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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  November 5, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PST

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good morning. i'm bob redell. we are live in fremont where just hours ago, fremont police shot and killed a man. we will have the details on that story coming up. the cleanup continues after sandy. the latest on the recovery and what crews are doing to try to get ready for election day. and counting down to that e election, both candidates making final stops in the battleground states, hoping to sway those last-minute voters. right now, we give you a live look spanning over the bay bridge in the san francisco bay. another beautiful start to your day on this monday, november 5th. this is today in the bay. it is 4:30, good monday morning, everybody, i'm john
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kelley. >> i'm marla tellez in for laura garcia-cannon. first, let's check the forecast with christina loren. good morning. >> good morning to you guys. a good-looking day shaping up. temperatures cool to start. lots of 50s on your temperature map. we are headed toward near record warmth, a really good looking day shaping up, 49 in fairfield to start, 51, concord, 53 in livermore. just as quickly as our temperatures soar, we have rain on the same 7-day forecast. so lots to talk b about. 4:31. did you enjoy the extra hour of sleep? >> i will take any extra minutes of sleep i can get. i did enjoy that. >> roadways, 880, headlights this time coming up northbound toward the coliseum. reports of an accident on the map, no disturbance to the show on the live shot. chp reports completely clear from an incident report, smoother drive. the yellow, as you superintendent live cameras,
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very light volume of traffic, not a big deal approach willing the maze. john, that you have on the streets in the east bay as well? >> that's right. we begin with developing news out of fremont. police at this hour continue investigating an overnight officer-involved shooting. today in the bay's bob riddle is live with more on the situation. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, john, here on central near glennmore. you can see the scene behind me. if you push in you can see that house with the lights on, we believe that's where this took place. we just spoke with fremont police, they gave us the latest information. this happened around 11:00 last night. they got a call about domestic violence. when they showed up, they found a man naked outside the white house a knife. he had apparently chased his wife out. the wife is okay. when fremont police tried to get him to drop the knife, they ended up shooting him. he was transported to the hospital where he later died. two officers are now on paid administrative leave, which is standard operating procedure
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whenever there's an officer-involved shooting. one of the officers has been on the force for three years, the other's a set tran, having served the fremont police department over 20 years. as far as the suspect, the man who was shot and killed urge we don't have a name but we do know he is from san jose and he was roughly 37 years old. and as far as the wife is concerned, we know she wasn't hurt but we don't know where she is at now. she was living here with another woman, a room may. it was the roommate who called 911 to get the police out here around 11:00. you can three is are sometime a lot of officers out here. the investigation as far as the scene is concern ready still working on this. we asked one officer how much longer do you think you will be out here, they said it could be a while, suggesting this could still be an active scene come sun-up, affecting the commute here in fremont. we are on central, one of the main arteries that shut cuts through fremont, right now, shutdown through glenn more and logan, as that officer suggested, could be that way a
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couple hours. bob redell, today in the bay. >> thanks so much. now to decision 2012, the final push for the white house begins this morning. both presidential candidates will make their last appeals to voters at several key swing states. nbc's tracie potts has more from the campaign trail. >> reporter: in sat in tirk the only line for early voting sunday wrapped around a whole city block, the wait, three hours. we found tony wilson at the back of the line. >> if you don't get it in now, you can't complain later. so you have to do your part. >> reporter: hamilton county's election administrator tells us they processed 22,000 voters, almost as many as 2008. >> as much as they are in line by the cutoff time, they get a chance to vote. >> reporter: sarah tanzer drove home five hours from pittsburg to vote. >> wary swing state and really important we get the democratic votes we can. >> reporter: across town, president obama continued his
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star-studded tour across ohio. >> governor romney's been having a tough time here in ohio because everybody knows he was against saving the auto industry. you don't scare people just to scare up some votes. >> reporter: our latest nbc/"wall street journal" poll shows this vase a dead heat, 48 to 47, barely favoring the president. reuters reports similar margins in florida, virginia, colorado and ohio. governor romney is now focusing on pennsylvania, a state that hasn't voted republican in 20 years. >> i can't wait for us to get started. he's hoping we'll settle. americans don't settle. we build. we aspire. we dream. we listen to that voice that says we can do better. >> reporter: so it's becoming increasingly clear, all roads to this election lead through ohio. we will see both presidential candidates back here today. tracy pots, nbc news, cincinnati, ohio. more on the local scene,
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some big names politics will be out in san francisco today showing their support for proposition 30, which would prevent billions of dollars in cuts to education. governor jerry brown, senator dianne feinstein and san francisco mayor ed lee will be out, get voters ready for a ral think afternoon at the embarcadero. yesterday, teachers manning phone banks and they went door to door to encourage people to vote. lieutenant governor gavin newsom telling a crowd in fremont, the future of the state's public schools is on the line tomorrow. >> we can't afford to make these cuts to the most vulnerable. heck, i'm a democrat, like i imagine many of you, because we want to eliminate poverty, ignorance and disease. we have got to step up and step in and support proposition 30. >> prop 30 would increase income taxes on individuals who make more than $250,000 a year and it would also increase the sales tax. its rival measure, prop 38, raises income on taxes on everybody and also funds education through a new trust
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fund. now, if both pass, the proposition with the most votes would then become law. voters in richmond will decide this week whether to impose a tax on sugary drinks. measure n adds a one-cent per ounce tax on soda and other high-sugar drinks. a typical can of soda will cost an additional 12 cents. a retired cardiologist and current richmond city council member proposed the measure and would be the first tax of its kind in the entire country. supporters say the money raised by the tax would be spent on youth athletic programs. and election officials in the northeast now scrambling, trying to get things ready for tomorrow. no new york city i power
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generators will be installed at voting stations in all of the boroughs. election official also to move on close nearly 60 polling locations due to sandy's aftermath and they are hopeful right now there will be no major disruptions during tomorrow's voting. with tuesday's election preps under way, millions living in the east coast are still recovering from sandy's devastation. many of the hardest hit areas, volunteers are help egg the less fortunate. more than 1,000 runners for this weekend's canceled new york city marathon refocused their energy. this he ran through many communities delivering food, water and warm clothes. >> lights, batteries. >> flashlights. >> whatever people need. >> thank you. >> that's great. while the recovery continues, forecasters say another major weather system is on its way. by the middle of this week, a storm from the northeast may come across the same area where sandy hit. and in the middle of all
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that devastation, a small sense of normalcy finally starting to return to new jersey this morning. children across the state will finally be celebrating halloween today. that's in the wake of sandy. governor chris christie postponed trick or treat egg originally. now the governor has made the decision over safety concerns from flooding, falling trees and downed powerlines but finally, the kids will be able to get out and do that traditional trick or treat. >> as they should be. >> yes, indeed. meanwhile, we are getting spoiled here in the bay area, check the forecast with christina loren. >> we have some very interesting weather headed our week, go on kind of a roller coaster ride and start with your current temperatures outside, 56, sonoma, 50 in navado, look at your temperature in stinson beach, 60 degrees, that's what happens when you get that offshore flow today. 80 degrees in san francisco. and just about as warm right here in sap jose. good morning in san jose you 52.
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57, gilroy. your futurecast right at 1 p.m., 2 p.m., completely clear conditions, we are expect he canning the clarity that we have out there right now to persist just about all day long, leaving us with abundant sunshine and near record warmth. if you have the day off, could you comfortably hit the beach, look at some of these number, 80 in san francisco, 82, santa cruz, 88, santa theresa, close to 88 in gilroy today. make sure you're ready for that, rain in the forecast, show you that on the 7-day forecast. ready to go in my next report. 4:40 first. good morning, mike. >> good morning. changes ahead, like you said. looking here to fremont. 880, changes in store here, feet way, very light volume right now. i will take you to the maps and we will show you the fun zone, fremont, union city newark, that's what i call it right now, not that case, we zoom in toward central avenue, where bob just gave you the report, the deadly overnight shooting involving an officer. now, we are the only crew on the scene and bob told me that central safe close there had
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between logan and glenn more. now that is a major spot as folks head down towards 880 and also try to avoid some of that congestion that can be over there by the high school and junior high school off of thornton f this doesn't reopen by the morning commute, you will have to taken a alternate. we will continue to track that bob will give us updates since he is there live on the scene as well regarding the story as well as the local traffic impact. here's 580 traveling through livermore. no problem, no slowing out of the altamonte pass. very easy light right now. san mateo bridge from the peninsula side, nice view of the westbound commute with the headlights. back to you. >> thanks. 4:41, coming up, the smartphone giving the iphone some serious competition. we will have details and live reports. plus, out on the picket line, one bay area grocery chain dealing with an employee strike this morning. the unexpected cost of the world series title. how it's hurting many bay area schools.
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for the first time in 77-year history, the workers at raley's are on strike. they walked off the job sunday morning at midnight. 7,000 works at raley's knob hill
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and bel-air markets are walking the picked lines. they say they cannot afford the benefit cuts management was planning. >> we are out here trying to save our families, fighting for our medical, retirees' medical, our sunday pace, holiday pace, wage freezes. we don't need that. >> management says it needs to cut costs because of the weak economy and competition from non-union stores, such as walmart. we are finding out the giants celebration parade is costing san francisco in more ways than one. it's also hitting schools. turns out more than 4100 students played hooky to attend that parade and celebrate the big victory, according to san francisco chronicle. each of those students costs the district $38 in state funding that adds up to a total loss of about $159,000. 4:45. samsung giving apple some serious competition. into and a look at how futures are trading we turn to jackie deangeles live at cnbc world
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headquarters. good morning. >> good morning, marla. the futures lower as the markets are coming off a down week. we saw the dow and the nasdaq ending in negative territory. utility and energy stocks, they were lagging and of course, that was in the wake of monday's super storm. stocks gave up early gains on friday, despite that bether-than-expected jobs report. today, we will get data on the nation's services on the non-manufacturing sector, the dow dropping 139 points on friday to close at 13,093. the nasdaq lose 7 to close at 2,9826789 samsung says it sold more than 30 million of its galaxy s 3 smartphones which launched in may that makes it one of the fastest selling devices ever. samsung generated nearly 70% of the profit in its most recent quarter from its consumer electronic business. marla, back to you. >> jackie, thank you so much. 4:46 now. check things without meteorologist christina loren to break it down.
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how are we looking out there? >> interesting weather develop, a little something for everyone this week. temperatures are mild to start, headed toward near record warmth, the best conditions you can ask for at the beach today if you have that luxury, santa cruz the warmest, 82 degrees. warmest in stinson beach, 57 in san francisco, cool here to start san jose, 47 down in gilroy. so we have a new sunrise and sunset. as you know, hopefully you know, your phone probably did it for you, new sunrise, 6:38, we did fall back one hour, daylight saving time came to an end. look at this, this is what i wanted to draw your attention to the best here in the morning, with emstart to see the sunrise pictures coming in early i the sunset's now at 5:07 p.m. that means you have outdoor activities, get them done early, especially with the kids, before it gets dark 26789 p..
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all right. let's break it down four. near records today, even warmer tomorrow. then as we get into wednesday and thursday, things really start to change. look at the dropoff between today and thursday. 83 degrees today inland, down to 57 degrees on thursday. we are talking about heavy periods of rain at times between thursday and friday. so, really, you want to make sure you're aware of the very quickly changing weather that we are going to have to deal with as we get throughout this week, a little something for everyone. nice and warm today, showers and cool come thursday. back to you guys for now. >> christina, thank you very much. the army staff sergeant accused of killing 16 people in afghanistan, including nine children is due to appear in a military courtroom today. staff sergeant robert becames expected to attend a hearing where prosecutors will lay out their case. bales accused of leaving his outpost in kandahar province and
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opening fire on afghan civilians in two villages back in march. if convicted, he faces the death penalty. a controversial new abortion law in arizona goes federal court today. the ninth circuit court of appeals in san francisco will hear this issue today. the law would make it a misdemeanor in arizona to perform abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. the aclu is fighting the ban, which it says violates the federal precedent set in 1973. an arizona judge upheld the law in july but the appeals court put it on hold while it hears the case. how about this, some great news for drivers. gas prices continue go down. prices have dropped nearly 21 cents over the past two weeks, that according to latest lund berg survey that survey shows the decline is compliments of the a seasonal drop in demand and lower crude oil prices. it predict, happy to see this price does fall another 10 to 20 cents in the very near future,
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so, feeling good about filling up. >> fill her up. 4:49. coming up, ready for their closeup, a new reality show that focuses on techies looking to make it in silicon valley that debuts tonight. what the show's creator has to say. >> very active on the twitter sphere as well. look here, pretty active on the bay bridge. i will show what you else is going on south of here, coming up.
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welcome back, everybody, happy monday morning to one and all a live look over the embarcadero in san francisco, all illuminated on this early day. now the sunri rising. 4:53. a glimmer, a slight glimmer of hope for nhl fans out there. the sharks could be, they could possibly be back on that ice some time soon following secret talks over the weekend it appears the league and the players association have enough common ground to continue those talks. that's positive sign slam. tentative plan to meet in new york city again tomorrow. now the lockout has already ruined all hopes of a full 82-game season but a partial season is still possible at this point. games are canceled through the end of november, which has already passed. the new reality show inspired by facebook day because tonight. "startups, silicon valley" is the executive producer is mark
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zuckerberg's sister, randy zuckerberg. she appeared on the red carpet in san francisco last night for a premiere party. the show follows the lives of young entrepreneurs trying to make it big in the tech world. randy says, of course, her brother's experience in creating facebook inspired her to make it. >> life is about taking risks. my brother really inspired me to go do things that were out of his comfort zone, to kind of blaze his own trail. and, you know, i think a lot of the buzz around this show already shows that nothing that's safe is ever worth doing. >> "startups silicon valley" premiers on bravo tonight. they look alike. >> zuckerberg production. have to keep an eye on that mike says it has been blowing up on twitter, good or bad? >> just a lot of talk. because it was red carpet, everybody is sending out pics, mostly from ran day and the partners involved in that show, see more buzz as it comes out. curious. here to 880, looking south again
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this time looking at the south bound side, the taillights, 98, reports of an animal reports coming around the roadway, haven't seen anybody slamming on brakes, haven't seen accident activity or chp. the volume holding steady, so are the speeds here. across the bay you 101 looks very smooth now, north bourngd the headlights, coming past university avenue, overnight construction, was typical over there from earthquake bark dare row to university, looks like it is cleared up now, light volume, no major slowing. north bound routes, all the routes just fine right now, 880 here, slow on the southbound side, only down to 60. the on-ramp from the alameda is also closed now, just take coleman a little bit to the north or loop back around at coleman if you do take northbound, you are fine. hp pavilion, guys, barbra streisand performing tonight. good morning, ms. strooi streisand, thank you for waking up with us and glad you chose nbc bay area. >> hope she is a big fan. mike, thank you very much. here is a story you are not
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going to see every day, a man who lost his leg in a motorcycle accident now hoping test a new bionic leg controlled by his thoughts. 31-year-old zack vodder testing his leg sunday at a chicago fund-raiser. able to climb 103 flights of stairs at the willis tower, pretty amazing to see the machine. the successful climb was the bionic lech's very first test out in public, brings back thoughts of steve austin, the $6 million man this one responds to electrical impulses from the brain which shoots directly down to his leg and his hamstring. amazing. >> amazing, yeah. as you head out the door this morning, take a look up, you may see a meteor. november is meteor season in the bay area. the torrid meteors will be the easiest to see between tonight and november 12th while the leonid meteors will be the easiest to see november 17th but they are all active all month long. astronomers say the best viewing several hours before sunrise, so you got to get up early. >> you know i'm going to be out there as you know, i'm a huge
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meteor fan. >> astronomy. >> astronomy, meteors, i love it now. mosquito fogging will happen in minutes in one bay area county. we will tell how needs to keep their pets indoors next. and investigators on the scene of a suspicious overnight fire. we will follow a deadly officer-involved shooting in the east bay, this one could end up affecting your commute. we will have that coming up in a live report.
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good morning, i'm bob redell. we will take you live to the east bay where fremont police shoot and kill a naked man with a knife. we will tell you what led up to this. that story coming up. and arson investigators in contra costa county on the scene of a suspicious overnight strip mall fire. i'm christie smith. we will tell you what unusual device they found at the scene. and we are going to take a brief trip back to the summertime, temperatures approaching near recor


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