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tv   NBC Nightly News  NBC  March 4, 2013 5:30pm-6:00pm PST

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>> reporter: brian, good evening. that emergency call came in from the senior living center here on this campus, not from the nursing home. emergency medical personnel has never assisted or never goes to that living center. but tonight local police say they want to know if that cry for help was handled properly. the 911 call came in here. this bakersfield dispatch center. 87-year-old lorraine bayliss collapsed inside the senior independent living center. >> we need to get cpr started. that's not enough. >> okay. >> we can't do cpr. >> the caller refuses to perform cpr. management at glenwood gardens says it's against company policy. >> our practice is to immediately call emergency medical personnel for assistance and to wait with the individual needing attention until such personnel arrives. that is the protocol we followed. >> this woman is not breathing enough, she's going to die if we don't get this started. do you understand? >> i understand. >> okay. >> i am a nurse. but i cannot have our other senior citizens who don't know cpr --
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>> i will instruct them -- >> i am in a dining room. >> i will instruct them. is there anyone there -- >> for dr. kevin donovan of georgetown university medical center, the call raises moral questions. >> as a society, we should expect those who are able to help to come to our aid. particularly when it's no risk to them. >> reporter: the 911 call lasts just over seven minutes. with each passing second, growing desperation. >> is there a gardner, any staff, anybody that doesn't work for you anywhere? can we flag someone down in the street and get them to help this lady? >> almost every state in the union has what are called good samaritan laws. they allow people to help in a medical emergency without fear of legal jeopardy. >> today lorraine bayliss' daughter, a nurse herself, released this statement. i don't believe if cpr were done it would have helped or changed this the result. this is not about my mother or me. this is about the policy. i agree with what was done.
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but bakersfield police now say they're reviewing the call, a probe into possible criminal wrongdoing. this, as many are asking, could more have been done. >> i understand if your boss is telling you can't do it. >> yeah. >> but as a human being, is there anyone willing to help this lady and not let her die? >> um, not at this time. >> reporter: tonight, one state lawmaker is asking for a review of that 911 call. rudy solas says he is shocked by what he heard. meantime, the owners and operators of this facility who say they own the most senior facilities of anywhere in the country say they too are conducting a thorough investigation. brian? >> miguel almaguer starting us off in bakersfield, california tonight. miguel, thanks. let's swing this conversation to our chief medical editor, dr. nancy snyderman. nancy, it's a matter of life and death. this just seemed to collide in matters of compassion and citizenship to those of us listening. >> it did. and i think it also crossed into
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doctors and nurses and patients and families and the conversations. and frankly, the homework that a lot of us have to do when we start to look at these places. every state has different kinds of parameters. and there are different places to look for. for instance, independent living is meant for the aging population for people to live independently and have an issue of social community. assisted living is meant for those who immediate help, perhaps. bathing, brushing teeth, getting ready in the morning. and, of course, skilled nursing is almost a step down from the hospital. where people could have help with wound care, perhaps post stroke help. but i think the big question is, as you start to figure out where a parent or loved one belongs, do your homework. you really interview these people. find out who can do cpr. what are they capable of doing, and recognizing that not all states are the same. and brian, i have to say, we did hear from nurses over the last
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24 hours reminding us that sometimes cpr and doing the overzealous is not necessarily the best thing. >> that's why this is such a tough and emotional and tricky issue. while we have you, we wanted to swing to the other big medical story of this day. the word that arrived this weekend, case of a baby who researchers say may have been cured of hiv, notably using available and known medications. >> and the word "cure" has been thrown out a lot this week in the medical community. and in the lay community. and what everyone is talking about is the story of a young child, and if the research holds up in this case of one, it might offer hope for the youngest hiv patients. the announcement came yesterday. news that an unconventional treatment may have halted infection in an hiv baby. and by this morning, headlines across the country were calling it a possible cure. >> this is the first case where actual infection has been documented and then lost later.
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>> the baby's mother was already in labor when she arrived at a mississippi hospital in 2010. she had no prenatal care, but a test revealed she was hiv positive. the baby was born prematurely and within 30 hours doctors started treating her with three different antiviral drugs, an unusually early and aggressive approach. they suspected the hiv may have passed to the girl from her mother, and they were trying to stay a step ahead of the virus. tests later confirmed the infant had indeed low levels of the virus, and she continued the drug regimen for about 18 months. and even after stopping the treatment for several months, today there is no sign of hiv in the little girl. but researchers say, while promising, doctors must proceed with caution and that follow-up is vital to see if this case truly is a cure. >> you don't want to say, well, the ball game is over. we have done it.
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because we haven't. because it is entirely conceivable that there's virus hidden away somewhere in that child that is undetectable, even by our sensitive techniques, and that over a period of time that virus might get reactivated. >> so it could be implications be profound? in the united states, there are 100 to 200 infections in infants every year. but in the developing world, 1,000 infections of maternal to fetal transmission every day. so, of course, everyone is looking at this. and, brian, it has raised the question whether this could work in adults. probably not. because the window of treatment here was 30 hours. by the time most adults present, it's much later than that. >> dr. nancy snyderman, lots of medical news at the top of our broadcast tonight. thanks. >> you bet. brings us to a notable case of illness over the weekend. queen elizabeth is back at back buckingham palace tonight after being hospitalized with a bad stomach virus. she was released earlier than expected today after what turned
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out to be a one-night stay. it was the first time in the hospital in a decade. the queen turns 87 next month. the palace has cancelled her engagements for the next week, including what was to be a trip to rome in order to give her some rest. at the vatican, more than 100 cardinals met today for a preconclave meeting. chance to get acquainted, have some preliminary conversations. the new pope gets chosen at the conclave. they still haven't set a date for that. twelve more voting cardinals have yet to arrive in rome. ten former members of the florida a&m marching band are being charged with manslaughter, according to a report tonight. in the hazing death of drum major robert champion, back in november of 2011. these charges are more severe than the initial felony hazing charges. champion died from internal bleeding after being beaten during a hazing ritual. two other students who were not previously charged also now face manslaughter accusations, and
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all of the suspects could get as much as 15 years in prison. also in florida tonight, work crews are demolishing what is left of the house that was swallowed up by a sinkhole last week and killed the 37-year-old resident there, jeff bush, who was sleeping in his bed at the time. and with much of the house gone, the size and scope of this sinkhole can now be revealed. engineers estimate it's about 30 feet wide, 60 feet deep. a second sinkhole has now opened up tonight in the same town. seffner, florida, less than two miles away from the initial site. former florida governor and presidential family member jeb bush is making news tonight with a new book on immigration reform, which reverses his long-held position on a so-called path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. a lot of people are wondering if this has anything to do with his future plans. nbc's chuck todd talked with him today.
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>> reporter: jeb bush wants to start a tough conversation about his party's inability for minority voters, holding no punches about mistakes he believes mitt romney made in 2012, specifically on the issue of immigration. >> for a guy who is as talented as he is and i think earnestly would have gone about the job of being president in a way that would have brought people together, i just don't get it. >> reporter: but bush said the republican problem goes far beyond romney. >> you cannot sustain a message of being against things. you have to be for things. and i mean, just when we come across as anti-science, anti -- the president, it's just more just being against the overreach, against this expansion of government. those are legitimate impulses. but there are a whole lot of people that aren't too impressed. okay, we got that. we understand you're against the president. >> what are you for. >> and we haven't -- we have really kind of forgotten. >> reporter: in his book on
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emigration, bush endorses a path to citizenship only for those who come here legally. for those who come illegally, they would be limited to permanent resident status without access to citizenship. >> i think we need comprehensive reform, and if there is a path to citizenship that has enough of a realization that we have to respect the rule of law, so be it. >> reporter: as he starts his book tour, bush fully admits, he's thinking about running for president in 2016. though he's mindful of the difficulties of the republican primary process. so the question is, how do you win with purpose and meaning that allows you to have a chance to win in a general election. and i think it's back to -- i don't want to sound like a broken record, but i think it's to talk about positive things, rather than just appealing to people's legitimate anger about the direction the country is in. you have to do more than that. >> reporter: can a candidate named bush become a candidate for change? chuck todd, nbc news, new york.
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president obama continues rounding out his cabinet tonight. nominees for three high-profile jobs announced today. two of them are women. one is a nuclear physicist. that would be m.i.t. professor ernest moniz. getting the nod for the energy department. gina mccarthy nominated to run the e.p.a. inside the agency. and sylvia burwell is the president's pick for budget director. she is currently the head of walmart's charitable foundation. and a quick weather note. the calendar may have flipped to march, but the snow just keeps on coming. another huge winter storm hitting the northern plains. upper mississippi valley tonight. it will spread across the midwest and ohio valley tomorrow. they're expecting accumulations of 8 to 10 inches in the chicago area tomorrow with major delays at chicago o'hare likely. still ahead for us on a monday night, we go inside what's been called the most dangerous place on earth. the target of so many of those
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american drone strikes. no american correspondent has seen it up close until now. and later, total pandemonium after one of the most spectacular game-winning shots in memory. an inspiring teenager who has now been viewed by millions.
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an especially deadly 24 hours in pakistan. funerals today for victims of a massive bombing in karachi that killed dozens of people. the latest incident of sectarian violence there. nowhere in pakistan is there more danger and isolation than in north waziristan. rarely seen by outsiders, even more rarely by journalists. it's the target of more u.s. drone strikes than anywhere else in the world. our pakistan bureau chief, amna nawaz, gained access just across the border from afghanistan, and has filed an exclusive report. >> reporter: this is the only way into north waziristan. with pakistan's military still
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struggling for control here. >> waziristan is not like pakistan. it's very different. it's very complex. >> reporter: militants hide in this rugged terrain, launching attacks inside pakistan. and across the border in afghanistan. for years, this has been a safe haven for the taliban and al qaeda. u.s. drones target the militants, but they also kill civilians. pakistan wants that to stop and says it can police the area itself. but the military admits, the war has not yet been won. there are currently 40,000 troops stationed here in north waziristan, and about half of them are at border posts like this one. over 4,000 feet above sea level and less than a couple miles from the border. those pakistani troops conduct targeted operations, not large-scale assaults. their mission is to rebuild here. with financial help from the u.s. and others to give these isolated communities a reason to turn away from the terrorists. a new road to provide a link to the outside world.
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homes and schools destroyed by the taliban being rebuilt. new markets springing up, including a shopping center where the taliban once carried out public execution. tribal elder says he can now shop close to home, a trip that once took hours. progress, but the army still has to fight to hold its ground. commanders say they'll prevail only by winning over the people here, and insist u.s. drone strikes only make that more difficult. >> look at it from a different perspective. your children in your house are up to no good. would you like the neighbor to come in and beat the hell out of them? no nation, no matter how great or small, can allow this to happen. >> reporter: what's clear to us on the ground in north
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waziristan is just how underdeveloped that area is. and how much work remains to be done there. the pakistani commanders know the fight is far from over. and on that point, brian, the u.s. is in full agreement. >> good to have you on a rare visit to new york and back safely. amna nawaz, thank you. we're back in a moment with a big loss in the music world today, and a biblical sight up in the sky. there's this island -- and it's got super-cute kangaroos.
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barrow island has got rare kangaroos. ♪
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chevron has been developing energy here for decades. we need to protect their environment. we have a strict quarantine system to protect the integrity of the environment. forty years on, it's still a class-a nature reserve. it's our job to look after them.'s my job to look after it. ♪ ♪ music fans are remembering the miracle that was bobby rogers. he was an original member of "the miracles" of smokey robinson fame. motown, the tears of a clown. bobby rogers was 73. the always-classy dennis rodman appeared to suggest president obama call kim jong-un and at least talk basketball. of the north korean leader, rodman said, quote, he loves power, he loves control because of his dad and stuff like that. he called him honest and awesome. said he loves him.
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the state department further distances himself -- themselves from the trip. a couple other items in the news tonight. the forbes list of billionaires is out. women now make up just under 10% of the list. many more of them self-made than in recent years. the first lady talked about body image and her two girls today while publicizing her "let's move" campaign. she said, quote, i have two young daughters. we never talk about weight. i make it a point. i don't want our children to be weight-obsessed. i want them to be focused on what do i have to do in this body, because every body is different, end of quote. for folks out east, the hess gasoline truck has been a staple under christmas trees for generations but hess said they're getting out of the retail gasoline business, thus ending an era. some people jokingly ask when the locusts will be coming. israel is worried they'll be coming by passover. they've been swarming in neighboring egypt and now israel is worried about crop damage to come. and while the queen was in
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the hospital in london, a study in contrast at the front door. they're called big tone and little tone. both queen's guards named tony. one is 7'2", the tallest on the force. the other, a manageable 5'6" up next tonight, two seconds to go, the championship on the line and a miracle shot now seen by millions.
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it was just another high school basketball game, the kind played thousands of times all across the country every night of the season. but this one had an improbable ending, which tonight has become the video version of the shot heard round the world. our report from nbc's ron allen. >> reporter: the season looks finished for new rochelle high. down by two points, just 2.9 seconds left. then senior khalil edney experienced every young basketball player's dream. >> hold on one second. oh, goodness! are they going to count that? >> to me, it counted. >> reporter: you have to see it again to believe it. edney throws the ball in.
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an opponent intercepts. then he throws the ball ahead. edney snatches and heaves it with .1 of 1 second left. >> absolutely, absolutely. no, no, not just like that. >> reporter: actually, edney threw the pass because a star quarterback on the football team, a team that just won a championship last fall. the date was november 24th. tragically, the date six years ago his mother lost her battle with cancer. she was just 33. his arms bear tribute. mama's boy, it says, above his mother's birthday and the day she died. >> every time i think about situations like this, you can say it was heaven -- it was an angel at the game. because that's the way the shot went down. >> reporter: so just how hard is it to sink a shot from 55 feet? ooh, that was close. of course, close, doesn't count. but edney's shot sure did. ron allen, nbc news, new rochelle, new york. >> ron got close.
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that's our broadcast on a monday night as we start off a new week. thank you for being here with us. i'm brian williams. we, of course, hope to see you right back here tomorrow evening. good night. right now at 6:00, was it an inside job? new details about a crime committed at a bay area base. investigators are investigating one of their own. >> reporter: police are trying to solve the murder of a young man whose family and friends are in shock and disbelief. >> reporter: i'm scott budman, a city known for its technology companies using a new piece of technology to help it get more social. how that can help residents coming up.
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good evening and thank you for joining us. i'm jessica aguirre. >> and i'm raj mathai. we begin with the missing ammunition from mountain view. tonight a veteran member of the california air national guard is facing some serious charges. we have exclusive information from our chief investigator tony kovaleski. tony, what do we know at this poi point? >> reporter: i just got off the phone with the colonel in charge. he says the california national guard confirming tonight when they noticed the missing ammo was noticed by members of the guard, it launched an intensive search. the ammo was found in the home of a member of the guard. >> he took these rounds without permission. >> reporter: the santa clara cou county sheriff's department around walter engel last week on two felony and one misdemeanor counts of possessing illegal firearms. this is a 2008 photo of engel in a national guard newsletter.
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engel is a full-time employee at the 129th rescue wing. he's a member of the california air national guard serving in the maintenance control division. >> he was arrested and brought to jail for those charges. >> reporter: engel stole ammo used in machine guns mounted in helicopters, according to the sheriff's department. what was his motive? why? >> he didn't readily say that or provide that information other than admitting that he took them without permission. he didn't explain the motive. he worked there so he did have permission to be on the grounds and work there as a military employee but, again, the specific moat theive and intent, he didn't provide much information on that. >> reporter: the california air national guard has recovered all the missing ammunition and says no weapons were stolen. an investigation by the military and the sheriff's dep


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