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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  November 5, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PST

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and we have got a beautiful sunrise over the bay bridge. no fog to report this morning. in fact, we are expecting near record warmth. the full forecast in just moments. i have a shot of the taillights moving smoother across the bay bridge, but i may have found the source of the slowing on the peninsula as well. bring you that coming up. no fog here either. this is a live look over the south bay. that is san jose sparkling on this monday, november 5th this is "today in the bay." good morning, thanks for waking up with us, this it is 6:00. >> good morning, everybody. we begin with that developing story in fremont, a naked man with a knife shot and killed by police after a very tense standoff overnight. morning, part of central avenue near glenmore completely shutdown as investigators there
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investigating. bob riddle is first on scene as a reporter. that's yes joins us live now with all the latest details. bob, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you you john. fremont police arrived here, just in time when the call came in at 11:00, as they pulled up on the scene here, glenmore near central, a townhome that took place. as they pulled up, a man with no clothes was coming out of the house with a knife, chasing his wife out front. that's when police arrived. they gave commands to drop the weapon. when they refused, two officers shot him, taken to the hospital where he later died. the wife unharmed physically, though she was also taken to the hospital as a precaution. now, she was here at this home, living with a roommate, another woman, it was another -- that woman who called 911 to say that this mark the husband was here, threatening her friend with a knife. of course, police showed up and what went down is he ended up being shot and killed. as a result, this is standard operating procedure, those two officers are on paid
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administrative leave, one is a three-year veteran with the force, the other has 20-plus years with the force. the police are still out here on central, they have the road shutdown between glenmore and logan on central and it looks like they could be out here for a little bit longer meaning if you have business in fremont, if your morning commute comes through this way, do you want to make some adjustments because they are still out here investigating this officer-involved shooting. this man, from san jose you 37 years old, completely naked with that knife. she is now dead. his wife and friend are okay. live in fremont, bob riddle, "today in the bay." new this morning, the smoke is clearing but the damage is done after flames ripped through an east bay strip mall. arson investigators on the scene at contra costa boulevard right off the exit from 680 in the north part of pleasant hill. that's where "today in the bay's" christie smith is live with what firefighters found at the scene that makes this fire no coincidence.
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christie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, marla. i just spoke with the arson investigator around he told me what they are doing now is looking for any sign than accelerant was used. they are also looking for broken bottles inside of this salon. they know that the fire started inside the building but it's what they found outside that really caught their attention, a beer bottle, what appears to be a moltov cocktail-type device that didn't explode. the investigator tells me that's going to go to a lab a little later this morning to determine what's really inside of it. about 11:48 last night, firefighters were called to a strip mall on contra costa boulevard. the front window of the salon was completely broken out, they tell me smoke pouring out, took about 20 minutes to knock down. this morning, they say they are calling this suspicious and are looking at all the debris. >> in the process of sifting through the layers of fire debris, try to begin by determining exactly where the fire started. we have done that.
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and the point now, take that area, sifting through the debris, taking samples for analysis if we determine it's something significant. once go with he get through the debris, we will probably is a good idea what caused the fire. >> reporter: investigators tell me there was a woman sleeping in a massage spa right next door at the time this fire started. they would like to talk with her about what she saw and heard but apparently, she was gone by the time the arson investigator get here. sprinklers on the outside of the building actually kept it from spreading to other businesses. in fact, i'm told the other businesses in this strip mall are just fine. live in pleasant hill, hist trismith, "today in the bay." on now to decision 2012 and that race for the white house august lot going on this morning, final day of campai campaigning before tom's big election and both presidential nominees right now going all out as they should. a live look at the orlando
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sanford international airport in florida, where republican presidential nominee mitt romney right now is holding a rally, let's listen n >> i want you to know how much i appreciate all you have done, all the doors you have knocked on, all the phone calls you made, the faukt voted early. i saw how many hands went up when you were asked. that was very good. some of you put signs in your neighbor's yard. some of you put signs in your yard. i know how many as well have talked to co-workers and tried to convince foam vote for paul ryan and me. look, we have one job left and that's to make sure that on election day, we get -- make certain that everybody who's qualified to vote gets out to vote. we need every single vote in florida. >> jeb bush was out there a bit ago before romney getting the troops fired up. take it out right now to tracie
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potts covering this campaign, start to finish with both nominees in must-win states today. tracie, take it away. >> reporter: hey, governor romney, you just heard, was talking about early voting. there is a lot of it here in ohio. people here very well aware of how important their vote is in this battlegrod state. in sat in tirng the only line for early voting sunday wrapped around a whole city block. the wait three hours. we found tony wilson at the back of the line. >> if you don't get it in now, you can't complain later. so you have to do your part. >> reporter: hamilton county's election administrator tells us they processed 22,000 voters, almost as many as 2008. >> as long as they are in line by the cutoff time, they get a chance to vote. >> reporter: sarah tanzer drove
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home five hours from pittsburg to vote. >> we are a swing state and really important we get the democratic votes we can. >> reporter: across town, president obama continued his star-studded tour across ohio. >> governor romney's been having a tough time here in ohio because everybody knows he was against saving the auto industry. you don't scare people just to scare up some votes. >> reporter: our latest nbc/"wall street journal" poll shows this race is a dead heat, 48 to 47, barely favoring the president. reuters reports similar margins in florida, virginia, colorado and ohio. governor romney is now focusing on pennsylvania, a state that hasn't voted republican in 20 years. >> i can't wait for us to get started. he's hoping we'll settle. americans don't settle. we build. we aspire. we dream. we listen to that voice that says we can do better. >> reporter: governor romney, president obama, both of them visiting the buckeye state again
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in their final day of campaigning. we are live in cincinnati, tracie potts for "today in the bay" p. >> thank you. here in california a shadowy arizona group that donated $11 million at the last minute against the governor's tax initiative may soon be named publicly. the state supreme court says a political watchdog group can identify the group that opposes prop 30 and spores an anti-union measure on tuesday's ballot. the arizona group has not turned over its records yet. and it says it will appeal the decision to the u.s. supreme court. prop 30 is governor brown's plan to increase sales and income taxes to fund public education. a rally in support of prop 30 will be held in san francisco today at 4:30. it is 6:0, looks like that rally will be getting nice weather out there, a flashback to summer temps. christine loreson here to tell us 80s and 90s in the bay area. >> very rim his sent of a late
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summer day. beautiful shot, only 6:08, you can actually see the sun coming up here over the bay bridge, just beautiful companies, now the sun is going to set much earlier before we hit 5:30, keep that in mind, try to get all your outdoor activities early you especially when it comes to the kids, bring them indoors with that time change. no fog to report. want to start with your temperatures, crisp this morning, 54, napa, 57, san francisco. temperatures going to be nice and mild we head throughout the day today, climbing into the 70s. by about noon, 5 to 1 start in livermore, futurecast tells the story. 9 a.m., widespread fog. the fog usual late its most severe between 7 and 9. this morning, not going to pick up fog, unless you head into the central valley, might encounter fog. expecting temperature records to fall today, even more so tomorrow, tack on anned aation diggal three to five degrees.
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>> hold on to your drama mean. the camera shakes. look at that the taillights and flashing lights, the best shot we can get from our san bruno mountain camera, 101 approaching candlestick, the flashing lights there to address the gar badge truck. two of the four lanes northbound are blocked. you see all the streaming taillights now, stopped up approaching the scene. here is how it plays out on the maps, heading north, slow heading into brisbane and passing by candlestick. smoother the 101/280 interchange. into san francisco, slow across the upper deck, early metering lights on at the toll plaza because of the disabled vehicle across that span, quarter to 5 that happened that caused that. a live look outside, all these
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rains packed up toward west grand avenue, making the way to the berkeley curb, sunrise coming up, a different look at the shot. 880 through oakland as well, a nice smooth, easy drive. coming through the trivalley, slow through livermore, at least all the accidents clear ted dublin interchange. coming up, a coast guard officer in cuffs and a fairy on the loose. the bizarre robbery case with a halloween twist, just ahead. also, children trapped as a boat rolls over out in the bay waters. the lucky break that happened to keep them safe and alive as rescuers pull them to shore. apple says they sold millions of ipads over the weekend. we will look at that. and kids calling out sick to school with world series fever. we tally up the absences the day of the parade in san francisco. good morning! wow.
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want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. that's elizabeth.n. and that's skyler... and his mom, nancy.
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they're just a few of the californians who took it on themselves to send you a message about what they need to restore years of cuts to their schools. prop thirty-eight. thirty-eight raises billions in new revenue - bypasses sacramento and sends every k through 12 dollar straight to our local schools... every school. for them. for all of us. vote yes on thirty-eight.
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20-year-old woman and her mother, a 39-year-old karen blake are behind bars and will be formally charged today. they are accused of beating up a suspected marijuana dealer and stealing his laptop in navado last wednesday a woman dressed as a fairy who allegedly helped the women in the crime is still on the loose. this next someone a very dramatic scene off the coast of marin county a total of seven people, including two children, safe this morning after their boat overturned just north of point reyes. the coast guard says the
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25-foot boat got caught in heavy surf and rolled over yesterday afternoon in bait. two children, both under 6 years old, were trapped inside the cabin in an air pocket. rescuers stood on the boat and talked to the kids as they were towed to shore. then the hull was cut open and the kids were safely removed. both were okay but very cold. >> the two children that were in the water the longest were transported by the petaluma ambulance paramedics to petaluma valley hospital to be treated for hypothermia. everybody was talking. they were alert. and the best of my knowledge, they were uninjured besides being in the water for an extended amount of time. >> two adults were rescued from the water by helicopter. three others swam to shore. 6:15, time for a check of the day's top stories. fremont police are investigating a shooting that killed a man late last night. police say the man threatened his wife and officers with a knife. officers shot the man when he
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refused to drop that knife. he died at the hospital. firefighters say a fire at a pleasant hills shopping center looks to be arson. crews found an unexploded moltov cocktail inside a burned business. firefighters were able to put out the flames quickly and nobody was hurt. jury deliberations resume today for a san jose principal on trial for failing to report child sex abuse allegations against a former teacher. if convicted, the former principal of ob whaley elementary school faces six months in jail. looks like the giants celebration parade could end up costing san francisco in more ways than one. it's also hitting schools. turns out more than 4100 students played hooky to attend that parade and celebrate the big victory, according to san francisco chronicle. each of those students costs the district $38 in state funding. that adds up to a total loss of about $159,000.
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apple says this morning it sold 3 million more ipads over the weekend. >> scott mcgrew says not one but two new ipads actually went on sale friday. >> remember, the ipad 4 and the ipad mini. apple isn't saying how much of each, we are going to assume the bulk of the sales were the ipad mini. the little ipad, surprisingly successful. don't forget that 3 million number comes even as stores were closed down on the east coast because of the storm. ironically, apple shares have not actually done well very well, down 18% from their all-time high, down 20% considered a special benchmark. nothing special happens, but it is noteworthy. hey, you want a truly badly performing stock, i offer you groupon. the chicago-based company turned 1-year-old as a publicly traded company. groupon traded around $20 on this day. trade around $3.80, an all-time low today, down around 80%.
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creator of the new reality show "startup silicon valley" had a red carpet gala in san francisco that is the executive produce ter, randi zuckerberg, facebook founder mark zuckerberg's sister. it premieres tonight on bravo. early reaction to the show has been muted among those who work in silicon valley. they worry the show is far too much about partying and bikini and not enough about reality. technically, the show doesn't even take place in silicon valley and many of the participants are from los angeles. we should disclose though, bravo is a sister network to nbc. >> everyone looks so good looking on the show as well. >> parties and bikini. >> real life. >> scott, thank you very much. >> sure. >> here we go on that one. 6:18 now, christina loren back to talk to us about it. sunshine overflowing week. >> whatever happened to tila tequila? put it on my facebook page. hope she doesn't make an appearance on the show.
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show what you is happening out there making an appearance. show the sunrise high atop man san bruno mountain, it is beautiful out there this morning, get that sunrise, 6:19 now. all right, i guess we are not going to get it you can seeker the bay bridge looking nice and crystal clear this morning, temperature-wise, comfortable, 50s and 60s, 54 in napa, 54 in san jose this morning. high pressure moving in, drive our winds offshore throughout date today. make for comfortable conditions. i want to bring your attention to the big weather story, major cooling ahead, 83 in los gatos, 54 by thursday, heavy periods of rain. things will change dramatically but not before we break records out here. 88 in santa theresa, 89, gilroy today, 83 in los gatos, we head
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throughout super tuesday, we will get really comfortable weather for you to head out and vote. 86 tomorrow will peak tomorrow in terms of your warmth, wednesday, upcoming weekend, look at the difference. almost a 20-degree dropoff between wednesday and thursday and friday when highs only climb into the low to middle 50s. hopefully we can get that you sunrise shot. 6:21, check your drive with mike. >> i apologize, i stole that shot, i wanted to show this sunrise glinting off the water, as you are approaching candlestick. this, we don't like. the red, not from the is up rise but from the taillights, jamming up as you are approaching basically the garbage truck on fire, blocking two lanes of 101. jammed up through this shot. you see there's breezy conditions over those mountain peaks, keep that in mind today. map showed you jammed for a mile and a half aproechblg the scene. chp officially issued a sigg alert, they thank means they expect it a half hour or more
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until they can clear that scene. one possible alternate, bayshore boulevard to take you out and around to get past some of that backup, mayben issue, can't speed along that boulevard, can't speed anyway, faster on the freeway, a more direct route. take your chances, even money on either side, 280, for sure, much better. the east bay, emeryville acres proech really the bay bridge, eastshore freeway, live look out here shows you the volume picking up, looking pretty good, coming underneath university avenue, bridge, smooth drive here. take you another look outside, show you the maps and the slowing for the eastshore freeway -- i'm sorry, east bay. looking at valley-wide. the hayward, bay bridge, san mateo brim, no big drama there moving pretty smoothly for the freeways for free month. the issue for fremont is where bob redell continues to do the report. first on the scene to tell butts closure, central avenue, logan and glenmore. folks use that to get to 880.
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you will have to go to fremont and down toward thorpe ton, an easy reroute, the join i don'ter high school is there that will be more congestion in both directions, be careful, watch as the schools start to arrive the next hour. it is 6:22 now, coming up, the reality is most of us did not co-found apple, here is good news, you can actually live like the guy who did. we will show you the multimillion dollar mansion on the market. marla, could i see you in this one. >> yeah, me, too. are you awake now? rustling up a ruckus as the leaves change along the peninsula. the leave brother battle could limit when and how you can garden at your own home, just ahead. ♪
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[ female announcer ] at yoplait, we want you to feel even better
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about your favorite flavors. so when you call, tweet, and post, we listen. that's why yoplait light and yoplait original are now made with no high fructose corn syrup. and why we use only natural colors and natural flavors in yoplait original. so, anything else we can do for you, let us know. but you'll keep it to yogurt, right? 'cause we shouldn't really help with your love life. yoplait. it is so good! san matay yee city officials want to make yard work quieter. the city council considering regulations for those noisy leaf brothers, all heard those. discussing today whether to impose a complete ban on those brothers or ban only those
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blowers that exceed 65 decibels. current law in the city bans leaf blowers on sundays and holidays and requires them to be used only at low speed the rest of the time. >> this is the sunrise i have been promising you, beautiful, spectacular colors here, a little hazy out here and that's what brings the reds and or the ran edges in, highs today, the sun is coming in so early, will be warm. 82, san jose, 80 in san francisco. 6:26, check your drive with mike. >> the south bay really starting to see things kicking in for 101, 87, look at this here, 85, north of 17 starting to see the slow downed toward saratoga, expect that to build over at 87 there is your south bay you coming across the bay, nice beautiful view from the peninsula, san mateo bridge, the sun comes up, again, the time change christina talks about, your view as well, a nice smooth westbound drive, building the volume, not slowing on this side
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it is slow on the east bay side, the toll plaza for the san mateo bridge as well as the toll plaza for the bay bridge. >> thank you, mike. like to live like steve wozniak, we have the way. >> you can live in a house that apple built if you have about $5 million. take a look the 7500-square-foot house on santa rosa drive in los gatos is up for sale. it once belonged to apple co-founder steve wozniak who bought it for a million in '89. he sold it ten years later. >> some good taste. i wouldn't expect he would be that kind of contemporary. 6:27 now. still ahead earthquake the campaign trail to the courtroom, how a local election is turning into a legal fight. have that just ahead.
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shots fired at police take aim at naked map with a knife. we are live at the scene of the split-second decision that saved one life, ended another and is making an east bay community late for work.
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a live look at the happening out there at the new york stock exchange on this monday, november 5th. this is "today in the bay." it is 6:30. good morning to everybody. we have a update on a developing story in fremont, your morning commute could be delayed after a bizarre around deadly standoff involving police and a naked man. a section of central avenue just blocks away from glenmore elementary school is sometime roped off by crime scene tapes and police cars. bob riddle was the first reporter on the scene. that is where he joins us now with the latest.
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upon, good morning. >> reporter: yes at seine trial glenmore, logan shutdown, not clear when they are going to have the road reopened. this was a domestic violence call. a man was threatening his wife with a knife at a town hall. this woman, the wife, had been living there without her husband but with a room mate, the roommate, a woman who called 911 around 11:00 to say the man was there, threatening her with the knife. good timing the police showed up when they did, during the arrival, the map was completely naked, chasing his wife out of the home with the knife. they told the map to stop and drop his weapon. when he refused, two officers shot him. map, who is 37 years old, from san jose, died later at the hospital hospital. very lucky she was able to get away it happened so quickly, she was able to get out of that unit, officers arrived at the exact time and she was not injured further.
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>> reporter: neither wife or roommate were hurt but the wife was taken to a hospital as a precaution to make sure she is okay. both are on paid administrative leave, a standard operating procedure when you have an officer-involved shooting. one of those officers on the force for three years, the other 20-plus. just now within the past few moments they have started ope g opening the right lanes of central, clear this would be the one direction heading away from 880 toward logan. the other direction, the west bound direction toward the interstate is shutdown but eastbound central has been reopened at glenmore through logan. live in fremont, bob redell, "today in the bay." also new this morning, we have live pictures from pleasant hill where crews are on scene, still investigating a very suspicious fire at a strip mall. investigators say this was no
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ordinary fire it may have been intentionally set. "today in the bay's" christie smith on that scene all morning long. she will be with us again in about 15 minutes to us the latest. four people are dead and seven more hurt after a head-on car crash near sacramento it happened on interstate 5 in elk grove yesterday. the ford expedition was carrying nine people when it veered out of control and crossed the center divider, crashing into a honda accord. both cars flipped and people were thrown from both cars. the driver and two passengers in the ford and the driver of the accord were killed. all of the hurt are in critical condition. the bay area's largest city, generally considered one of the safest cities in the entire country is now facing a 16-year high of whom sidhomicides. the latest on saturday afternoon in southwest san jose.
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police are there still searching for a shooter. so far, no motive has been released but his family tells the mercury news, they believe it was not gang related. san jose has seen 4 0 homicide with us two months to go until the end comes. last year, san jose had 39 homicides for the entire year. 6:34, now to decision 2012, the oakland city attorney's race turning from political battle to a legal fight. oakland council member jane brunner announcing yesterday she will sue opponent barbara parker for libel over a last-minute campaign mailer. parker's piece says brunner has been suspended from practicing law by california state bar. brunner says although she was inactive in the bar for several years, she was never suspended. it 16:34 now. voters in richmond deciding this week whether to impose a tax on sugary drink.
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measure n adds a one-cent per ounce tax on sodas and other high-sugar drinks. a typical can of soda will cost an additional 12 cents. retired cardiologist and current richmond city council member jeff ritterman proposed the measure and says it would fight childhood obesity. >> liquid sugar is the number one cause of childhood obesity. >> we have more respect for people and think people can make their own decision. >> the beverage industry has spent almost $2.5 million to defeat measure n. if it passes, measure n would be the first tax of its kind in the country. supporters say the money raised by the tax would be spent on youth athletic programs. who knew november would bring such warm temperatures? >> i'm digging it. >> i like t get a look at the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. good morning. >> hey, good morning to you, john and marla. look at this beautiful sunrise this morning. just wanted to show you, we have no fog to point out all across
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the bay area. in fact, spectacular sunrise, courtesy of haze out there 6:36 now. this week, everything changes, a good-looking day shaping up, outdoor plans, 57 to start in san francisco. 54 in napa, 46, petaluma, 54 here in san jose. as we head throughout the afternoon, i think we are going to smash a couple of temperature records, actually broke one yesterday in santa rosa. today, even warmer, 87, the old record, 83. average for this time of year is 70 degrees. so temperatures are going to be well beyond our averages as we head throughout the first two days of the week and everything changes. temperatures tumble, back to the 50s, we have rain on the way as well. 84 today. 82, bay side. at the coast, about 80 degrees. so really no separation between your inland temps versus those by the water, at least not for now. show you the 7-day forecast in my next report. first, check your drive.
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good morning, mike. >> good morning, christina. talking about that time change. we have the sun up already but a lot of folks north 101 underneath 680 with their headlights on, once they get to work, might forget to turn it off, don't let it be you folks, turn off the headlight, different hab pit now. slow down north 101, an accident clearing the shoulder at al lamb rocks. slow out of san lorenzo past the bridge and another burst of slowing south of the dumbarton bridge as well. looking over toward the peninsula side you can 101 is clear past candlestick, earlier garbage truck clear from the road. it is 6:37 now, still ahead, mauled to death by wild dogs a toddler attacked at a zoo in pittsburgh as his family watches helpfully from above. we will tell you how he fell into that exhibit despite a safety barrier, just ahead.
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welcome back it is 6:40. this morning the pennsylvania family is grieving were the death of their 3-year-old son after a horrific mauling at the pittsburgh zoo. the boy was with his mother, an aunt and a cousin when his mother stood him up on the railing of the african painted dogs exhibit. the boy lost his balance and fell into the pit.
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he was mauled too death by 11 dogs as his family watched helplessly from above. there's a catch basin beneath the railing but the boy somehow flipped over it into the exhibit. ten of those dogs are in lockup at the zoo. one was shot by pittsburgh police. now the same morning of that mauling, a montana man was killed by grizzly bears while cleaning their cable at a wildlife casting agency. one bear was put down so that rescuers could get to that man's body. an american soldier accused of a deadly shooting rampage will be in court today. staff sergeant robert bales expected to attend a hearing where prosecutors will lay out their case. bales accused of leaving his outpost in kandahar province and opening fire on afghan civilians in two villages back in march. if convicted, he faces the death penalty. 6:41 now, much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, flames ripping through an east bay strip mall as investigators sift through
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evidence of a fire bombing. we are live at that scene just ahead. and a tense standoff leads to a deadly decision as officers take aim at a naked man with a knife. we will tell you why the shooting could bring the morning commute to a standstill in fremont, just ahead. we will check the markets and how to document your vote tomorrow and also how not to do it, coming up. ♪
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[ female announcer ] nature exists on the grandest scale... ♪ ...and in the tiniest details. ♪ and sometimes both. nature valley granola thins pack the big taste of granola and dark chocolate into one perfect square, under 100 calories. nature valley granola thins. nature at its most delicious.
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new this morning, up in flames, parts of an east bay strip mall now gutted after an overnight fire that may have been set on purpose. some businesses now charred on contra costa boulevard near interstate 680 that is where "today in the bay's" christie smith joins us live this morning. firefighters say this one looks
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to be very suspicious. >> reporter: yeah, it certainly does, i spoke with the arson investigator a couple minutes ago and told me he should be wrapping up the next 30 minutes or so after sifting through what's left of this salon that caught fire overnight. he is going to be taking with him a very suspicious piece of evidence, a beer bottle found outside the salon believed to be a moltov cocktail-type device that just didn't explode. that investigator has been looking for accelerant and curved glass inside which would suggest there may have been a second device. now, this is at a strip mall on the 500 block of contra costa boulevard, single-alarm fire that started just before midnight. firefighters found the front window broken out with smoke pouring out. even with such a disturbing find, the arson investigator tells me he is going to keep an open mind. >> we do plug that into our investigation but it's important with fire investigations that you come in with an open mind, so even though we see some very suspicious obvious
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circumstances, we still go in and consider all possible accidental sources for the fire. try to eliminate those, if we can. >> reporter: other businesses in this strip mall are just fine. investigators say there was actually a woman sleeping at the massage spa rate next door. they want to talk with her about what she saw and heard overnight. unfortunately, when the arson investigator got here, she had already left. reporting live in pleasant hill, christie smith, "today in the bay." >> thank you. christie to christina with a look at the forecast now. such a nice weekend. >> yeah, it was beautiful. i don't knowed if you a chance to get out there, great conditions for your outdoor ac tivgts sun coming up earlier. a beautiful shot the trans
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america period, all the oranges and reds, we head throughout the session 15 minutes, go awake the best drive in the morning leaving now. now take a live look over candlestick sunshine earlier means a warm day in fact, near record warmth we heed into the afternoon, 57, san francisco, taking you to the south bay, 54 in san jose, 51, livermore. high pressure driving winds offshore, negating that marine influence as the winds pump from land to sea, they warm along the way, we are going to see very little cloud cover today, tonight and tomorrow morning. as a result, look at this, 80 degrees today in san francisco. if we hit that 80-degree mark, we will tie aed are, 80 degrees is the record for today, the averages 67 degrees. so temperatures, even at the coast, 10 to 15 degrees above average, making for warm fall conditions. 84 in livermore, 88, santa theresa. 88, redwood city you 80 in san
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francisco. want to spend a little extra time on your 7-day forecast, kind of talk about what we are expecting as we head throughout the week, major changes ahead you get out there tomorrow to rock the vote 86, inland, 71, bay side, 78 at the coast. wednesday into thursday, things start to change, temperatures drop like a rock, we get some pretty heavy rainfall thursday into friday. look at our temperatures, from 83 degrees today to 57 degrees by thursday. the best drive tonight. >> good morning, the bay bridge, toll plaza and backup right here. the sun, of course, it's different. the eastshore freeway kicking in, off the carquinez bridge, speeds into the 40s and 20s, seeing that red through richmond, around university avenue. slow down up the eastshore
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freeway and into the incline but once you get to the city side irk things calmer there calmer north bound 101 earlier garbage truck on fire, around candlestick, didn't clear from lanes about 15 minutes ago, just recovering now heading up through brisbane and into san francisco, 101. 280 slow around the bend as well. a look tonight at the freeways farther south, palo alto, a nice easy drive here north and south as you're passing by this area. this is around university, but look how much sun glinting off of those billboards, the folks heading southbound going to get whit that sunrise slow down, not used to it in had the 6:30 hour, will be the case until 7:30 this morning, sun going to hit you. keep that in mind. back out to the maps, show you how things are shaping up for the south bay heading down into sin noel and fremont again. better news for the surface streets, there's traffic control, an investigation going
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on. thank you so much, a developing story in fremont, an update now, an officer-involved shooting late last night is going to get in the wife this morning's commute, drivers in fremont. this morning, crime scene tape and flashing lights still surround the scene on central avenue, just blocks from glenmore elementary. "today in the bay's" bob riddle is live in central with why a naked man with a knife is about to make a lot of people late for work today. good morning. >> good morning to you, marla. yes this crime scene taking place here on central between glenmore, where we are at, and logan and within the past 10 or 15 minutes, fremont police have opened some of the lanes. they have got a traffic control going so that both directions can have flow to and from 880 and into central fremont. this was a domestic violence incident around 11:00 last night. as they arrived, a naked man was
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chasing his wife outside one of the apartments on central, chasing her with a knife. they told him to stop, drop the weapon, when he refused, two officers shot the man witnesses heard several shots fired, a woman screaming that man, a 37-year-old man from san jose was taken to the hospital where he later died. his wife was unharmed, though she was taken to the hospital, just to make sure that she was physically okay. both officers placed on paid administrative leave. one has 20-plus years, the other relatively new, on the force for years in. again, if you are trying to get through here, keep in mind you have this looky loo distraction but they have traffic going in both directions, both east and westbound here on central. reporting live here in fremont, bob redell, "today in the bay."
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knew to decision 2012, one day left until election day the candidates making those final pushes, a total of six swing states. brand-new video of mifr rallying voters out at the orlando sanford international airport down in florida, along with jeb bush there, this one, no doubt a sprint to the finish, with both of the candidates making that strong final push. the biggest prize is must-win ohio. "today in the bay's" tracie potts joins us live in cincinnati this morning where early voting lines stretched all the way around the block. tracie, you mentioned people waiting in line for as many as three hours? >> reporter: that's just to get to the door, for some, another 45-minute wait to get inside and get done. but we talked to a lot of people in that line. there fact, i talked to the guy in the back of line about midafternoon. add smile on his face he said, look this is my duty, i'm willing to stand here. people were wrapped up in blankets, not as cold as it is this morning but chilly to be standing outside for three hours
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and they seemed very content to wait. these ohio residents very well aware that their swing state votes are key in this race. >> besides ohio, mitt romney today also focusing on pennsylvania, traditionally very heavy democratic, a state that hasn't voted republican in 20 years, the question is on this framal day why pennsylvania? >> reporter: he was in pennsylvania yesterday for the first time since being nominated. he they were clumping the elook toral map, the votes that wins the presidency and if he loses ohio, he has to pick up a number of other swing states to make up for that. apparently, team romney has now decided pennsylvania, with its narrowing polls, might be one of those states. >> tracie, we have seen all the polls, we know this is going to be a tight race, what are the latest polls saying and is either candidate going into this race with an edge?
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>> reporter: well, i don't know that you would call a one percentage point difference, which is what we saw in our latest nbc/"wall street journal"/marist poll, i don't know if you could call that an edge. well within the margin of error. president obama at 48, governor romney at 47. we are seeing similar one and two-point spreads in a lot of the battleground states, in florida, in virginia, in ohio, according to a number of polls. so, an edge, technically, yes, according to numbers, but figure in the margin of error, it could go either way and what is making the race so very interesting. >> so tight. tracie potts reporting for us live in cincinnati. thank you so much. closer to home, some big names in politics will be out in san francisco today showing their support for proposition 30, which would prevent billions of dollars in cuts to education. governor jerry brown, senator dianne feinstein and san francisco mayor ed lee will be
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out, get voters ready for a rally this afternoon at the embarcadero. yesterday, teachers manning phone banks and they went door to door to encourage people to vote. lieutenant governor gavin newsom telling a crowd in fremont, the future of the state's public schools is on the line tomorrow. >> we can't afford to make these cuts to the most vulnerable. heck, i'm a democrat, like i imagine many of you, because we want to eliminate poverty, ignorance and disease. we have got to step up and step in and support proposition 30. >> prop 30 would increase income taxes on individuals who make more than $250,000 a year and it would also increase the sales tax.çó its rival measure, prop 38, raises income taxes on everybody and also funds education through a new trust fund. if both pass, the proposition with the most votes would then become law. despite widespread destruction along the east coast following super storm sandy, the election will continue. in new york city, power generators thought right now being installed in voting stations. election officials had to move
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or close 60 polling locations due to sandy's aftermath and at this point, they are just hopeful tuesday's vote will not have any major disruptions. with tuesday's election preps under way, millions living in the east coast are still recovering from sandy's devastation. and many of the hardest hit areas, volunteers are helping the less fortunate. more than 1,000 runners for this weekend's canceled new york city marathon refocused their energy. they ran through many communities delivering food, water and warm clothes. >> lights, batteries. >> flashlights. >> whatever people need. >> thank you. >> while the recovery continues, forecasters say another major weather system is on its way. by the middle of this week, a storm from the northeast may come across the same area where sandy hit. 6:56. youtube is once again asking americans to video their vote. >> although scott mcgrew says in california, you need to show a little restraint. >> that's right. good morning.
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taking a look at california law, a you can't actually use your iphone or other recording devices inside the polling place to you can't take a video of your own ballot, even if it's yours, someone from a different state did here. you youtube does want folks to upload their voting experience tomorrow with the understanding to follow the law, to show the voting experience, any irregularities. in california's case, you can shoot long lines or people being disruptive, as much as you are 150 feet from the polling places. nasdaqs and industrials down ever so slightly this morning, dow down 34 points. we have been watching apple. apple is up ever so slightly after it reported it sold 3 million ipads over the weekend. whether that was the mini or ipad 4 or what combination of the two, we don't know. pretty good news for apple. >> always is. thanks so much. >> 6:57 now, christina loren with one last look at your weather. good morning. >> good morning to you, give your wardrobe a healthy workout this week, starting with a live
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look, beautiful shot over the embarcadero, gorgeous conditions shaping up for today, perfect to hit the beach, if you can, expecting 80s in san francisco, right here in san jose and even in places like half moon bay and pacifica, a rare treat, 84 inland, 82, bay side. we head throughout tomorrow, add an additional three to five degrees of warmth and then drop like a rock and bring in the rain the end of the week. miss that 7-day forecast, we will have it for you every 15 minutes throughout the "today" show. check your drive with mike. >> time change, let everybody get to the roadways, south bay, boom, hitting with that commute northbound. 101 slow basically off the split with 85 through silver creek and all the way up here, 280 jamming up, 87 the last few down up to, 85 to 87 toward saratoga. fremont we follow that traffic control bob talked about. you want too get to the freeway, might stay clear and use fremont to thunderstormen as your alternate. back to you guys.
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6:58, time for one last look at the day's top stories. firefighters say a fire at a pleasant hills shopping center could be arson. crews found ar unexploded moltov cocktail. no one was hurt. this one was a very scary scene, now two children safe this morning after the being trapped under a capsized boat off the marin county coastline. the kids were below deck when the boat capsized. rescuer also to work hard, cut through that hole to finally get them out. five other people on that boat were fortunate and able to jump to safety. the california supreme court is demanding to know whose behind a multimillion dollar donation to a campaign to defeat prop 30. the tax increase to fund education. an arizona group made last-minute $11 million donation to that campaign. the court ruled this weekend that the source of those donations must be made public. just one of the stories we will stay on top of for you. >> chance to get out and vote today and


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