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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  December 18, 2012 5:00am-6:00am PST

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play. whether you're showing off your competitive side or just want a tour, it's time to get back in the game. the perfect place is here. they took classic arcade games, put them in a bar, and makes for the ultimate night out. >> it's fun. >> i think it's a great place for a night out. >> there's a nostalgia about old video games. >> "stars," "frogger." >> remember that one -- like a throwback to your childhood. >> it seems like you have quite a few here. >> a few. we have a serious beer selection. 25 beers on draft. only american craft beer. >> awesome. with a pocket full of quarters and a perfect brew in hand, it's time to pick the perfect game. >> that beer, now this takes to the next -- >> oh, i have to serve all the people! >> there you go.
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get the empties. >> i have been known to be a pretty good bartender. >> you look like a natural. >> hi. look at you -- >> you punched me in the stomach. >> how did you come up with the idea of combining them? >> i was a collector of games. i had four of these in my apartment. and i had people over, would have a few beers, parties. seemed like a natural combination. >> today they make video games a little better. next to every game, there's a little shelf to put your beverage. >> very important. you can sit the couch and have people around you. >> yeah. like having a beverage in your house. >> like a regular night out with your friends. >> alcohol and video games. >> yes! i'm the winner. this is intense, guys.
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i do love me some video games. this next game i tried was once on the playground but now is kicked up a notch by adding a trampoline. i'm talking about dodgeball. games are always more fun with a friend. we headed to l.a. to see about the skills from gym class, if they paid off. >> the trampolines are red, dodgeball is red. together it's amazing. >> we all remember the playground sport of dodgeball. we know how to peg somebody. it brings us back it our childhood. >> dodgeball is a perfect sport for any adult that appreciates the absurdity of playing a game designed for children. as much as i don't want to say i enjoy hitting people with the ball, there's stress relief. >> it's a lot more area to where you can dive and not hurt yourself. >> it is probably the most you will sweat in a 30-minute
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period. >> hey! >> hi, howard. >> how are you? >> this is kevin. we're here to play dodgeball. not traditional dodgepal. >> let's do it -- no, the trampoline. three basic things to know -- catching, throwing, and most importantly, dodging. all right? let's start with throwing. look at that. you're a master already. i don't need to teach you anything. we encourage you, don't hit the face. aim for the crotch. it's a far more hilarious region, and everyone but the person that get hit will enjoy it. gravity is a harsh mistress. so if you keep jumping up and down while throwing, they're trying to time your jump. so that -- they'll throw at your peak and you'll land down. you want to jump a little, stand. >> i think we're ready. >> let's do this. >> give me one. >> kevin and i warm up our muscles and get the feel of the trampoli trampoline. [ laughter ] >> we begin to divide our plans
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to beat one another on the dodgeball battlefield. making me dizzy. >> strategy is win. she needs to be taken down a peg or two. she's cocky. i'm here to change that. >> i sort of plan on hiding behind somebody. >> you guys when you play, do you normally go after one target? today you're going against ali. she is the target. >> yeah, i feel like it's -- one, two, three -- >> godfathers -- >> get ali fedotowsky. ready? [ whistle ] >> stay right here for a second. >> i've got my field here. >> i have two -- >> go.
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>> i got out. it happened so quickly. i don't know. i'm not good at this. ali's still in somehow. get her! she's right there, unblocked! [ whistle ] >> she's out! >> kevin, are you -- were you on the sideline before i was? >> i hit the guy with the ball. the big guy with with the ball. >> i was distracting you, it was my fault. oh! no -- ooh! >> ali, you get hit in the face? >> i'm fine. i can't open my eyes. >> i heard a noise and looked over, it was moving. the whole ali thing shook me up, honestly. i want to win, but at what cost? [ whistle ] >> we won!
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[ cheers ] >> i'm a pretty competitive guy and starteded this with a take-no-prisoners attitude. i feel bad because i coached my team to just throw the ball at ali. >> i actually thought i was doing well. i was one of the last new players left on the court. and i was minding my own business, jumping around, not bothering anybody. and ball to the eyeball. now i'm going home. and i'm going to eat ice cream, and i'm going to ice my eyeball and cry a little because kevin beat me. she who fights and run away lives to fight another day. i'll be back for the sweet taste of revenge. kevin, you can run, but you can't hide. coming up -- >> between your comments about my balls and losing the game, i am sweating now.
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somebody said that bocce ball is a relic of time gone by.
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if you're playing for this, you might want to take a trip down memory lane. there's so much character. great. great people. great atmosphere. and you can play bocce. a perfect spotted like nothing else. >> the restaurant has been here for 47 years. it was just a bar after prohibition ended. then in 1965, we created a more varied menu. our major dish is veal parmesan. trying to be humble, i think it's probably the best in new york. >> even with such delicious food on the menu, it takes italian to the level with a game that's their very own. >> we're fortunate that the bocce court which, incidentally, was built by my grandfather circa 1910 or thereabout, was a
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focus of the small italian community for many years. we have since expanded and made it more of a place where lots of people like to come. if you're up to it, you can have fun while you're having a meal. >> i think it's safe to say that i'm definitely up to it. before bocce begins, i have to meet my thrilling opponent, steven lynch. hey. we're here for a good game night. >> a great game night. one of the best. >> how did you think about coming here? >> to know honest, we dig up the coolest, most underground stuff in the city. we're in 22 cities across the country. >> we find the cool spots. >> it's a great institution, over for -- here for over 100 years. every couple of years, people think they rediscovered it. >> where do we play bocce? >> in the back. >> let's grab our drink and if. >> let's do it. are you going to be red or grown? >> a mean green fighting
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machine. here are the rules -- each team has four chances to roll their balls closer to the white marker place at the end of the court. after several rounds, the team first with 11 points wins. before we start, ernie's got a few house rules. >> no gambling. >> how about a friendly wager? >> a friendly wager is okay as long as it doesn't involve money. >> of winner gets dinner? >> do it. tough to beat. >> wah-wah. >> a little hard. ♪ >> that's pretty good. >> oh, my gosh! hate him, hate him. who's winning? >> you're winning. >> thank you. >> oh, my gosh -- >> oh! that was a good one. nice job. we're playing for big stakes here because after all, there's famous veal parm on the line. don't tell him, but i dpreesed his balls with vaseline --
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greased his balls with vaseline before the game started. >> between your comments on the game and my balls, i'm struggling now. i thought i was good at throwing stuff at stuff, and i was wrong. >> it's time to celebrate my victory. and the parm dinner could not come sooner. for me, it's free. thanks. bon appetite. >> cheers. >> cheers. >> my loss was so terrible and deflating, that i had to switch to whiskey and a double. thanks for driving me to drink. >> wow. i've been to a lot of italian restaurants. good food, always delicious. but these flavors together, they're phenomenal. i don't think i have enough cheese. what do you think? >> i think you could get some more on there. >> this food was delicious. i had the best team at bocce ball. >> it was a good time in spite of the fact that you peat me handily. >> rematch next time? >> next time we'll have a whole other meal. >> sounds good.
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>> good. >> game night is right. now that i'm a pbocce ball cham, i'll make my way back for a rematch and to fill my stomach. i want a rematch. we'll come back. >> and you'll lose. tha
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oh, man. it's good to have an open mind.
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this is basketball, lacrosse, and bumper cars -- maybe see the action for yourself. volleyball is not easy. volleyball is kind of impossible. very aggressive. didn't know it was going to be so aggressive. >> it's hard to be good, but you have fun and contribute to your success. >> it's a game, and the game is a cross between basketball, floor hockey, lacrosse, and demolition hockey royaled into one. >> perhaps a history lesson will shed light on this one of a kind sport. >> it started back in 1962 in salt lake city. automotive shop owner came home and found his son playing improvised game of street hockey with a stick, a tin can, and a golf cart. and that's how the concept began. >> and the modern day version isn't that different. instead of a golf cart, it's a
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scoop. >> you don't have a choice but to have fun playing a game in a bumper car. >> hey, john. i'm ali. >> hi. how are you? pleasure to meet you. >> you, too. okay, what are we getting into? everything looks cool. >> we've got plenty of stuff to show you. we've got food, we've got drinks, we've got games, we've got laser tag. and of course we've got whirly ball. >> whoa! this place is awesome. >> this is our whirly ball court. >> is this the goal? what happens when the ball hits that? >> it lights up to let everybody know that you're a rock star and scored a goal. >> i thought bumper cars had thing that went to the ceiling. >> these are different. they're more agile. it's like driving your car with the bottom of the steering wheel. when you go to the right, you go to the left. when you go to the left, you go to the right. >> don't tell anybodile. only me. >> that's the secret. there's only one pedal. there's no brake. who needs brakes, though, right? >> this is my tool. >> playing with a regular whiffle ball. and a whiffle ball, you're going
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to be passing it, use the floor, the wall, another person's car, the ceiling. >> the stick, can i smack someone with it? >> no. that would be a penalty. quick test. let's see if i can do it. >> whoa! all right. >> you want to cover the ball. >> okay. >> flick your wrist. >> come here. >> now it's a challenge. there you go. >> yeah. >> perfect. you got it. beautiful. >> you're so good at this. >> after a few minutes of sharpening my skills, i was ready it open up the court and let the games begin. >> the rules are simple. it's played similar to basketball. going up five on five. red shoots toward the black basket, black toward the red. two points unless you shoot from midcourt, you get three. grab a scoop, jump into any car you like. >> we're coming for you guys.
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>> ready? and the ball is loose. >> get it, get it! get it! hey! >> and a massive pileup. >> get the rebound. get the rebound. >> so close, so close, so close. >> go! >> we're coming for you, ali. we're coming for you. [ buzzer ] >> and the mcteam scores again. >> whoo! yeah! >> i don't mess around. how do you think you did? >> i think that we did awesome and that we won the title of the universe. >> you scored. >> i did. we're a great team. nice work.
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>> i want a rematch at some point. not today. we'll come back. >> we will come back. and you'll lose. >> granted this might not be your ordinary night out at the bar, but who's looking for ordinary when it comes to the ultimate game night? coming up -- >> it's wild, crazy. >> madness for young people. [ cheers ]
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everybody looks for a different way to rebel. if you join the underground game night in hollywood, all you need is a little bingo. [ crowd noise ] [ inaudible ] >> what you people are doing is shameful! [ cheers ] >> what you play isn't even bingo. it's awful. i hope you burn in hell. >> it is not your normal bingo. >> rebel bing so li-- bingo is opposite of bingo. >> it's wild. you can shed inhibitions. >> are you ready? go! [ cheers ] >> so the legend goes, freddie
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and friends find a bingo game in a million in lond-- a building london. unlike traditional bingo, the mutated game requires chaos and a bit of madness. >> if people show up, they're given a pen and game card. it's loud. there's a deejay. he gives a person a pen and something to drink. for some reason they've -- they take it over to each other, weird. then the show kicks off, and it's this big aggressive show that's loosely based around the game of bingo. they give away silly stuff like stuffed pandas. stuff that if i told you about, it you wouldn't think you wanted to win it. in the heat of the moment, you'll want that more than anything you wanted in your life. >> we have the winner! [ cheers ] >> i know my life will not be complete without a panda.
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so let the bingo begin. listen for your numbers, try to get five in a row, and -- [ cheers ] >> all right, granny. this one's for you. >> number 69. >> 69. 69. >> 37. >> 37. >> back to 18 -- >> do you drink the numbers later? more emerges. [ inaudible ] >> bingo's been a way that people of all ages have spent a night out for centuries. who are we to turn that aside? >> you meet so many people. friendly. >> you go to bingo, dress up, gets crazy. have fun. >> i can tell you tonight --
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[ inaudible ] >> bingo! [ cheers ] >> you wake up after a night of rebel bingo, you're probably in someone's bed you never met before. you're covered in pen. you've got the worst hangover ever and are thinking, that was weird. >> it may not be your typical night out, but you're sure to fit in because -- >> everyone's weird on the inside. they just might not know it. it takes bingo to bring it out of you. >> i guarantee that something will happen that's never happened to you before in your entire life. >> good night, everybody! [ cheers ] >> so, if you're looking for a fun night out on the town and wonder what's the game plan, maybe the game is the i was having trouble getting out of bed in the morning because my back hurt so bad. the sleep number bed conforms to you. i wake up in the morning with no back pain. i can adjust it if i need to...if my back's a little more sore.
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and by the time i get up in the morning, i feel great! if you have back pain, toss and turn at night or wake up tired with no energy, the sleep number bed could be your solution. the sleep number bed's secret is it's air chambers which provide ideal support and put you in control of the firmness. and the bed is perfect for couples because each side adjusts independently to their unique sleep number. here's what clinical research has found: ® 93% of participants experienced back-pain relief. ® 90% reported reduced aches and pains. ® 87% fell asleep faster and enjoyed more deep sleep. for study summaries, call this number now. we'll include a free dvd and brochure about the sleep number bed including prices, and models plus a free $50 savings card. and how about this? steel springs can cause uncomfortable pressure points. but the sleep number bed contours to your body. imagine how good you'll feel when your muscles relax and you fall into a deep sleep!
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i'm not just a back surgeon, i'm also a back patient. i sleep on the sleep number bed myself and i highly recommend it to all of my patients. need another reason to call? the sleep number bed costs about the same as an innerspring but lasts twice as long. so if you want to sleep better or find relief for your bad back, call now. call the number on your screen for your free information kit with dvd, brochure and price list. call right now and you'll also receive a $50 savings card just for inquiring about the sleep number bed. ask about our risk-free 30-night in-home trial. call now for your free information kit and a free $50 savings card. call now!
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