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tv   Today  NBC  February 26, 2013 7:00am-11:00am PST

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the question on everyone's mind is how did this idyllic sightseeing tour turn into a deadly disaster? it cashed into the sugar cane field, falling in a ball of fire from 1,000 feet above. an american eyewitness posted he said they show a group of balloons and tourists as they were taking off just after dawn in the ancient city of luxor. it was supposed to be an aerial tour of egypt's valley of the kings, one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. in hong kong, the travel agency that organized the tour confirmed chinese tourists were among the dead. >> what we have received so far from where the accident happened, the balloon caught fire and it fell out of the sky. >> reporter: an eyewitness said the explosion happened as the hot air balloon was landing, enkbu
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enkbufling -- engulfing the carriage and its passengers in flames. rescue workers recovered bodies, some reportedly jumping to their death as the balloon burst into flames and then crashed. hot air balloon rides are popular with tourists but there have been some accidents in recent years. officials say this is the first fatal accident since they began offering aerial tours in 1989. the egyptian government now has imposed a moratorium on all hot air balloon operators here in the country. they've also dispatched a team of investigators to this scene to try to piece together what happened. they're going to interview the pilot of that hot air balloon who managed to escape, but he's injured and remains in a hospital where he's being treated. savannah? >> ayman mohyeldin in cairo for us this morning. thank you. now here's matt. a huge winter storm is battering the heartland this morning. it's the second blizzard to hit that region in about a week. the weather channel's mike
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seidel is in wichita, kansas. mike, deja vu all over again. >> reporter: yes, they're digging out from another one today. luckily, the sun is out this morning. here in wichita, you combine both storms, they've now had their snowiest month on record. they've been measuring snow here for 125 years. hit the hardest. in amarillo, they picked up 19 inches yesterday. that makes it their snowiest day on record. howling wind and blinding snow are posing huge problems for motorists in the texas panhandle. several roads are impassable because of whiteout conditions. 12 to 18 inches of snow and drifts as high as six feet are reported. the national weather service calls the texas blizzard crippling and historic. folks in western oklahoma are bringing out their shovels and struggling with the wind. the oklahoma highway patrol is telling all nonessential personnel to stay home until tomorrow.
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in the nation's heartland a lot of people are saying here we go again. a second round of heavy snow in less than a week is bearing down on the region and is already being blamed for two deaths. >> we're doing the best we can. we're going to try to get with you. be patient. >> reporter: patience is the key word as people prepare to get pummeled again. >> more this time. we're supposed to get more snow. should be deeper. i don't know. but i have four-wheel drive, so i like that. >> reporter: grocery store parking lots are full of folks stocking up. >> going to the grocery store and just hoping that we have enough food and where i don't have to get back out in it. >> reporter: quite a few in the area are saying enough is enough to old man winter. >> i'm already ready for summer. >> reporter: it doesn't look like she'll get her wish any time soon. the farmers aren't complaining about the cold and especially the snow. out here in the plains, we're in
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a long-standing, horrible drought. they're hoappy to see the moisture. more than 77,000 customers without power in parts of three states. at o'hare in chicago, they've canceled more than 200 flights ahead of the storm. >> mike seidel in wichita for us this morning. thank you very much. mr. roker is upstairs. al in the open we said that storm is marching east. what are you expecting? >> we're expecting a lot of severe weather to the south, more snow to the north and the west. this is a sprawling system, affecting millions. you can see the spin right now making its way through the midwest, but it extends all the way down -- look at this. we've got tornado watches from savannah down to tampa.own to t. that's the stormy side. the snowy side will bring anywhere from six to nine inches of snow. here is the futurecast. deja vu all over again. second low forms along the northeast coast, but this time it's staying inland, and that will be drawing in the warmer air so that along the coast we're basically looking at rain. snow inland. here's what we have as far as snowfall amounts.
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basically about 12 inches of snow back through northern missouri, up to 16 inches of snow in interior sections of new england. then down to the south, we've got that severe weather to talk about. rainfall amounts anywhere from 2 to 3 inches of rain from the panhandle of florida into the appalachians. savannah? >> all right, al. thank you. now to rome and pope benedict's final days as leader of the catholic church. moments ago the vatican announced new details about the pope's life after he steps down. let's get to nbc's anne thompson at the vatican this morning. anne, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. we now know what pope benedict will be called once he retires. if you run into him, you address him as his holiness, pope benedict xvi, or roman pontiff emeritus. he won't wear the white cape you've seen him wear as pope. and then those shoes that he's so very fond of, well, they go.
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he will have to switch to brown shoes. we understand he'll wear a pair he was given on a trip to mexico. all of those details are coming out as the world gets a glimpse of the sometimes ugly gamesmanship that goes on in this beautiful setting. cardinal keith o'brien, briton's highest ranking catholic and its only vote in the upcoming papal conclave is staying away, accused of improper behavior with four young priests going back to the 1980s, detailed in a british newspaper sunday that o'brien denied. monday, pope benedict accepted o'brien's resignation, which he offered months ago, to be effective immediately. >> i hope it signals a rapid response capability that has been lacking in the past. and a willingness to take decisive action against malfeasance, incompetence in leadership in the future. >> reporter: american's cardinal roger mahoney, urged by some
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catholics to say home, too, because he protected abusive priests as archbishop of los angeles, got a vote of support. >> some victims groups that enough is never enough. so we have to do our job as best we see it. >> reporter: in his last weeks, the pope tried to stop the speculation that dominated italian media, saying only he knew the contents of the internal report into last year's leak of papal documents and said he would only share it with the next pope. newspapers here have speculated it contains allegations of sex and blackmailing and led to the pope's resignation. the vatican denies that. >> it certainly weighed on him. but i think we're putting more into it if we make that the decision. >> reporter: now the pope also gave the cardinals permission to move up the start date of the conclave to choose his successor, but the vatican just said it looks like those conversations, those meetings
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won't start until next week. savannah? >> anne thompson at the vatican this morning. a reminder, i will be live from the vatican with the special coverage of the resignation of pope benedict starting tomorrow on "today." matt? >> savannah, thanks. now to washington with the threat of automatic budget cuts set to take effect friday looms large. as nbc's chief white house correspondent chuck todd reports, there is no deal in sight. chuck, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. not only is there not a deal in sight, there's not even a negotiation in sight to try to get a deal before these cuts go in on friday. instead, we're seeing a game of finger pointing. the president hits the road today, heading to a naval shipyard in virginia, attempting to build public support against a slue of supposedly cuts. home to the number two house republican, eric cantor.
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virginia is home to the number two house republican, eric cantor. >> we're very concerned about the impact on the commonwealth as we are on all states. >> reporter: another virginian sounding the alarm on the sequester is the republican governor. >> we've had 18 months. congress has to work with him and get it done. >> reporter: the white house admitted there are no talks or phone calls expected between the president and congressional leaders. instead, for the second time in a row, the white house press briefing featured a cabinet secretary making dire warnings about the so-called sequester. >> i don't think we can maintain the same level of security at all places around the country with sequester as without sequester. >> reporter: after a week-long recess, house speaker john boehner had harsh words for the administration, reminding the president that tax hikes will not be supported by republicans. >> the president says we have to have another tax increase in order to avoid the sequester. well, mr. president, you got your tax increase. it's time to cut spending here in washington. >> reporter: speaking in front of the nation's governors,
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president obama called on every elected official to act. >> all of us are concerned about our politics, both in our own parties as well as the other parties, but at some point, we have to do some governing. >> reporter: a couple of key republican leaders are coming to the white house about meetings but it's not on sequester. it's on immigration. john mccain and lindsey graham coming here to talk immigration. again, no scheduled talks on trying to prevent the sequester from kicking in on friday. >> with just a few days to go. chuck todd, thank you very much. let's get a check of the other top stories of the day. natalie morales is here with that. >> good morning, matt and savannah. good morning, everyone. after nearly two weeks of delays, a divided senate is moving ahead toward a vote on the president's defense secretary nominee chuck hagel. after republicans stalled his nomination, the former gop senator is now back on track to win confirmation and succeed leon panetta. violence in civil war this
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morning as a massive explosion rocks damascus. this just hours after president bash bashar assad's regime said it was prepared to hold talks with the rebel forces. they are unlikely to talk to the government they accuse of mass atrocities. according to human rights watch, the syrian military fired several ballistic missiles into residential areas of aleppo, killing more than 140 people, including 70 children. today marks 20 years since the first attack on the world trade center here in new york city. the car bombing back in 1993 killed six people and left more than 1,000 others injured. the names of those victims are now inscribed at the september 11th memorial and a ceremony will be held there today. a desperate race against time near monterey bay in california after the coast guard received a series of distress calls from an unidentified family, the last one saying they were abandoning ship. it is believed the boaters were on a 29-foot sailboat with two
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young children on board. crews have been searching the waters off central california overnight hoping to find and rescue them. and now let's head to wall street, which had a rough start to the week. cnbc's courtney reagan is at the new york stock exchange. what's rattling the market? >> the market really does hope to bounce back from the biggest drop it suffered so far this year on monday after a stalemate in the italian elections showed strength for the party that's opposed to that nation's economic reforms, and that's causing concerns that europe's debt crisis could get even worse, rattling u.s. markets. separately, though, home depot reporting strong earnings this morning. home improvement retailer thanking the turnaround in housing as well as all that repair work done in the wake of super storm sandy for those increasing profits. natalie? >> courtney reagan at the new york stock exchange, thanks. airports, as you know, can be very frustrating places but there is no reason to get this angry. take a look. chinese government official flew
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into an epic tantrum when he learned he had missed his flight -- actually, his second flight that he missed. he took his anger out on airport staff and two innocent computers. the video has gone viral on chinese social media and now he has been suspended from his post and he faces punishment charges. guys, you'll notice security is standing off behind that rope there. turns out because he outranks the security guards, they were afraid to step in, if you can believe that. >> that and a chair. >> yeah. >> you might be able to say former government official. >> yeah. >> pretty soon. >> i think that's going to happen. >> natalie, thanks. >> mr. roker, back from your all-nighter in hollywood? >> that sounds good. >> well, i'm just speaking the truth. >> from the academy awards as well. >> really? thank you. thank you so much for that. >> am i wrong? >> it was an all nighter. >> you make it sound like i was in vegas partying. anyway, let's see what we've got for you going on right now.
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for today, we have a risk of strong storms, storm watches from savannah to tampa. we've got wet weather and clouds in the pacific northwest. beautiful day down in southern california. snowy through the great lakes today. plenty of sunshine in new england. and temperatures will be seasonal. we'll get to your local forecast. first, these messages. 7:16 on a tuesday morning.
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cold to start with. 30s and 40s on the map. later on today we are going to get spoiled with an early taste of spring. 68 degrees on the way to livermore. 64 degrees for oakland and san francisco. we're going to keep on climbing through thursday. the 70s return and then the mid 70s on the way. we'll peak on friday at 75 degrees inland. weather. savannah? >> al, thanks. in the wake of "argo's" big win, some of those held hostage are hoping that the film will help them gain compensation. michael, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. the oscar-winning film "argo" with its gripping account of the escape of six americans from iran is refocusing attention on capitol hill to the real-life iranian hostage crisis of 32 years ago. it's a story for which so far
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there has not been a happy ending. the best picture oscar for "argo," ben affleck's movie celebrating the rescue of 6 u.s. embassy employees from post-revolutionary iran is long-delayed justice for the americans left behind and held hostage for 444 days beginning in 1979. >> this is an act of terrorism, totally outside the bounds of international law and diplomatic tradition. >> the hostages went through a horrifying ordeal, brutally interrogated, kept naked in cells in subfreezing temperatures. >> they stood me up, blindfolded me, tied my hands behind my back. >> reporter: steve was one of those hostages, then a marine corps guard, twice subjected to mock executions. >> i thought i was going to be shot right there. >> reporter: other former hostages are still angry over their treatment and want compensation from the government. >> this is the big fish. and the big fish is
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accountability. that what was done at this point -- they got away with it. >> reporter: until now the hostage's efforts have been blocked by a 1981 agreement known as the algiers accord that led to the hostages release. they reluctantly agreed that they could not sue their captors. there's a new effort in congress to bypass that agreement. >> it's literally like having a gun to your head and giving up your rights. now is the perfect time when this movie has created so much attention, to educate the american people about what they went through. >> reporter: a bill to be introduced in the next few weeks by congressman bruce braley would create a special $400 million fund to compensate the hostages, using the proceeds of fines paid by company that is violate u.s. sanctions against iran. it will be a relief none too soon for the former hostages. >> people remain upset and every year we're up to 12, we watch
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someone else pass away. >> i don't want to go to any more memorial services before this is settled. >> sponsors of that new bill say they are confident that, should it pass, there will be more than enough money to compensate the former hostages. that's because they expect a number of companies hit with fines to increase, thanks to tighter u.s. sanctions aimed at pressuring the iranians over their nuclear program. savannah? >> michael isikoff. thank you. coming up, remarkable health benefits linked to one diet that could change the way you eat. and the buzz over google glass. how you can get your hands on a pair before they hit the market. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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still ahead, we'll talk about why an image of the first lady at the oscars was altered
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to cover her up. >> more on that. and then the college cheerleader who wowed the crowd with this, an incredible shot. she will give it a shot live on our plaza. we'll see if she can do a repeat performance this morning. i guess she's already practicing. first a check of your local news and weather. ap strips your skin. dove is different. ♪ with 1/4 moisturizing cream, dove doesn't strip your skin like soap. ♪ to get your family together for breakfast. [ clears throat ] [ female announcer ] in fact, they might work too well. [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] eggo waffles.
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simply delicious. your financial advisor should focus on your long-term goals, not their short-term agenda. [ male announcer ] join the nearly 7 million investors who think like you do. face time and think time make a difference. at edward jones, it's how we make sense of investing. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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she can't control herself around chocolate. she'll devour you. really? yeah, uh, thanks for introducing us. anything for a friend. ooh, strong grip! ow! ♪ so i can't afford to have germy surfaces. but after one day's use, dishcloths can redeposit millions of germs. so ditch your dishcloth
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and switch to a fresh sheet of new bounty duratowel. look! a fresh sheet of bounty duratowel leaves this surface cleaner than a germy dishcloth, as this black light reveals. it's durable, cloth-like and it's 3 times cleaner. so ditch your dishcloth and switch to new bounty duratowel. the durable, cloth-like picker-upper. it is 7:26. good morning, everybody. i'm jon kelley. san jose police investigating a deadly hit-and-run this morning. a woman was hit near the intersection of bellevue avenue and monterey road about 1:00 this morning just blocks from the alma exit of highway 87. that woman was taken to the hospital where she unfortunately later died. police closed down part of the area overnight as they collected evidence. those roadways were reopened about an hour ago. officers are still looking for a dark colored vehicle possibly a
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honda. they say it has severe front end damage and if you happen to have any information about this scene, please call san jose police. let's keep things on the road right now and check in with mike inouye for your commute to work. good morning. >> good morning. this is south bay san jose. monterey at bellevue that intersection has opened. we do have slowing throughout the south bay. 101, 280, 87 and 85 typical builds there. lighter than we expect for a traffic tuesday. a lot of traffic held up south heading through fremont for 880. earlier crash at stevenson cleared but the backup starts in hayward through union city and into fremont. east 580 through dublin grade a crash blocks two lanes there and south 680 there is a crash blocking two lanes jammed up into danville. christina, i saw nice sunshine outside. what do we have in store for today? >> lighter flow for traffic tuesday, maybe people are calling in sick because the weather is so nice.
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beautiful day taking a live look at downtown san jose. a gorgeous start. you can see marine layer squished to almost nothing. that will fade fast. mostly clear conditions in san jose just like we're getting in san francisco to kick off a tuesday. 40 degrees in san jose. 38 in oa heading throughout the afternoon, we're going to hold onto good air quality for today. you'll notice a little bit more haze in our atmosphere. nonetheless, 68 degrees in santa theresa. 65 in san jose. jon, we keep on climbing. we'll peak on friday at 75 degrees. >> we love the sound of that. thank you very much. we'll have another local update for you in one half hour from right now. we hope to see you then. "today" show coming your way. mom, i invited justin over for lunch.
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good. no, not good. he's a vegetarian and he's going to be here in 20 minutes! [ mom ] don't stress. we can figure this out. ♪ [ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. ♪ [ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. ♪
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>> and it's good. that's 21-year-old cheerleader ashlee arnau. the question is, can ashlee do it again? she's outside on the plaza right now and she's warming up. this is her version of warming up there. i get that. that's okay. she's going to give that shot a try in just a little bit. 7:30 now on a tuesday morning, the 26th of february, 2013. i'm matt lauer, along with
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savannah guthrie. >> good morning, everybody. also ahead, are you eating enough things like nuts, fish and olive oil? new research this morning on the diet changes you should make to drastically reduce your risk of heart attack, stroke, even death. >> this study -- this idea is not new but it's a big major study on it. >> a study that shows there are dramatic improvements in your heart health in this diet and it includes wine. just saying. then we'll meet a doctor who says death does not have to be the end. it can actually be reversed. let's begin this half hour with a very different subject. first lady michelle obama, making a lot of public appearances recently and drawing some criticism because of that. nbc's white house correspondent kristen welker has more on that. good morning to you. >> matt, good morning to you. the first lady will be hitting the road to promote her third anniversary of her let's move campaign. but her media blitz topped by
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that performance at the oscars has everyone talking. people are still buzzing about michelle obama's oscar finale that no one saw coming. >> and the oscar goes to -- "argo." >> even an iranian news agency covered it, but photo shopped sleeves and a higher neckline. conservative columnist jennifer ruben is critical, saying it made the white house and first lady seem small. >> there is a sense of going too far and too much and becoming so ubiquitous that no one considers you special. she's the first lady, for goodness saks not a celebrity. >> reporter: the white house didn't respond but most of her appearances have been focused on her campaign let's move. on jimmy fallon, sharing a moment with big bird. >> eating healthy is easy and
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it's fun and delicious, too. >> reporter: and talking hairdos with rachel ray. >> this is my midlife crisis, the bangs. >> reporter: it's all part of a carefully crafted pr plan. >> it's almost as if her real strategy is a charm offensive that's been intended to build support for her husband's initiatives. >> reporter: michelle obama is working with her team to develop a second-term agenda, something all first ladies must contend with. >> the difference between a first term and a second term really is the fact that you've got your grounding. and all of the lessons learned of a first term now you can pick up and have the freedom to really act. >> reporter: so will the harvard educated lawyer take on more policy heavy goals in the next four years? >> she never wants to distract from her husband's agenda. it's possible she might address tougher, more controversial
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issues but i do not believe, based on what aides have told me, that she would do it if she thought she was going to cause a distraction from what her husband was trying to get done. >> as for her oscar appearance, the first lady's office says as a movie lover she was proud to present the award. president reagan delivered a video address in 1980 and former president clinton made a surprise appearance at this year's golden globes, to name just a few. matt? >> all right. kristen welker, thank you very much. i heard mixed reviews on this. jimmy fallon bit to promote let's move, almost unanimous rave reviews on but i've heard a lot of people say i don't know about the academy awards, too close to hollywood. maybe that was one step too far. >> it's a good topic for the professionals, who will weigh in on this in a few minutes. we'll check their feelings about it.
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now let's head outside to mr. roker, who has another check of the weather. we've got this big, sprawling storm spreading a lot of snow. look at oklahoma. we are talking about whiteout conditions with numerous accidents, cars stuck, airport flights have been canceled. so, it is a real mess and it is making its way to the east. we'll see scenes like that throughout the upper midwest later on today. let's see what we have for today as far as your temperatures are concerned. we've got bitterly cold air making its way through the central rockies, northern plains, northern new england. you have to head down to southern florida to see temperatures in the 80s. as far as your weather conditions are concerned, look for clouds in the pacific northwest, icy conditions in the upper ohio, mississippi river valley through the appalachians. windy conditions here in the northeast. plenty of sunshine in new england. risk of strong storms from central, northern florida on into coastal georgia. 7:35 on a tuesday morning. good morning. i'm meteorologist christina loren. taking a live look at some
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beautiful temperatures for today. we're going to hit 68 degrees in livermore. 69 in gilroy. 65 on the way to san jose. and 64 for san francisco and oakland. it will be one of those days where you want to get outdoors especially because the tourists don't realize we're getting the 70s right now. they'll be in town during the summertime. get the beach to yourself for the next few days. rain moves in tuesday of next week. >> get the latest on that big storm. check out the weather channel on cable or online. savannah? >> al, thanks. living under the tuscan sun has always been romanticized as a better way of life. and now dr. nancy snyderman has more. >> you may not get the romance you've been looking for but you will get the health benefits. you can get those same health benefits, the ones you'll find in the mediterranean right here at home. there may be good reason if your heart is longing for a life in
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the mediterranean. according to a study released by the new england journal of medicine, patients who adopted the mediterranean diet were less likely to have heart attacks, strokes and death. >> the mediterranean diet, plant-based proteins, lots of fruits and vegetables, can really help your heart. >> how did they do it? nearly 7,500 patients with high risk of heart disease, one-third ate a regular diet. the rest ate either a handful of nuts or four tablespoons of olive oil in addition to three servings of fruit, two servings of vegetables and fish and legumes three times a week. they ate white over red meat and were encouraged to drink wine with meals. they all committed to it for five years. it's been a lifetime plan for nutritionist bonnie talb who teaches her patients to follow
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the diet but also raises her family on it. >> i used to cook kind of rich for my husband. i wanted to try to impress him with good food but then i kind of liked the guy so i wanted him to last a long time so i started cooking more of the mediterranean style and that's the way i raise my children. >> reporter: for years, scientists have tried to decipher why people living in mediterranean countries have lower rates of heart disease. now experts say the proof is in the pudding or rather the nuts and olive oil. store-bought cakes, cookies and sodas were not approved. >> you want to adopt this mediterranean diet, two major rules. eat in moderation and you also have to do this regularly. it is months and years of a healthy lifestyle. >> the most telling part of this study is that the researchers stopped it early because their findings were so solid and so compelling that it seemed unethical to keep participants from eating the healthy stuff in the mediterranean diet. meantime, researchers stopped a study or really divided the groups into who gets what, that
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tells you something. >> 30% reduction in heart attack, stroke and death is hugely significant. >> it is. what's interesting about this, people who they put on the study were already people with high blood pressure, some people were already on statins. these were not perfectly healthy people. they took people already at risk for heart disease, 70,000 of them and said okay, now we're going to look at just the role of diet. and the diet was so significant in this group, it really says something. >> we are not saying diet should replace those drugs if you're already on those cholesterol reducing drugs. >> no. you should stay on them. we were saying, wow, four tablespoons of olive oil? that's a lot. you can do with less. it's the type of olive oil. even if i was saying to you, nuts, you still can't have a bagful. it's 17 or 18 walnuts or almonds. but it's the kind of food you're choosing and it's the moderation of it. >> this study had people who really stuck to the diet and did it for five years. >> right. >> if you weren't that good at
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it but you used a little bit of oil, increased your fish intake, would you see some benefit? >> the answer is yes. every time you take a little bit of this kind of diet. and the stuff we have in front of us, which are basically fresh fruits and vegetables, chicken and beans and, of course, you and i love our red wine, you are ahead of the game. interestingly you're not seeing red meat. if you like meat or fish or chicken, the serving size is the palm of your hand. it's not these big american plates. go to europe. what do they do? they eat off smaller plates. >> and a glass of wine per night? >> or more. >> oh, nancy. i know you're trouble. and you'll be back with "today's" professionals in a little bit. >> yep. will google glass really change the way you see the world? and inspired by the looks you saw at the oscars? where to find similar styles for a lot less. first these messages. t it made ♪ ♪ i got it made
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you have unusual changes in behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not for children under 18. people taking maois, linezolid or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. simple pleasures shouldn't hurt. talk to your doctor about cymbalta. depression hurts. cymbalta can help.
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and we're back now at 7:44 with a gadget that people are clamoring for. it's not even out yet. it's called google glass and mara schiavocampo is here. i want one of these. >> yes, a lot of people do. it's still in the stages of early development. but google has sparked interest. and, boy, have they ever. it's a pane of glass that projects information into your field of vision like a lightweight invisible smart phone. now google is making it available to thousands of people. google glass could change the way we see the world.
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a device that allows you to record your point of view. >> recording video. >> reporter: live stream it, take pictures. >> take a picture. >> reporter: get directions, information or translation. and even dictate messages. all through a pane of glass, projecting images right in front of your face. this video, released by google, was shot using google glass and has racked up more than 13 million views in less than a week. technology reporter josha tupolski is one of the lucky few that has tested google glass. >> there's a little piece that goes over your right eye and projects into the distance this little screen. >> reporter: google has been working on glass for about two
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years. their idea? to have people reengage with the world with their head up instead of looking down at their smart phone. since then they've been testing glass with a small group of users. google co-founder sergei brynn was spotted sporting a pair at an after party and on the new york subway. diane von furstenberg was seen wearing them. tweet using the #ifihadglass. the response has been overwhelming. despite the interest, google will still have to work out the kinks. >> some of the challenges for google glass will certainly be price. another challenge will be ease of use. another challenge will be privacy. how comfortable will people feel using these devices and recording and sharing moments in real time? >> now if all goes as planned, google plans to release glass
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before the end of the year. the prototypes cost $1,500 each. the google says that the consumer version will probably be a little bit less. >> they want us to be walking around heads up as opposed to be looking down at our smart phones. can i get e-mails on this thing, texts on this thing? >> it's designed to shoot photo, videos. you can send texts to someone if you're live streaming but as of right now you can't read e-mails or text on it. re-creating the magic moment on our plaza live. she'll try it, right after this. [ jen garner ] what skincare brand is so effective... so trusted... so clinically proven dermatologists recommend it twice as much as any other brand? neutrogena®. recommended by dermatologists 2 times more
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than any other brand. now that's beautiful. neutrogena®. ♪ and sure enough, we're family. but you're not even shredded. you're...crunchy?! that happens sometimes. [ female announcer ] a crunch of whole grain fiber that helps keep you full. new frosted mini-wheats crunch. it's a big breakfast... [ crunch! ] new a little biscuit. because four out of five dogs over the age of three develop gum disease, and tartar buildup is a contributing factor. [ dog ] or dentastix fresh. clinically proven to fight tartar, with added ingredients to fight dog breath, too. to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly any airline anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys!
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and with double miles you can actually use, you never miss the fun. beard growing contest and go! ♪ i win! what's in your wallet? test test test. test test test. your worst sinu, plus that annoying cough. [ breathes deeply ] ♪ oh, what a relief it is! [ angry gibberish ] so ditch the brown bag for something better.
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like our bacon ranch quesadillas or big mouth burger bites, served with soup or salad, and fries. starting at just 6 bucks, at chili's. this is another! ta-daa! try charmin ultra strong. it cleans so well and you can use up to four times less than the leading value brand. oh! there it is. thanks son. hey! [ female announcer ] charmin ultra strong has a duraclean texture that can help you get clean while still using less. and it's four times stronger versus the leading value brand. charmin ultra strong helps keep you and your underwear clean. we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra strong?
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we are back with the college cheerleader who pulled off an incredible trick shot. >> it's amazing. 21-year-old ashlee arnau from university in mississippi. that's good but can she do it live here on our plaza? ashlee, good morning. >> good morning. how are you? >> i understand you've been trying this all year long at home games and made it on kind of your last attempt? >> yes, i did. >> had you made it in practice a lot of times? >> never. >> it's only happened once in your life? >> how many times do you think you practiced it before you nailed it?
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>> hundreds of times. >> let's set expectations. >> since you made the shot, what's life been like? >> busy. hectic, actually. i've never experienced anything like this before, so it's a lot to take in. >> are you ready to try this on national tv? no pressure here at all. >> no pressure. i'll give it a shot. >> what made you devise this particular trick? do you have a follow-up you're working on? >> i'm trying to concoct something, but it's kind of difficult. >> okay. >> don't hurt yourself. there's the ball right down there, ashlee. we'll get out of your way. ladies and gentlemen, ashlee arnau from william carey university. grabs the ball, nothing but net. >> okay.
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whoa! oh, wait, where did it go? >> you have one more right here. >> oh, one more shot. >> oh! that was so close. back after your local news. c congratulations. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up. [ all kids ] twooooo! [ moderator ] you sure? i am absolutely positive! [ little boy ] two times is awesome. the thing i can do is
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wave my head and wave my... that's amazing. i've never seen anything like that. look i can do -- hold on -- i'm watching this. i'm getting dizzy... [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. doing two things at once is better. and only at&t's network lets you talk and surf on your iphone 5. ♪ ( birds chirping ) exceptionally smooth with a harmonious blend of flavor and aroma. green mountain coffee for your keurig brewer. brew a better day. how do we get doing...lished room and make it shine? ...with a store full of ways to get it done. we can all throw on our work clothes... ...and throw out any doubt. because right now's the time to take those rooms from... ..."think i can do this?" to... ..."let me show you what i just did." more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. outsmart your budget with this pergo presto flooring,
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just $1.88 a square foot. she can't always move the way she wants. now you can. with stayfree ultra thins. flexible layers move with your body while thermocontrol wicks moisture away. keep moving. stayfree. so this year, make the most of it. fly like you've never been grounded. scream like you've never been shushed. let go like you have nothing to lose. and hold on to what matters most. it's your vacation. don't just take it. mean it.
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universal orlando. vacation like you mean it. it is 7:56. good morning, everybody. i'm jon kelley. in a reversal of fortune, a west sacramento police officer now behind bars this morning facing charges of sexual assault and kidnapping. police say sergio alvarez used his position to take advantage of women. they're accusing alvarez of pulling women over and then assaulting them. the alleged attacks happening while alvarez was in uniform and in his patrol car. investigators identifying six victims. some were attacked multiple times. >> i'm just appalled and sickened that someone who is put in a position of trust would violate that trust in such an
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egregious and despicable manner. >> alvarez was put on administrative leave back in september. he's now been fired from the department. he's being held at the county jail. right now let's get a look at that tuesday forecast. christina loren tells us spectacular. >> it's looking good. we're feeling good. good morning to you, jon. good morning to you at home. we'll start with this live picture to show you how quickly the low clouds have cleared in san jose. this is what happens. the sunburns off that top layer. that's all that's left in a matter of 15 minutes full sunshine on the way and 65 in san jose. 68 for santa theresa. we keep climbing as we head toward the end of the week. warmest day will be friday at 75 comfortable degrees inland. let's check your drive. it's rush hour. >> rush hour traffic tuesday very bad. nimitz past the coliseum this is standard but look at south of here south 880 jamming into hayward out of union city earlier crash made that bad worse by east 580 earlier
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sig-alert just seconds ago cleared at the dublin grade. two lanes just reopened. better news there. still very slow in the northbound lanes for all of your freeways through the south bay. things keep building. a new crash 101 at 880. we'll join the "today" show.
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>> oh! >> 8:00 on this thus morning, the 26th of february, 2013. ashley arnault is embodying the principal of try, try, again if at first you don't succeed. you were practicing the video of this. you came extremely close. >> oh! >> ashley, you say the difference here is that the backboard is a little smaller so it's throwing you off a bit.
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>> and the fact that we have cement as opposed to a wood floor. we have this people cheering and waving in the background. and i love the fact they keep putting another ball down and you're like no more. i don't want to do it again. thank you for training ashley. >> you're welcome. >> congratulations on an amazing shot at the game. >> thank you. >> good luck your senior year. >> thank you. >> what are you majoring in? >> nursing. >> ashley, thank you. coming up, if you were inspired by the fashions you saw sunday night at the oscars we have looks inspired by those at a much more affordable house. professionals are in the house. star, dr. nancy. tell commuting. is it a good thing when employees work from home? and i have met my match. a 9-year-old lad in the third grade who does the weather. we're going to meet him and he's
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going to do a little forecasting with us a little bit later on. >> before we get to all that, over to natalie morales. good morning, everyone. at least 19 foreign tourists were killed today when a hot air balloon caught fire, exploded and crashed while player over luxor. u.s. embassy officials say there's no indication that any americans were among the victims. for the second time in a week, a major winter storm is bearing down on the midwest. white-outs on monday in texas and oklahoma panhandle. blizzard conditions moving east, closing schools in kansas. president obama takes his budget battle to a ship building yard in virginia to highlight automatic sequester budget cuts on defense workers. across the board cuts take effect on friday unless the
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white house and congressional republicans can reach a deal to reduce the federal deficit. the vatican announced today that pope benedict xvi will be called emeritus pope and carry the title of his holiness after he steps down on thursday. on monday, benedict received the results of an internal investigation into vatican document leaks. the vatican denied that anything in the report contributed to benedict's historic decision to advocate. former u.s. surgeon general c. everett koop died in new hampshire. he raised public awareness of aids and the dangers of smoking. he was 96 years old. and now for a look at what is trending today, our quick round of what has you talking online. internet pirates may be shouting argghh before the week is over. it will send voice and e-mail warnings to users who illegally
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share music, movies or television shows online. after six alerts your internet could take drastic action such as slowing your connection. and vulcan is the top choice in an online plan to name one of pluto's moons. vulcan was the vacational home planet of kirk's science officer spock. and these vigilante traffic videos had fans calling him the punisher. he typically does something to irk another driver who gets angry and cuts him off. and then he smashes the hot-head to teach them a lesson. he looks like the innocent victim. should be called the provoker as well. it's 8:04.
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back outside to al with a check of your weather. >> centrum. a whole lot done. where are you guys from? >> south carolina. >> a little school trip? >> yes. senior trip. >> good stuff. enjoy. let's see what's going as far as your weather is concerned. our pick city, bills, montana. nbc 8. cloudy, cold, 42 degrees. on the satellite, you can see this big storm system. snow to the north and to the west of it, ahead and to the south, heavy rain, thunderstorms, a real mess. rainfall amounts anywhere 1 to 3 inches to the south. icy conditions in the upper ohio valley, appalachians. snow showers around the central rockies. clouds and seasonal temperatures in the pacific northwest. plenty of sunshine on the gulf. northern florida on into coastal
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hey, thanks, al. good morning to you. taking a live look overlooking the city by the bay. san francisco looking spectacular to start the day. full on sunshine already. that means we're headed toward a warm afternoon. about 69 degrees in gilroy, 66 in los gatos and 64 in san francisco and oakland as we head through the your thursday, we warm up even more. we'll peak on friday and then saturday, holding strong with the 70s. great day to hit the beach. hope you have a great day. >> and that's your latest weather. are we seeing too much of the first lady today. and red carpet looks you can actually afford. and some of the hottest names in country music, jason
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aldine. but first these messages. oth. but there are some things i've never seen before. this ge jet engine can understand 5,000 data samples per second. which is good for business. because planes use less fuel, spend less time on the ground and more time in the air. suddenly, faraway places don't seem so...far away. ♪ then i read an article about a study that looked at the long term health benefits of taking multivitamins. they used centrum silver for the study... so i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. always your most complete.
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introducing nexxus youth renewal. now, visibly combat 8 signs of aging hair. ♪ our breakthrough nexxus youth renewal elixir replenishes and revitalizes. for vibrant, youthful-looking hair in 7 days. [ woman ] now, timeless beauty lives on. [ male announcer ] combat 8 signs of aging hair. nexxus youth renewal. raise your standard. ♪ oh-oh-oh [ female announcer ] yoplait light and greek 100. 100 calories or less. get back on track with these weight watchers-endorsed products at walmart.
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to make just about anything delicious. simply add jif chocolate flavored hazelnut spread. whatever you put it on... reaches a whole new level of deliciousness. choosy moms choose jif. we're back now at we're back now at 8:10 with a new edition of today's professional star jones. we are here to tackle the stories that have you talking. good morning all. nice to see you. >> hello, matt. >> sunday night everybody was singing the oscar goes. complete the sentence. and the blame goes to. the sequester goes into effect. $1.2 trillion in spending cuts the next 10 years. almost by every analysis people believe it will hurt the economy, hurt the recovery, might damage national security.
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and the blame goes to -- >> the american public for not being invested enough in the terms of what it means and firing every s.o.b. the next time it comes around. >> the american public. not because of them but us. politicians are a reflection of who we are. nobody in today's generation wants to give anything. nobody wants to work till 6, give up entitlements. nobody wants to give up retirement. you can't blame the politicians. blame us. >> blame them for not getting a deal. >> i don't understand how washington works. in every other aspect of society when you negotiate with people you must sit down together. you must put some things on the table. >> let's keep in mind both sides, republicans and democrats, agreed to this idea lasted year when they were negotiating the debt ceiling. they must have thought they would never happen, it would never come to this. guess what, it's come to this. so if it happens, republicans or
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democrats, who gets the blames? >> republicans, much more. right now perception and reality are seen as the party of no. >> remember the white house proposal. >> once again, the republicans have more to lose whether it's their fault or not. they have more to lose. we have to look in the mirror a little bit. they really do. >> let's move on to another topic. this one i think is going to resonate with people at water coolers in corporations and countries all across the company. the ceo of yahoo! decided tell commuting, in other words, people working at home is not a good idea. she tries to right the struggling ship. i thought this was supposed to be the wave of the future, it made for happier and more productive employees. is it a good or bad idea. >> culturally in the silicon valley, facebook, google will say come to campus, we have this and that, free food. we grow better by having our
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people on campus. everyone was looking to her as 37-year-old woman face of a fortune 500 company and she's adopted the boys rules of everybody come to campus. >> wrihy is it the boys rules? why not just the professional rule. i may have to turn in my feminist card on this one. i believe the ceo's bottom line is about the profits on the company. thinks it's more productive to have people in the office, that's where they're supposed to be. >> studies show people who are allowed to tell communicate are more productive but less innovative. >> when you're making the decision to let people have flex hours, they're not doing it because they're nice people but they think that's the better way of holding on to better people. she decided what is better for my bottom line, i'm not losing that many people. i want people together. it's a business. >> considering you're one of those people who set up your life around being allowed to
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tell commute. you have kids. >> find another company. >> so you just leave? >> by the way, when you're ceo you have the right to make a decision for your shareholders what's better for your company. >> it's called work, not vacation. that's what you do. >> you guys, you guys, i don't know what generation, what decade you guys think you're referring, but let me tell you the glass ceiling is not only there it's lucite and it's not being broken. i understand the shareholders. but let's be innovative female leaders -- she -- >> no. don't shush me. the women on our campus, guess what, we're going to create the best nursery. >> there are many who tell commute also. >> yeah. >> but also -- >> don't be exclusion ear at this time? >> you're going to ask to start off balance, then start off balance. if you're going to ask for the exact same rights and privileges, then you have to
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start off -- don't put that on her. >> do you adopt the same rules or do you sit and wait and circle like a buzzard to pick off all the great employees who will run away? >> they're going to follow suit as well. >> they're plucking them as we seek. >> next subject, first lady michelle obama has been out in public a lot. she did a great thing with jimmy fallon last week promoting her lets move, history of mom dance. i'll never do that again. then the academy awards presenting the best picture award. now, some people have started to say this is not what they want to be seeing from the first lady of the united states. how do you guys feel about this? >> i couldn't agree more. she was an uninvited guest. when politicians show up on entertainment shows like fallon we the viewers get to decide whether we want to engage with a politician. she showed up at the two-minute warning in effect where maybe i want more jack nicholson. and i think there was an elitist
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quality versus what does the viewer want. >> the jimmy fallon you had no problem with. >> because i can choose if i want to watch that. she's not showing up. >> you can choose if you want to -- >> not at that moment. i wanted to see best picture. i love michelle obama. three out of four americans will tell you i don't want a politician's there at that point. >> i just want to know if "argo" won. i could care less. >> the point is you're putting politics in a space that people have not necessarily invited into their home for. >> she is clearly very popular with a percentage of the population and seems to be reveling in that popularity. >> i have no problem with her showing up. my only concern is she never referenced nor introduced all the members of the armed forces behind her. i would like her to say here we are -- she looked stunning and beautiful.
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i didn't mind. >> he was at the golden globes. >> we referenced twitter as an authority on things and a reference. this is natural progression. >> should she take a hiatus now? >> she can do whatever she wants but don't show up in a place i don't want you. >> this is on the host of the oscars, seth macfarlane. mixed reviews. ratings were up, especially in the 18-49 demographic, up about 11%. some people say he crossed the line. his jokes were sexist, juvenile. the chris brown/rhee than. >> between rape, sexualization of a child while she's sitting there in the audience, i didn't know whether to cringe or cry. >> once again, it's a business. oscars will not lose their car audience. they made a start calculated decision to get a guy who was on brand a certain ways because he's a song and dance guy but is raw. that's what young people want. you want to grow, that's what you have to do.
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>> i checked my watch and thought, wow, this is running late. i loved every bit. did he push the nfl? yes, he did. did i laugh? yes, i did. >> the academy got what it paid for? >> absolutely. they definitely knew who they were going to get. >> ask him about. >> years in the past the academy awards getting too old. they have attracted a younger demographic. >> i just wanted to know who won for goodness sake. >> if they're smart, they're talking to him now about bringing him back. >> thanks, guys. appreciate it. up next, can you spot the difference in oscar-inspired looks for a lot less. that's after this. r] hello. [ man ] jen, there are a lot of beauty brands that want you to represent them. really, who? no. they add too much fragrance. no, they make you wear pink. are you kidding? no. nah. [ telephone rings ] no. not my style. no. [ cellphone rings ]
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[ man ] you might like this one. aveeno®. aveeno®. let me think about it. [ male announcer ] the beautiful jennifer aniston now for aveeno®. and i have a massive heart attack right in my driveway. the doctor put me on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. go talk to your doctor. you're not indestructible anymore. eat tomato sauce on my spaghetti. the acidic levels in some foods can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down. and you can't grow your enamel back. i was quite surprised, as only few as four exposures a day what that can do to you. it's quite a lesson learned. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel. because it helps to strengthen the enamel.
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he recommended that i use it every time i brush. you feel like there is something that you're doing to help safeguard against the acid erosion. and i believe it's doing a good job. to get your family together for breakfast. [ clears throat ] [ female announcer ] in fact, they might work too well. [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] eggo waffles. simply delicious. [ female announcer ] eggo waffles. with the bing it on challenge to show google users what they've been missing on bing. let's bing it on. [fight bell: ding, ding] how many here are google users? what if i was to tell you that you would actually like bing way more than google when it came to the results? prove it. let's look up some taco places. i like the left side. yeah? okay, do we need to find out what the waves are like down at the beach? what side do you like better? i like the results on the right.
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i'm gonna go with the one on the left. oh! bing won! people prefer bing over google for the web's top searches. don't believe it? go to and see what you're missing. back now at back now at 8:21 with today's style. affordable fashions inspired by the red carpet at the oscars. we scoured the racks to find dresses that mirror some of the stunning looks we saw on sunday. this was not that easy to do. >> it wasn't. it's hard to find gowns that look like what the stars wear on the red carpet at a great part. >> let's start with amy adams look. oscar de la renta gown. you can see the look we're trying to attain. a lavender color i thought. >> it was. she glided onto the red carpet. so beautiful. we tried to capture the volume
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of that incredible skirt she wore. >> let's bring out halley. >> we picked this up at jc penney as part of the pearl by chapman for marquesa so you get a piece of that designer. this is $250. >> wow. >> and it really captures that corseted top and then the beautiful skirt with the end also ruffles. again, she's just gliding on this red carpet. looks so chic, so feminine. >> it looks very expensive and has a fancy designer name, too. georgiana chapman. >> it's lovely. really pretty. >> it's beautiful. >> didn't mean to creep you out. >> next look is halle berry. this was a polarizing look. >> versace made her dress for her. head-to-toe sequins. capturing this look was really
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fun. >> paulette and the look she's wearing today. >> adrianna papel. we picked it up at bloomingdale's. again, head-to-toe sequin feel. it captures the horizontal and vertical look, which was the magic of the dress. >> looks very lovely. 300 bucks. i'm sure it's what halle paid i'm sure. >> thank you very much. carrie washington wore a mumu. >> feminine with a bit of a twist at this time. a little bit of sparkle as well. we found a fun task dress on >> stephanie, come on out. you really captured the color. >> gorgeous coral color like just carely. and the el bell issuement at the neckline.
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and that really feminine flowing chiffon. really beautiful. blue girl is a designer dress we rented for $150. so it's also a steal. >> thank you so much, stephanie. and charlize theron. almost a bridal feel. >> she wore did i or couture. absolutely incredible. she stunned us all walked down the red carpet. we really captured this look. it's from david's bridal. $349. it captured that silhouette, fit and flair look, so stunning. this is great for a bride on a budget. you can wear it to a black tie in the summer. so stunning. >> very, very beautiful. thank you to all our models who look great. lisa, thank you so much. >> my pleasure. a doctor who says death is not the end. it can be reversed.
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he has interesting stories to tell and we'll hear about people's near-death experiences as well after a check of your local news.
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good tuesday morning to you. it's 8:26. we have what is believed to be known as the last images of an east bay couple that vanished in peru. this is surveillance video of the couple at a bus station in lima. on january 26th, they left for a cycling trip for south america in november. on january 25th, their online posts and bank activity just stopped. the family thinks they boarded the boat for an amazon cruise. the morning commute is said to be a mess this morning.
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>> it's horrible. yuck. look at this northbound to 101. there you go. a bad idea for lane changes. probably going to have a crash th there. that's just what's going to happen because of people trying get out of the back-up. you can't escape it. so buy your patience. looking at northbound at 101 at 87. we have a crash there. couple more crashes at the bottom of your screen. 85 approaching union. the south bay not so bad compared to 880 south and also north and east 580 through dublin, also, west 580. this area tied up after a series of accidents and no good route there either. >> a lot of red out there. maybe you can pour another cup of joe. we'll be back in half on hour.
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8:30 now on this tuesday morning, the 26th day of february, 2013. it's a great day to be here in rockefeller plaza, as these people are waving to the people back home. we appreciate them coming by. and, by the way, you're listening to just one of the
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hits from mr. jason aldean. he will be here to perform for us in just a little while. i'm matt lauer, along with savannah guthrie, natalie morales and al roker. >> and we'll take a turn and hear from some people who say they are witnessed death, that they have briefly been to the other side. near-death experiences and also we'll hear from the doctor who believes that death is now reversible because of advances in medical science. it's an interesting claim. we'll talk to him coming up. on a much different note, wedding season is right around the corner and many brides to be may be looking for a little inspiration perhaps from the stars. so randy fenoli from "say yes to the dress" will show us the latest. and a little later on, want to get a jump on spring? we'll show you how to get that going from a little indoor garden. >> have one word for you.
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terrarium. mr. roker, how about a check of the weather? >> as we shake it up, show you for today, risk of strong storms down in florida, south carolina coast. look for icy conditions, appalachians up into the upper ohio river valley, snow showers in the central rockies. tomorrow that whole mess moves up into new england with rain here in the northeast. snow in northern new england back through upstate new york. look for flurries in the northern plains. the rest of the country looking pretty darn good with sunshine. four corners will see sunny skie 8:32. yeah, we fall into that pretty darn good category here in the bay area. taking a live look where the hills are nice and green. they'll be thirsty for rain next week and the rain is to return. we've got a cold, wet pattern for tuesday and wednesday. 68 degrees, getting into the next couple of days, we're going to stay nice and warm. we'll peak on friday at 75.
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cool you down a touch for saturday and then next week, cooling you off. latest weather. >> all right, mr. roker. let's bring in megan hilty here, one of our favorites, playing the ambitious ivy lynn on nbc's "smash." nice to see you. >> good morning. thanks for having me. >> and equals a little witchy? >> a little bit but my character is turning it around this season. it's all about change personally and professionally to be a better person. >> she's not the slooud ivy we've come to know and love sometimes? >> she's still there, deep down. she's trying to turn over a new leaf. >> from the first season to the second season, how do you feel the progression has gone on? obviously focusing on ratings and all of that. you believe in this show? >> absolutely. it's great. we have so many new fresh faces this season and our guest stars are amazing. sean hayes is about to blow
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everybody's mind. he plays this amazing character. he's kind of a jerk but -- >> sean hayes? >> no, no, in real life he's such a nice guy. >> because we love him. >> that's why it's so fun to see him in this character. >> you've had jennifer hudson on as well. a lot of star power. >> you have your debut cd dropping in march. >> i know. >> what are we going to hear? >> it's not musical theater. it's sopgs u it's sopgs s it's sopgs ongs we all love. that's not on the album. but, yeah, it's all new. it's the first thing i've ever done with just me. it's not attached to any character. >> great. congratulations. >> by the way, i want to mention you'll be sticking around and talk to hoda and kathie lee a little later. >> yeah. kathie lee makes an appearance. >> exactly right. big deal.
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>> fantastic. >> you can catch an all new episode of "smash" tonight at 10:00, 9:00 central time, of course, right here on nbc. when we come back, a doctor who says that death is reversible. want to hear more about that. first this is "today" on nbc.
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back at 8:37. in a moment we'll talk to a doctor who says death is reversible. first the question, what happens when we die? >> there was a tunnel. >> i was actually standing in utter brilliance. >> the white light. >> it was a brilliant light. >> a profound feeling of comfort. >> i remember being in that tunnel thinking, oh, my god. it's so nice. >> these have become the hallmarks of the near death experience, a phenomenon usually experienced after a person has
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pronounced clinically dead. >> they did everything they knew to do how to resuscitate me that day. i was declared dead on the scene. >> don piper was driving over this bridge in rural texas when he was broadsided by an 18-wheel truck, leaving him with horrific injuries. >> i had an enormous gaping wound in my left leg. my arm was separated at the shoulder. it went behind me into the backseat. >> piper says he was without a pulse for 90 minutes. it's then he says he crossed over to the other side, an explosion of sight and sound. >> i saw a magnificent gate for lack of a better description. each moment becomes more glorious than the moment before. >> he says his dead grandfather stood at the gate, welcoming him home. the whole experience was documented in his best-selling book, 90 minutes in heaven. mary was working at the gym when her life changed forever, suffering a brain aneurysm. she was in intensive care for
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three days when she took a turn for the worst. >> i remember being in this room with lots of activity and physicians and then i had the experience. it's a tunnel that's radiant. it's so warm and it's so accepting and god held me. and i remember thinking at the time, i have never known love like this. >> after a miraculous recovery, her near-death experience has given her a new sense of purpose, a new reason for being. >> i have an awareness now that i never had before. >> one of the world's leading experts on the study of death and these near death experiences. his new book is called erasing death. good morning. it's good to see you. >> good to see you. >> let's pick it up there with these near-death experiences. many colleagues in the scientific community who doubt this. they say this is basically hallucinations brout on by lack
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of oxygen to the brain. but you're a believer for scientific reasons? >> most people, including most doctors and scientists have a very fixed idea about life and death. they think when you reach the point of death, it's irreversible. the advance in the last ten years have shown us that actually it's only after a person dies that they turn into a corpse, that their cells, brain cells start to die. although most people think this takes place in four or five minutes, brain cells are viable for up to eight hours. >> this is where you have your claim that death is actually reversible, which sounds pretty astonishing. what do you mean by that, though, that this process is long enough that there are methods to reverse it? >> absolutely. we now understand that it's only after a person has turned into a corpse that their cells are undergoing death and if we, therefore, manipulate those processes, we can restart the heart and bring a person back to life. one of the most advanced things we can use right now is to cool people down. if we cool them down, we slow that rate. >> cool them, sometimes this
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literally means putting ice on them? >> absolutely. what this means to us is that death is reversible and we have to redefine the way we think of death and life. for instance, we all probably -- i'm sure you saw -- the scene where they find these 1,500 people that are dead in the water? these people, most of them, could be brought back to life again if that happened today. >> i am no doctor obviously but the first question that comes to my mind is at what cost? you bring people back but then they suffer significant brain zblanlg one of the problems we have is that there are all these advances in our systems that are not being implemented. your chance of surviving from this depends where you end up, which hospital you go to, who is on call, which bed you end up at. if we implement these things, people can come back without brain damage. that's what we're striving to do. many people die unnecessarily and then, unfortunately, they end up, if they do come back, with either brain damage or in a vegetative state. every single one of us, this is
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one thing that will affect every single one of us. if we don't standardize the care, cooling and other things, we prevent brain injury. >> back to the near-death experiences for a moment. it's something that you say you believe is possible. as i understand it, you're planning to study this. i've heard about one where you want to place something high up in a hospital room to see if that out-of-body experience is real? >> i'm a physician. my goal is to bring people back to life. that's my aim. we have to study what happens after death. the flip side of the coin is that we have learned about what people experience after death. that's why we know when people die, their consciousness is not annihilated and there are these experiences. >> it will be interesting to see the results of that study again. people are interested in a fascinating topic. the book is called "erasing death." >> thank you for having me. how to brighten up your home
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by bringing the outdoors in. first this is "today" on nbc.
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when i take a picture of this check, it goes straight to the bank. oh. oh look the lion is out! no mommy no! don't worry honey, it only works on checks. deposit checks from your smartphone with chase quickdeposit. just snap a picture, hit send and done. take a step forward and chase what matters.
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we're back now at 8:44 with "today's" garden, unique ways to bring a touch of nature inside to brighten up your home. lifestyle expert, annette joseph, is here to help us out. good morning. these are all creative ideas. do all plants do well indoors or are there some we should avoid? >> there are some you should avoid because they're outdoor plants. plants that we are going to plant today are strictly for the inside. >> starting with herbs. >> you like herbs inside. >> herbs, this is very special. this is something you can start off in your house and then if you have a garden, you can transplant everything out to the garden. i use this sort of as a seedling garden every winter and i take them once they've grown and put them in my garden. >> you are ingenious. you use just about everything
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you find around the house and make a planter out of it. >> exactly. i like to really think outside the box, no -- >> no pun intended, right? >> right. >> these tins come from where? >> these are antique vintage tea tins. all the graphics are so great on tea and coffee that you can literally recycle those pretty graphic boxes. >> how much sun and water do herbs like these need? >> a lot of sun. >> window sill basically? >> i like to put them on the kitchen table. you can even put them in your bathroom. >> here is a terreria, plural for ter ararium. i don't know. i'm making things up. >> put the gloves on. >> little cactus, i like that. >> you have to be delicate with this, right? >> you do. you have to be very delicate with it. and the key here is less is more.
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we have these really cool -- this is a really cool terrarium from west helm. you can go out and get this. >> let's start with the basics. you put dirt and gravel? >> gravel, then you put dirt. and the gravel is to help with water. >> what do i do? >> just grab something that you like. >> yeah. >> and start building a cute little environment for yourself. >> okay. >> put the cactus, savannah, in a place that people can see it this time as opposed to hiding it. >> i knew you were going to say that. cactus gate as it was come to be known. i gave a beautiful cactus to matt for christmas. >> but hid it in tissue paper so that when i went to grab it, i bled. >> you know what was great about it? he never complained, never brought it up again. >> how do i get this out without -- >> you literally pull it out of there just like that. just get dirty. come on. >> okay. all right. i don't want to mess it up. >> you can get dirty on this.
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>> some of the terrariums you have are open on the top. one you did on a cake platter. it has a lid on it. does it need less water with a lid on it? >> yes. >> there goes the cactus. this takes time and smaller hands, i think. >> it's difficult. i can't even plant my cactus. >> it's not a contest. >> how long will these last if you do it correctly? >> if you do it correctly, water it take care of it and love it -- >> this is going to take more practice. go ahead. jump in there. >> to see how terrible we are at this? >> you're actually pretty good at it. you have to kind of man handle it a little. >> that one plant for that little terrarium? >> clip it down like a little bonzai. it could be pretty. >> show some of the other creative little vessels, if you
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will. there's your cake platter. >> you can use anything. a lot of people have cake platters sitting out on the counter. plant it up with something. this is easy if you mist it. misting them is a really good idea. >> this is for soup. >> this is a soup tourine. you could use this for easter really. >> the dirt and gravel are the basic steps, gravel then dirt. >> gravel then dirt, that's right. and then you're actually watering the roots from the bottom up, which is really important to keep them alive. and succulents are really big right now. >> the cactus goes in the front. up next, a live performance from country star jason aldean. first this is "today" on nbc.
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>> announcer: the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. >> jason aldean burst on to the couny music scene back in 2005 and is riding high with the success of his newest album "night train" that went straight to number one on the billboard charts. jason, good morning. it's good to see you. >> thank you so much. >> i read one review of this record that says "night train" plays like a second step in the aldean sound. >> i don't know what that means
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actually. >> is it that hip hoppy country thing? >> i guess. we put on a song called "dirt road anthem," a huge hit for us that had a bit of that hip hop flare to it. 1994 has that same sort of thing. >> you're out on tour, sold out madison square garden in minutes. that has to be pretty exciting. >> absolutely. madison square garden obviously is one of the most prestigious venues in the country. this is actually our first trip to that venue. so to come in and sell it out is great. to sell it out in obviously a matter of minutes is even better. >> the song you're going to play to us this morning is a tribute to a '90s music star joe diffy. >> the i just love joe diffy. >> you've been tweeting retro 1994 pictures of yourself, which
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we'll be happy to show. looking good. love that mullet. >> you're welcome. >> and some other country music stars getting into it, too. tim mcgraw, keith urban, diers bentley. >> we've been having fun with it. it's been fun to throw it back a little bit and see some of these old pictures. >> jason, let's party like it's 1994. take it away. >> all right. ♪ now girl i know you used to the same old same but we ain't floatin' that boat no we ain't ridin' that train hop on my rocket ship let's get outta here let me put a little shimmer in your atmosphere ♪ ♪ now let's get outta this town
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outta this club girl whatever you're sippin' i'm gonna mix it up take a few tick toks off your clock put a little third rock in your hip hop ♪ ♪ i got that 1994 joe diffie comin' out my radio i'm just a country boy with a farmer's tan so help me girl i'll be your pickup man how about a night to remember and a fifth of goose about to bust out my honky tonk attitude a little feel good you ain't never felt before i'm talking 1994 ♪ ♪ hey joe joe joe diffie joe, joe, joe diffie ♪ ♪ girl don't you worry now your ship just came in so go on tell your mama tell all your friends that your new favorite color is john deer green hop in this truck aka time machine ♪ ♪ 1994 joe diffie comin out my
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radio i'm just a country boy with a farmer's tan so help me girl i'll be your pickup man how about a night to remember and a fifth of goose about to bust out my honky tonk attitude a little feel good you ain't never felt before i'm talkin' 1994 ♪ ♪ hey joe, joe, joe diffie joe, joe, joe diffie joe, joe, joe diffie ♪ ♪ baby if you're lookin' for a good time let me take you to the c-o-u-n-t-r-y now baby let's go holler if you're with me hey joe come on and teach us how to diffie ♪ ♪ 1994 joe diffie comin' out my radio i'm just a country boy with a farmer's tan so help me girl i'll be your pickup man how about a night to remember and a fifth of goose about to bust out my honky tonk attitude a little feel good you ain't
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never felt before i'm talkin' 1994 ♪ ♪ hey joe, joe, joe diffie joe, joe, joe diffie joe, joe, joe diffie will the real joe diffie please stand up ♪ >> jason aldean, taking us back to 1994 off the album "night train." he will be back with more music later. first on a tuesday morning, a check of your local news. and a good tuesday morning to you. 8:56. time to check that forecast. we certainly have been spoiled lately. look at that. >> we have more of the same. good morning. 8:56 now.
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beautiful day. you can see from this live picture that we have good air quality and we're going to hold on to it. 44 in gilroy and 50 degrees in san mateo. good air quality, open up those windows in your home because temperatures today are going to be picture perfect. 68 degrees in livermore. 64 for oakland and 64 for san francisco. wednesday into thursday, we keep on climbing. we'll hit 75 degrees by friday, staying nice and warm by this weekend and next week, the rain return, cold weather.
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♪ >> that is jason aldean. >> rock in' it here. >> in studio 1a for us this morning. thank you very much. >> little bit country, little bit rock 'n' roll.
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>> little bit of everything. in studio 1a i'm willie geist, natalie morales. al roker. that's a treat to sit here and get a little concert by jason aldean. >> now we know why he's selling places out. >> welcome inside studio 1a. we have a lot planned for you this hour. i thought it was important we show you one piece of video. it has to do with air travel. this is in china. this is a government official in china, who was unhappy because he missed not one, but two flights. >> uh-huh. >> watch the tantrum that ensued. this is at the check-in counter. rips out the computers. >> what do you mean i can't get on the plane, he says? >> upset that he wasn't let on. >> i like that he takes through the sign. >> if i crash through the door. >> one wonders what it takes to get security to intervene. >> well, because he outranks them, they were afraid of him. there are three guards, you can see them, standing behind the ticker tape thing there. >> they were just waiting for
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him to tire himself out. >> exactly, like when your kid has a tantrum. >> let him play it out eventually -- >> social media is taken off in china. they're able to capture these guys and now this guy apparently is -- >> former government official. >> well, he was suspended and now facing punishment. >> yeah, yeah. he will be in for -- >> he was traveling with his wife and two kids. they got to see that. >> the wife was just standing there like, honey, calm down. let's get to your take three. take one, yahoo! ceo marissa mayer put in place a new policy announce this had week that says employees can no longer work remotely from home, a move that will impact we don't know exactly how many but a small percentage of the employees who work in cities where yahoo! does not have an office. a lot of employees upset because they say the flexible work arrangement helps them with their family helps them have the job.
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she became yahoo!'s ceo in july. richard branson came out and said this was a giant step backwards. >> came back after only two weeks of maternity leave. >> right. >> obviously she is coming back saying in order to be competitive, you know, there's going to have to be some changes here. but getting a lot of people upset about this. >> i would think if they allowed people to phase it in -- it was part of the culture. so give people a chance. i don't know if it has to happen immediately or -- >> it comes in effect in june. it's interesting. my wife worked for a great company, johnson & johnson. they let her go back after our second child but with rules. she went back a few days a week, worked from home two days a week. it worked for her. i asked her about this i thought she would be defensive and upset about it. she said the truth is if you're working with small kids at home you're not as efficient as you should be. you're just not. you're watching the kids. >> you find different times to work it in. get that workload when they're
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napping. >> but your not actually there doing it eight hours a day. >> breaks up the flow. >> and also it's harder to create a team when you're not there. you don't know the people or meet the people. >> i definitely think there are pros and cons to the situation. i think face time in some ways is necessary. you do have to show up. you have to have those meetings. you have to have those conferences face to face with people. >> that's why people still get on planes and go to different cities. >> that's right. we're not doing video teleconferentel teleconferences everywhere. but there's that argument in silicon valley where sometimes our jobs are more productive working from home because we can kind of space it out throughout the entire day and don't have the distractions of the water cooler talk and all that stuff. >> and it allows people to watch the third hour. >> that's it. >> i think telecommute iing is >> that's why we support that. wholeheartedly. take two, robin's swan song. comic book guy here, al roker. robin, maybe you've heard of
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him, batman and robin, will be killed off tomorrow in a comic that comes out tomorrow. many famous robins throughout the years. burt ward has to be the one you go to. >> tv burt ward. chris o'donnell just didn't quite make it. >> didn't work for you? >> this film didn't do him justice. >> batman without robin? >> of course, this is burt ward. this robin is actually, damien, the illegitimate son of bruce wayne and talia who was goul's daughter. robin has been killed off before, came back. >> came back. >> you know why we really bring this up, though? we like to go back to the image of you and matt in spandex. >> this is a long way to get to this. >> very long way of getting there. >> 2005, halloween. >> it doesn't get better than
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that. >> dynamic duo. >> this was the george clooney era of batman and robin. >> the henchman. went down hard there, didn't he? >> the original batmobile. >> is that the original? >> yes. >> amazing. >> so, anyway, we'll see what happens. they killed superman off and brought him back. >> they take creative license. >> they do. >> speaking of creative license. >> lots of creative license. this is ridiculous. >> this is called an imoji translation. >> emoji dick. >> you know about emoticons, smiley faces, closed parentheses.
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now people apparently are rewriting entire works of literature with emoji. >> too much time on their hands. >> couldn't agree with you more. >> this is apparently in the library of congress, is that right? >> it is. >> what's that on the horizon? oh, yeah, the end of civilization. >> trying to word for word translate. >> this gives you an idea. you go through sort of word for word and it has an emoji for every word in moby dick. you do wonder who took the time. >> apparently it's a compilation of people who took over 7 million hours or something like this. why? why? >> unless you're -- the only person i will answer a text who has an emoji is my 14-year-old girl. when you're an adult, stop. >> what is the age, after 14? knock it off. >> so we've got some of these. titles put into emojis. this will be a complete disaster, i'm sure. >> lord of the rings. >> there you go.
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very nice, al. al's good. his 14-year-old daughter. >> what's that? grapes of wrath. >> there you go. >> nice. >> this is going well. what else have we got? woman, snake, finger muscle. >> we're going to get it. hold on. >> is that a snake? i can't even see that far. >> oh, woman with the dragon tattoo. >> that's not a dragon. >> girl with the dragon tattoo. >> lady on the phone with a dragon tattoo. one more. bald guy and thing i can't see. >> happy wave? >> you have to be able to see. >> old man and the sea. oh, yeah. >> see how fun this is? papa hemingway is spinning about 360 miles per hour in his grave. >> grand waste of time. seriously. >> do we have -- we've got another one? >> yeah.
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>> here is what you do if you can no longer dance. more of these? okay. clock work orange. >> that was worth the wait. >> let's do bonus take. fancy shoes, all that stuff. some people went for comfort over couture. >> smart people. >> sally field went for the sneaks. this is a good move. >> you have the long dress on. nobody is going to see it anyway and she can dance all night. bradley cooper's mom, who was his date, also rocked it. >> she wore them on the red carpet. >> i noticed that. >> so, you know, that's a smart move there. >> why not? >> the bride at the reception. put on the comfortable shoes and have a good time. >> those gowns are so long anyway, it kind of hides -- >> seth macfarlane's dad was wearing a ki. >> is that true? >> yeah, on the red carpet. little breezy. >> more emojis coming up later
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in the show. natalie, how about a check of the news? at least 19 tourists were killed when a hot air balloon caught fire, exploded and crashed when flying over the ancient egyptian city of luxor. u.s. embassy officials say there's no indication that any americans were among the victims. for the second time in a week, a major winter storm is bearing down on the midwest. heavy snow and high winds caused whiteouts monday in the texas panhandle. schools closed in kansas and could get up to two feet of snow. pope benedict xvi will be called the emeritus pope and carry the title of his holiness after he steps down thursday. monday he received the results of an internal investigation into vatican document leaks. the vatican denied that anything in the report contributed to benedict's historic decision to abdicate. savannah is heading there now and will be reporting from rome tomorrow.
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president obama takes his battle to a ship building yard to highlight the impact of automatic sequester budget cuts on defense workers. across the board cuts will take effect friday unless the white house and congressional republicans can reach a deal to reduce the federal deficit. a new report says that deaths of younger teenage drivers jumped 19% in the first half of last year. that is more than double the increase for overall traffic fatalities. the governor's highway safety association says the spike is likely due to the improved economy, which puts more cars on the road and a slowdown in new laws that address teen driving safety. apparently the internet has a new obsession today, making smash ups of their favorite pop songs with singing ghosts. ♪ lying on the cold hard ground trouble trouble trouble ♪ ♪ baby baby baby
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♪ like baby baby baby ♪ moving my head like yeah ♪ >> i think these goats have career potential here. goat version may be better. >> apparently there's a bon jovi one. do we have that? that's hilarious, "living on a prayer." it's great. good stuff. >> spectacular. here we go. >> here we go. ♪ we'll give it a shot ♪ oh, we're halfway there >> kind of sounds like me singing sometimes. little off key, little too high ♪ living on a prayer >> same hair. >> keep doing this all day.
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there are that many out there on the internet right now. >> goats screaming for their lives in some cases. that's what the internet brought us, emojis and screaming goats. >> 50/50. >> we're doing okay. >> on a high note today, let's check the weather. >> all right. ahh. let's see what we've got for you. big storm system. heavy snow back to the west of this system. we've got low pressure back to the midwest, secondary system forms along the eastern seaboard. difference between this and what we've seen the last couple of weeks, the secondary system stays inland. that draws in the warmer air. we're not looking at the heavy snow along the coast. snowfall amounts anywhere from six to nine inches from missouri all the way into new england. rainfall down to the south. we're talking anywhere from one to four inches of rain locally 9:13 on a tuesday morning.
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just a picture perfect view of the golden gate bridge. no fog or low clouds to report here. cameras shaking a little bit, but i'm happy to report that winds have dropped off significantly from yesterday. 68 degrees on the way for livermore. 64 in fremont, 63 in san francisco and 64 degrees in oakland today, the 70s are just around the corner. by friday, we will peak in the mid to upper 70s. warm all weekend long. ming u next, red carpet inspired bridal gowns right after this. we were so blessed when we had triplets if by blessed you mean freaked out about money well we suddenly noticed that everything was getting more expensive so we switched to the bargain detergent but i found myself using three times more than you're supposed to and the clothes still weren't as clean as with tide. so we're back to tide. they're cuter in clean clothes. thanks honey yeah you suck at folding [ laughs ] [ female announcer ] one cap of tide gives you more cleaning power than 6 caps of the bargain brand.
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[ woman ] that's my tide, what's yours? than 6 caps of the bargain brand. lift your standard of what an anti-aging makeup can do for you. visible lift serum absolute makeup from l'oreal. 5 age-reversing ingredients, for 5 anti-aging benefits. instantly my skin looks luminous. in just 4 weeks, see proven results. l'oreal's visible lift makeup. these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. my name is taho and i'm a fish guy. it's a labor of love. it's a lot of labor and it's a lot of love. i don't need to go to the gym. my job is my workout. you're shoveling ice all day long. it's rough on the back. it's rough on the shoulders. i get muscle aches all over. advil® is great. pain and soreness is just out of the picture. [ male announcer ] make the switch. take action. take advil®. and for sinus congestion, now you can get advil® combined with a proven decongestant.
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breathe easier with advil® congestion relief. [ gasps ] the door's open! let's make a break for it! [ all cheering ] single file! single file! ooh-hoo, i can't wait to clean something besides the shower. yeah, we'll show 'em. [ male announcer ] scrubbing bubbles' powerful foam penetrates and lifts tough grime and kills 99.9% of bacteria, so cleaning the whole bathroom is easier. i should have let you out sooner. [ male announcer ] scrubbing bubbles. we work hard so you don't have to. all over the bathroom. [ female announcer ] sc johnson, a family company. because every flake is double-toasted... splashed with sweet honey... and covered in rich double-roasted peanuts. mmm. [ hero ] yummy.
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[ male announcer ] kellogg's crunchy nut. it's super delicious! from award season to wedding season, red carpet looks for walking down the aisle. randy fenoli from "say yes to the dress" and other shows, dresses inspired by what your favorite celebs wore to the award season. great to have you here. >> thank you for having me.
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>> people say gosh, i would love that dress but in the bridal version. >> so many brides come to me and say i want to look like kim kardashian, jessica biel. i call it your white carpet moment because the celebrities get their red carpet moment. they can have it several times possibly but you have one time to get it right on your wedding day. >> why your hoping it's just one time. >> i'm going to go with one time here, natalie. >> let's get right to the red carpet or white carpet looks, as we're going to make it this morning. let's start with carrie underwood and what she wore to the grammys, that beautiful big full skirt dress where they flashed images on it, right? >> yes. it's a simple skirt but we dressed it up with box plaeats. >> on our model christina here. >> and what's great about that dress is that there's so many girls wanting color dresses and a second dress for their wedding. i'm going to make a prediction here, natalie. >> go for it. >> brides will start buying
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similar dresses and on their reception night will start flashing images on their dress. >> that's an idea. >> it gives you color. >> i like that idea. >> and you don't have to spend the extra money. >> i like that. >> this dress is really about the silhouette. >> fitted on top but -- >> natural waist, a-line silhouette that carrie underwood wore so beautifully. >> gorgeous. i love her hair. you do a great job. thank you, christina. gorgeous. >> jennifer lopez, we all remember the fabulous dress she wore to the golden globes. some loved it. some didn't like it as much. it was clearly very sexy. >> sleeves are in. >> sleeves are really in, in bridal. straps and sleeves. here we have an alita graham. j.lo's was a little too sexy for a wedding day. >> you want to cover up the rest of the body. >> you have guests at your wedding. you want to make them feel comfortable. this has just enough peek-a-boo. the back of this dress is
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beautiful. it has a sheer back going on that really gives you that peek-a-boo and sexy back. isn't that pretty? very bridal. that same trumpet silhouette that j.lo wore. it gives you the feeling of the look without being too risque on your wedding day. >> the sleeves can be more of the transparency. avina looks wonderful in this. thank you. as we saw at the oscars, jennifer lawrence really stole the show in this stunning piece. >> beautiful. >> it almost looked like it could be a wedding dress. we have nia. tell us how nia's look is inspired. >> it's inspired by the silhouette of the dress. it has the same neckline as well, and the shape and accessorized just like jennifer lawrence did. what's interesting is that unfortunately jennifer lawrence tripped on the way up the steps. >> yes, a little long. >> this is a really good point for brides to realize. at the academy awards and oscars and red carpet events that
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celebrities wear their dresses very, very long. so they lift up the gown, walk over, drop it and take all the pictures for the paparazzi, then they sit for four hours, six hours. but on your wedding day, you have a lot of function. >> you're moving, dancing. >> it has to be hemed to the right length. we hem them shorter so girls can actually function, dance and have a good time. >> randy, for the more mature bride, what do you recommend? >> i get so many bride that is feel so anxious walking into a bridal salon. i have two words to say. jane fonda. age is just a number. you need to realize whether it's your second wedding, a more mature bride it's not always about a number. it's how you wear that dress. >> you got it. >> she wore it fabulously. >> she did. randy fenoli, thank you. the season premiere airs friday on tlc.
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next these messages. ive mob. [ "everybody have fun tonight" plays ] really catching on! people can do it all! get a quote, buy and manage your policy! -[ music stops ] -it's great! well, what's with the... -[ music resumes ] -music? ♪ have fun tonight dude. getting a car insurance quote. i'll let it go to voicemail. [ clears throat ] ♪ everybody wang chung tonight ♪ putting it on vibrate. [ cell phone vibrates ] -[ loud vibrating ] -it'll pass. [ vibrating continues ] our giant store and your little phone. that's progressive mobile. of course everybody has secrets. in fact ... you are looking at one of my secrets right now. new revlon nearly naked™ makeup covers flaws melting into skin to even out your complexion. so the only one who knows you have makeup on ... is you. dare to be revlon. the not so pretty truth about their body washes. i wouldn't change. [ female announcer ] this test paper was designed to react like your skin. if other body washes can strip this paper, imagine how harsh they can be to your skin.
9:21 am
oh my gosh. [ female announcer ] new dove is different. its new breakthrough formula changes everything with the blend of gentle cleansers and nourishing nutrium moisture. so what do you think now? definitely switching to dove. [ female announcer ] this is new. this is different. this is care. [ female announcer ] this isavoid bad.fats.ifferent. don't go over 2000... 1200 calories a day. carbs are bad. carbs are good. the story keeps changing. so i'm not listening... to anyone but myself. i know better nutrition when i see it: great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. to help support a healthy metabolism try new great grains protein blend in cinnamon hazelnut or honey, oats and seeds.
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dazzler, on. wow! dirt dazzlers let me clean and work out at the same time. shame, shame, shame. ooh, slippery, ooh! uh, let's ditch the cha-chas and get down to business. pine sol - a real clean. no gimmicks. itstronger so it holds up bebetter, kind of angel soft®. it's now built with two softshield™ layers. when wet, new angel soft® is one, two, three times stronger than the leading value brand. well done, angels! stronger, holds up better... all wrapped up in a value you love. new angel soft®.
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now stronger than ever. coming up, tips for clearing the clutter. plus what's behind the first lady's media moves. and delicious italian recipes with the scottos after your local news. sure does! ♪ wow. [ buzz ] delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? bee happy. bee healthy. with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean, i'll tell you what we do. i want you to go out on the field and look for anything with an "o". we will win this for mother russia! coach, eat a snickers®. why's that, chief? you get a little loopy when you're hungry. better? better. now let's go for it! [ male announcer ] you're not you when you're hungry®. snickers® satisfies. [ male announcer ] you're not you when you're hungry®.
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introducing thets. lifter foundation from maybelline new york. our first lifting foundation with smoothing primer swirled inside. beyond covering helps restore smoothness, elasticity. for younger-looking skin instantly. the lifter. ♪ maybe it's maybelline good tuesday morning to you. 9:26. today, a 47-year-old father will be arraigneded on murder charges in monterey county. he is accused of causing the death of a 10-month-old baby girl whose body was found in a field a week ago today. the funeral mass for 10-year-old angel will be held at 11:00 this morning at our lady of refuge church. more details this morning about a fire that swept through
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an elderly care home in walnut creek last night, forcing five people out of their homes. those residents are now being cared for at nearby facilities. early reports suggest flames were ignited on the kitchen stove and then spread to nearby cabinets. an elderly woman was taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation. a look at weather and traffic right after this.
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taking a beautiful look over the gray. you can see the birds out there enjoy i enjoying the beautiful blue sky. it's going to be a nice day and things are going to change next week. more rain and cold on the way so, enjoy the warm-up. feel free to open up the windows in your home. our pollen levels are high. 68 in livermore, 65 in redwood city. we are going to hold strong with that warming trend all the way through friday. we'll peak at about 75 degrees inland. 73 for saturday, then the cooler, cloudier weather. mike? >> good morning.
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very, very big issue right now. we just had a crash happen right in front of our camera. this is east 80 heading away from the bridge approaching university avenue. word is there is a motorcycle driver involved, however, i see a car pulled over to the side, which may not be all at the scene. there may be more activity further toward university. this is the slowing coming off of the berkeley curve. at least that's starting to give a break. both directions through oakland. it was a very tough morning. east 580, usual nusually slow. 880 south showing relief toward hayward and there are are your northbound routes. >> i'll have another update in about half on hour. have a great one.
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this is a girl giving a lesson to other girls how to curl their hair using a curling iron. >> do it like this, wrap it. >> so what not to do video, right? >> the only one who wasn't laughing at that one. her video has launched more than 2 million hits since posted a couple of days ago. we're going to talk to her tomorrow on "today."
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>> i don't understand how you wouldn't notice that your hair is burning off. >> you would smell it, right? she said you have to leave it in at least 20 seconds and as she's talking she realizes -- >> there goes the hair. >> we'll see her tomorrow on "today." i'm willie geist along with natalie morales. we'll check in with al in a moment. he has a very special guest with him. tips for getting it all together from a bit of a drill sergeant for a home organizer. >> i need her in my house. michelle obama's high wattage weekend. what is behind her media blitz. and the scottos in the house. if only you could smell what we smell here. and they are only using five ingredients. >> we'll see them in a couple of minutes. first al has a special check of the weather. al? >> william hallman is 9 years old, third grader. he is interested in doing the weather after doing a great job on our nbc station kvly in north
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dakota, he became just a big star. william, welcome. how is it going? >> good. >> you've always been -- how long have you been interested in weather? >> i was interested before may 31, 2011, but i got really interested into weather on may 31, 2011. >> what happened on may 31, 2011? >> there was a tornado that was supposed to happen but didn't happen. >> and so -- this is you. how did you get this gig doing the weather on the tv? >> there was this drawing -- odds of winning were like 1 in 100 or something but i did get picked. >> now you're an internet sensation. is this something you want to do when you grow up? >> yeah. >> you want to be a tv weatherman? >> yeah. >> you want to do it right now?
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>> yeah. >> okay. here's our map. what do you think? >> okay. we've got sunny in california and we've got slight risk of thunderstorms, tornado watch in effect in florida until 3:00 pm and we've got 40s in the appalachians, 70s in california. >> what's going on around the great lakes? >> around the great lakes, freezing rain and around home we've got 30. >> wow! that's pretty good. around home, i like that. there you are in north dakota. very good. william, you're a natural. i'm a little nervous about you. you're not going to come gunning for my job, are you? >> um -- >> say no. >> no. >> all right. way to go. all right. very important part. now you have well, thank you, william. i like his moves. especially this one. bring it in. winds right now out of the south, southeast at 3 miles per hour. livermore, your winds aren't as strong as yesterday, but we are going to see breezy conditions
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through the higher elevations. overall, looking good. 68 degrees on the way for livermore. 64 for fremont. warming trend concludes this weekend. >> very nicely done, william. what's next? >> okay. tomorrow, we've got -- >> no, no, no. >> oh. >> that's your latest weather. >> that's our latest weather and -- >> here's -- >> and here's -- >> willie. >> and here's willie. >> all right. my man, william. well done. i would like to see him do tomorrow's forecast as well. time for tough love from a tough mom who wants to help you get your act together around the house. barbara reisch is author of "secrets of an organized mom with request and guide to decluttering your home." what's your overall philosophy to getting your house together?
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>> don't leave it for later. >> this is not a sentimental approach? >> oh, no. >> things go away quickly? >> go. >> let's start with the daily mail. you don't believe on hanging on to much. >> the mail is like weeds go growing in a garden. if you don't take care of this, it will over run your house. spend two to three minute ace day and it's done. catalogs are a worse. they encourage you to buy things you don't need and waste your time looking at them. if you're buying things you don't need it's more clutter in your house. lose, lose, lose. >> immediately? >> unless you need something. you know where to get it. you don't need a catalog. >> sift through it. >> don't even sift through. >> what about the things we do want to keep? >> invitations are fun to get but you have to respond in the moment. look at your calendar. you're going, not going, put it in your calendar, respond and put it in the inbox. >> we may part ways. you say even with the young kids, things that are sentimental to you that you want to hold on to forever you say
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lose that attitude. >> it feels good to get homework with a big smiley face, big 100%. but every child is going to learn how to read and write. you don't need the evidence. you will have storage bins full of third grade homework and no one will be interested in that. >> what about art work? your sweet 5-year-old daughter made something special. you want it pout it on the wall. >> it's not really that special. it's extra large paper, glued. someone does a child like this, 3-d, take a picture. >> and then smash it with a hammer in front of something? >> you don't have to be heartless. when they go to sleep, that's when you move the garbage out. >> if you want to keep a few things, sort it in boxes like this? is that the idea? >> for each child getting a different color set of boxes and the rule of thumb is really one box for every two to three years of school. that gives you an idea of what's appropriate. >> you can get a lot of stuff
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into a box that size. freebies, water bottle. >> the junkiest junk of all. freebies are not your friend. they are not. samples you take from a hotel, no one actually uses them. they save them until they get so old that you have to throw them away. >> you feel like you should take it because you're getting something free. >> most people feel like they have to take it, but you don't have to. >> what about that trophy? >> your kid got this trophy for breathing. you're giving that to every kid on the team. there's one here for attending a birthday party. a birthday party favor. >> that, throw away. >> save the trophy for your kids, the ones that mean something. this is garbage. >> okay. so keep the ones that they actually earn. let's go into the kitchen now. kitchens can be a mess. what do you do? >> the kitchen is the command center of the house. cookbooks take up a lot of room. if it isn't worn, torn, stained, overused, you don't need it. get your recipes online and
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store them online. >> i want to ask you quickly about this. cereal boxes. this, to you, is -- >> you do not need to replicate the selection of a grocery store in your home. two to three suffices. >> it's a symptom of the larger problem. >> it really is. >> i have tons of these. >> little black boxes for organizing, they come in all different colors and sizes. they can be used for so many different purposes, so versatile. sports uniform. what many people do is they have the shorts in the short drawer, socks in the socks, put it all in one bin t makes getting out of the house for that game or that day that much faster. >> and if they come home with a trophy -- >> don't even take the trophy. >> you're tough by i like you. secrets of an organized mom. >> thank you. >> go to and she'll answer your questions on our website. first lady's high profile media blitz after this. all over.s living w- the intense ache made it hard to do the things that i wanted.
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first lady michelle obama seems to be everywhere lately, from opening the envelope on the oscars to dancing with jimmy fallon. leaving people wondering what she has planned for the next four years in the white house. here is kristen welker. >> people are still buzzing about michelle obama's oscar finale that no one saw coming. >> and the oscar goes to -- "argo." >> even an iranian news agency covered it but photo shopped sleeves and a higher neckline to follow the country's strict dress rules for women. in this country, conservative columnist jennifer ruben is critical, writing the oscar appearance made the white house and first lady seem small. >> there is a sense of going too far and too much and becoming so ubiqutous that people don't consider you something special.
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she's not a hollywood celebrity. >> white house officials wouldn't respond but note most of her recent paerpss have been focused on let's move. the first lady has been popping up all over the place lately, on jimmy fallon, sharing a moment with big bird. >> eating healthy is easy. and it's fun and delicious, too. >> and talking hairdos with rachel ray. >> this is my midlife crisis, the bangs. >> jody cantor says it's part of a carefully crafted pr plan. >> her real strategy is kind of a charm offensive that has been intended to build support for her husband's initiative. >> aides say behind the scenes michelle obama is working with her team to develop a second-term agenda, something all first ladies must contend with. >> the difference between a first term and a second term really is the fact that you've got your ground in. and all of the lessons learned of a first term. now you can pick up and have the freedom to really act. >> reporter: so will the harvard
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educated lawyer take on more policy-heavy goals the next four years? >> one rule michelle obama always follows is that she never wants to distract from her husba husband's agenda. it's possible she might address possible, more tougher, controversial issues but i do not believe, baid based on what aide aides have told me, that she would do it if she thought she was going to cause a distraction from what her husband was trying to get done. coming up next, easy italian cooking with the scottos after these messages. [ male announcer ] this is bob, a regular guy with an irregular heartbeat. coming up next, easy italian cooking with the scottos after these messages. the usual, bob? not today. [ male announcer ] bob has afib: atrial fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem, a condition that puts him at greater risk for a stroke. [ gps ] turn left. i don't think so. [ male announcer ] for years, bob took warfarin, and made a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but not anymore. bob's doctor recommended a different option:
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xarelto® can cause bleeding, which can be serious, and rarely may lead to death. you are likely to bruise more easily on xarelto®, and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. tell your doctors you are taking xarelto® before any planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. ready to change your routine? ask your doctor about once-a-day xarelto®. for more information including cost support options, call 1-888-xarelto or visit because every flake is double-toasted... splashed with sweet honey... and covered in rich double-roasted peanuts. mmm. [ hero ] yummy. [ male announcer ] kellogg's crunchy nut. it's super delicious! [ male announcer ] kellogg's crunchy nut. mommy! i went potty! that's great, honey.... where?
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for life's bleachable moments. went home and fed her family. now she's helping her community. no wonder it's hard to focus on her own needs. but she's got one a day women's, a complete multivitamin with key nutrients women may need all in one pill. because our focus is you. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate. 80 calorie chocolate cereal. introducing thets. lifter foundation from maybelline new york. our first lifting foundation with smoothing primer swirled inside. beyond covering helps restore smoothness, elasticity. for younger-looking skin instantly. the lifter. ♪ maybe it's maybelline
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>> announcer: "today's" kitchen is brought to you by new smooth roast coffee only at burger king, where taste is king. that music can mean only one thing. this morning on "today's" kitchen -- >> really. >> -- classic italian meals using only five ingredients. from fresco by scotto. >> good morning. >> we are in for a real treat. we're not counting salt, pepper, butter, olive oil as ingredients. >> that's what elena said.
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that's how we get five. >> i think everybody has those. >> this is the mediterranean diet that helps your heart, right? >> no, will, this homemade salami. it is delicious. some women get diamonds and gold. i gitet salami. >> i say you won. >> doesn't it just melt in your mouth? >> it's delicious. >> so good. we begin the meal with some salami, garlic bread, little garlic, grated cheese, olive oil. we do a double decker here, put it in the flour. >> what kind of bread? >> american bread. this is the only thing we use american bread for. you know, the rest is all italian bread. >> you have mozzarelissourozzar in there. >> they tell you to use it with toothpicks but i like to use my
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hands. i hope the oil is hot. it seems like it is. >> do you want to? >> i would be honored. little flour here. right? >> yes. in there. >> doing that. >> and this is a butter -- >> it's topped with the butter caper. it's the best grilled cheese or cheese sandwich you've ever had. >> fried cheese. >> fried grilled cheese. so what? >> it's delicious. we're going to do the pasta al americana that starts with the pancetta. >> completely italian. completely classic. we start with the pancetta. onions. >> does that count as your ingredie ingredient? >> one ingredient, by the way. >> onion. >> let that cook for a couple of minutes. tomato. >> okay. >> pepper, salt. can you do that for me, dear? >> we only have a minute and a half. >> that's fine.
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>> the pasta, already cooked. throw that in there. toss it up. that's what it's going to look like. >> all right, elena, take it away. >> a twist on shrimp scampi. >> so easy. butter, olive oil, garlic, all these ingredients you have at home. white wine a must. al, this recipe is so simple that we even have time for a little joke this morning. >> oh, all right. >> so why didn't the shrimp share his meal? >> i don't know. why? >> because he was feeling a little shellfish. >> oh! >> wow. >> come on, al. >> that was spectacular. >> seven ingredients, that's what it is. >> i have so much free time, i could joke. >> very nice. >> good job. >> she's here till thursday. >> try the shrimp? >> yeah. >> totally botched my fried
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cheese over here. leave it to the experts. >> i got it. >> will, will, come on. you want to taste that. >> i'm going to get in here as we go to break here. thank you so much as always. thank you for another beautiful feast with five ingredients. you can find these recipes, as always on our website at we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. ♪
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♪ if loving you is wrong ♪ i don't wanna be right [ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, whole grain oats. you can't go wrong loving it. bee happy. bee healthy.
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with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean, the wine bottles are open! the party's started. >> what's coming up on today's show, guys? >> who knows? >> who cares? >> that's what makes them -- >> hoda and kathie lee. ♪
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♪ [ male announcer ] now's the time to add some beauty to your yard, get 5 annuals for just $5 at lowe's today. good morning to you. it is t 9:56.
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police say an elderly newspaper vendor is dead after an attack in san francisco. 78-year-old dallas ires died this past week. he was standing on the corner of market and montgomery streets when someone threw him on the ground and took his wallets. he sold newspapers for 30 years in san francisco. most recently behind the pete's coffee. >> he was a really sweet man. he always helped those around him, who ever needed it. he always helped me and i always helped him. >> today, people who knew him are dropping off flowers at the newsstand in his memory. let's get a look at the forecast. >> hey, thanks. we've got a great looking day and even though it's been dry, we're in the good air quality range, so that's good news on a tuesday. 68 for livermore. 65 in fremont. 68 in concord and 65 degrees in places like san jose.
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getting into the next couple of days, we keep climbing, the low 70s on the way for thursday. let's take a look at your drive. good morning, mike. >> this shot looks great for 101 in san jose, but look at our sensors. tl a lag, but we have some slow readings north of there heading toward 880 and toward the airport and also, 87, just as we're starting to clear, a crash causes more slowing. the earlier zebts haaccidents h cleareded the area. east 580 still slow. a typical early cig alert happened and hasn't recovered. a slow heading toward the bay bridge, but the big issue clustering around university. look at this live shot coming away from the bay bridge. there's an earlier crash on the shoulder and that's causing a direction. there you go. >> you can say that again. thanks so much. we'll be back in about 30. we'll see you again at 10:26. [ wind howling ]
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[ female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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from nbc news this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> we are so excited, everybody. it's booze day tuesday. it's february 26th. >> we're delighted to have you all joining us today. >> we essential are. we have a couple of beverages on this booze day tuesday. one is the same old wine we drink all the time. >> colby red. it all goes to heart disease research.
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>> the other is called a ray of sunshine. >> because we have just a few more days left of this february, baby, and -- >> friday is march, you guys. think about it. it felt like christmas just happened and new year's, and now, boink, and we're already on march. >> in a couple of weeks we're going to see a -- that's exciting. that's why god gave us crocuses. the winters are so long and bleak and gray that you want to croak, so god gives you a crocus. what's going on with you? >> you know what is happening -- >> do i know my hoda? >> this is because of you. you remember what happened on steve harvey? >> oh. >> we were on steve harvey together last week. >> promoting your four week in a row best seller list. >> thank you. >> is that the one? is that the time we did it? >> that's the time. what happened was it was around valentine's day, and there was a dating game situation where there were two gentlemen who
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were to be set up on a date with me, and kath had to choose which one between the two was the right one. >> thankless job. >> it was. one guy was very short. >> belly button height. >> he was here. i didn't realize until he got off the stool. he looked -- then he dunked down. >> i'm sorry. but it had to be. >> the other guy is the guy i'm going on a date with. >> yes. who seems very nice. >> it's happening not this monday because of scheduling but next. i will fill you in on how it goes. >> how many -- >> you're not coming. >> why? you need me, hoda. >> no, i don't. it will be interesting to see how that whole thing goes. >> yes. i'm not banking on it, but that's just my personal take. >> if you haven't seen enough of kim kardashian -- >> we'll go to kim in a second. you know what was the funniest and most awkward part? >> what? >> we do the show, and we go to the airport to come back to los angeles -- to new york and both of the men show up.
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>> in the airport. we were having a drink. what else is new? in the bar. they walk up. both of them. >> separately. >> first the one that got the date shows up. that's all right. we'll sit with him. then the other guy who didn't get the date, a doctor. >> he is very cute. >> adorable. >> so, anyway -- >> oh. >> awkward. >> if you haven't seen enough of kim kardashian -- >> and who hasn't? >> she is now posing it appears to be naked with her boyfriend on a french magazine called "officiee." >> when means? >> official men. >> and it looks like they're -- >> the last i heard was kim wanted her privacy. that's the latest deal. >> i don't get it. >> i think it would be just another kanye and kim cover if it weren't accompanied by the fact that they want desperately their privacy and how much kanye is teaching her about that, and
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it just is incongruous. you have to be taken seriously by what you do and what you say, and those two things are at odds, to most people. >> apparently when she did "playboy" she got a quarter million dollars. >> for the cover and the inside. careful. >> and then i think there was some other -- she gets paid a lot to do these things, but you also wonder too -- >> i turned down, you know, certain paycheck to show up at a certain place to be paid $1 million justo show up. i told you. i was having lunch with chris when we were out in los angeles and the phone rings, and it's kim, and she just gotten back from rio de janeiro the day before. she's four months pregnant with her little girl now, i think, and i said where is kim? she's at the airport. where did she go now? she just got home. nigeria. that's what she does, though. by their own admission, they're not actresses, they're not singers. that's what she gets paid to do.
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>> i'm not judging, but you do wonder when is it enough? like, when do you have enough bank? why do you have to keep getting the next paycheck when you clearly are doing very well. i know it's for a moment in time and you feel like you got to strike while the iron is hot. >> that's what it is. >> i feel sort of like how many houses do you need? how much do you need? that's my question. >> everybody has a different answer to that question, don't they, hoda woman? all you need is for somebody to return your wallet, and you're a happy person. >> can i tell you something -- >> as little as there is in that wallet or as much as there is, it doesn't matter to you. it's the simple things in life that make life worth living. >> oh, my god. ♪ a last of kindness, not the taking, but the giving ♪ ♪ it's the little things that matter as you make your way through life it's the way you treat your neighbor it's the way you treat your wife ♪ >> always --
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>> come up for air. you're fine. stoo that was good. come on. that was good. >> it's a musical the world can't wait to hear. and you ask why i drink. >> the oscars, we have a recap. >> apparently we got everything wrong. >> apparently our take on the oscars was not in sync with your take. apparently you guys loved seth. >> we didn't hate seth. >> we didn't hate seth, but you loved him. you went on-line at facebook. >> there is no accounting for taste. you guys adore him. >> you guys were kind of right because the numbers reflected -- >> but the mentality, hoda. >> the numbers reflected that this last oscars was the highest rated in three years, so that means that new people came to the table to watch seth. sfoo it was a smart choice. but it doesn't in anywhere compare to when was the last time somebody -- it was 53 million people watched it the year the "titanic" won. >> other people can watch on-line and sit and wait.
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>> the trend turned, and that's what they were trying to get a new demographic, and they got it. >> speaking of trends, did you see the other trend that people are talking about in fashion at the oscars? the sneaker trend. >> oh. this is a matter of age. notice who is doing it. >> there are a couple of people who said i'm not doing the heels. i am doing the sneakers, and those who people were sally fields. >> good for her. she's over it. >> she got cozy, and bradley cooper's mother. if you look closely. you don't have to look that closely. there they are. >> you have bradley cooper on your arm, you can wear anything you want. don't you think? notice, these ladies are of a certain maturity. >> they're smarter than everyone else. there are probably a couple of bunions involved. >> let's talk about cheating. this is important information. what constitutes cheating, infidelity? >> it depends on the person. >> it does. >> it depends what you think about what cheating is.
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>> here's -- according to the university of michigan study, and we're going to vote on what we think is cheating. sexual intercourse, is that cheating? okay. let's just move on. yes. i'm going down the list. >> you know what, 97.7 people -- percentage thought so. who are the people -- who are the 3%? who are you? >> is oral sex cheating? >> do we have to discuss? >> let's move on. kissing on the lips? >> you know what, i say yes, but -- >> i will say -- i say yes with a cavat. >> i will say -- >> you say no? >> i say no, and i will tell you why. >> why? >> because one of the hardest things in the world to do is when you are kissing somebody and you know what you are doing is wrong, you leave, and you tell me that that's not a hard thing to do. >> kissing on the lips. >> yes. >> is that a -- >> it's not like going all -- if you had a choice between your
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partner kissing somebody and having full -- >> here's the thing. i'm saying if some guys walks up -- >> are you talking to me? >> if some guy walks up to me and gives me his lips. in the south some men do that, friends. >> perverts. >> you kiss them on the lips, is that cheating? >> if some guy comes up and kisses you on the lips and you had no intention to kiss him on the lips? no. >> moving on. >> i'm just saying the hardest -- it's not -- everybody is tempted many life. the hardest thing in the world is to walk away from it. when are you in the tloez of it. that's hard, hoda woman. >> okay. let's move on. texting erotic messages. >> that's not good. >> e-mail says pictures naked. >> that's just fine. what are we talking? >> holding hands. is that cheating? >> i hold hands with my brother. >> and regis. >> forming a deep emotional bond? >> that is falling in love, and that's more dangerous, actually, than a one-nightstand.
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>> i agree. >> how about this? sitting in someone's lap, and you know you have done that. come on. you do it on this show. >> i would pick out the more -- i would on purpose pick out the gentleman that, first of all, was having fun. you could tell. usually if he didn't have any hair and was quite roly poly, that's the guy. i admit i have sat in about 5,000 laps. in my 40 years of life. >> what does frank think when you are sitting in anyone's lap, even for fun. >> no. when i was on stage with that guy -- yep, yep, yep. frank -- >> frank does not even like you looking at someone else. i've seen it. >> if certain people were sitting in the audience that were threatening to him, then -- >> he wouldn't mind it. >> yeah. >> i think that's what it comes down to. you're not interested. people out there like this stuff. i know it's hard for you to
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understand. >> davie, davie, davie. >> we're wrapping because davie is bored. >> david is bored. >> david is bored, so we're going to move on. >> that was terrible. >> my kind of party. >> getting things kicking with country music star david aldean and also "smash." i heard you were on that show. when? >> when? so... [ gasps ] these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. [ man ] excuse me miss. [ gasps ] this fiber one 90 calorie brownie has all the deliciousness you desire. the brownie of your dreams is now deliciously real. the brownie of your dreams
10:10 am
vo: for cold and flu season, honey, don't use your sleeve. there's clorox bleach. these heads belong to those who can't put their lives, jobs and loved ones on hold because of a migraine. so when a migraine starts, they grab excedrin migraine. they know excedrin provides fast pain relief. plus it relieves sensitivity to light, sound, even nausea. no wonder it's #1 neurologist recommended. excedrin specializes in ending headaches and like you we won't be easily stopped. not even by migraines. migraines are where excedrin excels. ♪ start right. ♪ kellogg's simple grains cereals take you from seed... ♪ spoon. with just a few ingredients. ♪
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kellogg's raisin bran, corn flakes and rice krispies. simple wholesome goodness. start simple. start right. simple wholesome goodness. l'oreal's new telescopic loshocking extensions creates the bold look of extensions-from a mascara the incredibly designed lash-hugging brush smoothes on liquid lash extensions for maximum impact simply shocking l'oreal's new shocking extensions. soft, sweet coconut covered in rich, creamy chocolate. almond joy and mounds. unwrap paradise. something this delicious could only come from nature.
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now from the maker of splenda sweeteners, discover nectresse. the only 100% natural, no-calorie sweetener made from the goodness of fruit. the rich, sweet taste of sugar. nothing artificial. ♪ it's all that sweet ever needs to be. new nectresse. sweetness naturally. >> that's my jam. >> you are listening to jason aldean singing -- >> "it's country." >> he followed that up with his title track, big cd "my kind of party" scoring him his tenth hit and earning him a nomination for a grammy. >> it's called "night train" and it's hit number one on the billboard charts, and, get this, sold over a million copies. who are you, fancy? >> nice of you to drop by.
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>> hey, i just happened to be in the neighborhood. >> of course, you did. >> we heard a rumor you sold out the garden like that. >> yeah. >> you sold out madison square garden in new york city where, by the way, there's not even a country music station on the air. >> there is now. >> oh, right. right, it just started. >> there's a new country station here in new york that opened a couple of months, i guess, but, no, this is our first trip here to madison square garden. >> was that a little intimidating? i mean, you've had so much success, but are there still things that go, oh, new york city, the radio city? >> yeah, absolutely. too because of what you just said. there hasn't been a country radio station here in quite a while, so it's hard to promote your shows when you come here. >> you know what's changing, though, i was down in the keys the last couple of weeks, and i was listening to all you and your cohorts on "the highway." then it goes everywhere. it's making great inroads. >> that definitely helps a lot, but, you know, i think coming here playing a place like the garden, that's such -- >> that's cool.
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>> that's such a cool venue, and to come in and sell it out, it was great, but to sell it out that quick, was not quite what -- you know. >> it's interesting. it's unique. sometimes you hear a country song, and you say automatically i know exactly what this is. you have a little country, a little rap going on. tell us about your style. >> well, you know, i grew up in middle georgia, which is, you know, hotbed for southern rock music. >> almond brothers country. >> absolutely. i grew up listening to country, southern rock, blues, r & b, you know, a little bit of everything. just from my hometown, i mean, you got guys like otis redding and little richard, the almond brothers. all came out of that town. you know, i just grew up with a wide range of influences when i was coming up and started playing music. >> i think what's interesting, too -- i think it was back in 2003 you almost hung it up because you got dropped by your record label. you had a mortgage. you had a car payment and a baby on the way. like, everything was going wrong, and then you just sort of
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turned the beat around. >> how did you do that? >> i didn't really do anything. you know, i mean, i had been to nashville pounding away for years, and had a couple of record deals, lost them, and -- >> it's such a roller coaster ride, isn't it? >> i ended up -- i was actually planning on moving back home to georgia, and had another show that i had scheduled for some record companies to come out and check the show out and so played that show, and that was, you know -- that was the show that i got me my deal. >> even in the country music world where they do actually revere their elderly, not so much on radio anymore. you know, they used to be like if you were a george straight, they would automatically play your record, and aren't they always looking for the next best thing, the new younger sort of like -- >> i think that's kind of in any genre of music, but i think, you know, it kind of comes in waves. i mean, it seems like every ten years or so you kind of have this wave of new artists. they kind of tend to take over, you know, radio, but, i mean,
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country radio still plays guys like george strait and alan jackson and those guys. i think country music more so than any other format of music really respects where we came from and the guys that paved the way for us. >> we're happy for you. >> you're going to perform later on in the show. >> absolutely. >> excited. >> sara goz a ski trip. >> she hits the slope with some courageous kids. right after this. day. now you can do it with dinner. introducing land o'lakes® sauté express®. the all-in-one sauté starter with butter, olive oil, herbs and spices... so dinner really sizzles. it's one step, no prep. and so good, they'll ask for more. and that little victory is a pretty big deal. land o'lakes® sauté express. find it in the dairy aisle. anti-aging? make mine triple power! l'oreal's new revitalift triple power.
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alright. let him tell you about sprint. we've got the samsung galaxy s iii on the sprint 4g lte network for just $148! nice! wow. and -- you get a $50 gift card. awesome. we can split it. i don't think so. okay. [ earl ] see for yourself. get a $50 walmart gift card when you buy any samsung smartphone on the sprint 4g lte network. now through march 2nd. walmart. he opened up jake's very private world. at first, jake's family thought they saved ziggy, but his connection with jake has been a lifesaver. for a love this strong, his family only feeds him iams. compared to other leading brands, it has 50% more animal protein... help keep ziggy's body as strong as a love that reaches further than anyone's words. iams. keep love strong. it's eb. want to give your family the very best
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in taste, freshness, and nutrition? it's eb. eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. better taste. better nutrition. lift your standard of what an anti-aging makeup can do for you. visible lift serum absolute makeup from l'oreal. 5 age-reversing ingredients, for 5 anti-aging benefits. instantly my skin looks luminous. in just 4 weeks, see proven results. l'oreal's visible lift makeup. zoots time for sara breaks out in the city. >> sara went to mount snowe in have the sxrt crossed another thing off her bucket list with a group of special kids. >> when your child is facing health challenges, a struggle could be a matter of life or death. that's where kids of courage comes in taking them on the adventure of their lives. >> i hope you have a great time. >> this is a familiar scene for any parent. sending your child off with a
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hug, a kiss, and a wish to be safe, but the worrying for these parents is even greater because each of these kids has a life-threatening or chronic medical condition. ♪ these are the faces of kids of courage. many of these campers can't walk. some can't even breathe without assistance, but today they're hitting the slopes like everyone else here at mount snow. >> ready to ski? >> who wants to rock right now? >> i do. >> rahali is 12 years old, and she suffers from a newerlogical disease called cmt. >> it's kind of like muscular dystrophy, but it's a little worse. it won't let me have as much muscle strength as a normal person would. >> these kids are well taken care o with a diverse team of volunteer medical personnel and ski instructors. each camper has their own counselor, or buddy. >> most of my friends at home, they're not crippled, so,
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like -- so, like, it's kind of hard for them to relate to me, so right here at kids of courage, like, i have friends who can relate to me, and it's really awesome. >> here we go. >> they encourage fun, but have one strict rule. no parents allowed. >> i notice there are no parents on this trip. why is that? >> they love their parents, and obviously parents love them, but they also are the ones who are telling them to put in their tube and take their medicine, go to sleep on time, go to the doctor, and what we wanted to do is provide an environment which is away from all that. >> ari co-founded the nonprofit when he was 20 years old. with year-round adventures, trips, and shopping sprees, skiing is just one of the highlights. >> they want to be like every our child. that's what we want to give them. we want to give them an opportunity to go down the slope and scream and yell and have a great time and interact with other kids and to really just live life to the fullest, which is what they deserve. >> kids of courage, it's our
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last run. let's hear it! >> i was inspired. i went up the mountain with sarah, but going down i was on my own. >> i have been known to fall. >> this is the first time that i'm skiing by myself. >> you're going to go by yourself? >> i usually just sit there and chill, but today i'm at work. >> yeah! >> awesome! >> first time i ever skied. >> with an atmosphere of friends and activity no mountain is too high for these kids. >> at home i can't feel adventurous stuff like this, so i want to get the full experience. >> did you get the wind in your face? >> yeah, i got a lot of wind in my face. >> maybe a little snow? >> yeah. >> yeah, and the kids of courage runs entirely on the generosity of their volunteers.
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partners like abilities plus and the ski instructors and donations. the kids don't have to pay a single dime. >> i love that story. those kids are amazing. >> they are having the time of their lives. >> thank you, sara. >> thank you, honey. >> "smash" star meagan tells us why she has plenty to sing about. we'll have a performance by country music star jason aldean after your local news. busy bui, stronger so it holds up better, kind of angel soft®. it's now built with two softshield™ layers. when wet, new angel soft® is one, two, three times stronger than the leading value brand. well done, angels! stronger, holds up better... all wrapped up in a value you love. new angel soft®. now stronger than ever.
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[ female announcer ] roc® retinol correxion max. the power of roc® retinol is intensified with a serum. it's clinically shown to be 4x better at smoothing lines and deep wrinkles than professional treatments. roc® max for maximum results. with totino's pizza rolls. and now when you buy one 40-count bag, instantly get a free bottle of sun drop or sunkist soda. it's on. let's roll. instantly get a free bottle of sun drop or sunkist soda. lift your standard of what an anti-aging makeup can do for you. visible lift serum absolute makeup from l'oreal. 5 age-reversing ingredients, for 5 anti-aging benefits. instantly my skin looks luminous. in just 4 weeks, see proven results.
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good morning. it is 10:26. let there be light. in san jose, more than 2,000 led street light haves replaced the amber colored lights that dot the landscape. this is a side by side comparison that shows the difference between the old ones and new ones. san jose is one of the first cities nationwide to install these new energy efficient light. the city plans to add 550 more of them. the goal is to have 62,000 over the next
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welcome back. we have such a great looking day shaping up. 68 degreesen t, 86 in santa ter. tomorrow, we keep on climbing and then the rain returns. we'll take you to your full forecast today at 11:00. meanwhile, it's been a hurry up and wait morning. let's check the drive with mike. >> the day looks great, the traffic horrible. this is the bay bridge toll plaza. finally showing relief. the approach coming down through berkeley. we'll take a look at our camera westbound 80. eastbound was gummed up over the last half hour. here's how your map is now. just the ashby avenue surface as things start to clear. finally back to normal for east 580 and a smooth drive through 880 and union city.
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northbound 101 a little slow out of san jose and past the airport. that's typical. back to you. >> thank you so much. we will have more of the day's top stories coming up in just 30 minutes. we hope to see you again at 11:00. we're back on this booze day tuesday with more of "today". on broadway she played glenda the wicked. >> now on "smash" meagan hilty stars as identifiy lynn who has some advice for an equally talented performer played by jennifer hudson. take a look. >> was it the accent or the hair? >> he is a genius. i can't resist. >> if he is such a genius, why would i rather be in my dressing room than on stage?
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>> he is tough. it's true. he will push you and drive you crazy and make you hate him and want to quit right up until you give the performance of your life, and then somehow it's all worth it. >> oh, it's all worth it. >> hi. >> you know, i find "smash" to be very, very true to what broadway is really like when you are in the throes of it. painfully close to what you really -- >> close. >> you have been there too, right? do you see that? >> oh, absolutely. granted, we're not doing a reality show, so we do heighten some things. >> yes. >> have you to to make the show. >> to make it interesting. yeah, i mean, you're dealing with really fantastic, huge personalities. you know, we're all artists, and you throw them all together. >> you mean egos? >> that too. >> speaking of egos, you and k.l.g., you worked together, didn't you, in one of those scenes? >> yes. >> oh, yes. >> one of our fantastic guest stars. >> how does it work?
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kathie plays what? >> me. that's the only bone i get thrown. >> she's fantastic at it. >> we'll talk about it then. what's going on with ivy lynn right now? she does sound like an ex-exotic dancer, ivy lynn? >> i know. sent it a fantastic name? no, she's trying to turnover a new leaf right now. we left her in a really down place last season, and now she's just trying to be better. personally and professionally. >> when we're watching scenes like this one, you are singing live right there. is that how you do it? >> well, we -- >> lip-synch, or how does that work? >> it's almost technically impossible to do it live because of editing purposes, so we record it, and mark heymann and scott whitman produce it in such a way that it sounds -- we're not over processed. we do -- you know -- >> you are singing life live while we were doing our thing,
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so it's a combination. whatever is not lip-synched. i don't know. it's excellent. it's brilliant the way you all do it. >> i feel like you should look like you're singing so i sing along with it, so they call it lip-synching, but i'm belting it out all day. >> you're loud. no. she's giving it her all. sfoo do you find it as satisfying doing a show like "smash" or "9 to 5" or some of the other shows you've done on broadway? >> nothing is like performing in front of a live audience. you can't replace that. it's so fwraet to represent my community on television and have, like, the best of both worlds. >> you guys have a major cult following with this. >> crazy, yeah. >> my sister, who hasn't liked anything on television in a long, long time goes into some sort of a horrible place when you guys go on hiatus. >> you do have those fans, and what do they say to you? what are some of the greatest things somebody has said to you about "smash?"
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>> i love it when people stop me on the street. i love talking to people about it because it means they're invested in the stories. i love it when they hate my character. i love it when they love to hate her. that means i'm doing my job. >> we know why, though. we know where it's coming from. you do need to stop picking bad boys. >> yeah. well, tune in for this season because she really redeems herself this season. >> all right. >> tell us all about that. >> tune in this season. >> say hello to everybody there. they were so nice to me when i did the show. thank you, doll. hoda we wanted, but hoda was very busy. so busy. >> "smash" airs tonight 10:00, 9:00 central right here on nbc. >> have those pictures on your phone or camera been sitting there forever? we have some exciting ways to display them. look. don't leave them in your camera. >> she's always here. >> is she here again? [ male announcer ] excedrin excels with migraine sufferers. these heads belong to those who can't put their lives, jobs and loved ones on hold because of a migraine.
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so when a migraine starts, they grab excedrin migraine. they know excedrin provides fast pain relief. plus it relieves sensitivity to light, sound, even nausea. no wonder it's #1 neurologist recommended. excedrin specializes in ending headaches and like you we won't be easily stopped. not even by migraines. migraines are where excedrin excels. not even by migraines. introducing thets. lifter foundation from maybelline new york. our first lifting foundation with smoothing primer swirled inside. beyond covering helps restore smoothness, elasticity. for younger-looking skin instantly. the lifter. ♪ maybe it's maybelline mmmmmm. mcdonald's new fish mcbites! ♪ fish-ay! fish-ay! ♪ fish, fish mcbites, mcbites ♪ fish, fish mcbites, mcbites [ male announcer ] the delicious alaskan pollack fish you love, only smaller. mcdonald's new fish mcbites. ♪ ba da ba ba ba
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of your home, your vacuum doesn't always pick up what's left behind. only the resolve easy clean system has foam power to stop dirt in its tracks. it penetrates deep within your carpet, removing 3 times more dirt than vacuuming alone. leaving the busiest areas of your carpets, truly fresh and clean. the resolve easy clean system. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean.
10:35 am
♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate. 80 calorie chocolate cereal. anti-aging? make mine triple power! l'oreal's new revitalift triple power. for the three dimensions of aging. wrinkles two...refirm contours. three...replenish facial volume. l'oreal's new revitalift triple power.
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there's a place where the sky is always blue and the kids always eat their vegetables. because the salad there is always served with the original hidden valley ranch. it's the way ranch is supposed to taste. and try italians and vinaigrettes from hidden valley. >> do you have a cram, a smartphone, a shoebox full of family photos but you don't have any idea what to do with them? >> here with creative ways to share your memories, better homes & gardens contributing editor, who is here all the time, elaine griffith. >> better to see me. if your pictures just exist on your phone or camera, no one gets to enjoy them but you, right? >> what shell fish. it's another joke. >> have i in great ideas -- >> i love all of them. >> let's start with our heritage
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photo wall. it's super easy to do. you just print out your images on paper. use a little compass to help you make circles. here you go. you ta tape them down with glue dots. >> don't eat off of it. >> who is he? >> we're going hang them on the wall, but we have no idea who he is. >> we don't know who he is. >> obviously you would use your people. >> he is somebody's son. >> you know who this one is, right? >> yes. >> you have seen him before. >> i love that. i love that one. >> these are our tray liners. they're easy to do. we can make the paper size something that fits the bottom of a tray and take it to the copy shot to get it laminated, and voila. >> you can spill on that. you're all right. >> i'm not going there. >> and then these are also great place mats. >> oh. bambino. place mats. look at these of bambino. i want you to look at what's on
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this entire thing, and kath says bambino. >> he is the only one who loves me unconditionally. >> old school, you still want to have your photos printed, frailed. tons of great service that is allow you to do that on-line. the sdret is to find one that gives the level of customization and fancyness that you want. >> and the cost. >> she's start at $20. >> no need to yell. my goodness. >> it's important. >> i'm a little tone deaf. >> my mom would agree with you. watches, if you don't want to hang your art on the wall, you can hang it. >> that's very cute. >> i love the doggy. how cute is that? >> these are $44, and they are from >> i love these because they're creative. you don't see them. they're ceramic tile. >> is there a tile for hoda? >> i don't see one. i see another big one for bambino. >> hold on.
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>> you have a magnet. >> i can hardly see it. this is what i get from this segment. >> imagine -- imagine this on your back splash. you could do a whole bunch. >> boy. >> thanks for all the effort, elaine. >> great. so something to help your little one, and also use those 42,000 images of your children that you have. these are from pin hole prep, and they are memory cards and flash cards, so, you know, the n is for -- the p is for -- you can have an h for hoda. you have a k for kathie lee. >> i don't see anything. okay. thanks, elaine. >> no e for elaine. >> every year you can remember -- >> that's cute. >> adorable. >> it's also from it's a great keep seasoning. you'll have it for a zillion years. >> how much does this run? >> this is about $50. >> thank you very much. thank you. >> see you next week, i'm sure.
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>> two is definitely better than one. wear one outfit two different ways and many, many times like hoda. >> i like this dress. ♪ i woke up to a new day ♪ every little thing gonna go my way ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] we've added a touch of philadelphia cream cheese to our kraft natural shredded cheese so you can bring a creamier melt to any morning. ♪ life is amazing with the love that i've found ♪ ♪ ♪ life is amazing with the love that i've found ♪ nowbye, bye brittle! goes mega plush! volum' express mega plush from maybelline new york. our first gel-mousse mascara! for mega lush lashes, soft to the touch. mega plush mascara maybe it's maybelline. 100% greek. 100% mmm... wow, that is mmm...
10:41 am
it's so mmm you might not believe it's a hundred calories. yoplait greek 100. it is so good. lawith canola oil is made withr sweet cream, canola oil and salt. just three simple ingredients. what's in your spread? i finally found it. it's a different kind of retinol. garnier ultra-lift moisturizer. with pro-retinol from nature... it's tough on wrinkles. but gentle on skin. 95% of women saw a real wrinkle reduction. this is the skin i remember. garnier ultra-lift [ tylenol bottle ] me too! and nasal congestion. [ tissue box ] he said nasal congestion.
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yeah...i heard him. [ female announcer ] tylenol® cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion. nyquil® cold and flu doesn't. some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will.
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secondhand smoke affects everyone's health. it's not just irritating. it can cause heart disease and even death. speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it.
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some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will. >> now on today a style, how one item of clothing can give you two completely different looks. something here with the right way to do it is "today" twibtor and style watch and author jill martin. >> hey, girl. >> what are we doing? what is this? >> i always think this is fun. i'm going to be the first model here. you take one item, and i'm going to do the classic one and wear it two different ways. >> da, da, da. >> i'm wearing my little black dress. >> the scarf you stole from your mother. >> my mother's scarf, and i'm taking my blazer off. >> you want to just keep this in your purse. you have two looks in one. it's very big into spring. this is the classic way to do it. >> right. >> now i'm showing you -- you're going to invest -- it looks nice. you're going to invest in a trendy piece, and you want to wear it in more ways than one
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because it's trendy. >> that's a fwloebl global trend. >> let's go global. >> he's are our first two girls. >> this is the tribal jacket. this is one of the big trends. on our left we're going to go simple, and our right is go for it. this is lulu's jacket, $71, and you see on left jeans, white t-shirt, and pumps. then you want to go for it. this is a very trendy look. you see h & m pants $55.95, and the tribal necklace, the alchemy shop for $36. >> can you mix it. >> tribes are like that, huh? >> can you take pieces, but this is a very trendy trend coming for spring. there's a simple way to do it and a go for it way to do it. >> i like trendy trend. >> i like that too. >> all right, girls. >> thank you, ladies. >> next is our mod trend. what is that? >> go back to the 1960s a little bit, and this is the color block shift dress, and we have anna and alexandra. again, on the left sort of simple. on the right go for it.
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calvin klein for macy's. $35 for a thift shift dress. >> what? i never thought i would see calvin klein $35. >> you see the red shoes for a little va va voom depending where you are going, and the go for it on alexandra. polka dot, another big trend, and this is mixing and matching. $16 from the limited. >> wow. really affordable stuff. >> excellent. >> thanks, ladies. >> now the sheer trend. >> so this you get a little dicey, a little sexy, but there are ways to do it. now, this is katie and yvonna, and the piece here that we're using is the h & m sheer skirt. for $34 here's the skirt. on the left you just have a simple green sweater, $44 with the pumps. also metallic. really big. under $100 from macy's, and yvonna, go for it. we have three pieces that are sheer. you have the h & m skirt, and
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then the top is international for $70, and then another big designer teaming up with target. you see -- >> that's happening a lot. >> yeah. >> which i really appreciate because then everybody can sort of get in on the trendy items for $39.99. >> an enormous amount of money to be made by these companies. >> everybody is benefitting. >> everybody is making out like a burglar. >> thank you to our lovely model. >> thank you, jill. >> good to be back. sfoo missed you. >> get ready to kick up your country feet. stoo she can't wait. we have a performance by jason aldean. this is "today" on nbc. ♪
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♪ [ male announcer ] now's the time to add some beauty to your yard, get 5 annuals for just $5 at lowe's today. [ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on for two whole years. from at&t. call to get u-verse tv starting at just $19 a month with our triple-play bundle. get the same great price for two years. plus now get two times the internet speed than before. you get reliable high-speed internet on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv,
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you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now. u-verse tv starts at $19 a month with our triple-play bundle, with the same great price for two years. plus two times the internet speed than before. [ female announcer ] switch today and get a total home dvr included for life. [ male announcer ] it's a triple-play bundle that's hard to beat -- same great price, two whole years, price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪
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>> toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. >> multi-platinum entertainer
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jason aldean has been taking the radio by storm since 2005 garnering him with many acm awards to boot. his current album is called "night train." >> he is singing "my kind of party." have a great day, everybody. ♪ ♪ ♪ baby, what you got going on
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saturday ♪ ♪ you know, words got it, there's gonna be a party out of town about half a mile ♪ ♪ four wheel drives and big mud tires muscadine wine ♪ ♪ oh, baby, you can find me ♪ in the back of a jacked up tailgate ♪ ♪ sitting around watching all these pretty things ♪ ♪ i get down in that georgia clay ♪ ♪ and i'll find peace ♪ in the bottom of a real tall cold drink ♪ ♪ chilling with some sknyrd and some old haenk ♪ ♪ let's get this thing started it's my kind of party ♪ ♪ well if you want a drink go on baby, just do your thing ♪ but give up your keys ♪ ♪ hell, why drive when you can stay with me ♪ ♪ and then after while we sneak
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away from the bonfire walk by the moonlight and down to the riverside gotta sippin on the moonshine ♪ ♪ baby, if you're in mood and you can settle for a one-night rodeo if you can be my tan-legged juliet i'll be your redneck romeo ♪ ♪ oh, baby, you can find me ♪ snt back of a jacked up tailgate ♪ ♪ sitting around watching all these pretty things ♪ ♪ i get down in that georgia clay ♪ ♪ and i'll find peace ♪ in the bottom of a real tall cold drink chilling with some skin ird and some old hank ♪ ♪ let's get it thing started ♪ it's my kind of party ♪ ♪ oh, baby, you can find me in the back of a jacked up tailgate ♪ ♪ sitting around watching all these pretty things ♪ ♪ i get down in that georgia clay ♪ ♪ and i'll find peace in the bottom of a real tall
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cold drink ♪ ♪ chilling with some skynyrd and some old hank ♪ ♪ let's get it thing started it's my kind of party ♪ ♪
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good morning and thanks for being with us. >> good morning, everybody. we start off with developing news starting about 9:30 this morning, the coast guard suspending its search for the man, woman and two young children believed to be on board a 29-foot sailboat since sunday. the coast guard has searched an area 20,000 miles wide. it's located about 65 miles off
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the coast of metropolitimontere. the series of distress calls started about 4:00 sunday afternoon. the coast guard spent several hours searching those waters and so far, there have been no sign of the family or the boat. the coast guard now says it is calling off the search after being unable to unidentify the boats or the people on board. now, they continue investigating this distress call, but won't comment on whether they believe it is a hoax. happening right now on the peninsula in redwood city, a funeral service is being held for former 49ers executive lou spadia. this is a live look at the catholic church where this is taking place. he started working with the team when it was founded in 1946. he worked his way up from just equipment manager to president and eventually, became part


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