tv Today in the Bay NBC December 26, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PST
4:30 am
we ride from there to the reservation together. nobody rides ahead. - now listen, we can't go in there shooting the way i'd like to. first, we've got to find out what they've done with my little girl and--if she's still alive-- how to get her away from them. and once that's settled, we do a job that's been put off too long. - and that means wherever you see a redskin, pour it in. - all right, boys. ride. [triumphal music] ♪ - we're going by way of spirit mountain. - that's the long way around. - we'll make it worthwhile. we're gonna pick up some dynamite.
4:31 am
- [crying quietly] oh, my baby. - where is everybody? we rode right in. - they took all the guns and rode away. oh, darling. i thought you were... [footsteps approach] - don't ever be afraid of him. he's my friend. - lila, he's an outlaw. - not an outlaw, mrs. kilgore. please believe your daughter. i am a friend. - angry horse wanted to kill me, but he wouldn't let him.
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and then he made all the indians promise not to fight, no matter what. - they'll have to fight. they've no choice. my husband's men are gathering the ranchers right now to lead them to the reservation. - gathering where? - at pilgrim crossing. - lila, i know how brave you are. are you too tired to go on being brave? - what do i have to do? - mrs. kilgore, if your husband makes that attack, no ranch in this territory will be safe. it's best if the both of you go to the mission church. it's a long run and not easy. certainly not easy for you, mrs. kilgore. - i'll survive. - oh, you just depend on me. if anything happens... - if anything happens, i'll protect you. and it's about time. - you hurry and pack your things. i can't ask a wife to inform on her husband.
4:33 am
but if there's anything you can tell me, anything that'll help prevent this war, please let me know. - he doesn't deserve any loyalty. not from me or-- or lila. i can tell you this. he won't stop when he knows that she's safe. his intentions right along were to exterminate the indians, and he plans to do it now. - but why? - i don't know. - does he want their land? - that was only at first. he would sit for hours, looking off at spirit mountain, thinking about the vast acres around it. and it made him angry that a thing within the reach of his eyes should belong to someone else, to indians. - you say that was only at first. what is it now? - the mountain. he wants to own spirit mountain. - but why does he need the dynamite? he's blasting up there.
4:34 am
the indians hear it and think the mountain is talking. - perhaps he's closing up the passages that he and cassidy found. if he plans to put cattle on that land, they might wander into some of those old tunnels. - the ancient tunnels of spirit mountain. i heard about them when i was a boy. the indians don't trespass on spirit mountain. - but reece and cassidy do. and that's where they are right now. - the ranchers are doing just as we feared. they're gathering now for a strike at the indian village. - that plenty bad, kemo sabay. - kilgore has gone to spirit mountain for dynamite. i'm going after him, tonto. you take mrs. kilgore and her daughter to the mission church. then follow me.
4:35 am
- hurry it up. everybody's at the crossing by now. - they better be. i'll remember any man who stays away. - we won't need 'em all anyway. we got enough stuff here to blow up the whole territory. - who's gonna lead this crazy mule? that's what i want to know. anything happens, whoever's close to him don't stand a chance. and it ain't gonna be me. - get back to the ranch and pack your gear. you're fired. - you can't fire me, kilgore. i'm working for what's in there.
4:36 am
and you try and fire me from that. [gunshots] - i'll lead him. [gunshot] - the next shot's for that box of dynamite. now throw down your guns. - who are you? - i said drop 'em! [cocks gun] - powder, through the tunnel. get up there behind him. i'm reece kilgore. the indians have taken my daughter. - your daughter is safe, kilgore. - she's in red hawk's village, and i'm using this dynamite to get her out of there. - red hawk let her go. she's at the mission church. [heroic music] ♪
4:37 am
- what are you, a renegade? a bandit? what kind of man are you, who sides with the indians against his own people? what's your grudge against me? - i'm taking you in for murder, kilgore, for the murder of ramirez and sheriff kimberley's father. and now goss. [gunshot] [gunshot] - let's get out of here. [horse neighs]
4:40 am
- everybody here? - yep, the only way we can get at 'em right now is through that pass. - all right. let's go through it. - they'll know before we reach 'em. - now, look, if we're gonna let blood, we got to be prepared to smell it. now let's go. - hold it, kilgore. this won't get your girl out of there alive. here's what we do. me and my boys sneak in there at night and look around. maybe we even get her free from them. and then we jump 'em in the dark. - you're not looking for a fight. i am. - all right. let's go.
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4:46 am
- look like mountain all silver. - so that's why the mountain's taboo. the legends were begun to keep people away. and that's what kilgore found out. - him be plenty rich man if he owned this. - he'd be a king in this territory, tonto. that's why he stands in the way of statehood. this whole territory would become his dooryard. he would found a dynasty, a dynasty of silver. - but this belong to indian. - and he has to get rid of them before he can seize it. and that's just what he's trying to do. [horse neighs] take him, tonto. good boy, silver. this pack mule belongs to kilgore. - what we do about kilgore? him have many men and many gun. - here's something that could be worth more than 100 men.
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- [speaking native language] [explosion] [gunshot] [explosion] [triumphant music] ♪ - i'm no sheriff now, paid by kilgore money. i'm a united states marshal, appointed through the governor's office and backed up by lieutenant craley here and his men. and i'm telling you, men, to get off this reservation. you're violating a federal law. you're trespassing.
4:50 am
and if a single indian is killed, you'll all stand trial for murder. - they're holding my daughter in that village. - your daughter's at the mission church, and i'll bet you know it. - we spoke to her, mr. kilgore, to her and to your wife. - and what about my three men they killed when they kidnapped lila? - that can be handled without resorting to war. - i think we know better out here how to handle the indians. are we gonna stand for this outside interference? i say no! - you can't say anything, mr. kilgore. i'm carrying a federal warrant for the arrest of you and cassidy. - arrest, are you crazy? - it says both your names here. the governor figured you wouldn't believe it. that's why he sent along-- - kimberley, you'd better not be making a mistake. this is reece kilgore. - right. that's his gun hand, cassidy. and among the things they're charged with, there's the murder of pete ramirez. - why, you murdering, lying-- you told me ramirez quit. you can scratch my name off that warrant. i'm not responsible for the private feuds of men who happen to work for me.
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it wasn't much of a trial once cassidy decided to talk, although talking didn't save his neck. - but you told me i might have to testify. - well, i figured this would be the best place for you. - yes. the padre has been so good to us. - such lazy people who come to visit me. they do nothing but sleep and eat. as for the little one, she forget her fear and hatred of the indian and plays games again. - ah, where little one now, padre? - come. i show you. as you predicted, there was a problem. she had been trained by her father to walk in his ways. she had his strength, but she was learning to imitate his weaknesses. - and she's my little girl again. [laughter] we're not going east. we're staying to manage the ranch. she loves it here. and i'm going to learn to love it too. and together, we'll make the kilgore name a good one.
4:54 am
[rousing orchestral theme] [william tell overture plays] ♪ wait! but i wanted him to stay. i wanted to thank him. - when his work is finished, he rides away. ♪ - but i wanted to see his face, to ask his name. - you cannot see his face. he will wear the mask until there is no longer any need for it. and his name is the lone ranger. ♪ - heigh-o, silver! away!
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