tv Today NBC November 23, 2012 2:05am-3:00am PST
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"today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb from studio 1 a in rockefeller plaza. hello, everybody. welcome to try day friday november 16th, 2012. >> here's to you, the opening of your show. >> thank you, hoda. >> "scandalous." >> thank you for being there. i think the entire "today" show was with us. we have so much to tell you about. but we're going to do it on monday. because that's how we roll. we have so much that's got to be edited and stuff. >> by the way, i want to point out to everyone tonight i am sitting down with christina aguilera. i just want to give you a little sneak peek. because she sang to me. i don't know if it was to me but she just sang. >> oh, good. >> let's watch. >> when you were little i know you used to line up stuffed animals and do little performances? >> i did. >> what would you sing to your stuffed animals? >> back then probably "the sound
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to music" that was the thing that made me want to be a singer, julie andrews up in those hills, the hills are alive. that soundtrack is just a piece of my heart. that was what i turned, to my musical release the at that age. >> what was the song you liked the most? what did you like to sing when you were a kid from that? >> i can recite them all. >> give me a little something. >> the hills are alive or -- ♪ what will this day be like i wonder ♪ ♪ what will my future be i wonder ♪ ♪ this could be so exciting to be out in the world to be free ♪ ♪ my heart should be wildly rejoicing oh, what's the matter with me? i've always longed for adventure ♪ >> i could go on. you know that song, right? >> that's an interesting part. most people will sing "the hills are alive" she knew all the in between. >> amazing score. >> do you know who did it?
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>> rogers and hammer stein? one of the greatest combinations in the history of -- -- i don't like quizes. >> who wrote the music and letter rix? >> kathie lee gifford? >> no, oscar and hammerstein. >> there's a new trend. you see birthing announcements. mail in the postcard. we want to say who hasn't. >> yeah. well anyway, here is a new trend in videos that people are sending links when they're having a baby. >> michael lerue from fresno, california found out he and his wife were expecting this is adorable. they caught the whole nine months on tape. let's watch.
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>> this is unbelievable. this man is chinese. suing his wife because the baby is ugly. offended by his newborn looks. >> all right. >> so he had a baby girl. the problem is not only did he think the baby was awful looking he claimed the baby didn't look like either the mom or dad. >> here's what happened. they did a dna test. they did prove it was the child. here's the rub. the mother had $100,000 worth of plastic surgery before meeting the father. so he had no idea what was going on. and he sued her. and he won! >> this is what makes you -- the judge agreed and ordered the wife to pay him $120,000! >> you know what? first of all, did he not look at pictures of his wife when she was younger? like through growing up? >> what kind of a person is horrified by their new -- not only was the child ugly, the child horrified him. well, i think the lady got off ease question if she could get rid of him for $120,000. never has to have anything to do
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with that man again for the rest of her life. >> that is awful. she knows what kind of man she married, right? >> she should have done a little research, too, before she married him. >> all right. so what side of the bed do you sleep on? >> all right. the right or the left? do you sleep on the side closest to the door or the other side? i sleep away from the door. i've always slept away from the door. my ex-husband slept by the door. and so did -- anyone. >> so did pretty much the seventh fleet. yeah [ laughter ] >> a little reserve sign on the pillow. >> back to me. >> i never showed up that particular day. >> i sleep on the side away from the door. it's closer to the window. i don't know why. >> if you happen to be there alone, though. >> i always sleep on my side. >> even when you go into a hotel? >> i always sleep on my side. never in the middle. which side do you sleep on? >> i've always slept on the left
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side. frank doesn't hear anything. >> intruders? >> the children. intruders. alarms? that's frank. that might as well be frank. >> they do say it interesting. think about how you pick your side. i don't remember consciously i decided. i think i just always slept on the -- i would think because i don't like it cold, i don't like being next to the a/c. my side is always where the a/c is. i don't know why i sleep over there but i do. >> they say people that sleep on the left are not as grumpy. >> on the left when you're lying on your stomach? lying on your back? >> lying on your back if you're on the left side of the bed you are not as grumpy. >> lying on the left? >> that's me. what are you? >> i sleep away from the door. >> where's your door, hoda? to the right or the left? >> on the other side of my bed. look, if i'm laying in my bed -- [ snoring sounds ] >> if we in bed together, all
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right? >> no. >> don't think it can't happen. weirder things have happened. >> where's the door? >> hoda, we're in your bed right new. where is your door? point. just point. >> i'm not facing this way. okay. okay. my door is over there. my door is over there. i'm on this side. >> you sleep on the right. oh, my goodness. >> i sleep on my side. >> anyway, all right. okay. >> today is geography awareness week. >> oh, my goodness. this week -- this should be fun with you today. national geography week. all this week. who knew? the national geographic society wants to make sure our country are geoliterate. >> they say we don't know anything about the globe. i'm embarrassed when we take this quiz. >> they thought this would be fun. >> which continent is the largest explorer of wolveof woo?
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i'm going to say b, australia. >> i can't see that at all. i say b. >> we're right. >> we are? >> which state produces more coal? pennsylvania, west virginia or wyoming? >> i'm going to say west virginia. [ buzzer ] >> it's wyoming? >> that's what it says. can you see? >> no i cannot see but thank you for asking. this country has one of the most crucial roles in the world wine industry. which country is the world's largest producer and exporter of cork? i'm going to say portugal. >> how did you know what the the choices were? >> i saw the questions earlier. i don't know the answers though. >> i'm going to say spain. >> is it morocco? >> no, you won. >> it's portugal? >> so congratulations. >> is there wine? >> no. you get nothing. but you know what we are going to have? kathie lee's friday funny. >> this is from rob.
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very cute. a lady was told by her girlfriend taking a milk bath would make her skin soft and is up pell asupple and younger loo. she left a note on the door asking the milk man to come in. she filled the tub and sat there naked and asked the milk man to fill the tub with milk. he said would you like your milk pasturized? she said no, just right up by my boobs would be fine. >> now it's time for bobby's buzz. >> so we have a special guest today, georgia. >> hi, georgia. >> who is helping me show off if you look at everybody at home looking at that camera. this is a t-shirt by lady dady.
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the outfit is -- really cool. the tee's come with velcro bikini. so you can switch out the fashion accessories. and you really like the yellow so we're going to give her back the yellow. >> they've come a long way. >> you can do that on bags. they have tees for big girls like me. >> hello. >> and georgia's going to stick around to help me show off. this is from le zoo. tammy has two little girls at home. she is our boss around here. look at how adorable the clothes are. they have characters on the clothes. these are the girl outfits. look at the boys. >> very cute. >> what's special about le zoo it's on line to help educate kids around their books. but the characters on the clothes you can get an actual plush doll like you see here? that match. so you can have your buddy that's on your clothes. last but not least for every parent who has gone through the i lost my lovy situation? when you've lost your favorite stuffed animal somewhere and that's all the kid wants back?
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lost my is a registration process that will help you -- >> find another one? >> tag the lovy. they will help you get your lovy back for your little one. >> if you've ever had a child that's in love with their lovy you know how incredible crucial that is. >> thank you so much for your help. you're a beautiful model. thank you, bobbie. >> you're welcome. try day friday. we have a dessert. what is this? >> if you're the kind of person who likes dessert better than the meal, we have something great for you. this is just in time for thanksgiving. these are called stuffing cookies. from downtown cookie company. $24 for a dozen on downtown cookie >> they're good. you know why? you know why? >> they're not too sweet. >> there's a cranberry in there. they cook stuffing? >> and to wash his down leslie zbrocco has a wine segment coming up later. this is a delicious chardonnay.
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no oaky at all. no after taste. >> i'm into this. very good. >> a family that plays together stays together. how to bridge the generation gap at your holiday gathering. >> jackie weaver tells us about her latest film that hollywood is all buzzing about with oscar talk. but first these words. ♪ an energizing fruit or relaxing mint flavor. new 5 rpm gum. stimulate your senses. but i still have a runny nose. [ male announcer ] dayquil doesn't treat that. huh? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus rushes relief to all your worst cold symptoms,
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new lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach. how? the secret is the hydrogen peroxide formula. it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. new lysol power & free. powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health. the new film "silver linings play book" is about an adult son living with his parents after being released from a mental health facility. >> jacki weaver plays the mom and robert de niro plays the dad who is surprised when his son pat returns home. >> don't worry. >> what did the doctors say? because the court listens to the doctor. >> don't worry. >> well, okay. okay. congratulations. >> thank you. >> so what are youoing with yourself? >> you know, i'm going to start a restaurant. >> how are you going to pay for
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it? >> don't worry about it. >> from your book making? >> who told you that? >> mom told me. >> i guess it's true. >> hi, jacki weaver. >> lovely to see you. >> so tell us about your son in the movie. what his issue are. he's clearly got some mental health issues. >> he's bipolar. and his wife and he have split up because he caught her in the shower with another guy. >> that would do it. >> he's got severe anger management problems as does the dad. i'm making it sound really gloomy picture but it's very moving. but it's hilarious. it's really funny as well. >> sometimes the only way to deal with those heavy themes in life is with a sense of humor. to get you through. >> life is funny one minute -- >> and tragic the next. >> you had to lose your accent for this film? >> i was really keen to be authentically philadelphiian. i had some serious lessons. >> did you? >> i think i passed muster.
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>> you certainly passed muster. well, this oscar buzz is not unfamiliar to you. you've been nominated before. >> incredible. that was incredible. you know, i've been working in australia since i was just a kid. i started when i was a school girl. in fact, my very first job as a professional actor was the 12th of november 1962. so this week it's 50 years. >> can i say mazeltov in australia? >> we have lots of those in australia. >> how did this role come about for you? how did you learn about it? >> must have been up against some incredible american actresses for the role. >> i had to go meet david o. russell an extraordinary director. he is amazing, amazing. and i had to go and meet him in philadelphia when i was doing a play in d.c. and then i had to later on do an audition on skype. >> oh, and that is weird.
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that doesn't feel real at all, does it? >> you did it right there in front of your computer? >> yes. with my american accent? >> and somebody else reading the other part? >> yeah. >> okay that's crazy. >> but i still got the part. >> that is unbelievable. cassie has to do that all the time. it's very unreal feeling, isn't it? >> yes, it's strange. but it was an amazing experience. and i get a lot of cute comments from australia saying -- >> does it ever get better than that i wonder? >> they're both so gorgeous. bradley cooper is a doll, you know. have you met him? he's 6'4". he's huge. >> we see him around here a lot. we're all afraid of him. he's gorgeous. >> i'm under 5 feet. the crew were teasing me saying how could you be his mother? how could you knock that out? but his real mom gloria came on set and she's smaller than i am. >> there you go. >> maybe a little.
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>> we wish you great luck. you're very sweet. >> thank you. >> thank you for coming to see us. >> "silver linings play book" opens in select cities today and nation-wide on november 21st. coming up, david mazejewski salutes thanksgiving with all american animals. >> from animal kingdom, remember? . along the way. ♪ ♪ a portion of every bottle that they sell goes to fight ♪ ♪ breast cancer and i think that's swell. ♪ ♪ the more you take, the more they'll pay, ♪ ♪ so make them write a big check today. ♪ ♪ and if you're feeling a little slow, ♪ ♪ then 5-hour energy will help you go. ♪ ♪ so buy a bottle of pink lemonade and ♪ ♪ you can help fight breast cancer today. ♪
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here's sara with a few questions from our facebook folks. >> you always joke about snacking, hoda, what's your go-to snack right now? >> poptarts, blueberry-iced poptarts. i've been devouring them. i mentioned them to a friend. there's a case in my office. i'm scared, because in a box there are like three packs of two. and i'm going through -- don't know. >> how many calories? >> don't know. >> kathie, do you ever finish anything off, other than wine?
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>> i've never had a complaint. >> next up, ms. sara. >> tina, what is the best movie you've seen lately? >> i just saw it. you know what i just saw last night, two nights ago, "love actually." it was on hbo. it is a great holiday film. >> you've always loved that. >> you know when you're clicking, oh, my god, it's on. what about you? >> i haven't seen a thing. i haven't seen a thing. i'm looking forward to all the new movies. for the holiday season. i go from this studio to a theater for the last two months. i've been home one day a week for two months. i can get back to being a real human being now. >> kathie hasn't seen the light of day. >> i'm looking forward to it. hoda, you recommended "gone girl" recently, what are you reading now or what do you recommend? >> i finished "killing kennedy" and "killing lincoln." they're both the bill o'reilley books which are home runs. i read them in, like, no time flat. those are the two. i haven't read since then.
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>> i'm in the middle of lee woodruff's book, "those we love the most," i think, is the title of it. i got gripped from the very first second. i again haven't had a lot of time. lisa turker's new book called "unglued" i'm in the middle of that one. trying to read a little on the run. looking forward to the holidays. i love to get lost in books and movies. >> thank you, sara. coming up, we're going to tell you how to bridge the generation gap. >> time to trot out the turkey. david mejewski. with all the animals that hopefully won't end up on your table. >> leslie sbrocco is serving up holiday wine to a charity that gives back. how to keep an eye on your babysitter when you're not at home after your local news. 2@
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how do you encourage your tweens and teens to connect with grandma and grandpa? >> here with a few simple ways to help bridge the generation gap is holiday blogger -- meredith sinclair. what a great topic. >> what a great issue. >> we want to avoid family gatherings where the teens and tweens are on the devices and grandma and grandpa are trying to join the conversation and no one is interacting. here's a few ideas to get everybody back together. >> first of all it's where we sit. there's the kiddy table and grownup table during the holidays. >> you want to bring them back to the main table but make it accessible and friendly for the kids so they want to hang out. this is all from the paper source. it's ill gant and beautiful this runner. but you can put on some cray ones for them to color as well as these place mats that are paper. >> don't be afraid. i found these bamboo plates at my party store. you don't have to give them your good china. you can give them beautiful plates that aren't breakable. also another game i've created here with some little place card holders.
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it's guess who. we had relatives put on some trif yo about themselves. then you go around and guess who it is. >> that's cute. >> so make it accessible and fun for the kids and the grownups to interact. >> all right. >> then plato says you can learn more about a person in an hour of play than you can in a year of conversation. so we're going to add some playfulness to these holiday gatherings. these are just some games that are good for the whole crew. this is touchy feely. >> what's this? >> this is where you take a card like this, and then you reach in and you try and find what's on the card. it's great for toddlers because there's no reading. >> it's a rat. >> yep. >> so this is a simple game. you want to set the games up, too. >> okay. cute. >> then i love this. it brings gambling and trivia together. >> we want to teach our kids gambling. >> they love it. they really do. >> responsible gambling. >> telestrations is like
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the telephone game, pikz pictionary. the telephone game. >> i love this store. it's all brainy games at the brain store. lay these things out so that they're accessible. everyone is encouraged to play together. >> no one dying to get away. >> or get on the screen. >> family tree. very cute. >> this is just a fun idea that's going to be used as a story starter, a story launching pad. you just literally get some branches and you copy some pictures of all the guests. at memorable moments in their life. you really encourage the relatives and kids to tell the stories behind the pictures. >> clever. it could go on your buffet, on your table. >> very cute. moving down? >> here's the thing. nobody can resist a photo booth in my experience, right? at weddings and celebrations people are renting photo booths and they're very expensive. all you need is a blank wall and some beautiful papers. these are all from the paper source. and we've just created a backdrop.
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so i want you to grab some props, these are also from the paper source. >> okay. >> i found these polaroid cameras are still around. >> we like those. >> what is mine? too much chardonnay. why did i get this one? whatever. >> you just encourage everybody to gather around. and here it's going to work for me. get their pictures taken at the photo booth. >> and they come right out. >> any blank wall. >> look how the instamatic comes right out. >> i miss those. >> thank you so much. great to see you. >> something for the whole family. dave is here with all-american animals for thanksgiving. >> uh-oh. >> right after this. gecko (clearing throat) thank you, mr. speaker, uh, members of congress. in celebration of over 75 years of our government employees insurance company, or most of you know members it.congress. ...i propose savings for everyone! i'm talking hundreds here... and furthermore.. newscaster:breaking news. the gecko is demanding free pudding.
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and political parties that are actual parties!? with cake! and presents! ah, that was good. too bad nobody could hear me. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yeah. one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. approved! [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'. to relieve their sore throats. oh, okay, you don't need to do that. but i don't want any more of the usual lozenges and i want new cooling relief! ugh. how do you feel? now i'm cold.
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to north america. >> good to see you. does he know what's up? >> he knows what's up. this is the domestic version of the wild turkey. it has the brown feathers the way the wild turkey would. wild turkeys are amazing, found all across north america. >> they're in my neighborhood. once almost wiped out because of unsustainable hunting and habitat destruction, but we've got these birds, they sometimes show up in people's backyards. because of good conservation. >> they are very prevalent out in connecticut. >> with the holiday season kicking off, national wildlife federation is launching a brand new kid's magazine called "ranger rick jr." to get kids reconnected with wildlife. i brought you guys copies. >> kids love animals. >> national wildlife federation, we're about the wildlife, but also about the kids. >> this guy's going to roam around? >> when we go to the next animal, he'll go back in. i'm going to have one of you guys hold the next animal, if i can find him in here, an alligator.
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this is a baby alligator. who wants to hold him? >> i'll hold him. grab him like that, cup him in good. i'm going to hold his big friend here. >> he's actually kind of sweet. >> look at this one. >> this is another endangered species success story. almost wiped out because of unsustainable hunting. good conservation laws allowed us to protect these guys. this is only about a 6-year-old. that is a hatchling. they can get to be about 12, 13 feet long. amazing, amazing animals. found only in north america, just like the wild turkey. >> do they have emotions at all? >> they are reptiles, not the way we mammals do, but just because they don't, doesn't mean they don't deserve protection. he wants out but i'm not going to let him. i'll rescue you from the little guy. >> sweet actually. >> in a reptile sort of way. >> next down here, beaver. >> beaver alert.
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>> this is a species the european colonists would have been familiar with because there are beavers in europe. but a really important species for the native americans because of their fur, they have really really great water resistant fur. it was important for the trapping business and all that. you can check out this amazing tail. >> his flat tail. >> this is the biggest rodent in north america, by the way. >> that looks huge for a beaver, doesn't it? >> beavers can get to be 60, 70 pounds. >> wow. >> this guy is really not as big as they actually can be. >> and the dams that they build are beneficial to other wildlife as well. >> these guys are important. unlike human beings, as we change the environment is bad for the environment, beavers form wetlands other species could move into. he's important. >> what else does he eat besides bananas? >> in the wild he would be eating all sorts of vegetation and they like to eat tree bark. he has teeth on them that are so much enamel that are bright orange.
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that allows them to chop down trees and build dams with them. >> you don't want to get in front of an angry beaver. >> bring out the owl. >> let me put the baby alligator away. the last animal is another species that would have been -- >> what are they called? >> barn owl. these are a species native to europe. european colonists would have been used to seeing these guys. they're not particularly common. these animals can find prey in pitch darkness. >> you're kidding. >> tests have been done on these species, they've removed every iota of light. just by their hearing they can find rodents which is their main prey. they are called barn owls, because they are one of the few species that can live in human structures and benefit from our building. >> is that okay on your hand, looks like he's breaking skin. >> this is the first time you haven't been pooped on or bleeding. the turkey did enough for everybody. thank you so much, dave. >> thank you. all righty, have a look-in on your kids when you're not around. that's coming up after this.
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hi there. i'm meteorologist alec wall with a look at the next seven days. wet weather pressing toward the east, cold front bringing showers to the interior northeast and stretching down into texas. be on the lookout for that. behind it colder air will provide us with snow. lake effects snow impacting parts of the great lakes. look how much colder it is out there for our day. 35 around chicago after dealing with a lot of warmth this thanksgiving week. now we'll head on into the weekend. here's your saturday. and the front clears the east coast. so now we're going to watch areas across the south begin to cool down a bit. then we'll also notice here in the northwest a system moving through with that. we've got a bit of rain to deal with there. cooler numbers into the south. 55 in atlanta, low 60s around new orleans.
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sunday, dry for most of the east the exception right around the great lakes. we'll still find a few lake effects snow showers around. otherwise the main system will be here across the northern rockies. snow across montana including billings highs around the mid 30s. monday system slides toward the east. looks like it picks up some moisture. we've got some rain here in the middle of the nation across the lower and mississippi valleys including in and around st. louis. we'll be dealing with that on monday but dry in the east but keeping things cool. by tuesday system picking up steam. we have know to the north right around the lakes in the interior northeast but all wet in the south. getting close to the atlanta area. afternoon showers. by wednesday most of the northeast will be looking for the rain. and the rest of the nation looks pretty quiet for the mid part of the week with the mid 30s showing up for you around minneapolis. chilly conditions there, otherwise we're dry all the way back into parts of the southwest. make sure you tune on into wake up with al. it begins 5:30 to 7:00 week day mornings. [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus presents the cold truth.
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i have a cold, and i took nyquil, but i'm still "stubbed" up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] it doesn't have a decongestant. no way. [ male announcer ] sorry. alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms plus has a fast acting decongestant to relieve your stuffy nose. [ sighs ] thanks! [ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth! [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus. ♪ oh what a relief it is! ♪ [ male announcer ] to learn more about the cold truth and save $1 visit alka-seltzer on facebook.
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now on today's tech gadgets, have you ever wondered what was in your house while you're not there? >> while you're trying to see what the babysitter is up to, always wanted to be more like james bond, digital expert mario armstrong is here with gadgets to help you keep a covert eye out. >> have we come to this? >> we have, unfortunately, we have. we have busy lifestyles days, mom and dad working, kids coming home from school, you have the babysitter, pets. there's a lot of things going on. people want to have an eye's view. >> it can be a good thing or done for more perverse things. >> let's stay on the positive today. >> let's check out the babysitters and puppies.
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>> this is a camera you plug into an ac outlet. called drop cam. costs $149, but it gives you live video. a free app on your mobile devices. you can see if i pick this up and move it around, you'll see the camera on the ipad start to move. the cool thing is, you can do this so bambino is at home, he's your dog, right? >> missed me while i was in the theater. >> you could have talked to bambino by actually just hitting talk. >> bambino, mommy loves you, mommy's coming home. >> so the speaker's actually on the camera. and it kind of plays back. >> he's bipolar already. >> the parents traveling, want to sing the lullaby at nighttime. >> let's get more clandestine, shall we? >> let's get sneaky. >> standard ac adapters you plug into your wall outlet, but they are hidden cameras.
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right there a camera. it's motion activated. it can record up to 16 hours of video. >> any time someone walks by that outlet it's going to go off. >> no signal letting them know. >> no signal. they think it's a standard wall outlet. >> in the bathroom. >> if you were really paranoid, you could have them in every room. >> right now people are running around their homes checking the wall outlets. >> i don't want to live my life like that, wow. >> what's next? >> up next is the alarm clock. this is a real alarm clock. >> this one i like. >> it does do what an alarm clock does, but there's a camera here as well. to get the data off of it, you just connect it to your computer. >> plug it in. >> you can actually see the video. >> say that's the one your lover takes on his out of town trips. >> oh! that's a good one. or your spouse even. >> would make a lovely christmas gift. >> happy new year. >> all right, what do we have here?
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>> look, wintertime, people are going to go skiing and hanging out. you can do fun things with these, like actually record your skiing. or -- >> what else can you do? >> put them on. >> now what's happening? >> now with one touch of a button on the side of the lens there, she's automatically recording everything she's seeing. >> don't look up and down. >> did she go up and down? >> that's what i do. what am i recording? >> everything you see. >> stop looking at me. >> this is really getting -- [ laughter ] where's the wine? now look, see this button right here? obviously, we did this on a white shirt, but this is a button camera. while you walk around, you could be recording video. they have different button sizes for all different types of shirts. >> crazy. >> i hope nobody comes in and does this to us. >> now a pen. the pen has a camera right there on it. but look, the good thing is, this actually writes. it's a pen that really does
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work. >> for a guy, you could put that in your pocket. >> or be weird and hold your pen and have a conversation with your employer. >> it's kind of sick. you got to admit. >> we have a little video of you guys actually doing it. >> who had the pen cam? >> this is when we were with meredith. >> we were following you around a bit. >> you wonder why we're paranoid. >> we have to run, couple seconds. >> looks like your regular mp3 player, but it's a camera. if you're jogging around or wearing it, somebody could be recording you. it does play music. >> basically, you're not safe anywhere. >> this is called the black box micro. hidden in what looks like a tissue box with a little hole right there. >> thank you, mario. we think. >> 007, guys. >> thanks a lot, guys. have a reason to toast this thanksgiving. >> first, this is "today" on nbc. [ male announcer ] research suggests cell health plays a key role
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throughout our lives. one a day men's 50+ is a complete multi-vitamin designed for men's health concerns as we age. it has more of 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day men's 50+. to support cell health. ♪ you can help othersink along the way. ♪ ♪ a portion of every bottle that they sell goes to fight ♪ ♪ breast cancer and i think that's swell. ♪ ♪ the more you take, the more they'll pay, ♪ ♪ so make them write a big check today. ♪ ♪ and if you're feeling a little slow, ♪ ♪ then 5-hour energy will help you go. ♪ ♪ so buy a bottle of pink lemonade and ♪
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do you want to serve up the gift of giving this thanksgiving? well, go for a bottle of wine that gives back. >> here to uncork the do gooders guide to holiday wines is leslie sbrocco. author of "the simple and savvy wine guide". >> i love this segment idea. this is great. >> fabulous. >> get what you love and also do good for other people. >> the wine business is famous for that.
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these brands alone, there are so many that give to charity. these brands alone have given over a million dollars. >> wow! i'm going to kick off with my favorite this season called the feast. it's from a company called cultivate wines, whose goal is to enjoy life and to give back. all of their charities, people can submit their own charity and you vote on them online. to get who gets the money. >> that's great. >> everybody decides. >> cultivate wines, this is about $28. >> is this what you would give for the opening? this is delicious. >> this is for you, hoda. this is from train, the band train. >> i love train. >> this is really good wine. >> save me san francisco wine company. this is calling all angels. >> you know how picky i am. that is delicious. >> $15. they have given this year $50,000 to family house. >> terrific. come on down, girl. >> hate to let that baby go. >> this is a nice red blend for
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the holidays, a little bag with nail polish, rouge nail polish and 100% of the proceeds go to step up women's network that actually empowers women through mentorship. >> delicious. >> isn't that good? >> i love that red. delicious. >> and i'm kind of keeping with the female theme here, this wine founded by women for women. this is o for opportunity. it's a washington state chardonnay. beautiful, crisp, juicy, $15 a bottle. they have put, since 2006, 40 underprivileged girls through college. >> lovely, very nice wine. >> delicious. >> now breast cancer, a lot of brands give and donate to breast cancer. this is from a breast cancer survivor. they are giving this year, through hand craft, $100,000 to breast cancer awareness and research. $15, but a great holiday wine. >> delicious.
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>> i like that. >> it's perfect for the holidays. >> beautiful. >> finally, bubbles, girls. little bubbles for you. this is barefoot bubbly. they have actually chosen to help keep beaches barefoot friendly. they have given $750,000 since 2007 to beach cleanup all around the world. >> next time you go to a clean beach, thank them. >> $10 a bottle, can't beat it for the holidays. >> happy holidays, sweetie. next monday, so excited. >> guess who's coming! >> flo rida. jeff: she's still in a game and she's talking to us. come on out! from "the facts of life" >> i'm hiding behind blair.
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