tv Today NBC March 3, 2013 6:00am-7:00am PST
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>> it's amazing how precarious that situation is too. scary stuff. plus, the real impact of the drastic government budgets cuts yet to kick in. plenty of americans, though, are already fed up with washington grid lock and starting to voice their frustration. and this may be sort of the final straw for many of them. and then it is spring break time. we'll tell you about the extraordinary lengths officials in cancun are going to keep college students safe. the high profile family doing its best to blend in with the crowd. >> pretend we're not here. plus, we've done many different kinds of workouts. today we're doing one from a galaxy far, far away. >> you can say it with a straight face. >> it's the star wars workout class. we have jedi masters with light
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sabres. >> we had to try them on. we had to do last minute alterations to make sure they fit. i'm worried about the two-minute costume change. >> there is technical choreography to this. we'll show you more coming up in a full hour on "today". we want to begin with the massive sing hole in florida. demolition crews are outside the house to tear it down. gabe, good morning. >> reporter: lester, good morning. engineers determined that the site is entirely unstable. demolition is under way. this is the first look we have gotten inside the house. authorities abandoned their rescue and recovery efforts after finding no signs of life. with a sinkhole expanding beneath this house, rescue crews say they have no choice but to demolish the home today. the growing cavern is 30 feet wide, 50 feet deep and they don't know when it will stop. >> we met with the family, advised them of that, and that
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at this point we have to move beyond the rescue to demolition phase. >> word that the victim may never be recovered hurt the tight-knit community hard. family members of 36-year-old jeff bush, who plunged into the sinkhole as he slept in his bedroom and is presumed dead, gathered with neighbors to console one another. >> i knew whenever the fire department or nobody would go inside the house that was his last resting place. and that's where he would be for the time being. >> for those living in houses nearby the sinkhole, it's a scramble to safety. >> how long did they give you, ma'am? >> 30 minutes. >> some needing just a half hour to collect their belongings and leave. >> it just rips my heart out that people that i've lived next door to for 21 years had to leave and just -- they have a lot of memories in their house also. >> reporter: again, demolition is new under way. authorities plan to allow the
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family to retrieve some of their belongings after demolishing parts of the house. demolition is expected to continue into tomorrow. then they will decide how to fill the whole to disablize the area. >> gabe gutierrez in florida. thanks. here's erica. new this morning, a disturbing story out of california. an elderly woman being cared for at a retirement facility is dead after a understand apparently refused to per cpr. veronica de la cruz is here. you hear that and think what really happened? >> it's nice to see you. good morning. a staff member called for help but refused to follow instructionsen even as they pleads for someone to help. the staff at glenwood gardens called 911 when an 87-year-old collapsed. she alerted the fire department but determined there wasn't enough time. the collapsed woman needed cpr right away. the staff at glenwood gardens is
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not allowed to minister cpr. >> yeah, we can't do cpr. >> okay then hand the phone to the passerby. if you can't do it, hand it to the passerby. i will do it. or any citizens there. >> no. >> anybody there can do cpr. give then the phone please. i understand if your facility is not willing to do that give the phone to the passerby or the stranger. this woman's not breathing enough she's going to die do you understand? >> i understand. i am a nurse. but i cannot have our other senior citizens who don't know cpr. >> i will instructing them. is there anyone there -- >> i don't understand why you're not willing to help this patient. >> i am. >> great. then i'll walk you through it all. emt takes the liability for this. i'm happy to help you. >> but the nurse, following the facility's policy, insists on waiting for the fire department to arrive. >> i understand if your boss is
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telling you you can't do it. but if there's any -- as a human being i don't -- you know is there anybody there that's willing to help this lady and not let her die. >> um, not at this time. >> the patient died later that day at a hospital. the facility released a statement, in the event of a health emergency at this independent living community or practice is to immediately call injure medical personnel for assistance and to wait with the individual needing attention until such personnel arrives. that is the protocol we followed. >> and the statement adds, as with any incident involving a resident, we will conduct a thorough internal review of this matter, but we have no further comments at this time. despite these tragic circumstances the woman's daughter said she is satisfied with the care that her mother received at glenwood gardens. >> wow. it gives you pause to hear how all of that played out. i think i'm still processing, veronica. nice to see you this morning. now here's lester. >> all right, erica, thanks.
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americans are vetting their frustration with the $85 billion in spending cuts. peter alexander reports. >> reporter: the real impact of drastic budget cuts still waiting to be felt, a chore us of frustration across the country. from national parks. >> we're cutting training, reducing overtime. >> to the u.s./mexico border. >> cutting down the security of our nation i don't believe is the way to go at it. agents that are truly putting their lives on the line, those are the people that are going to take the hit. >> which one is the longest? >> 70,000 children could be kicked out of child care. >> it's an excellent program. i had hate to see anything happen to it. >> military communities may be among those hit the hardest, like the red stone arsenal in huntsville, alabama where employees are facing a 20% paycut. the sting of sequester is already under way. the navy's uss truman aircraft carrier is
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no longer going to the persian gulf. instead, docked in virginia. the air force's thunderbirds are being grounded. and hundreds of immigrants facing potential deportation have been released from detention facilities. we asked for your tweets too and, boy, did we hear your outrage. from jim, the executive and congress are failures and should be replaced at our next election. all of them. i'm angry, sandra, that our so-called representatives aren't representing us at all. and another tweeted, seriously, these guys need to get it together. why should americans suffer through their stubbornness. >> we no longer have full body scanners so we are asking everyone to take a photo down the front of their pants and just text that to us. >> for "today", peter alexander, the white house. david gregory, good morning. >> hi. good morning, lester. >> i want to start our conversation by applying a little bit of your interview
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with speaker boehner about the negotiations. here it is. >> what goes on in these meetings? you talk about a nice conversation, you keep talking about your relationship being pretty good with the president. it's hard to believe it how pointed the language seems to be, and you're another such a practical disagreement here. i mean, congress left town. both sides hate this deal. yet it's going forward. >> we had a very pleasant meeting but it was also say very frank meeting. i made it clear to the president that he got a trillion dollars in tax hikes in obama care. another $650 billion in tax hikes on january the 1st. >> david, you hear this. it's stunning they had this apparently a good conversation that gets nowhere. we have seen this time and time again where we get to the brink and ultimately there's a deal. what will it take to make a deal? >> well, i don't think the time is right on tax increases. that's what speaker boehner is
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saying. his counter part in the senate as well. mitch mcconnell is up for election next year. so they have republican caucus us in their respective chambers that are simply not willing to deal. a backlash against speaker boehner for allowinged revenue increases at the end of the year to avoid the fiscal cliff. the president has to be resigned to figure out how to ratchet up pressure to get what he's looking for, which is additional revenue to come from tax reform. but it's not going to come as part of this deal. that's why ultimately the sequester went forward. >> what are the chances that all of us make the difference? i mean the american people. once these cuts start taking effect, once people get pink slips and they can't access services. is there a public ground swell that will force a deal? >> i think so. i think the white house was counting on it coming before now. the president went out actively to campaign on all the dire
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consequences. some of that came back as a kind of backlash when it was not as bad as it appeared or they hurt their own credibility by overselling that significant case. in a few weeks's time you negotiation over a continuing resolution to fund the government for the rest of the year. it looks like that's going to go forward without a threat of a government shutdown. then the president will submit a budget. the house will propose one as well. then you get a real budget negotiation. that's where the next battleground will be. >> i know you have a lot on your plate. we will check in later to find out what's coming up on "meet the press". a check of the morning's other top stories from jenna wolf. >> just out of few you can see the dedi guys. just in case you thought lester was kidding about the jedi workouts. no, it's happening. let's get to it. word this morning that an al
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qaeda terrorist was killed in chad. jim is with us. >> they still haven't concerned it but chad military says they have killed mokhtar. known as one eye, he was reportedly killed by chad military forces during a raid in northern mali. he was the self proclaimed mastermind on a gas attack in nigeria. 37 months tannings were killed, including two americans. he has been tied to a number of al qaeda groups gaining power and ground across north africa which u.s. intelligence officials consider one of the most serious troft threats in the entire world. even if mokhtar is dead it will have little impact on al qaeda operations which is why the u.s. and french have been stepping up
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their efforts across north africa. jenna? >> jim, thank you very much. in other news,ed catholic church is opening the first sunday mass without a leader. tomorrow at the vatican the process begins to elect a new pope. the cardinals will come together twice on monday for the official preconcave meetings. they must decide when to go into the concave but can't do that until all 115 are together. they are expected to discuss the challenges facing the church. the space-x rocket is there. the crew was able to capture the rocket with the station's robotic arm this morning. only a matter of hours before they're able to get to the goodies, the fruit, cargo, the hardware. mainly the fruit. the rocket left earth's orbit with supplies for the astronauts. it will be there for three weeks. finally, so i haven't been around a ton of newborns but i have watched enough to know they
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are not always happy. a lot of crying, moodiness. which is why this other guy over here is in a league of his own. look at that face. that is a full-blown smile. that's like i love this world. i love my mom. i think i have gas. after a team performed a c-section on his month he has been taken care of by the zoo. he gets daily visits to see his mom but they are not living permanently together yet. it's an interesting arrangement. ooh, i love this world. cutie patooty. they have yet to name baby a rang tan. >> cutie patooty has a nice ring to it. >> unless he goes on to play football. definitely something to think about. >> all right. jenna, thanks very much. dylan dreyer is here.
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>> we're still talking about the cold down south. we have freeze warnings posted all throughout georgia, through northern florida and back across the gulf coast states. a hard freeze warning in central louisiana. so that's where the cold air is right now with current temperatures down around freezing in a lot of towns, arkansas, tennessee where we're only in the 20s right now. elsewhere across the country it does look good morning. it's 6:16 this morning. we're waking up to low clouds and visibility issues. especially in san francisco. you can see lots of light shower activity moving through with the cold front. temperatures in the 50s. we'll not see a very warm day. temps top out in the lower 60s today. the showers will be with us at least through noon. today, temperatures not going to be all that warm. 62 inland, 60 at the coast.
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showers and a few more rain patches arrive as we head .owards wednesday. lester? >> all right, dylan. up next, no golden parachute here. he walked away with a severance package less than the price of a new tv. walked away with less than the price of a new tv. fly like you've never been grounded. scream like you've never been shushed. let go like you have nothing to lose. and hold on to what matters most. it's your vacation. don't just take it. mean it. universal orlando. vacation like you mean it. then i read an article about a study that looked
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at the long term health benefits of taking multivitamins. they used centrum silver for the study... so i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. always your most complete. >> frormer groupon ceo andrew mason is out of a job. fired after four years oat the helm. >> here is the deal, lester. 32-year-old mason was never like most chief executives, and neither was the severance package from groupon. >> you are fired. >> the two words that no one likes to hear, unless, of course, you are a ceo of a major company. then getting fired could be the best thing that ever happened to you or your bank account. >> when ceos leave a company, they usually leave their company a lot more wealthy than when they first started. >> take a look at some of the
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biggest so-called golden parachutes. the big payouts executives receive. groupon ceo andrew mason is walking away with a retirement package of $378. oh, and 36 cents. some call it a lead parachute. >> when groupon went ipo, andrew sold a bunch of his stock, which gave him to $20 million. and he is sitting on shares worth $213 million. and that parachute is definitely not lead. >> he wrote the best corporate go ahe good-bye letter of all time. after 4 flafl intense and wonderful years as ceo of gro groupon, i decided i would like to spend more time with my family. just kidding. i was fired.
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if you wondered why, you haven't been paying attention, from controversial metrics to two quarters of missing our own expectations and a strong price that's hovering around one quarter our listing price, the events of the last year and a half speak for themselves. as ceo, i'm accountable. >> this is refreshing as so many ceos pass the buck. >> we know what they say on wall street. >> greed, for lack of a better word, is good. >> in this case, honesty might be the best policy. mason also told employees not to be concerned about him, that he's "okay" with having failed at this part of the journey. part of that could be the $20 million he's sitting on. >> not bad when you have a cushion like that. makes it a little easier. >> tweet whatever you want to tweet. >> i always feel sorry for people who really do leave to spend more time with their families. the code word is there is the door. still ahead this morning, the royals keep a low profile at
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a wedding in switzerland. they seem to enjoy being out of the spotlight. sort of. they are never really out of the spotlight. right. but the most important feature of all is... the capital one purchase eraser. i can redeem the double miles i earned with my venture card to erase recent travel purchases. and with a few clicks, this mission never happened. uh, what's this button do? [ electricity zaps ] ♪ you requested backup? yes. yes i did. what's in yo wallet? it will if it's new outlast stay fabulous foundation. it's a primer, concealer and foundation in one for all day flawless skin. new outlast stay fabulous from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl.
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yuh-huh. we have a wireless receiver. listen. back in my day, there was no u-verse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet. we can move it to the kitchen, the patio, the closet and almost anywhere. why would you want a tv in the closet? [ both laugh ] ♪ [ fancy voice ] brilliant idea, darling. ♪ [ female announcer ] the wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year
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when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. still to come on "today," -- you spotted somebody? well, wave to them. the number one destination for student spring destinations. >> spring break. >> yes. and the increased effort to keep things safe there. >> plus "celebrity apprentice all-star" kicks off tonight. hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios
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has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! ♪ wow. [ buzz ] delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? bee happy. bee healthy. with clusters, flakes, and o's. oh, ho ho... [ female announcer ] you can find it on sale now at your local safeway store.
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good morning. looking live from our camera in emoryville. you would see the city way in the background, if not for the fog. thank you for joining us. i'm kris sanchez along with meteorologist anthony slaughter. >> even where i was at, you could see the ground was completely white. we had rain overnight. the showers are still out there and we're seeing a lot of the activity on the radar. visibility is low this morning. those clouds are definitely going to stick around at least for the first half of the day. if you have plans today, hold off until the afternoon if you're trying to get outside. the rain will be with us, scatter the in nature but you'll notice through 2:00, 3:00, especially pushing out in the east bay by fairfield until
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then. it's going to be much cooler than it has the past week. we were in the 70s. very close to 80. really most of the week. we're going to top out in the lower 60s even at the coast, upper 50s. not a good beach day. if you're trying to make plans to get out to the beach, next weekend temperatures start to warm back near 70. we have a few rainy days to deal with in the upcoming week. wednesday, thursday, looks like showers, but again, close to 70 by this time next week. >> definitely notice the drop yesterday. >> yeah, definitely. but spring's almost here. >> we'll take it. we have new details this morning in that dangerous police pursuit in the south bay which ended with the suspect shot dead by officers. the chase came to an end near the intersection of blossom and clairo avenues just off highway 85. this is cell phone video captured by many witnesses who saw this happen. that car was driving with just three wheels, trailed by as many as 20 police patrol cars. witnesses say the driver was going as fast as 100 miles an
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hour at times, as he made his way through parts of san jose and campbell, and that sparks were flying from underneath that car. police say it all started around 2:30 yesterday afternoon when an officer tried to stop the 25-year-old suspect who the officer said was behaving suspiciously. >> the driver of the car at that point rammed the police car. so he basically assaulted the officer. at this point the officer does now have cause to pursue that suspect. >> police say during the pursuit, the suspect rammed two other patrol cars and pointed what appeared to be a gun at officers. he also threw things out of a window including a baseball bat and a purse along the way. he eventually turned into a neighborhood where he slowed down and got out of the car. authorities say the man refused to obey orders, and two officers opened fire killing him. the suspect's identity has not been released. no officers were injured. happening now, crews in florida are demolishing a house
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where a giant sinkhole swallowed up this man while he was in his own bedroom. that man is now presumed dead. authorities say the home and the ground surrounding it are too unstable to continue to search for that man. neighbors living nearby were given 30 minutes to evacuate their homes yesterday. because as they feared, that sinkhole would expand. the shocking thing that a man is accused of doing for the memorial of the fallen santa cruz police officers. around 49ers news about, well, randy moss. all the day's news and forecast in just 30 minutes. we'll see you then.
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we're back on a sunday morning. march 3, 2013. spring break crowds are here on a chilly morning in new york city. thank you for stopping by. and why are we holding light sabers? we'll explain in a moment. lester holt with erica hill, jenna wolfe, and dylan dreyer. >> it's vibrating and making noise. i've lost control. >> that may not be the saber. >> i'll tell you what we're doing. >> we're doing that. >> we'll do what these guys are doing. not just play fighting, it's
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also a technical form of kind of a martial arts thing. are are we're going to rock this segment. it's going to be so good. whoa! >> what happened. >> just made this crazy jump in the air. lester will perfect that move. >> i want to tell you about william and kate. kate sporting a glamorous coat with a pill box hat. i said that like i knew what i was talking about. more about that, coming up. also ahead, spring break time just around the corner for many folks and a lot of college kids, that means one thing and one thing only. cancun. now with all of the thousands of kids heading down across the border to party, the area is doing its best to keep everybody safe, we'll show you how they are doing that. and our digital life-style contributor, mariel armstrong with the top tech stories of the week, including a new smartwatch that connects to your wireless devices.
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and we have stephen baldwin, right? >> i'm sorry. i never know where my saber is going. >> what we can expect on the new season in the all-star donald trump board room. and a final check of the weather. >> i feel like there is protocol. i think we're totally holding this wrong. as for the weather, a big winter storm moving into the plains, northern plains actually and will eventually work into minnesota and parts of iowa as we go into tonight. this is later on today into tonight where we could end up with about 6 to 9 inches across northern parts of north dakota. 3 to 6 inches widespread from north dakota right down into minnesota and iowa as well. scattered lighter showers in the great lakes, down to west virginia and eastern kentucky. it will be a cold day for those spring breakers in miami. 65 degrees this afternoon.
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at least we're going to lose some of the rainshowers we had yesterday. all about the snow out west. heavier snow works into colorado and the rockies, and heavy snow good morning from the nbc bay area weather center this morning. i'm anthony slaughter. we have fog in the area, low visibility. it's hit-and-miss across the area now, but this will be the main story as we head through the first half of the day today. by the afternoon we'll see a little bit of sunshine. what happens to the rain, a lot of it begins to push eastward. temperatures much cooler than they have been. only lower 60s today. a few more peeks of sun tomorrow with showers arriving by tuesday evening. >> and i found somebody special in the crowd. my nephew p.j. what did you think of the ninjas as you called them? pretty cool? >> yeah. >> maybe i'll get you a light saber for later. lester. >> tell him i had the same reaction when i saw them.
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dylan, thanks. new maimages of the royal family as william and kate attend a wedding in the swiss alps. >> kate, william and harry side by side once again, this time at the wedding of a close friends in switzerland. the royals for once are not the center of attention and seeming to enjoy it. >> william and kate, when they are as a couple, and just as people, are quite unassuming, they do just mix quite well with the crowd and remember, all these people will be at the society wedding will be sort of they have met before at polo or other social events. they will be relaxed. >> with the morning sickness gone, kate is starting to cher hitch her pregnancy. they are attending the wedding of polo player mark tomlinson. his bride won gold at the olympics for dressage.
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>> in this particular example, they don't want to take all of the glory away from the bride. >> at home, kate resumed her charity work, almost five months pregnant, she is living full time in london, while william continues his work in wales. harry too is focusing on his charity work. he spent most of the week in southern africa with his charity he set up to help children with hiv. his mother diana also worked with people with hiv. >> i hope my mother would be proud. >> the reality is, it was something very close to his mother's heart. she was somebody who championed acceptance for this disease, acceptance for people suffering with it. and harry, by working with this charity, is staying close to his mother. >> reporter: as the royal couple prepare for parenthood, no doubt, diana is very much in
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their thoughts too. annabelle roberts, nbc news, london. and now here is erica. >> thanks. it's spring break time when college students take off for r & r in the sun. there is so much drug violence in mexico, but it remains a major destination, with so many headed to the beach in cancun. authorities there are going all out to keep them safe. >> some 43,000 people, many of them spring breaking college students, will hit the beaches of cancun over the next week. and when they do, an unusual sight. marines walking the beach and extra tourist police all over the town. with increased violence in terrorist areas like acapulco, where six spanish tourists were raped last month, cancun wants to maintain its reputation as safe. >> it's about how you travel to places, and the places that
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people go to in mexico, like cancun, are some of the safest places in the country. >> reporter: the cancun convention and visitors bureau say none of its visitors were victims of violent crime. but they say we always amplify our response during peak times. it's an all-out effort to keep the area safe. >> translator: spring breakers will be totally protected now that we have implemented various initiatives for their safety. >> reporter: other popular mexico destinations have had reports of increasing violence in spots like acapulco, visitors are advised not to venture outside the tourist zone. >> there has been a huge increase of drug-related deaths in mexico. there is no escaping that. most of that is in place where is tourists don't go to. >> tourist destinations can be hotspots for petty crime, like
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cell phone and camera theft. and generally, spring breakers are more likely to be hurt after overindulging than being a crime victim. but travelers should always keep their guard up. for today, janet shamlian, nbc news, houston. the big tech trend that is small enough to sit on your wrist, right after these messages. what i'm doing,"idea you need a hand. well, walgreens is innovating to help. by making prescription refills this easy. and we're bringing our pharmacists out front to answer your questions. at walgreens, we'll do more than help you get well. we'll help you stay well and live well. because that's what it really means to be at the corner of happy and healthy.
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[ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette you celebrate a little win. nicorette gum helps calm your cravings and makes you less irritable. quit one cigarette at a time. and makes you less irritable. i've always kept my eye on her... but with so much health care noise, i didn't always watch out for myself. with unitedhealthcare, i get personalized information and rewards for addressing my health risks.
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but she's still going to give me a heart attack. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. will restore even skin tone? think again. introducing olay professional even skin tone. developed by experts in skin genomics to target 5 major causes of uneven skin tone and help restore even color. olay professional even skin tone. ii am the hero of my story.lly. i am her hero. i am ready for tonight. i am ready for the rest of my life. let your hair color do the talking new revlon luxurious colorsilk buttercream™, ammonia free, triple butter complex of mango, shea, and coconut for superior hair color, gorgeous texture and amazing shine. try new revlon luxurious colorsilk buttercream™. [ telephone rings ] hello. [ man ] jen, there are a lot of beauty brands that want you to represent them. really, who?
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no. they add too much fragrance. no, they make you wear pink. are you kidding? no. nah. [ telephone rings ] no. not my style. no. [ cellphone rings ] [ man ] you might like this one. aveeno®. aveeno®. let me think about it. [ male announcer ] the beautiful jennifer aniston now for aveeno®. this morning, kicking off a new series, mario's top three. today's digital life-style contributor mario armstrong has the biggest stories of the week in gadgets, apps and social media good morning. >> hey, lester. good morning. >> i said timely. the next big thing we might be wearing on our wrist. explain. >> a lot of companies putting out what we call smartwatches. theyre there to track our health.
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like this one from motorola. but the mart ian watch, you can use a speakerphone. you can read text messages and talk to siri, right through your watch. >> you can do this and have a conversation with somebody? >> absolutely. >> the old dick tracey thing. >> dick tracey is finally here. we don't have the jetsons flying car, but we have dick tracey's watch. >> snapchat. a college aged son turned me on to this. a way of sending pictures. >> and video. >> and then -- >> it self-destructs after a certain amount of time. >> you set up a time up to 10 seconds. hey this is great. send that embarrassing photo and you don't want it to go public, use this app. it's so far from the truth. not what's happening. back when you look at the privacy guidelines of the app
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themselves, they say, we to not guarantee the privacy. the issue is, when i get a sena snapchat. i would get another recording device and capture that image or video before i open that snapchat. it's not private. >> it gives you another way of sending things and the illusion of privacy. >> at least the illusion and it can be fun. >> and did you read the story about the kids with the ipad, and he gets on the itunes store and he bought. >> he got dad to tape in his code to get into the app. this is in-app purchases. you can buy add-ons and different things within the app. once are you in the app, kids can buy things rather quickly. >> and the 5-year-old did that to the tune of -- >> $2,500.
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>> will they give them a break here? >> first off, they are probably ecstatic, but they are going to pay them back, the family back. this is a -- an awareness for parents that give their devices to their kids. you need to change something called restrictions. if they go into the setting and into the general settings, go into areas called restrictions and turn off in-game purchases or in-app purchases. >> put on a password, all that. mario armstrong, get me one of those watches. >> i know you want one. stephen baldwin is back on the first ever all-star celebrity apprentice. >> make all your best plans and have your best intentions, doesn't mean everybody is going to show up. >> what if he loses by $100? he's going to wish he sold a couple meatballs. >> steven is here with us in the studio. nice to have you here. >> thanks.
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>> we saw trace adkins. >> counting meatballs. >> this is part what we'll see in the first half. you are facing some old competitors. trace adkins, mary lou henner, omarosa. are you changing anything? >> oh, yeah. in the psychology of it now, you know all the other competitors on "all-star celebrity apprenti apprentice" have been through it before. whatever you didn't figure out first time around, you have a much better strategy and potential. >> they are dissecting everything you did. >> i came back this year. >> didn't do. >> i'm a skydiver. i came back this year because i love adrenaline and fear. i love the idea that i'm back this year with like mary lou is my buddy and trace is my buddy and you talk to them like this, and what's going on in the back of their head? will they stab me in the back in 20 minutes? >> right, because you're
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planning the same thing, let's be honest. you're in it to whip, right? >> i'm in it to win it for mom's organization. >> for your mom, breast cancer research. you raised $89,000 last time. >> $100,000. >> breaking records in terms of fund-raising, that has to feel good. >> this is really affecting people and changes lives through the charitable works. "all-star apprentice" will be in my opinion, the most fun you have had with "apprentice." >> real quickly, it was more difficult to sit in the board room the second time around? >> those that advance by sitting back and being quiet, seasons prior, ain't going to happen this year. one of the protocols is if you don't stand up and fight in the board room, you will get fired. a lot more explosive fireworks this season.
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>> we look forward to the fireworks. thank you for coming in. and food luck. >> thank you. >> "all-star celebrity apprenti apprentice" tonight at 9:00, 8:00 central, right here on nbc. up next, it's a star wars workout complete with costume. that up next. you can part a crowd, without saying a word... if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts... well muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour one on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour three. zyrtec®. love the air. with thermacare heatwraps. thermacare works differently. it's the only wrap with patented heat cells that penetrate deep to relax, soothe, and unlock tight muscles. for up to 16 hours of relief, try thermacare.
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frank knight are here. guys, great to have you here. >> thank you. >> oh! it starts already. >> oh, great warrior. >> first of all, guys, this looks like a lot of fun. but there is something technical to all of this, right? >> definitely. >> so choreography and martial arts. >> i found it with a friend after 10 years of fencing, martial arts and stage and theater experience with a buddy of mine. he is a sixth degree black belt, west post holster martial arts. ncses which is saber combat system. i'm nova star. he's kaine. >> we have a lot of people that come to this from various backgrounds. i mean, you know, this is something that anyone who has an adult or childhood fantasy of
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being a jedi knight. >> you're star wars geeks? >> oh, yeah. >> i think you're ready to train. >> all right. >> well, first, al will take us through safety. face off with a partner. >> face your partner. you want to be with lester over there? >> learn how to hold our saber at the choke point below the blade. when you're not using your blade make sure it's in a vertical position. now let's try the basic were stance like this. if you're right-handed the right hand forward and left foot 45-degree angle. angle at your partner, crossing blades like so. and now let's work on some basic targets to simplify it for people to understand when you're
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first learning -- don't you kill me now. >> we break the targets into three sections. we will do low targets. block for me. block low. block low. to the arms in the middle, middle, middle. finally to the head. be safe. don't hurt anybody. you can use two hands. it's up to you. you can use them both. we go two low. down low. in the middle. excellent. and up high. and now if you like you can spin your saber. step aside and pose with your fearsome four death look. >> did you get this? >> the only down side is you have all moves. >> you can do it. channel your force energy. wonderful. that's it.
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>> is it similar to martial arts? >> similar. but it is stage contact. we're simulatinsimulating. it's more like dancing than it is trying to hurt somebody. >> thank you. it was a pleasure. >> really appreciate it. >> thank you so much. >> we'll be right back. before copd... i took my son fishing every year. . we had a great spot, not easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. and that on!
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. ♪ i get knocked down but i get up again ♪ ♪ i get knocked down but i get up again ♪ >> in a perfect world, every dog would have a home and every home would have a dog. two fox terriers, unlike any dog have you ever seen and they just want to become part of the family. hope and badger are on a roll and headed straight for our heart. this inseparable brother and sister were brought to a canine rescue center in washington
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state about a year ago. >> honey and badger were probably the result of inbreeding. both born without front limbs. >> look at them now. you wouldn't know how far they've come. >> a lot of times dogs like honey and badger are euthanized by the breeder before they are old enough to be adopted out. >> reporter: first step, the doggie paddle, hydrotherapy. >> they used to not keep their head above water. they had to get the swimming motion down to put their hips in the right formation. >> and then special prosthetics. >> we put the wheels on them and they are going ever since. >> they don't know where they are going, but they are looking for a permanent home together. >> they have been together since the day they were born, so they have relied on each other. >> reporter: and there is one more thing. >> we hope they can be used as therapy dogs. they have the ability to make children forget that they have
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any sort of disability. >> reporter: all these two little dogs need now are a loving home and the road will be smooth ahead. >> these two guys are incredibly lucky, but everybody who meets them is just as lucky. >> of course, fin out more by going to our website. >> i have a feeling they will have a forever home by the end of today. >> for sure. >> let's check in with david gregory who didn't get the wardrobe memo. >> i'm not saying it's not a good look, i'm just saying. >> you don't have to, david. >> coming up here on "meet the press," me exclusive interview with john boehner and gene spurling on the sequester. all coming up on the program this morning. >> david, we'll send you a light saber. anyway -- >> that will do it for us on sunday. thank you for watching. i'll see you later for "nbc nightly news." until then, so long.
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a suspect is dead after a dangerous high-speed chase through the busy streets of san jose in the mit dl of the afternoon and it all entds in gunfire. the latest on the investigation and why police say they were forced to pull the trigger. plus, the shocking thing this man is accused of doing at the memorial for the fallen santa cruz police officer. >> i tried my hardest. tried my very hardest. >> the search is now over for his brother who he tried desperately to save. why crews say they are now forced to tear down this home sitting right above a massive
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sinkhole. "today in the bay" starts right now. good morning to you. we are here with anthony slaughter, who's in for rob mayeda this morning. you may have noticed this morning that you needed your windshield wipers. live look at san francisco. low clouds and foggy conditions. >> yeah. >> and sunrise as we speak. >> kris, we're going to be dealing with the showers at least for the first half of the day this morning. eventually we'll see sunshine that you just saw from the live sky cam in san francisco. temperatures not all that bad. the clouds overnight act as a blanket so it insulates the surface. 51 in san francisco. now, today, we're talking about the first half of the day, it's going to be really embedded with drizzle, showers and a lot of this activity will be scattered in nature. by
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