sit alone and tear through a bag of these. funyons, they remind me of -- >> they fit right on it. it's unbelievable. boy, do i need a pedicure. >> so here's the question, if your friend's husband hit on you, what would you do? if your friend's husband hit on you, what would you do? tell your friend, not tell, how
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would you address it?, there's a dot com for everything. >> first of all, don't blame yourself. you can't help it you're gorgeous and hot -- >> and your cleavage is out. that's what they say, no one is perfect. you got to remember that. this is, i guess, one of the solutions, should you never be alone with your friend's spouse? >> after that, no. >> choose to stay away. would you tell your friend, or not? >> it did happen to me one time. >> what did you do? >> it's such a creepy feeling. they were not close friends, but it was a friend's husband. >> what did you do? >> act like i didn't hear him and move to another room. >> i would stay away from the person, but i don't think i would say anything. >> the guy has some things about that. >> if my friend's husband hit on
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me, i would tell him i am very flattered, but it's not that kind of party. >> the thing is, it's a slippery slope. then you say something to her, she may take his side. >> you're the femme fatale that brought it on. >> but you do need to stay away from him. if you're a guy, there's a lot of women in the world. do not tell her that her husband hit on you. you will be the enemy from that point forward. >> what did you do, or you misread it, he didn't hit on you, what were you thinking? >> it's a no win. >> his response would be, honey, she's a whore. that would be his response. >> i'm okay with that. >> i did nothing. >> i'm a divorced guy -- >> what does a divorced bachelor think? >> well, thank you so much for that wonderful introduction, kathie. i say run. that's all you got to do, run away and lie about it.
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>> run and lie. >> send the wives and mothers to me. >> that's why my relationships work so well. >> that was fascinating. >> they are still talking. >> not. are you all still talking? >> that's my favorite line of all time. all right, so if you're wondering where the manliest city in the united states is -- >> it isn't here. sorry, guys, it ain't new york. >> they did the study and the way they narrowed it down, found the places with the most gyms, steakhouses, home depots and the ones with the least amount of salons. here are the top five manliest cities in the united states of america. >> number five is birmingham, alabama. >> number four is nashville, tennessee. >> i love myself some nashville. >> number three. >> memphis, which is a lot like nashville. >> number two is columbia, south carolina. >> are you noticing a southern trend? >> yes. and number one, the manliest
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city in the country is, oklahoma city, oklahoma. >> wow. >> okay. there you have it:. anything? >> my wife is from there. >> thank you for that. >> is she rather manly? >> no! no, i did not! i said my wife is from there. i was about to say, she knows manly men, that's why she chose me. >> why did she leave the manliest city in america to come to new jersey and marry you? >> most cultured city. there you go. >> that was nice. this next story is going to upset a lot of people, we think. in germany, this mayor decided that women are not good parkers and they can't park their cars well, so this mayor decided -- >> you think that's funny, do you? >> -- the trickiest spot he's giving just for men. there's a male symbol.
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look at him smiling and pointing. what's wrong with him? >> i say tase him and vote him out. >> anyway, he says it's too complicated for women to learn to park in those spots, so it's just to men. >> too many angles. >> they say the spaces for women are wider, well-lit, and closer to the exit. stop laughing. >> we're so pathetic. you guys think that's funny? >> we did research on this topic, actually, you said this was informed by what again? >> the whole women can't drive thing, you know where that came from? >> where? >> science. just want to make sure. when you get bad, make sure you get the right black guy. [ laughter ] >> all scientific. >> what does the science say, professor? >> it says that i am a dummy.
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because i can't believe i just said that. >> we can't believe it either. >> they have these cars now that will do it for you. >> just push a button and it parks for you. >> i've seen people have such a hard time in those parking spaces that you start to panic, sweat like crazy, pretend something's wrong with the car. >> i do have trouble parallel parking, i'll admit. i'm not great at it. what? i'm not very good at it. ha, ha, ha. can you parallel park well? >> i learned. the problem is, people don't pull up to the perfect spot. there's a spot you got to pull up on your own car. >> i don't like getting that close to another car. >> my gosh, hoda, if you can't do that, how can you host a magnificent television show like this every day? [ laughter ] >> try to get your chair down. >> the trouble is, we have rear ends, that's why we women can't
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get out of these chairs. are you sunk in there? >> i can't breathe. i was getting swallowed. your good buddy cheyenne. >> he started writing songs, so you know him from tv's "30 rock," terrific star of broadway. today he's releasing his brand new single, which he wrote, it's titled "before you." sounds like michael buble and jason mraz and it's available on aol home. >> can we watch it? >> see a little bit of his video. ♪ ♪ now you make me want to sing ♪ i was lost in my head ♪ trying to forget ♪ before you i never really had a chance ♪
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>> isn't that great? >> cute. >> he said that we could show it only if we promised to let him come back and sing it in the studio for us live. >> maybe he can play christian grey. >> cheyenne wouldn't be so bad. >> cheyenne jackson. >> so happy for him. most talented people you meet also do something else very, very well. so he's a doll. we're very, very happy for him. >> how's your coors light? not into it? >> i have to have maryland crabs to go with it or it's not the same. got any of those back there? all righty. let's face it, everybody, men and women are different. will we ever truly understand each other? >> our guy panel will chime in on everything, as you've already heard. first, these messages. ♪ [ woman ] too weak. wears off. been there. tried that. ladybug body milk? no thanks. [ female announcer ] stop searching and start repairing.
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eucerin professional repair moisturizes while actually repairing very dry skin. it's so powerful you can skip a day... but light enough you won't want to. dermatologist recommended eucerin. the end of trial and error has arrived. try a free sample at here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin.
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pillsbury grands biscuits vo: for cold and flu season, honey, don't use your sleeve. there's clorox bleach. with snack-defying, satisfying totino's pizza rolls. and now when you buy two 40-count bags, instantly get a free bottle of ranch from hidden valley. it's on. let's roll. it's creamy, nonfat, and it turns the next person you see into john stamos for five seconds. honey! i think i'm getting burned! heh! eat. ♪
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tastes pretty good, huh? ♪ best yogurt ever. yeah! [ men grunting ] open! [ male announcer ] dannon oikos berry flavors beat chobani 2 to 1 in a national taste test. oikos greek yogurt. possibly the best yogurt in the world. the battle of the sexes is a war going on since the beginning of time. why are men and women so different? >> and will we ever understand each other? helen fisher is terrific. she's the author of "why him? why her?" >> so nice to have you here. maybe you can make sense out of all this for us. is there really a definitive answer? >> sure. there's all kinds of answers. i think we should begin to bust the myths we know about men. we spent 50 years busting myths about women. i think we should bust myths about men. one of them is that i think men are more romantic than women are.
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they fall in love faster than women do. because they are so visual. >> you say they're visual. is that falling in love? >> it's falling in love. because we put them in a brain scanner and study the brain circuits, and it is falling in love. >> really? >> how long does that last? >> overnight. >> men are two and a half more times more likely to kill themselves when a relationship is over. not only when they fall in love, they also want to do more kissing in public. it's called mate guarding. they want to show everybody this is theirs. they want to move in sooner. they want to introduce the person to their relatives, and they have more intimate conversations with their wives and lovers. and women have more intimate conversations with their girlfriends. we don't share as much with our men. >> let's talk about surprising stuff. >> it is. >> let's look at photos. this depicts what you're talking about. first pictures of two women talks face to face. i guess this is how women discuss. they look at each other in the eye. they're close.
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>> we do it face-to-face. and we talk. and it comes from millions of years of holding a baby in front of your face, educating with words. >> let's look at two men. this is how two men discuss things. okay. maybe not. there they are. >> the guy on the right looks up. the guy on the left will look away. i think it comes from millions of years from sitting behind the bush on the grass sides of africa trying to hit the buffalo in the head with a rock. can't be talking to your neighbor while you do it. >> look at the third picture. >> it's funny when you're talking to a man. sometimes when they're walking they reveal more because they're not looking at you. >> ah. >> if you want a really good conversation with a man, do it while he's driving a car. he can't go. you're side by side. you're not looking at him. >> i love it. our third picture is a man and a woman. let's check this one out. she's all wrapped up in him, and he's totally not. wouldn't you say she's more romantic? >> no, no, no.
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she's trying to reach him, and he's feeling invaded, because he's trying to reach her. he's talking as if she's sitting next to him. they're looking forward together, and that's the way men can talk. >> we took a quiz that was going to tell us about our personalities. and we don't know the answers at all. >> it's a questionnaire that i did. 10 million people have taken it in 40 countries. i'm measuring the trait linked with four brain systems. >> what did you learn about us? >> you're very high estrogen and very low testosterone. but the brain is building the world. it's building more connections between the front and the back, between the two sides, giving you -- giving you both your verbal skills. >> it asks about empathy. it asks about mechanical skills. directions.
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>> you have a tremendous amount of empathy. you wouldn't be able to do your job. that's estrogen related. i'm not surprised you can't park your car. both of you were very low on the testosterone scale. >> then why do i have so much facial hair? >> you're a girl, face it. >> thank you so much. >> that was lots of fun. thank you for coming to see us. all right. we're going to find out if our guys agree with this. >> do they? >> i don't know. they're going to give us some advice or whatever they call it for all the ladies out there. oh my. he's strangling his child. ♪ [ female announcer ] what does the anti-aging power
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c for color. c for correction. [ female announcer ] fight 7 signs of aging with a flawlessly beautiful complexion instantly. we call it a phenomenon. you'll call it possibly the most exciting skin care since...olay. cc for yourself. [ female announcer ] and challenge what's possible with olay total effects cc cream. don't hide behind your lipstick. [ female announcer ] and challenge what's possible use it to show the world how you feel. and today, i feel daring. [announcer:] revlon super lustrous lipstick. mega moisturizing formula in 82 stay true colors. as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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it's time for the answers to your burning questions about your man. first up is ryan serhant from the show "million dollar listing", and ladies, he's never been married. just so you know. anyway, next is our resident stand up comic chuck knight. star of "world's dumbest." he's been married for 14 years and has four children. >> our next guy is actor and weight watchers blogger rick younger. >> what? and last but not least, is former bachelor star bob guiny. now the host of hgtv's "show house showdown." bob has been married but is sadly no longer. but he's with us today.
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his fortunes may change. we're going to turn the beat around, baby. >> he's never been married, ladies. and he's been married a lot. >> let's go to sarah for the first question. >> hi, guys. i'm with alison from rhode island. she has a dating question. >> hello, gentleman. i would like to know why when you ask me out on a date, i have to plan said date. >> i'm working. >> said date. >> she may be working, too. >> because you know what, here's the thing, that is me being very considerate of you i'm going to do what you want me to do as opposed to what i want to do, which is probably not go anywhere and spend money on you. guys do not like to be wrong. we took enough of a chance to ask you out. let's not mess this up anymore. >> i will say this to you. i will eat anything, clearly, anywhere. and women tend to have a more
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particular diet. maybe they only like a particular type of food. >> let's go back to sarah. >> next up i have ginette from florida. >> hi, gentlemen. i would like to know why do guys walk like a mile in front of you instead of right beside you? >> where are you at? >> that guy might be trying to get away. >> and he's got a good lead on you. you better pick up the pace. >> we have places to go. we're doing things. you want to go here, let's get it done, let's get it done. >> honestly, if you notice, we do the same thing with our children. if you ever see women walk with their kids. they're like come on, come on. guys are like, where is your kid? i don't care. >> also because i'm texting my other girlfriend at the time. >> oh! >> those kind of jokes don't go over well. >> i'm sorry. i'm sorry. >> good for you to know. >> maybe it's not a joke. >> all right, we are going to come back with more of the guy's panel. and is your man an oscar or a felix?
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visibility from napa to santa rosa. visibility is creeping up. low cloud cover between 12:00 and 1:00 over the greater bay area. santa rosa, you may be socked in all day long. as we get into the halloween, temperatures arelooking good. 70 degrees inland. we are expecting some showers, particularly up in the north bay before we hit about 8:00 p.m. let's check on the drive with mike. the clouds are still an issue through the centerville. you see the low clouds and the oakland hills getting some of that. not as bad as the drivers on the east shore freeway approaching the back up. looking at sunol, it is looking good. heading over the hill through fremont, you have slowing. fremont itself in the low clouds. 680 and 880 heading through mission is a slow drive and into
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milpitas. back to you, marla. thanks, mike. we will have more on the top stories coming up at 11:00. and we're back on this wines day wednesday with this special edition of "today." you can't do a guy show without getting the tell-all panel. ryan serhant, chuck knight, rick younger and bob guiney. hi, guys. i'm here with jenny from florida. she's got a mom question. >> hi, gentlemen. why do men compare the women in their lives to their mothers? >> because she's the first woman we ever meet. >> it's like, even when you're not trying to, there are things about your mother that, you know, i find myself -- there's so much that my wife and my mother have in common. >> so you love your mother. >> i love my mother. >> your mother is your first,
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love, i think, as a woman. so you're always compares and do you do thing like her that are good or things like her that are bad. >> that's why i love myself. because i am just like my mother. >> that was just weird. >> katie says, what if a guy asks you out, but you're actually interested in his friend. >> and i have a thought on that. chuck and i have been friends for a long time. >> and that's why his wife left him. >> that's right. and she left me for chuck. it works on who the friend is. if it's chuck and i, let's say, chuck asks a girl out and she's more interested in me, then go for it. you should definitely date me. if i ask you out and you're interested in chuck, then don't do that. >> that happened to me where a girl has come up to me at the bar and she got me drunk, and she gave me a lot of drink and got me to give her my friend's number. that's how she did it. >> were you brokenhearted? >> sort of. >> did you feel used and abused? >> no.
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i found somebody else. >> and you got free drinks. >> exactly. >> don't go for the guy you don't want. especially if he's going to be hanging around with the guy you like all the time. >> let's go back across to sara. >> hi guys, elena from texas has a question about vacation. >> okay, so we're on vacation. girls are on vacation, wives are on vacation, and we left you in charge. why do you feel the need to micro manage or have us micro manage, texting and calling and asking us to schedule, when we're on vacation? it's your job. >> hmm? >> i didn't understand that a word of that? >> i didn't get that. >> what the heck are you talking about? >> they're on vacation and the husbands are calling back to find out how to do stuff. >> yeah. >> you understood that? >> when and where and what to talk and where is the valet bag? >> i'm actually glad when my wife goes and leaves me with my son. now we're going to do things my way.
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hey, now is your chance to do things your way and leave me alone. >> it should make you feel good. he likes being told what to do. he listens to you. even on vacation you got to tell him, make sure you text whoever. >> why aren't they vacationing as a family? >> that was my first thing. >> all right. all right. i'm concerned about the breakdown of the american home. >> from blair. should i ever approach a guy, or should i wait for him to approach me? >> approach for sure. yeah. >> you all say that. wow. >> sara? >> i'm here with kathleen from oregon with a question about fashion. >> i'm wondering where most men get their fashion sense from. >> or lack of. >> i think that it comes for your father. >> i do not dress like my dad. >> i don't dress like my father because he eventually became a cowboy.
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used to wear all black. he looked like a black johnny cash. but he was stylish for what he liked. so it's like i got an appreciation for trying. >> you got the black vest thing happening. >> i'm urban cowboy. i'm taking it to the next level. >> i think you get it from your friends. you are kind of what your associations are. >> i have always enjoyed dressing up in men's, women's, it's all kinds of clothing for me. i don't care. as long as it looks good. >> we don't judge. >> he likes capes and cloaks. >> i think you get it from women you like, too. >> that's a big thing. i'll tell you when i really first started trying to be fashionable, i had a girlfriend who said, you need to be more fashionable. and that did it. >> thanks so much. you're going to stay with us the rest of the show. >> of course you are. >> things are going to get messy coming up, because sara is going to show us how guys live. >> prepare yourselves, it ain't
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hershey's drops. a lot of hershey's happiness in little drops of milk chocolate. and cookies n creme. pure hershey's. that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun.
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[ wife ] a beached whale! lawn clippings! a mattress. a sausage link. mermaid. honey!? driftwood. come on, you gotta help us out here a little. [ male announcer ] febreze eliminates odors and leaves carpets fresh. ♪ [ male announcer ] febreze. eliminates odors and leaves carpets fresh. ♪ your soups are so awesomely delicious my husband and i can't stop eating 'em! what's...that... on your head? can curlers! tomato basil, potato with bacon... we've got a lot of empty cans. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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to bring you a low-priced medicare prescription drug plan. ♪ with a low national plan premium... ♪ ...and copays as low as one dollar... ♪ ...saving on your medicare prescriptions is easy. ♪ so you're free to focus on the things that really matter. call humana at 1-800-808-4003. or go to for details. and we're back with more dirt on the other sex. we sent sara out on a mission to get guys to come clean on how guys like to live. >> we did encounter some neat men. if your guy's mess and clutter is driving you nuts, you are not alone. >> would you mind telling me please what all these clothes are doing here in the living room? >> oh, that's where i took them off. would you put them away for me, dear?
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>> from "i love lucy" to "the breakup." >> i want you to want to do the dishes. >> why would i want to do dishes? >> men are often portrayed as messy. how do guys stack up in real life? >> when he comes home from work, he takes his shoes off and leaves his socks and everything there. >> he's a neat freak. >> the laundry basket is right there. the clothes stay next to it. >> the bathroom. guys leave everything everywhere. >> leaves the toilet seat up. >> hello. samantha, who owns a public relations firm in new york city, invited us into her home to get the dirt on her husband andre. we start with the kitchen. >> i don't understand we have to recycle paper towels. we wash our hands. we take a paper towel and leave them on the counter because apparently we're going to use them again at some point. he loves to pour coffee and only drinks this much of. makes me crazy. five glasses of coffee. each one just a little higher than the last. >> and he leaves glasses out.
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>> all over. >> and the the list of complaints continues. >> he's not good at towel hanging. when we remove water from the refrigerator, we don't know how to put it back. >> i can tell this by the positioning of the pillow. empty paper roll. empty, another one on the counter. >> we won't go there. >> then it's time to explore uncharted territories. andre's man cave. we need to see the mess. clothing. we predicted this. >> oh, sorry. oh, oh my gosh. >> we have one, two, three, cups of coffee. >> apparently one is not enough. >> what else did we predict? a possible food item. >> ew. clothing, coffee, and food item. >> yep. >> what do i win? >> his side of the story. >> i suffer from pst.
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post samantha distress. it's almost like living in a museum. it's a by-product of living in the house. a little bit of mess. >> for the record, just so you know, samantha and andre have been happily married for seven years despite his messiness. >> i like him. >> they are darling. you know, you learn to just expect it and see it as part of them. >> he said before he can finish things she's grabbing them out of the hands. >> my sister is like that. >> can andre clean up his act for samantha? >> we're going to find out how we can all live together peacefully. right after this.
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. . flawless skin doesn't have a time limit. revlon® colorstay™ makeup has 24-hour coverage that stays fresh without feeling heavy. i'd like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios! mom, are those my jeans? [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios
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host of hgtv's house hunters on vacation, tonya is here with solutions for happily cohabitating. and she's brought along messy husband andre. >> andre is back. >> these are all things that are correctable, you say, right? >> i think so. i think it's all about compromise. some women like to go over the top with their fancy pillows and things like that. what i'm here to do is help people like andre and samantha figure out what we can do, particularly here in the bedroom. >> let's talk about dirty clothes on the floor. that was a big thing. andre keeps leaving things wherever he wants. >> are you aware you're doing that when you do it? >> no. totally unconscious. >> not that part of the brain. >> so how do we unring that bell? >> what we have to do is not the nagging. nagging does not work. >> obviously does not work. we have to find ways where things are landing and make it easier. i know, why do we have to make it easier for them?
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>> we do. here's a perfect example. keep baskets in a place where he's typically dropping his towels, let's see if he can just get them in there. >> plus, it will look nice in your home, baskets everywhere. >> okay. so this is for -- >> andre can play games. >> this is for the guy that's still a kid at heart. if you want to make it a little easier. >> get it, andre. let's see if she can get it in. >> you turn it into a game. that might not be the most appealing thing. >> not unless you love basketball things in your home. >> well, this would be plan "b." take a hutch. this one i got from it was under $200. you can get it at a thrift shop. get a hand me down. cut a hole right out of the top, and let that become your hamper. >> that i like. that's smart. so now you don't really have anything showing. it looks like a bookshelf. and the clothes are tucked away. >> i really like that one. >> bob was leaving coffee all over the place.
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he also has a thing with water bottles. if we want to fix up that issue, what's a way to do that? >> what's with the coffee? >> it's easier to bring another one down. >> than to bring one up. >> it's easier when you got to bring them all up at one time. make one trip up. >> i do once in a while. >> what do we do with this? >> i have a method to the madness. instead of too many water bottles, get a carafe. fill it up with water but keep it on a tray. that way when all is said and done, you load up the tray and take everything together. >> all right. >> great idea. but i wouldn't bank on it. >> yeah. you don't think it's going to happen. >> i like the idea. >> you like the idea? >> yeah, i do. much better. >> this is going to make it easier. >> and you do the same with the coffee cup? >> same with the coffee cup. exactly. >> no, not at all. >> we only have like a minute left. but you say this carpeting is great because it doesn't show
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stains or anything. >> yeah. i like texture. do you like the way this looks? >> no! i love it. >> i have a suggestion for hooks. if he can hang a hook. hang shirts on. hang it up. >> don't feel like folding. >> you're not good folders. >> look at him, he's smiling. >> i need the chair to put the clothes on. >> so hooks. >> find a chair with a hole in it and let that be the hamper. >> all right, we have to run. >> oh, shoot! >> i'm sorry, life goes on. >> house hunters on vacation this sunday on hgtv. >> coming up, this is great. we're doing man makeovers. a little frimping. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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special show dedicated to all men everywhere. we're back with you are special show dedicated to men everywhere. it's time to turn the spotlight on guys who deserve primping and pampering. >> we put them in the hands of image consultant and makeover eve michael. what's your philosophy behind these makeovers? >> my first philosophy is every person in this country sdooefshgz deserves to look their best. we've fallen asleep at the wheel so i want to make everyone look good. i wrote about it in my book. >> of course you did. >> what else would you be doing. >> look at you. >> first guy is george. >> george has been married for 2 1/2 years but he feels he's let himself go a bit. he asked for your help to make him look great for his wife. this is his before picture. >> he looks good. >> let's see what he did to him. come on out, george. >> oh, i'm sorry. >> oh, yeah!
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>> tell us what you did. >> tell us. >> i work internationally and i really want americans to compete on a global level and i want us to see ourselves as more. he said, eve, i look like a pasty janitor. he's in the maintenance business. i said, george, i see you as so much more. >> christian grey. >> yeah. >> he's hot. >> i dressed him up for his wife, who's on a meditation retreat. >> you like it? >> yeah, i got all the stuff. >> you bought it in. >> yeah. >> george, thank you. >> all right, george. >> you know what the best part is? his wife's been on a meditation retreat, she's been silent. he'll have her screaming now.
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>> next up we have tim. tim recently lost his job as a financial analyst and is looking to jump back into the job market. his idea of business attire is golf clothing. so, this is his before picture. let lets see what he did. come on out. >> all right! >> oh! >> woo! >> what did you do, eve? >> whoa, whoa, whoa. you're making my heart throb. i wanted tim to get up with the fortune 500, 300 companies. he's a brainiac. he's too humble. i wanted him to walk in with the top executives. >> do you feel different? >> i feel fant. >> no more helmet hair. he's on point. move over, andre, tim is here.
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>> i'll do you in a second. >> careful, his wife is here. >> a big round of applause for tim. thank you, honey. >> oh, my gosh, we're falling apart. finally we have matt. he's a building contractor but he dresses like he still works in construction. which he now no longer does. >> you know, he wanted to after up his look. i also think -- it's the stripes and the angle of the camera. >> we hope. >> matt's before picture. all right, matt, show us. ♪ let's hear it for the boys >> oh, yeah! >> oh! >> major improvement. >> thank you. i clean up well. >> stay right there. tell us what you did, eve. >> i'll tell you something. first of all, we lightened his hair so he has that sun-kissed, got a lot of vacation time look.
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we put him in relaxed casual so he can meet his multimillion dollar clients and we also put him in spanx. yes, spanx. >> bring all of our guys out. come on out. >> i want to say something. >> yes. >> women are not the only ones that have figure issues. >> that's true. >> guys have tummy issues, too. >> how about a big thanks for eve. >> have a great day! woo hoo!
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this is an nbc news special report. sandy's fury. here is savannah guthrie. >> good afternoon. the damage and devastation from the storm that moved up the east coast is mind-boggling. sandy left at least 29 dead across eight states, more than 8 million customers without power. and is by one estimate, at least $20 billion in damage. in a neighborhood on new york city's rockaway peninsula, 80 flooded homes were wiped out by a huge fire. lower manhattan, including wall street is still in the dark. nbc's ann thompson is there. >> reporter: hi, savannah. new york city faces two major problems. the firstkm6 is transportation. and it could have impacts nationwide. because air travel is still snarled. kennedy airport is expected to open tomorrow, but laguardia
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airport will remain closed. there has been extensive damage there. on. the subway system is still shut down here in new york city, and it's expected to take four days before that will reopen. and passf commuters from new jersey to new york, it could take 7 to 10 days before that's back online. the other big problem is power. three quarters of a million new york residents are without it and could take days to restore. >> nbc's ann thompson, thank you. the storm surge devastated beach front communities along the jersey shore. chris christie says the damage is nothing like the state has seen. continuing coverage on msnbc, nbc, and we'll have a one hour edition of "nbc nightly news" and a prime time special at 10:00, 9:00 central, right here on nbc, as we cover the continuing aftermath of hurricane sandy, which has devastated the east coast of the united states.
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