tv Today NBC March 8, 2013 2:05am-3:00am PST
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do it all again in the fall. i think that nobody would do it if they were all -- >> if we were a church-going country. it only really affects people that go to church. >> farmers. >> no. now if you were going to the 8:00 -- the 9:00 service or 9:00 mass or something like that, you see what i'm saying? it affects those people. >> kind of. >> everybody else what do you do on a sunday morning usually? >> it depend. i go for a run. i have breakfast with people. >> what do you care if it's 8:00 or 9:00? it doesn't matter to you. >> yes, it does. i like it when it's brighter. >> i'm not saying that. i'm just saying you don't have to get up for something. you're not on the clock. you're not a hooker. you're not on the clock on sunday morning. >> moving on to kim k. kim kardashian was on a flight. this one took her from l.a. to paris. she was returning from that trip to paris with kanye, her boyfriend, and she started feeling sick on the flight. she was really afraid she was having a miscarriage. and it turns out she wasn't, which was the good news.
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but the doctors did tell her she has to slow down, stop doing so much traveling. she's been in several places over the last week or so. >> i think i told you a couple weeks ago when i had lunch with kris she had just come back from rio and leaving that day. to go to nigeria. i think she came back again and went to paris. i've traveled all my life. but i'm not pregnant. but i know that is a huge toll on your body. >> right. >> it really is. you're sitting there a long time. you get dehydrated. it's a tough thing. >> the papers are saying she's really working out a lot, obsessively working out seven days a week because she's very worried about not being able to bounce back after the baby and stuff like that. >> she has to think of herself as models do even though she's not what we all think of as a classical uber model. she's got to think about that she is her own brand. so you got to protect it. at the same time you got to put your child first. >> you got to. >> you'll pay for it later. >> you're supposed to be able to -- when do you stop flying when you're pregnant?
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>> they don't like you in your third trimester. they really don't like it once you've hit eight months. but i did it. >> and your kids are fine. >> yeah. but i had two miscarriages as well. both of them in colorado. >> oh. >> there's a high incidence of miscarriage in colorado. they think it's altitude related. >> interesting. >> so i don't know. i don't know. i think she should for the sake of the baby and for the sake of everything calm down a little bit. rest. enjoy this time. eat for two and deal wit it late. >> leo dicaprio was on a japanese talk show. >> we can't get him on the fourth hour but he'll go to japan? >> right. that's actually a very good point. >> i see him in our green room all the time. going to japan to do a talk show. >> celebrity imitations. they asked him if he could do a celebrity imitation. here's a photo of what he did. >> wow. look at the eyebrows. >> is that crazy? >> did his voice sound like him as well? >> i didn't hear it or see it. i just saw this photo.
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because it was in japan [ laughter ] >> next time he's in the green room i'm going to ask him to do it for us. >> that's really good. he's spot on with that. >> he's so talented. he just is. >> yeah. >> we've been complaining about airlines a lot lately. one they're allowing knives on again and different things are happening. it's just been bad press. but we have a little bit of good news. >> this is a very sweet story. we've always said the problem is not with the airlines things that go wrong it's that they don't communicate with you and tell you what's going on. they're not honest with you. you're sitting around wondering. this is a san francisco man who was trying to reach his dying mother who only had i guess about 24 hours to live. he got stuck on a delayed flight which happens. which anytime you're making connections and risking making his houston connection to lubbock, texas. which is not easy to get to. >> it's not. sometimes when you're in houston you've got to get on that air tran thing. so there were so many other modes of transportation before he got on the plane he needed to make and it was delayed.
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he thought i'm never going to make this connection. but he did the full on sprint and he ran to the plane. when he got there he was surprised to find out that the plane was waiting for him. the gate agent knew his name. they had communicated from the other gate agents, please hold -- >> they newt story. >> they held the plane for 15 to 20 minutes. not one person on that flight complained. >> they were told. >> they knew what was happening. i think we've all been sitting on the plane what's taking so long. then you watch someone with lots of bags get on and you go where were you? you don't note back story. >> but when you hear -- apparently when he walked on everybody was just so loving towards him. >> yeah. >> they knew -- you sort of put yourself in that position. fit was my mom. >> right. >> would i want people to be gracious and wait for 15 minutes so that i could say goodbye to her. and he was able to. he made it with just very little time to spare. >> united airlines, good for you. >> nice job. united airlines. >> awesome with the communication like you said. sometimes you don't know if it's a mechanical issue when you're
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waiting. they don't tell you. everyone's grumbling. and pretty soon you can feel the anxiety building in the plane. >> just be honest. >> say it. >> it's like a relationship, hoda. they fall apart when there's no communication. >> or honesty. >> honesty is always the best policy. >> almost always. >> all righty. this is going to upset you all very much as if we haven't done that already. this guy delivered 85 pizzas. >> picture this. $1500 worth of pizzas. look at the tip the guy gave him! >> yeah. look. the pizzas cost almost $1500. >> and the tip was ten bucks. >> even if he just left off one zero it's kind of sad. but signature phone meaning that they have it on file? >> i guess. >> i don't know. >> that's crummy. >> that is -- i wonder what the guy -- he made it viral just so the person would be -- i wonder if he's embarrassed though. it is weird when you get a food delivery that comes to your house. the person that's bringing it to
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you -- i always gauge my tip on the weather. if it's a terrible weather situation i usually always tip well anyway. like the storm of the century or raining. on new york they travel on bikes. it's much more difficult than getting in and out of a car. >> does that ever happen with your opinion of the tip how far they came? like if it's a restaurant next door or the restaurant down the block? >> sometimes. but in new york they don't even deliver if you're too far away. they say you're not in our area. see you later. it does matter if it's far away. i also feel like those guys do their hardest work, guys and girls, really tough work. they probably don't get paid a lot. >> so our question is, should it just be the regular 20% that you would pay at a restaurant for a nice service? even if it's one thing they do and then they leave. although they do have to travel. what's your feeling on the whole thing? >> tipping. we want to know how much you guys tip delivery people. just let us know. >> i think it's different for city people as opposed out in the country where i live. >> in new york they will deliver
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o milky way bar from your bodega. you can get things like that. new york is a great place for deliver question. you can get anything in your apartment. >> i'd be embarrassed to order -- bring a couple of cases. just make it worth your while. >> me, too. do you know who's has been very kind about something? our viewers are sending you support. >> thank you. okay. >> they're like a good pair of spanx. they are supporting you in this whole thing. >> here's the deal. remember i was talk about how people have been writing in saying they hate that black and white dress only because i keep weighing it repeatedly? if i did wear it too many times it didn't feel like it. i zipped it up and put it on and it's comfy. i like it. we had our researchers, kyle, look into exactly how many times i've worn it over the past couple of weeks. >> no, months. >> a couple of months. is that really different days? >> the only way you can tell is by the earrings. at least you changed it up. a lot of people support you. a lot of people are having a lot of trouble making ends meet.
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most people unless i'm on television i wear the same stuff all the time. >> i i'm on a bunch of television. >> some of us -- i don't know. i think sometimes -- i like to mix things up. i don't keep the stuff i wear. i give it back. >> yeah. and i actually checked the calendar to see when i last wore this one. >> it was recent. >> no, it wasn't. it was a month or maybe more. >> okay. >> i kind of got into a little bit of a southern country mood. i played that last kind of southern song last time? >> oh, it's time for that ihoda. >> this one is old school country. and i've just been in that mood lately. >> i like country. >> i'm going to do a little alabama. >> love it already. i guarantee you. >> it is an old song called "song of the south." hit it. >> this is great. this is great. ♪ >> right off the bat. ♪ song of the south sweet potato pie and shut my mouth ♪ ♪ gone gone with the wind ain't
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nobody looking back again ♪ >> not a classic rhyme but we'll live with it. ♪ daddy was a southern democrat they ought to get a rich man to vote like that ♪ ♪ singing song song of the south sweet potato pie and shut my mouth ♪ ♪ gone gone with the wind ain't nobody coming back again ♪ >> come on. song of the south. >> i love alabama. they're wonderful. >> okay or not okay? here is the question. the pressing question we were asked. is it okay to live with your ex? to live with your ex. here's what we had to say. >> and go. >> sometimes the devil you know is better than the devil you don't. >> it is not okay. you're never going to get over someone and move on if they are right there day after day after day. >> you did, hoda. >> whatever. >> i sort of like those two. >> i am, too.
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wow. it's actually pretty tasty! -[ woman ] it's from special k? -it's only 240 calories?! [ female announcer ] new special k flatbread breakfast sandwiches. if you guys can come back tomorrow, it'd be fantastic. [ female announcer ] a breakfast revelation. what will you gain when you lose? [♪...] >> i've been training all year for the big race in chicago, but i can only afford one trip. and i just found out my best friend is getting married in l.a. there's no way i'm missing that. then i heard about hotwire and i realized i could actually afford both trips.
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see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my four-star hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ >> announcer: save big on car rentals too, from $12.95 a day. you know the saying don't judge a book by its cover. most of us are taught not to make assumptions on people based on how they look. >> new research suggests that being biased or judgmental is hard-wired in our dna.
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hereo tell us what to do about that is women's health editor in chief michelle and psychologist dale. >> hello, ladies. good to see you all. this is in dangerous territory a little bit, because we don't want anybody to start thinking just because it's in my dna, it's okay to be a racist. we're not talking about that at all. >> this new research did show somewhat disturbingly we all do harbor biases. they do run pretty deep. so we might not be aware of the fact. >> are most of those things learned? i don't know why you would think certain things about certain people grew up listening to your parents or somebody talk about it? >> that's exactly right, hoda, and what happens is that the brain is really signalling us, oh, my goodness, we're frightened, and then what we're frightened about is what we have learned. as michelle said, a lot of this is so deep-seeded, but it's deep-seeded because it's been
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reinforced culturally, by our family, and then when we get, this oh, my gosh, i'm on alert, we say how will i respond? we respond in ways also that we learn. >> this stems back to, like, caveman, cave woman days, and anybody who is an outsider that didn't look like us or sound like us was seen as a threat. >> didn't they all lookalike? >> they were going take our food and our shelter. >> obviously that doesn't apply now, but there's a hangover from those days. >> i don't see it as necessarily a bad thing. if you are walking along restaurant row here in new york, and you pass by all different kinds of food and you think i'm going to have thai food tonight, you've discriminated against all of the others in a way, but you have the right to go get thai food. >> that's what the brain is supposed to do. the brain is supposed to be able to help you differentiate all of the input of all of the information that's in your environment. >> okay. what if a girl walks in right now and she has a very, very low cut dress that's also cut very high? now, you're automatically going -- >> men are going to love it. >> women are going to say -- >> slut. >> you don't necessarily know that that's the case with her, but she's given you signals, and that's what you believe. >> you have a reaction, and then you have to override that reaction with your -- well, it's just really by doing it.
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by changing a negative thought into a more positive thought and conditioning yourself that way. because we can all use our higher minds instead of going back to that judgy primitive mind. >> say she is a shut, the men are going to be happy that she is. >> i don't want to touch this. >> we can be exposed to all of these things, and we can either buy into them or not. but some of them do stick because we're exposed. >> let's pretend there's an overweight person in the ice cream line. there are some people who would look at that person and say, oh, my god, they don't need it. >> that's their conditioning. that's what they would say. the issue is -- >> it's also true that that person ordering ice cream should probably order something that's better for them. >> that's judging. isn't that judgy? . what if you want them to be healthier? get the low fat so they'll be healthier? >> you can't help the thought, but you can analyze the thought. you can understand the thought
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and retrain your brain, so as what michelle said was just so important that you really have to be able to understand why we feel the way we do and then make a conscious effort, be aware, make a conscious effort to change the way you think and behave and that is where -- >> awareness, number one. you guys are cognizant of how you think and react, and not everybody is. that's the point of this. you're doing this on a subconscious level. if you know you are doing it, you can react more appropriately. >> i think if you know people in that group, whatever the group is that you feel weird about, i think if you know more people in that group and you understand, the more you -- >> you tend to be much more -- >> the study found that exposing yourself to people that you feel positively about that are in that group that you might normally judge is one of the ways to shift your behavior. that's totally -- >> it's absolutely true. looking at people as individuals and really getting together, anyway. >> you should be doing that anyway. >> we should, but we don't often, and working together as a team. when you work -- you do.
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>> you're your worst critic. when you go in and you cannot believe how many cakes i ate and -- >> right. >> you're your own worst critic about it. >> why did this become about me? i eat sometimes a whole bag of jelly beans. >> you be the judge of our next video. >> dawg doggone cute or doggone crazy? like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling
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>> he goes things got a little too romantic over breakfast. over 70,000 hits. >> look. he figured out that they could -- >> no, no, no. that's disgusting. >> oh. >> they're sharing everything. >> beans and aidan are besties. >> that is so cute. >> as a parent you can't help remember where that dog had its lips five minutes before. that's the problem. >> my first reaction is that's disgusting, but the dad said that was the first time it happened. and we were hoping to show mom she wasn't missing breakfast, and that's what she got. >> sara, thank you, darling. >> their hair is done and makeup is ready, and they have on hot new clothes. >> it's just about time to reveal our ambush makeovers. >> also, a very, very moving story. a young guy just 35 years old fighting a rare form of cancer after losing his mother. >> and the girlfriend who has stood by his side through -- you talk about heaven and hell. everyone has a story winner will be with us, and andrew will sing for us. ♪ but when you wake up
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>> we're back with more of "today" on this thirsty thursday. it's time to reveal our ambush makeovers. >> two women were given hot new looks by our crack milwaukeeover team. >> i don't like the word crack. >> or ooze. today contributor and stylist to the stars -- >> who oozes sex appeal. >> louis licari la, la, la, la, la. >> thank you. >> today contributor and people style watch contributing editor and future author of her third book coming out very, very soon. welcome to you guys. >> great to be here. >> how was the plaza? it was supposed to be snowy, and then it wasn't. >> brrr,the only thing i could say. it was so cold, but we found two ladies right away. you know, jill was very cold, and we wanted to speed it up. >> and you. well, the first woman is alice from maine. she told us she hasn't cut her hair in 20 years because she
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hated the last haircut she got. >> oh, wow. >> she was finally ready to try again. that's another story. >> she holds a grudge. >> haven't cut your hair in 20 years, and you want to do it with us. >> yes. >> thank you. tell us why. >> i am almost 44 years old, and i want a new look. >> and you watch the show, you said, every thursday for ambush. >> i watch it every day. >> and you actually said that you're ambushing your husband because he didn't know you were going to do this. >> it was a surprise when i called him and said i was picked. >> are you ready? i know we're going to donate your hair. are you ready to make a big change? >> i'm ready for anything that they're willing to do. >> wow. >> those are fighting words. >> don't tell us that. >> she is here with her friend carrie who has her blind fold on. this is alice before. >> all right, alice. >> let's see the new you. >> oh, my god. oh, wow. all right. >> stop it. >> take off the blind fold and buckle up, girl.
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>> oh, my god! look at you. i have never seen you like this. >> hold on. alice, you have to see yourself. spin right around, sweetie. >> oh, my god. >> are you serious? >> we're so serious. >> oh, my god. >> you look beautiful. look at you. >> alice -- >> you look gorgeous. >> alice, look right there. louis, tell us about that hair. >> okay. >> i don't know. i think i like the one on the left. [ laughter ] >> that's hoda hair. [ laughter ] >> you know what, obviously if you have the same haircut for 20 years, it's time to cut it off. i'm so glad you're here today. the biggest change here, if you notice, she put black hair color on her hair. once your hair isn't black anymore, never buy black. black shouldn't even be on the market. you can use dark brown, darkest brown, but never black. it's so much softer and warmer. vanessa's haircut looks great. she's got a side part. >> beautiful. >> tell us about -- tell us what you think of your pal. >> i think she looks beautiful. we're going out on the town tonight. >> yeah.
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>> she's the best friend ever, and i've known her since high school. i'm so happy she's here and got selected. thank you guys very much. >> thank you very much. >> tell us about the outfit. >> it was -- it's snowing so we're wishing it was spring, so this is sort of the transitional dress by maggie london, and she said she would never wear this. that's a big thing. you should pick one piece for spring that you would never wear that you look gorgeous in it. >> and feel as young as you are in that because you look beautiful. >> a big round of applause for alice. >> alice, you can join cari right there. >> wow. >> so, so sweet. all right. our second lady is cathy burg. she's 42 from jupiter, florida. recently lost 25 pounds. she begged us to give her a brand new look to go along with her brand new baby -- i'm sorry, body. all righty. let's listen to her story. >> coming here from jupiter on a family trip, and surprise, what do you think of all this? >> i think it's great. >> why do you think she deserves this? >> because she does so much for us, and she doesn't spend that
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much time on herself. >> oh. josh, what do you think? >> she's really hard-working mom and does an excellent job. >> oh, so nice to hear. >> and dave we're going to change her up a little bit. what do you think about all this? >> i think she looks great the way she is. >> smart hubby. so are you ready for a whole new look as you're crying? >> yeah. this should be great. this should be just a wonderful experience. thank you. >> she has that husband trained beautifully because he said exactly what she wants to hear. she's here with husband dave and her kids josh and kayla. let's take one last look at cathy burg, and then bring out the brand new cathy. ♪ >> wow. >> hello. wow. >> okay, you guys. take off your blind fold and have a look at mom and your wife. >> are you ready, kathie? turn around, sweetie. >> really pretty. i love that. >> i look so different.
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>> i know. >> it's a great haircut, and he gave her so much style. she had a long, long back, and vanessa brought it up. here update her makeup. her hair was oxidized and turning a little bit auburn and i thought how beautiful. instead of taking it away and trying to be a brunette, we kept the auburn tone. >> louis loves his redheads. >> i do. >> jill, that's a great outfit. >> you can get for under $100, an entire outfit. this is simply vera, vera wang from kohl's. we love the dress. kendra scott bracelet. and these cool earrings to just top off the outfit. >> what do you think? >> she looks great. >> kids, do you like? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> by the way, you're doing an excellent job according to your son. >> good for you. >> thanks. >> big round of applause for both our lovely ladies. >> all right. we're going to have a story coming up on "everyone has a story" that is going to pull at your heart strings. >> a young new jersey couple braving the most difficult of times, but they're doing it together. right after this.
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your keys in the car, or k geico's emergency roadside assistance is there 24/7. oh dear, i got a flat tire. hmmm. uh... yeah, can you find a take where it's a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it's good... good for me. what do you think? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. i took something for my sinuses, but i still have this cough. [ male announcer ] a lot of sinus products don't treat cough. they don't? [ male announcer ] nope, but alka seltzer plus severe sinus does it treats your worst sinus symptoms, plus that annoying cough. [ breathes deeply ] ♪ oh, what a relief it is! [ angry gibberish ]
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♪ everyone has a moment >> i hear a rumor. today we meet our newest everyone has a story contest winner. 36-year-old daniel and his girlfriend mindy. daniel wrote to us to tell us about his diagnosis with a rare stage four cancer and mindy's constant support. >> we're going to meet everybody in a moment, but, first, let's listen to daniel's story. >> i was recently diagnosed with a rare cancer at age 35. during hurricane sandy, my mother became severely ill and was in the intensive care unit in florida. my girlfriend, mindy, and i live in new jersey. we were without power and unable to get a flight to florida where my mother was fighting for her life. we finally were able to rent a car and drive there to see her. during my visit with my mother in icu, i was having a severe stomach ache and was admitted to the hospital. on november 17th my mother
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passed, and on november 19th i was diagnosed with stage four rare peritoneal cancer. my girlfriend, mindy, was devastated by the news, as was my father. mindy is an amazing woman and works with underprivileged kids. she is extremely giving. during the past couple of years we have raised money together for organizations and trained to run in order to honor people that are sick. on december 19th i went to maryland to have major surgery to remove as much cancer as possible to help prolong my life. i was in the operating room for close to 12 hours and spent four weeks in the hospital. mindy slept in the hospital by my side. unfortunately, my cancer is rare, and there is not much they can do at this point. our dreams of having a family and a life together are now in turmoil. especially getting married. we missed christmas and new year's. i was in such bad shape that for weeks i could not move or speak.
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i was just laying in my hospital bed. i am still recovering from the surgery and have limited mobility and pain. the prognosis is not good due to the type of cancer. mindy has stuck by my side through everything. i would like to do something special to honor her. >> and that's what we hope to do today. daniel is here with his girlfriend, mindy, and his father, larry. we're so, so glad you could make the trip. you seem like you're doing pretty darn well, daniel. >> i'm working hard at it. >> how are you feeling? >> um, it's hard. it's -- you know, every day i have new challenges, and i guess that's part of having cancer, but, you know, i was glad that i was able to get here today and, you know, again, just -- it's one of those things i never thought would happen to me. we've always been there, me and mindiery -- for minuty, for other people, and that's what makes this story special.
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>> we've done a lot of these everyone has a story, and often you would be the person that mindy would write in about, but instead -- >> your bravery. >> but instead you did it in the opposite way. what is it about your girlfriend? we learned about her in the piece. >> mindy is special. i mean, we're very similar the way we think. you know, how we want to be there for other people, and just we said earlier we've raised money and worked together really hard to help people and be there for them. >> that must have been something to hear the news about what your boyfriend had done. >> shocked. >> he didn't remember writing it because so much has been going on in your life, and, larry, you got two terrible diagnoses within a short time. you lose your precious wife of 42 years and then two days later your son. what was going through your mind then, sweetie? >> why? why is this happening? you just -- i feel there must be a reason for it to happen. maybe i'm supposed to go through this. >> and finding strength is important, and how have you found yours, larry? >> my strength? i like music. i try to get my mind off. >> we have a little coming up for you. >> special live performance is coming up just for daniel and mindy, and you too, larry.
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>> we are back with our everyone has a story winners, daniel and mindy, along with daniel's dad, larry. >> we want to share a special song that david friedman and i wrote just for the three of you. please welcome broadway performer, all-around good guy andrew simonski singing "storm." ♪ ♪ some storms you can't see coming, others take you by surprise ♪ ♪ but sometimes it takes the fiercest storm to open up your eyes ♪
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♪ to see that when you go through times of dark and cloudy skies ♪ ♪ it's those very storms that show you something you must realize ♪ ♪ life is precious life's a gift and love is the life boat you can cling to ♪ ♪ when your sails have failed and you're set adrift ♪ ♪ love is precious love keeps you warm ♪ ♪ and love is the compass that will bring you safely home to shore through the raging storm ♪ ♪ i never saw it coming this one took me by surprise ♪
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♪ but i have found the strength i needed there in your loving eyes ♪ ♪ and when i'm feeling frightened and i don't know where to go ♪ ♪ i simply take one look at you and once again i know ♪ ♪ life is precious life's a gift ♪ ♪ and love is the lamp that won't foresake me ♪ ♪ when my sails have failed and i'm set adrift, love is precious, love keeps me warm ♪ ♪ and love is the compass that will take me safely home to shore ♪ ♪ through the raging storm ♪ and sure i wonder if i'll ever sail again ♪
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♪ feel the sun on my face and wind blow through my hair ♪ ♪ sure, at times i lose my confidence, but then i think anything is possible because you are there ♪ ♪ life is precious life's a gift ♪ ♪ and your love is the lighthouse that i look to ♪ ♪ when my sails have failed and i'm set adrift your love is precious it keeps me warm ♪ ♪ so i'm thankful every day that i have the chance to say it's your love that lights my way ♪
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♪ take me through the storm [ applause ] >> beautiful, andrew. >> we'll be back in just a moment. first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪ life is precious [ female announcer ] going to sleep may be easy, but when you wake up in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath
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or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and you're fully awake. driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. so if you suffer from middle-of-the-night insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. ♪
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2:56 am
>> we're back with our everyone has a story winners, daniel, mindy, and larry. you just sang. that was beautiful. >> thanks for writing a beautiful song. >> did you guys enjoy it, i hope? >> it really told our story. very powerful. >> we always like to give a little something special, so we're going to give something away to you guys, to daniel and mindy. the ocean house bed and breakfast in spring lake, new jersey, donated a two nights stay complete with a welcome basket, two in-house massages. the trip includes dinner, wine. you have a gift certificate for
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$200 at ray's cafe, and the irish center at the chamber of commerce to do some shopping in town. just a little something for you guys to enjoy. >> daniel wanted us to reach out to any of you who are watching today who have been through this small bowel. what's it called again? >> it's small bowel cancer. >> yeah, that's the area around the small bowel. >> it would be really, really helpful if you would send in your story. you can always find something, first of all. just knowing someone else is going through this same thing could be extremely helpful. >> also to research purposes it would be great. thank you. you're closing in "the mystery of edwin drew." try to catch that. david friedman has a brand new cd called "a different life." david weil has taken over hollywood in so many things. so grateful you wrote in a beautiful, beautiful story for us, daniel, and mindy, and larry.
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god bless everybody. see you all tomorrow. ♪ when your sails have failed >> nurse lily: dr. jonas, can i talk to you about mrs. doherty in room 711? >> daniel: yeah, mrs. doherty. yeah, i changed her pain meds right after my rounds this morning. >> nurse lily: oh, okay. >> maxine: they've been like that all day. >> kayla: well, at least we have tonight. >> maxine: tonight? >> kayla: hasn't slipped your mind, has it? >> maxine: oh, oh, the ceremony, you mean. >> kayla: oh, yeah, you mean the one where we're gonna honor you, maxine, as nurse of the year, most deservedly so, i might add. >> maxine: yeah, well, i don't know about "deservedly." but it'll make my kids happy anyway. >> kayla: as it should be. and given the way that jenn and daniel feel about you, it's a good opportunity to break the ice, you know? party atmosphere. you know, bonding over their love and respect for you.
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>> maxine: hmm. couple of glasses of champagne won't hurt either. [laughing] >> kayla: well, whatever it takes. just as long as they fd their way back to each other tonight. [knocking on door] >> chloe: [gasps] mom! >> nancy: hi, honey! >> chloe: hi! >> nancy: how are you? >> chloe: oh, i'm so glad you're here. >> nancy: mm, well, my daughter and my grandson needed me. >> chloe: oh, boy, do we ever need you. let me grab that from you. >> nancy: honey, you know that i love a good challenge. >> chloe: ah, well, the goal is simple-- get rid of jennifer horton. >> nancy: hmm. well, i got rid of her brother, mike, so i'll-- no. we'll get rid of that boring barbie too. >> eric: i know what you were starting to tell me the other day in the confessional.
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